From: (dr350-digest)
Subject: dr350-digest V1 #236
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dr350-digest Tuesday, January 4 2000 Volume 01 : Number 236
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 16:25:18 -0500
From: "jnugent" <>
Subject: (dr350) Yosh slip on White Bros header
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I was on the Yosh web site and found they offer a slip on for $229 . I =
was wondering if anyone had any experience
with this pipe. And if so will the White Bros head pipe work with it?
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I was on the Yosh web site and found =
they offer a=20
slip on for $229 . I was wondering if anyone had any =
with this pipe. And if so will the =
White Bros head=20
pipe work with it?
- ------=_NextPart_000_0017_01BF5607.1F6D9BA0--
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Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 13:45:37 -0800
From: "Jeff Corsaro"
Subject: Re: (dr350) Vent hose from carb?
You can cap off the vacuum tap on the carb with vinyl caps available at auto
parts stores. The vacuum tap, actuates the stock automatic fuel tap. If
your DR is a California model, you will also have to remove the carbon
canister and associated plumbing. I never had any problems with the vents
capped off.
Jeff Corsaro in San Diego
- ----- Original Message -----
To: 'dr350'
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 1:06 PM
Subject: (dr350) Vent hose from carb?
> I need some help! (with the DR for now, thanks anyway)!
> I bought a used IMS gas tank for my 98 DR350SE. My question is, my carb
> the vent and fuel line, the IMS tank has only the fuel line (I know you
> order the other shut off that has them both). But, do you have to use the
> vent and the other shut off? Or can you just block off the vent at the
> What does the vent do? How will it run short term / long term with it
> blocked off?
> Thanks
> Rod Carlile
> Bend, OR
> 98 Dr350SE, 85XR350, 85 V65 Sabre, 69 Z50 Honda!
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Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 17:01:29 -0500
From: "Doug Grosjean"
Subject: Re: (dr350) Vent hose from carb?
Rod asked:
<< I bought a used IMS gas tank for my 98 DR350SE.... My question
is, my carb has the vent and fuel line, the IMS tank has only the fuel
line But, do you have to use the vent and the other shut off? >>
Assuming that your 1998 is similar to my 1993 model - one line is a
fuel line. The other line is more properly called a vacum line.
<< Or can you just block off the vent at the carb? >>
You can block off the vacuum line at the carb, and simply use a manual
petcock instead of a vacuum activated petcock. That's the route that
I went on my Clarke tank. You'll need 3/16" rubber vacuum plugs, one.
They normally come in a pack of several at an auto parts store, and
you'll replace it periodically - they eventually crack and leak.
<< What does the vent do? >>
It supplies vacuum to a diaphragm on the petcock, automatically
opening the petcock when the engine is running.
<< How will it run short term / long term with it blocked off? >>
You'll have to remember to manually turn the fuel on and off, just
like any other dirt bike. No biggie.
However, if the vacuum plug on the vacuum port splits and falls off
(which it will eventually, so hang on to that packet of plugs), you
won't be able to start the bike - don't ask me how I know that - and
it also won't run very well at all. BIG vacuum leak....!
Doug Grosjean
Gr.8 Designs
Pemberville, Ohio
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Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 14:56:49 -0800 (PST)
From: john miller
Subject: Re: (dr350) Yosh slip on White Bros header
- --- jnugent <> wrote:
> I was on the Yosh web site and found they offer a
> slip on for $229 . I was wondering if anyone had any
> experience
> with this pipe. And if so will the White Bros head
> pipe work with it?
Be carefull as I had the same question as you on the
header pipe fitting. Best bet is to call the manufact
and ask them specifically.For instance my FMF exhuast
will not fit any header pipe except the FMF.Yosh makes
good products a friend has the yrd on his XR400 and no
compliants.Very throaty.FMF offers the powercore4 for
the same price as you stated above thats what I have
and I am very pleased with it.A bit loud when your "on
it" but no more than any other.
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Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 23:09:22 EST
Subject: (dr350) Changing Flats
I have not yet ever had to change a tire on the trail. I have only done it in
the comfort of my garage on a center stand.
How do you support the bike to remove/replace the wheel assembly when on the
Even in the comfort of my garage, the front speedometer hub thing turns when
I torque down the axle. There is a little nub on the fork that is supposed to
lock it in place, but the fork just twists and the speedo hub thing rotates
out of place. Doh! What am I missing?
'99 dr350se
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Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 21:29:59 -0700
From: "Tom Warr"
Subject: Re: (dr350) Yosh slip on White Bros header
I have a Yoshimura silencer. I was real impressed with its performance and
sound. Now, 5 years and 7000 miles later, it sounds a bit blown out. Too
loud - makes enemies of the tree huggers. I tried repacking, but it didn't
help. For the price, I expected more. TW
-----Original Message-----
From: jnugent <>
To: d r 350
Date: Monday, January 03, 2000 2:26 PM
Subject: (dr350) Yosh slip on White Bros header
I was on the Yosh web site and found they offer a slip on for $229 . I
was wondering if anyone had any experience
with this pipe. And if so will the White Bros head pipe work with it?
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Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 09:50:33 -0800
From: "Jeff Corsaro"
Subject: Re: (dr350) Changing Flats
Just lay it down in the grass or sand, make sure your fuel cap is tight. Or
find a log to prop it up on. Moose off road sells a small telescoping stand
that you can pack in a backpack.
Jeff Corsaro in San Diego
- ----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 8:09 PM
Subject: (dr350) Changing Flats
> I have not yet ever had to change a tire on the trail. I have only done it
> the comfort of my garage on a center stand.
> How do you support the bike to remove/replace the wheel assembly when on
> trail?
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Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 21:22:12 +0000
From: Iain Wilson
Subject: (dr350) oil
When I checked my oil the other day (99 DR 350 SE) there was a small
amount of light brown emulsion at the top of the dip stick. The oil on
the stick looked normal. I haven't submerged the bike but it has been
out in wet conditions (up to the axles).
Is the emulsion water in the oil? Why is it there? Should I change the
oil again (it was changed 250 miles ago)?
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Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 17:15:29 -0500
From: "Doug Grosjean"
Subject: Re: (dr350) oil
You asked:
<< When I checked my oil the other day (99 DR 350 SE) there was a
small amount of light brown emulsion at the top of the dip stick. The
oil on the stick looked normal. I haven't submerged the bike but it
has been out in wet conditions (up to the axles).
Is the emulsion water in the oil? >>
Essentially, yes.
<< Why is it there? >>
I'm assuming that you're riding in cold conditions for short
My 1993 does the same thing, and several bikes that I've had over the
years have done this. My dad, a mechanic for 50 years so far, tells
me that some makes of car are particularly prone to it. I don't know
exactly how it gets there, but the cure is generally to ride it until
the water gets cooked out of the oil, ie, longer distances.
<< Should I change the oil again (it was changed 250 miles ago)? >>
I've never bothered to, just simply tried to ride farther the next
time in an attempt to cook the condensation out.
Doug Grosjean
Gr.8 Designs
Pemberville, Ohio
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