From: To: Subject: jarre Digest V7 #12 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: jarre Digest Wednesday, 26 February 1997 Volume 07 : Number 012 In this issue: (jarre) Re: The Moscow-concert (jarre) Oxygene 8 in Mexico!!!!! (jarre) LTD ED in OZ and JMJ soundtracks RE: (jarre) Oxygene (jarre) Organized tour for the 3 UK venues (jarre) Theremin info (jarre) Oxygene 7-13 (jarre) (jarre) Theremin info (jarre) OXYGENERATION NEWS !!! (jarre) Re: Not in the top 10 (jarre) Underground Music Mailing Lists (jarre) New Oxygene in U.S.? (jarre) UK Fans - Keep track of the album in the charts (jarre) Concert in France? (jarre) reply (jarre) JARRE LIVE IN GLASGOW!!!!! See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the jarre or jarre-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hallvard Fagerland Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 02:08:28 +0100 Subject: (jarre) Re: The Moscow-concert > On Mon, 17 Feb 1997, Hallvard Fagerland wrote: > > > Really From: Hallvard Fagerland > > > > In the "Dagbladet"-interview (Norwegian newspaper) Onar didn't mention > > the Moscow-concert which I haven't heard about or seen info on before. > > > > According to the paper Jarre has been invited to do a show in connection > > with the 850th anniversary of the city of Moscow later this year. > > > > "Architecture, environment, light and music melts into a whole unique > > show" as Jarre is quoted. That means a *big outdoor* concert, Njet? ;) > > > > -- > > I can't believe! Jarre finally arrives in Moscow!!!!!!!!!!! > Hallward, write if there will be any confirmation > (obviously you have more info than I ):))))) > And I hope it will be really big outdoor concert that I dream of! > Da!!! I've said everything I know. I'm sending a copy os this mail to the other Jarre-list - maybe someone there can inform you better. - -- ********************************************* *Hallvard Fagerland * * Give War a Chance! * *Norway * ********************************************* # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Rodolfo Gonzalez Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 17:26:07 -0600 (CST) Subject: (jarre) Oxygene 8 in Mexico!!!!! Hello, we have received last week a phone call from one of the biggest record stores in Mexico City. They reported us that the singles of Oxygene 8 are available (imported, just few CD's in stock!). Saludos from "Le Maitre". PS. "Le Maitre" will not be working until tomorrow. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez. Fac. de Ciencias de la Computacion. B.U.A.P. e-mail: WWW: (IP: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: (Erik Petersen ) Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 17:10:43 +1100 Subject: (jarre) LTD ED in OZ and JMJ soundtracks Sony Music Australia is releasing 5,500 copies of the Limited Edition CD (as described below) to Australian retailers on March 10. If you want it, it's Epic 486984-9. At recommended retail of A$29.95, I guess it's the same price as the std edition. > Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 15:14:09 +0100 > From: (Peter Korsten) > > 1. The 3D cover is pretty funny. It's like the pictures you played > with as a child, the ones you can animate by tilting them. The > effect is established by both the CD case and the booklet. If > you look from the right point, you see the stars in the humanoid > figure in the background and the globe in the foreground. > - Peter > -- > Peter Korsten > C/C++/Java/Perl-hacker > As an aside, I went to the new HMV store in Melbourne, and the only thing they had on catalog of JMJs was the soundtrack to "The Professionals". Any one know what the music used on this was? I know they used JMJ for part of the soundtrack to Gallipoli the movie. Have any other movies or TV shows used his music? cheers, Erik - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Erik Petersen, Melbourne, Australia ( .... .... "Mistakes are to life what shadows are to light." Ernst Junger. "Looks like trouble." Kamen, Aliens vs Predator screenplay (unfilmed) "Idverymuchliketobuyapostagestampplease." Alice, through the Needle's Eye "There was nothing to be said. So I said it." Philip Marlowe P.I, Poodle Springs # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: (Paul Bovis) Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:14:34 -0800 Subject: RE: (jarre) Oxygene Pedram wrote: >BTW, what are people's favourite JMJ tracks? Mine still has to be Second >Rendez-vous (and possibly also from his best album). This track alone got me hooked on Jarre. I first heard R-V II when I watched a replay of his La Defense concert last November. Others I like are: Revolution (Jarre Live) Magnetic Fields II (Hong Kong) Ethnicolor (Houston-Lyon) Oxygene IV Anybody else for favorite songs? Concerts maybe? If this has already been done a million times please excuse me as I have only been on this list for a week. Greetind from CANADA :-) PAUL BOVIS "I'm a peripheral visionary. I can see into the future, but it's way off to the side." -Steven Wright # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: (Ivan Sandor) Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 17:10:55 -0500 Subject: (jarre) Organized tour for the 3 UK venues Hello to all I got one quote from a travel agency. This is for everyone who wishes to paricipate all 3 concert in the UK but has no place to say and has no transportation. The price does not include: - -price of you ticket to London, England - -price of the 3 concert tickets ( you can buy them by faxing to 171-483-4246) - -your spending money :) The price includes: - -6 nights accomodation double occupancy (4 in London, 1 Birmingham and 1 Manchester) with breakfast, Three star hotel! - -private bus from London to Birmingham, Birmingham to Manchester and Manchester to London - - one souvenir T shirt from Equinoxe: The North American Jarre Recource The maximum is 50 person. However since the price is dramaticaly increases with a group less than 35 I am not sure if I will go ahead with low attandance. The price is approximately $700 CAD ( $530 US ) Exact price is quoted when I'll know how many people are intrested. If it close to 50 than it can drop by $50 Canadian. Please let me know ASAP!! Also do not forget to buy your own concert ticket. Exact dates and more information will be poster on the Equinoxe page. See you :) Ivan O-O O-O O-O O-O Ivan Sandor 18 Teddington Park Avenue, Toronto ON, M4N 2C3, Canada O-O Je/\n /\/\ic|-|el J/\rre Collector O-O E Q U I N O X E The North American Jarre Resource # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Nicholas D. Kent" Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 21:08:41 +0000 Subject: (jarre) Theremin info The Theremin was arguably true electronic musical instrument and was invented in 1920 by Leon Theremin (Lev Termen). Certainly the first to have a major impact. RCA put them in commercial production in 1929. It works by sensing the proximity of each hand to 2 antenna. One antenna controls pitch the other regulates the voulme. It used radio tubes (transistors now!). Lenin admired it. It's very difficult to learn to play melodies on. Some people compare learning it to learning to play the violin Bob Moog started his company building them while in college (the patent had expired) and now that he is self employed, still makes them. You can hear Theremin (the instrument! not the guy) playing in the films "Spellbound", "The Lost Weekend", "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and o variant of it on the Beach Boy's "Good Vibrations" Recently it has become "trendy" to play Theremin and a cottage industry has sprung up to build them (no patent). A lot of attention came from the band Portishead using it on their album opener, who ironically admitted they were just imatating one on a synth. The fairly recent score to "Nadja" has large amounts of Theremin playing in it. Theremin and Henry Cowell invented the first electronic rhythm machine in the 1930s. Theremin appears to have been forcably drafted into the KGB in 1938 where he later invented the bug. He died a couple years ago and was fortunately able to to get the recognition he deserved in his final years. Of course one will always dream of what other musical instruments he would have invented if he was supported. nick kent japanese electronic music site # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Jurjen van den Broeck Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 15:37:15 +0100 (MET) Subject: (jarre) Oxygene 7-13 Check this out: This dutch firm "CD Teleshop" offers a LP of Oxygene 7-13 for only 28 dutch guilders. I just received my item and it looks realy great. Kind regards Jurjen van den Broeck P.S. JMJ's single Oxygene 8 is now rated 58 on the mega top 100!!!!!! +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jurjen van den Broeck JE/\N /\/\IC|-|EL J/\RRE | | Dries van der Vlerkstraat 18 collector | | 3063 RD Rotterdam | | The Netherlands E-mail : | | HomePage H&P : | | JarrePage : | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ "Dwaling is leegte <=> digitale snelweg" # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: (Paul Bovis) Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 08:46:45 -0800 (PST) Subject: (jarre) Hi everybody! The Official jarre webpage is now open! Paul Bovis "I'm a peripheral visionary. I can see into the future, but it's way off to the side." -Steven Wright # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Lazlo Nibble" Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 10:52:05 -0700 (MST) Subject: (jarre) Theremin info I have a few theremin links on the Exotica mailing list page: - -- ::: Lazlo (; ::: Internet Music Wantlists: # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: (Michael Kollros) Date: Sun, 23 Jun 96 02:54 +0100 Subject: (jarre) OXYGENERATION NEWS !!! ___________________________________________________________________________ < O X Y G E N E R A T I O N > ___________________________________________________________________________ DEUTSCHER JEAN MICHEL JARRE FANCLUB MUENCHEN c/o Michael Kollros Schwedensteinstrasse 43 81827 Muenchen E-Mail: H O M E P A G E: ______________________________________________________________________________ OXYGENERATION NEWS FROM SATURDAY 22.2.97 ---------------------------------------- Extended German ticket news: Tickets for ALL German shows are available from TODAY: 1.: 13.5.1997 Leipzig Messehalle Tickets: Germany + (0)931-55554 Only STAND-tickets for DM 63,50 2.: 14.5.97 Berlin Deutschlandhalle Tickets: +(0)30-23088230 Only STAND-tickets for DM 78,-- (Creditcards accepted) 3.: 16.5.97 Hamburg Sporthalle Tickets: + (0)40-418068 4.: 18.5.97 Stuttgart Schleyerhalle Tickets: + (0)711-221105 Reservable SITTING-tickets for DM 60,-- to DM 91,70 5.: 23.5.97 Muenchen Olympiahalle Tickets: +(0)89-336659 or (0)89-299901 Reservable SITTING-tickets for DM 60,-- to DM 99,-- Extensive Infos of Munich, MAIL US! 6.: 24.5.97 46117 Oberhausen Arena Tickets: + (0)208-82000 Reservable SITTING-tickets for DM 60,-- to DM 99,-- 7.: 25.5.97 Frankfurt\Main Festhalle Tickets: + (0)69-91397621 Reservable SITTING-tickets and STAND-tickets for DM 60,-- to 100,--DM All ticket-reservations checked by us, SALE open from today!!! Don`t miss Jean Michel Jarres`s first live performance at 22.3.97 in Vienna (Austria) at the German-Saturday-evening-show "Wetten, dass" at ZDF\ORF or SRG. More infos about it, as soon as available at our new WEB-side, comming up within the next 2 weeks. For those who missed: FIRST OXYGENERATION INFO (E): ----------------------------- OXYGENE TOUR: Additional to the concerts in Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Berlin, Stuttgart and Oberhausen, there now is a concert confirmed in Leipzig at 13.5.1997 at the MESSEHALLE. Tickets for Germany will be available within the next three weeks. VISIT IN GERMANY: It is confirmed, that Jean Michel visits Germany next week for three days. But no appearance for fans planned like at FAME in Holland. CD - EXTRA: Good news: The second Maxi of Oxygene 8 is out now (# 664074-5), with 4 more mixes:1.: Club Mix 2.: Dado`s FM Remix 3.: Takkyu Ishino Edit 4.: Dado`s Ethnic Remix Bad news: The CD contains no and will never contain any Multimedia Extra files. There are no plans anymore of a release of this CD with CD-Extra files, although the cover comes with the CD-Extra symbol. Limited Editon CD: Attention, all German JMJ - Fans !!!!!!! We were told by Sony Music, that the limited CD with the 3D-cover has only a number of 5000 pieces here in Germany and is only available NOW and only at the stores of SATURN. So be fast, to get still one of this rare items. At the moment the stocks of Saturn is full, but remember, only 5000 copies!!! (STILL some left!) News also available in German, at our forthcoming new webside!!! Don`t miss it. # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Thomas 'Falken' Chiverton" Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 13:32:41 +0000 (GMT) Subject: (jarre) Re: Not in the top 10 On Sun, 23 Feb 1997, Colin Neal wrote: > Jarre is not in the UK top 10 album chart according to Radio 1 (who have the > same Gallup chart as everyone else). You'd think it would beat Chronologie > which got to 11 in it's first week, but no. Probably because it isn't as good > as Chronologie.... Or maybe it's just the *total* lack of advertising outside london ? Thomas Chiverton, waving to the spooks at GCHQ - -- If we don't fully utilise [J]/M\(J)News PGP and anon. available our understanding of technology Oxygene 7-13 we are still living in the past is out now ! "It is a continuation of [my sig], not a sequal... I have returned to my roots, using text as raw materials like a sculptors' clay" - J M Jarre # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Mitchel Waas Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 08:48:59 -0500 Subject: (jarre) Underground Music Mailing Lists Announcing a revolutionary new project called UMML, or Underground Music Mailing Lists. "What is this," you ask? UMML is a weekly Periodical, Database and Information Repository dedicated to providing a comprehensive listing of all music-related mailing lists of an underground nature. Supporting ALL underground musical genres, including: Gothic, Industrial, Techno, Rave, Trance, Ambient, Ethereal, Electro, Synthpop, New Wave, New Age, Dance, College Radio, BritPop, Ska, Two-Tone, Hardcore, Punk, Funk, "Electronica", less well-known alternative acts, and similar offshoots. Also featuring a TREMENDOUS section devoted to nightclubs, radio, e-zines, DJ'ing, music production and composition, concerts and WORLDWIDE regional info, UMML is the _DEFINITIVE_ compendium of Underground Music Mailing Lists. Just how amazingly revolutionary and awe-inspiring is this? Well, suffice it to say, the first issue of UMML was released two weeks ago, and there have been well over FIFTEEN HUNDRED! e-mail requests of the file to date. In addition, as of UMML Volume 005, the database contains over 230 Music-Related Mailing Lists. Shocking, isn't it? Anyway, I'll stop babbling. If you're interested in grabbing up a copy of this world-changing document, rush off to your e-mail program and type up a letter THIS INSTANT, if not sooner. Just send me a note at this address ( with the SUBJECT LINE of "umml-request" (without quotes!) In other words, on the line of your e-mail editor that says either "Subject:" or "Header:" or "Topic:", you would type: umml{DASH}request{ENTER} Simple, huh? Even a two year-old with no computer experience could do it, so I'm sure you'll do fine. As far as the BODY of the message, there's no need to type a thing in there, unless you have some comments for me, telling me how astoundingly amazing I am for coming up with such a very cool and unusual project. Or whatever. If you're too lazy to bother with the e-mail request, just hop on the web and visit the UMML homepage at and download the latest version from there. Whatever makes you happy. Hope to hear from you soon, and I hope you enjoy UMML! (Oh, and it's free. Won't cost you a penny. Guarantee it.) :) lateron Mitchel Waas Midnight Sorrow Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. UNDERGROUND MUSIC MAILING LISTS! South Florida WebGuide - Mitch's HomePage - # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Pedram Samghabadi" Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 15:54:24 -0500 Subject: (jarre) New Oxygene in U.S.? I was at the Virgin Megastore in Manhattan this weekend, and still no = sign of the new Oxygene. Anybody know when/if it will be released in = the U.S. ? Later, Pedram # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Thomas 'Falken' Chiverton" Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:41:01 +0000 (GMT) Subject: (jarre) UK Fans - Keep track of the album in the charts To see where O7-13 ends up in next weeks album chart, goto after 1600 Monday's Thomas Chiverton, waving to the spooks at GCHQ - -- If we don't fully utilise [J]/M\(J)News PGP and anon. available our understanding of technology Oxygene 7-13 we are still living in the past #11 UK album! # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: Cedric Gouttenoire Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 16:31:24 MET Subject: (jarre) Concert in France? I had a look at this afternoon, and I was surprised not to see the date of Toulon's concert, the only concert in France... Has it been canceled? # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "ALEXANDER G." Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 21:08:09 -0500 Subject: (jarre) reply >I was at the Virgin Megastore in Manhattan this weekend, and still no sign of the new Oxygene. Anybody know when/if it will be released in the U.S. ? Later, Pedram<< I supposed to come out on April 29. I contact sony periodically to get updates. For more info posted on that topic check (the main list) ALEXANDER G. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Alexander G. []/\() ~ ~ City: Lexington:) J.M. Jarre |__________________________________________~ ~ Country: USA :) Laserdance |You are still there?! ~ ~ Planet: Earth :) Koto | J.M. Jarre (Rendez-vous Houston, 1986)~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ From: "Dave Freeman" Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 21:39:11 +0000 Subject: (jarre) JARRE LIVE IN GLASGOW!!!!! Hi all, Yes it is true... Jean Michel Jarre is coming to SCOTLAND!!! Date: Wednesday 4th June Venue: Scottish Exhibiton and Conference Centre (SECC) Ticket Prices: TBA (Probably #25 - same as other UK shows) Availability: Friday 28th February - 9am Telephone Number: 0141 248 3000 PLEASE do *not* call before Friday!!! The head of ticket sales, who I have just spoken to at SECC, is getting ready for an avalanche!!!!! ;-))) It seems this date has been preferred to the concert in Newcastle, which looks now it will not be taking place (the scheduled date for Newcastle was the 4th June). OK, see you there on the 4th- Och Aie! ;-))))) More details soon! Ta La Dave - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - Dave Freeman - Revolution - Jean Michel Jarre Magazine - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - Email: - - - Visit Our Web Site: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - New Single: Oxygene 8 (UK Release Date - 10th March 1997) - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Need help using (or leaving) this mailing list? # Email with "info jarre" in the message. # Postings must go to -- replies go to original sender. ------------------------------ End of jarre Digest V7 #12 ************************** To subscribe to jarre Digest, send the command: subscribe jarre-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-jarre": subscribe jarre-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "jarre-digest" in the commands above with "jarre". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/jarre/archive. These are organized by date.