----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, =
2001 7:00=20
Subject: [CANSLIM] Seeing a =
I took some time this morning (see, insomnia is =
useful!) to=20
take a look around the markets. Noted a few things.
First, on the issue of recession, I expected to =
see the=20
Transportation Index heading into the dumpster. If recession is upon =
us, as=20
some market pundits are postulating, then reduced economic activity =
shipping of raw to finished goods) would sharply impact this =
sector. So=20
far, chart looks decent, so no evidence of anything but a sharp =
slowdown in=20
growth, and an eventual soft landing.
Looking at yesterday's selloff on NASDAQ, I see =
that volume=20
was well under daily average, a good sign. But looking further, =
I see=20
that both the Naz 100 and S&P500 were hit much harder percentage =
wise than=20
the Naz. So the big caps are taking the brunt of it, and also =
contributing more to the volume even with volume down.
I contrasted this with the Russell 2000, which was =
also down=20
on low volume, but only down about 2%. The small caps still look =
to be=20
holding up. Makes sense, since historically they have shown the best =
improvement as they have a small number to compare to. And once past =
the point=20
of profitability, they can improve rapidly for a few years. It's =
for a multi-billion dollar corp to show 20 or 30% earnings =
improvement. But=20
smart money still wants to be in large or medium caps, so this success =
change in a heartbeat.
Just some random thoughts I wanted to =
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Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 11:09:25 -0600
From: "dmonroetx"