From: To: Subject: jarre Digest V7 #7 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: jarre Digest Saturday, 1 February 1997 Volume 07 : Number 007 In this issue: (jarre) Thought sends space/time ripples- a musical test (jarre) First impressions (jarre) re: unoriginal (jarre) Oxygene 8 single in Australia Re: (jarre) CHIRAC (jarre) M.f.Supermarkets (jarre) New releases listing Re: (jarre) CHIRAC (jarre) Album in UK (jarre) Chirac: YES Re: (jarre) Album in UK (jarre) Euro tour dates now on the Revolution web site! Re: (jarre) Euro tour dates now on the Revolution web site! (jarre) UK Promotion has begun! ;-) (jarre) Re: Euro tour dates now on the Revolution web site! See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the jarre or jarre-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Thomas 'Falken' Chiverton" Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 13:02:57 +0000 (GMT) Subject: (jarre) Thought sends space/time ripples- a musical test There is a theory which states that the application of thought, expressed for instance as albums of electronic music, creates ripples in space-time which 'echo' backwards in time, and therefore instanously cause changes in the fabric of space time, changing the look of the universe in the 'now'. With the release of 'Oxygene 7-13' by Jean-Michel Jarre there is at last a chance to test this theory. I have painstakenly planted evidence that *suggests* a different web site from the one curtrently on display at the URL below was to have been chosen, but through the random tossing of a coin was disreguarded. Thanks to one of my flat-mate's friends in the phsyics department, me and them have constructed a device which will capture the space/time echoes from the relessed album as they travel through the equipment. They will, if all goes to plan, be captured, and focussed temporaly on the (fictictous) coin tossing event. Acording to calculations recently published in Nature, this *should* exert a mesurable effect on a random choice event. This *should* (the probability is on the order of .8) cause the coin to land the otherway up, and my past self will choose to place the alternative version of the HTML on the web. The URL is Keep watch. On the 14th Febuary 1997 'Oxygene 7-13' is released, and hopefuly the space-time waves generated will be strong enough to trigger the re-collapse of the past wave function of the web site. If it does, then not only will some of the stranger implications of Quntum Theory have been confirmed (namely the ability to change the 'real' universe by thought), but I will have a much better looking web site. Either way- you will get a penguin anim on the release date if you go-to that URL and access my Jarre pages. You'll need the abilty to play IFF format animations, so go hunt down a player now (PC- try, Amiga- you all have a copy of DPaint or some other paint program that got bundled with ya Amiga, these will all play them. Failing that, try 'biganim' from aminet.) Thomas Chiverton # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: (Peter Korsten) Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 18:21:07 +0100 Subject: (jarre) First impressions Ah, January 27th, time to get the Oxygene 8 single. Puzzling looks at the Free Record Shop (I should have known), Superclub will be closed down in two months (so new material is very improbable at that place) and the third had a crashed cash register. Didn't stop me from buying it, though. My very first impression was: did he take three years to create this? It sounded a bit the same over and over. Closer examination (with headphones) proved this not entirely correct. It really sounds like Oxygene/Equinoxe, in terms of instruments. But I don't think Oxygene 8 is a classic, like Oxygene 4, Equinoxe 5 or Chronologie 4 are. Very nice track, though. Very different. Maybe I should listen a couple of times more. Then, the remixes. The Club Mix on the single has two and a halve minute of bass/drum/something stuff that makes you think "what exactly are we going at?" The Oxygene 4 wind and chords in the beginning are nice, though. After the 2:30 minute, a somewhat modified/housified version of Oxygene 8 begins. Nothing special. The Takkyu Ishino Extended from the maxi (yes, I bought both). They could have left it off and I wouldn't have shed a tear. Basically, it's Oxygene 8 played on a early 50's model Russian tape recorder in the left channel and some bass/drum/probably- meant-to- be-house that lasts 7:30 minutes. The last 15 seconds are actually nice, especially because you know the track will end soon. Dado's Club Remix is quite good. Compare it with Praga Kahn's Dream Time Mix of Chronologie 4. Hard to say whether the original is best or this one. Hani's Oxygene 303 starts as an Oxygene 4 remix, with the wind and the chords, and later moves into an Oxygene 8 remix. Nice one. However, I doubt all these mixes will have an impact in the club scene. Either they are too dull, or they're not enough mainstream house. - - Peter - -- Peter Korsten | | Haesenbos, Wetzels & Van der Heijden Multimedia Support 'Never EVER mess with a jumper you don't know about, even if it's labeled "sex and free beer".' -Dave Haynie, Amiga developer # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Onar Aam Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 19:16:45 +0100 Subject: (jarre) re: unoriginal >> By the way, I have read some postings of people who think that >> 'Chronologie' is unoriginal. The first track is just incredibly original. >> Have you guys listened to the part with the glissandos?. Yes. I actually think this was a "cheap" part since glissandos are the easiest things in the world to make. Sounded like he used a preset sound on one of his synths. It does, however, have hints of excellence, I have to admit that. In fact, most of the pieces on Chrono has fragments that are really, really good. (even part 5!) But they drown in banalities. :-( Part 6, for instance, has a brilliant bass line, but declines with the "melody". Part 4 could have been very, very good, but sounds like Italo-Disco. Part 7 has too little musical structure. Could have been very good, but ends up as little more than sounds (much like MF 3) And just when part 8 is about to get really good it ends! Part 2 starts off extremely well, but declines into Bach-organ masturbation. Part 1 was just about to become a classic like Ethnicolor when Jarre just stops the train with his "laughter" glissandos. The only piece which holds a high musical standard throughout is part 3. >In this view, Oxygene and - to a lesser extend - Equinoxe >where original, because in the mid-seventies, what you heard was >disco and some rock. No, O and E were original because no-one had ever made music like that before. It was completely new. A band which plays rock from 60's today isn't original just because no-one plays music like that today. Original means "new" not "different". >Zoolook was *very* new and original. Ethnicolor does indeed stand out as a classic. Unfortunately the other songs (Zoolook, Zoolookologie) suffer the same fate as Mozart: outcompeted by their rip-offs. Onar. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Brendan Scollary Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 10:56:11 +0000 Subject: (jarre) Oxygene 8 single in Australia Would anybody know where I can purchase the new Oxygene 8 single from, either via WWW or from an overseas shop? None of the stores I have called in Sydney, Australia, know of the single or have it as coming in soon! Please reply soon, the suspense of the release of this single is killing me, especially after the news that the Melbourne concert is now not going ahead! Damn. Regards BJS # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: (Philip R. Banks) Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 23:34:41 +1300 Subject: Re: (jarre) CHIRAC I must admit I have to agree largely with Peter Korsten. To me it doesn't matter whether Jarre's music is stylisticly 'original' or whether it has shades of other works in it. To me that is more for people who are interested in the theory behind the music than the music itself. (This is not to say I wish to demean music theory in the slightest, it merely doesn't interest me.) For me the effect I am worried about is how the music sounds and what it evokes in me. The sample I have heard of the 'Oxygene 8' track gives me no great cause for alarm here. Yes it does seem to be different in style to most of the tracks on the original 'Oxygene' but then there is a great deal of variation with that album as it is, in terms of tempo and style. Whether all tracks are like 'Oxygene 8' I don't know, and until the full album makes it out to this end of the world I will be hard pressed to judge this. :) But for me, hearing the sample of the single, I still hear the things that endear Jarre's music to me. Clarity of sound, his differing instruments are still all clearly defined in the music. His trademark simple tune embedded within a complex stucture, something that almost instantly makes his music recognisable. And a hint of mood and feeling in the music, in this case quite upbeat and positive. (It is hard to judge this fully until I hear the real single because the sample has, neccesarily, had some quality degredation.) To me the single shows all the signs of being a classic Jarre track, giving me confidence in the new album. Is it such a groundbreaking and revolutionary work as the likes of Equinox and Oxygene? No, but then such albums tend to come but once or twice in an artists career as part of that ground breaking novelty is the interpretive and arranging style of the artist themselves. Jarre's later work will of course seem less original than the first albums because they are all stylisticly similar, which is also why you can always identify a Jarre track even if you haven't heard the album before. Mike Oldfield is another fine example of this. He has a definite style of playing and arrangement that single his music out and make it recognisable. To a lot of people he not produced as groundbreaking an album as 'Tubular Bells' even though I feel 'Tubular Bells II' is actually what Mike really wanted the album to sound like and that the 'Songs of Distant Earth' is an extremely strong album - possibly an album to rival 'Tubular Bells'. In essence, and to try and constrain myself from rambling further, I say to those people who miss the Halcyon days of 'Oxygene' and 'Equinox' that they need to get used to it. The novelty factor that those albums have is unlikely to be repeated to the same level again due to familiarity with the artist. Instead appreciate what we do get from Jarre and that is a versatile artist who has produced albums in many differing genre/styles of music, each album quite distinctively stamped with his interpretive brand and style. Philip - -- Philip R. Banks @@@@@/| Wesley suddenly underwent a gratutious total existence failure. "My God!@@@@/#| " cried Dr. Crusher, "What's happened to Wesley?". "Who cares?" replied @@@/##| Riker. "Agreed, #1," said Picard. "Mr. Data, take us out of here-Warp 9.@@/---| Engage." The Enterprise shot towards the stars. --- Minimalist Trek @/ | # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Dirix Benjamin <> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:41:33 +0100 (MET) Subject: (jarre) M.f.Supermarkets Hello everybody, I'm back! I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I've been a member of the list for about half a year, 'till last year. I didn't post that much really..... I started the discussion about how some specific samples in some of Jarre's tracks should be pronounced and written, kinda stupid really ;-) Now I'm back, and ready for a(u)ction! It seems I've picked a good time, now that there is about to happen much in JMJ-land..... Offcourse, I too am eagerly awaiting the Oxygene 7-13 album, although I haven't heard the sample from the net yet. I've only downloaded it a few hours ago, her in school, so I can't wait 'till I'm home to turn my PC on and plug in that disk!!! It seems some people think the Oxy-8 single is kinda Robert Miles or some other dance music. I CERTAINLY HOPE THIS IS NOT TRUE, and that Jarre has put his characteristic sounds in the song/album. I don't want a house/trance/dance album. This is also the reason why I've never bought and never WILL buy the Jarremix album. This is NOT what I like!!! Jarre's music WAS special/different, and it should STAY so!!! Now, you will probably think "what about this guy's subject: musique pour supermarches"? Well, I'm *VERY* desperate about this matter. IS THERE RALLY NOBODY WHO HAS A SAMPLE FROM M.P.SUPERMARCHES??????? There has been, and there still is some talkin' about this album, but it can't be true that nobody of this big Jarre-family of fans hasn't got a very little sample from one or another track..... Maybe someone has the bootleg CD, or the version from Mercurey 1993..... This last cover group didn't even bother to answer my mail about this matter, so HARRIE, I like your page most of all (and this is NOT a lie) but it seems that Mercurey isn't worth the link..... (I believe there is one on your page) Maybe they didn't answer because they found out I was from Belgium (some Dutch people don't like the Belgians.....) I'm gonna stop my debut-mail here because I'm running out of ink ;-) I hope somebody bothers to read this (pretty long) mail, and can help me with my problem!!! BYE EVERYBODY, IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK! Benjamin (Vega!) - -------- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Mike Henderson" Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 09:16:41 -0700 Subject: (jarre) New releases listing For those of you interested in North America (and anywhere else, I guess...): Siren CD in the US has the following listings for the new Jarre releases: Jarre, Jean Michel • Oxygene Part 8 (Part 1) CDS $10.99 Includes 08 Club Mix, Dado's FM Remix, Takkyo Ishino Edit & Dodo Ethnic Mix, plus a bonus multimedia track. Release Date: 3-Feb-97 • Oxygene Part 8 (Part 2) CDS $10.99 Includes Original Edit, Takkyo Ishino Edit, Dado's Club Mix & Hani's Oxygene 303. Release Date: 3-Feb-97 • Oxygene Parts 7-13 CD $27.99 20 years after the original "Oxygene" album, Jarre returns to claim the title of Godfather of Electronic Music. Release Date: 17-Feb-97 This was clipped from the URL: Mike # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Hallvard Fagerland Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 02:42:17 +0100 (MET) Subject: Re: (jarre) CHIRAC - ---------- >From: (Peter Korsten) >To: (Yago Lamela-Tobio) >CC: >Subject: Re: (jarre) CHIRAC >Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 10:58:51 +0100 > >Yago Lamela-Tobio shared with us: >> Does Jarre really support Chirac or is it just bullshit?. > >I wouldn't know, it's not a tradition in other countries to use >artists or actors for your campaign. I don't really care for Jarre's >political opinion, even if he were to support the guy who thinks he >can dictate other countries' internal affairs, and meanwhile blows >up islands in the Pacific. Sorry, off-topic. The person asked if the Chirac-thing was "real or just bullshit" - not your flippant opinions about Chirac, and this is what I'm talking about why it is so hard to discuss these things on the jarre-lists. You can't stay to the facts. To tell you what I know: Jarre and other famous french (don't know who) was gathered on some kind of "election campaign happenings" of Chirac. It was said that all these celebs was in favour of Chirac. My source is the largest paper in Norway, "VG". It was also confirmed by a french guy (can't remember who) on the old mailinglist. But, I've also been told that Chirac had previously helped Jarre with his Paris-concerts cause then Chirac was "the major" of Paris. The french guy said that this could be the reason Jarre now helped Chirac. If this was the real reason, could somebody confirm this? Maybe all the people who don't like Chirac can sleep better then. ;) If this was a cultural evening, does anybody for instance know if Jarre performed? ******************************************* * Hallvard Fagerland * * Give War a Chance * * Norway * ******************************************* # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Marc Lawrence Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:06:49 +0000 (GMT) Subject: (jarre) Album in UK At least the Album appears it will get issued on the 15th correctly as MHV (bath) are advertising its realease and giving people the oppotunity to reserve early. As to regards of some stores not knowing Jarre - perhaps it is the store not the chain at fault! Hoping the single get released soon Marc Marc Lawrence They came out from the sea, to help and understand, but not to kill. It takes many lives to succeed, to clear the debts of many, many hundreds of years. Enigma II # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 11:49:08 +0100 Subject: (jarre) Chirac: YES I just would like to inform people (like Hallvard Fagerland) who would like to know whether JMJ helped Chirac in his campaign or not. HE DID ! Before his election, I saw an article in "Paris Match", a famous french magazine. There was shown a photograph showing Jarre going to meet Chirac in order to give him "all the support he can give him". C U Thomas Gruberski, Basel, Switzerland # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Thomas 'Falken' Chiverton" Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 12:14:10 +0000 (GMT) Subject: Re: (jarre) Album in UK On Wed, 29 Jan 1997, Marc Lawrence wrote: > At least the Album appears it will get issued on the 15th correctly as MHV > (bath) are advertising its realease and giving people the oppotunity to > reserve early. The 15th ? Really ? Up here in Manchester they have it as the 17th. Thomas Chiverton - -- X TC We are in the countdown: Radio- January 7th, Single- January 27th, Album- Febuary 17th, `Oxygene 7-13` the new Jarre album, and my new pages ! +---+ ^ /""\ We can dress real neat, from | | / \( ) our hands to our feet, and +---++---+\__/ PGP key / anon. on request surprise them with electric light # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Dave Freeman" Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 01:47:11 +0000 Subject: (jarre) Euro tour dates now on the Revolution web site! The confirmed dates for Jean Michel's European tour can now be found on our web site, at: 19 concerts are confirmed so far, in 10 countries: - - France - - Denmark - - Sweden - - Norway - - Germany - - Austria - - Switzerland - - Holland - - Belgium - - England There is just the basic dates and venues on the web site for now, more to follow soon. I have just come back from the press conference and feel tired! ;-) A lot more details about the tour, info on the album, single releases, info and pictures for the press conference/premiere to appear on the Revolution web site very soon! Ta La Dave - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - Dave Freeman - Revolution - Jean Michel Jarre Magazine - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - Email: - - - Visit Our Web Site: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - New Album: Oxygene 7-13 (17th Feb 1997) - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Thomas 'Falken' Chiverton" Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 14:11:48 +0000 (GMT) Subject: Re: (jarre) Euro tour dates now on the Revolution web site! On Fri, 31 Jan 1997, Dave Freeman wrote: > - England YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS ! And one in *MANCHESTER* where I live ! YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS ! Oh, WOW !!!! Ek ! etc. Thomas Chiverton, with huge_grin_flag==TRUE - -- X TC We are in the countdown: Radio- January 7th, Single- January 27th, Album- Febuary 17th, `Oxygene 7-13` the new Jarre album, and my new pages ! +---+ ^ /""\ We can dress real neat, from | | / \( ) our hands to our feet, and +---++---+\__/ PGP key / anon. on request surprise them with electric light # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Dave Freeman" Date: Sat, 1 Feb 1997 18:23:06 +0000 Subject: (jarre) UK Promotion has begun! ;-) The past few days has seen the start of some promotion for the album in the UK: - - The new issue of Q Magazine has a half page (vertical) advert for the new album. I have not seen it personally yet, so can not comment, but I am told it is very eye-catching. - - The Oxygene 8 video was on TOTP2 (BBC 2) tonight, and missed it! ;-((( The complete video was shown, with Steve Jones briefly talking about Jarre before and after the video. Well, that is the start, I expect much more soon! ;-) Ta La Dave - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - Dave Freeman - Revolution - Jean Michel Jarre Magazine - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - Email: - - - Visit Our Web Site: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - New Album: Oxygene 7-13 (17th Feb 1997 - UK Release Date) - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Dave Freeman" Date: Sat, 1 Feb 1997 21:45:39 +0000 Subject: (jarre) Re: Euro tour dates now on the Revolution web site! > Really From: Brendan Heading > > Dave Freeman was saying: > > >More to follow sometime this afternoon/tonight, including news of a > >superb prize *you* can win! Stay tuned! ;-) > > I suppose you have to find SOME way of getting rid of the mountains of promo > copies of Oxygene 7-13 that were dumped on you at the conference :-) Hmm, we did not get mountains of promos Brendan... ;-) Anyway, the prize is an Oxygene 7-13 press kit, which includes: - - Press Photo (B/W, 10" X 8"). - - Press Sheets. - - Special edition promo CD of Oxygene 7-13, in an unqiue sleeve, and states on the back cover, 'Special Edition Promotion Disc - Hayward Gallery, 30th January 1997 - 0713 Not For Sale', which has 20 bit mastering. - - Presented in a specially designed Oxygene 7-13 folder. One added bonus, Jean Michel has dedicated and autographed the press kit for the lucky winner! ;-))) News on how to enter to appear on the mailing lists, Revolution web site, and issue 10 of Revolution shortly - stay tuned! Ta La Dave - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - Dave Freeman - Revolution - Jean Michel Jarre Magazine - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - Email: - - - Visit Our Web Site: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - New Album: Oxygene 7-13 (17th Feb 1997 - UK Release Date) - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ End of jarre Digest V7 #7 ************************* To subscribe to jarre Digest, send the command: subscribe jarre-digest in the body of a message to "". 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