From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #502 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Monday, October 5 1998 Volume 02 : Number 502 In this issue: BUFFY: Review: Anne IMHO BUFFY: Buffy Knows Chanterelle Mushrooms? BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) Re: BUFFY: My thoughts on "Anne" Re: BUFFY: My thoughts on "Anne" BUFFY: Re: return of Jenny BUFFY: animal planet Re: BUFFY: claddagh, Joyce,*small Anne spoilers* BUFFY: Buffy Crew wants you BUFFY: Mommie! Mommie! Help me, Mommie! Re: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) Re: BUFFY: My thoughts on "Anne" Re: BUFFY: Schedule Re: BUFFY: Mommie! Mommie! Help me, Mommie! BUFFY: Spoiler BUFFY: Entertainment Uptdate:#453, October 9, 1998 anywhere but here. was: BUFFY: Mommie! Mommie! Help me, Mommie! Re: BUFFY: The fan club is on the official page.... and a magazine question Re: BUFFY: Anne Re: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) Re: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) Re: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Uptdate:#453, October 9, 1998 Re: BUFFY: Mommie! Mommie! Help me, Mommie! Re: BUFFY: OT: The Legend of The Claddagh BUFFY: Canadian Spoilers/Synopsis of "Dead Man's Party" (SPOILERS) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 00:38:50 PDT From: "Mz. Gwyn" Subject: BUFFY: Review: Anne IMHO This will be going on my web site at part of my review for Anne along with a detailed synopsis. It should be up by the time that "Dead Man's Party" (who could ask for more) *Sorry My Oingo Boingo Moment* airs on Tuesday 8:00 PST Review Anne Origial Air date: September 29, 1998 I'm getting on my soapbox right now…. Some people have said that "Anne" was a HUGE disappointment to them, because it didn't answer any questions left hanging from the two-part season finale of "Becoming 1 & 2" well I have to say that you're WRONG. Joss Whedon is a GOD, he wrote and directed this season opener and my hat is off to him. If anyone notice that opening scene which I call "The People of Sunnydale High" was absolutely BRILLANT. This was at least six scenes timed at 3 minutes 30 seconds with major characters going in & out with supporting cast all around. This was used with one Camera and just imagine how many takes it took. If one person missed one carefully choreographed cue or line, they'd have to start all over. The main thread was Willow dealing with Oz being back at school repeating his senior year, so not many people noticed this one camera track shot. I think it probably took at least 10 takes to get all the timing and lines down. I just noticed this writing this review and synopsis. Joss I bow before your greatness. Along with the great action scene with Buffy fighting in "Hell". I at first thought is was a good episode and not going to be in my top ten episodes of all time or of the season (see my first post on the subject "Tonight's Episode"), I stand before you guys and say that it will, because of this one shot. The setting up of the problems of Willow having to deal with a b-friend repeating school, this is a brain girl who subed for a teacher (I really miss jenny), the jeasoulsy and tension of Xander and Cordy, Joyce coming to terms of Giles being a strpmg parental figure in Buffy's life almost a sub-father. Buffy dealing with killing her b-friend, the guilt of that and leaving her friends to deal with the "hellmouth happenings" and potentially getting killed. And Buffy truly coming to terms with being the Vampire Slayer, which she seems to finally realize by the end of this ep, but I'm sure has a long way to go, groveling to snyder to let her back in school and dealing with the city government and what they truly know about "Sunnyhell" (all from becoming). Yes this was a truly exceptional episode and again my hats off to Joss Whedon, and all the behind the scenes people, and the entire cast and crew include supporting cast. You Guys did good. Stepping down from the soapbox. Ciao Ms. Gwyn Come and take my poll, view my picture gallery and apply for my award. Don't forget to sign my g-book. Keeper of various buffy related things. Including the official quote: "You've thought way to much about this" - Willow. Stopping the shameless plug thing, now. Th ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 03:55:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Knows Chanterelle Mushrooms? Someone wrote: << now I feel really dumb that her name is a > mushroom.....grr.......btw, how on earth did Buffy know that? >> I have seen chanterelle mushrooms for sale in Sunnyvale, California, so they probably available in Sunnydale, too. If not there, then certainly in LA, where Buffy and Joyce used to live. I doubt that she was shopping for them while living as Anne. They are very expensive, and she was not