From: (canslim Digest) To: Subject: canslim Digest V1 #124 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: canslim Digest Thursday, April 3 1997 Volume 01 : Number 124 In this issue: Re: [CANSLIM] Bears and Spiders Re: [CANSLIM] Buying In This Market? Re: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM Re: [CANSLIM] Ticker Symbols Re: [CANSLIM] Ticker Symbols RE: [CANSLIM] DELL and addition the investing Re: [CANSLIM] Split info Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus Re: [CANSLIM] Rate Hikes RE: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus RE: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM [CANSLIM] Year 2000 Problem Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus Re: [CANSLIM] Rate Hikes [CANSLIM] Ants in the pants for novice investors? Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus [CANSLIM] WEB Site w/ Charts of Prior Bear/Bull Mkts [CANSLIM] [Not CANSLIM]: Stepping in front of an index (DOW)? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the canslim or canslim-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 01:39:18 -0500 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bears and Spiders Historically, O'Neill would about match the S&P500 in a down mkt, then beat the socks off it in an up mkt. Let's hear it for Candlestick, The City is one of the few "big" cities where I felt safe walking around late at night ('76-'79). Hope it hasn't changed, still want to go back and visit. Fisherman's Wharf and Giardelli Square hold special sentimental memories of times with my wife. If there is already an existing large short position in SPY, why would you want to chase it? Find another one to short that hasn't been so well discovered. You are correct, if it tanks, at least some of the shorts will cover, creating buyside pressue, which could completely reverse a "tank". tom w - ---------- > From: Steve > To: > Subject: [CANSLIM] Bears and Spiders > Date: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 3:31 PM > > calls it Candlestick. > > O'Neil says that canslim will lose money in a down market. When the > > There is currently a large short interest in SPY. This would probably > get very large if the bear bites. > > > effect on the SP500, but is it possible that short covering on the way ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 01:33:13 -0500 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Buying In This Market? What I like about MLHR is its endurance in the midst of a bloodbath and its CANSLIM nrs. The upcoming split may be helping some of this, and it may also simply be a "safe haven" for those that must be invested. I still feel that we are at a consolidation point. As I mentioned, yesterday's action encouraged me in this opinion. This selloff has long passed the point where it can be explained on fundamental or overvalued grounds. Now, it is purely emotional and reactive. I feel very strongly that, by and large, sellers right now are doing a Garzarelli and will regret it within weeks or days. After my review tonite of those stocks with neg earnings preannouncements, esp those being sliced and diced by 30 to 50% in a single day, I have even more confidence in those few stocks that have held up that show strong CANSLIM nrs. And the fastest thing to change in the mkt is investor psychology. Let us have two or three decent days in a row, and the airhead commentators will be talking about how we have "turned the corner", "bottomed out", "consolidating before another run up", "healthy correction" blah blah blah, and everyone will be running to chase the mkt back up a ways. The down side on the Dow 30 that I see is about 6200 right now, but I see that as an outside chance. What I would like to see is two or three days where all major indexes show a half percent or so move up with good vol. This is cherry picking season, and that is probably all it would take to bring out the sidelined cash. tom w - ---------- > From: Brenda > To: canslim > Subject: [CANSLIM] Buying In This Market? > Date: Thursday, April 03, 1997 12:37 AM > > > Tom mentioned MLHR earlier and I wish I were brave enough to put more of my > eggs into this basket. However, it seems that when too many eggs are in one > basket that is the VERY basket that breaks. > > Didn't see anybody predicting a bottom tonight but I may have just missed > it. Looks like, if the market is looking for a place to stop and rest, 6500 > could be a very good technical place to consolidate. Fly down past this and > who knows? Tom? Your guess? I am going to guess that the market intra day > will break the 6500 on the downside, close above it, and "hopefully" hang > around here for a few days. The non-farm payroll jobs number (Friday?) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 21:46:19 -0900 From: "Michael" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM Sorry to have missed the location of DG online. Could someone please help with the address? - ---------- > From: Tom Worley > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM > Date: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 5:55 PM > > Nice review Zoran. > DG online does allow you to draw lines ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 07:10:31 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Ticker Symbols For the benefit of people like me who are unable to identify each company by it's ticker symbol, it would be nice if companies could be identified by name rather than just a ticker symbol. I can't look up a stock in Investors' Business Daily or The Wall Street Journal or even in Daily Graphs using a ticker symbol; the listings are arranged alphabetically by name. For example: "Filene's Basement (BSMT) has opened a lot of stores lately. BSMT is a stock to watch carefully." In this way we won't be looking for BSMT in the listings under "B" rather than "F." Douglas Herman ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 07:10:31 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Ticker Symbols For the benefit of people like me who are unable to identify each company by it's ticker symbol, it would be nice if companies could be identified by name rather than just a ticker symbol. I can't look up a stock in Investors' Business Daily or The Wall Street Journal or even in Daily Graphs using a ticker symbol; the listings are arranged alphabetically by name. For example: "Filene's Basement (BSMT) has opened a lot of stores lately. BSMT is a stock to watch carefully." In this way we won't be looking for BSMT in the listings under "B" rather than "F." Douglas Herman ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 06:23:30 -0800 From: Joseph Vaughn-Perling Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] DELL and addition the investing - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC3FF7.926FBE40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable SIGgraph is the Special Interest Group (for Computer) Graphics. Its one = of the fastest growing subgroups of the Association of Computing = Machinery. Its growing so fast now that it is spawning its own = subgroups. I've been a member since 1991. - -----Original Message----- From: Tom Worley [] Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 7:03 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] DELL and addition the investing have visited you in connection with visiting my brother in Belgium.BTW, = what's a "siggraph"? tom w - ---------- > From: Johan Van Houtven > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] DELL and addition the investing > Date: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 9:29 AM >=20 - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC3FF7.926FBE40 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IigOAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYA0AEAAAEAAAAQAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAUQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAaAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAMAFQwBAAAA AwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAABwAAAAnY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAgELMAEAAAAf AAAAU01UUDpDQU5TTElNQE1BSUwuWE1JU1NJT04uQ09NAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAHgD2XwEA AAAaAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAIB918BAAAAUQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQ GZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwu eG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAAAAMA/V8BAAAAAwD/XwAAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAACwWgBBIABAC4A AABSRTogW0NBTlNMSU1dIERFTEwgYW5kIGFkZGl0aW9uIHRoZSBpbnZlc3RpbmcACA8BBYADAA4A AADNBwQAAwAGABcAHgAEABoBASCAAwAOAAAAzQcEAAMABgATAAcABAD/AAEJgAEAIQAAAEFGQUVC QkQwQUZBQUQwMTE4MDgwMDAwMEY4MDJGOEQzAEkHAQOQBgBQBgAAIQAAAAsAAgABAAAACwAjAAAA AAADACYAAAAAAAsAKQAAAAAAAwAuAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQAgIqSaOkC8AR4AcAABAAAALgAA AFJFOiBbQ0FOU0xJTV0gREVMTCBhbmQgYWRkaXRpb24gdGhlIGludmVzdGluZwAAAAIBcQABAAAA FgAAAAG8QDqaf9C7rrCqrxHQgIAAAPgC+NMAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAY AAAAcGVybGluZ0BkYWlseWdyYXBocy5jb20AAwAGEOkWj64DAAcQbgIAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAFNJ R0dSQVBISVNUSEVTUEVDSUFMSU5URVJFU1RHUk9VUChGT1JDT01QVVRFUilHUkFQSElDU0lUU09O RU9GVEhFRkFTVEVTVEdST1dJTkdTVUJHUk9VUFNPRlRIRUFTU09DSUEAAAAAAgEJEAEAAAAcAwAA GAMAAKsEAABMWkZ15a0VUAMACgByY3BnMTI1FjIA+Atgbg4QMDMznQH3IAKkA+MCAGNoCsDgc2V0 MCAHEwKDAFChEHZwcnEyEXZ9CoDZCMggOwlvDjA1AoAKgex1YwBQCwNjEhILxAYAhElHCcBhcGgg BADQIHRoZQYAcAWQBzG8IEkCMASQB5AFQEcDYHB1cCAoAhAFwAhQbXRwdRjxKRlRF6EN4HN0LiAY wHQEIAIgGDBvcmYYA2ZhGTAZIgnAb8MD8A8gIHN1YhzRGZArG4Eb9EEEEG8YgXRp7wIgG9IaFB0S TQDQGvAbsCxyeRs1HNdvHEMgbr8c8BgBHsAX0CJhBCBzCrB+dwMAHSEigBuBIxAdSC4XCqIV0gMg aAJAcDovVC93JaAuAJBnF4MuHQWwZyTxAUAko0kndsUYMGIJ4SBhIAeABtAXBJAdQAuAYxgwMTk5 DjEkhik3CzBsaTM2nwFAFpAm0QNgGPBjdBIEUDE2IC0r4k8FEGcLC4AYoU0HkHNhZ2U/K+MpJir0 JtMLMSr2aS0YMTQ0AUAqQDE4MEcBQAzQL4NiIEYDYTqVDINiEWBUA3AgVwWwAGxleSBbU01UJFA6 GTBrZwhwdUCrG7AbcGkBAC4zMV0klW8wsAZgAjAxF1cJgBuwc3BkYXksEXASwAMRMIYyNeAo0Tcg NzoPULggUE0z9zGgMRdjAHEZKkBtQADAAxAueG1rBAEe4S4FoG0z+B1gaiMrITEXUmU6MkBDQQBO U0xJTV0gREhFTEwn0G5kJ9Bk/mQigB7iGBILgCdgGTAdEX8tjy6aKkQLtik5EQAnYXbnBAAigAmA IHkIYD3xOJD/AiAbsCswHuID8BgQQjQdEnptMjBiKvEYIAXAQwFCBGVsLGB1bS5CVGpXNeB3IkEn BCAn4CKpJeYiPySUdDGxdySUiyvjLTk+MMQgSm8RANUDoFYDkUgIYHQnYAOgmjxKQy5KoUrlQHAd EfouJ5A+SWY38TifOa1JwN86xju/PM8930mxRB7AUHHDNV82Zzk6MjkRcDdVF0nAKSoTgQBXoAMA EBAAAAAAAwAREAEAAAADAIAQ/////0AABzBwK4n9OUC8AUAACDBwK4n9OUC8AQsAAYAIIAYAAAAA AMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAAOFAAAAAAAAAwAFgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAUoUAALcNAAAeAAaA CCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAABUhQAAAQAAAAQAAAA4LjAAAwAHgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYA AAAAAYUAAAAAAAALABCACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAOhQAAAAAAAAMAEYAIIAYAAAAAAMAA AAAAAABGAAAAABCFAAAAAAAAAwASgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAEYUAAAAAAAADABWACCAG AAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAYhQAAAAAAAB4AJYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADaFAAABAAAA AQAAAAAAAAAeACaACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAA3hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgAngAggBgAA AAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAOIUAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAB4APQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAAwANNP03 AADUag== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC3FF7.926FBE40-- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 08:22:24 -0600 From: "Brenda" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Split info - ---------- > From: Tom Worley > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Split info > Date: Thursday, April 03, 1997 12:16 AM > > Having handled several hundred, at least, ACAT transfers plus a number > of other type transfers, I can say with authority that a broker dealer > to broker dealer transfer of an account today will take a normal eight > to nine business days. If it is an IRA, it may take an addl day or so > since the receiving custodian must first accept the acct and its > assets. Are you in limbo during this time? Absolutely not. You can > always sell in anticipation of delivery. Is it a good idea? No, cuz > things can go wrong, and delivery can be delayed beyond today's T+3 (3 > day) settlement. On the other hand, any decent firm will have no > problem with a sale of assets yet to be delivered once they have > received the inventory of those assets (typically occurs about day 3 of > the 8 day cycle). Where things get complicated is when you are > transferring from a bank or other not "broker dealer" and/or where the > assets are not "DTC eligible". > > Hate to say this Tom but your story is wonderful but "in the real world" it is just not true for all. Sorry! Ture story. Jack White received the paper work for a transfer with ALL forms properly completed in their hands on Feb 18th. Transfer from Schwab was finally completed on March 26th. And what is AMAZING was that it was not even stocks. It was cold hard cash. They actually had the payment three days prior to having the account open for trading that I am aware of. Sooner than that? Probably. Now it was an account in the six figure range. Also, mail in an app to open an account with a CASHIER's CHECK and it will take 3 days before you can trade. True I have never seen this anywhere else although I know it must exist. My previous experiences with four other brokerages has been somewhat better than this. However, each house has it's own pluses and minuses. I just thought to be ranked NUMBER ONE for three years in a row by that magazine...... Whew! Hate to see what experiences with number 10 might be like. Remember Dragnet? Oh well, just one of many stories out there. Have a good day. James ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 15:44:59 GMT From: (Gui Meyen) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus Quotes Plus is a quote program which has a Canslim filtering capability (albeit a very limited one). Usually when I do the scanning there are about 40 - 80 candidates on the output. So guess how many are coming out these days: About 8. As of today: BSNX=20 CEBC=20 CGNE=20 MK =20 NDN =20 SNM =20 SVM =20 TCNJ =20 Gui. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 14:54:59 GMT From: (Dan Musicant) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Rate Hikes I only suggested that a market crash would be likely to bring on a recession and a possible depression because that was the chain of events in 1929 and into the 30's. I saw a post (don't know if it was accurate) a couple of days ago that asserted that someone who suffered the brunt of the 1929 crash and didn't get out of the market would not have achieved even status until 1955. Vis a vis Y2K... I had the same opinion as you, Tom, until I posted that opinion (in not so much detail as you just did) in the misc.invest.stocks UseNet group and got a couple of replies from a programmer/analyst who insisted that I did not know what I was talking about. I am a computer programmer by profession, but I deal in 4th generation languages, and the depth of my knowledge in