From: (fractint Digest) To: Subject: fractint Digest V1 #18 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: fractint Digest Sunday, September 21 1997 Volume 01 : Number 018 In this issue: Re: (fractint) Controlling Fractals... Re: (fractint) video modes continued (fractint) Video Cards [none] Re: (fractint) video modes continued (fractint) Re: anti-aliasing Re: (fractint) Video Cards (fractint) Thanks (fractint) Re: aliasing (fractint) Re: (fractint) Re: anti-aliasinng Re: (fractint) Re: aliasing Re: (fractint) Re: Re: (fractint) Re: aliasing (fractint) Gallery update (fractint) Please help me print (fractint) Serious Fractint 19.6 bug! Re: (fractint) Re: anti-aliasinng Re: (fractint) Gallery update Re: (fractint) Gallery update Re: (fractint) Gallery update Re: (fractint) Please help me print (fractint) Please help me print Re: (fractint) Gallery update Re: (fractint) Serious Fractint 19.6 bug! Re: (fractint) Please help me print Re: (fractint) Please help me print Re: (fractint) Gallery update Re: (fractint) Serious Fractint 19.6 bug! See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the fractint or fractint-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 13:43:10 -0700 From: "Jay Hill" Subject: Re: (fractint) Controlling Fractals... Sky wrote: >Does anybody know how to take a simple algorthym, like a >mandelbrot, and via initial conditions control what part you >look at? I tried adding constants here and there, but it warped >the pattern,,,, I just want to translate it around the screen, >depending on initial parameters... The Mandelbrot set use this iteration formula: z := z^2 + c; where z is initally zero. We color pixels corresponding to the value of c according to the number of iterations, n, it takes to have |z|>2. If n gets beyond itermax we set the color to black, usually. You control what part of the Mandelbrot set you see by how you map c to the screen. You use some interpolation formula like c(real) = c(left side) + column*deltac c(imag)=c(top)-row*deltac So your initial parameters are c(left side), c(top), deltac or an equivalent set like the center c and magnification. Hope this helps. Jay - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 17:08:57 -0400 From: (Grasso, Nick) Subject: Re: (fractint) video modes continued At 04:30 PM 9/19/97 -0400, GEDEON PETERI wrote: > Nick, Damien, > Many thanks for the highly informative letters. Since the maximum >resolution my monitor will support is 1280x1024, it appears that I am >already set for this with my 2MB of video RAM. Simply adding the update >kit to 4MB would enable me to use 1600x1200 with present Fractint - 256 >colors. According to Damien, you only need 2Mb for 1600x1200x256 (thanks for posting that formula Damien; I had forgotten it). Too bad your monitor doesn't support it. This is my favorite mode for fractint. > Only if Fractint went to true color (16 million) would I need >8MB to support the 1600x1200 resolution. Am I correct to draw these >conclusions? Yes, that is correct. Unless, of course, you want to run other programs at that resolution. > If so, though going for 8MB does not make any sense at >this time for me, I am nonetheless curious whether an 8MB video card >could be installed in my computer? In other words, does the fact that >the manual only mentions upgrading to 4MB mean that there are other >system components (excluding the monitor) which could not support more >than that, or does it not? It only means that the video board that came with your system only supports 4MB. But you could replace that video board with another one (or if it is built into the motherboard, you can disable it). I was just on Matrox's web site and their new Millenium II comes with either 4Mb, 8Mb, or 16Mb! They just lowered the price too. It is about $200 (US) for the 4Mb version. This is a very good price! Nick - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 17:48:24 -0500 From: Tim Subject: (fractint) Video Cards Hey gang, Well I have let my post go for a few days concerning the Imagine 128 and I guess nobody uses one. So lets try another question: If you had the oppertunity to get a new video card for drawing fractals, what would it be? I am also wondering if 3D accelerators can help in drawing any types of fractals. Any input would be appreciated as I've decided to upgrade my system now. The Imagine128 doesn't work with the new DirectX drivers for windows games anyway... Sincerely Tim Maxwell - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 20:16:53 -0700 From: Peter Jakubowicz Subject: [none] Hi. Could someone please tell me what anti-aliasing means? I am under the impression it has something to do with creating high-rez images and then bringing them back down to a smaller size. I do this because they look better than when I just create them at the smaller size, unless my eyes deceive me. Anyway, I am curious what people mean when they say they are doing such and such a thing to their images for anti-aliasing. Thanks, Peter - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 23:57:11 -0400 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) video modes continued Gedeon, Your card should be able to do 1600x1200x256 with the 2M you currently have. You should also be aware that quite a few graphics cards will do a 1600x1200 VESA mode as interlaced, so your monitor only needs to be able to handle half the vertical resolution (600). Your monitor easily does this. You'll just want to make sure you use the VESA modes in FractInt (which work best under Win95 anyway). Your *computer* will take an 8M graphics card fine. Whether or not your graphics card will take an 8M *upgrade* is another issue--one that only your graphics card manufacturer can answer. And it's solely dependent on the graphics card; nothing in the computer or monitor affects this. Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / / my gallery: - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 23:53:37 -0400 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Re: anti-aliasing Peter, Assuming you don't want a technical answer (which would only barely not be over my head :) you can think of anti-aliasing as a way to smooth out rapid transitions in an image. Think of the highly detailed "mush" areas of a fractal image--those areas would show more detail zoomed in, possibly even resolving into structures you could see, but in your image they're just "mush". Well, anti-aliasing typically involves generating the image at a higher resolution, to go ahead and resolve those areas... and then the image is reduced in a graphics package, which averages several pixels down into each pixel in the smaller image, giving the "overall" color. This is a pretty bad explanation, but no doubt someone else will step in and take the time to do it right. :) Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / / my gallery: - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 23:57:15 -0400 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Video Cards Tim, - Well I have let my post go for a few days concerning the Imagine 128 and - I guess nobody uses one. Well, I don't have one, didn't get one because some 64-bit cards were still faster than the Imagine 128. Seemed at the time that Number Nine was just going for the "bigger is better" approach. :( - If you had the oppertunity to get a new video card for drawing fractals, - what would it be? Well, that depends on whether you've got a system that can take PCI cards or not. I hope you do, because that makes it easy: any modern card will do. You'll be hard-pressed to find a new card with less than 2M, which as I've described is more than adequate for all but the most die-hard FractInt fanatics with 21" monitors. (And oh, would I love to join the ranks of those fanatics! :) So buy your next graphics card, not for what it can do for FractInt, but for what *else* it can do. Personally, I'd lean towards something with decent 3D acceleration, preferably with a Voodoo chipset from 3Dfx, for awesome Quake/Hexen performance, but that's just me. :) - I am also wondering if 3D accelerators can help in drawing any types of - fractals. Not in FractInt. The only thing a 3D accelerator might help would be 3D rendering of fractals, but keep in mind that 3D cards are typically designed with real-time (read: low-quality) performance in mind. If you're generating images thirty times a second, you don't typically care that it's not doing filtered interpolation with Phong-rendered highlights and proper shadows... but if you're rendering a still image that people are going to be gazing at for a long time to come, you want to make sure that it's done right, because you may not get the chance to do it over. 3D cards don't always accelerate final renders (depends on the renderer) but they can certainly help out interactive editing of 3D objects. But again, not in FractInt as it currently stands. - Any input would be appreciated as I've decided to upgrade my system - now. The Imagine128 doesn't work with the new DirectX drivers for - windows games anyway... *Lots* of stuff doesn't work with DirectX yet. My sound card, a Gravis Ultrasound, has such lousy driver support that DirectX crashes most things that try to use it. That's why when I re-installed everything a couple of months ago, I didn't install DirectX. 'Course, none of this is FractInt-related... :) Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / / my gallery: - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 00:38:10 -0400 From: GEDEON PETERI Subject: (fractint) Thanks Nick, Damien, Many thanks for the extremely enlightening discussion. Gedeon. - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 13:08:40 -0500 From: Subject: (fractint) Re: aliasing > From: Peter Jakubowicz > Hi. > Could someone please tell me what anti-aliasing means? anti-aliasing A technique used on a grey-scale or colour bitmap display to make diagonal edges appear smoother by setting pixels near the edge to intermediate colours according to where the edge crosses them. The most common example is black characters on a white background. Without anti-aliasing, diagonal edges appear jagged, like staircases, which may be noticeable on a low resolution display. If the display can show intermediate greys then anti-aliasing can be applied. A pixel will be black if it is completely within the black area, or white if it is completely outside the black area, or an intermediate shade of grey according to the proportions of it which overlap the black and white areas. The technique works similarly with other foreground and background colours. [Why (anti-) "aliasing"?] Copyright Denis Howe 1993, 1997. Saludos Ernesto Zarak - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 12:15:25 -0600 From: Subject: (fractint) Re: Peter Jakubowicz wrote: > > Could someone please tell me what anti-aliasing means? > In a lot of graphic applications (like Adobe Photoshop), anti-aliasing produces a smooth-edged selection by partially filling edge pixels so that they are semitransparent. Because anti-aliasing removes jagged edges, it is especially useful when you=92re creating composite images by= cutting and pasting. No detail is lost, since only the edge pixels change. Anti-aliasing is a method of smoothing the edges of shapes, objects, and mask selections. Anti-aliasing creates intermediate pixels that smooth the transition between colors and sharp edges. To produce a curved or diagonal edge on a selection, pixels in the image that are diagonal to each other are part of the selection=92s edge. This diagonal pixel selection can produce a jagged edge. Anti-aliasing makes some of the pixels located along the inside edge of the selection semi-transparent which smoothes out the edges of the selection. - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 13:18:04 -0500 From: Subject: (fractint) Re: anti-aliasinng > Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 20:16:53 -0700 > From: Peter Jakubowicz > Hi. > Could someone please tell me what anti-aliasing Smoothing the jaggies in a bitmapped image. When diagonal or curved lines are put in bitmapped form, these shapes must be made with square pixels; any lines that are not vertical or horizontal have a stair-stepped appearance. Anti-aliasing changes the pixels along the edges of the line into varying shades of gray or in-between color, in order to make the edge appear smoother. In a black-on-white image, for example, the shade of gray used is determined by how much of the in-between pixel overlaps the black area and how much overlaps the white area. Saludos Ernesto Zarak - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 15:30:30 -0700 (MST) From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: aliasing On Sat, 20 Sep 1997 wrote: > anti-aliasing [good explanation snipped] > > [Why (anti-) "aliasing"?] [engage "bad explanation" mode :-) ] The term "anti-aliasing" is most probably a throw-back to signal analysis, and what happens when you take discrete samples of a continuous signal. Essentially, if you think of a signal as a series of sine waves with different frequencies superimposed, then you can only resolve certain frequencies, dependent on your sampling frequency. Frequencies higher than the cutoff ("Nyquist frequency") get folded over and are seen as lower frequencies. Thus, the higer modes are "aliased" as lower modes. So, anti-aliasing is a way to prevent this from happening--you filter your incoming signal to remove the frequencies higher than the cutoff, then sample it. There are parallels to fractalizing. The pixels of a fractal image represent discrete samples of a continuous signal (mathematically pure fractal). The "jaggies" and "mush" that we commonly see are high frequency (high spatial frequency = small, pixelwise) structures that are sampled too poorly to be resolved. In other words, the swirls and midgets are too small to be captured by a "reasonable" number of pixels, so they look like "mush" or visual noise. Instead of pre-filtering the fractal, we compute it at a higher resolution and average it down to a lower resolution. This has the effect of smoothing over the higher frequencies, while leaving the lower ones (big structures) basically untouched. How's that? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kerry Mitchell - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 15:35:10 -1000 From: "Shauna Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: And here I always thought that anti-aliasing was something that did away with the apparent "line" you see any time you have two colors touching each other ... Another blast of bits from David Visit our boring web page: Visit the Hawaii Astronomical Society: For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: Random Thought for this Nanosecond For best results, use SET BUGS=OFF. - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 21:49:21 -0400 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: aliasing Kerry, - [good explanation snipped] - [engage "bad explanation" mode :-) ] I dunno, seemed like a pretty good explanation to me. :) Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / / my gallery: - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 21:42:35 -0400 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: (fractint) Gallery update Hello, Just wanted to let you know that my fractal gallery at GeoCities has been updated, with *lots* of new stuff. If you're interested, please stop by, take a look, and let me know what you think: For the FractInt user, the FRM file I wrote is now available for download. Perhaps if I have time (yeah right :) I'll do some web pages explaining more of how to use them. In any case, the FRM file can be had directly from this URL: (If you saw this message on another list, please forgive the redundancy.) Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / / my gallery: - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 22:25:40 From: "James P. Carr" Subject: (fractint) Please help me print I am a novice working with Fractint. What little expertise I have is in the mathematics. I have been able to use Fractint to good effect displayed on my screen. But I have an HP DeskJet 500C color printer and I have also got access to an HP 694C. With either I can print in black and white if I start Fractint with printer=hp. How can I use the color capabilities of these printers? If I can't, then what printers can I use? If I should be looking somewhere else for this info, where would that be? Thank you anyone who can direct me. Jim Carr James P. Carr 1812 E. Elmdale Ct. Shorewood, Wi 55321 Home: 414-332-2919 Work: 229-4469 - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 23:59:43 -0400 (EDT) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: (fractint) Serious Fractint 19.6 bug! I have discovered 2 bugs in Fractint 19.6! The more serious is as follows: if a 16-color video mode is selected (don't ask) and passes=b is selected, it draws a few pixels and hangs, forcing a reboot or a Vulcan Nerve Pinch. The less serious is that the collection of 2 and 16-color modes at the start of the video mode-picker in this version all say "256" colors at the right. | | - ----8<-----Screen Capture-----8<--- V FRACTINT Version 19.6 Select Video Mode F2 IBM 16-Color EGA 640 350 256 Standard EGA hi-res mode F3 IBM 256-Color VGA/MCGA 320 200 256 Quick and LOTS of colors F4 IBM 16-Color VGA 640 480 256 Nice high resolution F5 IBM 4-Color CGA 320 200 256 (Ugh - Yuck - Bleah) F6 IBM Hi-Rez B&W CGA 640 200 256 ('Hi-Rez' Ugh - Yuck) F7 IBM B&W EGA 640 350 256 (Monochrome EGA) F8 IBM B&W VGA 640 480 256 (Monochrome VGA) F9 IBM Low-Rez EGA 320 200 256 Quick but chunky F10 IBM VGA (non-std) 320 400 256 Register Compatibles ONLY SF1 IBM VGA (non-std) 360 480 256 Register Compatibles ONLY SF2 SuperVGA/VESA Autodetect 800 600 256 Works with most SuperVGA SF3 SuperVGA/VESA Autodetect 1024 768 256 Works with most SuperVGA SF4 SuperVGA/VESA Autodetect 640 400 256 Works with most SuperVGA SF5 SuperVGA/VESA Autodetect 640 480 256 Works with most SuperVGA SF6 SuperVGA/VESA Autodetect 800 600 256 Works with most SuperVGA SF7 Millennium VESA mode 1600 1200 256 OK: Sylvie Gallet (more) Use the cursor keys to highlight your selection Press ENTER for highlighted choice, ESCAPE to back out, or F1 for help - -- .*. Where feelings are concerned, answers are rarely simple [GeneDeWeese] -() < When I go to the theater, I always go straight to the "bag and mix" `*' bulk candy section...because variety is the spice of life... [me] Paul Derbyshire, - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 00:04:25 -0400 (EDT) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: anti-aliasinng Anti-aliasing is also used to get rid of Moire patterns, such as you see if you raytrace a black green-gridded floor or one with green parallel lines converging in the distance. Similarly for averaging out "busy" areas of pictures. :) - -- .*. Where feelings are concerned, answers are rarely simple [GeneDeWeese] -() < When I go to the theater, I always go straight to the "bag and mix" `*' bulk candy section...because variety is the spice of life... [me] Paul Derbyshire, - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 00:06:32 -0400 From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) Gallery update At 09:42 PM 9/20/97 -0400, you wrote: (Just wanted to let you know that my fractal gallery at GeoCities has been updated, with *lots* of new stuff. If you're interested, please stop by, take a look, and let me know what you think:) Good stuff. Enjoyed the images... - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 22:05:58 -0700 From: cindy mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Gallery update At 12:06 AM 9/21/97 -0400, you wrote: >At 09:42 PM 9/20/97 -0400, you wrote: >(Just wanted to let you know that my fractal gallery at GeoCities has been >updated, with *lots* of new stuff. If you're interested, please stop by, >take a look, and let me know what you think:) > > >Good stuff. Enjoyed the images... > > >I would like to stop by, but what is your address? > > > > >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 22:08:08 -0700 From: cindy mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Gallery update At 12:06 AM 9/21/97 -0400, you wrote: >At 09:42 PM 9/20/97 -0400, you wrote: >(Just wanted to let you know that my fractal gallery at GeoCities has been >updated, with *lots* of new stuff. If you're interested, please stop by, >take a look, and let me know what you think:) > > >Good stuff. Enjoyed the images... > > > >What id your address??? > > > >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 01:28:48 -0400 From: "Brock Kevin Nambo" Subject: Re: (fractint) Please help me print > From: James P. Carr > To: > Subject: (fractint) Please help me print > Date: Saturday, September 20, 1997 6:25 PM > I am a novice working with Fractint. What little expertise I have is in > the mathematics. I have been able to use Fractint to good effect displayed > on my screen. But I have an HP DeskJet 500C color printer and I have also > got access to an HP 694C. With either I can print in black and white if I > start Fractint with printer=hp. How can I use the color capabilities of > these printers? If I can't, then what printers can I use? If I should be > looking somewhere else for this info, where would that be? > Thank you anyone who can direct me. One way I could think of, off the top of my head, would be to ave your fractal as a .gif file, and then printing it with your basic .gif viewer, say your favorite Web Browser. Just a thought. >>BKNambo - -- H| ____ __ =@==== /_ \ / / H H H "World Domination Through Trivia" -S3Kitties / /\ \/ / H H H Marcher -- Just my imagination -- Nightwatch /_/ \__/ - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 11:40:07 -0400 From: Les St Clair Subject: (fractint) Please help me print Hi Jim, >I have been able to use Fractint to good effect displayed on my screen. But I have an HP DeskJet 500C color printer and I have als= o got access to an HP 694C. With either I can print in black and white if = I start Fractint with printer=3Dhp. How can I use the color capabilities of= these printers? < I would forget all about trying to print directly from fractint. Instead you should save you images in their native .gif format and then u= se a graphics package to print these. If you are running Windows, then I wou= ld suggest starting with the shareware program "Paint Shop Pro" - it won't cost you anything to try it! For me, the most important key to getting a good looking print is to crea= te your images at very high resolutions. You could even use one of the "disk/ram" video modes and save those images directly to disk. For *reall= y* big fractals you could use the "divide and conquer" method for creating very large images in pieces (refer to fractint.doc). As a rule of thumb, think of the dots from your printer as pixels in the image. So, if you print a 10"x8" image at 300dpi, you could start with a gif having dimensions of (10x300) x (8x300) or 3000x2400. If this seems a= bit "over the top", then try printing from a 1600x1200 image for starters= =2E - - Les St Clair - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:12:52 -0400 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Gallery update Cindy, - What id your address??? As posted in my original message, you can find my new gallery at this URL: Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / / my gallery: - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:42:28 -0600 From: "Tim Wegner" Subject: Re: (fractint) Serious Fractint 19.6 bug! Paul wrote: > I have discovered 2 bugs in Fractint 19.6! > The more serious is as follows: if a 16-color video mode is selected (don't > ask) and passes=b is selected, it draws a few pixels and hangs, forcing a > reboot or a Vulcan Nerve Pinch. > The less serious is that the collection of 2 and 16-color modes at the > start of the video mode-picker in this version all say "256" colors at the > right. I can't duplicate either problem. Your fractint.cfg file is corrupt. Try replacing it with the one in the 19.6 distribution. Tim | - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:42:28 -0600 From: "Tim Wegner" Subject: Re: (fractint) Please help me print Brock said: > One way I could think of, off the top of my head, would be to ave your > fractal as a .gif file, and then printing it with your basic .gif viewer, > say your favorite Web Browser. Just a thought. This is absolutely good advice. The fractint authors know very little about printing, and have access to few printers. We can't even test the printer drivers that are donated to our code. However, all is not lost. There are many excellent programs that print GIFs, so the best bet is simply to save the GIF and print it in other software. When we have a windows port this problem will go away, but the DOS version will always be print challenged. If Fractint were commercial, we could simply my a library of printer drivers. But since Fractint is free and we publish the source, we can't do that. Tim - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 14:38:40 -0400 From: davides Subject: Re: (fractint) Please help me print At 12:42 PM 9/21/97 -0600, you wrote: >Brock said: > ( One way I could think of, ...) (This is absolutely good advice.) [Tim Wegner] Mentioned this once: I have found it best to save the .gif to be printed. It can then be imported into a word processing document such as WordPerfect, Adobe Pagemaker, etc. by cut and paste or copy and paste. After importing it the image may then be resized (if desired) for various applications, such as a unique "logo" on stationery, for making a unique greeting card, for address labels, envelopes, or even printing on transfer paper to be transferred to "T" shirts, etc. Depending on the graphics program .gifs are associated with in whatever specific computer such as PaintShopPro, LViewPro, etc., other images can be inserted into the fractal .gif (resized if necessary). That can make for some unusual effects also... :) or special effects can be added. This last just as an added after-thought. "Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Good With Ketchup" - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 20:15:29 -0400 From: (Franois Blais) Subject: Re: (fractint) Gallery update "Damien M. Jones" wrote: >For the FractInt user, the FRM file I wrote is now available for download. >Perhaps if I have time (yeah right :) I'll do some web pages explaining >more of how to use them. In any case, the FRM file can be had directly >from this URL: I tried your formula with the PARs you posted about a week ago, this afternoon, and I must admit they're among the most beautiful fractals I ever seen! Thanks a lot! :) - -- La voix de ma contrebasse * Quebec City - Canada Thought for the day: "I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didn't like it." - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 23:25:50 -0400 (EDT) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: Re: (fractint) Serious Fractint 19.6 bug! > >Paul wrote: > >> I have discovered 2 bugs in Fractint 19.6! >> The more serious is as follows: if a 16-color video mode is selected (don't >> ask) and passes=b is selected, it draws a few pixels and hangs, forcing a >> reboot or a Vulcan Nerve Pinch. >> The less serious is that the collection of 2 and 16-color modes at the >> start of the video mode-picker in this version all say "256" colors at the >> right. > >I can't duplicate either problem. > >Your fractint.cfg file is corrupt. Try replacing it with the one in >the 19.6 distribution. My fractint.cfg file is exactly the one that came with Fractint, unmodified. To be exact it is the one from the .zip located at Spanky. Did you try the Spanky .zip instead of your development version? - -- .*. Where feelings are concerned, answers are rarely simple [GeneDeWeese] -() < When I go to the theater, I always go straight to the "bag and mix" `*' bulk candy section...because variety is the spice of life... [me] Paul Derbyshire, - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ End of fractint Digest V1 #18 ***************************** To subscribe to fractint Digest, send the command: subscribe fractint-digest in the body of a message to "". 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