From: (comix-biz-digest) To: Subject: comix-biz-digest V2 #65 Reply-To: comix-biz-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes comix-biz-digest Wednesday, May 9 2001 Volume 02 : Number 065 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 05 May 2001 10:14:20 -0300 From: Jeff Williams Subject: (cbiz) CFP: Comics and Fotonovelas Call for Papers- Comics And Fotonovelas The Fifth Congress of the Americas University of the Americas-Puebla, Mexico - - October 18, 19, 20 2001 - ( ) The deadline for submitting papers and panels is June 1, 2001. This is the largest congress held devoted to the evolving North=20 American community. Editors of presses and journals rely on it=20 for special issues and articles. It has extensive press coverage.=20 Presenters come from all over Latin American, the United States=20 and Canada, and from Europe and Asia. There are important panels=20 on a whole range of economic, political, social, and cultural topics.=20 This is a multidisciplinary meeting which considers North American=20 culture in all its aspects. This particular call is for panel and paper proposals related to the=20 study and analysis of comics and fotonovelas. The term comics refers=20 to comic strips, single panel cartoons, political/editorial comics,=20 comic books, comic albums or the graphic novel, illustrated texts, etc. =20 Papers and/or panels can focus on such aspects as historical=20 development, post-colonialism, feminist issues, comics and/or=20 fotonovelas in the 1960s from the viewpoint of varying countries,=20 censorship, publication and distribution, fans and popularity, or=20 differing attitudes towards comics, and educational comics as well as=20 approaches to using/discussing comics in an educational setting. Also, varying theoretical approaches will be accepted. For paper submissions, send a 300 word abstract. For panel submissions, send a 150 word abstract describing the panel's=20 plus a 200 word abstract for each paper (keep panels to three or=20 four participants). Include requests for any audio-visual equipment needed or desired. Send abstracts and proposals to: Jeff Williams, Area Chair for Comics and Fotonovelas The Fifth Congress of the Americas Achaval Rodriguez 1146 5000 Cordoba, Argentina email submissions preferred: (make sure you put=20 "Puebla Conf Submission" in the subject line). Jeff Williams Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de C=F3rdoba Av. V=E9lez Sarsfield 187 5000 C=F3rdoba, Argentina Basic information on the Mexico Conference will accumulate at the web site:= =20 Click on "Popular Culture/American Culture" track (upper left) and=20 then, once on the next page, click on "Subject Area" box for=20 the spectrum of Areas and details about Area Chairs.=20 Please check the above source on a regular basis. There are programs=20 there for past conferences--a resource which newcomers might like=20 to check for the flavor of the meetings. We take the Walt Whitman=20 approach to cultural studies and contain multitudes.=20 Absolute deadline for proposals to Area Chairs is 1 June, 2001, but=20 early proposals find the most compatible panels.=20 Best way to Puebla....Fly Delta Airlines from Dallas to Puebla Airport=20 or fly Continental Airlines from Houston to Puebla Airport. It is= that=20 easy! Cab ride should cost no more that 170 pesos or $15.=20 Best places to stay in Puebla....See web site for hotel details.=20 Area Chairs are in charge of panels and will submit them to the Program= Chair.=20 Participants are required to register and to pay the registration upon= =20 acceptance=20 of their proposal. (This requirement is for the good of all.) Fill in= =20 the on-line=20 registration form and mail check to Peter Rollins (address, above). To= =20 repeat:=20 on-line and fiscal registrations must be completed UPON ACCEPTANCE OF= =20 YOUR PROPOSAL and not later. This rule helps everybody in planning for= =20 a successful meeting.=20 Historical tours are always part of the mix....Keep track via the web site.= =20 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 05 May 2001 10:19:47 -0300 From: Jeff Williams Subject: (cbiz) looking for comics-pro If anyone can tell me whether comics-pro is still active and the email= address for subscribing, I'd be grateful. Thanks Jeff Williams Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de C=F3rdoba Av. V=E9lez Sarsfield 187 5000 C=F3rdoba, Argentina Basic information on the Mexico Conference will accumulate at the web site:= =20 Click on "Popular Culture/American Culture" track (upper left) and=20 then, once on the next page, click on "Subject Area" box for=20 the spectrum of Areas and details about Area Chairs.=20 Please check the above source on a regular basis. There are programs=20 there for past conferences--a resource which newcomers might like=20 to check for the flavor of the meetings. We take the Walt Whitman=20 approach to cultural studies and contain multitudes.=20 Absolute deadline for proposals to Area Chairs is 1 June, 2001, but=20 early proposals find the most compatible panels.=20 Best way to Puebla....Fly Delta Airlines from Dallas to Puebla Airport=20 or fly Continental Airlines from Houston to Puebla Airport. It is= that=20 easy! Cab ride should cost no more that 170 pesos or $15.=20 Best places to stay in Puebla....See web site for hotel details.=20 Area Chairs are in charge of panels and will submit them to the Program= Chair.=20 Participants are required to register and to pay the registration upon= =20 acceptance=20 of their proposal. (This requirement is for the good of all.) Fill in= =20 the on-line=20 registration form and mail check to Peter Rollins (address, above). To= =20 repeat:=20 on-line and fiscal registrations must be completed UPON ACCEPTANCE OF= =20 YOUR PROPOSAL and not later. This rule helps everybody in planning for= =20 a successful meeting.=20 Historical tours are always part of the mix....Keep track via the web site.= =20 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 05 May 2001 12:37:10 -0400 From: Haze-man Subject: (cbiz) Anime Project The Rutgers Anime club is working on producing its own Original Animated series, Japanimation style. The plan is for a series of 6 animated shows, less than 20 minutes each. The animation will be done in Flash and Director. We need artist to contribute background art (watercolors prefered) and character animations. The animation we're looking for isn't very complex; we'll be working at a average frame rate of less than 8 per second. We're looking for volunteers looking to beef up their portfolio but the club is willing to raise funds to pay artists if need be. If you'd like to submitt or would like more info, send a SASE to my personal box: Mike Hayes PO BOX 172 Lake Hiawatha NJ 07034 Thanks Haze # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 09:37:27 -0300 From: Jeff Williams Subject: (cbiz) CFP: Panel on Globalization and Comics Call for Papers- Panel on Globalization and Comics The Fifth Congress of the Americas University of the Americas-Puebla, Mexico - - October 18, 19, 20 2001 - ( ) The deadline for submitting papers and panels is June 1, 2001. What has been the impact of globalization on comics in the Americas? How has the importation of comics from the likes of DC, Marvel, Dark Horse,= and Image changed the local comics community? Papers for this panel analyze globalization in terms of the cultural impact= on locally produced comics. Many South American countries and other countries= in the Americas witnessed a marked decline in locally produced comics during= the 1980s and 90s, during the same time period massive imports of US and= Japanese comics took place. Many local publishers produced Spanish translations of these comics and ceased carrying comics by the local talent. Once popular vehicles for local comics (e.g., Fierro) ceased publication. What can be done to revitalize the local comics community? Publishers, Cartoonists, Librarians who direct Latin American comics collections, Directors and/or professors of Graphic Arts Schools, etc. are especially invited to share their views. For paper submissions, send a 250 word abstract. Include requests for any audio-visual equipment needed or desired. Send abstracts and proposals to: Jeff Williams, Globalization and Comics The Fifth Congress of the Americas Achaval Rodriguez 1146 5000 Cordoba, Argentina email submissions preferred: (make sure you put=20 "Puebla Conf Submission" in the subject line). Jeff Williams Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de C=F3rdoba Av. V=E9lez Sarsfield 187 5000 C=F3rdoba, Argentina Basic information on the Mexico Conference will accumulate at the web site:= =20 Click on "Popular Culture/American Culture" track (upper left) and=20 then, once on the next page, click on "Subject Area" box for=20 the spectrum of Areas and details about Area Chairs.=20 Please check the above source on a regular basis. There are programs=20 there for past conferences--a resource which newcomers might like=20 to check for the flavor of the meetings. We take the Walt Whitman=20 approach to cultural studies and contain multitudes.=20 Absolute deadline for proposals to Area Chairs is 1 June, 2001, but=20 early proposals find the most compatible panels.=20 Best way to Puebla....Fly Delta Airlines from Dallas to Puebla Airport=20 or fly Continental Airlines from Houston to Puebla Airport. It is= that=20 easy! Cab ride should cost no more that 170 pesos or $15.=20 Best places to stay in Puebla....See web site for hotel details.=20 Area Chairs are in charge of panels and will submit them to the Program= Chair.=20 Participants are required to register and to pay the registration upon= =20 acceptance=20 of their proposal. (This requirement is for the good of all.) Fill in= =20 the on-line=20 registration form and mail check to Peter Rollins (address, above). To= =20 repeat:=20 on-line and fiscal registrations must be completed UPON ACCEPTANCE OF= =20 YOUR PROPOSAL and not later. This rule helps everybody in planning for= =20 a successful meeting.=20 Historical tours are always part of the mix....Keep track via the web site.= =20 # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Send the command "info comix-biz" to # To post, email; replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ End of comix-biz-digest V2 #65 ******************************