From: Dale Subject: (cww) Bot abilities Date: 02 May 1998 01:28:08 -0700 Hi, As you know, a bot has been added to #macflightsims. The following are it's current capabilities as provided by the bot: -*MacAirOne*- Hi, I'm MacAirOne, the channel bot. I perform various functions to make IRC more useful. They are as follows: -*MacAirOne*- (to the channel) "!ladder < <"-Tells the ladder statistics of -*MacAirOne*- (to the channel) "!seen <"-Returns the last time I saw the given handle. -*MacAirOne*- (to the channel) "!url <"-Searches my URL database for <. -*MacAirOne*- (to the channel) "< is at <"-Adds a URL to my database. eg. "ROE is at". -*MacAirOne*- (to me privately) "/msg MacAirOne cww"-Adds your user record to me. This will be used for future improvements, and allows others to do !seen queries on you. -*MacAirOne*- Note:, replace all text between and including the brackets when using a command. For example, to see when _Dale_ was last seen on the channel, you would take the "!seen <" and turn it into "!seen _Dale_" before typing it to the channel. Aside from the standard capabilities that anyone might be use to to, Mao has a new one. That is the ability to parse the ladder files at 10 min intervals and provide a person's stats for their standing on the ladders. This idea wasn't mine, it originated from within the CWW list. The coding wasn't mine to make this happen, that was created by someone who shall remain nameless for his own reasons and at his request. The only thing I did was provide the access to the acct where the info is stored. As far as I am concerned, this shows what can be done when we work together and share ideas and abilities. If anyone has any other ideas for the bot, please let me know. I am not promising anything cause I would've thought the parsing to the bot impossible, but who knows? Not me Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) H2 Tourney Date: 02 May 1998 15:06:47 -0700 Hi, I am thinking about hold an H2 tourney under the Gunsmoke tournament series from a long time ago. I am looking for level of interest and any suggestions for a ROE Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Subject: (cww) Falcon 4.0 for Mac Date: 02 May 1998 21:13:36 -0300 HelveticaFFFF,0000,0000MacSoft announce Falcon 4 for Mac!Helvetica= FFFF,0000,0000[May 1, 13:36]Arial It's official, MacSoft=20 and Westlake Interactive are working together very close to release=20 =46alcon 4 on the MacOS. Here is the press release of MacSoft:MACSOFT=20 KICKS OFF DEVELOPMENT OF FALCON 4.0 FOR MACINTOSH MINNEAPOLIS, MN, April=20 30, 1998 - Continuing to expand its line of best-selling Macintosh=20 games, MacSoft, an affiliate of GT Interactive Software Corp. (NASDAQ: GTIS), announced today that it has teamed with Mark Adams and Phil Sulak=20 of Westlake Interactive, Inc. to begin development of the highly=20 anticipated Falcon 4.0 for Macintosh. Westlake Interactive is=20 responsible for converting many popular Macintosh games including Shadow=20 Warrior, X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse and Unreal. Additionally, Mark=20 Adams has been involved in the conversion of Macintosh mega-hits Quake and Duke Nukem 3D. Falcon 4.0 is scheduled for release near the end of 1998. "We are very excited to have the talented team at Westlake=20 Interactive working on the conversion of Falcon 4.0," said Peter Tamte, executive director for MacSoft. "Their extensive Mac and PC expertise=20 will be critical as they convert this very sophisticated flight=20 simulator to the Mac." Originally developed for Windows 95 by=20 MicroProse=AE, Falcon 4.0 is a single and multi-player combat simulation game set in the Korean peninsula with a real-time, full-scale war in=20 progress. Players take on the role of a pilot in an F-16 jet fighter and=20 face a variety of tactical land and air missions, including intense=20 dogfights. Providing the most authentic F-16C flight modeling, Falcon=20 4.0 includes highly detailed models of avionics systems, weapons=20 systems, threat environments and artificial intelligence, plus the most detailed graphics ever released in a flight simulator. The PC version is=20 scheduled for release by MicroProse during the late spring.=20 Headquartered in NY, GT Interactive Software Corp. is a leading global publisher of entertainment and edutainment software under the GT=20 Interactive, Cavedog Entertainment, SingleTrac and MacSoft brands for=20 personal computers as well as game consoles from Sony Computer=20 Entertainment Inc. and Nintendo. The company operates development=20 studios in Seattle, Salt Lake City and San Luis Obispo, CA, as well as MN-based GT Value Products, a market share leader in budget software=20 under the WizardWorks, CompuWorks and Slash brands. Located on the World=20 Wide Web at, GT Interactive is publicly=20 traded on the NASDAQ National Market System under the symbol GTIS.And=20 now the press release from Westlake Interactive:WESTLAKE ANNOUNCE=20 SIGNING OF FALCON 4 WITH MACSOFT! Austin, TX, May 1, 1998-- Westlake=20 Interactive announced today that it has begun development of the Mac OS version of Falcon 4.0 for leading game publisher MacSoft. Falcon 4.0,=20 being developed originally by Microprose on Windows 95, is the newest=20 installment in one of the world's most popular and critically acclaimed air combat simulation series. Set in the Korean peninsula with a=20 real-time war in progress, you take the role of a single pilot in an=20 =46-16 jet fighter. 3-d photorealistic, texture-mapped graphics and=20 detailed models of F-16 avionics, weapons, and threats provide the most realistic combat flight simulation available. Westlake intends to bring the full Falcon 4.0 experience to the Mac, taking advantage of Mac=20 specific features like AppleTalk networking and hardware 3D=20 acceleration. The Falcon 4.0 Mac project will be lead by Westlake's Phil=20 Sulak, a veteran of Mac flight sims, having worked on A-10 Attack! and =46light Unlimited for the Mac. Additional programming & design work will be provided by Mac gaming veterans Mark Adams (Chuck Yeager's Air=20 Combat, Links Pro, Duke Nukem) and Ken Cobb (System Shock, Flight=20 Unlimited) also with Westlake Interactive. As you may see, there will be=20 3D hardware acceleration for Falcon 4 (RAVE and GLIDE), I am adding it to the list right now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Subject: (cww) FAQ for new 3d fx Date: 02 May 1998 21:16:45 -0300 HelveticaVo= odoo 2 and Game Wizard =46AQHelvetica Q: How much memory does the Game Wizard have? A: The Game Wizard has a=20 total of 8MB of memory, 4MB for the frame buffer and 2 sets of 2MB each for texture mapping. (Performing texture mapping in parallel [3=20 processors], along with its 192-bit memory architecture, accounts for=20 the significant increases in performance.) We will consider future=20 versions with 12MB or 16MB; however, at this time demand doesn't appear to warrant them. Q: Will games developed for the Voodoo chipset work=20 with Voodoo2? A: Yes. Q: Will the Game Wizard support higher=20 resolutions/bit-depths? A: Yes, resolutions up to 1024x768 @ 16-bit will=20 be supported; however, this is entirely dependent upon the game itself being able to draw to the increased resolutions. Several games currently=20 take advantage of these increased resolution and bit-depth capabilities.=20 Q: Will the Game Wizard be supported by PC emulators? A: Yes, we believe=20 this will happen and happen soon. (Sorry folks, no formal announcement yet!) Q: Does the Game Wizard support the 3Dfx Glide API? A: Yes. Q: Does the Game Wizard support the 3Dfx MacGlide API? A: Yes. Q: Does the=20 Game Wizard support QuickDraw 3DRAVE? A: Yes, in the same manner any=20 Voodoo card does; i.e., when a game draws to a Mac in 3D, even when it takes advantage of Voodoo or Voodoo2 acceleration, it is drawing in=20 QuickDraw 3D. Now would be a good time to discuss exactly what the Game Wizard, or any Voodoo/Voodoo2 card does and doesn't do. The only time=20 this chipset is active is when a game 'calls' it. These engines are not used for any purpose other than 3D game acceleration. Even then, they=20 can only work when drawing 'full screen', i.e. not in a window. These=20 cards are installed between the graphics card, or built-in, and the=20 monitor through the use of a pass-thru cable. When not being 'called' by=20 a game, they sit idle and the graphics display to the monitor passes=20 through untouched. They cannot affect, control or be integrated into the=20 desktop because the desktop is defined before they even see it.=20 (However, they accelerate the hell out of it when its a full-screen 3D game!) Its because this card is designed only to be the best possible 3D=20 game accelerator you can buy, that it enjoys its reputation... it IS the=20 best possible 3D game accelerator you can buy. (Neither this card nor=20 any other Voodoo2 card is designed to provide 3D in a window.) Q: What=20 games are to be bundled with the Game Wizard? A: We don't know yet...=20 still working on it. Q: Where can the Game Wizard be purchased [when its=20 available]? A: MacWarehouse, MacMall, MacZone and your local, friendly=20 Apple dealer. Q: Will there be a combo Voodoo2 and graphics card for the=20 Mac? A: Can't answer that yet. It certainly won't happen soon enough to=20 warrant not buying a Game Wizard as soon as its available! Q: What=20 improvement can Mac users expect with Game Wizard, compared to the=20 Power3D ? A: The 192-bit memory architecture and parallel processing=20 feature of Voodoo2 provides 3 times the raw POWER over the Voodoo=20 chipset. [The Game Wizard utilizes three processors.] Because of this, any slow-downs users are experiencing when in higher resolutions or=20 texture depths/choices will be greatly reduced or even disappear=20 totally! More people will be able to enjoy these games at higher quality=20 levels. Additionally, now that the standard has been raised and more=20 power is made available, new games will surely push these benefits for even greater game performances. Use of a Game Wizard will put the Mac=20 user in the best possible configuration for game playing. [Note - as=20 seen on the PC, a fast CPU may be required for best performance, as=20 slower CPUs will result in not much better performance than the Voodoo 1=20 chipset cards.-Mike] Q: Will game Wizard work on "all-in-one" Power Mac=20 ? If yes, how ? Or won't it, like the Power3D, unless once plugs in an external monitor ? Please, explain. A: The Game Wizard will not work=20 with these [current] internal monitors. Because the all-in-one Macs feed=20 the internal monitor directly, and in such a way that it would be very messy to intercept the display internally, the Game Wizard can't=20 position itself between the graphics source and the monitor. Since these=20 models would require a graphics card to drive an external monitor, any single PCI slot machine wouldn't have the option available even with an external monitor. Any new model which would allow access between the=20 graphics source and the monitor, or have multiple PCI slots, may be able=20 to accommodate a Game Wizard; however, these all-in-one models have=20 exhibited noise problems in the past due to the proximity of the=20 magnetic fields associated with the monitor and installed expansion=20 cards, which are not exposed to these EMI threats in other=20 configurations. This would have to be examined on a case-by-case basis. Q: Did get an exclusive deal with 3Dfx for Voodoo2 as Techworks did with=20 Voodoo1 ? If yes, will you be the only company to have a Voodoo2 card=20 for the Mac ? For how long ? What do you know of Techworks' plans ? A: I=20 can't speak for TechWorks, but we are the only Company which has=20 announced a Voodoo2 product for the Mac. I don't know of any other=20 potential offering to the Mac community. I hope this is the case for a long, long time! Q: You seem to be developing the Mac drivers=20 internally. Are you also working with Techworks and / or 3Dfx ? Please, explain. A: We are developing Mac drivers for the Voodoo2 internally. We=20 have been developing Mac graphics & video drivers since 1986, longer=20 than anyone else still alive; therefore, we are confident that our=20 offering will be the best possible one available regardless of what may happen in the future. As it stands right now, we aren't aware of any=20 other Mac driver development for this chipset. Q: Do you feel like 3Dfx=20 plans to deliver Voodoo2 chips for Mac and PC cards manufacturers at the=20 same time, or will Mac come second ? A: Our production quantity of=20 chipset deliveries from 3Dfx coming later than deliveries to some PC=20 card providers has more to do with normal business concerns than any=20 distinction between Mac and PC. 3Dfx has not short-changed the Mac=20 community; in fact, we are getting great support from 3Dfx! Our getting chips later is because we entered the arena later than some of the=20 others and our volumes are significantly lower. In this industry, it is normal for this situation to result in later deliveries, particularly=20 when related to a chipset as HOT as this one. The allocations of=20 thischipset are a serious issue and can not be avoided. As it worked=20 out, there was really no harm done because we haven't finished the Mac drivers anyway. Q: What price do you expect to sell Game Wizard when it=20 ships around june Who will be your distributor in France ? A: In the US,=20 the Game Wizard will sell for $299. We haven't established distribution in France yet and are anxious to find the right partner. In May we are opening an office in the UK to support our European channel development.=20 Q: How woud you introduce Micro Conversions using a few sentences ? A: Micro Conversions, Inc. is a Mac-only developer providing award winning=20 solutions since 1985. For more than 10 years, we only sold through OEMs.=20 If you've been using a Mac for very long, chances are you've experienced=20 some of our products. Micro Conversions now offers its products under=20 its own name and is still as committed to the Mac and the Mac community as ever! Our newest product is the Game Wizard. Incorporating 3Dfx=20 Voodoo2 technology, the Game Wizard offers PCI Mac users the opportunity=20 to enjoy the best possible game performance available today at a price which is very reasonable, especially when considering the relative=20 volumes between it and similar products on the PC side. Optimized for=20 the Mac, the Game Wizard is a must-have for Mac gamers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Elton Aguilar Subject: Re: (cww) FAQ for new 3d fx Date: 02 May 1998 18:46:29 +0000 --------------6A6576D6B0138069C940908E Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thx Zorro for this information... this is really exciting. Q. Is this shipping yet? If not, is there an estimated ship date? Inquiring minds want to know! :-) Echo out! Dan Champagne wrote: > Voodoo 2 and Game Wizard FAQ Q: How much memory does the Game Wizard > have? A: The Game Wizard has a > total of 8MB of memory, 4MB for the frame buffer and 2 sets of 2MB > each > > for texture mapping. (Performing texture mapping in parallel [3 > processors], along with its 192-bit memory architecture, accounts for > the significant increases in performance.) We will consider future > versions with 12MB or 16MB; however, at this time demand doesn't > appear > > to warrant them. Q: Will games developed for the Voodoo chipset work > with Voodoo2? A: Yes. Q: Will the Game Wizard support higher > resolutions/bit-depths? A: Yes, resolutions up to 1024x768 @ 16-bit > will > be supported; however, this is entirely dependent upon the game itself > > being able to draw to the increased resolutions. Several games > currently > take advantage of these increased resolution and bit-depth > capabilities. > Q: Will the Game Wizard be supported by PC emulators? A: Yes, we > believe > this will happen and happen soon. (Sorry folks, no formal announcement > > yet!) Q: Does the Game Wizard support the 3Dfx Glide API? A: Yes. Q: > Does the Game Wizard support the 3Dfx MacGlide API? A: Yes. Q: Does > the > Game Wizard support QuickDraw 3DRAVE? A: Yes, in the same manner any > Voodoo card does; i.e., when a game draws to a Mac in 3D, even when it > > takes advantage of Voodoo or Voodoo2 acceleration, it is drawing in > QuickDraw 3D. Now would be a good time to discuss exactly what the > Game > > Wizard, or any Voodoo/Voodoo2 card does and doesn't do. The only time > this chipset is active is when a game 'calls' it. These engines are > not > > used for any purpose other than 3D game acceleration. Even then, they > can only work when drawing 'full screen', i.e. not in a window. These > cards are installed between the graphics card, or built-in, and the > monitor through the use of a pass-thru cable. When not being 'called' > by > a game, they sit idle and the graphics display to the monitor passes > through untouched. They cannot affect, control or be integrated into > the > desktop because the desktop is defined before they even see it. > (However, they accelerate the hell out of it when its a full-screen 3D > > game!) Its because this card is designed only to be the best possible > 3D > game accelerator you can buy, that it enjoys its reputation... it IS > the > best possible 3D game accelerator you can buy. (Neither this card nor > any other Voodoo2 card is designed to provide 3D in a window.) Q: What > > games are to be bundled with the Game Wizard? A: We don't know yet... > still working on it. Q: Where can the Game Wizard be purchased [when > its > available]? A: MacWarehouse, MacMall, MacZone and your local, friendly > > Apple dealer. Q: Will there be a combo Voodoo2 and graphics card for > the > Mac? A: Can't answer that yet. It certainly won't happen soon enough > to > warrant not buying a Game Wizard as soon as its available! Q: What > improvement can Mac users expect with Game Wizard, compared to the > Power3D ? A: The 192-bit memory architecture and parallel processing > feature of Voodoo2 provides 3 times the raw POWER over the Voodoo > chipset. [The Game Wizard utilizes three processors.] Because of this, > > any slow-downs users are experiencing when in higher resolutions or > texture depths/choices will be greatly reduced or even disappear > totally! More people will be able to enjoy these games at higher > quality > levels. Additionally, now that the standard has been raised and more > power is made available, new games will surely push these benefits for > > even greater game performances. Use of a Game Wizard will put the Mac > user in the best possible configuration for game playing. [Note - as > seen on the PC, a fast CPU may be required for best performance, as > slower CPUs will result in not much better performance than the Voodoo > 1 > chipset cards.-Mike] Q: Will game Wizard work on "all-in-one" Power > Mac > ? If yes, how ? Or won't it, like the Power3D, unless once plugs in an > > external monitor ? Please, explain. A: The Game Wizard will not work > with these [current] internal monitors. Because the all-in-one Macs > feed > the internal monitor directly, and in such a way that it would be very > > messy to intercept the display internally, the Game Wizard can't > position itself between the graphics source and the monitor. Since > these > models would require a graphics card to drive an external monitor, any > > single PCI slot machine wouldn't have the option available even with > an > > external monitor. Any new model which would allow access between the > graphics source and the monitor, or have multiple PCI slots, may be > able > to accommodate a Game Wizard; however, these all-in-one models have > exhibited noise problems in the past due to the proximity of the > magnetic fields associated with the monitor and installed expansion > cards, which are not exposed to these EMI threats in other > configurations. This would have to be examined on a case-by-case > basis. > Q: Did get an exclusive deal with 3Dfx for Voodoo2 as Techworks did > with > Voodoo1 ? If yes, will you be the only company to have a Voodoo2 card > for the Mac ? For how long ? What do you know of Techworks' plans ? A: > I > can't speak for TechWorks, but we are the only Company which has > announced a Voodoo2 product for the Mac. I don't know of any other > potential offering to the Mac community. I hope this is the case for a > > long, long time! Q: You seem to be developing the Mac drivers > internally. Are you also working with Techworks and / or 3Dfx ? > Please, > > explain. A: We are developing Mac drivers for the Voodoo2 internally. > We > have been developing Mac graphics & video drivers since 1986, longer > than anyone else still alive; therefore, we are confident that our > offering will be the best possible one available regardless of what > may > > happen in the future. As it stands right now, we aren't aware of any > other Mac driver development for this chipset. Q: Do you feel like > 3Dfx > plans to deliver Voodoo2 chips for Mac and PC cards manufacturers at > the > same time, or will Mac come second ? A: Our production quantity of > chipset deliveries from 3Dfx coming later than deliveries to some PC > card providers has more to do with normal business concerns than any > distinction between Mac and PC. 3Dfx has not short-changed the Mac > community; in fact, we are getting great support from 3Dfx! Our > getting > > chips later is because we entered the arena later than some of the > others and our volumes are significantly lower. In this industry, it > is > > normal for this situation to result in later deliveries, particularly > when related to a chipset as HOT as this one. The allocations of > thischipset are a serious issue and can not be avoided. As it worked > out, there was really no harm done because we haven't finished the Mac > > drivers anyway. Q: What price do you expect to sell Game Wizard when > it > ships around june Who will be your distributor in France ? A: In the > US, > the Game Wizard will sell for $299. We haven't established > distribution > > in France yet and are anxious to find the right partner. In May we are > > opening an office in the UK to support our European channel > development. > Q: How woud you introduce Micro Conversions using a few sentences ? A: > > Micro Conversions, Inc. is a Mac-only developer providing award > winning > solutions since 1985. For more than 10 years, we only sold through > OEMs. > If you've been using a Mac for very long, chances are you've > experienced > some of our products. Micro Conversions now offers its products under > its own name and is still as committed to the Mac and the Mac > community > > as ever! Our newest product is the Game Wizard. Incorporating 3Dfx > Voodoo2 technology, the Game Wizard offers PCI Mac users the > opportunity > to enjoy the best possible game performance available today at a price > > which is very reasonable, especially when considering the relative > volumes between it and similar products on the PC side. Optimized for > the Mac, the Game Wizard is a must-have for Mac gamers! -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Elton Aguilar Captain, VFMA-323rd Cougars Aguilar Family Home Page :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --------------6A6576D6B0138069C940908E Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id SAA20819 Thx Zorro for this information... this is really exciting. Q. Is this shipping yet? If not, is there an estimated ship date?

Inquiring minds want to know! :-)

Echo out!

Dan Champagne wrote:

Voodoo 2 and Game Wizard FAQ Q: How much memory d= oes the Game Wizard have? A: The Game Wizard has a
total of 8MB of memory, 4MB for the frame buffer and 2 sets of 2MB each

for texture mapping. (Performing texture mapping in parallel [3
processors], along with its 192-bit memory architecture, accounts for
the significant increases in performance.) We will consider future
versions with 12MB or 16MB; however, at this time demand doesn't appe= ar

to warrant them. Q: Will games developed for the Voodoo chipset work
with Voodoo2? A: Yes. Q: Will the Game Wizard support higher
resolutions/bit-depths? A: Yes, resolutions up to 1024x768 @ 16-bit will
be supported; however, this is entirely dependent upon the game itsel= f

being able to draw to the increased resolutions. Several games current= ly
take advantage of these increased resolution and bit-depth capabiliti= es.
Q: Will the Game Wizard be supported by PC emulators? A: Yes, we beli= eve
this will happen and happen soon. (Sorry folks, no formal announcemen= t

yet!) Q: Does the Game Wizard support the 3Dfx Glide API? A: Yes. Q:
Does the Game Wizard support the 3Dfx MacGlide API? A: Yes. Q: Does the
Game Wizard support QuickDraw 3DRAVE? A: Yes, in the same manner any
Voodoo card does; i.e., when a game draws to a Mac in 3D, even when it

takes advantage of Voodoo or Voodoo2 acceleration, it is drawing in
QuickDraw 3D. Now would be a good time to discuss exactly what the Game

Wizard, or any Voodoo/Voodoo2 card does and doesn't do. The only time
this chipset is active is when a game 'calls' it. These engines are not

used for any purpose other than 3D game acceleration. Even then, they
can only work when drawing 'full screen', i.e. not in a window. These
cards are installed between the graphics card, or built-in, and the
monitor through the use of a pass-thru cable. When not being 'called' by
a game, they sit idle and the graphics display to the monitor passes
through untouched. They cannot affect, control or be integrated into the
desktop because the desktop is defined before they even see it.
(However, they accelerate the hell out of it when its a full-screen 3D

game!) Its because this card is designed only to be the best possible 3D
game accelerator you can buy, that it enjoys its reputation... it IS the
best possible 3D game accelerator you can buy. (Neither this card nor
any other Voodoo2 card is designed to provide 3D in a window.) Q: Wha= t
games are to be bundled with the Game Wizard? A: We don't know yet...
still working on it. Q: Where can the Game Wizard be purchased [when its
available]? A: MacWarehouse, MacMall, MacZone and your local, friendl= y
Apple dealer. Q: Will there be a combo Voodoo2 and graphics card for the
Mac? A: Can't answer that yet. It certainly won't happen soon enough to
warrant not buying a Game Wizard as soon as its available! Q: What
improvement can Mac users expect with Game Wizard, compared to the
Power3D ? A: The 192-bit memory architecture and parallel processing
feature of Voodoo2 provides 3 times the raw POWER over the Voodoo
chipset. [The Game Wizard utilizes three processors.] Because of this= ,

any slow-downs users are experiencing when in higher resolutions or
texture depths/choices will be greatly reduced or even disappear
totally! More people will be able to enjoy these games at higher qual= ity
levels. Additionally, now that the standard has been raised and more
power is made available, new games will surely push these benefits for

even greater game performances. Use of a Game Wizard will put the Mac
user in the best possible configuration for game playing. [Note - as
seen on the PC, a fast CPU may be required for best performance, as
slower CPUs will result in not much better performance than the Voodo= o 1
chipset cards.-Mike] Q: Will game Wizard work on "all-in-one" Power Mac
? If yes, how ? Or won't it, like the Power3D, unless once plugs in an

external monitor ? Please, explain. A: The Game Wizard will not work
with these [current] internal monitors. Because the all-in-one Macs feed
the internal monitor directly, and in such a way that it would be ver= y

messy to intercept the display internally, the Game Wizard can't
position itself between the graphics source and the monitor. Since these
models would require a graphics card to drive an external monitor, any

single PCI slot machine wouldn't have the option available even with an

external monitor. Any new model which would allow access between the
graphics source and the monitor, or have multiple PCI slots, may be able
to accommodate a Game Wizard; however, these all-in-one models have
exhibited noise problems in the past due to the proximity of the
magnetic fields associated with the monitor and installed expansion
cards, which are not exposed to these EMI threats in other
configurations. This would have to be examined on a case-by-case basi= s.
Q: Did get an exclusive deal with 3Dfx for Voodoo2 as Techworks did with
Voodoo1 ? If yes, will you be the only company to have a Voodoo2 card
for the Mac ? For how long ? What do you know of Techworks' plans ? A: I
can't speak for TechWorks, but we are the only Company which has
announced a Voodoo2 product for the Mac. I don't know of any other
potential offering to the Mac community. I hope this is the case for a

long, long time! Q: You seem to be developing the Mac drivers
internally. Are you also working with Techworks and / or 3Dfx ? Pleas= e,

explain. A: We are developing Mac drivers for the Voodoo2 internally. We
have been developing Mac graphics & video drivers since 1986, lon= ger
than anyone else still alive; therefore, we are confident that our
offering will be the best possible one available regardless of what may

happen in the future. As it stands right now, we aren't aware of any
other Mac driver development for this chipset. Q: Do you feel like 3Dfx
plans to deliver Voodoo2 chips for Mac and PC cards manufacturers at the
same time, or will Mac come second ? A: Our production quantity of
chipset deliveries from 3Dfx coming later than deliveries to some PC
card providers has more to do with normal business concerns than any
distinction between Mac and PC. 3Dfx has not short-changed the Mac
community; in fact, we are getting great support from 3Dfx! Our getti= ng

chips later is because we entered the arena later than some of the
others and our volumes are significantly lower. In this industry, it is

normal for this situation to result in later deliveries, particularly
when related to a chipset as HOT as this one. The allocations of
thischipset are a serious issue and can not be avoided. As it worked
out, there was really no harm done because we haven't finished the Mac

drivers anyway. Q: What price do you expect to sell Game Wizard when it
ships around june Who will be your distributor in France ? A: In the US,
the Game Wizard will sell for $299. We haven't established distributi= on

in France yet and are anxious to find the right partner. In May we are

opening an office in the UK to support our European channel developmen= t.
Q: How woud you introduce Micro Conversions using a few sentences ? A:
Micro Conversions, Inc. is a Mac-only developer providing award winni= ng
solutions since 1985. For more than 10 years, we only sold through OEMs.
If you've been using a Mac for very long, chances are you've experien= ced
some of our products. Micro Conversions now offers its products under
its own name and is still as committed to the Mac and the Mac communi= ty

as ever! Our newest product is the Game Wizard. Incorporating 3Dfx
Voodoo2 technology, the Game Wizard offers PCI Mac users the opportun= ity
to enjoy the best possible game performance available today at a pric= e

which is very reasonable, especially when considering the relative
volumes between it and similar products on the PC side. Optimized for
the Mac, the Game Wizard is a must-have for Mac gamers!

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Elton Aguilar
Captain, VFMA-323rd Cougars
Aguilar Family Home Page
http:= //
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  --------------6A6576D6B0138069C940908E-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Elton Aguilar Subject: Re: (cww) FAQ for new 3d fx Date: 02 May 1998 18:47:12 +0000 --------------13857080C4CAA9720B79F54D Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thx Zorro for this information... this is really exciting. Q. Is this shipping yet? If not, is there an estimated ship date? Inquiring minds want to know! :-) Echo out! Dan Champagne wrote: > Voodoo 2 and Game Wizard FAQ Q: How much memory does the Game Wizard > have? A: The Game Wizard has a > total of 8MB of memory, 4MB for the frame buffer and 2 sets of 2MB > each > > blah blah blah -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Elton Aguilar Captain, VFMA-323rd Cougars Aguilar Family Home Page :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --------------13857080C4CAA9720B79F54D Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id SAA20935 Thx Zorro for this information... this is really exciting. Q. Is this shipping yet? If not, is there an estimated ship date?

Inquiring minds want to know! :-)

Echo out!

Dan Champagne wrote:

Voodoo 2 and Game Wizard FAQ Q: How much memory d= oes the Game Wizard have? A: The Game Wizard has a
total of 8MB of memory, 4MB for the frame buffer and 2 sets of 2MB each

blah blah blah

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Elton Aguilar=A0=A0
Captain, VFMA-323rd Cougars
Aguilar Family Home Page
http:= //
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
=A0 --------------13857080C4CAA9720B79F54D-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) SF Ladder Date: 03 May 1998 20:43:10 -0700 Hi, Of late I have been pushing the WB H2H ladder as to pump it up to the point it can be self sustaining. It seems to have reached that point and will just require maintaince. Now that I have done that, I want to go back and overhaul the other ladders before starting a new expansion wave of ladders. To that end, the Skyfighters ladder has been completely refurbished the so it is easier to read and nicer to look at. I am also going to start pushing the use of the SF ladder again. And the channel for it, #skyfighters on - there is now specific mention of the channel on the main SF ladder page. I am also going to start including a link from each ladder page to the ROE. And the Wallies have been fully integrated for you Wallie fans :) So if you are looking for a Mac flight sim that uses TCP/IP, allows solid 2v2 (or any combination thereof) play and uses WWII aircraft, then Skyfighters is for you Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Fwd: Demo of new Flight Sim from Bullseye Software Date: 04 May 1998 10:27:43 -0700 >Subject: Demo of new Flight Sim from Bullseye Software >Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 12:09:37 -0400 >x-sender: >From: "Hiram C. Wilson" >To: "Dale" >Mime-Version: 1.0 > >Hello Dale, > >It was nice seeing you last night. Here's a press release for Bullseye >Software's Flying Circus. > >In addition, Bullseye is having a sale on their Helicopter sim, Cobra >Strike. While supplies last, Cobra Strike is $9.95. > >Have a great day. > >Hiram > >========================= > >May 4, 1998 > >BIG, BEAUTIFUL, BRIGHT AND BRILLIANT > > To call Donald A. Hill Jr.'s latest creation, Bullseye Software's >Flying Circus, "new and big" would be the understatement of the year. > > Considering the fact that Bullseye Software's Flying Circus is >not yet available other than in a demo form does not demean the word >"new" because so many new, really new, features are being offered in this >flight sim. The "RAVE" based 3D graphics engine creates the most >"beautiful" World War I aircraft imaginable, a "big" textured world that >compares favorably with the latest professional flight simulators, the >"bright" new flight routines which exceed any, any flight sim currently >available on the Macintosh. > > Add all the other features of Bullseye Software's Flying Circus >and you have one of most "brilliant" flight sims available today. >Features such as six aircraft flying at once, ground targets, bombing, >observation balloons to bust, a bridge to destroy, flak to avoid, plus >one of the most novel, enjoyable features possible ... pilots. Yes, >pilots which turn their heads to watch the closest enemy. Now these >gentlemen may not be the most handsome of those of the period, but you >will enjoy watching them watch you. > > Bullseye Software's Flying Circus is an all-in-one product with >internet support PLUS computer generated enemies. > > A planned "early bird special" on this new product will be >offered around the middle of May to a limited number of flight sim >enthusiasts, watch for announcement on the web site. > > Bullseye Software's Flying Circus is Mr. Hill's sixth flight sim >for the Macintosh since 1985. One of his most popular, "P51 Mustang >Flight Simulator", first released in 1988, was included in a hands-on >demonstration at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum for many months. >He has two other current flight sims, WWII SkyFighters and Cobra Strike, >both of which remain popular and are available direct from Bullseye >Software. > > A free demo is available on Bullseye Software's web site: > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Christoffersen Subject: Re: (cww) Fwd: Demo of new Flight Sim from Bullseye Software Date: 04 May 1998 15:18:26 -0500 For those like me that didn't have DrawSprockets. You can go and Download the 12 meg development kit from Apple, with a lot of crap you don't need, or you can download just the drawsprockets libs from or..... on EFnet #Hornet type !drawsprockets on the channel, and Grimreapr will dcc send the file to you. David Christoffersen "Mental" >>Subject: Demo of new Flight Sim from Bullseye Software >>Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 12:09:37 -0400 >>x-sender: >>From: "Hiram C. Wilson" >>To: "Dale" >>Mime-Version: 1.0 >> >>Hello Dale, >> >>It was nice seeing you last night. Here's a press release for Bullseye >>Software's Flying Circus. >> >>In addition, Bullseye is having a sale on their Helicopter sim, Cobra >>Strike. While supplies last, Cobra Strike is $9.95. >> >>Have a great day. >> >>Hiram >> >>========================= >> >>May 4, 1998 >> >>BIG, BEAUTIFUL, BRIGHT AND BRILLIANT >> >> To call Donald A. Hill Jr.'s latest creation, Bullseye Software's >>Flying Circus, "new and big" would be the understatement of the year. >> >> Considering the fact that Bullseye Software's Flying Circus is >>not yet available other than in a demo form does not demean the word >>"new" because so many new, really new, features are being offered in this >>flight sim. The "RAVE" based 3D graphics engine creates the most >>"beautiful" World War I aircraft imaginable, a "big" textured world that >>compares favorably with the latest professional flight simulators, the >>"bright" new flight routines which exceed any, any flight sim currently >>available on the Macintosh. >> >> Add all the other features of Bullseye Software's Flying Circus >>and you have one of most "brilliant" flight sims available today. >>Features such as six aircraft flying at once, ground targets, bombing, >>observation balloons to bust, a bridge to destroy, flak to avoid, plus >>one of the most novel, enjoyable features possible ... pilots. Yes, >>pilots which turn their heads to watch the closest enemy. Now these >>gentlemen may not be the most handsome of those of the period, but you >>will enjoy watching them watch you. >> >> Bullseye Software's Flying Circus is an all-in-one product with >>internet support PLUS computer generated enemies. >> >> A planned "early bird special" on this new product will be >>offered around the middle of May to a limited number of flight sim >>enthusiasts, watch for announcement on the web site. >> >> Bullseye Software's Flying Circus is Mr. Hill's sixth flight sim >>for the Macintosh since 1985. One of his most popular, "P51 Mustang >>Flight Simulator", first released in 1988, was included in a hands-on >>demonstration at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum for many months. >>He has two other current flight sims, WWII SkyFighters and Cobra Strike, >>both of which remain popular and are available direct from Bullseye >>Software. >> >> A free demo is available on Bullseye Software's web site: >> >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Bottrell Subject: (cww) IMol Hiring Date: 04 May 1998 18:36:55 -0700 (MST) The following is taken from the game zine "Mac Gamer's Ledge".... iMagic Online is looking for a Mac game developer If you live in the Dallas, TX area and you're looking for a position developing Mac games, bear in mind that military sim developer iMagic Online is looking for talent. The following posting recently appear on the EvangeList mailing list: Job: Macintosh Developer Industry: Gaming Location: Dallas, TX Company: iMagic Online, Inc. Opening: Immediate iMagic Online, developer of WarBirds(tm), is looking to add a full-time Macintosh programmer immediately. Warbirds is the most advanced online World-War II flight simulator on the market and offers both Macintosh and PC versions. The position involves the ongoing, fast-paced development of WarBirds and possibly new projects. The successful candidate will have experience in C, C++ and have experience in porting PC code. Experience programming 3D applications and OpenTransport networking is necessary. Experience programming hardware-accelerated API's such as Glide or OpenGL is highly desired. Interested candidates should email Joe Mannes at or phone him at 817-424-5638. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Bottrell Subject: (cww) Which is better? Date: 05 May 1998 18:25:43 -0700 (MST) I have noticed that there seems to be two different types of message boards out there. One is what is used for EF2000 and the other is represented by what GSC uses I'd to get opinions of which is better and why Dale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Military site Date: 05 May 1998 22:48:19 -0700 For those of you looking for an interesting variety of military materila to spice up your pages or whatever, check out It has the following categories: Graphics - Clip Art, Paintings, Silhouettes, Unit Patches Images - Aircraft and Helicopters Images - Armor & Artillery, Bases & Places, Historical Subjects, Military Vehicles, People, Space, Weapons Images - Ships of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, and Foreign Navies Sound & Video Software Text & Reference Plus a variety of interesting links other then these. It has become my favorite for aircraft images Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Disinfectant Retired Date: 06 May 1998 22:53:26 -0700 Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.announce Followup-To: comp.sys.mac.system Organization: Northwestern University I regret to announce that I am officially retiring Disinfectant, our free anti-viral utility for the Macintosh. The current version 3.7.1 is the last version. Disinfectant will not be updated for the new Autostart 9805 worm or for any future viruses, worms, or other Macintosh malware. I made this decision not because of the new Autostart 9805 worm, but rather because of the widespread and dangerous Microsoft macro virus problem. I believe that there are now well over 1000 of these viruses, and many new ones are discovered every month. They are now a much more serious problem for Mac users than are the classic Mac system viruses. I simply do no have the resources to combat a problem which is this huge in scope and complexity. I am aware that some Mac users do not use Microsoft Word 6 or Excel 5 or later versions, and hence have still found Disinfectant useful. These people seem to be a minority, however. The majority of Mac users need a commercial anti-viral product. Disinfectant is not adequate protection, and hasn't been for several years. For this reason, I feel that there is little point in updating the program for the new worm. Doing so would, in fact, only provide a false sense of security, and result in more harm than good. The following commercial anti-viral utilities are currently available for the Macintosh. All Disinfectant users should switch to one of these products. Anti-Virus Toolkit. Dr. Solomon's. SAM. Symantec. Virex. Dr. Solomon's. VirusScan for the Mac. Network Associates. I began working on the Mac virus problem and Disinfectant ten years ago, in the Spring of 1988, when the first Mac viruses began to appear. Disinfectant 1.0 was released to the public on March 18, 1989. I have been enormously gratified by the success of the program and its very kind reception by the Macintosh community. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my many users for their support and encouragement over all these years. I'd also like to express my appreciation to the other members of the Mac anti-viral research community for their outstanding spirit of cooperation and public service which has made all of our products possible. Nine years is a long run for any kind of computer software. It's time to move on. -- John Norstad Academic Technologies Northwestern University ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Ladder update Date: 06 May 1998 23:46:55 -0700 Recently I have been refurbishing ladders. The H3 and SF ones are done, H2 and WB are next. In addition, I have added sq links that were missing from these pages. Papa had requested and update of the Panthers link and when accomadating him, I found a lot of links missing....especially on the H3 ladder.. If your sq doesn't have have it's name linked to a sq member's nick on a ladder, let me know and I will add it. I will want to know: what ladder what squadron the sq URL any organization you're affiliated with (CMAW, NCSC, and so on) If you're not affiliated and want to be, 1st Group of CMAW is looking for sq's to add If you're not affiliated and want to stay that way, the CWW will welcome your sq as a member You can either drop me a line or find me on Dalnet #macflightsims most any night after 9pm PST Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Ladder inactive period Date: 07 May 1998 03:23:31 -0700 Initially, when the ladders were set up, HotBlack convinced me to go with a longer challenge response period. And a longer period before someone was automatically removed from the ladder. These were 2 and 6 months respectively. The only discussion was between HB and myself. The reason for the extended periods were the longer vacation periods that Europeans get. No one wanted them to suffer just because they are lucky enough to get generally more vacation time then Americans and to lose their place on the ladder. At the time, this applied solely to the H2 ladder. But it was generally adopted for the other ladders. Initially, HB was creating the ladders from the ground up. But as he got closer to getting doctorate, his time grew less and I took over creating them. And until now I had left the inactive period alone but been cutting down on the challenge response time. Out of respect for HB, the Hornet ladders challenge response time was left at 2 months. But with the refurbishing of the Mac H3 ladder, the inactive period was cut to 4 months. It wasn't suppose to effect any of the current standings, just take effect from now on. But with the Skyfighters ladder, the challenge period was cut to 14 days. And the new ladders have a 7 day (Warbirds and others) challenge period. This was done because movement on the Hornet ladders was so slow. Nobody did anything for months at a time. This is going to change. The established ladders have become quite static. That can not remain the case. Changes will be made, but you can influence the extent of them. And the current time periods will not be increased. For the time being, I have restored the 6 month inactive period to the Mac H3 ladder. I propose to change the inactive period to at least 4 months for all ladders and make the challenge period 1 month for the Hornet ladders. If not less. This subject is open for discussion. And since it was concern for Europeans that set the standards in the first place, their opinion will carry more weight. Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) MFS back in business Date: 07 May 1998 23:22:38 -0700 Hi, You may remember the Mac Flight Site that Tom Morrison set up and maintained for a number of years. For about the last year it has been lanquishing because Tom graduated from his Doctorate program, got a real job, got married and had a daughter. Recently I asked Tom about the site. And now Tom has granted me administrative power to the site. And I want to restore it to it's previous prominance. And although I will be the adminis- trator, as far as I am concerned, it is still Tom's site. Tom has done a lot for the flight sim community and I don't want anyone to ever forget that. I am looking for any material that needs added to the site since about 18 to 24 months ago. I am looking for any other older material that might have been missed. I am looking for both individual and commercial software and files that would be of interest to the flight sim user. And to accomadate those flight sim makers that make dual or cross platform flight sims, I will add a PC section within that companies directory You can find the site at . And you can directly upload by going to the incoming directory and using that for any files you may want to contribute And for those of you on other flight sim mailing lists, I would appreciate this being forwarded Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Subject: (cww) Excellent idea Dale Date: 08 May 1998 08:39:33 -0300 Glad to hear that Tom's cite will be on the go Dale. I use to visit it all the time, and get the latest flight sim news. Got a ulr for a 3d info and other stuff. I don't know if this will be of use, though I find the Mac 3d info intresting, the ULR is Zorro out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Stephen Fox Subject: (cww) Promoting Flightsims... Date: 09 May 1998 16:58:49 +1000 G'Day to one and all, I would like to know what the rest of the Cyber Pilot community thinks about the below excerpt from an email correspondence that I had with Dale recently... START * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (this question was in regards to the new Ladder Pages and the lack of even the slightest mention of EFNet) >1. There is no mention of the EFNet #hornet channel. There is only >referral to the DALNet channels #hornet & #macflightsims. EFNet is still >predominately used by most ppl, and I believe that it should rate a mention. > There won't be any. Reasonably, do you expect me to support a channel I am banned from? END * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * What I would like to know is if other people think that this is fair on new people trying to find somewhere to hang out and organise flights with other like minded people? I do not think this is fair to deliberately limit the available mediums of communication to new people trying to participate in something we are ALL involved in. As a proportional amount people hang out on the EFNet #hornet channel this does not seem fair to me, and seems to be some sort of monopoly on the flightsim community from this higher rank of the CWW. It's like we are being held at ransom. Dale I do not expect you to support something that u have been banned from, but as part of your responsibilty to CWW, shouldn't you put that aside for the benefit of ALL Cyber Pilots, new and old? Thanx Stephen Fox FoxOne My opinions are mine, and do not reflect the feelings of anyone I am affiliated with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Ladders Date: 09 May 1998 00:59:19 -0700 At 7:01 PM +1000 5/8/98, Stephen Fox wrote: >1. There is no mention of the EFNet #hornet channel. There is only >referral to the DALNet channels #hornet & #macflightsims. EFNet is still >predominately by most ppl, and I believe that it should rate a mention. > My reply: There won't be any. Reasonably, do you expect me to support a channel I am banned from? *********** From here on out, the ladders are not going to mention EFNet #hornet. I may be strange, but I am not stupid and I am ceratinly not going to turn the other cheek by agreeing to help that don't want me around. The ladders will support channels there are associated with except for this one exception. #hornet is well known and established, #macflightsims isn't. On the internet, if you don't know about it, it doesn't exist. And if you don't advertise, it will die. But I will not interfere with anyone promoting EFNet #hornet on any medium I have developed whether it be this mailing list or some other forum as long as the rules that I have promulated are followed....common sense and courtesy. I believe in competition and EFNet #hornet now has some that is getting more serious all the time. I also believe in people having alternatives and a place to go when they choose to vote with their feet. By providing competition it forces people on #hornet to work harder to get people and keep people. It forces people to treat one another with a certain amount of dignity. EFNet #hornet has been a monoploy for a long isn't anymore. "Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally". I don't know how many of you have been abused at one time or another on EFNet #hornet, but if you have, you know what I'm talking about. With the competition between channels now, EFNet #hornet will either change it's ways or loose people. Either way I win. There are some things here I want known. I started CMAG, CMAW, and CWW. I started the CWW list. The site that the ladders sit on is mine. I arranged for the site so that the ladders could be used, updated and bugs readily fixed. I didn't write the coding for the ladders, Thon "HotBlack" deBoer did that. And I named the logon for the site for him and to be sure he got the credit he deserved for the ladders. In all this the underlying goal was to bring people together. But I will not let someone take advantage of my ethics to undo everything I have done. Nor will I let them use them to persuade me to go quietly into the night. It's been a fight all the way. And I relish competition. As for Fox's post.... >As a proportional amount people hang out on the EFNet #hornet channel this >does not seem fair >to me, and seems to be some sort of monopoly on the >flightsim community from this higher >rank of the CWW. > Neither God nor a priest ever mentions the word fair or that is has been promised. It's not the channel that matters, it's the people. The only monoply here is the one you are supporting. I only work with right and wrong > >It's like we are being held at ransom. > No one is being held ransom, they are free to do as they will. I am not cutting off access to anyone to anything I HAVE developed. Just using it to advertise. > >Dale I do not expect you to support something that u have been banned >from, but as part of >your responsibilty to CWW, shouldn't you put that >aside for the benefit of ALL Cyber Pilots, >new and old? The responsibility I have is the one I developed from the ground up. To the people, not to institutions. And I will continue as I have because it will get the average user better treatment and greater respect. I am working now, as I have always been, for the benefit of all cyber pilots. I will not help support EFNet #hornet as it currently stands. If that changes, I will. In part, what is now #hornet resulted from my efforts to clean it up and make it a place everyone could meet. I promoted the hell out of it too. If it wasn't for those efforts, #hornet would be a few people controlling the channel and having everyone else dance to their tune. When I first started on #hornet, there was never more then 10 people and it wasn't a 24 hour channel In conclusion, the ladders will continue as they to anyone. But they will mention only DalNet #macflightsims. To put it in an American vernacular, I am not taking my ball and going home. But the 2nd half of the game ain't going to be like the first Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Ladder time periods Date: 09 May 1998 01:08:19 -0700 Hi, Aside from being one objection, I have not recieved or otherwise seen posted any objections to revised the challenge and inactivity periods for the CWW ladders. Starting with as soon as I can finish refurbishing a ladder, the following time periods will be used: All ladders will have the inactive period inbetween matches set to 4 months This will also be in effect for any new ladders The following ladders will have the following response time before a match is in default: Warbirds: 7 days Skyfighters: 14 days All Hornet ladders: 30 days All new ladders will be either 7 or 14 days. I am still interested in whatever comments anyone has. Especially people that don't live in the US ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ryan Stanley" Subject: Re: (cww) Ladders Date: 09 Apr 1998 01:53:37 +0000 FoxOne i think has a good point -- maybe Dale should put a reference to #hornet on the website with a disclaimer: "this channel is known for abusive behavior" or something like that. but in reality, Dale is right -- and not just because he knows all the passwords :-) he's the head-honcho... the supreme cheese... the top dick... He built this mighty structure and there is no reason he should support a competing structure which abuses and bans him from their presence. If the people on #hornet want to be abusive and demeaning, and not take flying flight-sims online seriously (or for *whatever* reason they seem to have personally wronged Dale)..... then, well.. fuck 'em!! right? Why pay them the respect of advertising for them? Why send new pilots to a place they would get abused? - shale ---------- >From: Dale >To: >Subject: (cww) Ladders >Date: Sat, May 9, 1998, 7:59 AM > >At 7:01 PM +1000 5/8/98, Stephen Fox wrote: >>1. There is no mention of the EFNet #hornet channel. There is only >>referral to the DALNet channels #hornet & #macflightsims. EFNet is still >>predominately by most ppl, and I believe that it should rate a mention. >> > >My reply: >There won't be any. Reasonably, do you expect me to support a channel I am >banned from? > >*********** > >>From here on out, the ladders are not going to mention EFNet #hornet. I may >be strange, but I am not stupid and I am ceratinly not going to turn the >other cheek by agreeing to help that don't want me around. The ladders will >support channels there are associated with except for this one exception. > >#hornet is well known and established, #macflightsims isn't. On the >internet, if you don't know about it, it doesn't exist. And if you don't >advertise, it will die. > >But I will not interfere with anyone promoting EFNet #hornet on any medium >I have developed whether it be this mailing list or some other forum as >long as the rules that I have promulated are followed....common sense and >courtesy. I believe in competition and EFNet #hornet now has some that is >getting more serious all the time. I also believe in people having >alternatives and a place to go when they choose to vote with their feet. > >By providing competition it forces people on #hornet to work harder to get >people and keep people. It forces people to treat one another with a >certain amount of dignity. EFNet #hornet has been a monoploy for a long > isn't anymore. "Power corrupts and total power corrupts >totally". I don't know how many of you have been abused at one time or >another on EFNet #hornet, but if you have, you know what I'm talking about. >With the competition between channels now, EFNet #hornet will either change >it's ways or loose people. Either way I win. > >There are some things here I want known. I started CMAG, CMAW, and CWW. I >started the CWW list. The site that the ladders sit on is mine. I arranged >for the site so that the ladders could be used, updated and bugs readily >fixed. I didn't write the coding for the ladders, Thon "HotBlack" deBoer >did that. And I named the logon for the site for him and to be sure he got >the credit he deserved for the ladders. > >In all this the underlying goal was to bring people together. But I will >not let someone take advantage of my ethics to undo everything I have done. >Nor will I let them use them to persuade me to go quietly into the night. > >It's been a fight all the way. And I relish competition. > >As for Fox's post.... > >>As a proportional amount people hang out on the EFNet #hornet channel this >>does not seem fair >to me, and seems to be some sort of monopoly on the >>flightsim community from this higher >rank of the CWW. >> > >Neither God nor a priest ever mentions the word fair or that is has been >promised. It's not the channel that matters, it's the people. The only >monoply here is the one you are supporting. I only work with right and wrong > >> >>It's like we are being held at ransom. >> > >No one is being held ransom, they are free to do as they will. I am not >cutting off access to anyone to anything I HAVE developed. Just using it to >advertise. > >> >>Dale I do not expect you to support something that u have been banned >>from, but as part of >your responsibilty to CWW, shouldn't you put that >>aside for the benefit of ALL Cyber Pilots, >new and old? > >The responsibility I have is the one I developed from the ground up. To the >people, not to institutions. And I will continue as I have because it will >get the average user better treatment and greater respect. I am working >now, as I have always been, for the benefit of all cyber pilots. > >I will not help support EFNet #hornet as it currently stands. If that >changes, I will. In part, what is now #hornet resulted from my efforts to >clean it up and make it a place everyone could meet. I promoted the hell >out of it too. If it wasn't for those efforts, #hornet would be a few >people controlling the channel and having everyone else dance to their >tune. When I first started on #hornet, there was never more then 10 people >and it wasn't a 24 hour channel > >In conclusion, the ladders will continue as they to anyone. But >they will mention only DalNet #macflightsims. To put it in an American >vernacular, I am not taking my ball and going home. But the 2nd half of the >game ain't going to be like the first > >Dale > > > > > >******************************************************* > Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- > ICQ# 3351618 > Home Page: > > Visit the Cyber Wings of the World > > > To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: > > > #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet > > >******************************************************* > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Fwd: Warbirds Date: 09 May 1998 11:41:13 -0700 >From: "Mike Stanton" >To: >Subject: Warbirds >Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 12:41:37 -0500 >X-Priority: 3 >MIME-Version: 1.0 > >Hi, I am Yasso and I am looking for opponents... > >ICQ # 1200558 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Christoffersen Subject: Re: (cww) Ladders Date: 09 May 1998 14:41:43 -0500 >FoxOne i think has a good point -- maybe Dale should put a reference to >#hornet on the website with a disclaimer: "this channel is known for abusive >behavior" or something like that. > >but in reality, Dale is right -- and not just because he knows all the >passwords :-) > >he's the head-honcho... the supreme cheese... the top dick... >He built this mighty structure and there is no reason he should support a >competing structure which abuses and bans him from their presence. If the >people on #hornet want to be abusive and demeaning, and not take flying >flight-sims online seriously (or for *whatever* reason they seem to have >personally wronged Dale)..... then, well.. fuck 'em!! right? Why pay them >the respect of advertising for them? Why send new pilots to a place they >would get abused? > >- >shale > >> Just a few points from my perspective. I acknowledge that Dale started the CMAW, the CMAG, and the CWW, but an organization is nothing without members. There are a lot of members, and they do have a voice. I also saw an email a few weeks ago that Dale wrote saying that he was stepping down, and someone was taking his place. So which is it? Next, if the CWW is designed to meet Dale's agenda, and his alone, he's free to mention any channels that he wishes, but if the CWW is a group that is composed of many members, and dale is there to promote the interests of those members, he should make some reference to EFnet #Hornet on the web pages. Now, all the emails so far make Dale out to be this poor soul who was preyed upon by the members of EFnet #hornet. Before you rush to judgement that Dale was so clean, stop by, or send me some email, and I'll be happy to share my side of this little story. I won't spread that info here, because this is not the place for that, but I will say, Dale is in no way an innocent bystander who was abused. David Christoffersen "Mental" Botmaster on #Hornet (one of 4) Ace, Nutcase, Harp, and myself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: Re: (cww) Ladders Date: 09 May 1998 13:12:57 -0700 At 2:41 PM -0500 5/9/98, David Christoffersen wrote: >Just a few points from my perspective. I acknowledge that Dale >started the CMAW, the CMAG, and the CWW, but an organization is >nothing without members. There are a lot of members, and they >do have a voice. I also saw an email a few weeks ago that >Dale wrote saying that he was stepping down, and someone >was taking his place. So which is it? Next, if the CWW is >designed to meet Dale's agenda, and his alone, he's free to >mention any channels that he wishes, but if the CWW is a group that >is composed of many members, and dale is there to promote >the interests of those members, he should make some >reference to EFnet #Hornet on the web pages. > 1) In the past, you have credited only Tom Morrison with starting CMAW. Which is it? 2) You will need to reread that notice that mentions stepping down so you know what from where. Accuracy is necessary > >Now, all the emails so far make Dale out to be this poor soul >who was preyed upon by the members of EFnet #hornet. Before you >rush to judgement that Dale was so clean, stop by, or send me >some email, and I'll be happy to share my side of this little >story. I won't spread that info here, because this is not the >place for that, but I will say, Dale is in no way an innocent >bystander who was abused. > Yep, drop by and ask David. As I have said in the past, I am no innocent. One of the people I have pissed off is David. I did what he says I did and I will take my lumps for it and that's all there is to it ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (cww) Ladder time limits Date: 10 May 1998 08:52:34 +1000 Dale, Concerning times, I think you should remember that some of us are not just in another country, but also at school! I think making the Hornet ladders less that 14 days would make it too hard to answer to a challenge in the time limit. 30 days is fine, 2 months is too long. The Hornet ladders should stay at 30 days just so us foreigners can keep to challenges. Gecko Commanding Officer 98th Squadron Shurikens ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (cww) Friction Date: 10 May 1998 08:52:31 +1000 OK you lot, cool it. I might be out of place here, but from all the emails I have been getting over this ladders thing is starting to worry me. Why don't you all just shut up and listen to the DCO? If you are a member of the CMAW, Dale is your Deputy Commanding Officer and what he says should go, unless there is something really wrong. This ladders thing is not worth arguing over, and from the content of the emails it looks like there is a whole bunch of you on #hornet's side and the rest on #Macflightsims side. Don't let this turn into a major war and end up destroying what is a good system and has worked for a long time. If you can't take it go join SNAG or some other air group. Gecko Commanding Officer 98th Squadron Shurikens ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: Re: (cww) Ladder time limits Date: 09 May 1998 16:36:43 -0700 At 8:52 AM +1000 5/10/98, wrote: >Dale, > >Concerning times, I think you should remember that some of us are not >just in another country, but also at school! > >I think making the Hornet ladders less that 14 days would make it too >hard to answer to a challenge in the time limit. 30 days is fine, 2 >months is too long. The Hornet ladders should stay at 30 days just so us >foreigners can keep to challenges. > >Gecko >Commanding Officer >98th Squadron Shurikens I think that 30 days is reasonable for the time being for the Hornet ladders. Since the other ladders (SF and WB) are using different settings, it will provide a baseline to work out what is best. I was beginning to feel that a minimum of 7 days was too little anyway. We can revisit the issue in September. Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Justin Madden Subject: (cww) cww -Redbacks Date: 10 May 1998 14:06:58 +1100 The Australian Hornet Squadron, the TFG 75SQN "Redbacks" would like to officially welcome the following new members: FLYING OFFCIER Snowman FLYING OFFCIER Hardskul FLYING OFFCIER Nimitw For anybody else interested in joining our squad please go to: and fill out the application form. The Redbacks Squadron now consists of: CO Group Captain Zippo 2IC Wing Commander StratoPig Info/Tactical Officer Flight Lieutenant FoxOne Pilot Flying Officer PBravo Pilot Flying Officer Snowman Pilot Flying Officer Hardskul Pilot Flying Officer Nimitw Cheers Zippo Commanding Officer TFG75 Sqn Redbacks 1st CMAW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Ladder changes Date: 09 May 1998 22:11:36 -0700 The Mac Hornet ladders now list all the same squadrons. Both are set to challenges defaulting after 30 days and inactivity period is set to 4 months. Within the next few hours, the new design of the H2 ladder will be all u/l. I will do the PC Hornet ladder next and then the RBII and WB ladders. After that I will be adding some new ladders. I have made some contacts for supplying ladders during beta testing and hope to bring those on line and get us first shot at the beta testing. One contact I have made but doesn't have anything Mac ready for awhile will involve the next couple years. So if you should find a ladder password protected, that's why. Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) MaxOverlays WarBirds 2.01 Med Maps Date: 10 May 1998 22:00:25 -0700 Newsgroups: My Max=D8verlays WarBirds 2.01 Med Maps are finished and available at: I'm working on the other terrains. Stay tuned. Later, -Bob -- Bob Heffner Graphic Designer - Fairmont State College ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Thon de Boer Subject: Re: (cww) Ladder changes Date: 11 May 1998 23:06:45 +0200 Hi Dale, I see you have been busy with redesigning the ladders....And I must say although I admire you enthusiasm, it's still a pity that the ladders lost their identity a bit. The artwork we had for Hornet ladders was quite effective and very beutifully designed. All pages had the same color schemes as the artwork and they were very distinct. Now they all look the same. This is going back to the old days. All black and the ladders themselves have different colorschemes then the welcome page. I think we should put back the original artwork. Also has a tribute to the artist that I asked to make the artwork. Sorry to be a bit negative and I don't want to put you down since you are the main driving force for the flightsim community especially for the Mac, but please give the ladders back their distinctiveness... Thon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Bottrell Subject: (cww) Flight sim survey Date: 11 May 1998 15:41:10 -0700 (MST) From MacGaming Ledge SquidSoft flight sim survey SquidSoft is encouraging Mac flight sim fans to visit their site to participate in a survey on their gaming habits. SquidSoft is presently considering a Mac flight simulator project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Bottrell Subject: Re: (cww) Ladder changes Date: 11 May 1998 15:54:06 -0700 (MST) I've noticed the same thing myself. The idea I had was to make the Hornet ladders similar the way you and Nash did in the first place. The other ladders would be different, but I got carried away a bit with it and it became more then the just the Hornet ladders. I will address this very shortly. I want to find/get some other art. Something more dynamic Dale On Mon, 11 May 1998, Thon de Boer wrote: > Hi Dale, > > I see you have been busy with redesigning the ladders....And I must say > although I admire you enthusiasm, it's still a pity that the ladders lost > their identity a bit. The artwork we had for Hornet ladders was quite > effective and very beutifully designed. All pages had the same color > schemes as the artwork and they were very distinct. Now they all look the > same. This is going back to the old days. > > All black and the ladders themselves have different colorschemes then the > welcome page. I think we should put back the original artwork. Also has a > tribute to the artist that I asked to make the artwork. > > > Sorry to be a bit negative and I don't want to put you down since you are > the main driving force for the flightsim community especially for the Mac, > but please give the ladders back their distinctiveness... > > > Thon > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Wharton Subject: Re: (cww) Ladder changes Date: 12 May 1998 01:24:48 -0800 >I will address this very shortly. I want to find/get some other art. >Something more dynamic > >Dale > Sorry my art wasn't dynamic enuff fer yer impeccable taste ... Nash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: Re: (cww) Ladder changes Date: 12 May 1998 01:35:52 -0700 At 1:24 AM -0800 5/12/98, Chris Wharton wrote: >>I will address this very shortly. I want to find/get some other art. >>Something more dynamic >> >>Dale >> >Sorry my art wasn't dynamic enuff fer yer impeccable taste ... > > > >Nash I'm sorry....I like whole airplanes :) But if you want, the ladders could still do with your touch. I tend to develop tunnel vision about the goals :)) Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #hornet - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Warbirds Rumors Date: 13 May 1998 21:34:54 -0700 Numerous Pyro Updates Lots of good news out of Pyro today, including stuff about v2.01 CDs, a new rev for Mac and PC users, and other cool stuff. Especially nice, is the mention of being able to turn off certain textures in 3D, which should make it more viable as an option for many fliers as reports are that this could increase FRs by as much as 10 FPS. CDs on Order I forgot to mention that the CDs for 2.01 are being mastered and we're expecting to begin sending them out in 2 weeks. I'll post here as soon as we get them back and start shipping them out. Upcoming Revisions We've been working on further revisions for 2.01 that we trying to get out by the end of this week. Here is what's on tap. For the D3D version, the problem with the square textures has been fixed. We've also made some internal changes to eke out some extra performance, primarily in the speed of making view switches. We also included toggles to turn off the horizon and sky textures. We're currently still working on a keyboard lockup problem in the D3D version. For the PC and Mac versions, we've found a bug that could cause invisible planes, made some fixes to H2H, fixed some quirks in the autogunner code, and fixed a bug in the oil leakage model. For the Mac version, we've fixed the problem with rudder pedals, the mouse cursor not hiding, the instruments in the norden view, the problems with the ammo counters blanking out, problems with the radio buffer not displaying correctly, and the lack of individual aircraft sounds, plus some others not listed here. Point Blank Registration Our first full-scale scenario titled "Point Blank" will begin accepting registration this Friday. For more information on this scenario, click here. ID Changes For anyone wishing to make a one-time change to their 6 letter ID, we will be accepting requests starting this Friday. Instructions will be posted here this Friday on how to go about getting your ID changed. Please come back to this page on Friday to receive further instructions. New Gateway An updated IMOL Gateway(the web launching/account maintenance utility) is available at our website. We had a problem with the auto-updater in the old version, so you will need to download and install the new Gateway (Version 1.03) if you do not already have it. The Gateway allows a user to launch from the website, check usage, and change account information. The Gateway is currently only available for the PC, the Mac Gateway is under development. Con 98 The convention webpage has been updated, including a revamped and complete schedule. Our third annual convention is shaping up to be the best one yet, don't miss out on all the fun. PointBlank Practice (Unofficial) Ram1 has agreed to setup one of the special events arenas for a PointBlank-style practice on Thursday night. This will be a one-life-to-live type of practice and will feature the planes that will be used in PB. COs have been appointed for the LW and US (fighter) sides. For more detailed information, the best place to stop by is AGW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Fwd: BOUNCE Date: 14 May 1998 07:29:09 -0700 >Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 12:09:25 +0200 >To: >From: Bart Van Put >Subject: Re: (cww) Warbirds Rumors > >At 06:34 +0200 14-05-1998, Dale wrote: >>Numerous Pyro Updates >> Lots of good news out of Pyro today, including stuff about >>v2.01 CDs, a new rev for Mac and PC users, and other cool stuff. Especially >>nice, is the mention of being able to turn off certain textures in 3D, >>which should make it more viable as an option for many fliers as reports >>are that this could increase FRs by as much as 10 FPS. >> > > >SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNIP > >Did anyone ask about the "stationary" exploded planes already ? Yesterday i >saw this spit hanging over F15 doing nothin': I could fly right tru !. It >looked "exploded" in the sense that it's wings, fuselage and tail were >hanging in midairn, separated by maybe 20 ft. > >bart van put >bartbe (for belgium) >mostly reds > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nick Harman Subject: Re: (cww) Fwd: BOUNCE Date: 14 May 1998 16:07:54 +0100 >>SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNIP >> >>Did anyone ask about the "stationary" exploded planes already ? Yesterday i >>saw this spit hanging over F15 doing nothin': I could fly right tru !. It >>looked "exploded" in the sense that it's wings, fuselage and tail were >>hanging in midairn, separated by maybe 20 ft. >> >>bart van put >>bartbe (for belgium) >>mostly reds Huh. you mean you can fly from europe? I get dumped back to the tower and disconnected about every 5 mins:-( If i do stay on line the orange beacons a fixture and thus I warp terribly. IMOl arent gettin any money outa me til I get a decent connect cos Ive tried 3 isps and its all the same so it aint me! Cockney >> nick_harman copywriting Tel: 0181 677 3356 Fax: 0181 769 7839 Mobile 0850 296102. virtually a portfolio: stuart.harman freelance creative team: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Fwd: BOUNCE Date: 14 May 1998 08:53:09 -0700 >Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 17:35:40 +0200 >To: >From: Bart Van Put >Subject: Re: (cww) Fwd: BOUNCE > >> > >Well Nick, > >UK is europe, isn't it ? > >Here's my setup: we have a straight 24h isdn line to our provider UUnet. At >the moment we are at 65K but we are moving to 128K. So lately i'm not >having too much discos. > >May be the warping I see is only caused by other peoples partial discos > > >Bart Van Put >bartbe > > >>Huh. you mean you can fly from europe? I get dumped back to the tower and >>disconnected about every 5 mins:-( If i do stay on line the orange beacons >>a fixture and thus I warp terribly. >> >>IMOl arent gettin any money outa me til I get a decent connect cos Ive >>tried 3 isps and its all the same so it aint me! >> >>Cockney > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wade Williams Subject: Re: (cww) Warbirds connect Date: 14 May 1998 11:07:25 -0500 At 04:07 PM 5/14/98 +0100, Nick Harman wrote: > >Huh. you mean you can fly from europe? I get dumped back to the tower and >disconnected about every 5 mins:-( If i do stay on line the orange beacons >a fixture and thus I warp terribly. > >IMOl arent gettin any money outa me til I get a decent connect cos Ive >tried 3 isps and its all the same so it aint me! > Be sure that it's your connect and not your machine. A friend of mine had a PPC 603 at 75 Mhz. He could go into WB and fly offline with no problem (albeit at a very low frame rate). He could go online and sit in the tower with no problem. He could go on the runway and sit with no problem. He could download large files with no problem. But, as soon as he started his engine, his beacon would go yellow and then eventually red. Watching the modem transmit and receieve lights, you literally could see the modem stop transmitting. Turns out that processing the sound simply put his machine over the edge in terms of CPU cycles. It was simply too busy to keep up with the communications. If he turned all sound off he could get a decent beacon. Naturally, that wasn't acceptable so he's the owner of a 225 MHZ 604e machine now. :) Wade Wade Williams WarBirds ID: ==au== 4th Fighter Group Squadron 336th Rocketeers Fighter Squadron Commander ( Member of the WarBirds training staff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nick Harman Subject: Re: (cww) Fwd: BOUNCE Date: 14 May 1998 17:43:05 +0100 >>Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 17:35:40 +0200 >>To: >>From: Bart Van Put >>Subject: Re: (cww) Fwd: BOUNCE >> >>> >> >>Well Nick, >> >>UK is europe, isn't it ? >> >>Here's my setup: we have a straight 24h isdn line to our provider UUnet. At >>the moment we are at 65K but we are moving to 128K. So lately i'm not >>having too much discos. >> >>May be the warping I see is only caused by other peoples partial discos >> >> I should think an ISDn line helps a lot:-) yes the warping you see probably isnt you. However, wb 2.0 was never as bad as this so I dont think my isp(s) are at fault nor my venerable 33.6 modem. It has ta be a bug! C nick_harman copywriting Tel: 0181 677 3356 Fax: 0181 769 7839 Mobile 0850 296102. virtually a portfolio: stuart.harman freelance creative team: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nick Harman Subject: Re: (cww) Warbirds connect Date: 14 May 1998 17:45:04 +0100 >At 04:07 PM 5/14/98 +0100, Nick Harman wrote: >> >>Huh. you mean you can fly from europe? I get dumped back to the tower and >>disconnected about every 5 mins:-( If i do stay on line the orange beacons >>a fixture and thus I warp terribly. >> >>IMOl arent gettin any money outa me til I get a decent connect cos Ive >>tried 3 isps and its all the same so it aint me! >> > >Be sure that it's your connect and not your machine. > Well I have a g3 233 with 90mb ram I dont think its the mac, altho the symptoms do sound familiar C nick_harman copywriting Tel: 0181 677 3356 Fax: 0181 769 7839 Mobile 0850 296102. virtually a portfolio: stuart.harman freelance creative team: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Subject: (cww) 3d news Date: 14 May 1998 23:02:35 -0300 The game Wizard is a 3d card under devolopment for tha Mac. 1024 x 768 on a 3d card that rocks would be great for Korea. From the excerpt below the game Wizard can be connected to another game Wizard and the memory would be interlaced, probably resulting in 1024 x 768 in 3d with no frame rate hits. The excerpt was taken from a FAQ from this cite If anyone got any info on a release date could you post the info? Zorro out. Oh, BTW, any news about Korea getting the TCP/IP patch from GSC, or will we be stuck with ip rebroke, I mean remote? See you later. HelveticaFirst, we are the only company offering Voodoo2 for Mac (which supports native Mac games); therefore, we will be the first to offer 12 and/or 16MB solutions. Currently, it is not obvious that existing games available for the Mac see an improvement when the Voodoo2 card is 12MB vs 8MB; however, if this becomes the case, we will certainly support a 12MB version. In fact, the 8MB card is based on a design which easily allows for this. (And also a fact, we are being beaten-up due to our higher prices [relative to PC companies] by people who don't understand volume pricing issues and the cost of added value. Any version which is more expensive and without proven justification would just make the matter worse. If the apparent interest in 12MB is driven more by marketing hype [from the other side] than by true value added, this goes against our base philosophy of 'Value Packed.') Remember, neither you nor anyone else has seen Voodoo2 yet perform on a Mac (supporting Mac native games)... and you won't until the Game Wizard is available. We believe it will support the vast majority of users' needs just fine at 8MB. If not, and if the market demand will support it, then we'll do a 12MB version. If the increased cost (to me and you) is justified by the increase in performance, we're there! If its just marketing hype and one-upmanship, we're more loyal to you, and ourselves, than that. As far as 16MB, we plan to provide ScanLineInterlace (SLI) support; therefore, a 16MB solution via two Game Wizards in SLI configuration will be available. If, as you say, you will only consider a solution which better attempts to satisfy your "need for speed," then this is something you should definately consider! When the Game Wizard is first released as an 8MB solution, we will welcome your experiences, in addition to others, and combine those inputs with our own testing. When empirical data becomes available, we will be better able advantage of this great technology in a configuration which satisfactorily mixes performance and price, and the sooner the better for both of us! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bart Van Put Subject: Re: (cww) Warbirds connect Date: 15 May 1998 09:42:45 +0200 ok, mine is bigger than yours : G3 266 MHz with 160 MB ram. bart ----- At 18:45 +0200 14-05-1998, Nick Harman wrote: >>At 04:07 PM 5/14/98 +0100, Nick Harman wrote: >>> >>>Huh. you mean you can fly from europe? I get dumped back to the tower and >>>disconnected about every 5 mins:-( If i do stay on line the orange beacons >>>a fixture and thus I warp terribly. >>> >>>IMOl arent gettin any money outa me til I get a decent connect cos Ive >>>tried 3 isps and its all the same so it aint me! >>> >> >>Be sure that it's your connect and not your machine. >> > > >Well I have a g3 233 with 90mb ram > >I dont think its the mac, altho the symptoms do sound familiar > >C > >nick_harman copywriting >Tel: 0181 677 3356 >Fax: 0181 769 7839 >Mobile 0850 296102. >virtually a portfolio: > >stuart.harman freelance creative team: > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Trad Subject: (cww) [Fwd: Need Blue Angel photos] Date: 15 May 1998 10:18:56 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------2BD561B4B716EF233CA7F572 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit found on Newsgroups: rec.aviation.military.naval Can anyone tell me where I can find photos of a Blue Angel F/18??? Whether it be a book or on the web I NEED some pictures. I'm doing a 3D flight simulator of the Blue Angels and need to get as much info on them as possible. I need the pictures to do texture mapping on 3D models........also any specs on the cockpit would be GREATLY appreciated....I want to make the SIM as REAL as possible. Plus is there a place where I can get a video of a Blue Angel Please email me ANY responses.....THANKS in advance!!!! Media ASE: (Media ase) --------------2BD561B4B716EF233CA7F572 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Path: Supernews70!Supernews73!!!!!!!not-for-mail Newsgroups: rec.aviation.military.naval Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Admin: Organization: AOL Xref: Supernews70 rec.aviation.military.naval:13122 Can anyone tell me where I can find photos of a Blue Angel F/18??? Whether it be a book or on the web I NEED some pictures. I'm doing a 3D flight simulator of the Blue Angels and need to get as much info on them as possible. I need the pictures to do texture mapping on 3D models........also any specs on the cockpit would be GREATLY appreciated....I want to make the SIM as REAL as possible. Plus is there a place where I can get a video of a Blue Angel Please email me ANY responses.....THANKS in advance!!!! Media ASE --------------2BD561B4B716EF233CA7F572-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Pipkorn Subject: Re: (cww) 3d news Date: 15 May 1998 19:24:54 +0200 I've read that the Game Wizard voodo2 card is scheduled for a June release. Peter Pipkorn Picon_ on IRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Subject: (cww) 3d news Date: 16 May 1998 05:26:16 -0300 I've found the home page for the Whizzard 3d card, to any info available. See you guys later, Zorro out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bradley Williams Subject: Re: (cww) [Fwd: Need Blue Angel photos] Date: 28 Aug 1998 02:48:56 +0000 I have a stack of about 150 photos of the Blue Angels in flight. Need any? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (cww) [Fwd: Need Blue Angel photos] Date: 17 May 1998 15:08:25 +1000 >Subject: (cww) [Fwd: Need Blue Angel photos] >Sent: 16/5/98 3:18 >Received: 16/5/98 9:27 >From: Oz Trad, >Reply-To: >To: >Enclosure: encoded MIME file > >found on Newsgroups: rec.aviation.military.naval > >Can anyone tell me where I can find photos of a Blue Angel F/18??? >Whether it >be a book or on the web I NEED some pictures. I'm doing a 3D flight >simulator >of the Blue Angels and need to get as much info on them as possible. I >need >the pictures to do texture mapping on 3D models........also any specs on >the >cockpit would be GREATLY appreciated....I want to make the SIM as REAL >as >possible. Plus is there a place where I can get a video of a Blue Angel > >Please email me ANY responses.....THANKS in advance!!!! >Media ASE: > (Media ase) Well you might find some at, along with tons of other Hornet pictures. Gecko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Hornet 2 Tournament Date: 17 May 1998 13:52:00 -0700 I am about ready to put on the first in the revived series of CWW Gunsmoke tournaments for thew flight sim community, a Hornet 2 tournament. I was putting together the web page for it and realized that the tournament doesn't have a name to set it apart yet. In the past, I have always figured something out. But should it be restricted to me? Why should I be the only one to name these things? So, I am looking for a tournament name (original preferably) to use with an H2 tournament. I will accept entries thru May 23 (next Saturday) and give the person whose suggestion is selected credit right under the tournament name. If that person is in a squadron, they can elect to have their sq name appended to the credit. There will be no voting for the selection, I will choose whatever seems best Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Tournament Framework Date: 17 May 1998 18:18:23 -0700 The Gunsmoke Tournament Series is being revived as part of the CWW. It will be used to staged a series of tournies using a variety of flight sims, Mac and/or PC. To see what is being done, check out : It is still a work in progress, but any suggestions would be welcome for making it better Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Subject: (cww) How to build a flight motion simulator Date: 17 May 1998 23:39:47 -0400 Hi all! If anyone is intrested in building a motion simulator check this out This guy (KEN) seems to be on something very intresting with regards to a home built motion flight simulator. A little e mail in his mailbox would encourage him to perhaps release the plans sooner. I spoke to him (via E mail) several times and he's a top notch guy into flying. If anyone got any ideas for a home built simulator feel free to drop me a line. Hoping to build one as soon as I make room in the house. Strapped some card board wings onto my station wagon, floored it and flew off a ramp at high speed, but it didn't stay airborn for long, (just kidding, almost), though I did get my it airborne on several occasions, the landing part is hard on the suspension though. Anything to get airborn! If we can get 3d fx in 1024 x 768 with fast FPS, TCP/IP 2 vs 2, a decient voice com, and a motion simulator, we'll be rocking. See you guys later, Zorro out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) X-plane Date: 18 May 1998 15:21:25 -0700 X-Plane 4.0b13 released Laminar Research's latest public beta release of X-Plane, v4.0b13 has been released. X-Plane is a detailed civilian flight simulator than supports hardware acceleration through ATI and Newer video cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dan Champagne Subject: (cww) New 3d Mac news update!!! Date: 18 May 1998 20:11:01 -0400 The following is the latest in 3d devolopment for the Mac. These guys are serious! Updated Game Wizard FAQs as provided to the outside world: 1) Does June still look like a reasonable date for your Game Wizard Voodoo2 cards to ship? Yes. Although also dependent on receipt of our allocations of chips from 3Dfx, it appears the completion of Mac drivers will be done in time to allow Game Wizard deliveries in June. We see the Macworld EXPO in NYC as critical for the Game Wizard's 'roll-out' and are doing everything possible to make sure its ready and shipping by then. 2) Will the Game Wizard pass-through the Mac monitor sense lines? The Game Wizard supports all Apple sense codes, including those which also support the DDC2B VESA standard (also referred to as Win95 PnP). This feature allows for the widest possible compatibility between Macs and/or Compatibles with Apple and/or PC monitors. 3) What software will be included with the Game Wizard? Still working on that, but I can say we are talking to all interesting Mac game sources which take advantage of Voodoo and/or Voodoo2, and we will include as much as we can without raising the cost (to everyone) unacceptably. 4) Will the Game Wizard ship with RAVE drivers? Yes. Now would be a good time to discuss exactly what the Game Wizard, or any Voodoo/Voodoo2 card does and doesn't do. The only time this chipset is active is when a game 'calls' it. These engines are not used for any purpose other than 3D game acceleration. Even then, they can only work when drawing 'full screen', i.e. not in a window. These cards are installed between the graphics card, or built-in, and the monitor through the use of a pass-thru cable. When not being 'called' by a game, they sit idle and the graphics display to the monitor passes through untouched. They cannot affect, control or be integrated into the desktop because the desktop is defined before they even see it. (However, they accelerate the hell out of it when its a full-screen 3D game!) Its because this card is designed only to be the best possible 3D game accelerator you can buy, that it enjoys its reputation... it IS the best possible 3D game accelerator you can buy. (Neither this card nor any other Voodoo2 card is designed to provide 3D in a window.) 5) How long have you been working on the drivers? We've been working with 3Dfx for several months now. 6) What is your expectation of compatibility with existing Glide and RAVE games? Total. All Mac games which support 3Dfx's MacGlide (Glide for Mac) and/or QuickDraw3D RAVE, and/or billed as supporting either Voodoo and/or Voodoo2, will take advantage of the Game Wizard. (That should just about cover everybody!) This is really more dependent on the game developers... if the game looks for 3D acceleration through one of the only two Mac 3D acceleration APIs available, MacGlide or QuickDraw3D RAVE, then the Game Wizard will support their calls and work its butt off accelerating those games! 7) What will be the minimum CPU speed you recommend with the Game Wizard? None. This is really dependent on the users and the game developers; for example, many of the games which make good use of Voodoo and/or Voodoo2, are also enjoyed on PCI Macs (as old as the very first ones) which don't yet have a Voodoo Graphics=81 card in them. For every user, its a personal choice and each game performs differently in this regard; however, EVERY PCI MAC and EVERY GAME, which supports Voodoo/Voodoo2, WILL see SIGNIFICANT performance enhancement through the use of the Game Wizard. There is no such thing as a PCI Mac which is too slow to run these games when a Game Wizard is installed; however, some obviously allow the games to push the Game Wizard to higher performances... it really depends on the user's threshold of joy! (Personally, I've enjoyed some of these games on Macs as slow as the 6100/66 class. Every PCI Mac is much faster than this and as I've always said: "There's no such thing as a bad Mac game... just good and better!") 8) Will your Mac drivers support SLI? We plan to support SLI, but its not certain SLI will be done in time for the first release. So many people want basic Voodoo2 for Mac ASAP that if SLI requires any significant delay, we will push it back to the next release. The first-release hardware will support SLI; its just that the software update may be provided afterwards. We are also planning a single PCI-slot SLI card which uses two sets of processors, six total, and is loaded with 24MB [for Mac]. 9) Will you offer a 12MB version of the Game Wizard? Yes, the Game Wizard will be released in 8MB and 12MB versions simultaneously. SRP is $299 and $349 respectively. Although recent inputs from game developers, users and our own testing indicate no significant performance boost between the 8MB and 12MB versions with todays available Mac games, they also indicate that some Mac games planned for future release will take advantage of this extra texture mapping memory. It is far too early to quantify this performance boost however, so we must all wait-and-see exactly what this means to each of us personally [as users]. 10) Will the Game Wizard's Mac drivers work with any other Voodoo2 or Voodoo cards? Other Mac Voodoo/Voodoo2 cards (if any arrive in the future)? Any PC Voodoo/Voodoo2 cards? No. The Mac drivers for Voodoo2 will not work with any card other than the Game Wizard. The Game Wizard's hardware and software are integrated to provide optimized performance on the Mac; therefore, trying to use one without the other would be pointless. Any such attempt has been precluded. 11) Will you be the only company to have a Voodoo2 card for the Mac? =46or how long? We are the only Company which has announced a Voodoo2 product for the Mac. I don't know of any other potential offering to the Mac community. I hope this is the case for a long, long time! 12) You seem to be developing the Mac drivers internally. Are you working with 3Dfx? Are you the only ones working on Mac drivers? For how long? We are developing Mac drivers for Voodoo2 internally and working very closely with 3Dfx. We have been developing Mac graphics & video drivers since 1986, longer than anyone else [other than Apple]; therefore, we are confident that our offering will be the best possible regardless of what may happen in the future. As it stands right now, we aren't aware of any other Mac driver development for this chipset. 13) What made you decide to work on a game card for the Mac? TechWorks seemed, so far, the only company interested in the business. We are in the process of filling-out our VP (Value Packed) MacOS graphics & video product line. [Several new products in-the-works.] A 3D game card is part of a full line-up and the timing of Voodoo2 is perfect for our plans. Since 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics=81 is the best possible 3D game solution, and the Voodoo2 is so much better than Voodoo, we just couldn't resist making this product part of our offering to the Mac community! 14) What improvement can Mac users expect with the Game Wizard, compared to the Power3D? The 192-bit memory architecture and parallel processing feature of Voodoo2 provides 3 times the raw POWER over the Voodoo chipset. [The Game Wizard utilizes three processors.] Because of this, any slow-downs users are experiencing when in higher resolutions or texture depths/choices will be greatly reduced or even disappear totally! More people will be able to enjoy these games at higher quality levels. Additionally, now that the standard has been raised and more power is made available, new games will surely push these benefits for even greater game performances. Use of a Game Wizard will put the Mac user in the best possible configuration for game playing! 15) Will the Game Wizard work in "all-in-one" Power Mac models? If yes, how? Or won't it unless one plugs in an external monitor? The Game Wizard will not work with these [current] internal monitors. Because the all-in-one Macs feed the internal monitor directly, and in such a way that it would be very messy to intercept the display internally, the Game Wizard can't position itself between the graphics source and the monitor. Since these models would require a graphics card to drive an external monitor, any single PCI slot machine wouldn't have the option available even with an external monitor (the external monitor's 2D graphics card would fill the only slot). Any new model which would allow access between the graphics source and the monitor, or have multiple PCI slots, may be able to accommodate a Game Wizard; however, these all-in-one models have exhibited noise problems in the past due to the proximity of the magnetic fields associated with the internal monitor and installed expansion cards, which are not exposed to these EMI threats in other configurations. This would have to be examined on a case-by-case basis. 16) Do you feel like 3Dfx planned delivery of Voodoo2 chips for Mac after PC card manufacturers got theirs? Our production quantity of chipset deliveries from 3Dfx coming later than deliveries to some PC card providers is due to normal business concerns and not distinction between Mac and PC. 3Dfx has not short-changed the Mac community; in fact, we are getting great support from 3Dfx! Our getting chips later is because we entered the arena later than some of the others and our volumes are significantly lower. In this industry, it is normal for this situation to result in later deliveries, particularly when related to a chipset as HOT as this one. The allocations of this chipset are a serious issue and can not be avoided. As it worked out, there was no harm done because we haven't finished the Mac drivers anyway. 17) Who will be your distributor in Europe? We have opened an office in the UK to develop our market in Europe. Each segment there will be set up for distribution as best fits the particular Country/region. 18) How would you introduce Micro Conversions using a few sentences ? Micro Conversions, Inc. is a Mac-only developer providing award winning solutions to the Mac community since 1985. [Only one left (other than Apple) who had a booth at the first Macworld EXPO.] For more than 10 years, we only sold through OEMs. If you've been using a Mac for very long, chances are you've experienced some of our products. Micro Conversions now offers its products under its own name and is still as committed to the Mac and the Mac community as ever! Our current line of graphics and video products for the Mac are in a family referred to as 'Value Packed' (VP). This family of products delivers a cross between technology and price which is aimed at 'the rest of us.' As the technology matures, the products are enhanced while maintaining pricing through the entire life-cycle which offers value at every stage, and for the majority of Mac users... not just the privileged few with the most powerful and expensive workstations. In this way, the majority of us don't have to wait in order to experience new capabilities as they are introduced. Our newest product is the Game Wizard. Incorporating 3Dfx Voodoo2 technology, the Game Wizard offers PCI Mac users the opportunity to enjoy the best possible game performance available today at a price which is very reasonable, especially when considering the relative volumes between it and similar products on the PC side. Optimized for the Mac, the Game Wizard is a must-have for Mac gamers! Best Regards, Robert L. Archer Marketing & Sales Manager Micro Conversions, Inc. 817/468-9922 ext: 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (cww) [Fwd: Need Blue Angel photos] Date: 21 May 1998 17:53:55 +1000 >Subject: Re: (cww) [Fwd: Need Blue Angel photos] >Sent: 28/8/56 12:48 >Received: 17/5/98 15:08 >From: Bradley Williams, >Reply-To: >To: > >I have a stack of about 150 photos of the Blue Angels in flight. Need >any? I think you have a problem with your date on your computer :) Gecko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nick Harman Subject: Re: (cww) How to build a flight motion simulator Date: 21 May 1998 11:31:49 +0100 A) Drink copious ammounts of cheap beer B) Spin around on the spot violently C) Sit in chair (place bucket nearby) You're done Cockney nick_harman copywriting Tel: 0181 677 3356 Fax: 0181 769 7839 Mobile 0850 296102. virtually a portfolio: stuart.harman freelance creative team: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "T. A. Lucas" Subject: Re: (cww) [Fwd: Need Blue Angel photos] Date: 21 May 1998 07:16:53 -0400 Date problem is a typical "I need a new battery" problem, which commonly resets the date at startup default. Thermo ========== wrote: > >Subject: Re: (cww) [Fwd: Need Blue Angel photos] > >Sent: 28/8/56 12:48 > >Received: 17/5/98 15:08 > >From: Bradley Williams, > >Reply-To: > >To: > > > >I have a stack of about 150 photos of the Blue Angels in flight. Need > >any? > > I think you have a problem with your date on your computer :) > > Gecko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Wharton Subject: (cww) New hornet guy Date: 21 May 1998 11:18:48 -0400 Howdy, Just got this email, and was hopin' some of you Hornet aces could give this guy a hand: hi........i saw your name out of many in the screeming masiahs page. I was wondering if you knew were i can get someones number to play against. Im new at the network stuff. Mostly i just want to see if my network for hornet 2.0 works. Thanx Nash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hiram C. Wilson" Subject: (cww) Bullseye's "Early Bird Special" Date: 21 May 1998 11:50:00 -0400 Hello guys, I have some news that I think readers of the Cyber Wings of the World mailing list will be interested in hearing. The details are below. Have a great day, Hiram ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You've seen the demo and you know Bullseye Software=B9s Flying Circus is going to be a hot flight sim. So, when is it going to be finished? It will be finished late this summer. But for a select group of flight sim enthusiasts, we are pleased to offer our "Early Bird Special." This Early Bird Special means you start enjoying the program now, in its pre-finished state. Then, every week or two a new updater will be posted on the Bullseye Software website . Early Bird Special owners can then download the updater and use each new version of the program as it moves toward completion. You'll be among the first people to see and experience each new version of the program. Plus, you'll be able to fly with it over the Internet NOW. Please understand, the Early Bird Special isn't the finished program and it isn't for everyone. You'll run into features not working correctly and things may change from version to version. This offer is intended for those with a pioneering spirit. This is a unique opportunity to experience the development process as the program is polished and completed. You will, of course, receive the final release version on CD-ROM, when it ships, at no additional charge. Here are the complete details on the Early Bird Special: *Receive the current version now. (Visit Bullseye=B9s website for the current feature set.) *Receive access to updated versions of the program as they become available. *Receive the HotCarts program on CD-ROM. (Flying Circus will be 'keyed' to the HotCarts CD during the Early Bird Special development period.) HotCarts is yours to keep, free of charge. *Receive the final release CD-ROM of Bullseye Software's Flying Circus, when it's available, at no additional charge. *And, you pay $10 less than the suggested retail price of Bullseye Software's Flying Circus. There is no downside to this offer. You get to start enjoying Bullseye Software's Flying Circus NOW, you get $10 off the retail price, and you receive HotCarts free. Plus, you'll help make Bullseye Software's Flying Circus be the best possible flight sim! Order today! This offer is available to a limited number of people, for a limited time only, and is on a first come, first served basis. Available direct from Bullseye Software only. Suggested Retail Price: $59.95 (plus $5.05 shipping and handling) EARLY BIRD SPECIAL PRICE: $49.95 (plus $5.05 shipping and handling) For additional information, and to order, please visit Bullseye=B9s website= at . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nick Harman Subject: Re: (cww) New hornet guy Date: 21 May 1998 18:24:26 +0100 As I seem to recall from my early attempts at AOL, its not very good at annything like netgames cos that AOL browser is always active maybe Im wrong/ its changed tho N nick_harman copywriting Tel: 0181 677 3356 Fax: 0181 769 7839 Mobile 0850 296102. virtually a portfolio: stuart.harman freelance creative team: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) H3 Tournament Date: 22 May 1998 17:38:36 -0700 The CWW Gunsmoke Tournament Series has been revived and expanded upon. Gunsmoke will stage tournaments for different flight sims, both PC and Mac. There are several tournaments planned already but not scheduled beyond the first one. Initially I am looking for suggestions of what additional flight sims should be included and some sort of scheduling. In the past there has been world tournaments held in 3 parts for the various time zones. And ones that had only one start time. You can find the Gunsmoke page at: The first tournament of this series will a Hornet 2 for Mac to be code named, "Cry Havoc...." and registration for it opens immediately. I will have the ROE for it linked into the Gunsmoke page by Sunday night. All tournament pages will remain linked to the Gunsmoke page and will include the bracket to be generated for the match (example coming soon)that shows all participants and who won. This is aside from membership in the Aggressor Sq's as specified on the Gunsmoke page Dale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (cww) X-plane Date: 23 May 1998 12:44:58 +1000 --Emailer_-1315615028 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Could someone out there with X-Plane give the X-88 a flight test? It has good handling, FOW Elevators, fighter turn rates and climb rates and phenomenal transient manouverablity. Slow handling characteristics are good, but landing the aircraft is difficult. Use of auto-airspeed control is useful, maintained at 230 knots. Gecko --Emailer_-1315615028 Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="X-88.acf.SIT" (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :$&JY1$JZB@0Q,P0*9!"6594%8dP8)3!!!!!0j`!!!!!0CP0*9#%!!3!!$HGb6'& e!Yd!!!!@hGd!$3KB,6Ji,Q&MCJ%$T%TJXB0+CJ1),ZJ$N!"Md!!!!!!$MH3h!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$rrrrr8%a1Ae"XB8i"!,'$5QDaM(#I!!! !!!!!CiN!!!!!!!!0B3!!h9m!!!!!!!"lG!j10rQ9)!1!62Da)X`,2qYNj$MjP4[ GRTY36UrS*bHFF,,**RMU@EST2TrM[ij66Y#2AU#ZDe4k9,jbXXRa@pYX'pNRq8f 1NheNX)mm*j[FbQ1f!QJ+2-!$M`HQ,@lp0![LD$$308e-j[lN*SQ$+(mTATqFAjb prH6Sj1*m-"$d6a0HN!"18Qq@Lr`qmCq,*23LrmAF$i0*R14q1MLaGI2NFkPQL## D"K-[4hC+6hprNFbI#q2pQcaM%9X6PeP-6lT"6r4L8Y$-TbF(PPa'(1qk,TiSbMb %`#F,LY*(KjT)I"('dEA`dJ8FL6-"IdK48l&HAS@Q`I@FJddC$22Vk'951*I!ej! !2*-"ZNLpD4!h!H0cpP3q@mMb2Pj+,'5)+6jqqf(pVS[,bpIYHa"Pq&rNmb#$JC- +QXF`FaYQEF2XECLc$4YZ`dEE-%h-CQ*q2dfp*DL[Bl)mQ0`FC(2["R8!a84[LmQ Edmq1cYiFMdmZ9#daK4pG"j(I)U&#VZi6,j-&!N"%bm@9RkTBML+b&pjAB2B1Z5S ,*QN!P%1QQpl6C!(AQYGjX)S9ekR[4bZ&)XD`0G3H5M+ITmY-C@@),)RM816"3RP QLcrjZCKj%apPa2F'!P88`LK"IRUe6#-B&d3P*UPr+p-jqP6Pp9aS,r6#8kj'%br +K9D%C-(8I`LT9%VK5U8-bEdJ&'QFabPU9`R&V6p"K$pGCirBApekDH"GKIj"%Z5 6Z8M51#'1MCTMP%P%k8FRJm'Vd%Y[$MiAcklMH-TKIKMkkAZ(hLcFAa"F8"6RXUQ B"SVqXNKFKGkdUK&i#UiMi8e[[3L!*K!!JH)CL*clfAX2-LJ!$a&CiJ19CcFj5h' GSfk#q5JLB&#dLXMZI$r4Rb1*kcE%D%1Q`Ga(%3h,)1EBA`3()5TGMLk*ZaK%8@P VAi%K[pSf*+[@Kf-1$)U"5A9-96AU'2,Jl%M-JY"(K8+e8Vd2i4AR,r)JfF3@08) k@N54aMA-Qa#9S-q,VPPjJV)%m+L+Q&d9-ICD94'aYk++@&d9-IG'94'@A&F4MYP (88AXVSTBHrQUL00@NE[S@JqTLTb-Aif&TZQ'H*EG,aCqRQ)%'NVDIiM9h*pLZ9L i2b"UfU-1882I)'UZ%(9D4!dDZDk($T6'ciKL[[S6SM6,A#&+TQQbS2"2'QG[Ikj KeT!!S`B2k!m6lM"5%I)2060-%8(4+J)e-e%45M@$q`qU9qR0+Q+D,UG81)CGi8M hYa31X@HRF)c@KF2JMZ-i[K0RrRd8Kp1-bHi#6XERBh&mrNarld#cG*Vh%erqp+r "2+RIap)!dPl&VNJd2lGPJ3+ENP#8Je8T+'+E-V!U!5AqESFrp`eldr$AQq@Xjf+ Hj9FrcKZqD`hrTFXP`Ia25G#rD4Y9SeL8"+aQe59"Yrkaj%#Tl60S'rpA%XTfc`r pfqq,!%"[&UFNk$r1"rD3!)$qc4l#(K(39jY9Y`#G0k[q1p$jH4"NfAm$(5Tr"ee I0ARB-+P"YhjF12NRk2pZmQM6mM[30fJ,p',FM+h@Q3KGAQIDBi'ZMNAI[3ASlJ& Sa[BZS0[X%,d8[cYpIBceCM6Rf"kP-Rdi#m[FdAYj9l5I+TjTlp0E%!CIqqPc),K BX#RBVSaLd+'VF!rEPE4DBG'!BKEH"d#P%UCpdQ#aA!K+!"613QNJfG)XTE`8Vdj 2,Xj1b4Nb&D[4NhQF6Y8QTb5d$6")rRZ&,X"C"CL%0NdXj"Cdp6bP$9PqTTkQMZC RMME)EH+,2#dR2jKh01mdae$[A%CSbP(%SqT`9r6(FPF@"4EV-0NbRFN&B4$5,&` !h,IR4k!$Q8&l-K@cCDC@FJ%HhQKcQCCYlVaXAQqjLJLVZJIqPmXJ5IaT%E3)XNN E4)Cad&IYkhhlqM@pNT@F,cE%LdD'FQcH58fpFi9#L5SI$V4$5h0(iJ[Y$rM[,`V k1`AMRB,j6X&kTf#r8h$H+3a*`9dVS(8`GFX4X&Vb8#VSKrS)QrmNj@SMUF!me!S Mdh*P-ME'jD6!2$3j@,E02YMf8#S`$jd2Y00LQM*,jU&33'#I!r03+r3q-!p0$Tf Aa!0pd1#""r2305e,`%MQS9*!PUi$(qM"'5)(+"!2PB+&,,&j@bC$#X4$Q`0FCLm 0bhCCJAMSIB"PYQ0)(iL(8S(FlR)J(LU&M3r%3jY$jbAaB!`l(Sa$Bc5d"@aL(LS &"!l4$&-1MNXq3)&iU"4-0$f1)j-CSDNL"H+KcF'e$2E5FBG$9L!HHKpJQ@9C8S& i+"A3$rFj%!q9`XB(iU(0SI15H$"TJVDZPkk$pJmQ-!q9!MS2j-m+PSZT)LN3$j8 #"R#Q-DTpJ!,a8#NJ14IV2q6Pd#![S8!mp$k!"e0c6&BJ(NS&"2Bj%!q9`XB(iU& 5f(K*2&!RfI(JS&!*T-Jm9!SS,EC,98K("6&4PD&!2&3+aZ&30c!US)DDD``8L)F f"mX'ZF5f083eK!,ad2Y!rB1$r5T5)"j+"DTeA3l%3k@`mB&iD(2S[#3HE!a41ai -&qJJ!HDK8J!SeJKe#JrDN!#U-K5)KdV"3#Z'lTTpd'd`"3ALBC8$+A![0*)j%!q p$d5rDmJFL)G5!9lf14!2PF,'"q*KPF2D5qCK8ap-h3&e3m9$cECYSU"cNdLI,b% &jU'Z$iD'jS4p-)JT+$!263k1,QZGl3jP$Xa$AamdY%dMe!FS-!mefhd1c%0G(hS IQ)FQKmj,jQ(62jKS--8A)m9$AIZ4R1a"5JAQSHi`G)!TIH$1$`V-3jf$0E3YpY, 9--%K"HDKlaqJ`(dZ&*L(ZRrSFf!HkZkJpi&jU(2S[332"prd8`Db+HBaVB)l`N# JI&$cQ&CKT(1AJQ5SS9(cQ&E"-Y#FF+p-KUKjc+-2T1!Bk+IN2+C53'#I!hKS&AS I`%1Vd(Y*2$cffkJJMTTb%!q0`XK4ABVV1UK#FKl6+VM@L+M$rL4+Hc'2D49X$E# aPc5M9[1B4ap)`4f#"cQ2U45S6(Bj%!q03Zm$mG!Sp&i5$irc'+SJ0Rb3!21B9Q& N8jfL#Q+kU#"b(Y-UZ*JBb6*J)edeMfN9d0j5$R"U4(9EcQ-f2Z$"aJK*c@-U"DS 2A3l%3k23qd!m0!UpPcb[3hr9mm"CURP-Sc#dXH`XHe3A09I0BaU&%D&%$fJ"jD5 %jh@eJQf1T*HQM8h%BKlck!295qSHe6bQ9+$kd1A!mlTDSIH"jh@e3ZmPmp"01+R Pi3QRQXFd#YakY!VVH5iD(DT#0'+N[Pr0BaS&X#dR*ED,6c-9mjK((e5ka6bQ(F& f1E6cA(Cll8-lci9#lq@h2+L(BKkc8pM1YaZ&lAbl8IJc$kA#GVlG+'cRfih#GVl G+$caS1Ba1i8R(Y3mCUI`a)1Daq`8RRK3mjLG`K-2DKkc8hML3FeMGJT22+Kjc%l KL3FeMpNT22'JjM%lK5FHe$aQTr$%JjV(l"5HH&$cQ*h#,h+FHFa'!CqUBSAZHhj S2A6k,PMad(r26dPA@AEImbYbS)rL&$PXHD"2CK8jV2UT63kVIQVM`kUIfRM*20! 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Sent the wrong plane - too much thrust on the other one. Here is the proper one! Enjoy! Gecko --Emailer_-1314988812 Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="X-88.acf.SIT" (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :$&JY1$JZB@0Q,P0*9!"6594%8dP8)3!!!!!0j`!!!!!0CP0*9#%!!3!!$HGb6'& e!RX!!!!@EhX!$3KB,6Ji,Q&MCJ%$6*eJXB0+CJ-`JFJ$1,Sd!!!!!!-e&N8!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2rrrrp36%jI8'aK6J%!XB0+CV'-Q53!!!! !!!"RL3!!!!!!!!eK!!"`U3!!!!!!!%Yh$NihqC8J!i"-pV%Lc!Xrkf6N12Q9'pf HQe"1VqJR*ja`XXNQH1TCZLNqRq1rMP01d)pHS+jV9(T8[R+bbI&Eff`Ef5Ij6Bk 6I@5`Mc`RQpc+BlB#HrPG!Bm(TLeZr63,iQJ`d$9061Eqj#D*JbKr+9kIR&qF[Ih Nk16LI$!3p%m6AT!!6P*[PS[m2['ILb6d)[r&h!q$5CcNIMSiXAAcj(2*CSJJQJB 6,dGhLNprIj(-R`[MrCXmBa*E%jGC6#AGS"*96!,0I#SjN!$N-Q+mklSS%FSm"-% R#d,TSd00*,i)iqKDH1N#LX5CJ$l%U#QXPeI30,LH-pL8B)KISjG*S9`#A8256!* dNAV6)'i!ih2@9*BYG(NI,k8Y*-38(lrpX+lVi[,bG9X2SJcrLh`HC""`8TRQ%@C ZBGB@CQpKcKBfh-*'@jJQCM-a[jqQhK+ZVc&C(NaZ$V+jGi-F3*MSECLm1IhXk1c 0mIMN3Q@*+IcS1SMmeK)+FR@IH*N-#"JL@LkZr&4K'8A1ARKI`E0hk&9*-%N$@$P NGe-p64C3VDR1Ja9@A+Hq(kdB#S`qe*!!2G4N2NqAQHV+%&N5ak()JiA5c"CrmR- ambBqBX6h3!aHj13-DALe6#-)&d6+*NJ4reDfFr5TkZZjd&lSKDDF4K-[bS9@3,* JkMp!+TD5Z')T)ENAK#+0mcK>@QZ28R32M6GII!rZV@5`2[+[32NL#Ic%@5aJR jf+KpM*J%5Mmk'3aHK9jkFr#jH(BGae1'q@(STqmGHV0`I`'iF'UFbk&L'LMhPb& a&AV6+L03#UiMi8e[[3J'68!!"iTRF16FcpjlS%%!2##ba)G9RYhN6-8j4p-%qk0 !3+"SKFMZI$r4Rk1*kaCLY*!!D6$h%D*K#@)Iqi[J)%65jCL5H)S"LU+YVF+'A,9 Y8&DM$f-1$-*!T"T6T8D0)3h1MX3X#(dN&0*+c6jNVcKrN3I*"PYNK&5d3"((0F5 EN!!Vi6i[ZQEQ#@)*aU-8-EX8-ICDTBMB@j%L9TFLjYkS&'(+GBS`CKp&LYKGLPK lq9,%D92N,VV@3dU4Nr'VXG!dh4$2X[[&`Xp6V%"$kIBIX*Vl%jE$`[h"SUBpkLa Uk"Z,QLZ,1Ue&$9UjVTF1e-E2&X9Ql#H,dLjcC9%56C1"`MpTREhpZ6DcKKieD%" rf(#(N8,)2f4QQ!*"D)9!CLB+S9JcU2r!HTAHV"$6G$QPi"Kf`C(ZE`N1X@FR1%E Vi$"iiML1lm5CIar&i64MChH!Nr(j@"bI2p2I1p!XRIEpj#prqPF`EqVhX3b!p+j L&a,0cfdX%,#*K#)19P&3B*XB@%9!DAqhXcr2$A[6l+mhMl1HLhQ@ArfiErKZ02` A,dH#qCp)d,mC'p@J@%3#RQE9ND"ErhMN3+hY-aJEraF*jEMRKrlYpb%!ScF2Tk6 4Ip`2l#%aqMI[%2D)'(heXZS@4ZHA9IpGk2bm#,,X[aNG,(mhZViDm[$#T$DkpH1 $NhmDrGp$(Vfdr-lS'fX,c')mM+fH-j&eq6R6(J[VkRMSZlI!ZRX!KV'p#pCYhK# p&,mlIAf-jmdBc[&kP',kF"D@[@2fmUlSIDTiTVe2Y5!-[[E6jl$JBX'Li(9P&-- GZS*lH&e*6bXX@P$-`[X!9UQ)k6eTX&JZ"$8!&mj#+5$*dMa+H5PHRCjFR*f5-L3 URNC2jR%k95mjT80EJ%(dhc0d!'F&--RDY,'3!+qJUr+8AXKbQ@DD'XeP4KZN0[Q ,0#dh2pKh0(ADBkJka`KY13Sm8SHRSMq@Ef84X(J1Nbh6QA`J$)Fd$bjJh,IR4h! 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Check out the details at: Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sam Lee Subject: (cww) Cougars Promotions! Date: 23 May 1998 22:23:54 -1000 (HST) Greetings fellow pilots: Today marked a celebrated event at the VMFA-323rd Cougars' den. As some of the most respected cyber-pilots in the Hornet community, the Cougars have put in much time and effort to build this cyber-squad into what it is today: The longest running #1 squad on the Hornet 3 squad ladder, the winner of the Cat Fight III tourney (Cougars v Panthers), the first Hornet squad to have actual squad patches made for flight jackets, the host of the successful SWARM II invitational (plans in the works for another one), one of the best squad homepages around, and a squad with a pilot that has made ladder history by being the first pilot to complete 100+ officials. Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce the rank promotions of the following Cougars: Echo Juggler Kahuna Rovah have all been promoted from Captains to Majors with all the rights and privelages that come from attaining this rank. Muna Smeagol Zeek Zorro have all been promoted from 1st Lieutenants to Captains with all the rights and privelages that come from attaining this rank. I would like to congratulate all these fine men! OooooRaaah!!!! Aloha, Stinger o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Sam Lee Leesign Graphix Honolulu, Hawaii Tel.(808) 951-7468 Bpr.(808) 583-4408 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (cww) Cougars Promotions! Date: 24 May 1998 23:31:21 -0400 (EDT) Stinger, From myself, and I'm sure from all the other men-thank you for the promotion! :-) The pay raise alone will help us accessorize our Hornets! ;-) Best regards to you all...I just returned tonight from a weekend leading members of our Land Rover club around the Maine woods. It was great, with the exception of the black flies.. Have a great long weekend! Rovah John Cassidy Bangor, Maine USA The Downeast Land Rover Club, X0 of the V(irtual)MFA 323rd Cougars/Flying GSC's F/A-18 Hornet game 2 Wheels: Ducati M900, 1970 Velocette Thruxton, Moto Morini 350S 4 Wheels: 1998 SE Discovery "Chukka," 1987 Range Rover-"Smedley," 1966 Series IIA 88" "SWAMBO," 1963 Unimog 404.1-S "The Caterpiller," 1968 Porsche 911L, Series 109" Project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) Tournament Registration Open Date: 25 May 1998 00:46:03 -0700 The registration for a Hornet 2 Tournament to be held June 13 is now open. Check out the details at: Dale ******************************************************* Callsign: Skyfighters/Hornet - Dale, Warbirds - cdb- ICQ# 3351618 Home Page: Visit the Cyber Wings of the World To join the CWW (Mac) or FSCombat (PC) listserver: #macflightsims - #fscombat, all on Dalnet ******************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dale Subject: (cww) About Rhapsody Date: 31 May 1998 15:11:17 -0700 For those of you that are curious about Rhapsody and what is being done, the following comes from a mailing list on the subject >Resent-Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 16:24:06 -0400 (EDT) >X-Sender: >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:16:59 +0200 >To: >From: Raven Zachary >Subject: The RhapsodyOS Report #18 [31-MAY-98] >Resent-From: >X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/20 >X-Loop: >Precedence: list >Resent-Sender: > >============================ >The RhapsodyOS Report >Issue #18 / 31 May 1998 >============================ > >The RhapsodyOS Report is a free weekly summary of Rhapsody, MacOS X, and >Yellow Box news, software releases, rumors, Internet resources and related >topics compiled by Raven Zachary . > >SUBSCRIBE TO THE EMAIL VERSION TODAY! Many of you access The RhapsodyOS >Report every week via the web and newsgroups. Subscribe to the email >version and have it automatically delivered to you hours earlier. To >subscribe, email . Please include >the word subscribe in the subject of the message. > >THE RHAPSODYOS REPORT INCREASES COVERAGE. Starting with Issue #16, we have >added MacOS X coverage. Rhapsody and Yellow Box will continue to be our >primary focus but as we get closer to a release of MacOS X, our priorities >may shift. > >THIS WEEK'S NEWS >------------------------- > >MAY BANG MEETING OVERVIEW. At the Bay Area NeXT Group's (BANG) May meeting >in Cupertino, the topic was "MacOS X: When they say Think Different, they >mean REALLY Different! ". Ernest Prabhakar, Apple's Rhapsody Product >Marketing Manager, was in attendance and stated once again that MacOS X >will include a BSD layer, although it would be hidden from the user. >Yellow Box will continue to grow and evolve. Several people used the >meeting as a platform to complain about the discontinuation of Rhapsody >for Intel past v1.0. > >RED BOX FOR RHAPSODY PROJECT. In a recent issue of The RhapsodyOS Report, >we mentioned an x86 emulator for UNIX systems called BOCHS. We have >contacted the project leader and he is open to the possibility of having >BOCHS ported to Rhapsody (both PowerPC and Intel). The RhapsodyOS Report >would like to find someone in the Rhapsody developer community who would >be willing to champion this project and organize a development team to >bring a low-cost (possibly free) x86 emulator to Rhapsody, allowing for >Windows and Intel-based UNIX operating systems such as Linux to run within >Rhapsody. Please send an email to if you are interested >in organizing the development team. > >RHAPSODY.IT ADDS ENGLISH COVERAGE, NEW REPORTS., the premier >Italian site for Rhapsody, has now added English language coverage as well >as new special reports on DR2 and Blue Box benchmarks. Visit >. > >VERSION TRACKER FOR RHAPSODY. The popular Macintosh web site which tracks >new software releases has expanded to include a site for Rhapsody at >. [NOTE: This site >has also been added to the Rhapsody Internet Resources section below.] > >REPRINT - RHAPSODY ADMINISTRATION MAILING LIST CREATED. OmniGroup has >created a Rhapsody administration mailing list. This list is dedicated to >Rhapsody administration issues, including installation problems with DR2. >To join the list, send an email to with >"subscribe rhapsody-admin yourfirstname yourlastname" in the body of the >message. [NOTE: Due to a typo in the subscribe information last week, we >are reprinting the item with the correct information.] > >ARTICLES >----------- > >Apple in Rhapsody Over its NT Challenge >Garth Montgomery / The Australian > > >Apple's Rhapsody Now Hums a Different Tune >Don Crabb / Chicago Sun-Times > > >Apple to Adopt Hybrid Imaging Model >Rebecca Gulick / MacWeek > > >Back To Object School >Andrew Stone / > > >Installing DR2 on the PowerBook 3400 and First Generation PowerBook G3s >David Herren / Stepwise > > >Mac OS X Support >Brian J. Matis / self-published > > >SOFTWARE RELEASES >------------------ > >CLIView v1.0 >Command line interview application >Philippe Mougin > >Intel > >CommuniGate Pro v2.1b2 >SMTP/POP/IMAP mail server >Stalker Software > >PowerPC DR2 > >GraphiClock v1.0 >Graphic clock >Rick Sanford >ar.gz> >PowerPC DR2 > >HTTPS v1.03 bundle for OmniWeb 3.x >Ability to support SSL connections in OmniWeb >Juergen Moellenhoff > >PowerPC and Intel > >Mesa v3.0b3 >Spreadsheet >P & L Systems > >PowerPC DR2 > >OpenUp v1.7DR2 >Decompression/compression tool >Scott Anguish > >PowerPC and Intel DR2 > >SSLeay Framework v0.9.0 >Framework for the cryptographic library SSLeay >Juergen Moellenhoff >.b.tar.gz> >PowerPC and Intel DR2 > >THE RUMOR CRITIC >---------------- > >MAC OS X KERNEL TO BE A MAJOR EVOLUTION? According to MacOS Rumors, the >kernel under development for MacOS X next year is a major evolution. The >MacOS X kernel, currently named Mach B3.0A1, will utilize mostly Mach 3.0 >code from Apple and OSF, but will also include some of the Mach 4.0 >project's work and another unnamed kernel project. We can expect this new >kernel to provide exceptional performance for MacOS X and beyond. > >INTERNET RESOURCES >------------------- > >WWW: > >The RhapsodyOS Report > > >Stepwise > > >RhapNet > > > > > >MacCentral: Rhapsody Roundup > > >Stone Design's Dev Corner > > >The Rhapsody on Intel Advocacy Site > > >Version Tracker for Rhapsody > > >The Rhapsody User > > >MacOS Rumors > > >MacWeek > > >thessaSOURCE > > >The Macintosh News Network > > >MacInTouch > > >Apple's Rhapsody Developer Site > > > [NOTE: Mostly Italian content.] > > >MacGadget [NOTE: In German.] > > >FTP: > >PEAK > > > >Peanuts > > >Apple's Rhapsody FTP Developer Site > > >Mailing Lists: > >The RhapsodyOS Report > >(subject or body) subscribe > >Rhapsody-Talk > >(body) subscribe rhapsody-talk firstname lastname > >Rhapsody Discussion > > >Rhapsody-Administration >[NOTE: Rhapsody administration and installation issues.] > >(body) subscribe rhapsody-admin firstname lastname > >Rhaptel-Advocacy >[NOTE: Support Rhapsody for Intel!] > >(body) subscribe rhaptel > >OpenStep/WebObjects Newsletter >[NOTE: Covers Rhapsody, as well.] > >(body) subsingle > >Rhapsody Developers > >subscribe rhapsody-dev firstname lastname > >Rhapsody User Interface Discussion > >(subject) subscribe > >Rhapsody Database Discussion > >(subject) subscribe > >WebObjects Discussion > >(body) subscribe webobjects firstname lastname > >Rhapsody Jobs Mailing List > >(body) subscribe rhapjobs > >Newsgroups: > >USENET > >[Note: There are several NeXT newsgroups but only the three below are >getting Rhapsody traffic. Until Apple releases a product name for their >new operating system and new newsgroups are created, the NeXT groups will >be the best source for information.] > > > > > >comp.sys.mac.advocacy > >USENET II > >net.computers.os.unix.rhapsody > >IRC: > >#RhapsodyOS >on any EFNet IRC Server > >ABOUT THE RHAPSODY REPORT >-------------------------- > >The RhapsodyOS Report is a free weekly summary of Rhapsody, MacOS X, and >Yellow Box news, software releases, rumors, Internet resources and related >topics compiled by Raven Zachary . > >The RhapsodyOS Report. Copyright 1998, Raven Zachary. All rights reserved. > >As a subscriber to this list, you will recieve The RhapsodyOS Report once >per week. For those of you with filtering email programs, the sender >(From:) will be > >TO SUBSCRIBE: To subscribe, please email >. Please include the word >subscribe in the subject of the message. > >TO UNSUBSCRIBE: To unsubscribe to the list, please send an email to > with the word unsubscribe in the >subject of the message. IMPORTANT: You must send the unsubscribe request >for the same email account that you used to subscribe to the list. > >PROBLEMS WITH UNSUBSCRIBING: If you have followed the above instructions >and still cannot unsubscribe from the list, please email > including the address you subscribed from. > >CONTRIBUTIONS: Please send all contributions to . >Contributors will be given credit for their information unless anonymity >is specifically requested. Please source whenever possible. Unsourced >information will be listed in The Rumor Critic section. > >REPRINT REQUESTS: To receive reprint permission, please contact The >RhapsodyOS Report . Please feel free to forward full >issues on to friends and associates. > >DISCLAIMER: The RhapsodyOS Report is the product of Raven Zachary > and The RhapsodyOS Report Editorial Board, although the >copyright remains the ownership of Raven Zachary. Items are reprinted to >and from with permission. The RhapsodyOS Report does not >guarantee the accuracy of information published. The RhapsodyOS Report >does not express or imply endorsement of any businesses or services >mentioned in this publication. The RhapsodyOS Report comments are >indicated as [NOTE: ]. Publication, product, and company names may be >registered trademarks of their companies. All trademarks used in The >RhapsodyOS Report are for informational purposes only and to the benefit >of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringing on that trademark. > >CREDITS: Mara Collins for editing services. The Nerve Internet Service for >providing our mailing list. for continued support. > >BACK ISSUES: Current and Back Issues of The RhapsodyOS Report are >available online at . > >NEXT ISSUE: Issue #19 of The RhapsodyOS Report will be published on >Sunday, 6 June 1998. > > > > >This list is hosted by The Nerve Internet Service. >Visit for information. > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Oz Trad Subject: (cww) 3Dfx Frame grab Date: 31 May 1998 21:12:51 -0700 Greetings, Anyone know how to do a 3Dfx frame grab? I myself dont have a 3Dfx card but some of my squaddies do. A frame grab using 'snapz pro' just takes a black screen. Any ideas anyone? Major Oz 'Kahuna' Trad, Information Officer VMFA-323rd Cougars, "We Fight as One"