From: NAV for Microsoft Exchange-MSBINFOEXCH Subject: Norton AntiVirus detected a virus in a message you sent. The inf Date: 09 Mar 2004 17:06:15 -0600 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C4062B.1F8B0482 Content-Type: text/plain Recipient of the infected attachment: Ron Quimby\Inbox Subject of the message: Hey, ya! =)) One or more attachments were deleted Attachment was Deleted for the following reasons: Virus W32.Beagle@mm!zip was found. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C4062B.1F8B0482 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IggXAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQWAAwAOAAAA1AcDAAkAEQAGAA8AAgAPAQEggAMADgAAANQHAwAJ ABEABgAPAAIADwEBCYABACEAAABFOThCNzREMDUxQkNEOTQwOTE0QkY0NTU5Nzk0QkFBMQA5BwEE gAEAXwAAAE5vcnRvbiBBbnRpVmlydXMgZGV0ZWN0ZWQgYSB2aXJ1cyBpbiBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgeW91 IHNlbnQuICBUaGUgaW5mZWN0ZWQgYXR0YWNobWVudCB3YXMgZGVsZXRlZC4AHyIBDYAEAAIAAAAC AAIAAQOQBgDkBQAAIQAAAAIBCRABAAAANgEAADIBAAC3AQAATFpGdXuS4G2HAAoBDQNDdGV4dAH3 /wKkA+QF6wKDAFAC8wa0AoMmMgPFAgBjaArAc2XYdDAgBxMCgH0KgAjP/wnZAoAKhAs3EsIB0Afw BZAHBSAIkAIwIG9mIHRoaGUgC4BmBZAO8GRsIGECQADQaAeAAjA6JiAH8QOgUXUHcGJ50FxcSW4G 4HgKowqAcFN1YmoZERhmB4FzCGFnZRoRSGV5LAAgeWEhID0pKfkbVU9uGMAFsQRgFUAZad0EIHcE kBjAAQBsE7AJgDUKowoaIEEZhwXQc2ezGwACEC56BSAf8GEEIHpEIGQgAhAFwBiiAhBs4xTQA/Bu ZyAVQCLAAiAcczobVRogGiBWaXKCdQQgVzMyLkIkoMJnIHBAbW0hInYCEFB1bmQuG1V9KGAAAAMA /T/kBAAAQAA5AIDmlh8rBsQBAwDxPwkEAAAeADFAAQAAABMAAABOQVZNU0UtTVNCSU5GT0VYQ0gA AAMAGkAAAAAAHgAwQAEAAAATAAAATkFWTVNFLU1TQklORk9FWENIAAADABlAAAAAAAIBcQABAAAA FgAAAAHEBisflvs+4bm/uEwMhEVzblztuQ0AAAMAJgAAAAAAAwA2AAAAAAAeAHAAAQAAAF8AAABO b3J0b24gQW50aVZpcnVzIGRldGVjdGVkIGEgdmlydXMgaW4gYSBtZXNzYWdlIHlvdSBzZW50LiAg VGhlIGluZmVjdGVkIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQgd2FzIGRlbGV0ZWQuAAALAPIQAQAAAAIBRwABAAAAMwAA AGM9VVM7YT0gO3A9VGhvbXNvbjtsPU1TQklORk9FWENILTA0MDMwOTIzMDYxNVotMTI4AAACAfk/ AQAAAFUAAAAAAAAA3KdAyMBCEBq0uQgAKy/hggEAAAAAAAAAL089VEhPTVNPTi9PVT1CT0VDS0gv Q049UkVDSVBJRU5UUy9DTj1OQVZNU0UtTVNCSU5GT0VYQ0gAAAAAHgD4PwEAAAAnAAAATkFWIGZv ciBNaWNyb3NvZnQgRXhjaGFuZ2UtTVNCSU5GT0VYQ0gAAB4AOEABAAAAEwAAAE5BVk1TRS1NU0JJ TkZPRVhDSAAAAgH7PwEAAABVAAAAAAAAANynQMjAQhAatLkIACsv4YIBAAAAAAAAAC9PPVRIT01T T04vT1U9Qk9FQ0tIL0NOPVJFQ0lQSUVOVFMvQ049TkFWTVNFLU1TQklORk9FWENIAAAAAB4A+j8B AAAAJwAAAE5BViBmb3IgTWljcm9zb2Z0IEV4Y2hhbmdlLU1TQklORk9FWENIAAAeADlAAQAAABMA AABOQVZNU0UtTVNCSU5GT0VYQ0gAAEAABzCCBIsfKwbEAUAACDAG3KIfKwbEAR4APQABAAAAAQAA AAAAAAAeAB0OAQAAAF8AAABOb3J0b24gQW50aVZpcnVzIGRldGVjdGVkIGEgdmlydXMgaW4gYSBt ZXNzYWdlIHlvdSBzZW50LiAgVGhlIGluZmVjdGVkIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQgd2FzIGRlbGV0ZWQuAAAe ADUQAQAAAEMAAAA8MkU2MjM2Mjc2QTM4NUM0Njg1MDUwNDc4RTcyMTg5RUUwMTgwNzU1NUBNU0JJ TkZPRVhDSC5tc2JpbmZvLmNvbT4AAAsAKQAAAAAACwAjAAAAAAADAAYQuzwKaAMABxC8AAAAAwAQ EAAAAAADABEQAQAAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAFJFQ0lQSUVOVE9GVEhFSU5GRUNURURBVFRBQ0hNRU5U OlJPTlFVSU1CWUlOQk9YU1VCSkVDVE9GVEhFTUVTU0FHRTpIRVksWUE9KSlPTkVPUk1PUkVBVFRB Q0hNRU5UU1dFUkUAAAAAAgF/AAEAAABDAAAAPDJFNjIzNjI3NkEzODVDNDY4NTA1MDQ3OEU3MjE4 OUVFMDE4MDc1NTVATVNCSU5GT0VYQ0gubXNiaW5mby5jb20+AABIdA== ------_=_NextPart_000_01C4062B.1F8B0482-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hollie Correa" Subject: Cable-TV Filter Lets You Get It ALL-FOR-NOTHING, Tue, 09 Mar 2004 21:05:37 -0500 Date: 09 Mar 2004 21:05:37 -0500 ----24896640316269970 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Tue, 09 Mar 2004 21:05:37 -0500 Cable-TV Viewers Cable-TV Filter lets you get your Pay-Per-View, Mature Channels, Movie Channels, and Sporting Events for NOTHING. Not to worry, it's legal. Check out the legal-page on our site. Find Out More - Not for you - sum collate embeddable resurrect scram madeira dynamite prehistoric impeller mynah charcoal gifford electric ----24896640316269970-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Clarice Souza" Subject: NASDAQ TIMER - PWRM to Obtain CE Mark For European Marketplace, Tue, 09 Mar 2004 07:35:35 -0500 Date: 09 Mar 2004 07:35:35 -0500 ----60983492899203143 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Tue, 09 Mar 2004 07:35:35 -0500 MARKET-TORQUE - The European Union’s Premier U.S. NASDAQ Timer First Edition - Symbol: PWRM - Recent News will add millions to bottom line News Release: Power3 Medical's SutureMate to Obtain CE Mark Required for Sales In European Marketplace BRADENTON, Fla., (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (OTCBB: PWRM) announces that they are in the final process of obtaining CE product designation required to initiate International sales of their SutureMate(r) product. The CE Mark is a requirement which products must meet in order to be sold in the European market, including stringent safety and performance requirements. Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (pronounced "Third Power Medical Products") has a strategic focus to acquire, create and deploy innovative healthcare and bio-tech products and service solutions that clearly enhance the effectiveness, viability and well being of those they serve on a worldwide scale. They project with the new CE and International marketing efforts taking place that SutureMate utilization and international sales will grow to 50,000 units per month by year end 2004, resulting in gross revenues exceeding two million dollars per year for this product line. Disclosure: Market-Torque (M-T) is not a registered financial advisory. The information presented by M-T is not for purchasing or selling securities. M-T compiles then distributes opinions, comments and information based on other public sources. Penny stocks are considered to be highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. M-T does not hold nor does it plan to hold a position in this stock. This Profile was a paid advertisement by a third party not affiliated with the profiled company. M-T was compensated four thousand dollars to publish and distribute this report. Paid advertisements for a third party do not necessarily reflect the views of M-T. Target prices may fluctuate depending on market environments. Please always consult a registered financial advisor before making any decisions. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. Copyright 2004, Roytico Ltd. This report distributed by MMS. Apartado 173-3006 Zona Franca MeoBarreal Heredia, Costa Rica. No more ads, bobbie chalkline naivete espousal cogitate retardant airy purvey dyadic label scope datum penna bianco bond bijective cork afterlife maledict rinse died hellfire lacrosse constructor defector boon crag mist bourn corruption buttery sammy sawyer exile fracture ratify cyclorama sonic bindweed houseboat domineer knack canister fuchsia inexhaustible buckboard throw amadeus rusk inexplicable joe ----60983492899203143--