From: (hist_text-digest) To: Subject: hist_text-digest V1 #487 Reply-To: hist_text Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk hist_text-digest Saturday, March 4 2000 Volume 01 : Number 487 In this issue: -       Re: MtMan-List: period correctness -       Re: MtMan-List: camp fare -       Re: MtMan-List: AMM History? -       Re: MtMan-List: Alamo -       Re: MtMan-List: camp fare -       Re: MtMan-List: AMM History? -       Re: MtMan-List: iron target/back stop -       Re: MtMan-List: TEST -       Re: MtMan-List: TEST -       MtMan-List: La Purisima Mission Pottery -       Re: MtMan-List: Iceman's mushroom tinder -       MtMan-List: traditions flintlock -       Re: MtMan-List: Alamo -       Re: MtMan-List: period correctness -       Re: MtMan-List: traditions flintlock -       Re: MtMan-List: Alamo -       Re: MtMan-List: iron target/back stop -       Re: MtMan-List: camp fare -       Re: MtMan-List: AMM History? -       Re: MtMan-List: AMM History? -       Re: MtMan-List: camp fare -       Re: MtMan-List: traditions flintlock ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 20:54:54 -0600 From: "Douglas Hepner" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: period correctness Roger wrote: > I'll be perfectly honest and admit that I am not sure where you are coming > from with these statements. But if you mean to imply what you sound like you > are implying, I think it is you who may be missing the point... I agree with Roger and I have learned a lot from this list. Some of the most heated discussions have led me to facts that I might never have known if not for this list. I am not an AMM member, but have MUCH respect for the organization. I have learned so many things from some of the members. I strive to not only look authentic, but be authentic. I take my gear out and trap, hunt, and hike. Some of my gear holds up well, and some fail. This is how I do it. I just wanted to add, that if my gear was 100% perfect, and I had nothing else to learn, then I would give up living history. Heck, that's what makes it fun for me! Finding that new fact, or going to museums, digging thru relics at antique stores. Isn't that what this is all about? Or am I just crazy like my wife thinks? Sorry for rambling... "Dull Hawk" - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 20:26:55 -0700 From: "Walt Foster" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: camp fare Hello Cliff, It is Walt here. The reference to roots eaten for a 10 day span is in the book Journal of a Trapper by Osborn Russell. Russell does not specifically say cattail roots were eaten at this time, only roots for 10 days which caused the need for greasing the cooking vessel. The only plant material in abundance available then and now to supply just Osborn's camp is cattail at the site of the Orginial Rocky Mountain College. Have you read anything about John Gardner? Walt Park City, Montana - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Chance Tiffie" To: Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 12:41 PM Subject: Re: MtMan-List: camp fare > > > Mr. Foster, > I would like to read the source of the information you gave on the trappers > eating cattail roots. It is interesting, as I have read all I can, and have > never ran across the mention of cattails. Looking forward to learning > something new. > > Cliff Tiffie > PO Box 5089 > Durant, OK > 74702 > 580-924-4187 > --------------------- > Aux Aliments de Pays! > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at > > > ---------------------- > hist_text list info: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 19:05:41 -0800 From: Randal J Bublitz Subject: Re: MtMan-List: AMM History? I would Ole, hardtack #1424 - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 22:09:42 -0800 From: "larry pendleton" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Alamo This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01BF855D.2D6AF420 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Jerry, I don't know much of the details except that they find didn't much of = anything of great value. It's my understanding that they had only a = given amount of time to excavate and they didn't reach the level where = they believed the real artifacts were. As I recall the well was in the = street in front of the Alamo, and there was street construction going = on. What they saw on the ultra sound reading was what could have been a = cannon and what looked like a large chest. Legend has it that Jim Bowie = was a wealthy man, and had made his fortune running slaves for or with = Jean Lafitte. Supposedly, Bowie, before going inside the Alamo dropped = a cannon that could not be moved to the mission, and a chest containing = a fortune in gold down the well to keep Santa Anna from getting them. = As I said that is the legend. =20 The story you are refering to, was in all the newspapers. I haven't = heard anything since about it. Pendleton =20 =20 -----Original Message----- From: jerry derringer To: Date: Friday, March 03, 2000 2:07 AM Subject: MtMan-List: Alamo =20 =20 Morning! This is probably off topic but this is the best place I could think = of to find out. A few years ago, I was watching a t.v. prograsm dealing with = phenominons, lost people, etc. They were at the Alamo & were going to dig up the well = there.They had done ultrasounds & think there was a big stash of artifacts at the = bottom of the well. Rumors said the folks there threw all their good posessions = into the well, including a big stash of gold when they were being attacked. The = next program, they were still digging up the "street" & found a lot of artifacts & were = way behind in their digging as scheduled. I never saw the outcome of what they = found in the well. Anyone know? Thanks for being indulgent. JD =20 =20 =20 ---------------------- hist_text list info: = - ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01BF855D.2D6AF420 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  I don't = know much of=20 the details except that they find didn't much of anything of great = value. =20 It's my understanding that they had only a given amount of time to = excavate and=20 they didn't reach the level where they believed the real artifacts = were. =20 As I recall the well was in the street in front of the Alamo, and there = was=20 street construction going on.  What they saw on the ultra sound = reading was=20 what could have been a cannon and what looked like a large chest.  = Legend=20 has it that Jim Bowie was a wealthy man, and had made his fortune = running slaves=20 for or with Jean Lafitte.  Supposedly, Bowie, before going inside = the Alamo=20 dropped a cannon that could not be moved to the mission, and a chest = containing=20 a fortune in gold down the well to keep Santa Anna from getting = them.  As I=20 said that is the legend. 
  The story you are refering to, was in all the = newspapers.  I haven't heard anything since about it.
-----Original = Message-----
From:=20 jerry derringer <>
To: = =20 < >
Date:=20 Friday, March 03, 2000 2:07 AM
Subject: MtMan-List:=20 Alamo

This is probably off topic but = this is=20 the best place I could think of to find out.
A few years ago, I = was=20 watching a t.v. prograsm dealing with phenominons, lost
people, = etc. They=20 were at the Alamo & were going to dig up the well there.They = had
done=20 ultrasounds & think there was a big stash of artifacts at the = bottom of=20 the
well. Rumors said the folks there threw all their good = posessions=20 into the well,
including a big stash of gold when they were being = attacked. The next program, they
were still digging up the=20 "street" & found a lot of artifacts & were way = behind=20 in
their digging as scheduled. I never saw the outcome of what = they found=20 in the well.
Anyone know?
Thanks for being=20 indulgent.

hist_text = list=20 info: http://www.xm= - ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01BF855D.2D6AF420-- - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 20:06:48 PST From: "Chance Tiffie" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: camp fare Walt, I have in front of me a copy of Russel's journal, and it specifically says that Thistle was the root boiled in the pots, and eaten for ten days. I'm glad were in agreement on the source of this particular story, as I was concerned there was something out there I had missed that was remarkably similar to Russel's account. I have not read anything on Gardner, but hope to do so soon. Cliff Tiffie PO Box 5089 Durant, OK 74702 580-924-4187 - --------------------- Aux Aliments de Pays! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: 03 Mar 2000 21:35:28 -0700 From: Phyllis and Don Keas Subject: Re: MtMan-List: AMM History? I would. Don Keas On Saturday, April 22, 1939, Ole B. Jensen = wrote: >Hello the Camp! >Just as an un scientific survey, how many brothers would be willing to >purchase a copy of the AMM History which would include pictures of early >members,camps and other events and a writen history of the organization? >Ole # 718 > >---------------------- >hist_text list info: > > - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: 03 Mar 2000 21:35:26 -0700 From: Phyllis and Don Keas Subject: Re: MtMan-List: iron target/back stop Tilt it forward toward you. On Saturday, April 22, 1939, wrote: >Ho the list, >I've finally got the neighbors used to the fire, smoke, and smell of = rotten=20 >eggs coming from my back yard when I lob round balls down range. I'm = thinkin=20 >I'd like to build some kind of a steel back stop to deflect the lead into = a=20 >sand filled box. The lead can then be recovered for a another run. Anyone=20 >ever build such a stop and/or maybe have some ideas on it? >Ymos, >Steve =20 > >---------------------- >hist_text list info: > > - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 22:45:17 -0600 From: "DUSTY" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: TEST dennis,are you sending me messages about my folder or does Buck have one in the works also? Dusty - -----Original Message----- From: D Miles To: Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 9:06 AM Subject: Re: MtMan-List: TEST >busy here - coming in to work at 3:30am getting out at 6pm all this week and >last week. > >>>Keeps you off the's good for you.. > > Have you finished my folder yet ??? > >>>I put the tiwaneese one back together and I have the blade for the new one >done...You in a hurry? >D > > > > >---------------------- >hist_text list info: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 22:53:31 -0600 From: "DUSTY" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: TEST dennis,the lockback you are refering to in your notes to Buck woudn't be mine would it? Dusty - -----Original Message----- From: D Miles To: Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 9:06 AM Subject: Re: MtMan-List: TEST >busy here - coming in to work at 3:30am getting out at 6pm all this week and >last week. > >>>Keeps you off the's good for you.. > > Have you finished my folder yet ??? > >>>I put the tiwaneese one back together and I have the blade for the new one >done...You in a hurry? >D > > > > >---------------------- >hist_text list info: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 00:03:01 EST From: Subject: MtMan-List: La Purisima Mission Pottery WOW, talk about answering your own question.... Welcome to Mission La=20 Purisima Concepcion=20 La Purisima Mission=20 Granary/Warehouse Site Excavation Glenn J. Farris Associate State Archaeologist "...The few pieces of ceramics found were of the expected Chinese Export=20 porcelain and English transferprint wares." =20 The 1812 Santa Barbara Earthquake: Mission La Purisima (which housed a=20 Pottery Shop) The extraordinary and horrible earthquake, which this Mission=20 suffered on the memorable day of the glorious Apostle St. Thomas, entirely=20 destroyed the church and vestry, buried under the walls the various images=20 and paintings, and ruined the greater part of the furniture. ... Some of the= =20 work shops went down ... .=20 - -report of Fathers Pay=E9ras and Ripoll, December 31, 1812 - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 00:32:30 -0500 (EST) From: (JON MARINETTI) Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Iceman's mushroom tinder Wonder what the chemical compounds are in these fungi that makes them burn so long? - ----------------------------------- from Michigan - ----------------------------------- - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 23:58:11 PST From: "Tim Nevins" Subject: MtMan-List: traditions flintlock I recently purchased a Traditions Pennsylvania flintlock rifle. I have a one small problem with it though. It chews up flints, I can't even get through a 24 shot shoot without having to change it. I am using knapped flints trying them bevel up and down and it doesn't seem to matter. I have case hardened the frizzen and that hasn't seemed to help either. I haven't tried cut flints yet. I have heard about L and R Lock Company's RPL locks. Does anyone if the frizzen and pan are the same size are a little bigger. Any help would be appreciated. Tim Nevins ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 04:42:30 -0500 From: jerry derringer Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Alamo - --------------E4A486761A3B77E1F73CD729 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you Larry, for your response, I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in. (I don't read the paper much.) jerry larry pendleton wrote: > Jerry, I don't know much of the details except that they find didn't > much of anything of great value. It's my understanding that they had > only a given amount of time to excavate and they didn't reach the > level where they believed the real artifacts were. As I recall the > well was in the street in front of the Alamo, and there was street > construction going on. What they saw on the ultra sound reading was > what could have been a cannon and what looked like a large chest. > Legend has it that Jim Bowie was a wealthy man, and had made his > fortune running slaves for or with Jean Lafitte. Supposedly, Bowie, > before going inside the Alamo dropped a cannon that could not be moved > to the mission, and a chest containing a fortune in gold down the well > to keep Santa Anna from getting them. As I said that is the legend. > The story you are refering to, was in all the newspapers. I haven't > heard anything since about it.Pendleton > > -----Original Message----- > From: jerry derringer > To: > > Date: Friday, March 03, 2000 2:07 AM > Subject: MtMan-List: AlamoMorning! > This is probably off topic but this is the best place I > could think of to find out. > A few years ago, I was watching a t.v. prograsm dealing with > phenominons, lost > people, etc. They were at the Alamo & were going to dig up > the well there.They had > done ultrasounds & think there was a big stash of artifacts > at the bottom of the > well. Rumors said the folks there threw all their good > posessions into the well, > including a big stash of gold when they were being attacked. > The next program, they > were still digging up the "street" & found a lot of > artifacts & were way behind in > their digging as scheduled. I never saw the outcome of what > they found in the well. > Anyone know? > Thanks for being indulgent. > JD > > > > ---------------------- > hist_text list info: > > - --------------E4A486761A3B77E1F73CD729 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thank you Larry, for your response, I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in. (I don't read the paper much.)

larry pendleton wrote:

 Jerry,  I don't know much of the details except that they find didn't much of anything of great value.  It's my understanding that they had only a given amount of time to excavate and they didn't reach the level where they believed the real artifacts were.  As I recall the well was in the street in front of the Alamo, and there was street construction going on.  What they saw on the ultra sound reading was what could have been a cannon and what looked like a large chest.  Legend has it that Jim Bowie was a wealthy man, and had made his fortune running slaves for or with Jean Lafitte.  Supposedly, Bowie, before going inside the Alamo dropped a cannon that could not be moved to the mission, and a chest containing a fortune in gold down the well to keep Santa Anna from getting them.  As I said that is the legend.  The story you are refering to, was in all the newspapers.  I haven't heard anything since about it.Pendleton  
-----Original Message-----
From: jerry derringer <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, March 03, 2000 2:07 AM
Subject: MtMan-List: AlamoMorning!
This is probably off topic but this is the best place I could think of to find out.
A few years ago, I was watching a t.v. prograsm dealing with phenominons, lost
people, etc. They were at the Alamo & were going to dig up the well there.They had
done ultrasounds & think there was a big stash of artifacts at the bottom of the
well. Rumors said the folks there threw all their good posessions into the well,
including a big stash of gold when they were being attacked. The next program, they
were still digging up the "street" & found a lot of artifacts & were way behind in
their digging as scheduled. I never saw the outcome of what they found in the well.
Anyone know?
Thanks for being indulgent.

hist_text list info:

  - --------------E4A486761A3B77E1F73CD729-- - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 08:08:54 -0800 From: (Bill Cunningham) Subject: Re: MtMan-List: period correctness Glad to see you're just like most of the rest of us. - -----Original Message----- From: Douglas Hepner To: Date: Friday, March 03, 2000 6:58 PM Subject: Re: MtMan-List: period correctness >Roger wrote: > >> I'll be perfectly honest and admit that I am not sure where you are coming >> from with these statements. But if you mean to imply what you sound like >you >> are implying, I think it is you who may be missing the point... > >I agree with Roger and I have learned a lot from this list. Some of the most >heated discussions have led me to facts that I might never have known if not >for this list. I am not an AMM member, but have MUCH respect for the >organization. I have learned so many things from some of the members. I >strive to not only look authentic, but be authentic. I take my gear out and >trap, hunt, and hike. Some of my gear holds up well, and some fail. This is >how I do it. I just wanted to add, that if my gear was 100% perfect, and I >had nothing else to learn, then I would give up living history. Heck, that's >what makes it fun for me! Finding that new fact, or going to museums, >digging thru relics at antique stores. Isn't that what this is all about? Or >am I just crazy like my wife thinks? > >Sorry for rambling... >"Dull Hawk" > > >---------------------- >hist_text list info: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 08:18:22 -0700 From: "Ole B. Jensen" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: traditions flintlock Tim, I don't know what type of gun you have or who made it, I do know that most of the Italian made guns, use to good a steel in there frizens which make the flint come apart. I also don't know if L&R has a comparable made frizen that will work. Now that I have been so much help here is what I have done in the past. Find a good gun builder and have him re-sole the frizen for you. Re-soling is where you grind out the face of the frizen and silver solder on a new face made of high carbon steel preferably an old piece of file, the gun smith also needs to check the angle of the cock in order to make sure it is correct in the mean while what are you using to hold the flint, I have found leather to be the best it tends to deaden the impact and last, get some English Flints from Track of the Wolf. Ole # 718 Aux Ailments De Pays - ---------- >From: "Tim Nevins" >To: >Subject: MtMan-List: traditions flintlock >Date: Sat, Mar 4, 2000, 12:58 AM > >I recently purchased a Traditions Pennsylvania flintlock rifle. I have a one >small problem with it though. It chews up flints, I can't even get through a >24 shot shoot without having to change it. I am using knapped flints trying >them bevel up and down and it doesn't seem to matter. I have case hardened >the frizzen and that hasn't seemed to help either. I haven't tried cut >flints yet. I have heard about L and R Lock Company's RPL locks. Does anyone >if the frizzen and pan are the same size are a little bigger. Any help would >be appreciated. > >Tim Nevins >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > > >---------------------- >hist_text list info: > - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 09:50:00 -0500 From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: Alamo JD believe the next time you are near the alamo---you might want to take a walk thru---there is a derrenger rifle ther if i am not mistaken---could be made by someone in your family tree--- "HAWK" Michael Pierce 854 Glenfield Dr. (Home of "Old Grizz" products) (C) Palm Harbor Florida 34684 Phone: 1-727-771-1815 e-mail: web site: ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 09:46:51 -0500 From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: iron target/back stop 1/2 in steel plate set at a 45 degree angle with at least a 12 " of sand will stop most anything except high power steel jacked stuff---be sure to add a catcher plate facing the target to keep the lead from bouncing back---saw several of them but dont have any exact planns---believe we discussed this a couple of years ago---check the archives---most of the guys will probaly direct you to .625 steel but it adds a lot of extra weight and if you are only shooting round ball it's not required if you do a good job of welding in the braces and the deflectors--- "HAWK" Michael Pierce 854 Glenfield Dr. (Home of "Old Grizz" products) (C) Palm Harbor Florida 34684 Phone: 1-727-771-1815 e-mail: web site: ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 11:32:11 -0500 From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: camp fare walt --- who won the test---I posted cat tail but computer crashed just after i sent the msg so didnt see who won---or who else responded with the correct answer--- "HAWK" Michael Pierce 854 Glenfield Dr. (Home of "Old Grizz" products) (C) Palm Harbor Florida 34684 Phone: 1-727-771-1815 e-mail: web site: ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 10:41:50 -0500 From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: AMM History? put me on the list--- "HAWK" Michael Pierce 854 Glenfield Dr. (Home of "Old Grizz" products) (C) Palm Harbor Florida 34684 Phone: 1-727-771-1815 e-mail: web site: ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 11:22:09 -0500 From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: AMM History? ole--- may have some pictures of hawk bouerton and dale black and pappy horn at some of the early doins---know there is a picture of patty tweeking dale blacks mustash (SP) at the trail of tears and holding that flint hawkens and gritting his teeth---have a couple of pictures of pappy horn---pappy biggs and coon and mingo up in primative valley in friendship---next time i get to STL I will dig into the picture box and see what there is and if you want copies will forward them to you---also some pictures of Bill Large and dale shooting the Hawken match with coon in his finery off to the side there is several of don steith , dale balck ---dan anderson silver fox and all at the boon shoot---and believe one at the hawken shoot with john beard--looking at dale blacks hawken---(the ugly flint one)---also some pictures of robert redford doing the jerimi johnson thing---dan has pictures of the first commeranitive L & C treck across Ill ---also have a bunch of pictures from the canoe trip down the misouri to st charles to the festival of the little hills---with the landing of the canoes---bunch of "S____ in that picture box" have to dig---send me a snail mail address and when i find them will send to you--- "HAWK" Michael Pierce 854 Glenfield Dr. (Home of "Old Grizz" products) (C) Palm Harbor Florida 34684 Phone: 1-727-771-1815 e-mail: web site: ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 15:34:16 EST From: Subject: Re: MtMan-List: camp fare Hello in the camp It appears Walt must have got his camps confused. Because it was in Cache Valley that they lived chiefly upon roots for ten day. They killed two fat Grizzly Bear April 12 at bout 4 oclk. Our Camp Kettles had not been greased for some time: as we were continually boiling thistle roots in them during the day: Page 9 Journal of a Trapper By Osborne Russell. It appears they lived quit well in the rocky mountain collage camp as far as food went. But sure did have a lot of trouble with them Black Foots. Its OK Walt If your like me you've read so much over the years it gets abit muddled sometimes. Cattails would have been a good guess and probably was one of the roots boiled in them pots for there are a lot of cattails in Cash Valley and they are one of the roots that can be dug and used at all times of the year. The type of thistle they used would have been either Leafy thistle also known as elk thistle, Drummond's thistle, or Rocky Mountain Celery. The other type of thistle they could have used was Platte thistle for both these thistles are native species to the Rockies and are found in Cash Valley. Keep your nose to the ground and who knows what you find to eat. crazy Cyot - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 13:17:31 -0800 From: "Hill" Subject: Re: MtMan-List: traditions flintlock Track of the wolf once advised me to anneal a frizzen and then re-harden it with Kasenit to get it to spark well They have instructions (or did) on their website. He (David) said the frizzen would spark well as it isn't always the quality of the steel but rather that is is improperly hardened to too hard a state... Then again they don't like to work on Italian rifles (I've been told) - ---------- >From: "Ole B. Jensen" >To: >Subject: Re: MtMan-List: traditions flintlock >Date: Sat, Mar 4, 2000, 7:18 AM > >Tim, >I don't know what type of gun you have or who made it, I do know that most >of the Italian made guns, use to good a steel in there frizens which make >the flint come apart. I also don't know if L&R has a comparable made frizen >that will work. Now that I have been so much help here is what I have done >in the past. Find a good gun builder and have him re-sole the frizen for >you. >Re-soling is where you grind out the face of the frizen and silver solder on >a new face made of high carbon steel preferably an old piece of file, the >gun smith also needs to check the angle of the cock in order to make sure it >is correct in the mean while what are you using to hold the flint, I have >found leather to be the best it tends to deaden the impact and last, get >some English Flints from Track of the Wolf. >Ole # 718 >Aux Ailments De Pays >---------- >>From: "Tim Nevins" >>To: >>Subject: MtMan-List: traditions flintlock >>Date: Sat, Mar 4, 2000, 12:58 AM >> > >>I recently purchased a Traditions Pennsylvania flintlock rifle. I have a one >>small problem with it though. It chews up flints, I can't even get through a >>24 shot shoot without having to change it. I am using knapped flints trying >>them bevel up and down and it doesn't seem to matter. I have case hardened >>the frizzen and that hasn't seemed to help either. I haven't tried cut >>flints yet. I have heard about L and R Lock Company's RPL locks. Does anyone >>if the frizzen and pan are the same size are a little bigger. Any help would >>be appreciated. >> >>Tim Nevins >>______________________________________________________ >>Get Your Private, Free Email at >> >> >>---------------------- >>hist_text list info: >> > >---------------------- >hist_text list info: > - ---------------------- hist_text list info: ------------------------------ End of hist_text-digest V1 #487 ******************************* - To unsubscribe to hist_text-digest, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe hist_text-digest" in the body of the message.