From: (fractint-digest) To: Subject: fractint-digest V1 #65 Reply-To: fractint-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk fractint-digest Wednesday, January 7 1998 Volume 01 : Number 065 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 06:10:20 -0500 From: "Jason Hine" Subject: Re: (fractint) Computer warning I betcha it's that voice-recognition software... and is she running Linux? (That's supposed to be acompliment, Linux-users! :)) Jack warned: >>It has recently come to my attention that Pandora, >>my computer, has subscribed to this list under my name and >>without my knowledge or consent. Any comments from her >>with which you agree she probably overheard from me. The >>rest were undoubtably her own opinions. She is also >>claiming we could not produce our fractals without her! - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 07:09:00 -0500 From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another unreadable formula from Paul Carlson Hi All, Jay wrote: >> I noticed Sylvie's posts in the archives are mangled. That means >> several of you can't read her posts of Paul Carlson's formulae >> without difficulty. = Does the following par have the '=3D3D" disease??? May-2 { ; Sylvie Gallet, Dec 1997 ; Newton's method applied to z^3 - 1 =3D 0 ; Use decomp =3D 256 and periodicity =3D 0 z1 =3D pixel , iter =3D 0 , j =3D -0.5 + flip(sqrt(0.75)) , k =3D conj(j= ) a =3D p1*(0,0.0245436) ; real(p1) * 2i pi / 256 : mz =3D cabs(z1) z2 =3D z1*z1 z1 =3D ((2.5,-0.7)*z1*z2 + (0.5,0.7)) / (3*z2) dz =3D abs(real(z1+0.5)) if (dz > 0.1) dz =3D abs(real(z1*j+0.5)) if (dz > 0.1) dz =3D abs(real(z1*k+0.5)) endif endif if (dz <=3D 0.1) z =3D exp((iter + 10*dz)*a) , cont =3D 0 elseif (mz <=3D 0.25) z =3D exp((256/p1-1 + 4*mz)*a) , cont =3D 0 else iter =3D iter + 1 , cont =3D 1 endif cont } May2_01 { ; . t=3D 0:01:58= =2E69 ; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Dec 17, 1997 ; ; t=3Dcalc time using a Pentium 166 at 1600 x 1200 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfractint.frm formulaname=3DMa= y-2 passes=3D1 center-mag=3D0/2.22045e-016/0.3257822 params=3D32/0 float=3D= y maxiter=3D7 inside=3D255 decomp=3D256 periodicity=3D0 colors=3Dzzz<8>MZZHWWFUU<2>9OO7LL7KK<14>000zzz<6>UdW<12>EIGCHEBFDAEC9CB= <6>\ 000zzz<6>fbHcZAbYA<21>000zzz<7>mU5<22>000zzz<2>piimcck``hXXeTU<6>SHIQFG= P\ EFNDE<13>000zzz<2>mjnhekfbic_f`Xd<6>OKRMIOLGN<7>B8B979868656545<2>000zz= z\ <6>Hii<15>4EG4DE3BC39A278<3>000zzz<2>llpgglddjaag<7>KKRHHOGGN<14>000 cyclerange=3D0/223 } - Sylvie - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 06:24:04 -0600 From: Janet Preslar Subject: Re: (fractint) Formula Needed Wizzle wrote: > In the mean time....could Janet....or anyone who has it.....send me Linda > Allison's formula for her stars. Linda sent me an email and said she would Gladly. It is. 051597-002 {; Linda Allison May 15, 1997 z=0; c=log(sqr(sqr(pixel))*pixel)*0.2: z2=fn1(z)+c z=c*(1-z2*z2)/(1+z2*z2) |z|<=p1 } Have fun! Janet - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 07:41:10 -0800 From: Peter Jakubowicz Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another unreadable formula from Paul Carlson At 07:09 AM 1/7/98 -0500, Sylvie Gallet: >Hi All, > >Jay wrote: >>> I noticed Sylvie's posts in the archives are mangled. That means >>> several of you can't read her posts of Paul Carlson's formulae >>> without difficulty. > > Does the following par have the '=3D" disease??? Looks lovely on my machine. Do you have a collection of pars and frms somewhere? Peter - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 12:49:53 -0000 From: Peter Moreland Subject: Re: (fractint) The dreaded aaaaaa's again :( - -----Original Message----- From: Morgan L. Owens To: Date: 07 January 1998 07:21 Subject: Re: (fractint) The dreaded aaaaaa's again :( >At 12:12 06/01/98 -0000, Peter Moreland wrote: >> >> >>Well... You can't edit or search and replace the a's if you can't see them! >>The whole point is that they are not visible in email or when pasted into >>PFE. >>They *are* visible when read by FractInt.. >> > >The thing is, Fractint is reading ASCII 160 as an á - as this is the >code (MS-) DOS assigns the character, while in Truetype (invented by Apple, >remember) and most other fonts used by Windows, including PFE and clearly >whatever your email software uses, ASCII 160 refers to a nonbreaking space. >So that's why you can't see it. So try searching with PFE for "ALT+0160" >and see if that catches what look like spaces in the locations where a's >are turning up in Fractint. To confirm, you can change PFE's screen font >("options>preferences->screen font") to "Terminal" to use a DOS-type font. > >Morgan L. Owens > Absolutely correct Morgan :) I can now use PFE to edit the little blighters out! hmmm... If lots of us have this problem... Maybe Tim will consider making FractInt compensate for ASCII 160? Anyway, Morgan thanks for the workaround, much appreciated Peter. - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 05:49:14 -0800 From: Wizzle Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another f I think Sylvie posted Paul's formula...but my offer to post anything anytime of Paul's is in perpetuity. Angela At 06:02 AM 1/7/98 -0500, you wrote: >Paul provided: >>Astroid_Mset {; Copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1997<< > >Wow, geez... most excellent! I sure hope you figure out how to post directly to >the list someday, but in the meantime, thanks to the middleperson (Wizzle, >right?) :) Carry on, Jason > > >- >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 06:44:12 -0800 From: Wizzle Subject: Re: (fractint) Formula Needed Thanks Janet.... Can I ask another favor?? I'm having a terrible time with the formula...I must be doing something very wrong. Would you mind sharing one of your stars' pars to head me in the right direction?? I would be very very grateful...this is so frustrating. Angela At 06:24 AM 1/7/98 -0600, you wrote: >Wizzle wrote: > >> In the mean time....could Janet....or anyone who has it.....send me Linda >> Allison's formula for her stars. Linda sent me an email and said she would > > Gladly. It is. > >051597-002 {; Linda Allison May 15, 1997 > z=0; > c=log(sqr(sqr(pixel))*pixel)*0.2: > z2=fn1(z)+c > z=c*(1-z2*z2)/(1+z2*z2) > |z|<=p1 >} > >Have fun! >Janet > > > > > >- >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 15:52:21 -0000 From: Edward Avis Subject: (fractint) Client-server Fractint I was thinking about the forthcoming rewrite of Fractint for version 20, and wondered: why not use a client-server model for fractal drawing? The client sends a message to the server, saying "here is the formula to use, please give me the value of the pixels in the rectangle (0,0) to (100,100)", and the server sends back the pixels. The advantage of this would be that it would be easy to add distributed fractal drawing to Fractint, as well as an easy way to use the full power of multiprocessor boxes (by running several server processes on the same machine). I don't know if any of you have seen the program MandelSpawn which works on this model. You can get _very_ fast fractal drawing if you have a whole network of machines at your disposal 8-) . It could even work over the Net. Suppose a two people who read fractint-digest decide to cooperate. They both run the fractint server on their machine, and when running the client, they can get the other person's machine to draw half of the image and send it back over the Net - and instantly, you get twice the speed! Of course, this wouldn't be useful if they were both using their machines at full pelt all the time, but the typical PC is idle for 90% of the time - time that could be used calculating fractals. What do you all think? - -- Ed Avis - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 09:11:11 -0700 (MST) From: Kerry Mitchell Subject: (fractint) another frm and par I came up with this formula file while playing with the "bubbles" coloring method. The idea is to specify a small range, say 98% to 102% of the magnitude of c, and to color the pixel (white, say) if the iterate ever falls within that range, black otherwise. It creates a graceful series of loops that get more and more convoluted, showing the fractal shape in overview. It seems to work with other formulas, not just z^2+c. If you use this, you'll definitely need to use single-pass mode, and will probably want to anti-alias down from a much larger image to your final piece. I will post an image (infinity) done with this formula to the fractal pictures newsgroup. frm:minmaxc_jul { ; Kerry Mitchell ; colors the screen one color if the iterate falls between the ; high and low bounds, otherwise leaves it blank ; Julia set--c=p1, bailout=real(p2) ; low and high bounds are set through p3-- ; center of range = real(p3)*|c| (try 1) ; width of range = imag(p3) (try 0.05) ; color with single-pass mode and decomp zc=pixel, c=p1, r=real(p2), z=1 rc=|c|, k1=real(p3)*rc, k2=imag(p3)*0.5 lo=k1*(1-k2), hi=k1*(1+k2): zc=sqr(zc)+c, rzc=|zc| if ((rzc>lo)&&(rzc9Ne<7>eFQbJPZNOOWNCdM\ 7fN1iP<3>5Vc<9>NnZPqYRqY<6>kqS<4>mu\ x<3>zaY<13>T3pQ0rQ4r<13>Wyw<2>GJ1<6\ >x2N<2>pBmtRWxfE<9>SD1<12>ecO<5>KSUzz\ zCOW8MY<14>4pJ<11>EHC<4>si5<10>bka<4>\ 0jv<2>TEY<4>coOfwLfuN<13>hUp<4>Fjo<\ 13>8T67R29T4<7>ShOVjRZeS<5>x7_<7>ime<8>Wge cyclerange=0/255 } - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kerry