From: (fractint-digest) To: Subject: fractint-digest V1 #69 Reply-To: fractint-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk fractint-digest Saturday, January 10 1998 Volume 01 : Number 069 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 05:24:04 -0500 From: Les St Clair Subject: Re: (fractint) =3D disease Paul wrote: >>Compu$werve's admin is clueless...I suggest everyone still on it seriously consider moving.<< As long as it remains the home of Fractint I'll hang on in there Mind you, the Fractint related traffic has seriously diminished since thi= s list started! It's a pity the GraphDev library can't be accessed on the net though. The= wealth of Fractint par files there is quite mind boggling!! At the last count there was more than 550 par files (11+MB) from over 60 artists. - - Les - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 05:54:22 -0500 (EST) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: (fractint) Determining if Two Points Hit The Same Attractor...or Siegel Disks Too! If you iterate two z, how can you tell if they hit the same attractor? If it's a cyclic attractor, the two z's might not be the same. Simple trick: pick an upper cutoff maxit. Iterate z1 ... z_n floor(maxit/2) times. Call the results b1 ... b_n. With original z1 ... z_n again, iterate them again, until at most maxit iterations in total (ceil(maxit/2) more iterations that is). After each iteration, compare each z_k with all the b_i, i <> k. If it has reached one of the b_i, remove z_k and b_k. i and k are the same attractor, out of phase; the two b_i and b_k are redundant. After the process is complete, the remaining b's, which can be renamed a1 through a_j, are points on j distinct attractors. One problem remains: detecting the exceptional case of Siegel disks. A point on a Siegel disk will eventually hit itself (using a "hit" function returning true if two complex numbers differ by less than a tiny epsilon) but if you have five points in a Siegel disk, chances are they will not hit each other, only themselves, and you will obtain five would-be "attractors" and large black areas in the image. This is Not Good. To check for Siegel disks, after the above attractor detection, each of the a_i is iterated along with say three random points in a triangle about a_i and a small epsilon distance away; this is stopped when a_i has hit itself. A Siegel disk is assumed if: a_i has just hit itself, the three other points all hit themselves, and they did not actually converge onto a_i. In that case, we find the disk's centre as follows: starting from a_i, iterate it once along with a smallish triangle of side r of surrounding points. Note the distance traveled by each. The one that traveled the shortest distance is closest to the disk's centre. Move a_i the distance r*1 in that direction, i.e. onto that point. Iterate the new a_i and a new triangle (side r) and pick again the point closest to the center, move r*10 that way. Do one more iteration. Note as d1 the distance traveled by the original a_i, d2 the subsequent a_i, and d3 this a_i. Choose m=(2*d2-d3-d1)/9, compute d3/m, move a_i that far in the same direction. Iterate it and note distance traveled. If nontrivial, repeat the whole thing again. Repeat as necessary. At last, leave a_i fixed; it is the Siegel disk center. Flag it as being such and not an attractor and record the 'period'. After doing this for all the a_k, eliminate redundant ones, ones differing by less than an epsilon or so. These were in the same Siegel disk and found the same centre. Now during generation, check not only for points converging to any of the a_i, but for a point that recurs with a period corresponding to (one of) the Siegel disk(s), and for any such, use the distance from the original pixel to the corresponding a_i Siegel center as m1 and the angle to a_i of the original pixel as m2. (The m2 can be normalized readily enough but the m1 for each/the disk will probably have to be normalized after the generation, not during; for each Siegel disk keep track of an m1_max, starts as 0 and after every pixel found to be in the Siegel disk, put m1_max->max(m1_max,m1). Then go through the database of pixels and for all the points in each disk, divide all the m1's by the appropriate disk's m1_max to normalize them all to the interval [0,1]. - -- .*. Friendship, companionship, love, and having fun are the reasons for -() < life. All else; sex, money, fame, etc.; are just to get/express these. `*' Send any and all mail with attachments to the hotmail address please. Paul Derbyshire - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 06:21:36 -0500 (EST) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: (fractint) Storing Pars and Formulas, and Transmitting Them Pars, formulas, maps... and now includes??? The simple way to do it is this: The program creates subdirectories par, frm, gif, map when first run. All pars are expected in the par dir or subdirs; frms; maps; gifs likewise. A par file is specified with a name like: pgd.cubes.cubebrot_3 which means to create the par in par/pgd/cubes/cubebrot_3.par, making directories as necessary. Formulas and maps can be likewise organized, with DJGPP supplying the long filename support on DOS/Win95. Names with dots on the save screens or in parameters turn into appropriate subdirectories of the appropriate directories, and extensions to the filenames are added automatically. Furthermore, everything tracks dependencies: a par file refers to a frm file if necessary using the dot notation, same with map files. A par always saves its map into a map file, asking the user to name it, if they decline, naming it for the par file entry and putting's baz entry's colormap in maps/foo/bar/ (the par in pars/foo/bar.par). An old-style formula with includes lists these (themselves formulas) as dependencies. A new-style formula has no iterational dependencies, but can include an altcol: section. altcol: m1: (expression in any variables left over after iteration is done that evaluates to a double; will be normalized after generation); m2: (same sort of thing); All the usual methods, e.g. potential, can be used, whilst choosing altcol for a basin will make it generate and use the m1 and m2 formulated in that formula. The altcol can be specified from a separate frm, which is a dependency. The program shall allow the user to export a formula in an independent format. An independent format chunk is a block of text of the sort par:|bar { ; Ends up in pars/this/that/foo.par entry 'bar' ;command lines follow } frm: diddly.doo.dah|funky { initialize: Iteration Variable z; Parameter c; ;etc. } map: bright.peacock { 0 255 255 127 linear 0.2 255 128 224 ;etc. } oldmap: dark.bluetwinkle { 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 15 0 0 17 ; etc. } oldfrm: fuzzy1 { z=c=pixel: z=sqr(z)+c, lastsqr<=4 } Any such sections may be included or omitted. An independent formula file has frm: sections only, so all dependencies will resolve; an independent par file has any frm's needed, and their dependencies, and any maps. When loaded, it is parsed apart into sections, the sections are appropriately saved in appropriate files (created if necessary) and, for frm, oldfrm, and par, appropriate sections (overwritten or appended as warranted; they may also be timestamped by creation time using a time: specifier, so new versions supplant old and not vice versa). GIFs or PNGs will save including a custom chunk containing appropriate chunk headers and then the text of an independent-par for the image; on load, everything extracts as needed. This directory tree will be self managing; things that bloat can still be trimmed by the user. The dot naming and the parallel directory tree allows people to define name spaces for their pars or frms; nobody but me is likely to use pgd.cube3|cube3_type2 for instance. There will no longer be problems with pars or gifs not working after being obtained; nor with having to extract frm: sections from parfiles, as this will be done for you, and put in the appropriate place with the appropriate name too. This may also cut down on bloated fractint.frm and, or unmanageable messes of little formulas you don't know what are for. An option might even be added to delete a given par or frm, together with any of its dependencies then no longer depended-upon by anyone. - -- .*. Friendship, companionship, love, and having fun are the reasons for -() < life. All else; sex, money, fame, etc.; are just to get/express these. `*' Send any and all mail with attachments to the hotmail address please. Paul Derbyshire - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 06:25:47 -0500 (EST) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: (fractint) Distance Estimator for any function Herein is a generalization of the distance estimator method that, by avoiding using the derivative f'(z), can be easily generalized for any formula without having to write a new algorithm for it or know the derivative! In the formula, distest=1/2*log(|z|)*sqrt(|z|/|z'|) where |z'| is the derivative, replace |z'| with |(z-w)/e|, where w is set equal to z at the first iteration plus a small value e. (w-z)/e is simply a quantity that tends to z' as e tends to zero. For Julia types, z is as expected; for Mandelbrot types, use 1/2*log(|c|)*sqrt(|c|/|c'|), c' approximated as (w-c)/e, w starting out as c+e. e must be chosen small (try 1.0e-13) for this to work well. I tested it; it works. I did it on z^3+c. - -- .*. Friendship, companionship, love, and having fun are the reasons for -() < life. All else; sex, money, fame, etc.; are just to get/express these. `*' Send any and all mail with attachments to the hotmail address please. Paul Derbyshire - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 06:42:51 -0500 (EST) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: Re: (fractint) Liouville Julia set >Hi Paul, > >>The Liouville one is fascinating to study using the orbits window. >> Generate it and hit o, and look at the assorted orbits for points >> in the interior. > >Very interesting. The orbit on a P200 gave the impression of a beating heart. > >I reproduce your par here with slight zoom in and color change so >I can see the edge a little better. I also toss out two others...these are >really chunky fractals! If we use passes=g we don't see correct valleys. What the hell internal angles did you use for those two? I don't myself know of any other Liouville numbers. As for passes=g, I had noticed. :P It sure is slow with maxit=1048576 and passes=1...took me a whole 2 minutes. Yeachk. Fascinating end results though. >> namely that the brain contains structures that operate as quantum >> computers not subject to the limitations of classical mechanics, nor >> to the Turing machine's limits of finite states and finite speed. > >I have the other day teased one of the computer science types I know >about the stopping problem applied to the brain. I suggested it might be >fear of such that drives some at the office to drink so much coffee! >(Would not want that up stairs computer to stop while contemplating >one of your Siegel disks.) On the other hand, I pointed out to him that >quantum effects might allow the brain to restart. There're plenty more Siegel disks... just check my post outlining an algorithm for identifying a representative point for each finite attractor and the center and a characteristic of each Siegel disk in an arbitrary Julia set image of any kind, and detect convergence to any of the above for each image pixel. >I agree. A few years ago I posted to sci.fractals an article titled >The Mandelbrot Chaosometer where I describe some aspects >of this problem. All of a sudden, I want to fiddle around with Lyapunov exponents...Julia coloring by Lyapunov exponents, Mandelbrot by that of the critical point... I wonder why... Say I wonder what the Lyapunov exponent does in a Siegel disk? Stays near zero perhaps? >Jay > >Liouville-1 { ; Paul Derbyshire > ; zoom in and color change by Jay Hill > reset=1960 type=lambda passes=1 > center-mag=0.5/4.44089e-016/0.8912656 > params=0.09801751303322832/-0.9951846899640191 float=y > maxiter=1048576 inside=0 logmap=yes > colors=000F0K<29>i0xk0zj0z<29>20z01z01z<30>0Uz1Vz3Wz<28>xxzzzzzzx<59>zz1\ > zz0zy0yx0<56>I4IH3JG2JF0KF0KF0KF0K > savename=Liouvill > } > >Siegel-1 { ; Paul Derbyshire > ; zoom in and color change by Jay Hill > ; params=exp(2*i*pi*a), a=(sqrt(5.)-1.)/2. > reset=1960 type=lambda center-mag=0.5/6.66134e-016/0.9861933 > params=-0.7373688780783196/-0.675490294261524 float=y > maxiter=1048576 inside=0 logmap=yes passes=1 > colors=000F0K<29>i0xk0zj0z<29>20z01z01z<30>0Uz1Vz3Wz<28>xxzzzzzzx<59>zz1\ > zz0zy0yx0<56>I4IH3JG2JF0KF0KF0KF0K > savename=Siegel > } > >Siegel-2 { ; Jay Hill > ; params=exp(2*i*pi*a), a=(sqrt(3.)-1.)/2. > reset=1960 type=lambda center-mag=0.5/6.66134e-016/0.9861933 > params=-0.666130923602528/0.745834829315743 float=y > maxiter=1048576 inside=0 logmap=yes passes=1 > colors=000F0K<29>i0xk0zj0z<29>20z01z01z<30>0Uz1Vz3Wz<28>xxzzzzzzx<59>zz1\ > zz0zy0yx0<56>I4IH3JG2JF0KF0KF0KF0K > savename=Siegel2 > } > >Siegel-3 { ; Jay Hill > ; params=exp(2*i*pi*a), a=(sqrt(7.)-1.)/2. > reset=1960 type=lambda center-mag=0.5/6.66134e-016/0.9861933 > params=0.442057568870217/-0.896986680951592 float=y > maxiter=1048576 inside=0 logmap=yes passes=1 > colors=000F0K<29>i0xk0zj0z<29>20z01z01z<30>0Uz1Vz3Wz<28>xxzzzzzzx<59>zz1\ > zz0zy0yx0<56>I4IH3JG2JF0KF0KF0KF0K > savename=Siegel3 > } Arg. Not two new Liouvilles, two Siegels. :-) Algebraic Siegels look a bit different from transcendental ones sometimes. (Transcendental as in, pi-3, pi/4, e-2, e/3, 1/pi, 1/sqrt(pi), etc... Heck even try (pi+e-5)^2.7! or exp(e-2)... gak. Inventing freaky transcendental numbers rapidly produces prolific irrationals in prodigious quantities with no practical value whatsoever. :-)) I gotta say, you definitely know your math, not just complex and exponential, but even the Mandelmath from TBOF. :-) - -- .*. Friendship, companionship, love, and having fun are the reasons for -() < life. All else; sex, money, fame, etc.; are just to get/express these. `*' Send any and all mail with attachments to the hotmail address please. Paul Derbyshire - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 06:44:45 -0500 (EST) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: Re: (fractint) Liouville Julia set Looking at these pars with savename='s manually added... how's about allowing the savename= to save in a par automagically if it was set on the x screen? - -- .*. Friendship, companionship, love, and having fun are the reasons for -() < life. All else; sex, money, fame, etc.; are just to get/express these. `*' Send any and all mail with attachments to the hotmail address please. Paul Derbyshire - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 06:48:54 -0500 (EST) From: (Paul Derbyshire) Subject: Re: (fractint) =3D disease > >Paul wrote: > >>>Compu$werve's admin is clueless...I suggest everyone still on it >seriously consider moving.<< > >As long as it remains the home of Fractint I'll hang on in there The home of Fractint is and, now, ;-) >Mind you, the Fractint related traffic has seriously diminished since this >list started! >It's a pity the GraphDev library can't be accessed on the net though. The >wealth of Fractint par files there is quite mind boggling!! Well, Compu$tink is (probably) a sinking ship. Someone, go rescue those pars and put them someplace civilized and with-the-90's, like spanky's FTP site. >At the last count there was more than 550 par files (11+MB) from over 60 >artists. How much free space does ftp.spanky have? ;-) - -- .*. Friendship, companionship, love, and having fun are the reasons for -() < life. All else; sex, money, fame, etc.; are just to get/express these. `*' Send any and all mail with attachments to the hotmail address please. Paul Derbyshire - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 17:40:05 +0100 From: "Jacco Burger" Subject: (fractint) article in Dutch Newspaper I send this message for the Dutch speaking members of the list. I realise this might offend some people, so for those who can't read Dutch (and for those who can) I send a previously unpublished par-entry at the end of this message. (english summary: today's issue of the Volkskrant has an article about Prof.dr. David Avnir who says that there are no real fractals in nature) - ---- start of dutch message (it isn't very long)----- In de Volkskrant van zaterdag 10 januari staat een artikel genaamd "De mythe van de gebroken werkelijkheid". Het gaat over Prof.dr. David Avnir die beweert dat het te ver gaat om de werkelijkheid door middel van fractal geometrie te beschrijven. Op Internet ( geeft Volkskrant de volgende samenvatting: Begin jaren tachtig vond Benoit Mandelbrot een wiskundige beschrijving voor de Engelse kustlijn. Die houdt het midden tussen een lijn en een vlak. Sindsdien ontwaren natuurwetenschappers overal zulke fractals. Maar welbeschouwd zien ze voornamelijk hersenschimmen. - --- end of dutch message ------- - --- begin of par-entry ------ jacco044 { reset=1960 type=fn+fn function=log/cotan passes=1 center-mag=+4.81057739000000000\ /+0.00299072499999997/0.7392501/0.9996/-90 params=4/0/1/0 maxiter=500 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 colors=425FKO<35>gfahgbihbjicihb<5>hhbhgbh\ gbggbgfaffa<2>edadd`cc`bc`bb_<\ 13>ORUNQUMPTLPS<4>GLPFKOEJNDJMCILBHK\ AGJ9GI<3>28A068068<21>DDIEEJHHM<2>QQ\ VUTZWUZ<7>nia<8>EAA<8>F23F23E23<5>A5\ 5966855622<8>ZAB<8>EA6<6>LA9MAANABOB\ CQDD<5>_PJaRKbRJ<6>lX6nY4mY6<6>dTKbS\ NbSL<6>fO6gN3fN3<6>XG4VF5VF5<6>aF3bE\ 2bG4<7>jZO<4>gUL } - ------ end of par-entry ----- Bye! Jacco e-mail visit my fractal gallery at - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 09:54:06 -0800 From: Wizzle Subject: Re: (fractint) =3D disease For those who want to move off of compuserve....try You will easily be able to locate internet service providers in your area and compare their rates and services. Angela At 03:38 AM 1/10/98 -0500, you wrote: > >>I asked Compuserve if there was a way of switching the quoted-printable >>encoding off (as you know, it affects my outgoing posts too). After several >>days I received this reply... >> >>[sarcastic] Very helpful!! > > >Compu$werve's admin is clueless. Did you know they are blackholing spam >and net abuse complaints? It is rapidly turning into the Internet's >low-rent district...I suggest everyone still on it seriously consider moving. > > >-- > .*. Friendship, companionship, love, and having fun are the reasons for > -() < life. All else; sex, money, fame, etc.; are just to get/express these. > `*' Send any and all mail with attachments to the hotmail address please. >Paul Derbyshire > >- >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:06:44 -0800 From: Peter Jakubowicz Subject: Re: (fractint) Liouville Julia set At 01:29 AM 1/10/98 -0500, Paul Derbyshire wrote: > The Liouville one is fascinating to study using >the orbits window. Generate it and hit o, and look at the assorted orbits >for points in the interior. If that is a Siegel disk it's a damned weird >one. If it is not... what is it? This probably falls more under the category of RTFM than RTBOF, but I am curious about what I see when viewing these with the orbits window. For the Siegel disk par, I can see it converge more or less smoothly to a point, moving the cursor from about the center of the thing to where I expected to see a point it after reading a bit about Siegel disks. But for the Liouville par, I get these pathological, broken looking sort of orbits, the pieces being of different colors, particularly near the middle, and no where can I make it converge to a point. What am I seeing when I look at that broken, pulsating orbit. Is that what it's supposed to look like, or is something wrong about my machine maybe? Also, is there some unanswered question about whether Siegel disks actually exist? I've seen a picture in a book; but do some think they doubt their existence. - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 10:49:32 -0800 From: Wizzle Subject: Re: (fractint) Liouville Julia set Would one of you take a crack at explaining orbits in VERY lay terms to a non-mathematician??? Also.....attractors (in the fractal sense). Please do NOT use formulas in your explanation, which are meaningless to me. I would like to know what sort of image they generate.....for instance.....I know when I pick "real" as an outside coloring option.....I get a ribbon-like effect. Damiens new formulas remind me of strands and they are on the outside of the mandelbrot set as I recall..... Thanks Angela At 01:06 PM 1/10/98 -0800, you wrote: >At 01:29 AM 1/10/98 -0500, Paul Derbyshire wrote: > >> The Liouville one is fascinating to study using >>the orbits window. Generate it and hit o, and look at the assorted orbits >>for points in the interior. If that is a Siegel disk it's a damned weird >>one. If it is not... what is it? > >This probably falls more under the category of RTFM than RTBOF, but >I am curious about what I see when viewing these with the orbits window. >For the Siegel disk par, I can see it converge more or less smoothly to a >point, moving the cursor from about the center of the thing to where I >expected to see a point it after reading a bit about Siegel disks. But for >the Liouville par, I get these pathological, broken looking sort of orbits, >the pieces being of different colors, particularly near the middle, and no >where can I make it converge to a point. What am I seeing when I look at >that broken, pulsating orbit. Is that what it's supposed to look like, or >is something wrong about my machine maybe? Also, is there some unanswered >question about whether Siegel disks actually exist? >I've seen a picture in a book; but do some think they doubt their >existence. > > >- >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:43:36 -0500 From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: Re: (fractint) =3D disease >> Well, Compu$tink is (probably) a sinking ship. Someone, go rescue >> those pars and put them someplace civilized and with-the-90's, like >> spanky's FTP site. One can wonder what stinks the most... - Sylvie - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 12:59:00 -0800 From: "Jim sellers" Subject: (fractint) Map Files Cindy; Thanks for the info on the map files, I haven't used the "e" option much. I've been working and saving my map files in "c" and "e" gives me some new understanding of the RGB triplets I want to learn how to use. Also I've been unable to load the Fractint.Doc file so I can print it out, it tells me I don't have enough memory which I know is not so, it's just not available. One screen tells me to remove the "noems" line from my config.sys file and not only is it not there but I don't like to mess with files like that on these new machines. I hope someone out there can steer me in the right direction. I would also like to know how those RGB triplets work together and how Fractint decides when and where to use them to color a pixel ? If there is some information somewhere on the web please let me know. Thanks Jim Sellers - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 01:17:39 -0800 From: cindy mitchell Subject: Re: (fractint) Map Files Hi, To make the docs go to Dos and go to your fractint dir. Type fractint makedoc. You will have Fractint.doc. It is a very large file so be prepared when you print it. Worth while to have. As far as the triplets go I would ask the list. Someone should be able to answer. Put it just like you did here. Cindy At 12:59 PM 1/10/98 -0800, you wrote: >Cindy; >Thanks for the info on the map files, I haven't used the "e" option much. >I've been working and saving my map files in "c" and "e" gives me some >new understanding of the RGB triplets I want to learn how to use. Also >I've >been unable to load the Fractint.Doc file so I can print it out, it tells >me I >don't have enough memory which I know is not so, it's just not available. >One screen tells me to remove the "noems" line from my config.sys file and >not only is it not there but I don't like to mess with files like that on >these >new machines. I hope someone out there can steer me in the right >direction. >I would also like to know how those RGB triplets work together and how >Fractint decides when and where to use them to color a pixel ? If there is >some information somewhere on the web please let me know. >Thanks >Jim Sellers > > > >- >------------------------------------------------------------ >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List >Post Message: >Get Commands: "help" >Administrator: >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 11:22:29 -1000 From: "Shauna Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) Embedding URLs On 9 Jan 98 at 10:14, Edward Avis spoke about (fractint) Embedding URLs: > You can solve this potential problem by enclosing the URL in >, as in . The enclosure has > been proposed as a way to embed URLs safely within other text files > and have them be easily recognized and extracted by programs. > > No, please don't do this. I'm using bgOutlook and it includes the > final ">" as part of the URL :-( > > Maybe put a space before the end of the URL and the ">". I prefer to put URLs on a line by themselves, just by themselves: Avoids all kinds of problems, and helps (somewhat) with the problem of those long URLs that get broken apart when mail clients do their line wrapping ... Another blast of bits from David Visit our not-so-boring web page: Visit the Hawaii Astronomical Society: For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: Random Thought for this Nanosecond Is there scientific proof of scientific proof? - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:28:10 -0800 From: "Jim sellers" Subject: Re: (fractint) Map Files Cindy That's exactly what I did when it told me the file was too large for my memory. Somehow my configuration doesn't allow enough memory in Dos. Thanks again Jim - ---------- > From: cindy mitchell > To: > Subject: Re: (fractint) Map Files > Date: Sunday, January 11, 1998 1:17 AM > > Hi, > To make the docs go to Dos and go to your fractint dir. Type fractint makedoc. > You will have Fractint.doc. It is a very large file so be prepared when you > print it. > Worth while to have. > As far as the triplets go I would ask the list. Someone should be > able to answer. Put it just like you did here. > Cindy > > At 12:59 PM 1/10/98 -0800, you wrote: > >Cindy; > >Thanks for the info on the map files, I haven't used the "e" option much. > >I've been working and saving my map files in "c" and "e" gives me some > >new understanding of the RGB triplets I want to learn how to use. Also > >I've > >been unable to load the Fractint.Doc file so I can print it out, it tells > >me I > >don't have enough memory which I know is not so, it's just not available. > >One screen tells me to remove the "noems" line from my config.sys file and > >not only is it not there but I don't like to mess with files like that on > >these > >new machines. I hope someone out there can steer me in the right > >direction. > >I would also like to know how those RGB triplets work together and how > >Fractint decides when and where to use them to color a pixel ? If there is > >some information somewhere on the web please let me know. > >Thanks > >Jim Sellers > > > > > > > >- > >------------------------------------------------------------ > >Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > >Post Message: > >Get Commands: "help" > >Administrator: > >Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > > > > > > - > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 13:29:36 -0800 From: "Jim sellers" Subject: (fractint) Map file info Hi; I would also like to know how those RGB triplets work together and how Fractint decides when and where to use them to color a pixel ? If there is some information somewhere on the web please let me know. Thanks Jim Sellers - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 14:20:40 -0600 From: "Damien M. Jones" Subject: Re: (fractint) =3D disease Sylvie, - >> Well, Compu$tink is (probably) a sinking ship. Someone, go rescue - >> those pars and put them someplace civilized and with-the-90's, like - >> spanky's FTP site. - - One can wonder what stinks the most... ??? Not sure I understand what you mean by this comment...? Damien M. Jones \\ \\ (temporary sanity designs) \\ (fractals are my hobby) - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 18:23:08 -0500 From: Sylvie Gallet Subject: Re: (fractint) =3D disease Hi Damien, >> ??? Not sure I understand what you mean by this comment...? I mean that I'm a bit fed up with this discussion about CompuServe. = We're not on the IRC, we're on a discussion list about fractals and I'd appreciate more on-topic discussions. And a correct language doesn't hur= t. Cheers, - Sylvie - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 20:01:22 -0500 From: Les St Clair Subject: Re: (fractint) Liouville Julia set PD asked: >>Looking at these pars with savename=3D's manually added... how's about allowing the savename=3D to save in a par automagically if it was set on = the x screen?<< This is something I've wanted for a long time! It should be limited to DOS 8.3 nomenclature though. If implemented, it could also be used by Michael Peters Par-to-bat progra= m to give the saved gifs their correct names. (have you ever used partobat on a really long file, then spent hours tyin= g to marry up the images to the par file entries?) - - Les - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 19:57:15 -0600 From: "Justin A. Kolodziej" <> Subject: (fractint) Back from X-mas/semester break I'm back at Marquette after a month at home. Unfortunately, I didn't get the modem connected at my house, so I missed who the "big winner" in the inaugural Fractal Art Contest was. Also, my Fractint vs. XFractint comparison didn't go too well, as I started just exploring with XFractint instead of timing it. Oh well, I guess that's what it's really for anyway. I did find out, however, that although Xfractint destroys normal Fractint in Julibrot mode, normal Fractint beats X in user-defined formulas. In normal Mandelbrots, XFractint also has an edge, though not nearly as much as in the Julibrots. My assessment: Use the one that runs on your favorite OS, UNLESS you just want to run Julibrots, in which case you should definitely get some version of Unix that runs X. PS: My CD from Microsoft never came in, whixh means I'll have to change my signature (again!). :( - -- Justin Kolodziej "Just because I won something from Microsoft doesn't mean I'm going to use IE4.0." Justin Kolodziej is Marquette University is - - - ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ End of fractint-digest V1 #69 *****************************