From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #2507 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Thursday, June 20 2002 Volume 02 : Number 2507 In this issue: [CANSLIM] Re. Two Questions Re: [CANSLIM] Re. Two Questions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:59:58 EDT From: Subject: [CANSLIM] Re. Two Questions Canslimmers: 1) Does anyone have any idea how a company can have a negative fund ownership? I'm watching FBAY and its Fund Ownership (according to DGO) is - -1%. This Canadian Company (which develops and mkts. integrated computer systems) has 1.9 million float and 2.0 million outstanding. I have a feeling that the difference is that -1% Fund ownership, but I can't understand how a company can have a negative Fund Ownership-and at the same time have it calculate as a positive result. 2) Just a vagrant query. I wonder, if the S&P 600 is so important, why DGO doesn't feature it under its market tab. WON is associated with IBD and DGO (I believe he is the publisher of IBD and he owns DGO). You would think that he would mention it to DGO's subscribers-if for no other reason then to explain why the S&P 600 is not available on DGO. jans - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:14:07 -0500 From: "Katherine Malm" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Re. Two Questions This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_00E1_01C21853.FA085F00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi jans, re (2).... Over the last several years, I've made it a habit of writing DGO and = suggesting they add *all* indexes to their service. That would include = not only the S&P600, but also RUT, CMR, CYC, etc. They've always said = "thanks for the suggestion" but 4 years later, I see little progress in = making DGO a better "charting" service. In the meantime, I've always = used proxies of the indexes such as the S&P600, which are good enough = for a cursory comparison. I keep these in a couple of DGO Stock Lists = and flip through the charts regularly. - --Katherine BBH Hldrs Biotech=20 BDH Hldrs Broadbnd=20 BHH Hldrs B2B=20 DGT sTrackDJGlTitn=20 DIA DIAMONDS Trust=20 DSG sTracksDJSCP GR=20 DSV sTracksDJSCP VL=20 EFA iShr MSCI EAFE=20 ELG sTracksDJUS GR=20 ELV sTracksDJUS VL=20 EPP iShr MSCI PAC=20 EWA iShr MSAusy=20 EWC iShr MSCan=20 EWD iShr MSSwe=20 EWG iShr MSGer=20 EWH iShr MSHK=20 EWI iShr MSIta=20 EWJ iShr MSJpn=20 EWK iShr MSBlg=20 EWL iShr MSSwi=20 EWM iShr MSMay=20 EWN iShr MSNth=20 EWO iShr MSAus=20 EWP iShr MSESp=20 EWQ iShr MSFra=20 EWS iShr MSSng=20 EWT iShr MSTaiwn=20 EWU iShr MSUK=20 EWW iShr MSMex=20 EWY iShr MSSK=20 EWZ iShr MSBra=20 EZU iShr MSEMU=20 FEF Fort E-50NDXFD=20 FFF Fort 500 NDXFD=20 HHH Hldrs Internet=20 IAH Hldrs IntArch=20 IBB iShr NasBioTch=20 ICF iShr Cohen&St=20 IDU iShr DJUSUtil=20 IEV iShr SPEu350=20 IGM iShr GSchsTch=20 IGN iShr GS Netwkng=20 IGV iShr GSSftwr=20 IGW iShr GS Smcdtor=20 IIH Hldrs IntInfr=20 IJH iShr SP400=20 IJJ iShr SP400V=20 IJK iShr SP400G=20 IJR iShr SP600=20 IJS iShr SP600V=20 IJT iShr SP600G=20 IKC iShr SPTSE6U=20 IOO iShrsS&P Glbl=20 IVE iShr SP500V=20 IVV iShr SP500=20 IVW iShr SP500G=20 IWB iShr Ru1000=20 IWD iShr Ru1000V=20 IWF iShr Ru1000G=20 IWM iShr Rus2000=20 IWN iShr Ru2000V=20 IWO iShr Ru2000G=20 IWP iShr RuMidGrth=20 IWR iShr RuMid=20 IWS iShr RuMidVlu=20 IWV iShr Ru3000=20 IWW Russ 300 VL=20 IWZ iShr Ru3000G=20 IXC iShr SPGbl GE=20 IXJ iShr SPGblHthcr=20 IYC iShr DJCycl=20 IYD DJ USChem=20 IYE iShr DJUSEn=20 IYF iShr DJUSFi=20 IYG iShr DJUSFin=20 IYH iShr DJUSHlth=20 IYJ iShr DJIndst=20 IYK iShr DJUSCNC=20 IYM iShr DJUSBM=20 IYR iShr DJUSRE=20 IYV iShr DJInt=20 IYW iShr DJTch=20 IYY iShr DJUSTot=20 IYZ iShr DJUSTc=20 MDY S & P 400 SPDR=20 MII sTrackMSInt=20 MKH Hlrds Mkt2000=20 MTK sTrackMSHT=20 OIH Hldrs Oil Svcs=20 PPH Hldrs Pharm=20 QQQ NASDAQ 100TRST=20 RKH Hldrs RegnlBnk=20 RTH Hldrs Retail=20 SMH Hldrs Semicdtr=20 SPY S & P 500 SPDR=20 SWH Hldrs Sftwr=20 TTH Hldrs Telecom=20 UTH Hldrs Util=20 VTI Viprs Total=20 WMH Hldrs Wireless=20 XLB S & P Basic=20 XLE S & P Energy=20 XLF S & P Fin'l=20 XLI S & P Industrl=20 XLK S & P Tech=20 XLP S & P Staples=20 XLU S & P Util.=20 XLV S & P Services=20 XLY S & P CyclTrns=20 ----- Original Message -----=20 From: To: Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:59 AM Subject: [CANSLIM] Re. Two Questions Canslimmers: 1) Does anyone have any idea how a company can have a negative = fund=20 ownership? I'm watching FBAY and its Fund Ownership (according to = DGO) is=20 -1%. This Canadian Company (which develops and mkts. integrated = computer=20 systems) has 1.9 million float and 2.0 million outstanding. I have a = feeling=20 that the difference is that -1% Fund ownership, but I can't understand = how a=20 company can have a negative Fund Ownership-and at the same time have = it=20 calculate as a positive result. 2) Just a vagrant query. I wonder, if the S&P 600 is so = important, why=20 DGO doesn't feature it under its market tab. WON is associated with = IBD and=20 DGO (I believe he is the publisher of IBD and he owns DGO). You would = think=20 that he would mention it to DGO's subscribers-if for no other reason = then to=20 explain why the S&P 600 is not available on DGO. jans - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - ------=_NextPart_000_00E1_01C21853.FA085F00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi jans,
re (2)....
Over the last several years, I've made it a habit of writing DGO = and=20 suggesting they add *all* indexes to their service. That would include = not only=20 the S&P600, but also RUT, CMR, CYC, etc. They've always said "thanks = for the=20 suggestion" but 4 years later, I see little progress in making DGO a = better=20 "charting" service. In the meantime, I've always used proxies of the = indexes=20 such as the S&P600, which are good enough for a cursory comparison. = I keep=20 these in a couple of DGO Stock Lists and flip through the charts=20 regularly.
BBH Hldrs = BiotechBDH Hldrs BroadbndBHH Hldrs B2BDGT sTrackDJGlTitnDSG sTracksDJSCP GRDSV sTracksDJSCP VLEFA iShr MSCI EAFEELG sTracksDJUS GRELV sTracksDJUS VLEPP iShr MSCI PACEWA iShr MSAusyEWC iShr MSCanEWD iShr MSSweEWG iShr MSGerEWH iShr MSHKEWI iShr MSItaEWJ iShr MSJpnEWK iShr MSBlgEWL iShr MSSwiEWM iShr MSMayEWN iShr MSNthEWO iShr MSAusEWP iShr MSESpEWQ iShr MSFraEWS iShr MSSngEWT iShr MSTaiwnEWU iShr MSUKEWW iShr MSMexEWY iShr MSSKEWZ iShr MSBraEZU iShr MSEMUFEF Fort E-50NDXFDFFF Fort 500 NDXFDHHH Hldrs InternetIAH Hldrs IntArchIBB iShr NasBioTchICF iShr Cohen&StIDU iShr DJUSUtilIEV iShr SPEu350IGM iShr GSchsTchIGN iShr GS NetwkngIGV iShr GSSftwrIGW iShr GS SmcdtorIIH Hldrs IntInfrIKC iShr SPTSE6UIOO iShrsS&P GlblIXC iShr SPGbl GEIXJ iShr SPGblHthcrIYC iShr DJCyclIYD DJ USChemIYE iShr DJUSEnIYF iShr DJUSFiIYG iShr DJUSFinIYH iShr DJUSHlthIYJ iShr DJIndstIYK iShr DJUSCNCIYM iShr DJUSBMIYR iShr DJUSREIYV iShr DJIntIYW iShr DJTchIYY iShr DJUSTotIYZ iShr DJUSTcMII sTrackMSIntMTK sTrackMSHTOIH Hldrs Oil SvcsPPH Hldrs PharmRKH Hldrs RegnlBnkRTH Hldrs RetailSMH Hldrs SemicdtrSWH Hldrs SftwrHldrs TelecomUTH Hldrs UtilWMH Hldrs WirelessXLB S & P BasicXLE S & P EnergyXLF S & P Fin'lXLI S & P IndustrlXLK S & P TechXLP S & P StaplesXLU S & P Util.XLV S & P ServicesXLY S & P = CyclTrns
IJH iShr SP400
IJJ iShr SP400V
IJK iShr SP400G
IJR iShr SP600
IJS iShr SP600V
IJT iShr SP600G
IVE iShr SP500V
IVV iShr SP500
IVW iShr SP500G
IWB iShr Ru1000
IWD iShr Ru1000V
IWF iShr Ru1000G
IWM iShr Rus2000
IWN iShr Ru2000V
IWO iShr Ru2000G
IWP iShr RuMidGrth
IWR iShr RuMid
IWS iShr RuMidVlu
IWV iShr Ru3000
IWW Russ 300 VL
IWZ iShr Ru3000G
MDY S & P 400 SPDR
MKH Hlrds Mkt2000
SPY S & P 500 SPDR
VTI Viprs Total
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 = 11:59=20 AM
Subject: [CANSLIM] Re. Two=20 Questions


     1) Does = anyone=20 have any idea how a company can have a negative fund=20
ownership?   I'm watching FBAY and its Fund Ownership = (according=20 to DGO) is
-1%.  This Canadian Company (which develops and = mkts.=20 integrated computer
systems) has 1.9 million float and 2.0 million = outstanding.  I have a feeling
that the difference is that = - -1% Fund=20 ownership, but I can't understand how a
company can have a = negative Fund=20 Ownership-and at the same time have it
calculate as a positive=20 result.

     2) Just a vagrant query.  = I=20 wonder, if the S&P 600 is so important, why
DGO doesn't = feature it=20 under its market tab.  WON is associated with IBD and
DGO (I = believe=20 he is the publisher of IBD and he owns DGO).  You would think =
that he=20 would mention it to DGO's subscribers-if for no other reason then to=20
explain why the S&P 600 is not available on=20 DGO.


-To subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= the=20 email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe = canslim".  Do=20 not use quotes in your email. - ------=_NextPart_000_00E1_01C21853.FA085F00-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ End of canslim-digest V2 #2507 ****************************** To unsubscribe to canslim-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe canslim-digest" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.