From: (canslim Digest) To: Subject: canslim Digest V1 #264 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: canslim Digest Friday, August 15 1997 Volume 01 : Number 264 In this issue: Re: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list [CANSLIM] ALNK re: [CANSLIM] Market Leaders [CANSLIM] Market Comments, 8/13/97 RE: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list [CANSLIM] Quantity or Quality? re: [CANSLIM] A trader looks at canslim. [CANSLIM] Re: Adaptec (ADPT) re: [CANSLIM] KO - Coca Cola (was Market Leaders) [CANSLIM] Headings Re: [CANSLIM] MFAC News [CANSLIM] Herman Miller [CANSLIM] (no subject) [CANSLIM] (no subject) Re: [CANSLIM] (no subject) Re: [CANSLIM] (no subject) Re: [CANSLIM] (no subject) Re: [CANSLIM] (no subject) Re: [CANSLIM] Analysts' earnings numbers Re: [CANSLIM] Analysts' earnings numbers Re: [CANSLIM] call companies ( Analysts' earnings numbers ) Re: [CANSLIM] call companies ( Analysts' earnings numbers ) Re: [CANSLIM] call companies ( Analysts' earnings numbers ) Re: [CANSLIM] Analysts' earnings numbers Re: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list [CANSLIM] Changing your canslim subscription [CANSLIM] Thanks [CANSLIM] Stock I just found re: [CANSLIM] Stock I just found Re: [CANSLIM] Stock I just found re: [CANSLIM] Stock I just found [CANSLIM] Re: Accuracy of info [CANSLIM] 2nd largest point drop ever!! Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Accuracy of info See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the canslim or canslim-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 22:55:11 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list Nah, there you go again, trying to find c&h when there are so many other good patterns out there as well. The consolidation is forming way too high to call it a c&h, IMHO. Stock was somewhat range locked, with minor violations, in the 35-40 range from late last year until June of this year before finally breaking thru resistance at 40. Didn't do it on impressive volume, tho, and now appears to simply be consolidating its gains up to 45 over the past month. Volume has been drying up, and it has only minor and aging overhead at this price level, so now needs to show sig vol increase to be a fresh entry point. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be intrepreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ---------- > From: > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list > Date: Tuesday, August 12, 1997 2:24 PM > > > From: (Dave Cameron) > > Meanwhile, back in the stock market, I don't have any stellar picks > for the moment. Adaptec might possibly be forming the handle part of > a cup and handle. That one is worth watching. Otherwise, don't have > any stocks to report. > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 23:02:14 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] ALNK For those that may have checked the chart at DG Online, the annual earnings and forecast are now fixed. I emailed techsupport this AM or last night, and they told me that the problem was that I might not be using vers 1.9, which I apparently am. Nonetheless, when I checked it tonight, the data was correct. Don't know if there is a flaw in the software or they tweaked the database. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be intrepreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 23:18:04 -0400 From: Michael A Langston Subject: re: [CANSLIM] Market Leaders > Also, if aging memory serves me right, didn't KO just come out > with either a bad earnings report or a warning of same?? ****** NEW YORK, Aug 12 (Reuter) - Some Wall Street investors are wondering whether Coca-Cola Co's earnings warning Friday will take momentum out of the broader stock market, the Wall Street Journal reported in its ``Heard on the Street'' column. ``We think this is another sign that the blue chips are tired,'' Richard Jandrain, senior managing director of stocks at Banc One told the paper. He said investors are moving away from large stocks and toward small-to-midcap issues. Coca-Cola said Friday its third-quarter earnings would only ``slightly exceed'' year-earlier results. The company's stock fell 5.8 percent Friday on the news and another 1.5 percent Monday.... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 23:11:20 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Market Comments, 8/13/97 Best word for today was "confusion". Fears of inflation and increasing consumer spending are extremely high. As a result, with the PPI coming in on the negative (a new record, BTW, seventh consecutive month, never did that before) as well as retail sales slightly below expectation, the focus seemed to be on the upward revision on the June sales figure and fears of the CPI showing that price increases are being passed along at the retail level even where there are no cost pressures at the wholesale level. Biggest difference I could find in the PPI data was that the food and energy components were mostly down instead of up as expected. Expectation for tomorrow's CPI remains at up 0.2% overall as well as core. These nrs or lower should confirm a healthy mkt environment and begin the recovery we should have enjoyed today. Up 0.3% we can likely survive for now, but anything higher, watch out. My personal opinion is that for once the concensus looks about right. An overall of 0.1% is possible, but not as likely as in past months. Remember the service sector is included in the CPI but not the PPI, and it has been strong. I see continued evidence, as well as commentary, of money shifting from big caps into the secondary, smaller cap stocks. Just one more reason I am watching some of the "micro float" stocks. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be intrepreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 22:40:49 -0500 From: Dave Baker Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCA83A.C59CFA20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Do you have the info on the Omega list? I'm a SuperCharts user. - ---------- From:[] Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 1997 4:03 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list > From: "Tom Worley" > Guess I'm just suffering from acute email withdrawal, too used to > getting home at 9PM or so and sorting thru 30 or so posts. It's too > easy with only 4 or 5! Maybe I should go fishing, or renew the You guys might have thought it was quiet here, but when I returned I found 125 posts from the CANSLIM list, so not That quiet. If you really need some noise, get on the Omega list, which had over 300 posts in the two weeks I was away. - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCA83A.C59CFA20 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IisDAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG ADgBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAFEAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABjYW5zbGltQG1haWwueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAFNNVFAAY2Fuc2xpbUBtYWlsLnhtaXNz aW9uLmNvbQAAAAAeAAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAGgAAAGNhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAAADABUMAQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAcAAAAJ2NhbnNsaW1AbWFpbC54 bWlzc2lvbi5jb20nAAIBCzABAAAAHwAAAFNNVFA6Q0FOU0xJTUBNQUlMLlhNSVNTSU9OLkNPTQAA AwAAOQAAAAALAEA6AQAAAAIB9g8BAAAABAAAAAAAAAOdPgEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNyb3NvZnQg TWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQSAAQAoAAAAUkU6IFtDQU5TTElNXSBRdWlldG5lc3Mgb2YgQ0FOU0xJTSBs aXN0AIkMAQWAAwAOAAAAzQcIAA0AFgAoADEAAwBbAQEggAMADgAAAM0HCAANABYAKAAeAAMASAEB CYABACEAAAA1ODBFRUY0MjJBMTREMTExQjc4ODQ0NDU1MzU0MDAwMADNBgEDkAYA8AQAABIAAAAL ACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAEAAOQBgU1HbY6i8AR4AcAABAAAAKAAAAFJF OiBbQ0FOU0xJTV0gUXVpZXRuZXNzIG9mIENBTlNMSU0gbGlzdAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABvKhj21FC 7w5ZFCoR0beIREVTVAAAAAAeAB4MAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AHwwBAAAAFAAAAGRqYmFrZXJA c3ByeW5ldC5jb20AAwAGEBGyBgkDAAcQWAIAAB4ACBABAAAAZQAAAERPWU9VSEFWRVRIRUlORk9P TlRIRU9NRUdBTElTVD9JTUFTVVBFUkNIQVJUU1VTRVItLS0tLS0tLS0tRlJPTTpQV0FITEBQT1NU T0ZGSUNFV09STERORVRBVFRORVRTTVRQOlAAAAAAAgEJEAEAAABoAwAAZAMAAO0FAABMWkZ1d2og a/8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAGwwKDMgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVtAoMztwLk BxMCgzQDxhTINRLMXRTFfQqACM8J2TsYzzI8NTUCgAqBDbELYG5nuDEwMxRQCwoWkjIVYIJjAEAg RG8geQhggiARgHZlIHRoHlBbC4ACECACIB5jTweAZwhhIGwEAHQ/ICAQSSdtIB+wU3VwVQSQQxGB dAQgdRGwco4uCoUKix/QMTgwAtHgaS0xNDQN8AzQI5O5C1kxNgqgA2AT0GMFQL4tJbcKhyRrDDAl NkYDYQ46Jr4lNgyCIHB3YaBobEBwbxPAbw3QIGljZS53BbBsZFJuEcAuYQJALivRW2BTTVRQOip/ K45dvyZfJ20GYAIwKJ8pq1QKUCBzZGF5LBSwdWcTIWAFQDEyM5AxOTkQNyA0OhwAIFBNsy8PJ21U bzFPKatjAHEZH9BtQADAAxAueG3VBAFpAiAuBaBtNS8wHjh1YmolcTdPKatSZQE9IFtDQU5TTEmg TV0gUXUIkHQr0HsEES2AID9VH8MhvyLDM942JDcUUQvyJTY+KEVE5xYiNyAgYFcrkWV5IhQgPBPA azPQcnVA7yvRAJANsCxCPkF8CoVEcC5HMzEEICBCajPic3U3DdAGcRvQIANSIHBjdW0T0CAT4Dmx IAPwHnBk9HJhLPBsM5AtcB3AIWFWZExhSIdnEcB0SmJo5wNwHlAsECA5NQAe8AXA/nMdwABwTOBP IAAgSmIecDFGsCAzME7lLUJzLjkgMHQnBCBMcUiHZWGsc3lLox7xbFKgNE7irDUhBdAzcGIeUElJ 8P1OMHUrsE2gHcAjYFRgSmF/M5AFsRjQK9AH4B5xQXxZlx3xM9ATsCA6AGdoBUA/HiUIYFfiS8BL oFKAIHHXP/IeEASQZTOQYksQS6DvHoADoFRAGNB0CHAr0Ezgt1RACoUCEHVPYTQgNVDk30qUHnJA ujOQTyFuJVAzEP8RgAVAWWNRQCAwQJAd4gqF/xjQB0BTMSvQTNFPIE5RXpD/BABZ8U2xHv9eMVpg LbBS8PsRgEzgbx5ABcBQYFBwCoV3XJQLgB5jdCuAS6AJ4Gv3SVFZE0wReSGtQX9Cj0OcCwqFF/EA a8ADABAQAAAAAAMAERABAAAAQAAHMOAn/s9jqLwBQAAIMOAn/s9jqLwBHgA9AAEAAAAFAAAAUkU6 IAAAAABjcA== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCA83A.C59CFA20-- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 23:55:41 -0400 From: "Louis F. Ventura" Subject: [CANSLIM] Quantity or Quality? Now that the quantity of postings is back up (following some provoking messages), perhaps we should consider that quality has precedence over quantity. Quality information is what this group does best, that's why I'm here! It's like investing, I'd rather buy a few quality stocks than large quantities of junk. Since more than 50% of the subscribers are digest, maybe digest mailings can go out more frequently (even if they're a little smaller). I was looking for the CANSLIM digest all last weekend, but nothing came until Mon. A Sat. distribution would be nice for us weekend and evening CANSLIMers. Louis ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 23:57:05 -0400 From: Michael A Langston Subject: re: [CANSLIM] A trader looks at canslim. connie mack rea writes: > [1] Large volume (a corollary of float) protects me from wild... > [2] I depend on the ancient exponential 3|10 moving average... > [3] I have another simple favorite filter: a stochastic setting... > [4] I look at, in order of no absolute significance, MACD... > [5] A marker that I am again paying attention...candlesticks... i like your posts connie, and think a daytrader's perspective has lessons even for dyed-in-the-wool canslimmers -- sorry if you seem to have been given the bum's rush in 1-2 usenet-style responses, open forums such as this end up with all kinds so keep it up! -- hats off to anyone with the intensity to make a living as a trader -- i think we have a few others on board -- FWVLIW i'm not ashamed to acknowledge that i don't have the temperament for it, my r-t quotes went the same way as my golf clubs long ago ;) mike ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 00:22:42 -0400 From: Craig Griffin Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: Adaptec (ADPT) Tom and Patrick, Agreed. Pivot point about 44. Breakout from cup/handle formation on 8/4 and 8/5. Second and third chances to buy last couple of days on pullback. Consolidation likely to continue between 45 and 48. Long term Canslim stock. Steady worker. A bit volatile. Tricky (look how well the breakout was disguised and how hard it would have been to catch it close to the handle). But once you are in and a bit ahead, can be held for years potentially. I have learned to call what ADPT is currently forming a "ledge" or sometimes a "high handle" (above the actual base) ... a place to pause before (hopefully) moving on. Sometimes they build these ledges for one, two, or three weeks and in the best case they end with a secondary breakout (giving another chance to buy or at least to pyramid). ADPT seems to be acting fine to my eyes (contrary opinions welcome). Very unlikely to surge (ala MSON or MFAC). This is what I would call a mattress stuffer - close to "fire and forget" (but that is never possible). With luck you look up in 2 years and you have a double (or in 4 months with 30% maybe). The faster money is usually made with the higher risk, lower number of shares out stocks (that is why the "S" is in canSlim, IMO). DELL's recent monster run is one of the exceptions that prove the rule. But I digress as usual ... Regards, Craig Disclaimer: I own it. At 10:55 PM 8/13/97 -0400, you wrote: >Nah, there you go again, trying to find c&h when there are so many >other good patterns out there as well. The consolidation is forming >way too high to call it a c&h, IMHO. Stock was somewhat range >locked, with minor violations, in the 35-40 range from late last >year until June of this year before finally breaking thru >resistance at 40. Didn't do it on impressive volume, tho, and now >appears to simply be consolidating its gains up to 45 over the past >month. Volume has been drying up, and it has only minor and aging >overhead at this price level, so now needs to show sig vol increase >to be a fresh entry point. > >Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my >employer. My comments should not be intrepreted as a recommendation >of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active >investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any >investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully >my comments will better inform and educate all investors. > >tom w > >---------- >> From: >> To: >> Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list >> Date: Tuesday, August 12, 1997 2:24 PM >> >> > From: (Dave Cameron) >> >> Meanwhile, back in the stock market, I don't have any stellar >picks >> for the moment. Adaptec might possibly be forming the handle >part of >> a cup and handle. That one is worth watching. Otherwise, don't >have >> any stocks to report. >> > > > ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 00:39:31 -0400 From: Craig Griffin Subject: re: [CANSLIM] KO - Coca Cola (was Market Leaders) Looks like KO is about KO'd. Might be forming a head & shoulders (got a left shoulder and head so far). If it bounces from here, then drops again on big volume, might be a decent short (take it from someone with no experience shorting :+)). Never mind, don't think I will try it in the greatist bull market in my lifetime. Viewed on a weekly chart, 9 out of the last 11 weeks have been down from the prior week's close. Distribution has been going on for a while. Closed right on the 200dma (200 day moving average) today. You wrote: >``We think this is another sign that the blue chips are tired,'' >Richard Jandrain, senior managing director of stocks at Banc One >told the paper. He said investors are moving away from large stocks >and toward small-to-midcap issues. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 21:38:55 -0500 (CDT) From: (Dave Cameron) Subject: [CANSLIM] Headings Umm... we've mentioned this before, but I think readers would appreciate it if posters changed the subject heading once it no longer becomes relevant. We've had upwards of 25 messages with reference to Tom's original posting "quietness of the list" . The last 20 or so have had no relationship to that topic. I've been just as guilty as the next guy - and I'm not trying to play policeman. I'm just asking for a little consideration to those of us who "get our messages out of order". Thanks, Dave Cameron ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 21:44:00 -0500 (CDT) From: (Dave Cameron) Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] MFAC News MFAC is a GREAT example of CANSLIM success. Had you bought MFAC the day it broke out you would have gotten in roughly 2 days before the news about expanding into China broke. Today, you could have sold at a 40% profit in less than a week. I don't want to leave the impression that CANSLIM is only for short-term trades. A buy-and-hold on DELL would have doubled your money in the last 6 months (depending on how you pick a buy point). I'm merely pointing out that a pure fundamentalist would have waited on MFAC until the news came out. A good CANSLIMer could have got in earlier in anticipation of a move, without knowing what would drive the move. Later, Dave Cameron - ---- p.s. There ya go Tom... 3 postings in 3 days. 1 week till you turn 50.... Hmmm... wonder what the group can dream up as a celebration for our most frequent poster. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 10:33:38 -0600 From: "Jay Cliburn" Subject: [CANSLIM] Herman Miller Here's one we've seen before. Herman Miller (MLHR) appears to have entered a basing period on 7/16/97 at 48. The base is somewhat wide, oscillating from 48 up to about 51, but has tightened up nicely around 50. Volume has generally decreased since entering the base. CANSLIM numbers: RS: 96 EPS: 97 Group RS: 80 Float: 47.2M Avg Vol: about 300K Timeliness: A A/D: A Disclaimer: I'm in at 40. - -- Jay Cliburn | Space Dynamics Laboratory Computational Sciences Division | 1747 North Research Park Way | Logan, Utah, USA 84341 (801) 755-4317 (voice) | (801) 755-4366 (fax) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 15:13:04 -0700 From: Sam Funchess Subject: [CANSLIM] (no subject) Does anyone know of a site that will give analyst expectations of earnings for free? Thanks Sam ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 15:27:33 -0700 From: Sam Funchess Subject: [CANSLIM] (no subject) I have been watching the short interest add up on Key energy KEG for some time. It currently stands at 20.7 days to complete up 19%. If I understand correct this is a very cautious sign because movement down would urge them to buy once it was down several % or make them cover their short interest if it goes up which will help push the stock higher. I know I should be worried on 20 days short interest but how worried? Tom, I talked with the company yesterday and they said they are comfortable with analyst expectations of $.18 share which is a 12% increase. They also stated that with all of the acquisitions their debt ratio would be in the 70% range. They have issued 1.5 million shares so far for acquisitions and expect to issue a total of 2.1 million for all of the acquisitions. That's a 18% increase in shares outstanding. The quarterly report is due out any time. So what does everyone think? Would you keep it? Sam (new address) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 13:33:19 -0600 From: "Jay Cliburn" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (no subject) > Does anyone know of a site that will give analyst expectations of > earnings for free? Take a look at -- there are links to what you seek. Enter a symbol, follow the "Profile" link, then follow the "Research Report" link. - -- Jay Cliburn | Space Dynamics Laboratory Computational