From: (canslim-digest) To: Subject: canslim-digest V2 #3245 Reply-To: canslim Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-No-Archive: yes canslim-digest Friday, March 28 2003 Volume 02 : Number 3245 In this issue: Re: [CANSLIM] Renew IBD? Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts RE: [CANSLIM] Renew IBD? Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 22:50:29 EST From: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Renew IBD? - --part1_6d.d7e9660.2bb52085_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit IBD has brought some good stocks to my attention, usually in the stocks in the news section. That being said it is worth the subscription for me, but if you have not found any useful information then it may not be for you. Chris. - --part1_6d.d7e9660.2bb52085_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable IBD has brought some good stocks to my attention, usua= lly in the stocks in the news section. That being said it is worth the subsc= ription for me, but if you have not found any useful information then it may= not be for you.

- --part1_6d.d7e9660.2bb52085_boundary-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 09:42:39 -0800 From: Ian Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts I would reiterate Ed's assertion that generic pharma and a few other medicaldevice makers are leading this market. A couple of days ago, when the market was flat, I was watching about 15 pharma/medical stocks up 4% or more. It is the sector that I'd be most comfortable taking long positions in right now when the charts set up. Ian - ----- Original Message ----- From: Edward W. Gjertsen II To: Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:40 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts > Tom, Tom, Tom --- This is one we are watching as well - my own thoughts > about this board - I would hate to see this group turn into anything > more than an educational forum whereby many exchange ideas. This is not > a place to lie in the weeds and pick off stock tips. With that said, we > are currently looking at several different stocks. We have let a couple > generic drug makers go by - leadership in this area - this is not a > market for the weak at heart - one major set back in Iraq i.e. many > casualties, the market will drop 5% in a blink of an eye. The leaders > get clipped for 10% or more. Play small - be vigilant and let the > market be your guide. > > > Ed Gjertsen II > > > > Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, > is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain > confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, > disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended > recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all > copies of the original message. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley > Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:22 PM > To: CANSLIM > Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ - c&h approaching pivot > > for the members with this group for some time, you know I like this > stock, > and currently own it for the 6th trip, plus have a large position in my > VR > Fund. > > Traded up today 20 cents, on nearly 2X ADV, and has been building volume > in > the handle for several days now despite the light volume in the markets. > Now > only 26 cents off the high point in the handle. > > THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION FOR ANYONE TO BUY, especially those that do > not > like small and microcap stocks, or don't like fighting the trend. I am > already up 30% on this trip alone, so I don't need any of you buying it > to > move it up and make me profitable. The trend of "M" remains flat to > negative, and many other c&h patterns have failed, or will failed, and > there > is no way to know if EPIQ will also fail. But it may prove to be worth > watching, and learning from. > > Besides, it's been real quiet in the group, maybe this will give someone > something to talk about. > > Tom Worley > > AIM: TexWorley > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 11:20:12 -0600 From: "Edward W. Gjertsen II" Subject: RE: [CANSLIM] Renew IBD? This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0042_01C2F51C.0059A6C0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0043_01C2F51C.0059A6C0" - ------=_NextPart_001_0043_01C2F51C.0059A6C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit IBD, DGO, cwcharts, etc - this information is generally available for free at other sites - the question is how much time you are willing to spend hunting around to gather this info when it could be right in front of you. My view is that IBD is not just a stock pickers paper - my favorite section is "Leaders and Success." Very few successful people are born successful, in my opinion it's not genetics. Everyone can improve themselves personally and professionally by reading IBD. If you want stock tips, try another service, if you want to learn and grow, IBD is one of the best. Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. - -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:50 PM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] Renew IBD? IBD has brought some good stocks to my attention, usually in the stocks in the news section. That being said it is worth the subscription for me, but if you have not found any useful information then it may not be for you. Chris. - ------=_NextPart_001_0043_01C2F51C.0059A6C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

IBD, DGO, = cwcharts, etc – this information is generally available for free at other = sites – the question is how much time you are willing to spend hunting around to = gather this info when it could be right in front of you.  My view is that = IBD is not just a stock pickers paper – my favorite section is = “Leaders and Success.”  Very few successful people are born = successful, in my opinion it’s not genetics.  Everyone can improve themselves personally and professionally by reading IBD.  If you want stock = tips, try another service, if you want to learn and grow, IBD is one of the = best.



Ed Gjertsen II



Confidentiality Notice: This = e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged = information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is = prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply = e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 27, = 2003 9:50 PM
To: =
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = Renew IBD?


IBD has brought some good = stocks to my attention, usually in the stocks in the news section. That being said = it is worth the subscription for me, but if you have not found any useful = information then it may not be for you.


- ------=_NextPart_001_0043_01C2F51C.0059A6C0-- - ------=_NextPart_000_0042_01C2F51C.0059A6C0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="image001.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: R0lGODdhQAAuAHcAACH+GlNvZnR3YXJlOiBNaWNyb3NvZnQgT2ZmaWNlACwAAAAAQAAuAIcAAAAb GxsVFRUNDQ0eHh4HBwcZGRkPDw8dHR0CAgIMDAwWFhYSEhIUFBQREREEBAQFBQUaGhoLCwsICAgO Dg4GBgYYGBgQEBADAwMXFxcfHx8TExMJCQkBAQEKCgolJSU1NTU6OjokJCQnJycoKCgpKSkyMjIw MDAiIiI2NjYxMTEtLS0mJiYjIyM+Pj4hISEvLy8rKysqKio8PDw4ODg3Nzc9PT1eXl5VVVVTU1NX V1daWlpKSkpMTExfX19WVlZZWVlCQkJHR0dGRkZdXV1NTU1QUFBLS0tcXFxERERDQ0NPT09ISEhJ SUlBQUFbW1tAQEBOTk5sbGxzc3N3d3d1dXV4eHh/f399fX10dHRoaGhmZmZtbW1xcXFvb292dnZu bm5jY2N6enp5eXl+fn58fHxhYWFqampiYmJlZWVkZGSNjY2MjIyJiYmBgYGSkpKWlpaHh4eDg4OG hoaRkZGYmJiFhYWbm5uKioqOjo6Xl5eZmZmampqLi4uQkJCCgoKdnZ2AgICTk5OUlJSVlZW/v7+q qqqsrKygoKC0tLSioqKxsbG4uLi6urqvr6+2tra5ubmzs7Orq6ulpaWjo6OysrK+vr63t7e7u7u9 vb2urq61tbWmpqaoqKipqamwsLCtra2kpKTCwsLd3d3U1NTKysrc3NzY2NjFxcXe3t7b29va2trS 0tLJycnX19fR0dHT09PHx8fV1dXGxsbBwcHW1tbZ2dnAwMDLy8vQ0NDExMTPz8/+/v7v7+/s7Oz6 +vr39/fk5OTr6+v4+Pj09PTn5+f5+fnl5eX29vbj4+P19fXh4eHi4uLx8fHz8/Py8vLm5ubo6Ojw 8PDq6ur9/f3p6en7+/v8/Pzt7e3u7u7g4OD///8BAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMB AgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMB AgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMI/wB5CRxIsKDBgwgTKlzIsKHDhxAjSpxIsSKvbRgzGtRo 0WJGjL18FRL1a5vAjx87QkQJLJihGx8CAAAwKqOwQ1Jw5NCxpqTKhR+HkWKzA4SAmTMH8CC2rVcb AgAKhOAhAsANYCZ/EkQpzNCUEQUMID3Qw00pUxcRIUjgI1ExjMbeKDiW9edHZKfg7FjAoMEPRXEc kJBTM2MyIACCoEK5TVmJZXUrfmS26AaJAgNMzHl7SsgCKsFQjioBgA7Hk4xANIssMWOqOkMeADBQ pRHkbcMcEbGiiuO2U1XrYCy4zdmJN6xXbjP2qAgEACTsiHqGchUkZae3sYqAItLwrduMpP9Alrwh xmZ1VMw0cj3lQPcnW4k44Or7+211JJgqz3DbrzsrAHBAG6/AB1QwLABgiH0nbdPGAd5RtI0kUV0B DWMYbmTMDwBMwuBF28QxAR4fPrQNJQA4wEY0xUBTjDTQxAjNMdIYeFEeAGDx4TbIZKFAJSWaOM0R MxWggAQUEFBABRBAUEALOPzg4VasFDCEMZFhRIoLLTQS5ErUOKLFBwYYYMELPCCxBRc9XDATBrBk tQ0wMEAQS5bbGJJBCnTxF1FGvwADzDAfVaNHDAAkkEQycuoBQBZ1YTRNFw94YY2fEn5kjSxvKDGT CFVYco2cwIwgAl0gAkOJBSRc8qVkGA3/M8sXMgBwgQxgYIKVfds4usdHmcAwwRXTvNraeZpIQdoB M7RR2GkXPTMCCbvSsoQDSZRi7J8Y1WKFBrPloAijNp60CQB8bCNKERjQsNi2JmKECQ8YPBAGJ9jY iGEPAFgxRAUgSDIqpsptUwgTAFDgRi0pYciYJgkkikMllxL8py1LAPBAH2999xE2y9yihx5d6GAy EDxIAAAPuEBr1yUbAADEKdn9UooYSTDAAQQUkOAmUgB0EEGfWm2VClR3QLsNJDPMRMMYnXjyCRye JoyEHw7U4FPR7+EBwB8MYlRMzE2AkoskX9iAAQATABGKLNuoAgEQ13C9lR0AzILhMIDM7lSCekg5 wUacGcECQSAWS0hhCY/ogokjiVRhGQAeSCBbBk/0obdvtCSgo93vZWME0EEDIAIPe+TCyiu5MIPS VmwAcEXiElLDiCCDDEIILauQl+FB2yjSARm0Z+qwia88UEbxoDu0zS4PIN4819tkg4IZ8E7v/DZQ xECo9lptE3uE4Ku0TTIb2HDR9uUj1CsAP2BZHmPNtA+8NWEAEAUq1GB4jS/LuMMZ4KAN5hVtG9aY gtPQkAY8KIIKangCDFDAAxywYT/2c982MIEGBQCtSSAggiT6ZEDQZSQaq4jEIT7BjAuVK4PAc1gJ YdiRgAAAOw== - ------=_NextPart_000_0042_01C2F51C.0059A6C0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="image001.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: R0lGODdhQAAuAHcAACH+GlNvZnR3YXJlOiBNaWNyb3NvZnQgT2ZmaWNlACwAAAAAQAAuAIcAAAAb GxsVFRUNDQ0eHh4HBwcZGRkPDw8dHR0CAgIMDAwWFhYSEhIUFBQREREEBAQFBQUaGhoLCwsICAgO Dg4GBgYYGBgQEBADAwMXFxcfHx8TExMJCQkBAQEKCgolJSU1NTU6OjokJCQnJycoKCgpKSkyMjIw MDAiIiI2NjYxMTEtLS0mJiYjIyM+Pj4hISEvLy8rKysqKio8PDw4ODg3Nzc9PT1eXl5VVVVTU1NX V1daWlpKSkpMTExfX19WVlZZWVlCQkJHR0dGRkZdXV1NTU1QUFBLS0tcXFxERERDQ0NPT09ISEhJ SUlBQUFbW1tAQEBOTk5sbGxzc3N3d3d1dXV4eHh/f399fX10dHRoaGhmZmZtbW1xcXFvb292dnZu bm5jY2N6enp5eXl+fn58fHxhYWFqampiYmJlZWVkZGSNjY2MjIyJiYmBgYGSkpKWlpaHh4eDg4OG hoaRkZGYmJiFhYWbm5uKioqOjo6Xl5eZmZmampqLi4uQkJCCgoKdnZ2AgICTk5OUlJSVlZW/v7+q qqqsrKygoKC0tLSioqKxsbG4uLi6urqvr6+2tra5ubmzs7Orq6ulpaWjo6OysrK+vr63t7e7u7u9 vb2urq61tbWmpqaoqKipqamwsLCtra2kpKTCwsLd3d3U1NTKysrc3NzY2NjFxcXe3t7b29va2trS 0tLJycnX19fR0dHT09PHx8fV1dXGxsbBwcHW1tbZ2dnAwMDLy8vQ0NDExMTPz8/+/v7v7+/s7Oz6 +vr39/fk5OTr6+v4+Pj09PTn5+f5+fnl5eX29vbj4+P19fXh4eHi4uLx8fHz8/Py8vLm5ubo6Ojw 8PDq6ur9/f3p6en7+/v8/Pzt7e3u7u7g4OD///8BAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMB AgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMB AgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMBAgMI/wB5CRxIsKDBgwgTKlzIsKHDhxAjSpxIsSKvbRgzGtRo 0WJGjL18FRL1a5vAjx87QkQJLJihGx8CAAAwKqOwQ1Jw5NCxpqTKhR+HkWKzA4SAmTMH8CC2rVcb AgAKhOAhAsANYCZ/EkQpzNCUEQUMID3Qw00pUxcRIUjgI1ExjMbeKDiW9edHZKfg7FjAoMEPRXEc kJBTM2MyIACCoEK5TVmJZXUrfmS26AaJAgNMzHl7SsgCKsFQjioBgA7Hk4xANIssMWOqOkMeADBQ pRHkbcMcEbGiiuO2U1XrYCy4zdmJN6xXbjP2qAgEACTsiHqGchUkZae3sYqAItLwrduMpP9Alrwh xmZ1VMw0cj3lQPcnW4k44Or7+211JJgqz3DbrzsrAHBAG6/AB1QwLABgiH0nbdPGAd5RtI0kUV0B DWMYbmTMDwBMwuBF28QxAR4fPrQNJQA4wEY0xUBTjDTQxAjNMdIYeFEeAGDx4TbIZKFAJSWaOM0R MxWggAQUEFBABRBAUEALOPzg4VasFDCEMZFhRIoLLTQS5ErUOKLFBwYYYMELPCCxBRc9XDATBrBk tQ0wMEAQS5bbGJJBCnTxF1FGvwADzDAfVaNHDAAkkEQycuoBQBZ1YTRNFw94YY2fEn5kjSxvKDGT CFVYco2cwIwgAl0gAkOJBSRc8qVkGA3/M8sXMgBwgQxgYIKVfds4usdHmcAwwRXTvNraeZpIQdoB M7RR2GkXPTMCCbvSsoQDSZRi7J8Y1WKFBrPloAijNp60CQB8bCNKERjQsNi2JmKECQ8YPBAGJ9jY iGEPAFgxRAUgSDIqpsptUwgTAFDgRi0pYciYJgkkikMllxL8py1LAPBAH2999xE2y9yihx5d6GAy EDxIAAAPuEBr1yUbAADEKdn9UooYSTDAAQQUkOAmUgB0EEGfWm2VClR3QLsNJDPMRMMYnXjyCRye JoyEHw7U4FPR7+EBwB8MYlRMzE2AkoskX9iAAQATABGKLNuoAgEQ13C9lR0AzILhMIDM7lSCekg5 wUacGcECQSAWS0hhCY/ogokjiVRhGQAeSCBbBk/0obdvtCSgo93vZWME0EEDIAIPe+TCyiu5MIPS VmwAcEXiElLDiCCDDEIILauQl+FB2yjSARm0Z+qwia88UEbxoDu0zS4PIN4819tkg4IZ8E7v/DZQ xECo9lptE3uE4Ku0TTIb2HDR9uUj1CsAP2BZHmPNtA+8NWEAEAUq1GB4jS/LuMMZ4KAN5hVtG9aY gtPQkAY8KIIKangCDFDAAxywYT/2c982MIEGBQCtSSAggiT6ZEDQZSQaq4jEIT7BjAuVK4PAc1gJ YdiRgAAAOw== - ------=_NextPart_000_0042_01C2F51C.0059A6C0-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 10:44:57 -0700 From: "NANCY POLCARO" Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts - ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C354F5.49961880 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have to say I disagree with your thoughts on Toms message aabout EPIQ..= If he had said "what do you think about EPIQ". Instead of "I like EPIQ"= . No would have complained. I said that very thing about Yahoo a couple = of weeks ago and no one said anything to me for letting the cat out of th= e bag and drawing attention to a stock that was doing well. I believe an= other one brought up on the board was ONEV. Again asking for opinions. = For the people that are less experienced and learning in this terrible m= arket, it may actually help them make a buck. I think the board should s= et a rule for the future where everyone who want to bring attention to a = stock should say " What do you think about this stock" Then it will brin= g it to our attention, we can ask questions, we can get answers, and no o= ne will get upset for " letting the cat out of the bag."nancy - ----- Original Message ----- From: Ian Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:24 AM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts I would reiterate Ed's assertion that generic pharma and a few other medicaldevice makers are leading this market. A couple of days ago, when = the market was flat, I was watching about 15 pharma/medical stocks up 4% or more. It is the sector that I'd be most comfortable taking long positions= in right now when the charts set up. Ian - ----- Original Message ----- From: Edward W. Gjertsen II To: Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:40 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts > Tom, Tom, Tom --- This is one we are watching as well - my own thoughts > about this board - I would hate to see this group turn into anything > more than an educational forum whereby many exchange ideas. This is no= t > a place to lie in the weeds and pick off stock tips. With that said, w= e > are currently looking at several different stocks. We have let a coupl= e > generic drug makers go by - leadership in this area - this is not a > market for the weak at heart - one major set back in Iraq i.e. many > casualties, the market will drop 5% in a blink of an eye. The leaders > get clipped for 10% or more. Play small - be vigilant and let the > market be your guide. > > > Ed Gjertsen II > > > > Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, > is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain > confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, > disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended > recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all > copies of the original message. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley > Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:22 PM > To: CANSLIM > Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ - c&h approaching pivot > > for the members with this group for some time, you know I like this > stock, > and currently own it for the 6th trip, plus have a large position in my > VR > Fund. > > Traded up today 20 cents, on nearly 2X ADV, and has been building volum= e > in > the handle for several days now despite the light volume in the markets= . > Now > only 26 cents off the high point in the handle. > > THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION FOR ANYONE TO BUY, especially those that d= o > not > like small and microcap stocks, or don't like fighting the trend. I am > already up 30% on this trip alone, so I don't need any of you buying it > to > move it up and make me profitable. The trend of "M" remains flat to > negative, and many other c&h patterns have failed, or will failed, and > there > is no way to know if EPIQ will also fail. But it may prove to be worth > watching, and learning from. > > Besides, it's been real quiet in the group, maybe this will give someon= e > something to talk about. > > Tom Worley > > AIM: TexWorley > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C354F5.49961880 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I have to say = I disagree with your thoughts on Toms message aabout EPIQ.. If he had sai= d "what do you think about EPIQ".  Instead of "I like EPIQ". No woul= d have complained.  I said that very thing about Yahoo a couple of w= eeks ago and no one said anything to me for letting the cat out of the ba= g and drawing attention to a stock that was doing well.  I believe a= nother one brought up on the board was ONEV.  Again asking for opini= ons.  For the people that are  less experienced and learning in= this terrible market, it may actually help them make a buck.  I thi= nk the board should set a rule for the future where everyone who want to = bring attention to a stock should say " What do you think about this stoc= k"  Then it will bring it to our attention, we can ask question= s, we can get answers, and no one will get upset for " letting the cat ou= t of the bag."nancy
----- Origina= l Message -----
From: Ian
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts
 I would reiterate Ed's assertion that generic pharma and a f= ew other
medicaldevice makers are leading this market. A couple of day= s ago, when the
market was flat, I was watching about 15 pharma/medica= l stocks up 4% or
more. It is the sector that I'd be most comfortable = taking long positions in
right now when the charts set up.


----- Original Message -----
From: Edward W. Gjerts= en II <>
To: <>=
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and= other thoughts

> Tom, Tom, Tom --- This is one we are watc= hing as well - my own thoughts
> about this board - I would hate to= see this group turn into anything
> more than an educational forum= whereby many exchange ideas.  This is not
> a place to lie in= the weeds and pick off stock tips.  With that said, we
> are = currently looking at several different stocks.  We have let a couple=
> generic drug makers go by - leadership in this area - this is no= t a
> market for the weak at heart - one major set back in Iraq i.e= . many
> casualties, the market will drop 5% in a blink of an eye.&= nbsp; The leaders
> get clipped for 10% or more.  Play small -= be vigilant and let the
> market be your guide.
>> Ed Gjertsen II
> Co= nfidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments,
= > is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain
= > confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized revi= ew, use,
> disclosure or distribution is prohibited.  If you a= re not the intended
> recipient, please contact the sender by reply= e-mail and destroy all
> copies of the original message.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-canslim@lis=
> [] On Beha= lf Of Tom Worley
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:22 PM
> Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ - c&h approaching pivot>
> for the members with this group for some time, you know I l= ike this
> stock,
> and currently own it for the 6th trip, pl= us have a large position in my
> VR
> Fund.
> T= raded up today 20 cents, on nearly 2X ADV, and has been building volume> in
> the handle for several days now despite the light volum= e in the markets.
> Now
> only 26 cents off the high point in= the handle.
> THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION FOR ANYONE TO B= UY, especially those that do
> not
> like small and microcap = stocks, or don't like fighting the trend. I am
> already up 30% on = this trip alone, so I don't need any of you buying it
> to
> = move it up and make me profitable. The trend of "M" remains flat to
&g= t; negative, and many other c&h patterns have failed, or will failed,= and
> there
> is no way to know if EPIQ will also fail. But = it may prove to be worth
> watching, and learning from.
= > Besides, it's been real quiet in the group, maybe this will give som= eone
> something to talk about.
> Tom Worley
> =
> AIM: TexWorley
&= gt; -
> -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""> -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
> -"unsubsc= ribe canslim".  Do not use quotes in your email.
= > -
> -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""<= BR>> -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
> -"unsubs= cribe canslim".  Do not use quotes in your email.

-T= o subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
-In the email = body, write "subscribe canslim" or
-"unsubscribe canslim".  Do no= t use quotes in your email.
- ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C354F5.49961880-- - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 13:19:51 -0600 From: "Edward W. Gjertsen II" Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_00A9_01C2F52C.B7146B10 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_00AA_01C2F52C.B7146B10" - ------=_NextPart_001_00AA_01C2F52C.B7146B10 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Great comments Nancy - my thoughts were not necessarily directed at Tom and definitely not a criticism of this great board. There are members here who put a lot of time and effort into guiding those looking to learn. My concern is that some here may only want to take a fish out of the basket instead of learning to fish. This is the most intelligent, well versed board that I have been involved with and hope many here will make more than just a buck. Ed Gjertsen II Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. - -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of NANCY POLCARO Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:45 PM To: canslim Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts I have to say I disagree with your thoughts on Toms message aabout EPIQ.. If he had said "what do you think about EPIQ". Instead of "I like EPIQ". No would have complained. I said that very thing about Yahoo a couple of weeks ago and no one said anything to me for letting the cat out of the bag and drawing attention to a stock that was doing well. I believe another one brought up on the board was ONEV. Again asking for opinions. For the people that are less experienced and learning in this terrible market, it may actually help them make a buck. I think the board should set a rule for the future where everyone who want to bring attention to a stock should say " What do you think about this stock" Then it will bring it to our attention, we can ask questions, we can get answers, and no one will get upset for " letting the cat out of the bag."nancy - ----- Original Message ----- From: Ian Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:24 AM To: Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts I would reiterate Ed's assertion that generic pharma and a few other medicaldevice makers are leading this market. A couple of days ago, when the market was flat, I was watching about 15 pharma/medical stocks up 4% or more. It is the sector that I'd be most comfortable taking long positions in right now when the charts set up. Ian - ----- Original Message ----- From: Edward W. Gjertsen II To: Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:40 PM Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts > Tom, Tom, Tom --- This is one we are watching as well - my own thoughts > about this board - I would hate to see this group turn into anything > more than an educational forum whereby many exchange ideas. This is not > a place to lie in the weeds and pick off stock tips. With that said, we > are currently looking at several different stocks. We have let a couple > generic drug makers go by - leadership in this area - this is not a > market for the weak at heart - one major set back in Iraq i.e. many > casualties, the market will drop 5% in a blink of an eye. The leaders > get clipped for 10% or more. Play small - be vigilant and let the > market be your guide. > > > Ed Gjertsen II > > > > Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, > is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain > confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, > disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended > recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all > copies of the original message. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] On Behalf Of Tom Worley > Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:22 PM > To: CANSLIM > Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ - c&h approaching pivot > > for the members with this group for some time, you know I like this > stock, > and currently own it for the 6th trip, plus have a large position in my > VR > Fund. > > Traded up today 20 cents, on nearly 2X ADV, and has been building volume > in > the handle for several days now despite the light volume in the markets. > Now > only 26 cents off the high point in the handle. > > THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION FOR ANYONE TO BUY, especially those that do > not > like small and microcap stocks, or don't like fighting the trend. I am > already up 30% on this trip alone, so I don't need any of you buying it > to > move it up and make me profitable. The trend of "M" remains flat to > negative, and many other c&h patterns have failed, or will failed, and > there > is no way to know if EPIQ will also fail. But it may prove to be worth > watching, and learning from. > > Besides, it's been real quiet in the group, maybe this will give someone > something to talk about. > > Tom Worley > > AIM: TexWorley > > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. > > > - > -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" > -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or > -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - - - -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email "" - -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or - -"unsubscribe canslim". Do not use quotes in your email. - ------=_NextPart_001_00AA_01C2F52C.B7146B10 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Great comments Nancy = – my thoughts were not necessarily directed at Tom and definitely not a = criticism of this great board.  There are members here who put a lot of time and = effort into guiding those looking to learn.  My concern is that some here = may only want to take a fish out of the basket instead of learning to fish.  = This is the most intelligent, well versed board that I have been involved = with and hope many here will make more than just a buck. 


Ed Gjertsen II



Confidentiality Notice: This = e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged = information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is = prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply = e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.


-----Original = Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of NANCY POLCARO
Sent: Monday, July 28, = 2003 12:45 PM
To: canslim
Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] = EPIQ and other thoughts


I have to say I disagree = with your thoughts on Toms message aabout EPIQ.. If he had said "what do you = think about EPIQ".  Instead of "I like EPIQ". No would = have complained.  I said that very thing about Yahoo a couple of weeks = ago and no one said anything to me for letting the cat out of the bag and = drawing attention to a stock that was doing well.  I believe another one = brought up on the board was ONEV.  Again asking for opinions.  For the = people that are  less experienced and learning in this terrible market, it = may actually help them make a buck.  I think the board should set a = rule for the future where everyone who want to bring attention to a stock should = say " What do you think about this stock"  Then it will bring = it to our attention, we can ask questions, we can get answers, and no = one will get upset for " letting the cat out of the = bag."nancy


----- Original Message = - -----

From: = Ian

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:24 AM

To:<= /font>

Subject: Re: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts


I would reiterate Ed's = assertion that generic pharma and a few other
medicaldevice makers are leading this market. A couple of days ago, when = the
market was flat, I was watching about 15 pharma/medical stocks up 4% = or
more. It is the sector that I'd be most comfortable taking long = positions in
right now when the charts set up.


- ----- Original Message -----
From: Edward W. Gjertsen II <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ and other thoughts

> Tom, Tom, Tom --- This is one we are watching as well - my own = thoughts
> about this board - I would hate to see this group turn into = anything
> more than an educational forum whereby many exchange ideas.  = This is not
> a place to lie in the weeds and pick off stock tips.  With = that said, we
> are currently looking at several different stocks.  We have = let a couple
> generic drug makers go by - leadership in this area - this is not = a
> market for the weak at heart - one major set back in Iraq i.e. = many
> casualties, the market will drop 5% in a blink of an eye.  The leaders
> get clipped for 10% or more.  Play small - be vigilant and let = the
> market be your guide.
> Ed Gjertsen II
> Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any = attachments,
> is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may = contain
> confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized = review, use,
> disclosure or distribution is prohibited.  If you are not the intended
> recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy = all
> copies of the original message.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tom = Worley
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:22 PM
> Subject: [CANSLIM] EPIQ - c&h approaching pivot
> for the members with this group for some time, you know I like = this
> stock,
> and currently own it for the 6th trip, plus have a large position = in my
> VR
> Fund.
> Traded up today 20 cents, on nearly 2X ADV, and has been building = volume
> in
> the handle for several days now despite the light volume in the = markets.
> Now
> only 26 cents off the high point in the handle.
> THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION FOR ANYONE TO BUY, especially those = that do
> not
> like small and microcap stocks, or don't like fighting the trend. I = am
> already up 30% on this trip alone, so I don't need any of you = buying it
> to
> move it up and make me profitable. The trend of "M" = remains flat to
> negative, and many other c&h patterns have failed, or will = failed, and
> there
> is no way to know if EPIQ will also fail. But it may prove to be = worth
> watching, and learning from.
> Besides, it's been real quiet in the group, maybe this will give = someone
> something to talk about.
> Tom Worley
> AIM: TexWorley
> -
> -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email = ""
> -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
> -"unsubscribe canslim".  Do not use quotes in your = email.
> -
> -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email = ""
> -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
> -"unsubscribe canslim".  Do not use quotes in your = email.

- -
- -To subscribe/unsubscribe, email ""
- -In the email body, write "subscribe canslim" or
- -"unsubscribe canslim".  Do not use quotes in your = email.

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