From: (fractint-digest) To: Subject: fractint-digest V1 #441 Reply-To: fractint-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk fractint-digest Saturday, January 22 2000 Volume 01 : Number 441 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 19:38:24 -0700 From: knife31a Subject: (fractint) DOS Pipe >You wrote: i tried the ">" redirect and it still went to i >just doing this >wrong? I thought the DOS Pipe command was the "|" sign. Randy RH - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 21:48:55 EST From: Subject: Re: (fractint) DOS Pipe the > is a redirect and | is a pipe and i still can't make the output from the file go to file or printer. - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 21:55:22 -0500 From: "Jim Shaffer, Jr." Subject: Re: (fractint) Colour Map Recognition, dos help > i tried the ">" redirect and it still went to i just doing this > wrong? I haven't looked at the program in question, but I assume that the redirection operators only work on the standard output stream. Perhaps the program uses some other method of output, such as writing to the screen. - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 00:38:32 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 21-01-00 (A Shower of Stars) (c) FOTD -- January 21, 2000 Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries: It's been a very busy day and evening here at Fractal Central. Between the graphic work and clearing the snow, I had barely a spare moment all day, and this evening when the sky cleared completely, I got a perfect view of the total lunar eclipse, which is now in progress. The totally eclipsed moon now high overhead at 11:50pm appears as a dull, greyish-red orb, with a brighter blueish southern rim, almost directly in line with Castor and Pollux, the two bright stars of Gemini. The northern half of the moon is almost black, and barely visible to the naked eye. I would rate this average-brightness eclipse about a three on the 1-to-5 scale of lunar eclipse brightnesses. Unfortunately, with all these distractions, I found myself forced to cut both the fractal search and the discussion writing time short. But even with the shorter search time, I found a fractal worthy of being declared FOTD. The image is part of the fractal that results when negative portions of Z^(-2.13) and Z^(-4) are added, and Z is initialized to a critical point of the formula. I named the picture "A Shower of Stars" after the large seven-sided star-like object in the upper left corner, which appears to be showering trains of smaller stars on the unseen earth below. The scene is one of the rare ones without a midget that I have found with the M-Mix4 formula, though the surrounding area is filled with them. The parameter file is a fast one, leaving to the viewer the decision whether to run the par file or download the finished image from: or from: As I stated earlier, the weather today was absolutely perfect, with snow until 4pm which accumulated 7 inches (17cm). It was hardly the blizzard of 2000, but it was adequate to bring joy to the hearts of all snow lovers. The temperature of 29F (-1.5C) was too cold for the fractal cats, however. I realize that there is no joy in the hearts of those who are waiting to see Percy Smedley get to work painting that 4-D room of his. Nor is there joy in the hearts of those waiting for my philosophical prowess to solve the greatest mysteries of existence. But tomorrow is another day, and there will be neither snow nor eclipse to distract me. Until then, take care, and don't give up hope. Jim Muth START FORMULA============================================== MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END FORMULA================================================ START PARAMETER FILE======================================= A_Shower_of_Stars { ; time=0:01:18.16, SF5 on a p200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=t center-mag=-1.23995488802568300/-0.99480648841768850\ /483.3442/1/24.999 params=-1/-2.13/-3/-4/0/0 float=y maxiter=400 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=8 symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000G0P<21>G0P<4>G0PPPq<3>dJqgIqkGq<3>zBq<3>uP\ etSbsV`<3>XmmSqpMvsHzv<3>EceDYaDSYCMUCHQ<3>zNMzz5<3>\ zz2zz2zz3wz4<2>ng7ka8hX9eTAbTBzzC<4>zzH<3>zzKzzLzzL<\ 3>zzBzzK<4>zzh<4>zzwzzz<30>zzz<4>zzzzwG<2>zwDwwC<3>c\ w9Zs8<2>Zh5Zk5<6>i`UjZYlY`<3>qSn<2>lZ0<3>SjONmUUkP<3\ >uf9<6>pjZpjaoke<3>mls<3>Ars1ss3lk5ec7ZW8bPF_Q<3>byU\ <3>emPfmOfmNUmY<3>YmcYmdZmf<2>amjamkdmf<3>nmOqmJsmEv\ m9xm5<7>ymNymPymS<3>ym_xmWwmG<2>wmQ } END PARAMETER FILE========================================= START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ A_Shower_of_Stars { ; time=0:01:18.16, SF5 on a p200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=t center-mag=-1.23995488802568300/-0.99480648841768850\ /483.3442/1/24.999 params=-1/-2.13/-3/-4/0/0 float=y maxiter=400 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=8 symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000G0P<21>G0P<4>G0PPPq<3>dJqgIqkGq<3>zBq<3>uP\ etSbsV`<3>XmmSqpMvsHzv<3>EceDYaDSYCMUCHQ<3>zNMzz5<3>\ zz2zz2zz3wz4<2>ng7ka8hX9eTAbTBzzC<4>zzH<3>zzKzzLzzL<\ 3>zzBzzK<4>zzh<4>zzwzzz<30>zzz<4>zzzzwG<2>zwDwwC<3>c\ w9Zs8<2>Zh5Zk5<6>i`UjZYlY`<3>qSn<2>lZ0<3>SjONmUUkP<3\ >uf9<6>pjZpjaoke<3>mls<3>Ars1ss3lk5ec7ZW8bPF_Q<3>byU\ <3>emPfmOfmNUmY<3>YmcYmdZmf<2>amjamkdmf<3>nmOqmJsmEv\ m9xm5<7>ymNymPymS<3>ym_xmWwmG<2>wmQ } frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:42:06 EST From: Subject: (fractint) Quickie post par jest a couple of pars i really enjoyed. The GiraSol series was just some quick evolver investigations into the formula jdg-7-01c. I've only included 13 of about 40(and given more time maybe a hundred). Try your favourite maps on the images and completely change the character of the image. I've also included two midgets i'm partial to, Breed_Pool, a par using gregsmandel3, and Spec_Tral a nice spiral. Good viewing. GiraSol01 { ; 0:00:11.20 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=7.65099/11.22061/0.29423/1.56705 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=DGN000100000300<3>800H00<4>H00<2>K00M00N00P00Q00<5>Z00_00a00<2>e0\ 0f10f20<23>sRAsSBtTB<2>uWDvXDvZG<3>tiSskUrnXqq_ptb<6>WaTTZSQWQ<2>HOMELKD\ KJ<3>AFFAEE9DD8BB<2>ABDBBEBDH<3>CLTCNVDPY<3>DXhDZkE`nEbqFdt<5>DObDMZDJW<\ 3>C8K97F<2>9BFFD9EFA<5>Z`PbdSegU<3>svc<2>svc<4>fj`cg_aeZ<3>RVWOSVLPUIMTF\ JSFJS<3>TEKWDI_BGbAEeCDgEC<2>rL8rL8uN7xP5<3>lE8iB9f89c5A<3>U7ES8GQ9HNAJL\ BKLCMKEO<3>UPWXSYZV_c`b<3>oljrolurnrplnmkikk<6>YWPWUMVRI<3>OI5<3>YRD`TFb\ WH<3>kcPneRqgT<2>xn_wm_vlZ<14>GIO } GiraSol02 { ; 0:00:07.14 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=7.298409985656301/10.32303842280343/-0.3491851557969909/0.7128086\ 184270758 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=DGN000100000300<3>800H00<4>H00<2>K00M00N00P00Q00<5>Z00_00a00<2>e0\ 0f10f20<23>sRAsSBtTB<2>uWDvXDvZG<3>tiSskUrnXqq_ptb<6>WaTTZSQWQ<2>HOMELKD\ KJ<3>AFFAEE9DD8BB<2>ABDBBEBDH<3>CLTCNVDPY<3>DXhDZkE`nEbqFdt<5>DObDMZDJW<\ 3>C8K97F<2>9BFFD9EFA<5>Z`PbdSegU<3>svc<2>svc<4>fj`cg_aeZ<3>RVWOSVLPUIMTF\ JSFJS<3>TEKWDI_BGbAEeCDgEC<2>rL8rL8uN7xP5<3>lE8iB9f89c5A<3>U7ES8GQ9HNAJL\ BKLCMKEO<3>UPWXSYZV_c`b<3>oljrolurnrplnmkikk<6>YWPWUMVRI<3>OI5<3>YRD`TFb\ WH<3>kcPneRqgT<2>xn_wm_vlZ<14>GIO } GiraSol03 { ; 0:00:06.64 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=7.169164098025453/10.30903042695395/0.03971221045564133/0.6810388\ 500625627 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=DGN000100000300<3>800H00<4>H00<2>K00M00N00P00Q00<5>Z00_00a00<2>e0\ 0f10f20<23>sRAsSBtTB<2>uWDvXDvZG<3>tiSskUrnXqq_ptb<6>WaTTZSQWQ<2>HOMELKD\ KJ<3>AFFAEE9DD8BB<2>ABDBBEBDH<3>CLTCNVDPY<3>DXhDZkE`nEbqFdt<5>DObDMZDJW<\ 3>C8K97F<2>9BFFD9EFA<5>Z`PbdSegU<3>svc<2>svc<4>fj`cg_aeZ<3>RVWOSVLPUIMTF\ JSFJS<3>TEKWDI_BGbAEeCDgEC<2>rL8rL8uN7xP5<3>lE8iB9f89c5A<3>U7ES8GQ9HNAJL\ BKLCMKEO<3>UPWXSYZV_c`b<3>oljrolurnrplnmkikk<6>YWPWUMVRI<3>OI5<3>YRD`TFb\ WH<3>kcPneRqgT<2>xn_wm_vlZ<14>GIO } GiraSol09 { ; 0:00:14.89 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 14, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; ; parameters created on Feb 10, 1997 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=-0.0499561/-0.0341588/0.2813068/1/74.996 params=9.602374340037233/10.23746452223274/1.03568376720481/0.1582873012\ 482067 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=CCCzsGzzz<3>mwmjwjfvf<3>UsU<7>isi<4>sss<16>ssM<4>ssC<16>sMC<4>sCC\ <17>KCC<4>ACCCCC<15>gCgiCikCk<3>sCs<16>MCs<4>CCs<16>Cis<4>Css<5>Csg<4>Cs\ YECE<15>iCi<4>sCs<16>MCs<4>CCs<16>Cis<4>Css<8>Csa<4>CsS<4>qsI } GiraSol14 { ; 0:00:06.31 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=-0.0499561/-0.0341588/0.2813068/1/74.996 params=10.16553239539781/10.97274697103794/0.3815195165868103/-0.8091799\ 676503802 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=000CC0<13>jj0mm0oo0<3>zz0<14>PP0MM0KK0<3>AA00A0<14>0j00m00o0<3>0z\ 0<14>0P00M00K0<3>0A0A00<14>j00m00o00<3>z00<14>P00M00K00<3>A000A0<14>0j00\ m00o0<3>0z0<14>0P00M00K0<3>0A0AAA<14>jjjmmmooo<3>zzz<14>PPPMMMKKK<3>AAA0\ A0<14>0j00m00o0<3>0z0<18>0F0 } GiraSol16 { ; 0:00:06.65 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=-0.0499561/-0.0341588/0.2813068/1/74.996 params=9.058565019684439/11.41270180364391/0.9988479262672814/0.04411755\ 729850135 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=000nn0<2>zz0<9>OO0KK0GG0<3>000<9>0b00f00j0<3>0z0<9>0O00K00G0<3>00\ 0<9>b0bf0fj0j<3>z0z<8>S0SO0OK0K<3>40400K<6>RRaVVdZZf<3>nnrrruvvwzzz<8>SS\ bOO`KKY<3>44N000<10>MMM<4>WWW<8>DDDBBB999<3>000<9>b00f00j00<3>z00<9>O00K\ 00G00<3>000<9>0bb0ff0jj<3>0zz<9>0OO0KK0GG<3>000<9>00b00f00j<3>00z<9>00O0\ 0K00G<3>000<11>jj0 } GiraSol18 { ; 0:00:06.59 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=-0.0499561/-0.0341588/0.1374567/1/74.998 params=8.336008789330728/11.13449507126072/-0.1694616534928431/0.7781487\ 472151858 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=200333<9>fff<4>zzz<3>pkkmggkcc<3>`OOYKKWGGTCC<2>zzz<3>kpkgmgckc<3\ >O`OKYKGWGCTC<2>zzz<3>kkpggmcck<3>OO`KKYGGWCCT<2>zzz<3>ppkmmgkkc<3>``OYY\ KWWGTTC<2>zzz<3>pkpmgmkck<3>`O`YKYWGWTCT<2>zzz<3>kppgmmckk<3>O``KYYGWWCT\ T<2>zzz<3>tkksggqcc<3>mOOkKKjGGhCC<2>zzz<3>ktkgsgcqc<3>OmOKkKGjGChC<2>zz\ z<3>kktggsccq<3>OOmKKkGGjCCh<2>zzz<3>ttkssgqqc<3>mmOkkKjjGhhC<2>zzz<3>tk\ tsgsqcq<3>mOmkKkjGjhCh<2>zzz<3>kttgsscqq<3>OmmKkkGjjChh<2>zzz<2>zzzkkzkz\ kzzkzkkWWzWzWzzWzWWGGzGzGzzGzGG00z0z0zz0z00<27>100 } Breed_Pool { ; 0:01:10.63 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 13, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=frac_ml.frm formulaname=zmincoszb passes=t corners=-14.01561/4.918662/9.808842/-15.43685/4.918662/-15.43685 params=-25.9299/0.5927 float=y inside=zmag outside=summ invert=-0.884945219275491/0.580370494705039/-0.595080416272469 periodicity=0 rseed=3141 sound=off colors=G0G<21>plpqnqsps<3>zzz<21>EQbCPaAN`<3>0GW<22>nq6ps5su4uv2wx1yz0zz\ 0<21>bECaCD`AD<3>W0G<22>tQquRswSuxTvyUxzVz<6>zWtzWszWq<13>zWbzWazW`<2>zW\ XzWWxVX<21>C6tA5u74w52x31y10z00z<22>IJWJKVJLUKMSLNRMOP<27>z00 } Spec_Tral { ; 0:02:15.06 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=gregman2.frm formulaname=gregsmandels3 function=cos/cotan passes=t center-mag=+2.32876830288676600/-0.33422447351784550/12042.16/1/-59.999 params=-0.965514084292123/0.4783165990173039/-1.406323435163427/-0.38892\ 78847621082/7/0 float=y maxiter=1000 logmap=9 sound=off colors=070oF0<3>qF0qF0qF0qF0qF0<3>hF2fF3dI3<3>WU5TX6R_6<2>Kh8<3>Yj2ak1dl\ 