From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #2671 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Sunday, July 28 2002 Volume 02 : Number 2671 In this issue: Re: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 15:42:57 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_05B9_01C2364D.720C36E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Heck, I would settle for having known CANSLIM for half that many years, = might have saved me a lot of losses, and put me into far better stocks. Personally, I don't have a problem with WON, DGO, IBD or anyone else = making money from selling a service that will return substantial value = for dollar spent. I do disagree with the premium price DGO is charging = for the Custom Screens, as I think screening capability should be an = intrinsic part of the service I am already paying for. Aside from that, = tho, I clearly recognize that IBD and DGO are commercial enterprises, = not non-profit organizations, and to stay in business (and available to = us) must show at least the potential for profit, if not actual profit. Having spent tens of thousands of dollars over the years on investment = newsletters, Value Line, and other material purported to give me the = answers to ultimate, if not immediate, wealth, I find best value, = including in time saved, by using DGO. That is not to say I have tried = everything out there, I haven't, but started using WON products over 12 = years ago, so comfortable with what they present, and the results I can = achieve. But DGO is only one of a number of tools I use, most of the = rest are either free, or very inexpensive. What works for me is the = combination of all these tools, used in a way that works for my risk = taking and style of investing. Someone else would use them differently. = That is one of the things I like best about CANSLIM, it is not a single = set of absolute rules that everyone must follow, rather it is a set of = guidelines based on past occurrences. I deviate widely from some of = these guidelines, or principles. Usually works, sometimes not. But I = know when I am varying from the tried and tested guidelines, and = venturing out on my own. - ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Fred Richards=20 To: Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 3:12 PM Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta In fact, most of the response is his =93opinion:=94 =20 Would you concede it would be less of an opinion if I had known WON for = over 50 years? I am surprised that you thought it was a defensive = response. From my perspective, it added some information that most of = you never would have known about WON. Also, I was not inferring that you did not have the temperament or risk = capital to be in the market. At this time, it is questionable whether = any newbie should considerable investing until the market's volatility = and momentum changes. It is, however, an excellent time to test one's = investing ideas. Of course, newbie's sometimes get lucky but most often both newbie's, = professional managers, and day traders in market environments like this = wonder where the money went after a few months. Just trying to be helpful. In this market environment, CANSLIM can keep = you from making bad mistakes and each individual's results will be = different for a variety of reasons. CANSLIM is only a initial cut of = the stock market universe and there are many other tools to accomplish = the same thing. I agree that you must play the game to win but sometimes capital = preservation is the game to be played as opposed to capital = appreciation. -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of Edward McDonough Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 1:28 PM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta Jeffrey, =20 I feel I should respond to Mr. Richards so you can be satisfactorily = informed. =20 In fact, most of the response is his =93opinion:=94 I prefer to deal = in facts. A common ploy from certain personality types; when they = don=92t like the message they have just heard. =93Attack the = messenger=94. This gentleman doesn=92t even know me or my investment = experience, yet because my facts disputed his opinion, he felt it = necessary to attack That=92s ok. In fact I am quite pleased with my = investment results.=20 =20 I find it somewhat amusing that my facts elicited such a defensive, = opinion filled response. In fact, most of the response is his = =93opinion:=94 I prefer to deal in facts. I=92m not attacking him = because his stated opinions are based simply on guesswork on his part. = Let me pose this: Perhaps it is he that does not have the temperament = and risk capital to be in the market.=20 =20 I bear no malice, and wish Mr O=92Neil and yourself and Mr. Richards = further success. In fact I like Mr. O=92Neil=92s work. Just understand = CANSLIM for what it is. It is not the panacea. Nothing is. I stand = behind my facts as stated earlier.=20 =20 Play the game to win!! =20 Best of luck!! =20 Call me crazy. =20 Ed =20 -----Original Message----- From: = [] On Behalf Of Fred Richards Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 6:25 PM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta =20 From WON's college efforts to his nights at an Alaskan Air Force base = up to today, he has been first and foremost a student of the market. =20 I would have to agree that some people regard him as a salesman. But = make no mistake, first and foremost, he has dedicated himself to = learning about the market and finding aspects of it which assist people = to increase their stock market performance. CANSLIM is the result and = over time, certain formula's and so-called rules are revised to reflect = the current market conditions. Over the years, he found excellent people = to design the marketing effort for his study results. =20 The O'Neil Stock Graphs revolutionized the institutional business more = than the development by Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette of corporate = research in the early 1960's. WON has consistently made money in the = stock market and on occasion, done extremely well with M on his side. =20 You are right that CANSLIM has been very profitable for WON. In fact, = it enabled him to bankroll the IBD for several years before it broke = even. And it was costly! It is probably incorrect to assume that he gets = more profit from IBD, and William O'Neil + Co than from trading in the = market each year. =20 WON lives for trading and has had an electronic brokerage board in his = office at his home beside the swimming pool for years. While the = corporations which WON has built are profitable, don't ever discount his = passion for trading and trying to pass on that knowledge to others. =20 In other words, getting paid $795 per person for an Investor's = Workshop seminar probably isn't going to change his lifestyle. It = probably barely covers the expenses of putting the event on. WON is = probably unlike most CEO's you know. It ain't the money that's = important . . . it's helping people beat the odds! It costs a = tremendous amount of money to provide the computer power behind IBD, =, and DGO. One of these days, I'll ask him if he thinks he = is making a fair return for all the money invested. =20 =20 At least, the cost is significantly less than the original quarterly = cost for the O'Neil Stock Graphs. The only question before the house . = . . did you make enough money using the web services, paper, DGO, books = to make a profit on your investment of time and money. If the answer is = "Yes," be happy. If not, ask yourself, why. =20 =20 Perhaps, you should do not have the temperament and risk capital to be = in the stock market. [Fred Richards]=20 =20 -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of Edward McDonough Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 2:39 PM To: Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta Jeffrey, =20 Sorry for my skepticism as I=92m sure Mr. O=92Neil derives great = pleasure from helping people make money using his CANSLIM principles, = but don=92t be misled into thinking he is doing it out of the goodness = of his heart. =20 =20 Mr. O=92Neil at his most basic level is a salesman. He has = something to sell: his methodology, his newspaper, his web services for = both individuals and institutions. What better way than to have products = to sell to people that follow his very own CANSLIM Method. Pretty cool. =20 He sells you the gas that makes the car run and he even sells you = the car. Pretty neat, and highly profitable for Mr. O=92Neil. Also, = profitable for the investor that follows it, if the investor doesn=92t = crash the car while following his principals. Don=92t get me wrong, I = have benefited from his knowledge and information. But individual=92s = performance in using CANSLIM will vary widely. =20 =20 I don=92t doubt for a moment the AAII study results. But studies can = be used to demonstrate all sorts of things. Be aware of one thing. The = returns you personally derive from CANSLIM can vary widely from the = numbers presented in the AAII study.=20 =20 For example, there are several studies that demonstrate the = difference in return between what mutual funds show as performance and = what individual investors actually receive. In other words, what the = average investor derives in terms of return can vary greatly from what = the mutual fund shows as performance because the average holding period = of a mutual fund for an average investor is not buy and hold forever. = Mutual fund investors typically buy and sell at some point. The moving = parts for a mutual fund investor are few, buy or sell. The moving parts = for a canslim investor are many: buy,sell,C,A,N,S,L,I,M. Consequently = more room for error and therefore even more widely varying results. =20 Best of Luck!! =20 Call me crazy, ED =20 =20 -----Original Message----- From: = [] On Behalf Of Katherine Malm Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 2:20 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta =20 Hi Jeffrey, =20 First of all, thanks for that great intro and welcome to the list.=20 =20 I'll take a stab at your question (1) as this is something that = comes up often when people talk generally about CANSLIM. I think it's = refreshing that O'Neil (WON) has never found the need to tout specific = returns to inform others of the benefits of CANSLIM investing. There are = as many ways to pull profits from the markets as there are people in = China, but if you were to boil any one system down to its essence, the = successful methodologies all have two things in common: MASTERY and = DISCIPLINE in applying the methodology. How many times have you seen = your friends flit from one investment "guru" to the next or one = "investing system" to the next? I see it happen constantly....somehow = it's easier to blame losses on "the system" than on themselves, so off = they go to find another holy grail. CANSLIM has its place in investing. = It's based on sound and time-proven investing principles, it has a = specific set of rules, and it works. Why would O'Neil tell people how to = do it? Because his profits in trading this discipline are not = compromised by the success of others. He can afford to mentor and = develop good investors/traders and profit from it, because he knows that = it is not CANSLIM itself that creates investing profits for those he = mentors, it is the successful application of CANSLIM principles as = applied by knowledgeable users. I think of it as the principle of = abundance. Imagine if you were to have a child and in order to love = another child, you had to decrease your love for the first by half. It = just doesn't work that way. There are plenty of profits in the market, = and thank goodness there are people like WON who are willing to teach = the rest of us how to find and *keep* them. =20 OK, now that I've had my weekly rant....I'll post (separately) a = study done by AAII that shows profits from various investment = strategies. This was done for the year 2001...remember *that* year? Take = a look at the 45% returns for CANSLIM. Pretty hard to sneeze at that. =20 Katherine ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Gasta, Jeffrey=20 To: ''=20 Cc: Gasta, Jeffrey=20 Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 12:32 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta =20 Hello, Thank you for providing this group. It is so cool to find = independent, non-biased sources of information. The net is great for that. Aside from funding my 401K with mutual funds, I'm new to = investing. My brother-in-law is a mortgage banker and he did VERY well in the = 90s by investing. After years of asking he finally told me that he is = now using the CANSLIM method (although he did well before he adopted this). = Also, he won't have a dialog with him on this - in-laws are weird = sometimes. For the past two months I've been reading IBD,, and two of Mr. = O'Neil's books. During the past year I have read two of John Bogle's = books, read the financial section in the Washington Post weekly and watched the = market with increasing interest. I live in the DC metro area and am 39 years = old. =20 My degree is in Applied Mathematics and I perform technical work = daily as a telecom. engineer. I have no background in finance or investing. = However, I do have strong analytical skills and like working in an = environment with rules/guidelines. Incidentally, in the book "The Millionaire Next = Door" the authors point out that Engineers tend to do well with investing = because of their belief in and adherence to rules/laws. Will try to lurk for a while before posting any messages. I do = have a couple starter questions if that doesn't offend the group. If = these questions shouldn't be asked yet, or they are answered in the = archive, please let me know. 1) The success stories Mr. O'Neil mentions are incredible. But = he doesn't mention how his overall portfolio (including losses) has done over = the years. Can anyone give me guidance on independent studies and/or = personal experience with this system? For example, a 5-year total return = of 15% on the entire portfolio that also includes the 8% loses. Also if = CANSLIM is so profitable, why is Mr. O'Neil spending lots of his time writing = books and giving seminars? It makes me wonder where his wealth is really = coming from. 2) I have found several "ride-the-coattails" web sites for = CANSLIM. A quick survey of these sites seem to show that they simply = regurgitate the info. already provided by IBD and thus are not worth the price. = Any thoughts on these sites would be appreciated. 3) Does Daily Graphs Online really provide added value for a = beginner like me? After viewing their tutorial I can't figure out what they = provide beyond standard IBD membership. Many thanks for your time! Jeffrey Gasta Telecommunications Engineering Marriott International Voice: 301.380.6204 Fax: 301.380.8649 - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - ------=_NextPart_000_05B9_01C2364D.720C36E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Heck, I would settle for having known CANSLIM = for half=20 that many years, might have saved me a lot of losses, and put me into = far better=20 stocks.
Personally, I don't have a problem with WON, = DGO, IBD or=20 anyone else making money from selling a service that will return = substantial=20 value for dollar spent. I do disagree with the premium price DGO is = charging for=20 the Custom Screens, as I think screening capability should be an = intrinsic part=20 of the service I am already paying for. Aside from that, tho, I clearly=20 recognize that IBD and DGO are commercial enterprises, not non-profit=20 organizations, and to stay in business (and available to us) must show = at least=20 the potential for profit, if not actual profit.
Having spent tens of thousands of dollars over = the years=20 on investment newsletters, Value Line, and other material purported to = give me=20 the answers to ultimate, if not immediate, wealth, I find best value, = including=20 in time saved, by using DGO. That is not to say I have tried everything = out=20 there, I haven't, but started using WON products over 12 years ago, so=20 comfortable with what they present, and the results I can achieve. But = DGO is=20 only one of a number of tools I use, most of the rest are either free, = or very=20 inexpensive. What works for me is the combination of all these tools, = used in a=20 way that works for my risk taking and style of investing. Someone else = would use=20 them differently. That is one of the things I like best about CANSLIM, = it is not=20 a single set of absolute rules that everyone must follow, rather it is a = set of=20 guidelines based on past occurrences. I deviate widely from some of = these=20 guidelines, or principles. Usually works, sometimes not. But I know when = I am=20 varying from the tried and tested guidelines, and venturing out on my=20 own.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Fred Richards =
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta

 In fact, most of the response is his=20 =93opinion:=94  
 Would you concede it would be less of an opinion if = I=20 had known WON for over 50 years?  I am surprised = that you=20 thought it was a defensive response.  From my perspective, it added = some=20 information that most of you never would have known about=20 WON.
Also, I was = not=20 inferring that you did not have the temperament or risk capital = to be in=20 the market.  At this time, it is questionable whether any newbie = should=20 considerable investing until the market's volatility and momentum = changes. =20 It is, however, an excellent time to test one's investing=20 ideas.
Of course, = newbie's=20 sometimes get lucky but most often both newbie's, professional managers, = and day=20 traders in market environments like this wonder where the money = went after=20 a few months.
Just trying = to be=20 helpful.  In this market environment, CANSLIM can keep you from = making bad=20 mistakes and each individual's results will be different for a variety = of=20 reasons.  CANSLIM is only a initial cut of the stock market = universe and=20 there are many other tools to accomplish the same = thing.
I agree that = you must=20 play the game to win but sometimes capital preservation is the game to = be played=20 as opposed to capital appreciation.
-----Original Message-----
From:=20 []On Behalf Of Edward=20 McDonough
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 1:28 PM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Intro: = Jeffrey=20 Gasta



I feel I should respond to Mr. = Richards=20 so you can be satisfactorily informed.


In fact, most of the response = is his=20 =93opinion:=94 I prefer to deal in facts. A common = ploy from certain=20 personality types; when they don=92t like the message they have just = heard.  =93Attack the messenger=94. = This gentleman=20 doesn=92t even know me or my investment experience, yet because my = facts=20 disputed his opinion, he felt it necessary to attack   That=92s=20 ok.  In fact I am quite = pleased=20 with my investment results.


I find it somewhat amusing = that my facts=20 elicited such a defensive, opinion filled response.   In fact, most of the = response is=20 his =93opinion:=94 I prefer to deal in facts.  I=92m not attacking him = because his=20 stated opinions are based simply on guesswork on his part. Let me pose = this:=20 Perhaps it is he that does not have the temperament and risk capital = to be in=20 the market.


I bear no malice, and wish Mr = O=92Neil and=20 yourself and Mr. Richards further success. = In fact I=20 like Mr. O=92Neil=92s work. Just understand CANSLIM for what it is. It = is not the=20 panacea. Nothing is.  I = stand=20 behind my facts as stated earlier.


Play the game to=20 win!!


Best of=20 luck!!


Call me=20 crazy.




-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of Fred=20 Richards
Friday, = July 26,=20 2002 = 6:25=20 PM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Intro: = Jeffrey=20 Gasta


From=20 WON's college efforts to his nights at an Alaskan Air Force base up to = today,=20 he has been first and foremost a student of the=20 market.


I would=20 have to agree that some people regard him as a salesman. But make no = mistake,=20 first and foremost, he has dedicated himself to learning about the = market and=20 finding aspects of it which assist people to increase their stock = market=20 performance. CANSLIM is the result and over time, certain formula's = and=20 so-called rules are revised to reflect the current market conditions. = Over the=20 years, he found excellent people to design the marketing effort for = his study=20 results.


The=20 O'Neil Stock Graphs revolutionized the institutional business more = than the=20 development by Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette of corporate research = in the=20 early 1960's.  WON has consistently made money in the stock = market and on=20 occasion, done extremely well with M on his=20 side.


You are=20 right that CANSLIM has been very profitable for WON. In fact, it = enabled him=20 to bankroll the IBD for several years before it broke even. And = it was=20 costly! It is probably incorrect to assume that he gets more = profit from=20 IBD, and William O'Neil + Co than from trading in the market each=20 year.


WON=20 lives for trading and has had an electronic brokerage board in his = office at=20 his home beside the swimming pool for years.  While the = corporations=20 which WON has built are profitable, don't ever discount his passion = for=20 trading and trying to pass on that knowledge to=20 others.


In other=20 words, getting paid $795 per person for an Investor's Workshop seminar = probably isn't going to change his lifestyle.  It probably barely = covers=20 the expenses of putting the event on.  WON is probably unlike = most CEO's=20 you know.  It ain't the money that's important . . . it's helping = people=20 beat the odds!   It costs a tremendous amount of money to = provide=20 the computer power behind IBD,, and DGO.  One of = these days,=20 I'll ask him if he thinks he is making a fair return for all the money = invested. 


At=20 least, the cost is significantly less than the original quarterly cost = for the=20 O'Neil Stock Graphs.  The only question before the house . . . = did you=20 make enough money using the web services, paper, DGO, books to make a = profit=20 on your investment of time and money.  If the answer is = "Yes," be=20 happy.  If not, ask yourself, why. =20


Perhaps,=20 you should do not have the temperament and risk capital to be in the = stock=20 market.

[Fred=20 Richards] 


 -----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 []On=20 Behalf Of Edward McDonough
Sent: Friday, July 26,=20 2002 = 2:39=20 PM
Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Intro: = Jeffrey=20 Gasta



Sorry for my=20 skepticism as I=92m sure Mr. O=92Neil derives great pleasure from = helping people=20 make money using his CANSLIM principles, but don=92t be misled into = thinking=20 he is doing it out of the goodness of his heart.  =


Mr. O=92Neil at=20 his most basic level is a salesman. =20 He has something to sell: his methodology, his newspaper, his = web=20 services for both individuals and institutions. What better way than = to have=20 products to sell to people that follow his very own CANSLIM Method. = Pretty=20 cool.


He sells you=20 the gas that makes the car run and he even sells you the car. Pretty = neat,=20 and highly profitable for Mr. O=92Neil. =20 Also, profitable for the investor that follows it, if the = investor=20 doesn=92t crash the car while following his principals. Don=92t get = me wrong, I=20 have benefited from his knowledge and information. But = individual=92s=20 performance in using CANSLIM will vary widely.  =


I don=92t doubt=20 for a moment the AAII study results. But studies can be used to = demonstrate=20 all sorts of things. Be aware of one thing. The returns you = personally=20 derive from CANSLIM can vary widely from the numbers presented in = the AAII=20 study.


For example,=20 there are several studies that demonstrate the difference in return = between=20 what mutual funds show as performance and what individual investors = actually=20 receive. In other words, what the average investor derives in terms = of=20 return can vary greatly from what the mutual fund shows as = performance=20 because the average holding period of a mutual fund for an average = investor=20 is not buy and hold forever. Mutual fund investors typically buy and = sell at=20 some point. The moving parts for a mutual fund investor are few, buy = or=20 sell.  The moving = parts for a=20 canslim investor are many: buy,sell,C,A,N,S,L,I,M.  Consequently more room for = error and=20 therefore even more widely varying = results.


Best of=20 Luck!!


Call me=20 crazy,

ED     =20


-----Original=20 Message-----
From:=20 = []=20 On Behalf Of = Katherine=20 Malm
Friday, July 26,=20 2002 = 2:20=20 PM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Intro: = Jeffrey=20 Gasta


Hi=20 Jeffrey,


First of all, thanks for = that great=20 intro and welcome to the list.


I'll take a stab at your = question (1)=20 as this is something that comes up often when people talk generally = about=20 CANSLIM. I think it's refreshing that O'Neil (WON) has never = found the=20 need to tout specific returns to inform others of the benefits = of=20 CANSLIM investing. There are as many ways to pull profits from the = markets=20 as there are people in=20 = China,=20 but if you were to boil any one system down to its essence, the = successful=20 methodologies all have two things in common: MASTERY and DISCIPLINE = in=20 applying the methodology. How many times have you seen your friends = flit=20 from one investment "guru" to the next or one "investing system" to = the=20 next? I see it happen constantly....somehow it's easier to blame = losses on=20 "the system" than on themselves, so off they go to find another holy = grail.=20 CANSLIM has its place in investing. It's based on sound and = time-proven=20 investing principles, it has a specific set of rules, and it works. = Why=20 would O'Neil tell people how to do it? Because his profits in = trading this=20 discipline are not compromised by the success of others. He can = afford to=20 mentor and develop good investors/traders and profit from it, = because he=20 knows that it is not CANSLIM itself that creates investing profits = for those=20 he mentors, it is the successful application of CANSLIM principles = as=20 applied by knowledgeable users. I think of it as the principle of = abundance.=20 Imagine if you were to have a child and in order to love another = child, you=20 had to decrease your love for the first by half. It just doesn't = work that=20 way. There are plenty of profits in the market, and thank goodness = there are=20 people like WON who are willing to teach the rest of us how to find = and=20 *keep* them.


OK, now that I've had my = weekly=20 rant....I'll post (separately) a study done by AAII that shows = profits=20 from various investment strategies. This was done for the year=20 2001...remember *that* year? Take a look at the 45% returns for = CANSLIM.=20 Pretty hard to sneeze at that.



----- Original = Message -----=20

From: Gasta,=20 Jeffrey

To: ''= =20

Cc: Gasta,=20 Jeffrey

Sent:=20 Friday, July 26,=20 2002 = 12:32=20 PM

Subject:=20 [CANSLIM] Intro: Jeffrey Gasta



Thank you = for providing=20 this group. It is so cool to find independent,
non-biased = sources of=20 information.  The net is great for that.

 Aside = from=20 funding my 401K with mutual funds, I'm new to investing. =20 My
brother-in-law is a mortgage banker and he did VERY well in = the 90s=20 by
investing.  After years of asking he finally told me = that he is=20 now using
the CANSLIM method (although he did well before he = adopted=20 this).  Also, he
won't have a dialog with him on this - = in-laws=20 are weird sometimes.  For the
past two months I've been = reading=20 IBD,, and two of Mr. O'Neil's
books.  During the = past year=20 I have read two of John Bogle's books, read the
financial = section in=20 the Washington Post weekly and watched the market = with
increasing=20 interest.  I live in the DC metro area and am 39 years = old. =20

My degree is in Applied Mathematics and I perform = technical work=20 daily as a
telecom. engineer.  I have no background in = finance or=20 investing.  However,
I do have strong analytical skills = and like=20 working in an environment with
rules/guidelines.  = Incidentally, in=20 the book "The Millionaire Next Door" the
authors point out that = Engineers tend to do well with investing because of
their = belief in and=20 adherence to rules/laws.

Will try to lurk for a while = before=20 posting any messages.  I do have a
couple starter = questions if=20 that doesn't offend the group.  If these
questions = shouldn't be=20 asked yet, or they are answered in the archive,
please let me=20 know.

1)  The success stories Mr. O'Neil mentions are=20 incredible.  But he doesn't
mention how his overall = portfolio=20 (including losses) has done over the
years.  Can anyone = give me=20 guidance on independent studies and/or personal
experience with = this=20 system?  For example, a 5-year total return of 15% on
the = entire=20 portfolio that also includes the 8% loses.  Also if CANSLIM = is=20 so
profitable, why is Mr. O'Neil spending lots of his time = writing=20 books and
giving seminars?  It makes me wonder where his = wealth is=20 really coming from.

2)  I have found several=20 "ride-the-coattails" web sites for CANSLIM.  A
quick = survey of=20 these sites seem to show that they simply regurgitate the
info. = already=20 provided by IBD and thus are not worth the price.  = Any
thoughts on=20 these sites would be appreciated.

3)  Does Daily = Graphs Online=20 really provide added value for a beginner like
me?  After = viewing=20 their tutorial I  can't figure out what they = provide
beyond=20 standard IBD membership.

Many thanks for your = time!

Jeffrey=20 Gasta
Telecommunications Engineering
Marriott=20 International
Voice:  301.380.6204
Fax: =20 301.380.8649

-To=20 subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In= =20 the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe=20 canslim".  Do not use quotes in your=20 = email.

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