From: Galaxie Jarre Subject: (jarre) Seasons Greetings Date: 24 Dec 1997 23:46:45 +0100 (MET) Hello All, the team of Galaxie Jarre wishes everyone on this list a very merry Christmas and a Jarreful 1998! We have a special Christmas gift exclusively for the members of this list. You can download a limited edition wallpaper at ! Be sure to download it soon, as it will only be online until January 5th, 1998! Best Wishes, Bart Bart Koop * Editor in Chief - Galaxie Jarre The Jean-Michel Jarre Internet Magazine e-mail: Main URL : Backup URL: Mail-2-Jarre! : - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Freeman" Subject: (jarre) Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Date: 24 Dec 1997 23:39:09 +0000 Wishing all fans of Jean Michel Jarre a great Christmas and all the best for 1998 for everybody here on the Revolution team. This year was certainly a busy and enjoyable one, here is to 1998! _____ _,---' `-,_ * `-,_ `-, `-,@@@@@@@@@@ _ @@@@@@@@@@@ (( )) (\_ ;;### ###;; {} \\ // {} _*__ (\_c\ ;; O ( O ;; \\---\/,-{=\ /= /\ \\ \ \ ( ) ;;, (_) ;; Ho Ho Ho.... ~~\\//~~ \\ // \ \ \\ \ @@@@@ ;;//~\\;;; (\_(\ {{=\\//=} ___\_\_\__| \ \ __ ;;;;;;;;_ / (o \\// [==='`____`__ \ / /\ ;;;;; \ \_ ) ) \ <`--'> |_ :~|~~~~~~|__/ /\ \ `, `-,_ ; (`~; ) ('\ |##-,_|@@@@@@| \ \\/\ |_ @-,. __ .&' \ ; ; (/~ |######-,_,__|_,-,\ *\ \=====@) `-,_@,-c).(_(,-'' \&....| ; :; |#########`-----,_`-,\\/_______\::::::-,_ ; ) |_ \ |_&-. ..( |####{}#######|!!!`-,__________):::::::::`-,; @) .{ },-...\\& `) |##{ __}}#####|!!!!!!!!!-,_ `-,::::::::::_//| /(_)( || ; |#{ }##{ }####|!!!!!!!!!!!!`-,_ \::::--,:/!!!/ / \ //,--|: |#{ }###{}####|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`---'!!!!!!!!!!| : ^ ) ;~/ // |##{ }#{ }####|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!} \ / \ \; / _// |###{_~_}#####|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,-:: /_/ \ \ C_/ |#############|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,-`X (( // __// |#############|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,-`X / \_,-'~ c__/ |#############|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,-`X / \/,-` `;############|!!!!!!!!!!!!,-X / \/,-`~ X`-;########|!!!!!!!!,-'X / \ /,-'~ /_\,-``-;####|!!!!!-'X / \_,-'~ `-' `-;|,-'X / \',-' /,-/,-'~ Ta la Dave -- ____________________________________________________________________ Revolution - UK Jean Michel Jarre Fanclub Dave Freeman ____________________________________________________________________ - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dave Freeman" Subject: (jarre) Something Wild on ITV Date: 26 Dec 1997 23:41:37 +0000 Hi all, The film Something Wild is going to be shown on ITV (UK) on Monday 29th December at 23:25. Jarre relevancy; Ethnicolor is used in the film (near the end), and it is a good film too! See you all in 1998! Ta la Dave -- ____________________________________________________________________ Revolution - UK Jean Michel Jarre Fanclub Dave Freeman ____________________________________________________________________ - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Arash Ashouriha Subject: (jarre) Rendez Vous IV remix ( theme for France 98 ? ) Date: 25 Dec 1997 13:33:12 -0800 Hi Yesterday I watched the chanel Eurosport. There was a rewinde trough the qualification for France 98 (Soccer) and the music I could hear in the background was a remix of Rendez-Vouz IV !!!! Maybe this will be the theme for France 98 ! Sorry for my poor English. Arash | PROG OR DIE - The Progressive Music Page | | | | DREAM THEATER - FATES WARNING - ROYAL HUNT - SHADOW GALLERY | | | | | | OR | | | | | | by Arash Ashouriha | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Arash Ashouriha Subject: (jarre) Rendez Vous IV remix Date: 27 Dec 1997 17:12:05 -0800 Hi Yesterday I watched the chanel Eurosport. There was a rewinde trough the qualification for France 98 (Soccer) and the music I could hear in the background was a remix of Rendez-Vouz IV !!!! Maybe this will be the theme for France 98 ! Sorry for my poor English. Arash | PROG OR DIE - The Progressive Music Page | | | | DREAM THEATER - FATES WARNING - ROYAL HUNT - SHADOW GALLERY | | | | | | OR | | | | | | by Arash Ashouriha | | | | | - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eduardo H. Q. AVELLAR" Subject: Re: (jarre) Rendez Vous IV remix Date: 28 Dec 1997 14:05:56 -0400 Arash Ashouriha wrote: >Yesterday I watched the chanel Eurosport. >There was a rewinde trough the qualification for France 98 (Soccer) and >themusic I could hear in the background was a remix of Rendez-Vouz IV !!!! >Maybe this will be the theme for France 98 ! I'm not sure, but it may be the same remix I've heard on 'Oxygene in Moscow' - it sound's a little bit more 'disco', with distinguished hand claps on the rythm; not TOO diferent from 'stock' Rendez-Vous 4 from previous concerts/compilations... But I personally don't believe it will be the theme for France 98... You may not believe but he's much more popular outside his country. Eduardo H. Q. AVELLAR Composition, arrangement and musical production. Sao Paulo/SP - BRAZIL. - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yann Guidon Subject: Re: (jarre) Rendez Vous IV remix Date: 28 Dec 1997 19:31:27 +0100 Hi ! > But I personally don't believe it will be the theme for France 98... i know nothing about that. it is not impossible but there is nothing official. and i don't like soccer :-) ! > You may not believe but he's much more popular outside his country. he was really "in" in the early 80'. now, he is no precursor at all... personnally, his albums during the last ten years have disapointed me. but hey ! "nobody is a prophet in his own country" :-D > Eduardo H. Q. AVELLAR WHYGEE have a happy new year ! - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eduardo H. Q. AVELLAR" Subject: Re: (jarre) Rendez Vous IV remix and some personal comms. Date: 28 Dec 1997 20:28:13 -0400 Hi!! I said before that I personally don't believe that RV4 remix would not be the theme for France 98, based on the last problems and cancellations on Jarre's carreer... As an example, there are 2 or 3 years that it's being told (by jarre's *zines* and even people that work with him) that he would play at the New Year's night on Rio de Janeiro... and nothing happens! Not to say about the last Wolrd Football Cup, The Olympics, that Mexico concert,... and so on... - I also don't like soccer, even living in such a 'soccer' country as mine! :-)) Surely Jarre is today a different artist that he was - his shows are really something 'big' - nice... but repetitive! He was the [one of the] pioneer[s] on mega-multimedia concerts, but my PERSONAL opinion is that he's being too much the same - the same things on the shows, the same musics, with very little differences,... and when comes a new album, their structure is too similar!! He also does not get bored selling more and more compilations just to get the fan's money... The Essential... Live... Images... HongKong... the new 2CD oxygene pack... Too much 'only commercial' attention, poor music... Just recently, by an incident and a lot of luck, I could get the bootleg 'Rarities', with Deserted Palace, the early singles and Les granges brul=E9es... surely, there's a lot of tracks that sound today 'too old', som= e even sound like cheap soundblaster musics... but hey!! he did that without midi!! he did that on multitrack, with monophonic synths... and before 76!! That's exciting! That's originality! And also, there are some interesting pieces, including some very 'experimental' and 'vanguard' music, that he abandoned latter... Then, Oxygene, Equinoxe, Magnetic Fields, China (<- the BEST!), even the boring Rendez-Vous... are the REAL Jarre (on my PERSONAL opinion)... After that, you may save Ethnicolor on Zoolook, and Revolutions and Industrial Revolutions on Revolutions album, even starting to sound very different... And them came Waiting for Cousteau... that's a funny album, nice tune! Caribean, calypso, beaches, sun, girls.... but hey!!! That's not Jarre! At least the old one! I'm sure it was a 'shock' for most of the fans as was for me! On Chronologie, you can fell that he tried to get back, but it ended up as something as 'hybrid' as Revolutions. The new Oxygene7-13 may be a crucial point - he get's back to the analogs, arpegiators, theremin... all those things that were his marks on the first albums... That's better than Chronologie, but also, he's getting on techno and remix-things (someone remember JarreMix?)... At this point, or he will get something really JARRE for the next album (when!?!?); or he will end as a (50-years-old) techno producer, just as thousand others that exists on europe, specially Italy, doing the same that everybody is doing... >>> And let's remember one thing - he had studied with Pierre Schaeffer, one of the most important and influential minds on concrete/electronic music (he dedicated O7-13 to him)!!! <<< So... let's wait, while he will repeat the same musics, the same concerts (including those puppets)... While he will act like a monkey in front of the theremim, as he did on Moscow, and while he sells new collections and remasters, and gets even more rich!! (I hope you all PLEASE understand that all of these are MY PERSONAL OPINIONS. PLEASE don't take me bad, I really don't want to start fighting with other Jarre followers, as I AM). :-)) :-)) Sorry if I made this relief too long...! :-)) Happy new year to everybody, and merry (late!) xmas! Eduardo H. Q. AVELLAR Composition, arrangement and musical production. Sao Paulo/SP - BRAZIL. - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "G.Garreau" Subject: (jarre) Personnal comments Date: 30 Dec 1997 07:15:41 +0100 Hi all ! About the music of Jean Michel Jarre, I'd like to say that it's not the same songs and the same shows. Each song has his melody and his patches. But it's true that in oxygene 7 -13 we can hear a lot of part of oxygene 1 - 6 : for example in oxygene 7 there's the same part of drums than in oxygene 4. I think that the last best album is chronologie with all this vintage sounds. each part is different. About the shows, I was at the Mont Saint Michel in 1993. It was really fantastic. When Jarre decide to "built" a show, he knows the song for the picture. All these shows are built in such a way that we forget the last and that we become satured with the music. I'm waiting for his next album because I'm a bit disappointed with oxygene 7 - 13 (not enough studied). But all his works is magnificent. Each one think different !!!!! It's my thought ! No idea about the theme for France 98 ! Happy new year to everybody !!! Gates (a player of keyboard) - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez Subject: Re: (jarre) Rendez Vous IV remix ( theme for France 98 ? ) Date: 30 Dec 1997 19:34:49 -0600 (CST) Hello, I don't think so, as far as we know, the official themes will be sang by Ricky Martin and those singers from Belgium (sorry, I don't remember their names). Saludos. Feliz 1998. Rodolfo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || H H H | H H | H H H | H H | H H H | H H |\ "Ah!, On/Off, simplement!" | Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez _) (c)JMJ :-) | (__________________________________ | ) | Oxygene BBS: telnet:// l/p: bbs/ ______________/ \____________________________________________________________/ - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender.