From: Gideon Omer Burton Subject: Re: [irr-ed] next issue Date: 09 Jun 2002 13:16:03 -0600 (MDT) I don't know who's chimed in regarding Neila's and Valerie's articles but I think Todd and I should read them. I don't know if you want to wait until I'm back and can read them (after July 2). Let Chris decide. (Is Valerie's piece something new or a prior AML address, do you know?) Gideon > I've got Neila's Leap article now--it was sent over by Lavina. It's about > 5500 words. Shall I run it as a review or do we want to run it as an essay? > > I've also got an essay from Valerie Holliday that I thought Irreantum might > be interested in--it's a critical look at the relationship between AML and > popular LDS fiction. Which dept should I send it to? > > Cheers, > Jana > > > > > > -- > Irreantum Editor's Discussion List -- Irreantum Editor's Discussion List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "jana" Subject: Re: [irr-ed] next issue Date: 09 Jun 2002 20:24:36 -0700 > I don't know who's chimed in regarding Neila's and Valerie's articles but I > think Todd and I should read them. I don't know if you want to wait until I'm > back and can read them (after July 2). Let Chris decide. (Is Valerie's piece > something new or a prior AML address, do you know?) > Something new. She sent me a rought draft and is working on a more final version right now. I'll send it over when I get it. I sent Neila's paper to Todd--he's reviewing and editing it. Jana -- Irreantum Editor's Discussion List