From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #309 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Sunday, June 28 1998 Volume 02 : Number 309 In this issue: Re: [CANSLIM] Todays list of HGS candidates Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI [CANSLIM] RE: Definitions [Connie] Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI & Dan's Watch List Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned [CANSLIM] Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 14:58:48 -0400 [CANSLIM] Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 15:17:27 -0400 RE: [CANSLIM] Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 10:07:43 -0400 RE: [CANSLIM] Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 07:13:19 -0400 Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI & Dan's Watch List--TA!!!!!!!!! Re: [CANSLIM] Free CANSLIM--Greg Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned Re: [CANSLIM] Greg CDWI Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI Re: [CANSLIM] Free CANSLIM--Greg Re: [CANSLIM] Todays list of HGS candidates [CANSLIM] Stock List [CANSLIM] Definitions [Connie] RE: [CANSLIM] HGS file glossary/definitions [CANSLIM] mail box overload Re: [CANSLIM] Todays list of HGS candidates Re: [CANSLIM] mail box overload [CANSLIM] Lots of Messages/Infighting Re: [CANSLIM] mail box overload ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 13:08:48 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Todays list of HGS candidates Latest report on consumer spending/income not only on target with expectations, but continues to show more spending than income. I would agree that the retail group starting to look a little tired, but it's had a good run. Tom W - -----Original Message----- From: dbphoenix To: Date: Saturday, June 27, 1998 11:46 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Todays list of HGS candidates ><#1 group last week: Computer Software-Internet +15.1% >#2 group : Media-Cable TV +11.1% >#3 group : Bldg-Resident/Commrcl + 9.3% > >and so on and so forth....... > >However, volume has been declining for 3 consecutive weeks. But this >from a >very big spike (2 weeks in a row) of accumulation as the group moved >above >the 50day MOV and back to the old high set in mid April. > >Frank Wolynski>> > >I noticed on my group charts last night that a number of retail groups >seem to be topping out. Are you noticing anything? > >--Db > > > > > >_________________________________________________________ >DO YOU YAHOO!? >Get your free address at > > >- > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 13:31:17 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI db Apparently it's ok for you to allude to your understanding of what WON "really means" by ref to seminars and stuff, but every time I use my personal experience with his training and staff association and years of getting his institutional picks, it's of no value. I guess the difference is you are consuming what he puts out for retail, while I have been trained on what he presents for institutional. Costs are comparable, a few hundred dollars for IBD or DailyGraphs or several hundred thousand a year for institutional services. I apologize for trying to share what I have learned over a number of years. I'll try not to persist in repeating the mistake, since you obviously don't care to listen, nor now consider me truthful or reliable either. The restraints on me for the past ten years on what I could disclose were considerable, but I suspect there may still be a member or two in this group who can recall me from time to time saying something like "I think Wm O'Neill would like this stock" that they just posted on. While they may not have realized it, that was a hint of its addition to his institutional buy list. That was the best that I could do at the time. db, if there are "hundreds" of stocks currently meeting all seven elements of CANSLIM, then how about a one time post of them. Heck, I'd settle for even 50 or 100. Since you are a trader making your living off canslim, I would think you could do this far easier than Dan with his computer scanning. I won't even ask you to keep posting lists, just do it one time to prove you can. And so far, db, I have been able to restrain myself from telling you and the group just what I think of you and your attitude. I have not resorted to name calling with any members of this group, but you have come the closest to testing my restraint. My deepest regret is that so many lurkers and other members may be reading what you say, and taking it as gospel, while I sit back and refuse to respond because I am so tired of being constantly attacked by you and others. Don't know why I even feel any responsibility to respond, I don't own the list, I didn't start it, didn't invite most of the members to join. But I do hate seeing investors misled, it really gets my goat. Maybe I'll try a personality adjustment and go back to lurking. Tom W - -----Original Message----- From: dbphoenix To: Date: Saturday, June 27, 1998 12:14 PM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI ><that they do not use one or more letters of CANSLIM in picking stocks, >and they don't get criticized regularly for it or told they are not >practicing canslim.>> > >Who? I want names! Let me at 'em! > ><and add the the specific page since apparently what I say is only >valid if I can cite the reference, while others can simply allude to >seminars, conferences and other "non HTMMIS" sources.>> > >You really do look forward to arguments, don't you Tom? Why the >crack? Is it not OK to mention that O'N has changed his thinking with >regard to an important point that he made ten years ago? And in what >way are seminars led by O'N, conferences led by O'N, interviews with >O'N, video tapes made by O'N, and articles written with the >participation of O'N not "HTMMIS sources"? > >With all due respect otherwise, you're being a jerk. > ><stocks that clearly meet all seven elements of CANSLIM, there will be >very few stocks ever posted. Frankly I see few that achieve this, they >all have some failing or other. For example, many lately completely >exceed anything WON put into print on "S".>> > >First, there are hundreds of stocks that meet CS requirements. But it >takes more work to find them than it does to take a stock that one >likes for some other reason and shoehorn it into CS. Dan's work is >resulting in a number of these issues. > >And as far as putting it into print, why is that so important to you? >Does he need to call you personally and tell you that he's raised his >requirement for float? Do seminar attendees have to sign affidavits? >Do his videos have to be analyzed in the event they've been digitally >altered by conspirators of some sort? > ><to apply it today, I rely heavily on my first hand experience with >receiving his picks by fax for over five years. I routinely would look >at every one added to better understand "why this one, why now?". I >did the same on the ones he removed. Gave me a much better >understanding of what WON was saying to his institutional clients, vs >what he might say in a seminar to several thousand individual >investors, many of whom lacked investing experience, much less >experience or understanding of CANSLIM.>> > >Forgive me, Tom, but if our only conduit to this secret knowledge is >you, I'll stick with O'N's public pronouncements. All I know of you >is what you've claimed for yourself. What O'N has said or written is >verifiable. What you say he's said or written is not. No offense. > >--Db > > > > > >_________________________________________________________ >DO YOU YAHOO!? >Get your free address at > > >- > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 13:32:05 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned Wrong on both counts, once again, db. And James, don't expect to find info on CADE, or any other similar stock, in Value Line. VL is pretty conservative, and a long way from cansliim as well. As to "free canslim", I guess if you want or can work with or are comfortable with generic cs type data, that's fine. For me, I am willing to pay for the real thing. Tom W - -----Original Message----- From: dbphoenix To: Date: Saturday, June 27, 1998 11:58 AM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned ><local >library's copy of Value Line along with the following Internet sites: MS >Investor, Big Charts, Yahoo, Wall Street City, and Quicken.Com Stock >alerts. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.>> > >I made a post not long ago on Free CANSLIM. Also posted it on the CS >board at the online Motley Fool. If you didn't get it or have trouble >finding it, let me know. > ><me to ask someone on the list for a stock's EPS/RS as printed in IBD?>> > >Of course not. In fact, there are several places you can get >extensive lists of such stocks. Those are in the post I referred to. > ><> > >Tom: No >Jeffry: Yes > ><> > >Tom: Yes >Jeffry: No > > > >--Db > > > > > >_________________________________________________________ >DO YOU YAHOO!? >Get your free address at > > >- > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 10:55:36 -0700 (PDT) From: dbphoenix Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI <> No, Tom. The difference is that what I "allude" to is verifiable, whereas what you provide is not. <> No apology necessary. But you do tend to behave as though you have some special knowlege as a result of your experience. Is there no one else on this list who shares this knowledge? <> I'll pass, Tom. But I'd be more than happy to explain how to go about finding them for yourself. <> Fire away, Tom. You're one of the more intelligent and knowledgeable members of the group. But don't go all sensitive about being attacked and then expect to be able to turn around and attack others with impunity. Whether you choose to believe anything I've said about the modifications O'N has made to CS does not keep me up at night. But, by the same token, don't get your feelings hurt if I and others choose not to believe that O'N has told you in a fax that low-priced microcaps are now OK. Works both ways, Tom. If that makes you angry, then I guess you'll just have to be angry. - --Db _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 13:56:54 -0400 From: Connie Mack Rea Subject: [CANSLIM] RE: Definitions [Connie] DB-- Even if Tom were a momentary "jerk" [which he is not, of course], he would still be several degrees of latitude and longitude from your location of "eternal and sycophantic prick." No offense. Remember how I set you up last week, how you took the bait within five minutes, and then how I had to explain how easy you are? No offense. You can be had more than once. No offense. Are you related to Gandi? No offense. Connie Mack - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 10:58:27 -0700 (PDT) From: dbphoenix Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned <> Apparently Tom has not bothered to go to any of these sites in order to learn that the data comes from IBD. I suggest that anyone who is interested "do their own homework" and explore these sites themselves. - --Db _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 11:37:11 -0700 From: Talib Hirji Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI & Dan's Watch List Db, Please bear with me, I am trying to grasp the triple screen theory. For CDWI, If there is a buy signal on weekly MACD and even though there is no buy OR sell signal form daily STOC or MACD, one can enter a trade ? In order to better understand this logic, I am looking at Dan Sutton's Watch list for 6/27/98. Screening thru Triple screen, I do not see any buy signal on any security from weekly MACD so much the same for weekly STOCH. Do you agree ? If not, can you please eloborate on 2 or 3 security which in your opinion have buy signal. Thank You, Talib At 09:06 PM 6/26/98 -0700, you wrote: >>As far as 4/28 goes, IMO the stock didn't give a buy signal since March >>until a few days ago when the daily MACD turned up again. >--Db - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 14:55:45 EDT From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned Db. If it's not too much trouble could your posts these sites again? I have quiet an assortment of "favorite places" earmarked but haven't replaced many I lost after a hard drive crash in Feb. Thank you in advance. Greg - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 13:15:40 -0600 From: "Deral Rackley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 14:58:48 -0400 FYI I performed an interesting exercise this morning. I printed a copy of Ian Woodward's scan and sorted from this list using my criteria (EPS>95; RS>90; GS>90; A/D=A or B; Accelerating Current Earnings & Sales). Ian's scam could be useful to me. I only wish that it was more current (this one was dated June 12, 1998). Top four was: APCO, TMBS, INSS,SYNT; Next four was: FFTI, HBOC , LGTO , SELAY Uncovered two that I had not noticed before: SELAY & INSS. I will now do further research such as other CANSLIM factors such as Annual Earnings, "N", "L", "I", & chart pattern; also look at TA & news. Deral - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 13:28:47 -0600 From: "Deral Rackley" Subject: [CANSLIM] Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 15:17:27 -0400 Frank Thanks. I didn't see the click-on option at the top for the color code. Deral - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 12:35:46 -0700 From: Mike Lucero Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 10:07:43 -0400 I believe you this list is posted to Delphi: Mike On Saturday, June 27, 1998 7:14 AM, Deral Rackley [] wrote: > FYI > > I performed an interesting exercise using Ian Woodwards HGS Stocks scan at > (E: 80-99, R: 80-99, G: > 80-99, A?D: AB). I reduced this list to my top four and next four for > further research. My criteria for reducing the list was EPS Rank>95; RS > Rank >90; GS Rank >90, A/D=AB. Next I will research other Canslim criteria, > TA, and news. > > My first four: APCO, TMBS,SYNT, INSS > > My next four: FFTI, HBOC, LGTO, SELAY > > Woodwards scans could be useful to me because I uncovered two stocks that I > hadn't identified previously: SELAY & INSS. I wished that the list was > more current (Dated June 12, 1998). > > Deral > > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 12:37:18 -0700 From: Mike Lucero Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 07:13:19 -0400 You can check the discussion archives: On Saturday, June 27, 1998 4:24 AM, Deral Rackley [] wrote: > Dan > > Dan, Please repost your list. I accidently deleted it before I printed the > list for study. Sorry. Thanks! > > Deral > > > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 12:40:02 -0700 (PDT) From: dbphoenix Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI & Dan's Watch List--TA!!!!!!!!! <> I'm afraid you may be confusing the signals I look for with the Elder triple screen. Ours are similar, but different. If it's the Elder screen you're interested in, I'm not the person to ask. What I look for, if it's appropriate to the condition of the market, is a weekly MACD that is turning up from an oversold level. Whether the entire MACD turns up from below 0 or from above without ever having fallen below at all has partly to do with the degree of the correction the group or stock underwent in the first place. You'll note, however, that it can weeks for a MACD that long-term to make that long, slow turn. In the meantime, the daily MACD has time to perform the same maneuver, assuming that it is or has been at an oversold level as well. But, again, the daily MACD is slow, and while it's turning upward, the daily sto may move up and down several times, particularly if the stock is taking its own sweet time to move out of its base. That's when I use the short-term moving averages to help me determine whether this time is it or if I should continue to wait. So, I want to see the weekly MACD turning up, either from below 0 or above, I want to see the daily MACD turning up as well, either from below 0 or above it, and I like to see the slosto moving up from an oversold level as well, though the last is not as important as that it not be in oversold territory and turning downward. Finally I look at the short-term EMAs I mentioned to see if they're moving upward. This sounds far more complicated than it is and takes far more time to explain in words, much less in print, than it takes to actually do, which is about 10 seconds. As far as Dan's list goes, I haven't had time to look at it. I'm in the process of working with my cohorts to update my IBD groups lists. And I'm fully invested again so I'm not motivated to look for stuff I can't buy anyway. But not getting the sort of buy signal you're looking for is not unusual at this stage of this particular bull leg. Groups seem to be divided between those that are way beyond a buy signal and those which haven't even begun to turn around, with little in between. When the more major correction comes, you'll have far more opportunities. I'll try to look at Dan's stocks tonite or tomorrow and put together some charts. Since these kinds of posts irritate so many people, I'll just put it together as a private e-mail and send it to you directly. - --Db _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 12:55:54 -0700 (PDT) From: dbphoenix Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Free CANSLIM--Greg <> If I may, John, allow me to pull together in one spot what I've posted regarding accumulating all this data for free. You don't say exactly what you mean by "data needed for CS", so I'll assume it's the usual and ordinary. For financial information, go to Bill's find, . If you select "Financials", you'll receive everything DailyGraphs provides in this area, including earnings before charges (if you click "Income Statement"). Stocksite does not do the percentage changes for you, but you may, if you like, figure them with a $2 calculator rather than subscribe to DG for the information. Note: DG provides two years' info; stocksite supplies up to three. For RS, EPS, GS, A/D and other information, go to A friend of mine, Roger, created and maintains this site out of the goodness of his heart. If you love it, tell him so. It's HGS oriented, but there isn't that much difference between HGS and CS. At any rate, all the EPS, RS, GS, etc. numbers are there and it's all downloadable to Excel. You can sort and rearrange and track to your hearts' content. He updates the list once a week. or Regarding the latter, you must register, but it's free. Select Investor's Forum or "forum", then go to the CANSLIM list (this comprises the bulk of the discussion). Select the "Weekly Stock List" for stocks, or the "Weekly IBD Calculated Group RS List" for groups. If you have trouble navigating the site, let me know. There are also other lists which you may find useful, but these two should be most helpful. Some of you may not know about this. It's like EDGAR, but it won't bite you in the ass. It's fast, easy, and very friendly. If you've avoided SEC filings in the past, give it one more try. For charts, for percentage gainers in price and volume, and for stocks reaching new highs and lows (among other things), go to BigCharts ( If you're an intermediate-term investor, as I am, use the following settings: Time: YTD (then six-month and three-month, if you like) Frequency: Daily (or Weekly, if you prefer) Moving Averages: EMA(3-Line). Type in 20, 50, 200 (or 150). Upper Indicators: None Lower Indicators: Volume+ Chart Style: Change "Chart Size" to "large". If you want it even larger, select "Print Chart" and "OK". Then you can print or not, as you prefer. Make these your defaults. You can change your settings, such as Time, as you wish, but as long as you don't save the changes, the default settings will remain as they are. If you want to experiment with RSI, stochastics, and MACD, you're free to do so, but you can put up only one of these at a time. If you want to plot them all at once, you'll have to get a separate charting program. Or print out the separate charts and lay them out on the floor. And that's it. CANSLIM for free (except for the $2 calculator). What to do with all this information is the trick, but, at a minimum, all you need to know is contained within these sites. For keeping up with news, upgrades/downgrades, price movement, etc., you can't do better than a Yahoo portfolio, which is also free. But setting that up is a whole 'nother post, and the instructions at Yahoo are pretty clear. - --Db _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 16:13:38 -0400 From: "James Adams" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned dbphoenix wrote: >I made a post not long ago on Free CANSLIM. Also posted it on the CS >board at the online Motley Fool. If you didn't get it or have trouble >finding it, let me know. Thanks for the info db. I couldn't find the CS on Motley fool online. BTW, since you mentioned MF, I went to their site and noticed the "Foolish 8 Spreadsheet." Anyone on this list using it, and if so any comments. It looks pretty good. For $50 per year, each month I would receive an email listing all the stocks that meet the following criteria: 1. A high relative strength of 90 or more 2. A minimum price tag of $7 per share 3. Daily Dollar Volume somewhere from $1 million to $25 million 4. Sales and earnings growth of 25% or greater 5. $500 million or less in sales 6. Net profit margin of at least 7% 7. Insider holdings of 10% or more 8. Positive cash flow from operations However, some of the stocksites on the net have screening functionality which means I could probably do this myself. Also, is excellent as you've noted. Thanks. James Adams......................Maysville, KY USA Internet Pager - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 16:20:38 -0400 From: "Frank V. Wolynski" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Greg CDWI Exactly! I believe it was around mid 50's RS. Then the 1800% earnings quarter was reported, it gapped up 20% in one day and went vertical from there! Institutions had been jumping on it (according to S&P Stock Guide) for over 6 months, even though it was a pup. I'd never seen anything like it before. I knew something was cooking. Frank Wolynski At 08:17 6/27/98 -0700, you wrote: ><chart in >my archived datafiles, I'll change the message header and ftp it to the >group server. >> > >I think it's probably worth pointing out with regard to these stocks >we've been discussing such as CSCO, CDWI and MSPG, that at the >beginning of their runs, when all the technical indicators were >screaming BUY!!, their RS ranks were probably nothing to wake the >neighbors for. Which makes the knowing-the-company part of CS even >more important. > >Just something to chew on over the weekend. > >--Db > >_________________________________________________________ >DO YOU YAHOO!? >Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 16:19:43 -0400 From: "James Adams" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] No More IBD - Hard Lesson Learned Tom Worley >James, if you are dropping IBD in favor of Value Line, does this mean >you are no longer practicing canslim in favor of more conservative, >big cap stocks? Are you now a "value" investor (often referred to as >a "bottom fisher" looking for oversold stocks? I admit I haven't >subscribed to VL in years, and they have cleaned up their act a lot, >but the last time I looked at it seemed pretty conservative. Tom, no longer practicing CANSLIM would be a "fate worse than death" . I'm simply thinking that the list of stocks which appear on Timeliness Ratings pages, along with the reasearch of VLS would be where I start looking for possibilities. From there, I would then get online and find out as much as possible in the way of CANSLIM stuff. I found that I was only using a few pages out of the IBD each week, not having time to read the rest. BTW, are you in an area in FLA that is being threatened by the fires? I hope not, but if so, good luck. James Adams......................Maysville, KY USA Internet Pager - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 16:30:23 -0400 From: "Tom Worley" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI I am not surprised you can't/won't produce the list of several hundred CANSLIM stocks you claim are readily available and meet all seven criteria. Doesn't Brenda/James have that many for you to plagerize and post as your own? No thanks for your advice on how to find some, I do well on my own, and don't intend to pay Brenda/James for his advice. Tom W - -----Original Message----- From: dbphoenix To: Date: Saturday, June 27, 1998 1:53 PM Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] CDWI > ><prove you can.