From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #541 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Monday, October 26 1998 Volume 02 : Number 541 In this issue: BUFFY: The boyfriend Issue BUFFY: bt&b, angel, and anointed one Re: BUFFY: Content-Type: text/plain BUFFY: PleasantVille Re: BUFFY: PleasantVille BUFFY: My view on Buffy so far this season BUFFY: Sarah in USA Weekend today BUFFY: LaVelle? Re: BUFFY: LaVelle? BUFFY: Another Report on Tony at AIDSWALK Re: BUFFY: LaVelle? Re: BUFFY: GO HOME SCOTTY BOY Re: BUFFY: GO HOME SCOTTY BOY BUFFY: Graphic novel BUFFY: The Full Official Transcript of the Anthony Head IRC Chat Pt2 BUFFY: The Official Full Transcript of the Anthony Head IRC Chat Pt1 BUFFY: The Official Full Transcript of the Anthony Head IRC Chat Pt3 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 17:57:54 -0600 From: "Dekker Michael" Subject: BUFFY: The boyfriend Issue I'm not sure if this has been brought up or not, but I did read a post that everyone Buffy has dated or had interest in was a monster or became one. I tend to disagree when I recall Owen for Never Kill a Boy on the First Date. While I have to agree it did not go well in the end, Owen never was a monster. - -- Mike Dekker Milwaukee School of Engineering - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 19:31:49 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: bt&b, angel, and anointed one <> *Even though she knew Angel was back, I think Buffy should have been shocked when he came up to her and hugged her. Angel was back, but he wasn't the same Angel...he was growling, fighting Angel. Of course, there was the spell, but he didn't return (at first) as the loving Angel we all love. Second of all, Angel defeated Peter rather quickly. I was even shocked when Angel came in the room to protect Buffy...and imagine how Buffy was fighting Peter, then waltzes in Angel (who previously was acting animal-ish) who comes to protect Buffy, and finally Angel hugs her. I think Buffy had the right to be shocked because it had happened all so quickly. Angel changed his growling image in a couple of minutes back to good ol' Angel. Of course, Buffy was shocked! cherry :) p.s. how do you keep stuff? who do you contact? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 20:30:21 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Content-Type: text/plain Karina Spencer (Sunday, October 25, 1998 4:28 PM) >Doesn't anyone else think that Faith and Scott should get >together and kinda clear the way for Buffy and Angel? >Cause Faith kinda thought Scott was cute and stuff. Scott and Faith? Mr. "There's a Buster Keaton film festival" with Ms. "Slaying makes me horny"? I'm not sure Scott could SURVIVE dating Faith; he seems rather low-key, while she's got a "zesty" personality, not to mention her Slayer strength. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 20:39:05 -0500 From: jim Subject: BUFFY: PleasantVille Hello all, Hey!! Today I went to see PleasantVille. It was pretty good but their was also major (not really major but..) Buffy sightings! Well, in the first part, Pat from Dead Man's Party was in it. And if that wasn't enough.......Jonathan was in it!!!!!!! It wasn't even a one time thing. He was one of the teenagers who wanted to be in color and he was in a lot of scenes. I almost had a heart attack. Everytimes he poped up my friend and I started to bust up laughing and I thought, "These people must have no clue what we are laughing at!" Well, it was great and I would go back to see it again for the simple fact that he was in it. Jill Keeper of Buffy;s goodbye note Keeper of Xander's concern for Willow's health - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:06:45 -0500 From: "Crystie" Subject: Re: BUFFY: PleasantVille <> I saw him! He had the same personality of Jonathan, too. Where did you see Pat from DMP? I missed that! Who did she play? Crystie - ----------------------------- Keeper of Willow's hand Xander held, Coke she & Xander shared, pent up Anger & Frustration, and Wringing Hands when she's nervous, Giles' Inordinate Amount of Nudging, Xander's Diet Dr. Pepper he paid for but Buffy got, Swimming Cap, and Irresistability to Insects and Mummies. Quote Helper for Buffy on Quote of the Week: We're not nuts!! We're ALMONDS!!!!!! --Me, after a sugar fest. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:14:52 -0500 From: The Pink Phantom Subject: BUFFY: My view on Buffy so far this season I didn't ever see this on the list so I'll try again: At 04:44 PM 10/23/98 -0400, you wrote: >> Was anyone else disappointed to see Mr. Platt die? >I agree. I really like the way Buffy went to him, and I wish he had stayed >around so she could have talked to someone about general problems she has >(not just slaying). I think this is a good point showing how off the pacing seems to be this season IMHO. Too much is getting done too soon. Complaints about the third episode were that the second episode wrapped up the conflict of Buffy being gone too quickly, and some said Angel's return was too soon. The latest episode many have commented on how Xander and Cordy got squeezed out of air time by Scott's friends and the school counseler. Personally I think the tension between Buffy and her mother, Giles, and the Slayerette's needed to be stretched out over one or two additional episodes and then another episode or two of Buffy accepting the loss of Angel, maybe going through the classic stages--denail, anger, bargaining, acceptance (did i get those right?). At the same time, we slowly could have been introduced to Scott's friends and seen Buffy in several sessions with Mr. Platt (Buffy resisting and gradually talking to him before the big breakthrough scene in the last ep.). That would have pushed "Beauty and the Beasts" to episode six or seven, and given us time to 'get to know' and maybe even empathize with the new characters, see the signs of and abusive relationship with Mr. Hyde, and get to see Buffy and Scott actually doing the date thing before Angel's return (which would still be the episode before "Beauty..."). This way all our fave's from seasons past would have had more air time as the newer people were phased in (a la Jenny and Oz in seasons past) and I think that would have made Angel's return and this last episode so much more powerful. And it would have been nice to see Buffy on an actual date for once, not just making out in the cemetary or hanging at the Bronze. At least a date where the guy doesn't turn out to be a monster or cultist by the end of the episode. I hope the whole situation with Angel doesn't lead to even more heartbreak at season's end. That's why I'm not sure I'm glad he's back. That's my two cents. And for the record, I think David, Aly, Seth, and especially Sarah were just fantastic this episode. And for those wondering about the absence of our favorite principal, the guy does have a bar and underhanded schemes to run at that space station in deep space you know! ;) The Pink Phantom Keeper of the Watcher's Retreat Buffy's half smile - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 03:11:11 -0400 From: "Charles Molnar" Subject: BUFFY: Sarah in USA Weekend today There is a nice article about "Buffy the Vampire Show" in today's, Sunday's newspaper's magazine section. It's called the "USA Weekend" Her picture and article is on page 10. Charlie - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:35:47 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: LaVelle? Okay, I am an unworthy Buffy fan. I've been reading fanfics lately and Xander keeps getting the last/middle name of LaVelle and I have not the slightest notion where this is coming from. What episode/script/warped mind is this from? Marusky :) Keeper of Willow's cold-blooded jelly donuts Keeper of Oz's Halloween beard-thing "Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn." - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:57:18 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: LaVelle? In a message dated 10/25/98 6:54:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << Okay, I am an unworthy Buffy fan. I've been reading fanfics lately and Xander keeps getting the last/middle name of LaVelle and I have not the slightest notion where this is coming from. What episode/script/warped mind is this from? >> I forget what ep it was, but Xander jokingly says something like: "Hey, Danger's my middle name...Well, actually, it's Lovelle, but..." Yah, don't quote me on that. Cheers, Chris >=) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 18:39:54 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Another Report on Tony at AIDSWALK Recieved this from the reporter at the Hartford Courant. Sonja Marie - President - Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 20:42:02 -0500 From: Searchers
To: Sonja Marie Subject: Re: Follow Ups Sonja Marie wrote: > > I've only seen one report on Tony being at the walk, and I would love it > if you would write a report for us, that I would love to use in the ASHFC > (btw are you still planning to join?). Someone mentioned that they were > interviewed for the paper, and I'd love to have a copy of that article as > well. > > Did you go to the tea that was setup for the members with > Tony? > > Looking fwd to any comments you have on it! > > Sonja Marie - President - Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) Just got back from the tea with Tony at The Readers Feast, a bookstore/coffeehouse on the outskirts of Hartford. Tony was indeed the grand marshal of the Hartford Halloween Parade to benefit AIDS Project Hartford. He headed it up, riding in a "frog" car provided by the local WB affiliate, Channel 59. He looked very pleased on a warm October day, smiling to the crowd and throwing packs of M&Ms to the children watching on the sideline. I didn't attend the awards ceremony and concert at Bushnell Park; I'll leave it up to one of the 20-strong contingent of ASH fans (they marched in the parade behind a "A Stake in The Future" banner that featured photos of ASH, the cast and a logo from the show) to report on the costume awards and the concert. By the way, his signing at the Borders Bookstore in Farmington left the shelves bereft of anything Buffy related. A couple of people searched far and wide in the Hartford area for stuff for him to sign, to no avail. I was fortunate enough to be invited to the tea, organized by GASP!/ASHFC fans (Becky Dorrie was one of the organizers). It started about 4 p.m. as the fans arrived in a van from The Hastings hotel. There were about 30 people there, all at small two to four person tables. Tony sat at a long "head" table (excuse the pun) and fans went up to him and spoke with him throughout. He was a gentleman throughout, barely eating or drinking and spending time with the fans, chatting, getting his photo taken and joking about. I spoke with him as it was ending and he expressed his pleasure at the "good energy" he gets from these types of gatherings, regret that he is far behind on his fan mail and a general happiness (though you could tell it had been a long weekend) with the event. The group showed him the banner they used in the march (they raised more than $2,400 for the cause by marching) and gave it to him as a souvenir. For me, it was a great experience. I've interviewed many celebrities and well-known people but rarely have I found someone so affable and intelligent. And as a fellow fan, I can tell you it was a wonderful experience meeting him in person, chatting with him and watching him interact with his fans. Please send me your address again so I can join the club and send you a copy of the article in the paper. (One minor pleasure: fans there said they loved the artlcle and found it to be one of the best and most accurate they'd read on the show. I even got to sign an autograph!) Again, thanks for all your help in my research for the article! You've been most kind. Thank and cheers! Mark - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 22:10:10 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: LaVelle? In a message dated 10/25/98 9:54:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Okay, I am an unworthy Buffy fan. I've been reading fanfics lately and Xander keeps getting the last/middle name of LaVelle and I have not the slightest notion where this is coming from. What episode/script/warped mind is this from? >> Well, I remember reading it in The Watcher's Guide, but I knew it before that. Just don't remember where from. I think it's cute. It fits his personality, in some warped way. :) Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer "I like it when [David] has a shirtless scene, because then he sits in makeup for an hour with his shirt off getting his tattoo put on, so I always find a reason to be in there." - Alyson Hannigan "Boxers. Or nothing, usually." - David Boreanaz, when asked the perennial question - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 22:20:19 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: GO HOME SCOTTY BOY In a message dated 98-10-23 17:31:34 EDT, writes: << I have to agree with Kara(AKA another angel lover) about the scott thing. Why??? Scott is a short ugly freak boy who was sraggly hair and DOES have weird freinds. Wouldn't he notice that something weird was happning with the friends he's known since they were kids? What dumb bitchboy. Okay then why doesn't buffy dump him? >> Sorry, I was away at Mt Washington with some of my friends......Scott definately does have to go......he has NO place with Buffy, some of Buffy's viewers tune in to catch so specific love triangle, or because they like a character or actor....well, I'm not one of these people, I liked Buffy brfoe I thought Angel was wonderful! I believe that even though some people may love's not the same, and some people may tune out..(a definate travesty!) Joss needs to put the Angel issue on the table right now...sure B+tB kinda satisfied my palate for Angel a littlee, but come on! The last moments od that episode was absolute torcher and will still be untill the next new episode airs! Arrrrrggggghhhhhh! Kara the Angel lover! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:17:29 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: GO HOME SCOTTY BOY In a message dated 10/26/98 3:35:27 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes: > Sorry, I was away at Mt Washington with some of my friends......Scott > definately does have to go......he has NO place with Buffy, some of Buffy's > viewers tune in to catch so specific love triangle, or because they like a > character or actor....well, I'm not one of these people, I liked Buffy brfoe > I > thought Angel was wonderful! I believe that even though some people may > love >'s not the same, and some people may tune out..(a definate > travesty!) Joss needs to put the Angel issue on the table right now...sure > B+tB kinda satisfied my palate for Angel a littlee, but come on! The last > moments od that episode was absolute torcher and will still be untill the > next > new episode airs! > > Arrrrrggggghhhhhh! .02 worth! In my not-quite-but-heck-I'll-pretend-anyways-humble-opinion, Buffy and Angel are IT. Call it destiny, fate, true love, kismet--whatever. They're perfect together. But that's not why I hate Scott. Why do I hate Scott? He's her 'desperation' date. Buffy's 'taste' of normalcy obviously includes dating the guy who was voted Most Likely to Become a Stalker (grown-up Scott could be played by Steve Buscemi--kinda like the character SB played in Billy Madison!). I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who just wants to vomit when he's on the screen. Bleccch. What do the words: "NO CHEMISTRY WHATSOEVER" mean again? ::sighing:: Okay, I'm done babbling. I still hate Scott. Let Faith have 'em. If she 'eats him alive', we'll be rid of him forever! ~* Calista - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 02:25:55 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Graphic novel Has anybody seen this? If so, how is it compared to the regular Buffy comic? Joce - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:14:53 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: The Full Official Transcript of the Anthony Head IRC Chat Pt2 The following is the full transcript from the Internet Relay Chat with Anthony Stewart Head on Oct, 20, 1998 on Chatnet Channel #ashanon. The transcript is property of ASHFC - The Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club. Alex is the typist, Tricia is my best friend, Clauida is Tony's publicist and Tony is well Tony! :) Thank you to Julia for the chat log from the channel. This is pretty much the while chat log, except I've removed any spoilers, so if you want the full one without the edits, email me PRIVATELY at and I'll send you it. The chat will also be online in a few days as well. Question: Tony: Buffy was originally skewed towards a more youthful audience but thankfully the median age is 29. Alex: Did you know that? Tony: Yeah. What's the general cast reaction to that? Answer: Tony: It was never skewed towards a more youthful audience. Joss has always intended it to be for um um.... Sonja: For everyone. Tony: Yeah, for everyone. Alex: I'm not about to put all the "ums" in there. Tony: Well you can, you can, you can. Um um um um... The um um's are in the wrong place now. (she typed: It was never skewed towards a more youthful audience. Joss has always intended it to be for everyone. Um Um.) Alex: Sorry, my bad. Tony: Um.. Alex: Hey! Tony: And I am very glad that the median age is 29. Alex: Am I allowed to type that? Tony: Yeah. Question: Tony: Tell us what a unique day on set might be like? Answer: Tony: I'd say unique. *thinks* What a unique day on set might be like? Alex gets tired of waiting for him to say something and types: (e's gonna stutter and stammer here a bit) Tony: *laughs*. Sonja: What is she writing? Tony: And explode. Yeah, everybody explodes. Sonja: 'e's? You've got this British accent going on with your typing. Tony: *laughs* Question: Tony: Um, ok. We've heard all of you say that Joss is God, you can't outdo him. But if you were given the opportunity, what kind of Buffy story would you write and what would be you favourite character of the ensemble to write. Answer: Tony: God...I've pitched a couple of stories to Joss. When we were looking at the "Dark Age", I had a couple of ideas. One was particularly gruesome, and it was a bit like Rosemary's Baby. And who knows I might use it somwhere, or it might turn up. I think it's just a bit too much for Buffy. My favourite character? Don't know...Spike, I suppose. Tricia: We all like James. Sonja: He did endear himself to everyone. Tony: He's a lovely guy. Alex: He gave me bleaching tips, so hey... Tony: *big laugh* Sonja (referring to Tricia): They talked about their hometown. (James and Tricia are both from Modesto.) Tony: I never got to see James. Alex: I thought you did, on the videotape you looked exactly over to the table where he was, I always assumed that was because you saw James. Tony: No! No, I didn't know he was there. Claudia: Apparantly he sat there through your entire set. Tony: Bless him! Question: Tony: When you did Rocky did you shop for yourself or let the Costume department do it? Question: Tony: I helped to design what I wore because it was a way aways from the original concept. Alex: A ways aways away? Tony: A ways away from the original concept. Alex: I don't think you're allowed typically to do that. Tony: Oh nah... Alex: A ways away? Tony (echoing her in funny voice): A ways away. Alex: It was a ways away. Three times real fast, come on! Tony: No one had worn a teddy before. Sonja: Really?! Tony: Yeah. Sonja: Oh. Tony: I had a very ripped up housecoat, lacy housecoat, that was kinda of hanging up. But I got my own makeup. And I did find myself staring at somebody on the tube one day (Note: he says something about changing tube to subway) and I think she thought I fancied her... Alex: Did you say subway or tube? Tony: Oh, I said the tube, but they won't know what that means. Sonja: Some of them will. Tony: And she thought I fancied her and actually I was looking at the shade of her pink lipstick which I thought would go very well in the walkdown at the end of "Don't Dream It". Tony: "In the walkdown at the end...", there you go. Oh very good, look she put... Alex: Smartass. Everyone: *Big laugh* Question: Tony: Are you a fan of the Eagles? And could you ever be convinced to perform "Desperado"? Answer: Tony: No and No. Everyone (but Tony), A Sad: OOOH!!!!!!! Sonja: You just broke all our hearts. Tony: Well, alright, there you go, alright, yes and yes, I suppose. Sonja: Ahhh, you already said no. Tony: I'm easily convinced to do stuff, but it's just the kinda of stuff I like is a little bit...I prefer soul-driven stuff. Alex: What was that last word? Tony: Soul-driven. Alex: Are you trying to tell me that "Desparado" is not soul-driven? Tony starts to hum"Desparado" under his breath. Question: Tony: What Americans shows would you like to do a one-shot on and have you ever considered animation such as "The Simpsons"? Answer: Tony: Yes, um, I fancy doing "Friends". That would be fun. Sonja: *happy noise* (but Tony took it for something else...) Tony: No? Sonja: Um, yes! I told you I liked "Friends", once. Yeah. Alex: And by the way, did you notice what I put for the Eagles thing? I couldn't stand to put that "No and no" thing. Sonja: She just did some creative editing. Tony (reads): "I can always be convinced to do stuff but I prefer to do soul-driven." That's alright. Sonja: Sandy just got on. Tony: Sandy's joined. Oh, yes, that's fair enough. Just because you had that reaction. I hate disappointing people. Alex: Ah, now he makes me feel bad! That's not fair! Tony: And ya..I'd love to do "The Simpsons". Sonja: We love "The Simpsons." Alex: It's on before the "X-Files". That's why I watch it. Sonja: Do you watch the "X-Files" to? Tony: Yeah...occassionally. Sunday's I'm usually doing stuff. Alex: And baseball is still on right now. Tony: Oh, I'm certainly not watching that. That one I'm just like "What are they doing now?!" I've never been in to Cricket or into that stuff either, but occassionally it's sorta world class stuff I'm in to. Continued in Part 3 Sonja Marie - President - Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) Official Anthony Head WebPage - Owner of the Anthony S. Head, Buffy-Beta Fic, Jeff Fahey & Paul Wylie Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 23:58:52 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: The Official Full Transcript of the Anthony Head IRC Chat Pt1 The following is the full transcript from the Internet Relay Chat with Anthony Stewart Head on Oct, 20, 1998 on Chatnet Channel #ashanon. The transcript is property of ASHFC - The Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club. Alex is the typist, Tricia is my best friend, Clauida is Tony's publicist and Tony is well Tony! :) Thank you to Julia for the chat log from the channel. This is pretty much the while chat log, except I've removed any spoilers, so if you want the full one without the edits, email me PRIVATELY at and I'll send you it. The chat will also be online in a few days as well. Alex: Ok guys lets rock 'n' roll! Sonja: What do we want to call ourselves? Alex: Tony. (We chose TonyHead) Tony: Are you ready for me? I'm sorry. Yo dudes. Alex: You want to say "Yo dudes"? Tony: Sure. Yo dudes Sonja: Here's your questions. We were hoping you could look them over, but there's no time. Tony: (funny voice) Oh I'm looking them over. (Tony read each question out loud) Question: Tony: Are you going to Visions at Thanksgiving? Answer: Tony: Possibly. Question: Tony: Are you going to be doing any talk shows in the near future? Answer: Tony: Um Possibly. Everyone: *Laugh* Tony: I'm going to do KTLA Thursday morning, and I'm going to get to sing. Which is cool. (Tony started to read the next question before Alex could finish typing the previous answer): Tony: Tell us about your role in "Woof"? Alex: Whoa whoa whoa, wait up here! Tony (echoing Alex): Whoa, whoa, whoa... Sonja: *laugh* She's still typing. Alex: And I'm giving you dirty looks to so... Tony: Oh ok. Tony: I played a man who...You know what I played... Alex: Some of us don't! Sonja: She obviously doesn't! Tony: I played a special agent, who turned into a black labrador occasionally. Which came to the great relief to the kid who was in the series, who also turned into a dog a lot. I also had to ride a very large bike, a magic bike. And the publicity still, that they took, gave rise to a media hype that I was gonna be the next James Bond. And I wasn't. Question: Tony: If you could go anywhere in the world for a week where would you go and why? Answer: Tony: HOME! Sonja: Emphatically said "Home!" Tony: And why'dja think? Question: Tony: Are you considering recording an album? Answer: Tony: As I've said before if someone asks me to and puts up the money..yeah. We'll take it in stages. (Tony comments on Alex's typing): Tony: Oh you're quick. (I commented on how Alex thought I was joking when I asked her to type for us): Alex: Life's a joke. Sonja: Life's a b**ch and then you die. Tony: And then you get your bicycle stolen. Sonja: I've had my bicycle stolen. Tony: Everyone has at one time or other. Question: Tony: Do you have a preference of where Giles should go after the gang graduates? Sonja: Or do. Tony: Where Giles should go? Sonja: Or more like what he should do. We're under the impression that once a Watcher, always a Watcher until Buffy dies. Tony: Yeah... Alex: Ok, I can't type "yeah", since that isn't actually an answer. Sonja: Not a very long answer. Alex: Not a very informative one either. Tony: Basically...