----- Original Message -----From:=20 Chazmoore@aol.comSent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 = 11:33=20 PMSubject: Re: [CANSLIM] = DFXIRobert, = Katherine, and=20 Spencer:
Direct Focus, in my opinion, is basically a marketing = company=20 that has chosen to sell high quality leisure equipment. They have = "branded"=20 their products through heavy spot TV commercials, infomercials, = Internet,=20 response mailings and print media. Their products include Bowflex, = Nautilus,=20 Schwinn, and StairMaster. One strong trait is their ability to set the = product=20 price and hold it for an extended period of time. I sent off for their = free=20 video tape over a year ago and the Bowflex prices have not changed. = They are=20 growing through acquisition which is reducing their fixed costs, and = they are=20 a clear leader in their industry. Their IBD Industry Classification,=20 Leisure-Products, has done quite well over the last several months.=20
Having said all that, the stock price could drop like a rock = Monday,=20 and if it does, I'm gone.
----- Original Message -----From: Katherine MalmSent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 6:04 AMSubject: Re: [CANSLIM] DFXII agree with you all that this is textbook CANSLIM down to the leadership status, savvy business planning, high ROE, high Sales/EPS growth, low institutional ownership, share buyback, etc. (They also own Nautilus sleep systems....those mattresses that have air chambers instead of box springs and compete with Select Comfort)...Good point about buying TV ad time on the cheap, Robert....more business savvy. My concern was that the breakout coincided with an upgrade by US Piper Jaffray (didn't notice that high short interest until Ian pointed it out). That, combined with a lot of CANSLIM eyes on the stock makes me wary about the timing, not the validity of the stock itself. I'll bet there'll be plenty of "second chances" for entry near the pivot on this one. (Hopefully no high-volume-rock-pullbacks for your sakes Charley and Robert!)Ian...a question for you--If you were to find a company like DFXI that fit all your requirements except the low price/microcap status you prefer....would you pass? Seems that when you look back on a long term chart of stocks like INTC, DELL, CSCO that were once $25 "pricey" stocks, those prices now look like tiny blips in comparison.Happy Easter,Katherine----- Original Message -----From: Chazmoore@aol.comSent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 11:33 PMSubject: Re: [CANSLIM] DFXIRobert, Katherine, and Spencer:
Direct Focus, in my opinion, is basically a marketing company that has chosen to sell high quality leisure equipment. They have "branded" their products through heavy spot TV commercials, infomercials, Internet, response mailings and print media. Their products include Bowflex, Nautilus, Schwinn, and StairMaster. One strong trait is their ability to set the product price and hold it for an extended period of time. I sent off for their free video tape over a year ago and the Bowflex prices have not changed. They are growing through acquisition which is reducing their fixed costs, and they are a clear leader in their industry. Their IBD Industry Classification, Leisure-Products, has done quite well over the last several months.
Having said all that, the stock price could drop like a rock Monday, and if it does, I'm gone.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0018_01C1D8B2.C45B9880-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "majordomo@xmission.com" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 14:41:52 -0500 From: willma23521110@bergenpolitikammer.com Subject: GMWR stock for consideration to go long, please see special sit. report inside GMWR.OB NASDAQ 52111000000000From:=20 Katherine=20 MalmSent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 = 9:04=20 AMSubject: Re: [CANSLIM] = DFXII agree with you all that this is textbook CANSLIM down to the = leadership=20 status, savvy business planning, high ROE, high Sales/EPS growth, low=20 institutional ownership, share buyback, etc. (They also own Nautilus = sleep=20 systems....those mattresses that have air chambers instead of box = springs and=20 compete with Select Comfort)...Good point about buying TV ad time on = the=20 cheap, Robert....more business savvy. My concern was that the = breakout=20 coincided with an upgrade by US Piper Jaffray (didn't notice that high = short=20 interest until Ian pointed it out). That, combined with a lot of = CANSLIM eyes=20 on the stock makes me wary about the timing, not the validity of the = stock=20 itself. I'll bet there'll be plenty of "second chances" for entry near = the=20 pivot on this one. (Hopefully no high-volume-rock-pullbacks for = your=20 sakes Charley and Robert!)Ian...a question for you--If you were to find a company like DFXI = that=20 fit all your requirements except the low price/microcap status you=20 prefer....would you pass? Seems that when you look back on a = long term=20 chart of stocks like INTC, DELL, CSCO that were once $25 "pricey" = stocks,=20 those prices now look like tiny blips in comparison.Happy Easter,Katherine----- Original Message -----From:=20 Chazmoore@aol.comTo: canslim@lists.xmission.com= =20Sent: Saturday, March 30, = 2002 11:33=20 PMSubject: Re: [CANSLIM] = DFXIRobert, = Katherine,=20 and Spencer:
Direct Focus, in my opinion, is basically a = marketing=20 company that has chosen to sell high quality leisure equipment. They = have=20 "branded" their products through heavy spot TV commercials, = infomercials,=20 Internet, response mailings and print media. Their products include = Bowflex,=20 Nautilus, Schwinn, and StairMaster. One strong trait is their = ability to set=20 the product price and hold it for an extended period of time. I sent = off for=20 their free video tape over a year ago and the Bowflex prices have = not=20 changed. They are growing through acquisition which is reducing = their fixed=20 costs, and they are a clear leader in their industry. Their IBD = Industry=20 Classification, Leisure-Products, has done quite well over the last = several=20 months.
Having said all that, the stock price could drop = like a rock=20 Monday, and if it does, I'm gone.