From: (dr-digest) To: Subject: dr-digest V1 #149 Reply-To: dr-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk dr-digest Tuesday, May 23 2000 Volume 01 : Number 149 (dr) for sale: rack for 250/350 (dr) 2000 DR650 mods (dr) Lower fork brace RE: (dr) popping on deceleration RE: (dr) Lower fork brace Re: (dr) 2000 DR650 mods RE: (dr) Lower fork brace (dr) Devil's Creek Update (dr) Fork brace... (dr) Hatfield and McCoy Trail ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 15:09:24 -0700 From: "Doug B" Subject: (dr) for sale: rack for 250/350 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01BFC3FF.B78840A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have a rear rack for sale, see the photo at Price $40.00+shipping Email me off list if you are interested. Doug - ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01BFC3FF.B78840A0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="winmail.dat" eJ8+IhgWAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANAHBQAWAA8ACQAAAAEACwEB A5AGAEQMAAAlAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAB4AcAAB AAAAGwAAAGZvciBzYWxlOiByYWNrIGZvciAyNTAvMzUwAAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABv8QwTcZ5v4Y5 L+gR1KtFAKDMWhwvAAACAR0MAQAAABcAAABTTVRQOkRCUkFHR0BTRUFUQUMuTkVUAAALAAEOAAAA AEAABg4AJtRUOsS/AQIBCg4BAAAAGAAAAAAAAADLsrXIUSjUEatFAKDMWhwvwoAAAAsAHw4BAAAA AgEJEAEAAADuBwAA6gcAANASAABMWkZ1xVxxNgMACgByY3BnMTI1cjIMYGMxAzABBwtgbpEOEDAz Mw8WZmUPkk8B9wKkA2MCAGNoCsBzhGV0AtFwcnEyAACSKgqhbm8SUCAwAdCFAdA2D6AwNTA0FCHz AdAUEDR9B20CgwBQA9T7Ef8TC2IT4RRQE7IY9BTQkwcTAoMyOBGOMjMaYUUXciAHbSBDRRoEOU8a fxRAG68ctXlyAoMzcxYxEawxNhYxHv8Dgkf9CdFrIHQOUCD/JDEiPwOCnlQIcCB0D8AkXjc3JX8h HLQoSGViCXB3Kf8gdB7BJ64bnym2BxABoA3gZSqVNSsfODYsTxy0Qv0HQHQN4CB0L8EWbBt4BxP9 HQYzKKEyPR63M7UgVh2R/xZsIegztCOIFFA3TyVXM7S9JuY0Fj8oiDO0Kis0JDH3PM4zPC27NCdx N20vtzO0VzFGApEI5jsJbzBFv2X9DjA1RupIAUe/SMlG1Ejy/0dfSy9K7UpvSJ9G7xBgGlD/ULpR 0VGPUplG1FLCUS9U/+9UvVQ/Um9WNDkOUFmEWuGHUwNa4AKCc3R5bAeQKmgJ4HQAAHEDIWxpDwFA BRABQAPwZGN0bHsKsQBgcwqwXiAW4F5ibgR1bQIAYWF1dG8xAGBkanVcUAUQZ2hedF2BCgFdUAoB aQGQcP4wAzE8kgwBD1cQGAjQCcBzXeBiI25wYnlkFAMwc/huZXgXMAewBbAAwAJzuRMQY3MPkAMw X+BkYUB0aXYTgEQBEF+QMWAgGlAKwGEJwGFgaCBGGwIhXBMxLpBdEmZpLT0PkDhg0mnTXZwqUGRy zwlQa3IWoGtydzRQIRcA/nAB0GbRXo9fn2CmadNhT/diX2NvZH5ibTAJgAIgcHHPZWNpMGfwYKF0 LWiQA2EKOjAwb3YwU3ViagUFkHR2MERhdGU6/2jkL8Bpb2p/a49sn22vbr//b8xcoH0wC4AOEnBx DDBwpD8OUHEvcj9zT3RfdWdSZftnUBcBICowfTAEkGjkKKD/d/95D3ofey98PghgXhALgPZlXIBn UGwBQH0/fk9/VJYwj3AI0GIKsHQ4f+j9cQYyHsAQFpExgeQTUBdw+G9vZoI/g0+EV5AAhXB5C1B5 L2igidALEYXlc/9o5Bpght+H74j/ig98P40P/2/PcN+Bb5MvlD+VT5ZSdlL/dfR3KR2QXR9eL5wf YE+eZP2Pszmer5+/oM+h34RIquC4RG9jqCAJ8AVATZ5w72Y2mxNnBqsHYwBArqhmsj+nYIWhAiAz 4VxABaBtcO0TYkUAwAMQU1xiAdBcE/4yAFCl/6cPqB+pL55vq8/frN+t74QLtfC00C208gYA67lg tAB0CHBlsLcwILFpz2fAsoHBMbLpSHmzsboBFyPBZkNF0HYCUSB7VevDoBNQdxXRfbbSxPC3EPuZ wQGAbnawAGAJ8GcAsABNkmF4C2ACQG95CfBc/WWAcFygACALkBNQZ8GZwJ+3kADhAjACYACAYmQM MHsTUQqwYwEQBbDCAcoBbVF/MmVcaAWwesaiZLJnAMByZwuBy4BoybPzL6ABQWd2zEnLAblgneGc NzAAUMzRzcU5OB7A+8wSywB3zlPPhHbAx7AAcF8LMMahXGCzsA5QdgiQd/prC4BkHsDRggTwB0AQ YX8BQA4AmZJcsLjw0uUCEG/3uZC3kJXgdMUAjFHF8tR3/7mAAMC4sLeQkmHJILmAuPH/CTK5IIxw AlAHQAuQ14ECUb/R0bZQ1IDScbcQAmB32EOfAlEAIAnAtlDGIHJryiF/seIXIRLyd0C0gMcRE4BD qDpcXHWAb2hBbWiQ9wMQB5DbwE0N4ANgs+ABgNwgTwEgDeDK4Fzddg+T68eQtPIuhCB0xUAXELcQ /5ZwufJlgAFAxnHWgASQyuB/34KMQrySMfABQN+DZ5Rjj8SBEwIAgAWQbHZsAFD/uDEFALhg4xEB kAAg45LR0f+wQQHB4wEW4A9wAAC4MAzQ+QGQIC7D1OMWDlDjsshh9+Qf5S/mP2wPwLgwBYHn7/vo /+oPbB7AuDDYsOe/7H997YQp5nwukOtP8C/tZGL/KhACkfFP40MvwO7/87/0z//13+NwKKD3IuP/ +I/5n+Z8/xpg9y/8r/2//s/jcB2Q+6//AT8CTwNUCvm2QLYvtz+4T3+5X7pvu3+8j72bRRGyVkn+ IBbgZ1HtwEXQCiASYM0gpGsgygEgc9KBLBNAaUZAIHRcsCAKoNQgb08SQGfgFfLRkGxkF7JmHxUg qeBcUBEqheBZUEWAUkxJTksgIkUCg7JWDFB0cDovL7AwpG1iltEuYdZgLrRhNRd6L4QgddOwWtA2 ObIvEsIuatOgF3oiFLLrspLi0mR3MGEU83/hqeABv3A3IADQyep5APm6zhGMggCqQABLqQsCAB9Q F0UfUSofUWgAdCARcBAAOgAvIJFtAGUFINFiIPFyAHMALkAAYQBvAGwhsWMXIfEg4CCgZCHxdQBn wSExMQA5ADYjkSCg1yGAIeAiYGshsWogUSNA9R9Q4B5dVB/fIO8h/yMP/yQfH1BE8C5CFSA4AGfR ETP/0WDCBRg/GUks5xpfG2FE83kWNw0KCCIx1nWByeAgKiQ54C6PcCvKoGlwrnB/cTHstOMgsDAg ksCsZiAJMBXRaTWgeYwQfxJARdA2AAeQ4LEV0EXgLr8x7K/wL/AXejHlRPAAOfAAAAsAAYAIIAYA AAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAAOFAAAAAAAAAwAQgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAUoUAACdqAQAe ABKACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAABUhQAAAQAAAAQAAAA5LjAAHgATgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAA AEYAAAAANoUAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAAAB4AFIAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADeFAAABAAAAAQAA AAAAAAAeABWACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAA4hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAACwAWgAggBgAAAAAA wAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAgoUAAAEAAAALAEOACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAOhQAAAAAAAAMARYAI IAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABCFAAAAAAAAAwBGgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAEYUAAAAA AAADAEeACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAYhQAAAAAAAAMAW4AIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAA AAGFAAAAAAAACwBsgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAABoUAAAAAAAACAfgPAQAAABAAAADLsrXI USjUEatFAKDMWhwvAgH6DwEAAAAQAAAAy7K1yFEo1BGrRQCgzFocLwIB+w8BAAAAggAAAAAAAAA4 obsQBeUQGqG7CAArKlbCAABQU1RQUlguRExMAAAAAAAAAABOSVRB+b+4AQCqADfZbgAAAEM6XFdJ TkRPV1NcTG9jYWwgU2V0dGluZ3NcQXBwbGljYXRpb24gRGF0YVxNaWNyb3NvZnRcT3V0bG9va1xv dXRsb29rLnBzdAAAAAMA/g8FAAAAAwANNP03AAACAX8AAQAAADEAAAA8TkVCQktMRUZNTEJDSEpK Q0VOQUhNRU1GQ0FBQS5kYnJhZ2dAc2VhdGFjLm5ldD4AAAAAAwAGEMRqHu4DAAcQpwAAAAMAEBAA AAAAAwAREAAAAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABJSEFWRUFSRUFSUkFDS0ZPUlNBTEUsU0VFVEhFUEhPVE9B VEhUVFA6Ly9NRU1CRVJTQU9MQ09NL0RPVUdCMTk2OS9SQUNLSlBHPEhUVFA6Ly9NRU1CRVJTQU9M Q09NL0RPVUdCAAAAACT0 - ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01BFC3FF.B78840A0-- - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 18:43:33 EDT From: Subject: (dr) 2000 DR650 mods Thanks Chris for reinforcing what I've heard about the Russel steel brake lines. They'll be my next project. Yes, the airbox on the DRs is restrictive. I didn't notice it got a lot noisier on my 650 when I liberated it but it sure ran better. I did open the exhaust a little too though and that might be masking it. I started out with a Supertrapp IDS exhaust, and removed the airbox lid. I then followed the Dynotech recommendations for stage two jetting for the kit I ordered from them. We used their needle which is actually tapered compared to the DR's rounder profile, turned the screw out and went from the 140 to a 170 main jet. Everything started good, idled good and ran so-so. I then started adding discs to the IDS Supertrapp and got to 14 and found it was running better although it still felt a little rich and a plug check confirmed this. I then put in a K&N air filter and it really came alive. It was like I'd unplugged it. More air flow does