From: Decor Delights Subject: Web Page updated Date: 13 Mar 1997 08:33:35 -0700 (MST) This update was supposed to go out on the 10th, I have been having neverending troubles with my e-mail list and I apologize if you have received this update already. Happy 1st Birthday Decor Delights 3 new book review, 2 new pattern packets Paint until you faint. Thanks for your support! To remove you name from this e-mail list send e-mail to: and include in the BODY (not the subject) unsubscribe decor_delights ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Decor Delights Subject: Small web page update Date: 31 Mar 1997 09:24:31 -0700 (MST) Hi to all Decor Delights update list members! If you have received this e-mail in error, I apologize, my majordomo list on my provider has been spammed with phony addresses. Please send me an unsubscribe if you would like your name removed. Okay, on with the update: I finally got SJBrunners photos of her wonderful wood products up! They are located under Tole Shops in Cyberspace, the name of her business is South Bay Wood Designs. Click on the product number to see the actual wood piece. Free Pattern - Doni's bunny pin and a link to her painting site, thank you Doni! Lots of new links Home Studios - updated Please join us for some fun painting chats on irc (internet relay chat) on Fridays at Noon Eastern and 10pm Eastern time. We are on any DAL.NET server, join us in the room called #toletalk. Thank you! Paint until you faint. Thanks for your support! To remove your name from this list send e-mail to: and include in the BODY (not the subject) unsubscribe decor_delights