From: "Morgan L. Owens" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal risks? Date: 01 Sep 1998 15:49:45 +1200 At 17:50 31/08/98 +0200, JB wrote: >Hi, >I find this to be nearly unbelievable! Could anyone please tell me /how/ >anybody could be offended by an image of a fractal?? >Unless you are looking for or making some kind of weird fractal that >looks like something from a regular pr0n site...(difficult but >possible). > Well, I won't repost it but a few months ago I deliberately tried to produce such a fractal - a feasibility study if you will - in response to a thread at the time. I think I succeeded... Morgan Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: Re:(fractint) Fractal risks? Date: 01 Sep 1998 01:48:16 +0200 >A certain section of a >variation of the mandlebrot that I was looking at even contained what >looked to me an almost exact replica of 'The Scream', with some false >colors. It was weird, but not offensive. Munch's 'The Scream' I suppose? If you know where it is, could you post that? Or send it to me personally? I have always had something with, let's say, nature's or maths' productions looking a lot like famous art-works. [If you don't know where it's at, don't waste your time :)] Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Wim de Lange) Subject: (fractint) fractals in postscript Date: 01 Sep 1998 11:27:38 GMT Maybe not the correct list, but at the moment, I have no better idea. Some years ago there was an article in the Byte about postscript. And in this article there was an postscript program to calculate the mandelbrot set. Is there someone who has this article and/or the postscript program for this. I've now an postscript printer available, and I want to test this on the printer. Groetjes, Wim de Lange _____________________________________ Internet: CompuServe: 100142,604 _____________________________________ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: killing JavaScript Date: 01 Sep 1998 13:46:16 +0200 Damien wrote: >Christian, > >I have noticed that while GeoCities puts those policies in place, and they >COULD enforce them easily, they often do not seem to care unless someone >complains. For example, my old GeoCities address >( has had a forwarding page for >*months*, ever since I moved my gallery to my own server. It's still >there. Back when GeoCities had more limited resources, I think they >applied the rules more strictly, but they now have so much bloat I don't >think they really care. I'm not saying you SHOULD abuse their policy, >merely indicating they probably won't do anything if you DO abuse it. I know ! ;) >BTW, GeoCities' easy-upload facility works great with IE4. I've pointed >this out to them several times, and they did eventually update their file >manager page to indicate IE4 supports uploads. It *says* it also works with Netscape 2(!)+, but I don't know whether that works great, too. I actually have never used geocities *without* IE40 and NS 4.0x, so I don't know what's it like using the other way. >One more tip: if you follow my suggestion for disabling JavaScript while >visiting GeoCities, and want to disable JavaScript at Tripod as well (gets >rid of those popups!) then the URL is (not > I actually had tripod, geocities, fortunecity etc. already disabled before your howto-posting. (okay, just by a day or two). Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nigel H. J. Long" Subject: Re: (fractint) fractals in postscript Date: 01 Sep 1998 13:14:24 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time) Wim, I work in a UK academic library, with a set of Byte. If you can narrow the date down a bit I am happy to search for the article and send you a copy. Nigel Long University of Southampton Libraries. On 01 Sep 98 11:27:38 GMT Wim de Lange wrote: > Maybe not the correct list, but at the moment, I have no better idea. > > Some years ago there was an article in the Byte about postscript. And > in this article there was an postscript program to calculate the > mandelbrot set. Is there someone who has this article and/or the > postscript program for this. I've now an postscript printer > available, and I want to test this on the printer. > > Groetjes, > Wim de Lange > _____________________________________ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Wim de Lange) Subject: Re: (fractint) fractals in postscript Date: 01 Sep 1998 15:12:19 GMT Op 1 Sep 98 om 13:14 schreef owner-fractint@lists.xmission over: "Re: (fractint) fractals in postscri" > I work in a UK academic library, with a set of Byte. If you > can narrow the date down a bit I am happy to search for the > article and send you a copy. Difficult. It was probably more then 10 years ago. Groetjes, Wim de Lange _____________________________________ Internet: CompuServe: 100142,604 _____________________________________ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: (fractint) Video Modes Date: 01 Sep 1998 15:51:54 +0100 I've posted this one before, but then lost my subscription and probably missed all the replies.... Can anyone tell me how I can determine any of the ax, bx, cx, dx values for a video card? I've used a utility which generated a list of (unheaded) values for a VESA card and had some success but the nature of them still mistifies me. Basically, I'm trying to get a better display out of my Virge (non-dx) card, but suggested values which have worked on S3Trio and Diamond cards have failed on mine. help!!! Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike and Linda Allison" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal risks? Date: 01 Sep 1998 08:40:13 -0700 Hi, all! >Is it possible that some people might be offended >by our fractals and fractal art? I have a mathematician >friend who thinks fractals are ugly. There might even >be someone who might be offended (or concerned) by >my Dr. J stories. Is this likely? Without mentioning >names, but there have been discussions here of how >some fractals were considered by some to be offensive... I uploaded a fractal that I called "Alien Woman" to AOL's libraries a couple of years ago. It was definitely female. It sort of resembled Xena in full battle dress. They accepted the upload, but changed the name to "Alien Face." It doesn't look anything like a face, but I suppose they were concerned that someone would be offended. I might have agreed with them if "she" wasn't dressed . . . Linda Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kim Bach Petersen" Subject: Sv: (fractint) Fractal risks? Date: 01 Sep 1998 20:01:42 +0200 Hi, >Just a thought in the middle of the night... If ink >blots could bring out some of the most inner >feelings and abnormalities in 'marginal' people, >what about fractals? I see all kinds of 'interesting' >things in fractals. So I'm sure some of my friends and >co-workers could also. What if one of the 'marginals' >at the office see something more than I see? It's a rather old fact, that the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A variation of this facts is, that the comments from an observer says at least as much about the observer as the observed. This becomes even truer as the observed does not look like something. In psychology this is called projection since one porjects one's own thoughts and ideas on something that in itself is rather neutral. The Rorschach ink-blot test is devised with this in mind. Using 10 pictures with no particular motive, clients are given an excuse to project their thought so that the psychologist can investigate these thoughts. These projections can for example be used to diagnose mental illness 2-3 years before a diagnosable change of behavior sets in! To help the interpretation, a list of standard answer have been made. This makes it possible to determine how good or strange an answer is. Some ink-blots tend to look like something and many people see the same. Others come up with rather idiosyncrate and strange answers, but one cannot validly jugde an answer as strange without a list of standard answers from a large population. In my opinion, this must also be true when it comes to fractals. While some images tend to look like a actual thing, many don't: If an fractal image seems "offensive", it's most likely to fall back on the judge of taste himself. We know that, be he cannot and will not see that: The image justifies him in feeling offended, it's the images fault! Still, only a statistical consensus can determine that... Watch what you say :-), Kim Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Geoff Stanton" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal risks? Date: 01 Sep 1998 20:47:51 +0100 > > I uploaded a fractal that I called "Alien Woman" to AOL's > libraries a couple of years ago. It was definitely female. > It sort of resembled Xena in full battle dress. > They accepted the upload, but changed the name to > "Alien Face." It doesn't look anything like a face, but > I suppose they were concerned that someone would > be offended. > > I might have agreed with them if "she" wasn't dressed . . . > > Linda > Do I take it from this that the word "Woman" is non-pc It's a strange world. Bye Geoff Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Blake Hyde" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal risks? and new ways of perceiving Date: 01 Sep 1998 15:50:51 -0400 At 03:44 PM 9/1/1998 +1200, you wrote: >At 09:57 31/08/98 -0400, Kragen wrote: >>On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, Morgan L. Owens wrote: >>> [My short story would have ended] up looking derivative. >>> >Probably the most offensive thing about it had been its working title. > >>> But as well as "seeing" stuff in a fractal, I >>> took on the fact that our eyes are by far the widest-bandwidth channel >>> for getting information into the brain ... something like 150Gb/s raw >>> data rate - >> >>I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation using the assumption that the >>whole eye had resolution equivalent to the fovea's, and came up with a >>rough guess of 10Gb/s. >> >I may have botched my calculations - how did you figure yours? I remember >assuming the human eye can distinguish about ten million colours, and I >also assumed the whole retina had foveal resolution (though I forget now >just what that is). I also assumed that the retinas didn't do any of the >extensive preprocessing they do before sending the results down the optic >nerve. Then I doubled it for two eyes. The human eye can see 16.7 million colors--they're TrueColor with 10GBs of video memory. >8) Blake Hyde (ROT13: oulqr@pbaarpgh.arg) -==(UDIC)==- Novan Dragon -------------- d+ e- N+ T--- Om-- U1347'!S'8!K u uC++ uF uG++ uLB+ uA nC+ nR nH- nP nI-- nPT nS+ nT wM wC+ wS- wI++ wN- o oA++ y a666 -------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) New Fractal Of The Week Date: 01 Sep 1998 17:50:00 -0400 Hi All, As every Tuesday, I've uploaded a new Fractal Of The Week to my home page: I've also created a new gallery that features all the FOTW for July and= August. This new page has links to my pages at CompuServe but I haven't updated the old pages yet and you will have to use the following URL: Enjoy! - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Dr I D Entwistle) Subject: Re: (fractint) fractals in postscript Date: 01 Sep 1998 23:48:56 On 1 Sep 98 (11:27:38), wrote: > Maybe not the correct list, but at the moment, I have no better idea. > > Some years ago there was an article in the Byte about postscript. And > in this article there was an postscript program to calculate the > mandelbrot set. Is there someone who has this article and/or the > postscript program for this. I've now an postscript printer available, > and I want to test this on the printer. > > Groetjes, > Wim de Lange Dear Groetes An Article entitled First-Class Postscript by Julian Dow, Dept. of Cell Biology,University of Glasgow (UK) appeared in the British computer journal Personal Computer World in May 1988(pp 148-155). This contains a postscript listing to generate the M set using an Apple Laser writer written in Postscript programming language . If you are unable to access this I could forward a copy of the page ( the article covers other listings) by snail mail for the cost of getting the copy made and mailing it. Ian Entwistle -- See fractal Galleries at Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Modes Date: 01 Sep 1998 20:26:04 EDT Isn't the whole idea of having to set parameters based on one's "video card" a trapping of the late 80's? Why aren't images in Fractint simply what they are? Do the top-notch computerophiles & mathemeticians on this list actually have 1979 PC's with only a 256 color card?? writes: > Can anyone tell me how I can determine any of the ax, bx, cx, dx values > for a video card? > I've used a utility which generated a list of (unheaded) values for a > VESA card and had some success but the nature of them still mistifies > me. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Regina & Steve" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal risks? Date: 02 Sep 1998 10:28:50 +1000 If we want to be really picky, everything in the world has a sexual meaning - it is a requirement for the continuation of a species. Flowers after all are the reproductive organs of the plant, that is flowers ARE sex. There probably is no way of making something non-sexual - it is personal objective, sometimes good sometimes bad. Many artists paint the not-so-obvious-sexual (eg landscapes) and many the obvious-sexual (you know what I mean). But what do many big upright trees really mean to the person painting a landscape, do two naked bodies together represent sex or the fabulous "artwork" of nature. I think all fractal images are sexual in nature, but they do not necessarily represent a "sexual image" of a person or their thoughts. (Perhaps it is the equation communicating with us -think what you will) What is important is the moral standing of artwork in society. Good vs Evil and what we want our kids to see and know. This is everchanging, hopefully for the better. So we are at the whims of the government censoring body - but that doesn't stop us from making fractals or other forms of art. I often feel disgusted rather than offended at specific art - but that is freedom of thought and do we really want someone to control it. -----Original Message----- >I had one characterized as "evil", other images described as "sexual" >or "erotic". My dad, who was a "real" artist and taught in public >schools, had one of his pieces rejected for public display >I've heard that many of Georgia O'Keefe's flower paintings "look" sexual. - Looking into a fractal is like looking into the soul. - the deeper you look, the more complex the structure - We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Choose wisely. - the sea is just a bigpond Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nigel H. J. Long" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal risks? Date: 02 Sep 1998 08:32:28 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time) I am following this thread with more than usual interest as it seems to be sparking the kind of thoughts that have been churning around in my mind of late. I ask myself; WHY do I like the images that I choose to keep? WHY do I dismiss the others? WHY can I make a judgement in a split second, and find that judgement holds good even if I review it at leisure later? A colleague (in the Psychology dept of this university) suggested that my choices reflect a desire to force a rational and 'comfortable' interpretation on what I see. I keep more with '3D' colour maps, and simple, curved, shapes because I can provide an analogue from nature or experience, which makes the image safe and comfortable. Other, more abstract, images have no easy solution and make me step back from them. (Many) years ago I showed some of the (very) primitive images I generated on an old Acorn 48K computer to a group of school children aged 7-8. One of the first things they seemed to want to do was work out what the pictures -represented-. They asked "what is it a picture OF?" Once they got the message that it did not represent anything 'real' they immediately began to invent things from their experience that it could be - just as the orginator of this thread has found; although thankfully they did not think of any 'dirty' meanings. Incidentally the commonest interpretation was that the pictures were from the story 'Jack and the beanstalk' - remember those infinite columns that surround the mandelbrot set in 16 colours? Nowadays that story is banned in most schools as being totally non-PC - Giants are a minority group; Jack is of an identifiable gender; Jack destroys a rare plant; etc etc. So perhaps fractals ARE risky after all! Does anybody know of any good books / journal articles that discuss fractals in a psychological context? If so I would be more than interested to hear from you. I would like to compile a bibliography on the subject. ps - apologies for any wierd typos in this email - I am having a war with this *?#@+ mailer........and losing. ---------------------- Nigel H. J. Long University of Southampton Libraries Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 1 par(Risky?) Date: 02 Sep 1998 03:33:55 EDT Oh Heavenly fractals! Perceive what you offense intended. Enjoy~ Jim " " " /JWeaver285/page1.htm ****************************************************************************** ********* Risky_Fractal { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/02/98 t=0:07:23.03 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=inandout.frm formulaname=inandout01 function=recip/tan/tanh passes=b center-mag=-1.06376/4.30211e-015/10.14986/1/90 params=0/0/0/0 float=y inside=bof60 outside=real invert=1/0/0 colors=0001W3<7>3769A6EE6<2>VO8`S9dVAiZB<2>siFvlHxpI<2>zzNzwMysKxpI<2>pe\ EmbCiZBdVA`S9<3>EE60BZ0BZ365<14>1s10w01q0<6>8B0A40A43<14>0Gy<15>040<12>h\ 6mk7qo7us8y<3>g8l0BZa7e<10>3444645856A67D89FAAHDBJHCMKDOPDQUESY<4>Gby<15\ >DOP647<3>I5LY6a<6>g6li7nl7ro7us8y<11>a8`_8YZ8XV8RQ7L066066077<2>09C0_N<\ 4>0L00Dd0Ei<2>0Fz0Gv<14>066469<15>0w0<7>1_2 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 8 pars(Mndlbrot&TKoller) Date: 02 Sep 1998 04:48:09 EDT Just having a little fun with the first 6 pars. The last 2 have and are quite strange, but nice to look at. Enjoy~ Jim ~~~~~~~~ " " " /JWeaver285/page1.htm ****************************************************************************** * Mandelbrot_01 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:16.14 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=mandel passes=t center-mag=-0.591408/-6.10623e-016/12.32901/1/-90 params=0/0 float=y inside=epsiloncross invert=0.02/-0.55/0 colors=57766P<4>000201413<4>L7I<11>LIVLJWMJW<13>jXMlYLmZLn_Lp`M<5>mAA<7>\ 000121<15>121232354<27>Zpl_rnZqm<2>ZpmYplYolXnk<2>VkiUihThgSffRde<2>NZaM\ W`KUZIRX<4>9CO78M44J<3>55K66K66L77M<2>BBOCCPEERGGS<2>MMXPPZRR`UUbXXd<5>q\ qsuuvzzz<12>zzz577<63>YajU_kRYlNWn<6>AAmBBm<3>77U } Mandelbrot_04zoom { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:15.99 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=mandel passes=t center-mag=-0.59238800480076010/+0.03171191199339007/110.6704/1/-117.5 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=epsiloncross invert=0.02/-0.55/0 periodicity=0 colors=577E4CH5FL7I<11>LIVLJWMJW<13>jXMlYLmZLn_Lp`M<5>mAA<7>000121<15>12\ 1232354<27>Zpl_rnZqm<2>ZpmYplYolXnk<2>VkiUihThgSffRde<2>NZaMW`KUZIRX<4>9\ CO78M44J<3>55K66K66L77M<2>BBOCCPEERGGS<2>MMXPPZRR`UUbXXd<5>qqsuuvzzz<12>\ zzz577<63>YajU_kRYlNWn<6>AAmBBm<9>000201<2>A39 } Mandelbrot_06zoom { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:21.53 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=mandel passes=t center-mag=-0.59663076226869150/+0.03397787179533648/233.7106/1/-150 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=epsiloncross invert=0.02/-0.55/0 periodicity=0 colors=577E4CH5FL7I<11>LIVLJWMJW<13>jXMlYLmZLn_Lp`M<5>mAA<7>000121<15>12\ 1232354<27>Zpl_rnZqm<2>ZpmYplYolXnk<2>VkiUihThgSffRde<2>NZaMW`KUZIRX<4>9\ CO78M44J<3>55K66K66L77M<2>BBOCCPEERGGS<2>MMXPPZRR`UUbXXd<5>qqsuuvzzz<12>\ zzz577<63>YajU_kRYlNWn<6>AAmBBm<9>000201<2>A39 } Mandelbrot_08zoom { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:23.46 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=mandel passes=t center-mag=-0.59603013016551660/+0.03394453182259172/815.391/1/169.999 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=epsiloncross invert=0.02/-0.55/0 periodicity=0 colors=577E4CH5FL7I<11>LIVLJWMJW<13>jXMlYLmZLn_Lp`M<5>mAA<7>000121<15>12\ 1232354<27>Zpl_rnZqm<2>ZpmYplYolXnk<2>VkiUihThgSffRde<2>NZaMW`KUZIRX<4>9\ CO78M44J<3>55K66K66L77M<2>BBOCCPEERGGS<2>MMXPPZRR`UUbXXd<5>qqsuuvzzz<12>\ zzz577<63>YajU_kRYlNWn<6>AAmBBm<9>000201<2>A39 } Mandelbrot_C02 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:26.70 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=mandel passes=t center-mag=-0.917029/-6.82787e-015/4.865903/1/-90 params=-0.15/0 float=y bailoutest=imag inside=epsiloncross invert=0.02/-0.9/0 colors=57777U<5>000201413<4>L7I<11>LIVLJWMJW<13>jXMlYLmZLn_Lp`M<5>mAA<7>\ 000121<15>121232354<27>Zpl_rnZqm<2>ZpmYplYolXnk<2>VkiUihThgSffRde<2>NZaM\ W`KUZIRX<4>9CO78M44J<3>55K66K66L77M<2>BBOCCPEERGGS<2>MMXPPZRR`UUbXXd<5>q\ qsuuvzzz<12>zzz577<63>YajU_kRYlNWn<6>AAmBBm<2>88Z } Mandelbrot_C03 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:44.38 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=mandel passes=t center-mag=-0.919921/-6.71685e-015/3.464523/1/-90 params=-0.51/0 float=y bailoutest=imag inside=epsiloncross invert=0.02/-0.9/0 colors=57777U<5>000201413<4>L7I<11>LIVLJWMJW<13>jXMlYLmZLn_Lp`M<5>mAA<7>\ 000121<15>121232354<27>Zpl_rnZqm<2>ZpmYplYolXnk<2>VkiUihThgSffRde<2>NZaM\ W`KUZIRX<4>9CO78M44J<3>55K66K66L77M<2>BBOCCPEERGGS<2>MMXPPZRR`UUbXXd<5>q\ qsuuvzzz<12>zzz577<63>YajU_kRYlNWn<6>AAmBBm<2>88Z } Enigma02 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:32.13 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=tracy.frm formulaname=tracykoller1 passes=t center-mag=3.45722/0.980595/0.538979/1/64.999 params=0.025/-1.15 float=y inside=bof60 outside=real invert=1/0.5/0 colors=0005UJ3SI0QG<2>1KB1H92F83D7<4>A00<5>dU0jZ0oc0uh0zm0<6>zU0<6>H40<2\ >A4773A73C<6>39Q2AS3CT<13>E`hFbiGdi<3>JklKmmJkj<10>9NJ8LG7JE6GB5E86G9<11\ >GZJH`KIbLJdMKfNLhM<12>wt1<12>DVF<3>CQDCPCCNBCMACLABJ9<4>BG8AF7AE79D6DE6\ <5>aLBeMCgODjQF<13>xnGypGzrF<2>ztWyt`yufxukxvqwww<9>kNNjJJhFFgBBf88d44c0\ 0<6>P00M00K00H00K21<8>hO6kQ6nT7qW8<2>zbA<9>zzc<4>fqZaoY_mX<11>8VK } Enigma03_zoom_of02 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:01:36.12 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=tracy.frm formulaname=tracykoller1 passes=t center-mag=3.27346/0.949568/1.171693/1/82.5 params=0.025/-1.15 float=y inside=bof60 outside=real invert=1/0.5/0 colors=0008VK<2>0QG<2>1KB1H92F83D7<4>A00<5>dU0jZ0oc0uh0zm0<6>zU0<6>H40<2\ >A4773A73C<6>39Q2AS3CT<13>E`hFbiGdi<3>JklKmmJkj<10>9NJ8LG7JE6GB5E86G9<11\ >GZJH`KIbLJdMKfNLhM<12>wt1<12>DVF<3>CQDCPCCNBCMACLABJ9<4>BG8AF7AE79D6DE6\ <5>aLBeMCgODjQF<13>xnGypGzrF<2>ztWyt`yufxukxvqwww<9>kNNjJJhFFgBBf88d44c0\ 0<6>P00M00K00H00K21<8>hO6kQ6nT7qW8<2>zbA<9>zzc<4>fqZaoY_mX<10>AXL } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 10 pars(Lesfrm16) Date: 02 Sep 1998 04:54:32 EDT Now these were really fun! And I'm still not through...... Enjoy~ Jim ~~~~~~~~ " " " /JWeaver285/page1.htm **************************************************************************** Star01 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/02/98 t=0:00:23.56 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=sqr/conj passes=1 center-mag=-0.0140914/-1.94289e-015/5.281393/1/-90 params=1/0/0.25/0 float=y maxiter=10 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000cYP<7>zzzyyv<10>S50<10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`22_22<14>\ E01D01C02<7>204005005<9>002002001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A00<2>D00<2>G\ 0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000<5>40850A509000kkkwX0rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH3eF0`92Y50U00<5>8004\ 00306<3>102000100<6>E00G00J00<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG`UK } 3point_boundary { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/02/98 t=0:00:21.09 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=sqr/cabs passes=b center-mag=-0.120865/-7.32747e-015/0.9299032/1/-90 params=1/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=10 fillcolor=32 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000zzz<7>xfD000<5>40850A509000kkkwX0rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH3eF0`92Y50U00<5\ >800400306<3>102000100<6>E00G00J00<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG<9>zzzyyv<10>S50<\ 10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`22_22<14>E01D01C02<7>204005005<9>002002\ 001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A00<2>D00<2>G0B<8>ust } Fract005 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/02/98 t=0:00:46.36 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=sin/conj passes=1 center-mag=0.0175441/-1.90958e-014/0.8672173/1.0426/-90 params=1/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=10 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000300<7>900Z03<11>V52A00<2>D00<2>G0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000<5>40850A5090\ 00kkkwX0rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH3eF0`92Y50U00<5>800400306<3>102000100<6>E00G00J00<\ 12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG<9>zzzyyv<10>S50<10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`22\ _22<14>E01D01C02<7>204005005<9>002002001100100000<2>200 } LSfrm171 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:39.38 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=conj/sinh passes=t center-mag=-0.0582178/-1.42109e-014/0.4492463/1/-90 params=1/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000B00C00D00<2>G0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000<5>40850A509000kkkwX0rX6tZ0lP5lP\ 0fH3eF0`92Y50U00<5>800400306<3>102000100<6>E00G00J00<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZR\ G<9>zzzyyv<10>S50<10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`22_22<14>E01D01C02<7>\ 204005005<9>002002001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A00 } LSfrm173 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:38.99 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=conj/sinh passes=t center-mag=-0.251456/-1.46549e-014/0.4982826/1.2053/-90 params=1/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH3eF0`92Y50U00<5>800400306<3>102000100<6>E00G00J0\ 0<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG<9>zzzyyv<10>S50<10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`\ 22_22<14>E01D01C02<7>204005005<9>002002001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A00<\ 2>D00<2>G0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000<5>40850A509000kkkwX0 } LSfrm175 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:41.85 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=conj/sqr passes=t center-mag=-0.0574996/-9.76996e-015/0.4556924/1/-90 params=1/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=atan colors=000R00<5>400306<3>102000100<6>E00G00J00<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG<9>zz\ zyyv<10>S50<10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`22_22<14>E01D01C02<7>204005\ 005<9>002002001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A00<2>D00<2>G0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000<\ 5>40850A509000kkkwX0rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH3eF0`92Y50U00 } LSfrm176 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:41.25 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=conj/sqr passes=t center-mag=-0.0574996/-9.76996e-015/0.4556924/1/-90 params=1/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000sonvttzzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`22_22<14>E01D01C02<7>20400\ 5005<9>002002001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A00<2>D00<2>G0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000\ <5>40850A509000kkkwX0rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH3eF0`92Y50U00<5>800400306<3>102000100\ <6>E00G00J00<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG<9>zzzyyv<10>S50<7>pjh } LSfrm178 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:43.56 P75@800x600 ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=conj/sqr passes=1 center-mag=-0.0468677/-2.22045e-015/0.5361197/1/-90 params=0.5/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=10 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000C00D00<2>G0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000<5>40850A509000kkkwX0rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH\ 3eF0`92Y50U00<5>800400306<3>102000100<6>E00G00J00<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG<9\ >zzzyyv<10>S50<10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`22_22<14>E01D01C02<7>204\ 005005<9>002002001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A00B00 } LSfrm184_Star02 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:21.48 P75@800x600 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=sqr/conj passes=t center-mag=-0.158569/-3.5083e-014/0.5372222/1/-90 params=1/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000wX0rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH3eF0`92Y50U00<5>800400306<3>102000100<6>E00G0\ 0J00<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG<9>zzzyyv<10>S50<10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b\ 42`22_22<14>E01D01C02<7>204005005<9>002002001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A\ 00<2>D00<2>G0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000<5>40850A509000kkk } LSfrm185_Star03 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/01/98 t=0:00:18.40 P75@800x600 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=Lesfrm16 function=sqr/conj passes=1 center-mag=-0.0676031/-1.55431e-015/1.277357/1/-90 params=1/0/0.5/0 float=y maxiter=10 inside=bof60 outside=real colors=000f`U<6>zzzyyv<10>S50<10>zzz<9>KC9<2>G87<16>zX0<14>b42`22_22<14>\ E01D01C02<7>204005005<9>002002001100100000<11>900Z03<11>V52A00<2>D00<2>G\ 0B<9>zzz<7>xfD000<5>40850A509000kkkwX0rX6tZ0lP5lP0fH3eF0`92Y50U00<5>8004\ 00306<3>102000100<6>E00G00J00<12>m00<13>A08<11>ZRG`UKcYP } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: RE: (fractint) Video Modes Date: 02 Sep 1998 10:27:14 +0100 > ---------- > From:[] > Reply To: > Sent: 02 September 1998 01:26 > To: > Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Modes > > Isn't the whole idea of having to set parameters based on one's "video > card" a > trapping of the late 80's? Why aren't images in Fractint simply > what they > are? I think you're missing the point - I don't want FRACTINT parameters to generate better fractals, I want VIDEO CARD parameters to enable me to see the fractal at a higher resolution, with a greater number of colours. > Do the top-notch computerophiles & mathemeticians on this list > actually > have 1979 PC's with only a 256 color card?? > No. We have 1998 PC's with 4MB video cards, capable of displaying in excess of 16million colours, but feel a bit cheated when the fractal comes out at only 16 colours with blocky graphics. Fractals are a thing of beauty to behold, but beauty in this case is constrained by the limitations of the display card. Consider listening to your favourite symphony on a transistor radio. How would you feel if someone said "just accept the music for what it is. You don't need a modern surround-sound HiFi system to appreciate it"..? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) Fractal of the Week Date: 02 Sep 1998 02:59:54 -0700 --------------8224C694A050B64E9FE0F331 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sylvie Gallet wrote: > As every Tuesday, I've uploaded a new Fractal Of The Week to my home > page: > Wow. Now that's ART. --------------8224C694A050B64E9FE0F331 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sylvie Gallet wrote:

As every Tuesday, I've uploaded a new Fractal Of The Week to my home

Wow.  Now that's  ART.
  --------------8224C694A050B64E9FE0F331-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nigel H. J. Long" Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Modes Date: 02 Sep 1998 11:10:41 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time) Have you tried searching the WWW for a manufacturer's home-page? Some of them offer an email help desk. When I wanted some specific info on my (antique) card I was able to get quite useful help from the makers themselves. And yes.... I only have a 256 colour card. It may not be much - but it's paid for! ---------------------- Nigel H. J. Long Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: RE: (fractint) Video Modes Date: 02 Sep 1998 09:32:00 -0400 (EDT) On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Dave wrote: > Consider listening to your favourite symphony on a transistor radio. How > would you feel if someone said "just accept the music for what it is. > You don't need a modern surround-sound HiFi system to appreciate it"..? Most modern surround-sound hi-fi systems *are* transistor radios (maybe with a CD player in there, too.) The alternative is vacuum-tube amplifiers -- and while there are some people who insist that symphonies sound better on them, most people would not feel cheated if they were forced to use a solid-state amp instead. :) (And isn't it kind of temporally backwards to liken using TrueColor to using vacuum tubes? :) Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker We are forming cells within a global brain and we are excited that we might start to think collectively. What becomes of us still hangs crucially on how we think individually. -- Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: RE: (fractint) Video Modes Date: 02 Sep 1998 15:23:21 +0100 > Most modern surround-sound hi-fi systems *are* transistor radios > (maybe > with a CD player in there, too.) The alternative is vacuum-tube > amplifiers -- and while there are some people who insist that > symphonies sound better on them, most people would not feel cheated if > they were forced to use a solid-state amp instead. :) > > (And isn't it kind of temporally backwards to liken using TrueColor to > using vacuum tubes? :) > > Kragen > Yeah, point taken - guess I didn't think too hard about the analogy. However, my comment was intended to point out that a fractal is a fractal is a fractal, but a fractal viewed at 1280x1024 with 16m colours looks more stunning than a fractal viewed at 640x480 with 16 colours. Well... IMHO anyway... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: RE: (fractint) Video Modes Date: 02 Sep 1998 10:36:13 -0400 (EDT) On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Dave wrote: > Yeah, point taken - guess I didn't think too hard about the analogy. > However, my comment was intended to point out that a fractal is a > fractal is a fractal, but a fractal viewed at 1280x1024 with 16m colours > looks more stunning than a fractal viewed at 640x480 with 16 colours. Oh, definitely. Kragen (who thinks that if this weren't the case, no one would bother to make colormaps) -- Kragen Sitaker We are forming cells within a global brain and we are excited that we might start to think collectively. What becomes of us still hangs crucially on how we think individually. -- Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diosnel Herrnsdorf Subject: Re: (fractint) New Fractal Of The Week Date: 02 Sep 1998 14:04:25 -0400 Sylvie Gallet wrote: > Hi All, > > As every Tuesday, I've uploaded a new Fractal Of The Week to my home > page: > > > > I've also created a new gallery that features all the FOTW for July and > August. This new page has links to my pages at CompuServe but I haven't > updated the old pages yet and you will have to use the following URL: > > > > Enjoy! > > - Sylvie It's really been an enjoyment - both sites. I was just wondering, do you always choose an image with simmetry for your FOTW? Regards, Diosnel Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: (fractint) Sylvie's site Date: 02 Sep 1998 20:28:33 +0200 Hi Sylvie, Actually the first time I looked at your site (Compuserve). Very nice images! [But that's been said time and time again :) ] I had problems though with accessing, and and the vesa2cfg link. AOL answered with a simple 'URL not found'. Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Gavin" Subject: RE: (fractint) Fractal risks? and new ways of perceiving Fractals Date: 02 Sep 1998 14:51:00 -0400 // >Taste is probably not a high-bandwidth sense. // > // No, I wouldn't think so either. Once you specified the relative // strengths // of the four taste categories (sour, sweet, etc.) the fine-tuning that // allows you to distinguish, say, coffee from decaf, is handled // by the nose // and volatiles slipping into it via the throat. The other // channels involved // would be temperature and texture (which also involve the palate). Well, you gotta remember, taste isn't just your toungue. About (I'd say) 75% of the sensations/flavors you get while eating are through your nose and sense of smell, really. Smell, although it doesn't really have a high bandwidth (IMO), it does have a large spectrum as far as the data goes... So it would be measured in words or dwords rather than bits per second :) Peter Gavin // End transmission Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thore Berntsen" Subject: (fractint) New version of Fractint Screen Saver Date: 02 Sep 1998 21:54:32 +0200 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001A_01BDD6BC.441D2B80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I have released version 1.70 of Fractint Screen saver today. It can be = found at : Thore Berntsen Norway E-Mail : ------=_NextPart_000_001A_01BDD6BC.441D2B80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I have released version = 1.70 of=20 Fractint Screen saver today. It can be found at : ernt/fintsave.htm

Thore = Berntsen
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------=_NextPart_000_001A_01BDD6BC.441D2B80-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 02 Sep 1998 13:36:38 -0700 (PDT) I have a question about formulas. If answers can be found in a FAQ, please point me there, but I haven't uncovered what I've been looking for so far. I've been experimenting with formulas and pars done by those on the list and ones that I've found here and there for several weeks now. Something that has been intriguing me is how do people come up with the formulas and coloring methods that they do? For example, Paul Carlson's balls, spires, etc. formulas are particularly fascinating. The artistic beauty of Linda Allison's, Sylvie Gallet's, etc. are amazing. How does one learn to visualize or estimate what a particular formula will produce? Are there any tutorials, books, etc. that explain the process one goes through when writing a formula? I've read the Fractint formula tutorial and some others that I've found, and they help somewhat. The problem is, I still find myself at a loss where to start if I want to try to "roll my own" formula. Any suggestions from the masters? Thanks. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: Re: (fractint) New Fractal Of The Week Date: 02 Sep 1998 16:55:52 -0400 Hi Diosnel, >> It's really been an enjoyment - both sites. I'm glad you enjoyed, thanks! >> I was just wondering, do you always choose an image with simmetry for >> your FOTW? Not at all, for example 980803 doesn't have symmetries. Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) Fractal of the Week Date: 02 Sep 1998 16:55:53 -0400 Hi Kathy, >> Wow. Now that's ART. Thank you! Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) Sylvie's site Date: 02 Sep 1998 16:55:52 -0400 Hi Christian, >> Actually the first time I looked at your site (Compuserve). Very nice >> images! Thank you! >> I had problems though with accessing, and >> and the vesa2cfg link. AOL answered with a simple 'URL >> not found'. I had the same problem the first time I checked the links; then I empti= ed my Internet cache and tried again, and this time I got a "server too busy= , try again later"... But you know what does "AOL" mean? America Off Line... Let me know if the problem persists and I'll email you the files. Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 02 Sep 1998 16:40:48 -0500 Ken, - I've read the Fractint formula tutorial and some others that I've found, - and they help somewhat. The problem is, I still find myself at a loss - where to start if I want to try to "roll my own" formula. Any - suggestions from the masters? That depends on whether you're trying to write a new coloring algorithm, or a new fractal formula. Most of the formula-writing tutorials cover fractal formula writing; coloring formula writing is a relatively new topic that is less well-covered. If you're asking how to come up with the ideas (rather than the technical details of implementing those ideas) then I'm not sure anyone can help--I know oftentimes I just dink around with a formula until I get something that looks promising. Sometimes I get an idea, write a formula, and it looks like junk. Those get filed away into a dusty, forgotten drawer. Good stuff get polished up and used for more. :-) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 02 Sep 1998 14:54:38 -0700 (PDT) > > Ken, > > - I've read the Fractint formula tutorial and some others that I've found, > - and they help somewhat. The problem is, I still find myself at a loss > - where to start if I want to try to "roll my own" formula. Any > - suggestions from the masters? > > That depends on whether you're trying to write a new coloring algorithm, or > a new fractal formula. Most of the formula-writing tutorials cover fractal > formula writing; coloring formula writing is a relatively new topic that is > less well-covered. If you're asking how to come up with the ideas (rather > than the technical details of implementing those ideas) then I'm not sure > anyone can help--I know oftentimes I just dink around with a formula until > I get something that looks promising. Sometimes I get an idea, write a > formula, and it looks like junk. Those get filed away into a dusty, > forgotten drawer. Good stuff get polished up and used for more. :-) I suppose I'm asking about both. I think my problem is that I don't understand all the issues enough to ask the right questions. :-) After perusing some of Paul Carlson's formulas, many of his are different coloring formulas on the classic Mandelbrot formula. I am definately interested in learning how to write coloring formulas. Wrt Paul's formuals, I guess I'm asking if one has an idea in advance how to produce the balls or stalks or whatever, when starting in on the forumla. I'll have to read Kerry Mitchell's recent messages in more detail to see what I can glean from them. Wrt formulas in general, I guess I was wondering if people had in mind what they were trying to achieve when creating a formula, or if they just started dinking around, as you mention. I would also like to make a polite request that those with experience writing the unique coloring algorithms consider writing a tutorial and/or documenting their algorithms describing what is going on, if not already done. In any case, I appreciate the help and the ability to experiment with the efforts of others. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 02 Sep 1998 17:05:55 -0500 Ken, - I suppose I'm asking about both. I think my problem is that I don't - understand all the issues enough to ask the right questions. :-) Well, that's a start, at least... you know what you don't know. :) - After perusing some of Paul Carlson's formulas, many of his are - different coloring formulas on the classic Mandelbrot formula. I am - definately interested in learning how to write coloring formulas. Then perhaps this might help: This will explain how to write a coloring algorithm formula for FractInt. This file: contains my collection of formulas as well, which like Paul Carlson's and Kerry Mitchell's formulas, are usually fairly heavily commented. - Wrt Paul's formuals, I guess I'm asking if one has an idea in advance - how to produce the balls or stalks or whatever, when starting in on the - forumla. Yes. Balls and stalks are in a class of coloring algorithms called "orbit traps". Basically the idea is to position some shape over the fractal, and watch each iteration to see whether it falls inside the shape or not. For more explanations of coloring algorithms in general (and orbit traps specifically) see this page: Hope this helps! Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 02 Sep 1998 15:18:14 -0700 (PDT) > > Well, that's a start, at least... you know what you don't know. :) That's half the battle, no? > > > > > I had read those a while back, and they didn't mean that much to me. I'll reread them now that I have a bit more of an understanding of fractals. Thanks for the reminder. > Hope this helps! Definately. Thanks. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 02 Sep 1998 18:19:37 -0400 Ken and Damien, >> If you're asking how to come up with the ideas (rather than the >> technical details of implementing those ideas) then I'm not sure >> anyone can help I've got interesting results with generalizations of existing formulas = or predefined types, but I most often get junk! :-) - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Paul and/or Joyce Carlson) Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 02 Sep 1998 19:19:04 -0500 (CDT) >After perusing some of Paul Carlson's formulas, many of his are >different coloring formulas on the classic Mandelbrot formula. I am >definately interested in learning how to write coloring formulas. Wrt >Paul's formuals, I guess I'm asking if one has an idea in advance how to >produce the balls or stalks or whatever, when starting in on the >forumla. The answer (at least for me) is yes. It would be almost impossible to "accidentally" come up with a method that produced 3D-like shapes with each shape consisting of gradations of a particular color. >Wrt formulas in general, I guess I was wondering if people had in mind >what they were trying to achieve when creating a formula, or if they >just started dinking around, as you mention. When I originally developed the orbit trap technique about 4 or 5 years ago, it involved a lot of experimentation (and was inspired by Pickover's epsilon cross method, which is also actually an orbit trap - see below), but once I had the general algorithm developed for 3D shading, writing formulas for the different shapes was relatively easy. However, formulas like my four-in-one Julia sets are not quite so easy, but I still had to know in advance what I was trying to accomplish. > >I would also like to make a polite request that those with experience >writing the unique coloring algorithms consider writing a tutorial >and/or documenting their algorithms describing what is going on, if not >already done. I posted this to the list about a year ago: Several people have indicated an interest in how I use orbit traps to get a pseudo-3D effect in my fractals. The following is an attempt to explain the methods using as little math as possible. I guess a good place to start might be to explain how I happened to develop the 3D Stalks rendering method about 3 or 4 years ago. I had written a program that plotted fractals using Pickover's epsilon cross method. With this method, when the orbitting point lands within a specified distance, "epsilon," of either the real or imaginary axis, bailout occurs and the screen pixel is plotted in a color depending on the number of iterations at bailout. The result is an image consisting of stalks, each stalk being a solid color. I noticed that if I made epsilon smaller the stalks became thinner and if larger the stalks became fatter. I then modified the program so that if the orbit point fell within a distance epsilon of an axis the pixel was plotted red, but if the point fell within a distance of one-half epsilon the pixel was replotted green. The result was red stalks overlaid with green stalks about half the thickness of the red stalks they were laying on. These experiments showed me two things: 1) each stalk represents a single iteration count at bailout, and 2) it was possible to vary the color of the stalk depending on where within epsilon the orbit point fell. My first 3D Stalks image used only shades of yellow - from bright yellow if the point fell exactly on one of the axes to dark yellow if the point fell a distance epsilon away from an axis, with intermediate shades of yellow for points falling between those two extremes. I used 250 shades of yellow, the brightest at colormap index 1 and the darkest at colormap index 250 and the rest varying linearly in between (I usaully save colormap index 0 for black since this is the overscan or border color). My program computed how close the orbit point fell to an axis and if it was within epsilon the distance was saved in a variable "dist." Then the ratio dist/epsilon was computed (call it "ratio") and used to compute an index into the colormap as follows: index = 1 + ratio * 249 This gives values of index from 1 to 250 since ratio varies from zero to one. The resulting image consisted of yellow stalks, each stalk being dark yellow at the edges and bright yellow in the center, giving the stalks a 3D appearance since, everything else being equal, bright portions of an image appear closer to the observer than dark portions. The next step was to break the colormap into two color ranges, index 1 to 125 light yellow to dark yellow, index 126 to 250 light blue to dark blue. The yellow range was used if bailout occurred on an even iteration, the blue range if on an odd iteration, ie, if even, index = 1 + ratio * 124 if odd, index = 126 + ratio * 124 or, in general: index = 1 + range_num * colors_in_range + ratio * (colors_in_range-1) where range_num varies from zero to the number of color ranges minus one. This illustrates the basic pseudo-3D orbit trap method: If an orbit point falls within the trap, compute the ratio of the distance from the orbit point to some point Q in the trap divided by the maximum distance from point Q to the boundary of the the trap (this guarantees that the ratio will be from zero to one, inclusive) and use that ratio to index into a color range. Orbit traps can have many forms. The main requirement is that the test for the orbit point falling in the trap can't take too long to execute since the test must be done every iteration. Simple closed areas like circles and squares make good orbit traps since it is easy to test if the orbit point falls within them and it is also easy to compute the ratio using the center of the area as point Q. Plane curves expressed in parametric form also make good orbit traps except in this case the trap is a narrow constant width band with the curve at its center (ie, for a circle the band would be a ring). A formula I posted some time ago using an astroid curve illustrated this: the argument of the iterated variable (the counter-clockwise angle from the positive real axis to the orbit point) is computed and used to compute the coordinates of point Q on the plane curve. If the orbit point is within the specified distance of point Q, compute the ratio and color index as above. Sometimes for special effects I'll use color ranges in which the colors do not vary linearly. Sometimes I'll have the darkest shade at both ends of the range with the brightest shade in the center of the range. Sometimes I'll use the ratio squared which emphasizes the colors towards the beginning of a range. Because the ratio is always from zero to one, it can be raised to any positive power and still be from zero to one. The same general method of using a ratio between zero and one to index into a color range is not limited to orbit traps. In my Atan method, for example, I use a ratio of angles. To use these methods with Fractint I had to find a way to get Fractint to use the computed colormap index. I do this in my formulas by iterating some variable other than z and by keeping my own iteration counter. Then when the point falls in the orbit trap I set z equal to the colormap index minus the number of iterations. This works when outside=summ is used which adds the number of iterations to z. That's all I can think of for now. I'll be glad to answer any questions. Paul Carlson Hope this helps. Paul Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 02 Sep 1998 19:52:10 -0700 (MST) When I come up with a new coloring scheme, I generally try to verbalize what I'm after, then write a formula that will do that. For example, when I came up with the triangle method coloring, I wanted a method that would show something different than just iteration number or polar angle. I went back to my complex analysis books and remembered the triangle inequality. So, my coloring method came from, "how does the iterate tend to fall within the bounds given by the triangle inequality?" I think it looks better than it sounds. :-) Another example is the "principal root" coloring, in which I asked, "how often is the previous iterate the principal root of the next squaring?" The point is that I try to have some idea of what I'm after when I start. Usually, the idea fleshes itself out along with the formula. Today, I wrote a formula in response to a point Damien made about the (now ongoing) fractal contest. We were talking about image processing, and Damien mentioned that he made a formula the gives the "embossing" effect often found in image processing software. So, I decided to come up with a formula that does embossing. To do this well, I think one needs to have a fairly good background in the math behind the fractals, as well as a good grasp of the formula syntax paired with the intricacies of Fractint's coloring methods. I started out writing formulas that simply transformed the "z" variable, and let Fractint's coloring methods go from there. Now, fairly aware of what Fractint can do, I write formulas that, when used with specific Fractint features (e.g., decomp=256, inside=zmag, outside=real), I get what I want. Above all, I think, is practice. Try rolling your own and get a feel for what they can and cannot do. Look at other people's work and try to deconstruct it or make similar (or better) versions. Generalizing other peoples' work is good, too. It gives you a good sense of how things work, and expands the field of possibilities for other artists. Oh yeah, have fun. :-) Kerry Kerry Mitchell Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Phil McRevis Subject: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript Date: 02 Sep 1998 22:14:39 -0600 (Wim de Lange) writes: > Some years ago there was an article in the Byte about postscript. And > in this article there was an postscript program to calculate the > mandelbrot set. Is there someone who has this article and/or the > postscript program for this. I've now an postscript printer > available, and I want to test this on the printer. Its not that hard to do, but there are a couple reasons why you probably don't want to compute M in PS: o M is floating-point intensive and most PS printers aren't optimized for floating-point math. o PS is interpreted and the burden of interpretation only adds to the already heavy computational burden of computing M. o You'll probably get faster results by computing M in GIF format and converting the GIF image to PS and printing the image. However, if you just want to see it run 'for yucks', try the following postscript file on your printer: You may need to tweak the file in an editor to adjust the end-of-line convention (postscript is ASCII and that file has the unix end-of-line convention). -- Legalize Adulthood! ``Ain't it funny that they all fire the pistol, Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Wim de Lange) Subject: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript Date: 03 Sep 1998 07:46:02 GMT Op 2 Sep 98 om 22:14 schreef Phil McRevis over: "Re: fractals in postscript" > Its not that hard to do, but there are a couple reasons why you > probably don't want to compute M in PS: I'm well aware of them I played many years with fractals, and wrote little basic programs before I was aware of fractint and such stuff. And long ago I had that article, and I found it 'funny' (not the right word, my english is not good enough) that a printer has a programming language that is capable of calculating the M-set. >> I downloaded it. > end-of-line convention (postscript is ASCII and that file has the > unix end-of-line convention). -- No problem. Groetjes, Wim de Lange _____________________________________ Internet: CompuServe: 100142,604 _____________________________________ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) Sylvie's site Date: 03 Sep 1998 05:52:48 -0400 Hi Christian, >> I had problems though with accessing, and >> and the vesa2cfg link. AOL answered with a simple 'URL >> not found'. It was a problem with case sensitive filenames, it's fixed. Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Elaina Tillinghast Subject: Re: (fractint) New Images on Web Date: 03 Sep 1998 06:55:58 -0500 Well a couple of things got in the way of me getting to my web pages... The preferrence of what size image is most favored was split equally down the middle between 640x480 and 1024x768. Either you want all to fit on one screen quickly or you want all the detail you can get. I thank all those people who took time to write. The results are in favor of 640x480 since bigger would make it so many could not see them at all. Then if space isn't a problem, BIG! as a choice for those who can handle it. Juice -have fun --harm none Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 03 Sep 1998 13:43:39 +0100 I've noticed that many pages showing each fractal pattern tend to have ALL images as huge GIFs on the title page. Wouldn't it be a better idea to: a) have thumbnails linking to the larger picture, so that you can browse through ALL images from the title page and select the one you want to see in full splendor b) Store the larger versions as .JPEGs, thus permitting a full range of colours but keeping the filesize of the images down. This allows the images to be downloaded quickly, but I don't know what impact it has on the overall quality of the picture c) have perhaps two different links under each thumbnail, pointing to 640x480 or 1024x768-sized images, thus satisfying resolution requirements of both parties. (But it'd mean reconstruction of each image at different resolutions, or resizing/resampling in an imaging package - is this feasible?) I realise many people are still starting out in HTML, and fall into the pitfall of not realising that what appears instantly when browsed locally takes much longer when viewed via a modem. As a test, try flushing your web browser cache and then view your pages via your ISP to see how long they take to come down. Any views on this, people? > ---------- > From: Elaina Tillinghast[] > Reply To: > Sent: 03 September 1998 12:55 > To: > Subject: Re: (fractint) New Images on Web > > Well a couple of things got in the way of me getting to my web > pages... > > The preferrence of what size image is most favored was split equally > down the middle between 640x480 and 1024x768. Either you want all to > fit > on one screen quickly or you want all the detail you can get. > > I thank all those people who took time to write. The results are in > favor of 640x480 since bigger would make it so many could not see them > at all. Then if space isn't a problem, BIG! as a choice for those who > can handle it. > > Juice -have fun --harm none > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 03 Sep 1998 08:08:26 -0700 Dave wrote: > > I've noticed that many pages showing each fractal pattern tend to have > ALL images as huge GIFs on the title page. > > Wouldn't it be a better idea to: > > a) have thumbnails linking to the larger picture, so that you can browse > through ALL images from the title page and select the one you want to > see in full splendor For some of us with many fractals on display, even thumbnails of ALL the images create an introductory page that is too slow to download. I am a very firm believer in paying great attention to bandwidth, particularly on the introductory page. Most surfers will go on to something else if the intro page doesn't show it's stuff in less than a minute. Fortunately, not everything need be displayed at once....only enough material to pique interest. > b) Store the larger versions as .JPEGs, thus permitting a full range of > colours but keeping the filesize of the images down. This allows the > images to be downloaded quickly, but I don't know what impact it has on > the overall quality of the picture Storing Fractint images as jpgs destroys the information that is bundled with the image and which can be used after the gif is downloaded and opened in Fractint. So moving to jpg is, for me, a matter of deciding which audience I want to please most....the one with limited time or patience or my Fractint collegues. Also, I find conversion from gif to jpg is sometimes unsatisfying in terms of how the image looks. > c) have perhaps two different links under each thumbnail, pointing to > 640x480 or 1024x768-sized images, thus satisfying resolution > requirements of both parties. (But it'd mean reconstruction of each > image at different resolutions, or resizing/resampling in an imaging > package - is this feasible?) > This is basically a lot of work and assumes one has a great deal of space available and can choose to store the same image twice. A more practical solution is one many on the list use......provide the image as a jpg and as a par file. Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 03 Sep 1998 11:08:41 EDT In a message dated 02-09-98 3:41:05 PM EST, writes: << I've been experimenting with formulas and pars done by those on the list and ones that I've found here and there for several weeks now. Something that has been intriguing me is how do people come up with the formulas and coloring methods that they do? >> Ken, If you want some good starting places pick up a Calculus and Analytical Geometry book at a library or flea market. As you go through it you'll find lots of equations to plug into an escape type fractal. If you look at 'series' their convergence and divergence and what separates the two and remainder theory it'll give you more ideas. Then the next book you could look for is one on comnplex analysis and conformal mapping. things are very different in the complex plane. I'm relatively new to the IF...ENDIF logic and I haven't done much with it. This tool gives you precision control over the coloring method but a lot of mathematical up front work is required. As a basic rule of thumb when you iterate you can track three basic values: the count at which you are at, the value which you are at, and the location in your coordinate system (cartesian, polar, etc). by establishing standards of comparison for those values you have come up with a new unique coloring /rendering method. Unfortunately its been my experience that to rigorous a standard makes your fractals look plain and lousy. Always be willing to test your standards boundry because thats where it gets great. for instance (off the top of my head) say we want to test our iteration based on count and value so that as count increases we begin to loose grasp of the original value(kind of like hiesenberg). z=current value n= iteration count c=arbitrary constant: conditional test: |z|<= (c+z/n)^n try the conditional >= (half the time things get exciting around zero the other half infinity) change the arbitrary constant to extremes make n a function of iteration n=F(iter#) etc. Can I begin to see where this is going. NO! but I'm pretty familiar with how the M-set behaves so I'll iterate that function with this test first and see what it does to the that behavior. Try halley maps in regions that f'(z)>f(z) (divergent areas). Try halley maps on functions with singularities or discontinuity And best of all, it can turn out to be just junk or it could be a surprise. I hope this helps. This thought process is chaotic like my explanation. Good luck Rui Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 03 Sep 1998 10:49:37 -0500 [Reply to Angela is below this one.] Dave, - a) have thumbnails linking to the larger picture, so that you can browse - through ALL images from the title page and select the one you want to - see in full splendor Yes, but this is still not an optimal solution if you have a lot of pictures. Right now I've got two layers of thumbnails before you get to the actual pictures. Few people want to download a page with 200+ thumbnails on it. - c) have perhaps two different links under each thumbnail, pointing to - 640x480 or 1024x768-sized images, thus satisfying resolution - requirements of both parties. (But it'd mean reconstruction of each - image at different resolutions, or resizing/resampling in an imaging - package - is this feasible?) It does indeed mean resizing the images more than once, but if you're preparing thumbnails, you're already preparing more than one size. For example, I typically generate my images at 1600x1200 or 1280x960; these are then resized down to 640x480 and saved (large size), resized to 128x96 and saved (thumbnail), and a few resized to 200x150 and saved (larger thumbnail for the main gallery index). I *could* have also prepared 1024x768 versions of these images, but when I started my gallery space was a concern; space is no longer a problem for me, but the sheer quantity of images *is*. I'm not sure I want to take the time to prepare 1024x768 versions of so many pictures. - Any views on this, people? Don't get me started. :-) Angela, - Storing Fractint images as jpgs destroys the information that is bundled - with the image and which can be used after the gif is downloaded and - opened in Fractint. This may or may not be a drawback, depending on your viewpoint. Personally, I'd say go for the JPEG anyway, and provide a PAR file for those that want parameters. It's usually worth the savings. - Also, I find conversion from gif to jpg is sometimes unsatisfying in - terms of how the image looks. Well, you *know* I'm going to say that doesn't have to be the case. :) Generate your image at large size and reduce it (for anti-aliasing) and then save in JPEG format with appropriate settings. - This is basically a lot of work and assumes one has a great deal of - space available and can choose to store the same image twice. A more - practical solution is one many on the list use......provide the image as - a jpg and as a par file. And although I just advocated the JPEG+PAR approach, there are situations where it isn't appropriate--particularly, cases where the image has been post-processed in some fashion outside of FractInt, or produced with a custom program that isn't generally available. Or cases where you really don't feel like giving out the PAR file. :-) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Just two days left! Date: 03 Sep 1998 12:32:17 -0500 Greetings listfolk, There are just two days left for you to submit your entries to the Fractal Art '98 Contest. Scores of entries have already been received; we certainly appreciate the number of entries (more than last year's contest!) and the exceptional quality and variety. If you have not already submitted three images, the deadline is fast approaching--no further entries will be accepted after 10PM PDT, September 5. (That's Saturday night!) We'd certainly like you to enter! You can find all the details--rules, categories, and so on--at the contest web site: Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: RE: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 03 Sep 1998 18:20:42 +0100 > For some of us with many fractals on display, even thumbnails of ALL > the > images create an introductory page that is too slow to download. Ah - crossed wires here. I looked at one webpage last week that had about 6 full-sized pictures on it. I just thought it would have been a better idea to reduce these to thumbs, thus getting a summary of what to expect downloaded quickly. I didn't mean that I wanted everyone to fill their title pages with thumbs of ALL of their current images!! But for those with many fractals on display, surely thumbnails of them on an intgro page is quicker to download than a page containing all of the displays? > I am a > very firm believer in paying great attention to bandwidth, > particularly > on the introductory page. Most surfers will go on to something else > if > the intro page doesn't show it's stuff in less than a minute. > Fortunately, not everything need be displayed at once....only enough > material to pique interest. Agreed. Perhaps categories of thumbs from an index page, etc.... > > b) Store the larger versions as .JPEGs, thus permitting a full range > of > > colours but keeping the filesize of the images down. This allows the > > images to be downloaded quickly, but I don't know what impact it has > on > > the overall quality of the picture > > Storing Fractint images as jpgs destroys the information that is > bundled > with the image and which can be used after the gif is downloaded and > opened in Fractint. So moving to jpg is, for me, a matter of deciding > which audience I want to please most....the one with limited time or > patience or my Fractint collegues. Also, I find conversion from gif to > jpg is sometimes unsatisfying in terms of how the image looks. > .. but surely your fract colleagues would prefer the formulae with which you created the image, rather than reverse-engineer the GIF? I'm still new to this game, but I had problems extracting image info from a GIF I was given. > > c) have perhaps two different links under each thumbnail, pointing > to > > 640x480 or 1024x768-sized images, thus satisfying resolution > > requirements of both parties. (But it'd mean reconstruction of each > > image at different resolutions, or resizing/resampling in an imaging > > package - is this feasible?) > > > > This is basically a lot of work and assumes one has a great deal of > space available and can choose to store the same image twice. A more > practical solution is one many on the list use......provide the image > as > a jpg and as a par file. True, but I'm looking at it from the point of view that "the more effort put in by the one writer, the less effort required by the many readers". Perhaps it's a selfish view, I don't know. As for the space available, the JPEG+PAR solution sounds a much better idea. Would two JPEGs of the same image require less storage space than one GIF? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 03 Sep 1998 20:48:48 -0700 Dave wrote: > > > .. but surely your fract colleagues would prefer the formulae > with which you created the image, rather than reverse-engineer the GIF? > I'm still new to this game, but I had problems extracting image info > from a GIF I was given. > > This is basically a lot of work and assumes one has a great deal of > > space available and can choose to store the same image twice. A more > > practical solution is one many on the list use......provide the image > > as > > a jpg and as a par file. > True, but I'm looking at it from the point of view that "the more effort > put in by the one writer, the less effort required by the many readers". > Perhaps it's a selfish view, I don't know. As for the space available, > the JPEG+PAR solution sounds a much better idea. Would two JPEGs of the > same image require less storage space than one GIF? Let's see...... 1. Regarding the gif versus jpg question........I believe that I am often doing everyone a favor by posting a largish gif with the Fractint info in tact rather than the par (or at least in addition to the par) because the par could take faaaaaaaaaaar longer to generate than the gif does to download. That is always a consideration for me. In general I like the jpg + par approach because I feel more comfortable that my images will be treated with care by my Fractint bretheren. I figure the jpg's....regardless of the copyright babble......will be pilfered. That is certainly another consideration in how I post my images......I give up the really good stuff to the web with great reluctance. 2. Dealing with the gif in fractint is simplicity itself.....put the gif where you can reasonably locate it...the most basic spot being where fractint the gif using "r" then save the parameters by hitting that old "b". You can zoom into or out of the fractal at will right from the gif or use Paul Carlson's great hint of hitting z for the parameters, then F6 and enter a couple of times. I hope I have that right as I haven't done it in a while. At any can return to the "original" image using the gif parameters in that way then start on your own journey. That is my fav thing to do. 3. Space limitations are space limitations...period. If one doesn't have space available to post (and most don't) the dual posting is not an option. I consider my time and space far more valuable than that of web surfers who are a non-paying audience which MUST be considered because "their" download minutes will cause them annoyance......I refuse to cost myself hours of effort or more $$ for web space for their minor inconvenience when they are getting a freebie. One is not required to pander to all wishes. I try to make reasonable compromises. I have in excess of 35 megs of "stuff" on the web so managing it takes considerable time already. Maybe those whose jobs are connected with the web or who have smaller websites can more profitably use your suggestions. Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 03 Sep 1998 22:13:19 -0700 Hi math-ophiles. This discussion has been very interesting. I have been clumping around getting some understanding of the basics and am getting an appreciation for the leap of thought it takes to think of something new, not so much how you write the formula but the imagination in thinking of the orbit traps, stalks and the flexballs, bubbles and triangles and all that. It's very creative. I was reading about Julia and Fatou. Early in this century they visualized all this (or a good part of this) and never lived to see it on a screen and certainly not in 256 colors. I wonder if it was totally an abstraction or if they could visualize it somewhat. They never knew what it looked like or saw all these people developing things from it. (or.....who knows....) Anyway, I have some basic questions that I have not been able to figure out using the references from this list. Some of it is math but I think more of it is programming or just knowing the conventions of the If..Else formulas. I've read (partially!) the Devaney and Peitgen books and some things on chaos etc. and am at roughly an advanced high school or college math for non-math major sort of level. Ummm, so- basic math question on popcorn_jul and complex numbers: Popcorn_Jul popcorn_jul { ; Paul Carlson, 1998 ; Always use float=yes ; ; real(p1) = h in popcorn formula ; imag(p1) = bailout value ; x = real(pixel) y = imag(pixel) h = real(p1) : prev_x = x x = x - h * sin(y + tan(3 * y)) y = y - h * sin(prev_x + tan(3 * prev_x)) z = x + flip(y) |z| <= imag(p1) } I thought this was about separating the x and y pixel in the initialization and then iterating the Julia formula. But does x = x - h * sin(y + tan(3 * y)) y = y - h * sin(prev_x + tan(3 * prev_x)) have something to do with z^2 + c? I thought I could figure this out with the "Formulae for Complex Numbers" but couldn't. (Actually I do not get for example why e^z=e^x(cosy + i*siny). Would this be in an Analytical Geometry text?) Similarly, I always liked conic sections and graphs in school and was looking at Kerry Mitchell's conic section formulas. conic { ; Kerry Mitchell 12may98 ; ; draws conic sections, not fractals ; Ax^2 + Bx + Cy^2 + Dy + Exy + F = 0 ; A=real(p1), B=imag(p1), C=real(p2), D=imag(p2) ; E=real(p3), E=imag(p3). use decomp=256 coloring ; a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2) e=real(p3), f=imag(p3), iter=-1: x=real(pixel), y=imag(pixel) t=x*(a*x+b)+y*(c*y+d)+e*x*y+f t=log(cabs(t)) z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) iter>0 } I understand the Ax^2 + Bx parts. Where did the " t=log(cabs(t)) z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t))" come from? Thanks! Sorry about the length of this- Kathy Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 03 Sep 1998 22:35:05 -0700 More formula questions! I think I understand the basics of the If..Else tutorial and understand bailout. But the If..Else formulas have phrases like: "bailout == 0 && |w| < 4" Bailout isn't actally 0, this seems like a language that I don't know. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Guy Marson Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal Risks? Date: 01 Sep 1998 14:32:17 +0200 Hi Albert, At 11:22 31.08.1998 -0400, you wrote: >I am also interested in Amateur Radio, enjoy FRACTINT, it's a good antenna to the soul! >drawing, painting and carving. >I am 71 and am really starting to enjoy life. Keep up the good >work. Albert > 73's from LX1GM, Guy >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 04 Sep 1998 00:21:15 -0700 (MST) On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, kathy roth wrote: > Ummm, so- > basic math question on popcorn_jul and complex numbers: > > Popcorn_Jul > popcorn_jul { ; Paul Carlson, 1998 [snippage] > x = real(pixel) > y = imag(pixel) > h = real(p1) > : > prev_x = x > x = x - h * sin(y + tan(3 * y)) > y = y - h * sin(prev_x + tan(3 * prev_x)) > z = x + flip(y) > |z| <= imag(p1) > } > I thought this was about separating the > x and y pixel in the initialization and then iterating > the Julia formula. But does > x = x - h * sin(y + tan(3 * y)) > y = y - h * sin(prev_x + tan(3 * prev_x)) > have something to do with z^2 + c? Paul is separating x and y and iterating them independently. However, this is *not* the familiar z^2+c formula. That would look like this: x = x*x - y*y + real(c) y = 2*prev_x*y + imag(c) Where the "prev_x" variable is used to force the y equation to use the previous iteration's value of x, instead of the newly computed one in the x formula. I don't know if Paul's Popcorn formula has an easy expression in terms of z. If it did, he'd probably use it. > couldn't. (Actually I do not get for example > why e^z=e^x(cosy + i*siny). Would this be in an > Analytical Geometry text?) This should be easily found in a complex analysis text. Basically, for any angle theta, exp(i*theta) = cos(theta) + i*sin(theta). *Why* this is depends on whose perspective you take, so it might just be easier right now to accept it. Then, exp(z) = exp(x+i*y) = exp(x)*exp(i*y) = exp(x)*[cos(y) + i*sin(y)]. This comes about from the rules of exponents (a^(b+c) = a^b * a^c) and the exp(i*theta) expression above. > Similarly, I always liked conic sections and graphs > in school and was looking at Kerry Mitchell's > conic section formulas. [more snippage] > I understand the Ax^2 + Bx parts. Where did > the > " t=log(cabs(t)) > z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t))" come from? Two parts: first, I use "t" as a temporary variable to hold the result of the conic section calculation. If t=0, then the iterate is right on the section. Since that will not happen very often, I want to highlight those points "close" to the section, to show where it is. I often do that by using a log transform: log(t) goes to negative infinity very quickly as t goes to zero (from above, through postive numbers. Use the cabs(t) to make sure that the argument is positive, since I don't want imaginary numbers at this point). Part 2 is to use this transformed t as an angle. z = cos(t) + flip(sin(t)) is the same as z = cos(t) + i*sin(t), or z = exp(i*t). So, when I use Fractint's "decomp=256" coloring, that will show narrower and narrower bands of color as the (original) t goes to zero, or as the iterate gets closer to the section. Simple, right? :-) Anyway, you now have a little bigger window into my twisted world of coloring scheme development, and hopefully, a little better understanding of the math and programming behind them. Kerry Mitchell Kerry Mitchell Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 04 Sep 1998 00:26:30 -0700 (MST) On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, kathy roth wrote: > More formula questions! I think I understand the > basics of the If..Else tutorial and understand > bailout. But the If..Else formulas have phrases like: > > "bailout == 0 && |w| < 4" This means, "bailout equals 0 and magnitude of w is less than 4". The "==" means "is it equal to?", as opposed to "=", which means, "set it equal to". "&&" means "and", but the Boolean kind, where if the statement "a && b" is true, then both "a" and "b" have to be true. The Boolean "or" is "||". The rest is fairly standard formual stuff--checking the magnitude of a complex number to see if it's smaller than some threshold. Kerry Mitchell Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 04 Sep 1998 10:19:03 -0400 (EDT) On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, Kerry Mitchell wrote: > On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, kathy roth wrote: > > "bailout == 0 && |w| < 4" > > This means, "bailout equals 0 and magnitude of w is less than 4". The I'm confused. I thought |w| meant the square of the magnitude of w, not the magnitude of w itself. Kragen (a formula newbie) -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 04 Sep 1998 07:22:34 -0700 (MST) You're right. My bad. Thanks. Kerry Mitchell On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, Kragen wrote: > On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, Kerry Mitchell wrote: > > On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, kathy roth wrote: > > > "bailout == 0 && |w| < 4" > > > > This means, "bailout equals 0 and magnitude of w is less than 4". The > > I'm confused. I thought |w| meant the square of the magnitude of w, > not the magnitude of w itself. > > Kragen (a formula newbie) > > -- > Kragen Sitaker > I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I > don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer > to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marie Drozdis" Subject: RE: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 04 Sep 1998 12:23:46 -0400 Please don't use this list to start a platform war. Thank you. -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Kragen Sent: Friday, September 04, 1998 10:19 AM Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diosnel Herrnsdorf Subject: Re: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 04 Sep 1998 13:04:11 -0400 > (Actually I do not get for example > why e^z=e^x(cosy + i*siny). Would this be in an > Analytical Geometry text?) Hi, Kathy. I don't think I'm able to give an answer for most of your questions. However, I'll give you this one. First of all, remember that z=x+i*y, where i=sqrt(-1). Now, you can write e^z=e^(x+i*y)=e^x*e^(i*y). The first part of the product comes into the formula. The second part comes from Euler's identity: e^(i*y)=cosy+i*siny. You can reach it with Taylor's series. If you express cosy, i*siny and e^(i*y) as series, you will get the identity. You see that the answer is more in calculus than in analytical geometry, though I think there should be some little explanation in the preliminars of complex numbers. I hope this is not too dark (this is the first time I'm thinking math in English) and helps you understand it a little.:-) Regards, Diosnel Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hans Bomers" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript Date: 04 Sep 1998 20:38:31 +0200 Wim, you wrote: >Op 2 Sep 98 om 22:14 schreef Phil McRevis over: "Re: fractals in >postscript" and you wrote: >Groetjes, > Wim de Lange You, and me, and some other fellas on this mailing list are Dutch. But most people are not. So it would be kind to write your messages all in English. No offence intended, hans (cubic) Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hans Bomers" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript Date: 04 Sep 1998 20:38:31 +0200 Wim, you wrote: >Op 2 Sep 98 om 22:14 schreef Phil McRevis over: "Re: fractals in >postscript" and you wrote: >Groetjes, > Wim de Lange You, and me, and some other fellas on this mailing list are Dutch. But most people are not. So it would be kind to write your messages all in English. No offence intended, hans (cubic) Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hans Bomers" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript Date: 04 Sep 1998 20:39:51 +0200 Wim, you wrote: >Op 2 Sep 98 om 22:14 schreef Phil McRevis over: "Re: fractals in >postscript" and you wrote: >Groetjes, > Wim de Lange You, and me, and some other fellas on this mailing list are Dutch. But most people are not. So it would be kind to write your messages all in English. No offence intended, hans (cubic) Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Heather A. Walling" Subject: (fractint) question Date: 04 Sep 1998 11:51:14 -0700 (PDT) I need a black filled image of the quadric Koch Island (D=1.5) on a white background. I figured out that what I want is Koch3 under lsystems, but I can't determine whether or not it is possible to use Fractint to fill the area within the perimeter. So far (after many hours) I still have a white perimeter on a black screen (inside and outside the curve). Does anybody know if it is possible to use Fractint to get a black island on a white background? Thanks, Heather Walling Graduate Student Physics Department UCSB Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: RE: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 04 Sep 1998 21:00:48 +0200 Kragen's message contained the following text: >>I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps >>to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using >>them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not >>a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson And then Marie Drozdis wrote: >Please don't use this list to start a platform war. I'm sure that *wasn't* Kragen's intention. But when I'm writing this mail anyway, I'd think it might be a good idea to take a look at *your* messages. Let's see... 08-08-1998: RE: (fractint) text formats, etc >How about taking this off the Fractint list? You can continue >this in email. 05-14-1998: RE: RE Re: (fractint) Isn't DOS Dead?; Was... >What does any of this have to do with the Fractint List? 04-28-1998: RE: (fractint) Anyone porting Fractint for Windows NT? >Can we keep messages like this off this list? We've been remarkably free >of flames til this. Sure an interesting contribution :-) I'm sure off-topicness isn't liked by everyone and I don't mind reactions like yours. But your RE: Understanding Formulas wasn't needed. [Not that *I* don't write superfluous mails sometimes. So don't take this mail too seriously either. :-) ] Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript Date: 04 Sep 1998 21:17:37 +0200 Zeg Hans... doe niet zo flauw wil je? Dat schrijf je toch niet? Doe me een lol en laat die onzin voortaan. Dean PS. En dan krijg ik dat mailtje nog 3x ook. Let voortaan wat beter op je To/CC entries. -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Hans Bomers Aan: ; Phil McRevis ; Datum: vrijdag 4 september 1998 20:38 Onderwerp: Re: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript >Wim, >you wrote: > >>Op 2 Sep 98 om 22:14 schreef Phil McRevis over: "Re: fractals in >>postscript" > > >and you wrote: > >>Groetjes, >> Wim de Lange > >You, and me, and some other fellas on this mailing list are Dutch. >But most people are not. >So it would be kind to write your messages all in English. >No offence intended, > >hans (cubic) > > > > > > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: (fractint) question Date: 04 Sep 1998 21:27:33 +0200 >I need a black filled image of the quadric Koch Island (D=1.5) on a white >background. I figured out that what I want is Koch3 under lsystems, but I >can't determine whether or not it is possible to use Fractint to fill the >area within the perimeter. So far (after many hours) I still have a white >perimeter on a black screen (inside and outside the curve). Does anybody >know if it is possible to use Fractint to get a black island on a white >background? I don't think fractint will help you in this case. It's easy to color-cyle the foreground color, but I have no knowledge of how to change the background color. Filling the 'island' isn't possible yet, but feel free to extend the source code with this. Whether or not possible with fractint, the actions you described should be easily accomplished with any decent (and many indecent) bitmap program: inverting colors and filling areas. Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript Date: 04 Sep 1998 21:23:10 +0200 I just wrote: >Zeg Hans... That of course should have been off-list. Sorry, Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re:(fractint) Question....w/1par(Koch5) Date: 04 Sep 1998 15:43:04 EDT This is a white background with black foreground. Could this be what you were looking for? Jim ***************************************************** Black_on_White { ; hope this helps reset=1960 type=lsystem lfile=fractint.l lname=Koch3 center-mag=1.1085e-005/7.421e-006/1.000007/1.3333 params=2 maxiter=-26032 colors=zzz000zzz000zzz000<142>000zjVzrVzzV<3>VzV<3>Vzz<2>Vbzhhz<3>zhz<3>\ zhhzlh000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz\ 000zzz000zzz<19>yzzyzzzzzkkk000zzz<10>zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz0\ 00zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000 cyclerange=0/255 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) Question....w/1par(Koch5) Date: 04 Sep 1998 14:06:43 -0700 I'm still new at this and have probably just done something wrong but I when I try to use the parameters below I get something like "Unable to understand the argument Maxiter = -26032" I'm using SF4 and SF5 and it finally does display a white outline of the fractal but not without the error first. Any suggestions as to what I may be doing incorrectly? Thanks, Judy wrote: > > This is a white background with black foreground. Could this be what you > were looking for? > > Jim > > ***************************************************** > Black_on_White { ; hope this helps > reset=1960 type=lsystem lfile=fractint.l lname=Koch3 > center-mag=1.1085e-005/7.421e-006/1.000007/1.3333 params=2 > maxiter=-26032 > colors=zzz000zzz000zzz000<142>000zjVzrVzzV<3>VzV<3>Vzz<2>Vbzhhz<3>zhz<3>\ > zhhzlh000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz\ > 000zzz000zzz<19>yzzyzzzzzkkk000zzz<10>zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz0\ > 00zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000 cyclerange=0/255 > } > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Question....w/1par(Koch3) Date: 04 Sep 1998 17:18:02 EDT I got the same thing when I ran the 1st par,'s one that should work ok. I hope! Jim ******************************************************* 2nd_try { ; jim reset=1960 type=lsystem lfile=fractint.l lname=koch3 passes=1 center-mag=4.175e-006/7.8395e-006/1.000007/1.3333 params=2 float=y colors=zzzzzzzzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz00\ 0zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000<142>000zjVzrVzzV<3>VzV<3>Vzz<2>Vbzhhz<3>zhz<3>\ zhhzlh000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz000zzz\ 000zzz000zzz<19>yzzyzzzzzkkk000zzz<7>zzz cyclerange=0/255 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) Question....w/1par(Koch3) Date: 04 Sep 1998 16:37:53 -0700 Thanks Jim that eliminated the error and now I get a black outline against white. I'm going to have to do a lot more reading to even hope to understand how you determined the values for center-mag (whether it was "trial and error", previous experience or anyone with any real math skills just KNOWS the correct values for Koch3) At this point I have only the "trial and error" method to rely on but the more I read from the list, the more hope I have of one day achieving a little of the other to methods. My thanks to all of you who have been kind enough to share your knowledge of fractals by explanation and/or example with those of us still trying to put it all together. Judy Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 4 pars(lambdafn) Date: 04 Sep 1998 19:51:22 EDT Just playin' around here. I used periodicity=0 for the last image and I still get those unwanted tesseral tracks in the center. ?? :( Oh well, enjoy anyway~ Jim ****************************************************************************** ** lambdaplay01 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/04/98 t=0:00:44.11 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=lambdafn function=exp passes=t center-mag=3.9335/1.09368/0.1886834/1/30 params=1.2/0.52 float=y maxiter=15 bailout=4 inside=bof61 invert=1/0/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000G0G<3>000<15>0f0<15>zz0<15>zzz<15>000<12>TN0WO0YQ0`S0aU0<14>zz\ 0<14>jB0i70f70<14>000<15>S5N<15>zz0<14>ZZ8XX8VW8TU8RS8<2>LM6JK6HI6FG6DF5\ <2>795574354033077<10>3nn3rr5nr7jr9frBbr<3>Qzb<9>zz0<6>z_S<5>zD4z90x87<3\ >m3bj1jf1f<5>K0K } lambdaplay02 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/04/98 t=0:00:59.65 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=lambdafn function=sinh passes=t center-mag=-0.00000000000000444/+0.00000000000000444/0.2218935/1/67.5 params=1/0.44 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof61 invert=1/0/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=425THF<3>_PJaRKbRJ<6>lX6nY4mY6<6>dTKbSNbSL<6>fO6gN3fN3<6>XG4VF5VF\ 5<6>aF3bE2bG4<7>jZO<4>gULFKO<35>gfahgbihbjicihb<5>hhbhgbhgbggbgfaffa<2>e\ dadd`cc`bc`bb_<13>ORUNQUMPTLPS<4>GLPFKOEJNDJMCILBHKAGJ9GI<3>28A068068<21\ >DDIEEJHHM<2>QQVUTZWUZ<7>nia<8>EAA<8>F23F23E23<5>A55966855622<8>ZAB<8>EA\ 6<6>LA9MAANABOBCQDDSFE } lambdaplay03 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/04/98 t=0:00:47.12 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=lambdafn function=cosxx passes=t center-mag=-3.55271e-015/1.77636e-015/0.1404494 params=1/0.44 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof61 invert=1/0/0 decomp=32 periodicity=0 colors=425bb_<13>ORUNQUMPTLPS<4>GLPFKOEJNDJMCILBHKAGJ9GI<3>28A068068<21>\ DDIEEJHHM<2>QQVUTZWUZ<7>nia<8>EAA<8>F23F23E23<5>A55966855622<8>ZAB<8>EA6\ <6>LA9MAANABOBCQDD<5>_PJaRKbRJ<6>lX6nY4mY6<6>dTKbSNbSL<6>fO6gN3fN3<6>XG4\ VF5VF5<6>aF3bE2bG4<7>jZO<4>gULFKO<35>gfahgbihbjicihb<5>hhbhgbhgbggbgfaff\ a<2>edadd`cc`bc` } lambdaplay07 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/04/98 t=0:02:10.34 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=lambdafn function=cosh passes=t center-mag=-0.00000000000002331/+0.00000000000001799/0.7051149/1/17.5 params=1/0.485 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 invert=1/0/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000sqrusswutyxvyxv<5>fiocgn_dlWbkT_jQYiMVg<6>BPh<18>wUw<9>52N<34>\ eJcfJcfKc<10>lXVlYVm_W<6>yog<31>CA6A95985<2>553443444545745864<14>SF6TG7\ VH7WI7YJ8<10>wbO<8>cQB`O9`O9<47>P00A5D<2>I9P<7>kgloloqoq } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 14 pars (Gallet-5-03) Date: 05 Sep 1998 03:17:25 EDT A few quick and simple images. It's easy to get carried away with this formula! Enjoy~ Jim **************************************************************************** G503015 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:37.01 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=recip/tan/sqrt passes=t center-mag=-0.21976/-0.21976/0.257732/1/45 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000ePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZ\ XL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJ\ JRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<21>dOF } G503016 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:23.84 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=recip/tan/sinh passes=t center-mag=-0.0895275/-0.0895275/0.3164557/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000ZW_<15>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16\ >455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>\ 74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<9>XUY } G503022 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:50.20 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=recip/tan/asinh passes=t center-mag=-0.0895275/-0.0895275/0.3696912/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000ABE<4>455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHf\ QG<24>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>G\ AIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<10>BDF } G503024 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:02:22.64 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=ident/tan/exp passes=t center-mag=-0.0895275/-0.0895275/0.3696912/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000QMR<20>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16\ >455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>\ 74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<4>PKQ } G503027 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:01:08.98 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=cos/cotan/sqrt passes=t center-mag=-0.0895275/-0.0895275/0.3696912/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000TLG<10>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iV\ OjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og\ _NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<5>WNI } G503029 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:45.86 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=cos/acosh/sqrt passes=t center-mag=0.716975/0.716975/0.3745367/1/45 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000LEN<3>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000\ usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<\ 24>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<7>NEP } G503032 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:44.82 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=cos/log/sqrt passes=t center-mag=0.872468/0.872468/0.6797245/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000hSJ<2>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_\ XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRK\ JTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQGgRI } G503033 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:20.55 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=acosh/ident/sqrt passes=t center-mag=-1.11022e-015/3.55271e-015/0.1168224/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000jXQ<2>jUMiTLiSJhRH<25>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>\ aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>j\ XQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVO } G503034 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:43.39 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=atanh/ident/sqrt passes=t center-mag=-0.0383819/-0.0383819/0.4715449/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/2.5/0/25/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000865<2>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVO\ jXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_\ NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<13>B86 } G503035 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:32.29 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=cotan/cotan/sqrt passes=t center-mag=0.303086/0.303086/0.1640764/1/45 params=2/0/0.8/0/100/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000GC9<5>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVO\ jXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_\ NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<10>JDB } G503036 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:37.07 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=tan/tanh/sqrt passes=t center-mag=-0.0470262/-0.0470262/0.1261251/1/45 params=2/0/0.8/0/100/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000455<2>101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000\ 110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<\ 26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<15>567 } G503037 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:41.91 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=tan/ident/sqrt passes=t center-mag=-0.0470262/-0.0470262/0.6457856/1/45 params=2/0/0.8/0/100/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000F95<12>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>748\ 95AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26\ >BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<5>D85 } G503038 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:32.36 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=cotan/log/sqrt passes=t center-mag=0.591037/0.591037/0.201906/1/45 params=2/0/0.8/0/100/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000hSJ<2>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_\ XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26>BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRK\ JTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<19>aMEbNEdOFePFgQGgRI } G503039 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 09/05/98 t=0:00:23.68 P75@800x600res. reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet-5.frm formulaname=Gallet-5-03 function=cotan/sqr/abs passes=t center-mag=0.955423/0.955423/1.388137/1/45 params=2/0/0.8/0/100/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=000D85<13>aMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<4>748\ 95AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<12>GAIF9GGAH<26>zzz<26\ >BAE98CA8D<16>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16>455343222101321<4>B74 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Les St Clair" Subject: (fractint) August Par Collection Date: 05 Sep 1998 17:17:52 +0100 Hi everyone, I know you're all going to be real busy looking at the contest entries but, for information, August's par collection (338 images) is now available from the usual spots: or, for those who wanted the text of the messages included, go to: Cheers, Les Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jay Hill" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fields Medal Date: 05 Sep 1998 09:37:19 -0700 > From: Jay Hill [...] > > There is a trick to printing postscript files to a laser printer, straight > from DOS. I have it set up at work. I'll post the trick if there is > interest. Please if you are. (fractint list only > comes to my home). I assume your printer is a postscript printer. Very likely it is not. But... if so (or you get a postscript printer soon) you can print a postscript file directly to the printer in a DOS window. Something like >copy :prn Now what I have is an icon on my 'desktop' that looks like this: (right mouse click to bringing up its properties... Program tab) Top line: P Cmd line: C:\ut\P.BAT ? ... Run: Normal window [X] Close on exit Now, here is what P.BAT looks like... rem copy postscript to printer3 printer rem drag and drop file onto icon copy /b %1 \\Server\hp5_printer3 'Server' is the net server name and 'hp5_printer3' is the printer name. Now I use the File Explorer and drag and drop files onto this icon and they get printed, like magic. You can make the icon by creating a shortcut to P.BAT in FileExplorer. Drag and drop the shortcut onto your wallpaper. Then edit its properties. Hope this helps Jay Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 05 Sep 1998 11:33:48 -0700 --------------30ED576ED0367F6317A54A57 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > .......Two parts: first, I use "t" as a temporary variable to hold the result > of the conic section calculation............. > Thanks, Kerry. I'm going to mull this over for a while. > > --------------30ED576ED0367F6317A54A57 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
.......Two parts:  first, I use "t" as a temporary variable to hold the result
of the conic section calculation.............
Thanks, Kerry.  I'm going to mull this over for
a while.
  --------------30ED576ED0367F6317A54A57-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 05 Sep 1998 11:38:16 -0700 --------------CC6D5E2C0FD12245759B05AD Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Diosnel wrote: > .....You see that the answer is more in calculus than in analytical geometry, > though I think there should be some little explanation in the > preliminars of complex numbers. > I hope this is not too dark (this is the first time I'm thinking math in > English) and helps you understand it a little........ > Thanks! It sounds as if you think in math in Englishpretty clearly. :-) --------------CC6D5E2C0FD12245759B05AD Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Diosnel wrote:
.....You see that the answer is more in calculus than in analytical geometry,
though I think there should be some little explanation in the
preliminars of complex numbers.
I hope this is not too dark (this is the first time I'm thinking math in
English) and helps you understand it a little........
Thanks!  It sounds as if you think in math in Englishpretty clearly. :-)
  --------------CC6D5E2C0FD12245759B05AD-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Derbyshire Subject: (fractint) Re: Date: 05 Sep 1998 14:29:52 -0400 At 01:47 PM 7/1/98 -0500, you wrote: >What's an ICQ number and what it it for? and find out :-) -- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a `*' straight line." ------------------------------------------------- -- B. Mandelbrot | _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848| Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jacco Burger" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript Date: 05 Sep 1998 21:53:19 +0200 Hans Bomers schreef drie keer / Hans Bomers wrote three times / Hans Bome= rs ecrivait trois fois / Hans Bomers schreibte drei mahl: >You, and me, and some other fellas on this mailing list are Dutch. >But most people are not. >So it would be kind to write your messages all in English. >No offence intended, Come on, this is silly! There were only a few Dutch words in Wim's message and I cannot imagine t= his would be a problem to anyone on the list. And teaching someone a lesson i= n public while it is not even your problem (as you are able to read dutch) = is like what we call "trying to be more catholic than the Pope". Off topic? Without language there would not even be a Fractint Mailing Li= st! Remember that the only reason why we speak English on this list is becaus= e it is the only language that we all understand (more or less). This is ni= ce for the listmembers who's native language is English, but it is a disadvantage for the others. Speaking for myself, I understand most of wh= at is discussed on the list, but sometimes listmembers use words or expressi= ons that I don't fully understand. No problem, I am not complaining about thi= s, I don't need to understand every detail. But when I send a message to thi= s list it is always quite an effort for me to write it in English. Allthoug= h many native English speaking people have said I write quite good English = (I won't be the judge of that) I will never be able to write in English as g= ood as I can express myself in Dutch. I feel this as very frustrating because right now I cannot express myself= in this message as acurate and detailed as I can in my mind! So please people, have a bit of patience for those who have put maybe yea= rs of time and effort to learn a language that isn't theirs. Please don't ta= ke offence in those few foreign words that you sometimes may read in our messages, but just consider them as a little gentle reminder of us not be= ing British / American / Canadian / Irish / Australian / Whateverian. Groetjes / bye / au revoir / auf wiedersehen / czesc / n=E4kemiin / ciao = / adios, Jacco. e-mail webgalery: P.S: Imagine that the Internet was invented 500 years ago - we all would probably write in Latin now.. :-( Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) August Par Collection Date: 05 Sep 1998 14:55:42 -0700 Les St Clair wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > I know you're all going to be real busy looking at the contest entries but, for > information, August's par collection (338 images) is now available from the > usual spots: > > > > or, for those who wanted the text of the messages included, go to: > > > > Cheers, Les > > Les... Thanks, as always, for your marvelous service in collecting all those pars and formulas! I've really come to rely on your efforts. Thanks too to all those who took the time to select images to post. I know this takes more thought, but I very much appreciate seeing the pars you think are most meaningful. Happy fractaling! Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morgan L. Owens" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: fractals in postscript and English Date: 06 Sep 1998 14:37:56 +1200 At 21:53 05/09/98 +0200, Jacco wrote: >. Speaking for myself, I understand most of what >is discussed on the list, but sometimes listmembers use words or expressions >that I don't fully understand. > That's all right, the same thing happens to me, and I _am_ a native English speaker. >I feel this as very frustrating because right now I cannot express myself in >this message as acurate and detailed as I can in my mind! > Ditto again, but then a lot of my thinking isn't in English, or any "public" language. Or whatever the word is to describe modes of communication that people use to express thoughts to each other. Morgan. I only know two words of Japanese: Konechiwa and Sayonara. This makes for very short conversations. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul DeCelle Subject: Re: (fractint) 14 pars (Gallet-5-03) Date: 05 Sep 1998 22:53:30 -0400 >A few quick and simple images. It's easy to get carried away with this formula! Here's a zoom/reorient/color cycle of Jim's G503038 PAR. He's right - this one's fun to work with! Paul G503038zoom { ; JimWeaver G505038 image ; Zoomed and reoriented, color cycled ; Paul DeCelle 9/6/98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=les_pars.frm formulaname=gallet-5-03 function=cotan/log/sqrt passes=t center-mag=+0.18525806513942410/+0.13074783313699970/30.1433/1.9779/0/1.\ 544 params=2/0/0.8/0/100/0 float=y maxiter=50 inside=bof60 outside=real periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/0.75/yes/0/0 colors=000GAH<26>zzz<27>98C<17>QJJRKJTLK<16>jXQ<17>000usu<7>NRY<16>45534\ 3222101<18>ZKD_LDaMEbNEdOFePFgQG<4>iVOjXQjWP<3>iSJhRHfQG<24>000110<3>636\ 74895AA6BB7C<15>WKZXL_XLaZNf<2>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<13>F9G } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Earl Simpson" Subject: Re: (fractint) August Par Collection Date: 05 Sep 1998 23:07:26 -0500 Les wrote, >Hi everyone, > >I know you're all going to be real busy looking at the contest entries but, for >information, August's par collection (338 images) is now available from the >usual spots: > I say, "Thanks much for your hard work in keeping the pars together for us. As usually, another outstanding effort on your part." And thanks to all of you that posted new pars. Enjoying seeing what's being done by others. Earl Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) contest Date: 05 Sep 1998 23:32:31 -0700 I'm looking forward to seeing all those contest entries. :-) Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 3 pars(mandel(fnfn) ) Date: 06 Sep 1998 04:02:30 EDT Three images I liked with a bit of epsiloncross and fill color for a change,....and of course some inversion as always. Here's 3 more Les! Thanks a million for keeping such fine a catalogue of everyones pars. I hope I don't become a nuisance for posting too many. At least I culled these 3 out of 10! ;) Enjoy~ Jim ************************************************************************* frightn03 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/06/98 t=0:01:51.12 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1730 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=recip/cosxx passes=1 center-mag=-8.08963/2.13163e-014/0.02881247/1/90 params=0.5/0/0.5 float=y maxiter=25 bailoutest=manh inside=bof60 invert=1/0/0 periodicity=0 colors=000DA7<3>CC3000kkkHFN<4>mia<5>J9D<7>a_R<11>FC7D95DA8<3>GFLHHPJJQ<\ 18>uum<7>HBB<19>a_e<15>511<17>VSSWTTYVV_XW<12>yyu<5>edba`_ZXXVTTVST<18>K\ 3KJ1JK2J<12>YPG_RF_QF<20>F51<8>KCMLDPMFQ<13>ago<8>IBJF7FF7F<7>DA8 } frightn09 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/06/98 t=0:00:23.51 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=log/sin passes=b center-mag=+3.24773052490129500/+0.00000000000001821/0.8403586/1/90 params=0.04/0/0.62 float=y maxiter=50 bailoutest=imag fillcolor=107 inside=epsiloncross invert=1/-0.3/0 periodicity=0 colors=000NJF<6>CA6A95985<2>553443444545745864<14>SF6TG7VH7WI7YJ8<10>wbO\ <8>cQB`O9`O9<47>P00A5D<2>I9P<7>kgloloqoq<2>wutyxvyxv<5>fiocgn_dlWbkT_jQY\ iMVg<6>BPh<18>wUw<9>52N<34>eJcfJcfKc<10>lXVlYVm_W<6>yog<23>PLG } frightn10 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/06/98 t=0:00:25.54 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=log/sin passes=b center-mag=+3.23183779530286300/+0.00000000000001887/1.391322/1/90 params=0.04/0/0.62 float=y maxiter=50 bailoutest=imag fillcolor=107 inside=epsiloncross invert=1/-0.3/0 periodicity=0 colors=000qTutTvwUw<9>52N<34>eJcfJcfKc<10>lXVlYVm_W<6>yog<31>CA6A95985<2\ >553443444545745864<14>SF6TG7VH7WI7YJ8<10>wbO<8>cQB`O9`O9<47>P00A5D<2>I9\ P<7>kgloloqoq<2>wutyxvyxv<5>fiocgn_dlWbkT_jQYiMVg<6>BPh<15>oTt } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: (fractint) Re: Fractint Mailing List ICQ # List - Sorry Date: 06 Sep 1998 10:18:21 +0200 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00C4_01BDD97F.ACA35060 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi, As some of you quite rightly noted, I could have better sent the = original to the list instead of to all members. As Xylen said, anybody who does a 'reply to all' will cause a load of = messages to about a quarter of the list. I apologize for all inconveniences. The reason I did it was simple -- only the reply button had to be = pressed and a number be sent. I will send the msg to the list anyway now (next msg). This because I = got seven or eight mail system error msgs, with contents like 'unknown = user', 'nondeliverable mail', etc. Christian, ------=_NextPart_000_00C4_01BDD97F.ACA35060 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
As some of you quite rightly noted, I = could have=20 better sent the original to the list instead of to all = members.
As Xylen said, anybody who does a = 'reply to all'=20 will cause a load of messages to about a quarter of the = list.
I apologize for all = inconveniences.
The reason I did it was simple -- only = the reply=20 button had to be pressed and a number be sent.
I will send the msg to the list anyway = now (next=20 msg). This because I got seven or eight mail system error msgs, with = contents=20 like 'unknown user',  'nondeliverable mail', etc.
------=_NextPart_000_00C4_01BDD97F.ACA35060-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: (fractint) Fw: Fractint Mailing List ICQ # List Date: 06 Sep 1998 10:19:37 +0200 >Dear fractint list member, > >While updating the fractint list ICQ # list, which I maintain since May first >this year, I came to the wonderful (:-) conclusion that It might be a lot >easier, at least for me, to send all list members this e-mail to ask whether >you have an ICQ #, and if so, if you'd be so kind to let me know. > >I guess there are a lot of people on the list who actually do have a number >and haven't let me know yet. There are also people on the list who have about >five accounts, probably four of them not working. > >I'll delete everybody of the ICQ # list who doesn't reply by the end of the >month September. That's an act of both maintaining some of your privacy, and >keeping the ICQ # list a bit clean. So if you don't want to get listed here, >just don't reply to this message. If you don't trust me, don't reply. > >This request will be only made once (that's this time). Okay, maybe I'll >repeat it in a year or so. > >The ICQ # list will be posted to the fractint mailing list about once a month. >It can also be found online at any time, at > > >If you don't know what an ICQ # is, and are interested in the phenomenon, want >to use or abuse it, or just want to join over 4,000,000 others, visit > > >Feel welcome to flame me, to my personal address please, if you think I >spammed you :-) > > >So, in short: Please mail me your ICQ # if you have one. > >Thanks in advance and kind regards, > >Dean-Christian Strik, > > > >PS. I haven't posted the # list for about a month now, because I wanted to >wait until after the update. > > > > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alan Moltz Subject: (fractint) Purchase of a Fractal program Date: 06 Sep 1998 06:59:28 -0400 I am very much interested in fractals and fractal design. I would like to know the that is available. Are there any software packages that I can buy to get me going without learning to much of the mathematics behind fractal design Thank you Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Derbyshire Subject: (fractint) Hello again Date: 06 Sep 1998 08:37:09 -0400 Hello again... miss me? My internet was down for a while... You may be seeing a bitmore ofme now though! -- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a `*' straight line." ------------------------------------------------- -- B. Mandelbrot | _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848| Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: RE: (fractint) Understanding Formulas Date: 06 Sep 1998 12:38:16 -0400 (EDT) On Fri, 4 Sep 1998, Dean-Christian Strik wrote: > Kragen's message contained the following text: > >>I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps > >>to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using > >>them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not > >>a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson > > And then Marie Drozdis wrote: > >Please don't use this list to start a platform war. The above text is called a ".signature". It's included automatically at the end of every message I post or send anywhere. I change it every week or two, and I hope it's thought-provoking -- but not flame-provoking. I believe Marie's contribution -- reminding us that the fractint list is intended for fractint discussion, not discussion on whatever pops into our heads -- is indeed valuable. However, I wasn't discussing the Mac. It was just mentioned in my .signature. :) Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: RE: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 06 Sep 1998 14:40:43 -0400 (EDT) On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Dave wrote: > True, but I'm looking at it from the point of view that "the more effort > put in by the one writer, the less effort required by the many readers". I wholly agree with that. (That's why I trim out every possible extraneous line from text I quote in my messages!) > Perhaps it's a selfish view, I don't know. As for the space available, > the JPEG+PAR solution sounds a much better idea. Would two JPEGs of the > same image require less storage space than one GIF? Usually, yes. You could set your quality thresholds on your jpegger so high that the JPEG wasn't any smaller than the .gif, and you could set them so low that the resulting JPEG was a 200th of the size of the .gif but usually terrible-looking, or you could set them somewhere in between. Kragen (who is copying a bunch of tapes at work, each of which contains several big images. like two-hundred-megabyte images.) -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 06 Sep 1998 14:50:56 -0400 (EDT) On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Angela Wilczynski wrote: > . . . I figure the > jpg's....regardless of the copyright babble......will be pilfered. That > is certainly another consideration in how I post my images......I give > up the really good stuff to the web with great reluctance. You might take a look at Phil Greenspun's policy on the use of his (numerous, excellent) photos. . (I'm sure most of the people on this list have been on the Web long enough to run across Phil Greenspun, but just in case...) > 3. Space limitations are space limitations...period. If one doesn't > have space available to post (and most don't) the dual posting is not an > option. I consider my time and space far more valuable than that of web > surfers who are a non-paying audience which MUST be considered because > "their" download minutes will cause them annoyance...... Of course, there's something to this... I'm happy you bothered to post your images at all! I try not to take this attitude myself, but I must admit I haven't even put WIDTH and HEIGHT tags on my s, and my web pages are poorly enough organized that people would likely have trouble finding things on them. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Purchase of a Fractal program Date: 06 Sep 1998 12:46:25 -0700 Alan Moltz wrote: > > I am very much interested in fractals and fractal design. I would like to > know the > that is available. Are there any software packages that I can buy to get > me going without learning to much of the mathematics behind fractal design > > Thank you > > Alan.... There is no necessity to purchase a fractal program. Several outstanding programs are available free...just download them. Fractint is my program of choice and one can remain happily in ignorance of math or programming to use it. Other wonderful programs are available too...see That page also has links for tutorials to get you started once you've downloaded the program. Angela aka wizzle Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Marsden" Subject: (fractint) Batch files Date: 06 Sep 1998 15:04:33 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01BDD9A7.A7F59FA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Does anyone know how to run batch files such that no video output is = generated during execution of the batch file itself. I've tried to = RTFM for Fractint, Partobat, etc, but I must be too simple. In the past = I seem to remember being able to do this, but many computers & OS later = I have forgotten what I once knew. Thanks, Peter Marsden (ein ehemaliger "lurker") ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01BDD9A7.A7F59FA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Does anyone know how to run batch = files such=20 that no video output is generated during execution of the batch file=20 itself.   I've tried to RTFM for Fractint, Partobat, etc, but = I must=20 be too simple.  In the past I seem to remember being able to do = this, but=20 many computers & OS later I have forgotten what I once = knew.
    = Thanks,
          &nbs= p; Peter=20 Marsden (ein ehemaliger "lurker")
------=_NextPart_000_0016_01BDD9A7.A7F59FA0-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: (fractint) Batch files Date: 06 Sep 1998 16:22:36 -0400 (EDT) On Sun, 6 Sep 1998, Peter Marsden wrote: > Does anyone know how to run batch files such that no video output is > generated during execution of the batch file itself. I've tried to > RTFM for Fractint, Partobat, etc, but I must be too simple. In the > past I seem to remember being able to do this, but many computers & OS > later I have forgotten what I once knew. You could use one of the "disk-video" modes to compute the images you're generating in the batch file. Is that what you meant? Kragen (who hates batch files but loves shell scripts) -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Marsden" Subject: Re: (fractint) Batch files Date: 06 Sep 1998 15:31:50 -0500 Thanks for your reply, I've tried that, but fractint still generates the fractals on the screen. Specifically, I've used partobat to produce the batchfile of pars from Les StClairs collections, then run the batchfile. Editing sstools.ini does ensure the chosen videomode is written in the batchfile, but it does not seem to be executed. Peter Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) pars Date: 06 Sep 1998 14:55:50 -0700 wow. WOW. worthy1 { ; c. 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=1.25572/0.0708454/4.934956/1/5 params=0.4/0.5/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000w\ AP<28>C0Bhrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } worthy2 { ; c. 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=1.5675/1.13461/4.089253 params=-0.005/-0.005/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000wAP<28>C0B\ hrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } worthy3 { ; c. 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=0.832954/-0.000336582/4.978152/1/90 params=-0.005/-0.005/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000wAP<28>C\ 0Bhrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } worthy4 { ; c. 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=0.637075/-0.931153/1.965987 params=-0.005/-0.005/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000hrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KD\ U<28>98FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98\ Fb4I<28>G1D000<13>000wAP<28>C0B } frm:Celtic_Grav{ ; Kathy Roth 9-5-98 adapted from Paul W. Carlson ;copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1998 ;original Gravijul by Mark Christenson ;**************************************************** ; Always use floating point math and outside=summ. ; ; Parameters: ; p1 = Julia set coordinates ; real(p2) = a factor controlling the width of the stalks ; imag(p2) = maximum iterations for stalks ; real(p3) = number of color ranges ; imag(p3) = number of colors in a color range ;**************************************************** w = pixel c = p1 z = 0 bailout = 0 iter = 0 range_num = 0 stalk_width = real(p2) max_iter = imag(p2) num_ranges = real(p3) colors_in_range = imag(p3) ratio = (colors_in_range - 1) / stalk_width: ; q=fn1(w) w=fn3(1/fn2(q*q)), wr = real(w) w = w - wr + abs(wr) - c ; IF (abs(real(w)) <= abs(imag(w))) min_dist_to_axis = abs(real(w)) ELSE min_dist_to_axis = abs(imag(w)) ENDIF IF (min_dist_to_axis < stalk_width && iter > 1 && iter <= max_iter) z = ratio * min_dist_to_axis + range_num * colors_in_range + 1 bailout = 1 ENDIF range_num = range_num + 1 IF (range_num == num_ranges) range_num = 0 ENDIF iter = iter + 1 z = z - iter bailout == 0 && |w| < 4 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) another par Date: 06 Sep 1998 15:03:19 -0700 Here's another, kind of a funny one. Now I'm not sorry that I had to work on this weekend. worthy5 { ; kathy roth 9-6-98 ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/sqr/atanh center-mag=-0.568783/1.51448/1.206976 params=0.4/0.4/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000wAP<28>C0\ Bhrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mark Christenson Subject: (fractint) Gallet-6-08 par Date: 06 Sep 1998 15:36:55 -0700 comment { Here's an also-ran (and my first par post in almost three months) from my contest prospects. If Damien didn't get my last-minute submission, I will post those soon as well. Gallet-6-08 is such a wonderful formula! I hope you enjoy it. Bud } g608-1b { ; "Satin" - (c) 9/5/98 Mark "Bud" Christenson reset=1930 type=formula formulafile=filist.frm formulaname=gallet-6-08 function=abs/cotan/cotan passes=t center-mag=0.669473/-0.80402/1.607143/1.3333 params=7/-1.2/2/0.3/0.3/0 float=y maxiter=2500 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0 colors=111<30>sss<30>222000012<30>0kz<14>0QX000<44>upXwqXxrYzsZysZ<20>YV\ JXUJWTIVSIURH<3>OLDMKDLJCKIB<14>000X00<14>z00<31>000 cyclerange=0/255 } frm:Gallet-6-08 { ; Sylvie Gallet, 1996 z = pixel , x = real(z) , y = imag(z) : x1 = x - p1*fn1(y + fn2(p2*x) / fn3(p3*y)) y1 = y - p1*fn1(x + fn2(p2*y) / fn3(p3*x)) x = x1 , y = y1 z = x + flip(y) |z| <= 1024 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) pars Date: 06 Sep 1998 21:37:19 -0400 At 02:55 PM 9/6/1998 -0700, you wrote: >wow. WOW. > > >worthy1 - 5 { ; c. 9-6-98 kathy roth (pars/frm snipped) Wow is right! frm and pars are _worthy_! Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Gallet-6-08 par Date: 06 Sep 1998 21:57:14 EDT Bud, Satin is right! Very nice indeed. :) Take care~ Jim Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 3 pars (conic-count_jul16) Date: 06 Sep 1998 22:01:41 EDT Here's a few nice images from a formula I had never ran before. Enjoy~ Jim ****************************************************************************** ** Conic_06 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/06/98 t=0:01:23.82 P75@800x600res. ; ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=conic-count_jul16 passes=b center-mag=8.88178e-015/1.42109e-014/0.078125/1/90 params=3.1416/-1.25/0.3/5/2/-3 float=y maxiter=255 invert=1/0/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000hhh<4>VWWSTTRTS<5>ORRORQORQOQQOPQ<10>OINOHNNGMNGL<18>I7GH6FI3F\ <2>KBGLEGNGG<13>zpUypVxpWwpX<21>975754335102304506861<4>IF3<11>gecjgfjhg\ <9>srrtsttst<13>kkgkkfiid<22>CF0<17>ZXE`YFaZGc_Hc_Hc_Gc_FdZEfYEhXD<34>75\ 2B96DB8FDAJHFLKHRPN<2>ZYW<4>zzz<5>jkk } Conic_07 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/06/98 t=0:01:27.39 P75@800x600res. ; ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=conic-count_jul16 passes=b center-mag=1.33227e-014/1.53211e-014/0.1113019/1/132.5 params=3.1416/-1.25/0.66/3.1416/2/-3 float=y maxiter=255 invert=1/0/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000ihg<2>zzz<11>VWWSTTRTS<5>ORRORQORQOQQOPQ<10>OINOHNNGMNGL<18>I7\ GH6FI3F<2>KBGLEGNGG<13>zpUypVxpWwpX<21>975754335102304506861<4>IF3<11>ge\ cjgfjhg<9>srrtsttst<13>kkgkkfiid<22>CF0<17>ZXE`YFaZGc_Hc_Hc_Gc_FdZEfYEhX\ D<34>752B96DB8FDAJHFLKHRPN<2>ZYWcba } Conic_08 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/06/98 t=0:01:48.42 P75@800x600res. ; ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=conic-count_jul16 passes=b center-mag=-1.95399e-014/1.59872e-014/0.09947622/1.486 params=0.75/10/2/0.33/2/-3 float=y maxiter=255 invert=1/0/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000llhkkgkkfiid<22>CF0<17>ZXE`YFaZGc_Hc_Hc_Gc_FdZEfYEhXD<34>752B9\ 6DB8FDAJHFLKHRPN<2>ZYW<4>zzz<11>VWWSTTRTS<5>ORRORQORQOQQOPQ<10>OINOHNNGM\ NGL<18>I7GH6FI3F<2>KBGLEGNGG<13>zpUypVxpWwpX<21>975754335102304506861<4>\ IF3<11>gecjgfjhg<9>srrtsttst<11>mli } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Xylen" Subject: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 06 Sep 1998 22:37:07 -0600 I have been lucky enough to get a second computer, and I will be installing Linux on it next week. I was wondering if anybody knows whether fractint will run under Linux. According to the documentation I've read, Linux will run many DOS programs, so I may be all right. I'm really looking forward to seeing fractals on a 200mhz machine with a 3-d and a 17" monitor. :) Xylen I live in another Dimension. I just have a summer home in Reality. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: euclid Subject: (fractint) Only Blue Colors with ATI PC2TV with 32bpp on X Date: 06 Sep 1998 23:14:16 -0700 Hello! I'm trying to get xfractint running on a PC running Linux. I have a ATI PC to TV video card with 4MB. I'm running X with 32bpp color. The problem is, xfractint only displays blues. I've tried loading pallete maps and editing the pallette, but all I get is blue. If I save the image in as a gif foramted file, I get somthing that sort of resembles the image, but it is garbled. I've checked out the FAQ's and such... buuuttt... no luck. Is there any xfractint wizard out there who has any ideas? -chris. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morgan L. Owens" Subject: Re: (fractint) Only Blue Colors with ATI PC2TV with 32bpp on X Date: 07 Sep 1998 21:12:41 +1200 At 23:14 06/09/98 -0700, chris wrote: >Hello! > >I'm trying to get xfractint running on a PC running Linux. I have a ATI > >PC to TV video card with 4MB. >I'm running X with 32bpp color. > >The problem is, xfractint only displays blues. I've tried loading >pallete maps and editing the pallette, but all I get is blue. >If I save the image in as a gif foramted file, I get somthing that sort >of resembles the image, but it is garbled. > This is true also of DOS Fractint. It's probably one of the most troublesome "features" of the present version. The truecolour modes that Fractint runs with are actually experimental testbeds to test the feasibility of coding a real truecolour mode in Fractint, which requires a different approach to specifying colour than the indexed colour method that Fractint and GIF use. The "colours" that end up in the truecolour image are actually the indices themselves. With truecolour pixels being represented as three bytes of data for the red, green, and blue components in that order, the red and green components get a value of 0, and the blue component gets the number (in the range 0..255) that in an indexed colour mode would have been used to specify which colour to use from the current palette. Result: blue images. Oops, I should have said four bytes of colour data per pixel: the first byte is _transparency_, then comes rgb. That's 32 bits. Maybe we should port Fractint over to Java? :-) Morgan Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Pearson Subject: RE: (fractint) Batch files Date: 07 Sep 1998 13:58:36 +0200 >Thanks for your reply, I've tried that, but fractint still generates the >fractals on the screen. Specifically, I've used partobat to produce the >batchfile of pars from Les StClairs collections, then run the batchfile. >Editing sstools.ini does ensure the chosen videomode is written in the >batchfile, but it does not seem to be executed. > > Peter Peter, what screen resolution are you generating the fractals at? There aren't built-in disk-video modes for all resolutions. To achieve this I had to edit the fractint.cfg and add a line. You also have to define a key sequence for it. I chose AF5. Then, try including video=af5 on the partobat command line instead of in sstools.ini. What you are trying to do DOES work so keep at it ... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: RE: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 07 Sep 1998 13:09:44 +0100 > > Perhaps it's a selfish view, I don't know. As for the space > available, > > the JPEG+PAR solution sounds a much better idea. Would two JPEGs of > the > > same image require less storage space than one GIF? > > Usually, yes. You could set your quality thresholds on your jpegger > so > high that the JPEG wasn't any smaller than the .gif, and you could set > them so low that the resulting JPEG was a 200th of the size of the > .gif > but usually terrible-looking, or you could set them somewhere in > between. .. which raises the question: what thresholds are suitable? Has anyone tried and have got ball-park figures, or values they use as a rule-of-thumb? May be an idea to publish these as guidelines for beginners! > Kragen (who is copying a bunch of tapes at work, each of which > contains > several big images. like two-hundred-megabyte images.) ... perhaps you should have stored your images in .jpg form!!! :-) > -- > Kragen Sitaker > > I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to > files. I > don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a > computer > to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) Just two days left! Date: 07 Sep 1998 11:50:42 -0400 Hi Damien et al, >> Scores of entries have already been received; we certainly appreciate >> the number of entries (more than last year's contest!) and the >> exceptional quality and variety. = 191 images, wow!!! I'm looking forward to seeing them! Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Just two days left! Date: 07 Sep 1998 09:18:21 -0700 Sylvie Gallet wrote: > > Hi Damien et al, > > >> Scores of entries have already been received; we certainly appreciate > >> the number of entries (more than last year's contest!) and the > >> exceptional quality and variety. > > 191 images, wow!!! I'm looking forward to seeing them! > > Cheers, > > - Sylvie And 75 contestants!!! Jay.....can you tell us how many entered the contest last year? I'm having a VERY hard time waiting to see the first images posted.....this is so neat. Thanks again to Damien for hosting and posting. I love Sharon's awards!! Thanks to Sharon for taking the time to do them. Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: (fractint) Fractal license Date: 07 Sep 1998 12:41:19 -0400 Off topic, but I am curious: Who is it that has the Maryland license plate: FRACTAL ? Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jay Hill" Subject: Re: (fractint) Just two days left! Date: 07 Sep 1998 09:59:16 -0700 > From: Angela Wilczynski > > 191 images, wow!!! I'm looking forward to seeing them! > > > > Cheers, > > > > - Sylvie > > > And 75 contestants!!! Jay.....can you tell us how many entered the > contest last year? I'm having a VERY hard time waiting to see the first I think it was 49. > images posted.....this is so neat. Thanks again to Damien for hosting > and posting. I love Sharon's awards!! Thanks to Sharon for taking the > time to do them. Dittos. > > Angela Jay Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) Just two days left! Date: 07 Sep 1998 12:11:57 -0500 Sylvie Gallet wrote: > > 191 images, wow!!! I'm looking forward to seeing them! > Actually, my last count from the database I was keeping is as follows: Best Use of Color 87 Best Portrayal of an Emotion 34 Best Quote Interpretation 25 Oddest Fractal 40 Most Whimsical Fractal 42 Best Mechanical Device 9 Best Horror Image 23 Best Animal or Human Shape 34 Best FractInt Fractal 88 Best Non-FractInt Fractal 81 Best Post-Processed Fractal 15 Best Strange Attractor 15 Current contestants now totals 101 with 265 total images submitted. P.N.L. Why do most folks hate cynics so much? Because we're almost always right. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) Just two days left! Date: 07 Sep 1998 12:20:38 -0500 Paul N. Lee wrote: > > Actually, my last count from the database I was keeping is as follows: > .......... ( snipped category totals ) ........ > Current contestants now totals 101 with 265 total images submitted. > BTW, sorry I couldn't upload the current counts to the webpage like I had been doing, but Damien took away my authority to do this after the cut-off time. P.N.L. Why do most folks hate cynics so much? Because we're almost always right. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Just two days left! Date: 07 Sep 1998 13:35:36 -0500 Paul, - BTW, sorry I couldn't upload the current counts to the webpage like I - had been doing, but Damien took away my authority to do this after the - cut-off time. Entirely by accident! I keep forgetting about stuff like that. I'll update the counts in a few minutes. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) more pars Date: 07 Sep 1998 13:41:18 -0700 Hi. Here are some more pars from Celtic_Grav. Most of these use one of Wizzle's great wine maps that I changed to fit Paul Carlson's 8 color ranges, 30 colors to a range formulas. (Hope you don't mind.) op-art { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Sylvie Gallet reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=0.189729/0.0607322/0.2764335 params=0.5/0.4/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=u0IPNP<13>000ggl<28>000m\ mu<29>222000000<11>000fnn<28>000lqm<28>00\ 0qpf<28>000wrl<28>000pii<28>000mjn<13>QPR } w01 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=-0.0469587/0.0227657/0.5339908/0.7658 params=0.7/0.1/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000W4nU0m<12>101www<27>33300\ 0000<13>000uzz<13>MawRWv<11>335000000\ www<28>000z0z<7>c0Z`0V_0U<18>000w\ ww<28>KKK0zz<28>0XXccc<28>000www<13>Y8o } w02 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle colors=000KKU<11>33GwmU<29>B85000<13>000\ wmU<28>843rrv<28>AAKm0K<28>F07ff\ k<25>77I55G33GwmU<28>843m0K<28>H08ffk<15>LLV } w03 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=0.00862747/0.0323236/0.4089253 params=-0.005/-0.005/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000w\ AP<28>C0Bhrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } w04 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=0.00862747/0.0323236/0.4089253 params=1/0.001/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000w\ AP<28>C0Bhrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } w05 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=-0.0896388/-0.0238519/0.2899357 params=1/0.001/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000w\ AP<28>C0Bhrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } w06 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=0.00579351/0.0289605/0.4467416/1/42.499 params=0.3/0.3/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000wAP<28>C0B\ hrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } w07 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; Paul Carlson's map reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/tan/atanh center-mag=3.665e-006/-8.65e-007/0.3066665 params=0.5/0.5/0.05/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000yx0<27>aG00zR<28>0C40zz<28>0CCG\ Gz<28>00O000<13>000fOz<28>I0Kz0\ f<28>O08z88<28>O00zW0<28>c40zz0 } w08 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Linda Allison colors=000RVK<13>180ztx<28>ULR00\ 0<13>000wxf<28>5C3hwz<28>5BGmmz<28>99Cze\ e<28>M06zxg<28>A00zvn<28>D4Aprc<13>SXL } w09 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=0.00579351/0.0289605/0.9006887/1/42.499 params=0.4/0.5/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000wAP<28>C0B\ hrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } w10 { ; 9-6-98 kathy roth ; map adapted from Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Celtic_Grav function=tan/sqr/atanh center-mag=-0.556483/1.45088/2.212599 params=0.2/0.4/0.07000000000000001/10000000/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000S3G<13>G1D000<13>000wAP<28>C0\ Bhrz<28>60Azpa<27>LG6JE4KDU<28>98\ FUsz<28>6CFf7K<28>G1DKHU<28>98Fb4I<13>S3G } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) more pars Date: 07 Sep 1998 13:52:35 -0700 kathy roth wrote: > > Hi. Here are some more pars from Celtic_Grav. > Most of these use one of Wizzle's great wine maps > that I changed to fit Paul Carlson's 8 color > ranges, 30 colors to a range formulas. (Hope you > don't mind.) > Kathy.... I don't mind at all!! here are a few pars from the fab formulas Kerry posted last month. Those are great Kerry!! Angela aka wizzle p.s. the color maps for indigo whirl and neon dancer2 are either new or newish. indigo_whirl { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:06:08.39 on 266 PII ; concentric circle formula by kerry m reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=general_jul-2lines center-mag=0.0667318/0.910258/14.0894/0.6996/83.7/2.862 params=-0.74543/2/1/0/1/1.5 float=y maxiter=2000 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=mn0<10>050<15>0zz<15>00A<14>I0aK0cJ0a<14>000<15>`GscHwcHu<15>U2PT\ 1MU0K<15>wwc<15>N4CK0AK0C<11>nkIqoItsJwwKutK<15>G3FH4C<9>w0G<10>U0G000R0\ G<3>F0F<15>U0w<15>F0F<15>zz0vv0qr0 cyclerange=0/255 } dancing_stars { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:01:05.42 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=general_man-c&l center-mag=-0.70384556844703490/-0.47280015184157200/86.97495/1.0831/172\ .5 params=1/1/2/0/1/1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000MAB<9>wK0<9>A55<7>UAA<9>20A<14>`Fw<6>94R53M34H16C077355633A00<\ 11>e00<6>ww0<5>h80e00a00<7>700000000000<2>00A<8>0oz<8>00A00000000093F<10\ >w4R<8>C0270000000000000F<4>0J80M62P9<9>Uvc<9>3L80H40E50A6077255433700<8\ >R00U00V27<5>_Do`Fw_CnY9a<6>N02J03H03F04H46<10>wwU<9>61D<2>214000104<2>4\ 1G44G77F<2>I9C cyclerange=0/255 } neon_ballet { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:02:10.02 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=cenx=ceny_jul center-mag=0.224551/0.532375/4.723355/1/-20 params=0/-0.74543/0.1/0/0.98/1.02 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=`0Y<11>000<23>000111333<29>zzz<30>222000000<23>000000200<14>Z0AU0\ 0<6>m00<7>T0m<4>F0F<2>000<36>mmmoooooo<3>ttt<4>0000660CC0II<10>0zz<6>N_w\ RWvTUv<12>r0m<4>c0` cyclerange=0/255 } ruby_web { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:00:49.93 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=cenx=ceny_jul center-mag=0.00155574/-0.00595304/0.8589376/1/-20 params=0/-0.74543/0.1/0/1.1/1.02 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=00C<12>00z<12>008<35>000708<13>p0w<12>A0B70860A<2>20H00K03M<11>0c\ m<4>00K<10>J02L00O00<12>z00<2>p00l00h00d00a00<9>000420000840<13>zX0<15>0\ 00<15>ut0<15>000GA4<12>2v10z00v0<14>000004008 cyclerange=0/255 } neon_dancer2 { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:00:24.78 on 266 PII ; kerry mitchel formula new map - reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=offset_rx=ry_jul center-mag=0/0/0.6666667 params=0.5/0.333/1/0/1.5/0.1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=fXH<8>xzc<13>KA0000<47>000330<17>000<6>zz0<9>zzc<7>UA0<18>z0c<16>\ 00A000<29>000000002<2>00A<19>0zz<11>6A0<7>1wU<15>0A03C2992<2>UA0<5>dTF cyclerange=0/255 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Gavin" Subject: RE: (fractint) Only Blue Colors with ATI PC2TV with 32bpp on X Date: 07 Sep 1998 22:28:57 -0400 // // // Maybe we should port Fractint over to Java? :-) // Morgan // // Can you say sloooowwwww? :) Peter Gavin // End transmission Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Peter Gavin" Subject: RE: (fractint) Fractal license Date: 07 Sep 1998 22:28:59 -0400 I dunno... where does Benoit Mandelbrot live? Peter Gavin // End transmission // -----Original Message----- // From: // []On Behalf Of davides // Sent: Monday, September 07, 1998 12:41 PM // To: // Subject: (fractint) Fractal license // // // Off topic, but I am curious: Who is it that has the Maryland // license plate: // FRACTAL ? // // // Back up my hard drive? // How do I put it in reverse? // // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List // Post Message: // Get Commands: "help" // Administrator: // Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" // Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) splicing project Date: 07 Sep 1998 20:51:39 -0700 Well, while you're waiting for those contest entries to show up, take a look at these! I've been inserting short formulas into the iteration parts of the coloring methods formulas. Sometimes it works fantastically, sometimes it doesn't work at all, and a lot of the times the results are, errrrr, um, odd. gravipok1 { ; 8-98 kathy roth ; Paul Carlson palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=graviPok function=sin/tan/atanh center-mag=3.665e-006/-8.65e-007/0.5271315 params=2/0.5/-10/0/1/1 float=y outside=summ colors=000<8>000ph0<5>zz0<12>aG00\ C4<15>0zR<12>0C40CC<15>0zz<12>0CC00O<14\ >FFwGGzFFw<11>00OSA`<14>eNxfOzeNw<10>K2\ OO08<15>z0f<13>O08O00<15>z88<12>O\ 00c40<14>xU0zW0yU0<11>c40aG0<8>oe0000<4>000 } gravipok2 { ; 8-98 kathy roth ; modified Sylvie Gallet palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=graviPok function=recip/atan/tan center-mag=3.665e-006/-0.0901983/0.2644119 params=2/0.5/-10/0/2/3 float=y outside=summ colors=000ajcYg_UdW<23>DIElkX<3>hdL\ fbHfbH<22>KH5wrl<14>hS7fQ4dP4<11>F92w\ tt<15>`NOZKLYKK<10>F99vuv<19>SNVQLTPK\ SOJQ<5>FCHllp<28>EEKmuu<18>DWXBUVBT\ U<7>6HI000<13>000mrrmrr<5>AUU<21>011gnhfmfelf } gravipok3 { ; 8-98 kathy roth ; modified Sylvie Gallet palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=graviPok function=exp/recip/sin center-mag=0.046454/0.179023/0.5651758 params=2/0.5/1/0/2/1 float=y outside=summ colors=000mrrmrr<5>AUU<21>011gnhfmf\ elf<2>UdW<23>DIElkX<3>hdLfbHfbH<22>KH\ 5wrl<14>hS7fQ4dP4<11>F92wtt<15>`NOZKL\ YKK<10>F99vuv<19>SNVQLTPKSOJQ<5>FCH\ llp<28>EEKmuu<18>DWXBUVBTU<7>6HI000<13>000 } frm:graviPok {;adapted from Paul W. Carlson ;original formula copyright Paul W. Carlson 1998 ; Gravijul by Mark Christenson ; real(p1) = selects equation to iterate ; 1 = Mset of w = w * w + c (default) ; 2 = Julia set of w = w * w + c ; 3 = Julia set of w = 1 / (w * w + c) ; imag(p1) = a factor controlling the size of the elements ; p2 = Julia set coordinates ; real(p3) = selects color scheme ; 1 = 2 ranges, 125 colors per range (default) ; 2 = 8 ranges, 30 colors per range ; imag(p3) = number of iterations to skip ; z = bailout = range_num = iter = 0 IF (real(p1) == 2 || real(p1) == 3) ; select Mset or Julia set w = pixel ; Julia set c = p2 ELSE w = 0 ; Mset c = pixel ENDIF k = (0.5,0.5) size = imag(p1) IF (real(p3) == 2) ; select coloring scheme num_ranges = 8 colors_in_range = 30 ELSE num_ranges = 2 colors_in_range = 125 ENDIF skip = imag(p3) index_factor = (colors_in_range - 1) / size : ;********** select equation to iterate ************** IF (real(p1) < 3) q=fn1(w) w=fn3(1/fn2(w*w)) ELSE w = 1 / (w * w + c) ; Pokorny ENDIF ;**************************************************** IF (iter > skip) dist = abs(|w - k| - 0.1) IF (dist < size) bailout = 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF (bailout) z = index_factor * dist + range_num * colors_in_range + 1 ENDIF range_num = range_num + 1 IF (range_num == num_ranges) range_num = 0 ENDIF iter = iter + 1 z = z - iter bailout == 0 && |w| < 1.0e20 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) re: more pars Date: 07 Sep 1998 20:59:21 -0700 --------------C87A1722139DDBE2FCED6F11 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wizzle wrote: ..... > p.s. the color maps for indigo whirl and neon dancer2 are either new or > newish. > Can you repost them or the color map part? I couldn't get the colors to work on Indigo Whirl, Neon Ballet or Ruby... (nice names!) I finally found that if you trim the line lengths to a medium length in PFE or wordpad before you put them into the netscape composition then netscape doesn't mangle them with the double spaces and you have control of not putting the \ in the middle of the <>. --------------C87A1722139DDBE2FCED6F11 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Wizzle wrote:
p.s. the color maps for indigo whirl and neon dancer2 are either new or

Can you repost them or the color map part?  I
couldn't get the colors to work on Indigo Whirl,
Neon Ballet or Ruby...  (nice names!)  I finally found
that if you trim the line lengths to a medium length
in PFE or wordpad before you put them into the
netscape composition then netscape doesn't mangle them
with the double spaces and you have control of not
putting the \ in the middle of the <>. --------------C87A1722139DDBE2FCED6F11-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) splicing project Date: 08 Sep 1998 00:54:36 EDT I have no understanding of formula writing but I enjoyed *gravipok02* very much! :) Jim Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 2 pars (Jm-16) Date: 08 Sep 1998 00:58:36 EDT Just an image I liked along with a zoom of the 1st. Enjoy~ Jim ***************************************************************************** JM_16_01 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/07/98 t=0:01:35.95 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Jm_16 function=log/log/exp/ident passes=t center-mag=1.84508/-5.77316e-015/0.6879472/1/-90 params=100/0 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 colors=00099A778<15>zzz<14>xkXwjVvjV<12>kcOjbNhaN<20>663442212000<15>000\ 111223<24>eepggrgfq<23>b2Pa0N`0N<23>D04B03C05<7>H0FH0GI0HJ0IK0KL0L<9>V2c\ <2>f4zb3rZ3kV2c<2>Q2VP1SN1PL0LL0LL0K<25>prz<20>BBD } JM_16_02zoomof01 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/07/98 t=0:03:32.02 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=Jm_16 function=log/log/exp/ident passes=t center-mag=2.21347/1.07935/31.52372/1/134.999 params=100/0 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 colors=000gdp<22>b2Pa0N`0N<23>D04B03C05<7>H0FH0GI0HJ0IK0KL0L<9>V2c<2>f4z\ b3rZ3kV2c<2>Q2VP1SN1PL0LL0LL0K<25>prz<22>778<15>zzz<14>xkXwjVvjV<12>kcOj\ bNhaN<20>663442212000<15>000111223<24>eepggrgfq } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) more pars Date: 07 Sep 1998 22:42:42 -0700 (MST) On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Angela Wilczynski wrote: > I don't mind at all!! here are a few pars from the fab formulas Kerry > posted last month. Those are great Kerry!! Thanks! Here's another one--a quickie. No long narrative, just a little serendipity. red-riding-hood { ; copyright 07sep98 Kerry Mitchell reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=red center-mag=-0.72/0/0.78/1/-90 params=0/1/0/-1/1/1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000\ <15>zAA<14>zww<15>w99<14>714303100<13>t99x99zBB<14>zxx<15>x99<15\ >202<14>f0fi1ij4j<13>xuxzyyzxz<13>j5ji1if0f<14>101<14>e0eh0hi3i<\ 13>xvxzzzywy<14>h0h<15>000 cyclerange=0/255 } frm:red { ; Kerry Mitchell 07sep98 zc=0, c=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 cen1=p1, cen2=p2, radsqr1=|real(p3)|, radsqr2=|imag(p3)| count1=0, count2=0: iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c temp1=|zc-cen1| if(temp1bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=count1+flip(count2) endif done==0 } Kerry Mitchell Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morgan L. Owens" Subject: RE: (fractint) Only Blue Colors with ATI PC2TV with 32bpp on X Date: 08 Sep 1998 17:47:58 +1200 At 22:28 07/09/98 -0400, Peter Gavin wrote: >// Maybe we should port Fractint over to Java? :-) >// Morgan >// > > >Can you say sloooowwwww? >:) > Hence the :-). Java is still too much in its early days to do an adequate job (though at least it's potty-trained, unlike C++). But hey, with better garbage collection, smarter optimisations, adaptive compilers, JVM-to-processor machine code translation, etc., etc., ... who knows? Hey, how about someone writing a .class to .exe recompiler? :-) Morgan Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: (fractint) Gaps & Rings Date: 08 Sep 1998 00:12:54 -0700 (MST) comment { ; narrative copyright Kerry Mitchell 07sep98 Gaps & Rings More fun with lines and circles. These methods monitor the orbit of the standard Mandelbrot and Julia calculations and bail out if the orbit falls between two curves. In the "ring" formulas, the orbit is trapped between two concentric circles. The circles can be specified generally with the center and the 2 radii. A special case is the "ringc" formulas. Here, the center of the circles is the parameter "c", and the radii are entered in terms of cabs(c). In either case, the 2 circles are identified by: |z - center| = |radius1|, and |z - center| = |radius2|. So it is sufficient to check |z - center| to see if it falls in the range of |radius1| to |radius2|. Exactly where in this range it falls is scaled and used as the angle for the "decomp=256" coloring scheme. The same idea can be applied to lines instead of circles, and this is principle behind the "gap" formulas. Here, the calculation is halted if the orbit falls in the gap between 2 parallel lines. The lines are specified by: a*x + b*y = c1, a*x + b*y = c2. Since "a" and "b" are the same for both lines, the lines are parallel. The gap between the lines is given by the difference between c1 and c2. (Note that c1 and c2 are different than the Mandelbrot and Julia parameters c). In the "gap" formulas, all 4 parameters a, b, c1, and c2 must be entered. In the "gapc" formulas, a and b are determined by the real and imaginary parts of c: if c1 (or c2) = 0, then the line would pass through c and the origin. At each step, the value temp = a*real(z) + b*imag(z) is computed to see if it is in the range from c1 to c2. If so, then it's exact spot within that range is scaled to an angle from 0 to 2*pi radians. That angle is used with the "decomp=256" scheme to color the pixel. In the event that the orbit doesn't encounter either a ring or a gap, the bailout is hardcoded to 1000. For best effect, use "decomp=256" coloring. } fishing-lines { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 07sep98 ; ; sample for "gapc" coloring method ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm passes=1 formulaname=gapc_man center-mag=-0.38927660934152510/-0.58\ 134362037150540/205.6733/1/-154.5 params=-0.001/0.001 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000\ Qdr<2>RetRftSftSgtTgu<4>VjvVjvWkwXkw<11>bqycrydryesyesz<5>jvzkwz\ mwz<2>qyzryzuzzzzzuzzryz<5>jvzivziuz<7>bqybqyapyapy`ox<8>WkwVjvVj\ vViv<7>RetQesQdsQdrPcr<25>GSfFRfFReFQd<13>AJXAJWAIV9IU9HU<33>0010\ 00001<31>8GS9HT9HU9IUAIVAJW<31>KYmLZnLZnM_oM_o<6>Pcr cyclerange=0/255 } ring-toss { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 07sep98 ; ; sample for "ringc" coloring method ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=ringc_jul passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.9636448/1/20 params=-0.044662513058/0.64384\ 933724/0.362/0.412 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000500810<5>G40H40H50<7>O91O91PA1PA1QB2<8>VF3WG4WG4WH4<7>_L6`L7`M\ 7`M8aN8<25>jZKk_Kk_Lk`M<13>pgUpgVphWqhXqiX<33>zzyzzzzzy<31>rjZqiYqiXqhXp\ hWpgV<31>fTDeSCeSCdRBdRB<11>_L6_K6ZK6ZJ6YJ5<4>WG4WG4VF3UF3<11>O91N81M81L\ 71L70<5>G40F30D30<2>910810500 cyclerange=0/255 } crown { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 07sep98 ; ; sample for "ring" coloring method ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=ring_man passes=1 center-mag=-0.92/0/1.2/1/-90 params=-0.75/0/0.475/0.525 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<32>\ S8GT9HU9HU9IVAIWAJ<31>mKYnLZnLZoM_oM_<11>tRetRftSftSguTg<4>vVjvVjwWk\ wXk<11>ybqycrydryeszes<5>zjvzkwzmw<2>zqyzryzuzzzzzuzzry<5>zjvzivziu<\ 7>ybqybqyapyapx`o<8>wWkvVjvVjvVi<7>tResQesQdrQdrPc<25>fGSfFReFRdFQ<1\ 3>XAJWAJVAIU9IU9H<33>100 cyclerange=0/255 } lizard { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 07sep98 ; ; sample for "gap" coloring method ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gap_jul passes=1 center-mag=0/0/1.104/0.754 params=-0.756/0.1/1/1.06/-0.1/0.1 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=0 decomp=256 viewwindows=1/0.666667/yes/0/0 periodicity=0 colors=000050081<5>0G40H40H5<7>1O91O91PA1PA2QB<8>3VF4WG4\ WG4WH<7>6_L7`L7`M8`M8aN<25>KjZKk_Lk_Mk`<13>UpgVpgWphXqhXqi<33>yzzzzzyz\ z<31>ZrjYqiXqiXqhWphVpg<31>DfTCeSCeSBdRBdR<11>6_L6_K6ZK6ZJ5YJ<4>4WG4WG\ 3VF3UF<11>1O91N81M81L70L7<5>0G40F30D3<2>091081050 cyclerange=0/255 } frm:gap_man { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the gap between ; 2 lines. lines specified as a*x + b*y = c1 (or c2) ; real(p1) = a ; imag(p1) = b ; real(p2) = c1 ; imag(p2) = c2 ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; zc=0, c=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c1=real(p2), c2=imag(p2) fac=pi*2/(c2-c1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c q=a*real(zc)+b*imag(zc) if((q>=c1)&&(q<=c2)) done=1 t=(q-c1)*fac z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } frm:gap_jul { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the gap between ; 2 lines. lines specified as a*x + b*y = c1 (or c2) ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; real(p2) = a ; imag(p2) = b ; real(p3) = c1 ; imag(p3) = c2 ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; c=p1, zc=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 a=real(p2), b=imag(p2), c1=real(p3), c2=imag(p3) fac=pi*2/(c2-c1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c q=a*real(zc)+b*imag(zc) if((q>=c1)&&(q<=c2)) done=1 t=(q-c1)*fac z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } frm:gapc_man { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the gap between ; 2 lines. lines based on c. ; real(p1) determines y-intercept of 1st line ; imag(p1) determines y-intercept of 2nd line ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; zc=pixel, c=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 a=imag(c), b=-real(c), c1=real(p1), c2=imag(p1) fac=pi*2/(c2-c1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c q=a*real(zc)+b*imag(zc) if((q>=c1)&&(q<=c2)) done=1 t=(q-c1)*fac z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } frm:gapc_jul { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the gap between ; 2 lines. lines based on c. ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; real(p2) determines y-intercept of 1st line ; imag(p2) determines y-intercept of 2nd line ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; c=p1, zc=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 a=imag(c), b=-real(c), c1=real(p2), c2=imag(p2) fac=pi*2/(c2-c1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c q=a*real(zc)+b*imag(zc) if((q>=c1)&&(q<=c2)) done=1 t=(q-c1)*fac z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } frm:ring_man { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the ring between ; 2 concentric circles ; p1 = center of circles ; real(p2) = radius of inner circle, as a factor or cabs(c) ; imag(p2) = radius of outer circle, as a factor of cabs(c) ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; zc=0, c=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 center=p1, r1=real(p2), r2=imag(p2), fac=pi*2/(r2-r1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c, r=cabs(zc-center) if((r>=r1)&&(r<=r2)) done=1 t=(r-r1)*fac z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } frm:ring_jul { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the ring between ; 2 concentric circles ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; p2 = center of circles ; real(p3) = radius of inner circle, as a factor or cabs(c) ; imag(p3) = radius of outer circle, as a factor of cabs(c) ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; c=p1, zc=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 center=p2, r1=real(p3), r2=imag(p3), fac=pi*2/(r2-r1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c, r=cabs(zc-center) if((r>=r1)&&(r<=r2)) done=1 t=(r-r1)*fac z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } frm:ringc_man { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the ring between ; 2 concentric circles. center = c. ; real(p1) = radius of inner circle, as a factor or cabs(c) ; imag(p1) = radius of outer circle, as a factor of cabs(c) ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; zc=pixel, c=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 center=c, r1=real(p2)*cabs(c), r2=imag(p2)*cabs(c) fac=pi*2/(r2-r1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c, r=cabs(zc-center) if((r>=r1)&&(r<=r2)) done=1 t=(r-r1)*fac z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } frm:ringc_jul { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the ring between ; 2 concentric circles. center = c. ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; real(p2) = radius of inner circle, as a factor or cabs(c) ; imag(p2) = radius of outer circle, as a factor of cabs(c) ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; c=p1, zc=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 center=c, r1=real(p2)*cabs(c), r2=imag(p2)*cabs(c) fac=pi*2/(r2-r1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c, r=cabs(zc-center) if((r>=r1)&&(r<=r2)) done=1 t=(r-r1)*fac z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } Kerry Mitchell Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Beth Subject: (fractint) RE: fractint-digest V1 #290 Date: 08 Sep 1998 22:03:13 +1000 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BDDB74.7A3AB900 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Remove ------ =_NextPart_000_01BDDB74.7A3AB900 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+Ig8MAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYAFAIAAAEAAAAQAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAYwAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGZyYWN0aW50LWRpZ2Vz dEBsaXN0cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AU01UUABmcmFjdGludC1kaWdlc3RAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24u Y29tAAAeAAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAIwAAAGZyYWN0aW50LWRpZ2VzdEBsaXN0 cy54bWlzc2lvbi5jb20AAAMAFQwBAAAAAwD+DwYAAAAeAAEwAQAAACUAAAAnZnJhY3RpbnQtZGln ZXN0QGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAAAAAgELMAEAAAAoAAAAU01UUDpGUkFDVElOVC1ESUdF U1RATElTVFMuWE1JU1NJT04uQ09NAAMAADkAAAAACwBAOgEAAAAeAPZfAQAAACMAAABmcmFjdGlu dC1kaWdlc3RAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAACAfdfAQAAAGMAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABmcmFjdGludC1kaWdlc3RAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAFNNVFAAZnJhY3RpbnQt ZGlnZXN0QGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAwD9XwEAAAADAP9fAAAAAAIB9g8BAAAABAAAAAAA AAJxhQEEgAEAHAAAAFJFOiBmcmFjdGludC1kaWdlc3QgVjEgIzI5MAB+CAEFgAMADgAAAM4HCQAI ABYAAwANAAIADgEBIIADAA4AAADOBwkACAAWAAIANQACADUBAQmAAQAhAAAAOUQwMkMzQjUxRURC QkQxMTk5OTk0QTQwOEU2QjREQUYAYQcBA5AGAHwDAAAhAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAA AAAACwApAAAAAAADAC4AAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AMCso6cg270BHgBwAAEAAAAcAAAAUkU6IGZy YWN0aW50LWRpZ2VzdCBWMSAjMjkwAAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG92yCnksUZPANHZRHSm5lERVNUAAAA AB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAfDAEAAAAVAAAAbWljaGllQGFjZW5ldC5jb20uYXUAAAAA AwAGEBV7uikDAAcQBgAAAB4ACBABAAAABwAAAFJFTU9WRQAAAgEJEAEAAAC8AAAAuAAAACIBAABM WkZ1REDRBgMACgByY3BnMTI1BjIA+AtgbmczMDg6MQH3IAKkA+MCAGNowQrAc2V0MCAHEwKDQwBQ EHZwcnEyEXZ9swqACMggOwlvDjA1AoAZCoF1YwBQCwNmaS0IMTQ0AUBsaTE4bjABQAzQFsNjAEEP AjFYMDMzC6YH8GUEYHZOZRfhAUASwG90BZB0+RIEMTYKogqCGgQZ0QsT8xoFFxAzNhbxDxULpxr1 CxsCE4EAHxADABAQAAAAAAMAERAAAAAAAwCAEP////9AAAcwoEmwmyDbvQFAAAgwoEmwmyDbvQEL AACACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAADhQAAAAAAAAMAAoAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABCF AAAAAAAAAwAFgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAUoUAALcNAAAeACWACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAA RgAAAABUhQAAAQAAAAQAAAA4LjAAAwAmgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAAYUAAAAAAAALAC+A CCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAOhQAAAAAAAAMAMIAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAABGFAAAA AAAAAwAygAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAGIUAAAAAAAAeAEGACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAA AAA2hQAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAAAAHgBCgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAN4UAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAA AB4AQ4AIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAADiFAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAeAD0AAQAAAAUAAABSRTog AAAAAAMADTT9NwAAOYY= ------ =_NextPart_000_01BDDB74.7A3AB900-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: RE: (fractint) Only Blue Colors with ATI PC2TV with 32bpp on X Date: 08 Sep 1998 09:03:47 -0400 (EDT) On Tue, 8 Sep 1998, Morgan L. Owens wrote: > Hey, how about someone writing a .class to .exe recompiler? :-) The good folks at Cygnus are doing just this. Also, I believe there are a couple of Java compilers for Win32 that can produce native code. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 08 Sep 1998 08:09:10 -0600 (CST) On Sun, 6 Sep 1998, Xylen wrote: > I was wondering if anybody knows whether fractint > will run under Linux. There's a version that runs under X-Windows (the graphical interface for every Unix) called XFractint which is a bit hard to use (2 windows, one for image, one for text input.) Plus you have to run your X-Windows in 8-bpp mode to avoid the whole image being blue AND you have to use command-line options to change the image size and get all 256 colors. I'm personally still waiting for the SVGALib version (graphics without having to start X-Windows) that acts exactly like the DOS version. > According to the documentation I've read, Linux will > run many DOS programs, so I may be all right. IF you pick up DOSEmu. I think Fractint will run under that because Fractint doesn't use any DOS extenders. I've never tried it, though. Maybe that's the reason there's no SVGALib version... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 08 Sep 1998 09:21:05 -0400 (EDT) On Tue, 8 Sep 1998 wrote: > On Sun, 6 Sep 1998, Xylen wrote: > > I was wondering if anybody knows whether fractint > > will run under Linux. > > There's a version that runs under X-Windows (the graphical interface for > every Unix) called XFractint which is a bit hard to use (2 windows, one > for image, one for text input.) Plus you have to run your X-Windows in > 8-bpp mode to avoid the whole image being blue AND you have to use > command-line options to change the image size and get all 256 colors. IIRC -- although it has been several years -- you can resize the graphics window to change the image size. > I'm > personally still waiting for the SVGALib version (graphics without having > to start X-Windows) that acts exactly like the DOS version. I'd like that too. Even an X version that acts a little more like the DOS version (you know, displaying text and graphics in the same window, accepting keystrokes in that window, etc.) would be a big improvement. > > According to the documentation I've read, Linux will > > run many DOS programs, so I may be all right. > > IF you pick up DOSEmu. I think Fractint will run under that because > Fractint doesn't use any DOS extenders. I've never tried it, though. > Maybe that's the reason there's no SVGALib version... I *have* tried it. Fractint 19.5 under DOSEMU 0.66.7 works mostly fine, but can't color-cycle, and occasionally seems to freeze temporarily, and sometimes the graphics screen is displayed incorrectly. And it's hard to use with the mouse, because the mouse tends to escape the Fractint window while you're moving. More and more people are going to want to run Fractint in Linux -- there would be more Linux users as MS-Windows users in 2002 if Linux's current rate of growth were to remain constant -- so we need to find better ways of doing things. Linux and Fractint have a special kinship; they both share the same "stone soup" method of development. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: (fractint) Try Again Pars Date: 08 Sep 1998 08:07:54 -0700 It's been so long since I've posted pars, I've forgotten some of the tricks. Here is a re-post for that messy set I sent a few days ago. I think it's working properly now. Sorry for the inconvenience. Angela indigo_whirl { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:06:08.39 on 266 PII ; concentric circle formula by kerry m reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=general_jul-2lines center-mag=0.0667318/0.910258/14.0894/0.6996/83.7/2.862 params=-0.74543/2/1/0/1/1.5 float=y maxiter=2000 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=mn0<10>050<15>0zz<15>00A<14>I0aK0cJ0a<14>000<15>`GscHwcHu<15>U2PT\ 1MU0K<15>wwc<15>N4CK0AK0C<11>nkIqoItsJwwKutK<15>G3FH4C<9>w0G<10>U0G000R0\ G<3>F0F<15>U0w<15>F0F<15>zz0vv0qr0 cyclerange=0/255 } dancing_stars { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:01:05.42 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=general_man-c&l center-mag=-0.70384556844703490/-0.47280015184157200/86.97495/1.0831/172\ .5 params=1/1/2/0/1/1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000MAB<9>wK0<9>A55<7>UAA<9>20A<14>`Fw<6>94R53M34H16C077355633A00<\ 11>e00<6>ww0<5>h80e00a00<7>700000000000<2>00A<8>0oz<8>00A00000000093F<10\ >w4R<8>C0270000000000000F<4>0J80M62P9<9>Uvc<9>3L80H40E50A6077255433700<8\ >R00U00V27<5>_Do`Fw_CnY9a<6>N02J03H03F04H46<10>wwU<9>61D<2>214000104<2>4\ 1G44G77F<2>I9C cyclerange=0/255 } neon_ballet { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:02:10.02 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=cenx=ceny_jul center-mag=0.224551/0.532375/4.723355/1/-20 params=0/-0.74543/0.1/0/0.98/1.02 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=`0Y<11>000<23>000111333<29>zzz<30>222000000<23>000000200<14>Z0AU0\ 0<6>m00<7>T0m<4>F0F<2>000<36>mmmoooooo<3>ttt<4>0000660CC0II<10>0zz<6>N_w\ RWvTUv<12>r0m<4>c0` cyclerange=0/255 } ruby_web { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:00:49.93 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=cenx=ceny_jul center-mag=0.00155574/-0.00595304/0.8589376/1/-20 params=0/-0.74543/0.1/0/1.1/1.02 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=00C<12>00z<12>008<35>000708<13>p0w<12>A0B70860A<2>20H00K03M<11>0c\ m<4>00K<10>J02L00O00<12>z00<2>p00l00h00d00a00<9>000420000840<13>zX0<15>0\ 00<15>ut0<15>000GA4<12>2v10z00v0<14>000004008 cyclerange=0/255 } neon_dancer2 { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:00:24.78 on 266 PII ; kerry mitchel formula new map - reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=offset_rx=ry_jul center-mag=0/0/0.6666667 params=0.5/0.333/1/0/1.5/0.1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=fXH<8>xzc<13>KA0000<47>000330<17>000<6>zz0<9>zzc<7>UA0<18>z0c<16>\ 00A000<29>000000002<2>00A<19>0zz<11>6A0<7>1wU<15>0A03C2992<2>UA0<5>dTF cyclerange=0/255 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: (fractint) The dreaded spaces Date: 08 Sep 1998 08:18:52 -0700 My last transmission HAS the dreaded spaces if I get the file via Communicator, but it didn't when I tested it via Eudora. Blech. This is the best I can do!! I'm going to try an upgrade of Communicator tonight and maybe life will be better. Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Batch files Date: 08 Sep 1998 08:16:12 -0700 (PDT) > > Thanks for your reply, I've tried that, but fractint still generates the > fractals on the screen. Specifically, I've used partobat to produce the > batchfile of pars from Les StClairs collections, then run the batchfile. > Editing sstools.ini does ensure the chosen videomode is written in the > batchfile, but it does not seem to be executed. One thing I noticed is that I had to put the sstools.ini file in the \windows directory, or \winnt on NT, in order for partobat to see the defaults that I had set. You can also run partobat without any parameters and set answer the questions. I'm a bit unsure about your problem, but I've been able to get partobat to work peachy on 95 and NT using the Disk Video modes. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) more pars Date: 08 Sep 1998 08:25:39 -0700 Newbie having difficulties... With my limited experience, I couldn't get any of these to work. A couple of the errors I get.... With neon_dancer2 I have a problem with "offset_rx=ry_jul" With neon_ballet I have a problem with "cenx=ceny_jul" Maybe someone could give me a bit of help the first couple, I could figure out the rest. Sorry to be a pest, Judy > indigo_whirl { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:06:08.39 on > 266 PII > ; concentric circle formula by kerry m > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm > formulaname=general_jul-2lines > center-mag=0.0667318/0.910258/14.0894/0.6996/83.7/2.862 > params=-0.74543/2/1/0/1/1.5 float=y maxiter=2000 inside=0 decomp=256 > periodicity=0 > > colors=mn0<10>050<15>0zz<15>00A<14>I0aK0cJ0a<14>000<15>`GscHwcHu<15>U2PT\ > > 1MU0K<15>wwc<15>N4CK0AK0C<11>nkIqoItsJwwKutK<15>G3FH4C<9>w0G<10>U0G000R0\ > G<3>F0F<15>U0w<15>F0F<15>zz0vv0qr0 cyclerange=0/255 > } > > dancing_stars { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:01:05.42 on > 266 PII > ; > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm > formulaname=general_man-c&l > > center-mag=-0.70384556844703490/-0.47280015184157200/86.97495/1.0831/172\ > .5 params=1/1/2/0/1/1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 > periodicity=0 > > colors=000MAB<9>wK0<9>A55<7>UAA<9>20A<14>`Fw<6>94R53M34H16C077355633A00<\ > > 11>e00<6>ww0<5>h80e00a00<7>700000000000<2>00A<8>0oz<8>00A00000000093F<10\ > > >w4R<8>C0270000000000000F<4>0J80M62P9<9>Uvc<9>3L80H40E50A6077255433700<8\ > > >R00U00V27<5>_Do`Fw_CnY9a<6>N02J03H03F04H46<10>wwU<9>61D<2>214000104<2>4\ > 1G44G77F<2>I9C cyclerange=0/255 > } > > neon_ballet { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:02:10.02 on > 266 PII > ; > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm > formulaname=cenx=ceny_jul > center-mag=0.224551/0.532375/4.723355/1/-20 > params=0/-0.74543/0.1/0/0.98/1.02 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 > decomp=256 periodicity=0 > > colors=`0Y<11>000<23>000111333<29>zzz<30>222000000<23>000000200<14>Z0AU0\ > > 0<6>m00<7>T0m<4>F0F<2>000<36>mmmoooooo<3>ttt<4>0000660CC0II<10>0zz<6>N_w\ > RWvTUv<12>r0m<4>c0` cyclerange=0/255 > } > > ruby_web { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:00:49.93 on > 266 PII > ; > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm > formulaname=cenx=ceny_jul > center-mag=0.00155574/-0.00595304/0.8589376/1/-20 > params=0/-0.74543/0.1/0/1.1/1.02 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 > decomp=256 periodicity=0 > > colors=00C<12>00z<12>008<35>000708<13>p0w<12>A0B70860A<2>20H00K03M<11>0c\ > > m<4>00K<10>J02L00O00<12>z00<2>p00l00h00d00a00<9>000420000840<13>zX0<15>0\ > 00<15>ut0<15>000GA4<12>2v10z00v0<14>000004008 cyclerange=0/255 > } > > neon_dancer2 { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:00:24.78 on > 266 PII > ; kerry mitchel formula new map - > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm > formulaname=offset_rx=ry_jul center-mag=0/0/0.6666667 > params=0.5/0.333/1/0/1.5/0.1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 > periodicity=0 > > colors=fXH<8>xzc<13>KA0000<47>000330<17>000<6>zz0<9>zzc<7>UA0<18>z0c<16>\ > 00A000<29>000000002<2>00A<19>0zz<11>6A0<7>1wU<15>0A03C2992<2>UA0<5>dTF > cyclerange=0/255 > } > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) The dreaded spaces Date: 08 Sep 1998 10:31:31 -0500 Angela Wilczynski wrote: > > My last transmission HAS the dreaded spaces if I get > the file via Communicator, but it didn't when I tested > it via Eudora. Blech. This is the best I can do!! > I'm going to try an upgrade of Communicator tonight > and maybe life will be better. > Upgrades are sometimes nice to do, but try this first: 1. Under the menu of EDIT, select PREFERENCES. 2. Expand the MAIL & GROUPS category and select MESSAGES. 3. Now change the number of characters under the section: "Wrap long lines at _____ chatracters" Make it somewhere around 70. 4. Now hit the OK button. Why do most folks hate cynics so much? Because we're almost always right. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) re: more pars Date: 08 Sep 1998 09:04:29 -0700 --------------A83791EA8033F8669B7F2AED Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Judy wrote: > A couple of the errors I get.... > With neon_dancer2 I have a problem with "offset_rx=ry_jul" > With neon_ballet I have a problem with "cenx=ceny_jul" > It sounds as if you don't have the formulas for the pars. I am sending those to you separately, or if you go to Les St.Clair's site he has a whole package of Fractint mailing list formulas. --------------A83791EA8033F8669B7F2AED Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Judy wrote:

A couple of the errors I get....
With neon_dancer2 I have a problem with "offset_rx=ry_jul" 
With neon_ballet I have a problem with "cenx=ceny_jul"
It sounds as if you don't have the formulas for the pars.
I am sending those to you separately, or if you go
to Les St.Clair's site he has a whole package of
Fractint mailing list formulas.
  --------------A83791EA8033F8669B7F2AED-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Only Blue Colors with ATI PC2TV with 32bpp on X Date: 08 Sep 1998 09:03:19 -0700 (PDT) > > Hello! > > I'm trying to get xfractint running on a PC running Linux. I have a ATI > > PC to TV video card with 4MB. > I'm running X with 32bpp color. > > The problem is, xfractint only displays blues. I've tried loading > pallete maps and editing the pallette, but all I get is blue. > If I save the image in as a gif foramted file, I get somthing that sort > of resembles the image, but it is garbled. > > I've checked out the FAQ's and such... buuuttt... no luck. > > Is there any xfractint wizard out there who has any ideas? I'm hardly a wizard with xfractint, but I compiled it and got it running on Solaris 2.5.1. The only problem I've found is that it doesn't read or write pars correctly. If parameters are defaulted in a par, it seems to put garbage in them. Similarly, if I write out a par, it likes to put garbage in the defaulted parameters. Mostly with the coordinates/zoom/magnification entries. It only does 640x480 in a window, but it is useful for experimenting while waiting on compiles, etc. :-) Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) re: more pars (Thanks Kathy) Date: 08 Sep 1998 09:42:53 -0700 Of course you were right! :) Now I'll go look for the others now, as you suggested. Thanks again, Judy kathy roth wrote: > It sounds as if you don't have the formulas for the pars. > I am sending those to you separately, or if you go > to Les St.Clair's site he has a whole package of > Fractint mailing list formulas. > > > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JoWeber Subject: (fractint) Try Again Pars Date: 08 Sep 1998 15:11:53 -0400 Hi Angela, >It's been so long since I've posted pars, I've forgotten some of the >tricks. Here is a re-post for that messy set I sent a few days ago. I >think it's working properly now. Sorry for the inconvenience. >Angela >indigo_whirl { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t=3D 0:06:08.39 on= >266 PII > ; concentric circle formula by kerry m The error is that you haven't marked as a comment 266 PII. indigo_whirl { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t=3D 0:06:08.39 on ; 266 PII Sometimes there are messages with lines like this: colors=3Dmn0<10>050<15>0zz<15>00A<14>I0aK0cJ0a<14>000<15>`GscHwcHu<15>U 2PT\ The \ markes the end of the line. The par can't work correctly. It must b= e colors=3Dmn0<10>050<15>0zz<15>00A<14>I0aK0cJ0a<14>000<15>`GscHwcHu<15>U2P= T\ or colors=3Dmn0<10>050<15>0zz<15>00A<14>I0aK0cJ0a\ <14>000<15>`GscHwcHu<15>U2PT\ Keep up the good work. Cheers --Jo-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: (fractint) My First Pars Date: 08 Sep 1998 13:06:07 -0700 (PDT) Hey all, I thought that I would send out my first try at some visually pleasing pars. Most of them are just explorations into existing formulas, but I did try my hand at "bastardizing" a formula, with interesting (I think anyway) results. I tried to leave in credit in the comments for formulas, maps, pars, etc. that I started from, but having played with so many I easily got confused with what was my starting point. Please let me know if anyone didn't get credit they should have. Comments or suggestions, good or bad, are solicited and appreciated. BTW, thanks to all who responded with information about understanding formulas. I still don't understand them very well, but have some information to go through to try to understand them. :-) Ken... ================================================================ AceOfSpades { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=newt8-jatan-mset center-mag=-0.113938/2.77556e-017/8.503404/1/90 params=0.0001/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=2000 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000w00<28>2000000w0<28>02000000w<29>000ww0<28>220000000<29>w0w000\ <29>0ww000<28>uuuwwwwU0<28>210000000<2>000wmU000000 cyclerange=1/248 } Tentacle { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 ; Formula by Paul Carlson ; Map by Linda Allison reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=3d_balls_julia passes=1 center-mag=-0.888889/-0.914405/3.205128 params=-0.6466273535043001/-0.4439372085034847/0.1/2/2/125 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 outside=summ colors=cye<62>0A40A41B5<55>cyeCNO<4>7GK5EJ6FK<29>dxxfzzfyy<29>DCRCAPDBQ<\ 29>ieskgtjft<29>47S } Pinwheel { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 ; Formula by Paul Carlson ; Map by Linda Allison reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=phoenix_atan passes=1 center-mag=-1.18363344630256900/-0.04510583774312252/164.6347 params=-0.50756510417/0.22080729167/0.5/0/2/125 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=253 outside=summ invert=1/0/0 viewwindows=4.2/0.75/yes/640/480 colors=cye<60>1C51B50A40A41B52C6<54>cyeCNO<4>7GK5EJ6FK<29>dxxfzzfyy<27>F\ FTEESDCRCAPDBQECR<28>ieskgtjft<29>47S } GalaxyOCircles { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_man center-mag=-0.40255791084044460/+0.64944644816843610/157958.1 params=1000/0.5/1/1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=E96<9>E1EE0FF0GG0H<13>X0YY0ZZ0_`0a_0`Z0_<23>506405203001000000<30\ >v00<30>100000001<22>00j00010200n<5>00z<30>002000000210000421<3>C53D64E8\ 5<23>wwc<29>GC7EA5EA5 cyclerange=0/255 } Arrowhead { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 ; Map by Sylvie Gallet reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=newt3_atan_mset passes=t center-mag=+0.81980167124388850/-0.00000150623535969/3605.597 params=0.05/0 float=y maxiter=2000 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000zzz<78>FFFwzw<19>djfciebhdbhdagc`gc<2>_eaZd`Yc_XbZXbZ<5>T_WSZV\ SZVSZV<5>QXSQXSQXSQWRPWRPWQ<8>LRLLRKKQKJPJ<6>FKDFJCEIBEIADH9CH8<2>AF5EF0\ <30>`XJaYKaYKaYL<28>nj_nj_ok`ola<12>xuk669000<12>000 } Bug_Mandel { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 ; Formula by Paul Carlson ; Map by Bud reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=newt5_atan_mset passes=t center-mag=+0.00005392104347752/-0.32045096784013330/200.8814 params=0.01/0 float=y maxiter=2048 outside=summ colors=q000bo0am0_k<10>9U_ATZASXBRWCQV<2>FPSGORGNPHMOIMNJLMKKK<3>PMIQNHS\ OHTPGUQG<2>YSD_TD`TCaUCcVB<15>xg1zh0yg0<29>MC0KA0LA0<13>_86a77b66<4>h22i\ 11k00m00<5>x00o00<25>000<31>sss<30>222000012<30>0kz<4>0dqz00<3>s00 cyclerange=1/250 } Tornado { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 ; Based on Bridge of Shells by Wizzle reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=contest4 center-mag=0.435667/-0.772206/41.21409 params=0.6667/0.74543 float=y inside=zmag decomp=60 colors=000cDX<5>wcc<6>U0A<6>nihpmlsrp<9>YOE<10>wwm<2>enZ000<13>00066X<5>\ RRm<9>P0U000<107>000UKA<9>wwc<15>U0P<5>00U<8>Kmm<9>2N50K00G6<3>00U<5>P0U\ U0UX4V_8W } GreenTornado { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 ; Based on Bridge of Shells by Wizzle ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=contest4 center-mag=0.435667/-0.772206/41.21409 params=0.6667/0.74543 float=y inside=zmag decomp=60 } WatchingYou { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=contest4 center-mag=-0.74340418645319910/+0.80208175963767240/2.912526e+007 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=9 inside=bof60 invert=2.3043333e-006/-0.7434027495/0.802083194 decomp=256 colors=c5K<16>000<31>uzb<15>000<14>FTVHVYHVX<29>112000000<33>H0OI0PJ0QK0\ RL1S<30>uixwkzwjz<7>vczubzu`z<3>sWzsUzqTx<22>635423010<4>703803A14<21>a4\ J } MysteriousOne { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=contest4 center-mag=-0.74340418645319910/+0.80208175123563750/5860223 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=9 inside=bof60 invert=2.3043333e-006/-0.7434027495/0.802083194 decomp=256 colors=c5K<16>000<31>uzb<15>000<14>FTVHVYHVX<29>112000000<33>H0OI0PJ0QK0\ RL1S<30>uixwkzwjz<7>vczubzu`z<3>sWzsUzqTx<22>635423010<4>703803A14<21>a4\ J } TheThreeBrots { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=ken5.par formulaname=cos_rings_mset passes=t center-mag=0.218167/1.07776/4.788769 params=0.05/0/1000/0 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0GGz<123>11Q000000000 } BrotQuartet { ; (c) Ken Childress - 09/98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=ken1.par formulaname=cos_rings_mset passes=t center-mag=0.265333/1.06652/4.039223 params=0.05/0/1000/0 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz\ 0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0z88zz0GGz<123>11Q000000000 } frm:Cos_Rings_Mset {; Modified version of P. Carlson's Cosh_Rings_Mset ; real(p1) = a factor controlling the width of the rings ; imag(p1) not used ; p2 = bailout value for |w| c = pixel w = bailout = iter = 0 ring_width = real(p1) index_factor = 124 / ring_width: w = cos(w) + c dist = abs(|w|-.25) bailout = (iter > 0) * (dist < ring_width) iter = iter + 1 z = (index_factor * dist + 128) * bailout - iter bailout == 0 && |w| < p2 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 6 pars (G-3-03-M) Date: 08 Sep 1998 20:26:26 EDT Here's a few rather strange yet nice looking images. My thanks to Sylvie for having the ingenuity to come up with such *fun to play with* formulae! :) Enjoy~ Jim " " " /JWeaver285/page1.htm ****************************************************************************** ***** G_3_03nu04 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/07/98 t=0:01:12.83 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=G-3-03-M function=cotanh/acosh passes=t center-mag=0.396589/0.396589/0.4389261/1/44.999 params=0.5/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000A6D<5>YPI<4>rhAreAqaAqZB<16>C6E20C<23>uym<6>nromqojol<14>0C2<2\ 4>05U5AW7CW9EX<6>HM_IN_JN`<5>NSaOSbOTbPTbPUb<14>XaeYafYafYbf<34>jokkokko\ kkoklpk<9>oslosmmpt<7>nrvkkkkkk<20>3EI0CG0DH<4>0IJ0JK1LL1NL<5>0ZK0XK0VK<\ 7>02C63C } G_3_03nu05 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/07/98 t=0:01:58.85 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=G-3-03-M function=cotanh/acosh passes=t center-mag=0.230143/0.230143/0.4206445/1/45 params=0.25/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=00053L<3>27g<6>gmrnttrqk<9>VMH<4>`MBaM9dM6eM5gN3<4>`M8<7>523<17>X\ 6IZ7JY7JW7JU8I000kkkO9H<4>EBE<9>dcd<7>SHIQEFQEF<14>hmj<7>S9B<4>H9BE9BE9B\ <25>BIKBIKCIK<4>DIJDIJDIK<42>GKYHLZIN_<14>Zmr`ot_mr<14>CBK<7>`XZ<7>62A62\ F } G_3_03nu07 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/07/98 t=0:02:18.91 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=G-3-03-M function=asinh/acosh passes=t center-mag=0.533408/0.533408/0.3884586/1/45 params=0.25/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000EAHA6E62A<2>54R45W36a27g8Dh<5>gmrnttrqk<9>VMH<4>`MBaM9dM6eM5gN\ 3<4>`M8<7>523<17>X6IZ7JY7JW7JU8I000kkkO9H<4>EBE<9>dcd<7>SHIQEFQEF<14>hmj\ <7>S9B<4>H9BE9BE9B<25>BIKBIKCIK<4>DIJDIJDIK<42>GKYHLZIN_<14>Zmr`ot_mr<14\ >CBK<7>`XZ<4>IEK } G_3_03nu09 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/07/98 t=0:04:36.00 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=G-3-03-M function=cotanh/acosh passes=t center-mag=-0.14984/-0.14984/0.6175889/1/45 params=0.22/-0.066/0.85/-0.15 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000QMQ<4>62A<2>54R45W36a27g8Dh<5>gmrnttrqk<9>VMH<4>`MBaM9dM6eM5gN\ 3<4>`M8<7>523<17>X6IZ7JY7JW7JU8I000kkkO9H<4>EBE<9>dcd<7>SHIQEFQEF<14>hmj\ <7>S9B<4>H9BE9BE9B<25>BIKBIKCIK<4>DIJDIJDIK<42>GKYHLZIN_<14>Zmr`ot_mr<14\ >CBK<7>`XZYUWUQT } G_3_03nu10 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/07/98 t=0:02:01.78 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=G-3-03-M function=cotanh/acosh passes=1 center-mag=0.289891/0.289891/0.4703492/1/45 params=0.337/-0.05/0.66/-0.15 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000EAHA6E62A<2>54R45W36a27g8Dh<5>gmrnttrqk<9>VMH<4>`MBaM9dM6eM5gN\ 3<4>`M8<7>523<17>X6IZ7JY7JW7JU8I000kkkO9H<4>EBE<9>dcd<7>SHIQEFQEF<14>hmj\ <7>S9B<4>H9BE9BE9B<25>BIKBIKCIK<4>DIJDIJDIK<42>GKYHLZIN_<14>Zmr`ot_mr<14\ >CBK<7>`XZ<4>IEK } G_3_03nu11zoomof10 { ; image(c)JimWeaver 9/07/98 t=0:04:17.55 P75@800x600res. ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=G-3-03-M function=cotanh/acosh passes=1 center-mag=-0.312459/-0.312459/1.109314/1/45 params=0.337/-0.05/0.66/-0.15 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000EAHA6E62A<2>54R45W36a27g8Dh<5>gmrnttrqk<9>VMH<4>`MBaM9dM6eM5gN\ 3<4>`M8<7>523<17>X6IZ7JY7JW7JU8I000kkkO9H<4>EBE<9>dcd<7>SHIQEFQEF<14>hmj\ <7>S9B<4>H9BE9BE9B<25>BIKBIKCIK<4>DIJDIJDIK<42>GKYHLZIN_<14>Zmr`ot_mr<14\ >CBK<7>`XZ<4>IEK } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 08 Sep 1998 19:40:41 -0500 Ladies and Gentlemen, I present for your viewing pleasure, the Fractal Art '98 Contest entries: Sorry it has taken so long, there were so many entries and so many pages to produce. Please don't all crowd the server at once. :-) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) re: more pars (Thanks Kathy) Date: 08 Sep 1998 18:31:18 -0700 Judy wrote: > > Of course you were right! :) > Now I'll go look for the others now, as you suggested. > > Thanks again, > Judy > > kathy roth wrote: > > It sounds as if you don't have the formulas for the pars. > > I am sending those to you separately, or if you go > > to Les St.Clair's site he has a whole package of > > Fractint mailing list formulas. > > > > Judy..... Oops....I don't normally re-post formulas that are available at Les's site. the reset to a longer wrap length...did that....even tested it by sending an email to my other isp....worked....but not for the list. Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 08 Sep 1998 20:03:50 -0700 Damien M. Jones wrote: > > Ladies and Gentlemen, > I present for your viewing pleasure, > the Fractal Art '98 Contest entries: > > > > Sorry it has taken so long, there were so many entries and so many pages to > produce. > > Please don't all crowd the server at once. :-) > > Damien M. Jones \\ > \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: > \\ Damien..... The contest looks GLORIOUS!!!!! You were right, the entries are marvelous. And your presentation does them real justice.....thank you so much for the hard work. Actually, the really hard work is going to be voting!! I took one quick peek at all the thumbnails.....yes...that was me up at the front of the line hogging the server (oops, sorry....didn't mean to .....<<>> step on your toe....<<>>....pardon, pardon....I just need to take one TINY look at this fractal). I'm thrilled to be in such outstanding company!!! Cheers all....wonderful job................Y (champagne glass raised in toast) Angela aka wizzle Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janet Preslar Subject: (fractint) Resource List Date: 08 Sep 1998 22:23:55 -0500 The following is a list of resources for FractInt users and Discussion Li= st members. (Last updated September 7, 1998)=20 Thanks to Noel Giffin, this list is now also available online at: *** New entries Please send all corrections, additions, and suggestions to:=20 Janet Preslar ( FractInt At Spanky =97 Mirror site =97 FractInt Documentation =97 FractInt semi-official wish list =97 Information, Tutorials and Explanations Anti-Aliasing Explained (Damien M. Jones) =97 Basic FractInt Hints and Tips (Linda Allison) =97 Coloring Algorithms Explained (Damien M. Jones) =97 ColorMap tutorial (Linda Allison) =97 (mirror= ) Color Map Magic (Wizzle) =97 Color Tricks (Linda Allison) =97 Formula tutorial (Bradley Beacham) =97 =20 Fractals Explained (Linda Allison) =97 Fractal Information Page (Damien M. Jones) =97 Guide to the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets (Paul Derbyshire) =97 Help for FractInt Discussion List newcomers!! (Wizzle) =97 High Resolution tutorial (Linda Allison) =97 Hints on getting started (Wizzle) =97 If...Else tutorial =97 Par and Frm tutorial (Linda Allison) =97 (mirror) ParToBat, Tips and Hints for Using (or how to have a life AND generat= e a zillion fractals a day ;) ) (Linda Allison)=20 PHC and PTC Formula tutorial (Sylvie Gallet) =97 PNG vs. JPEG discussed (Damien M. Jones) =97 Proportioning, Sizing, and Skewing tutorial (Linda Allison) =97 *** sci.fractals FAQ =97 Windows 95, How to run FractInt for DOS under =97 Zooming tutorial (Linda Allison) =97 FractInt Discussion List Fractal '98 Contest =97 FractInt Discussion List archive =97 1997 Contest (thumbnails of all the entries) =97 The 1997 Contest Kit (Re-create the magic at home!!) =97 Collection of Discussion List Pars & Formulas (Les St. Clair) (all the pars and frms since August 1997) =97 The iFAQ (collected topics from the list) =97 Copyrights Discussed (and discussed) =97 ColorMaps collected and organized by Wizzle =97 Dr. J's Fractal of the Night =97 *** List of FractInt Mailing List members with ICQ numbers =97 Additional Programs & Utilities AddGifs program (Paul Carlson) =97 FractInt Screensaver v1.70 (Thore Berntsen) =97 MakeMap utility (Ron Barnett) =97 Orgfrm program (George Martin) =97 Partobat utility (version 3.4 for slower machines) (Michael Peters) =97 Partobat utility (version 3.5 for faster machines) (Michael Peters) =97 XMAP and MMAP utilities (Jim Prickett) =97 Infinite Fractal Loop Home Page =97 Graphical List =97 Particularly Helpful Links Pages Wizzle's Graphlinks =97 Fractal merchandise (posters, mouse mats, t-shirts, etc.) Lifesmith =97 Refractal Design Inc. (fractal jewelry) =97 Fractal-Art Mailing List Subscribe: "subscribe fractal-art" Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractal-art" Fractal '98 Contest =97 Archive of messages =97=20 Jim Muth's Fractal of the Day index (last few weeks) Jim Muth's complete FOTD archive of PARs and FRMs Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) re: more pars (Thanks Kathy) Date: 08 Sep 1998 23:12:30 -0500 Angela Wilczynski wrote: > > the reset to a longer wrap length...did that.... > even tested it by sending an email to my other isp....worked > ....but not for the list. > Sorry, forgot to tell you that this parameter only sets the wrap length for lines that are not continuous characters. It doesn't cause a string of characters to automatically be broken at that length. Setting a specified line length will also cause a small tiny arrow to appear at the top of the Text area in the Message Composer window. You should use this arrow as the point to start a new line. If you go past that length, then any preceding spaces in front of a long string of characters will become one line and the string of characters will be the second line (which is what is happening to you). By setting a value of say 68, you can see when to break the parameters in the PAR. P.N.L. Why do most folks hate cynics so much? Because we're almost always right. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Phil DiGiorgi" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 09 Sep 1998 00:54:57 -0400 >Ladies and Gentlemen, >I present for your viewing pleasure, >the Fractal Art '98 Contest entries: > > > >Sorry it has taken so long, there were so many entries and so many pages to >produce. > >Please don't all crowd the server at once. :-) > >Damien M. Jones \\ > \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: > \\ Outstanding! Mind-boggling! This is going to be tough... Phil D. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Wayne Kiely Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 08 Sep 1998 23:14:03 -0600 Damien, At 19:40 8/09/98 -0500, you wrote: (in part) >Sorry it has taken so long, there were so many entries and so many pages to >produce. No need to apolagise. I (and I'm sure that can be read as WE) are all very gratefull for your time and fabulous effort. It is much appreciated. Regards, Wayne Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 09 Sep 1998 05:37:39 -0400 At 07:40 PM 9/8/1998 -0500, you wrote: >Ladies and Gentlemen, >I present for your viewing pleasure, >the Fractal Art '98 Contest entries: > > > >Sorry it has taken so long, there were so many entries and so many pages to >produce. An outstanding job, and the images...this will take some time. How can one choose among so many superlative images? Wow!! Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Pearson Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 09 Sep 1998 12:33:58 +0200 >Ladies and Gentlemen, >I present for your viewing pleasure, very much so >the Fractal Art '98 Contest entries: > >Sorry it has taken so long, there were so many entries and so many pages to >produce. like everyone has said, it's much appreciated One question: in the quotes category, are there quotes for each one? Otherwise how do we vote for the best interpretation? Joe > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janet Preslar Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 09 Sep 1998 07:50:19 -0500 Joe Pearson wrote: > One question: in the quotes category, are there quotes for each one? > Otherwise how do we vote for the best interpretation? > Joe Click on each one to see the full-size image AND the quote. Janet Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diosnel Herrnsdorf Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 09 Sep 1998 09:23:18 -0400 Damien M. Jones wrote: > Ladies and Gentlemen, > I present for your viewing pleasure, > the Fractal Art '98 Contest entries: It's been a real pleasure. I have made my choices and would like to vote, but I'm not so sure as to how to fill out the form. Can you help me? I don't know how to refer to the image I selected. Thanks and regards, Diosnel Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: RE: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 09 Sep 1998 09:25:23 -0400 (EDT) On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Dave wrote: > > Usually, yes. You could set your quality thresholds on your jpegger > > so > > high that the JPEG wasn't any smaller than the .gif, and you could set > > them so low that the resulting JPEG was a 200th of the size of the > > .gif > > but usually terrible-looking, or you could set them somewhere in > > between. > > .. which raises the question: what thresholds are suitable? Has anyone > tried and have got ball-park figures, or values they use as a > rule-of-thumb? May be an idea to publish these as guidelines for > beginners! The thresholds which are suitable depend on your jpeg generator. > > Kragen (who is copying a bunch of tapes at work, each of which > > contains > > several big images. like two-hundred-megabyte images.) > ... perhaps you should have stored your images in .jpg form!!! :-) Nope -- they need to be analyzed algorithmically, and jpeg throws in all kinds of artifacts that aren't visible to the eye, but can present problems for other things you might want to do with images. (Hearsay.) Also, I think JPEG only specifies how to store RGB images, with three 'bands'. These are SEBASS images, which, I believe, have many more than three bands. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lee Skinner Subject: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 10:24:49 -0400 From some of the comments I'm seeing on this list, it's obvious to me that some viewers are going to vote based strictly on seeing the thumbnai= ls - and that's too bad, but understandable. Most of us don't have T1 lines= , and the window for downloading such a large number of images is way too short for many of us that won't be able to find the time to download 265 images. And its too bad that no comprimise is open for discussion for tho= se that want to display their images on their web pages. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 16:13:13 +0100 > From some of the comments I'm seeing on this list, it's obvious to > me > that some viewers are going to vote based strictly on seeing the > thumbnails > - and that's too bad, but understandable. Most of us don't have T1 > lines, > and the window for downloading such a large number of images is way > too > short for many of us that won't be able to find the time to download > 265 > images. And its too bad that no comprimise is open for discussion for > those > that want to display their images on their web pages. > Well... I tried to open a forum for ideas about balancing speed of downloading, number of images, JPEG v GIF, quality of images etc. but it turned a bit heated (I think I may have caused some if it in the first place!! - sorry, people) and then defused itself after a while. It does seem that someone viewing one page full of thumbs are going to view those that appear interesting at that size, which is a pity when we all know that intricate detail in a large picture could merge together into one solid area of colour in a thumbnail - and thus is in danger of being overlooked. Is it possible to agree on a format for entry submission? eg: all images must be 640x480, max of 256 colours etc? I know that you may not get the effect of graduated colour shading, but at least this way images can be downloaded quickly. (this, coming from someone who hasn't managed to get an image of more than 256 colours on his video card yet!! Curse these ax-dx values...) Just a thought... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 08:38:35 -0700 (PDT) > > > > Well... I tried to open a forum for ideas about balancing speed of > downloading, number of images, JPEG v GIF, quality of images etc. but it > turned a bit heated (I think I may have caused some if it in the first > place!! - sorry, people) and then defused itself after a while. I'm not sure the best answer here, but I'd like to suggest an alternative. The contest web pages could be put in ZIP file(s) for downloading and viewing on an individual's system at their leisure. Unless the HTML for the pages is written with absolute addresses, downloading and view should be possible on any system. > It does seem that someone viewing one page full of thumbs are going to > view those that appear interesting at that size, which is a pity when we > all know that intricate detail in a large picture could merge together > into one solid area of colour in a thumbnail - and thus is in danger of > being overlooked. Conversely, viewing the thumbnails can allow one to skip those images that are clearly not interesting to the individual. It is prudent to view all images at the larger size to ensure that details aren't overlooked. However, a page of thumbnails puts like images together for sort of a "global" comparison. I think my suggestion above might help solve this problem. To view all images, one must effectively download everything, so the ability to download all the relevant pages at one time would solve the problem, plus give the viewing the ability to go back and view offline as often as is needed. Some, including myself, are going to do this anyway, so why not make it easy? > Is it possible to agree on a format for entry submission? eg: all images > must be 640x480, max of 256 colours etc? I know that you may not get the > effect of graduated colour shading, but at least this way images can be > downloaded quickly. With the number of fractal programs that generate true color images, plus the ability to post process fractint images, limiting to 256 colors would be quite ludicrous, IMO. Some, due to system limitations or technical issues might be limited to 256 colors (like me at my work system :-( ), but I think that number is in the minority. Later, Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 11:25:07 -0500 Lee, - From some of the comments I'm seeing on this list, it's obvious to me - that some viewers are going to vote based strictly on seeing the thumbnails If they do, they will be ignoring the clear requests on the contest web site that they not vote this way. We can't enforce this request (easily) so all we can do is ask that people view each image in full before making their votes. - And its too bad that no comprimise is open for discussion for those that - want to display their images on their web pages. Thank you for suggesting a compromise. (You were suggesting one, weren't you? :) The problem is that people want to be able to display their images, perhaps even have committed to being able to display them. Suppose after the 19th, we allow those who wish to to display their contest images, yet extend the voting another week or two? Does anyone have some thoughts on this, pro or con? Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: RE: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 09 Sep 1998 11:20:32 -0500 Kragen, - > .. which raises the question: what thresholds are suitable? - - The thresholds which are suitable depend on your jpeg generator. Very much so, but a lot of JPEG software presents a slider with a range of 0 to 100 for the quality/compression. Generally only 1/5 of this range, at one end, is actually useful. You will have to experiment to find out which end it is, since there is no consistent convention for this feature. Certain other software will give you very limited choices indeed, such as "Good, Fair, Poor" etc. For this, you're completely on your own... :-) - Nope -- they need to be analyzed algorithmically, and jpeg throws in - all kinds of artifacts that aren't visible to the eye, but can present - problems for other things you might want to do with images. (Hearsay.) If you intend to view or print images (and for printing, ultimately you plan to view them) then JPEG artifacts are not a problem. For any other sort of statistical analysis, it makes no sense to taint your data by saving it in JPEG form. - Also, I think JPEG only specifies how to store RGB images, with three - 'bands'. These are SEBASS images, which, I believe, have many more - than three bands. Actually, JPEG doesn't normally use RGB, it uses YCbCr, where brightness is along a single axis and two color axes are perpendicular to it. There are reasons for this, and they're actually quite sensible. :-) You probably COULD create a custom flavor of JPEG which stored a multi-spectral image using DCT compression, but you'd have to write custom software to view it, too. :-) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 09 Sep 1998 11:13:15 -0500 Diosnel, - I have made my choices and would like to vote, but I'm not so sure as - to how to fill out the form. Can you help me? I don't know how to refer - to the image I selected. Use the entry number which appears in the browser window title bar for the image. I'll re-word the voting instructions to make this clearer. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ursine" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 09:43:52 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0083_01BDDBD6.5C1B01C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >With the number of fractal programs that generate true color images, >plus the ability to post process fractint images, limiting to 256 colors >would be quite ludicrous, IMO. What programs are you talking about? It seems Fractint's preferential treatment of outdated hardware limits most users I've ever asked about this subject to 256 colors, including me. Winfract is no better, limiting all images to a max of 256. Thanks! ------=_NextPart_000_0083_01BDDBD6.5C1B01C0 Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAQAAoIIJ5TCCAjww ggGlAhAyUDPPUNFW81yBrWVcT8glMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYD VQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0 aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05NjAxMjkwMDAwMDBaFw0yMDAxMDcyMzU5NTlaMF8xCzAJ BgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJs aWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAw gYkCgYEA5Rm/baNWYS2ZSHH2Z965jeu3noaACpEO+jglr0aIguVzqKCbJF0NH8xlbgyw0FaEGIea BpsQoXPftFg5a27B9hXVqKg/qhIGjTGsf7A01480Z4gJzRQR4k5FVmkfeAKA2txHkSm7NsljXMXg 1y2He6G3MrB7MLoqLzGq7qNn2tsCAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQIFAAOBgQBLRGZgaGTkmBvzsHLm lYl83XuzlcAdLtjYGdAtND3GUJoQhoyqPzuoBPw3UpXD2cnbzfKGBsSxG/CCiDBCjhdQHGR6uD6Z SXSX/KwCQ/uWDFYEJQx8fIedJKfY8DIptaTfXaJMxRYyqEL2Raa2Nrngv2U2k8LS12vc3lnWojX4 RTCCAy4wggKXoAMCAQICEQDSdi6NFAw9fbKoJV2v7g11MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMg UHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05ODA1MTIwMDAwMDBaFw0wODA1MTIy MzU5NTlaMIHMMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjEfMB0GA1UECxMWVmVyaVNpZ24gVHJ1 c3QgTmV0d29yazFGMEQGA1UECxM9d3d3LnZlcmlzaWduLmNvbS9yZXBvc2l0b3J5L1JQQSBJbmNv cnAuIEJ5IFJlZi4sTElBQi5MVEQoYyk5ODFIMEYGA1UEAxM/VmVyaVNpZ24gQ2xhc3MgMSBDQSBJ bmRpdmlkdWFsIFN1YnNjcmliZXItUGVyc29uYSBOb3QgVmFsaWRhdGVkMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC7WkSKBBa7Vf0DeootlE8VeDa4DUqyb5xUv7zodyqdufBou5XZMUFweoFL uUgTVi3HCOGEQqvAopKrRFyqQvCCDgLpL/vCO7u+yScKXbawNkIztW5UiE+HSr8Z2vkV6A+Hthzj zMaajn9qJJLj/OBluqexfu/J2zdqyErICQbkmQIDAQABo3wwejARBglghkgBhvhCAQEEBAMCAQYw RwYDVR0gBEAwPjA8BgtghkgBhvhFAQcBATAtMCsGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh93d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29t L3JlcG9zaXRvcnkvUlBBMA8GA1UdEwQIMAYBAf8CAQAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AgUAA4GBAIi4Nzvd2pQ3AK2qn+GBAXEekmptL/bxndPKZDjcG5gMB4ZbhRVqD7lJhaSV8Rd9Z7R/ LSzdmkKewz60jqrlCwbe8lYq+jPHvhnXU0zDvcjjF7WkSUJj7MKmFw9dWBpJPJBcVaNlIAD9GCDl X4KmsaiSxVhqwY0DPOvDzQWikK5uMIIEbzCCA9igAwIBAgIQPBbB5cosi7s+8Wd5vx7fyTANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQQFADCBzDEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWdu IFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9SUEEg SW5jb3JwLiBCeSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxSDBGBgNVBAMTP1ZlcmlTaWduIENsYXNzIDEg Q0EgSW5kaXZpZHVhbCBTdWJzY3JpYmVyLVBlcnNvbmEgTm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZDAeFw05ODA5MDMw MDAwMDBaFw05ODExMDIyMzU5NTlaMIIBATEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNV BAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcmVw b3NpdG9yeS9SUEEgSW5jb3JwLiBieSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxHjAcBgNVBAsTFVBlcnNv bmEgTm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZDEnMCUGA1UECxMeRGlnaXRhbCBJRCBDbGFzcyAxIC0gTWljcm9zb2Z0 MQ8wDQYDVQQDFAZ1cnNpbmUxIzAhBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWFHVyc2luZUBlbWFpbC5tc24uY29tMFsw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSgAwRwJAYXSN1sYlSqh3AgBX3wsrMf3thKoChjbdkOi5SPQZF7aVpybs oQEYDkDfZZQe876TmvO0ImUeXYKKiyE6/TdVYQIDAQABo4IBXTCCAVkwCQYDVR0TBAIwADCBrwYD VR0gBIGnMIAwgAYLYIZIAYb4RQEHAQEwgDAoBggrBgEFBQcCARYcaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmVyaXNp Z24uY29tL0NQUzBiBggrBgEFBQcCAjBWMBUWDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMAMCAQEaPVZlcmlTaWdu J3MgQ1BTIGluY29ycC4gYnkgcmVmZXJlbmNlIGxpYWIuIGx0ZC4gKGMpOTcgVmVyaVNpZ24AAAAA AAAwEQYJYIZIAYb4QgEBBAQDAgeAMIGGBgpghkgBhvhFAQYDBHgWdmQ0NjUyYmQ2M2YyMDQ3MDI5 Mjk4NzYzYzlkMmYyNzUwNjljNzM1OWJlZDFiMDU5ZGE3NWJjNGJjOTcwMTc0N2RhNWQzZjIxNDFi ZWFkYjJiZDJlODkyMWZhNTZiZjJkNDExNDk5Y2ExYjk0M2Y0ZTU5MzY1NDEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEE BQADgYEAbC8Wk67TqJKzFEYvoxp7Gm5h4FM8g22DyQxMSmVQtqjH7MxZn2ASBfaQ2unMZiAhH16t RsuJA2Imu8gnO+n7vwwg97KQmPgBfuDoaBMH7nWostvSYoT1HHl7oA0qgOqbA9vNzOcxa+MDsjz/ zCY2OWXaHi4pcrdYweIE1OLEyOsxggIEMIICAAIBATCB4TCBzDEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24s IEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJp c2lnbi5jb20vcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9SUEEgSW5jb3JwLiBCeSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxSDBG BgNVBAMTP1ZlcmlTaWduIENsYXNzIDEgQ0EgSW5kaXZpZHVhbCBTdWJzY3JpYmVyLVBlcnNvbmEg Tm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZAIQPBbB5cosi7s+8Wd5vx7fyTAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoIG6MBgGCSqGSIb3DQEJ AzELBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHAYJKoZIhvcNAQkFMQ8XDTk4MDkwOTA5NDM1MlowIwYJKoZIhvcNAQkE MRYEFOIhFi3VkVGe/latQTa1yUFpzlPLMFsGCSqGSIb3DQEJDzFOMEwwCgYIKoZIhvcNAwcwDgYI KoZIhvcNAwICAgCAMA0GCCqGSIb3DQMCAgFAMAcGBSsOAwIHMA0GCCqGSIb3DQMCAgEoMAcGBSsO AwIdMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUABEAkyMd9QhrR1BLl7ITk4hw+xwq75DRqagIoM/22lqfk2xVJ825/ 4DlpoB2pgUITesMTwcGLQ8VpXZ5wMZ6SoIv8AAAAAAAA ------=_NextPart_000_0083_01BDDBD6.5C1B01C0-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: RE: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 09 Sep 1998 12:51:44 -0400 (EDT) On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Damien M. Jones wrote: > - Nope -- they need to be analyzed algorithmically, and jpeg throws in > - all kinds of artifacts that aren't visible to the eye, but can present > - problems for other things you might want to do with images. (Hearsay.) > > If you intend to view or print images (and for printing, ultimately you > plan to view them) then JPEG artifacts are not a problem. For any other > sort of statistical analysis, it makes no sense to taint your data by > saving it in JPEG form. That's sort of what I said. :) BTW, the analysis isn't really statistical -- you can do all sorts of interesting things with multispectral and hyperspectral images that are in no way statistical. (I assume you know this, because you know the word "multispectral". :)) > - Also, I think JPEG only specifies how to store RGB images, with three > - 'bands'. These are SEBASS images, which, I believe, have many more > - than three bands. > > Actually, JPEG doesn't normally use RGB, it uses YCbCr, where brightness is > along a single axis and two color axes are perpendicular to it. There are > reasons for this, and they're actually quite sensible. :-) Well, it's because human eyes are much more sensitive to brightness variations than color variations, right? > You probably > COULD create a custom flavor of JPEG which stored a multi-spectral image > using DCT compression, but you'd have to write custom software to view it, > too. :-) And, as you pointed out, it wouldn't make much sense. After all, if you just wanted to *view* the image, you'd probably want to cut it down to grayscale or RGB first, anyway. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 09:52:01 -0700 (PDT) > > >With the number of fractal programs that generate true color images, > >plus the ability to post process fractint images, limiting to 256 colors > >would be quite ludicrous, IMO. > > What programs are you talking about? It seems Fractint's preferential > treatment of outdated hardware limits most users I've ever asked about this > subject to 256 colors, including me. Winfract is no better, limiting all > images to a max of 256. UltraFractal, Tierazon2, Flarium24, Dreamer, etc. Don't know how to use them very well, but I've seen some rather impressive images from the masters on the list that have figured out these programs. I expect Fractint will become 24 bit and support Windows at some point in the future, sooner rather than later I hope. :-) I suspect that what is lacking is someone with the expertise to volunteer time to help out, though that is purely speculation on my part. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 11:48:38 -0500 Ken, - I'm not sure the best answer here, but I'd like to suggest an - alternative. The contest web pages could be put in ZIP file(s) for - downloading and viewing on an individual's system at their leisure. You mean, just like the contest web site *says* they're going to be? :-) And as the rules have indicated was the plan right from the beginning? :-) There will be downloadable ZIPs! I need to take care of some minor corrections first, that entrants have sent me now that the bulk of the site is up. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 11:44:36 -0500 Dave, - It does seem that someone viewing one page full of thumbs are going to - view those that appear interesting at that size... [snipped] - Is it possible to agree on a format for entry submission? eg: all images - must be 640x480, max of 256 colours etc? Um, did you visit the contest web site? The rules very much set down a particular size for submissions (although a few people submitted larger images anyway, and I didn't catch all of them before putting up the contest site). I included thumbnails for two reasons. First, so that it is easier to keep track of where you are if you have to visit the site several times. Second, so that when looking back through images for voting, you can quickly find the image you're looking for. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike and Linda Allison" Subject: (fractint) Re: [fractal-art] Contest Web Site Date: 09 Sep 1998 09:36:58 -0700 Good Grief! How can we possibly chose? This is going to take some effort . . . You did a terrific job guys, and a BIG pat on the back for Damien! Thanks! I did have a couple of comments: Best Portrayal of an Emotion: I'm not certain what "emotion" is represented by some of the fractals. Is there more info on these somewhere, or was that info just left out by the contestants? Also, the voting: I agree that the comments from the viewers will be one of the advantages of the contest. But I'm really sorry that we will only comment on those images that we vote for. My comments will be something like, "Best Fractint Fractal I've ever seen." On the people I don't vote for, however, I may have some comments on how I would have framed the image or written the colormap. Regardless, the contest is a great success, and I will be spending many hours enjoying the show! Linda Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 09:59:20 -0700 (PDT) > > Ken, > > - I'm not sure the best answer here, but I'd like to suggest an > - alternative. The contest web pages could be put in ZIP file(s) for > - downloading and viewing on an individual's system at their leisure. > > You mean, just like the contest web site *says* they're going to be? :-) > And as the rules have indicated was the plan right from the beginning? :-) Exactly. :-) Actually, it wasn't clear to me if what was downloadable was going to be a mirror of the contest pages, or par files so that people could generate the images themselves, or both. > There will be downloadable ZIPs! I need to take care of some minor > corrections first, that entrants have sent me now that the bulk of the site > is up. I apologize for any confusion on my part. Ken.... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Faye Williams" Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 10:09:42 -0700 Lee, - From some of the comments I'm seeing on this list, it's obvious to me - that some viewers are going to vote based strictly on seeing the thumbnails With the huge number of entries entered this is very true. Another thing that I noticed is that some of the images don't seem to "fit in" to the categories they are entered into. I hope everyone votes for the best image "based on the category". Faye "Logic, like whiskey, loses its beneficial effect when taken in too large quantities." Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 12:12:25 -0500 Ursine, - What programs are you talking about? It seems Fractint's preferential - treatment of outdated hardware limits most users I've ever asked about this - subject to 256 colors, including me. Winfract is no better, limiting all - images to a max of 256. FractInt is fundamentally a palette-based generator. Producing images in true color modes is quite a bit different. FractInt is due to get true color support soon; you can also get it now in TieraZon, Flarium, TrueMand, Ultra Fractal 2, Dreamer... quite a few non-FractInt programs have this capability. Many of them run in Windows, too (rather than a "DOS box"). Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: RE: (fractint) Posting fractal images on the web Date: 09 Sep 1998 12:17:13 -0500 Kragen, - BTW, the analysis isn't really statistical -- you can do all sorts of - interesting things with multispectral and hyperspectral images that are - in no way statistical. (I assume you know this, because you know the - word "multispectral". :)) Actually, I've never had the opportunity to work with multispectral images, or contemplate the fun that can be had with them. - Well, it's because human eyes are much more sensitive to brightness - variations than color variations, right? Yes. Separating color from brightness allows the color resolution to be reduced, which is the 4:2:2 subsampling commonly used by default in JPEG. (My JPEG vs. PNG page talks about this.) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gedeon Peteri Subject: (fractint) Re; contest web site Date: 09 Sep 1998 13:30:07 -0400 I do not see the need for any "compromise" with regard to permission to post entries to the entrants' home pages at a specific time before voting ends. This is what the rules say about eligibility requirements: > We'd like for you to submit images created specifically > for this contest. Images which have previously had their > parameters posted, or which have been displayed on the > artist's web page, are not eligible. > There is no reference here to images being disqualified on account of their appearing on home pages *after* submission but before the voting is concluded. Indeed the word 'previously' lacks any specific reference, thus it must be construed as referring *only* to the time before submission. The tense employed in the second sentence quoted above supports this view. Consequently it is hard to escape the conclusion that according to the published rules of this contest everybody is free to post their entries to their web pages *now* if they so desire. As for myself, I do not propose to do so, but I am certainly opposed to any consensus which would compel one to withhold posting images until an extended voting period expires. Gedeon -- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: July 12, 1998 Photography: Last updated: July 20, 1998 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 13:35:16 -0500 Ken, - Actually, it wasn't clear to me if what was downloadable was going to be - a mirror of the contest pages, or par files so that people could generate - the images themselves, or both. Both, ultimately. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re; contest web site Date: 09 Sep 1998 13:44:16 -0500 Gedeon, - There is no reference here to images being disqualified on account of - their appearing on home pages *after* submission but before the voting - is concluded. Only if you ignore the context of the rest of the rules. :) The reason for not revealing the names of the artists is to prevent voting based on artist reputation. Posting contest images to your web site defeats this stated intent. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Re: [fractal-art] Contest Web Site Date: 09 Sep 1998 13:40:42 -0500 Linda, - Best Portrayal of an Emotion: I'm not certain what "emotion" is - represented by some of the fractals. Is there more info on these - somewhere, or was that info just left out by the contestants? Some contestants did not elaborate on which emotion they were portraying. In some cases we caught this during the submission process and asked for clarification; it didn't always arrive. I did the best I could with the information I had. - Also, the voting: I agree that the comments from the viewers will be - one of the advantages of the contest. But I'm really sorry that we will - only comment on those images that we vote for. If you (or anyone else) have got further comments that you would like forwarded to the artists, please send it to I'll adjust the web site to reflect this. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 17:35:43 -0400 At 11:25 AM 9/9/1998 -0500, Damien wrote: (snipped) {Suppose after the 19th, we allow those who wish to to display their contest images, yet extend the voting another week or two? Does anyone have some thoughts on this, pro or con?} Personally I do not see the problem in this. The above seems reasonable and sane to me - it is not as if there were half a trillion rubles riding on this. Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) Re; contest web site Date: 09 Sep 1998 17:49:57 -0400 At 01:44 PM 9/9/1998 -0500, Damien wrote: >Only if you ignore the context of the rest of the rules. :) The reason for >not revealing the names of the artists is to prevent voting based on artist >reputation. Posting contest images to your web site defeats this stated >intent. (Should have put this with my first post a few minutes ago) I imagine everyone here is honorable enough to _not_ visit web sites where contest images are placed until after having voted. Is that not sufficient? Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lee Newsted" Date: 09 Sep 1998 17:02:30 -0700 Hi, This is Nuke. I'm On-line now so ... so.. There! Ha! And just in time to vote on Contest 98! Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 19:01:18 EDT Just wanted to add my voice to those thanking Damien et al for all their hard work on the contest. Damien, you've got incredible patience! And Thank You Sharon for the beautiful awards. They'll look great on my mantlepiece :) Bill Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Contest Date: 09 Sep 1998 18:31:32 -0500 Good evening folks, My apologies for spamming these lists yet again, but I wanted to let people know that the first downloadable forms of the contest are available: The PAR-kits are not ready yet, so if that's what you're looking for, you'll have to wait an extra day. Still, if all you'd like to do is download the entire web site, you can now do that in big chunks, instead of one file at a time. Please note: the complete contest web site will consume 40M of hard drive space. Downloading it is not for the faint of heart (or tight of space). :) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: (fractint) Contest Software Date: 09 Sep 1998 19:05:07 -0500 For those that might be interested.... The DataBase of all Contest Entries that I was keeping to assist Damien had some interesting statistics, one of which is the software used for all of the images. Here is a list based upon the supplied information: Software Count ------------ --------- ? ? 17 Dllirium Tremor .000001 beta 3 Dust Fractals 3 Flarium 3 Flarium 24 4 Flarium 24 with Painter 5 2 Flarium or TieraZon with Photoshop 1 Fractal (custom Visual Basic program) 1 Fractal Domains 6 Fractal eXtreme 1 Fractal eXtreme 1.21 6 FractInt 3 FractInt 17.2 with PhotoShop 5.0 1 FractInt 17.3 1 FractInt 19.2 1 FractInt 19.3 6 FractInt 19.5 2 FractInt 19.6 116 FractInt 19.6 with Bryce 2.0 1 FractInt 19.6 with Paint Shop Pro 2 FractInt 19.6 with Picture Publisher & MS-Paint 1 FractInt 19.6 with some graphic editor 1 FractInt with custom software 1 GrafZViZion 1.8 1 GrafZViZion 2.3 1 Inkblot Kaos with Photoshop 4.0 LE 1 Iterations 28 or 29 1 Kai's Power Tools - Fractal Explorer 4 MathArt 3 own code, written in C 1 own Liapunov program 1 own program 3 own software 3 P.O.V. 2 1 POV-Ray 3.0 2 QuickBASIC 4.5 2 TieraZon 9 TieraZon 1.0 1 TieraZon 1.0 (overlayed images) 2 TieraZon 2 or 2.05 1 TieraZon 2.05 19 TieraZon 2.05 with Photoshop 4.0 LE 1 TieraZon 2.05 with Picture Publisher 2 TieraZon 2.06 2 TieraZon with Photoshop 4.0 LE 1 Truemand 3.0 beta 3 Ultra Fractal 2 3 Ultra Fractal 2.0 3 Ultra Fractal 2.06 5 VistaPro with MS-Paint 1 WinFract 18.21 5 Xaos 3.1 beta 3 P.N.L. Why do most folks hate cynics so much? Because we're almost always right. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Montgomery Subject: (fractint) Re: Awards? Date: 09 Sep 1998 17:22:44 -0700 I must have missed something. Several mentions have been made about the "...beautiful awards, made by Sharon..." I don't remember seeing any mentions of this in any of the postings. Would somebody be good enough to enlighten me? Thanks. Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Michael Traynor) Subject: Re: (fractint) Re; contest web site Date: 09 Sep 1998 21:07:39 -0400 (EDT) Damien writes: > >Gedeon, > > - There is no reference here to images being disqualified on account of > - their appearing on home pages *after* submission but before the voting > - is concluded. > >Only if you ignore the context of the rest of the rules. :) The reason for >not revealing the names of the artists is to prevent voting based on artist >reputation. Posting contest images to your web site defeats this stated >intent. I consider this an unseemly suspicion. The implication is, for instance that the voting in the fractint contest was biased as the names of the submitters (I'd say artists, but I submitted some for that contest so that rules out use of the terms for all) were known. Do you believe that this was so? -- Mike Traynor People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like. Abraham Lincoln Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 09 Sep 1998 18:53:42 -0700 Damien M. Jones wrote: > > Thank you for suggesting a compromise. (You were suggesting one, > weren't > you? :) The problem is that people want to be able to display their > images, perhaps even have committed to being able to display them. > Suppose > after the 19th, we allow those who wish to to display their contest > images, > yet extend the voting another week or two? Does anyone have some > thoughts > on this, pro or con? > > Damien M. Jones \\ > \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: Damien.... I am strongly in favor of extending the voting period and letting folks post their images on their websites after the 19th as you suggested. I could not discern any problems, i.e. there were no complaints, during the last contest when we posted our contest entries during the voting. Angela aka wizzle Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Date: 09 Sep 1998 21:59:03 EDT ust curious-wouldn't it be better to wait for downloading until the corrections have been put in place or do the d/l files have the corrected titles... renrad Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Paul and/or Joyce Carlson) Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Date: 09 Sep 1998 20:55:44 -0500 (CDT) Having taken a three month vacation from making fractals, I did not enter the contest this year. Am I still eligible to vote? Paul Carlson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: (fractint) Posting sans spaces Date: 09 Sep 1998 19:43:03 -0700 I am re-posting the pars I did a few days ago that had a bad case of the dreaded spaces. Despite all of the suggestions made (which I implemented) by you all, I was still getting spaces. I downloaded and installed a copy of Communicator 4.06 tonight, and I think that did the trick! Please let me know.......I tried several tests prior to posting here (sent posts to myself at both my ISP's)......everything looked good to me so I suspect that Communicator 4.01 had a prob. Thanks for your patience Angela aka wizzle indigo_whirl { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:06:08.39 on 266 PII ; concentric circle formula by kerry m reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=general_jul-2lines center-mag=0.0667318/0.910258/14.0894/0.6996/83.7/2.862 params=-0.74543/2/1/0/1/1.5 float=y maxiter=2000 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=mn0<10>050<15>0zz<15>00A<14>I0aK0cJ0a<14>000<15>`GscHwcHu<15>U2PT\ 1MU0K<15>wwc<15>N4CK0AK0C<11>nkIqoItsJwwKutK<15>G3FH4C<9>w0G<10>U0G000R0\ G<3>F0F<15>U0w<15>F0F<15>zz0vv0qr0 cyclerange=0/255 } dancing_stars { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:01:05.42 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=general_man-c&l center-mag=-0.70384556844703490/-0.47280015184157200/86.97495/1.0831/172\ .5 params=1/1/2/0/1/1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000MAB<9>wK0<9>A55<7>UAA<9>20A<14>`Fw<6>94R53M34H16C077355633A00<\ 11>e00<6>ww0<5>h80e00a00<7>700000000000<2>00A<8>0oz<8>00A00000000093F<10\ >w4R<8>C0270000000000000F<4>0J80M62P9<9>Uvc<9>3L80H40E50A6077255433700<8\ >R00U00V27<5>_Do`Fw_CnY9a<6>N02J03H03F04H46<10>wwU<9>61D<2>214000104<2>4\ 1G44G77F<2>I9C cyclerange=0/255 } neon_ballet { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:02:10.02 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=cenx=ceny_jul center-mag=0.224551/0.532375/4.723355/1/-20 params=0/-0.74543/0.1/0/0.98/1.02 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=`0Y<11>000<23>000111333<29>zzz<30>222000000<23>000000200<14>Z0AU0\ 0<6>m00<7>T0m<4>F0F<2>000<36>mmmoooooo<3>ttt<4>0000660CC0II<10>0zz<6>N_w\ RWvTUv<12>r0m<4>c0` cyclerange=0/255 } ruby_web { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:00:49.93 on 266 PII ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=cenx=ceny_jul center-mag=0.00155574/-0.00595304/0.8589376/1/-20 params=0/-0.74543/0.1/0/1.1/1.02 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=00C<12>00z<12>008<35>000708<13>p0w<12>A0B70860A<2>20H00K03M<11>0c\ m<4>00K<10>J02L00O00<12>z00<2>p00l00h00d00a00<9>000420000840<13>zX0<15>0\ 00<15>ut0<15>000GA4<12>2v10z00v0<14>000004008 cyclerange=0/255 } neon_dancer2 { ; (c) A Wilczynski Sep 06, 1998 t= 0:00:24.78 on 266 PII ; kerry mitchel formula new map - reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=offset_rx=ry_jul center-mag=0/0/0.6666667 params=0.5/0.333/1/0/1.5/0.1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=fXH<8>xzc<13>KA0000<47>000330<17>000<6>zz0<9>zzc<7>UA0<18>z0c<16>\ 00A000<29>000000002<2>00A<19>0zz<11>6A0<7>1wU<15>0A03C2992<2>UA0<5>dTF cyclerange=0/255 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Phil DiGiorgi" Subject: Re: (fractint) Posting sans spaces Date: 09 Sep 1998 22:44:48 -0400 >I am re-posting the pars I did a few days ago that had a bad case of the dreaded >spaces. Despite all of the suggestions made (which I implemented) by you all, I was >still getting spaces. I downloaded and installed a copy of Communicator 4.06 >tonight, and I think that did the trick! Please let me know.......I tried several >tests prior to posting here (sent posts to myself at both my ISP's)......everything >looked good to me so I suspect that Communicator 4.01 had a prob. > Angela, This last post was perfect. Methinks you've solved the problem. Phil D. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) contest corrections Date: 09 Sep 1998 22:45:57 EDT (i am resending this because it seems to not be getting through the mails) just curious-wouldn't it be better to wait for downloading until the corrections have been put in place or do the d/l files have the corrected titles...? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul DeCelle Subject: (fractint) Contest Date: 09 Sep 1998 22:49:24 -0400 Outstanding work on the contest site! I've spent over three hours looking at all of the great submissions, taking notes and changing my mind literally dozens of times. Good thing we have a couple weeks to vote... I'll be revisiting tomorrow at work (Thank God for T1 connections ;-) You really DO have to view the full-size images to fully appreciate them. BTW & FWIW, I do plan to post my entries on my web page, but not until after voting has ended.. Good night, all Paul Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Pearson Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Web Site Date: 10 Sep 1998 09:33:21 +0200 >Joe Pearson wrote: >> One question: in the quotes category, are there quotes for each one? >> Otherwise how do we vote for the best interpretation? >> Joe > >Click on each one to see the full-size image AND the quote. >Janet OK, I am obviously a complete no-hoper and not qualified to vote - I was sure I'd viewed at least one of this category full size. From here it is *very* slow to get hold of the images, even with the 640x480x256 limit. I shall be checking out the 40MB download ... after I've cleared some disk space. I think it will be important to view all images in a category fairly quickly - I suppose I'll narrow my choice down to 3-5 of them and then need to look at them again, and again. Joe Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) Posting sans spaces Date: 10 Sep 1998 04:03:03 -0400 At 07:43 PM 9/9/1998 -0700, you wrote: >I am re-posting the pars (snipped) These came out just fine. Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Regina & Steve" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 10 Sep 1998 11:33:31 +1000 > > {Suppose after the 19th, we allow those who wish to to display their >contest images, yet extend the voting another week or two? Does anyone >have some thoughts on this, pro or con?} If we allowed that then there would be people who would wait to find out who did the image before voting and that would defeat the purpose of anonymity in the first place. >(Should have put this with my first post a few minutes ago) I imagine >everyone here is honorable enough to _not_ visit web sites where contest >images are placed until after having voted. Is that not sufficient? NO - curiosity doesn't only kill the cat.....besides, how do we know which sites not to visit? Only those worried that their image wont win without someone knowing they did it need display it (no offense to Maria Kjaergaard, your copyright shows already- haven't looked at all pics thou), a simple note saying they have a new image to be released on such-and-such date should leave viewers panting to come back when the pic is available(but not including the picture name). (sorry not sure when competition is decided) There is plenty of time to show off.... stick with it.... besides, wont it look better on your site if someone new who views your pic sees the prize attached to it, (they don't always come back)? regards, regina - Looking into a fractal is like looking into the soul. - the deeper you look, the more complex the structure - We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Choose wisely. - the sea is just a bigpond Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 10 Sep 1998 09:13:18 +0100 > >With the number of fractal programs that generate true color images, > >plus the ability to post process fractint images, limiting to 256 > colors > >would be quite ludicrous, IMO. > > What programs are you talking about? It seems Fractint's preferential > treatment of outdated hardware limits most users I've ever asked about > this > subject to 256 colors, including me. Winfract is no better, limiting > all > images to a max of 256. > Yeah - I've got to agree with this, since I'm still trying to figure out how to get more colours for my card. I've tried other programs, (such as FractalExtreme) which offer better control over resolution and number of colours, but I still like the simplicity of fractint, and keep returning to it. If I can get past the problem with video modes, I'm sailing!! Somebody, someone, out there, has got to know something about these ax, bx, cx, dx values for video modes. Any takers? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 10 Sep 1998 09:20:11 +0100 > Dave, > > - It does seem that someone viewing one page full of thumbs are going > to > - view those that appear interesting at that size... > [snipped] > - Is it possible to agree on a format for entry submission? eg: all > images > - must be 640x480, max of 256 colours etc? > > Um, did you visit the contest web site? The rules very much set down > a > particular size for submissions (although a few people submitted > larger > images anyway, and I didn't catch all of them before putting up the > contest > site). Er... no!! I haven't actually - not yet, anyway, but I'll admit I've been slightly scared off after I visited some web pages that have been mentioned in the circulars, only to find myself downloading one page full of large images (7 or so) and following the comments about "a matter of deciding which audience I want to please most....the one with limited time or patience or my Fractint collegues. ", I decided that, given the amount of surfin' I do and how easily I (and others) click away from a page that takes ages to download - I fitted into the first category, and have shyed away from pages containing fractals until I find out a bit more than the pages. Guess this is just prejudice on my part, but I'm waiting until the weekend when call costs are cheaper and I'm at home (rather than work) to view some of the competition entries. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Michael Traynor) Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 10 Sep 1998 07:43:39 -0400 (EDT) regina writes: > > >> >> {Suppose after the 19th, we allow those who wish to to display their >>contest images, yet extend the voting another week or two? Does anyone >>have some thoughts on this, pro or con?} > > >If we allowed that then there would be people who would wait to find out who >did the image before voting and that would defeat the purpose of anonymity >in the first place. Are you confessing or accusing? Please be specific either way. >Only those worried that their image wont win without someone knowing they >did it need display it This is entirely unworthy. In the one case where someone definitely wants to display images that were submitted, it is because there was a pre-existing commitment. I could well see someone who used a fractal generator that is not so widely used as fractint wanting to display a large format version of their image (I certainly will be using the fractint pars made available to generate images at large sizes since many images loose a lot in smaller versions) and would not view this as being in any way improper. It does not make sense to have what is essentially a practical compromise on size (to make a practical contest web site) determine an important parameter for a work. -- Mike Traynor People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like. Abraham Lincoln Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diosnel Herrnsdorf Subject: Re: (fractint) Posting sans spaces Date: 10 Sep 1998 08:15:52 -0400 Angela Wilczynski wrote: > I am re-posting the pars I did a few days ago that had a bad case of the dreaded > spaces. Dear Angela: There were no spaces this time. Regards, Diosnel Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 10 pars (Gallet-6-04&6-08) the meantime. Date: 10 Sep 1998 08:32:42 EDT Well,'s raining here on the coast of Texas and todays forecast promises more of the same,.....GREAT weather for fractaling if ya ask me! :) Enjoy the pics~ Jim ps ~ .......ummm.....I forgot what I was gonna say now! :( *************************************************************** Koyaanisqatsi { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-08 formula) t=1 min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=gallet-6-08 function=acos/cosxx/sinh passes=b center-mag=-1.10929/-1.10929/0.1187624/1/44.999 params=2.5/0.5/0/1.5/1/2.5 float=y maxiter=255 potential=255/255/0 periodicity=0 colors=00063A<15>MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQGf<23>212000101<4>\ 748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<8>WOUXPVYPWXRXZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E97C<4>42\ 4212212<7>212212000101321<17>UJDWKEYLFZMG`NIaPJ<6>lZV<20>000<25>QKHRLISM\ JUNKWOLXQM<2>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h_ZhZXgYVfXT<24>0111233144265\ 38 } Wall_of_Windows { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-08 formula) t=1 min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=gallet-6-08 function=acos/cosh/sin passes=b center-mag=3.96579/3.96579/0.09332995/1/44.999 params=2.5/0.5/0/1.5/1/2.5 float=y maxiter=255 potential=255/255/0 periodicity=0 colors=00063A<15>MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQGf<23>212000101<4>\ 748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<8>WOUXPVYPWXRXZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E97C<4>42\ 4212212<7>212212000101321<17>UJDWKEYLFZMG`NIaPJ<6>lZV<20>000<25>QKHRLISM\ JUNKWOLXQM<2>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h_ZhZXgYVfXT<24>0111233144265\ 38 } Basket_Case { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-08 formula) t=1 min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=gallet-6-08 function=acos/cosh/sinh passes=b center-mag=-4.04168/-4.04168/0.02593935/1/45 params=2.6/1/0/10/1/2.5 float=y maxiter=255 potential=255/255/0 periodicity=0 colors=00097C<4>424212212<7>212212000101321<17>UJDWKEYLFZMG`NIaPJ<6>lZV<\ 20>000<25>QKHRLISMJUNKWOLXQM<2>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h_ZhZXgYVfX\ T<24>011123314<18>MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQGf<23>212000101<4\ >748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<8>WOUXPVYPWXRXZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E } Sleeper { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-04 formula) t=4 min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=Gallet-6-04 function=flip/tan/sin passes=1 center-mag=0.0350375/0.0350375/0.1760876/1/-135 params=0.02/0.02/5/-0.06/3.3/-0.1 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000ZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E97C<4>424212212<7>212212000101321<17>UJDWKE\ YLFZMG`NIaPJ<6>lZV<20>000<25>QKHRLISMJUNKWOLXQM<2>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbh\ cdhbc<2>h_ZhZXgYVfXT<24>011123314<18>MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRH\ hQGf<23>212000101<4>748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<11>_SY } DreamZone { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-04 formula) t=3.5min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=Gallet-6-04 function=flip/cotan/sin passes=1 center-mag=-0.0266279/-0.0266279/0.1534024/1/-135 params=0.02/0.02/5/-0.18/2.84/-0.1 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=00085C<5>212000101<4>748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<8>WOUXPVYPWXR\ XZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E97C<4>424212212<7>212212000101321<17>UJDWKEYLFZMG`NI\ aPJ<6>lZV<20>000<25>QKHRLISMJUNKWOLXQM<2>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h\ _ZhZXgYVfXT<24>011123314<18>MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQGf<16>9\ 5E } TradeWinds { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-04 formula) t=2.3min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=Gallet-6-04 function=flip/log/conj passes=1 center-mag=2.22999/-5.64747/0.3232627/1/-137.5 params=0.02/0.02/5/-0.18/2.84/-0.1 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000MEM<7>WOUXPVYPWXRXZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E97C<4>424212212<7>2122120\ 00101321<17>UJDWKEYLFZMG`NIaPJ<6>lZV<20>000<25>QKHRLISMJUNKWOLXQM<2>bTQc\ VReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h_ZhZXgYVfXT<24>011123314<18>MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4\ >VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQGf<23>212000101<4>748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL } SilkStone { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-04 formula) t=3.3min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=Gallet-6-04 function=flip/tan/conj passes=t center-mag=-0.643282/-0.643282/0.1792084/1/-135 params=0.02/0.02/5/-0.18/2.84/-0.1 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000DA8<12>QKHRLISMJUNKWOLXQM<2>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h_Zh\ ZXgYVfXT<24>011123314<18>MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQGf<23>2120\ 00101<4>748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<8>WOUXPVYPWXRXZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E\ 97C<4>424212212<7>212212000101321<17>UJDWKEYLFZMG`NIaPJ<6>lZV<20>000<11>\ C98 } Totem { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-08 formula) t=1 min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=gallet-6-08 function=sqrt/cosh/sin passes=b center-mag=13.8661/13.8661/0.02408538/1/45 params=2.5/0.5/0/1.5/1/2.5 float=y maxiter=255 potential=255/255/0 periodicity=0 colors=000314<7>B6JC7LD8ME9OF9Q<4>KDZLD_MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJ\ iRHhQGf<23>212000101<4>748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<8>WOUXPVYPWXRXZRX<\ 13>EBJDAHC9GB8E97C<4>424212212<7>212212000101<8>FA6HB7IB8<7>UJDWKEYLFZMG\ `NIaPJ<6>lZV<20>000<24>PJGQKHRLISMJUNK<4>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h\ _ZhZXgYVfXT<24>011123 } She { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-08 formula) t=1 min+/- reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=gallet-6-08 function=sqrt/cosh/sinh passes=b center-mag=8.82898/8.82898/0.01829268/1/44.999 params=3/0.5/0/1.5/0.8/1.3 float=y maxiter=255 fillcolor=90 potential=255/255/0 periodicity=0 colors=00085D<13>MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQGf<23>212000101<4>\ 748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<8>WOUXPVYPWXRXZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E97C<4>42\ 4212212<7>212212000101321<17>UJDWKEYLFZMG`NIaPJ<6>lZV<20>000<25>QKHRLISM\ JUNKWOLXQM<2>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h_ZhZXgYVfXT<24>011123314<3>7\ 4B } Plasma_Bulb { ; image(c)JimWeaver1998 (Gallet-6-08 formula) t=28s reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=gallet-6-08 function=sqrt/tanh/cosh passes=b center-mag=16.9097/16.91/0.01786528/1/44.999 params=3/0.5/0/1.5/0.8/1.3 float=y maxiter=255 fillcolor=90 potential=255/255/0 periodicity=0 colors=000A6H<9>KDYLD_MEaNEbOFdPFeQGg<4>VOiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQGf<23>2120001\ 01<4>748000704B7C<2>F9HHAIIBJJCKKDL<8>WOUXPVYPWXRXZRX<13>EBJDAHC9GB8E97C\ <4>424212212<7>212212000101<8>FA6HB7IB8<7>UJDWKEYLFZMG`NIaPJ<6>lZV<20>00\ 0<24>PJGQKHRLISMJUNK<4>bTQcVReWSfXUfYV<3>hbbhcdhbc<2>h_ZhZXgYVfXT<24>011\ 123314<5>96F } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) My First Pars Date: 10 Sep 1998 06:45:34 -0700 Ken Childress wrote: > > Hey all, > > I thought that I would send out my first try at some visually pleasing > pars. Most of them are just explorations into existing formulas, but I > did try my hand at "bastardizing" a formula, with interesting (I think > anyway) results. I tried to leave in credit in the comments for > formulas, maps, pars, etc. that I started from, but having played with > so many I easily got confused with what was my starting point. Please > let me know if anyone didn't get credit they should have. > > Comments or suggestions, good or bad, are solicited and appreciated. Ken... Nice job!! I think you did very well and you definetly produced some interesting images. I liked the Ace of Spades, particularly. Green Tornado was missing its colors, so you might want to re-post that. I took a cut at re-coloring your "Bug Mandelbrot" ........I thought you selected a very good map for it, requires a limited pallet. My two examples limit the pallet even more and the brings out some lacey features that could be worth a zoom. I thought you might like to play with that map because its great at exposing interesting structure in an image. You can always replace the colors if you want something more jazzy. Bug_Manrev1 { ; A Wilczynski Sep 09, 1998 t= 0:01:49.25 on 266 PII ; Formula by Paul Carlson ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=newt5_atan_mset passes=t center-mag=+0.00005392104347752/-0.32045096784013330/200.8814 params=0.01/0 float=y maxiter=2048 outside=summ colors=eac803B05<10>M09N09O09P09R0A<21>wAO<15>Q0DO0DN0D<6>C0AA09807<2>20\ 1000000<3>000000111112<2>335000436<21>JGSKHTKHS<8>ECJDBHCAGBAFB9EA8D657<\ 5>221110000000<3>000000102305509<25>fowhrygqx<25>72B509304000<2>00000012\ 2<18>SpvUsyTqv<16>233000000<4>00000020040160298C<3>668 cyclerange=1/250 } Bug_Manrev2 { ; A Wilczynski Sep 09, 1998 t= 0:01:49.25 on 266 PII ; Formula by Paul Carlson ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=newt5_atan_mset passes=t center-mag=+0.00005392104347752/-0.32045096784013330/200.8814 params=0.01/0 float=y maxiter=2048 outside=summ colors=000nnwppyssyqqy<2>kktiirffo<4>XXeUUTTTS<2>LLK<2>SSRUUTVVU<5>ggfjj\ ikkj<2>ssr<10>XXWUUTTTS<2>LLK<2>SSRUUTVVU<5>ggfjjikkj<2>ssr<15>000<116>0\ 00<2>CCHGGNLLUNNWPPYSS`TTa<3>aajddmeenggpjjnllunnwqqyssyqqyooxllu<2>ggpe\ enbbk<2>XXeUUbTTa<2>LLU<2>SS`UUbVVc<5>ggpjjskkt000<3>000 cyclerange=1/250 } Ciao Angela aka wizzle Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) test - please ignore Date: 10 Sep 1998 10:50:54 EDT testing - Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) My First Pars Date: 10 Sep 1998 08:31:01 -0700 (PDT) > > > Ken... > > Nice job!! I think you did very well and you definetly produced >some interesting images. I liked the Ace of Spades, particularly. >Green Tornado was missing its colors, so you might want to re-post >that. Thanks. I liked the Ace of Spades, too. :-) The map for Green Tornado is the that is distributed with Fractint. I'll try to resave the par with the colors included. > I took a cut at re-coloring your "Bug Mandelbrot" ........I thought >you selected a very good map for it, requires a limited >pallet. My two examples limit the pallet even more and the > brings out some lacey features that could be worth a >zoom. I thought you might like to play with that map because its >great at exposing interesting structure in an image. You can always >replace the colors if you want something more jazzy. Actually, I think I used the map that was distributed with the pars that I used as a starting point. Your choices are very interesting. I'm still getting a feel for how various maps translate to images, so I haven't taken much of a stab at custom modifications yet. Thanks for the input. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DeBow Freed II PhD Subject: (fractint) SUPERB PRESENTATION OF CONTEST SUBMISSIONS Date: 10 Sep 1998 11:05:46 -0500 As an observer rather than Participant in this year's Contest, I think it's appropriate to say (without being accused of sucking up): Congrats to Damien for doing such an elegant job of presenting the Contest submissions for viewing and voting. Lots of time and energy involved, no doubt, and it shows. Thanks! DeBow Freed PhD Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike and Linda Allison" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Awards? Date: 10 Sep 1998 09:16:27 -0700 Hi, Ray! Go to and follow the link to "contest awards." Linda Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kim Bach Petersen" Subject: Sv: (fractint) Gaps & Rings Date: 10 Sep 1998 19:18:57 +0200 Hi Kerry! I really liked you gaps'n'rings formulas... Wow! They make me wish I could do things like that, but that will have to wait quite a while since I'd better stick to preparing lectures... Bye, Kim :-) Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Gaps & Rings Date: 10 Sep 1998 13:21:48 EDT - I posted this before, but I don't think it got through - sorry if this is a duplicate. Kerry - I love these 'gap and ring' colouring methods! I had a play with them and I did a modified version - the formula choses a different range of colours depending on the iteration number at bailout - even and odd are split up to two colour ranges on the map. I've done this for two of the formulas, and the two pars that went with them (changing the colours as well) and the results are quite good - find them below. Luke Fractal gallery, 'z squared plus c': --------8< ------------ cut here ------------ 8< ---------- crown2 { ; modified Kerry Mitchell image reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=km.frm formulaname=ring_man-alt passes=3 center-mag=-0.92/0/1.2/1/-90 params=-0.75/0/0.475/0.525 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<30>x00z00z11<30>wwz<30>uHOtFMsFM<30>000<30>tUxvVzvWz<29>yyzzz\ zzyz<25>mXzlVzkVy<33>100 cyclerange=0/255 } ring-toss2 { ; modified Kerry Mitchell image reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=km.frm formulaname=ringc_jul-alt passes=3 center-mag=0/0/0.9636448/1/20 params=-0.044662513058/0.64384933724/0.362/0.412 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<30>xaOzcPzcQ<29>xvuwwwwwv<29>ydRzcPybP<29>221000011<29>0Vu0Ww\ 1Ww<30>zzx<30>2Xx0Ww0Vv<29>500 cyclerange=0/255 } ring_man-alt { ; modified Kerry MItchell formula ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the ring between ; 2 concentric circles ; p1 = center of circles ; real(p2) = radius of inner circle, as a factor or cabs(c) ; imag(p2) = radius of outer circle, as a factor of cabs(c) ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; ; modification - alternate between two colour ranges ; every iteration - by Luke Plant, 9 Sep 98 zc=0, c=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 center=p1, r1=real(p2), r2=imag(p2), fac=pi/(r2-r1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c, r=cabs(zc-center) if((r>=r1)&&(r<=r2)) done=1 t=(r-r1)*fac IF (trunc(iter/2) == (iter/2)) t=t+pi ENDIF z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } ringc_jul-alt { ; Kerry MItchell 07sep98 ; ; bails out when orbit falls in the ring between ; 2 concentric circles. center = c. ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; real(p2) = radius of inner circle, as a factor or cabs(c) ; imag(p2) = radius of outer circle, as a factor of cabs(c) ; bailout = 1000, use decomp=256 ; modification - alternate between two colour ranges ; every iteration - by Luke Plant, 9 Sep 98 c=p1, zc=pixel, bailout=1e3, iter=1, done=0 center=c, r1=real(p2)*cabs(c), r2=imag(p2)*cabs(c) fac=pi/(r2-r1): iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c, r=cabs(zc-center) if((r>=r1)&&(r<=r2)) done=1 t=(r-r1)*fac IF (trunc(iter/2)==(iter/2)) t=t+pi ENDIF z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) endif if((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit)) done=1 z=1 endif done==0 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kim Bach Petersen" Subject: Sv: (fractint) Gaps & Rings Date: 10 Sep 1998 19:39:31 +0200 >More fun with lines and circles. These methods monitor the orbit >of the standard Mandelbrot and Julia calculations and bail out if >the orbit falls between two curves. Wow, I really liked these! Especially the julia-rings-thing - I find it really fascinating, there's a lot of potential in that formula. Your formulas make me wish I had the time to do formulas myself, but at the moment I'd better stick to preparing lectures on the philosophy of science... Keep up the good work, Kim :-) Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: (fractint) Need Fractint instruction Date: 10 Sep 1998 14:17:00 -0700 OK... I've been going through the tutorials that I find and now I can copy and paste the pars and formulas posted here and admire everyone's discoveries. Now.... I'd like to learn how to create my own par file. I've attempted to do a sort of copy and paste and then adding any extra parameters but I ended up with a very different image when I use this method. Can anyone refer me to any tutorials I may have missed on how to create a new par file? Thanks for all the patient guidance, Judy Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Need Fractint instruction Date: 10 Sep 1998 14:24:11 -0700 (PDT) Judy, > > OK... I've been going through the tutorials that I find and now I can > copy and paste the pars and formulas posted here and admire everyone's > discoveries. Now.... I'd like to learn how to create my own par file. > I've attempted to do a sort of copy and paste and then adding any extra > parameters but I ended up with a very different image when I use this > method. Can anyone refer me to any tutorials I may have missed on how > to create a new par file? All a par file is is saved parameters. You save the parameters for a current fractal with the command. What I've been doing to explore new ideas, etc. is take an image that looks interesting as a starting point. I use partobat to create thumbnail images of all the pars that I've downloaded from the list and web sites. I'll often reset the image zoom to its default settings. Then start to explore different zooms from that point. And/or, I'll modify the forumla parameters to see what happens to the image. If I then find something that looks interesting, I'll save the parameter settings at that point into my par file. For me at this point, it is mostly an exercise in experimentation. Hope that helps some. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lee Newsted" Date: 10 Sep 1998 16:47:25 -0700 Judy, Go to DOS and then your Fractint Directory. Then type makedoc. This will create a WORD document which is THE tutorial on Fractint. It's very helpful. nuke. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: (fractint) Re: your mail Date: 10 Sep 1998 17:54:42 -0400 (EDT) On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Lee Newsted wrote: > Go to DOS and then your Fractint Directory. Then type makedoc. > This will create a WORD document which is THE tutorial on Fractint. > It's very helpful. Yes, it's great. But it's an ASCII text file, not a Word document. The .doc extension was in use for ASCII text files since at least 1980, and probably much longer than that, before Microsoft appropriated it for Word. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) Need Fractint instruction Date: 10 Sep 1998 15:00:47 -0700 Hi Ken, > All a par file is is saved parameters. You save the parameters for a > current fractal with the command. As usual I try to make things more difficult than they are. I saw the "b" to save parameters but I didn't see any parameters that I wanted to save so I dismissed it. > What I've been doing to explore new ideas, etc. is take an image that > looks interesting as a starting point. I use partobat to create > thumbnail images of all the pars that I've downloaded from the list > and web sites. You've read my mind here. I've had a growing concern about how to organize these pars/formulas so that I can find them again. I like your idea of the thumbnails but I've not heard of "partobat". I'll do a web search for more info. > I'll often reset the image zoom to its default settings. Then start to > explore different zooms from that point. And/or, I'll modify the > forumla parameters to see what happens to the image. If I then find > something that looks interesting, I'll save the parameter settings at > that point into my par file. This is very helpful! Thanks for taking the time to share these tips. Judy Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Need Fractint instruction Date: 10 Sep 1998 15:16:05 -0700 (PDT) Judy, > > What I've been doing to explore new ideas, etc. is take an image that > > looks interesting as a starting point. I use partobat to create > > thumbnail images of all the pars that I've downloaded from the list > and web sites. > > You've read my mind here. I've had a growing concern about how to > organize these pars/formulas so that I can find them again. I like your > idea of the thumbnails but I've not heard of "partobat". I'll do a web > search for more info. I've resorted to using the orgform for organizing formulas. I don't think it's the ideal solution, but it's about the best that can be done with the current state of Fractint. Organizing pars has a little more flexibility. From Janet Preslar's Resource List: Partobat utility (version 3.4 for slower machines) (Michael Peters) Partobat utility (version 3.5 for faster machines) (Michael Peters) You'll need to modify the sstools.ini file for use with partobat. I think it might be part of the fracxtra stuff that you can download that has a bunch of pars/maps/frms/etc. for fractint. Get it if you don't have it. I had to put a copy of it in my windows directory in order for partobat to find the defaults I set up for it. You'll want to add entries for partobat per the instructions for partobat. Plus, you want to modify the settings for formulafile, parmfile, and savename to fit your situation. Make sure that fractint.exe is in your path. You will need to select a Disk Video mode for use with partobat. It may take a little bit of trial and error to get it right, but it works well. Good luck. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: your mail Date: 10 Sep 1998 15:33:48 -0700 The only files I found that start as "make" in the Fractint directory were make45.bat and makegif.bat. I did find frmTutor.txt and Phctutor (maybe that is the 19.6 version?) I'll see how much I can absorb from those. If there's another "beginners version" let me know. Thanks for the help, Judy Kragen wrote: > > On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Lee Newsted wrote: > > Go to DOS and then your Fractint Directory. Then type makedoc. > > This will create a WORD document which is THE tutorial on Fractint. > > It's very helpful. > > Yes, it's great. But it's an ASCII text file, not a Word document. > The .doc extension was in use for ASCII text files since at least 1980, > and probably much longer than that, before Microsoft appropriated it > for Word. > > Kragen > > -- > Kragen Sitaker > I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I > don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer > to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: your mail Date: 10 Sep 1998 18:36:35 -0400 (EDT) On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Judy wrote: > The only files I found that start as "make" in the Fractint directory > were make45.bat and makegif.bat. I did find frmTutor.txt and Phctutor > (maybe that is the 19.6 version?) > I'll see how much I can absorb from those. If there's another > "beginners version" let me know. Type fractint makedoc and then look at fractint.doc. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh, not a hobby. -- Fritz Anderson Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: your mail Date: 10 Sep 1998 17:39:43 -0500 Judy wrote: > > The only files I found that start as "make" in the > Fractint directory were make45.bat and makegif.bat. > I did find frmTutor.txt and Phctutor (maybe that is > the 19.6 version?) I'll see how much I can absorb > from those. If there's another "beginners version" > let me know. > > > On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Lee Newsted wrote: > > > Go to DOS and then your Fractint Directory. > > > Then type makedoc. What sould have been said is run the FRACTINT program with the single parameter of MAKEDOC. This will create the file FRACTINT.DOC in the Fractint directory. P.N.L. Why do most folks hate cynics so much? Because we're almost always right. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: your mail (Thanks guys I've got it) Date: 10 Sep 1998 16:06:33 -0700 This will keep me busy for quite a while! Thanks again for all your help, Judy Paul N. Lee wrote: > > Judy wrote: > > > > The only files I found that start as "make" in the > > Fractint directory were make45.bat and makegif.bat. > > I did find frmTutor.txt and Phctutor (maybe that is > > the 19.6 version?) I'll see how much I can absorb > > from those. If there's another "beginners version" > > let me know. > > > > > > On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Lee Newsted wrote: > > > > Go to DOS and then your Fractint Directory. > > > > Then type makedoc. > > What sould have been said is run the FRACTINT program with the single > parameter of MAKEDOC. This will create the file FRACTINT.DOC in the > Fractint directory. > > P.N.L. > ------------------------------------------------- > Why do most folks hate cynics so much? > Because we're almost always right. > ------------------------------------------------- > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Regina & Steve" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 11 Sep 1998 08:59:24 +1000 -----Original Message----- >> >>> >>> {Suppose after the 19th, we allow those who wish to to display their >>>contest images, yet extend the voting another week or two? Does anyone >>>have some thoughts on this, pro or con?} these were my thoughts on the above, mine, all mine, noone else has my thoughts! >> >>purpose of anonymity > >Are you confessing or accusing? Please be specific either way. > I'm glad it was not specific, I'll definitely enter a pic next year. My web site is still pathetic but let me know if you want the address (its somewhere in geocities, soho, workshop 3524 but I haven't got the accurate path address on me) >>Only those worried that their image wont win without someone knowing they >>did it need display it I am biased toward certain artists, therefore if I know whose pic it is, I'm likely to unconsiously judge the person more than the work. I did think about this before I wrote it and knowing several pics have the artists copyright has made the decision all the more difficult because I can't just say, well it was an anonymous contest therefore I'll just ignore those with names on them because that is unfair to those artists. (also this is not the complete sentence and therefore not entirely the right concept as some copywrites got thru on the pics...) > >This is entirely unworthy. In the one case where someone definitely wants >to display images that were submitted, it is because there was a >pre-existing commitment. That committment should never have been made, aka rules, morals, fairness to other competitors... etc (in uni you can only submit a composition once, I liken this situation to that, as it is not terribly hard to make a new work and you are rewarded for the *one work in the one place* - but I have never actually seen all the rules, it is general knowledge, and you tend to only find out if you break the rules;-) Besides, how many good pics can one come up with, the bandwidth usage on says lots.... > I could well see someone who used a fractal >generator that is not so widely used as fractint wanting to display a >large format version of their image (I certainly will be using the >fractint pars made available to generate images at large sizes since many >images loose a lot in smaller versions) and would not view this as being in >any way improper. It does not make sense to have what is essentially a >practical compromise on size (to make a practical contest web site) >determine an important parameter for a work. *That* is the essence of competition. How we can work within limitation. I'll give you an unrelated example, a performing musician is his best on his own instrument. A pianist has no choice but to use the instrument presented to him/her. This apparently makes everything equal except that each instrument has a different timbre (quality of sound), mechanical action (easy, hard, you have to hit the damn key with a sledgehammer to get any decent volume**!##!!&(*())), even the size of the keys can vary. BUT everyone is judged equally on the same instrument. (But I *always* play better on my own piano). I know that we still know the performer, but they sound different on a different instrument and they are not allowed to bring their own instrument in to use. ie. the picture is judged according to the rules and its limitations, any further display of its exceptional beauty are outside the bounds of the competition and are available once the competition is over. (It would be interesting to do a match the artist with the picture) > > >-- >Mike Traynor Regards, regina - Looking into a fractal is like looking into the soul. - the deeper you look, the more complex the structure (the deeper we delve into these types of issues, the more we tend to offend rather than inform......this will be my last comment on this issue) - We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Choose wisely. - the sea is just a bigpond Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: cindy mitchell Subject: (fractint) Re:Contest Images Date: 10 Sep 1998 04:34:36 -0700 First I would like to Thank Damien for all his hard work. I finally downloaded all the files and am running a program called PolyView as a slide show. Along with the image the file name is displayed. This should give the viewer a better idea of what is personnely pleasing. PolyView can be obtained at - Cindy Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Date: 10 Sep 1998 19:02:48 -0500 Paul, - Having taken a three month vacation from making fractals, I did not - enter the contest this year. Am I still eligible to vote? YES! Anyone who visits the web site may vote, whether or not they entered. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re; contest web site Date: 10 Sep 1998 19:02:15 -0500 Michael, - I consider this an unseemly suspicion. The implication is, for instance - that the voting in the fractint contest was biased as the names of the - submitters ... were known. Do you believe that this was so? Your use of the phrase "unseemly suspicion" would indicate that you feel this may be some personal slight against you. Nothing was aimed at you specifically. There's nothing unseemly about it, it's just recognition of human nature. Whether you admit the bias is there or not, it's there. If you wish to be offended by it, that is your option. I can tell you right now that I, being *aware* of the possibility of bias, can detect it as I look over the contest entries. I am seriously considering not voting because of it. I linger over the entries from those people whose work I admire, even when the image in question doesn't thrill me that much. Is that fair? I fight the urge, but I must always question my objectivity. I like to think I'm as human as the next guy, so if I can feel the influence when I know who created each image, should I assume nobody else would be affected? I'm not "accusing" you of anything I haven't already felt myself. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: (fractint) Can't Unzip Date: 10 Sep 1998 17:51:57 -0700 <> Well....I THOUGHT I was going to be able to look at the contest entries tonight but when I opened the file (39,182K) I got the following message: End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. Didn't we establish a rule months ago whereby this sort of thing wasn't supposed to happen? Any suggestions? Another 4 hours of downloading? Anyone else have problems? Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lee Newsted" Subject: (fractint) Doc's Date: 10 Sep 1998 19:46:52 -0700 Well... I sent out the "help" which I thought was correct... so.... I'm sorry for the inconvenience. c:\Fractint fractint makedoc is what I typed to get the manual. you know it's been one of those days. Where I work I have to close a HUGE hydraulic steel door with a certain key in a certain control box. But lately I keep picking up the phone near the control box and dialing a number to close the door. So todays error is just par for the course lately. nuke. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dennis Kerrisk Subject: RE: (fractint) Can't Unzip Date: 10 Sep 1998 17:46:14 -0700 ------ =_NextPart_000_01BDDCE2.EB854020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Angela I downloaded it and had no problem unzippiing it with the dos version of Pkunzip. Dennis -----Original Message----- Sent: Thursday, September 10, 1998 5:52 PM <> Well....I THOUGHT I was going to be able to look at the contest entries tonight but when I opened the file (39,182K) I got the following message: End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. Didn't we establish a rule months ago whereby this sort of thing wasn't supposed to happen? Any suggestions? Another 4 hours of downloading? Anyone else have problems? Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------ =_NextPart_000_01BDDCE2.EB854020 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhQAAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEEkAYA4AEAAAEAAAAQAAAAAwAAMAIAAAAL AA8OAAAAAAIB/w8BAAAAVQAAAAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGZyYWN0aW50QGxpc3Rz LnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQBTTVRQAGZyYWN0aW50QGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQAAAAAeAAIwAQAA AAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAHAAAAGZyYWN0aW50QGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQADABUM AQAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgABMAEAAAAeAAAAJ2ZyYWN0aW50QGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbScAAAAC AQswAQAAACEAAABTTVRQOkZSQUNUSU5UQExJU1RTLlhNSVNTSU9OLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsA QDoBAAAAHgD2XwEAAAAcAAAAZnJhY3RpbnRAbGlzdHMueG1pc3Npb24uY29tAAIB918BAAAAVQAA AAAAAACBKx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAAAAGZyYWN0aW50QGxpc3RzLnhtaXNzaW9uLmNvbQBTTVRQ 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I have a T-1 line so it only took about 12 minutes. Sometimes when they grind away for a few hours they bcome contaminated. Art Baker > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Angela Wilczynski > Sent: Thursday, September 10, 1998 5:52 PM > To: Fractint > Subject: (fractint) Can't Unzip > > > <> > > Well....I THOUGHT I was going to be able to look at the contest > entries tonight but > when I opened the file (39,182K) I got the > following message: > > End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file > is not a zipfile, or > it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter > case the central > directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) > of this archive. > > Didn't we establish a rule months ago whereby this sort of thing > wasn't supposed to > happen? Any suggestions? Another 4 hours of downloading? Anyone > else have problems? > > Angela > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Michael Traynor) Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 10 Sep 1998 23:00:32 -0400 (EDT) >I am biased toward certain artists, therefore if I know whose pic it is, I'm >likely to unconsiously judge the person more than the work. Don't visit other fractal websites until after you've voted. That would solve it. >>This is entirely unworthy. In the one case where someone definitely wants >>to display images that were submitted, it is because there was a >>pre-existing commitment. > >That committment should never have been made, aka rules, morals, fairness to >other competitors... The commitment had been made in light of the close of voting date. The problem arises because some folk feel they may lack time to do justice to the 250 or so images entered by the close of voting day, and so it was proposed to extend the date. This resulted in the problem with a contestant who had agreed to the use of one of his images in some other venture. >> I could well see someone who used a fractal >>generator that is not so widely used as fractint wanting to display a >>large format version of their image (I certainly will be using the >>fractint pars made available to generate images at large sizes since many >>images loose a lot in smaller versions) and would not view this as being in >>any way improper. It does not make sense to have what is essentially a >>practical compromise on size (to make a practical contest web site) >>determine an important parameter for a work. > >*That* is the essence of competition. How we can work within limitation. You should know that once Damien has the parameters (for those images whose submitters included them) out, anyone with the appropriate software will be able to generate the image at any resolution at all. It was never a contest rule that everyone had to judge based on the 640x480 image on the website. -- Mike Traynor People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like. Abraham Lincoln Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Regina & Steve" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Web S Date: 11 Sep 1998 09:55:50 +1000 In prev mail I forgot to say, The competition was/is a committment. - Looking into a fractal is like looking into the soul. - the deeper you look, the more complex the structure - We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Choose wisely. - the sea is just a bigpond -----Original Message----- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) par Date: 10 Sep 1998 20:35:40 -0700 I'm sure everyone is entirely busy looking at the contest entries but this one was really a surprise, hope you can take a break from downloading and look at it. (I'm going to try and download it tonight while I'm at work and leave it going on a 14.4 modem) (Gravijul somewhat inelegantly put into Kerry Mitchell's offset_rx=ry_jul. P1 and P2 do not work but it made some very nice images.) unfolding1 { ; 9-98 kathy roth ;all palettes by Linda Allison reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=g_offset.frm formulaname=g_offset function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=1.56123/1.04556/1.243589 params=1/1/0.3/0/1/1 float=y outside=mult decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=9JM9JM8HL7GK5EJ<30>dxxfzz\ fyy<29>DCRCAPDBQ<29>ieskgtjft<28>69T47S5\ 8S<30>yyf<30>3K71I52J6<29>cvcexedwe<26>AKM } unfolding2 { ; 9-98 kathy roth colors=7alKII<13>djr<14>MSaK\ Q_LR`<14>iqu<14>IQVGOTGOU<13>7al<14>hpukqvkp\ u<13>kbYlaWk`W<13>NKRLIQKIQ<14>5V\ V<15>jsw<13>HL_FJYFJYEIX<14>tlo<14>VKNT\ ILSIL<14>AUO<15>esm<14>KHGIEDJGF } unfolding3 { ; 9-98 kathy roth colors=wF0<5>sC0rB0qA0p90n80<5>e20\ c00d10<12>qA0rB0rD0<5>uR0uT0vW0vZ0<4>y\ p0zt0zw0zz0<5>zf0yb0y`0<8>tE0sB0pB2<9>F2\ MG3Q<13>jGz<2>cDwaBv_AuX8sP6e<2>\ 000<15>000<7>U00<7>000<15>000<4>X8s_9ub\ Bx<2>jFz<12>J4TG3QF2M<10>sB0<3>vN\ 0wQ0wS0wU0<3>yb0ze0ze0<4>zz0<14>sB0s\ B0rB0<15>c00b00c10<5>o80qA0qA0<5>wF0 } frm:g_offset { ;modification of Kerry Mitchell's offset_rx=ry_jul ; ; "2 offset circles" coloring method for Julia sets ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; p2 = approximate circle center ; real(p3) = (both) circle radius ; imag(p3) = center offsets--added to p2 for ; centerx, subtracted from p2 for centery ; bailout hardcoded to 10^12 ; use "decomp=256" coloring ; zc=pixel, c=p1, bailout=1e12, iter=1, rmin=1e12 cenx=p2*(1+imag(p3)), radx=real(p3), rad2x=radx*radx ceny=p2*(1-imag(p3)), rad2y=rad2x: iter=iter+1, w=fn1(zc) zc=fn3(1/fn2(w*w)) tempx=|zc-cenx|-rad2x tempy=|zc-ceny|-rad2y temp=tempx+flip(tempy), r=|temp| if (rbailout)||(iter==maxit)) iter=-1 endif iter>0 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) more (more pars) Date: 10 Sep 1998 21:43:30 -0700 portrait1 { ; 9-98 kathy roth reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=g_offset.frm formulaname=g_offset function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=3.665e-006/-8.65e-007/0.2586665 params=1/1/0.3/0/1/1 float=y outside=mult decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<2>000<7>KKQNNTQQXTT_VWa<3>df\ kginhjn<2>kmn<13>OI5<11>pgTriVulY\ xn_zpa<4>jdWgaVcZT`WSYUR<3>KJNHGMG\ FL<10>724602702<20>Q08R09S09T0AU0A<6>`\ 0Da0Db2D<14>zVF<10>hAEaI9<6>xTF<8>H3A\ C09908<6>KBDMDEMFF<2>MMILPKNRM<9>km\ n<6>D92<3>LG4OI5QK7<12>vlYxn_yo`zpa<14>OI5000<24>000 } portrait2 { ; 9-98 kathy roth reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=g_offset.frm formulaname=g_offset function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=0.0129064/0.968108/0.923809 params=1/1/0.3/0/1.15/1 float=y outside=mult decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<25>000<7>KKQNNTQQXTT_V\ Wa<3>dfkginhjn<2>kmn<13>OI5<11>pgTriVul\ Yxn_zpa<4>jdWgaVcZT`WSYUR<3>KJNHGMGFL<10>7\ 24602702<20>Q08R09S09T0AU0A<6>\ `0Da0Db2D<14>zVF<10>hAEaI9<6>xTF<8>H3AC\ 09908<6>KBDMDEMFF<2>MMILPKNRM<9>k\ mn<6>D92<3>LG4OI5QK7<12>vlYxn_yo`zpa<14>OI5\ 000000000 } portrait3 { ; 9-98 kathy roth ; Linda Allison map reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=g_offset.frm formulaname=g_offset function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=3.665e-006/-8.65e-007/0.2586665 params=1/1/-1/0/2/1 float=y outside=mult decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=xn_24M<2>12H01F01F<13>014003001\ 001<13>los<13>SNCQL9QL9QL8QK7<26>v\ lYxn_xn_xn_<29>RL7QK6QK7QL9<2>UQHVS\ KXUO<9>los<9>788<3>222000001<10>21D22\ E22F23G23I<7>37R37S48U58W<4>7Cd8De\ 8De<29>T_wT_wSZv<28>AFe9Ed8Dc7Cb7B`<7>\ 35O } frm:g_offset { ;modification of Kerry Mitchell's offset_rx=ry_jul ; ; "2 offset circles" coloring method for Julia sets ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; p2 = approximate circle center ; real(p3) = (both) circle radius ; imag(p3) = center offsets--added to p2 for ; centerx, subtracted from p2 for centery ; bailout hardcoded to 10^12 ; use "decomp=256" coloring ; zc=pixel, c=p1, bailout=1e12, iter=1, rmin=1e12 cenx=p2*(1+imag(p3)), radx=real(p3), rad2x=radx*radx ceny=p2*(1-imag(p3)), rad2y=rad2x: iter=iter+1, w=fn1(zc) zc=fn3(1/fn2(w*w)) tempx=|zc-cenx|-rad2x tempy=|zc-ceny|-rad2y temp=tempx+flip(tempy), r=|temp| if (rbailout)||(iter==maxit)) iter=-1 endif iter>0 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: (fractint) Emboss Date: 11 Sep 1998 00:40:00 -0700 (MST) So, you've already voted in the fractal contest, taxes aren't due until April, and you don't want to paint the house. What to do? Why, read another tome of mine, of course! (All is not lost, as there are some pars and a couple of heavily commented formulas here, too.) Kerry Mitchell comment { ; narrative copyright Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 Embossing Notary Publics and other important folks use embossing as a way of marking official papers. The embossing die puts a series of crimps onto the paper. This doesn't change the color of the paper, but makes hills and valleys that are visible as highlights and shadows. The "embossing" coloring method has a similar effect. Typically, the majority of the image is a middle gray. Contour bands (such as those between regions of constant dwell) are colored black and white, resembling shadows and highlights, respectively. Performed correctly, this gives a very convincing 3D effect to the image, reminiscent of a topographical map or architectural model. In general, embossing requires 2 test points for each pixel, and some discrete variable (call it D for this explanation). If D is the same for both test points (D1 = D2), then the pixel is colored middle gray. If D for the first test point is less than D for the second point (D1 < D2), then the pixel is colored black. Otherwise, D1 > D2, and the pixel is colored white. For example (B = black, W = white, G = gray): D1 (first test point): 1 23 45 2 5 9 34 0 1 19 D2 (second test point): 1 22 45 2 5 10 34 0 2 18 pixel color: G W G G G B G G B W In the present method, the test points are placed on either side of the pixel. Exactly where is determined by 2 parameters, the "size" and "lightangle". The apparant size of the contour bands in the image depends on how far apart the test points are, related to "size". Using a larger size will result in bigger, more dramatic bands. However, using large bands, particularly with decomp turned off, can lead to "seeing double" in your fractal. Typically, size=0.005 to 0.01 works well for full-scale images (magnification=0.66667), and it should be decreased as the magnification increases. The relative location of the highlights and shadows on a real embossed sheet depends on from where the light is coming. This is simulated with the "lightangle" parameter. Using a value of 0 would show highlights on the right side (0 degrees) and shadows on the left side (180 degrees). The highlights generally appear in the same direction given by lightangle; the shadows are generally on the other side, 180 degrees away. The discrete variable used here is the iteration number: how many iterations before the orbits escape. Colors are determined by assigning z one of 4 values, each of which has a different polar angle. Then, using "decomp=256" coloring will make each case show up clearly. If both test points have escaping orbits, then the pixel is colored one color (z = "black") if the 1st point escapes first, a 2nd color ("white") if the 2nd point escapes first, and a 3rd color ("gray") if they both escape on the same iteration. If both orbits don't escape before the maximum number of iterations is reached, then the pixel is colored using a 4th color (z = "other"). Of course, the colors that actually show up in your image will depend on your color palette. To add more flexibility, an elliptical bailout condition is used. In a typical Mandelbrot calculation, iteration ceases when |z| > bailout, which means [real(z)]^2 + [imag(z)]^2 > bailout. This gives a bailout boundary that is a circle. By changing the relative weights of real(z) and imag(z): [a*real(z)]^2 + [b*imag(z)]^2 > bailout, the bailout boundary is changed to an ellipse. The relative sizes of a and b will determine the eccentricity of the ellipse (long vs. circular vs. tall), and the minimum of a and b will determine how big the bailout ellipse is. For example, small a and large b would weigh the imaginary part more heavily in the bailout determination. For best results, a and b should both be <= 1. This method also uses the "strict" bailout condition: if a and b are both = 1, then the bailout radius depends on the magnitude of c. This brings the iteration contours closer together when c is small. Since this method emphasizes the contours so much, the more precise condition was chosen. Other discrete quantities can be used in this method, and continuous variables can be made discrete by using the round() and trunc() functions. But this is work for another time. Until then, play notary public in your own fractal jurisdiction and emboss away! } embossed-mandelbrot { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 ; ; most of the image is middle gray ; highlights are white, shadows are black ; interior (non-escaping) uses "other" color ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=emboss-iter_man passes=1 center-mag=-0.6/0/0.8 params=1/1/0.005/180 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000w00<60>w00VVVw00<61>w00zzzw00<62>w0\ 000ww00<61>w00 cyclerange=0/255 } embossed-julia { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 ; ; most of the image is middle gray ; highlights are white, shadows are black ; interior (non-escaping) uses "other" color ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=emboss-iter_jul passes=1 center-mag=0/0/1/1/80 params=0.44/0.23/0.7/0.7/0.003/40 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000w00<60>w00VVVw00<61>w00zzz\ w00<62>w0000ww00<61>w00 cyclerange=0/255 } bowtie { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 ; ; embossed images don't have to be just black, white ; and gray, ya know... ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=emboss.frm formulaname=emboss-iter_jul passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.6 params=-2/0/1/0.5/0.1/0 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=00zw00<60>w00zzzw00<61>\ w00z00w00<62>w0000ww00<61>w00 cyclerange=0/255 } breakers-on-midget-isle { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 ; ; embossed images don't have to be just black, white ; and gray, ya know... ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=emboss.frm formulaname=emboss-iter_man passes=1 center-mag=-1.766/0/13 params=0.15/0.45/0.0003/150 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000w00<60>w000Umw00<61>w00\ zzzw00<62>w000U0w00<61>w00 cyclerange=0/255 } seeing-double { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 ; ; what can happen if the "size" parameter is set too big ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=emboss.par formulaname=emboss-iter_man center-mag=-0.782848/0.147517/\ 235/1/-52.5 params=1/1/0.001/60 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 periodicity=0 colors=0xz<18>04z01z00y<20>000<20>z00<20>zz0<\ 19>zzvzzyyzz<20>0zz<20>00z<19>003000200<18>v00y00z10<20>zz0\ <20>zzzzzz<20>0zz cyclerange=0/255 } frm:emboss-iter_man { ; Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 ; ; "embossing" coloring scheme based on iteration levels ; Mandelbrot version ; ; uses elliptical bailout: [real(z)*a]^2+[imag(z)*b]^2 ; real(p1) = a <= 1 ; imag(p1) = b <= 1 ; a = b = 1 for strict bailout ; ; real(p2) = size of contour band ; imag(p2) = light source angle, in degrees ; use decomp=256 coloring, only 4 colors used ; ; initialize counters ; iter=1, done=0 ; ; set up elliptical parameters ; c=pixel, r=4*cabs(c), r=sqrt(1+r), bailout=|(1+r)/2| a=real(p1), b=imag(p1) ; ; first point is offset from pixel by lightangle ; second point is offset from pixel by (lightangle+180 deg) ; size=real(p2), lightangle=imag(p2)*pi/180 dr=size*(cos(lightangle)+flip(sin(lightangle))) c1=pixel-dr, iter1=0, z1=0 c2=pixel+dr, iter2=0, z2=0 ; ; 4 variables with different angles for 4 different colors ; black=(1,0), white=(-1,0), gray=(0,1), other=(0,-1) : iter=iter+1 ; ; iterate first point, it is hasn't already escaped ; if(iter1==0) z1=sqr(z1)+c1, r=|real(z1)*a|+|imag(z1)*b| ; ; set bailout counter if first point escaped ; if(r>bailout) iter1=iter endif endif ; ; iterate second point, it is hasn't already escaped ; if(iter2==0) z2=sqr(z2)+c2, r=|real(z2)*a|+|imag(z2)*b| ; ; set bailout counter if second point escaped ; if(r>bailout) iter2=iter endif endif ; ; if both points escaped, perform "embossing" ; if((iter1>0)&&(iter2>0)) done=1 ; ; color "black" if first point escaped first ; if(iter1bailout) iter1=iter endif endif ; ; iterate second point, it is hasn't already escaped ; if(iter2==0) z2=sqr(z2)+c2, r=|real(z2)*a|+|imag(z2)*b| ; ; set bailout counter if second point escaped ; if(r>bailout) iter2=iter endif endif ; ; if both points escaped, perform "embossing" ; if((iter1>0)&&(iter2>0)) done=1 ; ; color "black" if first point escaped first ; if(iter1iB3<8>xeKziMyfL<7>kF5iB3fA3<8>911500000<12>000000011\ 021<12>3CA3CA3B9<15>000000021<4>3CA4FC5JF<10>Fte<14>155012000<15>4zn<2>4\ pe4lb4h_3dX3`U<8>022<13>4zp<29>2DC2BA2BA<12>111000000000<15>000 } frm:Gallet-6-01 { ; Sylvie Gallet [101324,3444], 1996 z = pixel , x = real(z) , y = imag(z) : x1 = x - p1*fn1(y + p2*fn2(x - p3*fn3(y))) y1 = y - p1*fn1(x + p2*fn2(y - p3*fn3(x))) x = x1 , y = y1 z = x + flip(y) |z| <= 32 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Can't Unzip Date: 11 Sep 1998 10:46:29 EDT > I have a T-1 line > so it only took about 12 minutes fine, just rub it in! I've only downloaded 1/3 of the competition and it took 140 mins! I also had no problem with the zips Luke Fractal gallery, 'z squared plus c': Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Can't Unzip Date: 11 Sep 1998 08:12:38 -0700 wrote: > > > I have a T-1 line > > so it only took about 12 minutes > > fine, just rub it in! I've only downloaded 1/3 of the competition and it took > 140 mins! I also had no problem with the zips > > Luke > > > Fractal gallery, 'z squared plus c': > > > I downloaded via the three smaller files and that finally worked for me. After I extracted all the files I realized just what an enormous task Damien completed!!!!!! Once again....sincere thanks. I hope for the next contest we can find a way to share some of the labor so that one person isn't so burdened. Also, it occurred to me that a mirror for downloading wouild have helped a good deal......I volunteer for next time to host a mirror. Tiresome to get these bright ideas After the fact......more lessons learned. Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Montgomery Subject: (fractint) Unzip download? Date: 11 Sep 1998 11:10:18 -0700 Good morning. Just came from the hospital where my wife is facing minor surgery for the third time in three months. So, I am a little distracted. Last night, to keep myself occupied I took a couple of deep breaths, swallowed hard and made the decision to download the whole kit and kaboodle of the Contest98. A huge - a monumentally huge - step for me. Thanks to Linda I knew right where to go - went there and, gulping down an imaginary shot of bourbon, started things rolling. And all went well, (mostly thanks to Damien's masterful handling of the contest - and a hats off to Paul Lee also). I chose late night, since I figured the electronic systems would be less active than during the day. Got it going at 12:30 AM, went to bed, checked it at 2:30, a little over half way I think, and again at 5:10 in the morning. All done! Unzipping went well and installing, I installed it in c:\fractint\contes98\ (not sure about that last back-slash) - at least, I thought it was going well. BUT There's always a 'big but', isn't there? Everything is locked. I can't get to it. My guess: I used an evaluation copy of "WinZip". I had already done one download using it, and I'm presuming that WinZip considers that one download a "fair" evaluation and will not let me unlock my download until I buy their product. I'm willing to buy the product but I don't like my hand to be forced by an incomplete period of evaluation. Can anybody judge whether this is true or not, and if not, how to get the download unlocked? It's so frustrating to be so near and yet so far - "holding the banana just out of reach of the caged monkey." Would appreciate, very much, someone's advice on this. Incidentally, I'm using Win 95, lots of ram and lots of Hard Drive. What I'm not using is a lot of know-how. Thanks Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) Emboss Date: 11 Sep 1998 14:30:29 -0400 Hi Kerry, >> So, you've already voted in the fractal contest, NO!!! But I was too curious... WOW!!!!! Great formulas!!! Now, back to the fractal contest... Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) Unzip download? Date: 11 Sep 1998 13:33:27 -0500 Ray Montgomery wrote: > > (.... and a hats off to Paul Lee also). Thanks a bunch!! Keeping the Contest Data Base up to date wasn't too much of a hassle. And having to reply to those that either hadn't read the Rules or didn't follow them was not too bad either. It was testing most of the parameters to make sure they were correct, and/or trying to create them based upon just the image or partial parameters that took some effort. I also tried to keep the Entries webpage up to date with the latest counts (until I lost my access). I had been converting the Data Base into several HTML Tables (in various forms of criteria) so that Damien and Kerry Mitchell could see the latest results via the web. All in all, it wasn't too bad and a lot of fun (until the last few days when everybody decided to submit images). :-) > > Everything is locked. I can't get to it. > My guess: I used an evaluation copy of "WinZip". > I had already done one download using it, and > I'm presuming that WinZip considers that one > download a "fair" evaluation and will not let > me unlock my download until I buy their product. I used to have an evaluation copy which worked well everytime that I tried it. I used it for many files before I decided that I should pay for what I had been using. > > Can anybody judge whether this is true or not, and if not, > how to get the download unlocked? Do you still have the installation executable for the WinZIP setup?? You might try just re-instaling it to get it functioning again. P.N.L. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gedeon Peteri Subject: Re: (fractint) Unzip download? Date: 11 Sep 1998 14:39:16 -0400 Ray Montgomery wrote: > > Unzipping went well and installing, I installed it in > c:\fractint\contes98\ (not sure about that last back-slash) - at least, I > thought it was going well. > BUT > There's always a 'big but', isn't there? Everything is locked. I can't > get to it. > My guess: I used an evaluation copy of "WinZip". My guess is that Winzip has nothing to do with it. If, as you say above, "unzipping went well," and you installed (I am assuming you mean extracted) the files to a folder, Winzip is done with, and the problem is elsewhere. Unfortunately I don't know just exactly what you mean by "everything is locked." How are you trying to "get to it"? What you downloaded is, in effect, a home page based on the file index.html, which is included in the zip file. Find it, and try double clicking it. It should come up in Netscape or Internet Explorer, and you can take it from there. Gedeon -- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: July 12, 1998 Photography: Last updated: July 20, 1998 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gedeon Peteri Subject: (fractint) contest Date: 11 Sep 1998 14:43:48 -0400 Although it was evident right from the start, the downloaded files make it abundantly clear just what an immense job Damien, Paul, and Kerry have done. Many thank to all of them for a job superbly well done. Gedeon -- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: July 12, 1998 Photography: Last updated: July 20, 1998 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: (fractint) Can't Unzip Date: 11 Sep 1998 21:17:39 +0200 -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Dean-Christian Strik Aan: fractint Datum: vrijdag 11 september 1998 20:51 Onderwerp: Re: (fractint) Can't Unzip Angela, >I downloaded via the three smaller files and that finally worked for me. After I >extracted all the files I realized just what an enormous task Damien completed!!!!!! >Once again....sincere thanks. I hope for the next contest we can find a way to share >some of the labor so that one person isn't so burdened. Also, it occurred to me that >a mirror for downloading wouild have helped a good deal......I volunteer for next >time to host a mirror. Tiresome to get these bright ideas After the fact......more >lessons learned. That'd be an American mirror of an American site. Nothing wrong with that, on the contrary! But it would be very nice to have a European mirror as well. There are a lot of European members of the fractint and fractal-art lists. I can't mirror myself (I don't even have a European site - and no decent one anyway, still need to set up my xoom site). Are there any of us Euro's out there who can (and are willing too, of course)? Christian [I forwarded this -- set my 'from' address to my bigfoot address while I'm listed on my hetnet address] Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: (fractint) Unzip download? Date: 11 Sep 1998 21:17:56 +0200 -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Dean-Christian Strik Aan: fractint Datum: vrijdag 11 september 1998 20:52 Onderwerp: (fractint) Unzip download? > Good morning. Hey! It's evening out here! :-) > My guess: I used an evaluation copy of "WinZip". I had already done one >download using it, and I'm presuming that WinZip considers that one >download a "fair" evaluation and will not let me unlock my download until I >buy their product. I'm willing to buy the product but I don't like my hand >to be forced by an incomplete period of evaluation. > Can anybody judge whether this is true or not, and if not, how to get the >download unlocked? It's so frustrating to be so near and yet so far - >"holding the banana just out of reach of the caged monkey." > Would appreciate, very much, someone's advice on this. > Incidentally, I'm using Win 95, lots of ram and lots of Hard Drive. What >I'm not using is a lot of know-how. Well... such an action would seem ridiculous (no offense!) to me. I believe winzip doesn't restrict anything to an unregistered copy, but only gives you a warning when you're legal time's up. Anyway, you may try do 'register': name: Ray serial: E76E0153. I have no idea what's really gone wrong, though. Christian [I forwarded this -- set my 'from' address to my bigfoot address while I'm listed on my hetnet address] Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) contest Date: 11 Sep 1998 14:18:19 -0500 Gedeon Peteri wrote: > > Although it was evident right from the start, the downloaded > files make it abundantly clear just what an immense job Damien, > Paul, and Kerry have done. Many thank to all of them for a > job superbly well done. > Compliments and Thank Yous are always welcome. But there is still a lot to do before the Contest is finished. I believe Kerry will be doing the tallying of votes, and then there are all of the comments and feedbacks for each image that will need to be distributed to the artists involved. Still plenty of work left. P.N.L. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Diosnel Herrnsdorf Subject: Re: (fractint) Unzip download? Date: 11 Sep 1998 15:30:53 -0400 Ray Montgomery wrote: > (snipped) > My guess: I used an evaluation copy of "WinZip". I had already done one > download using it, and I'm presuming that WinZip considers that one > download a "fair" evaluation and will not let me unlock my download until I > buy their product. I'm willing to buy the product but I don't like my hand > to be forced by an incomplete period of evaluation. > Can anybody judge whether this is true or not, and if not, how to get the > download unlocked? It's so frustrating to be so near and yet so far - > "holding the banana just out of reach of the caged monkey." > Would appreciate, very much, someone's advice on this. > Incidentally, I'm using Win 95, lots of ram and lots of Hard Drive. What > I'm not using is a lot of know-how. Ray: I also use an evaluation copy of WinZip6.3. Up to this moment, I have done lots of downloads and lots of unzipping with this tool, without problems. As far as I know, you don't even need to buy it, although it's always advisable. (BTW, I'll recomend my boss to buy it for the company). I don't know what your real problem might be, but at least I can say that it's not registration. Have you tried to unzip with the "wizard" mode? Regards, Diosnel Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Art Baker" Subject: RE: (fractint) Can't Unzip Date: 11 Sep 1998 12:25:43 -0700 Downloadsd that take a lomg time are oftern contaminated. Winzip is not crippled befor you buy it. I would try downloading it again. > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Dean-Christian > Strik > Sent: Friday, September 11, 1998 12:18 PM > To: fractint > Subject: Re: (fractint) Can't Unzip > > > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: Dean-Christian Strik > Aan: fractint > Datum: vrijdag 11 september 1998 20:51 > Onderwerp: Re: (fractint) Can't Unzip > > > Angela, > > >I downloaded via the three smaller files and that finally worked for me. > After I > >extracted all the files I realized just what an enormous task Damien > completed!!!!!! > >Once again....sincere thanks. I hope for the next contest we > can find a way > to share > >some of the labor so that one person isn't so burdened. Also, it > occurred to > me that > >a mirror for downloading wouild have helped a good deal......I > volunteer for > next > >time to host a mirror. Tiresome to get these bright ideas After the > fact......more > >lessons learned. > > > That'd be an American mirror of an American site. Nothing wrong > with that, on > the contrary! But it would be very nice to have a European mirror as well. > There are a lot of European members of the fractint and > fractal-art lists. I > can't mirror myself (I don't even have a European site - and no decent one > anyway, still need to set up my xoom site). Are there any of us Euro's out > there who can (and are willing too, of course)? > > Christian > > > [I forwarded this -- set my 'from' address to my bigfoot address while I'm > listed on my hetnet address] > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fliguer, Miguel" Subject: (fractint) Some pars Date: 11 Sep 1998 17:44:08 -0300 Have a nice weekend ! H02 { ; Visions from Heck 02 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=test01 function=sin/sin center-mag=-6.22841/-0.924541/0.7329993/2/45.145/40.727 colors=000JEE<26>x11z00z10<29>zx0zz0zz1<29>zzxzzzzzz<61>zV1zU0zU0zT0<28>\ z10z00z00y00<30>c00b11a11`22_22<23>GEEFFFFFFFFFGFFIFF } W01 { ; Knock on Wood ; Map from Jacco Burger reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=test01 function=cos/sin center-mag=-1.05144/0.453818/6.848275/0.2693 colors=000XKD<26>lfc90AVSYdaiSQV`YdPNSXU_MKOSQVJHLOMRGFIKIMDCEGEHA9BBAC7\ 67768434323000<6>rissjt<25>7AG58E25B<4>86A96A96B<5>88I88J98K<15>H1aI0cI0\ c<44>703602601510611<13>RBFSCGUDHVEIWFIXHJ<23>viSwjTxkTzmUylUxkT<26>UF6T\ E5SD4QB3RC4SD5<6>WJC } Lava-River { reset=1960 type=mandel passes=b center-mag=-0.59230101688367890/+0.61763551950712640/686062.7/4.4453/27.\ 151/43.081 params=0/0 float=y colors=000zV1<31>z10z00z00y00<30>c00b11a11`22_22<15>NAA000<23>000a88<14>\ x11z00z10<29>zx0zz0zz1<29>zzxzzzzzz<60>zW2 } frm:test01{; z=c=pixel,z2=z*z: t=real(z)/imag(z) z=fn1(z)+fn2(t) |z|<4 } Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: (fractint) bigfoot+mailing list testing - please ignore (or not) Date: 11 Sep 1998 23:33:44 +0200 testin', testin', testin'... >> >>Dit is een testmailtje, aangezien ik nu als from-adres mijn bigfoot adres heb en me op dat adres geresubscribed heb - This is a test mail, for >>i now have my bigfoot address as the from-address and i resubscribed with >>that address >> >>Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Xylen" Subject: (fractint) I did it!! Date: 11 Sep 1998 15:59:45 -0600 Not only did I download all 40MB, I got them to unzip. I also spent nearly 16 hours over 3 days going through all the images. My votes were cast yesterday. Today I rested. I can look forward to creating fractals again without having to worry about the contest. Don't get me wrong. I loved being a part of it, from creation to voting. I'm just glad it's finally over. :) Good luck everybody, and congratulations to everyone involved. :) Xylen I live in another Dimension. I just have a summer home in Reality. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ursine" Subject: Re: (fractint) Unzip download? Date: 11 Sep 1998 17:03:21 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_002F_01BDDDA6.15A22760 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Please describe what you mean when you say it is "locked" -----Original Message----- > > Good morning. > > Just came from the hospital where my wife is facing minor surgery for the >third time in three months. So, I am a little distracted. > Last night, to keep myself occupied I took a couple of deep breaths, >swallowed hard and made the decision to download the whole kit and kaboodle >of the Contest98. A huge - a monumentally huge - step for me. > Thanks to Linda I knew right where to go - went there and, gulping down an >imaginary shot of bourbon, started things rolling. And all went well, >(mostly thanks to Damien's masterful handling of the contest - and a hats >off to Paul Lee also). > I chose late night, since I figured the electronic systems would be less >active than during the day. Got it going at 12:30 AM, went to bed, checked >it at 2:30, a little over half way I think, and again at 5:10 in the morning. >All done! > Unzipping went well and installing, I installed it in >c:\fractint\contes98\ (not sure about that last back-slash) - at least, I >thought it was going well. > BUT > There's always a 'big but', isn't there? Everything is locked. I can't >get to it. > My guess: I used an evaluation copy of "WinZip". I had already done one >download using it, and I'm presuming that WinZip considers that one >download a "fair" evaluation and will not let me unlock my download until I >buy their product. I'm willing to buy the product but I don't like my hand >to be forced by an incomplete period of evaluation. > Can anybody judge whether this is true or not, and if not, how to get the >download unlocked? It's so frustrating to be so near and yet so far - >"holding the banana just out of reach of the caged monkey." > Would appreciate, very much, someone's advice on this. > Incidentally, I'm using Win 95, lots of ram and lots of Hard Drive. What >I'm not using is a lot of know-how. > > Thanks Ray > > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------=_NextPart_000_002F_01BDDDA6.15A22760 Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAQAAoIIJ5TCCAjww ggGlAhAyUDPPUNFW81yBrWVcT8glMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYD VQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0 aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05NjAxMjkwMDAwMDBaFw0yMDAxMDcyMzU5NTlaMF8xCzAJ BgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJs aWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAw 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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jay Hill" Subject: Re: (fractint) Emboss Date: 11 Sep 1998 19:06:51 -0700 Hi Kerry, The effect you have displayed is similar to what I used in Deepzoom back in the days of DOS and 386 machines. The program still survives at Spanky and at my site.... There are deep zooms for which this method is the only way to see what is going on. And there are not so deep zooms but points close the MSet components which also need this method. I had a special version which showed the light source coming from all angles around the compass as you color cycle. A real WOW. I have tried to reproduce the method in Fractint but have never been happy with the results. Thanks for the formulas. For those who are new to fractals, a little history. Deepzoom came to life overnight almost 5 years ago (10-19-93) after there was complaining on sci.fractals and the FRACL email list that we had no extended precision fractal programs to play with. Someone wrote they had seen on for sail for $90 and someone else bragged they made one in BASIC, zooming to 40 digit depths. But a gloom was setting in over the list. What to do when the digits run out... I had coded the embossing method in Turbo Pascal a few years earlier, along with a wide range of coordinate transformations, and was learning C++. Now in C++, the complex arithmetic class allows you to write formulas just like you do for ordinary math. You don't have to separate out real and imaginary parts. So the MSet formula is just z = z*z+c; with the variables z and c defined as complex. I had just discovered a complex class and was having great fun with it studying Feigenbaum points. It was written by two students in Europe (Kaufmann Friedrich & Mueller Walter) which provided 72 digit math in the free shareware version and many hundreds of digits in the registered version. So, in about two hours I had a 72 digit version up and going. The next morning with great flare I posted its availability (and it was FREE) to the lists. More than 200 asked for a copy. It was the real kick Fractint needed to get extended precision going. You can see the Fractint equivalent of one of my early Deepzooms here... Of course, it looks much different in Deepzoom, because it was 'embossed' in that program. The filaments show up much better. Funny story, the registration was $20, so I sent a check off to the authors. I got an email in a few weeks thanking me as the first to register from the USA! (And that 70% of the $20 went to the banks for depositing, exchange and other fees!!!! So I sent them another $20 in cash (yes, a green back)! We still chat by email once in a while.) You can see this old program in action yourself, just download it from ... Now its graphics are about 3 or 4 hardware versions out of date and will run better on an old 386 than a modern video card. I think the 640x480x16 and 320x200x256 modes still work. You will find several versions of the program, each with different sets of exact tests for points in low period (1-4) components. This greatly speeds up plotting the MSet when these components are in the image. I notice Kerry's formula has periodicity checking disabled. That is often the case with these special effects in Fractint. :-( That is one reason why I have posted my exact tests in the Dr. J series. It seems they are often useful. Thanks again for the formulas. Jay ---------- > From: Kerry Mitchell > To: > Subject: (fractint) Emboss > Date: Friday, September 11, 1998 12:40 AM > [...] > comment { ; narrative copyright Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 > > Embossing > > Notary Publics and other important folks use embossing as a way of > marking official papers. The embossing die puts a series of crimps > onto the paper. This doesn't change the color of the paper, but [...] > frm:emboss-iter_man { ; Kerry Mitchell 11sep98 > ; > ; "embossing" coloring scheme based on iteration levels > ; Mandelbrot version [...] Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Michael Traynor) Subject: Re: (fractint) Re; contest web site Date: 11 Sep 1998 22:52:12 -0400 (EDT) Leaving aside the main points of contention on which a meeting of minds is unlikely, I'd like to address a couple of points (in separate messages): Damien writes: >... I must always question my objectivity. I always question my own objectivity too. Fortunately that is not what I intend to use to judge. I intend to use my subjectivity. I intend to be totally egotistical and judge solely on what I think of an image without any concern for any 'objective' measure of worth. I think that it comes down to one's concept of art. Mine centres around the idea that art reaches directly into the person and resonates with some element of their personality. For this, subjectivity is what the viewer brings to the table. In fact, the only thing each of us can uniquely contribute is our own subjectivity. By definition, objectivity is not connected with any particular person and anyone can supply that. This is one reason I think that the comments on images would be of more value than raw votes, though having one of Sharon's very cool Frackies (singular: Fracky - is there an official name for them?) to display will be very nice for the winners. It is like having a fruit salad. The total number of pieces of fruit is much less interesting than the variety of tastes of the fruits included in the salad. -- Mike Traynor People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like. Abraham Lincoln Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Can't Unzip Date: 11 Sep 1998 21:13:16 -0700 Chris..... True enough.....but in my own download frenzy I tried both my isp's. One connects at 28.8 and the other at 56.6. There was almost no diff in the estimated download I have to attribute that to a busy server. My idea was to distribute the load. A european server would be terrific.......I've certainly noticed that "clog" across the Atlantic lines when I try to access european sites. In the best of all possible worlds we might have a primary site and a north american mirror (me) plus a european mirror (tbd). Any takers out there in Europe?? Do I have to move to Latvia????? I'm Latvian at least by speach and parentage....but I don't think the country is quite ready for a puter nut of my caliber. Angela aka wizzle Dean-Christian Strik wrote: > > > That'd be an American mirror of an American site. Nothing wrong with that, on > the contrary! But it would be very nice to have a European mirror as well. > There are a lot of European members of the fractint and fractal-art lists. I > can't mirror myself (I don't even have a European site - and no decent one > anyway, still need to set up my xoom site). Are there any of us Euro's out > there who can (and are willing too, of course)? > > Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Unzip download? Date: 11 Sep 1998 21:20:52 -0700 Paul N. Lee wrote: > > Ray Montgomery wrote: > > > > (.... and a hats off to Paul Lee also). > > Thanks a bunch!! > > Keeping the Contest Data Base up to date wasn't too much of a hassle. > And having to reply to those that either hadn't read the Rules or > didn't follow them was not too bad either. It was testing most of the > parameters to make sure they were correct, and/or trying to create them > based upon just the image or partial parameters that took some effort. <> > > All in all, it wasn't too bad and a lot of fun (until the last few days > when everybody decided to submit images). :-) Hahahahhhahahaha......rofl....well....your pain and agony is much appreciated paul. I was fascinated by the stats as they developed. Now I'm enjoying all the hard work that went into the site per se. I'm also part of the "guess who submitted what" crowd. we have to submit our votes as a block or can we punt them in category by category? I have such a short memory span and paper for notes is hard to find at chez wizzle. If I need to Really keep track I will go out and buy a new box of crayons tomorrow. Tonight I am busy with livestock issues......fruitflys in my wine and racoons in my kitchen....both unwelcome. Angela aka wizzle Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Montgomery Subject: (fractint) Zip locks Date: 11 Sep 1998 22:14:03 -0700 Hi Thanks for the suggestions about my zipped but unattainable Contest files. I have been able to get to them by punching a few other buttons and going through a maze of side-doors and alleys - but, get to them I did. For the record I could not find the key to the locks. The locks were as follows. On the icons, which were pictures of two-drawer filing cabinets with a giant clamp holding the cabinets, one jaw on top and the other jaw on the bottom with the tightenng screw assembly along the side. The icons with those clamps would do nothing, not open not quiver, nothing - except sit there quietly and whimper. So, I presumed, wrongly, (is it ever wise to presume?) that WinZip had locked them - and indeed, I think they have, but not for the scurrilous reason I attributed to them. But thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate that. Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kerry Mitchell" Subject: Re: (fractint) Emboss Date: 11 Sep 1998 22:08:47 -0700 Jay, > For those who are new to fractals, a little history. Yes, I remember those days. I was using FORTRAN and a version of BASIC to do my own numerical analyses. For a bit of my own history, I started working with fractals in 1985, when I was an aerospace engineer at NASA Ames. I wrote fortran programs to do the calculation, and print the iteration counts to a text file. Then, I would download those files onto my Amiga 1000 for the rendering in basic. I wrote my own encoding programs like uuencode to convert the binary to ascii for the transfer. I was writing (extremely crude) fractal animations back then, too. I also used a version of BASIC called UBASIC to do some serious study of the Mandelbrot set. UBASIC, a freeware basic interpreter, was written for number theory work, and can handle something like 2600 digits. Once, in a fit of anger, I wrote a fractal program for the Commodore 64. A salesperson told me that the C-64 couldn't handle the math, thus there were no fractal programs for it. I sure proved him wrong! My routine blazed along at the breakneck speed of 1 pixel per week, give or take a month. :-) Progress is good. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ursine" Subject: Re: (fractint) Zip locks Date: 11 Sep 1998 22:48:17 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01BDDDD6.450160E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit all you are missing is an association for winzip. if you can run winzip, click file, then open and browse to those two files. you haven't unzipped them yet. -----Original Message----- > > Hi > > Thanks for the suggestions about my zipped but unattainable Contest files. >I have been able to get to them by punching a few other buttons and going >through a maze of side-doors and alleys - but, get to them I did. > For the record I could not find the key to the locks. The locks were as >follows. On the icons, which were pictures of two-drawer filing cabinets >with a giant clamp holding the cabinets, one jaw on top and the other jaw >on the bottom with the tightenng screw assembly along the side. The icons >with those clamps would do nothing, not open not quiver, nothing - except >sit there quietly and whimper. So, I presumed, wrongly, (is it ever wise >to presume?) that WinZip had locked them - and indeed, I think they have, >but not for the scurrilous reason I attributed to them. > But thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate that. > Ray > > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01BDDDD6.450160E0 Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAQAAoIIJ5TCCAjww ggGlAhAyUDPPUNFW81yBrWVcT8glMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYD VQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0 aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05NjAxMjkwMDAwMDBaFw0yMDAxMDcyMzU5NTlaMF8xCzAJ BgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJs aWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAw gYkCgYEA5Rm/baNWYS2ZSHH2Z965jeu3noaACpEO+jglr0aIguVzqKCbJF0NH8xlbgyw0FaEGIea BpsQoXPftFg5a27B9hXVqKg/qhIGjTGsf7A01480Z4gJzRQR4k5FVmkfeAKA2txHkSm7NsljXMXg 1y2He6G3MrB7MLoqLzGq7qNn2tsCAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQIFAAOBgQBLRGZgaGTkmBvzsHLm lYl83XuzlcAdLtjYGdAtND3GUJoQhoyqPzuoBPw3UpXD2cnbzfKGBsSxG/CCiDBCjhdQHGR6uD6Z SXSX/KwCQ/uWDFYEJQx8fIedJKfY8DIptaTfXaJMxRYyqEL2Raa2Nrngv2U2k8LS12vc3lnWojX4 RTCCAy4wggKXoAMCAQICEQDSdi6NFAw9fbKoJV2v7g11MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMg UHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05ODA1MTIwMDAwMDBaFw0wODA1MTIy MzU5NTlaMIHMMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjEfMB0GA1UECxMWVmVyaVNpZ24gVHJ1 c3QgTmV0d29yazFGMEQGA1UECxM9d3d3LnZlcmlzaWduLmNvbS9yZXBvc2l0b3J5L1JQQSBJbmNv cnAuIEJ5IFJlZi4sTElBQi5MVEQoYyk5ODFIMEYGA1UEAxM/VmVyaVNpZ24gQ2xhc3MgMSBDQSBJ bmRpdmlkdWFsIFN1YnNjcmliZXItUGVyc29uYSBOb3QgVmFsaWRhdGVkMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC7WkSKBBa7Vf0DeootlE8VeDa4DUqyb5xUv7zodyqdufBou5XZMUFweoFL uUgTVi3HCOGEQqvAopKrRFyqQvCCDgLpL/vCO7u+yScKXbawNkIztW5UiE+HSr8Z2vkV6A+Hthzj zMaajn9qJJLj/OBluqexfu/J2zdqyErICQbkmQIDAQABo3wwejARBglghkgBhvhCAQEEBAMCAQYw RwYDVR0gBEAwPjA8BgtghkgBhvhFAQcBATAtMCsGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh93d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29t L3JlcG9zaXRvcnkvUlBBMA8GA1UdEwQIMAYBAf8CAQAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AgUAA4GBAIi4Nzvd2pQ3AK2qn+GBAXEekmptL/bxndPKZDjcG5gMB4ZbhRVqD7lJhaSV8Rd9Z7R/ LSzdmkKewz60jqrlCwbe8lYq+jPHvhnXU0zDvcjjF7WkSUJj7MKmFw9dWBpJPJBcVaNlIAD9GCDl X4KmsaiSxVhqwY0DPOvDzQWikK5uMIIEbzCCA9igAwIBAgIQPBbB5cosi7s+8Wd5vx7fyTANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQQFADCBzDEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWdu IFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9SUEEg SW5jb3JwLiBCeSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxSDBGBgNVBAMTP1ZlcmlTaWduIENsYXNzIDEg Q0EgSW5kaXZpZHVhbCBTdWJzY3JpYmVyLVBlcnNvbmEgTm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZDAeFw05ODA5MDMw MDAwMDBaFw05ODExMDIyMzU5NTlaMIIBATEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNV BAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcmVw b3NpdG9yeS9SUEEgSW5jb3JwLiBieSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxHjAcBgNVBAsTFVBlcnNv bmEgTm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZDEnMCUGA1UECxMeRGlnaXRhbCBJRCBDbGFzcyAxIC0gTWljcm9zb2Z0 MQ8wDQYDVQQDFAZ1cnNpbmUxIzAhBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWFHVyc2luZUBlbWFpbC5tc24uY29tMFsw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSgAwRwJAYXSN1sYlSqh3AgBX3wsrMf3thKoChjbdkOi5SPQZF7aVpybs oQEYDkDfZZQe876TmvO0ImUeXYKKiyE6/TdVYQIDAQABo4IBXTCCAVkwCQYDVR0TBAIwADCBrwYD VR0gBIGnMIAwgAYLYIZIAYb4RQEHAQEwgDAoBggrBgEFBQcCARYcaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmVyaXNp Z24uY29tL0NQUzBiBggrBgEFBQcCAjBWMBUWDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMAMCAQEaPVZlcmlTaWdu J3MgQ1BTIGluY29ycC4gYnkgcmVmZXJlbmNlIGxpYWIuIGx0ZC4gKGMpOTcgVmVyaVNpZ24AAAAA AAAwEQYJYIZIAYb4QgEBBAQDAgeAMIGGBgpghkgBhvhFAQYDBHgWdmQ0NjUyYmQ2M2YyMDQ3MDI5 Mjk4NzYzYzlkMmYyNzUwNjljNzM1OWJlZDFiMDU5ZGE3NWJjNGJjOTcwMTc0N2RhNWQzZjIxNDFi ZWFkYjJiZDJlODkyMWZhNTZiZjJkNDExNDk5Y2ExYjk0M2Y0ZTU5MzY1NDEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEE BQADgYEAbC8Wk67TqJKzFEYvoxp7Gm5h4FM8g22DyQxMSmVQtqjH7MxZn2ASBfaQ2unMZiAhH16t RsuJA2Imu8gnO+n7vwwg97KQmPgBfuDoaBMH7nWostvSYoT1HHl7oA0qgOqbA9vNzOcxa+MDsjz/ zCY2OWXaHi4pcrdYweIE1OLEyOsxggIEMIICAAIBATCB4TCBzDEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24s IEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJp c2lnbi5jb20vcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9SUEEgSW5jb3JwLiBCeSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxSDBG BgNVBAMTP1ZlcmlTaWduIENsYXNzIDEgQ0EgSW5kaXZpZHVhbCBTdWJzY3JpYmVyLVBlcnNvbmEg Tm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZAIQPBbB5cosi7s+8Wd5vx7fyTAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoIG6MBgGCSqGSIb3DQEJ AzELBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHAYJKoZIhvcNAQkFMQ8XDTk4MDkxMTIyNDgxOFowIwYJKoZIhvcNAQkE MRYEFMmfqIgNJYq541A5j+z5UzO2VbkwMFsGCSqGSIb3DQEJDzFOMEwwCgYIKoZIhvcNAwcwDgYI KoZIhvcNAwICAgCAMA0GCCqGSIb3DQMCAgFAMAcGBSsOAwIHMA0GCCqGSIb3DQMCAgEoMAcGBSsO AwIdMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUABEBEN5eqIyygvYtgx2W3H7V1HeBGdFghcik70jLKQZiKrYTY6Uoo dck8j3xqLMlAw9V1yd77sCMHqZ/CX7wdLA37AAAAAAAA ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01BDDDD6.450160E0-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) Unzip download? Date: 12 Sep 1998 00:49:15 -0500 Angela Wilczynski wrote: > > Paul N. Lee wrote: > > > > All in all, it wasn't too bad and a lot of fun > > (until the last few days when everybody decided > > to submit images). :-) > > Hahahahhhahahaha......rofl....well....your pain and > agony is much appreciated paul. I figured this might amuse a few individuals. ;-} > > we have to submit our votes as a block > or can we punt them in category by category? Well, here were the Rules as established before images were being submitted: 13. Voters should select one image in each category as the "best". Please do not skip categories! If you submitted an image in that category, you may vote for it if you wish. 16. Votes will be sent via e-mail. Each person will only be permitted to vote once. And besides, if you do try to vote for less than all catagories, you will receive the following message: Your vote was not accepted because you did not fill out all the required information. You must select an image in each category, as well as provide your name and e-mail address. Please check all items and submit your votes again. Sorry, but that is the current state of affairs. Better get that new box of crayons. (You will only need to write down 13 image numbers, so if paper for notes is hard to find, find a blank spot on the wall.) ;-} P.N.L. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Zip locks Date: 11 Sep 1998 23:57:14 -0700 Ray..... Get it together!!!! do you realize Klamath Falls is a mere day away from me and that I just might decide to train up and rolf you into submission????? Ve vill haf lots of fun...yes?? The thought of a visit from yours truly should effectivly irradicate any and all concerns you have to date. I vill bring my own vill provide power. Love ya Angela aka wizzle Ray Montgomery wrote: > > Hi > > Thanks for the suggestions about my zipped but unattainable Contest files. > I have been able to get to them by punching a few other buttons and going > through a maze of side-doors and alleys - but, get to them I did. > For the record I could not find the key to the locks. The locks were as > follows. On the icons, which were pictures of two-drawer filing cabinets > with a giant clamp holding the cabinets, one jaw on top and the other jaw > on the bottom with the tightenng screw assembly along the side. The icons > with those clamps would do nothing, not open not quiver, nothing - except > sit there quietly and whimper. So, I presumed, wrongly, (is it ever wise > to presume?) that WinZip had locked them - and indeed, I think they have, > but not for the scurrilous reason I attributed to them. > But thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate that. > Ray > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Hailman) Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 12 Sep 1998 12:26:45 -0400 (EDT) Linux will run DOS programs, but not protected mode applications like I assume Fractint is. your best bet is to run XFractint... version 3.04 is equivalent to Fractint 19.60. It will probably run better than DOS Fractint ever could on Linux. The fractint home page on has it, but I forget the exact URL. And remember, if you have any problems just send me the computer, and monitor, and don't expect it back... >I have been lucky enough to get a second computer, and I will be installing >Linux on it next week. I was wondering if anybody knows whether fractint >will run under Linux. According to the documentation I've read, Linux will >run many DOS programs, so I may be all right. > >I'm really looking forward to seeing fractals on a 200mhz machine with a 3-d >and a 17" monitor. :) > >Xylen >I live in another Dimension. I just have a summer home in Reality. > -- Robert Hailman "Nothing in this life that I've been trying / could equal or surpass the Art of Dying" - Art of Dying, George Harrison Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: (fractint) Eye candy pars Date: 12 Sep 1998 16:50:20 -0400 I hope there is no problem with the below pars. I reduced the font size after pasting into this message in order to preclude erroneous line breaks. Enjoy (to quote Linda Allison), or if not, send all flames to your local tax collection agency or the office of the New Grand Inquisitor... :) ============================================================================== Juliacandy3 { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:01:19.15 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav64 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.6666667 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=007W45<<26>ojuplwplw<<28>U00000000000H0e<<28>xwyzzzzzz<<30>H0ec0V<<29>\ vkvwmwwmw<<7>rapr_opXmpXm<<19>c0VEES<<29>kkummwmmw<<30>EESU00U11 cyclerange=0/255 } Spiral-Juliacandy { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:07:59.99 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav68 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=-0.496579/0.0704042/13.33333 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=007W45<<26>ojuplwplw<<28>U00000000000H0e<<28>xwyzzzzzz<<30>H0ec0V<<29>\ vkvwmwwmw<<7>rapr_opXmpXm<<19>c0VEES<<29>kkummwmmw<<30>EESU00U11 cyclerange=0/255 } Lavender { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:08:02.30 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav69 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=-0.496579/0.0704042/13.33333 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=U0mU0m<<45>yxyzzzzzz<<45>_2dZ0cZ0c<<45>yxyzzzzzz<<29>MMxKKwLLw<<31>xxy\ zzzzyz<<43>V2n cyclerange=0/255 } Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: (fractint) pars Date: 12 Sep 1998 16:54:05 -0400 (I sent this originally to which will probably bounce. I am resending it to hope people do nort receive duplicates...) I hope there is no problem with the below pars. I reduced the font size after pasting into this message in order to preclude erroneous line breaks. Enjoy (to quote Linda Allison), or if not, send all flames to your local tax collection agency or the office of the New Grand Inquisitor... :) ============================================================================== Juliacandy3 { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:01:19.15 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav64 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.6666667 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=007W45<<26>ojuplwplw<<28>U00000000000H0e<<28>xwyzzzzzz<<30>H0ec0V<<29>\ vkvwmwwmw<<7>rapr_opXmpXm<<19>c0VEES<<29>kkummwmmw<<30>EESU00U11 cyclerange=0/255 } Spiral-Juliacandy { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:07:59.99 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav68 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=-0.496579/0.0704042/13.33333 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=007W45<<26>ojuplwplw<<28>U00000000000H0e<<28>xwyzzzzzz<<30>H0ec0V<<29>\ vkvwmwwmw<<7>rapr_opXmpXm<<19>c0VEES<<29>kkummwmmw<<30>EESU00U11 cyclerange=0/255 } Lavender { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:08:02.30 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav69 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=-0.496579/0.0704042/13.33333 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=U0mU0m<<45>yxyzzzzzz<<45>_2dZ0cZ0c<<45>yxyzzzzzz<<29>MMxKKwLLw<<31>xxy\ zzzzyz<<43>V2n cyclerange=0/255 } Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Xylen" Subject: RE: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 12 Sep 1998 16:02:07 -0600 Robert Hailman wrote: |Linux will run DOS programs, but not protected mode applications like I |assume Fractint is. your best bet is to run XFractint... version 3.04 is |equivalent to Fractint 19.60. Thanks, I was wondering if it was equivalent. I really like Fractint, and didn't want to lose performance because of the switch. |It will probably run better than DOS Fractint |ever could on Linux. The fractint home page on |has it, but |I forget the exact URL. Don't worry, I have spanky's page bookmark. I'll find it. :) |And remember, if you have any problems just send me |the computer, and monitor, and don't expect it back... Aw gee, that is such a nice offer. :) Xylen I live in another Dimension. I just have a summer home in Reality. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Montgomery Subject: (fractint) How can there be enough thanks? Date: 12 Sep 1998 15:27:29 -0700 Hi to all who can read. This is a thank you letter to Damien, Paul and Kerry. The undertaking was enormous, almost an impossible task. Where there are two people there will always, eventually, be two opinions and where there are close to two hundred people..........!!!! Yet, in spite of these odds you were able to bring together in one compact, well-run, easy to use and easy to understand and easy to be a part of, fun, fascinating and absorbing contest. This was a feat that I believed could not be done. Have a contest, yes, but one that was as well done? My heartiest congratulations. Think of it. (I'll use the figure 200 for ease of use.) Think of it. 200 people, each submitting 3 images and each submitting at least one and some three and four more questions and opinions and disagreements and in twelve different categories, plus a voting sheet that must go out to all and then received back and tabulated - My God! It Just Can't Be Done!! And, yet, you did it. What impresses me more than anything, is that the end result was perfect. Flawless! (Little glitches don't count.) And, it must be remembered that on top of the contest, you gentlemen had to maintain your own affairs - and, depending on the time of year - that could be mountainous. How much was postponed? Yeah, I bet. No trouble, eh? Yeah, I bet! I hate to think of how much more there is to do, and then you must catch up with your own lives. I, personally, could not say thank you enough without running over the prescribed message-quantity limitations of this list. I'm glad I finally joined in instead of hanging back and becoming just an onlooker. I'm really glad that, good, bad or indifferent, I was a part of it. Sharon should have made special awards for you guys. Thanks again. Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 13 Sep 1998 00:39:45 +0200 Xylen wrote: >Robert Hailman wrote: >|Linux will run DOS programs, but not protected mode applications like I >|assume Fractint is. your best bet is to run XFractint... version 3.04 is >|equivalent to Fractint 19.60. I personally prefer to use fractint via dosemu over xfractint. Okay, color-cycling doesn't work properly then. But it's much better than two windows that never fit both on my screen and keyboard commands that don't work in the plot window. Like some already said, a SVGALib version would be great! Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) How can there be enough thanks? Date: 12 Sep 1998 18:50:33 -0400 At 03:27 PM 9/12/1998 -0700, Ray wrote: (snipped) > Sharon should have made special awards for you guys. Now _that's_ an idea!!!!!!!! I fully agree. What say you Sharon? Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Hailman) Subject: RE: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 13 Sep 1998 09:46:33 -0400 (EDT) >|And remember, if you have any problems just send me >|the computer, and monitor, and don't expect it back... > >Aw gee, that is such a nice offer. :) > You're welcome. > >Xylen >I live in another Dimension. I just have a summer home in Reality. -- Robert Hailman "Nothing in this life that I've been trying / could equal or surpass the Art of Dying" - Art of Dying, George Harrison Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Hailman) Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 13 Sep 1998 09:48:22 -0400 (EDT) >Xylen wrote: >>Robert Hailman wrote: >>|Linux will run DOS programs, but not protected mode applications like I >>|assume Fractint is. your best bet is to run XFractint... version 3.04 is >>|equivalent to Fractint 19.60. > > >I personally prefer to use fractint via dosemu over xfractint. Okay, >color-cycling doesn't work properly then. But it's much better than two >windows that never fit both on my screen and keyboard commands that don't work >in the plot window. > the keyboard commands DO work in the plot window, they just lag a bit. >Like some already said, a SVGALib version would be great! > yes it would. >Christian > > -- Robert Hailman "Nothing in this life that I've been trying / could equal or surpass the Art of Dying" - Art of Dying, George Harrison Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mark Christenson Subject: (fractint) catching up Date: 13 Sep 1998 09:14:38 -0700 Recently finished wading through a week's worth of fractal e-mail... ============================ At 09:57 PM 9/6/98 EDT, JimBeau549 wrote Re: (fractint) Gallet-6-08 par (9/6/98) > Bud, > > Satin is right! Very nice indeed. :) > > Take care~ > >Jim Thanks Jim! ============================ About the contest: What can I say that hasn't already been said? Hats off to Damien, Paul, and Kerry. Add me to the list of those who really appreciate your efforts and the final product. I received the following note from a seeker (or maybe just a critic) in response to an advert on my web site: >Subject: fractal art for sale >Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 15:44:33 -0700 > >Yes, I would buy good fractal art. Why isn't there any on the Web? I plan to send him a note directing him to the contest web site. If the best efforts of 101 artists fails to impress, there's no hope for him. ;-) ============================ About the controversy: Yes, I like the anonymous aspect. I think it adds another layer of texture to the contest, in fact I think a "guess the artist" contest *for voters* should be a subset of the next competition! But I also don't have a problem with compromises such as a short voting extension or a few folks displaying their works during the extension. Is there a reasonable compromise, such as a one week (rather than two) extension, that would satisfy all concerned? ============================ Aloha, Bud Mark "Bud" Christenson Webmaster/Artist, Bud's Fractal Pages Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 13 Sep 1998 17:44:18 -0400 (EDT) On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Robert Hailman wrote: > Linux will run DOS programs, but not protected mode applications like I > assume Fractint is. Fractint runs reasonably well in dosemu. (BTW, I think I found out what my problem with ignored keystrokes was. I was using Alt-Tab to switch windows, which meant dosemu saw the Alt go down, but never saw it come back up.) dosemu supports DPMI. > your best bet is to run XFractint... Dunno. I like Fractint's interface better, but I haven't tried xfractint in a long time. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker The sages do not believe that making no mistakes is a blessing. They believe, rather, that the great virtue of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and continually make a new man of himself. -- Wang Yang-Ming Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shauna Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractint on Linux? Date: 13 Sep 1998 16:53:42 -1000 FYI, Fractint *can* use Expanded or Extended memory, but it is not a protected mode application ... Plain old real mode DOS. On 13 Sep 98 at 17:44, Kragen wrote: > On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Robert Hailman wrote: > > Linux will run DOS programs, but not protected mode applications like I > > assume Fractint is. > > Fractint runs reasonably well in dosemu. (BTW, I think > I found out what my problem with ignored keystrokes was. > I was using Alt-Tab to switch windows, which meant > dosemu saw the Alt go down, but never saw it come back > up.) Another blast of bits from David Visit our not-so-boring web page: Visit the Hawaii Astronomical Society: For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: Random Thought for this Nanosecond Hukt on Foniks werkt for me! Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe Date: 14 Sep 1998 11:38:38 -0700 (PDT) Hi, I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. I get an error message (forget the number). I have the needed bwcc.dll. Anyone have any luck using this program on Win 95. It didn't seem to matter if I ran it in 256 color mode, or a true color mode. I am able to run it on Win NT. Thanks, Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe Date: 14 Sep 1998 14:01:50 -0500 Ken Childress wrote: > > I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. > I get an error message (forget the number). I have > the needed bwcc.dll. Anyone have any luck using > this program on Win 95. > I would say the majority of the users have this installed on a Windows 95 operating system (at various levels of upgrade). And they probably use it with every knid of reolution and color mode. I suggest re-installation, or re-download then install again. P.N.L. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Re: [fractal-art] catching up Date: 14 Sep 1998 14:02:20 -0500 Bud, - Is there a reasonable compromise, such as a one week (rather than - two) extension, that would satisfy all concerned? I expect to decide on this, one way or another, today. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe Date: 14 Sep 1998 12:06:29 -0700 (PDT) > > Ken Childress wrote: > > > > I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. > > I get an error message (forget the number). I have > > the needed bwcc.dll. Anyone have any luck using > > this program on Win 95. > > > > I would say the majority of the users have this installed on a Windows > 95 operating system (at various levels of upgrade). And they probably > use it with every knid of reolution and color mode. > > I suggest re-installation, or re-download then install again. I'll try a redownload. There is no installation, just unzip and use. I thought I had it working at one point, but that might have been prior to my hard disk problems, and subsequent rebuild of my system. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Regina & Steve" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: [fractal-art] catching up Date: 15 Sep 1998 09:36:41 +1000 Dear all, The extension doesn't bother me, I was just expressing my views on "competition" and the rules I've had to adhere to in the past for other competitions. By changing the rules you are changing the competition which I've never seen done before. Usually the ones most effected by this are the ones who don't say anything for fear of being "labeled". Also, I feel as if I've only read half the story, has this been an ongoing discussion in another list, if so, which one? good luck to all, regina >Bud, > > - Is there a reasonable compromise, such as a one week (rather than > - two) extension, that would satisfy all concerned? > >I expect to decide on this, one way or another, today. > >Damien M. Jones \\ > \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: > \\ Music is my life, Fractals are my soulmates, Administration provides me with money. Shame I can't be in the testing dept sleeping all day... - We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Choose wisely. - the sea is just a bigpond Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Pearson Subject: RE: (fractint) Fields Medal Date: 15 Sep 1998 09:30:03 +0200 >> The Aug. 22, 1998 issue of Science News mentions that Curtis T. McMullen, >>40, of Harvard University has won the Fields Medal, the most prestigious >>award in Mathematics for investigating the Mandelbrot Set. His research >>provided a precise characterization of the set's convoluted boundary. >> >> Does anyone here know more about this? >> >>Lee Skinner > >No, but he seems to have a lot of mentions at the Harvard website. > has a list of his papers. >"The Mandelbrot set is universal" sounds like the answer, but it's in >formats I can't read (gunzipped postscript and dvi). > >Joe Having now read the paper I referenced, thanks to the assistance of the good people on the list and a more recent copy of acrobat reader, it does *not* seem to be about Lee's original topic "a precise characterization of the set's convoluted boundary." So, Lee or anyone, does anyone here know more about this in particular? >thanks - Joe Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) Contest - 2nd, 3rd place recognition? Date: 15 Sep 1998 11:43:36 EDT Hi Fractalers! Like other members of this list, I have been eagerly viewing the images at the Contest website and feel compelled to express my belated thanks to the organizers. My hat goes off to Damien and Kerry and Paul! We all talked about having a contest, but you stepped forward and made it happen. Though this is late in the game, I feel that some recognition could be given to those artists in each category whose entries will just miss being winners. With the large number of entries submitted, many of these second and third place images will nonetheless be fractals of great beauty and aesthetic quality. Will the complete vote tallies for each category be posted at the contest site after Sept.19 so that the world will know who these artists are? ****************************************************************************** ****************** Mark Aksoy, (site #35 on the Infinite Fractal Loop). Why does my landscape keep printing out sideways? ****************************************************************************** ****************** Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Montgomery Subject: (fractint) Re: Fractint;-Non-Fractint Date: 15 Sep 1998 11:33:43 -0700 Sharon wrote: "...And why Best Fractint and Best Non-Fractint?...." If you were having a best 'ART' contest, you would have to have categories, i.e., Oil, Watercolors, Pastel, Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Pencil, etc. etc. It is the old saw comparing Apples and Oranges. You could not, in all fairness, compare a colored piece of work, an oil painting for example, to a bronze sculpture and have it make any sense except in the narrowest sense of personal preference. As for the writing contest, it is not best Microsoft vs. Non-Microsoft, that is not what is being compared. Unless, of course, you are judging the comparative merits of two or more fractal generating programs. You are comparing the artistic merits of the finished products. However, each program has some advantages, and some disadvantages. You can do A, B, and X with program 1, and X, A, B and L with the second and on and on to as many generating programs as there are. "Well, my image would have been just as pretty as yours if I had 27,000 colors to work with, the way you had, or if I had been able to zoom in 4,000,000 times the way you did...." I thought it was a wise thing to do, myself, having that division. I learned so much about the differences in programs, - and also, in post-processing, just from this contest alone. And, I do think that, as a few people have said, the essence of the contest is the learning process, and as the contest stands, I REALLY learned a lot. The rest of the category discussions matter considerably less to me. They seem more of an incentive and provocative stimulation than anything else. They can be more or less, to the group's taste. But, even they provoked a more intense and selective way of looking at the images - so, though less, they too provided an increased learning process. Just some thoughts stimulated by Sharon's letter. Thanks Sharon. Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Contest Voting Deadline Date: 15 Sep 1998 13:57:29 -0500 Greetings folks, I have observed the debate concerning the contest voting deadline, originally set for this Saturday night. I have also received numerous private comments; I did not reply directly to all of them, but they *were* read. As a result, I have decided the following: 1. The voting deadline will be extended to 10PM PDT, September 27, 1998. Note that this is now a Sunday night, not a Saturday night. 2. The implication in the rules has always been that artist names would not be revealed until *judging* was finished, not just the submissions period. Thus, I request that artists refrain from posting any images on their personal web sites, or to a newsgroup. If you have a prior commitment that conflicts with the extended voting deadline, please send me private e-mail and we'll talk about it. One of the biggest reasons (but certainly not the only reason) for extending the deadline is that the FractInt PAR kit is not yet available, and the difficulties people have had with the size of the contest. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Montgomery Subject: (fractint) "Newbie" Date: 15 Sep 1998 12:00:40 -0700 To Those Who Would Make the Newbie a Second Class Citizen All my life I have resented the "In" group. The "Elitist" group. Those who have 'elected' themselves 'superior'. Sooner or later you will find someone who is 'superior' to you. If you are really saying that the Newbie will be intimidated I express my personal opinion that that is not so. I was not going to join the contest because I did not know how to manipulate all the processes that were necessary to join, not because I thought my offerings might be inferior. I KNEW they would be inferior, but if I am to learn, and learn well, than I take my lumps. I'm not a masochist, I wouldn't like to see myself at the bottom of the list, but if I know that's where I belong, I know that I must learn more and learn to do better. I am so happy, now, that I was finally able to enter, thanks to Linda and Damien, because I had a stake in it, I was a PART of it, not an outside looking on, as I might and could have been. I was not in it as a "Newbie", I was just 'in it', I was a part of it. If you are saying that you just can't be bothered having so many 'poor quality' images entered, then I say "Fie on't." I don't really think that anybody thinks that, but it comes dangerously close to creating 'another' schism, an 'elitist' group and 'all the rest' or the 'second-class' group. Will we have a happy, integrated group or a divided group? Everybody on the list is, to some extent or another, still learning. It unifies the group. This is a new medium - still growing. Let's not split it right at the start. Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike and Linda Allison" Subject: Re: (fractint) "Newbie" Date: 15 Sep 1998 12:45:25 -0700 I apologize to Ray, and anyone else who thought I might be saying their fractals aren't "good enough" to achieve some nebulous standard. That was never my intention. It was my intention to encourage others who think their own fractals aren't good enough. Obviously, I blew that! Ray wrote: > If you are saying that you just can't be bothered having so many 'poor >quality' images entered, then I say "Fie on't." Never! Not is a million years! That was never my intention! Linda Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "RJ Corradino" Subject: (fractint) Some pars Date: 15 Sep 1998 16:10:19 -0400 Here are some fractals I made in the last few weeks. The first few use some frm called manintheozone which I found in Les' frm collection (thanks Les!). It gave me some cool images, although I don't know who wrote it. The others are from a Jim Muth formula(that I'm still having a lot of fun playing with, thank you Jim). The colormaps are mine. Chimes is the same image as Life, with different colors, just as burst2 is a recolor of burst. For those I left only the color parameters since the images are both slow loading. Enjoy! (feedback is welcome) -RJ Life { ; Life Support reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=manintheozone passes=t center-mag=-0.09100756948571243/+0.50025432965517690/3.106478e+007 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=257 inside=0 outside=real periodicity=0 colors=zzzzp9znBzlDzjF<13>cata`wa`w<29>xwxywxzxxzxxzww<29>zddyddwce<23>O\ Mx<8>kkynnzrrzvvzzzz<16>iiihhheee<6>KKKO70<38>zK0<7>zSQzUUzUU<42>zs6zt5z\ u4zv4zw3<3>zy1zz0zx2<2>zr7 } Chimes { ; Chimes of Freedom colors=000<150>000<8>zU0<4>zz0<3>zP0<12>000<67>533644855000000000 } burst { reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=mandel~1.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 center-mag=-2.62517699920045600/+0.06130921245640156/18616.01 params=2.8/0.00767/-1.3/1 float=y maxiter=1000 colors=000mlw<15>zxxzxxzww<29>zddyddwce<25>KKz<10>zzz<16>iiihhheee<6>KKK\ <36>wJ0xJ0yK0zK0<7>zSQzUUzUU<43>zt5zu4zv4zw3zw3<3>zz0<6>zlDzjFyjI<12>cat\ a`wa`w<14>mkw } burst2 { colors=000000<11>UmU<18>000<21>mcU<15>332000000<41>000<8>zU0<4>zz0<3>zzz\ <7>zzU<4>000504<17>000<10>hlz<7>S07<4>zz0<20>000<45>000 } 4ends { reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=mandel~1.frm formulaname=mandelbrotmix4 center-mag=-2.62523198910519300/+0.06134983302759715/1403722 params=2.8/0.00767/-1.3/1 float=y maxiter=450 colors=000jjz<3>zzz<16>iiihhheee<6>KKK<36>wJ0xJ0yK0zK0<7>zSQzUUzUU<42>zs\ 6zt5zu4zv4zw3<3>zy1zz0zx2<5>zlDzjFyjI<12>cata`wa`w<12>kjwljwmkwmlwnmwonw\ <11>xwxywxzxxzxxzww<29>zddyddwce<25>KKz<5>ffz } MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth c=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j:z=(a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f))+c,|z| <= 100} Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hans Bomers" Subject: Re: (fractint) "Newbie" Date: 15 Sep 1998 22:24:55 +0200 Hi atists and voters, Concerning the contest: Reading all these messages about 'elitists' and 'newbies' I think the contest itself should decide who is the best 'fractal-image maker'. If people are going to decide that there should be different cathegories for different skills, I wonder what the contest could prove. Maybe like "I knew I couldn't do it." or "Aha, so now I'm an elitist!" So is think we shouldn't judge our or other people's skills *before* the contest. I think that's also the main idea of Ray's message, so I agree with him. Greets to all and good luck to voters and artists, cubic -----Original Message----- > > To Those Who Would Make the Newbie a Second Class Citizen > > All my life I have resented the "In" group. The "Elitist" group. Those >who have 'elected' themselves 'superior'. Sooner or later you will find >someone who is 'superior' to you. > > If you are really saying that the Newbie will be intimidated I express my >personal opinion that that is not so. I was not going to join the contest >because I did not know how to manipulate all the processes that were >necessary to join, not because I thought my offerings might be inferior. I >KNEW they would be inferior, but if I am to learn, and learn well, than I >take my lumps. I'm not a masochist, I wouldn't like to see myself at the >bottom of the list, but if I know that's where I belong, I know that I must >learn more and learn to do better. > I am so happy, now, that I was finally able to enter, thanks to Linda and >Damien, because I had a stake in it, I was a PART of it, not an outside >looking on, as I might and could have been. I was not in it as a "Newbie", >I was just 'in it', I was a part of it. > If you are saying that you just can't be bothered having so many 'poor >quality' images entered, then I say "Fie on't." I don't really think that >anybody thinks that, but it comes dangerously close to creating 'another' >schism, an 'elitist' group and 'all the rest' or the 'second-class' group. > Will we have a happy, integrated group or a divided group? > Everybody on the list is, to some extent or another, still learning. It >unifies the group. This is a new medium - still growing. Let's not split >it right at the start. > Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hans Bomers" Subject: (fractint) Re: [fractal-art] Re: Fractal Contest 1999 Date: 15 Sep 1998 22:40:20 +0200 Concerning the categories, I agree with Michael. I think there should actually be one big categorie, in which all the entries are all placed. And the voters would judge *all the images* on several points, like use of color, general beauty, expression, etc. After all, when somebody writes a movie, he or she doesn't write it focussing 1 particular Oscar (or other award). What I mean is, that if you send in your fractal, thinking the colors are beautiful, you might still win the 'Best mechanical device'-award 'cause the majority saw a screwdriver in your image... Or you see just an hammer and a scythe while most voters appear to see the Russian flag, and you'll win the 'Best expression'instead of the "Best mechanical device"... In this case, the 'entry limit'-problem will also dissappear, i guess. I hope you know what I'm trying to say, cubic -----Original Message----- >Here is a suggestion for dealing with categories: > >Pick some categories. > >Get some entries, without them being entered in categories. > >Let the voters cast their votes in each category from among any of the images. > >So, if you have 'best use of colour', 'best bug', 'most horrific' and >'best overall', the voters would pick one image for each category (and >maybe the same image in several - best bug could be best overall). > >Problems with this method are that since the placing in categories is done >by the viewers, rather than the artists, there might be rather small >numbers of votes for each image (i.e. in 'horror' an image would not be up >against the 18 other images entered, but against all 250 odd images), and >that someone might get their shorts in a spiral (to be fractal) when their >lovely image garners a few votes in the horror category. > >On the other hand, you'd get to see a bit more what the viewers thought >rather than where the artists saw their work slotting. > >Of course it gets bothersomely complicated if you have a >fractint/non-fractint divide, but not impossible. Anyway, by the next >contest maybe fractint will have caught up a bit in the gazillion colours >race, and, while I can usually spot the >256 colour images, I have to say >that, to me, fractint held its own in the colour department, probably >because I prefer bold colours over the whispiness that seems to >characterize some of the gazillion colour images. Certainly >the differnce in colours makes no difference when I view the images from >home since you can hardly distinguish them when browsing with Lynx. > > > > >-- >Mike Traynor > >People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like. > Abraham Lincoln Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: (fractint) Windows makemap.exe Date: 15 Sep 1998 14:02:43 -0700 (PDT) The error I get with trying to run makemap.exe is: Unhandled Exception Exception #32760 (no message available) Does anyone recognize this error, or have any clue as to what it might mean? It is related to bwcc.dll, since I get a different message if the dll isn't present. It probably isn't related to the makemap.exe, but a configuration problem that I have. I redownloaded the Tonight I'll try a different copy of bwcc.dll to see if that is corrupt for some reason. Thanks. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mitch Berger" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Fractint;-Non-Fractint Date: 15 Sep 1998 17:06:58 -0400 I have been unable to get the contest rules. locks up when I try to "enter". I am using IE3.02. I am also a REAL NEWBIE. Thanks, Mitch Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) pars Date: 15 Sep 1998 14:47:35 -0700 --------------1F1BA652F35B0F97EE28675F Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit David Shanholtzer wrote: > I hope there is no problem with the below pars. I reduced the font size after pasting into this message > in order to preclude erroneous line breaks. > Hi David, I was not able to get the colors to run- looked like nice images but in the default palette even after taking out the double spaces. I found that if you put your own line breaks in in a medium length line in the text editor before putting it into Netscape that it doesn't mangle it. --------------1F1BA652F35B0F97EE28675F Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit David Shanholtzer wrote:

I hope there is no problem with the below pars. I reduced the font size after pasting into this message
in order to preclude erroneous line breaks.
Hi David, I was not able to get the colors
to run- looked like nice images but in the default
palette even after taking out the double spaces.
I found that if you put your own line breaks in
in a medium length  line in the text editor
before putting it into Netscape that it doesn't mangle
  --------------1F1BA652F35B0F97EE28675F-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Fractint;-Non-Fractint Date: 15 Sep 1998 16:47:16 -0500 Mitch, - I have been unable to get the contest rules. Try accessing the contest web site directly: The "main index" page of sometimes causes problems with IE3.02, which I'm still trying to track down. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) pars Date: 15 Sep 1998 19:39:02 -0400 At 02:47 PM 9/15/1998 -0700, you wrote: Hi David, I was not able to get the colors to run- looked like nice images but in the default palette even after taking out the double spaces. I found that if you put your own line breaks in in a medium length line in the text editor before putting it into Netscape that it doesn't mangle it. <<<<<<<< Hi Kathy, I am resending the pars to you with a "window" adjustment in Eudora (I don't use netscape for sending mail...). I was hoping just reducing the font size of the entire package would preclude line breaks...evidently not. Lavender, at least, was posted to abpf, and I posted a couple of other "candys". If these contain line breaks also and the colors will not run, I can always reduce the size to 640 and send the gif to you if you would like. ================================================================================== Juliacandy3 { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:01:19.15 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav64 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.6666667 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=007W45<<26>ojuplwplw<<28>U00000000000H0e<<28>xwyzzzzzz<<30>H0ec0V<<29>\ vkvwmwwmw<<7>rapr_opXmpXm<<19>c0VEES<<29>kkummwmmw<<30>EESU00U11 cyclerange=0/255 } Spiral-Juliacandy { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:07:59.99 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav68 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=-0.496579/0.0704042/13.33333 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=007W45<<26>ojuplwplw<<28>U00000000000H0e<<28>xwyzzzzzz<<30>H0ec0V<<29>\ vkvwmwwmw<<7>rapr_opXmpXm<<19>c0VEES<<29>kkummwmmw<<30>EESU00U11 cyclerange=0/255 } Lavender { ; (c) David Shanholtzer Sep 12, 1998 t=0:08:02.30 ; P200 MMX 1024x768 ; From Kerry Mitchell's bubbleboth-jul ; color map: Dav69 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=bubbleboth_jul passes=1 center-mag=-0.496579/0.0704042/13.33333 params=-0.755/0.15/2500/0.14/0.6/0.6 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=zmag outside=atan decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=U0mU0m<<45>yxyzzzzzz<<45>_2dZ0cZ0c<<45>yxyzzzzzz<<29>MMxKKwLLw<<31>xxy\ zzzzyz<<43>V2n cyclerange=0/255 } Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Regina & Steve" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: [fractal-art] Re: Fractal Contest 1999 Date: 16 Sep 1998 11:39:10 +1000 several replies are grouped together. >Concerning the categories, I agree with Michael. >I think there should actually be one big categorie, in which all the entries >are all placed. And the voters would judge *all the images* on several >points, like use of color, general beauty, expression, etc. After all, when >somebody writes a movie, he or she doesn't write it focussing 1 particular >Oscar (or other award). I found physically viewing 91 pics from one category almost a nightmare. By splitting them into groups we can enforce a "reasonable" limit so as to aid viewing and enjoyment. With the oscar - i thought the movie/cast etc was nominated into a category correct me if I am wrong with all categories being available at the start. A two fold competition, semi-final and final so to speak. Or perhaps this is what we need. I would also be interested in 2nd & 3rd place getters as all images are very good. -----Original Message----- >I was thinking along these lines, too. It certainly would eliminate entries in >categories that they didn't belong in. > But what if the artist thought it belonged? Could be soul crushing. regina Music is my life, Fractals are my soulmates, Administration provides me with money. Shame I can't be in the testing dept sleeping all day... - We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Choose wisely. - the sea is just a bigpond Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) pars Date: 15 Sep 1998 21:07:08 -0700 --------------103B479C507F8ECFC433AE7B Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit David S. wrote: > I am resending the pars to you with a "window" adjustment in Eudora (I don't use netscape for > sending mail...). I was hoping just reducing the font size of the entire package would preclude line > breaks...evidently not. > Those worked fine. Very nice pars! I'm not sure what the problem is- it's easy enough to take out the double spaces and to fix it if there is a \ in the middle of <...> but it still sometimes seemed to be corrupted in some way. The color sequence looked the same to me. I've been sending it to myself before posting it to the list to check for errors. --------------103B479C507F8ECFC433AE7B Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit David S. wrote:
I am resending the pars to you with a "window" adjustment in Eudora (I don't use netscape for
sending mail...). I was hoping just reducing the font size of the entire package would preclude line
breaks...evidently not.

Those worked fine. Very nice pars!  I'm not sure what the
problem is- it's easy enough to take out the double spaces
and to fix it if there is a \ in the middle of <...> but it still sometimes
seemed to be corrupted in some way.  The color sequence
looked the same to me.  I've been sending it to myself before
posting it to the list to check for errors. --------------103B479C507F8ECFC433AE7B-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) pasiion_balls Date: 15 Sep 1998 22:20:41 -0700 Well, while everyone is waiting for the contest results or frantically tallying their vote, I thought I would post some more of my formula splicing efforts. I thought these were really interesting but limited. The successful ones are in the contest or waiting for after it and the other ones are, um, filling up my hard drive. I hope no one minds me mangling up their formulas. This is a combination of Kerry Mitchell's evocative passion-frm and Paul Carlson's flexballs. kpb3 { ; 7-98 kathy roth ; palette by Linda Allison reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=kpassi~1.frm formulaname=kpassion_balls function=recip passes=t center-mag=-1.02552550772162500/+0.0001\ 1619592779613/76.37981/1/-90 params=0.0065/150/8/30/0.01/1 float=y maxiter=3000 inside=253 colors=I8F<6>unr<7>8F8<7>lyl<7>05\ A<7>cru<7>444<7>mmz<7>I8F<7>zmm<7>A00<7\ >zzg<7>N13<7>z_K<7>g50<7>zvn<7>I8F<7>gh\ l<7>08C<7>ata<7>A0A<7>Zrk<7>C40<7\ >zii<7>F00<7>zrc<7>N57<7>yZJ<7>c20<7>zaV<7>F00<7>sog<7>I8F } kpb2 { ; 7-98 kathy roth ; palette by Linda Allison reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=kpassi~1.frm formulaname=kpassion_balls function=recip passes=t center-mag=-1.04154/4.12882e-005/35.40786/1/-90 params=0.0065/150/8/30/0.01/1 float=y maxiter=3000 inside=253 colors=I8F<6>unr<7>8F8<7>lyl<7>05A<7>cr\ u<7>444<7>mmz<7>I8F<7>zmm<7>A00<7\ >zzg<7>N13<7>z_K<7>g50<7>zvn<7>I8F<7>gh\ l<7>08C<7>ata<7>A0A<7>Zrk<7>C40<7\ >zii<7>F00<7>zrc<7>N57<7>yZJ<7>c2\ 0<7>zaV<7>F00<7>sog<7>I8F } kpb1 { ; reflections ; 7-98 kathy roth ; Paul Carlson palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=kpassi~1.frm formulaname=kpassion_balls function=sin passes=t center-mag=-0.637563/0.0515163/34.57103 params=0.0065/150/8/30/0.01/1 float=y maxiter=3000 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000fOz<28>I0Kz0f<28>O08z88<28>O0\ 0zW0<28>c40zz0<28>aG00zR<28>0C40z\ z<28>0CCGGz<28>00O000<13>000 } kpb1a { colors=000KZVLY71gX<2>9bUzviE_THZSe\ UO<4>MYSSpxSpxSpxapxkpxtoD003003aPLVd\ NP`Q7I3DQGdIJUQO_W4<6>LYPi5a<5>MUTZ\ vc<3>MbU`S7<3>MXOpgN<2>R_RPvWMkUUTJOW\ OkkE<4>N_QvWphXgWY_uOJaTOarISgNmAi<4>OU\ V5X6<5>HYPTSTOVS5sl<3>HaWQ49<2>KR\ OsBE`NLKvMJsN<3>JaRSEu<6>KWVTnR<4>K_SC6`FG\ YHPVnq8N4aLEYKOVdvi<3>NbV0Zp0R\ h<4>GXUbKNTRQUaK<5>KYRLid<4>J_UnoVs6Jf\ GMVPP72WalynVtzEl<4>JpJ<2>wkJ<3>JP\ X<2>k1SiLfgcutlG<7>EGH<4>8ZZ<4>wotdUl\ N9e<5>JEOJELGRWEbeCnoAvy8sv<6>1Dd<3\ >nswdW`W8E<2>7gt<7>sfQ<2>mLIkeTivbfvc<6>PeiHXSNceMaaL`Z } frm:kpassion_balls {;variant of Paul W. Carlson and Kerry Mitchell ;**************************************************** ; Always use floating point math and outside=summ. ; ; Parameters: ; real(p1) = a factor controlling the size of the balls ; imag(p1) = number of iterations to skip ; real(p2) = number of color ranges ; imag(p2) = number of colors in each color range ; ; Note that the equation variable is w, not z. Always ; initialize z to zero. ;**************************************************** w = 0 c = pixel z = 0 bailout = 0 iter = 0 range_num = 0 skip = imag(p1) k=real(p3) r=imag(p3) ;**************************************************** ; In the accompanying par file, mndballs.par, ; we have 8 color ranges with 30 colors in each range ; for a total of 240 colors. The first range starts at ; color 1. Pixels will use color 0 when |w| >= 1000. ; Other values can be used here as long as the product ; of num_ranges times colors_in_range is less than 255. ; Color 0 is reserved for the background color and color ; 255 can be used for the inside color. ;**************************************************** num_ranges = real(p2) colors_in_range = imag(p2) ;**************************************************** ; Real(p1) controls the size of the balls. ; These values will usually be in the range 0.001 to 0.1 ;**************************************************** ball_size = real(p1) index_factor = (colors_in_range - 1) / ball_size: ;**************************************************** ; The equation being iterated. Almost any equation ; that can be express in terms of a complex variable ; and a complex constant will work with this method. ; This example uses the standard Mandelbrot set equation. ;**************************************************** w =w*w + c c= c + k*fn1(w) ;**************************************************** ; If the orbit point is within the specified distance of a circle, ; set z to the index into the colormap and set the bailout flag. ;**************************************************** IF (iter > skip) wr = real(w), wi = imag(w) d = wr * wr + (wi - .5) * (wi - .5) IF (d < ball_size) bailout = 1 delta = ball_size - d ELSEIF ((d = wr * wr + (wi + .5) * (wi + .5)) < ball_size) bailout = 1 delta = ball_size - d ELSEIF ((d = (wr - .5) * (wr - .5) + wi * wi) < ball_size) bailout = 1 delta = ball_size - d ELSEIF ((d = (wr + .5) * (wr + .5) + wi * wi) < ball_size) bailout = 1 delta = ball_size - d ENDIF ENDIF IF (bailout) z = index_factor * delta + range_num * colors_in_range + 1 ENDIF ;**************************************************** ; Cycle through the range numbers (0 thru num_ranges - 1) ; With two color ranges, even iterations use color ; range 0, odd iterations use color range 1. ;**************************************************** range_num = range_num + 1 IF (range_num == num_ranges) range_num = 0 ENDIF ;**************************************************** ; Since we are using outside=summ, we have to subtract ; the number of iterations from z. ;**************************************************** iter = iter + 1 z = z - iter ;**************************************************** ; Finally, we test for bailout ;**************************************************** bailout == 0 && |w| < 1000 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jim Prickett" Subject: Re: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe Date: 15 Sep 1998 23:55:17 -0700 -----Original Message----- >I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. I get an error >message (forget the number). MMAP can be executed from the Win95 "RUN" icon. You can get it from my website at Geocities. It used to be called MAKEMAP also, until I found that the name had already been used. And you might want to try XMAP, on my website with MMAP. Jim Prickett Fractal and other eye candy programs all with the full source code! Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joe Pearson Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Voting Deadline Date: 16 Sep 1998 09:02:22 +0200 > 1. The voting deadline will be extended to 10PM PDT, September 27, 1998. > Note that this is now a Sunday night, not a Saturday night. > >One of the biggest reasons (but certainly not the only reason) for >extending the deadline is that the FractInt PAR kit is not yet available, >and the difficulties people have had with the size of the contest. > Damien, This is great news. I was thrilled yesterday morning when I found that the download had completed (taking all night) ... I had to get hold of a download manager to have any success (Go!zilla did the trick) and use a new PC with the necessary disk space. But I soon realised it's going to take me more time than I have free to view all the entries as thoroughly as they deserve. Meanwhile I have my screensave set to cycle through the images. Excellent! Joe Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J.P. Louvet" Subject: (fractint) Conttest 98 French mirror Date: 16 Sep 1998 10:17:17 +2 Hi all, I am pleased to inform you that the full contest site is mirrored at Might be useful for european "fractalists". If you experience some problem, send me a private mail, I have had no time to test all. J.P. Louvet | Phone : (33)56-84-58-35 IUT Universite Bordeaux I | email : 33405 Talence CEDEX France | email : Fractales sur serveur Web Universite Bordeaux I : Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe Date: 16 Sep 1998 09:16:03 -0700 (PDT) > > > >I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. I get an error > >message (forget the number). > > MMAP can be executed from the Win95 "RUN" icon. You can get it from my > website > at Geocities. It used to be called MAKEMAP also, until I found that the > name had > already been used. And you might want to try XMAP, on my website with MMAP. Thank you. I've downloaded them. I want the graphical makemap to work. I'm to lazy at this point to mess with making maps with the more manual methods. Plus, it's now more of a mission to figure what is messed up on my system that is preventing makemap from working. :-) Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gedeon Peteri Subject: Re: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe Date: 16 Sep 1998 14:12:24 -0400 Ken, My makemap.exe runs just fine under Win95, with the bwcc.dll file, which you say you have. On the other hand, I have a file called bwcc32.dll, which, frankly, I don't know what it is for. The name suggests some relationship, so if you would like to try it, e-mail me personally and I will send it to you to try (206KB). Gedeon Ken Childress wrote: > > >I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. I get an error > > >message (forget the number). > >Plus, it's now more of a mission to figure what is messed up > on my system that is preventing makemap from working. :-) > > Ken... -- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: July 12, 1998 Photography: Last updated: July 20, 1998 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joel Iwashige" Subject: (fractint) FractInt's crashing Date: 16 Sep 1998 15:01:12 -0500 Hi, Would someone on this list be willing to help a lurker with a problem? I'm running Fractint under Win95 in a 1024x768x256 background video mode, batch-generating fractals from Les St. Clair's collection of pars (through May 1998). This has been successful (I have 1277 GIFs, using 344 MB) until just recently, when I got a message that it's performing an illegal operation. When I tried DOS mode, Fractint just freezes. When I manually load the params that Fractint is crashing on, they work fine. I just completed a reformat and reinstall of Win95, so the installation should be clean. Any help that you could give me would be welcome. Thanks! Joel Iwashige "Hit any key to continue." Where's the 'any' key? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ron Barnett Subject: RE: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe Date: 16 Sep 1998 16:57:15 -0400 A word from the developer: I wrote Makemap 4 years ago. It is a 16 bit app developed using Borland C++. It needs bwcc.dll, not bwcc32.dll. I have had good intentions of upgrading the app to 32 bit, but my hectic work schedule has prevented me. I am currently traveling almost 90% of the time. Over the years I have had occasional reports of problems under Win95, but I have been unable to reproduce them on my system, which is also running Win95. The long term solution is for me to find the time to upgrade it to 32 bit :-). Ron Barnett -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 2:12 PM Ken, My makemap.exe runs just fine under Win95, with the bwcc.dll file, which you say you have. On the other hand, I have a file called bwcc32.dll, which, frankly, I don't know what it is for. The name suggests some relationship, so if you would like to try it, e-mail me personally and I will send it to you to try (206KB). Gedeon Ken Childress wrote: > > >I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. I get an error > > >message (forget the number). > >Plus, it's now more of a mission to figure what is messed up > on my system that is preventing makemap from working. :-) > > Ken... -- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: July 12, 1998 Photography: Last updated: July 20, 1998 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray Montgomery Subject: (fractint) Make map? Date: 16 Sep 1998 12:03:42 -0700 Hello Am I to understand, according to a current exchange of postings, that there is a program that automatically makes 'color maps'? How long has that been out, if such there be and if such there be, how would one find out more about it and will it dispense with humans? :-\ ? It sounds like a neat idea,(again, if there is such a thing) for the lazy man approach - and the quick-strike approach. But not necessarily for the 'artistic' approach. Thanks Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ron Barnett Subject: RE: (fractint) Make map? Date: 16 Sep 1998 19:38:04 -0400 Ray, The most recent version was posted over 4 years ago, and it has migrated to several FTP sites. It is available for download on my web site. You will need bwcc.dll to run the program. The dll should be available free at a number of sites on the internet. Ron Barnett -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 3:04 PM Hello Am I to understand, according to a current exchange of postings, that there is a program that automatically makes 'color maps'? How long has that been out, if such there be and if such there be, how would one find out more about it and will it dispense with humans? :-\ ? It sounds like a neat idea,(again, if there is such a thing) for the lazy man approach - and the quick-strike approach. But not necessarily for the 'artistic' approach. Thanks Ray Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gedeon Peteri Subject: Re: (fractint) Make map? Date: 16 Sep 1998 20:03:21 -0400 Ray, I'll send you the bwcc.dll if you wish. Just send personal e-mail requesting it. Gedeon Ron Barnett wrote: > Ray, > The most recent version was posted over 4 years ago, and it has migrated to > several FTP sites. It is available for download on my web site. > You will need bwcc.dll to run the > program. The dll should be available free at a number of sites on the > internet. > Ron Barnett -- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: July 12, 1998 Photography: Last updated: July 20, 1998 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ursine" Subject: Re: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe Date: 16 Sep 1998 17:51:57 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_005D_01BDE19A.B31430E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What error message have you been getting? Sorry if you have already been asked this. It just seems like a basic question and these are sometimes overlooked. -----Original Message----- >> >> >> >I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. I get an error >> >message (forget the number). >> >> MMAP can be executed from the Win95 "RUN" icon. You can get it from my >> website >> at Geocities. It used to be called MAKEMAP also, until I found that the >> name had >> already been used. And you might want to try XMAP, on my website with MMAP. > >Thank you. I've downloaded them. I want the graphical makemap to work. >I'm to lazy at this point to mess with making maps with the more manual >methods. Plus, it's now more of a mission to figure what is messed up >on my system that is preventing makemap from working. :-) > > > > >Ken... > > > > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------=_NextPart_000_005D_01BDE19A.B31430E0 Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAQAAoIIJ5TCCAjww ggGlAhAyUDPPUNFW81yBrWVcT8glMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYD VQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0 aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05NjAxMjkwMDAwMDBaFw0yMDAxMDcyMzU5NTlaMF8xCzAJ BgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJs 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"unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ursine" Subject: Re: (fractint) FractInt's crashing Date: 16 Sep 1998 17:50:14 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0045_01BDE19A.7669CBA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit When you reformatted your hard disk did you convert it to another file system, say FAT-32? -----Original Message----- >Hi, > >Would someone on this list be willing to help a lurker with a problem? > >I'm running Fractint under Win95 in a 1024x768x256 background video mode, >batch-generating fractals from Les St. Clair's collection of pars (through >May 1998). This has been successful (I have 1277 GIFs, using 344 MB) until >just recently, when I got a message that it's performing an illegal >operation. When I tried DOS mode, Fractint just freezes. When I manually >load the params that Fractint is crashing on, they work fine. > >I just completed a reformat and reinstall of Win95, so the installation >should be clean. > >Any help that you could give me would be welcome. > >Thanks! > >Joel Iwashige >"Hit any key to continue." Where's the 'any' key? > > >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------=_NextPart_000_0045_01BDE19A.7669CBA0 Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAQAAoIIJ5TCCAjww ggGlAhAyUDPPUNFW81yBrWVcT8glMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYD VQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0 aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05NjAxMjkwMDAwMDBaFw0yMDAxMDcyMzU5NTlaMF8xCzAJ BgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJs aWMgUHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAw gYkCgYEA5Rm/baNWYS2ZSHH2Z965jeu3noaACpEO+jglr0aIguVzqKCbJF0NH8xlbgyw0FaEGIea BpsQoXPftFg5a27B9hXVqKg/qhIGjTGsf7A01480Z4gJzRQR4k5FVmkfeAKA2txHkSm7NsljXMXg 1y2He6G3MrB7MLoqLzGq7qNn2tsCAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQIFAAOBgQBLRGZgaGTkmBvzsHLm lYl83XuzlcAdLtjYGdAtND3GUJoQhoyqPzuoBPw3UpXD2cnbzfKGBsSxG/CCiDBCjhdQHGR6uD6Z SXSX/KwCQ/uWDFYEJQx8fIedJKfY8DIptaTfXaJMxRYyqEL2Raa2Nrngv2U2k8LS12vc3lnWojX4 RTCCAy4wggKXoAMCAQICEQDSdi6NFAw9fbKoJV2v7g11MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAMF8xCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjE3MDUGA1UECxMuQ2xhc3MgMSBQdWJsaWMg UHJpbWFyeSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05ODA1MTIwMDAwMDBaFw0wODA1MTIy MzU5NTlaMIHMMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjEfMB0GA1UECxMWVmVyaVNpZ24gVHJ1 c3QgTmV0d29yazFGMEQGA1UECxM9d3d3LnZlcmlzaWduLmNvbS9yZXBvc2l0b3J5L1JQQSBJbmNv cnAuIEJ5IFJlZi4sTElBQi5MVEQoYyk5ODFIMEYGA1UEAxM/VmVyaVNpZ24gQ2xhc3MgMSBDQSBJ bmRpdmlkdWFsIFN1YnNjcmliZXItUGVyc29uYSBOb3QgVmFsaWRhdGVkMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC7WkSKBBa7Vf0DeootlE8VeDa4DUqyb5xUv7zodyqdufBou5XZMUFweoFL uUgTVi3HCOGEQqvAopKrRFyqQvCCDgLpL/vCO7u+yScKXbawNkIztW5UiE+HSr8Z2vkV6A+Hthzj zMaajn9qJJLj/OBluqexfu/J2zdqyErICQbkmQIDAQABo3wwejARBglghkgBhvhCAQEEBAMCAQYw RwYDVR0gBEAwPjA8BgtghkgBhvhFAQcBATAtMCsGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh93d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29t L3JlcG9zaXRvcnkvUlBBMA8GA1UdEwQIMAYBAf8CAQAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB AgUAA4GBAIi4Nzvd2pQ3AK2qn+GBAXEekmptL/bxndPKZDjcG5gMB4ZbhRVqD7lJhaSV8Rd9Z7R/ LSzdmkKewz60jqrlCwbe8lYq+jPHvhnXU0zDvcjjF7WkSUJj7MKmFw9dWBpJPJBcVaNlIAD9GCDl X4KmsaiSxVhqwY0DPOvDzQWikK5uMIIEbzCCA9igAwIBAgIQPBbB5cosi7s+8Wd5vx7fyTANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQQFADCBzDEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWdu IFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9SUEEg SW5jb3JwLiBCeSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxSDBGBgNVBAMTP1ZlcmlTaWduIENsYXNzIDEg Q0EgSW5kaXZpZHVhbCBTdWJzY3JpYmVyLVBlcnNvbmEgTm90IFZhbGlkYXRlZDAeFw05ODA5MDMw MDAwMDBaFw05ODExMDIyMzU5NTlaMIIBATEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNV BAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxRjBEBgNVBAsTPXd3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcmVw b3NpdG9yeS9SUEEgSW5jb3JwLiBieSBSZWYuLExJQUIuTFREKGMpOTgxHjAcBgNVBAsTFVBlcnNv 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CDs (fwd) Date: 17 Sep 1998 00:53:20 -0400 (EDT) This is a forward of what I just wrote to the fractal art list. People who are interested should get onto that list and discuss over there, I guess, but I thought I would mention the existence of the topic as being of some interest. Forwarded message: > > Somebody (sorry!!) wrote: > > > I also like the idea of a CD presented in another post. Perhaps someone out > > there could produce a CD of the newsgroup pics with permission. I know I > > would like to keep them all but it is physically impossible. There are > > artists out there whose works I would spend a few dollars for them to be on > > CD. > > > > I would assume that when someone posts a PAR to this list, or puts in a > contest entry, or whatnot, that they are certainly granting list members > implicit permission to archive the image on their own system; so I don't > see any real objection to writing a CD for other list members to keep. > > Questions that would need to be answered: > > 1) What images should be included? > 2) In what format(s)? > 3) How should the CD be organized? > 4) How can we make this whole task easy for the person doing the CD writing? > > If you could sort all that out, I would be delighted to write a CD for > people. Right now I pay about $1.50 (US) for blank CDs, and I'd have to > add on shipping, which would be another couple of dollars for people in > North America, I-have-no-idea-how-much elsewhere. > > Easy answers to these questions are possible- for instance, I could > simply replicate the contest web site to CD without doing much work at > all. > > For those also on the fractint listserv: I suppose I could > batch-process the monthly PAR collection onto CD at some standard resolutions, > but I think that might prove to be a bit buggy and thus rather more work than > I have time for right now, maybe anyway. Thoughts? > > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joel Iwashige" Subject: Re: (fractint) FractInt's crashing Date: 17 Sep 1998 08:18:55 -0500 No, Win95 was trashed when I un-DriveSpaced a 256-MB section on my drive (I moved all files from the 'drive' before killing it.). Joel Iwashige "Hit any key to continue." Where's the 'any' key? -----Original Message----- >When you reformatted your hard disk did you convert it to another file >system, say FAT-32? > >-----Original Message----- >From: Joel Iwashige >To: >Date: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 2:06 PM >Subject: (fractint) FractInt's crashing > > >>Hi, >> >>Would someone on this list be willing to help a lurker with a problem? >> >>I'm running Fractint under Win95 in a 1024x768x256 background video mode, >>batch-generating fractals from Les St. Clair's collection of pars (through >>May 1998). This has been successful (I have 1277 GIFs, using 344 MB) until >>just recently, when I got a message that it's performing an illegal >>operation. When I tried DOS mode, Fractint just freezes. When I manually >>load the params that Fractint is crashing on, they work fine. >> >>I just completed a reformat and reinstall of Win95, so the installation >>should be clean. >> >>Any help that you could give me would be welcome. >> >>Thanks! >> >>Joel Iwashige >>"Hit any key to continue." Where's the 'any' key? >> >> >>-------------------------------------------------------------- >>Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >>Post Message: >>Get Commands: "help" >>Administrator: >>Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) Diff_Delt1 Pars Date: 17 Sep 1998 11:43:31 -0400 Here are a number of pars based on one home-brew formula of mine; bills_diff_delt1. This formula generates images where flat ribbons are = the main theme. I was able to put this collection together with the aid of a PERL scrip= t developed by Ken Childress. (Thanks a bunch Ken!) Originally I posted a= request to the Fractint group for a utility to parse pars so that I cou= ld analyze sets of parameters such as fn1, fn2, etc. Ken answered my reque= st by posting the script and then coached me though installing PERL on my Win95 system. It turned out that my first use of Ken?s tool was to sort my entire set= of pars by formula. When I saw how many of the better pars were based on diff_delt1, I looked over the set and decided to send my choice of the = best ones out to the group. Some of these have been posted at my web site. (The set of pars at the end of the list were developed over that last f= ew days. They have an Autumn tinge to them; frost, rust and gold colors. Perhaps they signal the return of crisp, cool days to here on the East Coast. I hope so.) Here they are. Bill Decker ; ; old pars ; bent {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dsqr center-mag=3D-3.44e-005/0.0801289/0.04167972 params=3D10/10/5/3/10/10= potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000747<14>000624<7>C68000000245423212000<31>wiU<2>seTqdSpcRn= bQmaP\ <28>532326<22>KEVLFWMGXNHYOIZ<3>SMcSMdTNeUNfUOf<2>WPiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQ= Gf<\ 21>436324212000101<23>WKZXL_XLa<4>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<6>OFQNEPNEP<3= 5>7\ 48 } bowtie {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dlog center-mag=3D-0.87696/0.0877259/33.24286/1/-130 params=3D0/0/-4/0/0.002/0.002 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3DWPF864<13>zmU<5>bVJZSHTME<2>IF9FC8C96864432000<15>zZF<14>000= 000<1\ 5>cUe<15>000<15>zcm<15>000<15>mmz<15>000<15>mzz<6>T__JOO<3>6883442331= 220\ 00<15>zzc<4>ffSZZN<8>000<15>czc<4>SfSN_N<2>HRHFOFDKDAGA<3>000432 } braille {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dtan center-mag=3D-3.68599/4.1061/0.1751601 params=3D5/5/5/3/0.01/1 potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000747<14>000624<7>C68000000245423212000<31>wiU<2>seTqdSpcRn= bQmaP\ <28>532326<22>KEVLFWMGXNHYOIZ<3>SMcSMdTNeUNfUOf<2>WPiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQ= Gf<\ 21>436324212000101<23>WKZXL_XLa<4>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<6>OFQNEPNEP<3= 5>7\ 48 } chambered-nautilus {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dflip center-mag=3D-0.447288/-1.42202/0.6993321 params=3D0/0/-2/0.5/0.02/0.= 1 float=3Dy potential=3D255/100/0 colors=3D000YQH<18>532326<22>KEVLFWMGXNHYOIZ<3>SMcSMdTNeUNfUOf<2>WPiX= QjWPj\ <3>SJiRHhQGf<21>436324212000101<23>WKZXL_XLa<4>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<= 6>O\ FQNEPNEP<51>000624<7>C68000000245423212000<31>wiU<2>seTqdSpcRnbQmaP<8= >_R\ I } disorg-heap {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dlog center-mag=3D0.377803/-0.00480535/2.352634/1/-90 params=3D0/0/-2/0/0.002/0.03 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3DWPFFBGPJQ<5>cUe<15>000<15>zcm<15>000<15>mmz<15>000<15>mzz<6>= T__JO\ O<3>688344233122000<15>zzc<4>ffSZZN<8>000<15>czc<4>SfSN_N<2>HRHFOFDKD= AGA\ <3>000<15>zmU<5>bVJZSHTME<2>IF9FC8C96864432000<15>zZF<14>000000<5>FBG= FBG\ KFL } hades {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dabs center-mag=3D-0.426716/0.151721/8.940213 params=3D2/0/1/2/0.1/3 float= =3Dy potential=3D255/300/0 colors=3D000zz7<26>zzxzzzzzz<61>zV1zU0zU0zT0<28>z10z00z00y00<30>c00b1= 1a11`\ 22_22<23>GEEFFFFFFFFF<29>x11z00z10<29>zx0zz0zz1zz3zz5 } infinity {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dacos center-mag=3D0.300425/0.00801504/0.6506331/1/90 params=3D0/0/-4/0/0/0= .1 float=3Dy potential=3D255/100/0 colors=3DWPF233122000<15>zzc<4>ffSZZN<8>000<15>czc<4>SfSN_N<2>HRHFOFD= KDAGA\ <3>000<15>zmU<5>bVJZSHTME<2>IF9FC8C96864432000<15>zZF<14>000000<15>cU= e<1\ 5>000<15>zcm<15>000<15>mmz<15>000<15>mzz<6>T__JOO<4>344 } queens_necklace2 { ; (c) Bill Decker May 21, 1998 t=3D 0:01:04.32 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dtan center-mag=3D-0.613532/1.26915/3.680738/1/-24.997/-0.002 params=3D2/1/10/0/0.1/0 potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3DWPFLXLJUJ<7>000<15>zmU<5>bVJZSHTME<2>IF9FC8C96864432000<15>z= ZF<14\ >000000<3>A8BD9DISI<8>czc<13>7C7545323000<15>zcm<15>000<15>mmz<15>000= <15\ >mzz<6>T__JOO<3>688344233122000<15>zzc<4>ffSZZN<8>000<15>czc<4>SfSN_N= } shattered {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dsqr center-mag=3D0.222969/-0.277018/0.07473124 params=3D3/3/5/0/0/0.01 potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000536<11>000624<7>C68000000245423212000<31>wiU<2>seTqdSpcRn= bQmaP\ <28>532326<22>KEVLFWMGXNHYOIZ<3>SMcSMdTNeUNfUOf<2>WPiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQ= Gf<\ 21>436324212000101<23>WKZXL_XLa<4>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<6>OFQNEPNEP<3= 8>6\ 46 } sparks {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dexp center-mag=3D3.34586/3.33705/0.3028951/1/90 params=3D5/5/5/3/0.01/1 potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000747<14>000624<7>C68000000245423212000<31>wiU<2>seTqdSpcRn= bQmaP\ <28>532326<21>JDUKEVLFWMGXNHY<4>SMcSMdTNeUNfUOf<2>WPiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQ= Gf<\ 20>548436324212000<24>WKZXL_XLa<4>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<6>OFQNEPNEP<3= 5>7\ 48 } spiral51 {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Drecip center-mag=3D1.37229/0.0315733/5.778016 params=3D0/0/0/10/0.02/0.02 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000000M70YJG_LJ<2>cPOdQPeRQfSRfSR<9>kXXkXYkXYlYY<5>mZ`n_`n_`= n_`n_\ a<60>whlximwhl<65>pacpacpacpabo`bo`b<44>bOLaNLaNK`MK`MJ<33>M70L60M70L= 60L\ 60 } star-threads {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dlog center-mag=3D0.335381/-8.98708e-005/3.752596/1/-57.5 params=3D0/0/-4/0/0.002/0.002 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3DWPF864<13>zmU<5>bVJZSHTME<2>IF9FC8C96864432000<15>zZF<14>000= 000<1\ 5>cUe<15>000<15>zcm<15>000<15>mmz<15>000<15>mzz<6>T__JOO<3>6883442331= 220\ 00<15>zzc<4>ffSZZN<8>000<15>czc<4>SfSN_N<2>HRHFOFDKDAGA<3>000432 } sun-man3 { ; (c) Bill Decker May 28, 1998 t=3D 0:01:13.16 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dtan center-mag=3D-0.966065/-0.0108619/0.4719575 params=3D2/0/10/0/0.1/0 potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D00055O<9>44K44K64J<12>`96cA5dC5<14>zm7<14>XD6UA5TA5<13>75254= 1551<\ 14>BU3<12>EH4FG4FF4GE5HF6<2>JE6KE6LD6MC6<9>W67X57_96<9>zm0<6>wa0w_0vY= 0uW\ 0<14>NC9KAAKBA<19>1X10Z00Z1<29>68a77c77c<37>55P } vapor {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dsqr center-mag=3D8.06147/-6.3e-006/0.05572148 params=3D0/2/1/0/5/20 potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000536<11>000624<7>C68000000245423212000<31>wiU<2>seTqdSpcRn= bQmaP\ <28>532326<22>KEVLFWMGXNHYOIZ<3>SMcSMdTNeUNfUOf<2>WPiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQ= Gf<\ 21>436324212000101<23>WKZXL_XLa<4>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<6>OFQNEPNEP<3= 8>6\ 46 } weld {; (c) Bill Decker reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dsqr center-mag=3D0.222974/-0.277016/0.6325435 params=3D3/3/20/0/0/0.01 potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000536<11>000624<7>C68000000245423212000<31>wiU<2>seTqdSpcRn= bQmaP\ <28>532326<22>KEVLFWMGXNHYOIZ<3>SMcSMdTNeUNfUOf<2>WPiXQjWPj<3>SJiRHhQ= Gf<\ 21>436324212000101<23>WKZXL_XLa<4>aPm<2>`Og_NeZNcYM`XL_<6>OFQNEPNEP<3= 8>6\ 46 } ; ; recent pars ; web-tangle { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 15, 1998 t=3D 0:01:18.04 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dacosh center-mag=3D1.36446/-0.0415905/4.962472/1/25 params=3D0/0/0/10/0.02/0.02 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000<7>000100311<10>L88N99PAAQBASDATEA<20>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13= >2110\ 00000<13>000000222<22>zzz<22>333000000<15>000<4>G40K50L50<13>fE4hF5iH= 6<1\ 3>xhNzkPyiO<13>jI7hF5gF5<12>O71M61K50I50F40<4>000<9>000 } web-tangle2 { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 15, 1998 t=3D 0:04:24.19 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dacosh passes=3D1 center-mag=3D2.43691/-0.975085/0.8800342/1/122.5 params=3D0/0/0/10/0.02/0.02 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000<7>000100311<10>L88N99PAAQBASDATEA<20>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13= >2110\ 00000<13>000000222<22>zzz<22>333000000<15>000<4>G40K50L50<13>fE4hF5iH= 6<1\ 3>xhNzkPyiO<13>jI7hF5gF5<12>O71M61K50I50F40<4>000<9>000 } web-tangle4 { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 15, 1998 t=3D 0:01:31.18 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dacosh center-mag=3D1.4981/0.15465/5.07784/1/159.999 params=3D0/0/0/10/0.05/0.05 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000522<7>H66J77L88N99PAA<23>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13>211000000<13= >0000\ 00222<22>zzz<23>000<16>000<4>G40K50L50<11>cD3dD4fE4hF5iH6<13>xhNzkPyi= O<1\ 3>jI7hF5gF5<10>R91Q81O71M61K50<5>310000000<16>000100311 } web-tangle5 { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 15, 1998 t=3D 0:00:29.06 ; on P150 800x600 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dasinh center-mag=3D0.840415/0.711804/2.938557/1/-152.5 params=3D0/0/10/0/0.05/0.05 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000<9>000100311<8>H66J77L88N99PAA<23>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13>211= 00000\ 0<13>000000222<22>zzz<23>000<16>000<4>G40K50L50<11>cD3dD4fE4hF5iH6<11= >vd\ LwfMxhNzkPyiOxgN<10>lM9kK8jI7hF5gF5eE5<8>TA1R91Q81O71M61<4>9206203100= 000\ 00000<5>000 } web-tangle6 { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 15, 1998 t=3D 0:00:50.64 ; on P150 800x600 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D0bill.frm formulaname=3Dbills_diff_delt1 function=3Dacos center-mag=3D-0.0528381/-0.0705777/0.7788419/1/172.499 params=3D0/0/10/0/0.05/0.05 float=3Dy potential=3D255/200/0 colors=3D000<9>000100311<8>H66J77L88N99PAA<23>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13>211= 00000\ 0<13>000000222<22>zzz<23>000<16>000<4>G40K50L50<11>cD3dD4fE4hF5iH6<11= >vd\ LwfMxhNzkPyiOxgN<10>lM9kK8jI7hF5gF5eE5<8>TA1R91Q81O71M61<4>9206203100= 000\ 00000<5>000 } frm:bills_diff_delt1 { ; Apr-13-98 ; p1 =3D offset for y var ; real p2 =3D base real exponent ; imag p2 =3D base imag exponent ; real p3 =3D exponent real delta ; imag p3 =3D exponent imag delta ; c =3D x =3D pixel, y =3D pixel + p1 splus =3D real(p2) + real(p3) + flip(imag(p2) + imag(p3)) sminus =3D real(p2) - real(p3) + flip(imag(p2) - imag(p3)): xtemp =3D x^splus +c x =3D fn1(xtemp) ytemp =3D y^sminus +c y =3D fn1(ytemp) d =3D |x-y| z =3D d^2 |z| < 2 } = Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Diff_Delt1 Pars Date: 17 Sep 1998 09:05:05 -0700 (PDT) Bill, > > I was able to put this collection together with the aid of a PERL script > developed by Ken Childress. (Thanks a bunch Ken!) Originally I posted a > request to the Fractint group for a utility to parse pars so that I could > analyze sets of parameters such as fn1, fn2, etc. Ken answered my request > by posting the script and then coached me though installing PERL on my > Win95 system. You're welcome. Can I assume the check is in the mail?? :-) :-) Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mitch Berger" Subject: Re: (fractint) Diff_Delt1 Pars Date: 17 Sep 1998 12:19:11 -0400 As a newbie I am almost afraid to ask this question. How does one utilize the pars you sent? How/where do I copy them on to my hard disk? In a separate folder from Fractint? Is there a tutorial on the net for NEWBIES? I have been generating fractals using Fractiint 19.6, and WinFract18.21along with some maps from FractXtra. I'd loike to move on. Thanks, Mitch Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike and Linda Allison" Subject: Re: (fractint) Diff_Delt1 Pars Date: 17 Sep 1998 09:53:03 -0700 Hi, Mitch! I have a few tutorials up that might help you get started. You can find the index to them at: If you want to go directly to the one I have up for pars: Hope they help! Linda Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: (fractint) Technical difficulties with loading maps Date: 17 Sep 1998 11:43:36 -0700 Hi all, I've been having consistent problems trying to load maps. Upon selecting any map and the image displays with lines across it I can even make out the word "Fractint" read within the lines. I can't seem to clear them without going back to the original image (with the original map if there was one or the default if not). Have I missed a step somewhere that would eliminate this problem? Thanks for any suggestions, Judy Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fliguer, Miguel" Subject: RE: (fractint) Technical difficulties with loading maps Date: 17 Sep 1998 15:52:41 -0300 Hi Judy ! >Hi all, >I=B4ve been having consistent problems trying to load maps. Upon >selecting any map and the image displays with lines across it I can even >make out the word "Fractint" read within the lines. I can't seem to >clear them without going back to the original image (with the original >map if there was one or the default if not). =20 > >Have I missed a step somewhere that would eliminate this problem? Sound like screen corruption to me. Try invoking fractint with one of the following parameters : fractint textsafe=3Dyes fractint textsafe=3Dbios fractint textsafe=3Dsave One of those should do the trick. Then you can set it permanently in sstools.ini=20 Good luck, Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: (fractint) Julia Parameter Date: 17 Sep 1998 15:56:31 -0700 (PDT) Hi, A question for the more experienced folks around here... I understand that the Julia Set is related to the Mandelbrot Set. What I don't understand is how one comes up with the parameters for the Julia Set in those formulas that accept a Julia Set parameter. Is there some logical method behind choosing the values for a particular image or is it more trial and error to see what image results? Thanks, Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Julia Parameter Date: 17 Sep 1998 16:18:36 -0700 (MST) Ken, One neat thing about the Mandelbrot set is that it serves as a catalog of Julia sets. More specifically, the nature of the Mandelbrot set in the neighborhood of a point c is similar to the nature of the Julia set for that parameter c. For example, if c is inside one of the "lake" areas of the Mandelbrot set, then its Julia set will also have "lakes". Or, if c is taken from outside the Mandelbrot set, then its Julia set will be a "dust": comprised of isolated points in open space. Points c exactly on the boundary of M will yield Julias that are "dendrites", that is, thin connected lines with no interior. Examples of the 3 cases are c=0, c=1, and c=(0,1). And I've probably made a technical mistake here, but the general gist is ok. I think. More pragmatically, to find neat Julia parameters, go zooming around the Mandelbrot set until you find a spot that you like. If it's a specific point, put that in the center of your zoom window. Then, hit "z" and f6 to bring up the "center-mag" coordinates of your current window. The parameter of interest is listed as the center. An easy way to get a point into the center of the window is to move your zoom box (without resizing) so that a corner (upper left, say) is right on the point you want. Press return to start drawing the new image. Then, immediately get a new zoom box, again without resizing. Move the zoom box as far to the same direction (up and left) as you can. Fractint will only allow the zoom box to go halfway, so the old corner, which was the point you were interested in, is now in the middle of the window. Kerry Mitchell On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Ken Childress wrote: > > Hi, > > A question for the more experienced folks around here... > > I understand that the Julia Set is related to the Mandelbrot Set. What > I don't understand is how one comes up with the parameters for the Julia > Set in those formulas that accept a Julia Set parameter. Is there some > logical method behind choosing the values for a particular image or is > it more trial and error to see what image results? > > Thanks, > > > Ken... > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mary Subject: (fractint) Pars from my recent abpf posts Date: 18 Sep 1998 08:13:02 -0600 Recently I posted a few images to abpf and they came out pretty fuzzy. I have since changed to a different program to convert my gifs to jpegs. For those of you who are interested, here are the pars. The frms I used came from my orgform collection. There are a lot of neat formulas in the collection. :) Enjoy Xylen "Ok, who stopped payment on my reality check?" ============== PARS ==================== Nova { ; ; ; Sep 15, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper ; 0:00:03.90 generation time reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_chr.frm formulaname==03 function=sqr/sqr/sqrt/cosh center-mag=-1.02721/1.0806/8.703768 params=5/0/0.5/0 float=y inside=epsiloncross outside=imag decomp=128 colors=wF0w_0<6>sB0sB0rB0<15>c00b00c10<5>o80qA0qA0<5>wF0wF0vE0<5>qA0p90n\ 80<5>e20c00d10<12>qA0rB0rD0<5>uR0uT0vW0vZ0<4>yp0zt0zw0zz0<5>zf0yb0y`0<8>\ tE0sB0pB2<9>F2MG3Q<13>jGz<2>cDwaBv_AuX8sP6e<2>000<15>000<7>U00<7>000<15>\ 000<4>X8s_9ubBx<2>jFz<12>J4TG3QF2M<10>sB0<3>vN0wQ0wS0wU0<3>yb0ze0ze0<4>z\ z0<6>wb0 } Flower Pot { ; ; ; Sep 15, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper ; 0:00:05.71 generation time reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_chr.frm formulaname==05 function=sin/sqrt/floor center-mag=-255.873/-0.0178293/2.875982/1/-90 float=y maxiter=15000 inside=epsiloncross decomp=64 colors=8Lrnru<15>OI5<6>eYJg_LiaNkcPneR<4>zpa<4>jdWgaVcZT`WSYUR<6>AAK<3>A\ LQAOSARUBUWBXY<6>DqlDtnCql<6>7Ta<6>L4R<13>7Nu5Px5Nu<6>B5`B6`<24>nru<17>D\ DMAAKABL<17>Djn<12>EFA<11>svcsvcsvcsvc<10>_UMYRKXQKWPJUMHSJF<6>EAbDCeCEg\ BGjAIn8Lr8Lr7Nu5Px<5>98fA5cB5`<2>E7UG8SH9QJANKBLMCLOEK<5>_VZb`c<4>lor } diamonds { ; ; ; Sep 16, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper ; 0:00:53.55 generation time reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_chr.frm formulaname=-b009 function=sinh/sqr/sinh passes=t center-mag=+0.62691562075264680/-0.10293116217977650/764.6101 float=y maxiter=15000000 inside=5 outside=real colors=95HB5A<32>xUEzVFyVF<39>C11A00B11<38>xxxzzzyyy<38>05B<45>YOxZPzZPy\ <44>63C52A62A83A94A } blue tile { ; ; ; Sep 17, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper ; 0:00:05.82 generation time reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_t.frm formulaname=TORUS passes=b center-mag=65.9418/-1.58105/0.4796275 params=0.5/0.5/0.25/0.5/1.5/0 float=y maxiter=1500000 inside=bof61 outside=mult colors=000008<24>00k00m01m<29>0ky0mz1mz<30>zzz<46>2zz0zz0yz<45>02z00z00y\ <59>002000000000<3>006 } =============== formulas ================== =03 { z=c=pixel x=fn1(z-1/p1) y=fn2(x^(z)/p2): z=fn4(x-z)+fn3(y+(z-1))+c |z|<4 ;SOURCE: new.frm } =05 {; Revised 4/27/96 to eliminate superfluous "+c" ; Original version of this formula may be discarded z=pixel x=fn1(tan(z))+pixel y=fn2(cotan(z))+(pixel^pixel) l=(x^y)^22: z=fn1(x)*fn2(y)*fn3(l) |z|<4 ;SOURCE: new.frm } -b009 { z=fn1(fn2(1/pixel)),c=fn2(fn1(pixel)),c1=z/c^c/z: z=z/c1 z=fn3(z-(z^c1))/(c*c-pixel) |z|<=4 ;SOURCE: new.frm } TORUS {; Earl Hinrich torus method ; adaptation by Ray Girvan May 1997 ; trial FRM ignoring scale factors ; p1=(x0,y0) centre of generating circle ; p2=(cx0,cy0) centre of generating circle ; real(p3) = zr radius of torus axis in z plane ; imag(p3) = cr radius of torus axis in c plane ; try p1=(0.5,0) p2=(-0.55103,0.534949) p3=(0.2,0.03) x=real(p1)+real(p3)*sin(imag(pixel)); y=imag(p1)+real(p3)*cos(real(pixel)); cx=real(p2)+imag(p3)*sin(real(pixel)); cy=imag(p2)+imag(p3)*cos(imag(pixel)); c=cx+flip(cy); z=x+flip(y): z=z*z+c, |z| <= 4 ;SOURCE: 97msg.frm } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: robin bussell Subject: Re: (fractint) Julia Parameter Date: 18 Sep 1998 19:10:23 +0100 Kerry Mitchell wrote: > > Ken, > > One neat thing about the Mandelbrot set is that it serves as a catalog of > Julia sets. More specifically, the nature of the Mandelbrot set in the > neighborhood of a point c is similar to the nature of the Julia set for > that parameter c. Hi Ken, You can see this on a web page I've just put up containing some interesting images I made some time ago while experimenting with an early prototype of the new fractint parameter evolver (not here yet, wait for v20... no I can't say when..., OK soonish :-) )The images show a large number of tiny julia sets all placed on the screen such that their centres correspond to the value of c used to calculate them, you can clearly see the relationship with the Mset. Take a peek here if you will: Also have you tried the nifty dynamic julia set generation you get when you hit space bar from a Mandlebrot set image? It's pretty cool to move the mouse round and watch the julia change according to where the crosshairs are pointing on the Mset! Cheers, Robin. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mitch Berger" Subject: Re: (fractint) Julia Parameter Date: 18 Sep 1998 14:34:05 -0400 Kerry, Thanks for forwarding your answer to Ken to the rest of us. I am a "new practioner" who is trying to learn the hows and whys of fractals, as opposed to wandering aimlessly and occasionally getting lucky; so your answer to Ken helped me as well. That is assuming I can absorb it all. Thanks again, Mitch Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) Technical difficulties with loading maps Date: 18 Sep 1998 14:12:48 -0700 Thanks for your help! That seems to have cured that problem now I just have to gather the courage to open and change that sstools.ini. Thanks again, Judy > Sound like screen corruption to me. Try invoking fractint with > one of the following parameters : > > fractint textsafe=yes > fractint textsafe=bios > fractint textsafe=save > > One of those should do the trick. Then you can set it > permanently in sstools.ini > > Good luck, > Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: DeBow Freed II PhD Subject: (fractint) Ian Kaplan's Suggestion that List-Posted Images be CD-Archived and Made Available Date: 18 Sep 1998 17:19:31 -0500 Fellow Fractaliers- Here's my "thought" (worth $0.02) re Ian Kaplan's suggestion (in Digest #300) to monthly write the list-posted pars (and perhaps the uncopyrighted Contest images as well) to CD-ROM in some agreed-upon format, and to make them available to list Subscribers at a nominal fee: an unqualified "YES!!". Not only would it save us all a lot of repetitive effort (as we all obviously go through the same or similar process of setting up our hard drives and - daily, weekly or monthly - archive most or all of the files), but it would also provide a permanent archive of the end product, rather than "something-which-will-produce-the-ACTUAL-IMAGE- with-just-a-little-more-work". After all, this list is about images, as well as how they are generated. A CD archive will make the images themselves more acessible, and I think, would be a welcome addition. DeBow Freed PhD Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Diff_Delt1 Pars Date: 18 Sep 1998 18:50:52 -0700 Mitch Berger wrote: > > As a newbie I am almost afraid to ask this question. How does one utilize > the pars you sent? How/where do I copy them on to my hard disk? In a > separate folder from Fractint? > > Is there a tutorial on the net for NEWBIES? I have been generating fractals > using Fractiint 19.6, and WinFract18.21along with some maps from FractXtra. > I'd loike to move on. > > Thanks, > Mitch > Mitch...your's is not an uncommon prob.... In addition to Linda's great tutorials, I've archived some of the answers from this list at If you hang around a bit, Janet Preslar posts a very complete list of useful links on a regular basis. Welcome to the list!! Angela Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert Hailman) Subject: Re: (fractint) FractInt's crashing Date: 18 Sep 1998 22:19:43 -0400 (EDT) That wouldn't make a difference... dos mode is still win 95, just at a command prompt. and win95 (original release) doesn't support FAT32 and wouldn't let you format it. I have been using FAT-32 for years with no problems. >When you reformatted your hard disk did you convert it to another file >system, say FAT-32? > >-----Original Message----- >From: Joel Iwashige >To: >Date: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 2:06 PM >Subject: (fractint) FractInt's crashing > > >>Hi, >> >>Would someone on this list be willing to help a lurker with a problem? >> >>I'm running Fractint under Win95 in a 1024x768x256 background video mode, >>batch-generating fractals from Les St. Clair's collection of pars (through >>May 1998). This has been successful (I have 1277 GIFs, using 344 MB) until >>just recently, when I got a message that it's performing an illegal >>operation. When I tried DOS mode, Fractint just freezes. When I manually >>load the params that Fractint is crashing on, they work fine. >> >>I just completed a reformat and reinstall of Win95, so the installation >>should be clean. >> >>Any help that you could give me would be welcome. >> >>Thanks! >> >>Joel Iwashige >>"Hit any key to continue." Where's the 'any' key? >> >> >>-------------------------------------------------------------- >>Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >>Post Message: >>Get Commands: "help" >>Administrator: >>Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > >Attachment Converted: C:\ROBERT\ROBEMAIL\smime5.p7s > Robert Hailman ----- Free education: A oxymoron created by the socialist bastards in the government. YOU CAN'T DENY IT! THE SOCIALISTS RUN THIS PLACE!!!! If you don't believe me, just examine the canadian political scene. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) Millennium G200 Date: 19 Sep 1998 18:44:43 -0400 Hi All, A quick note for everyone interested: I just got my new system with the= Millennium G200 and Win95 OSR 2.5, and both Fractint and QPV work fine at= 1600x1200. Cheers, - Sylvie E-mail: Home page (last update: 9/15/98) Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) future events Date: 19 Sep 1998 19:53:25 -0700 I think the contest was great, really fun & encouraged creativity and competition in a good way. It took way too much energy to do more than once or twice a year- at least a contest like this where people choose the best of their work with few restrictions. Also, people more or less stopped posting pars to the list or commenting on them for >2 months. (Maybe this was because it was summer.) I really liked trying to guess who made which set of fractals- how about a smaller event where you try to guess who made an image? Jack Valero did something like this on his web page a few months ago. Or how about a kind of showcase, like here's part of a formula and you do different coloring methods. Maybe use the formula from last year's contest and do different coloring methods based on it. I don't think enough people write new coloring methods that I'd really want to vote on it, but it would be really nice to see what they would come up with. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kivryn Subject: (fractint) Video Cards Date: 19 Sep 1998 21:04:35 -0700 (PDT) Hi gang, I am looking to buy a new video card to replace the one in my Packard Bell 680. I seem to remember there was a long discussion about video cards on the list a long time back, but can't remember what the consensus was about certain cards. I remember that some of them didn't allow FractInt to run properly. Is anyone running a Diamond Stealth 2 S220 4meg video card successfully with FractInt and other fractal generators? Do any of you have trouble with this card? Any input would be appreciated. Suggestions for other cards are welcome, too. Thanks. Debora _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Frank Chambers" Subject: (fractint) z=z^z+m Date: 20 Sep 1998 10:18:49 +0100 On p. 99 of Pickover's "Computers, Patterns, Chaos and Beauty", fig 8.4 is said to be a trace of z = z^z + m with biomorph. I have had no success in duplicating it. Can anyone put me out of my misery by posting cookbook instructions for Fractint? Frank Chambers in Ireland Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John W. Evans Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Cards Date: 20 Sep 1998 15:02:44 BST on 19 Sep 98, wrote... >Hi gang, > >I am looking to buy a new video card to replace the one in my Packard >Bell 680. snipped >Debora I've had no problems with the Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Pro which I think was the predecessor of the one you're thinking of getting. John Evans Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) z=z^z+m Date: 20 Sep 1998 07:47:08 -0700 That is an incredible example and I'd love to get that information too! Although I've located a couple "biomorphs", I've never been able to find anything close to resembling that particular one. (And I've been looking!) Please keep me in mind if you ever find something similar. Judy Frank Chambers wrote: > > On p. 99 of Pickover's "Computers, Patterns, Chaos and Beauty", fig 8.4 is > said to be a trace of z = z^z + m with biomorph. > I have had no success in duplicating it. Can anyone put me out of my > misery by posting cookbook instructions for Fractint? > Frank Chambers in Ireland > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Don Archer Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Cards Date: 20 Sep 1998 12:44:51 -0400 Debora, >Is anyone running a Diamond Stealth 2 >S220 4meg video card successfully with FractInt and other fractal >generators? Do any of you have trouble with this card? I have a Diamond Stealth 64 4megs that runs Fractint at 1600 x 1200 impeccably on a P166 system. Don Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janet Preslar Subject: (fractint) Video Card List Date: 20 Sep 1998 11:57:13 -0500 Maybe someone could compile a list of which video cards do and do not work with FractInt. This topic comes up regularly and I'm sure Noel would be happy to post such a list on the FractInt site. For instance: I have a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro with 8M memory and a Permedia 2 controller running on a 333/PII that absolutely *does not* work with FractInt. It is not VESA compatible and nothing from Diamond or any other source could provide a fix. It is a great card, but don't get it if you want to run FractInt. Janet Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Cards Date: 20 Sep 1998 16:54:47 -0000 John Evans wrote: >I've had no problems with the Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Pro which I >think was the predecessor of the one you're thinking of getting. The Stealth 3D series is nothing like the Stealth II. Christian Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) z=z^z+m Date: 20 Sep 1998 12:20:23 -0700 (MST) It's not exactly what Cliff did, but it's close. Kerry Mitchell zzmu-biomorph { ; Kerry Mitchell 22sep98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=zzmu-julia-bio passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.5/1/-90 params=0.367879441/0/200/0.1 float=y maxiter=256 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000zzz<253>zzz cyclerange=0/255 } frm:zzmu-julia-bio { ; Kerry Mitchell 22sep98 ; ; p1 = mu = julia parameter ; real(p2) = bailout ; imag(p2) = coloring speed ; z=pixel, mu=p1, r=real(p2), r2=|r| iter=1, scale=imag(p2), done=0: iter=iter+1, z=z^z+mu if(|z|>r2) t=scale*iter if(cabs(real(z)) Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Cards Date: 20 Sep 1998 19:41:58 On Sun, 20 Sep 1998 12:44:51 -0400, wrote... >Debora, > >>Is anyone running a Diamond Stealth 2 >>S220 4meg video card successfully with FractInt and other fractal >>generators? Do any of you have trouble with this card? > >I have a Diamond Stealth 64 4megs that runs Fractint at 1600 x 1200 >impeccably on a P166 system. > >Don > I had a Diamond Stealth 2 8MB AGP that ran just fine. What's all the hub-bub about video cards not working right with Fractint? If you get your BIOS fixed, there shouldn't be a problem. I just exchanged it for an STB 16MB AGP and will be trying it out too. I want to play some 3D games ^_^. I just updated the BIOS on this new card as well. There are still some bugs in it though. But STB is working on fixes. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Regina & Steve" Subject: Re: (fractint) Ian Kaplan's Suggestion that List-Posted Images be CD-Archived and Made Available Date: 21 Sep 1998 10:41:42 +1000 CD-Archived and Made Available >Fellow Fractaliers- > > Here's my "thought" (worth $0.02) re Ian Kaplan's suggestion (in Digest >#300) to monthly write the list-posted pars (and perhaps the >uncopyrighted Contest images as well) to CD-ROM in some agreed-upon >format, and to make them available to list Subscribers at a nominal fee: >an unqualified "YES!!". > Not only would it save us all a lot of repetitive effort (as we all >obviously go through the same or similar process of setting up our hard >drives and - daily, weekly or monthly - archive most or all of the >files), but it would also provide a permanent archive of the end >product, rather than "something-which-will-produce-the-ACTUAL-IMAGE- >with-just-a-little-more-work". > After all, this list is about images, as well as how they are >generated. A CD archive will make the images themselves more acessible, >and I think, would be a welcome addition. > >DeBow Freed PhD > It could even be considered a publication by all. It would reduce the possibility of pics being chosed by others for personal gain as they would be even more freely available to be bought and we all remember the exceptional ones. We could in fact produce a "book" though not on paper - that is where our technology is taking us. We could include biographies etc and stories on how the pics were created, why, where, anything that the artist wanted said within realistic limits. We would see the progress of quality, the growing of styles, changes in personalities. It's amazing what you can discover about a person by looking at the fractals they produce, the names they choose, the colours they use etc. The only problem would be: are we honest enough to maintain a service like this for the benefit of the artists involved, or would we open a loophole for some scoundrel to take on the job and reap all the profits. I believe this should be left up to the artists themselves to decide. Would each artist be prepared to archive and forward all of their works in an appropriate format, or will someone collect it and archive it? Who will be in charge? Has this topic been discussed to any great length previously? Do any of the artists make CD's of their artwork already? Fractals are a legitimate art form yet few artists know of them, more mathematician/computer scientists know about them. Let's make them widely known. (We don't have to reveal all secrets;-) For those who say archives exist on the net: there are thousands of pics, thousands of locations, we don't always have a connection to the web, we don't all have facilities to save all the pics we want (nor want to go against the artists wishes). And yet there is something good about viewing certain fractals - to ease the heart, soul, body and whatever else it is like a drug - we see the world in a swirl of different colours and structures. I remember seing my first fractal - over 10 years ago, and would like to view those in the void of that time. There was a lot of development. It would be a shame if at the end of the next ten years there would be people thinking these same thoughts as I am now about past pics. bye, regina Music is my life, Fractals are my soulmates, Administration provides me with money. Shame I can't be in the testing dept sleeping all day... - We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Choose wisely. - the sea is just a bigpond Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ian Kaplan Subject: Re: (fractint) Ian Kaplan's Suggestion that List-Posted Images be CD-Archived and Made Available Date: 21 Sep 1998 01:15:31 -0400 (EDT) Regina and Steve wrote (in part) > It could even be considered a publication by all. It would reduce the > possibility of pics being chosed by others for personal gain as they would > be even more freely available to be bought and we all remember the > exceptional ones. We could in fact produce a "book" though not on paper - > that is where our technology is taking us. We could include biographies etc > and stories on how the pics were created, why, where, anything that the > artist wanted said within realistic limits. We would see the progress of > quality, the growing of styles, changes in personalities. It's amazing what > you can discover about a person by looking at the fractals they produce, the > names they choose, the colours they use etc. > and lots more good stuff. While I'm not prepared to start producing fractal CD 'books' just yet, [and I do think some of the more serious artists on this listserv might have some issues with that], I'm going to experiment with putting September's pars on CD at the end of the month, I think. I will also include the contest entrants. So, I'm posting with a few questions: 1) Do any artists here have an objection to such a collection, if I distributed it only to members of the list? I can't see a reason why one would, but I don't want to step on any toes, so do speak up if you see a problem with this. 2) What graphics formats are called for? I guess I would render each image in 1600x1280, 1280x1076 (have to use diskvideo for those for now, sigh) 1024x768 and 800x600; should I include 640x480 as well? 3) What would be the best way(s) to structure the CD? by artist, by formula, etc... should I include HTML pages to browse it with... should I separate .par and .frm files... et cetera... 4) Will people who would be interested in getting such a thing, at cost (about $2 plus shipping of a light package) e-mail me ( so that I can get an idea of how much interest there is? Thanks, all... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (F.J. Slijkerman) Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Cards Date: 21 Sep 1998 09:15:39 +0200 (MET DST) > Debora, > > >Is anyone running a Diamond Stealth 2 > >S220 4meg video card successfully with FractInt and other fractal > >generators? Do any of you have trouble with this card? > I have a Diamond Stealth II s220, and it seems to run fine with Fractint. Best regards, Frederik. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Ian Kaplan's Suggestion that List-Posted Images be CD-Archived and Made Available Date: 21 Sep 1998 00:30:05 -0700 (MST) I don't personally have any objection to this, but to cover yourself, you might want to get signed releases from everyone whose art you wish to publish on the cd. Kerry Mitchell On Mon, 21 Sep 1998, Ian Kaplan wrote: > Regina and Steve wrote (in part) > > > It could even be considered a publication by all. It would reduce the > > possibility of pics being chosed by others for personal gain as they would > > be even more freely available to be bought and we all remember the > > exceptional ones. We could in fact produce a "book" though not on paper - > > that is where our technology is taking us. We could include biographies etc > > and stories on how the pics were created, why, where, anything that the > > artist wanted said within realistic limits. We would see the progress of > > quality, the growing of styles, changes in personalities. It's amazing what > > you can discover about a person by looking at the fractals they produce, the > > names they choose, the colours they use etc. > > > > and lots more good stuff. > > While I'm not prepared to start producing fractal CD 'books' just yet, > [and I do think some of the more serious artists on this listserv might > have some issues with that], I'm going to experiment with putting > September's pars on CD at the end of the month, I think. I will also > include the contest entrants. > > So, I'm posting with a few questions: > > 1) Do any artists here have an objection to such a collection, if I > distributed it only to members of the list? I can't see a reason why one > would, but I don't want to step on any toes, so do speak up if you see a > problem with this. > > 2) What graphics formats are called for? I guess I would render each > image in 1600x1280, 1280x1076 (have to use diskvideo for those for now, > sigh) 1024x768 and 800x600; should I include 640x480 as well? > > 3) What would be the best way(s) to structure the CD? by artist, by formula, > etc... should I include HTML pages to browse it with... should I separate > .par and .frm files... et cetera... > > 4) Will people who would be interested in getting such a thing, at cost > (about $2 plus shipping of a light package) e-mail me > ( so that I can get an idea of how much interest > there is? > > Thanks, all... > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J.P. Louvet" Subject: (fractint) Test for Tim - don't read Date: 21 Sep 1998 12:30:51 +2 J.P. Louvet | Phone : (33)56-84-58-35 IUT Universite Bordeaux I | email : 33405 Talence CEDEX France | email : Fractales sur serveur Web Universite Bordeaux I : Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J.P. Louvet" Subject: Re: (fractint) Contest Software Date: 21 Sep 1998 14:33:43 +2 le 9 Sep 98 a 19:05, Paul N. Lee ecrivait (Paul N. Lee wrote) : > Software Count > ------------ --------- > ? ? 17 > Dllirium Tremor .000001 beta 3 > Dust Fractals 3 > Flarium 3 > Flarium 24 4 > Flarium 24 with Painter 5 2 > Flarium or TieraZon with Photoshop 1 > Fractal (custom Visual Basic program) 1 > Fractal Domains 6 > Fractal eXtreme 1 > Fractal eXtreme 1.21 6 > FractInt 3 > FractInt 17.2 with PhotoShop 5.0 1 > FractInt 17.3 1 > FractInt 19.2 1 > FractInt 19.3 6 > FractInt 19.5 2 > FractInt 19.6 116 > FractInt 19.6 with Bryce 2.0 1 > FractInt 19.6 with Paint Shop Pro 2 > FractInt 19.6 with Picture Publisher & MS-Paint 1 > FractInt 19.6 with some graphic editor 1 > FractInt with custom software 1 > GrafZViZion 1.8 1 > GrafZViZion 2.3 1 > Inkblot Kaos with Photoshop 4.0 LE 1 > Iterations 28 or 29 1 > Kai's Power Tools - Fractal Explorer 4 > MathArt 3 > own code, written in C 1 > own Liapunov program 1 > own program 3 > own software 3 > P.O.V. 2 1 > POV-Ray 3.0 2 > QuickBASIC 4.5 2 > TieraZon 9 > TieraZon 1.0 1 > TieraZon 1.0 (overlayed images) 2 > TieraZon 2 or 2.05 1 > TieraZon 2.05 19 > TieraZon 2.05 with Photoshop 4.0 LE 1 > TieraZon 2.05 with Picture Publisher 2 > TieraZon 2.06 2 > TieraZon with Photoshop 4.0 LE 1 > Truemand 3.0 beta 3 > Ultra Fractal 2 3 > Ultra Fractal 2.0 3 > Ultra Fractal 2.06 5 > VistaPro with MS-Paint 1 > WinFract 18.21 5 > Xaos 3.1 beta 3 Coming back to this very interesting list I note that there is Fractint... and the others. I know that some of you do VERY beautiful images with Fractint, some of them being amongst the best of this contest. But since I use true color programs I don't use now, and I think that I will never use Fractint in the future (as long as it is limited to 256 colors). It is why I am interested by the others in the list. It is clear that Stephen Ferguson's programs are the most frequently used after Fractint. I am very happy for Stephen, who has given to the fractal community a very valuable new scheme for coloring fractals and who has made several very good and easy to use programs. I am in very friendly terms with him. But I am also in equally friendly terms with Terry W. Gintz and I am disappointed to see that no program he made is in the list. They are very great ones, they need a bit more math than Stephen's programs, but Fractint users are not afraid by this. No concurrence between these 2 programmers (they work together for the new versions of their programs and I like Stephen's as well as Terry's ones). It seems that I hear an objection : "and you, what program have you used ?". Unfortunately I have sent nothing to this contest for several personal reasons (I regret this !) but I see that this contest offers very high quality images and 3 personal images would not change anything to the pleasure that I have to look at the contest site.. Jean-Pierre louvet : Fractal album : Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) z=z^z+m Date: 21 Sep 1998 08:22:04 -0700 Hi Kerry I'm REALLY impressed that you could come up with that so quickly! I'd thrilled to have even half the understanding of the Math behind fractals that you continue to display. This would be a good time to also thank you for the various examples and explanations that I've seen you post within the brief time that I've been a part of this list. I confess that I don't understand all of them yet but I save them aside, hoping that eventually it will all come together in my head! Waiting for the preverbal light bulb I guess. OK... Now for the embarrassing admission. I guess I confused the various "Biomorphs". The one I fell in love with, looks like a single Tree. The trunk continues branching upward, to the sides and then downward to ultimately create a circle around the centered trunk. I found an exe file that creates the image in dos but I've not found any formulas that create a tree that branches to create a circle. Have you ever tried anything like that? Thanks again for all your wonderful help! Judy Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Shauna Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Cards Date: 21 Sep 1998 06:40:40 -1000 Our Diamond Stealth 64 Series 2000 PCI card works fine with Fractint under DOS and OS/2. It crashes the computer when we try to run Fractint under W95. On 20 Sep 98 at 12:44, Don Archer wrote: > >Is anyone running a Diamond Stealth 2 > >S220 4meg video card successfully with FractInt and other fractal > >generators? Do any of you have trouble with this card? > > I have a Diamond Stealth 64 4megs that runs Fractint at > 1600 x 1200 impeccably on a P166 system. Another blast of bits from David For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: Random Thought for this Nanosecond Ignorance can be cured. Stupidity, now that's permanent. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) Another diff par Date: 21 Sep 1998 12:38:17 -0400 This one popped up during lunch and I got to wondering what colors others might use to depict DNA. Anyone want to try another interpretation? Bill Decker dna-dance4 { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 21, 1998 t= 0:03:29.32 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=0bill.frm formulaname=bills_diff function=log passes=1 center-mag=0.448807/-0.215329/1.566627/1/25 params=0.1/-0.1/2.01/1/1.99/1 float=y potential=255/200/0 colors=000uuu<21>000<16>000<4>G40K50L50<11>cD3dD4fE4hF5iH6<11>vdLwfMxhNz\ kPyiOxgN<10>lM9kK8jI7hF5gF5eE5<10>Q81O71M61K50I50<5>000<17>000100311<9>J\ 77L88N99PAAQBA<22>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13>211000000<13>000000222<22>zzzwww } frm:bills_diff { ; Mar-4-98 c = x = pixel, y = pixel + p1: xtemp = x^p2 +c x = fn1(xtemp) ytemp = y^p3 +c y = fn1(ytemp) d = |x-y| z = d^2 |z| < 2 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 21 Sep 1998 10:52:05 -0700 Here are some guesses on who made which images. If you have not voted yet, don't read this. (If you have not voted yet you probably don't have time to read this.) Please don't be offended if these are way off base. Kind of a contest within a contest. Fibonacci Cauliflower and Fibonacci Daisy -R. Parracho Shadows and Timeless- Damien Jones Wizard's Debate and End of Pretense - ???Sylvie Gallet Birth- Mark Christenson Jealousy- ???Wizzle Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 21 Sep 1998 15:54:56 -0400 Hi Kathy, >> Wizard's Debate and End of Pretense - ???Sylvie Gallet No and no!!! ;-) Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) z=z^z+m Date: 21 Sep 1998 15:02:00 -0500 Judy wrote: > > OK... Now for the embarrassing admission. I guess I confused the > various "Biomorphs". The one I fell in love with, looks like a single > Tree. The trunk continues branching upward, to the sides and then > downward to ultimately create a circle around the centered trunk. I > found an exe file that creates the image in dos but I've not found any > formulas that create a tree that branches to create a circle. > You might be interested in the following image by Jim Muth: His PAR and FRM files are found at this location: P.N.L. Why do most folks hate cynics so much? Because we're almost always right. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Judy Subject: Re: (fractint) z=z^z+m Date: 21 Sep 1998 13:24:36 -0700 Thanks Paul that was a great tip! Paul N. Lee wrote: > You might be interested in the following image by Jim Muth: > > > > His PAR and FRM files are found at this location: > > > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) The Watchers Date: 21 Sep 1998 16:42:09 -0400 Hmmm. Wish I had dreamed up this one in time to submit in the contest's emotion category. Paranoia? E-mail police? I put it on my desktop today. It comes off tomorrow for sure. Bill Decker watchers { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 20, 1998 t= 0:00:04.72 ; on P150 800x600 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=0bill.frm formulaname=gallet-5-08-mod function=tan/recip/abs center-mag=-4.55668/-4.55096/0.2002317/1/-135 params=1/5/-2/-2/10/30 float=y potential=255/400/0 colors=000AAA<19>zzz<23>000<16>000<4>G40K50L50<11>cD3dD4fE4hF5iH6<11>vdL\ wfMxhNzkPyiOxgN<10>lM9kK8jI7hF5gF5eE5<8>TA1R91Q81O71M61<4>92062031000000\ 0000<15>000100311<8>H66J77L88N99PAA<23>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13>211000000<13>\ 000000222555777 } Gallet-5-08-mod { ; Sylvie Gallet [101324,3444], 1996 ; Modified, Bill Decker e = real(p3), f = imag(p3) z = pixel , x = real(z) , y = imag(z) : x1 = x - p1*fn1(y + fn2(p2*x + fn3(e*y))) y1 = y - p1*fn1(x + fn2(p2*y + fn3(e*x))) x = x1 , y = y1 z = x + flip(y) |z| <= f } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 21 Sep 1998 17:00:51 -0500 Kathy, - Here are some guesses on who made which - images. Heh, 'twould be unfair of me to give you a score... thanks for the vote of confidence, though. :-) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Faye Williams" Subject: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 21 Sep 1998 17:50:58 -0700 My guesses: Shadows & My Latest Favorite - Stephen Ferguson The Fly, One More Red Nightmare & Eagle Bandana - Sylvie Gallet Pierced Heart Takes Wing & Heaven's Light - Sharon Webb Dream Catcher, Brass for Bets - same artist? - Is it Angela? Strength, Alien Blood & Magic of Gradients - Damien Celticrux & Anne Boleyn - Earl Hinrich Metaflori - Alice Kelly Star of Ojai - Art Baker (that one was easy) Fractal Chain Mail - Frederick Faye The older you get, the better you realize you were. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mary Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 21 Sep 1998 20:30:50 -0600 Faye Williams wrote: > My guesses: > > Shadows & My Latest Favorite - Stephen Ferguson > The Fly, One More Red Nightmare & Eagle Bandana - Sylvie Gallet > Pierced Heart Takes Wing & Heaven's Light - Sharon Webb > Dream Catcher, Brass for Bets - same artist? - Is it Angela? > Strength, Alien Blood & Magic of Gradients - Damien > Celticrux & Anne Boleyn - Earl Hinrich > Metaflori - Alice Kelly > Star of Ojai - Art Baker (that one was easy) > Fractal Chain Mail - Frederick Nope, your wrong about this one. It has been posted by the artist himself at abpf, and I believe he posted his other two pics also. I'll let you try to guess again. I don't want to spoil your surprise. :) Xylen "Ok, who stopped payment on my reality check?" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mary Subject: (fractint) Suggestion for formula writers Date: 21 Sep 1998 22:33:27 -0600 I've been wander though a lot of the formulas that orgform has, and trying them out. For quite some time now, something has been bothering me about the formulas. After reading one of Jim Muth's explanations for his FOTD's, it suddenly hit me. I don't know where to start with a lot of the formulas. Let me explain what I mean. You choose a formula, then hit 'Z' to add some parameters. Most formulas let you select real and imag parts of a few points and maybe choose some functions. But the formula gives no hint as to a good place to start. When I choose the multirot-XY-ZW formula, I have no clue what the range is supposed to be for the various points. Everything starts at zero. I have been playing around with this formula on my own, and I have never figured out where a good range is. Finally, after a post recently by Jim Muth, I know what some of the points are supposed to represent. I know I can try to sort through the math in the formulas and try to guess, but would it be possible for people to put in the comments something like "try this at .5/0/1/-.5/sin". After all, the creator of a formula should know a good place to start, and maybe even give a hint as to what the parameters really mean. Some formulas come up with parameters other than zero's. Is it possible to save a formula with parameters already set? I don't know about everybody else, but I sure would appreciate a few more hints in the comments of a formula. Xylen "Some people live life in the fast lane. I live in oncoming traffic" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Faye Williams" Subject: (fractint) website - new galleries Date: 21 Sep 1998 22:44:42 -0700 If people aren't to exhausted from looking at all the contest entries, I have recentlly posted 2 new galleries at my website. Tierazon Gallery 2 and Fractint Gallery 2 if anyone would like to take a peek. Any comments, as always, are welcome. Thanks, Faye The older you get, the better you realize you were. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) par Date: 22 Sep 1998 03:49:02 -0700 Oops, maybe here's one that's offensive. entrance { ; entrance to body-piercing parlor ; kathy roth 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gravis~3.frm formulaname=gravistalks2 function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=0.390278/-1.02272/8.406889 params=1.1/0.6/0.04/150/8/30 float=y outside=summ colors=000XSWn9Fl9Ej9Dg8C<24>G35\ xiY<3>xYJyUFxTF<13>jCFhAEfAE<6>M6Bc_c<12\ >H9EF6BE6B<13>000hjhfhfdfdadb<25>0\ 00vlY<2>zpa<13>RK7OI5MH5<8>321000000<1\ 3>000kmn<28>000zpa<28>000cZT<2>VRQ\ RPPOMOKJNHGM<9>947836836<9>836 } frm:gravistalks2 {; adapted from Paul W. Carlson c. 1998 ;original gravijul by Mark Christenson ;kathy roth 1998 ; ; p1 = gravijul parameter ; real(p2) = a factor controlling the size of the stalks ; imag(p2) = iterations to skip ; real(p3) = number of color ranges ; imag(p3) = number of colors in a range ; w = pixel c = p1 z = bailout = iter = range_num = 0 stalk_width = real(p2) max_wm = imag(p2) num_ranges = real(p3) colors_in_range = imag(p3) index_factor = (colors_in_range - 1) / stalk_width : q=fn1(w) w=fn3(real(p1)/fn2(q*q)) + imag(p1), wr = real(w), awr = abs(wr) w = w - wr + awr ; IF (abs(real(w)) <= abs(imag(w))) dist = abs(real(w)) ELSE dist = abs(imag(w)) ENDIF IF (dist < stalk_width && |w|1) z = index_factor * dist + range_num * colors_in_range + 1 bailout = 1 ENDIF range_num = range_num + 1 IF (range_num == num_ranges) range_num = 0 ENDIF iter = iter + 1 z = z - iter bailout == 0 && |w| < 4 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 22 Sep 1998 14:11:11 EDT Faye Williams writes: > My guesses: > > Shadows & My Latest Favorite - Stephen Ferguson no way - I'm sure one of these must be wrong, although I don't have a clue about the artist: entries 97,98,99 all seem to be fairly similar (in their 'shapes' not colours). Tthey are all in the 'non-fractint' category if you want to compare easily. Given that they were submitted consecutively they must surely be the same artist. Luke Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Faye Williams" Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 22 Sep 1998 11:19:47 -0700 >Faye Williams writes: > >> My guesses: >> >> Shadows & My Latest Favorite - Stephen Ferguson > >no way - I'm sure one of these must be wrong, although I don't have a clue >about the artist: entries 97,98,99 all seem to be fairly similar (in their >'shapes' not colours). Tthey are all in the 'non-fractint' category if you >want to compare easily. Given that they were submitted consecutively they >must surely be the same artist. > >Luke You're probably right! I'm sure not batting 100. Just getting battier! ;) Faye >-------------------------------------------------------------- >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julián Chennales" Subject: (fractint) Weird fractals Date: 22 Sep 1998 16:21:20 -0300 Hi there. I made a program that generates images related to the M-Set but I am not sure if they are actually fractals. I believe they are though, and that they are kind of new. They are certainly new for me cause I haven't seen any program that can generate these, including Fractint. Anyway, I have posted some of these images at and I would like to hear opinions of people with more knowledge about this. I will be explaining how I did these if it turns out that the images are of some interest other than visual. Anyway, if you can spare some time, just take a look and let me know what you think. Even if you think it´s junk, I'd like to know. Thanks. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Suggestion for formula writers Date: 22 Sep 1998 15:24:00 EDT Xylen writes, > I know I can try to sort through the math in the formulas and try to > guess, but would it be possible for people to put in the comments > something like "try this at .5/0/1/-.5/sin". After all, the creator of a > formula should know a good place to start, and maybe even give a hint as > to what the parameters really mean. Some formulas come up with > parameters other than zero's. Is it possible to save a formula with > parameters already set? I don't know about everybody else, but I sure > would appreciate a few more hints in the comments of a formula. Yes - I'd second that. I have tried to do this with my own formulae (which are mainly colouring methods applied to Mandelbrot/Julia/Julibrot) and I find the comments useful myself, as I can easily forget what parameter does what! I invariably find that I can produce much better results with someone else's formula/colouring method after I understand it, and I get good results so much quicker if I have some default parameters. Part of the problem is explaining your formula to someone else - it's very easy to follow a particular idea so far down the line that when you come to explain it you've probably forgotten how you got there in the first place. Trying to explain your idea in comment blocks is also difficult - often you would double the length of every formula, which could make the formula *more* difficult to understand. Luke Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike and Linda Allison" Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 22 Sep 1998 12:43:55 -0700 There were some STUNNING entries that I couldn't put a name to. And I'm guessing on a few of these with some uncertainty. Whoever generated whatever, you did a great job! Linda Kerry Mitchell: Hilbert's Rainbow (004) Lee Skinner: A Shard of Complexity (030) Damien Jones: Abalone (166) Intranet (165) Tree of Enchantment (164) Janet Preslar: Metaflori (208) Celticrux (209) Misterie (210) Julian Adamaitis: 5 Ladies Dancing (064) Jealousy (063) Wizzle: Allegro (242) Stephen Ferguson: Tropical Bell Plant (232) Earl Hinrich: Alien Blood (241) Fractal Chain Mail (240) Colored Smoke (239) (I knew these even before they were posted. Earl's style is unmistakable!) Kathy roth: A Night's Busy Work (261) Bob Margolis: Anne Boelyn, 1536 (060) Heaven's Light (061) Sharon Webb: Moon Dance (140) Jim weaver: Eagle Bandana (008) Sylvie Gallet: Devil in the Lattice (087) Howdy, Earthling (088) Porcelain Butterfly (089) DavidS: Turbine Engine (177) F. Slijkerman: The Ghost of the Gingerbread Man (055) Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Whodunnit Date: 22 Sep 1998 15:03:33 -0500 I must admit, I am finding these guesses as to who created what fractal most amusing. Sometimes the guesses are right on; most of the time they're not. :-) Linda's guesses were surprising in where she was correct, and where she was not. It's a little unfair in my case, though: my entries were among the first batch I made with Ultra Fractal, so they are different from most of the work I've done in the past. :) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 22 Sep 1998 15:43:27 -0700 --------------95C5DE1FBBA8759DF82ABDF6 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Faye Williams wrote: > Dream Catcher, Brass for Bets - same artist? - Is it Angela? > Linda Allison wrote: > Wizzle: > Allegro (242) > Maybe so- they're all really lovely and some of my favorites. I think I'm guessing the first two. But on second thought no, I think Allegro. I think Paul Lee or Les St. Clair did Dream Catcher and Brass for Bets. aaaaaghh. --------------95C5DE1FBBA8759DF82ABDF6 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Faye Williams wrote:

Dream Catcher, Brass for Bets - same artist?  -  Is it Angela?
Linda Allison wrote:
Allegro (242)

Maybe so- they're all really lovely and some of my
favorites.  I think I'm guessing the first two.  But on
second thought no, I think Allegro.  I think  Paul Lee or
Les St. Clair did Dream Catcher and Brass for Bets.
aaaaaghh. --------------95C5DE1FBBA8759DF82ABDF6-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Jakubowicz Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 22 Sep 1998 19:20:17 -0400 Here are some wild guesses of who did the Fractint images, Kathy Roth, Invasion of the Killer Gumballs, because of the name Linda Allison, Lace, because of the name Sylvie Gallet, Maelstrom, just because Paul Lee, Holly, because of the green The most interesting thing for me has been to try to figure out which ones Linda Allison did. I have it narrowed down to about 15, which I think is a tribute to her redoubtable skills and influence. Or my obtuseness? But I _really_ want to know who did the Beheading of Anne Boleyn; that one's wicked. If I have mistakenly associated you w/ any images you don't like, pls. take no offense. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Jakubowicz Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 22 Sep 1998 19:22:33 -0400 Oh, I forgot one: Chimera Cyclone by Luke Plant? Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Les St Clair" Subject: (fractint) xxx par! Date: 23 Sep 1998 00:06:29 +0100 Kathy Roth wrote... >>Oops, maybe here's one that's offensive.<< Well, this one certainly is!!! (Topical but nasty! have been warned!) xxx_bill { ; Watch out for the stain Monica! t= 0:02:43.40 ; t=calc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1200 ; (c) 1998 by Les St Clair [Par date: Sep 22, 1998] ; e-mail to: reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=deltalog passes=t center-mag=0.444924/-0.0932916/19.67339/1/-90 float=y inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000<3>000KJRLKS<11>nru<15>OI5<6>eYJg_LiaNkcPneR<4>zpa<4>jdWgaVcZT\ `WSYUR<4>HGM93F<4>C4J000<29>S0A000000V0B<5>`0Da0Db2D<14>zVF<14>b2Da0D`0D\ <4>W0B000000T0A<14>E03D03C03B03A03<10>000E5M<8>93FOI5<15>zpa<14>OI5000<2\ 9>000 } FRM:DeltaLog(XAXIS) {; Mark Peterson z = pixel, c = log(pixel): z = sqr(z) + c |z| <= 4 } Do I get struck off the list for that one? - Les Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Les St Clair" Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 23 Sep 1998 00:25:12 +0100 >Here are some guesses on who made which >images. OK, I like the idea. Here's a few of my guesses: Alice Kelley - My latest favourite Sylvie Gallet - Mallorca & The Fly Earl Hinrichs - Alien Blood Brian E. Jones - Orange Julius Jim Muth - We Control Damien M. Jones - Horta Bones Linda Allison - Butterflies in Flight not long to wait now! - Les Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Jakubowicz Subject: Re: (fractint) xxx par! Date: 22 Sep 1998 19:35:18 -0400 But can you do The Cigar? Unfortunately, I cannot run Fractint, (well, I kind of can, but it's roundabout and time-consuming), so maybe you will put this on yr/ web page while it is still topical? >Well, this one certainly is!!! >(Topical but nasty! have been warned!) > >xxx_bill { ; Watch out for the stain Monica! Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Derbyshire Subject: (fractint) Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: 22 Sep 1998 20:34:31 -0400 My page is up again... the gallery is at one of those permanent URL thingies, so hopefully it won't be moving any more... -- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a `*' straight line." ------------------------------------------------- -- B. Mandelbrot | _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848| Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Weird fractals Date: 22 Sep 1998 20:08:11 -0700 (MST) Well, they certainly are different, but I don't know if they can't be done in Fractint. Just about anything, except 24bit gradients, can be done in Fractint. I couldn't determine the exact nature of them, but they seem to involve an extreme amount of shearing distortion. ---- Kerry Mitchell ---- On Tue, 22 Sep 1998, Juli?n Chennales wrote: > Hi there. > =09I made a program that generates images related to the M-Set but I am > not sure if they are actually fractals. I believe they are though, and > that they are kind of new. They are certainly new for me cause I haven't > seen any program that can generate these, including Fractint. Anyway, I > have posted some of these images at > and I > would like to hear opinions of people with more knowledge about this. > =09I will be explaining how I did these if it turns out that the images > are of some interest other than visual. > =09Anyway, if you can spare some time, just take a look and let me know > what you think. Even if you think it=B4s junk, I'd like to know. > =09Thanks. >=20 >=20 >=20 > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" >=20 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin A. Kolodziej" <> Subject: Re: (fractint) Weird fractals Date: 22 Sep 1998 22:38:05 -0500 Kerry Mitchell wrote: >=20 > Well, they certainly are different, but I don't know if they can't = be done > in Fractint. Just about anything, except 24bit gradients, can be d= one in > Fractint. I couldn't determine the exact nature of them, but they = seem to > involve an extreme amount of shearing distortion. >=20 If you did last year's contest the second one looks quite familiar. = Not like contest images but more like what you got to start with. My guess is that these are done with generalized polynomials like ax^= 4 + bx^3 + cx^2 + dx + e, with some stretching and/or shearing done. >=20 > On Tue, 22 Sep 1998, Juli?n Chennales wrote: >=20 > > Hi there. > > I made a program that generates images related to the M-Set= but I am > > not sure if they are actually fractals. I believe they are though= , and > > that they are kind of new. They are certainly new for me cause I = haven't > > seen any program that can generate these, including Fractint. Any= way, I > > have posted some of these images at > > and= I > > would like to hear opinions of people with more knowledge about t= his. > > I will be explaining how I did these if it turns out that t= he images > > are of some interest other than visual. > > Anyway, if you can spare some time, just take a look and le= t me know > > what you think. Even if you think it=B4s junk, I'd like to know. > > Thanks. Justin A. Kolodziej --=20 Easiest Color To Solve On A Rubik's Cube: Black. Simply remove all the little colored stickers on the cube, and each of side of the cube will now be the original color of the plastic underneath -- black. According to the instructions, this means the puzzle is solved. -- Steve Rubenstein Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mitch Berger" Subject: Re: (fractint) Pars from my recent abpf posts Date: 23 Sep 1998 10:32:26 -0400 When I tried to open "Torus" in Fractint I got the following error message: Oops. I couldn't understand the argument: x=real(p1)+real(p3)*sin(imag(pixel)) Any key to continue... Can you help? I am using a Gateway 2000 Solo(R), 166MHz, 32K ram. On 9/18/98 you wrote: Recently I posted a few images to abpf and they came out pretty fuzzy. I have since changed to a different program to convert my gifs to jpegs. For those of you who are interested, here are the pars. The frms I used came from my orgform collection. There are a lot of neat formulas in the collection. :) Enjoy Xylen "Ok, who stopped payment on my reality check?" ============== PARS ==================== Nova { ; ; ; Sep 15, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper ; 0:00:03.90 generation time reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_chr.frm formulaname==03 function=sqr/sqr/sqrt/cosh center-mag=-1.02721/1.0806/8.703768 params=5/0/0.5/0 float=y inside=epsiloncross outside=imag decomp=128 colors=wF0w_0<6>sB0sB0rB0<15>c00b00c10<5>o80qA0qA0<5>wF0wF0vE0<5>qA0p90n\ 80<5>e20c00d10<12>qA0rB0rD0<5>uR0uT0vW0vZ0<4>yp0zt0zw0zz0<5>zf0yb0y`0<8>\ tE0sB0pB2<9>F2MG3Q<13>jGz<2>cDwaBv_AuX8sP6e<2>000<15>000<7>U00<7>000<15>\ 000<4>X8s_9ubBx<2>jFz<12>J4TG3QF2M<10>sB0<3>vN0wQ0wS0wU0<3>yb0ze0ze0<4>z\ z0<6>wb0 } Flower Pot { ; ; ; Sep 15, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper ; 0:00:05.71 generation time reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_chr.frm formulaname==05 function=sin/sqrt/floor center-mag=-255.873/-0.0178293/2.875982/1/-90 float=y maxiter=15000 inside=epsiloncross decomp=64 colors=8Lrnru<15>OI5<6>eYJg_LiaNkcPneR<4>zpa<4>jdWgaVcZT`WSYUR<6>AAK<3>A\ LQAOSARUBUWBXY<6>DqlDtnCql<6>7Ta<6>L4R<13>7Nu5Px5Nu<6>B5`B6`<24>nru<17>D\ DMAAKABL<17>Djn<12>EFA<11>svcsvcsvcsvc<10>_UMYRKXQKWPJUMHSJF<6>EAbDCeCEg\ BGjAIn8Lr8Lr7Nu5Px<5>98fA5cB5`<2>E7UG8SH9QJANKBLMCLOEK<5>_VZb`c<4>lor } diamonds { ; ; ; Sep 16, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper ; 0:00:53.55 generation time reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_chr.frm formulaname=-b009 function=sinh/sqr/sinh passes=t center-mag=+0.62691562075264680/-0.10293116217977650/764.6101 float=y maxiter=15000000 inside=5 outside=real colors=95HB5A<32>xUEzVFyVF<39>C11A00B11<38>xxxzzzyyy<38>05B<45>YOxZPzZPy\ <44>63C52A62A83A94A } blue tile { ; ; ; Sep 17, 1998 (c) Mary Tupper ; 0:00:05.82 generation time reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_t.frm formulaname=TORUS passes=b center-mag=65.9418/-1.58105/0.4796275 params=0.5/0.5/0.25/0.5/1.5/0 float=y maxiter=1500000 inside=bof61 outside=mult colors=000008<24>00k00m01m<29>0ky0mz1mz<30>zzz<46>2zz0zz0yz<45>02z00z00y\ <59>002000000000<3>006 } =============== formulas ================== =03 { z=c=pixel x=fn1(z-1/p1) y=fn2(x^(z)/p2): z=fn4(x-z)+fn3(y+(z-1))+c |z|<4 ;SOURCE: new.frm } =05 {; Revised 4/27/96 to eliminate superfluous "+c" ; Original version of this formula may be discarded z=pixel x=fn1(tan(z))+pixel y=fn2(cotan(z))+(pixel^pixel) l=(x^y)^22: z=fn1(x)*fn2(y)*fn3(l) |z|<4 ;SOURCE: new.frm } -b009 { z=fn1(fn2(1/pixel)),c=fn2(fn1(pixel)),c1=z/c^c/z: z=z/c1 z=fn3(z-(z^c1))/(c*c-pixel) |z|<=4 ;SOURCE: new.frm } TORUS {; Earl Hinrich torus method ; adaptation by Ray Girvan May 1997 ; trial FRM ignoring scale factors ; p1=(x0,y0) centre of generating circle ; p2=(cx0,cy0) centre of generating circle ; real(p3) = zr radius of torus axis in z plane ; imag(p3) = cr radius of torus axis in c plane ; try p1=(0.5,0) p2=(-0.55103,0.534949) p3=(0.2,0.03) x=real(p1)+real(p3)*sin(imag(pixel)); y=imag(p1)+real(p3)*cos(real(pixel)); cx=real(p2)+imag(p3)*sin(real(pixel)); cy=imag(p2)+imag(p3)*cos(imag(pixel)); c=cx+flip(cy); z=x+flip(y): z=z*z+c, |z| <= 4 ;SOURCE: 97msg.frm } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ken Childress Subject: Re: (fractint) Pars from my recent abpf posts Date: 23 Sep 1998 08:24:09 -0700 (PDT) > > > When I tried to open "Torus" in Fractint I got the following error > message: > > Oops. I couldn't understand the argument: > x=real(p1)+real(p3)*sin(imag(pixel)) If you included the formulas in a par file, make sure you preface the forumla name with "frm:". Otherwise, the formulas need to be in a .frm file. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mitch Berger" Subject: Re: (fractint) Pars from my recent abpf posts Date: 23 Sep 1998 11:36:59 -0400 Thanks. Boy, this can be humbling. Mitch > > > When I tried to open "Torus" in Fractint I got the following error > message: > > Oops. I couldn't understand the argument: > x=real(p1)+real(p3)*sin(imag(pixel)) If you included the formulas in a par file, make sure you preface the forumla name with "frm:". Otherwise, the formulas need to be in a .frm file. Ken... Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim Muth Subject: Re: (fractint) Weird fractals Date: 23 Sep 1998 12:36:26 -0400 (EDT) At 04:21 PM 9/22/98 -0300, you wrote: >Hi there. >I made a program that generates images related to the M-Set >but I am not sure if they are actually fractals. They most certainly are fractals. >I believe they are though, and that they are kind of new. >They are certainly new for me cause I haven't seen any program >that can generate these, including Fractint. Fractint *can* generate such images. I've been generating such images with Fractint for years. >Anyway, I have posted some of these images at > >and I would like to hear opinions of people with more >knowledge about this. I have checked the site. The images are indeed related to the M-set, and they are also related to the Julia sets. They are in fact hybrids, with both Julia and Mandelbrot characteristics. All the Julia sets can be combined into a single four-dimen- sional object. All the perturbed Mandelbrot sets can also be combined into a single four-dimensional object, and these 4-D objects are the same object sliced in a completely perpendicular direction. Your fractals are slices in different directions through this 4-D object, which I call the Julibrot. >I will be explaining how I did these if it turns out that the >images are of some interest other than visual. The images are quite interesting. They are a window into the fourth dimension. >Anyway, if you can spare some time, just take a look and let me >know what you think. Even if you think its junk, I'd like to >know. > Thanks. I have attached a formula and parameter file that runs in Fractint and duplicates several of the images at your site. The formula also draws many oblique slices through the Julibrot figure. Check the Fractal Art list, where I post my "Fractal of the Day" every day. I often discuss the 4-D Julibrot figure in my daily discussion. Jim Muth CUT HERE==================================================== test01 { reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=ident/flip center-mag=0/0/0.6666667 params=0/90/0/0/-1/0 float=y maxiter=1200 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=10 colors=000WET<9>7zv<2>aqYRkQHfI<7>`i9<9>uVS<3>bp5<3>wkR\ <9>qHO<9>KjC<16>NUlNTnMUo<21>5Xp5Xp6Zo<15>Gr_PjcXbg<5>r\ S6<18>PDniQszaxrgn<2>MwL<9>fvu<22>QUE<15>BTzBTz<2>IUzKU\ zMUyOUx<8>eUr<10>STWbL`<2>MWMCVI<6>gvE<2>WxGfaV<4>n\ dM<3>ZJS } test02 { reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=flip/ident center-mag=-1.2457/6.66134e-016/1.344086/1/90 params=90/0/0/0/0/0.2 float=y maxiter=1200 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=10 colors=000SkYRk_QkaIon<12>ID6IB3KAB<5>R4qS3xR6x<12>RgxQ\ gz<14>SwK<14>_ks`ju_lv<10>dYybRz<4>kqsmzzlvrlohlhZkcN\ <3>mWUmUVlVW<16>fWcbN`<2>nkirsluzo<9>zvlzvlzulzulzul<2\ 0>WGgVEgWIf<6>`fe<7>f9g<6>C7y<8>DGj<10>okN<5>aTB<13>LK\ 3KK3JL8<11>DPvPgw`yw<5>hh6<9>UkV } test03 { reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=ident/flip center-mag=-0.82043705905119630/+0.71268189427074140/7\ 7.51938/1/75 params=75/0/0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=6000 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=10 colors=000_JE<11>NAAM9AM78<33>EugEwhFyj<77>CGdCGdBHc\ <75>3_I3_I2ZG<45>6ri } frm:multirot-XY-ZW {; draws all 6 planes and many rotations ;when fn1-2=i,f, then p1 0,0=M, 0,90=O, 90,0=E, 90,90=J ;when fn1-2=f,i, then p1 0,0=M, 0,90=R, 90,0=P, 90,90=J a=real(p1)*.01745329251994, b=imag(p1)*.01745329251994, z=sin(b)*fn1(real(pixel))+sin(a)*fn2(imag(pixel))+p2, c=cos(b)*real(pixel)+cos(a)*flip(imag(pixel))+p3: z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <= 36 } CUT HERE=============================================== Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julián Chennales" Subject: Re: (fractint) Weird fractals Date: 23 Sep 1998 16:02:53 -0300 Jim Muth wrote: > > Fractint *can* generate such images. I've been generating such > images with Fractint for years. > > I have checked the site. The images are indeed related to the > M-set, and they are also related to the Julia sets. They are in > fact hybrids, with both Julia and Mandelbrot characteristics. I must say he was absolutely right. I generated these images by taking both the real and imaginary parts of the z and c variables in the Mandel/Julia equation z = z^2 + c as independent variables to define a space of four dimensions and then selecting different planes (2D slices) of this fractal. The images can be made in fractint, and as someone pointed out, fractint can draw just about anything. What I meant was that it wasn't a standard fractal type. I will be uploading the program I used to generate these images to the same page I posted the images soon (give me a day or two) just in case someone is curious and wants to look at it. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julián Chennales" Subject: Re: (fractint) Weird fractals Date: 23 Sep 1998 16:02:53 -0300 Jim Muth wrote: > > Fractint *can* generate such images. I've been generating such > images with Fractint for years. > > I have checked the site. The images are indeed related to the > M-set, and they are also related to the Julia sets. They are in > fact hybrids, with both Julia and Mandelbrot characteristics. I must say he was absolutely right. I generated these images by taking both the real and imaginary parts of the z and c variables in the Mandel/Julia equation z = z^2 + c as independent variables to define a space of four dimensions and then selecting different planes (2D slices) of this fractal. The images can be made in fractint, and as someone pointed out, fractint can draw just about anything. What I meant was that it wasn't a standard fractal type. I will be uploading the program I used to generate these images to the same page I posted the images soon (give me a day or two) just in case someone is curious and wants to look at it. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julián Chennales" Subject: Re: (fractint) Weird fractals Date: 23 Sep 1998 16:02:53 -0300 Jim Muth wrote: > > Fractint *can* generate such images. I've been generating such > images with Fractint for years. > > I have checked the site. The images are indeed related to the > M-set, and they are also related to the Julia sets. They are in > fact hybrids, with both Julia and Mandelbrot characteristics. I must say he was absolutely right. I generated these images by taking both the real and imaginary parts of the z and c variables in the Mandel/Julia equation z = z^2 + c as independent variables to define a space of four dimensions and then selecting different planes (2D slices) of this fractal. The images can be made in fractint, and as someone pointed out, fractint can draw just about anything. What I meant was that it wasn't a standard fractal type. I will be uploading the program I used to generate these images to the same page I posted the images soon (give me a day or two) just in case someone is curious and wants to look at it. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Regina & Steve" Subject: Re: (fractint) xxx par! Date: 24 Sep 1998 08:50:35 +1000 -----Original Message----- >But can you do The Cigar? Unfortunately, I cannot run Fractint, (well, I >kind of can, but it's roundabout and time-consuming), so maybe you will put >this on yr/ web page while it is still topical? > > >>Well, this one certainly is!!! >>(Topical but nasty! have been warned!) >> >>xxx_bill { ; Watch out for the stain Monica! > Send to the newsgroup perhaps? I'm dying of the anticipation. Music is my life, Fractals are my soulmates, Administration provides me with money. Shame I can't be in the testing dept sleeping all day... - We sleep 1/3 of our lives. Choose wisely. - the sea is just a bigpond Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Les St Clair" Subject: Re: (fractint) xxx par! Date: 24 Sep 1998 18:30:20 +0100 Hi Peter, >>>(Topical but nasty! have been warned!) >>>xxx_bill { ; Watch out for the stain Monica! > so maybe you will put > this on yr/ web page while it is still topical? Hi Regina & Steve >I'm dying of the anticipation. OK. If you want to see a fractal on Viagra you can find the offensive beastie at the following location: ;-) Les Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul DeCelle Subject: (fractint) A modified Bill Decker par Date: 24 Sep 1998 19:23:22 -0400 Hi, everyone-- I've finally (I think!) figured out how to work with posted pars in Fractint. I played around a bit and came up with this, based on a Bill Decker par from a little while back. Could have been a candidate for either "Best Human/Animal" or "Most Whimsical". Please let me know if this one doesn't run OK. Say Aaah! { ; Bill Decker Formula with revised parameters and colors ; Paul DeCelle 9/24/98 ; Colormap = Gallet08 reset=1960 type=formula formulaname=bills_diff_delt1 function=sqrt center-mag=0.495092/0.0221581/0.8048205/1/-90 params=1.677/0.0041/15/0/0.1/0 potential=255/200/0 colors=936<2>44925A25A<123>wwzwwzvvy<117>H33H23G22F22<2>A35 } frm:bills_diff_delt1 { ; Apr-13-98 ; p1 = offset for y var ; real p2 = base real exponent ; imag p2 = base imag exponent ; real p3 = exponent real delta ; imag p3 = exponent imag delta ; c = x = pixel, y = pixel + p1 splus = real(p2) + real(p3) + flip(imag(p2) + imag(p3)) sminus = real(p2) - real(p3) + flip(imag(p2) - imag(p3)): xtemp = x^splus +c x = fn1(xtemp) ytemp = y^sminus +c y = fn1(ytemp) d = |x-y| z = d^2 |z| < 2 } Regards, Paul Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Robert A. Newman) Subject: (fractint) Another Newbie Date: 24 Sep 1998 17:37:25 -0600 (MDT) Hello, folks. I've only recently begun reading this list. Near as I can tell, you folks are engaged in some sort of contest to see who can come up with the dirtiest fractal. I admit, it's not exactly what I expected when I subscribed, but what the heck, here's my entry, along with a second from the same formula I just liked. I think the whole thing is a lovely idea, and I'll leave it to you to decide which is which. Clip======================= sandwich { reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_num.frm formulaname=003 function=cosxx/ident center-mag=1.1175e-005/-8.65e-007/0.6666663 params=0/0 colors=pQB<2>kF5iB3fA3<8>911500000<12>000000011021<10>3A93B93CA3CA3B9<13\ >011011000000021<4>3CA4FC5JF<9>EqcFteEqc<14>012000<15>4zn<2>4pe4lb4h_3dX\ 3`U<8>022<13>4zp<29>2DC2BA2BA<12>111000000000<15>000500500<3>B20000D21<2\ 1>iB3<9>ziM<4>rTD cyclerange=0/255 } send_1 { reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_num.frm formulaname=003 function=sin/cotan passes=1 center-mag=2.1905e-005/-8.65e-007/0.6666663 params=0/0 maxiter=500 inside=bof60 outside=atan decomp=256 colors=O52<3>911500000<12>000000011021<10>3A93B93CA3CA3B9<13>01101100000\ 0021<4>3CA4FC5JF<9>EqcFteEqc<14>012000<15>4zn<2>4pe4lb4h_3dX3`U<8>022<13\ >4zp<29>2DC2BA2BA<12>111000000000<15>000500500<3>B20000D21<21>iB3<9>ziM<\ 2>v_HtXFrTDpQBoM9mJ7kF5iB3<4>S62 cyclerange=0/255 } frm:003 (XYAXIS) { z = pixel: z = fn2(z) + fn1(z) + p1 z <= 4 ;SOURCE: damion.frm } Clip======================= -Bob Newman ... "Oh God, make me chaste--but not yet!" -St. Augustin Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) Another Newbie Date: 24 Sep 1998 21:32:58 -0700 Robert A. Newman wrote: > > Hello, folks. > > I've only recently begun reading this list. Near as I can tell, > you folks are engaged in some sort of contest to see who can come > up with the dirtiest fractal. I admit, it's not exactly what I > expected when I subscribed, but what the heck, here's my entry, > along with a second from the same formula I just liked. I think > the whole thing is a lovely idea, and I'll leave it to you to > decide which is which. > > Clip======================= > Welcome to the only x-rated fractal site on the web!!! Children and integers must be accompanied by their parents. Did I miss a category in the contest? drat!!!! I think we ought to subpeona Les and interrogate him about that color map he's a tripp!!! Is Les going to have to post warnings before we can download this months posts? <> Glad you can be a part of the madness.... Angela aka wizzle Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Subject: RE: (fractint) Another Newbie Date: 25 Sep 1998 09:39:27 +0100 There comes a time when even a PD fractal program has NET NANNY incorporated.... :-> Is anyone going to start an group? > ---------- > From: Angela Wilczynski[] > Reply To: > Sent: 25 September 1998 05:32 > To: > Subject: Re: (fractint) Another Newbie > > Robert A. Newman wrote: > > > > Hello, folks. > > > > I've only recently begun reading this list. Near as I can tell, > > you folks are engaged in some sort of contest to see who can come > > up with the dirtiest fractal. I admit, it's not exactly what I > > expected when I subscribed, but what the heck, here's my entry, > > along with a second from the same formula I just liked. I think > > the whole thing is a lovely idea, and I'll leave it to you to > > decide which is which. > > > > Clip======================= > > > > Welcome to the only x-rated fractal site on the web!!! Children and > integers must be > accompanied by their parents. > > Did I miss a category in the contest? drat!!!! I think we ought to > subpeona Les and > interrogate him about that color map he's a tripp!!! > > Is Les going to have to post warnings before we can download this > months posts? > <> > > Glad you can be a part of the madness.... > > Angela aka wizzle > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) guess the artist Date: 25 Sep 1998 08:33:02 -0700 Mike and Linda Allison wrote: > > There were some STUNNING entries that I couldn't put a name to. And I'm > guessing on a few of these with some uncertainty. Whoever generated > whatever, you did a great job! > Linda > > I think Linda has some very good guesses return the compliment, I guessed that Linda did My Latest Favorite Fractal (I haven't visited her website yet so it's really a guess). Other than that I had a hard time sorting out who did what. Looking at all the beautiful entries has provided me with a great deal of pleasure....thank you all Angela aka wizzle Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) par Date: 25 Sep 1998 13:04:54 -0700 I think this is the best color map for this one: unfolding0 { ; 9-98 kathy roth ; Linda Allison palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=g_offset.frm formulaname=koffset_rx=ry_jul function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=1.56123/1.04556/1.243589 params=1/1/0.3/0/1/1 float=y outside=mult decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=0pO095<5>021000000<76>00000\ 1000<2>90IC1OF1UI2ZL3cO4hR5lU7oX8s_9ub\ Bx<2>jFz<2>bBx_9uX8sU7oR5l<2>I2ZF1\ UC1O90I60C306203000620<2>O82UA3ZC5cE7h\ G9lIBoKEsMGuOJxQM<2>zVV<2>xQMuOJsMG\ oKElIBhG9<7>00000010621C31I43O55U67Z7\ Ac8Dh9HlALoBOsCTuDXxEayFfzGjz<2>DXx\ CTuBOsALo9Hl8Dh7Ac67Z55U43O31I<2>000<\ 7>U0EY0I`0Mb0Se0Wg0ai0gj0mj0tk0y<22>7030oO<27>0A5 } frm:g_offset {;modification of Kerry Mitchell offset_rx=xy_jul ; ; "2 offset circles" coloring method for Julia sets ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; p2 = approximate circle center ; real(p3) = (both) circle radius ; imag(p3) = center offsets--added to p2 for ; centerx, subtracted from p2 for centery ; bailout hardcoded to 10^12 ; use "decomp=256" coloring ; zc=pixel, c=p1, bailout=1e12, iter=1, rmin=1e12 cenx=p2*(1+imag(p3)), radx=real(p3), rad2x=radx*radx ceny=p2*(1-imag(p3)), rad2y=rad2x: iter=iter+1, w=fn1(zc) zc=fn3(1/fn2(w*w)) tempx=|zc-cenx|-rad2x tempy=|zc-ceny|-rad2y temp=tempx+flip(tempy), r=|temp| if (rbailout)||(iter==maxit)) iter=-1 endif iter>0 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) Yet another diff_delt1 fractal Date: 25 Sep 1998 16:53:15 -0400 This one sort of resembles the web-tangle pars that I included in my earlier list of pars based on this formula. There are plenty of similar views lying around as you cycle through the functions available. I've included a second version of the par (star-flowers4s) where I've cycled the colors so that you can see some imperfections in the image. In the upper-left and lower-right-middle, you can see some smearing in the direction in which Fractint evaluates the fractal. This happens quite often with this formula (for certain fn1 functions) and I usually hide it by matching the color of the smear to the background areas. Most times this is successful as you can see in star-flowers4. I can minimize the smearing by using passes=1 rather than passes=g, but it won't go away completely. Can some of you formula gurus tell me what is happening? Can I fix the formula to get rid of it? Is it due to loss of precision? I designed this formula to especially investigate the possibilities of taking the difference of two nearly identical expressions, so precision is a distinct possibility. Anyway, thanks for any advice that you can give. Bill Decker star-flowers4 { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 25, 1998 t= 0:05:29.34 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=0bill.frm formulaname=bills_diff_delt1 function=asinh passes=1 center-mag=-0.330057/-0.942749/6.177375/1/29.999 params=0/0/-4/0/0.002/0.002 float=y potential=255/100/0 colors=000<16>000100311<10>L88N99PAAQBASDATEA<20>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13>211\ 000000<13>000000222<22>zzz<22>333000000<15>000<4>G40K50L50<13>fE4hF5iH6<\ 13>xhNzkPyiO<13>jI7hF5gF5<12>O71M61K50I50F40<4>000000 } star-flowers4s { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 25, 1998 t= 0:05:29.34 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=*.frm formulaname=bills_diff_delt1 function=asinh passes=1 center-mag=-0.330057/-0.942749/6.177375/1/29.999 params=0/0/-4/0/0.002/0.002 float=y potential=255/100/0 colors=000ggg<6>zzz<22>333000000<15>000<4>G40K50L50<13>fE4hF5iH6<13>xhNz\ kPyiO<13>jI7hF5gF5<12>O71M61K50I50F40<4>000<17>000100311<10>L88N99PAAQBA\ SDATEA<20>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<13>211000000<13>000000222<14>eee } frm:bills_diff_delt1 { ; Apr-13-98 ; p1 = offset for y var ; real p2 = base real exponent ; imag p2 = base imag exponent ; real p3 = exponent real delta ; imag p3 = exponent imag delta ; c = x = pixel, y = pixel + p1 splus = real(p2) + real(p3) + flip(imag(p2) + imag(p3)) sminus = real(p2) - real(p3) + flip(imag(p2) - imag(p3)): xtemp = x^splus +c x = fn1(xtemp) ytemp = y^sminus +c y = fn1(ytemp) d = |x-y| z = d^2 |z| < 2 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: (fractint) Yet another diff_delt1 fractal Date: 25 Sep 1998 18:14:32 -0400 Hi Bill, >> This one sort of resembles the web-tangle pars that I included in my >> earlier list of pars based on this formula. There are plenty of simila= r >> views lying around as you cycle through the functions available. Very nice image! >> I can minimize the smearing by using passes=3D1 rather than passes=3Dg= , but >> it won't go away completely. Can some of you formula gurus tell me wha= t >> is happening? Can I fix the formula to get rid of it? It's due to periodicity checking. To get rid of it, enter the scre= en and type the command "periodicity=3D0". Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) 3 pars (various) Date: 25 Sep 1998 18:26:18 EDT Here's a few images I rather enjoyed seeing....hope every one else does too! Enjoy~ Jim ****************************************************************************** Filter { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver ok-22 formula t=02min56s reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=ok-22 function=ident/tanh passes=t center-mag=-1.75338/-1.53416/0.973828/1.0838/-90 params=6/0 float=y maxiter=25 inside=bof60 periodicity=0 colors=000009<6>002000000000<29>00k00m01m<29>0ky0mz1mz<30>zzz<46>2zz0zz0\ yz<45>02z00z00y<51>00A } PRN014 { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver PRN-02 formula t=15min17s reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=PRN_02 function=log/tanh/sqr passes=b center-mag=-3.34083/-2.84217e-014/0.02608732/1/-90 params=-0.03624/0/0.4/0 float=y invert=1/0/0 periodicity=0 colors=000hoxksynvz<15>F8I<10>fbiiellhookrrnu<17>LDD<13>yll<17>B5G<13>rc\ u<15>444<17>kkw<29>CHLAFJBFK<29>zgz<15>13M<22>MCrAFp9Jp<6>05g<12>dlv } mnfnwld3 { ; image(c)1998 JimWeaver mandel(fn:fn) t=01min37s reset=1730 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=cosxx/sqr passes=t center-mag=-1.22455410129286200/-1.63652870448904400/3.479622/1/145 params=0.1/0/0.15 float=y maxiter=25 bailoutest=and inside=bof60 invert=0.1/0/0 distest=10240/71/800/600 periodicity=0 colors=WPLaXO<12>C72A50A61<24>MVZNW`NV_<16>EEGA78966DDF<3>B9AB89977<32>I\ RPJRPJSQKSQKTR<4>NVTNWUNVS<11>KF7KE5LF5<24>o_7q`7ra7tb8teC<3>rqV<9>LFD<6\ >UNJVOKXQM<8>hZU<5>MHF<2>KGEJFDIFCHEBIFC<22>`XOaYPbZQc_Rd`S<16>sobtpcsnb\ <7>cZQ } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another diff_delt1 fractal Date: 25 Sep 1998 17:45:34 -0500 Bill, - I can minimize the smearing by using passes=1 rather than passes=g, but - it won't go away completely. Press G, type "periodicity=no", press ENTER. This disables the periodicity logic that causes the smearing. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lee Skinner Subject: (fractint) par Date: 25 Sep 1998 22:59:43 -0400 Kathy, >> unfolding0 { ; 9-98 kathy roth >> formulaname=3Dkoffset_rx=3Dry_jul function=3Dtan/conj/atanh >> g_offset {;modification of Kerry Mitchell offset_rx=3Dxy_jul Which formula did you want the par to use? a) koffset_rx=3Dry_jul (never been posted!) b) offset_rx=3Dry_jul c) g_offset Lee Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) par Date: 25 Sep 1998 21:01:12 -0700 --------------F9D08753BFD2CF5EDFFB249B Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lee Skinner wrote: > Which formula did you want the par to use? > a) koffset_rx=ry_jul (never been posted!) > b) offset_rx=ry_jul > c) g_offset > My mistake. My number of formulas is getting away from my system of naming and filing. This is just the same as one I posted a few weeks ago. unfolding0 { ; 9-98 kathy roth ; Linda Allison palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=g_offset.frm formulaname=g_offset function=tan/conj/atanh center-mag=1.56123/1.04556/1.243589 params=1/1/0.3/0/1/1 float=y outside=mult decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=0pO095<5>021000000<76>00000\ 1000<2>90IC1OF1UI2ZL3cO4hR5lU7oX8s_9ub\ Bx<2>jFz<2>bBx_9uX8sU7oR5l<2>I2ZF1\ UC1O90I60C306203000620<2>O82UA3ZC5cE7h\ G9lIBoKEsMGuOJxQM<2>zVV<2>xQMuOJsMG\ oKElIBhG9<7>00000010621C31I43O55U67Z7\ Ac8Dh9HlALoBOsCTuDXxEayFfzGjz<2>DXx\ CTuBOsALo9Hl8Dh7Ac67Z55U43O31I<2>000<\ 7>U0EY0I`0Mb0Se0Wg0ai0gj0mj0tk0y<22>7030oO<27>0A5 } frm:g_offset {;modification of Kerry Mitchell offset_rx=xy_jul ; ; "2 offset circles" coloring method for Julia sets ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; p2 = approximate circle center ; real(p3) = (both) circle radius ; imag(p3) = center offsets--added to p2 for ; centerx, subtracted from p2 for centery ; bailout hardcoded to 10^12 ; use "decomp=256" coloring ; zc=pixel, c=p1, bailout=1e12, iter=1, rmin=1e12 cenx=p2*(1+imag(p3)), radx=real(p3), rad2x=radx*radx ceny=p2*(1-imag(p3)), rad2y=rad2x: iter=iter+1, w=fn1(zc) zc=fn3(1/fn2(w*w)) tempx=|zc-cenx|-rad2x tempy=|zc-ceny|-rad2y temp=tempx+flip(tempy), r=|temp| if (rbailout)||(iter==maxit)) iter=-1 endif iter>0 } --------------F9D08753BFD2CF5EDFFB249B Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lee Skinner wrote:

Which formula did you want the par to use?
  a) koffset_rx=ry_jul   (never been posted!)
  b)  offset_rx=ry_jul
  c) g_offset
My mistake.  My number of formulas is getting
away from my system of naming and filing.  This
is just the same as one I posted a few weeks ago.

unfolding0         { ; 9-98 kathy roth
                     ; Linda Allison palette
  reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=g_offset.frm
  formulaname=g_offset  function=tan/conj/atanh
  center-mag=1.56123/1.04556/1.243589 params=1/1/0.3/0/1/1
float=y outside=mult decomp=256 periodicity=0

frm:g_offset {;modification of Kerry Mitchell offset_rx=xy_jul
 ; "2 offset circles" coloring method for Julia sets
 ; p1 = c = Julia parameter
 ; p2 = approximate circle center
 ; real(p3) = (both) circle radius
 ; imag(p3) = center offsets--added to p2 for
 ;   centerx, subtracted from p2 for centery
 ; bailout hardcoded to 10^12
 ; use "decomp=256" coloring
        zc=pixel, c=p1, bailout=1e12, iter=1, rmin=1e12
        cenx=p2*(1+imag(p3)), radx=real(p3), rad2x=radx*radx
        ceny=p2*(1-imag(p3)), rad2y=rad2x:
        iter=iter+1, w=fn1(zc)
        temp=tempx+flip(tempy), r=|temp|
        if (r<rmin)
          rmin=r, z=temp
        if ((|zc|>bailout)||(iter==maxit))
  --------------F9D08753BFD2CF5EDFFB249B-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J.P. Louvet" Subject: (fractint) Test. Don't read Date: 26 Sep 1998 12:39:29 +2 Sorry to bother you, but I must test again to see if all works for me. J.P. Louvet | Phone : (33)56-84-58-35 IUT Universite Bordeaux I | email : 33405 Talence CEDEX France | email : Fractales sur serveur Web Universite Bordeaux I : Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mark Christenson Subject: (fractint) contest voting and downloads Date: 26 Sep 1998 11:27:01 -0700 I just got done with voting and commentary. What a herculean task. Of course, if I weren't so long-winded... Deciding between all of the excellent entries was really tough. The hardest for me, with the number of serious finalists, were: Best Use of Color: 7 Oddest: 3 Most Whimsical: 4 Best Horror: 4 Animal/Human Shape: 5 Best Fractint: 4 I almost voted for one of my own in one category, but decided I couldn't possibly do so objectively. I just hope *someone* did! Thanks again to the contest officials and entrants for the quality of the contest and its presentation! Two minor whines: 1. Still waiting for the parameter downloads; the officials are probably still recovering from the initial effort, with more sweat to come starting tomorrow :-) 2. Making the download work on my DOS/Win3.1 system will be a challenge (8.3 filenames)... Eagerly awaiting the results, Bud Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another diff_delt1 fractal Date: 26 Sep 1998 15:35:10 -0400 >> I can minimize the smearing by using passes=1 rather than passes=g, but >> it won't go away completely. Can some of you formula gurus tell me what >> is happening? Can I fix the formula to get rid of it? It's due to periodicity checking. To get rid of it, enter the screen and type the command "periodicity=0". Cheers, - Sylvie Thanks Silvie and Damien. That does the trick. Bill D Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: (fractint) (pars) contest Date: 26 Sep 1998 18:26:52 EDT THANK YOU!!! to Damien, Kerry, and Paul for a truly splendid job in setting up and presenting the contest! Surely you all are due some form of Fractal medal for slogging around through knee-deep e-mail and HTML editing detritus! Kudos and hats off!! Big Congratulations and Thanks to all the entrants!! I found it very hard to vote from among such an amazing assortment of wonderful images; am having a wonderful time viewing and reviewing all the pix and puzzling over many (how'd they DO that)? Thanks for displaying your works! ~Ren some pars from along the way... psh981 { ; 8/24/98renrad1 frm=julia t=01:07.67 1024x768@pent200mhz ; prepared fossil julia ; c.peter m.spencer 1998 reset=1960 type=julia passes=t center-mag=-0.00286221/-0.00222972/0.6924505/0.9225/-120.205/8.041 params=4.5616885e-056/0.63645818 float=y maxiter=1000000000 outside=summ logmap=yes periodicity=0 colors=000<3>000<13>zzz<26>zzz<7>000A83<20>wwozzrzzr<5>zzqzzqzzqzzpzzozz\ nzzl<25>332000000000000I00<20>srhuukuuj<11>qiTqhSpgQoeP<22>a00<3>E008000\ 00<67>000 } psh982 { ; 8/11/98renrad1 frm=pc_popcorn_jul 1024x768@pent200mhz ; Chinle Night Rhythm ; c.peter m.spencer 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fpjce98.frm formulaname=pc_popcorn_jul passes=t center-mag=-1.64e-006/2.205e-006/0.8 params=0.05156/1.71/0.618/0/2/126 float=y maxiter=5000 outside=summ colors=500_Q8<2>dWFxse<7>xsexsewrdvqd<49>324103211000<11>00000A<23>01C01\ C01C01D02D02E<2>03F03F03G04H<4>06K06L06M07N08O08P<5>0CW0DX0EY0E_0F`0Gb<1\ 2>0Uz000<8>zuP<5>EA4EA4P00<25>Q02Q12R12R13R13R13<7>U37V37V38W39<5>X4AX4A\ Y5BY6CZ7D_8FaAHbCKdFNgIQjMVmQZpVdu_jzfqzkzzrhzrhzrh<19>`S9 } psh983 { ; 8/13/98renrad1 frm=gallet-6-03sqr/log/cos t=1:04.70 ; untitled ; c.peter m.spencer 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=Fsga98.frm formulaname=gallet-6-03 function=sqr/log/cos passes=t center-mag=+0.13047939500000000/+0.04425451160000000/149.7718/1.0334 params=12/3/11/13/43/0.00045 maxiter=5000 outside=summ viewwindows=4.2/0.75/yes/1247/1024 colors=555O`M<10>0L0888555zzu<27>55J22H222222zzu<28>NI5333333zzu<28>zP44\ 44444zzu<28>0gf444555zzu<28>zz0000000zzu<26>3Fy0Dz000444zzu<28>S05222111\ zzu<16>RbO } psh984 { ; 8/18/98renrad1 frm=gallet-4-02 sin/log t=00:14.7 ; Fourfolds ; c.peter m.spencer 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=Fsga98.frm formulaname=gallet-4-02 function=sin/log passes=t center-mag=3.28989/-6.33354/0.297/1.44/90 params=-200000/4.567e-007/0.005/63 float=y maxiter=367 outside=summ decomp=256 viewwindows=1/1.08/yes/0/0 colors=211x10z00<28>630440220000000<29>xse<7>xsexsewrdvqd<49>54343221100\ 0<15>000010030<29>0z0<30>020000000000000<8>zuP<6>510<26>v10 } psi981 { ; 9/9/98renrad1 frm=gravellipse tan/cos/log t=13.46 ; In An Orchid ; c.peter m.spencer 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gravijul.frm formulaname=gravellipse function=tan/cos/log passes=1 center-mag=-1.5719/0.000718603/0.97/1.1222/-133.928/-14.861 params=-500000000/4.5e-016/-4.6e-012/5.6e-018/0/0 float=y maxiter=2000000 outside=atan colors=000eXX<7>zsw<21>H50930000<11>00000020C<3>A0z<2>30G000000<29>0JH0K\ I0KI0KI<65>041041030020010<5>00000E<7>0pt<4>00G000X00000SDA<4>zz5<6>WHA0\ 00<2>A0Z<3>N0z<7>A0_00000500B<6>002000000000<4>z00<4>000<9>000830H60<8>b\ UU } psi983 { ; 9/26/98renrad1 frm=gallet-4-02 sin/log t=03:54.42 p200 ; Spiral into Sunset ; c.peter m.spencer 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=Fsga98.frm formulaname=gallet-4-02 function=sin/log passes=t center-mag=1.47093/-2.72489/3.608247/1/34.999/-30.398 params=-75.216587/4.567e-007/0.5/1.7071 float=y maxiter=367 outside=summ decomp=256 colors=uukuuk<11>rjVqiTqhSpgQoeP<22>a00<3>E00800000<71>000<13>zzz<26>zzz\ <7>000A83<20>wwozzrzzr<5>zzqzzqzzqzzpzzozznzzl<25>332000000000000I00<17>\ mjbomdomdomd } psi984 { ; 9/25/98renrad1 frm=julfn+zsqrd cos t=0:42.73 p200mH ; New Growth ; c.peter m.spencer 1998 reset=1960 type=julfn+zsqrd function=cos passes=1 center-mag=+0.83765135223199870/+0.70182299869621810/13.52837 params=-0.00564969414887262/-0.00420772472166586 float=y maxiter=250000 bailout=367 bailoutest=real outside=atan viewwindows=1/0.75/yes/0/0 colors=000<59>000<13>zzz<26>zzz<7>000A83<20>wwozzrzzr<5>zzqzzqzzqzzpzzoz\ znzzl<25>332000000000000<2>10920C20D<26>40z<23>10W10U10T00R00I009000<17>\ 000 } The Formulae: Gallet-4-02 { ; Sylvie Gallet [101324,3444], 1996 z = pixel , h = p1 , a = p2 : x = real(z) , y = imag(z) y1 = y + fn2(x + a*fn1(x+h)) x1 = x - fn2(y + a*fn1(y+h)) z = x1 + flip(y1) |z| <= 16 } Gallet-6-03 { ; Sylvie Gallet, 1996 z = pixel , x = real(z) , y = imag(z) : x2 = x*x , y2 = y*y x1 = x2 - p1*fn1(y2 + fn2(p2*x) + fn3(p3*y)) y1 = y2 - p1*fn1(x2 + fn2(p2*y) + fn3(p3*x)) x = x1 , y = y1 z = x + flip(y) |z| <= 32 } gravellipse { ;5-1-98 kathy roth ;variation of gravijul by Mark Christenson z = pixel, a=real(p3), b=imag(p3): w = fn1(z) z = fn3(p1/fn2(w*w)) + p2 real(z) * real(z)/ a + imag(z) * imag(z)/b < 1 } pc_popcorn_jul { ; Copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1998 ; Always use float=yes ; ; real(p1) = h in popcorn formula ; imag(p1) = bailout value ; real(p2) = controls width of elements ; imag(p2) not used ; real(p3) = number of color ranges ; imag(p3) = number of colors in a range ; z = iter = bailout = range_num = 0 x = real(pixel) y = imag(pixel) h = real(p1) width = real(p2) num_ranges = real(p3) colors_in_range = imag(p3) index_factor = (colors_in_range - 1) / width : prev_x = x x = x - h * sin(y + tan(3 * y)) y = y - h * sin(prev_x + tan(3 * prev_x)) w = x + flip(y) dist = abs(|w|-.25) IF (dist < width && iter > 0) bailout = 1 z = index_factor * dist + range_num * colors_in_range + 1 ENDIF range_num = range_num + 1 IF (range_num == num_ranges) range_num = 0 ENDIF iter = iter + 1 z = z - iter bailout == 0 && |w| < imag(p1) } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dean-Christian Strik" Subject: (fractint) ICQ # List -- C'est tout? Date: 27 Sep 1998 10:50:12 -0000 Dear fractaleer, In the beginning of this month, I asked all of the members of that time (well, there won't be much new members in that time) whether they want to be listed in a list of ICQ # available to all list members, but it can also be found in the list archives and on the Internet. At the time of writing this, there were about 70 entries in the list. These entries had been added by Paul N. Lee and me, but not all on your request. The reason for canceling these entries now is privacy: you're being listed. And a lot of people (and I can agree with that) are against being listed too much, even if it is just about having some protection against being spammed. There are also a lot of members who have given me permission. Unfortunately, I am unable to track all of you down. So as a precaution, *all* entries are deleted. On the other hand, I'd like the list to be as complete as possible! Unfortunately, the number of replies has been surprisingly (that is, to *me*), low. I really want to ask you again: please supply me (e-mail address at the bottom) with your ICQ #. A lot of #s make the # List a valuable resource. I've included parts of my original request (September 5) below. "I guess there are a lot of people on the list who actually do have a number and haven't let me know yet. There are also people on the list who have about five accounts, probably four of them not working." "This request will be only made once (that's this time). Okay, maybe I'll repeat it in a year or so." "If you don't know what an ICQ # is, and are interested in the phenomenon, want to use or abuse it, or just want to join over 4,000,000 others, visit " "Feel welcome to flame me, to my personal address please, if you think I spammed you :-)" "So, in short: Please mail me your ICQ # if you have one." Thanks in advance and kind regards, Dean-Christian Strik, Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Derbyshire Subject: Re: (fractint) ICQ # List -- C'est tout? Date: 27 Sep 1998 12:49:50 -0400 10423848 -- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a `*' straight line." ------------------------------------------------- -- B. Mandelbrot | _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848| Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Swan Subject: [Fwd: Re: (fractint) Windows Makemap.exe] Date: 27 Sep 1998 10:44:07 +0200 Ce message est en plusieurs parties sous format MIME. --------------48F2280649A7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello Ron, please can you explain me what the Makemap.exe do and how to use it in Fractint ? I wish download it, how many ko your application do ? Thanks. Octavio. --------------48F2280649A7 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/[France Telecom Interactive]) with ESMTP id XAA21548 for ; Wed, 16 Sep 1998 23:01:43 +0200 (MET DST) Received: from [] by for Paris Wed, 16 Sep 1998 23:05:07 +0200 (MET DST) Received: from domo by with local (Exim 1.82 #1) id 0zJOeW-0000Fp-00; Wed, 16 Sep 1998 14:58:16 -0600 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet E-mail/MAPI - MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: X-UIDL: 1a9a542586ef28375864a1d39ec1e3c9 X-Mozilla-Status: 0011 A word from the developer: I wrote Makemap 4 years ago. It is a 16 bit app developed using Borland C++. It needs bwcc.dll, not bwcc32.dll. I have had good intentions of upgrading the app to 32 bit, but my hectic work schedule has prevented me. I am currently traveling almost 90% of the time. Over the years I have had occasional reports of problems under Win95, but I have been unable to reproduce them on my system, which is also running Win95. The long term solution is for me to find the time to upgrade it to 32 bit :-). Ron Barnett -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 2:12 PM Ken, My makemap.exe runs just fine under Win95, with the bwcc.dll file, which you say you have. On the other hand, I have a file called bwcc32.dll, which, frankly, I don't know what it is for. The name suggests some relationship, so if you would like to try it, e-mail me personally and I will send it to you to try (206KB). Gedeon Ken Childress wrote: > > >I was trying to run makemap.exe on a Win 95 system. I get an error > > >message (forget the number). > >Plus, it's now more of a mission to figure what is messed up > on my system that is preventing makemap from working. :-) > > Ken... -- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: July 12, 1998 Photography: Last updated: July 20, 1998 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" --------------48F2280649A7-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: (fractint) Fractal dimension coloring Date: 27 Sep 1998 22:14:04 -0700 (MST) On the fractal programmer's list, Stephen Ferguson posted a link to his tutorial on fractal dimension coloring of fractals. Here's a set of Fractint formulas and pars to implement his ideas. Kerry Mitchell comment { Fractal Dimension coloring Stephen Ferguson posted an analysis of fractal dimension, which he based on an algorithm by Holger Jaenisch. The formulas here take Stephen's analysis and implement it in Fractint. Since the fractal dimension can be computed for either the real or the imaginary parts of z (actually, for any bounded set of real numbers), a plotting flag in the formula tells which component to use. Set the flag to 1 to plot the fractal dimension of the real component, 2 for the imaginary component, or 3 for the magnitude. Any other value uses the 2 component dimensions as the real and imaginary parts of a new complex variable, and plots by the polar angle of that variable. The "fdim" formulas implement Stephen's analysis as written. This includes a "2-1/(0.5+n/d)" scaling, where n and d both involve log functions. This may be mathematically accurate, but obscures the detail by reducing the dynamic range of the variables (the variables change to little to be seen with the standard Fractint coloring schemes). Consequently, the "fdim2" formulas remove the scaling, and color essentially by n/d. Also, the absolute value restriction was removed from the compilation of the mean and standard deviation. Both statistics handle negatives well, and this allows the method to properly handle non-symmetric orbits. Preliminary tests indicate that the fundamental nature of the images is unchanged, although the "fdim2" formulas are simpler and should run faster. As fractal dimension calculations involve bounded sets, this method is best suited for "inside" colorings. Therefore, if the orbit escapes, it is assigned the value of 1.0, which corresponds to color 0 when using the "decomp" coloring. Decomp=256 is recommended for this method. } fdim-man-x { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; sample of fractal dimension coloring ; uses real component of z, Mandelbrot set ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm cyclerange=0/255 formulaname=fdim2_man center-mag=-0.7/0/1.1 params=4.7/1 float=y maxiter=100 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<61>y00z00z00z10<61>zz0zz0yy1<61>00z00z11z<61>zzz } fdim-man-y { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; sample of fractal dimension coloring ; uses imaginary component of z, Mandelbrot set ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm cyclerange=0/255 formulaname=fdim2_man center-mag=-0.7/0/1.1 params=6.8/2 float=y maxiter=100 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<61>y00z00z00z10<61>zz0zz0yy1<61>00z00z11z<61>zzz } fdim-man-r { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; sample of fractal dimension coloring ; uses magnitude of z, Mandelbrot set ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm cyclerange=0/255 formulaname=fdim2_man center-mag=-0.7/0/1.1 params=9.2/3 float=y maxiter=100 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<61>y00z00z00z10<61>zz0zz0yy1<61>00z00z11z<61>zzz } fdim-man-both { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; sample of fractal dimension coloring ; uses both components of z, Mandelbrot set ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm cyclerange=0/255 formulaname=fdim2_man function=ident center-mag=-0.7/0/1.1 params=4.2/0 float=y maxiter=100 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<62>yn0zo0zo0zo1<61>zzzzzzyyz<60>QQzPPzPPzPPy<60>111 } fdim-jul-x { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; sample of fractal dimension coloring ; uses real component of z, Julia set ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=fdim2_jul center-mag=0/0/1.2/1/-92.5 params=0.3590310488975619/0.1009347986428277/6.7/1 float=y maxiter=100 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<61>y\ 00z00z00z10<61>zz0zz0yy1<61>00z00z11z<61>zzz cyclerange=0/255 } fdim-jul-y { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; sample of fractal dimension coloring ; uses imaginary component of z, Julia set ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=fdim2_jul center-mag=0/0/0.9/1/-12 params=-0.125/0.649519052838/5.2/2 float=y maxiter=100 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<61>\ y00z00z00z10<61>zz0zz0yy1<61>00z00z11z<61>zzz cyclerange=0/255 } fdim-jul-r { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; sample of fractal dimension coloring ; uses magnitude of z, Julia set ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fdim.frm cyclerange=0/255 formulaname=fdim2_jul center-mag=0/0/0.95 params=-0.39054087022/-0\ .586787907347/8/3 float=y maxiter=100 inside=0 decomp=256 periodic\ ity=0 colors=000<61>y00z00z00z10<61>zz0zz0yy1<61>00z00z11z<61>zzz } fdim-jul-both { ; copyright Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; sample of fractal dimension coloring ; uses both components of z, Julia set ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm cyclerange=0/255 formulaname=fdim2_jul center-mag=0/0/0.98 params=0/0/16/0 float=y maxiter=100 inside=0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=000<61>y99zAAzAAzBB<61>zzzzzzzyz<60>i1ih0hh0hg0g<61>000 } frm:fdim2_man { ; Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; real(p1) = coloring speed ; imag(p1) = plot flag ; 1: plot x fdim ; 2: plot y fdim ; 3: plot r fdim ; other: x = x fdim, y = y fdim, plot angle ; zc=0, c=pixel, iter=1, done=0 speed=real(p1), plotflag=imag(p1) xmin=1e12, xmax=-1e12, ymin=1e12, ymax=-1e12 ssx=0, sx=0, ssy=0, sy=0 rmin=1e12, rmax=-1e12, ssr=0, sr=0 : iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c x=real(zc), y=imag(zc), r=cabs(zc) ssx=ssx+sqr(x), sx=sx+x ssy=ssy+sqr(y), sy=sy+y ssr=ssr+sqr(r), sr=sr+r if(xxmax) xmax=x endif if(yymax) ymax=y endif if(rrmax) rmax=r endif if(|zc|>4) done=1 z=1 endif if(iter==maxit) done=1 s=sqrt(ssx-sx*sx/iter) fdimx=(xmax-xmin)/s s=sqrt(ssy-sy*sy/iter) fdimy=(ymax-ymin)/s s=sqrt(ssr-sr*sr/iter) fdimr=(rmax-rmin)/s if(plotflag==1) t=speed*fdimx z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) elseif(plotflag==2) t=speed*fdimy z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) elseif(plotflag==3) t=speed*fdimr z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) else z=fdimx+flip(fdimy) z=z^speed endif endif done==0 } frm:fdim2_jul { ; Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; real(p2) = coloring speed ; imag(p2) = plot flag ; 1: plot x fdim ; 2: plot y fdim ; 3: plot r fdim ; other: x = x fdim, y = y fdim, plot angle ; c=p1, zc=pixel, iter=1, done=0 speed=real(p2), plotflag=imag(p2) xmin=1e12, xmax=-1e12, ymin=1e12, ymax=-1e12 ssx=0, sx=0, ssy=0, sy=0 rmin=1e12, rmax=-1e12, ssr=0, sr=0 : iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c x=real(zc), y=imag(zc), r=cabs(zc) ssx=ssx+sqr(x), sx=sx+x ssy=ssy+sqr(y), sy=sy+y ssr=ssr+sqr(r), sr=sr+r if(xxmax) xmax=x endif if(yymax) ymax=y endif if(rrmax) rmax=r endif if(|zc|>4) done=1 z=1 endif if(iter==maxit) done=1 s=sqrt(ssx-sx*sx/iter) fdimx=(xmax-xmin)/s s=sqrt(ssy-sy*sy/iter) fdimy=(ymax-ymin)/s s=sqrt(ssr-sr*sr/iter) fdimr=(rmax-rmin)/s if(plotflag==1) t=speed*fdimx z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) elseif(plotflag==2) t=speed*fdimy z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) elseif(plotflag==3) t=speed*fdimr z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) else z=fdimx+flip(fdimy) z=z^speed endif endif done==0 } frm:fdim_man { ; Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; real(p1) = coloring speed ; imag(p1) = plot flag ; 1: plot x fdim ; 2: plot y fdim ; other: x = x fdim, y = y fdim, plot angle ; zc=0, c=pixel, iter=1, done=0 speed=real(p1), plotflag=imag(p1) xmin=1e12, xmax=0, ymin=1e12, ymax=0 ssx=0, sx=0, ssy=0, sy=0 : iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c x=cabs(real(zc)), y=cabs(imag(zc)) ssx=ssx+sqr(x), sx=sx+x ssy=ssy+sqr(y), sy=sy+y if(xxmax) xmax=x endif if(yymax) ymax=y endif if(|zc|>4) done=1 z=1 endif if(iter==maxit) done=1 denom=log(iter) s=ssx-sx*sx/iter numer=-log((xmax-xmin)/(sqrt(s)*iter)) fdimx=2-1/(0.5+numer/denom) s=ssy-sy*sy/iter numer=-log((ymax-ymin)/(sqrt(s)*iter)) fdimy=2-1/(0.5+numer/denom) if(plotflag==1) t=speed*fdimx z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) elseif(plotflag==2) t=speed*fdimy z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) else z=fdimx+flip(fdimy) z=z^speed endif endif done==0 } frm:fdim_jul { ; Kerry Mitchell 26sep98 ; ; p1 = c = Julia parameter ; real(p2) = coloring speed ; imag(p2) = plot flag ; 1: plot x fdim ; 2: plot y fdim ; other: x = x fdim, y = y fdim, plot angle ; c=p1, zc=pixel, iter=1, done=0 speed=real(p2), plotflag=imag(p2) xmin=1e12, xmax=0, ymin=1e12, ymax=0 ssx=0, sx=0, ssy=0, sy=0 : iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c x=cabs(real(zc)), y=cabs(imag(zc)) ssx=ssx+sqr(x), sx=sx+x ssy=ssy+sqr(y), sy=sy+y if(xxmax) xmax=x endif if(yymax) ymax=y endif if(|zc|>4) done=1 z=1 endif if(iter==maxit) done=1 denom=log(iter) s=ssx-sx*sx/iter numer=-log((xmax-xmin)/(sqrt(s)*iter)) fdimx=2-1/(0.5+numer/denom) s=ssy-sy*sy/iter numer=-log((ymax-ymin)/(sqrt(s)*iter)) fdimy=2-1/(0.5+numer/denom) if(plotflag==1) t=speed*fdimx z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) elseif(plotflag==2) t=speed*fdimy z=cos(t)+flip(sin(t)) else z=fdimx+flip(fdimy) z=z^speed endif endif done==0 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: (fractint) Fractal dimension coloring Date: 27 Sep 1998 22:14:55 -0700 (MST) Here's Stephen's original post. Kerry Mitchell ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Reply-To: Resent-Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 13:36:45 -0400 (EDT) Resent-From: If anyone is interested, I've finally written a couple of tutorials. One on a 24-bit sine/ cosine fractal coloring technique and another on a fractal dimension approximation method. Comments? Steve. -- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fliguer, Miguel" Subject: (fractint) Gigueresque par Date: 28 Sep 1998 14:48:04 -0300 Hello ! This one looks like some H.R.Giger's picture. Enjoy ! Comments are welcome. giger2 { ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=Prueba_000 function=tan/tan center-mag=-0.000777572/-1.67072/4.041715 params=0/1/0/1 colors=000DDD<63>vvvvvvwwwwwwvvv<78>111000111<44>ssstttuuuwwwvvvttt<33>0\ 006CEAAE000<17>CCC } frm: Prueba_000 {; z=fn1(pixel), c=fn2(pixel): z=fn2(p1/z^4) - fn1(p2/z^2) + c |z|<64 } ---- Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: re: (fractint) Gigueresque par Date: 28 Sep 1998 15:20:29 -0400 There are some interesting images hidden in this formula. This one is sort of stained glass. The y potential parameter usually gives you a different perspective! I usually try it just to see what might happen. Thanks, Miguel. Bill Decker glory { ; (c) Bill Decker Sep 28, 1998 t= 0:01:27.66 ; on P100 1024x768 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=mflig.par formulaname=prueba_000 function=tanh/sqr center-mag=-0.0195277/-0.0626542/0.3152126/1/-67.499 params=0/1/0/1 potential=255/200/0 colors=000733<2>211000000<13>000000222<22>zzz<22>333000000<15>000<4>G40K\ 50L50<13>fE4hF5iH6<13>xhNzkPyiO<13>jI7hF5gF5<12>O71M61K50I50F40<4>000<17\ >000100311<10>L88N99PAAQBASDATEA<20>zk8<22>RC9PAAOAA<9>844 } > Hello ! > > This one looks like some H.R.Giger's picture. Enjoy ! Comments are > welcome. > giger2 { ; reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=miguel.frm formulaname=Prueba_000 function=tan/tan center-mag=-0.000777572/-1.67072/4.041715 params=0/1/0/1 colors=000DDD<63>vvvvvvwwwwwwvvv<78>111000111<44>ssstttuuuwwwvvvttt<33>0\ 006CEAAE000<17>CCC } frm:Prueba_000 {; z=fn1(pixel), c=fn2(pixel): z=fn2(p1/z^4) - fn1(p2/z^2) + c |z|<64 } > > ---- > Miguel Fliguer - Buenos Aires, Argentina > > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gedeon Peteri Subject: (fractint) web site update Date: 28 Sep 1998 16:36:14 -0400 Now that the contest is over, I uploaded my entries, based on my Euler formulas, as well as many others I created while working on them, and created a greatly expanded section of Euler fractals on my web site. You will find 65 images there, arranged in seven sections. In addition, I added six more images to my page featuring images based on Sylvie Gallet's formulas, and a second page of modified fractals. As a result, push came to shove on my Geocities site, and I had to move some pages to Fortunecity, although everything remains to be linked from my main Geocities home page. I invite you to visit. Your comments are appreciated as always. Gedeon -- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: September 28, 1998 - major revision Photography: Last updated: July 20, 1998 Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mike and Linda Allison" Subject: (fractint) My contest entries Date: 28 Sep 1998 14:06:34 -0700 Hi, y'all! I've added my 3 entries and 6 more of my "rejects" to my "Rejects" gallery at: Stop in and visit when you get a chance! Linda Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Derbyshire Subject: Re: (fractint) ICQ # List -- C'est tout? Date: 28 Sep 1998 17:57:47 -0400 At 01:58 PM 9/28/98 -0500, you wrote: >#################################################### >This message was not delivered to >denise.demkowicz@ >Sender was informed with a copy of this message >#################################################### >10423848 What the hell? -- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a `*' straight line." ------------------------------------------------- -- B. Mandelbrot | _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848| Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: (fractint) ICQ # List -- C'est tout? Date: 28 Sep 1998 21:40:56 -0400 (EDT) On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Paul Derbyshire wrote: > At 01:58 PM 9/28/98 -0500, you wrote: > >#################################################### > >This message was not delivered to > >denise.demkowicz@ > >Sender was informed with a copy of this message > >#################################################### > >10423848 > > What the hell? This means that some incompetent system administrator has installed some brain-dead mail software written by four-year-olds who aren't competent to program their way out of a bubble-sort assignment. Flame the hell out of the bastard; they should know better than to inflict their goddamned broken shitty software on everybody on the Internet. Everytime I post a message to, which has something like 20,000 recipients, I get about five of these. Pardon my French. Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker A well designed system must take people into account. . . . It's hard to build a system that provides strong authentication on top of systems that can be penetrated by knowing someone's mother's maiden name. -- Schneier Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nature Leseul" Subject: Re: (fractint) ICQ # List -- C'est tout? Date: 28 Sep 1998 20:47:55 -0500 <> My COMPUTER TEACHER couldn't figure out why the bubble sort program she'd done wasn't working. I had to explain that a bubble sort uses TWO loops. Should we be afraid for the future of our planet? :-P ||===================== || || --v^v-[Nature Leseul]-v^v-- || || The weird guy in the corner || || Dreamy Smurf || || Donatello! || || "Some are vicious, || || some are fools, || || and others blind || || to see in me, || || one of their kind." || || -Anatoly, Endgame (Chess)|| ||===================== || Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Phil DiGiorgi" Subject: (fractint) Contest Images Date: 28 Sep 1998 22:18:34 -0400 Now that the judging is officially closed, I'd like to thank all the fine artists for sharing their beautiful work. You are all winners! And I'd really like to thank the 2 guessers who thought my images belonged to Sylvie Gallet. It was very flattering ;-) Phil D. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ron Barnett Subject: RE: (fractint) Contest Images Date: 28 Sep 1998 22:55:43 -0400 I would also like to thank a guesser who thought my images belonged to Sylvie :-) Ron Barnett -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, September 28, 1998 10:19 PM Now that the judging is officially closed, I'd like to thank all the fine artists for sharing their beautiful work. You are all winners! And I'd really like to thank the 2 guessers who thought my images belonged to Sylvie Gallet. It was very flattering ;-) Phil D. Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) contest pars Date: 28 Sep 1998 22:47:12 -0700 I don't have a web page so here are my contest entries and some alternates. (I'm still wondering who made Untitled 1, 2 and 3!) When they announced the contest I was afraid that I would not have anything suitably original. Right after that I tried putting Gravijul into Paul Carlson's Spir_stalks_jul. This formula was great, very amenable to this sort of fiddling and was versatile. It made lots of different images. I called it gravistalks. P1 and P2 don't work as Julia coordinates so later I used them for the gravijul parameters- gravistalks 2 and 3 coming soon! amphora { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; modified Sylvie Gallet palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=-0.681694/-0.67038/3.012664/1/-135 params=2/0/0.04/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=000<13>000fnn<28>4CCUUZ<13>DDG\ SWT<13>8B9qpf<26>GE8EC6B93wrl<28>B7\ 1pii<26>FBBD99A66mjn<28>CADggl<3>ddic\ chbbf<20>EEHDDG99Cmmummu<28>3BC } amphora7 { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; modified Sylvie Gallet palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=-0.000768747/-1.02947/4.95925/1/180 params=2/0/0.04/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=000QUZ<11>7EG000kkk000<12>000\ fnn<28>4CCUUZ<13>DDGSWT<13>8B9qpf<26\ >GE8EC6B93wrl<28>B71pii<26>FBBD99A66\ mjn<28>CADggl<3>ddicchbbf<20>EEHDDG9\ 9Cmmummu<13>SW_ } _con98_3b { ; kathy roth 7-98 astrolabe ; Paul Carlson's palette colors=000d44<12>O00zW0<28>c40zz0<28>aG0\ 0zR<28>0C40zz<28>0CCGGz<28>00O00\ 0<13>000fOz<28>I0Kz0f<28>O08z88<14>f44 } _con98_2 { ; kathy roth 7-98 exuberant stalks ; modified Linda Allison palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=tan/tan/atanh center-mag=56.5385/1.93933/1.670526/1/180 params=2/0/0.01/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=000<14>000wxf<28>5C3hwz<28>5B\ Gmmz<28>99Czee<28>M06zxg<28>A00zvn<2\ 8>D4Aprc<28>180ztx<28>ULR } _con98_3 { ; kathy roth 7-98 astrolabe ; modified Linda Allison palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=-0.512647/-0.501333/1.494282/1/-135 params=2/0/0.04/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=000SSZ<12>99Czee<28>M06`dR<14>JO\ DYSK<12>A00zvn<28>D4Aprc<28>180zt\ x<28>ULR000<13>000wxf<28>5C3hwz<28>5BGmmz<14>TT` } _con98_1 { ; kathy roth 7-98 stalking in the grass ; palette modified from Angela Wilczynski reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=tan/tan/atanh center-mag=56.5471/1.86416/10.23098/1/180 params=2/0/0.005/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=000www<27>333000000<13>000uzz<13>MawR\ Wv<11>335000000www<28>000dsn\ <3>Inb<24>000www<28>KKKwzz<9>0pp<18>0XX\ ccc<28>000www<15>U0m<12>101 } amphora2 { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; modified Linda Allison palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=-0.138518/0.0217136/0.6077542/1/-90 params=2/0/0.04/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=000SSZ<12>99Czee<28>M06zxg<28>A00z\ vn<28>D4Aprc<28>180ztx<28>ULR00\ 0<13>000wxf<28>5C3hwz<28>5BGmmz<14>TT` } amphora3 { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; palette modified from Angela Wilczynski colors=000ZZZ<19>zzz000<9>0zz<9>r\ 0r<9>000<47>000111333<29>zzz<30>2220000\ 00<39>000Z0AU00<6>m00<7>T0m<4>F0F<2>000<24>YYY } _con98_4 { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; modified Sylvie Gallet palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=tan/tan/atanh center-mag=56.5475/1.85911/6.846418/-1/180 params=2/0/0.01/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=000gnhfmfelf<2>UdW<23>DIElkX<3>hdLfbHfb\ H<22>KH5NVO<12>DIEiUAhS7fQ\ 4<12>F92wtt<15>`NOZKLYKK<10>F99vuv<19>SNV\ QLTPKSOJQ<5>FCHllp<28>EEKmuu<18\ >DWXBUVBTU<7>6HI000<13>000mrrmrr<5>AUU<21>011 } amphora4 { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; palette modified from Angela Wilczynski reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=conj/tan/atanh center-mag=-0.023567/0.0129639/1.006216/1/-90 params=2/0/0.04/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=0000xx<27>0CCGGz<28>00O000<13>00\ 0fOz<28>I0Kz0f<28>O08z88<28>O00zW\ 0<28>c40zz0<28>aG00zR<28>0C40zz } amphora5 { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; modified Sylvie Gallet palette reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=asin/tan/atanh center-mag=0.0177482/-0.00402091/0.7854263/1.0731/-90 params=2/0/0.04/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ colors=000gnhfmfelf<2>UdW<23>DIElkX<3>hdL\ fbHfbH<22>KH5wrl<14>hS7fQ4dP4<1\ 1>F92wtt<15>`NOZKLYKK<10>F99vuv<19>SNVQLTP\ KSOJQ<5>FCHllp<28>EEKmuu<18>DW\ XBUVBTU<7>6HI000<13>000mrrmrr<5>AUU<21>011 } amphora6 { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; palette modified from Angela Wilczynski reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=gravistalks function=asin/tan/atanh center-mag=0.0177482/-0.00402091/0.6249354/1.0731/-90 params=2/0/0.04/150/8/15 float=y bailout=100 inside=255 outside=summ invert=1/0/0 colors=000<14>000zzc<28>cKA000<28>000\ 0wz<27>03C00A000<28>000fOz<28>K0F00\ 0<28>000KKU<24>555444333222111<29>000 } frm:gravistalks {; adapted from Paul W. Carlson ;original gravijul by Mark Christenson ;kathy roth 1998 ; ; p1 = Julia set coordinates ; real(p2) = a factor controlling the size of the stalks ; imag(p2) = iterations to skip ; real(p3) = number of color ranges ; imag(p3) = number of colors in a range ; w = pixel c = p1 z = bailout = iter = range_num = 0 stalk_width = real(p2) max_wm = imag(p2) num_ranges = real(p3) colors_in_range = imag(p3) index_factor = (colors_in_range - 1) / stalk_width : q=fn1(w) w=fn3(1/fn2(q*q)), wr = real(w), awr = abs(wr) w = w - wr + awr ; IF (abs(real(w)) <= abs(imag(w))) dist = abs(real(w)) ELSE dist = abs(imag(w)) ENDIF IF (dist < stalk_width && |w|1) z = index_factor * dist + range_num * colors_in_range + 1 bailout = 1 ENDIF range_num = range_num + 1 IF (range_num == num_ranges) range_num = 0 ENDIF iter = iter + 1 z = z - iter bailout == 0 && |w| < 4 } amphora2a { ; kathy roth 7-98 ; Paul Carlson's palette colors=000<14>000fOz<28>I0Kz0f<28>O08z\ 88<28>O00zW0<28>c40zz0<28>aG00zR<2\ 8>0C40zz<28>0CCGGz<28>00O } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) was ICQ# List Date: 28 Sep 1998 23:25:20 -0700 --------------C114F5DF67FEC372EBA6F91D Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Nature LeSeul wrote: > My COMPUTER TEACHER couldn't figure out why the bubble sort program she'd > done wasn't working. I had to explain that a bubble sort uses TWO loops. > Should we be afraid for the future of our planet? :-P > Yes, very afraid, probably not because of your computer teacher. Hi, it's nice to hear from you, I thought you were gone. It's a good thing to have something you're really good at, where there's a beauty and a logic to it and you don't have to struggle to learn and it makes sense to you. Most people are incredibly bad at this kind of thing, and it's easy to be frustrated with them, especially when they are in positions of power. There are so many people who seem like total idiots to me and I endlessly try to deal with them or myself. But people have all kinds of different things to offer. Think of it this way- the thing that you're good at is something you can spend your time doing and make enough money to live on- lots of people have to do something they hate or are mediocre at for money. --------------C114F5DF67FEC372EBA6F91D Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Nature LeSeul wrote:

My COMPUTER TEACHER couldn't figure out why the bubble sort program she'd
done wasn't working. I had to explain that a bubble sort uses TWO loops.
Should we be afraid for the future of our planet? :-P
Yes, very afraid, probably not because of your computer teacher.
          Hi, it's nice to hear from you, I thought you were gone.
It's a good thing to have something you're really good at, where
there's a beauty and a logic to it and you don't have to struggle to
learn and it makes sense to you.  Most people are incredibly
bad at this kind of thing, and it's easy to be frustrated with them,
especially when they are in positions of power.  There are so
many people who seem like total idiots to me and I endlessly try
to deal with them or myself.  But people have all kinds of
different things to offer.  Think of it this way- the thing that you're
good at is something you can spend your time doing and make
enough money to live on- lots of people have to do something
they hate or are mediocre at for money. --------------C114F5DF67FEC372EBA6F91D-- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Kragen) Subject: Re: (fractint) was ICQ# List Date: 29 Sep 1998 06:53:16 -0400 (EDT) On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, kathy roth wrote: > Nature LeSeul wrote: > > My COMPUTER TEACHER couldn't figure out why the bubble sort program she'd > > done wasn't working. I had to explain that a bubble sort uses TWO loops. > > Should we be afraid for the future of our planet? :-P > > . . . > It's a good thing to have something you're really good at, where > there's a beauty and a logic to it and you don't have to struggle to > learn and it makes sense to you. Most people are incredibly > bad at this kind of thing, and it's easy to be frustrated with them, > especially when they are in positions of power. There are so > many people who seem like total idiots to me and I endlessly try > to deal with them or myself. But people have all kinds of > different things to offer. Well said, kathy. Thank you. (Nevertheless, I am of the opinion that people that are bad at programming should not be releasing email software. They probably also shouldn't try to teach how to program.) BTW: you can do a bubble sort with one loop if you try. ;) Kragen -- Kragen Sitaker A well designed system must take people into account. . . . It's hard to build a system that provides strong authentication on top of systems that can be penetrated by knowing someone's mother's maiden name. -- Schneier Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Colleen Johnson Subject: Re: (fractint) was ICQ# List Date: 29 Sep 1998 08:10:23 -0700 kathy roth wrote: > Nature LeSeul wrote: > >> My COMPUTER TEACHER couldn't figure out why the bubble sort program she'd >> done wasn't working. I had to explain that a bubble sort uses TWO loops. >> Should we be afraid for the future of our planet? :-P >> > Yes, very afraid, probably not because of your > computer teacher. > Hi, it's nice to hear from you, I > thought you were gone. > It's a good thing to have something you're > really good at, where > there's a beauty and a logic to it and you don't > have to struggle to > learn and it makes sense to you. Most people > are incredibly > bad at this kind of thing, and it's easy to be > frustrated with them, > especially when they are in positions of power. > There are so > many people who seem like total idiots to me and > I endlessly try > to deal with them or myself. But people have > all kinds of > different things to offer. Think of it this > way- the thing that you're > good at is something you can spend your time > doing and make > enough money to live on- lots of people have to > do something > they hate or are mediocre at for money. Kathy, Thank you. It's nice to hear from someone who has obviously learned some of the humility and compassion that life would teach us all if we would only pay attention. Colleen Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Les St Clair" Subject: (fractint) My Fractint contest pars Date: 30 Sep 1998 20:17:08 +0100 Hi All, Well the results are finally out! What a great contest - I would like to thank the hosts and congratulate the winners. Personally, it was a thrill to receive even one vote in the best Fractint image category because, of course, that meant someone had found my image to be the most enjoyable. So whoever you are - thank you! Here's the pars for my two Fractint entries for anyone who wishes to render them at high res. LSCFC98b { ; "Entrance to Hades" t= 0:32:51.60 ; t=calc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1200 ; (c) 1998 by Les St Clair [Par date: Sep 04, 1998] ; e-mail to: reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=lesfrm16 function=cos/sin passes=t center-mag=+1.03395831938878600/-0.32657764276806460/180897.2/1/-169.999 params=-0.3/0/0.3/0 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=bof60 outside=imag colors=000y00z00z00<40>zU0zV0zW0zX0zX0zY0<36>zy0zz0zz0zz0<13>zzBzzBzzCyy\ CxwC<29>G00I33<16>tre<13>cZSbYR`WPZUO<13>C22A00B00<66>x00 } LSCFC98c { ; "Carnival" t= 0:22:07.87 ; t=calc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1200 ; (c) 1998 by Les St Clair [Par date: Sep 05, 1998] ; e-mail to: reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=lesfrm16 function=cos/ident passes=t center-mag=+0.25875016361041160/-0.92967016706757000/854.3708/1/-137.499 params=-0.3/0/0.45/0.1 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=maxiter outside=imag colors=F73epl<3>tupxwrzyt<7>ylDxj2wiK<3>vc4ua0ub3<3>vhJviNvjPwkR<7>zwu<1\ 3>wCM<7>H84<12>hMB<14>H84PG3<6>zk0<3>0kk<2>WgD<3>CXF<7>KSDLSDMRCOQBORA<2\ >OK8OH7OE6NB5PC6<7>eLAhMBiOD<2>mTInVJpYH<2>vdByg8yh5yi3<15>zE6<3>gQFKB3e\ NDbJA<12>F73000O00301<11>b0Ee0Ff5I<10>zzs<2>snaqjWnfPkbJiZDfV7cQ0<3>SI0<\ 6>P60<2>G00zkkAAG<2>0Qc<6>8bcAdcDed<6>bnk } FRM:Lesfrm16 {; Les St Clair, 1996 z = c = pixel: x = p1*fn1(z) y = p2*fn2(z) x1= x*x y1= y*y z = c + x1/y1 |z| <= 4 } cheers, Les Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul DeCelle Subject: (fractint) Contest, etc. Date: 30 Sep 1998 18:15:26 -0400 With the voting results now in - congratulations to everyone involved, both organizers and participants, for an outstanding job! It was a load of fun just to be a part of the event. I absolutely loved "Alien Blood" and "Fractal Chain Mail". Can't wait for next year... I've gone ahead and posted my own humble entries at along with a few other new images. Check 'em out.. Finally, here's a par I stumbled across that got me thinking about the recent discussions relating to "offensiveness". This one's part of Dan Goldwater's Fracxtra collection, and many of you have probably seen it already, but it's new to me. Color selection is indeed important! mo'mo'mo'! { ; Babes & adults only ! ; From Dan Goldwater's Fracxtra par collection ; reset=1960 type=magnet2j corners=-0.509572265/-0.827344719/2.28236331/1.91200581/-0.446198746/2.1\ 9786529 params=2.053329634586368/0.2577096623953076 float=y inside=0 potential=255/1000/1 periodicity=0 colors=000rem<35>WDKVCJWEL<10>qcksfnsfn<71>M17L06M28<4>WDJYGM_KQ<6>spqvu\ uzyy<39>xkhwjgwjgvifuhe<2>sebsebsdarcarc`<20>kORjNQjMPiLOhLO<35>000sfn } Regards, Paul Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul DeCelle Subject: (fractint) Unwanted spaces, line wraps, & gaps Date: 30 Sep 1998 18:51:03 -0400 Anyone have any tips on posting pars? I keep getting spaces and line wraps in odd places, although when I compose my message, everything looks right! (I understand the URL getting it's own line; that's - I think - how Netscape Mail is supposed to work, but the others have me stymied...) I'm trying this, again, without the URL, and with no blank spaces at the beginning of each line of the par body. Maybe this time?!? mo'mo'mo'! { ; Babes & adults only ! ; From Dan Goldwater's Fracxtra par collection reset=1960 type=magnet2j corners=-0.509572265/-0.827344719/2.28236331/1.91200581/-0.446198746/2.1\ 9786529 params=2.053329634586368/0.2577096623953076 float=y inside=0 potential=255/1000/1 periodicity=0 colors=000rem<35>WDKVCJWEL<10>qcksfnsfn<71>M17L06M28<4>WDJYGM_KQ<6>spqvu\ uzyy<39>xkhwjgwjgvifuhe<2>sebsebsdarcarc`<20>kORjNQjMPiLOhLO<35>000sfn } Regards, Paul Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (ace kauffman) Subject: Re: (fractint) My Fractint contest pars Date: 30 Sep 1998 19:24:39 -0400 so where are the results. I haven't seen them posted here nor on the web kirsten Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Fractal Art '98 Contest Results Date: 30 Sep 1998 18:51:27 -0500 Greetings folks, I have just updated the contest web site to show the results of the voting. There is now a single page where you can view thumbnails of all the winners. For most categories, the top three images are shown; the others had ties for third place, so a few extra are displayed. You can view the results at the contest web site: I have also updated the individual entry pages to show who created each image; you'll find it at the bottom of the full-size view for each image. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) My Fractint contest pars Date: 30 Sep 1998 18:45:43 -0500 Kirsten, - so where are the results. - I haven't seen them posted here - nor on the web The full results were posted to the Fractal-Art list, and were also mailed to everyone who voted. I have just now posted them to the web. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ Fractalus Galleries & Info: \\ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Nature Leseul" Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal Art '98 Contest Results Date: 30 Sep 1998 18:57:29 -0500 Just a suggestion for the NEXT contest. :-) There needs to be a "Best Mandelbrot Image" category, and maybe a "Best Non-Post-Processed Fractal." Kinda a "beginners' category." :-P ||===================== || || --v^v-[Nature Leseul]-v^v-- || || The weird guy in the corner || || Dreamy Smurf || || Donatello! || || "Some are vicious, || || some are fools, || || and others blind || || to see in me, || || one of their kind." || || -Anatoly, Endgame (Chess)|| ||===================== || Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Unwanted spaces, line wraps, & gaps Date: 30 Sep 1998 18:48:24 -0700 (MST) Paul, You may want to hand-edit your posts, making sure that the lines are short enough. If a line spills over, break it with a "\" at the end of the line. See below for an example. Kerry Mitchell On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Paul DeCelle wrote: > Anyone have any tips on posting pars? I keep getting spaces and line > wraps in odd places, although when I compose my message, everything > looks right! (I understand the URL getting it's own line; that's - I > think - how Netscape Mail is supposed to work, but the others have me > stymied...) > > I'm trying this, again, without the URL, and with no blank spaces at the > beginning of each line of the par body. Maybe this time?!? > > > mo'mo'mo'! { reset=1960 type=magnet2j corners=-0.509572265/-0.827344719/2.28236331\ /1.91200581/-0.446198746/2.19786529 params=2.053329634586368/0.2577096623953076 float=y inside=0 potential=255/1000/1 periodicity=0 colors=000rem<35>WDKVCJWEL<10>qcksfnsfn<71>M17L06M28\ <4>WDJYGM_KQ<6>spqvuuzyy<39>xkhwjgwjgvifuhe<2>sebseb\ sdarcarc`<20>kORjNQjMPiLOhLO<35>000sfn } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kathy roth Subject: (fractint) Barnsley excursion Date: 30 Sep 1998 23:07:20 -0700 I've been trying to learn to write formulas and this is kind of an odd side trip. I've been putting different short simple formulas into the iteration portion of the coloring method formulas and wanted to try something besides gravijul. A couple of months ago R.Parracho (I think) posted a nice image from one of the built-in Barnsley formulas. I had a couple of pars (Calm and Schizoid) based on this. The Fractint built-in formulas have a slightly different nomenclature when you press "z" but I thought the difference was simple. When I wrote the Barnsley formula it came out different. (az1 to az4 ) It looks a lot like Les St.Clair's Basket Weave from Tent-in-Mod, I don't know *why* these look alike, this kind of *why* is probably the wrong question to ask. Finally I put it into Spir_Stalks_Jul by Paul Carlson, world's most versatile formula. az1 { ; kathy roth 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formula\ file=fractint.frm formulaname=k1barn center-mag=0.989304/-0.535359/0.3786675 params=0.6/1.1/4/0 } az3 { ; kathy roth 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formula\ file=fractint.frm formulaname=k1barn center-mag=0.96088/-0.971173/0.6512441 params=1/1.1/4/0 colors=000F8A<11>`GM<4>SCH000kkkNA\ EC67<14>zUO<14>C67856756<13>AkYAn_Bp`<3>9eU9bS9_Q9XO9\ UM<7>756756<8>EBVEBXFC_FCbGDe\ GDgHEjIFl<2>GDeFCbEC_EBXDAV<8>756756<9>XcQ_fSb\ iUelWhoYjr_mu`<15>756\ 756<13>M7bO7dO8f<2>M7_L7YJ6W<9>85\ 8756756<15>dlh<12>DDDBAA978756756867<8>M\ KLNLMPMNQNOSOPTPQUQR<14>96775685\ 6<2>D79 } az2 { ; kathy roth 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formula\ file=fractint.frm formulaname=k1barn center-mag=-1.06e-005/-0.9\ 71176/0.04167969 params=0.35/1.1/4/0 colors=K58llu<6>00c00k00t00k00c0\ 0X00R00M<2>00D00B00A009<15>USh<2>MJc<25>\ eDGeDFfDEfDDgDChCB<2>`ABY9AV9AT89Q79N69\ H48<5>005<14>vvv<16>008<15>oc0<12\ >B8200485253210310300400420330340360\ 2802B01F01K01Q40XC0eP0oc0<5>tmT<7>zU\ 3<10>aLDB04F03K03Q03X03e03o13<4>rKL<4>uaE\ udCvgAvj8wm6<2>zw0<3>ig4<9>upz<\ 9>MP9<6>bhG<7>zzzssw } az5 { ; kathy roth 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=kbarn_Spir_Stalks_ center-mag=0.164341/0.182417/13.33431/1.0001 params=0.6/1.1/0.24/150/8/30 outside=summ colors=000mrrmrr<5>AUU<21>011gnh\ fmfelf<2>UdW<23>DIElkX<3>hdLfbHfbH<22>KH\ 5wrl<14>hS7fQ4dP4<11>F92wtt<15>`NOZKL\ YKK<10>F99vuv<19>SNVQLTPKSOJQ<5>FCH\ llp<28>EEKmuu<18>DWXBUVBTU<7>6HI000<13>000 } az4 { ; kathy roth 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formula\ file=fractint.frm formulaname=k1barn center-mag=-1.065e-005/-0.971179/0.04\ 167969 params=0.45/1.1/4/0 outside=atan colors=1Ac1Ab1Ad<6>AHnBIoCJqDKrE\ LtGMuHNwIOxKPz<10>FFjEEiDDgCCfBBe<10>55G\ 44D44D33A33A55B<8>SUYUX`X_c_bfbe\ i<2>los<13>SNCQL9PK8QK6<14>xn_<13>TN9RL7\ PJ7PK8<13>loqkoq<14>000200<2>01101102\ 1031<2>053063063073083<3>0B50B50C61\ D7<2>4GC4HD5IE6JF7KH<5>AQNBRPAQO<5>7LH6\ KG5JE4ID4HB<26>144133133122122111\ 111000<28>07X07Y08_09a } ay_Calm { ; kathy roth 1998 ; Damien Jones map reset=1960 type=barnsleyj1 passes=t center-mag=-0.000894123/-0.300626/0.349354/0.75 params=-0.49784779/0.89781485427 float=y maxiter=256 bailoutest=manh logmode=fly invert=1/0/0 periodicity=0 colors=0000FJ<57>0ly0mz0mz1mz<81>yyzzz\ zzyy<39>zy2zz0yy0<40>220000011<23>\ 0FJ } ay_Schizoid { ; kathy roth 1998 ; Lee Skinner map colors=KIfcAA`45`00<3>P00N11K34<6>0FL<4>OX\ DT`BXbA<6>xt0<9>`00c85<6>zym<8\ >yUE<3>yHK<8>ZDPWCPTBQQARN9RK8SG7T<2>C7KA\ 7H87D67A577374<6>BOG<5>ZOnbOtdR\ t<3>kbr<5>HEI000B9C656000<13>Xcq<13>45\ 6232000231<10>5Pv<6>zo_<5>5Pv<6>00\ 0CC8<13>wvj<2>rRe<7>IDfJFfKGfLJe<6>Q\ Uc<9>856632400<2>A00C00C00<12>O00<6>\ zuk<6>fGF } az6_ti_mod35 { ; "Basket Weave" Les St.Clair ; t=calc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1200 ; (c) 1997 by Les St Clair [Par date: Jul 28, 1997] ; e-mail to: reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=tent_mod.par formulaname=tent_in_mod function=abs/sin/cabs/cabs passes=1 center-mag=-0.4168692325208040\ 0/+0.60303984386551730/1223.647 params=0.09/0/0.005/0 float=y maxiter=1024 inside=zmag logmode=fly decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=ZZZyoRxmNxkJwiF<4>qU6pR4oQ\ 4<12>ZC5YB5W96U87T77R58<12>zpN<3>jmVelW\ ___```aaaccc<29>000B0A<14>d9H<10>A0\ 0<8>Y0B`0Ca2D<25>zzm<4>yqVakYYj_Uia<1\ 5>CM3AK0BJ0<14>U30<15>zcc<18>GCC\ EAAC99A77856<2>000<26>XXX cyclerange=1/150 } frm:k1barn { z=pixel: z=(z-1)*p1 bailout <|p2|} frm:kbarn_Spir_Stalks_Jul {; adapted from Paul W. Carlson, c. 1998 ;kathy roth ; p1 = Julia set coordinates ; real(p2) = a factor controlling the size of the stalks ; imag(p2) = iterations to skip ; real(p3) = number of color ranges ; imag(p3) = number of colors in a range ; w = pixel c = p1 z = bailout = iter = range_num = 0 stalk_width = real(p2) skip_iters = imag(p2) num_ranges = real(p3) colors_in_range = imag(p3) index_factor = (colors_in_range - 1) / stalk_width : w=(w-1)*c, wr = real(w), awr = abs(wr) w = w - wr + awr ; IF (abs(real(w)) <= abs(imag(w))) dist = abs(real(w)) ELSE dist = abs(imag(w)) ENDIF IF (dist < stalk_width && iter > skip_iters) z = index_factor * dist + range_num * colors_in_range + 1 bailout = 1 ENDIF range_num = range_num + 1 IF (range_num == num_ranges) range_num = 0 ENDIF iter = iter + 1 z = z - iter bailout == 0 && |w| < 4 } frm:tent_in_mod { ; Modified Sylvie Gallet formula ; Modified tent_inside.frm (generalized by Les St Clair) ; use fn1,fn2,fn4=abs & fn3=cabs for default behaviour ; set p1=0, p2=0.001 for default behaviour IF (p1 || flip(p1)) r = p1 ELSE r = 1 ENDIF z = 0 : l = r+p1 z = z*z + pixel UV = (5,5) - fn1((5,5) - fn2(z)) r = fn3(UV) fn4(l-r) >= p2 && r < 4 } Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint"