From: Subject: (funklist) Thee Eclektricks live in Brussel with Jean Jacques PERREY ! Date: 22 Jun 1998 04:49:15 EDT Salut les potes je rappelle =E0 votre bon souvenir la date du concert exclusif de Jean Ja= cques=0APerrey =E0 Bruxelles dans le cadre du festival Klingen de Munt or= ganis=E9 par le=0ABeurschouwburg. Ce sera le 1er juillet =E0 23h ! Grand retour de l'electro-cartoono-pop != Venez=0A! Jean Jacques Perrey and thee Eclektrics : Chazam, Monsieur Gadou, Rolf,= =0AHarvey.... Ci-joint texte international =E0 faire suivre =E0 l'internationale eclect= ro-pop : _________________________________________________ H o l a A m i g o s I hope that there is a few european people reading this : (I should write european-happy-people) I'm proud to announce that on july the first in Brussel, Belgium there will be an exclusive concert of JEAN JACQUES PERREY himself, playin= g=0Awith Thee Eclektricks, the band recently founded by his accomplice CH= AZAM=0A(votre serviteur) and it's going to be very eclektronic and excent= ric ! So many analog synths on stage ! (Jean-the-poor-guy-Jarre is gonna cry !!= !!!!) Monsieur GADOU will play the funky-wah-fuzz-whammy-doddy-stony guitar ROLF will play the brand exotic EXAGONE electronic accordion and so many = Korg=0Asynths HARVEY will rumble the fat sub basses JEAN JACQUES will show and play the mighty ONDIOLINE And I'm gonna beat the heads of the flabby sorcerer.... COME ! It's going to be during the "Klinken de Munt" festival, at the BEURSCHOUWBURG, in the right center of the center of Brussel July the first, 23H 32 2 513 82 90 Ask me if you want to know more chazbam ____________________________________________________________ I will certainly send this again...=0A -