Mitchell - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 22:32:15 -0600 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) The dreaded aaaaaa's again :( Peter, - >Well... You can't edit or search and replace the a's if you can't see - >them! The whole point is that they are not visible in email or when - >pasted into PFE. - I found myself in the same boat. I did a little research and found out - that the forward slash accented a is defined as ASCII decimal value of - 160. Congratulations, you've just discovered the extra space character in the Windows character set (which is different from the DOS character set). For example, in Windows, the forward accented a is code 225. Incidentally, any web page using a non-breaking space will generate code 160 in a Windows browser, and if you copy/paste in another app, you get this. If you want to search/replace non-breaking spaces in a Windows text editor, enter ASCII code 160 (in the method you describe) into the "find" portion of the dialog. I use TextPad rather than PFE (personal preference) and this works fine for me. Damien M. Jones \\ \\ (temporary sanity designs) \\ (fractals are my hobby) - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 08:39:25 -0800 From: "Jay Hill" Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another unreadable formula from Paul Carlson Hi Sylvie, I get everyone's post just fine. It is, as discussed at length on this list a combination of certain folks email sender and others email reader. I use Micro$oft Internet Mail on Windows 95. No problems. Apparently my posts are readable to all and I can read everyone's posts. So I was befuddled, bemused and befumed when I saw the archive is one of the clueless email readers. Look at Lee Skinners post (messed up), Jay Hill's (fine) and Morgan L. Owens (fine) here and Sylvie's (messed up) and Peter Jakubowicz (fine) here and again Sylvie's (messed up) at Watch the archive for this post. It will show the May-2 formula just fine but Sylvie's original will be screwed up. We need an archive free of 3D effects! That is why I posted Paul's formula on my page, 34k for just his. (I hope my late last night silliness was decryptable :-) , there were illustrations to go with the text.) A complete 1997 collection must be pushing a megabyte for just the frm + par. A weekly collection posted somewhere would be useful. Someone mentioned it already, as an automatic server thing. But if such is another UNIX dummy collecting =3D effects, forget it! If someone has a 1997 (& 1996) collection very well organized (and I'm not sure exactly what that means) that would be useful. And now would be a good time to start 1998 :-). Jay - ---------- > From: Sylvie Gallet > To: > Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another unreadable formula from Paul Carlson > Date: Wednesday, January 07, 1998 4:09 AM > > Hi All, > > Jay wrote: > >> I noticed Sylvie's posts in the archives are mangled. That means > >> several of you can't read her posts of Paul Carlson's formulae > >> without difficulty. > > Does the following par have the '=3D" disease??? > > May-2 { ; Sylvie Gallet, Dec 1997 > ; Newton's method applied to z^3 - 1 = 0 > ; Use decomp = 256 and periodicity = 0 > z1 = pixel , iter = 0 , j = -0.5 + flip(sqrt(0.75)) , k = conj(j) > a = p1*(0,0.0245436) ; real(p1) * 2i pi / 256 > : > mz = cabs(z1) > z2 = z1*z1 > z1 = ((2.5,-0.7)*z1*z2 + (0.5,0.7)) / (3*z2) > dz = abs(real(z1+0.5)) > if (dz > 0.1) > dz = abs(real(z1*j+0.5)) > if (dz > 0.1) > dz = abs(real(z1*k+0.5)) > endif > endif > if (dz <= 0.1) > z = exp((iter + 10*dz)*a) , cont = 0 > elseif (mz <= 0.25) > z = exp((256/p1-1 + 4*mz)*a) , cont = 0 > else > iter = iter + 1 , cont = 1 > endif > cont > } > > May2_01 { ; . t= 0:01:58.69 > ; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Dec 17, 1997 > ; > ; t=calc time using a Pentium 166 at 1600 x 1200 > reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm formulaname=May-2 > passes=1 center-mag=0/2.22045e-016/0.3257822 params=32/0 float=y > maxiter=7 inside=255 decomp=256 periodicity=0 > colors=zzz<8>MZZHWWFUU<2>9OO7LL7KK<14>000zzz<6>UdW<12>EIGCHEBFDAEC9CB<6>\ > 000zzz<6>fbHcZAbYA<21>000zzz<7>mU5<22>000zzz<2>piimcck``hXXeTU<6>SHIQFGP\ > EFNDE<13>000zzz<2>mjnhekfbic_f`Xd<6>OKRMIOLGN<7>B8B979868656545<2>000zzz\ > <6>Hii<15>4EG4DE3BC39A278<3>000zzz<2>llpgglddjaag<7>KKRHHOGGN<14>000 > cyclerange=0/223 > } > > - Sylvie - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 09:57:31 -0700 From: Rich Thomson Subject: Re: (fractint) The dreaded aaaaaa's again :( In article <> , "Damien M. Jones" writes: > Congratulations, you've just discovered the extra space character in the > Windows character set (which is different from the DOS character set). For > example, in Windows, the forward accented a is code 225. Isn't the Windows character set the same as ISO Latin 1? See , which gives the same characters for the different code 160 and 225 as you describe. - -- ``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson email me for more info - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 13:38:17 -0500 From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another unreadable formula from Paul Carlson Hi Jay, >> I get everyone's post just fine. Me too! - Sylvie - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 12:50:13 -0600 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) The dreaded aaaaaa's again :( Rich, - Isn't the Windows character set the same as ISO Latin 1? Most likely. But "ISO Latin 1" doesn't mean much to most people. "Windows" does. :) Damien M. Jones \\ \\ (temporary sanity designs) \\ (fractals are my hobby) - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 17:09:43 -0500 From: "Jason Hine" Subject: Re: (fractint) Client-server Fractint >I was thinking about the forthcoming rewrite of Fractint for version 20, >and wondered: why not use a client-server model for fractal drawing? [snip...] >What do you all think? Oh, I like the idea, but wonder about ease of implementation for v20... Jason - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 15:30:24 -0700 From: Rich Thomson Subject: Re: (fractint) Client-server Fractint > >I was thinking about the forthcoming rewrite of Fractint for version 20, > >and wondered: why not use a client-server model for fractal drawing? There are several client-server distributed M-set programs out there, I can dig up references. Portability is a real problem, although its significantly easier now that winsock has become popularized on Windows. However, that still leaves a socket implementation for DOS. The technology is there, but interoperability and portability of code is a problem for fractint's limited operating environment as a 16-bit dos app. - -- ``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson email me for more info - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 20:10:51 -0500 From: Les St Clair Subject: Re: (fractint) =3D disease Hi Sylvie, You asked: > Does the following par have the '=3D3D" disease???< Not on my system (CompuServe), but you can bet the archive of your post will be scrambled! I asked Compuserve if there was a way of switching the quoted-printable encoding off (as you know, it affects my outgoing posts too). After sever= al days I received this reply: >>CompuServe mail, using New Mail, is MIME compliant, which performs the= encoding and decoding of your mail. >>As long as the recipient is using MIME compliant mail, then this should= not be a problem. Very helpful!! cheers, Les - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 19:54:38 -0800 From: Wizzle Subject: Re: (fractint) Client-server Fractint Ed.... This is what I think of as the nice to have eventually category. I'm far more interested in getting a winfract that.... 1. does everything the dos version does 2. has complete documentation and a dummy proof help utility 3. runs under nt 4. preserves all the color mapping options I have in fractint and maybe adds some anti-aliasing post processing or something.... 5. gives me a bunch more filters or formulas or whatever you think is the proper term for coloring the inside and outside of the fractal (like damien jone's stuff) 6. an expanded pallet would be nice.....but I'm not sure I'm crazy about any of the truecolor programs.....and I hate their color control there's a problem for you all to solve. If I can process the fractal as a background application while reading my email or whatever, I don't really care that my processing time goes from 10 minutes to 5. And by next year I'll cut that time anyway by going from my 100mhz pent to 233 or something anyway. Angela At 03:52 PM 1/7/98 -0000, you wrote: >I was thinking about the forthcoming rewrite of Fractint for version 20, >and wondered: why not use a client-server model for fractal drawing? ><> >What do you all think? > >-- >Ed Avis > > > > > > >- >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 22:47:45 -0500 From: Lee Skinner Subject: (fractint) Cosh_atan_mset - --------------------------------------------------------- Here's a variation of ATAN coloring that works well with many transcendental functions. This FRM and PAR file use the COSH function. Let me know if you're getting tired of the comments in my formulas. Cosh_Atan_Mset {; Copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1997 ;**************************************************** ; Always use floating point math and outside=3Dsumm. ; ; Parameters: ; real(p1) =3D maximum value of abs(real(w)) ; real(p2) =3D number of color ranges ; imag(p2) =3D number of colors in each color range ; ; Note that the equation variable is w, not z. Always ; initialize z to zero. ;**************************************************** prev_w =3D 0 c =3D pixel z =3D 0 bailout =3D 0 iter =3D 0 range_num =3D 0 max_real =3D real(p1) ;**************************************************** ; In the accompanying par file coshatan.par, ; we have 2 color ranges with 125 colors in each range ; for a total of 250 colors. The first range starts at ; color 1. Pixels will use color 253 for no bailout. ; Other values can be used here as long as the product ; of num_ranges times colors_in_range is less than 255. ;**************************************************** num_ranges =3D real(p2) colors_in_range =3D imag(p2): ;**************************************************** ; The equation being iterated. ;**************************************************** w =3D cosh(prev_w) + c ;**************************************************** ; If abs(real(w)) exceeds the value of max_real, set z to ; the index into the colormap and set the bailout flag. ;**************************************************** IF (abs(real(w)) > max_real) ;*************************************************** ; Compute the angle between the last 2 orbit points ;*************************************************** delta_i =3D imag(w) - imag(prev_w) delta_r =3D real(w) - real(prev_w) angle =3D abs(atan(delta_i / delta_r)) bailout =3D 1 range_index =3D 2 * colors_in_range * angle / pi z =3D range_index + range_num * colors_in_range + 1 ENDIF prev_w =3D w ;**************************************************** ; Cycle through the range numbers (0 thru num_ranges - 1) ; With two color ranges, even iterations use color ; range 0, odd iterations use color range 1. ;**************************************************** range_num =3D range_num + 1 IF (range_num =3D=3D num_ranges) range_num =3D 0 ENDIF ;**************************************************** ; Since we are using outside=3Dsumm, we have to subtract ; the number of iterations from z. ;**************************************************** iter =3D iter + 1 z =3D z - iter ;**************************************************** ; Finally, we test for bailout ;**************************************************** bailout =3D=3D 0 } coshatan {; Copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1997 reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Datan.frm formulaname=3DCosh_Atan_Mset passes=3Dt corners=3D0.936256107301329/0.936256306792296/0.335034518072\ 451/0.335034387876525/0.936256241612122/0.335034338991395 params=3D12/0/2/125 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1000 inside=3D253 outside=3Dsumm colors=3D000zVz<108>G0GG0GG0GG0GG0G<10>G0Gzz0<108>aG0aG0aG0aG0a\ G0<10>aG0000<3>000 } Paul Carlson - ------------------------------------------------------------------ email WWW Fractal Galleries - ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 20:06:12 -0800 From: Wizzle Subject: Re: (fractint) Formula Needed - --=====================_884261172==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Janet.... Here's a very funny attachment in thanks for your's a series of replies kids of about 11 gave to science questions....a gem...enjoy Angela At 06:24 AM 1/7/98 -0600, you wrote: >Wizzle wrote: > >> In the mean time....could Janet....or anyone who has it.....send me Linda >> Allison's formula for her stars. Linda sent me an email and said she would > > Gladly. It is. > >051597-002 {; Linda Allison May 15, 1997 > z=0; > c=log(sqr(sqr(pixel))*pixel)*0.2: > z2=fn1(z)+c > z=c*(1-z2*z2)/(1+z2*z2) > |z|<=p1 >} > >Have fun! >Janet > > > > > >- >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - --=====================_884261172==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="kidscience.txt" > Science Exam Quotes from 11-Year-Old Kids > > "Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin. Oxygin is pure > gin. Hydrogin is gin and water." > > "When you breathe, you inspire. When you do not breathe, you >expire." > > "H2O is hot water, and CO2 is cold water." > > "When you smell an odorless gas, it is probably carbon monoxide." > > "Nitrogen is not found in Ireland because it is not found in a free > state." > > "Three kinds of blood vessels are arteries, vanes and caterpillars." > > "Blood flows down one leg and up the other." > > "Respiration is composed of two acts, first inspiration, and then > expectoration." > > The moon is a planet just like the earth, only it is even deader." > > "Dew is formed on leaves when the sun shines down on them and makes > them perspire." > > "A super-saturated solution is one that holds more than it can >hold." > > "Mushrooms always grow in damp places and so they look like > umbrellas." > > "The body consists of three parts - the brainium, the borax and the > abominable cavity. The brainium ontains the brain, the borax > contains the heart and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the > > bowls, of which there are five - a, e, i, o, and u." > > "The pistol of a flower is its only protection against insects." > > "The alimentary canal is located in the northern part of Indiana." > > "The skeleton is what is left after the insides have been taken out > and the outsides have been taken off. The purpose of the skeleton >is > something to hitch meat to." > > "A permanent set of teeth consists of eight canines, eight cuspids, > two molars, and eight cuspidors." > > "The tides are a fight between the Earth and moon. All water tends > towards the moon, because there is no water in the moon, and > nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight." > > "A fossil is an extinct animal. The older it is, the more extinct it > > is." > > "Equator: A managerie lion running around the Earth through Africa." > > "Germinate: To become a naturalized German." > > "Liter: A nest of young puppies." > > "Momentum: What you give a person when they are going away." > > "Planet: A body of Earth surrounded by sky." > > "Rhubarb: A kind of celery gone bloodshot." > > "Vacuum: A large, empty space where the pope lives." > > "Before giving a blood transfusion, find out if the blood is > affirmative or negative." > > "To remove dust from the eye, pull the eye down over the nose." > > "For a nosebleed: Put the nose much lower then the body until the > heart stops." > > "For drowning: Climb on top of the person and move up and down to >make > artificial perspiration." > > "For fainting: Rub the person's chest or, if a lady, rub her arm >above > the hand instead. Or put the head between the knees of the nearest > medical doctor." > > "For dog bite: put the dog away for several days. If he has not > recovered, then kill it." > > "For asphyxiation: Apply artificial respiration until the patient is > > dead." > > "For head cold: use an agonizer to spray the nose until it drops in > your throat." > > "To keep milk from turning sour: Keep it in the cow." > > "One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a horse 500 > > feet in one second." > > "You can listen to thunder after lightening and tell how close you > came." > > "When they broke open molecules, they found they were only stuffed > with atoms. But when they broke open atoms, they found them stuffed > with explosions." > > "Some day we may discover how to make magnets that can point in any > direction." > > "Most books now say our sun is a star. But it still knows how to > change back into a sun in the daytime." > > "A vibration is a motion that cannot make up its mind which way it > wants to > go." > > "There are 26 vitamens in all, but some of the letters are yet to be > > discovered." > - --=====================_884261172==_-- - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 20:08:49 -0800 From: Wizzle Subject: (fractint) ooops... I didn't mean to post that joke to the whole list......and it has an attachment....oooooooooooops...sorry..... Angela - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 20:19:05 -0800 From: Wizzle Subject: Re: (fractint) Cosh_atan_mset Paul writes.... At 10:47 PM 1/7/98 -0500, you wrote: > >--------------------------------------------------------- >Here's a variation of ATAN coloring that works well with >many transcendental functions. This FRM and PAR file >use the COSH function. Let me know if you're getting >tired of the comments in my formulas. > bring to mind some comments that I would very much like to see in all formulas.......first, a hint about what values to put in when prompted. It is very frustrating to look at a formula with 6 blank spaces and not have any combination of numbers work after 30 minutes. Also, if a formula requires some sort of resent in the basic or other options, that is VERY handy knowledge to have. This morning I was messing with a formula that needed the decomp thingy (in the basic section) to be set to NO WAY am I going to know to do that. Having the pars is a great help....but having that type of info in the formula itself saves having to hunt for the par or gif that starts you out on the right foot. Angela - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ End of fractint-digest V1 #65 *****************************