in the mood for stuff more exotic than spaghetti-os, anyway... Max - --------------------------------------------------- MaxVL ( "[I've got] me!" -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer - ----------------------------------------------------- Get free personalized email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 08:47:16 -0400 From: "Allen J. Oh" Subject: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) (Thomas W MacCarrol) wrote: > Note the ritual scene in the hospital from B2. Will gets VERY >strange and begins spouting in Roum, freaking out Oz, and Cordy to a >lesser extent. >1) Did Willow download a crash course in obscure languages from the net, >or >2) Is she channeling for her former teacher? I thought it was the effect of the mystical forces coursing through her -- something like glossolalia (speaking in tongues). Allen - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 09:37:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: My thoughts on "Anne" > << >JOSS WHEDON CAN'T WRITE!!! >> First of all, I have to respond to this. Every writer has their ups and downs and many times one person may love something while another doesn't like it. I think the evidence in Joss's favor, at least for far, is pretty overwhelming for the fact that he can write. Consider Lie to Me, Propehcy Girl, Innocence, the Becoming and his collaberation on Nightmares and Ted. Plus consider the fact thath he script edits every episode of Buffy we see. I put Anne in the same category as WSWB. It was good, but after all those months of anticipaiton and building on the Becoming, it would have been hard to top. > Okay, even though Joss is one of my creative idols and I can argue that he is > a great writer all night long, you missed one tiny detail: Joss didn't write > "Anne." Joss did both write and direct Anne... Michael - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 09:51:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: My thoughts on "Anne" > For the seond part of last year, the "Executive Story Editors" were Rob > DesHotel & Dean Batali and the "Story Editor" was Marti Noxon. DesHotel > and Batali are no longer in the credits and are probably gone because I > just noticed tonight that they're now co-producers of the ABC series > Fantasy Island. I hope that they do well with Fantasy Island. I can't say that I'm overly sorry to see them go since Killed by Death really was a bad overall episode. I think they really lost touch with the characters toward the end of their run at writing. > They wrote several episodes too, including The Dark Age, > Phases and Killed By Death. Hmm, I bet some of you are thinking "good > riddance." Well, they did Puppet Show and NKABOTFD too if that helps. If you look at their first efforts, they have some really good ideas that were actually pretty well realized. I enjoyed Puppet Show until the final two acts, when it feel apart. NKABOTFD wasn't too bad because it brought up some interesting stuff but had too much stuff trying to go on and little or no explanation of who the Annoying One was. Their best script was Dark Age IMHO. But it still had plotholes such as Buffy falling into Ethan's trap, which I saw coming a mile away. I think that these two suffered from having good ideas that went well for a while (I'll even give you that having Buffy in the hospital was a good idea on paper!) that just never made it to the screen successfully. Their pacing at times seemed off--seen most in Puppet Show when the first half is gripping, entertaining and had me on the edge of my seat and the second half bored me to tears. > Marti Noxon -- the seemingly inconsistent writer of such episodes as Bad > Eggs, but also BB&B, Surprise and others -- is now listed as a "Co-producer". One word--Surprise. Also, even when Marti's efforts in terms of monsters aren't too good, she has a wonderful grasp of who these characters are. BB&B is a minor masterpiece because Noxon is able to show find the humor that comes from the characters as real people rather than just making them characitures of themselves for the sake of humor. I see flashes of brilliance and even in my midn compare her to the inimatable D.C. Fontana on Star Trek who really, really knew what made her characters tick on that show and wrote some of the series' best episodes. So, I'm hoping that she will truly blow us away this season. > Finally, the new "Executive Story Editor" is Jane Espenson and the new > "Story Editor" is Doug Petrie. Those are both names I don't recognize from > earlier Buffy work, but I could be mistaken. Also, for those of you in the > know, what exactly do "Story Editors" do? It can't be as simple as "they > edit the stories" can it? I don't know any of their previous work. I will have to wait until I see some of their scripts to make judgment. Also, to bring up my point from before D.C. Fontana was a story editor for Star Trek and wrote stories--most of them utterly fantastic (sorry about all the Trek refs, but the Sci-Fi channel special editions mean I've got Trek on the brain!). I am eager to see what these new writers will bring to the show. Because, I think this is a pivotal year for Buffy. I compare it to X-Files. At the end of season two, both X-Files and Buffy are critical darlings with a large, passionated core audiance. They are seeking to build on that and go more mainstream in season three. X-Files was able to maintian it's quality in season three and build on ratings. I think and hope Buffy can do the same and not let success go to its head. I don't think it will since I have faith that Joss is concerned with a quality product and will give it to us. I just hope that the new Angel series doesn't distract him. Michael - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 11:27:48 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: Re: return of Jenny >Note the ritual scene in the hospital from B2. Will gets VERY >strange and begins spouting in Roum, Did Willow download a crash course in >obscure languages from the net, or Is she channeling for her former teacher? In Becoming 1, Giles mentions that channeling takes more experience than Willow has. So she must have been channeling, and it has been brought up on the list whether or not it was Jenny. We are really not sure. I do not think so, because the spell called for channeling and it probably already called for the right spirit (the first time it was preformed). Does this make any sense? I'm a Buffaholic I'm Spike's slave--forever Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 08:58:45 PDT From: "Duremdes BShaw22" Subject: BUFFY: animal planet Like almost everybody else, I don't get the Animal Planet TV channel, but I work at the Orlando Airport, which is like a mall with an airport. Anyways, they have a Discovery Channel store over there and they continuously show the tiger documentary on their TV. I saw the part where Sarah was talking and stuff (I couldn't hear because of the noise) and she looked extremely cute; she seemed real happy with what she was doing. Her smile that we all know and love inspired me through the day. Enough blabbing! Let's get psyched up for tomorrow's new episode! Peace and be wild. DUREMDES Formerly known as ITWASALATENITE Keeper of Buffy's dead gigapet *We raise the roof like Andy Seigle* - ------------------------------------------- "What are you doing?? Make me yak!!"--Cordy - --------------------------------------------- TWO WORDS - - SUCK IT!! - --------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 12:05:05 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: Re: BUFFY: claddagh, Joyce,*small Anne spoilers* >> > Does anyone know what language 'claddagh' comes from and what it means? It sounds Celtic, but I could be mistaken. I know they're friendship [or more than friendship] rings, but that's about all. >> its irish,,, Or is it Gaelic?? I am with Jennifer Carey, it is Gaelic. That is the real Irish language. I'm a Buffaholic I'm Spike's slave--forever Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 13:50:49 -0400 (EDT) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Crew wants you Usually Buffy Night Post The Bufffy Crew has expanded worldwide and is now accepting members from all over the globe! Come join the fastest growing Buffy organization on the web! Come to to register and enjoy a brand new season of Buffy! F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 14:58:54 EDT From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: Mommie! Mommie! Help me, Mommie! Sorry, but this is just too funny. I know some of you are more sensitive than others and some of you consider this mailing list your entire life, but maybe this is a time to grow up a little. It can be a big bad world out there. The people that oversee this list have created an artificial environment and layed down some rules. Some people break those rules, some people cry 'Mommie!' everytime someone breaks those rules. Frankly, I find it hilarious and pathetic that both groups of people do this - both the loudmouths and the cry babies. Yes, Cry Babies! LOL! Sometimes I think I'm back in 2nd Grade. If that's the case, I expect Jill and Sharon to not only keep complete law and order but to also provide us with snacks DAILY and read us stories too. I prefer The Cat In The Hat. I think it's nappy time for some of you, or maybe you need to be burped first and have your diapers changed? Can't we all be a little bit more like Buffy? Just shrug off little imperfections displayed by others? Just imagine this: If you were in Sunnydale High School and whined all the time do you think you'd be most like Buffy? Or Xander? Or Oz? Or Cordelia? Or Willow? Or Principal Snyder? I think some of you have careers as high school principles awaiting you at Sunnydayle High. LOL! funee (: ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 14:59:09 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) In a message dated 10/5/98 7:48:52 AM EST, writes: > > Note the ritual scene in the hospital from B2. Will gets VERY > >strange and begins spouting in Roum, freaking out Oz, and Cordy to a > >lesser extent. > >2) Is she channeling for her former teacher? S P O I L E R S P A C E * * Okay well there is this theory that Mrs. C did enter Willows body while she was trying to restore Angel's soul (the second time) I saw this as a spoiler on some websites... this may be the answer that you are looking for. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 15:42:46 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: My thoughts on "Anne" I repeat my apology: I spazzed! Joss did write Anne and should get the credit due for that wonderful addition to the annals of TV history! Sorry again, Marusky :) Resident Blond (and yes I really am so I can make fun!) "Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn." Keeper of Oz's Halloween beard - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 13:21:09 PDT From: "Michael Clark" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Schedule <> Check out "Domain of the Slain"...he has a pretty much up to date the way, hello, I'm new here...My name is Michael Clark and I'm the ultimate buffy/gellar fan...check out my site (well, our site) at You From the desk of M.C. slaymebuffy (Michael Clark) Xander - "BUFF, give me a heart attack...." Buffy - "Oh...I'm gonna give you more than that..." ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 15:52:52 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Mommie! Mommie! Help me, Mommie! In a message dated 10/5/98 2:15:10 PM EST, writes: << I think it's nappy time for some of you, or maybe you need to be burped first and have your diapers changed? >> I may have to deal with rude posts but I don't have to tolerate them (does this make sense?). Rudeness is not tolerated in any arena of life, including the internet. That's called netiquette (ie: not typing in all caps, little swearing). I just think that this type of e-mail negates the message you are trying to get across: Ignore them and they'll go away. But look I'm a hypocrite- I shouldn't be responding to this. Now for the Buffy part of my e-mail: 1) Did we ever figure out which episode the Anywhere but Here game is from? 2) Does anyone know what sort of (if any) contract Kristine Sutherland has for Buffy? Is she just eternally guest-starring like Heather Locklear on Melrose Place? Thanks for letting me respond, Marusky :) "Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn." Keeper of Oz's Halloween beard - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 16:35:58 -0300 From: (jodie m bastarache) Subject: BUFFY: Spoiler I just got my new TV Guide so I'll let you know what it says: s s s s s s s s s ss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Ok... A slayer named Faith (Eliza Dushku) comes to Sunnydale to replace the Murdered Kendra, but seemes intent on taking over Buff's place with the gang. So Buff digs into her history, and uncovers Faith's link to a vampire mastermind out to end their present. Lots of Love, Jodie ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 17:15:56 -0400 From: "Crystie" Subject: BUFFY: Entertainment Uptdate:#453, October 9, 1998 OT: Ok, I received this looked at the cover and nearly fainted. Goodness gracious, but Jennifer Lopez is half naked. *Sees the guys scramble to the nearest magazine store* *yells after them* Very Funny!! Anyway, is it just me, or when a person does this, does it lower your opinion of them? Anyway....On to the update! Buffy: (tons! really! I'm not lying!) - -Ryan Englom calls Buffy the most underated show (which it is!) If anyone wants to applaud his Buffy defense and mention, e-mail him at It was listed in the magazine, I didn't hack or anything. - -Sarah Michelle Gellar is listed as a Diva-In-Training on pg. 34 (no pic :( ) - -Cruel Intentions has a lil article explaining the name change and telling who's in it. Picture of SMG under the article on pg. 54 - - Pg. 66 has info about David Boreanaz's new show. "I've been giving Joss Hell." --Alyson H. Hehehe, it tells a little bit about the show, no big spoilers that i don't know about.... - -Minute summary of the next ep. Pg 69.... - -Review on THE WATCHER'S GUIDE (B-, don't listen to her, we know it rocks) It's 298 pgs on the first 2 seasons. Bios on even one time guest stars....Mentions another book coming out, THE GIRLS GOT BITE...interesting title....Picture of SMG above. Pg. 78 Dawson's Creek: - -Pg. 57 has a review on Joshua's new movie Urban Legend. He is not mentioned :( - -Summary of next episode, doesn't go into detail, only mentions subplot. pg. 70 - -Review of the new Dawson's Desktop located at (A-) Picture of the 4 cast members included. Pacey and Joey are in each others arms (how cute!!) I heard a rumor that they were 92 Felicity: - -Summary of the next episode, pg. 69 That's it! Crystie, who is ready to kill anyone who makes a degrading remark involving her updates (hint, hint!) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Friendship is a deeper emotion than love...but not as entertaining. Keeper of the Willow's hand that Xander held, the Coke she and Xander shared (RB), her pent up Anger and Frustration, and her Wringing Hands: used when she's nervous (RB), Keeper of Giles' Inordinate Amount of Nudging, Keeper of Xanders Diet Dr. Pepper that he paid for but Buffy ended up getting, his Swimming Cap (GF), and His Irreesistability to Insects and Mummies. Keeper of Joey's denim jacket, scrunchie, hiding place in Dawson's closet, bookbag, apron, reserved spot on Dawson's bed, and Biology test with a 98. Dawson's Bookbag and locker. Pacey's bookbag, talent for 'borrowing' his dad's car and locker. Official Quote Helper of Buffy, Dawson's Creek, and Felicity for "She comes from hell...Literally." --Dawson, on Abby (BC) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 18:28:13 -0300 (ADT) From: cat Subject: anywhere but here. was: BUFFY: Mommie! Mommie! Help me, Mommie! > 1) Did we ever figure out which episode the Anywhere but Here game is from? yes, i said. from "the dark age". "are you kidding? his diapers were tweed." [or something like that] - buffy on giles. can't help you with your second query. can only speculate, which is nothing concrete. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 18:11:39 -0600 From: Mike Ingbritson Subject: Re: BUFFY: The fan club is on the official page.... and a magazine question > >And, does anyone know when and where in the greater Toronto area I'll be >able to find the magazine...? I asked the guys at three comic stores >near here, they didn't even know it existed..... I don't know about Canada, but I was just in B Daltons and Barnes and Noble in Mankato Minnesota today and both stores had the Buffy magazine prominently displayed. B & N had a special extension sticking out of the shelf to hold the mag, while B Dalton's had an endcap displaying the mag plus all of the Buffy novels they had in stock. Neither store had the Watcher's Guide in yet, but it's nice to see the show getting some marketing push. Peace, Mike It is my firm belief that it is a mistake to hold firm beliefs. -Principia Discordia - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 20:05:53 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Anne Nastassia Y Orrison (Sunday, October 04, 1998 9:53 PM): >What I didn't like: >-My exact words "Since when did they move Hell to Detroit?" I mean, come >on, a _steel_ mill? Didn't you ever hear the phrase "dark Satanic mills"? It's from "The Glastonbury Hymn", by William Blake. Here's the relevant paragraph: "And did the Countenance Divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here Amid these dark Satanic mills?" So it's a classic metaphor. In Lord of the Rings, Sauron's land of Mordor also had a dark industrial area feel. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 20:14:33 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) > (Thomas W MacCarrol) wrote: >> Note the ritual scene in the hospital from B2. Will gets VERY >>strange and begins spouting in Roum, freaking out Oz, and Cordy to a >>lesser extent. >>2) Is she channeling for her former teacher? I assume it's something like that, that Willow had help in casting the spell from SOME spirit or being, and Willow could NOT successfully cast the spell by herself. Because if Willow can start giving souls to vampires left and right, it undermines the whole Slaying concept; you can make vampires good instead. This way, it's a one shot deal, Willow can't do it again, and you have to slay vampires to stop them. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 20:38:21 -0700 From: sylvie hebert Subject: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) > Because if Willow can start giving souls to vampires left >>and right, it undermines the whole Slaying concept; you can make vampires >>good instead. This way, it's a one shot deal, Willow can't do it again, >and >>you have to slay vampires to stop them. >> >> >I hadn't thought about that... > >Why not why couldn't she give some other vampire their soul????????????? > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 17:32:58 -0500 From: wparris Subject: Re: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) because not all vampires had that curse put on she cant turn a uncursed vamp to good sylvie hebert wrote: > > Because if Willow can start giving souls to vampires left > >>and right, it undermines the whole Slaying concept; you can make vampires > >>good instead. This way, it's a one shot deal, Willow can't do it again, > >and > >>you have to slay vampires to stop them. > >> > >> > >I hadn't thought about that... > > > >Why not why couldn't she give some other vampire their soul????????????? > > > > > > > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 20:46:36 -0700 From: sylvie hebert Subject: Re: BUFFY: Hospital ritual scene in B2 (was re: Return of Jenny) >because not all vampires had that curse put on she cant turn a >uncursed vamp to good > Angel's curse had been lifted so she had to put the curse back on him... Didn't she? And if she can do that she can put a curse on any vampire. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 20:39:38 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Entertainment Uptdate:#453, October 9, 1998 wat magazine is this in again? - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 01:09:37 GMT From: (Flagg) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Mommie! Mommie! Help me, Mommie! Well, I don't know or care what the rest of this thread ius about, but I can answer this question... >1) Did we ever figure out which episode the Anywhere but Here game is = from? "The Dark Age"...courtesy of my old site episode sections. ziti.avi to be exact :) - --Flagg - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 21:24:01 EDT From: "Maeve MacDermod" Subject: Re: BUFFY: OT: The Legend of The Claddagh > OK...I still haven't been able to find a direct translation for it. The > closest I've found is cladach, meaning "shore", Claddaugh is the name of the village where the ring was first made. You might not find a direct translation for the word to mean anything, other than the name of the town. It is located in the Galway region of Ireland. **I love the legend of the Claddagh, a story that my da first told me when I was a small child in Dun Laoghaire (south of Dublin). It's of a man from the fishing village of Claddagh who loved a woman so much, but he was captured by pirates and forced to be a slave. In the time of his slavery he learned to form beaytiful pieces of jewelry. Finally he escaped and ran back to his woman and gave a ring that symbolized his Friendship, Love and Loyalty... something he never forgot in all his hardships. Makes ya want to cry, huh? Maea **Human tales? Humans don't have tails, they have big, big bottoms that they wear with bad shorts, and they walk around going "HI HELEN"** Maeve's JAG Page Diva ~~~~~~~~~~****************~~~~~~~~~~ And I'll do anything you ever Dreamed to be complete Little pieces of the nothing that fall May put your arms around me What you feel is what you are And what you are is beautiful ~~~~~~~~~~****************~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 22:02:35 -0400 (EDT) From: "Jeff Reid (SpaceMOO Admin)" Subject: BUFFY: Canadian Spoilers/Synopsis of "Dead Man's Party" (SPOILERS) Once again, Buffy has been shown in Canada tonight and this is my weekly retelling of the episode. This is the sixth episode I've done, so most of you know this speech by now. Anyways, not of of this is going to be accurate, as in not everything I saw will be included. Hey, I've got lots of work to do! :) If you respond, please make sure that you only respond to me, or a mailing list. For the mailing lists, please make sure you are subscribed to them before sending, or your messages will bounce. Anyways, here it is.... S P O I L E R S P A C E "Dead Man's Party", Episode 2, Season 3 [A reply of the events of Becomming 1 &1, as well as Anne] Buffy is in her room, unpacking her belongings, she looks around before going to see her mom. Her mom is in another bedroom, about to hammer a nail into the wall, when Buffy calls her. She accidentally puts a hole in the wall, saying that she was used to the house being quiet for so long. Over the hole she places a mask from a shipment her gallery received. She says that she's going out to see her friends, and they awkwardly talk with her mom offering to driver her, and asks if she's going to be slaying. Her mom claims that she doesn't mind if Buffy goes, she wants to put this behind her. Buffy leaves. She walks down a street, when she hears a quiet clank of metal. She goes to investigate, creeping up behind a guy. She steps on a pop can, and the guy turns around about to stake her. The guy is no other than Xander, who is extremely shocked to see her. Xander stammers when a vamp breaks through the wall beside them. We see that Xander is carrying a walkie-talkie, and Cordellia refers to him as "Nighthawk". Everyone else comes