From: (dr350-digest) To: Subject: dr350-digest V1 #231 Reply-To: dr350-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk dr350-digest Wednesday, December 29 1999 Volume 01 : Number 231 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 07:07:15 -0800 From: "Jesse Kientz" Subject: RE: (dr350) 99' main jet size? Hi Chris, A 140 is a good place to start,if you have a freer flowing exhaust it may be a little lean. You may have to drop the clip on the needle one notch to the fourth groove. If its too rich it will blubber with open throttle. The needle controls the mid throttle position so if its flat in that area this indicates that it needs to be richer. The clip adjustment will take care of this. The pilot is ok you may have to open the fuel screw a little like 1/4 to 1/2 turn, Hope this helps. Happy and safe trails in the year to come.....Jesse - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Chris Tobey Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 6:50 AM To: 350 mail list (E-mail) Subject: (dr350) 99' main jet size? Hi all, can anyone tell me what the main jet on the 99' dr350x with the pumper carb? My local dealer have told me it has a 135 and the one across town told me it had a 130. I cut the top out of my airbox and I'm trying to figure out what jet I need to order. I thought about a 140. Any input will be appreciated. Thanks Chris, Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 08:05:51 -0800 From: Jesse Wardlow Subject: (dr350) jet size I have a 93 DR 350 with no real mods to it. I have put a couple holes in the airbox for better flow and at one time had the Megaloy muffler on it. Actualy had two, broke both of them in nasty spills. So now I am back to the stock pipe and was wondering what is the best setting for the carb and jet sizes? __________________________ "Be Just and Fear Not" Jesse Wardlow Computer Maint. Tech. Rainier School District #13 Phone: 503.556.3777 Cell: 503.969.7972 (work) Cell: 503.969.8028 (personal) Fax: 503.336.3778 (work) (home) Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 18:04:03 EST From: Subject: (dr350) Need Help With DR350S 98' Fuel Problem My 98 DR350S has under 1000 Miles on it and it just started running like shit. I haven't done any modifications to the engine and these are the symptoms: Bike runs but won't maintain Idle even when Idle screw is adjusted and bike is warm. Spark plug is very carbonized indicating mixture too rich and oil smells of gas. The bike is basically fouling out. to get it to start again I have to Open the throttle all the way. I checked carb and cleaned and made no difference. I cleaned Air cleaner and spark plug and no difference. I did ride the bike hard the last time I rode in fact it was the first all day ride in it's life. My next guess is maybe something happened with the valve adjustment but I don't know? Maybe someone has had the same problem. Please let me know if you have the answer or guess? Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 15:30:15 -0800 From: "Jesse Kientz" Subject: RE: (dr350) Need Help With DR350S 98' Fuel Problem Hi Hammy, I had a similar call a short while back with the same symptoms. Your float valve in the carb is probably bypassing. to check this you remove the carb, remove the bowl,gently remove the float assembly. Now take the needle valve seat out of the carb body and inspect the o'ring on it, check it for a cut or a notch cut out of it. this would allow fuel to bypass around the needle valve and overfeed the engine with gas. Also check inside the seat for a piece of rubber o'ring or any debris,blow this area out with air as well as the carb body where the seat fits into. You can get a new o'ring from your local bike shop or a bearing supply house. If you find that it is damaged. To check it you can reassemble the carb making sure that the needle is properly seated into the seat and moves freely with the float. Now just hold the carb level and hook up the hose from the fuel petcock to the carb and move the selector to prime. You should not have any fuel come out of the carb overflow drain hose. this will save you from assembling the carb back on the bike and then taking it back off again if it still leaks. Good luck and get back to me if you have more questions. Regards ....Jesse - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 3:04 PM To: Subject: (dr350) Need Help With DR350S 98' Fuel Problem My 98 DR350S has under 1000 Miles on it and it just started running like shit. I haven't done any modifications to the engine and these are the symptoms: Bike runs but won't maintain Idle even when Idle screw is adjusted and bike is warm. Spark plug is very carbonized indicating mixture too rich and oil smells of gas. The bike is basically fouling out. to get it to start again I have to Open the throttle all the way. I checked carb and cleaned and made no difference. I cleaned Air cleaner and spark plug and no difference. I did ride the bike hard the last time I rode in fact it was the first all day ride in it's life. My next guess is maybe something happened with the valve adjustment but I don't know? Maybe someone has had the same problem. Please let me know if you have the answer or guess? Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 12:14:25 -0800 From: "Arne Larsen" Subject: (dr350) Y2K info Bill Haycock, webmaster for the KLR650 list web site passes this on. Click on "START". > > > > > > Click on "SETTINGS". > > > > > > Double click on "Control Panel". > > > > > > Double click on "Regional Settings" icon (look for > > > the little world globe), not the date and time icon. > > > > > > Click on the "Date" tab at the top of the page. > > > (last tab on the top right). > > > > > > Where it says, "Short Date Sample", look and see > > > if it shows a "two digit" year format ("YY"). > > > Unless you've previously changed it (and you > > > probably haven't) -- it will be set incorrectly > > > with just the two Y's. It needs to be four! > > > > > > That's because Microsoft made the 2 digits setting > > > the default setting for Windows 95, Windows 98 and > > > NT. This date format selected is the date that > > > Windows feeds *ALL* application software and will > > > not rollover into the year 2000. It will roll over > > > to the year 00. > > > > > > Click on the button across from "Short Date Style" > > > and select the option that shows, "mm/dd/yyyy" or > > > "m/d/yyyy". (Be sure your selection has four y's > > > showing, not just "mm/dd/yy). > > > > > > Then click on "Apply". > > > > > > Then click on "OK" at the button. > > > > > > Easy enough to fix. However, every "as > > > distributed" installation of Windows worldwide is > > > defaulted to fail Y2K rollover. Pass this along > > > to your PC buddies no matter how much of a guru > > > they think they are, this might be a welcome bit > > > of information! Support Dual Sport News with your subscription Visit the dr350 archives at Unsubscribe by sending a message to Leave subject blank, message is unsubscribe dr350 (or dr350-digest). ------------------------------ End of dr350-digest V1 #231 ***************************