>> > >I'll pass, Tom. But I'd be more than happy to explain how to go about >finding them for yourself. > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 16:39:59 EDT From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Free CANSLIM--Greg Printing as I type. Thanks Db - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 16:47:53 -0400 From: "Frank V. Wolynski" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Todays list of HGS candidates At 08:52 6/27/98 -0700, you wrote: ><#1 group last week: Computer Software-Internet +15.1% >#2 group : Media-Cable TV +11.1% >#3 group : Bldg-Resident/Commrcl + 9.3% > >and so on and so forth....... > >However, volume has been declining for 3 consecutive weeks. But this >from a >very big spike (2 weeks in a row) of accumulation as the group moved >above >the 50day MOV and back to the old high set in mid April. > >Frank Wolynski>> > >I noticed on my group charts last night that a number of retail groups >seem to be topping out. Are you noticing anything? > >--Db _______________________________________________________ >DO YOU YAHOO!? >Get your free address at Yup, Apparel Retailers seem to have pushed it as far as they can with the declining volume. They deserve a break, they've had a phenominal run. The MACD weekly histogram has enough momentum to go for one more wimpy sorta run, but it is too too far extended for my tastes. I would expect the leaders to be getting a bit week at this point. Broadlines seem a bit light in the volume too. There seems to be a bit left in the Specialties and Drugs however, volume still pretty brisk. Probably only good for one more pop, then a rest. Toppy is a good word! On the other hand, the Apparels have only moved +35.2%, not all that much for a domesticated group with great earnings and investor appeal. My group chart for Apparels isn't violating the 2x200day, 1.5x50day and the OBV trend is tracking nicely and holding up here. Could be a nice base forming! It hasn't seen it's 50day MOV since January, (barely its 20 in late April) so a brief visit would not be out of the question. Not ready for an entry at this point though. Worth keeping an eye on! My other eye, I'll just rub alot! Frank Wolynski - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 18:05:11 -0400 From: Jeffry White <""> Subject: [CANSLIM] Stock List Tom wrote: > Maybe Jeffry can give me legal advice on this, but what I understand > is that I cannot post the list in its entirety, nor major portions of > it, without permission as per my contract with them. On the other > hand, if the list is simply one of many "tools" I use in building my > own "watch list", with some stocks having been derived from multiple > sources, including DGO's list, then the results of my "system" gives > me "my" watch list and its my own. I am free to put it into the public > domain if I so choose. I can't give you any legal advice on this, Tom. Got a northern New England insurance, medical/legal, tort issue, I'd be pleased to offer my two cents, however. ;) But, personally, as an individual (cuz we all know lawyers don't deserve individualized consideration, just group-wide jokes and derision), as a speculator who uses a variety of sources to compile lists, your "On the other hand" analysis seems correct to me. Jeffry - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 18:05:50 -0400 From: Jeffry White <""> Subject: [CANSLIM] Definitions [Connie] > DB-- > > Even if Tom were a momentary "jerk" [which he is not, of course], he > would still be several degrees of latitude and longitude from your > location of "eternal and sycophantic prick." No offense. > > Remember how I set you up last week, how you took the bait within five > minutes, and then how I had to explain how easy you are? No offense. > > You can be had more than once. No offense. > > Are you related to Gandi? No offense. > > Connie Mack > Tom, Connie, Db: It would really pain me, given my mean and sarcastic bent, to have to step in here and try to mediate this shoot out. Please, don't make me stoop to such a level. :) Hope you guys aren't getting private hate mail like I got when Tom and I were hissing at each other a month or so ago. Believe me, there are those on this list who are not amused!! I remember them well. ;( JW - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 16:34:06 -0600 From: "Dan Sutton" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] HGS file glossary/definitions I just posted the following file to the ftp site: It has a bit more information than the previous glossary file, as well as definitions of column headings and the exact parameters being used for the HGS search. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 18:26:33 -0700 (PDT) From: rolatzi Subject: [CANSLIM] mail box overload We go from famine to feast with postings. There was so much mail this weekend that I would like to suggest the following. If you would like to acknowledge help or thank someone for posting something, send them a personal e-mail to their own address. If you would like to ask someone to repost something, ask them personally. In the recent spirit of this group I am totally prepared to be trashed for this humble suggestion. Be that as it may. Ciao, rolatzi _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 09:47:00 -0500 From: "Thomas A. Moulton" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Todays list of HGS candidates Dan, What I meant by mindles is that the steps I took, like yours did not involve and mental effort (decision powers) at all and that anyone can do it. even a novice like me. it's the next step of evaluating the market indicators to find buy and sell signals that I am learning now... - -- Thomas A. Moulton, W2VY - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 20:32:19 -0700 (PDT) From: dbphoenix Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] mail box overload <> Believe me, I know how you feel, and your suggestion has been made many times by many people, me among them. One of the problems is that when somebody says something nice or thanks somebody for something, if no acknowledgement is made then the recipient of all this looks like an insensitive clod. But another problem is just plain laziness. The way the mailings are set up, if you don't "reply to" canslim, you've got to go through all sorts of twists and turns (at least with Yahoo) to get your reply to the individual rather than the group. It's easier to just hit "reply" and let people skip what they want to skip. It would be nice if there were an alternative reply on the form so that one could send the reply to either the author of the post or to the entire group, but I suspect that would be pretty involved. I'm sure Jeff would be thrilled to hear any suggestions on the matter. - --Db _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 00:18:32 -0500 From: Dave Cameron Subject: [CANSLIM] Lots of Messages/Infighting Wow! I just logged in for the first time in 36 hours, and I have 162 messages - the vast majority of which are from the CANSLIM group. I've just finished reading all but about the last 5 of these - but I'm stopping to add to the collection to make a couple of comments. 1. I agree with one poster who says that many of the e-mails consisted of infighting between a few members, and were not really helpful to me. 2. I try never to reply to the entire group when a comment does not really do much for the group (I don't always succeed) - but I can simply forward the message to the poster - and cut and paste accordingly. Db says this is difficult in Yahoo's e-mailer. Seems strange, I just use Netscape Communicator - and it doesn't matter which e-mail service I have. Its real easy to 'reply' from a group message to a single poster. 3. I don't want to preach about e-mail overkill, especially when there were times (not recently) when I felt the need to post so there would be messages other than Tom's for people to read. HOWEVER: 1. Connie posting a symbol for a non-existent stock was not a particularly bright move, but the sheer act of making such a mistake was embarrassment enough (I hope) without continually making reference to it. 2. I can't figure out WHAT Db and Tom are disagreeing over because I didn't take the time to read all THIRTY messages - but I can see where this would start to fill up e-mail boxes. But, Db does seem to have a decent grasp on the market, stock selection rules, screening, etc. I think it was out of line for him to criticize others for posting non- CANSLIM stocks when I've never seen him post a stock that I can remember. Regardless, he provides great ways for people to find their own stocks. This is a virtue in itself. Tom brings a lot of value in his impressions of the economic world, his stocks which generally fit CANSLIM, and his willingness to help out nearly anyone. He does tend to get a bit sensitive, but guys, at 50 years of age (51?) he ain't gonna change! FWIW, I think his micro-caps (as long as they are $12/share+) are more CANSLIM than CSCO and DELL - because the latter are way above O'Neil's guidelines for S. Oh well, I'm not really going to try to mediate. I sorta did for Tom & Jeffry - but I am getting tired of this. I'm just lucky I can store upwards of 900 messages. Dave C. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 05:45:07 -0400 From: Robert Bomba <> Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] mail box overload >> t would be nice if there were an alternative reply on the form so that one could send the reply to either the author of the post or to the entire group, but I suspect that would be pretty involved. << Another way would be to put your E-mail address at the bottom of the message. I don't have a clue on how you detect the E-mail of the sender. I use Ozwin which is made for Compuserve. Bob - - ------------------------------ End of canslim-digest V2 #309 ***************************** To unsubscribe to canslim-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe canslim-digest" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.