From: (dr350-digest) To: Subject: dr350-digest V1 #111 Reply-To: dr350-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk dr350-digest Sunday, July 25 1999 Volume 01 : Number 111 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 14:36:07 -0700 From: jessekientz Subject: (dr350) Re: Kevin ,you are correct there is one ring on top of another you must loosen the top one first and back it off 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch so it is out of the way of the bottom ring that was under it. then support the bike so that the back wheel is of the ground then measure from the center of the rear axle up to a rear section of the side cover and make a mark at 20 inches this is your base line now rotate the ring on top of the shock spring clockwise so it is compressing the spring, theoretically you want to be able to stand on the pegs with all your gear on with someone supporting the bike. retake the measurement and have it be17and1/2 inches, 2 and 1/2 inches of sag. depending on your weight and the spring you may not achieve this measurement. get back to me if you have any questions. Jesse kevin albrecht wrote: > I'm trying to install the kouba link. > Where do I adjust the sag? > Is it the ring on top of the spring? > > any help would be greatly appreciated! > kevin dr350se > > Visit dr350 archives at > Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. Visit dr350 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 15:44:38 -0700 From: Subject: Re: (dr350) New Member David, I was out in Nevada a couple of years ago and met a man form Germany who was doing just what you plan. He made it as far as Nevada with no troubles and he thought that he couldn't have chosen a better bike David Heverin (2) 1990 DR350 Visit dr350 archives at Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 00:19:46 +0100 From: "ThunderSUB" Subject: (dr350) Acerbis tank / Exhaust / WB Products / DirtBike Mag / Wheelies / Valve Hi guys, I need you help. I just bought a used Acerbis tank (is this thing huge...). It's a bit scratched but it will do the trick. It costed me 1/3 of the regular price. I have some questions about it : 1. It has 2 fuel valves, one in each side of the tank. Will I have to use a Y fuel line connector, then use a single fuel line to the carb ? 2. Fit is not as perfect as I imagined... I think the previous owner didn't give me all the parts needed to install the tank because it has 2 U-holes in its inner side that are probably meant to fit / hold to something in the frame that I obviously don't have (did you understand what I meant ? Never mind my English...) 3. The stock tank is "attached" to the frame with two screws inside 2 rubber "parts"... My question is : Is these 2 rubber parts needed with the Acerbis tank ? Can I use the stock screws ? 4. Anyone here has an Acerbis tank ? - --- // --- The arrow full system ( that I had ordered is no longer made for the DR, only the slip-on so I cancelled the order. I ordered the WB catalogue, the catalog is huge ! I am considering ordering a WB Megalloy Exhaust (P/N 08-170) with a Supertrapp Spark Arrestor (P/N 10-905). Anyone here has this slip-on ? What's your experience ? What about the WB Performance Header Pipe (P/N 01-169) ? Has anyone tried it ? Noise is not an issue where I usually ride. Which is the best slip-on (power increase) for the DR ? Has anyone tried the WB 4-Stroke "Power UP" Performance Kits ? They have one to the DR S that includes a rebore to 377 cm, a pumper carb, cam, etc... and they claim a 5.0 HP increase for $780.00 - --- // --- I finally got my hands on an issue of Dirt Bike Magazine ! July issue, great mag ! It features a comparison test between the DR (R model), XR250, KLX300 and Yamaha TT250R. Overall conclusion : The DR was their last choice... they liked the engine and carburation but they said the frame and swingarm need an update quick, they flex too much and the bike's suspension is just "decent" in their opinion. You US DR riders are so lucky ! If WB had a dealer in Portugal, I would have the trickiest and most powerful DR around ! - --- // --- Speaking of power, I finally learned how to really wheelie ! I lift it up in second gear and sometimes (depends on balance) I am able to go all the way to 5th gear ! About wheelies and their consequences to the bike's engine/forks/frame reliability... I lift it up in second without the clutch (on power alone) so I guess no harm is done to the engine (am I right ?)... However, I change gears (3rd, 4th, 5th) without using the clutch , I just back off the throttle a little and go up one gear. I tried to use the clutch but the front looses altitude and I loose the balance. My question is, do clutchless gear-up changes harm the gearbox ? So far the only thing I noticed is that chain slack is increasing but I am doing over 50 wheelies a day... I have been doing clutchless gear changes in my streetbikes for years and never had gearbox problems so I guess this is ok... Sometimes I get it up so high that I almost flip it, so I have use the rear brake forcing the front to come down rather violently, do this harm the forks or the fork seals ? What about the steering bearings ? My bike is becoming more difficult to steer, so this might be the time to replace/lube the steering bearings... - --- // --- How do I know when it's time to check the valve clearance and condition ? Is there any engine noise that is a symptom of need of valve adjustment ? Thank you all for your help ! ThunderSUB (Claudio) Lisbon, Portugal ttp:// ICQ# [3072424] * 1982 Honda Dax 70 * 1993 Suzuki DR350S * 1999 Yamaha YZF-R1 #Visit dr350 archives at #Subscribe to Dual Sport News...write to for info. Unsubscribe by sending message to Leave subject blank body message unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ End of dr350-digest V1 #111 ***************************