the computer field is decent, some would say tremendous (I'm sure), but I know that in comparison to some people, it's not great. This person insisted that everyone he knows who is truly in a position to assess the importance of Y2K is convinced that it will be a very major problem. I will post some of the interchange below for those who are interested: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ---- Here is a message I posted to the above mentioned newsgroup: On Fri, 10 Jan 1997 10:47:40 +0000, Peter Webb wrote: A post I answered on the newsgroup: :Definately overdone, I think that the media have done a great job in :turning this mundane issue into a sensantional story that will run into :the next century. My UseNet reply: Very much so. In fact, I don't think I have seen it nearly as overdone as in the lengthy statements above in this thread. I doubt that the "Year 2000 bug" will amount to much more than a blip on the radar screen in the big picture. Virtually all of the systems affected are those that were not thought to be likely to survive until the turn of the century. That has to be a small percentage. The cost of replacing what was thought to be not worth great can that be. Be realistic. Dan - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ---- Here is a reply to me: To: (Dan Musicant) Subject: Re: THE MARKET CRASH =46rom: Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 16:48:27 EST ** Reply to note from (Dan Musicant) Sat, 18 Jan 1997 05:32:47 GMT=20 =20 Thanks for writing Dan, I HOPE you are right and I am=20 wrong. I don't think so. As I posted on usenet, I have=20 surveyed my circle of Wizards and experts and all of them=20 KNOW that this is a big problem. =20 =20 I am confident in my ability as an large systems,=20 enterprise guy. M.S. Computer Science, Operating Systems=20 internals, lots of time spent building and fixing very=20 large software systems, the systems that run the=20 civilized world. =20 =20 Again, I hope you are right but I know you are very=20 wrong. It's not personal, you are arguing that cancer,=20 heart disease, etc. are not big problems and you are=20 arguing with specialists who treat cancer and heart=20 disease.=20 Cory Hamasaki Kiyo Design, Inc. =20 11 Annapolis St. Voice: (410) 280-1942 =20 Annapolis, Md 21401 Fax: (410) 280-2793 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ---- Here is another message from Mr. Hamasaki: To: (Dan Musicant) Subject: Re: THE MARKET CRASH =46rom: Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 20:23:21 EST ** Reply to note from (Dan Musicant) Mon, 20 Jan 1997 22:43:16 GMT=20 d.m.'s words: > To me, computer systems, hardware and software are not black boxes. In=20 > an era when division of labor has gotten more and more necessary, I=20 > (for one) am not pleased when I am told that I have no kind of idea=20 > what is involved in something. It's just part of the way I am. Please=20 =20 No one likes to be told that and I wasn't picking on YOU, but on the=20 generic USENET.=20 =20 > excuse my ignorance or what you may have perceived as brashness in=20 > challenging you. You are probably very correct, and evidently are in=20 > an incalculably better position to evaluate the nature of the Y2K=20 > computer information systems problem and it's significance.=3D20=20 =20 I don't know what the outcome will be. =20 =20 Here's more information to mull over. The IRS has a monthly job=20 that takes 3 weeks to run. This job is written in S/370 assembly language at a very low level. It reads hundreds of ultra high density tapes that are full of dates. This job will fail when 1999 rolls to 2000.=20 =20 They know it will fail but they can't fix it. Since it takes 3 weeks to run, they don't have time to rerun it if it fails in conversion. IBM says their systems and software are compliant. That's not exactly true. The newest versions of some IBM products are compliant. IBM has announced that all versions will soon be compliant BUT it can take months or years to convert applications to work with new products. Much as if you spent 2-3 years coding up a big dBase II application and suddenly had to convert to Foxpro. =20 A State Farm, Mobil Oil, or GM may have 100 programmers working for 20-30 years on the application system. Where you might code up a dozen reports off Foxpro, the enterprise user has thousands of reports, some going to other companies and government agencies. =20 =20 Change a table and hundreds of systems fail across the company and in=20 other companies. Change from one product to another and the 100=20 programmers will have their hands full for years. =20 =20 If you are working as a computer consultant, you will do very well over the next few years. There are lots of Foxpro applications that will require adjusting or review. There may also be a trend to rehost the smaller enterprise applications onto Foxpro and Access databases. =20 =20 > =20 > Dan Musicant=20 > =20 =20 Don't let them take advantage of you. Make sure that you are paid for overtime work. =20 =20 Everyone I know has a bad feeling about this one. You'll see me make=20 light of it on Usenet but my guess is that we were out of time 4 years ago. We're in survival mode now. =20 >OK, fact is I don't know how big a problem it is. But it is true that >anyone forward thinking would have written program code that would not >self destruct in 2k. Anyone who did, didn't expect their code to be >in use in 2k. Anyone with sense in a position to do anything about it >is not sitting on their hands. It is possible to test systems for this >problem before 2k comes. Anyone who doesn't is asking for it. I live >where a devastating earthquake could and someday will bring things to >a serious standstill, and the fix will take decades. That worries me >more. The prospect of the roof falling on your head is more daunting, >don't you think? They didn't do it on purpose, these are 30 year old systems and new programs that read files produced by 30 year old systems. This problem sneaked up on us. The problem itself is easy to fix. Any one program or file can be=20 effortlessly repaired, the problem is that there are tens of thousands of programs and files in any large organization. I'm not sure that the threat is a catastrophic failure like a roof=20 falling. There will certainly be some dramatic failures but there will also be a tremendous toll as costs increase and payments are delayed. How about if inflation spins up for 3-4 years at 20% or a couple large banks close for a week to restart their main database. =20 Cory Hamasaki Kiyo Design, Inc. =20 11 Annapolis St. Voice: (410) 280-1942 =20 Annapolis, Md 21401 Fax: (410) 280-2793 =20 =20 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 07:03:00 -0800 From: Joseph Vaughn-Perling Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC3FFD.11F7CEA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Yes the line draw feature made it into the later beta versions. The = screening capability is reserved for the WONDA product for now which has = a slightly higher price and is currently marketed to institutional = investors. WONDA has over 2000 different items on which to screen. (I = think it is around 2500 now). To print a screen with line drawings on it you can hit the "Print = Screen" key on your keyboard (this will copy the screen into the = computer's memory), then open your favorite word processor or graphics = program and paste the image, then print. All opinions expressed are my own and are not necessarily those of my = employer. Joseph Vaughn-Perling William O'Neil & Co. #Include disclaimer.h=09 =09 - -----Original Message----- From: Tom Worley [] Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 6:55 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM Nice review Zoran. DG online does allow you to draw lines, but so far have not figured out how to print the chart with the lines still there. Otherwise the drawing feature real good and in color. No TA or other screening ability that I have found so far. I suggested it so don't know if it may be offered in the final version. To get the same info you get in the printed books, you have to use two screens. Offsetting this is apparently all charts are there, not just the ones in the book. And speed of loading and displaying the charts is very fast, faster than you would find flipping pages in the book. tom w - ---------- > From: Zoran Mitrovski > To: > Cc: Zoran Mitrovski > Subject: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM > Date: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 11:05 AM >=20 >=20 > Bears are lovable creatures, as well. I tought I wasn't=20 > I defend my thesis proposal. Btw, DG-online testers, does the=20 > online DG let you draw lines on-screen? What TA tools will it=20 - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC3FFD.11F7CEA0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IgIPAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYA0AEAAAEAAAAQAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAUQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAaAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAMAFQwBAAAA AwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAABwAAAAnY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAgELMAEAAAAf AAAAU01UUDpDQU5TTElNQE1BSUwuWE1JU1NJT04uQ09NAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAHgD2XwEA AAAaAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAIB918BAAAAUQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQ GZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwu eG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAAAAMA/V8BAAAAAwD/XwAAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAACwWgBBIABABsA AABSRTogW0NBTlNMSU1dIEJlYXItQ0FOU0xJTQB+BwEFgAMADgAAAM0HBAADAAcAAwAAAAQA6QAB IIADAA4AAADNBwQAAwAGABgABgAEAAMBAQmAAQAhAAAAQjNBRUJCRDBBRkFBRDAxMTgwODAwMDAw RjgwMkY4RDMANwcBA5AGAJQJAAAhAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAAD AC4AAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AOBTbh9AQLwBHgBwAAEAAAAbAAAAUkU6IFtDQU5TTElNXSBCZWFy LUNBTlNMSU0AAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG8QEAfS9C7rrSqrxHQgIAAAPgC+NMAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAYAAAAcGVybGluZ0BkYWlseWdyYXBocy5jb20AAwAGEHPibHQDAAcQ JQYAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAFlFU1RIRUxJTkVEUkFXRkVBVFVSRU1BREVJVElOVE9USEVMQVRFUkJF VEFWRVJTSU9OU1RIRVNDUkVFTklOR0NBUEFCSUxJVFlJU1JFU0VSVkVERk9SVEhFV09OREFQUk9E VUMAAAAAAgEJEAEAAAByBgAAbgYAAAMKAABMWkZ1c2SYdXcACgEDAfcgAqQD4wIAY4JoCsBzZXQw IAcTjwKDAFAC8g9ZVGFoA3GFAoMyDudwcnEyD/YmfQqACMggOwlvMjVmNQKACoF1YwBQCwNjAwBB C2BuZzEwMzMJC6YgWQeRdGhlIEZsC4AYgGRyYQfgZnhlYXQIcBiAAMABACDmaQVAC4B0bxhUGWAE kMQgYg/AYSB2BJAAkPECIHMuIBGgGHEE8QnhoQuAZyBjYQqwYgMQvRoQeRoABCAJcA+wchuADmQZ MAWxGGJXT05EfEEgEwAEcBZABUAegm6ibwfgd2hpD3AgD4ALBCAbYHMYoGdodGz/HaAgcCFQGwET ACCAGIAAcPseYB3BYwhwCXACMCGBAMA8cmsPwB5RGmELgHN0/RoQdSSAAiAHQBoxG4AkcK8FsBvy HwQgwm8bgSAB0D8m8BjgBpAZQCMiGgFlbT8mcQOgIGQaYRx0HAEoSbsYUQuAaxoDIOEDYHUikecV wCcBICEpLgqiCoQKgP5UGnAiISehIQEcgyBQGhDfIKAYpxzRKBMaEXkIYB0BTwOgIHAFQBhiIlAs g1P5HIMiICPAHaAoMS7xBcB/MOEG4AsRKXApsQQgA/Bs+wMgBaBwHaAYYiz1GkcFoOxtcCSwBJAn BCAHgARg8HJ5KSwYUgOgMvAtMfExU2ZhdgWwJ9EgUAWw/x5gH2EiUAQQBbEFsQnAHSDvIHEEIB9h OFFtInMKsCRwxxiAGGIHcGFnZTWVLHOPK3sWdgLREKFzMTcP8I8ysTLwC4AbwiBleBMA3zfBHlEK wBmhMQF3A6Aigv8+siAgBUAYwDeyCsADEDMSdm8PsCaAZj7iJ/ALUG82eQSQK3VKQQE4gCBWxGF1 IVBuLVAEkBihbmcMhAyhFtJ1AyAhYHQgcDovL3dFUC5k/wtwIYA4UxvwNHE8c0SwAUCdK5NXMqEH MDlATycHwPkDESYgCFArcEP2RD9FQ8MlOEZfI0luYwpAGeHfJzAE8AthB4BCEGgMgyuU502oCwMY oDM2RvEDYBrwQx+wEkQxNiAtUJJP7QUQZwuAJQFNQFI6cFCTHyuGT6RG8wsxT6ZpLTHMNDQBQBig MTgm8AzBUVQzYiBGA2E6DINiLxGRA3Ae8AWwbDDxW1OQTVRQOiRwa2cIcLR1QBjAdACQAQAuV+G+ XSuFVWAGYAIwVcdXCYDVGMBzRZB5NZBBIiEDIEQwMjWQMTk5PSA24joV0CBQTVinLEBVxzMvMSEh bUAAwAMQLngebQQBG8FLI1i3dWJqI0/RVcdSZTpW8ENBAE5TTElNXSBC+RlQci1gxVI/U0pPNAu2 bSuTTiJCCXB2CJAH4FpnBbAAcCt1REcoIRikb/8HkQdACQAH4C7yGmEY8xii+nM1kGIksBxgGnA2 oAXA/w+AG4A/01QAV5EeUQhgT/D/K5MR0AfgGmEsdDQzD4EFQP8tYxhmBCAkcTKxGGEJcBwA/k9u IgPxOeMrhC4FGTcJcPklAWdvBHAidAOgCOMcAPpOGnBUH0A38m4iHGgrhPcdRhhgGWAgKZBpwwIQ KqL3aVQcACmQc0MgOnA5wSKh02kzZzBuJwVAayAiBpD/GgErhADAHaAbMEExJ2Jxg/8YYlQAJPIb hSt1LEE6cC+U/0BwB4AaMQIQLuN7knm1LHPzHlEG4G9raOEu8mnDGmG+dW8CNzArhBx0G/FPASDf D7EkgBzhMkMqQnAKsSM0f2eBbGQqUjnjCXA1kD/iav9/UGr1GGICIAeRebV+IhwA/kF1kjYQaqJB UAkAGdAc0vcigkzRC1F5gSRsVYGSK4T/G4EdoDagJHA1kInyGwF0of8xMzchRLAeYQuAHmEYoIHw fxzSCrB2kYVbK4oaYDlAd/crhFCTUek+VXRlxAXQGhABA2B2c2tpIDx6614wkSJACeAuN5EYcIpy 8i4JgHU+j8ZcoV1PXl35kCBDY5CPkZ+Sr19nYK97YbqQIEQa4ZngWg9bFzHoMTowW9BBm1eebpqi +4MkCQB2AaBWwB0AcMEZcvNo4SDRd2UysHYiGmBDIf100ncg0HeCj8YpkAEBCfDfHmA+8RhhAJA4 w3BBAAdA3RwAQn+QNZBmkC1mxRrw/4pyaOFnMxhij8ZmxWaRVsDXLtRoWCghLRx0Px7wdLJ/cnEa YAbwMnUaESuKE8EAAa0gAAADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAAwCAEP////9AAAcwwIhQsDpAvAFAAAgw wIhQsDpAvAELAAGACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAADhQAAAAAAAAMABYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAA AABGAAAAAFKFAAC3DQAAHgAGgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAVIUAAAEAAAAEAAAAOC4wAAMA B4AIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAAGFAAAAAAAACwAQgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAADoUA AAAAAAADABGACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAQhQAAAAAAAAMAEoAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABG AAAAABGFAAAAAAAAAwAVgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAGIUAAAAAAAAeACWACCAGAAAAAADA AAAAAAAARgAAAAA2hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgAmgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAN4UAAAEA AAABAAAAAAAAAB4AJ4AIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADiFAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAeAD0AAQAA AAUAAABSRTogAAAAAAMADTT9NwAA2KM= - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC3FFD.11F7CEA0-- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 09:23:22 -0600 From: "Brenda" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus Just looked at ALL of those. Those graphs (aka - price patterns) are a further testimony to how ridiculous it is for ANYBODY to say that we are overvalued. I look at over 3000 of what used to be the best of the best stocks. Currently only 37 make a list of stocks that I consider worth looking at. It is usually a couple of hundred. Seems the two of us are coming to the same point albeit by different means. James - ---------- From: Gui Meyen To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus Date: Thursday, April 03, 1997 9:44 AM Quotes Plus is a quote program which has a Canslim filtering capability (albeit a very limited one). Usually when I do the scanning there are about 40 - 80 candidates on the output. So guess how many are coming out these days: About 8. As of today: BSNX CEBC CGNE MK NDN SNM SVM TCNJ Gui. - ---------- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 07:24:32 -0800 From: Joseph Vaughn-Perling Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC4000.13EBCF10 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It is still in Beta Testing. Expect a public release circa April 15 1997. All opinions expressed are my own and are not necessarily those of my employer. Joseph Vaughn-Perling William O'Neil & Co. #Include disclaimer.h - -----Original Message----- From: Michael [] Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 10:46 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM Sorry to have missed the location of DG online. Could someone please help with the address? - ---------- > From: Tom Worley > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Bear-CANSLIM > Date: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 5:55 PM > > Nice review Zoran. > DG online does allow you to draw lines - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC4000.13EBCF10 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IiEPAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYA0AEAAAEAAAAQAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAUQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAAAB4AAjABAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAAaAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAMAFQwBAAAA AwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAABwAAAAnY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAgELMAEAAAAf AAAAU01UUDpDQU5TTElNQE1BSUwuWE1JU1NJT04uQ09NAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAHgD2XwEA AAAaAAAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAIB918BAAAAUQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQ GZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwu eG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAAAAAMA/V8BAAAAAwD/XwAAAAACAfYPAQAAAAQAAAAAAAACwWgBBIABABsA AABSRTogW0NBTlNMSU1dIEJlYXItQ0FOU0xJTQB+BwEFgAMADgAAAM0HBAADAAcAGAAgAAQAHgEB IIADAA4AAADNBwQAAwAHABcAAAAEAP0AAQmAAQAhAAAAQjlBRUJCRDBBRkFBRDAxMTgwODAwMDAw RjgwMkY4RDMAPQcBA5AGAIQGAAAhAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAAD AC4AAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AEBEcyFDQLwBHgBwAAEAAAAbAAAAUkU6IFtDQU5TTElNXSBCZWFy LUNBTlNMSU0AAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG8QEMhTdC7rrqqrxHQgIAAAPgC+NMAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAA AFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAYAAAAcGVybGluZ0BkYWlseWdyYXBocy5jb20AAwAGEIs+NRADAAcQ cAIAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAElUSVNTVElMTElOQkVUQVRFU1RJTkdFWFBFQ1RBUFVCTElDUkVMRUFT RUNJUkNBQVBSSUwxNTE5OTdBTExPUElOSU9OU0VYUFJFU1NFREFSRU1ZT1dOQU5EQVJFTk9UTkVD RVMAAAAAAgEJEAEAAABkAwAAYAMAACYFAABMWkZ1eYRxLXcACgEDAfcgAqQD4wIAY4JoCsBzZXQw IAcTjwKDAFAC8g9ZVGFoA3GFAoMyDudwcnEyD/YmfQqACMggOwlvMjVmNQKACoF1YwBQCwNjAwBB C2BuZzEwMzMZC6YgSQVABAAgc3SnAxADIAuAIEIPwGERoAcHkBiQFzAuICBFeE5wBZAFQBlAcHUC YGlEYyAJcGxlYQ+wINBjaXJjGUBBEwADEYQxNRwwOTk3LgqiHwqECoQWsgLREKFzMTfTD/AYsW9w C4BpAiAEIH5lGhAJcAQQCYAaYAlwIHRteR7QdwOgAHAf9G76bwVAbgWQH7EKwAMQIGAmdBHQG1Fv ZiBCZW1ZC1BveQSQHLVKImFwAGggVmF1Z2hu/C1QBJAawBcwDIQMoRbSCnUDIGgCQHA6Ly9ydyaw LmQLcCIQCcBh6SQwcy4FoG0d0yYQAUANHNNXGKEHMG0gTyfzB8ADESYgCFAcsCVWJZ97JqMLgHYZ cQWwJ58KgCOYSW5jCkABACBkBADvLdALcAeAI3BoKkcdOxCh5wvFHTkawDM2AUAd4hMAhyFQGjES RDE2IC0zQnpPBRBnC4AHQAXQIbJnfmUzQxzGMlQoUwsxMlZpMC0xNDQBQBrAMTiOMAFADNA242Ig RgNh6joMg2IP4E0a0A+AGxAAIFtTTVRQOm3AaWtlcUBhAiAlAfplLIJdHMU4EAZgAjA4d5ZXCYAh gHMm8HksG9UcMDI88BxyHDAwOjTJMyBQTTsHVG84dxuwMwCAGsBtQADAAxAueL854AQQHyEsgzsX GqBqGjEROHdSZTo5cENBTmBTTElNXRkBCsAtX0M1NO81+jGkMHtTBbBy9SIhbyYwYSwQIEAEAR/h fyJAG2AJABuwGJACICKSRL5HHtA6ZCnBJhAf8HMDcD5lAiAbYAtQGzNI4GxwjxzEA/AiQEjDYWRk H6LuPxzKM0M0mT44JD8BKSAuVwWwGyAgYDwYgGtnaQhwdUAhgHQAkAEALv1RAT5O5j8RP79AzU9A Qeb3Qt9D7k9ARElAVTE8bz13vDU6FdA+V09ATuZOGtDbG2AJcHYIkAfgWgWwAHDvHLVXIUnmLiBv B5EHQAkA3QfgeQhgR9JNIGEH4DpyFw9AHNMTwQBfUAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAAADAIAQ/////0AA BzBAgaTqQkC8AUAACDBAgaTqQkC8AQsAAYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAAOFAAAAAAAAAwAF gAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAUoUAALcNAAAeAAaACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAABUhQAA AQAAAAQAAAA4LjAAAwAHgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAAYUAAAAAAAALABCACCAGAAAAAADA AAAAAAAARgAAAAAOhQAAAAAAAAMAEYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABCFAAAAAAAAAwASgAgg BgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAEYUAAAAAAAADABWACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAYhQAAAAAA AB4AJYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADaFAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAeACaACCAGAAAAAADAAAAA AAAARgAAAAA3hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgAngAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAOIUAAAEAAAAB AAAAAAAAAB4APQABAAAABQAAAFJFOiAAAAAAAwANNP03AABqdw== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BC4000.13EBCF10-- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 9:39:58 CST From: "David F. Cameron" Subject: [CANSLIM] Year 2000 Problem I've worked both in private industry and government, and have experience programming. It is my opinion that the year 2000 issue will not be a big problem for private industry because the profit motive is driving a fix now. In our company, we have a programmer assigned f/t to changing the code. However, I have a good friend in the federal government who is a programmer. She says there are a LOT of old programs out there used by their agency which will produce undesirable results on 1/1/2000 if nothing is done. She also states that in her agency - nothing is yet being done. The top brass in the agency are political types - and don't really understand what is going on - or maybe its not much of a priority. But... there is a lot of bureaucracy to go through - and implementation will take longer for many govt. agencies than it will in the private sector. This fact, combined with the fact that it seems many govt. agencies haven't started leades me to believe that the year 2000 issue will be a concern - but mainly in the public sector. For investment purposes I have no idea if this is relevant. IMHO, Dave Cameron ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 10:48:00 -0500 From: "" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus > Quotes Plus is a quote program which has a Canslim filtering > capability (albeit a very limited one). I have to disagree here. The canned scan is not all that helpful, but you can customize scans in a very powerful way. Search for new highs, basing periods, moving average crossovers (simple, exponential, and weighted MA), breakouts on high volume, etc., etc. For those that use daily data, QP is an excellent bargain and a very powerful screening tool. Derek ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Apr 97 09:50:36 +0500 From: "Robert Gammon" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Rate Hikes On Thu, 03 Apr 1997 14:54:59 GMT, Dan Musicant wrote: >I only suggested that a market crash would be likely to bring on a >recession and a possible depression because that was the chain of >events in 1929 and into the 30's. I saw a post (don't know if it was >accurate) a couple of days ago that asserted that someone who suffered >the brunt of the 1929 crash and didn't get out of the market would not >have achieved even status until 1955. This tiresome old saw ASSUMES that you had a FIXED investment of say $50K in 1929, and DIDN'T put ANYTHING into it, not even DIVIDENDS during this entire period. OK, this may be true for those fortunate few whose sole source of income is from their investments. I, and most of the rest of us here, have a job, and make contributions to our investment plan from time to time. We need to see a study to show what happens to THIS sort of investor given the market environment that existing from 1929 through the 1950's. My horizon is greater than 20 years. My belief is that I could suffer through a period like the 30's and 40's, continuing to make contributions and still achieve my retirement goals, although the first few years of retirement migh be a bit rough. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* Robert Gammon My opinions are my own. In no way do I represent the views of my employer Using OS/2 Warp Connect, and a user of every version of OS/2 since v1.0 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 11:02:15 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: [CANSLIM] Ants in the pants for novice investors? This market may go over like a lead balloon after this present correction, and fake out expectations of upward momentum for awhile. Until sector shifts are established, it could be more like a picnic in a swamp; complete with mosquitos and alligators. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 17:55:17 GMT From: (Gui) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] - On Quotes Plus On Thu, 03 Apr 1997 10:48:00 -0500, you wrote: >> Quotes Plus is a quote program which has a Canslim filtering >> capability (albeit a very limited one). > >I have to disagree here. The canned scan is not all that helpful, but >you can customize scans in a very powerful way. Search for new highs, >basing periods, moving average crossovers (simple, exponential, and >weighted MA), breakouts on high volume, etc., etc. > I do agree, Perhaps you'd care to share here some of the scripts on that purpose since to me that is "chinese". Gui ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 19:57:59 -0500 (EST) From: Craig Griffin Subject: [CANSLIM] WEB Site w/ Charts of Prior Bear/Bull Mkts This web site has nice S&P500 charts of the '29 and '87 crash, '73-74 bear, as well as '83-97 and '95-97 bull mkts. Interesting. Point your browser to ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Apr 97 07:20:19 -0800 From: Scott Violet Subject: [CANSLIM] [Not CANSLIM]: Stepping in front of an index (DOW)? I seem to remember mentioning a 4% average increase in buying a stock after it has been announced that it'll go into the S&P 500 but before it has made it. I wonder if something similiar applies to the DOW as isn't it getting a couple new faces soon? -Scott ------------------------------ End of canslim Digest V1 #124 ***************************** To subscribe to canslim Digest, send the command: subscribe canslim-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-canslim": subscribe canslim-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "canslim-digest" in the commands above with "canslim". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/canslim/archive. These are organized by date.