From: (glencook-fans-digest) To: Subject: glencook-fans-digest V1 #102 Reply-To: glencook-fans-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk glencook-fans-digest Thursday, May 10 2001 Volume 01 : Number 102 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 07:54:31 -0400 From: "John C. DeSimone, Jr." Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) was: Help with the first book - contains - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stacey Harris" To: Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 11:59 PM Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) was: Help with the first book - contains spoilers > Richard, > > (spoiler space on first Black Company books) > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > > . > . > . > . > . > > > Wasn't there speculation about Kina being just a Really Bad > Dominator-type? Her level would come along every couple millenia or so, maybe. > Yes, along with the thing buried under Old Father Tree. Jay ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 21:25:25 -0500 From: David George Subject: RE: (glencook-fans) names Like "Tiny" is a nickname for a big fat guy. Like "Curly" is a nickname for a bald guy... - -----Original Message----- From: Wheeler, Brooke Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 4:42 PM To: '' Subject: RE: (glencook-fans) names FYI: In English, "Croaker" is slang for doctor, ironically enough... kind of like shrink=psychologist. - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Stacey Harris Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 2:26 PM To: Subject: (glencook-fans) names Gwen, Ah, right you are; I forgot about that: "when the Dominator was buried in his tomb, and managed to make some of the Circle to help his cause" On names of characters: "the Doctor (I don't know his name in English)" He's called "Croaker". I think we're supposed to read that ironically, in the sense of "croak" being a slang word for "die". What are all the main characters called in other languages? Here are the chief ones in my count: Croaker (the first-person narrative speaker in the first volumes) One-Eye (black wizard) Goblin (short white wizard) Silent (tall white wizard) Raven (new fellow in the Company with mysterious background) the Lady (later called just "Lady") Sleepy (in the later books) It would be interesting to know what these characters are called in other languages. I think all the other main characters either have personal names (like "Murgen") or names that translate in obvious ways ("the Captain", "the Lieutenant"). Steve ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 01:13:54 -0600 From: Eric Herrmann Subject: (glencook-fans) The Taken Name Challenge >> frankly i m more curious about the names of the taken You asked.... Below are the names for the original Taken from all the editions except Russia. (I don't own the Russian editions.) The challenge is that they are alphabetized. Can anyone correctly identify the Taken for each country? 50 pts possible. (If someone would send me the names from Russia, I'll add them to the challenge.) The names varied in spelling based upon linguistic rules I don't understand and I couldn't preserve the ligatures. My apologies to the various cultures involved. Please send me any corrections. The original Taken in USA/UK are: Bonegnasher Faceless Man Hanged Man Howler Limper Moonbiter Nightcrawler Shapeshifter Soulcatcher Stormbringer The original Taken in Czech are: Beztvarny Kostizer Kulhavec Lovec Dusi Lunohryz Menivec Nocni Slidil Obesenec Vichrice Vyjec The original Taken in French are: l'Anonyme Boiteux Craque-les-Os Croquelune Hurleur Pendu Rode-la-Nuit Seme-Tempete Transformeur Volesprit The original Taken in German are: Formwandler Gehenkte Gesichtslose Heuler Hinker Knochenknirscher Mondbeiser Nachtkriecher Seelenfanger Sturmbringer The original Taken in Lithuanian are: Audronasa Besikeiciantis Beveidis Kaulalauzio Menulio Kandziotojo Naktinis Sliuzas Pakaruoklis Sielagaudys Slubis Staugunas The original Taken in Polish are: Bezgebny Duszolap Gnatozuja Ksiezycogryza Kulawiec Nocny Pelzacz Wisielec Wladczyni Burz Wyjec Zmiennoksztaltny If this is lame let me know. I also compiled a list of many of the company names from "The Black Company". - -- Eric Herrmann ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 10:09:35 +0200 From: "Marcin Welnicki" Subject: Odp: (glencook-fans) The Taken Name Challenge > > Gnatozuja- Gnatozuj (not a very big difference but...) > Ksiezycogryza- Ksiezycogryz( the same) And it can be pronounced differently because u dont use the specia etters( hmmm) like z with a dot and so on... Mocker - -- ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 12:02:59 +0200 From: "gwen" Subject: Odp: (glencook-fans) The Taken Name Challenge The only correction is- Ksiezycogryz, Gnatozuj. You got them all right. > The original Taken in Polish are: > Bezgebny > Duszolap > Gnatozuja > Ksiezycogryza > Kulawiec > Nocny Pelzacz > Wisielec > Wladczyni Burz > Wyjec > Zmiennoksztaltny > > If this is lame let me know. I also compiled a list of many of the company > names from "The Black Company". ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 12:12:30 +0200 From: "gwen" Subject: Odp: Odp: (glencook-fans) > So I wouldn't rush to call Lady's Empire a "horrid totalitarian hell" > "Totalitarian" - maybe. "Hell" it was not. I was talking about the Dominator, his empire, and his deep buried, still alive person. Gwen ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 12:31:19 +0200 From: "gwen" Subject: Odp: (glencook-fans) names > He's called "Croaker". I think we're supposed to read that ironically, > in the sense of "croak" being a slang word for "die". > Hehe, good name for him:) Thank you. > What are all the main characters called in other languages? Here are > the chief ones in my count: Here are the names. I give you also pronounciation clues. I put h after a short vowel. The accent is always at the prior to the last syllable. Hope this helps. > > Croaker (the first-person narrative speaker in the first volumes) His name in Polish is Konowal [koh-noh-vaal]- the meaning is the same, but it has another bottom to it- "fond of horses", to put it elegantly. There is another way of referring to a doctor, Lapiduch [wah-pee-dooh -this time h pronounced](Ghostcatcher) , but it would be too similar to Soulcatcher- Duszolap [doo-show-aap]. > One-Eye (black wizard) Jednooki [yad-noh-oh-kee]- One Eyed. > Goblin (short white wizard) Goblin it is. [goh-bleen] > Silent (tall white wizard) Milczek [meal-check :)))]. The original I think would mean "he who is silent", but the translation gives: "won't talk", that gives more expression value to it, I think. > Raven (new fellow in the Company with mysterious background) Kruk [krook]. This is actually Crow, because Raven, Wrona [vroh-naa], is originally a genus femininum word. That wouldn't match Raven, I think, though could be percieved ironic. > the Lady (later called just "Lady") Pani [Paanee], and means exactly the same- with a litle change in the cultural line. More like Mistress/ Ma'am. > Sleepy (in the later books) Spioch, Spioszka {ok, this one is tough) [Sh'-pyoh, h pronounced; Sh'-pyoh-shkaa. make the sh very soft, like half sh, half e]- first version is male, second is female. A bit of irony added to the meaning. > > It would be interesting to know what these characters are called in > other languages. > > I think all the other main characters either have personal names (like > "Murgen") or names that translate in obvious ways ("the Captain", "the > Lieutenant"). > You are right, they are. ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 12:34:39 +0200 From: "gwen" Subject: Odp: (glencook-fans) names > > add to that > > Ok :) > > darling Cukierek [Tsu-kye-rehk], Candy > > big bucket Kubel [Koo-baw] > > mercy I can't identify anyone under that name. > > tom-tom Tam-tam- the same. > > smoke Same as with mercy > > ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 12:35:58 +0200 From: "gwen" Subject: Odp: (glencook-fans) The Taken Name Challenge > > Gnatozuja- Gnatozuj (not a very big difference but...) > > Ksiezycogryza- Ksiezycogryz( the same) He means that names ending in a vowel are usually female. Gwen ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 12:35:03 +0200 From: "gwen" Subject: Odp: (glencook-fans) names > FYI: In English, "Croaker" is slang for doctor, ironically enough... kind of > like shrink=psychologist. Thank you. ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 13:08:14 +0200 From: "Jakub Krzyzan" Subject: (glencook-fans) nie =?iso-8859-2?Q?rozdziobi=B1_nas=2E=2E=2E?= >> Raven (new fellow in the Company with mysterious background) >Kruk [krook]. This is actually Crow, because Raven, Wrona [vroh-naa], = is >originally a genus femininum word. That wouldn't match Raven, I think,= >though could be percieved ironic. Pomyli=B3a=B6 si=EA Gwen. Raven to kruk. Crow - wrona. Pozdrawiam, Kuba= ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 05:21:14 -0600 From: Eric Herrmann Subject: Re: Odp: (glencook-fans) names on 5/10/01 4:34 AM, gwen at wrote: >>> mercy > > I can't identify anyone under that name. I think that would be Laska at the very beginning of Czarna Kompania. - -- Eric Herrmann ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 05:41:23 -0600 From: Eric Herrmann Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) names Czech, French, German, Lithuanian, Polish > Croaker (the first-person narrative speaker in the first volumes) Felcare, Toubib, Croaker, Krankly, Konowal > One-Eye (black wizard) Jednooky, Qu'un-CEil, Einauge, Vienaakis, Jednooki > Goblin (short white wizard) Skret, Gobelin, Goblin, Goblinas, Goblin > Silent (tall white wizard) Nemluva, Silence, Schweiger, Tylenis, Milczek > Raven (new fellow in the Company with mysterious background) Havran, Corbeau, Raven, Varnas, Kruk > the Lady (later called just "Lady") Pani, Dame, Lady, Valdove, Pani Others are: Captain Kapitan, Capitaine, Hauptmann, Kapitonu, Kapitan Lieutenant Porucik, Lieutenant, Leutnant, Leitenantas, Porucznik Mercy Soucit, Misericorde, Mercy, Laimingasis, Laska Pawnbroker Lichvar, Mont-de-Piete, Pfandleiher, Palukininkas, Lichwiarz Darling Pusinko, Cherie, Darling, Brangute, Pupilka Elmo Jilmac, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo - -- Eric Herrmann ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 14:26:14 +0200 From: "Marcin Welnicki" Subject: Odp: (glencook-fans) names > > > smoke I think I can give u that one- he's the wizard from Taglios, right? If so he is called Kopec( I leave the spelling and degfinition to gwen :)) Mocker - -- ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 17:46:58 +0200 From: "sluagh" Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) names - ----- Original Message ----- From: "gwen" To: Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 12:34 PM Subject: Odp: (glencook-fans) names > > > > add to that > > > > Ok :) > > > > darling > > Cukierek [Tsu-kye-rehk], Candy > > > > big bucket > > Kubel [Koo-baw] > > > > mercy > > I can't identify anyone under that name. Laska. 1 tom, zaraz na poczatku. Ten, co "obrywal muchom skrzydelka". > > > > tom-tom > > Tam-tam- the same. > > > > smoke > > Same as with mercy Kopec. Ksiegi Poludnia. - -- sluagh, Sad Faerie ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 11:06:02 -0500 From: Stacey Harris Subject: Re: Odp: (glencook-fans) names Gwen, Thanks for the Polish versions of the names! Ravens and crows are very similar birds; I suspect they are closely related. So it's not a terrible translation to give Raven a name which translates more precisely as "crow". However, ravens, in particular, are more associated with battlefields, as eaters of dead bodies, than are crows (though I don't know if this is just myth or an accurate perception), and that is the undertone associated with the name "Raven". Mercy is a minor character; he's called that because he has none :) I think he's in the early books (maybe the second?). Smoke is in the Books of the South; he's the native wizard that the Prahbindradrah has at his disposal. Steve ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 11:12:26 -0500 From: Stacey Harris Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) The Taken Name Challenge Eric, I think this is quite interesting--but I have linguist stirrings in my heart. So I'd like to see what you've compiled with the Company names, as well. Steve ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 13:23:37 -0300 From: Richard Chilton Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) was: Help with the first book - contains spoilers Stacey Harris wrote: > > Richard, > > (spoiler space on first Black Company books) > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > . > > . > . > . > . > . > > Nice speculation there on Bomanz's rank in things: > > "If he'd been more successful, he might have ended up another Whisper - a > post Dominator era wizard who would have been taken if he'd lived during > the Dominion. He was definately better than some of the later Taken" > > I agree. And that gives some measure of answer to my question about how > often a Dominator (or Lady) might arise: Some 4 centuries later (I'm > not certain of the timeline--how long after the Opening does The Black > Company commence?), there is, apparently, only one practitioner in the > North who even comes close to being used in comparison with the Mighty > Ones. So maybe an actual Dominator-level character comes along only > once in a millenium or thereabouts. > I'd say part of the problem is the combination of Talent and Knowledge. Look at Lisa from book 2 - she had the talent to be a top level wizard, but no training. Bomanz - had the talent and some training, enough to know he'd never learn enough to reach the limits of his talents. Hundreds of years after the downfall of the Evil Empire Rule by Magic and the resulting book burning there just wan't enough magically knowledge left in that part of the world for him to expand to his limits. He'd hit a level where he could kill with a word (far beyond One Eye), but that was it. To expand farther he needed a teacher - someone at the level of the Taken or the Lady. Then we have young Tobo - birth prophesized, trained by Goblin, One Eye, The Lady, and a Shadowmaster (think there were a few as well). Mother's line had magic abilities, father's line (a distance one from the north) has some magic (riding Smoke, being a Ghost). With the stuff in Soldiers Live I'd say a whole lot of planning went into to his birth and training - and he had the potencial to be a Dominator level wizard. But what if he's been born without all that planning - in the middle of a farm village where there wasn't even a local wise woman? He could have gone though life without reaching One Eye's level. How many people like Lisa (Taken level talents and no training) have there been? We'll never know. All we do know is that in the time it took the Lady to raise the Empire and set half the world against her there were only 18 wizards with the talents to stand against her - and some of them (like Feather and Journey) weren't all that good. > Wasn't there speculation about Kina being just a Really Bad > Dominator-type? Her level would come along every couple millenia or so, maybe. > I'd say it's rarer