From: (dr350-digest) To: Subject: dr350-digest V1 #203 Reply-To: dr350-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk dr350-digest Tuesday, November 23 1999 Volume 01 : Number 203 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 01:44:01 -0000 From: "ThunderSUB" Subject: (dr350) Rebore and new piston... is it really needed another 600 mile break-in ? Hi guys, I have recently "upgraded" my DR350S with a Wiseco 82 mm piston, rings and cylinder rebore. I guess my engine is now a 377 cc. I have also replaced the stock gaskets with Wiseco one's, new valve seats, new "crankshaft" chain & tensor (never mind my english about these two items...) and the local tuner also "polished the admission" (then again, never mind my english...). The bike feels a lot stronger at low revs. The local tuner told me to do a 600 mile break-in. So far, I have done 300 miles @ the street. Riding the DR with full knobby tires in tarmac is a pain... Next weekend I will have a great ride and I would like to use full throttle in some trails if needed. If I change the oil and filter, is 300 miles a too short mileage to start using full throttle since the piston is new and the cylinder was recently rebored ? My opinion is, as most of the engine internals remains the same, probably a 300 mile break-in period would be sufficient. What do you guys think ? Will it harm my engine reliability and future oil consuption if I start using full throttle with just 300 miles ? Thanks in advance 1 ThunderSUB (Claudio) Lisbon, Portugal ICQ# [3072424] * 1982 Honda Dax 70 * 1993 Suzuki DR377 S * 1999 Yamaha YZF-R1 Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 08:02:53 EST From: Subject: (dr350) Forest Trails Petition This link was sent along by James Maddux (Windrock ATV Club). It is an electronic petition which will be forwarded in January. The text of the petition appears below. Click on the link which follows to go directly to the signature page. Please pass this along to all your friends, we need all the signatures we can get. Thanks Mike A. Nashville ======================================= Forest Trails for All-Terrain Vehicles We, the undersigned, are appealing to our government for help in keeping our national lands open for those whose recreation involves riding off-road vehicles. Our cause for concern involves the potential exclusion to our sport, while allowing bicycles, hunters, and hikers to take advantage of the beauty of our American Forests. We feel that we are being discriminated against without just cause. Common sense tells us that there must be allowances for all recreationists. The trails allocated now are relatively well maintained in the National lands. As part of a growing group of power sport riders , we would appreciate your support in maintaining our rights and preserving our public domain for this recreational sport. =========================================== Click here: Petition : Forest Trails for All-Terrain Vehicles ( Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:50:56 -0600 From: Chris Tobey Subject: (dr350) Fork oil Hi all, I wanted to stiffen up my forks a little bit on my 99 DR350X. I was going to raise the level of the fork oil and the weight of the oil. Does anyone know what weight of oil I should use and how much I should raise it too? Thanks, Chris Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 08:55:49 -0800 From: jessekientz Subject: Re: (dr350) Fork oil I would not go any higher than 5" from the top, to stiffen up the front end you should go to stiffer springs I stock the Race Tech three spring kit which gives you a choice of 40kg/mm,43kg/mm, and 46kg/mm and goes for $85.00+ what it cost to ship it. Regards Jesse Chris Tobey wrote: > > Hi all, I wanted to stiffen up my forks a little bit on my 99 DR350X. I was > going to raise the level of the fork oil and the weight of the oil. Does > anyone know what weight of oil I should use and how much I should raise it > too? > > Thanks, Chris > > Support Dual Sport News with your subscription > Visit the dr350 archives at > Unsubscribe by sending a message to > Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 12:15:47 EST From: Subject: (dr350) Jesse ... Chris...forks... Jesse, Do you mean 5" from the top with the forks uncollapsed?..(still on the bike with the springs in... just the top caps off to pour the oil in)... which reminds me .. to drain the oil out I do have to remove the forks to get them upsidedown to dump it.. unlike a Honda I had with a drain hole??? thought of drilling my own so I could more easily play with fork oil heighths... Anyway.. never been thrilled with DR damper rod fork action... does the 99 DR have cartridge? is the oil heighth different? Thanks Jesse... Guy Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:47:57 -0800 From: Trail Rider Subject: Re: (dr350) Fork oil jessekientz wrote: > > I would not go any higher than 5" from the top, to stiffen up the front > end you should go to stiffer springs I stock the Race Tech three spring > kit which gives you a choice of 40kg/mm,43kg/mm, and 46kg/mm and goes > for $85.00+ what it cost to ship it. I bought the kit from Jesse and I installed the 43kg/mm with 20mm preload and I went with Race-Tech's recommended oil height. The bike can now take all the jumps that I have the guts enough to try (35' tabletop is the farthest) without bottoming. It's also still plush in the rocks, much easier to ride than a YZ250 I compared it against. I am 5'11" and weigh 180 lbs. w/o gear. - -- Scott Aldrich '98 Suzuki DR350SE '85 Honda CR125R '74 Yamaha DT125A Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:58:18 -0800 From: jessekientz Subject: Re: (dr350) Jesse ... Chris...forks... Hi Guy, to check and fill the forks they must be collaped then the fill measured amount done preferbly without the springs in them, my manual only goes to 96 but the dirt model has the cartrige forks that I believe are the same as the 98 and 99 drsemodels as well as the dirt models.and the level calls for 5.7" of oil in them. you have to remove them to get all the old oil out and tip them upside down and pump them until all the oil is out. Hope this helps. Jesse wrote: > > Jesse, > Do you mean 5" from the top with the forks uncollapsed?..(still on the > bike with the springs in... just the top caps off to pour the oil in)... > which reminds me .. to drain the oil out I do have to remove the forks to get > them upsidedown to dump it.. unlike a Honda I had with a drain hole??? > thought of drilling my own so I could more easily play with fork oil > heighths... Anyway.. never been thrilled with DR damper rod fork action... > does the 99 DR have cartridge? is the oil heighth different? > Thanks Jesse... > > Guy > > Support Dual Sport News with your subscription > Visit the dr350 archives at > Unsubscribe by sending a message to > Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:18:13 -0600 From: "Henry Etteldorf" Subject: Re: (dr350) Jesse ... Chris...forks... To adjust the oil height you can used a turkey baster or syringe and a plastic hose. Measure the oil height on the hose and insert into fork. Suck up the extra oil. - ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 11:15 AM Subject: (dr350) Jesse ... Chris...forks... > Jesse, > Do you mean 5" from the top with the forks uncollapsed?..(still on the > bike with the springs in... just the top caps off to pour the oil in)... > which reminds me .. to drain the oil out I do have to remove the forks to get > them upsidedown to dump it.. unlike a Honda I had with a drain hole??? > thought of drilling my own so I could more easily play with fork oil > heighths... Anyway.. never been thrilled with DR damper rod fork action... > does the 99 DR have cartridge? is the oil heighth different? > Thanks Jesse... > > Guy > > Support Dual Sport News with your subscription > Visit the dr350 archives at > Unsubscribe by sending a message to > Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:59:38 -0800 From: jessekientz Subject: Re: (dr350) Jesse ... Chris...forks... You got it Henry, thats exactly how to do it. Regards Jesse Henry Etteldorf wrote: > > To adjust the oil height you can used a turkey baster or syringe and a > plastic hose. Measure the oil height on the hose and insert into fork. > Suck up the extra oil. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 11:15 AM > Subject: (dr350) Jesse ... Chris...forks... > > > Jesse, > > Do you mean 5" from the top with the forks uncollapsed?..(still on > the > > bike with the springs in... just the top caps off to pour the oil in)... > > which reminds me .. to drain the oil out I do have to remove the forks to > get > > them upsidedown to dump it.. unlike a Honda I had with a drain hole??? > > thought of drilling my own so I could more easily play with fork oil > > heighths... Anyway.. never been thrilled with DR damper rod fork action... > > does the 99 DR have cartridge? is the oil heighth different? > > Thanks Jesse... > > > > Guy > > > > Support Dual Sport News with your subscription > > > Visit the dr350 archives at > > > Unsubscribe by sending a message to > > Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). > > Support Dual Sport News with your subscription > Visit the dr350 archives at > Unsubscribe by sending a message to > Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 19:27:21 -0800 (PST) From: brandon mcclure Subject: Re: (dr350) Fork oil Jesse, Like Chris I also want more out of my dr 350. I just got a 96 DR 350, and it is in good shape. This is my first thumper, and i love it, but the suspension needs some tweeking. My last bike was a ktm 250 sx, and I'm 6ft 1in and 220lbs so needless to say the suspension is waaayyyy to soft. I'm dissapointed that the front forks do not have any compression adjustment, but older dr's did. Please help.... Thank you, Brandon - --- jessekientz wrote: > I would not go any higher than 5" from the top, to > stiffen up the front > end you should go to stiffer springs I stock the > Race Tech three spring > kit which gives you a choice of 40kg/mm,43kg/mm, and > 46kg/mm and goes > for $85.00+ what it cost to ship it. > > Regards Jesse > > Chris Tobey wrote: > > > > Hi all, I wanted to stiffen up my forks a little > bit on my 99 DR350X. I was > > going to raise the level of the fork oil and the > weight of the oil. Does > > anyone know what weight of oil I should use and > how much I should raise it > > too? > > > > Thanks, Chris > > > > Support Dual Sport News with your subscription > > > Visit the dr350 archives at > > > Unsubscribe by sending a message to > > > Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 > (or dr350-digest). > > Support Dual Sport News with your subscription > > Visit the dr350 archives at > > Unsubscribe by sending a message to > > Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 > (or dr350-digest). > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place. Yahoo! Shopping. Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ End of dr350-digest V1 #203 ***************************