From: (hist_text-digest) To: Subject: hist_text-digest V1 #1340 Reply-To: hist_text Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk hist_text-digest Tuesday, March 30 2004 Volume 01 : Number 1340 In this issue: - Re: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. - Re: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. - RE: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. - RE: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. - MtMan-List: the alamo and history channel special - Re: MtMan-List: the alamo and history channel special - Re: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. - Re: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 13:41:27 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. - -------------------------------1080672087 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Mike I was hoping you would respond. You have a lot of exposure to this subject and I want your opinion. The movie was a disappointment to say the least too much Hollywood. The DVD had some extras that were well worth the time. What got me interested is his latest book Case Files of a Tracker. In it is a 1999 case he calls Cougar Canyon. In reading it. I was obvious it was the true story of a boy lost four years ago west of Fort Collins, Colo. were I live. Recently the boy remains were found and what was found matched the prediction of one of Tom's trackers to a tee. High in the rocks near the trail but out of view were found the 3 year old tennis shoes, part of his skull, a tooth and some of his cloths. More cloths were found than he predicted. Tom and his tracker come on the scene 9 days after the boy was lost and search had been suspended. They found his tracks after that time lapse and all the search traffic. Told where a searcher with dog had followed the trail and the searcher did not notice the dog picking up the sent. Where the boy had crossed the river and thrown rocks into it and where the Mountain Lion had started stalking while the searches were on the other side of the river. The also determined he could not hear there calls because of the river noise. Much of this has be supported by the local paper. A lot of his experiences do seam for fetched and not understandable by the average man. But if I would think the people that he came in contact with during his development would come forward i.e. teachers, scout master and some of the people he has found a live. I am considering taking his basic course next year to check it out. So if anyone has personal experience with his school let me know. Thanks Roadkill - -------------------------------1080672087 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
There is a man in your area, Grand Junction, who teaches survival skills and tracking and you would be better off to take one of his courses. He has property not far from the AMM property where he teaches, though he lives in Grand Junction. His name is Mel DeWeese and he goes by "Mountain Mel". He is a good personal friend of mine and he has travelled the world over teaching survival skills and will get you out in the field. Mention my name and tell him that I referred you. Contact him at, 970-242-8507 or e-mail at
Believe me, this guy has forgotten more than I will ever know about survival and is a wealth of knowledge. Plus as an added bonus has some of the greatest stories you have ever heard and is a kick in the pants with his wit and sense of humor. Being an ol' military man he loves to kick back a few beers and swap lies.
I missed a chance to go with him last year to the Amazon. (no fundage) He always invites me to go and tells me waht went on with the natives. An Awesome Guy!
Mike Powell
Don't waste your time. In survival skill circles the overall feeling is that while it all sounds good in theory, the courses are taught in a lecture sort of setting and very little hands on or actually practical application in a field setting. Tom Brown does have the fact that he is a good marketeer and has a following that spreads his class sign-ups. Most hard core survivalist, I know, who have been in the field for 30 years don't really think to much of Tom Brown. But you can't down a guy who knows how to make a living doing what he likes to do and knows how to market himself.- --=====================_11257348==.ALT-- - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 20:33:07 +0000 From: "Michael Powell"
By the way, the new Tom Brown Tracker Knife made so popular by the movie, "The Hunted", may look really cool but is as unpractical a knife as any I've seen, and at $300.00 is a waste of money in my opinion.
Mike Powell, Poison River Booshway
AMM #1769
"Ride, Ride, Ride"
"Aux Aliments du Pays"!
>From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. >Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 21:39:55 EST > >Hello the Camp > >I have been reading several books by and about Tom Brown, Jr. >His experience and knowledge are in line with the live style of the Indian >there for the Mountainman. If you have not read some of these books you should. >My question is: Has anyone in the group taken any of the courses he offers on >wilderness skills and tracking? >Thanks Mark Roadkill Loader AMM #1849
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Thank you John,
I forgot to include that my good friend, Mtn. Mel, once had bumper stickers made that said, "Real survival instruction saves lives, No mystical B.S., Please"! This was in response to all the Tom Brown hype.
- ------=_NextPart_84815C5ABAF209EF376268C8-- - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 17:58:03 -0600 From: "Paul Jones"----- Original Message -----From: Paul JonesSent: 3/30/2004 11:27:40 AMSubject: MtMan-List: Fw: AlamoA friend of mine, Taylor Anderson, worked for the duration of the filming of the Alamo movie, both as an extra and as a weapons/cannon expert (he is probably the finest period rifle and pistol maker in Texas at present and his knowledge of period firearms if beyond compare). His opinion is to be trusted.Thought some of you might be going to this movie, so I thought is appropriate to share Taylor's thoughts with you.PaulHowdy, all. I went to Austin for the Cast and Crew screening of The Alamo last night. A good time was had by all and I got to visit with good folks again. Mainly, though, YOU ARE GOING TO LIKE THIS FILM!!! They cut out a LOT of stuff, including a lot of scenes of me! (how rude) , but it is still outstanding. If you were in this movie, you WILL be seen. (sometimes more than some of the 'stars' whose storylines went away during the cut). The bomb gag is still there, but it has been slightly modified so that it is not quite as egregious--a point that I still felt compelled to thank and harrass John Lee about--He took my comments sheepishly, but then I went on to congratulate him for EVERYTHING else! I am pretty tickled. So many people worked so hard and so long, and they will feel the vindication of a job well done!Taylor
- ------=_NextPart_000_0197_01C41680.8BFAA220-- - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 19:59:27 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Tom Brown Jr. - -------------------------------1080694766 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thanks Mike I have seen pictures of the knife and could not how it would be practical. He states in his information that if you are looking for hard core survival his is not the one. Checked out Mountain Mel's web site looks interesting. Does make me wonder about anyone that would use Mountain Mel as a handle. Right now I am just checking things out. Are there any discussion groups on survival? Thanks Mark - -------------------------------1080694766 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable----- Original Message -----From:=20 tomTo: =20Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 = 5:04=20 PMSubject: MtMan-List: the alamo = and=20 history channel specialI personally am looking forward to seeing the Alamo. I have = a=20 profound respect for Texans and their struggle for independence. = I'll=20 bet all you Texas brothers are "stoked"i saw a special on the history channel last night about davey = crocket and=20 Daniel boone, I thought i saw mark baker playing davey = crocked????? I've=20 never noticed before but baker looks an awful lot like = Crocket. i=20 also watched another special on the filming of the movie and Billy Bob = Thornton mentioned something about the on set re enactors. he = said he=20 was a little intimidated when he would come out of his trailer in the = morning=20 sipping a cappuccino and would see the re enactors bathing in the = creek having=20 slept outside all night.just some thoughts, Tom AMM # 1834 PRP----- Original Message -----From:=20 Paul=20 JonesSent: 3/30/2004 11:27:40 AM =Subject: MtMan-List: Fw: = AlamoA friend of mine, Taylor Anderson, = worked for the=20 duration of the filming of the Alamo movie, both as an extra and as = a=20 weapons/cannon expert (he is probably the finest period rifle and = pistol=20 maker in Texas at present and his knowledge of period firearms if = beyond=20 compare). His opinion is to be trusted.Thought some of you might be going to = this movie,=20 so I thought is appropriate to share Taylor's thoughts with=20 you.PaulHowdy, all. I went to Austin for the Cast and Crew = screening of=20 The Alamo last night. A good time was had by all and I got to = visit=20 with good folks again. Mainly, though, YOU ARE GOING TO LIKE = THIS=20 FILM!!! They cut out a LOT of stuff, including a lot of = scenes=20 of me! (how rude) , but it is still outstanding. If you were = in this=20 movie, you WILL be seen. (sometimes more than some of the = 'stars'=20 whose storylines went away during the cut). The bomb gag is = still=20 there, but it has been slightly modified so that it is not quite as=20 egregious--a point that I still felt compelled to thank and harrass = John Lee=20 about--He took my comments sheepishly, but then I went on to = congratulate=20 him for EVERYTHING else! I am pretty tickled. So many = people=20 worked so hard and so long, and they will feel the vindication of a = job well=20 done!Taylor
Hello the CampI have been reading several books by and about Tom Brown, Jr.His experience and knowledge are in line with the live style of the Indian there for the Mountainman. If you have not read some of these books you should.My question is: Has anyone in the group taken any of the courses he offers on wilderness skills and tracking?Thanks Mark Roadkill Loader AMM #1849