than that. You've got what Father Tree is sitting over, then Kina - with the Dominator being the only one in recorded history between the two that raised an Empire. Richard ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 14:09:12 -0300 From: Richard Chilton Subject: Re: Odp: (glencook-fans) Igor Filippov wrote: > > The Empire was "such a horrid totalitarian hell" ????? > I had an impression that was what rebel propaganda tried to brainwash > common folk into thinking. There're plenty of evidence that Lady's > leadership was quite beneficial for people in a lot of ways. To name > one there's a discussion about cultivating medicinal herbs that made > Croaker ask himself - would a total Evil worry about medicine for common > people ? There were good and bad things about the Empire . . . Spoilers - Silver Spike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Taken liked to amuse themselves - at least the Limper did. Anywhere he was would have been close to hell on Earth, but the Lady wasn't the Dominator. She saw things issue of long term growth. Destroy a village today and it won't pay any taxes tomorrow. Or next year. Or the year afterwards. Destroy a village and you've destroyed an asset. The Dominator needed to control and demonstrate his control, and the only real way you can prove you have power over another is making the other suffer. The Lady seemed more secure in her knowledge that she was the second most powerful thing (at least until she meet Father Tree) in the world. During the Silver Spike there's a conversation that spells out that for the little guy the Empire was better than what was before. Before they had to fund war after war as landowners fought to increase their holdings, but if you weren't at the border of the Empire your village didn't see anyt fighting. No armies tramped through your fields, you could live on the farm in peace. Sure, you weren't free - but they weren't free before that and the Lady was a more distance and less cruel master than the old lords were. > > Rebels on the other hand weren't shy to employ the very same cruel methods > they were accusing Lady of using.... > Croaker describes Rebels as anything but sweet idealistic fighters for > freedom. Idealists don't win wars - they never had and never will. Idealism is usually one of the first casulties in war. In a war both sides do things they don't brag about later. (Brief aside: During the D-Day invasion some Canadian troops were capture then killed by an SS unit. The General in charge of the unit was convict of failing to prevent that from happening and sentenced to death (they couldn't prove he ordered it but the sentence was the same). When it came time for the head Canadian officer in the field to confirm the death sentence, he didn't - saying something like "Who hasn't given the order not to take prisoners?" In theory there could have been many Allied officers convicted of war crimes, but the winning side didn't put them on trial.) Richard ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 14:48:27 -0300 From: Richard Chilton Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) names Joseph McGrath wrote: > > I believe the reason Croaker is called Croaker is that he is a physician. > During primitive times you usually died when they had to call the doctor. > Hence, Croaker is slang for Doctor. People were deathly afraid of doctors > because when someone called the doctor it meant you were on the way out. > When you read, "The Garrett Files," There is something about, when you get > sent to the Bledsoe charity hospital you never leave except for a one way > trip to the boneyard. There's underlining reason for the names in the Black Company books - or at least there's a statement by Cook to that affect. In his Dread Empire series the names were... interesting. You really wanted a pronunciation guide for that series, and someone (a reviewer?) mentioned something to Cook about his choice of names. So in the Black Company we have some very simple (at least simple in English) names. Croaker. Elmo Mercy Raven Even the sorcerers had simple names as opposed to mystic sounding ones. You have Soulcatcher, not something like Hyenertill'Deren (which gets explained as being the (forget the name of the language only the Taken still spoke) term for Catcher of Souls). > spoilers... > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . > Recall how Croaker is always bemoaning the fact that he doesn't do near as > much as he could for the wounded. But! If he had a good team of compitent > surgeons he would have, "a good chance of doing some good for a change." > (Battle at the Stair of Tear.) I think Croaker was just feeling overwhelmed. As the sole doctor he was forced to do triage (helping as many as he could while letting some die because he didn't have the time to treat them). Think back to the old TV series MASH - you often had the lead doctors moaning about meatball surgery and how if they only had more time and better equipment they could do more. Croaker diagnosed and came up with an antidote to the poision in book one. He was respected by the men - so much so that they followed his camp sanitation instructions. I'd say he did a lot of good most times, but during the retreat there just wasn't much he could do. Richard ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 13:45:53 -0600 From: Sebastian Subject: (glencook-fans) News from Demicon The infamous 1100 page crime novel has been deliverd to the publisher. No title or publish date yet. Glen is now working on "something new". Your guess is as good as mine. - -- Eric Herrmann > ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 13:51:17 -0600 From: Matthew Roche Subject: RE: (glencook-fans) News from Demicon Woo Hoo!!! (Now we can start the waiting and the looking and the swearing...) - -----Original Message----- From: Sebastian [] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 3:46 PM To: Subject: (glencook-fans) News from Demicon The infamous 1100 page crime novel has been deliverd to the publisher. No title or publish date yet. Glen is now working on "something new". Your guess is as good as mine. - -- Eric Herrmann > ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 18:34:09 -0600 From: Eric Herrmann Subject: Re: (glencook-fans) The Taken Name Challenge > I think this is quite interesting--but I have linguist stirrings in my > heart. So I'd like to see what you've compiled with the Company names, > as well. I have published what I have so far in the message "Re: (glencook-fans) names". It was a rather time consuming and difficult task just to identify the ten Taken. I may do more later. - -- Eric Herrmann ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 22:56:28 -0500 From: David George Subject: RE: (glencook-fans) The Taken Name Challenge How'd I do, Eric? The French was easiest (that was my High School language) but the German was pretty much guess work. My German is an accident waiting to happen. For example, I know "Ein bier, bitte" (Another beer, please) but do I know how to ask directions to the loo? Nein. I'd have to rely on my powers of observation. Or pictograms or something. Or have a stout bladder and perhaps a pair of Depends. I know better than to even try the eastern stuff. Oh, I think it looks and sounds cool as hell, but I don't actually know what it means. Like: "Bezgebny." No idea what it means. I bet I could start a fight with another American (who would no doubt be equally ignorant) if I called him one in the right tone of voice, though. Them's fightin words! The original Taken in French are: l'Anonyme = Faceless Man Boiteux = Limper Craque-les-Os = Bonegnasher Croquelune = Moonbiter Hurleur = Howler Pendu = The Hanged Man Rode-la-Nuit = Nightcrawler Seme-Tempete = Stormbringer Transformeur = Shapeshifter Volesprit = Soulcatcher The original Taken in German are: Formwandler = Shapeshifter Gehenkte = The Hanged Man? Gesichtslose = The Faceless Man? Heuler = Howler Hinker = Limper? Knochenknirscher = Soulcatcher? Mondbeiser = Moonbiter Nachtkriecher = Nightcrawler Seelenfanger = Bonegnasher? Sturmbringer = Stormbringer DG - -----Original Message----- From: Eric Herrmann Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 2:14 AM To: Subject: (glencook-fans) The Taken Name Challenge >> frankly i m more curious about the names of the taken You asked.... Below are the names for the original Taken from all the editions except Russia. (I don't own the Russian editions.) The challenge is that they are alphabetized. Can anyone correctly identify the Taken for each country? 50 pts possible. (If someone would send me the names from Russia, I'll add them to the challenge.) The names varied in spelling based upon linguistic rules I don't understand and I couldn't preserve the ligatures. My apologies to the various cultures involved. Please send me any corrections. The original Taken in USA/UK are: Bonegnasher Faceless Man Hanged Man Howler Limper Moonbiter Nightcrawler Shapeshifter Soulcatcher Stormbringer The original Taken in Czech are: Beztvarny Kostizer Kulhavec Lovec Dusi Lunohryz Menivec Nocni Slidil Obesenec Vichrice Vyjec The original Taken in French are: l'Anonyme Boiteux Craque-les-Os Croquelune Hurleur Pendu Rode-la-Nuit Seme-Tempete Transformeur Volesprit The original Taken in German are: Formwandler Gehenkte Gesichtslose Heuler Hinker Knochenknirscher Mondbeiser Nachtkriecher Seelenfanger Sturmbringer The original Taken in Lithuanian are: Audronasa Besikeiciantis Beveidis Kaulalauzio Menulio Kandziotojo Naktinis Sliuzas Pakaruoklis Sielagaudys Slubis Staugunas The original Taken in Polish are: Bezgebny Duszolap Gnatozuja Ksiezycogryza Kulawiec Nocny Pelzacz Wisielec Wladczyni Burz Wyjec Zmiennoksztaltny If this is lame let me know. I also compiled a list of many of the company names from "The Black Company". - -- Eric Herrmann ======================================================== =============== To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit . ------------------------------ End of glencook-fans-digest V1 #102 *********************************** ======================================================================= To unsubscribe, subscribe, or access the archives of this list, visit .