From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #555 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, November 4 1998 Volume 02 : Number 555 In this issue: BUFFY: Re: poor Oz speculation BUFFY: Couple of Points on "Homecoming"--(Inside Joke, possibly) BUFFY: Homecoming - spoilers BUFFY: Relationships Re: BUFFY: Love on BtVS BUFFY: Re: Love on BtVS Re: BUFFY: homecoming and future eps? BUFFY: "Luke" and "The Judge" sighting BUFFY: TRICK is cool! (was Homecoming) Re: BUFFY: Homecoming Spoilers (and next week's preview) Re: BUFFY: Homecoming BUFFY: (no subject) Re: BUFFY: homecoming, my thoughts Re: BUFFY: homecoming, my thoughts BUFFY: Video Poll BUFFY: Jonathan sighting in Homecoming.... Re: BUFFY: About "Homecoming"!!! BUFFY: Angel happiness (was PREVIEW!!! Snyder being fun) Re: BUFFY: RE: Homecoming Re: BUFFY: PREVIEW!!!! Snyder being fun.....funness ramblings.... Re: BUFFY: homecoming opinion Re: BUFFY: Video Poll BUFFY: WILLOW & XANDER!!!! BUFFY: Website Update - New Links, Mailing Lists, ASHFC, GASP! Re: BUFFY: The Mayor BUFFY: Cordy and other issues Re: BUFFY: homecoming, my thoughts See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 18:01:45 -0600 From: "Ryan Reid" Subject: BUFFY: Re: poor Oz speculation <> whether oz and willow break up or not, it's already sad! i mean, oz NOT GRAUATING so he can spend another year in high school with his girlfriend... i just think it's sort of pathetic! whatever happened to the oz that was wanted by the computer corporation? i just think oz is a little odd and i'd like to see him out of the scooby gang... he just doesn't fit. speaking of the scooby gang, i really miss the tightness the 3 (B,W,X) had in season 1 and 2... i mean it's like now a days they don't even know each other anymore. and it sucks. I'm glad faith is just 'there' and not interfering with anything. i wish oz would do the same. it'd be a lot better if he was like that. Ryan Keeper of: Cordelia's *yellow backless dress* (Becoming II). Opening Credits for Season 3. Joyce's glass she threw in fight with Buffy (Becoming II) Buffy's acceptance that she "sucks at undercover" (Anne) Buffy's look to Willow when they find out they are playing dodgeball (The Pack) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 19:13:33 -0500 From: "Peter McHugh" Subject: BUFFY: Couple of Points on "Homecoming"--(Inside Joke, possibly) *coming out of lurkage* I really liked how well this episode was done, but I agree with the guy that reviews the episodes on a daily basis--the SlayerFest 98 plot line needed its time which it didn't have, because of the other great stories in this episode. - --Just have to say, I love Faith, hope she sticks around a while longer. - --Willow and Xander...didn't really like them kissing, but I liked their reactions after they did; that made me a little happier, but it reminded me too much of Dawson's Creek with Dawson and Joey, which leads me right into... - --When Xander and Willow were sitting down after they kissed, Xander says (I heard a somewhat sarcastic tone, maybe it was just me) the same exact line Dawson says to Joey, pretty much the same situation- "I feel like I'm seeing you for the first time." I got a kick out of that. - --I love how Joss gives it up to the fans (e.g. the PB crazed thing on the strengths and weaknesses chart, which was a great scene anyway) - --Next week looks hilarious, I hope Joss and Co. give us a good show! Pete - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 19:56:42 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFY: Homecoming - spoilers Some further thoughts: The mayor probably isn't a vampire, but is it an indication that he's not a normal human that he has such an incredibly acute sense of smell? He can tell by sniffing a piece of paper that the person who held it hadn't washed his hands as thoroughly as desired. Maybe a were-creature who retains some animal senses in human form; what's a really fastidious animal he might be? Or a demon of some sort; any demons known for sense of smell and fastidiousness? Or perhaps he's the opposite of a demon; instead of desiring chaos and suffering, he's a creature that thrives on extreme order and cleanliness and so on, and will suppress disruptive elements (and freedom) to obtain it. The Xander/Willow kiss in Homecoming makes an interesting contrast with the Xander/Cordelia kiss in What's My Line. In both cases they slip into a kiss without planning it, and react afterward by initially dismissing it as a fluke, keeping it secret, etc. But with Xander/Cordelia the situation was one of weirdness and danger (they were trapped in a basement by the attack of a bug-man), and they slipped into the kiss from anger, yelling at each other. While with Xander/Willow, the situation is one of peace and normality, getting ready for the dance, and they slip into the kiss from friendship, helping each other select a dress and tie a tie. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 18:54:41 -0800 From: Jeff Weitkamp Subject: BUFFY: Relationships My first impressions of Homecoming, was it was Extra cool. There was so much that happened that I can't wait to watch it again. A lot's been said about it so far so I'll just throw out a couple of observations. I'm not a Xander hater, but he finally proved how big a stick you had to hit him with before he noticed something that has been right in front of him for years. Of course in that black dress Willow would have caused a major traffic jam. A lot of bandwidth has been spent on comments about the apparent changes in relationships coming up. Well I've got a feeling that we ain't seen nothing yet. I quote from the end of IRYJ: Buffy: Let's face it. None of us are ever going to have a happy normal relationship. Xander: We're doomed. Willow: Yeah. All: Very weak, very not pathetic laughter, followed by very depressed looks. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 20:32:14 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Love on BtVS In a message dated 11/4/98 2:06:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > I can't see Cordelia being around Angel without becoming involved > with him to a greater extent than his Girl Friday. Can you imagine > a beautiful babe like Cordelia settling for the position of merely > bringing Angel bottles of blood, doing his research for him, fetching > little things that will make his life more liveable? No, I would think > that > there's gonna be some romance between her and Angel. What else > could you expect? Pretty girl...hunk of a vampire...there's gonna be > some sparks flying or the writers would be wasting a perfect > opportunity. Oh, yuck!!!! Blech! I'm expressing the same disgust that Willow expressed in Innocence when she found out about Cordy and Xander. That would be just the thing to *not* make me watch "Angel." Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 20:32:12 EST From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Love on BtVS wrote wit her widdle fingers: >You know, even though you're completely dissing me (I'm one of those people >you were talking about), you're post has inspired hope in me. How I would love >to be wrong... Jen...Jen...Jen... I would NEVER diss you. Whip you, maybe, but diss...NEVER! In fact, I think you and I are of the same mind. We both want Angel and Buffy to stay together, right? We both love Buffy and Angel, right? We both want to see Angel and Buffy to be happy, right? I'm waiting for that big reunion kiss between Buffy and Angel that seals their fates forever. Actually, their fates are already sealed. Who could ever replace Angel in Buffy's heart? Cordelia calls Buffy a Freak, and she called Angel Mr. Killing Spree, but deep down she and every girl in the world are jealous. There's only one Angel with the ruggedly handsome hunk looks, 200 years of experience, and burdened by a curse making him all the more desirable and dangerous. How could any guy alive come close to replacing him in Buffy's heart? funee ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 20:37:59 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: homecoming and future eps? > I enjoyed the show, but I completely agree with the salsa and chips idea > that somebody mentioned.... when did Buffy become a soap opera???? I would be the guilty party of the salsa and chips idea. :-) I was referring to the idea that it's a good set up but I really want to see more. > I > miss the days of concrete story lines that had very little to do with > the next. And I did think that Willow's dress was a bit matronly- but > perhaps that is her own conservative style. I like the arc stories, but I also like the days when things were set-up and then when you looked back, it smacked you in the head--"Oh, that's what's going on." Sort of like WSWB which is a lot better when you see it based on the context of all of season two. I think HOmeocming will get better with age depending on how it goes. It's similar to seaosn one Babylon Five where with the proper perspective, it makes a whole lot more sense. > Where did Giles go? When did he get lighthearted? Why was he at > homecoming? He's never taken an interest in Buffy's social life before > this (except WTTH-which was still work related) I think Giles is trying to be more supportive of Buffy. After all, her healing process is still going on and he may be more sensitive to her needs. Though I did feel he was underused last night a bit. > As for predictions, I say Oz is here to stay. I think his longing for > Willow will be a long term thing- I don't see him going anywhere anytime > soon. Besides- he's been a rebound boy through and through. I've never > heard the word love involved- although I can tell Oz loves Willow. I like the idea of Willow and Xander. I just hope it's done well. I think Oz will stay. After all, the scooby gang has to help him when he goes all wolfy... > But I wonder what the message was last night? A variation on Invisible > girl- marking ones journey with tactile legacies.... or perhaps a > lesson about torn loyalties in the throes of teenage manic behavior.... > hmm. Competition brings out the best and the worst in us all was the message I got. I guess it was look at how the competition we have can be hell at times. Michael - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 21:02:36 -0500 From: Mark Safransky Subject: BUFFY: "Luke" and "The Judge" sighting Brian Thompson (Luke and The Judge) had a roll as an army officer on 7 Days on UPN tonight and will be on again next week in the second part of the two-parter. X-Lander - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:13:34 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: TRICK is cool! (was Homecoming) In a message dated 98-11-03 23:14:05 EST, writes: << and Trick is still cartoonish. >> I had missed the episode where Trick was introduced...well, the first 45 minutes or so....but I like Trick, not exactly your conventional villlan....he seems more with the humor, and personality....I like him..could be a very great challenge for Buffy and Faith...but Faith...still don't like her...she's a little demolition...she still ahs time to grow on ya though! Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:15:21 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Homecoming Spoilers (and next week's preview) I'm not a huge Faith fan, but I was soooo loving what she did to Scott....(since I am a big Scott hater) I laughed soooo hard I was rolling on the floor! =)~ Kara In a message dated 98-11-03 23:14:37 EST, writes: << I wasn't too crazy about Faith before, but I love her after what she did to Scott at the dance, even if I am mad at Buffy. >> - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:20:41 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Homecoming In a message dated 98-11-04 00:22:28 EST, writes: << -Ok, Buffy and Cordelia were riding in the limo for how long? And it took them how long to get back? On foot? Hmm... >> Maybe its that slayer speed thing...which still doesn't explain why Cordy made it back so fast....hmmm... Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:22:25 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: (no subject) says: >the mayor was a total letdown. i guess he was supposed to be so sinister but >he seemed bland to me. i'll take snyder over the mayor any day. yeah i thought the mayor would be totally darker, but i think they're obviously going somewhere with him and i guess if he was as bad as i pictured him being, he wouldn't have been able to become mayor. So, I guess he's okay for now. I expect him to soon ("like election day") to turn into some kind of hideous monster or to become something truly evil. Right now, he reminds me too much of Ted, which is not cool. >ranting aside, i was quite happy with the rest of it. especially with >cordy...could this girl be a future slayer? i like faith and all, but the >idea of cordy being a slayer sounds like so much more fun. and it would >intensify the competitive nature of her relationship with buffy. i think that would be amazing if cordy was the next slayer actually. that would certainly explain her going to LA with Angel. And then Angel could be kinda her watcher, which would allow them to have a close relationship without getting romantically involved! thinking random thoughts~ stacy - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:26:00 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: homecoming, my thoughts In a message dated 98-11-04 06:01:39 EST, writes: << In a message dated 98-11-04 05:27:03 EST, you write: << For those of you that stayed tuned for scenes from the next Buffy and actually GOT them, what's the next ep about? >> >> In case anyone wants it...a place where you can download the previews for next Tuesdays ep is =) Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:24:04 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: homecoming, my thoughts In a message dated 98-11-04 05:26:49 EST, writes: << Moving over to the dark side... I like Mr. Trick. He's a one-liner type of guy, and he does it well. I'm also glad we finally got to see the mayor... and I thought my boss was bad. Moist toilette? :) >> When the Mayor offered Trick a moist toilette, was anyone else thinking, those have to by moistened with Holy water???? Just a randon thought.... Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 18:28:24 PST From: "Mike Stone" Subject: BUFFY: Video Poll What I'd be curious to know, is if this list truly reflects what is popular music at the moment (with exception to a couple of the older songs), or if they truly are favorite videos of the cast members, or if possibly MTV nudged them to pick at least some of these videos. I'd be interested in taking a poll here, of having everyone vote (or post) their choice in the following list. For instance, should Busta Rhymes been #1? Should Beastie Boys' Sabotage been #40? Are there some songs that should not have been picked at all? (with respect to the cast member's preference in music) Let us know what you think. - ----Original Message Follows---- Heres' the list for the videos that don't suck and who requested the video. 40 Beastie Boys "Intergaltic" -Sarah 39 Busta Rhymes "Dangerous" -Seth 38 Rage Against the Machine "Bulls on Parade" -Nicholas 37 DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince "Parents Just Don't Understand" - -Alyson 36 Madonna "Ray of Light" -Davis and Charisma 35 Pearl Jam "Do the Evolution" -Nicholas 34 Mya featuring Silkk the Shocker "Movin' On" -Sarah 33 Beck "The New Pollution" -Seth 32 N' Sync "Tearin' Up My Heart" -Nicholas 31 U2 "Where the Streets Have No Name" -David 30 Bare Naked Ladies "One Week" -Alyson 29 Jamiroquai "Virtual Insanity" -Charisma 28 Beastie Boys "Hey Ladies" -Seth 27 Lauryn Hill "Doo-Wop (That Thing) -Sarah 26 The Offspring "Self Esteem" -Nicholas 25 Cake "The Distance" -Alyson 24 Nine Inch Nails "Closer" -Seth 23 Lenny Kravitz "Thinking of You" -David 22 Dave Mathews Band "Crash Into Me" -Charisma 21 Hole "Celebrity Skin" -Nicholas 20 Fiona Apple "Across the Universe" -Alyson 19 Beatie Boys "No Sleep Till Broklyn" -Seth 18 Tom Petty "Don't Come Around Here No More" -David 17 Garbage "I Think I'm Paranoid" -Sarah & Seth 16 Marilyn Manson "The Dope Show" -Sarah 15 Black Eyed Peas "Joints and Jams" -Nicholas 14 Brian Setzer Orchersta "Jump Jive an' Wail" -Nicholas 13 Live "Crash Into Me" -Charisma 12 Blur "Song 2" -Seth 11 Alanis Morissette "Thank U" -Nicholas 10 Eve 6 "Inside Out" -Alyson 09 Pearl Jam "Jeremy" -Charisma 08 Police "Every Breath You Take" -David 07 Nirvana "Sliver" -Seth 06 Everclear "Father of Mine" -Nicholas 05 Bushwick Bill "Ever So Clear" -David 04 Twisted Sister "We're Not Gonna Take It" -Charisma 03 Green Day "Basket Case" -Seth 02 Natalie Imbruglia "Torn" -Sarah 01 Beastie Boys "Sabatoge" -Alyson - - ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:28:37 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Jonathan sighting in Homecoming.... Anyone notice that the ever popuar Jonathan was in Homecoming?!! I was watching with my friend and I shouted "It's Jonathan!" and she's not on a list because she's e mail absent...and she didn't get it.....tried to explain...just didn't work! He was one of the guys stuffing his face with a cupcake, and he told her that Cordy gave him six bucks! Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:44:08 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: About "Homecoming"!!! In a message dated 11/4/98 5:17:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, dejanz19@IDT.NET writes: > The guy was obviously head over heals > in love with her enough to practically stalk her. Love? Love? Oh please. Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:43:53 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Angel happiness (was PREVIEW!!! Snyder being fun) In a message dated 98-11-04 17:44:22 EST, writes: << Hey, ya'll think in Band Candy (Next ep) that even the vamps who were over 18 when changed will be acting immature? >> Great thought.....hee hee hee....I would love to see that in Angel..=)~ Especially since he could be a canadate for most mopey..I'm not saying he doesn't have a right to all means he does...but it would be fun if it effected Angel =)~ Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:43:40 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: RE: Homecoming wrote: > If you didn't like the way she acted towards him what would you have had > her do? Should she play along that everything will be okay, that > they'll be okay? Should she encourage him in his devotion towards her > if she doesn't feel the way she used to? No, but there were several different routes Buffy could've taken other than, "I'm *so* over you, and I like weasel boy." I would name them, but there are so many that they are just one big cloud in my head. She was *harsh*. She didn't have to be. Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:44:49 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: PREVIEW!!!! Snyder being fun.....funness ramblings.... writes: > Hey, ya'll think in Band Candy (Next ep) that even the vamps who were over 18 > when changed will be acting immature? I don't think so. This is pure speculation, so these aren't spoilers, but here's what I think. In the preview (I've watched it about a million times, but my friend Bri pointed it out), a lot of the adults were holding candy bars. The *same* candy bars. So maybe the band is having some kind of fundraiser (hence the name Band Candy) that're making the grown-ups who buy 'em act all wacky (i.e., Ted's cookies). So since vamps don't normally eat chocolate (more likely they'd eat the band members), I doubt it will affect them, unless some weird vamp is PMSing (the time of mad chocolate cravings). Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 21:47:24 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: homecoming opinion writes: > When I had heard that Xander and Willow were going to kiss, I was excited. > But when it actually happened, I didn't like it. I like Willow with Oz. > And does Xander have to like EVERYONE? We know he has the hots for > Cordelia, pines for Buffy, lusts slightly after Faith, and now Willow? Okay, I'm afraid I'm pissing everyone off royally cuz I've been posting so much, but it's just something about this episode. It's sparked a lot of passion in me, and my fingers are cramping. Anyway... This is something I've thought about. With all the other girls, it has been *something* about them that Xander's been attracted to that's not just about them. Buffy -- average boy lust for a hot girl, can't have her; Cordy -- bad for him (at first) in more ways than one; Faith -- I don't really think he has a thing for her -- once again, your average teenage boy sexual comments. But with Willow... in that scene, unlike any I've ever seen him in (INCLUDING the WSWB almost-kiss -- I still saw him pining for Buffy at that moment, though they did have chemistry), it seemed to be *just about her*. Like nothing (and NO ONE) else existed. Yes, some people may say that it's just b/c he can't have her now cuz of Oz and Cordy, but do you really think that's what he was thinking about? And it wasn't like he was winning some sort of enormous conquest either, like he might have acted with Buffy. All I saw was him completely into WILLOW at that moment, and nothing else. That, if nothing else, is what made me realize that these two belong together. And you know what? I normally hate Xander, so it's not like I feel obligated to defend him. I sincerely believe that. Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 22:03:56 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Video Poll In a message dated 11/4/98 9:36:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > I'd be interested in taking a poll here, of having everyone vote (or > post) their choice in the following list. My definite favorite picks were, in this order: The Police "Every Breath You Take" -David (my favorite song and my favorite actor - wow!) Pearl Jam "Do the Evolution" -Nicholas (you can get totally absobed in that video, esp. the long version) Pearl Jam "Jeremy" -Charisma (can't believe it was a Charisma pick, but I love that video and the song) Lauryn Hill "Doo-Wop (That Thing)" -Sarah (makes me wanna do that weird shoulder-head bop thing - anybody else notice Sarah was into all those girl hip-hop bands?) Barenaked Ladies "One Week" -Alyson (the funnest song to sing - "chickity china the chinese chicken...") Hole "Celebrity Skin" -Nicholas (Nicky: "Hole. Say it. Hole.") Brian Setzer Orchersta "Jump Jive an' Wail" -Nicholas (I knew he'd pick some ska, since he's the one who suggested Swing Night at the Bronze) Cake "The Distance" -Alyson (hilarious vid) Tom Petty "Don't Come Around Here No More" -David (I've loved that video -- not necessarily the song -- since I was little) Picks I hated: Nine Inch Nails "Closer" -Seth (disturbing) Marilyn Manson "The Dope Show" -Sarah (he's evil, and I'm not being facetious - -- I don't think Sarah really picked this one -- at least I hope not -- does anyone else?) Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 19:08:53 PST From: "Hugh Glen" Subject: BUFFY: WILLOW & XANDER!!!! Oh my GODDDDDDDDD!!! Ok, first of all, I did NOT see the ep, but I made the mistake of looking at a post and seeing this. So again I have to say, OH MY GODDDDD! I have to see the ep before I comment on it (the kiss) but I do remember a post from someone (hey it was me!) about how Xander might actually have feelings (romantic, I mean) for Willow. Hmmm. I wonder what kind of a shot they have together... Hugh Glen --Keeper of the wacky, the wiggins, and the happy; keeper of Willow's 'deputy' laugh (hey, maybe that's why Xander did it... :) ); AMSG'er (hey, we can play again). ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 19:07:17 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Website Update - New Links, Mailing Lists, ASHFC, GASP! Halo! This is my usual Buffy Night Post - which is actually a day late due to the fact that I just got my new colour computer and I was getting uploaded with my stuff. This message contains info on Sonja Marie's Buffy Links Page, ASH/Giles Mailing list, The ASHFC, GASPers, and the Buffy Beta Fanfic List. ***** Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links I have added 28 more URLS to my Buffy Links Page at it's NEW location: If you have a link for me at your site, please change it, and your bookmarks as well! There are now 1790 pages listed! And if you are so inclined, PLEASE sign my guestbook! If you have a page for the show or cast members and IT IS NOT LISTED already, please send me the URLS and I will add them. ***** The Anthony Stewart Head Mailing List Are you a fan of Anthony Stewart Head? Giles? Oliver from VR5? Then the Anthony Stewart Head List is for you! We talk about all his work, share fanfic stories related to Giles and Oliver, etc. To join: 1. Send an email to or 2. in the message put S*BSCRIBE ASH-GASP or S*BSCRIBE ASH-GASP-DIGEST ***** The Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) If you are interested in joining Anthony's Official Fan Club check out the Official Fan Club Page at: ***** Wanna Join the Giles' Appreciation Society Panters? Are you a fan of Giles? Anthony Stewart Head? Then the GASPers is the group for you! We are a group of fans who share a common interest namely Giles/ASH, we are also the official Keepers of Giles' Stuff. Check out our Home Page at: (PS - there is a picture of me and Anthony on the front page :D). IMPORTANT NOTE: Only those who email me about becoming GASPers and follow the directions I send them will be considered real Keepers in my eyes. To join email me PRIVATELY at and I'll send you the info on how to join. DO NOT: request anything from the episodes, I will sent you a list of stuff to keep. ***** The Buffy Beta Fan Fic List Want a place to post you unfinished work so other can read it and help you get it ready for others to read? Then this is the place for you! This is a place where you can get your work critiqued, etc. We will except all Buffy and related stories and VR5 related stories (IF Oliver Sampson is the main character). To join: 1. send a email to or 2. in the message put S*BSCRIBE BUFFY-BETA or S*BSCRIBE BUFFY-BETA-DIGEST Sonja Marie - The White Rose @--'->-- Paul Wylie Fan Pages - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 22:43:30 -0500 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: Re: BUFFY: The Mayor At 21:22 1998-11-04 EST, wrote: >yeah i thought the mayor would be totally darker, but i think they're >obviously going somewhere with him and i guess if he was as bad as i >pictured him being, he wouldn't have been able to become mayor. If Jesse The Body Ventura can become Governor of the state of Minnesota, anything's possible but yeah, I think the point of how evil he is was meant to be driven home by how other people react to him. Specifically, Snyder all along and then especially with that aide that went in to tell him about the Germans. At this point I think we're still supposed to wonder why everyone is scared to death of this guy. >So, I guess he's okay for now. I expect him to soon ("like election day") >to turn into some kind of hideous monster or to become something truly >evil. And what's more evil than a politician willing to do absolutely anything -- and since this is Buffy, I suppose that includes building alliances with demons and sacrificing some of the local citizenry if need be -- to maintain power. One other thing: it would seem that Mr. Trick is not that old for a vampire. I'm basing this on what might have been just a sarcastic comment of his, but during his meeting with The Mayor, he was talking about the idea of The Mayor driving him out of Sunnydale because of his race was old long before he became a vampire. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Nov 98 22:39:25 PST From: "Sapphire" Subject: BUFFY: Cordy and other issues I have to say I used to like Cordy, but that time has past. During this = ep, she was completely self-centered, and inconsiderate. Even her supposed = confession of love was not a real one IMO. I am not quite sure she knows = the meaning of the word. How many times has Buffy saved her sorry butt? She = most certainly does not appreciate, nor does she make any attempt to understan= d what Buffy is going through. I can't believe that I will be glad to see her = leave when she goes to the new show. Buffy was totally in her right to be pissed at her.= While I understand that the gang offered to help her before Buffy decided to run,= they should have remained neutral afterwards. Cordy's behavior used to kinda = funny, but it has gone beyond that, IMO. I LOVED Willow and Xander!! Cordy, frankly, doesn't deserve Xander. I won= der about Oz, but perhaps Oz will find someone else, freeing up Willow. Who knows. = ;) I have to admit before I was not for this relationship, but now, I don't know. I am serio= usly conflicted! Sapphire - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 23:09:25 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: homecoming, my thoughts In a message dated 11/4/98 9:28:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << When the Mayor offered Trick a moist toilette, was anyone else thinking, those have to by moistened with Holy water???? Just a randon thought.... >> OH MY GOD!! I totally had the same exact thought!!!!!! Just mine! Dru - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #555 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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