wonders. She flat scats. Jerry - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 18:54:27 -0400 From: "William C. Mitchell" Subject: (dr) Lower fork brace Does anyone know where to get a decent price on the Summers Racing lower fork brace? Jesse? BTW, I ordered links from Norm Kouba, nice guy. Bill Mitchell 98 DR350SE - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 15:56:17 -0700 From: "Jesse Kientz" Subject: RE: (dr) popping on deceleration HI Chris, I would still recommend going to the fourth groove down on the needle clip with your present setup. The popping indicates a lean condition. Regards, Jesse Kientz - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Chris &/or Sheila Beauchemin Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 12:10 PM To: DR list Subject: (dr) popping on deceleration I finally installed the JX needle & spring, cut open the airbox and installed a Unifilter (WOW - what a difference). The only minor complaint is that the popping on closed throttle deceleration seems a little more noticeable. Will that be a function of the needle position or the pilot jet? Thumper Racing told me to use the third groove from the top (which I did). I know that Jesse recommends the fourth groove from the top when using the Vortex, so the Thumper recommendation sounds correct. I'm saving up for the Vortex next, but in the meantime I'd like to get this DR350SE running perfectly. Settings: stock muffler, no jetting changes, pilot adjustment screw is 2 turns out. I'm now more convinced than ever that the stock airbox is so restrictive simply for noise reduction. Thanks, Chris - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 19:55:40 -0400 From: "William C. Mitchell" Subject: RE: (dr) Lower fork brace >Hi Bill, great Norm is good people, Do you need a spring? > >Regards, >Jesse Kientz > > >Does anyone know where to get a decent price on the Summers Racing lower >fork brace? Jesse? BTW, I ordered links from Norm Kouba, nice guy. > >Bill Mitchell >98 DR350SE Hi Jesse, I need an 8.1kg Eibach for two up trail riding. I hope it won't be a back breaker when riding solo. Norm said he didn't have one and that you might. When I saw the price of the Summers fork brace I almost choked. That's what I really need now. So unless I can find better prices I'm going to have to spread out my purchases. Bill Mitchell - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 18:55:39 -0600 From: "Kurt Simpson" Subject: Re: (dr) 2000 DR650 mods > confirmed this. I then put in a K&N air filter and it really came alive. It > was like I'd unplugged it. More air flow does wonders. She flat scats. ahh, just the man I was looking for...I'm putting the DSN project DR650 bike together and when it came to the K & N I came to a screeching there didn't appear to be any way to secure it to the stock box. Did I throw away a piece that was in the box? The stock air cleaner is retained by a nylon piece that has a pointed tip that is a slip fit into the top of the foam cleaner cage, the other end attaches via a bolt to the inside of the box. The top of my K & N is sealed with a ridge running through the middle but no hole to receive a slip fit nylon piece. Can you help me my man? Kurt BTW, the new Dual Star centerstand is a dream come true, terrific construction and finish like everything Mike does. You just remove the 4 bolts securing the footpegs, slip the stand on, put some blue locktite on and torque them to 39 Newton and you're all set. A perfect fit. My rear wheel is a good 2 inches off the ground. - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 19:18:01 -0700 From: "Jesse Kientz" Subject: RE: (dr) Lower fork brace Hi Bill, I will get one on order and try to have it drop shipped to you if I have an address to send it to. they are $85.00 plus shipping $8.00 (they are heavy). let me Know my phone no is 541-472-0835 and I am in Grants Pass OR Regards, Jesse Kientz - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of William C. Mitchell Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 4:56 PM To: Subject: RE: (dr) Lower fork brace >Hi Bill, great Norm is good people, Do you need a spring? > >Regards, >Jesse Kientz > > >Does anyone know where to get a decent price on the Summers Racing lower >fork brace? Jesse? BTW, I ordered links from Norm Kouba, nice guy. > >Bill Mitchell >98 DR350SE Hi Jesse, I need an 8.1kg Eibach for two up trail riding. I hope it won't be a back breaker when riding solo. Norm said he didn't have one and that you might. When I saw the price of the Summers fork brace I almost choked. That's what I really need now. So unless I can find better prices I'm going to have to spread out my purchases. Bill Mitchell - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 12:49:38 -0400 From: "SWAMPY!" Subject: (dr) Devil's Creek Update Just got back from doing the route sheet for the second half of the Sunday ride. Man it's dry in the swamp! Anyhoo, It was a blast! Add a little rain, mix it up and get some mud and fill in some of the low parts with water and it'll be near perfect! And this is just the second half of the ride! Still gotta do the first half and the alternate section! Ran across some logging going on in one of the sections down by the firetower off Goat Rd. I've never seen them log there before. I must say, those logging trucks are tearing up Goat Rd even though they've reinforced a few areas with limestone. Other than that, rustled up a few quail, a couple deer, and a few armadillos. It was a nice morning and I'm home by noon! For more info on the Devil's Creek Dual Sport Weekend go to Swampy - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 13:16:51 EDT From: Subject: (dr) Fork brace... Norm, you had something to share about a fork brace... some horror story of them being able to slip down.. catching the front knobby... causing an instant horrific end over end crash? Guy - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 15:46:47 -0000 From: "Mark Sampson" Subject: (dr) Hatfield and McCoy Trail Hello guys!!! I am requesting info on the proposed (and I believe open now) Hatfield and McCoy Trail that is to go thru several states and be hundreds of miles long. Any info would be appreciated including phone# contacts, e-mail addresses or websites. I am very interested in riding this area someday and want to find out all I can before I go there---it is a long way from my house!!! Thanks!!!! Mark Sampson 2000 Suzuki DRZ400S 1999 Yamaha TTR250 (to old to kick) 1997 BMW F650 (Little Red) 1989 Honda Transalp--the bike that almost does it all!!!!!!! All GPS equipped of course!!! - - to unsubscribe to dr, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe dr" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------ End of dr-digest V1 #149 ************************ - To unsubscribe to $LIST, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe $LIST" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.