From: Elton Aguilar Subject: (cww) Observations regarding the 3DfxTweaker running Hornet Korea Date: 06 Apr 1998 04:03:43 +0100 --------------FBFC769379570FA60ADA9116 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit For you Voodoo fanatics.... I ran into this website which offers an application that can increase clock speeds on any of the current Mac Voodoo cards. Here's the URL to 3DfxTweaker 1.01b1: Try it out! Here's what I found out... Observations regarding the 3DfxTweaker 1.0B1 running F/A-18 Hornet Korea Well... after running the Tweaker with Hornet Korea, here are my thoughts. 1. My system: Power Computing Power Center Pro 240 with 96 Mb of RAM, original Monster3D Voodoo card, 17" MAG Innovations monitor. All extensions were left on. 2. Under 800x600 resolution, with increased clock rate to 63 MHz, I did detect a slight improvement in frame rate. However, stuttering was still appreciably noticable. At the risk of over heating your card and damaging it, I don't feel it is worth it. I did try running max clock rate (65MHz) and ended up with a frozen computer. I was frightened that I may have blown the Voodoo card because it locked up leaving me with strange looking static on the screen. I quickly did a force shut down. It was the only thing I could do. To my relief, things were okay after startup. 3. Under 640x480 resolution, with clock rate at 60 MHz, framerates did improve appreciably. However, after only one mission (less than 5 minutes into the mission), I did start to notice texture errors. I also lost control of some of the functions of the game. Specifically, target acquisition was lost. I just couldn't lock on to a target to get off a missle shot. 4. Here is something interesting about the Tweaker. First of all, when you run the Hornet Korea at 640x480 with the 3dfx card, and with the Tweaker off, the sim appears washed out on the screen. This would be the standard way you would run hornet at 640x480. I noticed that if I turned the Screen Refresh Rate to max 120 Hz, I got much better color on the screen and the image was larger, filling "almost" the entire monitor. This was with the clock rate left at 50MHz. I also did not detect texture errors nor dysfunctional avionics, which was probably an effect of the increased clock rate. I couldn't tell whether optimizing the Swapbuffer interval to 0 made a difference or not. Note: If you decide to turn off 3DfxTweaker, quit and restart Hornet Korea. The simulator with still run the tweaker until done so. Well, looks like a good attempt by Andreas Varga to help us Frame-Rate-Happy-Geeks. I did not try other games with this. Maybe those had better luck. Ciao! Echo out! -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Elton Aguilar Callsign: Echo Captain, VFMA-323rd Cougars Aguilar Family Home Page :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --------------FBFC769379570FA60ADA9116 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit For you Voodoo fanatics.... I ran into this website which offers an application that can increase clock speeds on any of the current Mac Voodoo cards.

Here's the URL to 3DfxTweaker 1.01b1:

Try it out!

Here's what I found out...

Observations regarding the 3DfxTweaker 1.0B1 running F/A-18 Hornet Korea

Well... after running the Tweaker with Hornet Korea, here are my thoughts.

1. My system: Power Computing Power Center Pro 240 with 96 Mb of RAM, original Monster3D Voodoo card, 17" MAG Innovations monitor. All extensions were left on.

2. Under 800x600 resolution, with increased clock rate to 63 MHz, I did detect a slight improvement in frame rate. However, stuttering was still appreciably noticable. At the risk of over heating your card and damaging it, I don't feel it is worth it.

I did try running max clock rate (65MHz) and ended up with a frozen computer. I was frightened that I may have blown the Voodoo card because it locked up leaving me with strange looking static on the screen. I quickly did a force shut down. It was the only thing I could do. To my relief, things were okay after startup.

3. Under 640x480 resolution, with clock rate at 60 MHz, framerates did improve appreciably. However, after only one mission (less than 5 minutes into the mission), I did start to notice texture errors. I also lost control of some of the functions of the game. Specifically, target acquisition was lost. I just couldn't lock on to a target to get off a missle shot.

4. Here is something interesting about the Tweaker.

First of all, when you run the Hornet Korea at 640x480 with the 3dfx card, and with the Tweaker off, the sim appears washed out on the screen. This would be the standard way you would run hornet at 640x480.

I noticed that if I turned the Screen Refresh Rate to max 120 Hz, I got much better color on the screen and the image was larger, filling "almost" the entire monitor. This was with the clock rate left at 50MHz. I also did not detect texture errors nor dysfunctional avionics, which was probably an effect of the increased clock rate.

I couldn't tell whether optimizing the Swapbuffer interval to 0 made a difference or not.

Note: If you decide to turn off 3DfxTweaker, quit and restart Hornet Korea. The simulator with still run the tweaker until done so.

Well, looks like a good attempt by Andreas Varga to help us Frame-Rate-Happy-Geeks. I did not try other games with this. Maybe those had better luck.


Echo out!

Elton Aguilar
Callsign: Echo
Captain, VFMA-323rd Cougars
Aguilar Family Home Page
  --------------FBFC769379570FA60ADA9116-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Elton Aguilar Subject: Re: (cww) Observations regarding the 3DfxTweaker running Hornet Korea Date: 06 Apr 1998 08:41:58 +0100 Addemdum to my first message: According to the author, changing the Screen Refresh Rate and Swapbuffer do not affect the heat on the graphics chip. Echo Elton Aguilar wrote: > 4. Here is something interesting about the Tweaker. > > First of all, when you run the Hornet Korea at 640x480 with the 3dfx > card, and with the Tweaker off, the sim appears washed out on the > screen. This would be the standard way you would run hornet at > 640x480. > > I noticed that if I turned the Screen Refresh Rate to max 120 Hz, I > got much better color on the screen and the image was larger, filling > "almost" the entire monitor. This was with the clock rate left at > 50MHz. I also did not detect texture errors nor dysfunctional > avionics, which was probably an effect of the increased clock rate. > -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Elton Aguilar Captain, VFMA-323rd Cougars Aguilar Family Home Page :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Re: VFA-173 Warheads have a new website Date: 06 Apr 1998 19:24:50 -0700 At 5:55 PM +0100 4/6/98, wrote: >Hi, > >I just want to say that the VFA-173 Warheads have a new website, the new >address is > > >So can you change it on the SF, H2, and H3 ladder. > > >Gorilla > > >P.S. Will there be a new Hornet Korea ladder or should we just put the >officals on the H3 ladder. Just so everyone knows, unless GSC comes thru with TCP/IP for Hornet Korea there will be no new ladder. It doesn't offer that big a difference from H3 Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Hornet Mission Contest from GSC Date: 10 Apr 1998 11:15:45 -0700 The following was posted to GSC's msg board..... >Mission Contest.... > > Posted by Jon Blum on Thursday, 9 April 1998, >at 5:34 p.m. > > I'll have the mission contest page up by Sunday. Meanwhile here are the >details... > > Contest rules: > > Entries will be submitted over the course of 3 weeks (21 days). >Contestants may make only one entry each. Missions must be generated with >Korea Version > 1.02. Entries may not be changed after submission. All entries become the >property of Graphic Simulations Corp. Entry review and voting will take >place of > the course of 1 week. Winners will be determined by popular vote on >overall "best mission." Voters are allowed to vote for 1 and only 1 item. >Missions must > include a briefing and author's e-mail address. > > Prizes: > > Grand prize: > > Full CH setup including Fighterstick, Pro Throttle, and Pro pedals. > > ***OR*** > > Techworks Power3D card (drivers available for both PC and Mac). > > Second Place: Whatever prize choice Grand Prize winner declines. > > Third place: Ch Flightstick Pro. > > Further details will be posted over the weekend. > > --Jon Re: Mission Contest.... Posted by Jon Blum on Thursday, 9 April 1998, at 7:41 p.m., in response to Re: Mission Contest...., posted by MacUser on Thursday, 9 April 1998, at 7:23 p.m. I think and e-mail address will be enough as long as GSC can reach you afer the votes are tallied. By no means put any personal information into the file upload other than your e-mail. Nope, I haven't been on the payroll since December. I had to move back to California for family reasons. I just do voluntary web work for them now. Why, got a Job offer:-)? --Jon > Also, do you have to give your full name or just email > address? -MacUser > PS- Jon, you no longer work at GSC?????? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Fwd: Questionaire Date: 10 Apr 1998 13:42:38 -0700 >X-Sender: >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 11:51:10 -0700 >To: >From: Christopher Bort >Subject: Questionaire > >Here's one everybody will enjoy... > >-- Cat's Paw > >>> This was actually posted very briefly on the McDonnell Douglas >>> Webster by an employee there who obviously has a sense of humor. >>> >>> The company made the web department take it down immediately. >>> >>>_____________________________________________________________________ >>> Thank you for purchasing a McDonnell Douglas military aircraft. >>> In order to protect your new investment, please take a few moments >>> to fill out the warranty registration card below. Answering the >>> survey questions is not required, but the information will help us >>> to develop new products that best meet your needs and desires. >>> >>> 1. [_] Mr. [_] Mrs. [_] Ms. [_] Miss [_] Lt. >>> [_] Gen. [_] Comrade [_] Classified [_] Other >>> First Name: .................................................... >>> Initial: ........ >>> Last Name: .................................................... >>> Password: .............................. (max 8 char) >>> Code Name: .................................................... >>> Latitude-Longitude-Altitude: .......... .......... .......... >>> >>> 2. Which model aircraft did you purchase? >>> [_] F-14 Tomcat >>> [_] F-15 Eagle >>> [_] F-16 Falcon >>> [_] F-117A Stealth >>> [_] Classified >>> >>> 3. Date of purchase (Year/Month/Day): 19...... / ...... / ...... >>> >>> 4. Serial Number: .............................................. >>> >>> 5. Please check where this product was purchased: >>> [_] Received as gift / aid package >>> [_] Catalog showroom >>> [_] Independent arms broker >>> [_] Mail order >>> [_] Discount store >>> [_] Government surplus >>> [_] Classified >>> >>> 6. Please check how you became aware of the McDonnell Douglas >>> product you have just purchased: >>> [_] Heard loud noise, looked up >>> [_] Store display >>> [_] Espionage >>> [_] Recommended by friend / relative / ally >>> [_] Political lobbying by manufacturer >>> [_] Was attacked by one >>> >>> 7. Please check the three (3) factors that most influenced your >>> decision to purchase this McDonnell Douglas product: >>> [_] Style / appearance >>> [_] Speed / maneuverability >>> [_] Price / value >>> [_] Comfort / convenience >>> [_] Kickback / bribe >>> [_] Recommended by salesperson >>> [_] McDonnell Douglas reputation >>> [_] Advanced Weapons Systems >>> [_] Backroom politics >>> [_] Negative experience opposing one in combat >>> >>> 8. Please check the location(s) where this product will be used: >>> [_] North America >>> [_] Central / South America >>> [_] Aircraft carrier >>> [_] Europe >>> [_] Middle East >>> [_] Africa >>> [_] Asia / Far East >>> [_] Misc. Third World countries >>> [_] Classified >>> >>> 9. Please check the products that you currently own or intend >>> to purchase in the near future: >>> [_] Color TV >>> [_] VCR >>> [_] ICBM >>> [_] Killer Satellite >>> [_] CD Player >>> [_] Air-to-Air Missiles >>> [_] Space Shuttle >>> [_] Home Computer >>> [_] Nuclear Weapon >>> >>> 10. How would you describe yourself or your organization? >>> (Check all that apply:) >>> [_] Communist / Socialist >>> [_] Terrorist >>> [_] Crazed >>> [_] Neutral >>> [_] Democratic >>> [_] Dictatorship >>> [_] Corrupt >>> [_] Primitive / Tribal >>> >>> 11. How did you pay for your McDonnell Douglas product? >>> [_] Deficit spending >>> [_] Cash >>> [_] Suitcases of cocaine >>> [_] Oil revenues >>> [_] Personal check >>> [_] Credit card >>> [_] Ransom money >>> [_] Traveler's check >>> >>> 12. Your occupation: >>> [_] Homemaker >>> [_] Sales / marketing >>> [_] Revolutionary >>> [_] Clerical >>> [_] Mercenary >>> [_] Tyrant >>> [_] Middle management >>> [_] Eccentric billionaire >>> [_] Defense Minister / General >>> [_] Retired >>> [_] Student >>> >>> 13. To help us understand our customers' lifestyles, please >>> indicate the interests and activities in which you and your >>> spouse enjoy participating on a regular basis: >>> [_] Golf >>> [_] Boating / sailing >>> [_] Sabotage >>> [_] Running / jogging >>> [_] Propaganda / disinformation >>> [_] Destabilization / overthrow >>> [_] Default on loans >>> [_] Gardening >>> [_] Crafts >>> [_] Black market / smuggling >>> [_] Collectibles / collections >>> [_] Watching sports on TV >>> [_] Wines >>> [_] Interrogation / torture >>> [_] Household pets >>> [_] Crushing rebellions >>> [_] Espionage / reconnaissance >>> [_] Fashion clothing >>> [_] Border disputes >>> [_] Mutually Assured Destruction >>> >>>Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. Your >>>answers will be used in market studies that will help McDonnell >>>Douglas serve you better in the future - as well as allowing you >>>to receive mailings and special offers from other companies, >>>governments, extremist groups, and mysterious consortia. >>> >>>Comments or suggestions about our fighter planes? Please write to: >>> >>>McDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION >>>Marketing Department >>>Military Aerospace Division >>>P.O. Box 800, St. Louis, MO > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Just a note....I fucked up Date: 12 Apr 1998 01:30:47 -0700 I have an acknowledgement to make....because of me, #hornet was retaken over Saturday night. I actually opped them. I thought it was a good move to end animosity and to put an end to such things for the near wasn't. Pure and simple, I fucked up. I did try and find some help, but I won't go into that. And it wasn't me that fixed it. The credit belongs to Nut and Rico. And all I can say is thank you. And that I repay my debts Dale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Justin Madden Subject: (cww) Aussie Squad Date: 13 Apr 1998 21:07:55 +1000 For those Australians Interested in joining an Aussie Squad visit: (Home of the TFG-75SQN Redbacks) And please send an email, or fill out the application form. More Information will be posted later to the listserv later. Cheers Capt Zipp. C.O.-Redbacks ***>>>***>>>***>>>***>>>***>>>***>>>*** *** Zippo_ [Quick as a Light!] *** *** *** *** Justin Madden *** *** *** *************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Justin Madden Subject: Re: (cww) Aussie Squad Date: 14 Apr 1998 19:20:48 +1000 Yikes - remind me to proof read my postings! Zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stephen Fox Subject: Re: (cww) Aussie Squad Date: 14 Apr 1998 19:37:35 +1000 URGENT... URGENT... URGENT... SECURITY LEVEL: 6+ *** ULTRA TOP SECRET FOR YOUR EYES ONLY *** Hiya Captain Zippo, SIR SIR, Just a reminder that u should Proof Read your postings in future, SIR. >Yikes - remind me to proof read my postings! > >Zip END SECURITY LEVEL END PRIORITY THREE URGENT MESSAGE Cheers Stephen Fox MAC HORNET 3 & KOREA Callsign: FoxOne Flight Lieutenant/Tactical Officer TFG-75SQN Redbacks ICQ: 3837862 FFFFF OOOOO F OOOO X X O O N N EEEE F O O X X O O N N N E FFF O O X = O O N NN EEE F O O X X O O N N E F OOOO X X O O N N EEEE F OOOOO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) New 1st Group Sq's Date: 16 Apr 1998 21:33:00 -0700 Hiyas, This announcement has been pending the resolution of some other details which have been worked out. But first the important news. As CO of the 1st Group of CMAW ( I am pleased to announce the addition of two new squadrons to the group. Amazingly they are both Australian. The squadrons are: Shuikens Redbacks As for the other news, I am resigning as CO of 1st Group effective 1 May 98. I have arranged for a more then adequate replacement to take over and take 1st Group to new heights. The formal announcement of who that person is will wait till then. I will remain as deputy CO of CMAW and will be devoting more time to developing the 2nd Group of CMAW. The 2nd Group is the one that consists of the PC sq's as opposed to the 1st Group being Mac Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Win a Flight in a T-33 Jet! Date: 17 Apr 1998 13:45:02 -0700 Newsgroups: Fighter Pilots USA and Incredible Adventures announce the FPUSA Jet Challenge! Fly an air combat mission with Fighter Pilots USA during May 15, 16 and 17 for a chance to win a flight in a T-33 jet trainer courtesy of Incredible Adventures. Details are on the Fighter Pilots USA website at: Fighter Pilots USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Mail List Archives Date: 18 Apr 1998 05:03:04 -0700 For any of you wanting to access archives of previously posted messages, you can go to: Archives of the CWW, CMAW (as CMAG) and FSCombat lists are there. You can either d/l them or view them online using a web browser Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Alternate channels Date: 18 Apr 1998 16:47:32 -0700 For those of you looking for a place to meet other online flight sim pilots, or an alternative to EFNet #hornet, there is #hornet and #macflightsims on Dalnet. #hornet was started by FoxOne and #macflightsims was started by myself. Good thing they are there since I am banned from EFNet #hornet :) Gotta be careful what you say about who :)) On other flight sim issues, Confirmed Kill is soon to be going to beta and I have talked to Eidos about doing a ladder for it. I don't know when the ladder will be done or what exactly Eidos has in mind. But it will be there when CK is ready for general commercial release. As for other future events, I have added ladders for 3 flight sims that are pending....both completion and Mac versions of the sims. What each of the producers of those sims plane, I don't know. I just try and plan ahead. I don't even have ROE's for those sims yet :) In part the plans to proceed hinge on Thon "HotBlack" deBoer. Thon is the creator of the ladder coding and maintains the infrastructure of the ladder code. I host the site and work on expanding the number of ladders and a few other odds and ends. If you think the ladders are a good thing, well done and/or you just enjoy them, please drop Thon a line. A good word can go along way :) Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) H*lp update the CWW Ladders Sq list Date: 18 Apr 1998 20:21:13 -0700 Hi, I know I have been here before, but I finally figured out how to update the sq list on the CWW ladders. This may seem strange, but Thon "HotBlack" deBoer had been doing it and I didn't bother as I was preoccupied with other things for about the last year. But now I do and I want to get the list on each ladder up to date with any missing squadron name and squadron web page. Please send all such material directly to me. Thanks, Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert D. Campbell" Subject: Re: (cww) Mail List Archives Date: 18 Apr 1998 20:52:27 -0700 Dale, Have you noticed the glitch in Korea Mission "Hornet's Nest?" My Korea has the three A 10's all dropping their bombs as soon as they take to the air. They just fly away to get creamed and never approach the target. Strange! Is there any way of writing notes to Korea missions? H3 allowed you to use Simple Text to write notes to the missions. Korea's Notes folder is empty. Can't figure how they expect you to add notes. Any help here? Cheers, Bob (Padre) + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Dalnet Nick Passwords Date: 19 Apr 1998 05:43:50 -0700 For those of you that don't know it, on Dalnet you can register your nick so that no one else can use it. You can even choose to have the Dalnet built in bot support actively enforce that no even get near to using your nick. But you have to identify yourself to the Dalnet nickserv every time you sign on to prove that you are you and entitled to use that nick. But on occasion the nickserv (and chanserv) bots go down and someone can imitate them to get passwords. If you are like me, I hate typing in the password everytime I sign on. But I also hate screwing myself :) Before, I had it setup in the autoexec section of my personal info to send the password to nickserv every time I signed on. But if nickserv was down, I was screwing myself. But LeadDog showed me how to avoid this and still automatically send my password. By choosing "connections" (cmd k) in ircle and then "edit" for particular server, you will bring up a dialog box. Click on the "identity" tab and at the 3rd box down you will see that you can enter a password. Enter your Dalnet nick password here. Every time you sign on from now, your password will be intimately transferred to the Dalnet server, not one of the built in bots. Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (cww) H*lp update the CWW Ladders Sq list Date: 20 Apr 1998 07:40:02 +1000 Hi Dale, Could you please add our squadron (98th Squadron Shurikens) to the H3, H2 and, when or if it ever exists, HK ladders for Macintosh? Thanks Gecko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Trad Subject: (cww) Re: H*lp update the CWW Ladders Sq list Date: 19 Apr 1998 15:23:41 -0700 Hi Dale, You must have updated the squad link for the Cougars on the H3 ladder with some old information. The correct link is --> Please forgive my replying to all 3 lists but I am doing so that eveyone can check/update/or add the Cougars' HQ to any relevant site. The Cougars will be updating and steamlining our barracks soon so check your email for an annoucement for our 'open house' soon. Thanks That is all, Captain Oz 'Kahuna' Trad, Information Officer VMFA-323rd Cougars, "We Fight as One" >Hi, > >I know I have been here before, but I finally figured out how to update the >sq list on the CWW ladders. This may seem strange, but Thon "HotBlack" >deBoer had been doing it and I didn't bother as I was preoccupied with >other things for about the last year. > >But now I do and I want to get the list on each ladder up to date with any >missing squadron name and squadron web page. > >Please send all such material directly to me. > >Thanks, >Dale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Bottrell Subject: (cww) Name that bot Date: 21 Apr 1998 15:24:08 -0700 (MST) I am in the process of having a bot at least on the Dalnet #macflightsims. Since Dalnet has it's own built in bots for the more important tasks, this bot will more of a "social" bot. It will have intro lines and provide URL's that are stored. For those of you that know of the bot that JMack runs on #skyfighters, this will be the same exact thing. In fact, the initial bot will be a copy of JM's. Of course a bot without a name is nothing. But there is no reason why naming the bot should be limited to myself since #macflightsims is for everyone regardless of whether you use the channel or not. So if you have what you think is a worthwhile name, send it to me, I will collect all of them and then post the whole list back to the CWW list to vote on. This...contest....will continue till 6pm Pacific time Saturday, 4/25/98. If you win, you will know that you were the one that came up with the most popular name As for a bot on Dalnet #hornet, that is entirely possible as long as that is what the members of that channel want. Contrary to any opinions otherwise, I only started #macflightsims, Dalnet #hornet was started by FoxOne and other Hornet players wanting an alternative to EFNet #hornet Thanks, Dale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Justin Madden Subject: (cww) CWW Date: 24 Apr 1998 12:09:14 +1100 Can anybody help me out here..... I just had a 4 Gig IBM hard drive installed in my Pmac7500 - in the spare bay. I already had a 1 Gig Quantum Fireball (factory installed). Its SCSI ID = 0, and the new drive = 1. The problem I am encountering is this: Every couple of times I start up, the old Hard Drive is not detected. This is usually fixed by restarting once or twice. (this old Hard drive worked flawlessly before the new one was put in. - Is it a jealous Hard drive??) Also when the Hard drive does appear on the desktop it works fine. I have opened the ol' outrigger computer up and had a look inside, and it appears that all the cables are firmly in place. How do I go about fixing it.??? (I was hoping that I did not have to go back to the shop). Would something like Norton Utilities Help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ted A. Lucas" Subject: Re: (cww) CWW Date: 22 Apr 1998 22:18:56 -0300 Check the termination - be sure only the last drive on the internal scsi bus is terminated! Ted (aka "thermo" Skyfighters!!) ======= Justin Madden wrote: > Can anybody help me out here..... > > I just had a 4 Gig IBM hard drive installed in my Pmac7500 - in the > spare > bay. I already had a 1 Gig Quantum Fireball (factory installed). Its > SCSI > ID = 0, and the new drive = 1. > > The problem I am encountering is this: > > Every couple of times I start up, the old Hard Drive is not detected. > This is usually fixed by restarting once or twice. (this old Hard > drive > worked flawlessly before the new one was put in. - Is it a jealous > Hard > drive??) Also when the Hard drive does appear on the desktop it works > fine. > > I have opened the ol' outrigger computer up and had a look inside, and > it > appears that all the cables are firmly in place. > > How do I go about fixing it.??? (I was hoping that I did not have to > go > back to the shop). > > Would something like Norton Utilities Help? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Trad Subject: (cww) Point Magu Air Show Date: 24 Apr 1998 16:26:59 -0700 Hi All, Very short notice I know but I just found out about it. I will be going to the Navy's Point Magu (near Santa Barbara) Air show tomorrow (Saturday), featured will be the Thunderbirds. If anyone by chance is in town and would like to meet in person please drop me and email tonight. Admission and parking are free. That is all- Kahuna Captain Oz 'Kahuna' Trad, Information Officer VMFA-323rd Cougars, "We Fight as One" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Date: 27 Apr 1998 11:36:30 -0300 HelveticaI copied this off a Mac rumors cite. For those intrested in 3d fx for Mac this may be usefull. It would be great to see this for the Mac. The OS rumors cite can be found at to see for your self the source of my posting. Mac Voodoo2 campaign: How you can help! Several readers wrote in about the opportunity for Mac users to campaign to have Mac drivers written for the Obsidian2 card, an extremely powerful Voodoo2 game card: Quantum3D, a spinoff of 3DFx, is a company that makes extremely high-performance hardware for gaming. This was a news item that I grabbed today from Blue's News ( and made a couple minor grammatical changes to. [It's] an opportunity to help more awesome hardware come to the Mac platform.~~~Ok, today YOU can do something for the Mac Gaming world. Here is a copy of an email from Ross Smith at Quantum, makers of the Obsidian 2 3Dfx Voodoo2 card.OK ALREADY. Here's the deal. We could do the MAC drivers, but we have chosen not to becausea) we were unsure of the market opportunity.b) we don't have any expertise in Mac drivers,c) who's going to recruit the games?We may reconsider-- but we need your help. If you can get 5,000 Mac users to email 0000,0000, requesting an "Obsidian2 MAC Attack", we'll look at doing it.You know what you have to do now, send an email to with subject "Obsidian2 MAC Attack". Spread the word brothers !!! We CAN do it! (btw, Obsidian 2 can run Quake at 87 fps). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Subject: (cww) Joke Date: 28 Apr 1998 10:26:15 -0300 Larry Walters is among the relatively few who have actually turned theirdreams into reality. His story is true, as hard as you may find it tobelieve. Larry was a truck driver, but his lifelong dream was to fly. When hegraduated from high school, he joined the Air Force in hopes of becoming apilot. Unfortunately, poor eyesight disqualified him. So when he finallyleft the service, he had to satisfy himself with watching others fly thefighter jets that crisscrossed the skies over his backyard. As he sat therein his lawn chair, he dreamed about the magic of flying. Then one day, Larry had an idea. He went down to the local Army-Navysurplus store and bought forty-five weather balloons, and several tanks ofhelium. These were not your brightly colored party balloons, these wereheavy-duty spheres measuring more than four feet across when fullyinflated. Back in his yard, Larry used straps to attach the balloons to hislawn chair, the kind you might have in your back yard. He anchored thechair to the bumper of his jeep, and inflated the balloons with helium.Then he packed a few sandwiches and drinks, and a loaded BB gun, figuringhe could pop a fewballoons when it was time to return to earth. His preparations complete, Larry sat in his chair and cut the anchoringcord. His plan was to lazily float into the sky, and eventually back toterra firma. But things didn't quite work out that way. When Larry cut the cord, hedidn't float lazily up; he shot up as if fired from a cannon! Nor did he goup a couple hundred feet. He climbed and climbed until he finally leveledoff at eleven thousand feet! At that height, he could hardly risk deflatingany of the balloons, lest he unbalance the load and really experienceflying. So he stayed up there, sailing around for fourteen hours, totally ata loss about how to get down. Eventually, Larry drifted into the approach corridor for Los AngelesInternational Airport. A Pan Am pilot radioed the tower about passing a guyin a lawn chair at eleven thousand feet, with a gun in his there'sa conversation I would have given anything to have heard! LAX is right on the ocean, and you may know that at nightfall, the winds onthe coast begin to change. So, as dusk fell, Larry began drifting out tosea. At that point, the Navy dispatched a helicopter to rescue him, but therescue team had a hard time getting to him because the draft from theirpropeller kept pushing his homemade contraption farther and farther away.Eventually, they were able to hover above him and drop a rescue line, withwhich they gradually hauled him back to safety. A difficult maneuver,flawlessly executed by the Navy.As soon as Larry hit the ground, he was arrested. But as he was led away inhandcuffs, a television reporter called out, "Sir, why'd you do it?" Larrystopped, eyed the man, then replied, "A man can't just sit around!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) This is your chance.... Date: 28 Apr 1998 23:46:13 -0700 Hi, As previously mentioned, #macflightsims on Dalnet now has a bot. It's name is MacAirOne (Mao for short). There may be another for Dalnet #hornet but that is still being worked out. But, Mao needs a list of duties. Aside from the traditional intro lines, Mao will do URL's. Mao will not kick or ban people, just be there to help. The built in bots Dalnet provides is fine for the more traditional bot uses. If you can think of a good use, not just so-so, let me know and it will be added into the bots functions. I don't make any promises what will be added, but unless you contribute the bot won't be all it can be Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nick Harman Subject: (cww) WB2.01 TM trubble + Date: 29 Apr 1998 10:27:04 +0100 Hi Chaps What a great joke on IMOLs part making us d/l the previous version, gosh how I laughed..... On a more serious note I hav some problems and Id like to know if its just me, I havent tried online yet btw 1 During flight the picture freezes every now and then and the little mac watch starts running. After a few secs im returned to the game.I got 90mb of ram in this suker and I havent changed any extensions etc 2 the dam mouse cursor is still there and is now running around following stik movement, at least before it stood still or could be parked 3 i cant get look up 45 degrees on hat forward either on sprokets or TM settings. fairly imprtant view that:-) goin for the keypad is not healthy in a furball 4 my throttle up and down, which i use the two lower stik buttons for, now needs multiple presses to increment instead of just being held down. Not handy at all On a plus note the planes seem a lot nicer to fly etc. I dont have 3d. Anyone else on 2.01 and a TM who can advise? Nick nick_harman copywriting Tel: 0181 677 3356 Fax: 0181 769 7839 Mobile 0850 296102. virtually a portfolio: stuart.harman freelance creative team: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jon Norton Subject: Re: (cww) This is your chance.... Date: 29 Apr 1998 16:12:33 -0400 This might be exremly difficult to do, but: Have the bot keep the ladder... or at least keep what the ladder says. Then we wouldant have to go into nutscrape to cahnge the score! Dale wrote: > Hi, > > As previously mentioned, #macflightsims on Dalnet now has a bot. It's name > is MacAirOne (Mao for short). There may be another for Dalnet #hornet but > that is still being worked out. > > But, Mao needs a list of duties. Aside from the traditional intro lines, > Mao will do URL's. Mao will not kick or ban people, just be there to help. > The built in bots Dalnet provides is fine for the more traditional bot uses. > > If you can think of a good use, not just so-so, let me know and it will be > added into the bots functions. I don't make any promises what will be > added, but unless you contribute the bot won't be all it can be > > Dale > > ******************************************************* > Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- > ICQ# 3351618 > Home Page: > > Visit the Cyber Wings of the World > > > To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: > > > #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet > > > ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Fwd: Sonnet First to Ship G3 for 6100-8100 Date: 29 Apr 1998 22:18:43 -0700 >Mime-Version: 1.0 >X-Sender: (Unverified) >Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 20:51:46 -0700 >To: "MacDev-1 (Moderated)" >From: MacDev-1 Moderator >Subject: Sonnet First to Ship G3 for 6100-8100 >Sender: >Precedence: Bulk > >This message comes to you from MacDev-1(tm). >See below for more info on this list (including sub/unsub details). >__________________________ > >For More Information, Please Contact: > >Joy Hsu >949-261-2800 > > > >SONNET TECHNOLOGIES FIRST TO SHIP POWERPC G3 >PROCESSOR UPGRADE CARDS >FOR 6100, 7100 8100 POWER MACINTOSH COMPUTERS > >New line of PowerPC 750 (G3) Processor Upgrade Cards for Power Mac (6100, >7100, 8100)Workgroup Server (6150, 8150, 9150), Performa 611x and Radius >81/110 begins shipping today. > > >IRVINE, CALIF. April 29, 1998 -- Sonnet Technologies, the leading >manufacturer of performance upgrade products for Apple Macintosh computers, >today began shipping three new models of PowerPC G3 (750) processor upgrade >cards for first generation (Nu-Bus) Power Macintosh Computers. The new >Crescendo G3 line is available in the following configurations: > >Crescendo G3 -215-225 MHz with 512k backside cache at 2:1 ratio. >Crescendo G3 -240-250 MHz with 1MB backside cache at 2:1 ratio. > >Universal Upgrade Cards with Optional Adapter Kit for PDS AV or Video >Pass-Through Both Crescendo G3 upgrade card have been designed to be >universally compatible with all of the following Macintosh models; > >* Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, 8100 >* Performa 6110, 6112, 6115, 6116, 6117, 6118 >* Workgroup Server 6150, 8150 >* Radius 81/110. > >For Power Macintosh 7100 and 8100, an optional adaptor kit allows existing >high-speed VRAM video cards or AV video cards to attach to the Crescendo G3 >through a pass-through connection built into each card. With the adaptor >kit the video card will occupy one NuBus slot space. > >"We decided to make the Video Adapter Kit optional because so many of our >7100 and 8100 customers told us that they were now using higher performance >NuBus Video cards with their large 21" monitors instead of using the PDS >video card," said Robert Farnsworth, President and founder of Sonnet >Technologies. "This allowed us to reduce the price of our card by $100, >passing the savings along to those customers who have no need for the >adapter kit." > >Increases Performance by over 8x > >Crescendo G3 upgrade cards for Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, 8100 and >Performa 611x boost the performance of the original PowerPC 601 processor >by more than eight times that of a stock system. For example, a Power Mac >6100/60 has a MacBench 4.0 score of 100; with a Crescendo G3 it can achieve >a MacBench rating of 866. > >Automatically Configures to the Highest Clock Speed > >Sonnet's Crescendo G3 and 604e accelerator cards offer an exclusive >AutoConfig feature that eliminates the need to set control panels, switches >or jumpers on the card. First, AutoConfig determines the speed of the clock >(which differs by model of computer). Then, the software automatically sets >the clock speed of the processor (which is a multiple of the bus speed) to >the maximum possible for each model. With AutoConfig, for example, a 60 MHz >Power Macintosh 6100 with a 30 MHz bus speed will automatically be set to >run at 225 MHz, while a 66 MHz Power Macintosh with a 33 MHz bus will be >set to run at 215 Mhz, each automatically achieving the maximum possible >speed. This plug 'n' play simplicity also eliminates the need for lengthy >installation and configuration manuals. > >PowerPC G3 Maximum MHz of Accelerator > >CPU Model Bus Speed Crescendo G3-215-225/512 240-250/1MB > >6100/60, WS 6150/60 30 225 240 >6100/66, WS 6150/66 33 215 248 >611x/60 30 225 240 >7100/66 33 215 248 >7100/8100/80 40 220 240 >8100/100 33.3 218 250 >8100/110, WS 8150/110 36.6 220 238 >WS 9150/120 40 220 240 > > >Pricing and Availability > >Sonnet Crescendo Card Price > >Crescendo G3- 240-250/1MB $699 >Crescendo G3- 215-225/512 $499 >Optional Video Adapter Kit $ 99.95 > >The new Crescendo G3 and lower priced Crescendo 604e cards are available >from authorized Sonnet resellers, mail order catalogs, and directly from >Sonnet Technologies (order via phone or Sonnet's web site) > >To locate an authorized resellers or purchase product, visit the Sonnet >Technologies web site at , or call the company. > >About Sonnet Technologies, Inc. > >Sonnet Technologies, Inc. is located in Irvine, >Calif. Sonnet is the world's leading Macintosh upgrade company, offering >the widest range of performance upgrade products that extend the useful >life of most Macintosh models. Sonnet has been providing >performance-enhancement products since 1986. The company can be reached on >1-800-786-6260 (USA and Canada) and 1-949-261-2800. > >__________________________ >You're getting this message via MacDev-1 -- >the Mac(tm) OS Developer News and Info server sponsored by > > MacTech(r) Magazine >,, or 805-494-9797 > > Developer Depot(tm) >, or call 800-MACDEV-1 > >To submit a posting to MacDev-1, To >subscribe to MacDev-1, send mail to with the >SUBJECT line reading "SUBSCRIBE MACDEV-1". To unsubscribe, the SUBJECT >line should read "UNSUBSCRIBE MACDEV-1". > >News may be propogated freely, but please attribute your source as MacTech >Magazine, . > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nick Harman Subject: (cww) WB2.01 TM trubble FIXED Date: 30 Apr 1998 10:41:10 +0100 This may be of interest I fixed my TM prob in wb201 Previously i had taken the full name of the app. 'WBv2.01PPC603/G3' copied it and used it to name my WB TM strokes set thinking that way I couldnt go wrong Then i tried naming the app just warbirds, and called the strokes set the same result: Both Tm and Sprokets now perform correctly (which is odd cos I assumed sprokets was different to TM) Bizarre, but im just glad it works. Maybe im stupidly guessing here, but perhaps the file name exceeded some limit before. It was quite a long one and we all know that dos/y type things hate long filenames Cockney nick_harman copywriting Tel: 0181 677 3356 Fax: 0181 769 7839 Mobile 0850 296102. virtually a portfolio: stuart.harman freelance creative team: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nick Harman Subject: Re: (cww) WB2.01 TM trubble FIXED Date: 30 Apr 1998 12:42:58 +0100 >This may be of interest > >I fixed my TM prob in wb201 > >Previously i had taken the full name of the app. 'WBv2.01PPC603/G3' copied >it and used it to name my WB TM strokes set thinking that way I couldnt go >wrong > >Then i tried naming the app just warbirds, and called the strokes set the same > >result: > >Both Tm and Sprokets now perform correctly (which is odd cos I assumed >sprokets was different to TM) > >Bizarre, but im just glad it works. Maybe im stupidly guessing here, but >perhaps the file name exceeded some limit before. It was quite a long one >and we all know that dos/y type things hate long filenames > >Cockney > OOH one last point i forgot, it also cured the flying mouse pointer. Now it centres and stays centred off line and does the weird 2/3 up screen again on line However now that the TM has control again, the flying smoothness has gone down. Whatever mode it was in that made the mouse pointer move with the stick was way way better for flying. No nose bounce etc. Despite having no up view on stik and no throttles I got a lot of kills from the stable gun platform first time out on 201. Now im back to 'spraying and praying' and twitching about and mostly missing sitting ducks C nick_harman copywriting Tel: 0181 677 3356 Fax: 0181 769 7839 Mobile 0850 296102. virtually a portfolio: stuart.harman freelance creative team: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Robert J. Richardson" Subject: Re: (cww) WB2.01 TM trubble FIXED Date: 30 Apr 1998 16:51:20 -0400 (EDT) At 12:42 PM +0100 4/30/98, Nick Harman wrote: >>This may be of interest >> >>I fixed my TM prob in wb201 >> >>Previously i had taken the full name of the app. 'WBv2.01PPC603/G3' copied >>it and used it to name my WB TM strokes set thinking that way I couldnt go >>wrong >> >>Then i tried naming the app just warbirds, and called the strokes set the >>same >> >>result: >> >>Both Tm and Sprokets now perform correctly (which is odd cos I assumed >>sprokets was different to TM) >> >>Bizarre, but im just glad it works. Maybe im stupidly guessing here, but >>perhaps the file name exceeded some limit before. It was quite a long one >>and we all know that dos/y type things hate long filenames >> >>Cockney >> > >OOH one last point i forgot, it also cured the flying mouse pointer. Now it >centres and stays centred off line and does the weird 2/3 up screen again >on line > >However now that the TM has control again, the flying smoothness has gone >down. Whatever mode it was in that made the mouse pointer move with the >stick was way way better for flying. No nose bounce etc. Despite having no >up view on stik and no throttles I got a lot of kills from the stable gun >platform first time out on 201. > >Now im back to 'spraying and praying' and twitching about and mostly >missing sitting ducks > >C >I have a Warbirds setup in my ThrustMaster, but it doesn't work with WB >2.01. I have to used the sprockets setup and can only get one setup to >work in the WCS-brakes, gear and flaps down (side thumb buttons). The WCS >finger buttons do provide me with auto pilot, weapon select and flaps up. >I'd like to make use of all three WCS toggle positions-up, center and >down-so I can also program thumb buttons to work the rudders during >combat, takeoffs and landings. Any suggestions. I use a PowerMac G3 with >64 MB of RAM. Bob