Sciences Division | 1747 North Research Park Way | Logan, Utah, USA 84341 (801) 755-4317 (voice) | (801) 755-4366 (fax) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:37:46 -0500 From: Rita Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (no subject) > > Does anyone know of a site that will give analyst expectations of > > earnings for free? I use first call: - -- Rita ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 12:54:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Tim Fisher Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (no subject) At 03:13 PM 8/14/97 -0700, you wrote: >Does anyone know of a site that will give analyst expectations of >earnings for free? > >Thanks Sam > > > Tim Fisher 1995 President - Pacific Fishery Biologists Keeper of the ORE-ROCK-ON Rockhounding in Oregon Home Page ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 17:12:41 -0400 From: "Charles F. Corbit III" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] (no subject) I am not sure of what detail you are looking for, but Yahoo Quotes gives earning expectation under research and also gives earning expectations. - ---------- > From: Sam Funchess > To: Can Slim > Subject: [CANSLIM] (no subject) > Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 6:13 PM > > Does anyone know of a site that will give analyst expectations of > earnings for free? > > Thanks Sam > ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 18:43:01 -0500 From: "Gess Shankar" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Analysts' earnings numbers On 14 Aug 97 at 17:12, Charles F. Corbit III wrote: > I am not sure of what detail you are looking for, but Yahoo Quotes > gives earning expectation under research and also gives > earning expectations. > Yahoo Quotes also has a page of earnings calendar, which lists earnings numbers for a week at a time. The link is at the home page of quotes. I am not sure if the dates are 100% reliable though. The source is Zacks. e.g. It says HD (Home Depot) was supposed to release earnings report yesterday, but I have not seen anything so far. What I would like to know is: Where the so called "whisper" numbers come from? Gess ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 21:42:21 -0400 From: "Charles F. Corbit III" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Analysts' earnings numbers It my very limited experience, I have found that the dates are not reliable either. When I need to know, I now call the companies directly. In fact, I have taken Tom's suggestion a few times and asked the companies, "Are you comfortable with current expectations ?" and have always gotten honest feedback. I am sure that is probably not always the case. Charles F. Corbit III The Soft Tools Company - ---------- > From: Gess Shankar > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Analysts' earnings numbers > Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 7:43 PM > > Yahoo Quotes also has a page of earnings calendar, which lists > earnings numbers for a week at a time. The link is at the home page > of quotes. I am not sure if the dates are 100% reliable though. The > source is Zacks. > > e.g. It says HD (Home Depot) was supposed to release earnings report > yesterday, but I have not seen anything so far. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 97 04:20:14 +0200 From: dirk schelfhout Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] call companies ( Analysts' earnings numbers ) >Charles F. Corbit III wrote : >It my very limited experience, I have found that the dates are not reliable >either. When I need to know, I now call the companies directly. In fact, >I have taken Tom's suggestion a few times and asked the companies, "Are you >comfortable with current expectations ?" and have always gotten honest >feedback. I am sure that is probably not always the case. Do companies have special phone lines for this, how do you do this ? Do you ask for the ceo ?? Let's say I wanted to do this with IBM, which number do I dial , where do I find this number and who do I ask for. Dirk ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 22:26:40 -0400 From: "Charles F. Corbit III" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] call companies ( Analysts' earnings numbers ) I just asked for the investor's relations dept. I got the phone nrs on line from yahoo company profile. Basically called and identified myself as an individual investor and went from there. Good luck - ---------- > From: dirk schelfhout > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] call companies ( Analysts' earnings numbers ) > Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 10:20 PM > > > >Charles F. Corbit III wrote : > > >It my very limited experience, I have found that the dates are not reliable > >either. When I need to know, I now call the companies directly. In fact, > >I have taken Tom's suggestion a few times and asked the companies, "Are you > >comfortable with current expectations ?" and have always gotten honest > >feedback. I am sure that is probably not always the case. > > Do companies have special phone lines for this, how do you do this ? > Do you ask for the ceo ?? > > Let's say I wanted to do this with IBM, which number do I dial , where do > I find this number and who do I ask for. > > Dirk ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 22:23:09 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] call companies ( Analysts' earnings numbers ) If any co has a special phone nr for this, I never found the need to use it, but it does help to do your homework first. Asking for the CEO or CFO by name usually works better than asking by title. Sound like you have spoken to him many times before and he will gladly take your call and know who you are. Just call the co's main number and ask for whoever you want to speak to. If the receptionist is good, she will try to screen the call and divert you to someone else, often the IR person if you have already had to identify yourself as a shareholder. My typical response when this was tried was that "I have some questions which I don't think he/she can answer, just put me through to the CEO, please". In a company the size of IBM, I was content to get thru to a staffer for the CEO (or CFO), however I rarely called a co that large since they had so many analysts following the co that it was easier to just get their reports. As a broker, it was easy to present the concept that I had a lot of clients just waiting for my opinion to invest in the company. As an investor, it is equally easy to present the idea that you are thinking of buying an initial stake (or adding to one) in the company based on what you are told. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be intrepreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ---------- > From: dirk schelfhout > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] call companies ( Analysts' earnings numbers ) > Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 10:20 PM > > Do companies have special phone lines for this, how do you do this ? > Do you ask for the ceo ?? > > Let's say I wanted to do this with IBM, which number do I dial , where do > I find this number and who do I ask for. > > Dirk ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 22:13:26 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Analysts' earnings numbers A better way of phrasing the question is "I understand the analysts are forecasting XXX per share for the YY quarter, how comfortable are you with this projection??". That way, you offer a specific numerical amount, and they can agree with it, suggest it is too high, or that they are not concerned about doing (at least) that much. You can then set your own personal "whisper" nrs up or down based on how they handle the question, using that specific nr as the base. It is best to ask this question within a few days of the release of the nrs, as by then they pretty well know what they will be reporting. If you also asked it a few weeks or a month earlier, then you can get a feel for the trend. My experience has been that if you ask the question the right way, and of the right person, then you will almost always get a truthful answer. That is why I try to avoid the Investor Relations person, who is trained in not answering a direct question. I always try for the CEO or CFO, they are typically more likely to give honest answers to direct questions. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be intrepreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ---------- > From: Charles F. Corbit III > To: > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Analysts' earnings numbers > Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 9:42 PM > > It my very limited experience, I have found that the dates are not reliable > either. When I need to know, I now call the companies directly. In fact, > I have taken Tom's suggestion a few times and asked the companies, "Are you > comfortable with current expectations ?" and have always gotten honest > feedback. I am sure that is probably not always the case. > > Charles F. Corbit III ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 19:46:37 -0800 From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Quietness of CANSLIM list > From: "Tom Worley" > Nah, there you go again, trying to find c&h when there are so many > other good patterns out there as well. The consolidation is forming I didn't know I was making a habit of finding C&H patterns where there are none. What exactly is the correct definition of a C&H pattern? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 08:00:03 -0600 From: (Jeff Salisbury) Subject: [CANSLIM] Changing your canslim subscription This is a monthly posting to the CANLSLIM group. Frequently, people sign up for the canslim list and then are overwhelmed by the volume of the email. There are two remedies for this problem: 1) You can leave our group, or 2) you can switch to the digest version which "conglomerates" many canslim messages into one large message. To change your configuration, email a message to: The remove yourself from the canslim list, write in the body of the email: unsubscribe canslim To add yourself to the digest version of the canslim list, write in the body of the email: subscribe canslim-digest For general help with majordomo commands, write in the body of the email: help If you need further clarification, write me directly at: Best Regards, Jeff Salisbury - CANSLIM list admin / owner ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 12:55:35 -0700 From: Sam Funchess Subject: [CANSLIM] Thanks Thanks to everyone who responded to my question on where to get earnings; it helped a lot! I have already deleted the persons name who was looking for help on identifying a C&H, try looking at : CIG consolidated cigar holding: The handle is way too loose, retracing half of it recent movement. BLL Ball Corp.: 4 week handle that decreases w/ decreased vol. These are a couple from yesterday. I am not recommending either of these for purchase. Sam ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 13:42:38 -0700 From: Sam Funchess Subject: [CANSLIM] Stock I just found AACE Ace Cash Express making all time high on increased vol., lq only +30% EPS which is down from last qtr., lq +167%, zero debt, EPS 90, RS 89, OK I have to stop right hear and complain a little. I am looking at IBD and RS is 90, I look at DG and it's 76. If I were paying for DG I would be so hot right now. I would be paying 6x more for DG and they don't even have the current info. ARGH!!! : ( this is ridiculous....................... Back to my survey: sold some debt to another financial institution in July which should improve EPS for this qtr. (that's the only new I could find other than new CFO) Annual +28. I am avoiding bank stocks right now, probably stupid but I don't feel good there. They already take too much of my money. CPU Comp USA If someone still wants to get into the computer industry this one might be for you. Just came out with some good earnings +80% eps. Within 4% of 52 week high. Eps rank a little low at 69. Don't forget to do your own home work. Sam ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:47:38 -0400 From: Michael A Langston Subject: re: [CANSLIM] Stock I just found > OK I have to stop right hear and complain a little. I am looking at IBD > and RS is 90, I look at DG and it's 76. If I were paying for DG I would > be so hot right now. I would be paying 6x more for DG and they don't > even have the current info. ARGH!!! : ( this is ridiculous....................... whoa, cool off a little bit sam -- perhaps you're forgetting how the numbers work E=76 classifies this as a "box 7" stock -- these are often some of the biggest winners as they go from turnaround plays to earnings momentum plays (at which time one generally sees E=7x become E=9y) perhaps it's time to repost ian woodward's simple box system -- i'll append it below mike ****** The 2-way earnings box by Ian Woodward: Current Quarter EPS Growth: 100%+ 50-100% 25-50% 15-25% 5-Year EPS Growth: 50%+ #1 #2 #3 25-50% #4 #5 #6 15-25% #7 #8 #9 #10 Box 11 is all cash. Turnarounds (IBD EPS rank 75 and 76) are classified in box 7. Box 10 stocks are "turtles." Slower, but consistent growth, Abbott labs, Gillette, companies such as that. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 12:32:06 -0700 From: Jerry Sze Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Stock I just found Mike, I think the difference between the RS no. in DG vs. IBD is worth looking into. They should be the same, since the calculations for them are the same, (unless the database used are different.) There is nothing wrong with buying a "76" stock, but it is another matter if you think you are buying a "76" stock based on DG, but instead getting a "96" stock. Jerry ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:55:02 -0400 From: Michael A Langston Subject: re: [CANSLIM] Stock I just found > I think the difference between the RS no. in DG vs. IBD is worth > looking into. it's easy enough to call em up jerry -- but in this particular type of case, given the difference in frequency of these two pubs, it's quite common to see a DG E=75/6 turn abruptly into an IBD E=90+ the overall situation, however, is more complex than that -- there are some real differences between DG and IBD data -- for example, DG uses a G number while IBD uses only a G rank -- and from many counterexamples i know there's often no direct correlation as one might expect -- i've found it easy to convince DG and IBD staffers that these quantities really "should" be the same, but it's another matter to ever see any action (i haven't held my breath) mike ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 16:29:35 -0700 From: Sam Funchess Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: Accuracy of info Here is the resonce from DG. Customer Service wrote: > If you have not done so please donwload the latest version. The last > usercode that was used to access the graphs will come up the next > time. > > Our fundamental data is updated weekly and the price volume is updated > > daily. Please visit our website to the Frequently Asked Questions > section. > IBD is updated daily. > > Thank you, > Daily Grphs Online > > At 01:35 PM 8/15/97 -0700, you wrote: > >I subscribe to IBD and am a beta tester and wanted you to know that > your > >new release does not keep the persons ID number in place any more. I > >mean that you have to type in your customer number each time you dial > up > >then put in you password. > > > >Also could you inform me as to: will DG be updating their system as > >often as IBD. There are several discrepancies between IBD and DG. > Which > >is most accurate? If IBD is, will you be trying to update the same > info > >for the $800 per year price tag. Are you as accurate as DG sent to my > > >home? Why or why not? > > > > > >Your response is requested. > > > >Thank you for your time, > > > >Sam FUnchess > > > > > > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:25:22 -0700 From: "Ken Davidson" Subject: [CANSLIM] 2nd largest point drop ever!! Wow! You go away for an hour and the market collapses. The Dow closed down -247.37 to 7694.66, S & P 500 down -23.96 to 900.81. It was the second biggest point decline ever! In percentage terms of course it was'nt even close! Today was a double witch expiration which accounted for some of the volatility to the downside but overall volume was very low so it appears that that there was another influence. Many analysts of late have been moving money into bonds out of stocks but to sell off this big there had to be another factor involved. Maybe it was the dollar decline, mixed with bonds and Gillette. I keep thinking were seeing 1987 all over again but it can't be true. The market peaked in August 1987 and then began to slide until the final crash in October. Monday morning will see further declines as the S & P 500 index futures closed -2.81 points below the cash market so we will see profit taking first thing. We'll look into the decline more and let you know in this weeks letter. The good news is that we had both our call and put trade expire worthless this morning giving us a 48% profit!! Have a great weekend Ken ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 18:52:46 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Accuracy of info Sam, I have not had any problem with keeping my user id in place since several software upgrades ago. I do still have to type in my password, which I don't mind. What seemed to "fix it in place" for me, if memory serves me right, was when I changed my password to one of my choosing. I too don't understand why IBD data can be updated daily and the same data can't be used to feed DG Online. However, I have pointed out to techsupport some other data errors even within DG Online which suggests to me that they for some reason are using multiple databases for the f1 and the f4 screens, and not updating both at the same time. As it is, I have gotten different data mid-week between a chart I looked at in the early AM, and sent them an email, and that night when I looked to see if it was fixed. Obviously, I was using the same software pkg, yet their response was similiar, make sure you are using vers 9.1. Logically, it would seem easier and cheaper to drive all publications from the same database. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be intrepreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - ---------- > From: Sam Funchess > To: Can Slim > Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: Accuracy of info > Date: Friday, August 15, 1997 7:29 PM > > > If you have not done so please donwload the latest version. The last > > usercode that was used to access the graphs will come up the next > > time. > > > > Our fundamental data is updated weekly and the price volume is updated > > daily. Please visit our website to the Frequently Asked Questions > > section. > > IBD is updated daily. > > ------------------------------ End of canslim Digest V1 #264 ***************************** To subscribe to canslim Digest, send the command: subscribe canslim-digest in the body of a message to "". 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