0hm0lm0on0qo0<2>qq0qq0qp0<3>qg0qe0qb0<3>qU1qS2qQ3<3>qH8qFAqFB<3>qFGqFIqF\ H<5>qF9qF8qF7<2>qF3qF2qH0<6>qP0qQ0qS0<3>qX0qg0qq7qq7<3>qiBqgCqdC<5>mSIlQ\ IkOJ<3>hGNgFNfFO<3>bFSaFTaFS<6>_FL_FK_FJZFIZFHZFG<5>XMAXN9XO8<3>VT4VV3VW\ 2UX1UY0UZ0T`0<10>QY0PX0PX0OW0OW0<3>MU1MU2MU2<3>KR3KQ3KP3<3>KJ3LI3LH3LF3<\ 5>MF3MF3MF3<2>MF3NF3PF3<3>WF0YG0_J0<3>gU0iX0k_0mb0oe0qh0qk0<10>hR0gP0fN0\ <2>cH0bF0aF0<2>ZF0XF0XF0<5>`F0`F0aF0<2>cF0cF0bF0<7>YF0 } OM-2 { ; 0:00:06.54 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 14, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=mandel center-mag=-0.83184573249999990/+0.20622975750000000/7421.471/1/-27.625 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=2000 logmap=121 rseed=3141 sound=off colors=000L00<3>T00W00Y00Z00`00c00e80<2>jE0kF0mI0oK0pM0qP0sS0tU0uW0vZ0wa\ 0xe0<2>zm0zp0zt0zv0zy0zv0zt0zp0<2>xg0xe0wa0vZ0uW0tU0sS0qP0pM0oK0mI0kF0<3\ >e80c00`00Z00Y00<3>P00N00L00I00I00<3>R00T00W00Y00Z00`00c00e80<2>jE0kF0mI\ 0oK0pM0qP0sS0tU0uW0vZ0wa0xe0<2>zm0zp0zt0zv0zy0zv0zt0zp0<2>xg0xe0wa0vZ0uW\ 0tU0sS0qP0pM0oK0mI0kF0<3>e80c00`00Z00Y00<3>P00N00L00I00I00<3>R00T00W00Y0\ 0Z00`00c00e80<2>jE0kF0mI0oK0pM0qP0sS0tU0uW0vZ0wa0xe0<2>zm0zp0zt0zv0zy0zv\ 0zt0zp0<2>xg0xe0wa0vZ0uW0tU0sS0qP0pM0oK0mI0kF0<3>e80c00`00Z00Y00<3>P00N0\ 0L00I00I00<3>R00T00W00Y00Z00`00c00e80<2>jE0kF0mI0oK0pM0qP0sS0tU0uW0vZ0wa\ 0xe0<2>zm0zp0zt0zv0zy0zv0zt0zp0<2>xg0xe0wa0vZ0uW0tU0sS0qP0pM0oK0mI0kF0<3\ >e80c00`00Z00Y00<2>R00 } OM-3 { ; 0:00:10.71 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 14, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=mandel center-mag=-0.83192252672778080/+0.20619000812253980/1321972/1/-30.124 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=5000 logmap=318 rseed=3141 sound=off colors=000zsO<26>zxszxtzyvzywzyxzzz<42>JziIzhHzhGzgFzgDzf<38>JD9KC8KB7<3\ >K53K32K21L00<7>B00A00900<3>300100000<14>b47e48h48<3>r5At6Bw6Bz7C<2>y7Cx\ 6Cw6Cv6Cv6C<3>r5Cq4Cp4Co3B<3>k5Fj5Gi5Hh6Ig6J<3>i7Nj7Oj7P<4>n9VnAWoAX<13>\ vFlwGmwGn<2>yHqzIszJr<29>zqP } GiraSol01c { ; 0:00:11.37 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; ; parameters created on Feb 10, 1997 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=7.65099/11.22061/0.29423/1.56705 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=000Nzj<3>JziIzhHzhGzgFzgDzf<32>ILEIJDIIC<3>JD9KC8KB7<3>K53K32K21L\ 00<7>B00A00900<3>300100000<14>b47e48h48<3>r5At6Bw6Bz7C<2>y7Cx6Cw6Cv6Cv6C\ <3>r5Cq4Cp4Co3B<3>k5Fj5Gi5Hh6Ig6J<3>i7Nj7Oj7P<3>m9Un9VnAW<15>wGmwGnxGoxH\ pyHqzIs<24>zjVzkUzlT<3>zqPzsOzsP<25>zxszxtzyvzywzyxzzz<37>Ozk } GiraSol02c { ; 0:00:10.93 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 14, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; ; parameters created on Feb 10, 1997 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=7.298409985656301/10.32303842280343/-0.3491851557969909/0.7128086\ 184270758 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=000Nzj<3>JziIzhHzhGzgFzgDzf<38>JD9KC8KB7<3>K53K32K21L00<7>B00A009\ 00<3>300100000<14>b47e48h48<3>r5At6Bw6Bz7C<2>y7Cx6Cw6Cv6Cv6C<3>r5Cq4Cp4C\ o3B<3>k5Fj5Gi5Hh6Ig6J<3>i7Nj7Oj7P<4>n9VnAWoAX<13>vFlwGmwGn<2>yHqzIszJr<2\ 3>zjVzkUzlT<3>zqPzsOzsP<25>zxszxtzyvzywzyxzzz<37>Ozk } GiraSol03c { ; 0:00:06.64 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=7.169164098025453/10.30903042695395/0.03971221045564133/0.6810388\ 500625627 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=z00v00<4>c07_08W09<2>K0DG0FE0J<4>80a60e50i<2>10u00y10u<4>80b90ZA0\ V<3>G0F<4>9Q88V76_5<2>3o21t00z01u0<4>8W79R8AM9<3>G0F<6>P0OQ0PR0Q<3>W0V<5\ >O0NM0LL0K<3>G0F<4>Z08b07f05<2>r02v00z00v00<4>c07_08W09<2>K0DG0FE0J<4>80\ a60e50i<2>10u00y10u<4>80b90ZA0V<3>F0FG0F<4>9Q88V76_5<2>3o21t00z01u0<4>8W\ 79R8AM9<3>G0F<5>O0NP0OQ0P<3>W0V<5>jVFm_CodArj7<2>zz0zx4<4>zkUzhZzfc<3>zW\ xzWy<5>cWj_WgWWe<3>GWV<6>GWV<4>GWV<5>bjifmljon<3>zzy<5>zWVzRQzML<3>z00z0\ 1<7>z0Mz0Pz0Sz0V } GiraSol04c { ; 0:00:06.48 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=7.413708914456619/9.865077669606618/0.4196371349223304/0.24654683\ 06527907 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=000nn0<2>zz0<9>OO0KK0GG0<3>000<9>0b00f00j0<3>0z0<9>0O00K00G0<3>00\ 0<9>b0af0ej0i<3>z0y<8>S0RO0NK0J<3>40300J<9>bbiffljjn<3>zzy<8>SSaOOZKKX<3\ >44M000<9>KKJMMLOON<3>WWV<8>DDCBBA998665<2>000<9>b00f00j00<3>z00<9>O00K0\ 0G00<3>000<9>0ba0fe0ji<3>0zy<9>0ON0KJ0GF<3>000<9>00a00e00i<3>00y<9>00N00\ J00F<3>000<11>jj0 } GiraSol05c { ; 0:00:07.58 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=8.358806115909299/10.33103427228614/0.1211661122470779/1.03636585\ 5891598 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=KIf<3>NOeOPeORePSeQUd<5>FFLDDHBAE<3>400<2>A00C00C00<6>I00J00K00<3\ >O00<3>iXSodZtmezul<3>nYUlSPiMK<2>`46`00<2>S00P00N12<3>C8C9AF6CH3DK0FM<3\ >JTGOXET`C<3>hj6ll5po3tq2xt0<3>nY0lT0jN0<3>`00<3>mVQpbWtjawqhzyn<3>zkZyg\ VydR<2>yUF<3>yHL<4>jFOgEOdEP<3>TBRQASN9SK8TG7U<3>A7I87E67B578375<3>8HC9J\ EAMFBOH<3>ROcVOiZOobOu<3>i_tkbsfZm<3>MIPHEJ000B9D657000<7>JNVLQZOTb<3>Xc\ r<9>CFLADH8AE<3>000232<4>3DS4FY4Hb<3>5Pw<3>acjiggrkczo`<3>OYoFUs5Pw<3>2B\ Q17H149000CC9<7>bbVfeYii`<3>wvk<2>rRf<7>IDgJFgKGg } GiraSol06c { ; 0:00:06.48 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=0.0937903/-0.570553/0.1052088/1/74.998 params=8.851222266304514/10.8673970763268/0.4967574083681753/0.479860835\ 5967892 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyze\ yzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0L\ d00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyze\ yzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0L\ d00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyze\ yzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0L\ d00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyze\ yzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0L\ d00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyze\ yzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0Ld00KLLK000e0dzLKzLdzLyzeyzz0zzdzzyezy0zyLey00y0L\ d00KLLKccb<14>ccb } GiraSol24 { ; 0:00:15.00 on PIII(500) ; Created Jan 21, 2000 by Rui Parracho ; ; parameters created on Feb 10, 1997 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=_j.frm formulaname=jdg-7-01c function=recip/cos passes=1 center-mag=-0.0499561/-0.0341588/0.09577934/1/74.997 params=10.57115390484329/10.59776604510636/1.198774681844539/-0.59155247\ 65770442 float=y maxiter=255 inside=0 potential=255/300/100 decomp=256 rseed=3141 cyclerange=0/255 sound=off colors=000zzW<48>ob4oa3na3n`2n`2n_1mZ0<134>G10G10F00<61>000 } - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 00:32:49 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 22-01-00 (Mystical Vision) (c) FOTD -- January 22, 2000 Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries: The lunar eclipse has gone but the snow remains, here at Fractal Central. And today it's blowing around in swirling clouds, and drifting into sculpted shapes that almost look like certain fractals I have seen. Today's fractal has little to do with drifting snow however, but in its majestic symmetry it does have a kind of mystical aura about it. I have named the picture "Mystical Vision" to emphasize this mysterious sense of some sublime but unknown reality. It was created, as are a large percentage of my fractals, with the MandelbrotMix4 formula, today calculating the expression 24.25(0.6(Z^0.6)-0.6(Z^0.666))+C. These parameters are very near the point where the fractal turns inside-out, which is the point where M-Mix4 fractals do the most interesting things. There is a second turning point in this formula, which can be found by setting the function to recip and adjusting real(p3), though I have not investigated this aspect of the formula. If you choose to see the image by running the attached parameter file, and have a Pentium 200mhz processor in your machine, be prepared to wait 4 minutes. If you have an 80486, go at once to the Usenet binary group: and download the JPEG file from there. The image is also available on the WWW at Paul Lee's web site at: The fractal weather today was partly cloudy with flurries of snow and a strong gusty wind, which whipped yesterday's snow into drifts. The temperature of 14F (-10C) and biting wind was almost too cold for people much less for the fractal cats, who spent the day by whatever radiator happened to be warmest. With much less other work to do today, I found more time to consider Percy Smedley and his four-dimensional room, which is in need of a fresh coat of paint. For purposes of simplicity, let's make the room a perfect 4-D hypercube measuring 4x4x4x4 meters. As Percy stands in, (not on), the center of his cubical 4x4x4 floor, he sees a cubical 4x4x4 ceiling above him, a cubical 4x4x4 wall before him, another such wall behind him, similar walls on his left and right and two more cubical walls in the fourth dimension, which I shall call his inside and outside. Since the floor of this room is covered by wall-to-wall-to-wall carpet, Percy needs to do nothing to his floor. And since the ceiling is covered with a nice solid volume of untarnished decorative paper displaying three-dimensional pictures of the 4-D Z^2+C Julibrot, he needs to do nothing to his ceiling. But he does have those six 4x4x4 walls, all at right angles to the others, to fill, (not coat), with fresh paint. It might be supposed that with walls as thick as they are wide and tall, Percy's house is built like a fortress, but this is not the case, for these walls are unlike the familiar walls of our 3-D world. These are walls of a four-dimensional room, and every point, no matter how deep within their solid volumes, is in contact with both the inside and outside of Percy's house. If one of the cubical walls had an empty bubble at its center, that bubble would be a hole through which cold air could leak, and which must be repaired. By glancing at a wall, Percy can see every point throughout its 3-D volume. This is not because he has x-ray vision, it is because nothing lies between those points and his eyes. These things make no sense whatsoever to our 3-D trained senses and minds, but if we had 4-D senses, or could even imagine the fourth dimension, the shape of Percy's room would be immediately obvious. There are many more unexpected features to be found in the 4-D room, such as how the parts fit together, but this will have to wait until next time, which will probably be tomorrow. Right now, it's time to shut down the fractal shoppe, feed the cats, and call it a night. Until next time, when we'll further inspect Percy's room, take care, and when the unexpected strikes, it is never expected. Jim Muth START FORMULA============================================== MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END FORMULA================================================ START PARAMETER FILE======================================= Mystical_Vision { ; time=0:03:51.73, SF5 on a P200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=1 center-mag=13.2671/7.10543e-015/0.1086062/1/-90 params=0.6/0.6/-0.6/0.666/23.25/1000 float=y maxiter=400 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=11 symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000R8QQ8PP6O<4>QCPRDQREQ<3>RIRSJUSKXSLY<19>Ve\ ZWfZWgZWhZWiZWiZWkZViZVjZViZUjZUi_Uj`TiaTjb<3>SiiSij\ Rik<5>PhrPhsPht<2>OhwNgyOhx<20>evwevwfww<2>iywiywixv\ <10>lwolwolwn<14>msemsemrd<3>mrbmramr`mr`mq_mqa<4>mp\ YmpYmoX<32>mmDmmCmmBmmBmmAmm9<31>mmKmmKmmL<2>mmMmmMm\ mK<18>mmbmmcmmd<2>mmfmmgmmgmmg<6>mmi } END PARAMETER FILE========================================= START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ Mystical_Vision { ; time=0:03:51.73, SF5 on a P200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=1 center-mag=13.2671/7.10543e-015/0.1086062/1/-90 params=0.6/0.6/-0.6/0.666/23.25/1000 float=y maxiter=400 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=11 symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000R8QQ8PP6O<4>QCPRDQREQ<3>RIRSJUSKXSLY<19>Ve\ ZWfZWgZWhZWiZWiZWkZViZVjZViZUjZUi_Uj`TiaTjb<3>SiiSij\ Rik<5>PhrPhsPht<2>OhwNgyOhx<20>evwevwfww<2>iywiywixv\ <10>lwolwolwn<14>msemsemrd<3>mrbmramr`mr`mq_mqa<4>mp\ YmpYmoX<32>mmDmmCmmBmmBmmAmm9<31>mmKmmKmmL<2>mmMmmMm\ mK<18>mmbmmcmmd<2>mmfmmgmmgmmg<6>mmi } frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 13:49:18 EST From: "Mitchell Berger" Subject: Re: (fractint) Quickie post par Where can I find, or can you send me the jdc-7-01c formula? I am unable to find it in my frm folder. Thanks, Mitch B. “The destination is not that rewarding if you have not had the experience of the journey”. Jimmy Buffett >From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: (fractint) Quickie post par >Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:42:06 EST > >jest a couple of pars i really enjoyed. The GiraSol series was just some >quick evolver investigations into the formula jdg-7-01c. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 11:11:58 +1300 From: "Karl Scherer" Subject: (fractint) AVI Hi , could please anybody tell me how to make a fractal AVI? I have just tried it the first time,so bear with me. I have used the FAE.EXE to create 60 GIFs, but the AVI maker wants bitmaps (BMP files). Is there an easy way to convert all gifs to BMPs? Or to create BMPs in the first round? Please reply to my personal email. Thank you very much! Karl Scherer 11 Utting Str, Auckland, New Zealand Seen my homepage lately? - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 16:35:22 -0700 From: knife31a Subject: (fractint) Conversion of BMP I use a program called LView Pro at however there are all sorts of others that will do the job Randy Hoffmaster RH - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 0:56 0000 From: Subject: (fractint) AVI generation For generating AVIs try Fast Movie Processer (FMP) a web search with terms like 'FMP' 'AVI' 'HAL' 'Movie' should pin it down, it takes allsorts of files as input including gifs (I think). It also includes a bunch of filters for special effects. Cheers, Robin. - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 01:45:50 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 23-01-00 (Something) (c) FOTD -- January 23, 2000 Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries: When I examined today's image, searching for a name, I noticed that the edges are perfectly smooth -- all but one, that is. The edge just left of bottom center has a sawtooth shape. "Now ain't that something!" I exclaimed as I noticed the strange effect. When I uttered that phrase, I inadvertently found the name for today's picture -- "Something" -- a name that describes the otherwise indescribable scene as well as any single word could. But I must confess that the sawtooth effect is ersatz -- an artifact of the limited 640x480 resolution of the posted image. The actual pattern, as can be verified by a blow-up of the GIF version, consists of a narrow parallel band running close to the edge of the broad band. The formula behind today's fractal is called Mystic2. I gave it that name when I noticed that it creates nothing but circles when the outside is set to iter and the inside to 0. But when the inside is set to bof60 or bof61, the variety is limitless. Today's image is composed completely of trapped points. The fractal features come from the different manner in which the trapped points behave. The attached parameter file takes 9+ minutes to render on a P200 - -- a bit too long to make it worth the wait -- especially when the finished JPEG image is available on Usenet at:. and on the Web at: The fractal weather today was increasingly cloudy in advance of the next snowfall, which is due to begin in a few hours. The temperature of 18F (-8C) was perfect for hunting fractals. The fractal cats would have preferred something much warmer, but winter still has 2 months to go, so the cats will have to be patient. In other quarters, our intrepid four-dimensional painter, Percy Smedley, is still pondering that strange room of his, with its cubical walls that are flat yet three-dimensional. These wall- cubes are exactly like the 3-D cubes so familiar from everyday experience, but the way percy sees them is impossible to visualize. Like all cubes, the cubes that are the surfaces of Percy's walls are bounded by six square faces. This is where familiarity ends, for percy can see the cubes from a direction that is perpendicular to all six square faces. This seems impossible, for the faces are oriented in three different directions, but in 4-D space it is quite simply accomplished. Perhaps the most familiar example is found in our old friend the 4-D Julibrot, where the imag(z) axis for example is perpendicular to the other 3 axes. Percy draws a deep breath and takes his brush . . . We'll continue this mini saga tomorrow, when we follow Percy as he applies the paint. For now, another day is rapidly drawing to a close, the fractals have finished generating -- nothing remains but to shut down the fractal shoppe for the night and settle down to watch my usual saturday night sci-fi junker. Until next time, take care, and how many corners has a four-dimensional room? Jim Muth START FORMULA============================================== Mystic2 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), g=pixel, z=(pixel)^a+(b*(pixel))^c: z=(fn1(z)+(d*(g)))^k+(f*(cos(g))) g=sqr(g), LastSqr <= 100 } END FORMULA================================================ START PARAMETER FILE======================================= Something { ; time=0:09:14.86, SF5 on a P200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=Mystic2 function=acos passes=1 center-mag=-1.16573e-015/8.88178e-016/1.693745/1/-10\ 2.5 params=2.407/-3.318/-3.004/0.497/-1.096/-0.124 float=y maxiter=180 bailout=25 inside=bof60 symmetry=none periodicity=0 colors=000ZbQ<3>VEDU8A_EAeGAkIAwKAsI9nG8gE8eC7a67Y66\ V55T55N44K44<3>QGISILVLP<3>XWaYZeZahZck<3>`Ym`Wm`Vn<\ 3>bPpcNqcMqdKrdJr<3>cKtcKucKu<3>cLycLz`MhXMUXM9<31>R\ WMRXMQXN<3>QYOVVB<36>QYMQYNQYN<3>QYOdyW<16>UeQTdQTbP\ <3>QZOswO<32>VaOU`OT`O<3>QYOwtk<8>cgYaeX_dV<3>SZPW_Y\ <3>TZTSYRRYQQYPBSu<11>HVgIVfIVe<3>KWacm_bq_bu_`nW_hT } END PARAMETER FILE========================================= START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ Something { ; time=0:09:14.86, SF5 on a P200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=Mystic2 function=acos passes=1 center-mag=-1.16573e-015/8.88178e-016/1.693745/1/-10\ 2.5 params=2.407/-3.318/-3.004/0.497/-1.096/-0.124 float=y maxiter=180 bailout=25 inside=bof60 symmetry=none periodicity=0 colors=000ZbQ<3>VEDU8A_EAeGAkIAwKAsI9nG8gE8eC7a67Y66\ V55T55N44K44<3>QGISILVLP<3>XWaYZeZahZck<3>`Ym`Wm`Vn<\ 3>bPpcNqcMqdKrdJr<3>cKtcKucKu<3>cLycLz`MhXMUXM9<31>R\ WMRXMQXN<3>QYOVVB<36>QYMQYNQYN<3>QYOdyW<16>UeQTdQTbP\ <3>QZOswO<32>VaOU`OT`O<3>QYOwtk<8>cgYaeX_dV<3>SZPW_Y\ <3>TZTSYRRYQQYPBSu<11>HVgIVfIVe<3>KWacm_bq_bu_`nW_hT } frm:Mystic2 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), g=pixel, z=(pixel)^a+(b*(pixel))^c: z=(fn1(z)+(d*(g)))^k+(f*(cos(g))) g=sqr(g), LastSqr <= 100 } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ End of fractint-digest V1 #441 ******************************