From: "PrimalChrome" Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) trilogies III Date: 01 Feb 2002 08:13:28 -0600 Keep in mind that with a comment like that it looks more like you're trying to antagonize a flame war rather than head one off. But in theory you're's not worth the bandwith.... ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 11:30 PM > both of you take this off-list right now > > I'm talking to PrimalChrome and Craig Dutton primarily, but I'd like to > head off a flamewar - this list doesn't have enough traffic to support a > flamewar. > ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Llaneza Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) trilogies III Date: 01 Feb 2002 11:28:56 -0800 thanks PrimalChrome wrote: >Keep in mind that with a comment like that it looks more like you're trying >to antagonize a flame war rather than head one off. > >But in theory you're's not worth the bandwith.... > > > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Michael Llaneza" >To: >Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 11:30 PM >Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) trilogies III > > >>both of you take this off-list right now >> >>I'm talking to PrimalChrome and Craig Dutton primarily, but I'd like to >>head off a flamewar - this list doesn't have enough traffic to support a >>flamewar. >> > > >======================================================================= > To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, > visit . > > ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Chilton Subject: Re: FW: (glencook-fans) Trilogy.... Date: 01 Feb 2002 15:40:55 -0400 "Horky, Roger" wrote: > > A true trilogy is a trio of works that each stand alone as narratives > yet are connected ("developing a single theme" as so many online > dictionaries describe them). I stand corrected - for years I've been using the wrong definition and bemoaning the number of three book series calling themselves trilogies. Richard ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eric Herrmann Subject: (glencook-fans) Olympics? Date: 11 Feb 2002 08:07:54 -0700 So, anyone in Salt Lake City for the Winter Olympics? I live in the host city. -- Eric Herrmann ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Naecla" Subject: (glencook-fans) Re: glencook-fans-digest V1 #165 Date: 11 Feb 2002 17:24:21 +0100 (MET) Hi everyone, I'm french and I have discovered 2 months ago The Black Compagny. Personn= aly, it's the best story of fantasy noire I've ever read ! Unfortunetaly, only the book of the north and the south are translated. I couldn't wait for the french version so I have bought the english one. = I don't mind, I understand quite well. Nevertheless, I have a few questions about points which bother me: Since Lady has recovered her power back, why doesn't she pronounce the tr= ue name of her sister =3F either for howler =3F Correct me if I'm wrong, but she ought to know the name of the Taken no =3F= I think they were not enough prudent as they travelled trough the glitter= ing plain, Narayan, howler and catcher had too much freedom. Kina made Lad= y and Croacker forgotten the living saint but .. er I'm not convinced for = the others one. Especially when Catcher succeed at the end with her trap. Except if we co= nsider that Swan was really efficient ... I gonna read it again, I must have missed details. Or it's for the suspens =3F hmmm if you have answers I'm eager to know th= em ! I have another questions, but I have no time left to write them. I hope I've made me understandable :) *begin his fifth reading of the black compagny in french and the second o= ne in english* Un petit mot en francais pour la fin :) Merci pour vos reponses qui je suis sur m'aideront a mieux comprendre. A bientot ! ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard Chilton Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) Re: glencook-fans-digest V1 #165 Date: 11 Feb 2002 13:14:33 -0400 Spoilers below. Naecla wrote: > Nevertheless, I have a few questions about points which bother me: > Since Lady has recovered her power back, why doesn't she pronounce the > true name of her sister ? either for howler ? > Correct me if I'm wrong, but she ought to know the name of the Taken no ? > From what she's said about her sister (or Soulcatcher said about the Lady - forget which) a web of sorcery protected each again the other. If either tried to harm the other magically the harmer would get smacked hard - which is why Lady needs a pawn (Croaker) to shoot arrows at her sister rather than smashing her magically. As for the Howler... He might come in useful some day and Lady isn't the sort to throw away a potential pawn. That's why she didn't act against any of the Taken until it became clear that they were no longer useful. Take the Stormbringer / Shifter battle. Lady watches, doing nothing, as the two battle it out. When Shifter wins she realizes that he was using her a cat's paw to get close to Stormbringer as opposed to being her loyal servant, and with Stormbringer gone Shifter won't need her any more. At least he won't need her walking around free - but if he tortures her enough she might teach him a few of the secrets she knows. So Shifter is now a direct threat to her and has to go - even though it means they may lose the next battle. Another reason she might not want the Taken wiped out - they are the only ones who remember what she remembers. Who else can remember the days of the Dominator and the world she grew up in? They are a link to her past, her contemporaries. With a lot of fiction concerning long lived enemies (vampires, immortals, things like that) the authors point out that after long enough everything becomes a love / hate relationship. What good is a victory if your rivals can't see it, can't know that you've won? I don't think Lady would tell anyone Soulcatcher's name (even if she could) because that would mean that someone other than the Lady could kill her. Just my opinions, Richard ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Steve Harris Subject: (glencook-fans) Re: True Names Date: 11 Feb 2002 18:44:04 -0600 Naecla, On the True Name thing: "Since Lady has recovered her power back, why doesn't she pronounce the true name of her sister ? either for howler ?" I think one has to be a wizard to get any use out of someone's True Name; and Lady has had her wizarding burnt out of her by the White Rose. But she could tell it to One-Eye or Goblin, no? Why doesn't she? I really don't know. There is reference made to all kinds of people who would really like to get their hands on what's in Lady's head, but apparently she never shares any of this with the wizards who are supposed to be on the same side as she--and they don't even bug her for it. Steve ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim and Alison Stalley" Subject: (glencook-fans) Sad News Date: 11 Feb 2002 21:33:01 -0600 I went into the local book store the other day and found out the manager had passed away. I had taken the day off to bring my youngest son to the heart clinic. He passed and I had stopped by to check out the used Glen Cook books. I scored a mint 1st edition copy of Starfishers and another copy of Sung in Blood. I was excited to show off my score to Scott and saw the news. If you never met Scott he was always one to want to know how your family was and what you were reading. He always had recommendations and could answer any questions you had no matter how obscure. He had the ability to find the book that you had read 20 years ago and only could provide a vague idea about the characters and the plot. Science fiction has lost a great man and I will truly miss him. Tim Stalley ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bagel Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) Re: True Names Date: 13 Feb 2002 06:46:00 -0800 Steve Harris wrote: > "Since Lady has recovered her power back, why doesn't she pronounce the > true name of her sister ? either for howler ?" > > . > > She could tell it to One-Eye or Goblin, no? Why doesn't she? I > really don't know. There is reference made to all kinds of people who > would really like to get their hands on what's in Lady's head, but > apparently she never shares any of this with the wizards who are > supposed to be on the same side as she--and they don't even bug her for > it. > > Steve > Somewhere in Soldiers Live there is a reference to this. Someone already mentioned it, about how maybe she would have a use for it. But also note that the BC "drafts" Howler so it proved rather well that they did not take his powers. I'll try to look it up and post in a day or 3. > > ======================================================================= > To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, > visit . 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Amy ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit .