From: Patrick van der Poel Subject: Worst track Date: 04 Oct 1996 16:35:46 +0100 I think his worst track is Magnetic Fields V (the last rumba). It sounds like some cheap keyboard , turn on the rhythm, song. I do like blah, blah cafe, London Kid and Computer weekend. Patrick van der Poel # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Darren Stephens" Subject: Re: Worst track Date: 04 Oct 1996 18:33:55 +0000 Patrick van der Poel wrote: > I think his worst track is Magnetic Fields V (the last rumba). It sounds > like some cheap keyboard , turn on the rhythm, song. > I do like blah, blah cafe, London Kid and Computer weekend. > If I'm in the right mood MF 5 is OK. September, on the other hand, for all its noble sentiment, is quite the most lumpen piece of crap I have ever heard. Its easily the worst track on Revolutions (most of which I realy like) Darren Stephens Webmaster, MediaWorld 292 Linthorpe Road Middlesbrough Tel/Fax: (work)+44 1642 221671 (home)+44 1642 320236 MediaWorld: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Guido Seevens" Subject: Re: Worst track Date: 06 Oct 1996 03:46:10 +0000 > If I'm in the right mood MF 5 is OK. September, on the other hand, > for all its noble sentiment, is quite the most lumpen piece of crap I > have ever heard. I'd have to agree with that :-)... BTW, does anyone have any more info about the Australian Concert??? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Guido Seevens !!! CHECK OUT WELLINGTON CAM!!! Over 1000 Hits recorded in its first Month online! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lazlo Nibble" Subject: Proposed List Format Change Date: 05 Oct 1996 12:21:38 -0600 (MDT) Given a lot of recent complaints, I'm thinking about switching the list configs around some. Certain mailers apparently make it difficult to send personal replies when the reply-to address is set back to the list (as it is on all my lists). I want to know what people would think if I changed things so that normal replies would go to the original poster and group replies would go to the original poster and the list. Along with this I'd probably start adding the list names to the subject lines of messages that go out over the lists, to make it easier to see where your incoming email is coming from. Please send your responses DIRECTLY TO ME (not the list). If you don't care, no problem -- but it would change the list behavior some and it's only fair to give you some warning of that. -- ::: Lazlo (; # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lazlo Nibble" Subject: Re: Proposed List Format Change Date: 08 Oct 1996 19:17:55 -0600 (MDT) I've had a lot of response to the list format change proposal I sent out, and while a few people didn't like the idea the response was overwhelmingly positive so I'm going to make the changes as soon as I get a chance. Once again, here's what's going to happen: * Replies will no longer be automatically redirected back to the list. Check the instructions for your mailer to see how to send repsonses to the list address. * The name of the list will be prepended to each subject line. I realize that some people will be inconvenienced by this but the response I got was 15:1 or 20:1 in favor of these changes, so clearly far more people are being inconvenienced by the current setup. -- ::: Lazlo (; # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bart Koop" Subject: (jarre) Update Galaxie Jarre Date: 17 Oct 1996 12:09:07 +2 Hello All, Galaxie Jarre was updated again today: - added Destination Docklands CD to Discography - updated News section Best Wishes, Bart Bart Koop * Editor in Chief - Galaxie Jarre e-mail: Galaxie Webdesign: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J. Luis Bernat Tomas" Date: 17 Oct 1996 20:34:30 +0000 The fisrt time I listened Jean Michel Jarre music... I remember when I was about 4 yeard old. My father ususally listened the Equinoxe LP. Since that moment, I began to love Jarre's music. Now, I'm 18 and Equinoxe is still my favourite album. But, when will Jean Michel record his next album? I'm missing him too much. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Gerardo Acosta (203)" Subject: (jarre) Re: your mail Date: 18 Oct 1996 11:09:55 -0600 (CST) On Thu, 17 Oct 1996, J. Luis Bernat Tomas wrote: > The fisrt time I listened Jean Michel Jarre music... > I remember when I was about 4 yeard old. My father ususally listened the > Equinoxe LP. Since that moment, I began to love Jarre's music. > Now, I'm 18 and Equinoxe is still my favourite album. > But, when will Jean Michel record his next album? I'm missing him too > much. > Hello. Well I'm back. I leave to Mexico city last week and it is amazing!!, at my return I notice that I had 205 e-mails and when I leave Mexico city I had just 35 e-mails. As you know I'm the one who propose to write about the first time we listen Jarre's music. Now it's my turn. Ok, since aprox. 6 years ago I have a friend who loves trash metal, death metal and all this crazy music. I used to be the one who pass to my friends whit my car, but that day the pass for me, and the put Oxigene. I heard that music, specially the introduction (oxigene I) and I said: "Edson this is another type, like the ones you like, doesn't you?", and the just said: no, this is a type of a french musician but I don't remember the name, even the name of the album (it was a copy). I asked his if he can borrow me that tape and he sais yes. I name my new casset "sounds". because I didn't know who was the author of that sounds, nor the name of the souds. Later, I talking to one friend I said: I have I type of a grat musician I don't know but the sound are wonderfull. And he sais, I have the type Oxigene of JMJ and this should be better that the type you have. And I said: I don't believe that, my type is better that your type. Then we decide to go to my house and listen that type of sounds. Just at the begining of the type my friend sais: stupid, we are talking of the same type, the name of the souds is Oxigene and the name of the author of that souds is Jean Michel Jarre. And I said: ohhh, well, but I told you that is a grat musician, remeber? And afer laughing we finish to hear Oxigene. That was how I knew JMJ'music. But the history does not ends here. Some weeks later I obtaine a visa and in my firs trip to USA I bought Equinoxe, The Elements and Revolutions. In my second trip: Zoolook, Concerts in China and Rendez-Vous. Latter, I move to another house (whit some other guys, in fact in that days I was studyng my licence in mathematics). Almost every day, before sleep, I used to hear some type of JMJ. And some night I put Oxigene and then Zoolook. The day after, the guy who also lived with me, talked to the owner of the house. The said to her that I'm a satatic guy, because I was listeded a very demoniac type. They supply her that is was better that I lived in another house. I just was smilling, I cannot believe it that some people thought that this music is satanic. Well, I continue in that house for about 5 months, and that guys moved to another house. What's else? and the canceled concert of JMJ in Mexico. This was very sad for me. You know, now days I live in Mexico City but I'm from Coahuila, that is situated far from Mexico City. In Coahuila I have some friends that also likes JMJ music. And when we know that he was planning to give a concert in Mexico and in Teotihuacan, we said: we must go. One of my friends has a nice here in Mexico city, he phoned her and she sais ok, you 3 can stay here in Mexico city. I remember that in that time, the music of JMJ was in selling again. I mean, it was difficult to get a CD or a cassette of JMJ, but because of the concert, the CD's and cassettes of JMJ was in the stores again, so I bought Oxigen, Magnetic Fields. Just some days before of the concert and we we had all ready for going to Mexico city, an news: JMJ cancelled the concert. Argggg, so what to do? just continue listening his music, and hopping to see him in concert one day. So I still hopping that some day and somewhere I'll see him in Concert. Of course I have the CD's: Concert in Houston-Lyon, Live and Tokyo. And also the cassette of Wayting for Cousteau, and the CD of Chronologie and Jarremix. What elese? ah! the 2-cd album of History of Jarre by London Twilight Orchestra. Well, I'll continue this history later. As you have notice my english is not good, and I commited lot of mistakes. Sorry. Gerardo Acosta # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yago Lamela-Tobio Subject: (jarre) MY FIRST TIME :) Date: 18 Oct 1996 17:42:28 CDT Hello Jarremaniacs! The first time I heard one of his songs was when I was back home in Spain. A friend of mine wanted me to listen to his brand new tape, he said it was great, so I borrowed it from him. It was one of those Synthesizer greatest hits. Volume 6 I think. I listened the whole tape two or three times and I just liked two of its songs. There were some other good songs, but those two were real good. They had been composed by the same guy. Some dude called 'Jarre'. Later on, I got 'Chronologie' CD. Then, I fell in love with his music. I can't wait until he releases his new CD either!!! I've heard it is more like 'Oxygene' and 'Equinoxe', using a lot of old analog synthesizers and also some new digital ones. I bet it is going to be AWESOME! Well, I guess that's about it. Yago Lamela-Tobio. SYNTH@IASTATE.EDU # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Alexander van der Leun" Subject: (jarre) this mailinglist Date: 30 Oct 1996 10:10:19 MET Hi All, it's not really busy here, ain't it? How come?? Bye, Alexander # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Peter Korsten) Subject: Re: (jarre) this mailinglist Date: 30 Oct 1996 10:26:02 +0100 (MET) Alexander van der Leun shared with us: > > it's not really busy here, ain't it? How come?? Because it's over a year since his last concert and (remix) album, over two years since his last release with new material (being only Digisequencer) and over three years since his last studio album. Vangelis had released Voices, A tribute to El Greko and Oceanic since Chronologie was released. Now *there's* some traffic on that list. - Peter -- Peter Korsten | | (personal) helpdesk/hacker | for PGP key "Never praise the day before it is evening" -old Chinese saying # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sean Middleton Subject: (jarre) Jarres new Album Date: 30 Oct 1996 10:31:43 +0000 Hi, This is my first posting to this mailing list. I dont know if anybody knows but Is there a release date for Jarres new Album.? I heard Jan 21st. 1997! But a Single will be released before then? Thanks in Advance ;-) # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Ralston,Chem Eng Dept ,HKUST" Subject: (jarre) Jarre - Japanese releases Date: 30 Oct 1996 23:47:48 +0800 Yes, I've been on the mailing list for a while,but haven't seen much activity. Here's a few topics to discuss 1. Can anyone post a Japanese discography (LP's & 7") ? 2. Does anyone know about the Chinese made LP of "Concerts In China" ? let's get the mailing list moving !!! (my first JMJ concert was the one he had in Hong Kong in March '94...great !) John # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hallvard Fagerland Subject: (jarre) Oxygene 2? Date: 31 Oct 1996 18:49:46 +0200 Hi, the following text appeared on the Amaraok-list(Mike Oldfield). Has anyone seen the same thing in Q? Or is it infact an advertising for Chronologie? -------- Hi All, While flicking through the classified ads in the back of 'Q' magazine this month, I noticed a record shop advertising that they will soon be selling an album by Jean Michel Jarre entitled 'Oxygene 2'. Does anyone know anything about this - is it true that Jarre has done for 'Oxygene' what Mike did for 'TB'? If so, I wonder where he got the idea from... ;) Cheers, Simon -- **************************************************** * Hallvard Fagerland * * Give War a Chance! * * Norway * **************************************************** # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brendan Heading Subject: (jarre) This Mailinglist Date: 31 Oct 1996 22:30:50 +0000 >> it's not really busy here, ain't it? How come?? >Because it's over a year since his last concert and (remix) album, >over two years since his last release with new material (being only >Digisequencer) and over three years since his last studio album. Don't know if that's a valid excuse, we're having roughly 10 postings per day on the new list, and about 80% are on-topic.... EMAIL IN THE BODY : subscribe jarre -- |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |***** Brendan Heading : email ******| |***** A1200 28Mhz 020 545MB HD 6MB RAM <= (I'm not that sad) ******| |***** Analogue Synth freak || JarreVangelisKraftwerkTangerineDream*| |***** Northern Ireland vibe spreader||CarlosNumanErasureTomita ****| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| "I didn't want to make music any longer. I didn't want to be a robot. I didn't want to make concerts, even, I didn't want to be with the boys after all those years" --- Wolfgang Fleur, on leaving Kraftwerk in 1987. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender.