From: (fractint-digest) To: Subject: fractint-digest V1 #517 Reply-To: fractint-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk fractint-digest Thursday, December 14 2000 Volume 01 : Number 517 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 13:02:25 -0500 From: Lee Skinner Subject: (fractint) a fractint-manzpower-bug Guy, Your 3d-002 through 3d-006 only give plain white screens. The others are= good though. - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 16:00:13 -0800 From: Mark Christenson Subject: (fractint) New e-mail address My original ISP,, has been bought-out three times since I first joined in 1996. Under the auspices of the latest owners,, the wenet/hooked server went down hard early Monday morning (the 4th). I have finally re-joined cyberspace, almost a week later, as a member of (another part of ClearData is attempting to recover mail and other data from the server, but is making no guarantees of success. If you have sent me any important messages since the 3rd, please send a copy to my new address, and delete my old address Thank you, Mark AKA Bud - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 01:01:52 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD 11-12-00 (Fractal Diversion [4]) Classic FOTD -- December 11, 2000 (Rating 4) Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: I had intended to continue the 4D rotation series today, but just as I was ready to start writing the discussion, I was dragged to a concert of Christmas songs. The concert was acceptable, but by the time I got back to my desk, it was too late to give the FOTD discussion the attention it needs. I substituted an image I found and saved several weeks ago. The iterated formula, -9Z^(-1.5)-Z^(-13)+(1/C), is not exceptional, though like many M-Mix4 formulas, it draws some unexpected images. Perhaps the most unusual things about the image are the unusually long time it takes to render, and the unusually large size of the GIF file. The image itself is typical of midgets lying between buds very near the shore of the M-set. The scene lies in the East valley area of a larger midget. The parameter file drags unbearably, requiring over 1-1/2 hours on a Pentium 200mhz machine. The GIF file is available for download at: and at: The fractal weather today was cloudy and cold, with a temperature of 37F (3C) and a mixture of rain and snow in the afternoon that kept the fractal cats snug indoors. And after an afternoon of sitting and listening, I'm ready to settle into my favorite chair for an hour or so of TV. Until tomorrow, when the rotation series definitely will continue, take care, and see you then. Jim Muth START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ Fractal_Diversion { ; time=1:39:18.32 -- SF5 on a P200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=recip passes=1 center-mag=+1.545147334199108/-0.1066608549682611/19\ 13401/1/-174.999 params=9/-1.5/1/-13/-2/400 float=y maxiter=14400 inside=0 logmap=1335 periodicity=10 colors=000ZgT<3>caTe`Tf_TgYThXTjXS<51>ZOjZOjZNk<2>YN\ lYNlXOk<46>eBweBwfBw<3>fAxi9z<14>TFoSFnRGm<3>NHjPCl<\ 3>GUeEYdCbb<3>4sX1zX<37>GHIGGIHFH<2>IBGIAGH7F<36>TdG\ TeGUfG<3>VjGQpTQqTOsT<7>YhT } frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 15:22:30 +0100 From: "Jean-Pierre Louvet" Subject: (fractint) Corrections to the Fractal Art FAQ (v. 1.21) In spite of the fact that the html code was carefully checked with the validator html-Tidy (written by Dave Ragett, a gourou of the W3C) I was informed, thanks to Angela Wilczynski that there were problems with Netscape. It appears that this browser doesn't match with all the HTML standards because it doesn't understand several entities like “ or β The new version 1.21 is compatible with Netscape 4 and IE5 (don't use Netscape or Mozilla 6 wich have too much bugs). - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J.P. Louvet | Phone : (33)05-56-84-58-35 IUT Universite Bordeaux 1 | 33405 Talence CEDEX France | email : - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fractales sur serveur Web Universite Bordeaux I : - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 18:50:08 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD 12-12-00 (4D-10 [NA]) FOTD -- December 12, 2000 (Rating NA) Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: There's little to say about today's images, which have now been rotated all the way to the Julia orientation. The bridge has now broadened to infinity, so that the entire interior of the scene, and of the entire fractal as well, is in effect filled with a single point. The bridge is no longer visible because we have been skimming it just above the surface. The interior of the fractal is therefore filled with the point just barely above the bottom shoreline of the original period-4 bud. The second image illustrates the entire Julia set. If the real(p3) (or imaginary 'C') parameter were reduced just slightly, the image would fill in with the Mandel stuff of the lower valley of the bud. If it were raised, the spectacular spiral arms would straighten and lose their chaotic extensions. Raising the maxiter would also cause the image to fill in as even higher iteration Mandel stuff becomes visible. With a render time of 5 minutes and 3 minutes, today's images can be viewed more easily by downloading them from the internet. The images are available on Usenet (if you have it) at: and on the W.W.Web at: With a temperature of 36F (2C) and heavy clouds, today proved unfit for the delicate fractal cats to venture outdoors. They passed the day instead either stretched by the radiator or sitting on their window shelf, watching the birds fly by. We have but two more in the rotation series of images. These final two images will appear tomorrow along with a final few words about rotation in spaces of four dimensions. After that it's back to the wonderland of midgets. I've got a few pretty good ones backed up. Until tomorrow, take care, and know that a fractal at bedtime makes sleep come easier. Jim Muth START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ 4d-10 { ; time=0:05:12.09 -- SF5 on a P200 ; Version 2000 Patchlevel 14 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=multirot.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=flip/ident passes=t center-mag=-1.11022e-016/8.32667e-017/10.41\ 667 params=90/90/0.36775/0/0.281/0.4871 float=y maxiter=3600 inside=0 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000BAABWfCAACVfDAAEVfEAAFUfFAAGUfGAAHUfHAAITf\ IAAJTfJAAKSfKAALSfLAAMSfNAANRgOAAORgPAAPQgQAAQQgRAAR\ QgSAASPgTAATPgUAAUOgV9AWOgW9AXOgX8AYNgY8AZNgZ8A_Mg_7\ A`Mg`7AaMga6AbLgb6AcLgc6AdMhd8AdNid9AdOjeAAeQjeCAeRk\ eEFeSlfGKfTmfJPfUnfLUgVngOZgWogRcgYpgShhZqhUjh_rhWlh\ `siZniasi`pibtibricujdtjev<6>kiykiykjz<11>nqznqznrz<\ 4>nsznsznsz<31>vzzwzzwzz<2>xzzxzzvyztwzruz<3>jmwhkwf\ iw<2>`cxZbxXbyVbyTby<9>NbzMbzMbz<2>KbzJbzKdz<4>PnzQp\ zRrz<2>UxzVzzWzz<3>Zzz_zz_zz<5>_zz_zz`zz<35>Nzz } 4d-10a { ; time=0:02:53.35 -- SF5 on a P200 ; Version 2000 Patchlevel 14 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=multirot.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=flip/ident passes=t center-mag=0.00553216/-0.366921/0.896554 params=90/90/0.36775/0/0.281/0.4871 float=y maxiter=3600 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000BAABWfCAACVfDAAEVfEAAFUfFAAGUfGAAHUfHAAITf\ IAAJTfJAAKSfKAALSfLAAMSfNAANRgOAAORgPAAPQgQAAQQgRAAR\ QgSAASPgTAATPgUAAUOgV9AWOgW9AXOgX8AYNgY8AZNgZ8A_Mg_7\ A`Mg`7AaMga6AbLgb6AcLgc6AdMhd8AdNid9AdOjeAAeQjeCAeRk\ eEFeSlfGKfTmfJPfUnfLUgVngOZgWogRcgYpgShhZqhUjh_rhWlh\ `siZniasi`pibtibricujdtjev<6>kiykiykjz<11>nqznqznrz<\ 4>nsznsznsz<31>vzzwzzwzz<2>xzzxzzvyztwzruz<3>jmwhkwf\ iw<2>`cxZbxXbyVbyTby<9>NbzMbzMbz<2>KbzJbzKdz<4>PnzQp\ zRrz<2>UxzVzzWzz<3>Zzz_zz_zz<5>_zz_zz`zz<35>Nzz } frm:multirot-XY-ZW {; draws 6 planes and many rotations ;when fn1-2=i,f, then p1 0,0=M, 0,90=O, 90,0=E, 90,90=J ;when fn1-2=f,i, then p1 0,0=M, 0,90=R, 90,0=P, 90,90=J a=real(p1)*.01745329251994, b=imag(p1)*.01745329251994, z=sin(b)*fn1(real(pixel))+sin(a)*fn2(imag(pixel))+p2, c=cos(b)*real(pixel)+cos(a)*flip(imag(pixel))+p3: z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <= 36 } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 09:39:23 +0100 From: Guy Marson Subject: Re: (fractint) a fractint-manzpower-bug Hi Lee, At 13:02 10/12/00 -0500, you wrote: >Guy, > > Your 3d-002 through 3d-006 only give plain white screens. The others are >good though. thanks for the warning! I got the picture-coordinates from *.gif's of an old Fractint (Ver. 18.2) but this version was not storing all of the coordinates into the .gif. Now, experimenting once more, here are the params again. Anyway, these julibrot fractals are 3d (for crossed-eyes viewing) but no arguments for the integer math.. the 003 is only at little bit different of the 002, so no reason to make a copy of it.. cheers, Guy 002 { ; Version 2001 Patchlevel 3 reset=2001 type=julibrot julibrotfromto=4/-4.7/-1.445/-7.3 julibrot3d=256/250/40/7/10/24 julibroteyes=2.5 orbitname=hypercomplexj function=sin center-mag=-1.424/2.9976e-015/1.503206/0.6229 params=0/5/0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=3 bailout=32000 colors=000zzzyzzzyzzyyyyyxyyyxzyxxxxxwxxxwyxwwwwwvwwwvxwvvvvvuvvvuwvuuuu\ utuuutvutttttstttsutsssssrsssrtsrrrrrqrrrqsrqqqqqpqqqprqpppppopppoqpoooo\ onooonponnnnnmnnnmonmmmmmlmmmlnmlllllklllkmlkkkkkjkkkjlkjjjjjijjjikjiiii\ ihiiihjihhhhhghhhgihgggggfgggfhgfffffefffegfeeeeedeeedfedddddcdddcedcccc\ cbcccbdcbbbbbabbbacbaaaaa`aaa`ba`````_```_a`_____Z___Z`_ZZZZZYZZZY_ZYYYY\ YXYYYXZYXXXXXWXXXWYXWWWWWVWWWVXWVVVVVUVVVUWVUUUUUTUUUTVUTTTTTSTTTSUTSSSS\ SRSSSRTSRRRRRQRRRQSRQQQQQPQQQPRQPPPPPOPPPOQPOOOOONOOONPONNNNNMNNNMONMMMM\ MLMMMLNMLLLLLKLLLKMLKKKKKJKKKJLKJJJJJIJJJIKJIIIIIHIIIHJIHHHHHGHHHGIHGGGG\ GFGGGFHGFFFFFEFFFEGFEEEEEDEEEDFEDDDDDCDDDCEDCCCCCBCCCBDCBBBBBABBBACBAAAA\ A9AAA9BA9999989998A98888878887987777767776876666656665765555545554654444\ 4344435433333233324322222122213211111011102100<2>000 } 004 { ; Version 2001 Patchlevel 3 reset=2001 type=julibrot julibrotfromto=10/-10/2/8 julibrot3d=512/55/10/7/10/24 julibroteyes=2.5 orbitname=lambdafn function=cosxx center-mag=-1.77636e-015/-1.06581e-014/0.6666667 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=4 bailout=32000 colors=000zzzyzzzyzzyyyyyxyyyxzyxxxxxwxxxwyxwwwwwvwwwvxwvvvvvuvvvuwvuuuu\ utuuutvutttttstttsutsssssrsssrtsrrrrrqrrrqsrqqqqqpqqqprqpppppopppoqpoooo\ onooonponnnnnmnnnmonmmmmmlmmmlnmlllllklllkmlkkkkkjkkkjlkjjjjjijjjikjiiii\ ihiiihjihhhhhghhhgihgggggfgggfhgfffffefffegfeeeeedeeedfedddddcdddcedcccc\ cbcccbdcbbbbbabbbacbaaaaa`aaa`ba`````_```_a`_____Z___Z`_ZZZZZYZZZY_ZYYYY\ YXYYYXZYXXXXXWXXXWYXWWWWWVWWWVXWVVVVVUVVVUWVUUUUUTUUUTVUTTTTTSTTTSUTSSSS\ SRSSSRTSRRRRRQRRRQSRQQQQQPQQQPRQPPPPPOPPPOQPOOOOONOOONPONNNNNMNNNMONMMMM\ MLMMMLNMLLLLLKLLLKMLKKKKKJKKKJLKJJJJJIJJJIKJIIIIIHIIIHJIHHHHHGHHHGIHGGGG\ GFGGGFHGFFFFFEFFFEGFEEEEEDEEEDFEDDDDDCDDDCEDCCCCCBCCCBDCBBBBBABBBACBAAAA\ A9AAA9BA9999989998A98888878887987777767776876666656665765555545554654444\ 4344435433333233324322222122213211111011102100<2>000 } 005 { ; Version 2001 Patchlevel 3 reset=2001 type=julibrot julibrotfromto=1.6/0/4/0 julibrot3d=700/100/20/7/10/24 julibroteyes=2.5 orbitname=hypercomplexj function=tan center-mag=0/0/1 params=0/0/0/-1.58/0/0 float=y maxiter=2 bailout=4 colors=000zzzyzzzyzzyyyyyxyyyxzyxxxxxwxxxwyxwwwwwvwwwvxwvvvvvuvvvuwvuuuu\ utuuutvutttttstttsutsssssrsssrtsrrrrrqrrrqsrqqqqqpqqqprqpppppopppoqpoooo\ onooonponnnnnmnnnmonmmmmmlmmmlnmlllllklllkmlkkkkkjkkkjlkjjjjjijjjikjiiii\ ihiiihjihhhhhghhhgihgggggfgggfhgfffffefffegfeeeeedeeedfedddddcdddcedcccc\ cbcccbdcbbbbbabbbacbaaaaa`aaa`ba`````_```_a`_____Z___Z`_ZZZZZYZZZY_ZYYYY\ YXYYYXZYXXXXXWXXXWYXWWWWWVWWWVXWVVVVVUVVVUWVUUUUUTUUUTVUTTTTTSTTTSUTSSSS\ SRSSSRTSRRRRRQRRRQSRQQQQQPQQQPRQPPPPPOPPPOQPOOOOONOOONPONNNNNMNNNMONMMMM\ MLMMMLNMLLLLLKLLLKMLKKKKKJKKKJLKJJJJJIJJJIKJIIIIIHIIIHJIHHHHHGHHHGIHGGGG\ GFGGGFHGFFFFFEFFFEGFEEEEEDEEEDFEDDDDDCDDDCEDCCCCCBCCCBDCBBBBBABBBACBAAAA\ A9AAA9BA9999989998A98888878887987777767776876666656665765555545554654444\ 4344435433333233324322222122213211111011102100<2>000 } 006 { ; Version 2001 Patchlevel 3 reset=2001 type=julibrot julibrotfromto=3/0/1/2.5 julibrot3d=500/100/20/7/10/24 julibroteyes=2.5 orbitname=lambdafn function=sin center-mag=7.99361e-015/-2.33147e-015/3.152818/0.3975 params=0/1 float=y maxiter=8 bailout=300 colors=000zzzyzzzyzzyyyyyxyyyxzyxxxxxwxxxwyxwwwwwvwwwvxwvvvvvuvvvuwvuuuu\ utuuutvutttttstttsutsssssrsssrtsrrrrrqrrrqsrqqqqqpqqqprqpppppopppoqpoooo\ onooonponnnnnmnnnmonmmmmmlmmmlnmlllllklllkmlkkkkkjkkkjlkjjjjjijjjikjiiii\ ihiiihjihhhhhghhhgihgggggfgggfhgfffffefffegfeeeeedeeedfedddddcdddcedcccc\ cbcccbdcbbbbbabbbacbaaaaa`aaa`ba`````_```_a`_____Z___Z`_ZZZZZYZZZY_ZYYYY\ YXYYYXZYXXXXXWXXXWYXWWWWWVWWWVXWVVVVVUVVVUWVUUUUUTUUUTVUTTTTTSTTTSUTSSSS\ SRSSSRTSRRRRRQRRRQSRQQQQQPQQQPRQPPPPPOPPPOQPOOOOONOOONPONNNNNMNNNMONMMMM\ MLMMMLNMLLLLLKLLLKMLKKKKKJKKKJLKJJJJJIJJJIKJIIIIIHIIIHJIHHHHHGHHHGIHGGGG\ GFGGGFHGFFFFFEFFFEGFEEEEEDEEEDFEDDDDDCDDDCEDCCCCCBCCCBDCBBBBBABBBACBAAAA\ A9AAA9BA9999989998A98888878887987777767776876666656665765555545554654444\ 4344435433333233324322222122213211111011102100<2>000 } - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 18:50:08 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD 12-12-00 (4D-10 [NA]) FOTD -- December 12, 2000 (Rating NA) Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: There's little to say about today's images, which have now been rotated all the way to the Julia orientation. The bridge has now broadened to infinity, so that the entire interior of the scene, and of the entire fractal as well, is in effect filled with a single point. The bridge is no longer visible because we have been skimming it just above the surface. The interior of the fractal is therefore filled with the point just barely above the bottom shoreline of the original period-4 bud. The second image illustrates the entire Julia set. If the real(p3) (or imaginary 'C') parameter were reduced just slightly, the image would fill in with the Mandel stuff of the lower valley of the bud. If it were raised, the spectacular spiral arms would straighten and lose their chaotic extensions. Raising the maxiter would also cause the image to fill in as even higher iteration Mandel stuff becomes visible. With a render time of 5 minutes and 3 minutes, today's images can be viewed more easily by downloading them from the internet. The images are available on Usenet (if you have it) at: and on the W.W.Web at: With a temperature of 36F (2C) and heavy clouds, today proved unfit for the delicate fractal cats to venture outdoors. They passed the day instead either stretched by the radiator or sitting on their window shelf, watching the birds fly by. We have but two more in the rotation series of images. These final two images will appear tomorrow along with a final few words about rotation in spaces of four dimensions. After that it's back to the wonderland of midgets. I've got a few pretty good ones backed up. Until tomorrow, take care, and know that a fractal at bedtime makes sleep come easier. Jim Muth START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ 4d-10 { ; time=0:05:12.09 -- SF5 on a P200 ; Version 2000 Patchlevel 14 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=multirot.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=flip/ident passes=t center-mag=-1.11022e-016/8.32667e-017/10.41\ 667 params=90/90/0.36775/0/0.281/0.4871 float=y maxiter=3600 inside=0 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000BAABWfCAACVfDAAEVfEAAFUfFAAGUfGAAHUfHAAITf\ IAAJTfJAAKSfKAALSfLAAMSfNAANRgOAAORgPAAPQgQAAQQgRAAR\ QgSAASPgTAATPgUAAUOgV9AWOgW9AXOgX8AYNgY8AZNgZ8A_Mg_7\ A`Mg`7AaMga6AbLgb6AcLgc6AdMhd8AdNid9AdOjeAAeQjeCAeRk\ eEFeSlfGKfTmfJPfUnfLUgVngOZgWogRcgYpgShhZqhUjh_rhWlh\ `siZniasi`pibtibricujdtjev<6>kiykiykjz<11>nqznqznrz<\ 4>nsznsznsz<31>vzzwzzwzz<2>xzzxzzvyztwzruz<3>jmwhkwf\ iw<2>`cxZbxXbyVbyTby<9>NbzMbzMbz<2>KbzJbzKdz<4>PnzQp\ zRrz<2>UxzVzzWzz<3>Zzz_zz_zz<5>_zz_zz`zz<35>Nzz } 4d-10a { ; time=0:02:53.35 -- SF5 on a P200 ; Version 2000 Patchlevel 14 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=multirot.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=flip/ident passes=t center-mag=0.00553216/-0.366921/0.896554 params=90/90/0.36775/0/0.281/0.4871 float=y maxiter=3600 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000BAABWfCAACVfDAAEVfEAAFUfFAAGUfGAAHUfHAAITf\ IAAJTfJAAKSfKAALSfLAAMSfNAANRgOAAORgPAAPQgQAAQQgRAAR\ QgSAASPgTAATPgUAAUOgV9AWOgW9AXOgX8AYNgY8AZNgZ8A_Mg_7\ A`Mg`7AaMga6AbLgb6AcLgc6AdMhd8AdNid9AdOjeAAeQjeCAeRk\ eEFeSlfGKfTmfJPfUnfLUgVngOZgWogRcgYpgShhZqhUjh_rhWlh\ `siZniasi`pibtibricujdtjev<6>kiykiykjz<11>nqznqznrz<\ 4>nsznsznsz<31>vzzwzzwzz<2>xzzxzzvyztwzruz<3>jmwhkwf\ iw<2>`cxZbxXbyVbyTby<9>NbzMbzMbz<2>KbzJbzKdz<4>PnzQp\ zRrz<2>UxzVzzWzz<3>Zzz_zz_zz<5>_zz_zz`zz<35>Nzz } frm:multirot-XY-ZW {; draws 6 planes and many rotations ;when fn1-2=i,f, then p1 0,0=M, 0,90=O, 90,0=E, 90,90=J ;when fn1-2=f,i, then p1 0,0=M, 0,90=R, 90,0=P, 90,90=J a=real(p1)*.01745329251994, b=imag(p1)*.01745329251994, z=sin(b)*fn1(real(pixel))+sin(a)*fn2(imag(pixel))+p2, c=cos(b)*real(pixel)+cos(a)*flip(imag(pixel))+p3: z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <= 36 } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 00:02:57 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) FOTD 13-12-00 (4D-11-12 [NA]) Classic FOTD -- December 13, 2000 (Rating NA) Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: Today we end the rotation series by viewing two additional Julia sets, which exist very close to the set illustrated in yesterday's FOTD. The first image, 4D-11, shows how rapidly the interior of yesterday's image fills in with brilliant Mandel stuff when imag(C) is lowered slightly from 0.4871 to 0.487. This value places imag(C) within the lower valley of the bud instead of skimming it as was the case in yesterday's Julia set. The second image, 4D-12, shows the undistorted Julia set associated with the center of the period-4 northeast bud. The elegant spirals have degenerated into straight arms, and the Mandel stuff has vanished. In this case, imag(C) has been increased to a value of 0.531, which corresponds to the center of the bud. Since it contains no high-iteration material and can therefore take advantage of periodicity checking, this second image renders in 1/20th the time of the first. The 4D-11 image renders in 2 minutes, the 4d-12 in 6-1/2 seconds. The download of the GIF images takes about the same time and is marginally less work. That download is available on Usenet at: and on the W.W.Web at: The fractal weather today featured very high winds, with gusts to 56mph (90kph), and a steadily falling temperature from 55F (13C) in the morning to below freezing in the evening. Disliking high winds, the fractal cats spent the day indoors. And I'm about ready to spend what remains of the evening relaxing. When I return tomorrow, I'll have some new M-Mix4 midgets to wonder about. Until then, take care, and stay happy. Jim Muth START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ 4d-11 { ; time=0:01:59.70 -- SF5 on a P200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=multirot.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=flip/ident passes=t center-mag=0.00553216/-0.366921/0.896554 params=90/90/0.36775/0/0.281/0.487 float=y maxiter=3600 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000BAABWfCAACVfDAAEVfEAAFUfFAAGUfGAAHUfHAAITf\ IAAJTfJAAKSfKAALSfLAAMSfNAANRgOAAORgPAAPQgQAAQQgRAAR\ QgSAASPgTAATPgUAAUOgV9AWOgW9AXOgX8AYNgY8AZNgZ8A_Mg_7\ A`Mg`7AaMga6AbLgb6AcLgc6AdMhd8AdNid9AdOjeAAeQjeCAeRk\ eEFeSlfGKfTmfJPfUnfLUgVngOZgWogRcgYpgShhZqhUjh_rhWlh\ `siZniasi`pibtibricujdtjev<6>kiykiykjz<11>nqznqznrz<\ 4>nsznsznsz<31>vzzwzzwzz<2>xzzxzzvyztwzruz<3>jmwhkwf\ iw<2>`cxZbxXbyVbyTby<9>NbzMbzMbz<2>KbzJbzKdz<4>PnzQp\ zRrz<2>UxzVzzWzz<3>Zzz_zz_zz<5>_zz_zz`zz<35>Nzz } 4d-12 { ; time=0:00:06.67 -- SF5 on a P200 reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=multirot.frm formulaname=multirot-XY-ZW function=flip/ident passes=t center-mag=0.00553216/-0.366921/0.896554 params=90/90/0.36775/0/0.281/0.531 float=y maxiter=3600 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000BAABWfCAACVfDAAEVfEAAFUfFAAGUfGAAHUfHAAITf\ IAAJTfJAAKSfKAALSfLAAMSfNAANRgOAAORgPAAPQgQAAQQgRAAR\ QgSAASPgTAATPgUAAUOgV9AWOgW9AXOgX8AYNgY8AZNgZ8A_Mg_7\ A`Mg`7AaMga6AbLgb6AcLgc6AdMhd8AdNid9AdOjeAAeQjeCAeRk\ eEFeSlfGKfTmfJPfUnfLUgVngOZgWogRcgYpgShhZqhUjh_rhWlh\ `siZniasi`pibtibricujdtjev<6>kiykiykjz<11>nqznqznrz<\ 4>nsznsznsz<31>vzzwzzwzz<2>xzzxzzvyztwzruz<3>jmwhkwf\ iw<2>`cxZbxXbyVbyTby<9>NbzMbzMbz<2>KbzJbzKdz<4>PnzQp\ zRrz<2>UxzVzzWzz<3>Zzz_zz_zz<5>_zz_zz`zz<35>Nzz } frm:multirot-XY-ZW {; draws 6 planes and many rotations ;when fn1-2=i,f, then p1 0,0=M, 0,90=O, 90,0=E, 90,90=J ;when fn1-2=f,i, then p1 0,0=M, 0,90=R, 90,0=P, 90,90=J a=real(p1)*.01745329251994, b=imag(p1)*.01745329251994, z=sin(b)*fn1(real(pixel))+sin(a)*fn2(imag(pixel))+p2, c=cos(b)*real(pixel)+cos(a)*flip(imag(pixel))+p3: z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <= 36 } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 00:55:31 -0500 From: "Multiple Bogeys" Subject: Re: (fractint) Bug in fractint animator. >I donīt have this problem. My fractint directory is at c:\fractal\fractint >and FintAnim was installed (unzipped) into this directory. It works fine. It must be unusual disk drives that it doesn't like then. It seems to be ignoring the drive letter on the system tab. I have fractint and unzipped the animator in e:\fractint, and can't get it to work -- it always looks in c:\fractint. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 01:06:07 -0500 From: "Multiple Bogeys" Subject: Re: (fractint) New e-mail address >My original ISP,, has been bought-out three >times since I first joined in 1996. Under the auspices of >the latest owners,, the wenet/hooked server >went down hard early Monday morning (the 4th). I have >finally re-joined cyberspace, almost a week later, as a >member of (another part of >ClearData is attempting to recover mail and other data >from the server, but is making no guarantees of success. I suggest you drop ClearData like a hot potato and get an ISP unconnected with them. A sharp downturn in reliability when they took over, and then possible permanent data loss, tells you all you need to know about how much (or little) ClearData cares about its customers and their data. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 18:34:35 +0100 From: "Thore Berntsen" Subject: Re: (fractint) Bug in fractint animator. The problem is in the FANIM.PIF file. This can be fixed in two ways. 1. You could simply delete it, and a new one will be created. 2. You could rigthclick the file in Explorer, select Properties, click on the Program tab. There will You probably see that the Working directory is set to C:\fractint not e:\fractint as it should for You. Just change it! Thore Berntsen - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Multiple Bogeys" To: Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 4:25 AM Subject: (fractint) Bug in fractint animator. > Finally got around to trying it last night. > > Fractint animator has a bug -- it always looks for fractint in "c:\fractint" > regardless of the setting on the "system" tab. > (I changed it to "e:\fractint", which is its location on my system, and > tried to do the first.par demo, and it balked > complaining that it couldn't find fractint in "c:\fractint".) > > Unfortunately, this is a showstopper on my system, and for anyone else who > has put fractint in a non-standard directory or on a different partition or > drive. > ____________________________________________________________________________ _________ > Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : > > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List > Post Message: > Get Commands: "help" > Administrator: > Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" > > - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 23:40:59 +1300 From: "Morgan L. Owens" Subject: Re: (fractint) Corrections to the Fractal Art FAQ (v. 1.21) At 15:22 11/12/2000 +0100, Jean-Pierre Louvet wrote: >In spite of the fact that the html code was carefully checked with the >validator html-Tidy (written by Dave Ragett, a gourou of the W3C) I was >informed, thanks to Angela Wilczynski that there were problems with >Netscape. You must have altered the page > since writing the above. My copy of HTML-Tidy described it as "HTML Proprietary" and refused to attach a DOCTYPE imprimatur. That 'orrible marquee tag probably had something to do with it. >It appears that this browser doesn't match with all the HTML standards >because it doesn't understand several entities like “ or β Neither of which are ISO-8859-1 (ie. Latin-1) characters. Whether these render or not depend on whether you have a font which includes them (otherwise how's the browser supposed to know what a β looks like? And who want's to load their system down with a pile of Unicode font files at 13MB each?). >The new version 1.21 is compatible with Netscape 4 and IE5 (don't use >Netscape or Mozilla 6 wich have too much bugs). Well, Mozilla 0.6 is still in pre-1.0 development, so you can't expect perfection (though it's a lot more usable than Netscape 4.x). As for Netscape 6, which is worse, AOL doesn't have that excuse. Morgan L. Owens "Oh, why not?" - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 07:51:21 -0500 From: "Multiple Bogeys" Subject: Re: (fractint) Bug in fractint animator. >The problem is in the FANIM.PIF file. This can be fixed in two ways. > >1. You could simply delete it, and a new one will be created. >2. You could rigthclick the file in Explorer, select Properties, click on >the Program tab. There will You probably see that the Working directory is >set to C:\fractint not e:\fractint as it should for You. Just change it! CMIIW, but isn't changing the directory on the system tab supposed to do this? If not, why require people to specify the directory in two places, but only document one of them? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 08:10:38 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) C-FOTD 14-12-00 (4D-11-12 [NA]) Classic FOTD -- December 14, 2000 (Rating 5) Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: (Due to an unexpected telephone outage, today's C-FOTD is being posted 12 hours late. But better late than never.) Today's image returns us to the MandelbrotMix4 formula with its unlimited Minibrots. The expression Z^(-10)+10Z^(-2)+(1/C) was iterated to create the parent fractal, which consists of a roughly circular object. Small areas of scattered chaos line the perimeter of this fractal object, and a circular mass of chaos lies at the center. Today's midget lies on the perimeter, in the small area of chaos on the ENE border. This small chaotic area contains intact Mandel-buds. Today's midget lies near the end of the filament that extends from this bud. I named the picture "A Thorny Minibrot" after studying the image for several minutes and finding nothing better, and rated it an average 5. The render time of 26+ seconds from the parameter file is surprisingly fast. The download will take a few seconds longer. The choice is up to the viewer. The GIF file of the image may be found on Usenet at: and within 18 hours or so at: The fractal weather today was increasingly cloudy with a temperature of 33F (0.5C). Freezing rain is due to begin shortly, though nothing has appeared yet. The cats spent the day indoors, unhappy about the cold outdoors. It's time to shut things down and call it a night. Until tomorrow, take care, and see you in 15 hours. Jim Muth START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ A_Thorny_Minibrot { ; time=0:00:26.47 -- SF5 on a p200 reset=2001 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=recip center-mag=+1.36919600545343200/+0.37360798507764660\ /2337888/1/-127.499 params=1/-10/10/-2/0/900 float=y maxiter=3000 inside=0 logmap=14 periodicity=10 colors=000EYe<3>8MP7JL5GH<2>174vKDTC6yex<3>gVfbSbZPY\ as7<3>av4aw3aw3Vm2Pd2Jc19c0Cc16c0`cZ<3>IcHDcD9c84c4Z\ cp<3>LcVHcQEcLAmF7mA3m5dmK<3>TmEQwC<3>Ew7Bw58w45z22z\ 1fzr<2>AzDozA<6>Qz5Mz4Iz3<3>3z0yz_<7>SzGOzEKzC<3>4z2\ _zl<4>LzSIzOFzK<3>3z46zd3zKHz`<8>7zG6zD5zB<3>1z2Dzk<\ 2>3zCTzV<4>GzIEzFCzC<2>4z52z21zJ<3>0zB0z90z7<2>0z1Yz\ k<3>BzG5z8mzU<3>PzFIzBCz76z3Kzy<3>CzbAzX9zS<3>1z5dzC\ <6>Kz6Hz5Ez4<3>2z0szL<5>UzBPz9Lz8<3>4z1wzR<3>UzDMzAF\ z67z3Uzi<7>EzLCzIAzF<3>2z3dzS<3>RzINzGKzE<2>Az7ezd<3\ >_zjZzkjzivzg<3>wz7<4>Lz` } frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 08:54:16 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Muth Subject: (fractint) C-FOTD 14-12-00 (A Thorny Minibrot [5]) Classic FOTD -- December 14, 2000 (Rating 5) Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: (Due to an unexpected telephone outage, today's C-FOTD is being posted 12 hours late. But better late than never.) Today's image returns us to the MandelbrotMix4 formula with its unlimited Minibrots. The expression Z^(-10)+10Z^(-2)+(1/C) was iterated to create the parent fractal, which consists of a roughly circular object. Small areas of scattered chaos line the perimeter of this fractal object, and a circular mass of chaos lies at the center. Today's midget lies on the perimeter, in the small area of chaos on the ENE border. This small chaotic area contains intact Mandel-buds. Today's midget lies near the end of the filament that extends from this bud. I named the picture "A Thorny Minibrot" after studying the image for several minutes and finding nothing better, and rated it an average 5. The render time of 26+ seconds from the parameter file is surprisingly fast. The download will take a few seconds longer. The choice is up to the viewer. The GIF file of the image may be found on Usenet at: and within 18 hours or so at: The fractal weather today was increasingly cloudy with a temperature of 33F (0.5C). Freezing rain is due to begin shortly, though nothing has appeared yet. The cats spent the day indoors, unhappy about the cold outdoors. It's time to shut things down and call it a night. Until tomorrow, take care, and see you in 15 hours. Jim Muth START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================ A_Thorny_Minibrot { ; time=0:00:26.47 -- SF5 on a p200 reset=2001 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=recip center-mag=+1.36919600545343200/+0.37360798507764660\ /2337888/1/-127.499 params=1/-10/10/-2/0/900 float=y maxiter=3000 inside=0 logmap=14 periodicity=10 colors=000EYe<3>8MP7JL5GH<2>174vKDTC6yex<3>gVfbSbZPY\ as7<3>av4aw3aw3Vm2Pd2Jc19c0Cc16c0`cZ<3>IcHDcD9c84c4Z\ cp<3>LcVHcQEcLAmF7mA3m5dmK<3>TmEQwC<3>Ew7Bw58w45z22z\ 1fzr<2>AzDozA<6>Qz5Mz4Iz3<3>3z0yz_<7>SzGOzEKzC<3>4z2\ _zl<4>LzSIzOFzK<3>3z46zd3zKHz`<8>7zG6zD5zB<3>1z2Dzk<\ 2>3zCTzV<4>GzIEzFCzC<2>4z52z21zJ<3>0zB0z90z7<2>0z1Yz\ k<3>BzG5z8mzU<3>PzFIzBCz76z3Kzy<3>CzbAzX9zS<3>1z5dzC\ <6>Kz6Hz5Ez4<3>2z0szL<5>UzBPz9Lz8<3>4z1wzR<3>UzDMzAF\ z67z3Uzi<7>EzLCzIAzF<3>2z3dzS<3>RzINzGKzE<2>Az7ezd<3\ >_zjZzkjzivzg<3>wz7<4>Lz` } frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j, k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================== - -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List Post Message: Get Commands: "help" Administrator: Unsubscribe: "unsubscribe fractint" ------------------------------ End of fractint-digest V1 #517 ******************************