From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #167 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Sunday, March 29 1998 Volume 02 : Number 167 In this issue: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Direction [CANSLIM] Market Direction [CANSLIM] Market Direction [CANSLIM] Re: Market Direction Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Market Direction Re: [CANSLIM] Head count - Send to [CANSLIM] Market Tops, Distribution Day et al. [CANSLIM] reality check [CANSLIM] I am breaking down [CANSLIM] CANSLIM & Shorting Re: [CANSLIM] I am breaking down Re: [CANSLIM] Head Count Re: [CANSLIM] Head Count Re: [CANSLIM] Stock Charts and Relative Strength Re: [CANSLIM] Head count - Send to Re: [CANSLIM] Head Count [CANSLIM] Re: canslim-digest V2 #166 [CANSLIM] head count [CANSLIM] Enough already, back to why we're here Re: [CANSLIM] Head count - Send to [CANSLIM] Industry Group List available from IBD! [CANSLIM] (Canslim) Head Count [CANSLIM] More Additions Re: [CANSLIM] Market Direction RE: [CANSLIM] Enough already, back to why we're here [CANSLIM] (Slightly off-subject) URL for basic info ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 13:09:15 EST From: DCSquires Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Direction Hi all, There is no doubt in my mind that some distribution was occuring last week. Wednesday, despite the up close, was a serious volume reversal and told me some funds were selling stength (NYSE &NAS). On the NYSE it was also an outside day, which is bearish. However, it is constructive that volume contracted on Thurday and Firday, which are normally among the heaviest volume days of the week. Comparing volume on a specific day to the previous specific days of the week can help mute what is otherwise a technical distribution day. Friday was not a distribution day on the NYSE and on the Nas the relative volume contraction as compared to the last few fridays would cause me to regard it as muted disribution. On the sentiment side, it is also interesting to note the high (and climbing) short interest, lack of froth in the put/call ratios and the wall of worry coming out of CNBC the past few days. The first week we don't go up a couple of hundred points the market gets worried......that is bullish. Of course, all four sentiment surveys are bullish but they can remain bullish for a while before the market turns. Also interesting; many earnings disappointers either rallied or closed unchaged last week, mostly in the tech sector. Going into last Monday the NYSE clearly needed a rest as it was at the top of its trend channel and short-term oscilators were in very OB territory(5day Stochastic was 97, 5day RSI was 93) The Nas was not OB and I expected the NYSE to rest and money to flow into the Nas/Rus. This is basically what happened as the Nas rose 2% and the NYSE declined. The blue chips are overvalued to historic highs so more rotation should be in our future. Interest rates are the wild card, of course. If rates move up fast next week this thing comes down like a house of cards. As I read it the picture is bullish but with a quick trigger as the coming events could change things quickly. My 2 cents, FWIW. DSquires - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 13:18:51 -0500 From: Jeffry White <""> Subject: [CANSLIM] Market Direction I think pages 50-51 of HTMMIS would dictate that if you believe we have seen significant topping action in the indices, you should be selling your weakest positions. If we have a failed rally after several down days following the distribution you noticed at the top, you should do some more selling. If you are comfortable with being taken out on stops, I can't think of any reason why that would be contraindicated. Can you? I tend not to do it that way, but who's to say? Is there an answer that I am misssing? I obsess over reading the market, it's how I was taught (both by folks I owe an immeasurable debt and by the market itself). I could easily be wrong, of course. I moved to cash once this quarter (due largely to excess leverage through options). I was wrong and missed some of the move. Got right back in and fortunately was right. May be wrong this time as well, and if so, I'll be right back in again. Still working on how best to get out to cash. Alot of it depends, unfortunately, how well I've done at the time distribution comes. Not healthy, I'm working on it. Regards, Dave - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 14:05:42 -0500 From: Jeffry White <""> Subject: [CANSLIM] Market Direction Ken, wrote: > Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 10:01:09 -0800 > From: "Ken Davidson" > Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Direction > > It's kind of funny listening to all the different arguments on market > direction. Of course they are all valid but It reminds me of the reason why > I left stock trading for index trading with credit spreads. I don't have to > worry about the exact direction up or down and it's easier to gauge. > Looking at the bigger picture is easier because no matter how overbought, > oversold, distributed a stock or index is there are always more reasons to > drive them lower or higher. Just to remind everyone in case you think I'm a > flake I've been trading stocks and indexes for over 15 years full time and > lived rather well through the 1987 crash buying cheap stock. Some people > then thought the crash was coming, some didn't, kind of like how you guys > sound. Even I have wondered if were in another blow off period today but to > be truthful, I also don't really care! I would agree though that the most > important thing to do is to look at the individual stock. Not every stock > went down in the crash!! By the way I'm not saying were about to crash here > either. The move were having right now almost looks identical to the move > last year in May June with less volatility. > > Ken, In the CANSLIM world, we are not looking for crashes, necessarily. We are looking for significant market terms, be they long, intermediate or short. As Jesse Livermore wrote (paraphrased), there are only 4 or 5 times a year that we should buy stocks. I personally think it's 1 or 2. I have some good friends who have found a computerized system to trade index options and futures to the tune of WON's "M". It's a luxurious feeling to avoid things like analysts upgrade/downgrades, earnings surprises, momentum funds clearing the decks. But in the lowly CANSLIM world we are resigned to trying to read the turns so as to stay out when the time is not right for stocks, and to get in only when we have confirmation that a new uptrend is at hand. Crashes are usually avoided in WON's "M", in my experience. Jeffry - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 10:58:16 -0800 (PST) From: db phoenix Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: Market Direction FWIW, I agree with Jeffry. An index or stock need not close down for the day in order for distribution to have taken place. It need only close lower than the open. Clearly, if a stock closes nearer the low than the high, there has been greater selling pressure than buying pressure. Whether this distribution takes place in an index without taking place in a particular stock is irrelevant. OTOH, the fact that a particular index or stock is under distribution on a particular day does not necessarily imply that the market or the stock is in trouble. What matters is the pattern, and patterns aren't established in a day. The shorter the pattern and the less information available, the less likely one is to be able to make reasoned judgements as to the likely outcomes of the next day's or next few days' trading. No one should be surprised that distribution is taking place. It's the end of the week, the end of the month, the end of the quarter. What that implies for the near future is up in the air. But to ignore it is unwise. The fact that individual stocks in one's portfolio are hitting their stops can be an early warning of a change in market direction (assuming that one is not especially poor at stock selection). If they are not hitting those stops, however, it doesn't follow that everything's OK. One of O'N's major precepts is to keep your eyes open. Sound advice. - --Db _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 14:39:12 -0500 From: "Frank V. Wolynski" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re: Market Direction At 10:58 3/28/98 -0800, db phoenix wrote: > >FWIW, I agree with Jeffry. An index or stock need not close down for >the day in order for distribution to have taken place. It need only >close lower than the open. Clearly, if a stock closes nearer the low >than the high, there has been greater selling pressure than buying >pressure. Whether this distribution takes place in an index without >taking place in a particular stock is irrelevant. > >OTOH, the fact that a particular index or stock is under distribution >on a particular day does not necessarily imply that the market or the >stock is in trouble. What matters is the pattern, and patterns aren't >established in a day. The shorter the pattern and the less >information available, the less likely one is to be able to make >reasoned judgements as to the likely outcomes of the next day's or >next few days' trading. > >No one should be surprised that distribution is taking place. It's >the end of the week, the end of the month, the end of the quarter. >What that implies for the near future is up in the air. But to ignore >it is unwise. > >The fact that individual stocks in one's portfolio are hitting their >stops can be an early warning of a change in market direction >(assuming that one is not especially poor at stock selection). If >they are not hitting those stops, however, it doesn't follow that >everything's OK. >One of O'N's major precepts is to keep your eyes open. >Sound advice. >--Db _____________________________________________________ >DO YOU YAHOO!? >Get your free address at > Well said Db, opportunities abound! Frank Wolynski - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 11:45:28 -0800 From: "Patrick Wahl" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Head count - Send to > Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 08:49:59 -0500 > To: > What is the VIX? I found an explanation of the VIX at the CBOE home page, below is short excerpt, the full explanation is at the following address - I came across the following short term timing idea. Didn't think it would be of interest to anyone here, but perhaps someone might find it of interest. This is a Larry Connors idea. When a 5 period RSI of the VIX index is > 70, it indicates a buying opportunity is coming up, buy once the RSI turns down again. When the 5 period RSI is < 30, sell once it turns up again. The sell part does not work so well in backtesting, the buy part did work fairly well, although I only looked at it over the next few days following the signal. Here is the dope on the VIX from - ----------------------------------------------------------- In 1993, the Chicago Board Options Exchange introduced the CBOE Market Volatility Index. The CBOE Market Volatility Index, known by its ticker symbol VIX, measures the volatility of the U.S. equity market. It provides investors with up-to-the-minute market estimates of expected volatility by using real-time OEX index option bid/ask quotes. The VIX is calculated by averaging S&P 100 Stock Index at-the-money put and call implied volatilities. The availability of the index enables investors to make more informed investment decisions. Figure 9-5 presents the VIX history, consisting of daily minute-by-minute index values for the five-year period from January 4, 1988, through December 31, 1992. The chart also includes the S&P 100 OEX index for the same time period. Note that for the time period shown, all of the spikes in volatility accompanied market downturns and significant events that affected the market. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 17:10:00 EST From: Eccless Subject: [CANSLIM] Market Tops, Distribution Day et al. I agree with those who have pegged the recent market action as a top. But the big question is: Is this a major top or just a minor top? If this is a major correction then it might be advisable to get out of the market. If this is just a minor wiggle then it would be best to hang on. Two years ago I got out just before a market top and an ensuing correction. In the process I generated a lot of capital gains. And a lot of taxes. Now I know that we're not supposed to worry about taxes. But because of my actions two years ago I had to write out a five-digit check every quarter to pay federal estimated taxes. And a check every quarter to pay estimated taxes to the state. That meant I had to keep a lot in cash rather than stocks. Taxes do matter. At least to me. I don't want to waste more money on taxes than I might lose in a correction. WON gives rather good guidance about recognizing market tops. But does he say anything about recognizing the magnitude of a market top? Douglas Herman - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 17:16:44 -0600 From: "Joe Scott" Subject: [CANSLIM] reality check This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0048_01BD5A6D.487E1700 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I'm sitting here looking the stocks I own, trying to identify my = investing shortcomings, of which I have a few, believe it or not.=20 I'm back to the same problems that have plagued me in the past,=20 1.. Owning too many stocks,, I can't keep up with them all, not like = I should. If I had fewer I be better off.=20 2.. To many candidates in the watch group,, can't begin to research = them all properly, and like thats not bad enough I'm looking for more. = Just how many do I think I can buy, and it's not like I have a staff to = help me keep up to date on all of them. 3.. Watching the ones I own way to much, its the ole "sitting is = what makes the money", I hate the sitting, need to be doing something = with them. I have my stops. Geez, it's like if they haven't doubled in = a week, I'm chomping at the bit. 4.. This is the result of No. 3. Too much trading, I definitely = need to quit trading as much. Case in point, tried to make a few = *quick* dollars on PSIX Friday, had some cash sitting on sideline = burning a hole in my pocket, so decided I needed to try it (PSIX). I = was lucky to get out with the 50 dollar gain.=20 5.. Here is one fault that I thought I got rid of, its the "falling = in love with a stock" one. SUNW bought at 35 in around Dec., guess = I'll wait and see if it gets back down to 35, its doing a pretty good = job lately, but I "love it".. Wouldn't want to sell it.=20 6.. I could go on. I've been reading all of your comments about the dreaded "M",, and the = past few days have had a scary feel, but I sure don't confess to know a = thing about it all.=20 I know about the interest rate thing, and this thing, and that thing, = but I'm going to try and let my stops make my decisions for me. If the = market falls and I have some stocks falling with it, well then they will = stop out, one did on Friday. =20 Maybe for me its just what I need, it will slow me down and make me take = a closer look at all of it. =20 don't know a thing joe - ------=_NextPart_000_0048_01BD5A6D.487E1700 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I'm sitting here looking the stocks I own, = trying to=20 identify my investing shortcomings, of which I have a few, believe it or = not.=20
I'm back to the same problems that have = plagued me in=20 the past,
  1. Owning too many stocks,, I can't keep up = with them=20 all, not like I should.  If I had fewer I be better off. =
  2. To many candidates in the watch = group,, can't=20 begin to research them all properly,  and like thats not bad = enough I'm=20 looking for more.  Just how many do I think I can buy, and it's = not=20 like I  have a staff to help me keep up to date on all of = them.
  3. Watching the ones I own way to much, its the ole "sitting = is what=20 makes the money", I hate the sitting, need to be doing = something with=20 them.  I have my stops. Geez, it's like if they haven't doubled = in a=20 week, I'm chomping at the bit.
  4. This is the result of No. 3.  Too much trading,  I = definitely=20 need to quit trading as much.  Case in point,  tried to = make a few=20 *quick* dollars on PSIX Friday, had some cash sitting on sideline = burning a=20 hole in my pocket, so decided I needed to try it (PSIX).  I was = lucky=20 to get out with the 50 dollar gain. 
  5. Here is one fault that I thought I got rid of, its the = "falling in=20 love with a stock" one.  SUNW bought at 35 in around = Dec., =20 guess I'll wait and see if it gets back down to 35, its doing a = pretty good=20 job lately, but I "love it".. Wouldn't want to sell = it. 
  6. I could go on.
I've been reading all of your comments about the dreaded = "M",,=20 and the past few days have had a scary feel, but I sure don't confess to = know a=20 thing about it all.
I know about the interest rate thing, and this thing, and that = thing, but=20 I'm going to try and let my stops make my decisions for me.  If the = market=20 falls and I have some stocks falling with it, well then they will stop=20 out,  one did on Friday.  
Maybe for me its just what I need, it will slow me down and make me = take a=20 closer look at all of it.   
don't know a = thing
- ------=_NextPart_000_0048_01BD5A6D.487E1700-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 19:35:48 -0600 From: "MICHAEL G DOROSHENKO" Subject: [CANSLIM] I am breaking down Hello Group: This is an introduction. My name is Michael Doroshenko. You can call me military man because that is my nickname. I have been an investor since 10/96. I was a beginner back than, but have learned alot about investing. I started with mutual funds and they have performed very well for me. I have started to move into DRIPs. I have been lurking on this listserv for about 8 months now. I do understand some of the lingo here and understand, for the most part, what the discussions are all about. Here is where I am breaking down. I have been curious about CANSLIM method of investing but have been too scared to learn about that style of investing because I think that it has been too risky of an investment style and because any information that relates to CANSLIM is too pricey for my budget. Well, as of today, I broke down and purchased HTMMIS from I will get that in a couple of days and start reading it. I also went out to and downloaded their program to use on a trial bases. Thank God it is still in beta testing. With my luck, they will begin offering the full service on Monday. I don't have any money to invest in stocks using the CANSLIM method of investing, but will begin to accumulate it shortly. I plan on using the CANSLIM method of investing for purely enjoyment and to see if I can actually make money doing it. This will be more like a hobby for me rather than approaching this as a serious method of investing like my other investments. I have enjoyed all the information that I have accumulated from this listserv and will continue to enjoy it in the future. Now is the time to learn about the unknown method of investing and see what I can do with it. I will try to put it all on paper first and then if I develop a strategy, I will take that knowledge and apply it to my investment style. I have enjoyed Tom Worley's discussions about the world markets and economies and would like permission to pick your brain apart when I learn this stuff. There will be many questions that I will ask to clarify an issue, and hopefully, all you CANSLIMers out there will take the time to help me out. Thank you for your time in reading this and I don't expect a reply, but an acknowledgement will do. By the way, I was never in the armed services. But my nickname fits my personality and lifestyle. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 20:52:14 -0500 From: "Frank V. Wolynski" Subject: [CANSLIM] CANSLIM & Shorting I never quite got the hang of shorting. I can see it clearly on some charts, but I'm not even close on others. I suppose proper application of the principles are what I have missed. I know some of you have considerable experience and if I might ask for your indulgence and criticism, I would like to toss out my latest area of study and see how it can go awry! (Remember I'm on paper, don't try this at home kids!) After looking at many stocks in many groups, I'm of the opinion this will be a short term (how short? dunno!) top. Some rotation into other groups, some continuation in already trending groups. Many charts look very good, which could change quickly however! I found a few breaking down and trending in lower trend channels in the housing group. Money Flow getting a bit ragged also. Some folks are of the opinion the FED will have to do something about the Hot, Hot, Hot housing market, (real estate values escalating rapidly, home sales setting records). They say to "sell on the good news". Well, Crosman Communities (CROS) seems poised for a short term fall. Three days of above average volume with no accompanying price move. In the lower trend channel failing to break back into the upper channel. Group was in the Top 5 ever since early December, now ranked # 13 and falling. Okay, I'm a target, shoot it full of holes. Thanks and Best Regards, Frank Wolynski ( I am often wrong, plan accordingly!) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 21:09:15 -0500 From: "Frank V. Wolynski" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] I am breaking down At 19:35 3/28/98 -0600, you wrote: >Hello Group: >This is an introduction. My name is Michael Doroshenko. ...sniped... > Well, as >of today, I broke down and purchased HTMMIS from Welcome Michael! Good Investment in HTMMIS! Read it more than once! You won't regret it! Great group here! Very helpful! Frank Wolynski (Not wrong this time!) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 21:15:20 -0600 (CST) From: John Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Head Count count me in. John Adair At 11:29 PM 3/27/98 -0700, you wrote: >>Who is counting? I am interested ... John >>>We need a head count of members of this group that would definitely >> >sign up for one year of DG Online at $99/each (regardless of whether >> >you are taking any other WON product). > > >I'd go for it. > >James Coburn >Albuquerque, NM > > > >- > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 23:59:06 EST From: CardioPhil Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Head Count >Who is counting? I am interested ... John >>We need a head count of members of this group that would definitely > >sign up for one year of DG Online at $99/each (regardless of whether > >you are taking any other WON product). I'd go for it. Phil - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 08:02:47 +0300 From: "David S. Pinhasik" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Stock Charts and Relative Strength I would be in also for 99$! Hope it works. David - -----Original Message----- From: Frank V. Wolynski To: ; Date: =F9=E1=FA 28 =EE=F8=F5 1998 04:22 Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Stock Charts and Relative Strength >At 18:57 3/27/98 -0500, Tom Worley wrote: >>We need a head count of members of this group that would definitely >>sign up for one year of DG Online at $99/each (regardless of whether >>you are taking any other WON product). > >Count this head as a definite, if the price were $99!!! > >Frank Wolynski > > >- > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 08:16:59 +0300 From: "David S. Pinhasik" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Head count - Send to Rich, I tried sending to the address you stated, but it does not work. David - -----Original Message----- From: Rich To: Date: =F9=E1=FA 28 =EE=F8=F5 1998 10:19 Subject: [CANSLIM] Head count - Send to >OK, everyone Iwill do the headcount. I will set up data base and keep >track of it. After we have the numbers we will discuss how to deal >with WON. I would suggest sending to me at the >following information. > >1. e-amil address >2. number of trades a year >3. subscribe at $100? >4. subscribe at $200? >5. subscribe at $300? >6. subscribe at $400? >7. anything else you think would be useful. > >I will give you a running count every few days. > >BTW, does anyone follow the VIX. It has moved up bigtime this week >and is currently at 24.4 indicating a possible top. > >Ciao, >Rich > > >_________________________________________________________ >DO YOU YAHOO!? >Get your free address at > > > >- > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 23:59:31 -0800 From: "Patrick Wahl" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Head Count > >Who is counting? I am interested ... John > >>We need a head count of members of this group that would definitely > > >sign up for one year of DG Online at $99/each (regardless of whether > > >you are taking any other WON product). If you can swing it for $99 a year, with no strings attached (like subscribing to the DG paper version), I would do it. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 19:04:51 -0300 From: John & Phuong Nicholson Subject: [CANSLIM] Re: canslim-digest V2 #166 Who is counting? I am interested ... John >>We need a head count of members of this group that would definitely > >sign up for one year of DG Online at $99/each (regardless of whether > >you are taking any other WON product). I'd go for it. - -- John & Phuong Nicholson Cx 97004 - Nova Friburgo RJ 28601-970 - BRASIL Phone: 55-24-522-3170 Fax: 55-24-522-2113 E-mail: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 06:10:22 -0600 From: (Elaine/Robert Urban) Subject: [CANSLIM] head count I would go for the $99/ DG if available. Definitely rtu - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 09:00:13 -0500 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Enough already, back to why we're here Deletions from my watch list: EFTC, SMMT. Additions to my watch list: MAPX, FFGI, JAII, LGWX. Hottest on my list for me: MTIC, ZOMX, FFGI and maybe TMBS. As always, my "obsessive, compulsive addiction" to low priced stocks prevails, I only looked at stocks under $20, which also led to some other deletions that passed this threshold this past week. I still have a number of other lists to go thru, will post some more additions if I get thru them. Only done part of NASDAQ, haven't started NYSE yet. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 06:06:51 -0800 (PST) From: Rich Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Head count - Send to David: The e-mail address is working. I don't know why your letter bounced. Try sending it again as follows. I would suggest sending to me at the following information. 1. e-amil address 2. number of trades a year 3. subscribe at $100? 4. subscribe at $200? 5. subscribe at $300? 6. subscribe at $400? 7. anything else you think would be useful. Ciao, Rich - ---"David S. Pinhasik" wrote: > > Rich, I tried sending to the address you stated, but it does not work. > David > > -----Original Message----- > From: Rich > To: > Date: שבת 28 מרץ 1998 10:19 > Subject: [CANSLIM] Head count - Send to > > > >OK, everyone Iwill do the headcount. I will set up data base and keep > >track of it. After we have the numbers we will discuss how to deal > >with WON. I would suggest sending to me at the > >following information. > > > >1. e-amil address > >2. number of trades a year > >3. subscribe at $100? > >4. subscribe at $200? > >5. subscribe at $300? > >6. subscribe at $400? > >7. anything else you think would be useful. > > > >I will give you a running count every few days. > > > >BTW, does anyone follow the VIX. It has moved up bigtime this week > >and is currently at 24.4 indicating a possible top. > > > >Ciao, > >Rich > > > > > >_________________________________________________________ > >DO YOU YAHOO!? > >Get your free address at > > > > > > > >- > > > > > > > - > > _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 09:24:53 -0500 From: "Frank V. Wolynski" Subject: [CANSLIM] Industry Group List available from IBD! IBD has returned to publishing their Industry Group guide. It is available for $35 + shipping from IBD's library. Call 800-815-6300. It was mentioned in "To Make a Long Story Short", page 1 on Monday's paper. I believe it is officially known as the "Industry Group and Ticker Symbol Guide". Frank Wolynski - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 07:30:01 -0700 From: "Kent Horne" Subject: [CANSLIM] (Canslim) Head Count This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_004D_01BD5AE4.7C46CCE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Count me in for $99 / year if no other required purchases. Kent Horne - ------=_NextPart_000_004D_01BD5AE4.7C46CCE0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Count me in for $99 / year if no = other required=20 purchases.
Kent = Horne
- ------=_NextPart_000_004D_01BD5AE4.7C46CCE0-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 09:37:27 -0500 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: [CANSLIM] More Additions I also am adding GPTX and NWSS (an extreme microcap, $3.5 mil cap, just under $5, but the earnings growth, and small issue, get my attention) to my watch list. Nothing on NYSE under $20 caught my attention. Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments will better inform and educate all investors. tom w - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 10:14:51 -0500 From: Ari Lawson Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Market Direction Good point Jeff, I just reread that part of won's book for about the hundereth time. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 10:13:51 -0500 From: "Surindra Singh" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Enough already, back to why we're here Wow! Lots of head counts etc. etc. We will togather try whatever we can as a group to get the best rates. Tom: FFTC: I was closely watching, but dropped it when I read that the company is being bought. Any comments about RNWK or NSOL? Internet stocks have been rocketing. I am in both for about two weeks now. Surindra |-----Original Message----- |From: |[]On Behalf Of Tom Worley |Sent: Sunday, March 29, 1998 9:00 AM |To: CANSLIM |Subject: [CANSLIM] Enough already, back to why we're here | | |Deletions from my watch list: EFTC, SMMT. | |Additions to my watch list: MAPX, FFGI, JAII, LGWX. | |Hottest on my list for me: MTIC, ZOMX, FFGI and maybe TMBS. | |As always, my "obsessive, compulsive addiction" to low priced stocks |prevails, I only looked at stocks under $20, which also led to some |other deletions that passed this threshold this past week. I still |have a number of other lists to go thru, will post some more additions |if I get thru them. Only done part of NASDAQ, haven't started NYSE |yet. | |Any statements or opinions are strictly my own and not that of my |employer. My comments should not be interpreted as a recommendation of |any kind. I am a licensed (inactive) broker and an active investor. |All investors should do their own research prior to any investment, |especially one learned about on the Internet. Hopefully my comments |will better inform and educate all investors. |tom w | | |- | - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 10:36:54 -0500 From: Craig Griffin Subject: [CANSLIM] (Slightly off-subject) URL for basic info This URL has lots of basic info for newbies and experienced investors alike. Here is the table of contents for the articles on the site: Table of Contents Advice Beginning Investors Errors in Investing Using a Full-Service Broker One-Line Wisdom Paying for Investment Advice Researching a Company Analysis Annual Reports Beating the Market Beta and Alpha Book-to-Bill Ratio Book Value Computing Compound Return Future and Present Value of Money Goodwill Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Price-Earnings (P/E) Ratio Rule of 72 Same-Store Sales Bonds Basics Duration Measure Moody Bond Ratings Municipal Bond Terminology Relationship of Price and Interest Rate Tranches Treasury Debt Instruments Treasury Direct U.S. Savings Bonds Value of U.S. Treasury Bills Zero-Coupon Derivatives Basics Futures Stock Option Basics Stock Option Ordering Stock Option Splits Stock Option Symbols LEAPs Exchanges The American Stock Exchange Circuit Breakers on NYSE and CBOE Contact Information Instinet Market Makers and Specialists The NASDAQ The New York Stock Exchange Members and Seats on AMEX Ticker Tape Terminology Financial Planning Basics Pay Off Mortgage Early or Invest in Stocks? Information Sources Books Dialup and Subscription Services Free to All Who Ask Internet Investment Associations Mailing lists Value Line Wall $treet Week Insurance Annuities Life Mutual Funds Basics Average Annual Return Buying from Brokers versus Fund Companies Distributions and Tax Implications Fees and Expenses Money-Market Funds Redemptions Versus Stocks Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Renting versus Buying a Home Regulation Money-Supply Measures M1, M2, and M3 Federal Reserve and Interest Rates Securities and Exchange Commission (U.S.) SEC Rule 144 SEC Registered Advisory Service SEC/NASDAQ Settlement Series of Examinations/Registrations SIPC, or How to Survive a Bankrupt Broker Retirement Plans 401(k) 403(b) Education IRA Co-mingling funds in IRA accounts Keogh Ordinary IRA Roth IRA SEP-IRA Stocks Basics American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) Cyclicals Dividends Dramatic Price Changes Types of Indexes The Dow Jones Industrial Average Other Indexes Investor Rights Movement IPOs Mergers Market Capitalization Preferred Shares Price Basis Price Tables in Newspapers Replacing Lost Certificates Repurchasing by Companies Researching the Value of Old Certificates Shareholder Rights Plan Shorting Shorting Against the Box Splits Warrants Strategy Dogs of the Dow Dollar Cost and Value Averaging Hedging Buying on Margin When to Buy/Sell Stocks Value and Growth Software Archive of Free Investment-Related Programs Portfolio Tracking and Technical Analysis Tax Code Backup Withholding Computing Capital Gains and Cost Basis for Equities Deductions for Investors Estate and Gift Tax Non-Resident Aliens and US Holdings Short-Term and Long-Term Gains/Losses Gifts of Stock Tax swaps Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) Wash Sale Rule Technical Analysis Basics Black-Scholes Model Commodity Channel Index Charting Services Data Sources Elliott Wave Theory Information Sources MACD McClellan Oscillator and Summation Index On Balance Volume Relative Strength Indicator Stochastics Trading After Hours Bid, Ask, and Spread Brokerage Account Types Discount Brokers Direct Investing and DRIPS Electronically and via the Internet Free Ride Rules By Insiders Introducing Broker Jargon and Terminology NASD Public Disclosure Hotline NASD Licences Buying and Selling Without a Broker Non-Resident Aliens and US Exchanges Opening Prices Order Routing and Payment for Order Flow Day, GTC, Limit, and Stop-Loss Orders Pink Sheet Stocks Price Improvement Process Date Round Lots of Shares Size of the Market Tick, Uptick, and Downtick Transferring an Account Can You Trust The Tape? Selling Worthless Shares Trivia Bull and Bear Lore Dollar Bill Presidents Getting Rich Quickly One-Letter Ticker Symbols Stock Prices in Sixteenths - - ------------------------------ End of canslim-digest V2 #167 ***************************** To unsubscribe to canslim-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe canslim-digest" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.