From: (fractint-digest) To: Subject: fractint-digest V1 #429 Reply-To: fractint-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk fractint-digest Monday, December 20 1999 Volume 01 : Number 429 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 00:40:46 -1000 From: "David Jones" Subject: (fractint) Re: FOTD, 16-12-99 On 16 Dec 99 at 10:31, Jim Muth wrote: > At 09:25 PM 12/15/99 -1000, David J. wrote: > > >Jim, what do you do that you get to make a worthwhile > >fractal each day? I barely get to diddle around a bit > >ever once in a while! > > I'm a self-employed Graphic Designer, Ah, but it does give you a trained eye. > but this hardly gives me enough time for an entire FOTD > every day. I have several non-secrets that make the > FOTD possible. > > To start, I have a computer dedicated solely to > fractals. But you must still spend some time looking at images and twiddling with parameters et al. > And I watch NO television until the FOTD is calculated, > described, and posted. This is not self-discipline; it > is simply because I find doing the FOTD more enjoyable > than watching 99 percent of the tripe that passes for > TV entertainment. I'm not a TV watcher, either. > Second, I am so familiar with Fractint that using it has > become intuitive. I waste no time trying to figure out > how to manipulate a fractal image. I haven't got that level of fluency. I still find myself trying to remember things that I don't use very often. > Third, I am a writer, which makes writing the > discussion go quickly. > > Fourth, I have a formula, MandelbrotMix4, that produces > interesting fractals almost instantly once one has > become familiar with it. And when time is really > short, I don't hesitate to use Fractint's evolver > feature, even though the evolver doesn't work very well > with this particular formula. I think the evolver is fun. I've come up with more fractals that interest me than I ever did before the evolver. Hurrah for the evolver and the smart person(s) who created it! > I also keep my fractal images simple, and try to avoid, > not always with success, those images that take hours to > render. > > Perhaps my attitude also has something to do with it. > To me, a fractal is 3 parts 'look what the numbers have > done' and only 1 part 'look what I have done'. In fact, > it is this attitude that convinced me to stop posting to > the fractal-art list. Gee, you picked up that feeling from the fractal-art list, too? ;-) Another blast of bits from David For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: Random Thought for this Nanosecond The thing to remember is that physical reality is rooted in the chaos of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states tha t you can know either the position of a particle, or the velocity of a particle, but not both simultaneously. So knowing only oT - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 00:40:47 -1000 From: "David Jones" Subject: (fractint) Re: Color Cycling - Longer than 256 colors? On 16 Dec 99 at 11:17, Phil McRevis wrote: > In article <>, > "David Jones" writes: > > > Do it in GNU C++, I'd love to see if we could compile an > > OS/2 version. > > The OS/2 version will essentially be the Windows > version. Its my understnading that OS/2 isn't radically > different from Windows as far as compiling is concerned. > I doubt C++ will be used, unless its used as a 'better > C than C'. A GNU compiler could be used, but I also > doubt that is what people will be using for development > unless they use djgpp for the DOS+DPMI version. Trying > to develop native Win32 applications with gcc has > problems. Dang, I was hoping Fractint would become platform independent. I still think the idea of separating the engine from the front end, and coding the engine to make it as portable as possible would really open up Fractint. Consider Fractint as a collection of APIs for generating fractals, and make it compilable and callable from other programming languages, and just think of the army of people who could brew up front ends! Compile the engine for your platform, then use that platform's features when making a front end. Heck, maybe you could even pull a Mathematica trick on it, and make it possible for the backend to run on a different computer than the front end (or as multiple instances on multiple computers). That would open the possibility of a Mac client using the Fractint backend running on some other box .. (IIRC, didn't someone in the Stone Soup Group say something about doing realtime 3D fractals if someone would provide him with a Cray? ) But who am I to speak to real programmers? My last fractal coding experience was writing a Mandlebrot generator in Commodore BASIC for the Commodore 64! I think it "ran" at the rate of 4 hours per 320-pixel screen line. Just make it possible for me to run an OS/2 native version, and I'll be happy. (Well, support for my Elsa GLoria Synergy card's high res (1920x12??) would be nice .. ) Anyway, check out Project Odin -- It's been able to convert such W9x executables as Quake II to native OS/2. I would think it possible to convert a similar W9x Fractint executable. Another blast of bits from David For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: Random Thought for this Nanosecond I have a little pedestal I made it out of wood. And I always stand on it When I've been very good. (D.Jones) - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 10:30:09 -0500 From: Tom Conally Subject: (fractint) Happy Holidays Well here's to you and yours a very happy holiday season. A holiday fractal is at I haven't had much fractal time lately so haven't contributed very much. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to make this a very good fractal year. Tom Conally In every boomerang there is a perfect throw. Your life, Grasshopper, is to practice till you find that throw and become one with that boomerang! " Flying Frog Boomerangs" My greater internet index - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 10:30:07 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) Re: FOTD, 16-12-99 At 12:40 AM 12/17/99 -1000, David Jones wrote: >But you must still spend some time looking at images and >twiddling with parameters et al. Here's the big secret. On slow days I have the time to create several images. I save the extra images to use on busy days. >Random Thought for this Nanosecond >The thing to remember is that physical reality is rooted in the >chaos of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states that >you can know either the position of a particle, or the velocity of >a particle, but not both simultaneously. I find QM very fascinating. The Uncertainty is not caused by a lack of sensitivity of our instruments. Nor is it caused by some imaginary diffusion screen, which blurs the measurements. The indeterminate parts of the measurements simply do not exist. Jim M. - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 10:04:55 -0500 From: Gedeon Peteri Subject: (fractint) Updated Curves Gallery Pages 1 and 2 in my Curves Gallery have been updated with 16 new images. As usual, a complete set of parameter files is also available. I hope you'll enjoy your visit. Gedeon - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------- Fractals: Member Infinite Fractal Loop Last updated: December 7, 1999 -- New Curves images Photography: Last updated: July 15, 1999 -- Four new pages - -------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 12:28:25 -0700 From: Phil McRevis Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Color Cycling - Longer than 256 colors? In article <>, "David Jones" writes: > Dang, I was hoping Fractint would become platform > independent. It will, but what's the point of coding a special port to OS/2 if its essentially Windows? Just use the Windows version. > I still think the idea of separating the > engine from the front end, and coding the engine to make > it as portable as possible would really open up Fractint. > Consider Fractint as a collection of APIs for generating > fractals, and make it compilable and callable from other > programming languages, and just think of the army of > people who could brew up front ends! That's easier said than done; have you looked at the code? - -- Legalize Adulthood! ``Ain't it funny that they all fire the pistol, at the wrong end of the race?''--PDBT - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 18:52:55 -1000 From: "David Jones" Subject: (fractint) Re: Color Cycling - Longer than 256 colors? On 17 Dec 99 at 12:28, Phil McRevis wrote: > In article <>, > "David Jones" writes: > > > Dang, I was hoping Fractint would become platform > > independent. > > It will, but what's the point of coding a special port > to OS/2 if its essentially Windows? Just use the > Windows version. Well, there's more to OS/2 than "Windows" - the WorkPlace Shell is much more capable than the W9x interface. > > I still think the idea of separating the > > engine from the front end, and coding the engine to make > > it as portable as possible would really open up Fractint. > > Consider Fractint as a collection of APIs for generating > > fractals, and make it compilable and callable from other > > programming languages, and just think of the army of > > people who could brew up front ends! > > That's easier said than done; have you looked at the > code? Nope! I understand there's a lot of x86 Assembler in Fractint. C or C++ or Java I could understand. My x86 Assembler is non-existent. When I was doing Assembler stuff, it was 6502 and 68000 ... Another blast of bits from David For the best Hawaii & Pacific Basin surf forecast: Random Thought for this Nanosecond May the Monster of Memory never ram you! (D.Jones) - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 03:04:44 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 18-12-99 (Merlin the Magician) (c) FOTD -- December 18, 1999 Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries: Nothing is less interesting than a story about a relationship -- the manner in which two people, ususally a man and woman, get along together. Really, who would be interested in something as trite as whether Jane gets John, or whether Mary will ever stop crying because Jim left her. These things are important when they happen to oneself, but they are great sleep producers when they are presented happening to others as entertainment. Yet the book racks, TV airwaves, movie theaters and video stores are filled with stories about relationships. But apparently, just because I find it silly to become interes- ted in how two fictitious characters are interacting, doesn't mean everyone finds stories of relationships dull and boring. After all, they're not writing relationship stories to go unread and unviewed. And even fractals can have relationships. Today's picture shows two mandel-midget-like objects so close together that they could only be having a relationship. I therefore named the picture "Midget Relationship". The image was quickly produced by number 11 in my series of MandNewt formulas, all of which use variations of the Ikenaga function. Today's FOTD is also a product of Fractint's evolver. Lacking the time for a proper fractal search, I fed the formula into the evolver and let the parameters vary at random. Then, when the screen was filled with thumbnails, I chose the most interesting looking sketch and rendered it full size, which for the FOTD is 640x480. The result is a rather blocky but still interesting picture showing two objects that look like but are not Mandeloid midgets. The buds of these objects are surrounded by clouds of smaller midgets, both single and double. A close look at today's image will reveal that it is split neatly down the center, the split passing precisely between the two midgets. And many of the smaller midgets in the surrounding clouds are also split in exactly the same way. The parameter file renders in less than 3 minutes, relatively quickly but still slow enough to make a download of the finished image more efficient. That image may be found at: and at: The fractal weather today was a somewhat above normal 50F (10C), a bit too chilly for cats who are designed for the heat of northern Africa, but perfect for fractals. I've just passed my peak. The hour is growing late and the fractal cats are calling for their midnight snacks. Until next time, which will be tomorrow, take care, and remember that a bit of belief is good for your health. Jim Muth START FORMULA============================================== MandNewt11 {; Jim Muth z=g=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), e=real(p3), f=imag(p3): h=z^a+(g-b)*z-f j=c*z^d+g z=z-e*h/j, .0000000000000000000000000000005 <= |h| } END FORMULA================================================ START PARAMETER FILE======================================= MidgetRelationship { ; time=0:02:57.84 on a p200, SF5 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=mandnewt.frm formulaname=MandNewt11 passes=1 center-mag=-0.04338648757936973/+0.07712145947450548\ /45110.59/1/-144.999 params=2.416/0.059/2.175/-2.591/-2.805/1.209 float=y maxiter=100 bailout=25 inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=0 colors=000n55<3>`OEzrHUYJRaLOwyHkbB_G<3>lHPuDRrGO<2>\ kPG<3>Epg6wn8tp<3>DitFguGdvHbwLXfPSQSNA<3>XIXZHb_Gh`\ FnaEsUKuMQvFDH7EJ0FL<2>EIRJJFNK4WWDdeMloV<3>kZKkVIkR\ FkNDiVNgaXfhRfoL<3>RlJNkIJjIFjIYjLpjN<3>jkR<3>Al1<2>\ 9mj9my7mWOmccmj<3>WmlUmmSmmQmnOmn<3>WmaYmY_mVamScmPP\ m`SmYUmVW5S<3>c1H<3>VGVTKZROaPSeNVh<3>TPdVOcWNb<2>vU\ O<3>dQ_`QbVRW<2>DSD<2>APtLKt7Wd5SiHwF<3>a5t<2>Vw4<3>\ WbEWYGSVK<3>CKY9I`BLW<3>JWDLZ8M`4<2>gsDlWHkebjow<3>b\ ig`hcZg_XfX<2>UBRU1PR7J<2>IO1<3>j9D<3>MRXGWaA_f4ck<3\ >iTI<3>JLRCJT6IV<3>CmVDtVGqY<3>PeeRbgT`iW2JG8mSSZ<2>\ bfgV_OZcWbgcxM8<2>laWhfcfp8<3>emSelXelaekfDGgLOhSWiq\ 6Br02 } END PARAMETER FILE========================================= START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ MidgetRelationship { ; time=0:02:57.84 on a p200, SF5 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=mandnewt.frm formulaname=MandNewt11 passes=1 center-mag=-0.04338648757936973/+0.07712145947450548\ /45110.59/1/-144.999 params=2.416/0.059/2.175/-2.591/-2.805/1.209 float=y maxiter=100 bailout=25 inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=0 colors=000n55<3>`OEzrHUYJRaLOwyHkbB_G<3>lHPuDRrGO<2>\ kPG<3>Epg6wn8tp<3>DitFguGdvHbwLXfPSQSNA<3>XIXZHb_Gh`\ FnaEsUKuMQvFDH7EJ0FL<2>EIRJJFNK4WWDdeMloV<3>kZKkVIkR\ FkNDiVNgaXfhRfoL<3>RlJNkIJjIFjIYjLpjN<3>jkR<3>Al1<2>\ 9mj9my7mWOmccmj<3>WmlUmmSmmQmnOmn<3>WmaYmY_mVamScmPP\ m`SmYUmVW5S<3>c1H<3>VGVTKZROaPSeNVh<3>TPdVOcWNb<2>vU\ O<3>dQ_`QbVRW<2>DSD<2>APtLKt7Wd5SiHwF<3>a5t<2>Vw4<3>\ WbEWYGSVK<3>CKY9I`BLW<3>JWDLZ8M`4<2>gsDlWHkebjow<3>b\ ig`hcZg_XfX<2>UBRU1PR7J<2>IO1<3>j9D<3>MRXGWaA_f4ck<3\ >iTI<3>JLRCJT6IV<3>CmVDtVGqY<3>PeeRbgT`iW2JG8mSSZ<2>\ bfgV_OZcWbgcxM8<2>laWhfcfp8<3>emSelXelaekfDGgLOhSWiq\ 6Br02 } frm:MandNewt11 {; Jim Muth z=g=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), e=real(p3), f=imag(p3): h=z^a+(g-b)*z-f j=c*z^d+g z=z-e*h/j, .0000000000000000000000000000005 <= |h| } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 09:35:33 -1000 From: "halyna kuheana" Subject: (fractint) Re; Aloha & a Q This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0027_01BF493B.3B108620 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Aloha! Very recently discovering Fractals, and truly enjoying, has generated a = number of questions for me. The more technical part, for now, I'm exploring myself; along with the = slightly less recently acquired computer. But I had one of those burning questions, and no need get technical; Can = any of the fractals in Nature, such as the IFS Fern, be "interpreted" = into fractal imagery? Thank you, Halyna - ------=_NextPart_000_0027_01BF493B.3B108620 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Very recently discovering Fractals, and = truly=20 enjoying, has generated a number of questions for me.
The more technical part, for now, I'm = exploring=20 myself; along with the slightly less recently acquired = computer.
But I had one of those burning = questions, and no=20 need get technical; Can any of the fractals in Nature, such as the = IFS=20 Fern, be "interpreted" into fractal imagery?
Thank you,
- ------=_NextPart_000_0027_01BF493B.3B108620-- - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 19:45:28 -0700 From: Phil McRevis Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Color Cycling - Longer than 256 colors? In article <>, "David Jones" writes: > Well, there's more to OS/2 than "Windows" - the WorkPlace > Shell is much more capable than the W9x interface. Does an application needs to be coded differently on OS/2 vs. Windows for this? > Nope! I understand there's a lot of x86 Assembler in > Fractint. There is assembly in fractint, but there is also corresponding C code that does all the same things, only slower. Its not the assembly portion of fractint that makes it hard to move to another environment, its the 640K limit that causes the code to go through all sorts of contortions. That's what has the most pervasive influence on the code and the polling I/O style instead of being event-driven. The memory contortions (its amazing really what they pulled off in a 640K overlay environment) of the DOS "process" model compared to modern systems and the polling are the two things that make porting fractint hard. We are working on making this easier, but there's just no way to make this tough job easy and it sort of has to be done all or mostly by one person to make sure everything is consistent. - -- Legalize Adulthood! ``Ain't it funny that they all fire the pistol, at the wrong end of the race?''--PDBT - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 22:47:45 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 19-12-99 (Sandy Bottom) (c) FOTD -- December 19, 1999 Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries: Today we have a fractal that looks as though it had been scraped from the bottom of Chesapeake Bay -- a fractal so filled with holes that its pattern is almost totally obscured in a chaos of sand. I named the grainy scene "Sandy Bottom" because it resembles the sandy bottom of our local estuary. It is quite a slow image when calculated from the parameter file, so the JPEG'd image has been posted as usual to: as well as to: But the JPEG version that I just retrieved from ABPF has lost much of its sparkle. I'm therefore going to cancel the JPEG version and post the GIF version in its place. If you find a stray copy of the JPEG version, do not download it. Download only the GIF version. The formula behind the image is once again the MandelbrotMix4, this time calculating 0.0002(Z^6)+6(1/Z)+C, and doing a rather fair job of it at that. The fractal weather today was every bit as nondescript as it has been over the past several days, the partly cloudy sky and temperature of 50F (10C) being perfect for cats, fractals and philosophizing. Taking advantage of the perfection, the cats chased the sun, I chased fractals, and then I philosophized. But my philosophy, which once again concerns skepticism, fractals and reality, has not yet ripened. It may be ripe by tomorrow, or it may be over-ripe by tomorrow . . . or it may still be unripe by tomorrow. Check then for possible enlighten- ment, but more likely for a display of confusion. Until then, take care, and may you have a peaceful next 14 days. Jim Muth START FORMULA============================================== MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END FORMULA================================================ START PARAMETER FILE======================================= Sandy_Bottom { ; time=1:11:48.38 on a p200, SF5 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=1 center-mag=-0.25512425158906930/+0.08473427962562781\ /460784.6/1/-170 params=0.0002/6/6/-1/0/0 float=y maxiter=10000 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=-1000 symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000WHpRJnPLlLNhHPfGRbCU`AUZ6WW4YU1ZP0`N0bL0dH\ 0fG0hC0jA0nA0j80h60d40b40`21Y14W18R0CP0GN0JJ0NH0RG0Y\ C0`A0d60h40l20p00t00y00<3>z00z00z00<3>z10z40zA0<2>zN\ 0zU0zY0zb0zf0zl0zt0zp0yl0vj0vf0td0r`0pZ0pW0nU0lP0lN0\ nP0pP0pR2rR8tUCtUGvWLyWPyYU<2>zZfzZjz`pz`tzbyzbzzdzz\ dzzdzd`z8ZzH`vPbpZdjffdphZyjUzpLzlN<3>zdNybNv`NvZNtY\ NrUNrRNpPNnNNlLNlJNjHNhGNjARhENfHLfLHdPGdRCbWAbZ6`b4\ `d2Zb1Zb0Zb0Zd0Zd0Zd0Zf0Zf0Zf0Zh0Zh0Zh0Zj0Zj0Zj0Zl0Z\ l0Zl0Zn0Zn0Zn0Zp0Zp0Zp0Zr0Zr0Yr0Zt0`t0bt0bv0dv0fv0hy\ 0fy0hy2hz6hz8hzChzEhzHhzJhzNhzPhzUhzYhzZhzbhzdhzhhzj\ hznhzphzt0zlhzvWzjJz`HzYGzWEzUCzP<3>4zG2zE1zC0zA0z60\ z40z20z1<7>0z00z00z0<2>0z00z02z02z06z0<3>Ez0Gz0Hz0Jz\ 0Nz0<3>Wz0Yz0Zz0`z0bz0fz0<3>nz0pz0rz0tz0yz0vz0vz0vz0\ vz0tz1tz1tz1tz2rz2rz4rz4zz1rz4 } END PARAMETER FILE========================================= START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ Sandy_Bottom { ; time=1:11:48.38 on a p200, SF5 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=1 center-mag=-0.25512425158906930/+0.08473427962562781\ /460784.6/1/-170 params=0.0002/6/6/-1/0/0 float=y maxiter=10000 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=-1000 symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000WHpRJnPLlLNhHPfGRbCU`AUZ6WW4YU1ZP0`N0bL0dH\ 0fG0hC0jA0nA0j80h60d40b40`21Y14W18R0CP0GN0JJ0NH0RG0Y\ C0`A0d60h40l20p00t00y00<3>z00z00z00<3>z10z40zA0<2>zN\ 0zU0zY0zb0zf0zl0zt0zp0yl0vj0vf0td0r`0pZ0pW0nU0lP0lN0\ nP0pP0pR2rR8tUCtUGvWLyWPyYU<2>zZfzZjz`pz`tzbyzbzzdzz\ dzzdzd`z8ZzH`vPbpZdjffdphZyjUzpLzlN<3>zdNybNv`NvZNtY\ NrUNrRNpPNnNNlLNlJNjHNhGNjARhENfHLfLHdPGdRCbWAbZ6`b4\ `d2Zb1Zb0Zb0Zd0Zd0Zd0Zf0Zf0Zf0Zh0Zh0Zh0Zj0Zj0Zj0Zl0Z\ l0Zl0Zn0Zn0Zn0Zp0Zp0Zp0Zr0Zr0Yr0Zt0`t0bt0bv0dv0fv0hy\ 0fy0hy2hz6hz8hzChzEhzHhzJhzNhzPhzUhzYhzZhzbhzdhzhhzj\ hznhzphzt0zlhzvWzjJz`HzYGzWEzUCzP<3>4zG2zE1zC0zA0z60\ z40z20z1<7>0z00z00z0<2>0z00z02z02z06z0<3>Ez0Gz0Hz0Jz\ 0Nz0<3>Wz0Yz0Zz0`z0bz0fz0<3>nz0pz0rz0tz0yz0vz0vz0vz0\ vz0tz1tz1tz1tz2rz2rz4rz4zz1rz4 } frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 01:15:05 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 20-12-99 (Wrap-Around Midget) (c) FOTD -- December 20, 1999 Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries: Today's fractal is a real quickie. Being busy with seasonal chores on this last Sunday before the holidays, I had little time for a proper fractal search. In a bit of desperation, I brought up my MandelbrotMiN formula, which calculates Mandeloids of the type (-Z)^n+C. For today's image I set p1 so that the (-Z)^1.618+C Mandeloid was calculated. I always calculate (-Z) instead of Z when the exponent is less than 2. (-Z) creates far more interesting images. When the exponent of Z is set to a value less than 2, the midgets become very difficult to find, though in today's case we have an exception. The midget in the picture is located near the shoreline of a larger midget, which in turn is located rather conspicuously in the chaos near the eastern shore of the parent fractal. I named the picture "Wrap-Around Midget" because the midget seems to be wrapping around some unseen point. In fact, the curiously distorted midget doesn't seem to be quite all there. It almost looks as though some of it has folded under itself and slipped into some vague imaginary dimension known only to fractals. The extremely chaotic appearance of the surrounding fractal material is typical of the midgets found in fractals in this exponent range. Yet even through the chaos, the familiar fractal filaments are there. And still smaller midgets are waiting on several filaments to be discovered and turned into the next FOTD. I hate to disappoint these tiny midgets, but they all look the same as the large midget in the picture today -- not worth the hour or so it would take to render them. As a rule, the midgets in Mandeloids of order n have n-1 lobes. Since today's Mandeloid is of order 1.618, the midgets in it have 0.618 lobes. What part of the single lobe is the remaining 0.382 subtracted from?, one might wonder. My explorations to this point have led me to believe that the 0.382 lobe can be taken from almost any part of the Z^2 shape. There is no standard shape for midgets in this exponent range, and this is one of the things that makes exploring between Z and Z^2 interesting. Today's parameter file requires 1/2 hour to complete. The JPEG image file downloads from: or from: in far less time. The fractal weather today was more of the same thing -- partly cloudy with a temperature of 44F (7C), which was perfect for both cats and fractals. It was also good for philosophy, though I got most of that out of me earlier this evening. Maybe I'll call a halt to new philosophy until after the holidays, and give everyone a chance to have a peaceful new millennium. But the fractals will continue, and the next one is less than 24 hours away. Until then, take care, and I wonder how many fractals Santa could pack in that bag of his. Jim Muth START FORMULA============================================== MandelbrotMiN {; Jim Muth b=p1, z=p2, c=p3+pixel: z=(-z)^(b)+c, |z| <= 16 } END FORMULA================================================ START PARAMETER FILE======================================= Wrap-Around_Midget { ; time=0:32:40.08 on a p200, SF5 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=slices.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMiN passes=1 center-mag=+0.80847195566333970/+0.18683645438243370\ /151885.6/1/-25 params=1.618/0/0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=18000 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=-500 symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000<3>000000010010010040040460680AA0CA0EC0IE0\ KG4MG8PIARKETMIXMKYOO_PRcRTeRXgT_jValXenXiqYjs_nzasu\ _oq_nn_ljYjgYicYg_YeVXaRX_OXYKVXGVVCVT6XO8VR8TTATVAR\ XARYCPaCPcEOeEOgEMiGKlGKnIIoIIqIGsKGvKExKEzMCzMCzOAz\ O8zO8zP6zP6zR4zR4zR1zT1zT0zT0zV0zV8zVCzXGz<2>YRzYVz_\ XzYYzX_zXazVczVezTgzTgzRizPjzPlzOnzOozMqzMqzKszIuzIv\ zGxzGzzEzzEzzCzzAxzAvz8vz8uz6sz4sz4qz1oz1nz0nz0lz0jz\ 0jz0iz0gz0cz0gz1jz8lzGozOszTuz_xzRzzezzqczzIz<4>z8z<\ 2>z1zz6z<4>zGzzKzzMz<2>uRzsTzsXz<4>jezigzijz<3>aqz_s\ z_vzYxzXzzVzzTzzRzzRzzTzzTzzVzzVzzXzz<2>YzzYzz_zz_zz\ azzazzazzczzczzezzezzezzgxzgxzixzixzjvzjvzjvzlvzlvzn\ uz<2>ouzouzqszqszsszsszsszuozvnzvlzxjzziz<3>zazz_zzX\ z<3>zPzzOzzMzzKzzIzzGzzCz<3>z4zz1zz0z<3>z0zz0zz0zz0z\ gKzcKzaIzYIzXGzTGzREz } END PARAMETER FILE========================================= START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ Wrap-Around_Midget { ; time=0:32:40.08 on a p200, SF5 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=slices.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMiN passes=1 center-mag=+0.80847195566333970/+0.18683645438243370\ /151885.6/1/-25 params=1.618/0/0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=18000 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=-500 symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000<3>000000010010010040040460680AA0CA0EC0IE0\ KG4MG8PIARKETMIXMKYOO_PRcRTeRXgT_jValXenXiqYjs_nzasu\ _oq_nn_ljYjgYicYg_YeVXaRX_OXYKVXGVVCVT6XO8VR8TTATVAR\ XARYCPaCPcEOeEOgEMiGKlGKnIIoIIqIGsKGvKExKEzMCzMCzOAz\ O8zO8zP6zP6zR4zR4zR1zT1zT0zT0zV0zV8zVCzXGz<2>YRzYVz_\ XzYYzX_zXazVczVezTgzTgzRizPjzPlzOnzOozMqzMqzKszIuzIv\ zGxzGzzEzzEzzCzzAxzAvz8vz8uz6sz4sz4qz1oz1nz0nz0lz0jz\ 0jz0iz0gz0cz0gz1jz8lzGozOszTuz_xzRzzezzqczzIz<4>z8z<\ 2>z1zz6z<4>zGzzKzzMz<2>uRzsTzsXz<4>jezigzijz<3>aqz_s\ z_vzYxzXzzVzzTzzRzzRzzTzzTzzVzzVzzXzz<2>YzzYzz_zz_zz\ azzazzazzczzczzezzezzezzgxzgxzixzixzjvzjvzjvzlvzlvzn\ uz<2>ouzouzqszqszsszsszsszuozvnzvlzxjzziz<3>zazz_zzX\ z<3>zPzzOzzMzzKzzIzzGzzCz<3>z4zz1zz0z<3>z0zz0zz0zz0z\ gKzcKzaIzYIzXGzTGzREz } frm:MandelbrotMiN {; Jim Muth b=p1, z=p2, c=p3+pixel: z=(-z)^(b)+c, |z| <= 16 } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 21:22:38 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 21-12-99 (Mandelbay Madhouse) (c) FOTD -- December 21, 1999 Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries: Every now and then I find a fractal that defies description, a fractal so outrageously bizarre that it even defies naming. Today's fractal is one of these indescribable images. The picture was created by number four of my series of 12 formulas, which I named MandNewt before I realized they were variations of the Ikenaga function. I named the picture "Mandelbay Madhouse" when, after thinking for 15 minutes, I could find no better name. Actually, the name isn't that far off the mark. It's hard to find a central theme for this gloriously abstract image, filled as it is with clusters of bof60 bubbles and remnants of Mandel- buds, and colored according to no rules that I am familiar with. After scanning the image for several minutes, my eye finally settled on the prominent almost-perfect Mandel-bay somewhat left of center, which became the inspiration for the name. The parameter file is slow; a download is fast. I recommend the download. The JPEG image can be found on Usenet at: and on the Web at Paul's site at: The fractal weather today was cloudy and chilly, with occasional rain and a temperature of 45F (7C) making things extra miserable. Unable to go outdoors, the fractal cats grew sulky and eventually got into a squabble. A serving of their favorite food treat restored their good humor. Due to a relative slack in the work, it was also a good day for philosophizing. Never one to let an opportunity slip by, I philosophized. I found some interesting new angles on some controversial old problems, but I've decided to withhold comment until after Y2K, when we're more knowledgeable about what will happen when the clock makes the big turnover. Also, it's the time of year when peace on earth is the goal. We might not have actual peace on earth, but we'll have it on the philofractal list -- at least until the next millennium. Until tomorrow, when I'll return with another fractal and a few words about the fractal, take care, and why is there so little peace on earth when peace is the universal wish of mankind? Jim Muth START FORMULA============================================== MandNewt04 {; variation of Ikenaga function z=c=pixel: a=z^3+(c-1)*z-c b=p1*z^2+c-1 z=z-p2*a/b p3 <= |a| } END FORMULA================================================ START PARAMETER FILE======================================= Mandelbay_Madhouse { ; time=0:18:32.92 on a p200, SF5 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=mandnewt.frm formulaname=MandNewt04 passes=1 center-mag=1.15118/0.00540926/1.718213/1/97.499 params=1.251/3.101/-0.248/2.222/-2.642/2.176 float=y maxiter=600 bailout=25 inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=0 colors=000DKD<3>CFACE9CC9<3>PKFTMGWOHZPI<3>k_OnbPqeQ\ tfR<3>qhXpiYoi_oj`<2>lkelifkfh<3>kOmkJnkEok9plAplAo<\ 3>mCmmCmmDm<3>pEoqFprFq<3>uFvvFwwFxxFyyFz<3>zFzzFzEK\ X<3>ULcYLeaLgeLh<3>caA_UCWNE<15>ojMplMrmN<3>vsO<14>H\ XLEWLCUL<3>1PL<11>LiRNkSPmS<2>UrUVsUUpS<3>UdNUaMUZL<\ 3>UOG<14>XSQXSRXSS<2>XTUXTUWTT<21>DTQDTPCTP<3>9TP<13\ >SD`UC`VBa<2>Z8d_7dZ9b<14>TZJT`HSbG<2>RgCRhBTgC<8>cfI } END PARAMETER FILE========================================= START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ Mandelbay_Madhouse { ; time=0:18:32.92 on a p200, SF5 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=mandnewt.frm formulaname=MandNewt04 passes=1 center-mag=1.15118/0.00540926/1.718213/1/97.499 params=1.251/3.101/-0.248/2.222/-2.642/2.176 float=y maxiter=600 bailout=25 inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=0 colors=000DKD<3>CFACE9CC9<3>PKFTMGWOHZPI<3>k_OnbPqeQ\ tfR<3>qhXpiYoi_oj`<2>lkelifkfh<3>kOmkJnkEok9plAplAo<\ 3>mCmmCmmDm<3>pEoqFprFq<3>uFvvFwwFxxFyyFz<3>zFzzFzEK\ X<3>ULcYLeaLgeLh<3>caA_UCWNE<15>ojMplMrmN<3>vsO<14>H\ XLEWLCUL<3>1PL<11>LiRNkSPmS<2>UrUVsUUpS<3>UdNUaMUZL<\ 3>UOG<14>XSQXSRXSS<2>XTUXTUWTT<21>DTQDTPCTP<3>9TP<13\ >SD`UC`VBa<2>Z8d_7dZ9b<14>TZJT`HSbG<2>RgCRhBTgC<8>cfI } frm:MandNewt04 {; variation of Ikenaga function z=c=pixel: a=z^3+(c-1)*z-c b=p1*z^2+c-1 z=z-p2*a/b p3 <= |a| } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ End of fractint-digest V1 #429 ******************************