From: To: Subject: canslim Digest V1 #99 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: canslim Digest Thursday, 27 February 1997 Volume 01 : Number 099 In this issue: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) Re: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) Re: tech books (was re: [CANSLIM] ADEX) [CANSLIM] Easy Question? Re: [CANSLIM] Easy Question? Re: [CANSLIM] Qualifying as full-time investor Re: [CANSLIM] Market Comments, 2/24/97 Re: [CANSLIM] ADEX Re: [CANSLIM] Re: TAGS [CANSLIM] Analysis of CMVT [CANSLIM] CMVT Re: tech books (was re: [CANSLIM] ADEX) [CANSLIM] Newbie Re: [CANSLIM] CMVT Re: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) Re: [CANSLIM] Market Comments, 2/24/97 Re: [CANSLIM] Newbie Re: [CANSLIM] ADEX Fw: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the canslim or canslim-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Johan Van Houtven Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 16:39:50 +0100 Subject: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) 10:28 GREENSPAN: 'IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE' STILL A PROBLEM FOR MKTS. 10:26 GREENSPAN: DOUBTS 'SUSTAINABILITY' OF STOCK MARKET RISE. 10:24 DOW REGAINS 40 OF 96 POINTS LOST AFTER GREENSPAN COMMENTS. 10:21 DOW REGAINS 30 OF 96 POINTS LOST AFTER GREENSPAN COMMENTS. 10:20 FED GOVERNORS LOOKING AT ALTERNATIVE MEASURES OF INFLATION. 10:18 APRIL GOLD UP 5 TO 5225 ON GREENSPAN INFLATION WARNING. 10:16 DOW REGAINS 20 OF 96 POINTS LOST AFTER GREENSPAN COMMENTS. 10:15 MARCH BOND FUTURE OFF 1 1/32 ON GREENSPAN WARNING OF INFLATION. 10:12 SHARP STOCK MARKET RISE RAISES QUESTIONS FOR GREENSPAN. 10:12 GREENSPAN SEES POSSIBLE RISE IN CORE INFLATION RATE THIS YEAR. 10:10 DOWN FALLS 90 TO 6947 ON GREENSPAN WARNING OF MARKET VALUE. 10:09 GREENSPAN VIEWS US ECONOMIC PROPECTS AS 'QUITE FAVORABLE'. 10:07 DOW INDUSTRIALS DROP 0.9% ON GREENSPAN'S CAUTIONARY COMMENTS. 10:05 GREENSPAN SAYS RISK OF HIGH ASSET VALUE REMAINS. 10:02 GREENSPAN SAYS LOW INFLATION DUE TO TEMPORARY FACTORS. Whi is this guy so keen on making comments about the stock market's valuation? - --- Johan Van Houtven / Belgium ------------------------------ From: "Jay Cliburn" Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 09:12:30 -0700 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) > [near real-time Greenspan comments deleted] > > Whi is this guy so keen on making comments about the stock > market's valuation? > > --- Johan Van Houtven / Belgium I can't answer your question, but your message demonstrates the true power of the Internet as we know it. Think about it: A man in Belgium keeps abreast of the comments -- as they occur -- of America's leading banker delivering a report before America's legislative branch. He also charts America's stock markets' reaction to the comments. The Belgian then reports the information within an hour of its dissemination to electronic colleagues on the other side of the Atlantic, from Virginia to Utah to California. Amazing. Thanks Johan. - -- Jay Cliburn | Space Dynamics Laboratory Computational Sciences Division | 1747 North Research Park Way | Logan, Utah, USA 84341 (801) 755-4317 (voice) | (801) 755-4366 (fax) ------------------------------ From: (Dan Musicant) Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 17:43:06 GMT Subject: Re: tech books (was re: [CANSLIM] ADEX) :> BTW, if memory serves me correctly, there is a web site that has=20 :> a "Short Course in Technical Analysis." Maybe someone on the list=20 :> can help here. : :yep, i've seen it, but didn't find enuf there to make me=20 :wanna bookmark it, sorry : :mike I found some considerable treatment in a TA vain at: Dan ------------------------------ From: "Falk, Dave" Date: Wed, 26 Feb 97 13:52:00 PST Subject: [CANSLIM] Easy Question? I joined this list a week ago, and am amazed how many people really follow the CANSLIM methodology. I apologize in advance if the following is a stupid question. I have recently read "How to Make Money in Stocks" for the 3rd time. I have no prior investment experience, and this book is currently my only point of reference for investing. I would appreciate if someone could answer the following: O'Neil states in his book that it is OK to average up on a stock after initial purchase. He also refers to purchasing a stock once it is extended from a base by more than 5 or 10 percent as "chasing a stock", and recommends against it. If I purchase a stock at the correct point as it is breaking out of a base, and procede to average up on the stock once it jumps 10 - 15%, isn't this the same thing as buying a stock that is extended 10 - 15% from a base? I'm sure some of you CANSLIM gurus can enlighten me on this one. ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 12:52:45 PST Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Easy Question? > O'Neil states in his book that it is OK to average up on a stock after > initial purchase. He also refers to purchasing a stock once it is extended > from a base by more than 5 or 10 percent as "chasing a stock", and > recommends against it. > > If I purchase a stock at the correct point as it is breaking out of a base, > and procede to average up on the stock once it jumps 10 - 15%, isn't this > the same thing as buying a stock that is extended 10 - 15% from a base? Averaging up means buying again at the next higher breakout after the appropriate "cup and handle" formation. O'Neil likes to use MSFT and CSCO as examples of long ascend over many years. There were many buy points along the way. Luke Lang ------------------------------ From: "Mike Artobello" Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 12:46:34 -0800 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Qualifying as full-time investor > > From: > > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Qualifying as full-time investor > > Date: Friday, February 21, 1997 4:06 PM > > > > How does one qualify as a full-time investor for federal income-tax > > purposes? > > You need speak to a qualified tax consultant that specializes in > investment planning. The only one I know of is Ted Tesser, he wrote > the book on this subject, 'The Serious Investors Tax Survival > Guide'. He also speaks at several investment seminars. You can > contact him at the following address: > > Ted Tesser > Waterside Financial Services > 261 Madison Ave. 7th Floor > New York, N.Y. 10010 > > I spoke to him a few years ago when I was trading commodities. He > was very helpful. Sorry but I lost his phone number. Write to him > and he'll send you an information package. You can then call him > for a free consultation. > > I'm not associated with him in any way, just know about his services. > I just received a flyer in the mail from Ted Tessor that has his new addresses, phone number and email address. Here's the info: Waterside Financial Services 530 Fifth Ave., Suite 420, New York, N.Y. 10036 123 N.W. 13th St., Suite 313, Boca Raton, FL 33432 13428 Maxella Ave., Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Phone: 1-800-556-9829 Email: Again, I'm not associated with Ted Tesser or Waterside Financial in any way, just checked out their services in the past. Regards, Mike - ----------------------------------------------------------- Mike Artobello - ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 19:09:52 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Comments, 2/24/97 In a message dated 97-02-25 20:19:45 EST, you write: << I don't know how to obtain the new hi/low stats on NASDAQ. Can you provide the ticker symbol to look them up (including NYSE hi/low)? Thanks. Best regards, Luke Lang >> Luke, Try they looked good also. Peter Newell ------------------------------ From: Jonathan Polito - Lucent ASCC Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 19:21:03 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ADEX Just to belabour this some more ;-) Ascending(Bullish)/Descending(Bearish) Triangles are continuation patterns i.e. it is expected the trend will continue up/down. However, they sometimes (less frequently) mark a reversal. Thus an ascending triangle may mark the bottom, a descending triangle the top. The min requirement for a triangle is 4 reversal pts. It is important that the breakout occurs on good volume. There is also a Symmetrical Triangle which is inherently a neutral pattern or just a pause in the trend. The breakout should occur between 1/2 to 3/4 the horizontal width o.w. the pattern is probably breaking down. There is also a theory of measurement, which states the breakout should be equiv to the height of the triangle at the base. As far as books on TA, I'd recommend: Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets by John Murphy, which is a good comprehensive textbook on TA. The New Technical Trader by Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll which is an excellent though more advanced and specialized book on TA. - - Jonathan. >>>>> "Mike" == Michael A Langston writes: >>> but I think I see what Mike is noticing (his ascending triangle) >>> which I generally describe as a convergence. That is, if you draw >>> a line along the recent highs (last six weeks or so) and another >>> along the lows, you will see the lines are sharply converging. >> didn't know what "ascending triangle" meant. Thanks for the >> explanation. Mike> sheesh jim, just ask! -- to embellish on tom's comments, Mike> ascending triangles have flattish tops (and tend to break out to Mike> the upside, watch volume) -- descending triangles have flattist Mike> bottoms (and tend to break to the downside) -- symmetric Mike> triangles have an apex in the middle of their range, that is, Mike> both top and bottom are sloped (and are thought to be much Mike> harder to guess b/o direction) -- but you don't really want a Mike> triangle to go all the way to a point, that often signals a b/o Mike> failure -- early last year, ascending triangles and Mike> high-tight-flags were a dime a dozen, ah, the good old days -- Mike> btw, you'll sometimes hear ascending triangles called "coils" -- Mike> FWIW, i'd say that most canslimmers oughta consider adding a Mike> tech analysis book or two to the old bookshelf -- i'd draw pix Mike> but if you saw my ascii renderings you'd probably be sorry... ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 19:49:42 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re: TAGS I paper traded in October, much easier than now. First real pick was TSRI at 14 1/4 sold 4 days later at 39 wish I'd bought more Then I got to pumped up and got sloppy and lost it all a little more. My other good picks were ASVI JPMX, BOOM and possibly SNUS << > TAGS closed at 17 1/2 today, up 1 1/2 points (9.38%), on very high > volume of 183,000, compared to their avg daily vol of 25,600. > > Profits on my paper trade are up 16.67%. Not bad for my first pick. > Not sure if it was just luck or skilled analysis :-) >Good job, Mike. Reminds me of last November when I jumped on >HDCO for the first time right ahead of the earnings report. >In retrospect, I admitted that I was lucky, too. >TAGS may as well be _your_ baby. There is a limit to >the analysis one can do. I think luck has a lot to >do with all this. Only, you need to wet your feet with real > money next time...for improved blood circulation during the >ride. The difference is almost like the difference >between web-surfing and downhill skiing. >Good luck, >Zoran >> ------------------------------ From: "Mike Artobello" Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 18:51:33 -0800 Subject: [CANSLIM] Analysis of CMVT The following is my analysis of CMVT. This is one of the stocks on my watch list. CMVT - Comverse Technology C - +43% +48% +53% +85% A - +40% N - Soros Fund Management forms new $30 million technology venture capital fund with Comverse Technology subsidiary (source: Yahoo Quotes) S - 21.6 mil. shares outstanding 18.6 mil. float L - EPS 95 RS 92 GS 59 Acc/Dist B Timeliness B I - 39 % Funds 10% Banks M - Down today on Greenspans comments. May continue to correct before heading back up. Chart Pattern: Saucer and Handle Saucer Left Side High: 41 7/8 on 9/20/96 Bottom Low: 30 7/8 on 11/21/97 Right Side High: 46 1/2 on 1/21/97 Handle Major Resistance: 46 1/2 on 1/21/97 & 2/25/97 Recent Support: 42 3/4 on 1/21/97 Hit again several times Highest High: 47 5/8 on 2/18/97 Highest Close: 46 3/8 on 2/18/97 & 2/19/97 Lowest Low: 41 3/4 on 1/20/97 & 2/5/97 Lowest Close: 42 1/2 on 2/7/97 Pivot Point: 46 1/2 Pivot Point +5%: 47 7/8 Pivot Point +10%: 51 1/8 Saucer has formed over a 4 month period, handle has been forming for the past 4 weeks. Record earnings reported 2/18/97 for 4th qtr 96 and fiscal 96. Hit new highs for 3 days following earnings report then began correcting. Closed down today at 43 7/8, near recent support. Has higher institutional sponsorship then I'd like, may have too much exposure. According to Zack's, 7 brokers have buy recommendations with 6 of them strong buys (source: Yahoo Quotes). However, this looks like a strong company and I'm going to keep my eye on it. Regards, Mike - ----------------------------------------------------------- Mike Artobello - ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Dave Dubinsky Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 04:31:48 -0800 Subject: [CANSLIM] CMVT > > Saucer has formed over a 4 month period, handle has been forming for > the past 4 weeks. Record earnings reported 2/18/97 for 4th qtr 96 and > fiscal 96. Hit new highs for 3 days following earnings report then began > correcting. Closed down today at 43 7/8, near recent support. Mike: Does it concern you that your handle is fluctuating more than 10%? I'd really like to see it tighten up a bit here. I like the funnymentals of the company also. It's going to have to really pick up the volume on a breakout or I'll be leaving it alone. - Dave ------------------------------ From: "Richard S." Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 22:57:48 -0600 Subject: Re: tech books (was re: [CANSLIM] ADEX) Thats the site that I saw the "short course" on also. Its a good site for folks that are interested in charting. << Richard S. >> - ---------- From: Dan Musicant To: Subject: Re: tech books (was re: [CANSLIM] ADEX) Date: Wednesday, February 26, 1997 11:43 AM :> BTW, if memory serves me correctly, there is a web site that has :> a "Short Course in Technical Analysis." Maybe someone on the list :> can help here. : I found some considerable treatment in a TA vain at: Dan - ---------- ------------------------------ From: Scott Violet Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 09:04:04 -0800 Subject: [CANSLIM] Newbie Hi everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself to the list. I'm very new to the whole investing arena and am just finishing up O'Neils book and saw the list. I have invested some money and read a few books on the area and am very excited about O'Neils ideas and using them. I live in Mountain View, CA, am 25 and a computer programmer:) -Scott Violet ( ------------------------------ From: "Mike Artobello" Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 21:16:58 -0800 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CMVT Dave Dubinsky wrote: > Does it concern you that your handle is fluctuating more than 10%? I'd > really like to see it tighten up a bit here. I like the funnymentals of > the company also. It's going to have to really pick up the volume on a > breakout or I'll be leaving it alone. > Yes, I would also like to see it tighten up a bit. I have a correction to my earlier statement regarding new highs after earnings. Actually it reached new highs the 2 days prior to the earnings reports and the day of the report. It looks like a potential failed breakout. Just prior to the earnings report, both price and volume declined for several days, then shot back up on increased volume 2 days before the earnings report. Since then price and volume have been declining. Need to give this one some more time. Regards, Mike - ----------------------------------------------------------- Mike Artobello - ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 01:10:22 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) The good news is, despite a drop of over 90 pts, the mkt rallied back to about a minus 30, then after another drop past the minus 100 spot, still managed to climb back. Appeared to me the drop created an opportunity for bargain shoppers to jump in (or shorters to cover). Question now is, was this the last frantic scramble to climb on board the train before the 5 to 10% correction that is so expected? I had planned a mkt comment as well as a Greenspan analysis, but not getting out of work until almost 10PM kinda screwed that up, just finished dinner and already past midnight, got about an inch of Greenspan commentaries plus the text of his speech to wade thru, and haven't even begun reviewing the rest of mkt action. Will try to pull something together in next several days. Coupla fast items I did manage to note in a frantic, busy day: bond mkt got hit worse than stock mkt; money appears to be flowing out of funds; gold isn't benefiting, nor is the dollar, from money exiting stocks; Russell 2000 suffered more than NASDAQ; while vol up on NYSE and NASDAQ, still not that heavy considering the action. DELL did good job supporting the techs, and tomorrow USRX and COMS appear ready to do the same despite more bad earnings from the networking groups today (ADSK and NOVL). USRX was trading over 71 in aftermkt, COMS was up a couple of pts even tho it's the acquiring co. The dollar was up on the belief that rates will rise, which may be why gold went sideways. Int'l mkt not helped, Greenspan managed to stop a rally throughout Central and South America. Japan down, Australia down, Hong Kong up. Stronger dollar and higher rates will make it more costly/difficult for Japanese corps to convert their dollar assets into yen. Want to investigate possible breech between Greenspan and rest of G7, his comments seemed to fly in face of recent indications, including remarks by German Finance Minister. Lots to read, review and think about, esp sorting out the media spin from what was really said and meant. Will report back when I can be more precise. And Jay, you left off New Zealand, and one or two other countries I can't think of now. This is a really international group, one reason I am trying to learn more about the int'l influences and effects. tom w - ---------- > From: Jay Cliburn > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) > Date: Wednesday, February 26, 1997 11:12 AM > > > [near real-time Greenspan comments deleted] > > > > Whi is this guy so keen on making comments about the stock > > market's valuation? > > ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 01:17:07 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Comments, 2/24/97 I admit I am spoiled by the data services I have available at work, so have to do relatively little on the net in way of finding stat type data. Try symbols ".NHN" and ".NLN" for NYSE new hi and lows and ".NHO" and ".NLO" for OTC. If that doesn't work, try looking up in the site's symbol book using entries like "codes", "index", "new high", etc. and see if that triggers something. I sure there are a lot of sources on the net, I just don't need them so can't help. - ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Comments, 2/24/97 > Date: Wednesday, February 26, 1997 7:09 PM > > In a message dated 97-02-25 20:19:45 EST, you write: > > << I don't know how to obtain the new hi/low stats on NASDAQ. Can you > provide the ticker symbol ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 01:27:56 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Newbie Welcome Scott, hope you learn a lot here. Since software stocks make up or influence a lot of the tech groups, hope you can give us some insight. Feel free to jump in anytime. Your thoughts and opinions are welcome tom w - ---------- > From: Scott Violet > To: > Subject: [CANSLIM] Newbie > Date: Thursday, February 27, 1997 12:04 PM > > Hi everyone, > Just wanted to introduce myself to the list. ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 01:25:09 -0500 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] ADEX My good deed yesterday was delaying a broker who is usually smarter from entering a mkt order to buy 2000 CTN after I checked the quote. After a brief discussion, he still wanted the order entered, so I complied but in that 30 seconds or so the trading was halted. After he "cooled off" a little, he cancelled the order. And yes, after he saw the 4-6 indications later, he thanked me since he would have bot around 14.5 or higher. I try to look after my better brokers, esp when they are doing a Garzarelli. tom w - ---------- > From: Michael A Langston > To: > Subject: re: [CANSLIM] ADEX > Date: Wednesday, February 26, 1997 8:45 AM > > but just for grins, i do have a new tech gauge i've dubbed the > "gullability indicator" > well now we have something of a repeat in CTN, w/ folks falling > all over themselves to buy (or maybe cover shorts) on a co w/ > cooked books, a zoned out cfo, a ceo in jail, and the threat > of delisting -- of course the rumors that the co is ok may very > well be true, but i can't imagine throwing $ at a co w/ this > recent history, and so my "gullability indicator" is going red > No company is "ok" with this going on, it may be survivable, it may be oversold, but that is speculation (understand gambling). No one outside, and maybe inside, really knows what shape this co is in. Anyone taking a long position, no matter the rationale or justification, is speculating. And that's without even considering how much of their cash will be spent on lawyer's fees fighting, and ultimately settling, the class action lawsuit. ------------------------------ From: "tom worley" Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 07:22:25 -0500 Subject: Fw: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) Another one majordomo "forgot" to pass along, this problem seems to be getting worse, anyone got a suggestion for keeping track of whether your msgs went thru? tom w - ---------- > From: tom worley > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: Greenspan ;^) > Date: Thursday, February 27, 1997 1:10 AM > > The good news is, despite a drop of over 90 pts, the mkt rallied back > to about a minus 30, then after another drop past the minus 100 spot, > still managed to climb back. Appeared to me the drop created an > opportunity for bargain shoppers to jump in (or shorters to cover). > Question now is, was this the last frantic scramble to climb on board > the train before the 5 to 10% correction that is so expected? I had > planned a mkt comment as well as a Greenspan analysis, but not > getting out of work until almost 10PM kinda screwed that up, just > finished dinner and already past midnight, got about an inch of > Greenspan commentaries plus the text of his speech to wade thru, and > haven't even begun reviewing the rest of mkt action. Will try to pull > something together in next several days. Coupla fast items I did > manage to note in a frantic, busy day: bond mkt got hit worse than > stock mkt; money appears to be flowing out of funds; gold isn't > benefiting, nor is the dollar, from money exiting stocks; Russell > 2000 suffered more than NASDAQ; while vol up on NYSE and NASDAQ, > still not that heavy considering the action. DELL did good job > supporting the techs, and tomorrow USRX and COMS appear ready to do > the same despite more bad earnings from the networking groups today > (ADSK and NOVL). USRX was trading over 71 in aftermkt, COMS was up a > couple of pts even tho it's the acquiring co. The dollar was up on > the belief that rates will rise, which may be why gold went sideways. > Int'l mkt not helped, Greenspan managed to stop a rally throughout > Central and South America. Japan down, Australia down, Hong Kong up. > Stronger dollar and higher rates will make it more costly/difficult > for Japanese corps to convert their dollar assets into yen. Want to > investigate possible breech between Greenspan and rest of G7, his > comments seemed to fly in face of recent indications, including > remarks by German Finance Minister. > Lots to read, review and think about, esp sorting out the media spin > from what was really said and meant. Will report back when I can be > more precise. > > And Jay, you left off New Zealand, and one or two other countries I > can't think of now. This is a really international group, one reason > I am trying to learn more about the int'l influences and effects. > > tom w > ---------- > > From: Jay Cliburn > > To: > > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] The 'M' factor's important subfactor: > Greenspan ;^) > > Date: Wednesday, February 26, 1997 11:12 AM > > > > > [near real-time Greenspan comments deleted] > > > > > > Whi is this guy so keen on making comments about the stock > > > market's valuation? > > > > ------------------------------ End of canslim Digest V1 #99 **************************** To subscribe to canslim Digest, send the command: subscribe canslim-digest in the body of a message to "". 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