From: Christopher Bigelow Subject: [irr-ed] Autumn issue Date: 08 Oct 2002 12:16:57 -0600 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C26EF6.E363E4A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" The summer issue is finally at the press, and I'm ready to hit the autumn issue hard. However, so far all I have is a speculative fiction piece from Marny and Jana's reviews. When might I hope for fiction from Tory, AML-List Highlights from Marny, poetry from Harlow? I'm working on two interviews, with Doug Thayer and Paul Edwards. Plus we hopefully have an missionary memoir excerpt lined up from Tom Johnson and maybe an essay from Valerie Holladay. So far this issue looks like it's going to be a little on the skimpy side, but that might be OK. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C26EF6.E363E4A0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Autumn issue

The summer issue is finally at the = press, and I'm ready to hit the autumn issue hard.

However, so far all I have is a = speculative fiction piece from Marny and Jana's reviews.

When might I hope for fiction from = Tory, AML-List Highlights from Marny, poetry from Harlow?

I'm working on two interviews, with = Doug Thayer and Paul Edwards.

Plus we hopefully have an missionary = memoir excerpt lined up from Tom Johnson and maybe an essay from = Valerie Holladay.

So far this issue looks like it's = going to be a little on the skimpy side, but that might be OK.

------_=_NextPart_001_01C26EF6.E363E4A0-- -- Irreantum Editor's Discussion List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "jana" Subject: Re: [irr-ed] Autumn issue Date: 08 Oct 2002 12:37:55 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C26EC7.86A235C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Autumn issueChris: I've still got to finish up my 'selected reviews.' They should be done = any day now (perhaps today??). Jana From: Christopher Bigelow=20 To: ''=20 Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:16 AM Subject: [irr-ed] Autumn issue The summer issue is finally at the press, and I'm ready to hit the = autumn issue hard.=20 However, so far all I have is a speculative fiction piece from Marny = and Jana's reviews.=20 When might I hope for fiction from Tory, AML-List Highlights from = Marny, poetry from Harlow?=20 I'm working on two interviews, with Doug Thayer and Paul Edwards.=20 Plus we hopefully have an missionary memoir excerpt lined up from Tom = Johnson and maybe an essay from Valerie Holladay.=20 So far this issue looks like it's going to be a little on the skimpy = side, but that might be OK.=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C26EC7.86A235C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Autumn issue
I've still got to finish up my = 'selected=20 reviews.'  They should be done any day now (perhaps = today??).
From:=20 Christopher = Bigelow
To: 'irreantum-ed@lists.xmi='=20
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 = 11:16=20 AM
Subject: [irr-ed] Autumn = issue

The summer issue is finally at the = press, and I'm=20 ready to hit the autumn issue hard.

However, so far all I have is a = speculative fiction=20 piece from Marny and Jana's reviews.

When might I hope for fiction from = Tory, AML-List=20 Highlights from Marny, poetry from Harlow?

I'm working on two interviews, with = Doug Thayer and=20 Paul Edwards.

Plus we hopefully have an missionary = memoir excerpt=20 lined up from Tom Johnson and maybe an essay from Valerie = Holladay.=20

So far this issue looks like it's going = to be a=20 little on the skimpy side, but that might be OK.=20

------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C26EC7.86A235C0-- -- Irreantum Editor's Discussion List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gideon Burton Subject: RE: [irr-ed] Autumn issue Date: 08 Oct 2002 17:00:24 -0600 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01C26EEC.31767820 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I have some personal essay submissions that can be considered, Chris. I'd like a second reader on some of these, though (student work that I fear being too close to). Is it time to kick off the "Mormon Lives" section featuring personal essays, memoirs, biography-life writing? Perhaps we could feature Cherry's presidential address about personal essays, among other things. Also, did anyone get a submission from Angela Vause (also known as Angela Zecca)? She sent something in for spring (I believe an excerpt from her One Woman's Journey), and has asked whether it's been accepted or not. Do you know anything Chris? Tory? I have received some poetry that I'll pass along to Harlow. Thanks for getting summer issue wrapped up, Chris. Gideon -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Christopher Bigelow Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 12:17 PM The summer issue is finally at the press, and I'm ready to hit the autumn issue hard. However, so far all I have is a speculative fiction piece from Marny and Jana's reviews. When might I hope for fiction from Tory, AML-List Highlights from Marny, poetry from Harlow? I'm working on two interviews, with Doug Thayer and Paul Edwards. Plus we hopefully have an missionary memoir excerpt lined up from Tom Johnson and maybe an essay from Valerie Holladay. So far this issue looks like it's going to be a little on the skimpy side, but that might be OK. ------=_NextPart_000_0012_01C26EEC.31767820 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Autumn issue

I have some personal essay = submissions that can be considered, Chris. I’d like a second reader on some of = these, though (student work that I fear being too close to).  Is it time to kick off the = “Mormon Lives” section featuring personal essays, memoirs, = biography—life writing? Perhaps we could feature Cherry’s presidential address about = personal essays, among other things.


Also, did anyone get a submission = from Angela Vause (also known as Angela Zecca)? She sent something in for = spring (I believe an excerpt from her One Woman’s Journey), and has asked = whether it’s been accepted or not. Do you know anything Chris? = Tory?


I have received some poetry that = I’ll pass along to Harlow.


Thanks for getting summer issue = wrapped up, Chris.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Christopher Bigelow
Sent: Tuesday, October = 08, 2002 12:17 PM
To: ''
Subject: [irr-ed] Autumn = issue


The summer issue is finally at the press, and I'm ready to hit the autumn = issue hard.

However, so far all I have is a speculative fiction piece from Marny and Jana's = reviews.

When might I hope for fiction from Tory, AML-List Highlights from Marny, = poetry from Harlow?

I'm working on two interviews, with Doug Thayer and Paul = Edwards.

Plus we hopefully have an missionary memoir excerpt lined up from Tom Johnson = and maybe an essay from Valerie Holladay.

So far this issue looks like it's going to be a little on the skimpy side, = but that might be OK.

------=_NextPart_000_0012_01C26EEC.31767820-- -- Irreantum Editor's Discussion List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Bigelow Subject: RE: [irr-ed] Autumn issue Date: 08 Oct 2002 18:41:48 -0600 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C26F2C.A6C15F10 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Yes, it would be lovely to have a Mormon Lives section. I tend to prefer giving each individual article its own header, such as "Memoir" or "Essay." I'm not sure exactly if and how we'd use the title "Mormon Lives" with our format. In any event, I can give you until Nov. 1 to transmit the material you choose. On Angela Vause, she sent me a query the other day and I said she could send us up to 8,000 words of her ms. for consideration. I don't remember anything from her earlier than that. -----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 5:00 PM I have some personal essay submissions that can be considered, Chris. I'd like a second reader on some of these, though (student work that I fear being too close to). Is it time to kick off the "Mormon Lives" section featuring personal essays, memoirs, biography-life writing? Perhaps we could feature Cherry's presidential address about personal essays, among other things. Also, did anyone get a submission from Angela Vause (also known as Angela Zecca)? She sent something in for spring (I believe an excerpt from her One Woman's Journey), and has asked whether it's been accepted or not. Do you know anything Chris? Tory? I have received some poetry that I'll pass along to Harlow. Thanks for getting summer issue wrapped up, Chris. Gideon -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Christopher Bigelow Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 12:17 PM The summer issue is finally at the press, and I'm ready to hit the autumn issue hard. However, so far all I have is a speculative fiction piece from Marny and Jana's reviews. When might I hope for fiction from Tory, AML-List Highlights from Marny, poetry from Harlow? I'm working on two interviews, with Doug Thayer and Paul Edwards. Plus we hopefully have an missionary memoir excerpt lined up from Tom Johnson and maybe an essay from Valerie Holladay. So far this issue looks like it's going to be a little on the skimpy side, but that might be OK. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C26F2C.A6C15F10 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Autumn issue
Yes,=20 it would be lovely to have a Mormon Lives section. I tend to prefer = giving each=20 individual article its own header, such as "Memoir" or "Essay." I'm not = sure=20 exactly if and how we'd use the title "Mormon Lives" with our format. = In any=20 event, I can give you until Nov. 1 to transmit the material you=20 choose.
On=20 Angela Vause, she sent me a query the other day and I said she could = send us up=20 to 8,000 words of her ms. for consideration. I don't remember anything = from her=20 earlier than that. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Gideon Burton=20 []
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, = 2002 5:00=20 PM
Subject: = RE:=20 [irr-ed] Autumn issue

I have = some personal=20 essay submissions that can be considered, Chris. I’d like a = second reader on=20 some of these, though (student work that I fear being too close = to).  Is it time to kick off the = “Mormon=20 Lives” section featuring personal essays, memoirs, = biography—life writing?=20 Perhaps we could feature Cherry’s presidential address about = personal essays,=20 among other things.


Also, did = anyone get=20 a submission from Angela Vause (also known as Angela Zecca)? She sent = something in for spring (I believe an excerpt from her One = Woman’s Journey),=20 and has asked whether it’s been accepted or not. Do you know = anything Chris?=20 Tory?


I have = received some=20 poetry that I’ll pass along to Harlow.


Thanks for = getting=20 summer issue wrapped up, Chris.


-----Original=20 Message-----
From: = [] On Behalf Of=20
Christopher=20 Bigelow
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, = 2002 12:17=20 PM
To:=20 ''
Subject: [irr-ed] Autumn=20 issue


The summer issue is = finally at the=20 press, and I'm ready to hit the autumn issue hard.=20

However, so far all I = have is a=20 speculative fiction piece from Marny and Jana's = reviews.=20

When might I hope for = fiction from=20 Tory, AML-List Highlights from Marny, poetry from = Harlow?=20

I'm working on two = interviews,=20 with Doug Thayer and Paul Edwards.

Plus we hopefully have = an=20 missionary memoir excerpt lined up from Tom Johnson and maybe an = essay from=20 Valerie Holladay.

So far this issue looks = like it's=20 going to be a little on the skimpy side, but that might be = OK.=20

------_=_NextPart_001_01C26F2C.A6C15F10-- -- Irreantum Editor's Discussion List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Bigelow Subject: [irr-ed] Irreatum Editorial Positions Open Date: 18 Oct 2002 15:20:21 -0600 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C276EC.2A57ED00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Irreantum, the AML's printed literary quarterly, has as many as four editorial positions we're looking for volunteers to fill. If we don't find enough volunteers, it's possible that some of the following positions could be combined (such as memoir/essay editor or film/drama editor). Following are some specific details about what each editor would do. In general, all editors work with authors to refine pieces, follow up with authors on assignment, and turn in finalized, proofread copy for their department on four annual deadlines (March 15, June 15, Sept. 15, Dec. 15). MEMOIR EDITOR (Irreantum uses the term "memoir" to cover personal essays, creative nonfiction, and any other narrative writing that primarily tells stories of actual personal experience, mostly autobiographical but also biographical.) * Reviews unsolicited submissions and notifies authors of acceptance or rejection * Actively seeks good pieces by contacting prospective authors and other means * In coordination with the review editor, recommends book-length memoirs to be reviewed and suitable reviewers * Recommends memoirists to be interviewed and conducts the interviews ESSAY EDITOR (This department includes all article-length nonfiction that doesn't primarily tell a narrative story. In other words, articles in the primary mode of literary analysis, literary philosophy, literary criticism [including review-essays, as opposed to simpler, shorter reviews], literary reportage, etc.) * Reviews unsolicited submissions and notifies authors of acceptance or rejection * Actively seeks good essays, including contacting prospective authors with suggested ideas FILM EDITOR * Finds stand-alone screenplay excerpts to publish in Irreantum, and occasional full-length screenplays if space and editorial plans allow * Lines up film reviews, deciding which films to review and who to review them * Lines up and conducts interviews with film screenwriters and/or directors * Provides film-related news items to the literary news editor DRAMA EDITOR * Finds stand-alone script excerpts and one-act plays to publish in Irreantum, and occasional full-length plays if space and editorial plans allow * Lines up drama reviews, deciding which plays to review and who to review them * Lines up and conducts interviews with playwrights and/or directors * Provides drama-related news items to the literary news editor If you are interested in one or more of the positions, send a detailed note to Your physical location doesn't matter because all our editorial work is conducted via e-mail (although in the case of film and/or drama editor, someone on Utah's Wasatch Front will be preferred because he or she can more easily attend Mormon-related films and plays that premiere mostly in Salt Lake and Provo). Chris Bigelow ------_=_NextPart_001_01C276EC.2A57ED00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Irreatum Editorial Positions Open

Irreantum, the AML's printed literary = quarterly, has as many as four editorial positions we're looking for = volunteers to fill. If we don't find enough volunteers, it's possible = that some of the following positions could be combined (such as = memoir/essay editor or film/drama editor).

Following are some specific details = about what each editor would do. In general, all editors work with = authors to refine pieces, follow up with authors on assignment, and = turn in finalized, proofread copy for their department on four annual = deadlines (March 15, June 15, Sept. 15, Dec. 15).

(Irreantum uses the term = "memoir" to cover personal essays, creative nonfiction, and = any other narrative writing that primarily tells stories of actual = personal experience, mostly autobiographical but also = biographical.)

* Reviews unsolicited submissions and = notifies authors of acceptance or rejection
* Actively seeks good pieces by = contacting prospective authors and other means
* In coordination with the review = editor, recommends book-length memoirs to be reviewed and suitable = reviewers
* Recommends memoirists to be = interviewed and conducts the interviews

(This department includes all = article-length nonfiction that doesn't primarily tell a narrative = story. In other words, articles in the primary mode of literary = analysis, literary philosophy, literary criticism [including = review-essays, as opposed to simpler, shorter reviews], literary = reportage, etc.)

* Reviews unsolicited submissions and = notifies authors of acceptance or rejection
* Actively seeks good essays, = including contacting prospective authors with suggested ideas

* Finds stand-alone screenplay = excerpts to publish in Irreantum, and occasional full-length = screenplays if space and editorial plans allow

* Lines up film reviews, deciding = which films to review and who to review them
* Lines up and conducts interviews = with film screenwriters and/or directors
* Provides film-related news items to = the literary news editor

* Finds stand-alone script excerpts = and one-act plays to publish in Irreantum, and occasional full-length = plays if space and editorial plans allow

* Lines up drama reviews, deciding = which plays to review and who to review them
* Lines up and conducts interviews = with playwrights and/or directors
* Provides drama-related news items = to the literary news editor

If you are interested in one or more = of the positions, send a detailed note to = Your physical location doesn't matter = because all our editorial work is conducted via e-mail (although in the = case of film and/or drama editor, someone on Utah's Wasatch Front will = be preferred because he or she can more easily attend Mormon-related = films and plays that premiere mostly in Salt Lake and Provo).


Chris Bigelow

------_=_NextPart_001_01C276EC.2A57ED00-- -- Irreantum Editor's Discussion List