running, and tries to fight the vampire, surprised at seeing Buffy. Soon all of the gang except Buffy are thrown to the ground, who promptly stakes the vamp. The gang looks up at her, staring, as Buffy says "Hey guys", smiling. [Excellent Opening Credits] [Commercial] The gang is waiting at Giles' door, as Buffy debates whether or not to see him. Xander makes her feel a little guilty. Buffy knocks, and Giles opens the door shocked to see her. They sit in his living room, as Buffy says that she just arrived a few hours ago. Xander tells her that she's no longer wanted for murder, and they joke. Giles goes into his kitchen, takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. He reenters with some food and drinks, and they talk about her expulsion. In Snyder's office Buffy and her mom are talking about readmitting her. Snyder continually says no, and that he gets pleasure from keeping her out, because she is a trouble maker, destructive, and has a bad GPA. Buffy's mom says that she will talk to the mayor, and leave. They drive away, and her mom talks about sending Buffy to private school, to Buffy's horror. Buffy goes to meet Willow at a street corner, who doesn't show up. She goes back to her home and encounters a lady who calls herself Kat leaving her house. Apparently Kat kept her mom company while Buffy was away. She tells Buffy that she should rebond with her. She goes into her house, and her mom said that Willow called and couldn't make it. Her mom also tells her that she invited all of Buffy's friends over to dinner, and asks her to get the good dishes out. Buffy goes down to her basement, and goes to a cabinet for the plates. She sees a picture of her, Xander, and Willow hanging out, and stares longingly at it. She puts it back and reaches for the plates on top. Instead of plates a dead cat falls on her. Her mom and her bury it, while Buffy says that next time she picks the bonding activity next time. In Buffy's room, it's 11:34 at night as she goes to bed. In the other room, the masks' eyes suddenly glow red, and we switch to the garden patch where the dead cat was buried. The ground moves, and suddenly the dead cat emerges, and leaves. Buffy walks around the empty halls of her school, and then heads outside. She meets Angel, and asks if she's dreaming. He responds saying that he's the wrong person to ask, and to go, her friends are waiting for her. Buffy says that she's afraid, and Angel tells her not to be. We hear a school bell ring, which turns into an alarm as Buffy wakes up. Buffy's mom tells her that she's meeting with the superintendent of the school later, and that Buffy was also accepted to a private school. Buffy is angered by this, and her mom firmly tells her that Buffy made some bad choices, and is going to have to live with the consequences. Her mom also tells her that they should tell a few people, such as Snyder and the police, and they'll understand. As her mom opens the door to the backyard, the 'dead' cat runs in. Giles arrives with a cage and traps the cat in the room with the mask. He mom says that the mask is Nigerian, as Giles leaves to do research. Buffy offers to go with him, but Giles can't let her since she's not allowed on school property. In the Library everyone but Buffy is there, and they talk about the mask, and the gathering at the Summers residence that night. They decide that instead of it only being them, as Giles wants, that they'll have a huge party with Oz's band playing. As they talk Giles scans a book, and pashes over a page with shows the Nigerian mask that was in the Summer's house. Later that evening Buffy is at the dinner table, all dressed up. The doorbell rings and she lets Kat in, who goes to see her mom. The bell rings again, and to her shock the band enters. The next scene shows a huge party with lots of people, and loud noise. Buffy goes to talk to Willow about how she only wanted it to be their gang and tries a few times, but the music is too loud. She then pulls Willow out of the room, and talks to her. Buffy says that Willow seems to be avoiding her, and asks why. Willow says that she's just glad Buffy's back, and everything's okay. She then leaves Buffy alone and goes back to the party. We switch to the mask, whose eyes glow red again. At a crime scene a police officer leaves a dead man, who suddenly comes to life. As he stands we see a bullet hole in his head and one of his eyes is red. Back at the party Buffy tries to talk to Xander, who is making out with Cordillia. She soon gives up on that, as they resume. The mask glows red again, and in an operating room a man is pronounced dead from his burns. He suddenly stands up, and screams are heard as well as crashes. In the kitchen of the Summer residence, Buffy's mom and Kat talk about Buffy. Buffy approaches, and hears her mom say that she thought that everything would be fine when Buffy got back, but now that she's back things are worse. Buffy, hearing this, goes up to her room and pulls out her bag. She starts to pack it again, crying. The mask continues to glow as the dead arise. [Commercial] In the Library Giles suddenly exclaims "Oh Lord!" as he goes back to the book the gang was looking at earlier. Horrified he turns to the page which shows the mask, and calls Buffy. Some guy answers the phone, and finally hangs up. Giles leaves for his car. Buffy continues to pack as Willow enters, and sees her. Willow is horrified, and angrily tells her that she's giving up again. Buffy tries to tell her that she doesn't understand, and Willow tells her that she didn't have anyone to talk to when she needed it, because of Buffy. Giles drives towards Buffy's house, muttering sarcastically "Isn't my mask pretty, it raises the dead", and mutters something about Americans. He's so preoccupied that he hits someone. He gets out to check on them, and finds out that they're one of the living dead. He looks up to see others coming at him. In Buffy's room her mom enters and sees her bag. Her mom is angry, and Buffy says that she's not sure what she's doing. She runs out downstairs and her mom follows, yelling at her. The party grinds to a stop as everyone stares while she and her mom argue. Some people leave, but the arguments continue as Xander joins in, making her feel as guilty as he can. He calls her selfish and stupid. The dead are after Giles as he enters his car, trying to start it. He looks out his windshield, and sees his keys lying on the road. He hot wires his car, and drives away. At the party Buffy attacks Xander, saying the he made his feelings for her an Angel perfectly clear. Cordillia attempts to defend Buffy, as well as she knows, and ends up insulting her. They keep arguing, and Willow says that let them try violence, it might work. At that point some of the dead break through the window and start fighting. Willow claims that she was only sarcastic, as the party turns into a fight for life. Her mom asks if they're vamps, and Buffy stabs one. The guy gets up with the stake through he heart, and Buffy says they're not. In another hallway Kat is taken away by some dead. They throw most of them out of the house, but some of them break back in. They run upstairs, and see Kat lying dead in the hallway. They pull her body into the room with the mask, and try to defend themselves. The mask falls on the floor and glows, and Kat opens her eyes. Oz and Cordillia were hiding in a closet, and emerge defending themselves with ski poles. They see someone and move to stake them with the pole, but see it's Giles. Giles says that they have to get id of the mask, if one of the dead puts it on they become a demon incarnate. Up in the room Kat gets up, and puts the mask on. The mask molds to her face, as the dead in the room cower. Xander remarks that that's a bad sign, as her eyes flash and Buffy freezes. She throws Buffy into the wall, and Buffy tells Willow not to stare at her. She does and the eyes freeze Willow with a flash. Before Kat can hurt Willow, Buffy hurls herself at Kat and they break through the window onto the lawn. In the stairway Willow, Oz, and Giles hear the crash and turn around to leave when they see a guy coming at them, they ski pole him to no avail. Ironically, this is the gut from "Some Assembly Required", who was brought back from the dead originally but perished in the fire. Giles tries to stop him as Oz leaves to help Buffy. Buffy and Kat fight, when Kat freezes Buffy again with a flash. Oz emerges from the house and yells at her, distracting Kat. While she's distracted Buffy sticks a shovel through Kat's head, and light pours out as she vaporizes. The rest of the dead disappear too. He mom comes downstairs and see Buffy, asking if this was her normal day. Buffy responds saying that it's nothing. Giles enters Snyder's office, telling Snyder that he can't keep Buffy out. He claims that Snyder has no grounds for it, and that as a minor Buffy is entitled to good education. He says that he will go to the state supreme court to get her back. Snyder laughs at this, and is about to leave when Giles grabs him by the collar and pushes him into a cabinet. Giles says angrily, "Like me to convince you?" Willow and Buffy are downtown at a cafe, talking about what's happend. They forgive each other, and at the end they call each other names, jokingly. [END] - ----------------- Jeff Reid - Virtual Ventures Volunteer at Carleton University Picard (#2) at SpaceMOO: telnet:// Owner of the Onelist Earth: Final Conflict mailing list Owner of the Onelist Stargate mailing list - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #502 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (