From: (fractint-digest) To: Subject: fractint-digest V1 #189 Reply-To: fractint-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk fractint-digest Monday, May 4 1998 Volume 01 : Number 189 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 14:25:23 -0700 From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: (fractint) Yet another par I've gotten behind what with all the great pars and formulas posted lately. Thank you Paul and Kathy!!!! I got a chance to explore your formulas just a bit today and it's been great. I certainly had a wonderful time chatting on irc today and learned a bit more about taming the windows95 beast............learned how to chat and fractal at the same time so I was able to see earl's fantastic par "live and in person." Is that a stunner or what?? Help in real time is the best, know....go this....etc. I got an idea for a new posting too.....and would like some feedback. I've done "sets" of colormaps which are useful for adding some variety when you are exploring a particular image. I plan to post one set based on a map Linda developed and another set tailored for Paul's formulas. Does the group prefer to have a set of zipped .map files or should I bundle the maps into a par? I have Tim's new goodies so the pars will have excellent compression color-wise. And here is a par from one of Paul's you can get a preview of the map ever...I prefer just a bit of black to bring out a spiral. wiz_cream { ; 5/3/98 wizzle from a P. Carlson formula reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=f:may98.frm formulaname=flexballs_r4 center-mag=-2.81666415879057800/+1.83796604599094500/135621.1/1/-37.498 params=0.1/0/0.0185/0 float=y maxiter=2000 inside=253 outside=summ invert=1/0/0 colors=000fNL<14>K4A000<13>000zzc<28>K5AzKU<28>K00wUK<28>K0AGGz<28>K0KfO\ z<28>K0FKwc<28>AKKzKU<28>O00zcU<12>gOM } Angela - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 14:27:25 -0700 From: "Angela Wilczynski" Subject: Re: (fractint) formula syntax George.... I for one would be VERY upset if Paul's formulas didn't work with the new release......thank you so much for noticing. Angela George Martin wrote: > > Formula writers: > > I've just noticed that some formulas by Paul Carlson contain lines such as > the following: > > IF ((d = |w + (0,-.5)|) < size) > > > I'll work with Paul to rewrite the formulas which have these expressions > now, so they'll work by the time 20.0 comes out. The two formulas where > I've noticed this are Series_Balls_Mset and MyEqn_Julia. > > George Martin > - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 17:15:55 -0400 From: George Martin <> Subject: Re: (fractint) What do I do? > Can someone answer me via private Email? What do I do with the FRM part of the posts? Can I leave them in the PAR when I clip and save it, and will they be found there? < This is a matter of general interest. Formulas may be included in .par files if they are preceded with the identifier prefix "frm:". The formula will be found *only* in connection with drawing an image in the .par file. It will not appear on any menu screen and will not be found when other .par files are run. It is better to copy the formula to a .frm file. The prefix frm:, if present, must be removed. The naming of the .frm file is not particularly important; fractint is very good at searching for and finding formulas, so long as the .frm files are together in the same directory. George Martin - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 18:01:23 -0400 From: "Marie Drozdis" Subject: RE: (fractint) lava_tube par Believe it or not, that sailed right on over my head. I've had lots of time to play today, so have been trying frms like mad. Now, time to give your tweaks to my butterfly fractal a try. :) I wholeheartedly agree about the PC frms. Some folks are in a class by themselves. > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of davides ... > PC's frms are something else to work with, aren't they? > - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 15:21:08 -0700 From: "John Wilson" Subject: Re: (fractint) Two equation formula (long) - -----Original Message----- >Hmmmm... I think we're talking about two different images. >Mardi_gras_dragon was (I hope!) a classic period-8 dragon that >looked decorated with fruit of 8 colors. > >Paul Carlson You're right, mea culpa! I was refering to your "3D_Cascade" .. In some sort of self-defense over my error, I have to point out that your announcement message listed the Pars in the order: 1, 2, 6, 4, 7, 9, 13, 11, 3, 12, 5, 8, 10 and 14. However, your par *data* was ordered; 8, 9, 7, 1, 3, 12, 6, 2, 10, 13, 5, 15, 4 and 14. Of course, I numbered my stored GIF's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 Now try getting the correct *names* associated with the GIF's. It's quite difficult, even with the aid of a couple of stiff Martinis. :-) John Wilson - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 17:35:01 -0600 From: "Tim Wegner" Subject: (fractint) file limit Due to popular request, the fractint list file size limit is back to 40000 where it was originally. Quite a few people preferred the higher limit, and while at least one person thought the lower limit was good, no one wrote me that receiving a 40K file inconvenienced them. I do suggest using good judgement in uploading larger files. Damien Jones has offerred his FTP site at as a location to upload larger PAR and FRM files. Damien, could you let us know upload instructions? The idea is instead of uploading a large file to the list, upload it instead to Damien's site. Les St. Clair is maintaining a collection of PAR files uploaded here at his Web site, Les, let us know whether or not you would accept email submission s for your site. The idea is to lower list traffic by uploading files to one of those sites, and then referring to them here rather than uploading them. However, I don't object to PAR and FRM files being uploaded to the fractint list within the 40000 byte limit if folks prefer that. Tim Wegner - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 16:39:03 -0600 From: Subject: [none] When your email address doesn't work, all your fractint list messages bounce to me. I generally unsubscribe addresses that aren't working after a day or so, especially when the bounced messages say "permanent fatal error". Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: fractint Sometimes for one reason or another people aren't able to get their mail, and their mailbox gets full. In this case also, mail bounces to me. When this happens, I will also unsubscribe the address. If this happens to you, and you want to get back on the list, just resubscribe, or ask me to resubscribe your address. Remember that being unsubscribed from the list is just normal list maintenance, not personal rejection. :-) When the problems your address are experiencing are cleared up, I'm happy to have you back. Tim - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 18:19:48 -0500 (CDT) From: (Paul and/or Joyce Carlson) Subject: Re: (fractint) formula syntax >I for one would be VERY upset if Paul's formulas didn't work with the new >release......thank you so much for noticing. Me too! :) Paul Carlson - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 18:24:03 -0500 (CDT) From: (Paul and/or Joyce Carlson) Subject: Re: (fractint) Two equation formula (long) John, >Now try getting the correct *names* associated with the GIF's. It's quite >difficult, even with the aid of a couple of stiff Martinis. :-) You're right - I'll have to think of a better way. Paul - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 18:27:05 -0500 (CDT) From: (Paul and/or Joyce Carlson) Subject: (fractint) Chatting, and a formula This morning there were 5 or 6 of us chatting on the #fractals channel. All of us had MIRC, Fractint, and a web browser running. We were trading pars which were run and commented on while we were chatting. Also, URLs were swapped, web pages viewed and advice given on improving web pages. Modifications to pages were made and the results viewed and commented on while we were chatting. Great fun! Join us next time (probably to be announced by Wizzle)! Here's a formula and par that I sent to the other chatters (chattees?, whatever): comment { This formula applies my flexball rendering method to a Halley's method solution of w^4 - c*w - c^4 = 0. Paul Carlson } frm:FB_Halley_M42 {; Copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1998 ; Always use float=y, outside=summ ; p1 = relaxation factor ; p2 = radius of center of ring (0.01 to 10) ; p3 = one half thickness of ring (0.01 to p2) c = pixel, c4 = c*c*c*c w = z = iter = bailout = 0 d0 = p2 + p3 d1 = 0.382683432365 * p2 d2 = 0.923879532511 * p2 dsqd = d0 * d0 + p2 * p2 - (d0 + d0) * d2 : w2 = w * w, fnc = w2 * w2 - c*w - c4, der = 4 * w * w2 - c k = p1 * fnc / (der - 12 * w2 * fnc / (der + der)) w = w - k ; IF ((abs(cabs(w) - p2) < p3) && iter > 0) bailout = 1 wr = real(w), wi = imag(w) awr = abs(wr), awi = abs(wi) IF (awr >= awi) dist = (awr - d2) * (awr - d2) + (awi - d1) * (awi - d1) adjust = 1 ELSE dist = (awr - d1) * (awr - d1) + (awi - d2) * (awi - d2) adjust = 0 ENDIF IF (wr >= 0 && wi >= 0) range_num = 1 - adjust ELSEIF (wr < 0 && wi >= 0) range_num = 2 + adjust ELSEIF (wr < 0 && wi < 0) range_num = 5 - adjust ELSE range_num = 6 + adjust ENDIF ratio = sqrt(dist / dsqd) z = 29 * ratio + range_num * 30 + 1 ELSEIF (|k| < 0.000001) bailout = 1 z = 252 ENDIF iter = iter + 1 z = z - iter bailout == 0 } fbhalm21 { ; Copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fbhalm42.frm formulaname=fb_halley_m42 passes=1 center-mag=-21.93283500254530000/+9.08487764353243100/61280.2\ 1/1/112.498 params=1/0/20/0/2/0 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000fOz<28>I0Kz0f<28>O08z88<28>O00zW0<28>c40zz0<28>aG00\ zR<28>0C40zz<28>0CCGGz<28>00O000<10>000zzz000000 } fbhalm22 { ; Copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1998 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fbhalm42.par formulaname=fb_halley_m42 passes=1 center-mag=-21.93283501457555000/+9.08487764851502900/467274.\ 2/1/112.497 params=1/0/20/0/2/0 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000fOz<28>I0Kz0f<28>O08z88<28>O00zW0<28>c40zz0<28>aG00\ zR<28>0C40zz<28>0CCGGz<28>00O000<10>000zzz000000 } - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 18:39:16 -0500 (CDT) From: (Paul and/or Joyce Carlson) Subject: Re: (fractint) Yet another par >I certainly had a wonderful time chatting on irc today and learned >a bit more about taming the windows95 beast. Everybody there learned something! Nothing beats being able to ask questions and having them answered immediately. >Does the group prefer to have a set of zipped .map files or should >I bundle the maps into a par? I'd prefer a par. >And here is a par from one of Paul's formulas... Beautiful image, Wiz - great colors! Paul Carlson - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 20:05:50 -0400 From: Gedeon Peteri Subject: (fractint) Re: tchebych frm Thanks to George Martin and Bob Margolis I now got what I needed. Gedeon - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 20:58:50 -0700 From: Mark Christenson Subject: (fractint) pars 'n' such comment { Thanks and congratulations to Charles Crocker, who correctly identified my "core drag" problem as a side effect of periodicity=yes. I have included the corrected par. Also, more apologies to Kerry. After I posted the pars & frm, I realized I had deleted useful data! While searching for gravijuls afflicted by the problem, I ended up recoloring one of my old images with a modified Linda Allison map. I thought the original was pretty good, but the recolor is less cartoonish, more elegant. Later, Bud } ; *** pars ghjp2a { ; jp2 in ghost mode - (c) Bud 4/29/98 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=filist.frm formulaname=ghost_jul passes=t center-mag=0/0/0.7 params=0.2875/0.01095/4/1 float=y maxiter=300 decomp=256 periodicity=0 colors=G7E<6>67N47O58P<4>7DS8ET9FUAGUAGU<45>lyymzzmyz<44>CHXBGWAFV9EU9 DT\ 8CT<3>58Q57P67O<10>K7AL78M77O75P86<52>yxkyylzzmzzmyyl<53>Q87P76O77<4>H7D cyclerange=0/255 } gj172 { ; gj171 zoom - (c) Bud 2/16/98 reset=1930 type=formula formulafile=budz.frm formulaname=gravijul function=recip/tan/asin passes=t center-mag=0/0.716771/2.46 params=1.19/0/0/0/4/0 float=y maxiter=300 inside=200 outside=atan colors=0K0<37>0u0cv0<5>ww0<13>gg0ef0de0bc0ab0<6>TV0SU0SS0SR0<16>z00<21>W\ Vz<20>1yz0zz1yz<41>x2zz0zz0y<34>yNByOAxOA<35>0K0u3Yt2Z0K0 } gj173 { ; gj172 recolor - (c) Bud 5/3/98 ; with a tweaked Linda Allison palette reset=1930 type=formula formulafile=budz.frm formulaname=gravijul function=recip/tan/asin passes=t center-mag=0/0.716771/2.46 params=1.19/0/0/0/4/0 float=y maxiter=300 inside=200 outside=atan colors=800400<20>X00Y00_00a00<12>z00<25>Q00O00O11<14>`RTaTVaUWaWY<6>hhki\ jmjkoklqmmtonwkmsikohijegfcda<5>USJTQGROCPL8<2>TOBVPCXQDZSEaUG<9>xn_<13>\ TN9RL7PJ7PK8<14>nru<14>050130200<2>011011021031<2>053063063073083<3>0B50\ B50C61D7<2>4GC4HD5IE6JF7KH<5>AQNBRPAQO<5>7LH6KG5JE4ID4HB<22>1551541441 43\ 133<3>111000100200 } ; *** frms frm:ghost_jul { ; Kerry Mitchell ; ; colors Julia sets by combining the smoothed iteration ; with a background of rays from the center ; ; use decomp=256 ; p1 = Julia parameter ; real(p2) = bailout ; imag(p2) = "ghost" adjustment: set to 0 for only ; background rays, try 2 ; calculation performed on variable zc, z used for coloring ; maxr=real(p2), scale=imag(p2)*pi/128 ol2=1/log(2), fac=log(0.5*log(maxr)) iter=1, zc=pixel, c=p1, background=pixel : iter=iter+1, zc=sqr(zc)+c ; ; bailout ; compute smoothed iteration as "angle" ; multiply angle by background to get final z ; set z to background for interior points ; set "iteration done" flag (iter=-1) ; if ((|zc|>maxr)||(iter==maxit)) smooth=(iter+ol2*(fac-log(log(cabs(zc)))))*scale angle=cos(smooth)+flip(sin(smooth)) z=background*angle if (iter==maxit) z=background endif iter=-1 endif iter>0 } frm:gravijul { ; generalized r^(-2) by Mark "Bud" Christenson 1/25/98 ; defaults: p1 = (1,0) p2 = (0,0) p3 = (4,0) z = pixel: w = fn1(z) z = fn3(p1/fn2(w*w)) + p2 |z| < p3 } - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 01:11:34 -0400 From: "Philip DiGiorgi" Subject: (fractint) A few pars I enjoyed making these and thought I'd share them with you folks. They use the HyCycle_Julia formula that Paul Carlson posted a while back. Hope you folks find them interesting. Phil D - -------------------------- pd-hcj01 { ; t= 0:01:28.93 (c) P. DiGiorgi - 5/98 ; Generated on a K6-266 at 1600x1200 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=carlson.frm formulaname=hycycl_julia passes=t center-mag=4.44089e-016/1.05471e-015/0.6854036/1/-44.996 params=1.15/0/0.6/0/0.1/0 float=y maxiter=255 inside=253 outside=summ colors=A0Iyol<19>wYGvXEvWDuVBuUA<4>uS3uR1uQ1<3>sO0sO0sN0s\ M0rL0<3>qJ0pI0pH0pG0pF0<3>nD0nC0mB0mA0m90<5>k50k50j40i30<\ 2>h10h00h00g00<7>d00d00c00b00<9>Z00Z00Y00X00<5>U00U00U00U\ 00U00<19>T00T00R00<8>000<5>000000110220<59>rgAshAtiBujC<1\ 0>xs`xtcxuexvhxwjyxm<14>ywtyvuyvvyvwzuy<4>zuyzuxztv<4>zon } pd-hcj02 { ; t= 0:01:10.31 (c) P. DiGiorgi - 5/98 ; Generated on a K6-266 at 1600x1200 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=carlson.frm formulaname=hycycl_julia passes=t center-mag=4.44089e-016/1.05471e-015/0.6360545/1/-44.996 params=1.4/0/1.5/0/0.05/0 float=y maxiter=255 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000PkN<42>882771771771<9>761761861961<37>z00cK0<9>\ ne0og0ph6<6>wrmxttxtr<20>fd3ec0db0<43>660551561561<37>z00\ NiM<11>TuTUwUUwU<11>PlO } pd-hcj08 { ; t= 0:03:57.28 (c) P. DiGiorgi - 5/98 ; Generated on a K6-266 at 1600x1200 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=carlson.frm formulaname=hycycl_julia passes=t center-mag=-2.22045e-016/4.996e-016/0.8691646/1/-45 params=0.7112000000000001/0.3200154/0.6/0/0.4/0 float=y maxiter=255 inside=253 outside=summ colors=A0FUKK<88>yyyzzzzyy<32>UKK6Ac<34>ADeAEeAEeBEeBEeBF\ f<12>HKiILiILiJMjKMjKNj<14>WXpWYqXZqY_rZ`r_`s<10>kkymlymm\ ziix<2>cdubct`as_`rY_q<18>DGfCFfBFe<4>6Ac59c6Ac6Qh6Qg } pd-hcj09 { ; t= 0:08:12.57 (c) P. DiGiorgi - 5/98 ; Generated on a K6-266 at 1600x1200 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=carlson.frm formulaname=hycycl_julia passes=t center-mag=-4.44089e-016/-1.38778e-016/0.7183908/1/-44.999 params=0.85/0/0.25/0/0.2/0 float=y maxiter=255 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000zux<26>wYGvXEvWDuVBuUA<4>uS3uR1uQ1<3>sO0sO0sN0sM\ 0rL0<2>qK0qJ0pI0pH0pG0<3>oE0nD0nC0mB0mA0<6>k50k50j40i30<2>\ h10h00h00g00<7>d00d00c00b00<9>Z00Z00Y00X00<5>U00U00U00U00U\ 00<12>400zuy<11>ywoywnyvm<15>xrYxrXxrWwqVwqVwqV<75>NH4NH4M\ G3LF3<12>000wruzuy } pd-hcj16 { ; t= 0:02:20.82 (c) P. DiGiorgi - 5/98 ; Using a K6-266 at 1600x1200 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=carlson.frm formulaname=hycycl_julia passes=t center-mag=0/1.11022e-016/0.7891157/1/-44.996 params=1.0648/0.60018/0.3/0/0.02/0 float=y maxiter=255 inside=253 outside=summ colors=000zc0<28>sN0rM0rM0rM0<44>c40c40c40c40b40<36>L40<5>\ 000cmzajx<2>ZewYdvYcvXbvWau<5>TXsSWsSWsSVr<42>B7iB6iB5iB5i\ A5hB5i<16>80b80b80a80a80`70`<32>10M10L10L00K00H00E<3>000 } frm:HyCycl_Julia {; Copyright (c) Paul W. Carlson, 1998 z = w = iter = range_num = bailout = 0 w = pixel c = p1 i = (0,1) k = 1.2 - p3 : w = w * w, wr = real(w) w = w - wr + abs(wr) - c angle = atan(imag(w)/wr) ka = k * angle / p3 rw = k * cos(angle) + p3 * cos(ka) iw = k * sin(angle) + p3 * sin(ka) ww = rw + i * iw dist = abs(|w|-|ww|) IF (dist < p2 && iter > 1) bailout = 1 index = 125 * dist / p2 z = index + range_num * 125 + 1 ENDIF iter = iter + 1 range_num = range_num + 1 IF (range_num == 2) range_num = 0 ENDIF z = z - iter bailout == 0 && |w| < 10000 } - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 00:50:30 -0600 From: "Tim Wegner" Subject: (fractint) Re the "owner-fractint" message Folks, the message I sent out that started: > From: > Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 16:39:03 -0600 > When your email address doesn't work, all your fractint list messages > bounce to me. etc. was sent to the whole list, not to any particular person. It got a bit garbled and several people thought it was an automatic message to them. I apologize for the confusion. Tim - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 23:45:29 -0700 From: Mark Christenson Subject: (fractint) pars 'n' such / correction I wrote: >Thanks and congratulations to Charles Crocker... Oops, hyperactive fimbies. Make that *Crocke*. - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 03:30:59 -0500 From: David Forbus Subject: (fractint) Are there other mailing lists? Hello All, I'm not using Fractint, but Tiera-Zon 24 instead. Are there any other Fracal groups like this one? DLF - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 03:37:52 -0500 From: "Paul N. Lee" Subject: Re: (fractint) Are there other mailing lists? David Forbus wrote: > > I'm not using Fractint, but Tiera-Zon 24 instead. > Are there any other Fracal groups like this one? > - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail Listings: FRACTAL-ART, The Fractal Art Discussion List Administrator: Jon Noring Subscription Address: (body of your email message: subscribe fractal-art) Posts: Description: This mailing list is open to all individuals/organizations interested in all aspects of Fractal Art. This would include fractal and digital artists, fractal software developers, gallery owners, museum curators, art marketers and brokers, printers, art collectors, and simply anybody who just plain likes to look at fractal images. Archive: FRACTAL-ART-SAFE, (same as above). FRACTINT, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Administrator: Tim Wegner Subscription Address: (body of your email message: subscribe fractint) Posts: Description: This mailing list is for the discussion of fractals, fractal art, fractal algorithms, fractal software, and fractal programming. Specific discussion related to the freeware MS-DOS program Fractint and it's ports to other platforms is welcome, but discussion need not be Fractint related. Technical discussion is welcome, but so are beginner's questions, so don't be shy. This is a good place to share Fractint tips, tricks, and techniques, or to wax poetic about other fractal software. Archive: ftp:// FRACTINT-DIGEST, (same as above except for list name, this is a single email sent containing the last several postings). Subscription Address: FRACTELITE-LIST, The Fractal Elite Mailing List Administrator: Terry W. Gintz Subscription Address: Posts: Description: This mailing list was designed expressly as a forum for users of TWG's set of fractal programs (Fractal Elite, Fractal Commander, Fractal Agent, and ZPlot). This is a forum for wish lists, technique and par file sharing. Archive: ftp:// FRAC-L, Forum on Fractals, Chaos, and Complexity Administrator: Ermel Stepp Subscription Address: (body of your email message: SUBSCRIBE FRAC-L Your_first_name Your_last_name (substituting your actual first/last names, of course). Posts: Description: The purpose of FRAC-L is to be a globally networked forum for discourse and collaboration on fractals, chaos, and complexity in multiple disciplines, professions, and arts. Archive: ftp:// FRAC-L, Forum on Fractals, Chaos, and Complexity Administrator: David D. Lester Subscription Address: LISTSERV@GITVM1.GATECH.EDU (body of your email message: subscribe frac-l) Posts: FRAC-L@GITVM1.GATECH.EDU Description: Mailing list dedicated to the computer graphical generation of fractal images. In conjunction with the list, an archive of programs submitted by users will be maintained. Mr. Homer Smith of "Art Matrix" in Ithaca, New York, has donated a program library, which will soon be available from LISTSERV at GITVM1. Archive: ftp:// FRACTDEV, Fractint Developer's Discussion List Administrator: Tim Wegner Subscription Address: (body of your email message: subscribe fractdev) Posts: Description: The purpose of this list is to facilitate communication between developers working on the freeware program Fractint and it's ports. For years the hub of Fractint's development has been CompuServe (currently GO FRACTAL). While that is likely to remain so for the future, this list should enable developers not on CompuServe to participate more easily. Archive: ftp:// FRACTDEV-DIGEST, (same as above except for list name, this is a single email sent containing the last several postings). Subscription Address: FRACPROGRAMMERS, The Fractal Programmers Discussion List Administrator: Terry W. Gintz Subscription Address: Posts: Description: Thanks to the net skills and resources of Melissa D. Binde, there is now a fractal programmer's mailing list. Archive: ftp:// - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------- Why do most folks hate cynics so much? Because we're almost always right. - ------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 04:53:05 -0400 From: Paul Derbyshire Subject: Re: (fractint) Are there other mailing lists? [Comprehensive and helpful list snipped] Why the devil is Frac-L in there twice... and with different listserv address and administrator name to boot? (Looks suspiciously like what happens to databases without a 'modify' command when you enter a new record with changed addresses and forget to delete the old...) - -- .*. "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not - -() < circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a `*' straight line." ------------------------------------------------- -- B. Mandelbrot | _____________________ ____|________ Paul Derbyshire Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848| - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 12:10:12 +0100 From: "Les St Clair" Subject: Re: (fractint) file limit Tim, >>Les, let us know whether or not you would accept email submission s >>for your site. My CompuServe web site is close to it's 5MB limit. However, I have another web site at Prestel with "unlimited" space. The only catch is that bandwidth for personal pages is limited to 600MB per month. For storing .par files and such this wouldn't be a problem. I would, therefore, be interested in setting up a par file archive there. Anyone interested in having there work located there should contact me at: cheers, Les - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 11:25:07 +0100 From: "Les St Clair" Subject: Re: (fractint) Two equation formula (long) Hi Paul, >>Now try getting the correct *names* associated with the GIF's. It's quite >>difficult, even with the aid of a couple of stiff Martinis. :-) >You're right - I'll have to think of a better way. You could use the "savename=" command in the par to specify an 8.3 format name, whilst retaining the original name in the title. IMO this is such a useful feature that it should be included as an option at the screen (Tim?) Then all we would need is for Michael Peters to update partobat to look for a savename before making up one of it's own! Here's an example... Run the par then hit ave. The DOS-friendly name "giftwrap" is automatically assigned. Christmas_giftwrap { ; t= 0:01:58.03 ; t=calc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1200 ; (c) 1998 by Les St Clair [Par date: May 04, 1998] ; e-mail to: reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_d.frm formulaname=dmj-mand-cr2-ang passes=t center-mag=-0.05764212738105143/+0.88330505057159070/114.4689 params=1/0/0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=256 inside=zmag decomp=256 colors=WQT<4>NKRLIQKIQ<14>5VV<15>jsw<13>HL_FJYFJYEIX<14>tlo<14>VKNTILSIL\ <14>AUO<15>esm<14>KHGIEDJGF<5>SSVTUYWYbWYbWYbZag<2>bgodjrciq<13>MSaKQ_LR\ `<14>iqu<14>IQVGOTGOU<12>8`j7al7al<14>hpukqvkpu<13>kbYlaWk`W<7>YRT cyclerange=0/255 savename=giftwrap.gif } frm:dmj-Mand-Cr2-Ang { ; outside = decomp: angle of closest z[n] to ring at p1 ; This is the angle relative to p1. IF (imag(p2) == 0) ; Invalid value for aspect ratio. p2 = (0,1) + real(p2) ; Substitute a default value. ENDIF IF (real(p3) == 0) ; Invalid value for color scale. p3 = 75 + flip(imag(p3)) ; Substitute a default value. ENDIF IF (imag(p3) == 0) ; Invalid value for ring radius. p3 = (0,1) + real(p3) ; Substitute a default value. ENDIF closest = 1e+38 ; Closest approach so far. point = 0 ; Point of that closest approach. done = 2 ; Iteration counter. r = (0,1) ^ (real(p2)/90) ; Compute rotation vector. radius = sqr(imag(p3)) ; Calculate radius squared. z = 0, c = pixel: ; Mandelbrot initialization. z = sqr(z) + c ; Mandelbrot calculation. done = done + 1 ; Done one more iteration. z2 = (z-p1) * r ; Offset to p1 and rotate. z2 = real(z2) + flip(imag(z2) * imag(p2)) ; Distort aspect. d = abs((|z2|) - radius) ; Compute ring distance squared. IF (d < closest) ; Closer than previous value. point = z ; Save that point. closest = d ; Save the closest approach. ENDIF IF (|z| > 128) ; Point exceeds bailout. z = point - p1 ; Return closest point. done = -1 ; Set flag to force an exit. ENDIF done >= 0 ; Continue if the flag is clear. ;SOURCE: dmj-pub.frm } BTW, great formula by Damien Jones!! cheers, Les - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 08:14:26 EDT From: SKarl52884 Subject: (fractint) GeneralQ? .BAT Greetings, Can someone direct me to the instructions to run a .bat file to print a par file that has many entries? Also...what .bat is it? Where can I get it etc? Thanks ~~^~~^~~^~~^ SK - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 09:42:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Ian Kaplan Subject: Re: (fractint) Dual-formatted mime you wrote: > > 'X client' is something like XFmail, xterm, what have you, that uses > > the facilities provided by the 'X server' -- namely, access to > > keystrokes and screen graphics. So the server runs on your desktop, > > and the client runs in the data center. Weird. > > I was referring here to the client program used to log on the X server machine > and run programs remotely on it, which presents the GUI locally and accepts your > input... seems there's some mixup of terminology because there are 2 kinds of > client... > This was XWin32, the other client the XFMail program, and the X server and > XFMail running on one of 20 linked X machines... XWin32 is actually the X server... you log onto a client, peculiarly enough, or which the application is running. X terminology is counterintuitive. > > > > Is [TkRat] written with that Tcl/Tk thing I keep hearing about? > > > Yep. BTW, you can get Tcl/Tk (with great docs and lots of examples) > > for Win32 and the Mac; I think or > > might be good places to start. It's *great*. > > What is it, exactly? Tickle-T-K is one of the two main libraries for programming in X; you might think of it as the equivalent of the Microsoft foundation classes, that kind of thing. Functions for creating windows, buttons, playing with pointers, lots lots more, just spares you the gruntwork of doing all that. Also contains quite a lot of other common programming functions, to the extent that programming with Tcl/Tk is close to being a language of its own... the main competition, in terms of XWindows, is Motif... O'Reilly, of course, has the definitive book on the subject. - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ End of fractint-digest V1 #189 ******************************