(he drifts off in to incoherent sounds)... Alex: I don't think I can spell those last few syllables. Answer: Tony: Joss...and I have talked about where season four may go, but at the moment we're getting our way through season three. Who knows. Who knows what will happen to Giles. By that time he may be so completely screwed up that they put him in a funny farm. Sonja (rather quietly): That would make an interesting episode. Question: Tony: Do any of the cast make fun of your accent? Who does the worst and the best? Answer: Tony: Yeah, everyone has a go. And uh it's usually Nicky and it's very bad. And Seth is the best. Seth does very good Australian and very good English. Tony: How do your fellow Brits see Giles? (Again Alex wasn't done typing the previous answer): Alex: Hey! Tony: I'm just reading, you know I'll read it out again. Question: Tony: How do your fellow Brits see Giles? Were you at all concerned about presenting the stereotypical "stuffy Englishman"? Answer: Tony: There's nothing stereotypical about Giles. And...I don't really far as I know it's catching on just as the same here. I will find out more cause it is hitting Terrestrial TV at Christmas. Alex: Did you say Terrestrial? Tony: Yeah. Alex: Isn't that like...*points upwards* Tony: No, no. Terra. Terra-firma. Tricia: (referring to what Alex thought) That's extra-terrestrial. Tony (echoing Tricia): Extra-terrestrial. Away from the earth. Ya see you learn something today! Alex: What is this payback here? We then got in to a discussion about who the bot was, cause Alex wanted to know, and Tricia and I proceeded to try to explain it and got Tony very confused, cause he asked Alex to type: Tony: Can you say are you following this? Cause we're not. Continued in part 2 Sonja Marie - President - Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) Official Anthony Head WebPage - Owner of the Anthony S. Head, Buffy-Beta Fic, Jeff Fahey & Paul Wylie Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:28:06 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: The Official Full Transcript of the Anthony Head IRC Chat Pt3 The following is the full transcript from the Internet Relay Chat with Anthony Stewart Head on Oct, 20, 1998 on Chatnet Channel #ashanon. The transcript is property of ASHFC - The Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club. Alex is the typist, Tricia is my best friend, Clauida is Tony's publicist and Tony is well Tony! :) Thank you to Julia for the chat log from the channel. This is pretty much the while chat log, except I've removed any spoilers, so if you want the full one without the edits, email me PRIVATELY at and I'll send you it. The chat will also be online in a few days as well. Question: Tony: Do you enjoy hearing from your fans and can they hope for a response? Answer: Tony: Um..ya. Of course I enjoy hearing from my fans and yes..they can always..hope. Question: Tony: What are your thoughts on the lack of Giles merchandise and can we expect this to be dealt with? Answer: Tony: *Big Laugh* Yes I believe it will be dealt with. There certainly will be a Giles figure. And I hope he has removable glasses. Everyone: *Laugh* Alex says something under her breath about it that prompts: Tony: What? Sonja: She's starting to think like us, and she's... Tricia & Sonja: She's not happy about that at all. Tony: The removable glasses is a problem? Tricia: She was afraid the word was not going to be glasses Tony: Oh, right. Alex: You have no...I was being good and innocent. I'm always good and innocent. Sonja: You lie.. Alex: Ok, I was lying through my teeth. So what's your point? Tony: Um, the stuff that's out there...I'm covered in the comic books, and the graphic novels, and the next fanzine I'm going to have me on the cover, which is nice. And they are doing a special on me. There was a couple of slip ups..the problem was...that a lot of the photographs that they based stuff on came from a photo gallery shoot that we did at the beginning of the second season and I wasn't there. Sonja: But they have this really bad habit of cutting you out of pictures you are actually in! Tony: Do they do that? Sonja: We didn't even know you were actually in this picture. Tony: When did they do that? Tricia: The picture on the front of the graphic novel, we just found out that you were in. Tony: No, no, in fact what that is, is they've added me. That is actually taken from, you know the overall picture where we are standing in front of the front door, and I'm next to the pillar? I missed my plane basically, I missed my plane the day before and I came in right at the end of the session. They've done all the group stuff, and I just stood in on my own, and they computer stuck me in it. But that's why there is alot of stuff without me. But that's being rectified...gradually. You had me worried there for a minute. *laughs* Sonja: Well, I'm sorry, we just assumed you were in it, after we saw it. Tony: It's good to know, my ear isn't, it's on the ground as much as it can be. But I'd be very much interested to know if they've rectified the email postcard. *Looks at me* Is there one of me...yet? Do you know? Sonja: I haven't seen one. Tony: Well let's check (We tried to check after the chat, but AOL killed us. There wasn't one as of the day after the chat. :(). Question: Tony: Have you any funny/touching stories from the set? Answer: Tony: Ohhh, I'm not good with these. Sonja: What? Tony: Funny/Touching stories from the set. Sonja: Oh, you told me a cool one. Tony: Did I? Sonja: About you being on the phone in "Passion" (referring to the scene where Giles is telling Buffy and Willow that Jenny is dead. He told me the story in the last interview for the ASHFC newsletter). Tony: Oh, I suppose that was touching. Tony: The funniest was in...oh God..what episode was that was something that Nicky did... Alex: BBB? Tony: What's BBB? Alex: The Valentine's episode. Sonja: Bothered, Bewildered... Alex: Don't even start it, you don't know the words... Tony: Um, whatever it was, bascially they agreed to do a round, was it a round robin? They did a thing were they all rang each other. Alex: Innocence? Tony: Was it? And he got on the phone to his mum, and he did about eight takes. With a different tag on each talking to his mom. I can remember "Hi, mom, it's me...Xander". Made me laugh, that his mom didn't know who he was. Alex typed it: I can remember Hi Mom it's Me Xander...., which prompted: Tony: "It's me *dot* *dot* *dot*...hold on there for a second... Sonja: The dots are suppose to be in front of that. Alex: Yeah, I believe I've heard you say this one before, that they got progressively, ah, gross and lewd... Tony: Yeah, yeah, they got fairly graphic. (looking at what she typed) That doesn't read very funny, they're going to actually think I'm a twerp. Everyone: *laughs* Question: Tony: If you were trying to turn someone on to your show, aside from the pilot,...or do you mean the plot? Alex & Sonja: Pilot episode. Sonja: The one that aired. Tony: What ep would you insist they see and why? Answer: Tony: I think "Ted" is pretty cool. I love "Passion" but they wouldn't really get the drift. "Ted" or "Lie to Me". There you go. Question: Tony: When you're writing and deep in the groove. What's the setting around you? Sound, thinking food, etc... Answer: Tony: When I'm writing...I don't smoke anymore which makes kinda hard... Sonja: You quit smoking? Tony: Yeah. Alex: Want me to put that smoking thing down there? Tony: Yeah sure. Music helps...various stuff and the occasional walk followed by a cup of tea. Sonja: What kind of tea? Tony: Earl Grey. Alex: What kind of food, just out of curiosity, do you have a thinking food? Well if I'm really in the groove, I don't have time to eat but I guess something probably ordered in like pizza. Alex: For me it would be Cheese and Garlic Tortellini Tony: Wow. Pasta's very good, bit of carbohydrate. Pump up the old blood sugar level. Gggoooddd. Alex (to Sonja): Is that health? That's health isn't it. Tricia: Yeah. Alex: Right. Sonja: She's looking at me and I'm like "huh?" My eating habits suck. Tony: Carbs, they're not healthy. When you need a quick rush of blood sugar, yeah. Alex: Ok, let's think about that, it's between good, healthy and sick (?). Tony: Your body tells you what it wants. And if you need blood sugar, then you'll go for carbs. Question: Tony: We've heard Joss say that they are not allowed to read fan-fic but do the actors? And can you recall any? What's fan-fic? Everyone (but Tony): The stories. Answer: Tony: Oh! I've read a couple. One was..what's her name...the girl in the...*makes a movement with his hands like he's pushing a wheel chair*... Sonja: Miriam! Tony: Miriam! Miriam's idea for my skeleton in the cupboard was very funny. Sonja: Oh! "Bad to the Bone". Tony: That was very funny. Question: Tony: What's the kind of question you'd like to be asked? Answer: Tony: (to Claudia for bringing in cookies) Oh lord, thank you. Sonja: And then you have to answer it. Alex: Yeah, you're not going to get away that easy. Tony: What kind of question I'd like to be asked? I just actually enjoy chatting. Most journalists when they interview me are surprised that once I start I don't stop. Sonja: Yeah, you can talk 5 minutes on one question. Tony: Yeah, generally, when I say it's going to be an half and hour, it ends up as an hour. I rap. Alex: You what? Tony & Sonja: Rap. Alex: *stares* Sonja: Hey, he uses fab. Tony: Waffle on for hours. Alex: Uh huh. Tony: Waffle, spelt "W-A-Double F-L-E" Alex: Is that alone or along for hours? Tony: Along. Sonja: And your pauses! I think you're done, and I start talking and you start talking again! Tony: Pauses? Yes, that's called regrouping. Time for the brain to...Last One. Question: Tony: Do you have any thing you'd like to say to your fans and more specifically your fan club? Yes! Thank you for the presents on Saturday. I've already polished off the chocolate chip cookies. I'm also through the Chocolate HobNobs. Sonja: What about losing weight? Tony: Oh Forget it, I've just come from the gym. Sonja: It just went out the window. Tony: Oh, yeah, forget that. Oh yeah, the Ripples is gone. And I think there's one flake left. Alex: Flake? Tony: Yeah. Sonja: Chocolate bar...Cadbury. The things you learn Alex: No good can come of that. Tony: Oh no. Sonja: Never. Tony: What's wierd though, is that I insisted that everybody have a bite around the table, and it went down like didn't go down to well. Alex: What table? Sonja: The Buffy table. Alex: Where the hell was I? Sonja: You were shooting it! Alex: No I wasn't! I would've seen that if I was shooting it! Tony: Well I past it around and it came back and Cynthia said "Oh this is too rich". I was surprised. Sonja: I had a bite. Tony & Alex looked at me as if to say: And? Sonja: It was...well I worked at a candy store for a year so I'm like totally turned off to candy for the most part. Alex: Was this during the time I was walking around b**ching about not finding any food? Sonja: Probably. Alex: I've must of said it four times "I can't find food!" Tony: Bummer, dude. Alex: Bummer. Tony: Bummer. Alex: Ok, last comments. Tony: Last comments... Alex: "There's one flake left." Everyone: *laughs* Tony: I think that's as best as a last comment you can possibly find. "There's one flake left." Alex: I'm a flake. Sonja: I'm a flake. Tony: *Big laugh* Sonja: Actually there's two of us left. Tony: Don't know really...hmmm...I can't think of anything. Sonja: Do you want a free-for-all? Tony: Hmm? Sonja: Do you want them to say any comments before you leave? Tony: Yeah! We then allowed the chatters to say anything they wanted to to Tony, who was reading over my shoulder: Tony (reading): "Ok, guys you can say anything you like, within reason..." Alex: Do do you guys still do you cast viewing parties? Tony: Um, oh it's on tonight isn't it? Not as much...we certainly went around for the first one. We went over to Joss'. Nicky's moved, he's finally moved in to his new apartment. I read out some of the messages, but didn't use the names: Sonja: G'night, Tony! We would never say anything bad... I would like to say howdy! Reason? Darn. Tony: "We would never say anything bad"? Why, why would they say anything bad? Sonja: Oh, it's a joke. Tony: Okay.. Tony (reading what Lauren-Al wrote): "I'd just like to say that you are a great influence, and I enjoy watching you on Buffy a lot!!" Cool. Tony (reading what Helsong wrote): "You are a wonderful actor." Oh we love you! Sonja: Karen wants to know if you liked the cookies. Tony: Well I said I did! I started to laugh alot at something that was being said on the channel due to the fact that Karen had typed her question as "Tony, did you lie the cookies?": Tony: What's funny? Sonja (reading): "Lie to the cookies?" "Never lie to cookies...." "How do you lie to cookies??" "Cookies never lie...." Tony (reading what MistressK wrote): "I lie to the cookies all the time... I tell them they will not stay on my thighs!"...(reading what Kazza wrote): "Tony wouldn't lie. And certainly not to cookies."...(reading what Aryne wrote) "Please someone say hello to me cause I am testing this irc" (he pronounced it "irk"). Sonja: I.R.C.....Kazza and Meawan both helped me set up the last stages of the chat. Tony: Oh, cool. Sonja (reading what Aryne wrote): "How much fan mail do you get?" Tony: Enough. She just sent me a letter...Ah, yeah, I think I got it. I think it's a card. Sonja: How can you tell if it was from her? Tony: Cause she said she was proud to be a GASPer and an ASH fan. After a few more minutes Tony decided it was time to leave so he could check out some stuff on the net... Tony (reading): "Tony Head has left"...that's my cue. Tony left the room for a few minutes. Alex: Tony Head will be back, The building has left. Sonja: The building has left, Tony Head will be back. Tony then returned: Tony: I just thought of a question I do like answering. When I get asked about my girlfriend's work. I get very excited about that. Sonja: And she works with animals right? Tony: Yeah. The relevent stuff pretty much ends there. Hope you've enjoyed it! Sonja Marie - President - Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) Official Anthony Head WebPage - Owner of the Anthony S. Head, Buffy-Beta Fic, Jeff Fahey & Paul Wylie Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #541 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (