From: Cagey Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin's new storyline Date: 01 Apr 1998 08:46:56 -0500 Rika wrote: >First off, before I get to the spoilers, you may want to check out the TV >Guide Online site. There's a Q&A session with Jon Lindstrom posted there. I just dropped by, but the posting are dated today, so I'm guessing JL's Q&A is gone. Could you post some more specific details? >(including Jon's best guess as to when K&L will get married). Particularly regarding that comment? >Second, has anybody seen the new PC promo? It's devoted to Kevin's new >storyline. It includes the bit from the hospital where the camera crew acted like someone was shot, a scene similar to Kevin's "vision" of someone with a knife from yesterday, and S P O I L E R S A H O Y ! Kevin asking Victor something about episodes in the book relating to his own past (I really can't remember the line, but since I forgot to set my tape to record today , the promo will still be there when I get home, and I can check), and then some of the dialogue that Taiyin and I heard when they were taping, including "It's a murder mystery. People die." >Jon, in the interview on TV Guide Online, even mentions that the whole >"General Homicide" story is going to become a big story on both PC and GH. I'll include more spoiler space, because I don't think either Taiyin or I mentioned this from our previous post about the set tour S P O I L E R S H O The main character in _General Homicide_, who is based on Lucy, is murdered at the Nurse's Ball. So that may be the tie between PC and GH. On a similar note, it was nice to see so many reference on PC yesterday to the events from GH. >You know, *another* repressed memory for Kevin. It does rather make Kevin akin to Sam from QL, doesn't it? Swiss-cheesed memory, indeed... I'm withholding judgement for the moment. I have a nasty suspicion that the events of _General Homicide_ will start to take place, and Kevin, of course, will be in the hot seat. Was anybody else watching Felicia's reaction to the news that Tony was the kidnapper? If she just "forgives" Tony at the drop of a hat, I may have to shoot someone (speaking of general homicide)! --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AVID Woman Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin's new storyline Date: 02 Apr 1998 18:35:10 -0600 (CST) On Tue, 31 Mar 1998, Rika wrote: > It certainly seems like this is going to be a big storyline. Jon, in the > interview on TV Guide Online, even mentions that the whole "General > Homicide" story is going to become a big story on both PC and GH. The only > thing is, while I'm sure most of us would be happy to watch almost *any* > storyline involving a lot of screen time for Kevin, I'm worried that less > devoted fans will see this as a repetitive. You know, *another* repressed > memory for Kevin. First Grace, then his mother's abuse, and now this. I've been getting the feeling that ever since Latham has come on board as Head Writer she's been trying to give PC only viewers a Cliff Notes/Primer version of the KL relationship to get them up to speed on how these two seemingly nonmatched people can have a love so strong. We've just got done with a rehash of the Damian story with the conclusion of the first attempt by Rex to get Lucy. We've seen the lovemaking disasters to a small degree with Kevin's homecoming after the Forest Hills explosion and moreso with the beginning of Joe and Karen's relationship. Now we're getting Kevin's wretched past with this new storyline. This is probably only the real way a PC only viewer can understand Kevni's past and all the stalker comments that have been made by various characters. It's much easier to show some dimension of that past than to have some character rehash what happened on GH. It may be repetative for us GH viewers who have known the score from day one but it'll be all new to the PC people. I'd like to know what people think of the book. While I love the idea of Doc being an author I can't imagine him writing a book that all but mirrors Port charles. I'd like to think that he'd realize that those around him would figure out who's being written about, especially Lucy. As a writer myself focusing some pieces on incidents from my past I take great care to change as much as possible without losing the feel of what I'm going for. At least not set it in a small town in upstate New York. -Nicole ******************************************************************************* Danielle: What are you doing here?" Kevin: I live here. Danielle: (thoroughly confused and pointing Scott and Lucy) But *they* live here. Kevin: (insert big grin as he walks to Lucy) Yeah. Just one big, fat, dysfunctional family. -Port Charles from August 5th, 1997 ******************************************************************************* - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: Yesterday's ep Date: 03 Apr 1998 09:08:57 -0800 Well, yesterday was just NOT my day. Not only did someone slash open the roof of my new convertible and steal my purse and school backpack out of it (don't get me started on that), but then we get home last night and discover that the cable went out yesterday so we didn't get PC. And since it was the ep that Cagey and I saw them shooting, I'd REALLY like to get my hands on a copy. Can I get it from anyone? Thanks, Taiyin, who was too emotionally exhausted to stay up for the GH special last night, but my sister taped it, so I'll watch it tonight... despite the overwhelming lack of Jon and Lynn in it... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin's new storyline Date: 03 Apr 1998 18:45:38 -0500 At 06:35 PM 4/2/98 -0600, Nicole wrote: >I've been getting the feeling that ever since Latham has come on board as >Head Writer she's been trying to give PC only viewers a Cliff Notes/Primer >version of the KL relationship to get them up to speed on how these two >seemingly nonmatched people can have a love so strong. Good analysis. It explains the deja vu I've been feeling for months. We *have* seen it before! >I'd like to know what people think of the book. While I love the idea of >Doc being an author I can't imagine him writing a book that all but >mirrors Port charles. I'd like to think that he'd realize that those >around him would figure out who's being written about, especially Lucy. I do have to wonder if there's more to his portrayal of her in the book than he claims. He was pretty angry back when he wrote it, and it may unconsciously have turned into a passive-aggressive way of getting some revenge, while hiding behind the "but it's a work of fiction" excuse. If I were Lucy, I'd especially share her concern over the fact that he killed off her character. Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Answers to Questions (Friday spoilers) Date: 03 Apr 1998 18:59:23 -0500 I'm amazed by how much happened on today's PC - it appeared to cover a 24-hour period, and a very busy one at that! But on to the specific Kevin-related issues at hand: S P O I L E R S A H O Y ! ! ! We got answers - full or partial - to at least three burning questions today: Question: Has Kevin been reinstated at GH? Answer: Maybe, but not as a psychiatrist. He told Victor today that he was still unable to practice medicine because of what he did to Felicia. So whatever he's doing at GH, he's not doing it as an M.D. I bet he's doing counseling, as opposed to psychotherapy. I am REALLY glad about this. If they had reinstated him off camera, that would have shown a monumental lack of respect for the character. It was a very big deal for Kevin to be denied his former profession, and it would also be a big deal if he were reinstated. I couldn't help wondering if his emphatic comments about this issue today were intended specifically to allay all the confusion among the viewers. Question: Was Jon kidding when he told Taiyin and Cagey that he had to shave and re-grow the beard? Answer: Evidently not, based on today's show. Ryan appeared, clean-shaven, in Kevin's dream. Unfortunately, Ryan appeared with Kevin's new short haircut, but, hey it's a dream, so we can argue that Kevin is somehow projecting his own appearance on his twin. And I have to say - the short hair looks better on Kevin than it does on Ryan..... Question: Why did Victor Collins leave Ryan behind when he went to Europe? Answer: We haven't been told everything yet, but I'm glad the issue has finally been explicitly raised between Kevin and Victor. I thought the Kevin/Victor scenes today were wonderful - powerful and intense. The actors work together extremely well, and it never ceases to amaze me how much they remind me of each other in subtle ways (not in appearance, but in intangibles). I would assume that isn't a coincidence. Anyway, not a bad week on the Kevin/Lucy front! Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mel Profitt Subject: Re: K&L: Answers to Questions (Friday spoilers) Date: 03 Apr 1998 20:24:21 -0500 Rika wrote: > > I'm amazed by how much happened on today's PC - it appeared to cover a > 24-hour period, and a very busy one at that! But on to the specific > Kevin-related issues at hand: > > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > S > > A > H > O > Y > ! > ! > ! > > > Answer: Evidently not, based on today's show. Ryan appeared, > clean-shaven, in Kevin's dream. Unfortunately, Ryan appeared with Kevin's > new short haircut, but, hey it's a dream, so we can argue that Kevin is > somehow projecting his own appearance on his twin. And I have to say - the > short hair looks better on Kevin than it does on Ryan..... > Whoah! Whoahwhoahwhoah! RYAN?!?!! Somebody tell me a story, please! What was Ryan saying? Was he his usual whimsical self? Should I start watching PC again? YIKES! > Question: Why did Victor Collins leave Ryan behind when he went to Europe? > Sigh, I've been asking myself the same question for years. :( Mel, who hates to admit it, but the only thing that can get her to watch PC again is the re-appearance of Ryan Chamberlain... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Answers to Questions (Friday spoilers) Date: 04 Apr 1998 11:27:44 -0500 At 08:24 PM 4/3/98 -0500, Mel wrote: >> Question: Why did Victor Collins leave Ryan behind when he went to Europe? >> > >Sigh, I've been asking myself the same question for years. :( See, if you were watching you'd learn the answer!!!! >Mel, who hates to admit it, but the only thing that can get her to watch >PC again is the re-appearance of Ryan Chamberlain... I'm not sure that we'll see him again. Kevin (while dreaming) saw him in a mirror. He was sarcastically berating Kevin for believing lies that he's been told. It wasn't a lengthy scene. Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AVID Woman Subject: K&L: Question concerning Cassadine knowledge Date: 04 Apr 1998 23:32:03 -0600 (CST) On occassion someone on RATSA will ask for a primer on Kevin's background and I've noticed that it's been mentioned that Stefan and Alexis encouraged Kevn's patients to sue him in the aftermath of the Jasmine Island affair. Since he ended up working for them I was wondering if their involvement happened to what extent if any Kevin knew about it. This was the period I couldn't keep up due to school so if anyone could help that would be great. Thanks -Nicole - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Question concerning Cassadine knowledge Date: 05 Apr 1998 11:28:29 -0400 At 11:32 PM 4/4/98 -0600, Nicole wrote: > >On occassion someone on RATSA will ask for a primer on Kevin's background >and I've noticed that it's been mentioned that Stefan and Alexis >encouraged Kevn's patients to sue him in the aftermath of the Jasmine >Island affair. Since he ended up working for them I was wondering if their >involvement happened to what extent if any Kevin knew about it. This was >the period I couldn't keep up due to school so if anyone could help that >would be great. Thanks No, Kevin never found out about that. I suspect that if the Cassadine-Collins Connection storyline hadn't been cancelled due to the advent of PC, he might have made that discovery. Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, an Apology, an Invitation, and a Fight Date: 05 Apr 1998 21:41:23 -0400 KEVIN, LUCY, AN APOLOGY, AN INVITATION, AND A FIGHT - November, 1994 The last time we saw our heroes, Lucy was storming out of the Lighthouse, leaving a disaster (from an attempt to make chicken soup) in Kevin's kitchen. Today, Lucy bursts in the door to Kevin's office and stops short, disappointed, when she sees that he is not at his desk. She turns to leave, but then notices him sitting on his couch. He smiles at her. L: "Don't say it - I already know. I must be nuts." K: "Well, at least you've come to the right place." L: "Have I?" K: "That's a rhetorical question, I assume." L: "Well, it's just, sometimes I wonder. Why am I here?" K: "Now we're moving into the existential." L: "I'm being serious and you're joking. You know, that seems to be always a problem with us - we're always working at cross purposes. Tell me something, Doc, is that healthy in a relationship?" K: "This is my office, Lucy. I don't enjoy fighting here." (Lucy sits next to him and takes his hand.) L: "I didn't come here to fight. Did I say anything about fighting? No. Actually, I came here to apologize, which is probably why I think I'm nuts, because actually I shouldn't be speaking to you at all. But here I am, once again, waving my trusty little white flag. You better hope I'm not keeping score." K: "Okay. I hope you're not keeping score." (He means it, too.) L: "Okay. Now let's get clear right up front the extent of this apology. I was right about what I said. I really think that whoever is your therapist, boy oh boy, is definitely in over his head or not quite - " K: "Lucy -" L: "All right, I'm sorry about that. I am entitled to my opinion, however." K: "Isn't there an apology in here somewhere?" L: "I am sorry, I am sorry for the way that I said it. Perhaps I should have realized that you'd be overly sensitive about the subject, and maybe I could have eased into it a little more tactfully." K: "Maybe you could have kept your opinion to yourself." L: "Well, that's what I'm gonna do. From now on you get to deal with all the psychological hooha - that's what you're good at. Because every time I do try and help you you get angry at me. And I am going to stick to what I am an expert in." K: "Which would be?" L: "Fun. I know how to have it, and you don't but I sure am willing to teach you." (Kevin stands up and walks away from the couch. Lucy hurries after him.) K: "Oh, no. I see that trap coming from a mile away." L: "What trap?" K: "The one that says, 'Okay, Lucy, fun and games it is,' and then you turn around and accuse me of using you for nothing more than escape, distraction, and sex. No thank you." L: "Where in the world would you get a crazy idea like that?" (Kevin just LOOKS at her.) L: "Oh. Me?" K: "You." L: "I said that, did I, huh?" K: "Uh huh." L: "Well, pay no mind. I talk too much. Ask anybody. Fun and games are definitely acceptable. And now that we have that all cleared up, do you want to go to Puerto Rico with me?" (Kevin DEFINITELY wasn't expecting this. Lucy calls out the heavy artillery, moving close to Kevin and sliding her hands up his chest. Kevin puts his hands on her waist and looks into her eyes as she purrs:) L: "Consider this, Doc. You know, there probably aren't all those unspeakable distractions down in Puerto Rico, and it might be very refreshing to know that this relationship can continue on its next logical step without any interruptions." (Lucy moves in for the kill, kissing Kevin and wrapping her arms around his neck. Judging from the little groan he emits as they kiss, he is completely under her spell.) L: "Come on; how soon can you be packed?" K: "I'm sorry, I have patients. I can't just disappear on them." (Well, he wasn't THAT much under her spell after all. Lucy isn't concerned, though - she was apparently anticipating some resistance.) L: "Yes you can, you just get out your handy dandy little Rolodex and you dial up all those patients and tell them you are gonna be out of town for a few days and you'll call them back to reschedule their appointments." K: "It's not that easy." (Lucy pouts.) L: "Why not?" (Kevin pulls away, retreating behind his desk.) K: "Because my patients depend on me to be available for them." L: "But what if you really were sick or you had a personal emergency?" K: "I'm not, and I don't." L: "I think you do." K: "Lucy, some of these patients are in precarious mental health." L: "Well, Doc, your emotional and mental health isn't anything to write home about either, you know." K: "Well, thank you very much for that." L: "I'm serious. I really am worried about you. I'm so afraid you're just gonna shrivel up and die inside if you don't lighten up and allow yourself to just enjoy life. And, besides, what good would you be to your patients - a shrink with no soul." (Kevin is getting mad - or maybe that would be defensive - now.) K: "I'm sorry. I can't go. I'm sorry to disappoint you." L: "Oh, Kevin, please." K: "Lucy, you're not going to change my mind. It's not that I wouldn't love to go - just not at a moment's notice and not at the expense of my patients." L: "You will give up anything, won't you, just to maintain that precious control of yours. Or maybe it's not so complicated as all that, is it? Maybe the fact of the matter is, you really just don't want to be alone with me." K: "You know that isn't true." L: "I don't know that! I don't know anything anymore. You say that, but it hasn't happened, has it?" K: "Which is not entirely my fault." (He does have a point.) L: "Oh, boy! You know what I really believe? I think somewhere down deep inside of you you're kind of secretly glad, you know, you don't have to take that last irrevocable step toward intimacy, so you get to stay nice and protected. Well, Kevin, I thought, deep down I thought you were really beginning to trust me." K: "How did we go from an unplanned vacation to an issue of trust? Lucy, my refusing to go is not an arrow aimed to hurt you. It's about responsibility." L: "Bull. This is about you shutting me out so you can keep doing your precious penance. Well, you want to know something, Doc, this is getting real old real fast." K: "Now you're really starting to make me mad. I am not doing penance, not for Grace and not for you." L: "Not for me?" K: "I am not going to feel guilty for behaving an adult. I am not going to Puerto Rico and that's the end of it. And I don't have to justify my decisions to you." L: "No, of course not. Why break your perfect record? Besides, we both really know the reason that you won't go to Puerto Rico with me, and it has nothing to do with your patients, and nothing to do with anything other than Grace, for that matter, because everything you do has to do with Grace. And you have been punishing yourself so long for her that you've given yourself one hell of an excuse to not have to experience love or joy or, heaven forbid, spontaneity, because you've just been wallowing in your suffering for so long and you enjoy it. Come on, Kevin, can't you once, just one time, open up to the possibility that maybe what happened to her is not all your fault? Maybe this demon woman had some complicity in her own fate. Or have you hidden behind her so long you have just simply forgotten how to live any other way?" K: "I think that's more than enough. L: "You're right. Oh, you're right. It's enough. I have had enough. If you want to wallow in your dark and gloomy thoughts and your nightmare images of her, then fine, be my guest. But don't come around looking for me to share in all this with you, because I won't be here. I am going to Puerto Rico with or without you." (Lucy grabs her coat and storms out. Kevin calls after her:) K: "So tell me something, Lucy, just when do I get to say something?" And the answer to his question is: on Thanksgiving Day, when he gets a duck deposited in his arms. That's all for now! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: Monk Date: 06 Apr 1998 20:56:32 -0700 The look on Kevin's face from Monday (yes, I know I"m behind) when he says: "Victor, I love that you're so logical!" was so fabulous! Oh, I love it when they are too cute for words... and I haven't even gotten to the best half of this week yet... Taiyin, catching up, slowly but surely... "You know, I really wish you wouldn't use the term "loonies" -- at least as long as we're in a *mental hosptial.*" -- Kevin to Scott - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: Whimper Date: 07 Apr 1998 09:03:23 -0700 My sister and I got home last night and discovered, much to our mutual dismay, that for the THIRD day in a week we had an hour and a half of snow on our tape where we SHOULD have had GH and PC. So, we called the cable company and found out that, lo and behold, they are doing work on the lines and, gee, we're real sorry, but get used to it, because it'll be a few more weeks before the finish. ARGH. So, anyone wanna fill me in on PC in details? And when is Jon's crossover to GH, do we know yet? Creeps. Taiyin TRYING to remember the benefits to the new apartment... "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Whimper Date: 07 Apr 1998 16:01:23 -0400 Taiyin wrote: >So, anyone wanna fill me in on PC in details? I can't help you with much of Monday, as my cable went out 10 minutes into the show, but a fairly comprehensive update has already been posted to RATSA so you might check there for all the details. >And when is Jon's crossover to GH, do we know yet? No, and I keep waiting for it! But today it was EXTREMELY obvious that he was re-growing his beard. They avoided extreme close-ups. So today must have been the first episode taped after Jon taped Ryan's "ghost." Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AVID Woman Subject: K&L: Kevin's beard and today's ep Date: 07 Apr 1998 22:02:39 -0500 (CDT) > But today it was EXTREMELY obvious that he was re-growing his beard. They > avoided extreme close-ups. So today must have been the first episode taped > after Jon taped Ryan's "ghost." I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed today. They didn't do a good job of hiding it though. Looked like it was just slapped on by the makeup people to approximate the growth before he had to shave. I'm counting the days till it's back for real. And now a little spoiler space for today's ep. C A N W E S A Y I T ' S hypnotism time again? The image of the knife plunging into someone or something appeared again today after he met with Lark. If I was him I'd save myself a lot of headaches and get myself hypnotized to see if I can get at these memories. Then again I'm not him, nor am I a writing team looking for a good juicy storyline for him. This would be the Grace/Jasmine Island portion of the KL Primer I discussed in an earlier post. It was nice to see him doing psych work even if it was in an non-professional capacity. This is probably the only time that I have really like Lark, which leads me to believe that even the most wretched character can be likeable when in a scene with Kevin. I hope we see some more scenes between him and Lark. The sessions would do them both a world of good. Kevin could further work out his feelings towards what Melanie did while at the same time helping Lark on the long road to recovery. -Nicole - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and a Thanksgiving Duck Date: 11 Apr 1998 12:10:21 -0400 By complete coincidence, the transcript for the Easter holiday weekend is one from another holiday - Thanksgiving. This is the episode in which Lucy had her first up-close-and-personal experience with a duck. Enjoy! Rika KEVIN, LUCY, AND A THANKSGIVING DUCK - November 24, 1994 Lucy sits, alone and forlorn, in her apartment, talking to a turkey decoration made out of honeycomb paper. L: "Happy Thanksgiving, Lucy, even though I do have to spend it all by myself. Well, it's much better than spending it with a joyless person who has no idea, not even a clue - " (The doorbell rings; Lucy's voice goes up about an octave and she starts talking VERY fast as she rushes to the door.) L: "what he should be thankful for. It's him! It's gotta be Kevin! It's gotta be him! Oh, goody, goody! Oh, I hope he thinks I'm gonna reinvite him, because I am NOT going to reinvite him, I'm going to ruin his day like he ruined mine. Hi - " (She says this last word as she pulls the door open - and finds a stranger there.) Delivery guy (let's call him Bob): "Ms. Coe? I have your special-order free-range duck." L: "Oh. Well, I don't need it any more - take it back." Bob: "I can't take it back. It comes from Long Island." L: "Well, you don't understand. You see, I don't have anyone to share Thanksgiving with anymore." Bob: "Well, now you have one duck. Sign here." (He holds out a clipboard in one hand, and a duck cage in the other.) L: "Excuse me, but that is a - that's a live duck! That duck is not ready for cooking!" Bob: "He's as ready as he'll ever be." L: "Oh, well, I guess maybe he eats worms, does he?" (She signs the clipboard and takes the cage from him.) "Okay, well, here, there you go. Goodbye. See ya." (Lucy struggles to handle the cage and close the door.) L: "Good grief! Well, you certainly are a fine-looking little fellow, aren't you. So, what am I going to do with you?" Lucy's first stop is the Port Charles Grill, where they refuse to dispatch the duck for her. Meanwhile, Kevin arrives at the Brownstone to share Thanksgiving with that crowd. Tony greets him, and then Kevin heads over to get a drink. Mac is at the bar, similarly occupied. K: "Hello, Mac." M: "Hey, g'day, Kevin." K: "So, what is all this Thanksgiving fuss about anyway?" M: "Pilgrims. Look, I'm not from here either." K: "Pilgrims. Pilgrims? I think pilgrims are just an excuse to overindulge in various gluttonous activities." (The guys laugh. Then they reminisce about past days when they were thankful. Mac's story is about serving as a guide in the Australian outback to a gorgeous anthropologist; Kevin's is about finding a letter written by Freud in a Swiss library.) M: "Notice we're both here talking in past tense, which leads me to a very important question." K: "A wiser man than I once said, 'Consider your questions carefully - you might not like the answer.'" M: "You can't be serious!" K: "One element of my craft is helping people find answers that are too painful to reach by themselves." M: "No, I meant I can't believe that you'd actually think that someone is wiser than you are." K: "What's your question?" M: "How can one be truly thankful when there is something fundamentally wrong in the universe?" K: "My, that's profound. How long have you been rehearsing that?" M: "I thought of it just this very moment." K: "Well, I think the point of this day is to acknowledge that, though our problems may seem great, there are still many things to be thankful for." M: "Oh, no doubt. I mean, I was in Somalia, remember?" K: "So, I ask hesitantly, what problem is so great that it seems to eclipse the surfeit of blessings in your life?" M: "Well, the problem is women - or, more to the point, the lack thereof." K: "Maybe you should be discussing this on a radio call-in show." M: "I suspect I'm not alone in this. " K: "Are you implying that I'm not - " M: "Look, Kevin, I know that you and Felicia are just friends. And I don't see Lucy around here anywhere, do you, hmm? Lucy? And I know about worm crawl." K: "The most inopportune incident, I have to admit." M: "So, here we are, two dashing, eligible young bachelors - and how do I put this? Are you getting.... having.... you know!" K: "No." (a pause) "Are you?" M: "No." K: "You're right. There's something radically wrong." M: "Happy Thanksgiving." K: "Mmm. M: "Want a refill?" K: "Double." (And the guys get up in unison to head back to the bar.) Lucy arrives at her next stop - the Quartermaine mansion. She is greeted by Reginald. L: "Excuse me. I have a very urgent matter to discuss with Edward and it cannot wait." R: "I'm sorry, Ms. Coe, there's a family party going on." L: "Well, so, there's no problem there, is there, because I used to be a Mrs. Quartermaine." R: "Yeah, I wasn't here, but I've heard the stories." L: "Well, then, good! Then you'll know they hold me in the highest esteem, not only personally, but as a member of the ELQ board." (Reginald is a bit overwhelmed. He just looks at Lucy.) "This is a very urgent matter." (Reginald still isn't sure what to do.) "So please, go announce me." R: "May I take your duck?" L: "No! Just go, go, go, go, go!" R: "I'll hang up your coat. Just wait right there." In the Q den, the family has been indulging in a who-is-the-most-miserable competition. Lila has had enough. Lila: "I must say, I think you are all behaving quite petulantly." Edward: "Oh, for Pete's sake, Lila, it's a family holiday." Monica: "Yeah, Lila, if you were looking for a nice, upbeat family, I think you picked the wrong crowd." Lila: "Surely there must be something we can all be thankful for." (Reginald opens the door.) Reg: "Uh, Ms. Coe is here on an urgent matter." Ned: "Perfect timing as usual, Reginald." Lucy: "Hello, everyone. Happy Turkey Day and Thanksgiving and all that. I hope I'm not intruding on any special little family celebrations or anything like that, but I do have a very urgent matter to discuss with you." Alan: "Oh, fine. Well, we were just roasting chestnuts on the fire." Lucy: "I don't see any chestnuts." Edward: "So, what is this urgent matter?" Lucy: "Duck!" (The Quartermaines all bend over, nearly hitting the deck. Lucy holds up the duck cage.) Edward: "I beg your pardon?" Lucy: "I ordered duck for my Thanksgiving dinner, and this is what they sent me." Jason: "I'm sure there's a story here." AJ: "And unless we're lucky, I'm sure we're going to hear it." Ned: "It looks a little bit underdone still." Lucy: "Thanks to the chef at the Port Charles Grill." Edward: "You got a live duck at the Grill?" Lucy: "No! But I did go there to ask for their help in preparing this poor bird's untimely demise, and Carl and his staff were definitely unhelpful." Monica: "Oh, I can't imagine." Edward: "So, why are you here?" (Lucy walks over to Edward, tripping over everyone in her path and carrying the cage. Edward gives the duck a glace askance.) Lucy: "Because, I am a shareholder of ELQ, which means I am a part-owner of the Grill. And I am very unhappy with the way it's being run. I'm also very unhappy about having to lug this feathered friend of mine all over the place. And, Edward, I want to know what you're going to do to make me happy again." AJ (to Ned): "Gee, Cousin, it's your company, it's your hotel. Now what are you going to do to help Lucy?" Edward: "Yes, Ned, what ARE you going to do?" Ned: "Me?" A chorus of voices: "You." Ned: "Well, Lucy, surely you appreciate that Thanksgiving day is one of the busiest days of the year at the Grill, and undoubtedly the staff had their hands full." (Lucy walks over to Ned, still toting the duck cage.) Lucy: "Oh, so they were too full and too busy to help out one of their owners?" Ned: "They were very busy protecting your investment. The more happy customers, the bigger the return." Alan: "Oh, good one, Ned." AJ: "Yeah, but what about her duck, Ned?" Lucy: "Yes, Ned, what about my duck?" (Lucy shoves the cage into Ned's unwilling hands.) Ned: "Uh, thank you, AJ. Lucy, I'm sure we can work something out.... can't we, Reginald?" (Ned thrusts the cage at Reginald.) Reg: "Excuse me?" Ned: "Isn't there something you can do to help out Ms. Coe, like take the duck out back someplace and -" Reg: "You want me to do in the duck?" Ned: "Works for me." Lucy: "Yes, please, please, please, please." Reg: "I'm sorry. I like to think that I give my all in service to the family, but I gotta draw the line with canardicide." Alan: "Canardicide?" Lila: "Reginald, I thought you drew the line at worms." Reg: "Well, worms and ducks, ma'am." Ned: "I'll make it worth your while." Reg: "Please don't ask me to compromise my fundamental principles." Edward: "Oh, for the love of Mike!" Lucy: "Look, Reginald, I will grovel, I will beg, I will plead, I'll get down on my knees!" Reg: "I'd rather you didn't." (He hands the cage back to Lucy.) Lucy: "Well, what am I supposed to do with him? I can't just carry him around all day. You know, he is getting rather heavy, and actually I'm getting attached to the little fellow." Lila: "Perhaps you'd like to join us for a drink, Lucy, while you consider the possibilities." (The whole family makes frantic arm gestures to try to warn Lila off from this suggestion, but it's too late.) Lucy: "Well, Mother Quartermaine, isn't that very sweet of you to ask. I will have a wine spritzer, I could really use one. It's so nice of you to ask me to join in your little family festivities here, especially considering your family being under so much pressure these days." Lucy goes on to unintentionally offend, embarrass, depress, or alienate every person in the room - except Ned - with one tactless remark or another; the family members wind up passing the hot potato - I mean, the duck cage - around as Lucy spreads gloom. Lucy finally gives up. Lucy: "Well, well, well, well. I think maybe, perhaps, perhaps, maybe I'd better be running along so I can find a real solution to my dinner companion problem here." AJ: "Well, be careful on the road there, Lucy - you wouldn't want to have a quack-up." Lucy: "I'm going to ignore that little remark, because the rest of your family has been so kind in sharing their holiday cheer." Jason: "Well, don't mind my brother. He's a wise quacker." Lucy: "I've got to go now." (She turns back, walking over to Ned, who wards off the duck cage with anxious gestures.) "Oh, Ned, listen, do give my best regards to your little wifey. You know, I do think she's a marked improvement over Katherine..... Come on, ducky. Ta!" (Lucy leaves, Reginald shuts the door, and the family sits in stunned silence until Monica remarks:) Monica: "Nothing like a quiet family holiday, is there?" (The Q's go on to lose their Thanksgiving feast to the appetites of the canine team of Foster and Annabelle, leading to the First Annual Quartermaine Thanksgiving Pizza Dinner.) Back in her car, Lucy tries to explain to the duck about his intended fate, even going so far as to sing a phrase from "The Circle of Life" (this was not long after "The Lion King" came out). She suggests that it is the duck's karma to be eaten this time around, and then latches onto the idea that, in a past life, the duck was an enemy of hers - probably Victor Jerome. She tells the duck about Kevin and his inhibitions. Then she realizes, horrified, that she is bonding with the duck. Lucy's next stop is the Brownstone. She walks in, interrupting a screaming match between Mac and Robin. She is carrying the duck, now out of his cage, in her arms. Lucy: "The door was open, so I just let myself in. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!" The assembled group stares at Lucy and her duck in amazement. She surveys the group, sees Kevin, and stares at him coldly. Tony: "Well, Lucy, Happy Thanksgiving." Bobbie: "Who's your friend?" Lucy: "My duck, which was to have been my dinner with my friend, who obviously wasted no time whatsoever in making alternative plans." Kevin: "Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Lucy." Tony: "Would you like to join us? Come on, have a drink, maybe. What does a duck drink?" (Lucy aims much of the speech that follows at Kevin, glaring at him and saying the words in as challenging a way as possible.) Lucy: "No, Tony, thank you, that's very, very kind of you to ask, but my duck and I won't be staying. We wouldn't dream of intruding on your little party here. I just had this wild thought, you know, as my favorite former husband and a brilliant surgeon, I just thought you might be able to devise a quick and painless way to render this duck an oven-ready comestible. But I have since changed my mind. It seems to me this duck is the only friend I have left in the whole, entire world." Kevin: "If that's directed at me, Lucy, it's hyperbole and it's gratuitous." Lucy: "You rat! You turned right around and wrangled an invitation out of her, didn't you?" Kevin: "Oh, for heaven's sake, Lucy!" (Lucy astonishes Kevin by depositing the duck into his arms. The duck, who was still and calm up to this point, starts to struggle.) Lucy: "Pluck the duck, Kevin! I am going to Puerto Rico!" Lucy leaves, nearly knocking Mac over in her haste to get out the door. Soon thereafter, Bobbie and Felicia discover that the turkey is on fire; Tony puts it out with a fire extinguisher while Mac suggests Chinese take-out. And that's all! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: ADMIN: List Rule Refresher Date: 12 Apr 1998 10:11:49 -0700 Everyone, please remember that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES is anyone to reproduce ANYTHING from this list and post it anywhere else without the original author's EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. That goes for opinions, that goes for fic, that goes for EVERYTHING. If you want to use something that someone wrote somewhere, get their permission first. If you want to include fic from the list archive ( then get the author's permission first. If they don't give it, or if you want everyone's, just LINK TO THE ARCHIVE ITSELF. Now, I am going to attach the list rules below. If you are no familiar with them, then please read them. There have been a few additions to the bottom of the list, so if you haven't read them in a while, please re-read them to avoid getting warnings from either Cagey or myself. If you have any questions or take issue with any of the rules, you can take it up with us PRIVATELY at and . A lot of these rules we've gone over repeatedly, and most of you are very good about following them. It just seems that an occasional reminder is called for. Taiyin ******* 1. Keep posts on topic. We're a small list now, but as we get larger the volume will (hopefully!) increase. Topics should be related to Kevin and Lucy, the actors involved and/or their storyline, etc.. Discussion of other soap operas is fine as long as they're being discussed in relation to K&L. 2. Please be careful with the use of strong imagery or language in consideration of younger list members. Think "rated PG-13." 3. No advertising of *any* non-GH/PC related items or services. Also, no binary files of any sort (including images, wavs, MOVs, etc). 4. If you get advance information on a new episode, or see an episode earlier than the national viewing time, and you want to post about it, please do the following: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler info) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. 5. Most importantly, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO FLAMING ONLIST. We have absolutely zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour. Flames can kill a list, permanently damage relationships, and make life a lot less fun for everyone. What's a flame? NOT A FLAME: "I don't think so-and-so is a very good actor." FLAME: "So-and-so is a twit who can't act and has no brain." Broadly defined, a flame is a personally derogatory, inflammatory comment about another list member, their progenitors, or about any of the actors, writers, directors, producers or crew of "GH" or "PC." Disagreements-- even heated ones-- are expected. But the minute you start slamming someone personally, you will face the Wrath of Taiyin and Cagey. First offense: offender is unsubscribed for one week. Second offense: offender is unsubscribed to the GH/PC list for a minimum of three months. If the offender returns and flames again, they're offlist permanently. And no, it doesn't matter that the actors, writers, etc. from "GH" or "PC" aren't onlist; we won't put up with anyone flaming them anyway. There are slander laws against it. It's also common courtesy. Determination of what is (and what is not) a flame is made by the listowners, and their decisions are final. Determinations of any penalties associated with flames are also made by the listowners, and their decisions are final. 6. Related to #5, the listowners reserve the right to "kill" any discussion threads which either of the listowners deem offensive, or which appear to be degenerating into a flame war. If either one of us declares a topic "dead," it's dead. Anyone who continues the discussion thread, against our express *posted* wishes, will be immediately noposted for one week. 7. No "me too" posts. If you agree with something someone said, and yet don't have anything new to add to it, then send it in private email. Please don't waste bandwidth with "me toos." 8. When quoting back someone else's post, please quote no more than five lines per comment. Common netiquette dictates that quoting back an entire post just to add a line or two at the end is extremely inconsiderate and annoying. If you have something to add, then please do, but we saw the original post, so there is no need to see it again. Also, please make sure to distinguish your comments from the original text. Most mailers do this authomatically by adding ">" at the beginning of each line. If your's doesn't, however, then please find some means of doing it manually. 9. Signature files. Many people have .sigs. Please keep your .sig to a maximum of six lines. (For the same reasons as the "me too" and quote length rules.) 10. Fanfiction is not only welcomed, it's encouraged. However, please be sure to keep any and all fic within the ratings parameters of the list. Also please restrict posting of fic to the Kevin & Lucy list to fic pertaining primarily (not only, by any strech of the imagination) to the caharacters of Kevin and Lucy. For the GH/PC list, fic is welcome for any characters, past or present. All fic will be automatically archived at the list fanfiction archive,, unless otherwise instructed by the author. At no time is fic permited to be taken from the archive and reproduced without the express written consent of the original author. 11. Messages posted to the lists are intended for the members of the list community. They are not to be shared/send/forwarded elsewhere without the authors express written permission. 12. And last, but not least, we reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have subscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get help is to e-mail the listowners at or . - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Debi Sanders Subject: K&L: Stories Date: 13 Apr 1998 19:11:24 -0500 Just thought I would mention that I am in the process of putting the K & L stories that Rika has posted to this list (with her permission of course) on my home page. Hoping to have them all up before I turn old and gray :-) Debi -- --------------------------------------------------------- Debi Sanders "Come Visit" --------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and Absence Making the Heart Grow Fonder Date: 17 Apr 1998 13:26:58 -0400 Here's the weekend transcript, a bit early. I'm going to be buried among my books this weekend..... sigh..... Rika ---------------------------- KEVIN, LUCY, AND ABSENCE MAKING THE HEART GROW FONDER - Nov/Dec, 1994 It's likely that Kevin's decision not to go to Puerto Rico with Lucy was the best thing that could have happened to them at that point in time. Lucy already knew how she felt about Kevin, but she got a chance to talk to someone about her feelings and to store up some additional energy. More importantly, though, Kevin found out exactly how much he missed Lucy when she wasn't around to be taken for granted. PART 1 - LUCY AND HER DRINKING PARTNER Lucy, as she threatened to do on Thanksgiving Day, headed for Puerto Rico to attend Miguel's concert (okay, she has good taste in men but questionable taste in music). Lucy is walking about the grounds and strikes up a conversation with some tropical birds in the lobby, which ends with Lucy pleading: Lucy: "Listen, bird, give me a break here, okay. You happen to have a little pal in there. I, on the other hand, am sort of all on my lonesome. That's what I am. Lonesome." Bird: "Squawk!" Lucy: "Thank you very much - you're all heart!" (Luke Spencer sees Lucy conferring with the birds and approaches.) Luke: "Miss Coe." Lucy: "Why, Mr. Spencer, I am so, so, so very glad to see you." Luke: "I'm overwhelmed." Lucy: "Why don't I buy you a drink? And, by the way, is Laura here?" Luke: "No." Lucy: "Well, why don't you buy me a drink and you can tell me why you're in this beautiful, fabulous, romatic El Conquistador without your wife." Bird: "Squawk!" (Luke isn't sure quite what to make of Lucy's offer. They find an outdoor bar and sit down together.) Luke: "Well, the truth is, Miss Coe, I'm here to take the waters." (THAT turned out to be true, since not long afterwards he fell off a motorboat into the ocean.) Lucy: "Waters? You mean like in mineral waters? I don't think they have a spring around here." Luke: "I've been misinformed. Never mind." (to the bartender) "Senor? Por favor?" (he orders something for himself, but I missed that part. Then he asks Lucy:) "Pina colada?" Lucy: "Ah, si, senor." Luke: (to bartender) "Pina colada, por favor." (A bit later, the drinks arrive.) Lucy: "Ah, muchos gracias." Luke: "Gracias." (The waiter leaves.) Lucy: "Don't you love drinks with little presents in them? I just love drinks like this. So, are you here to go to Miguel's concert?" Luke: "No. Are you?" (Luke's tone suggests that he's mildly offended at the suggestion. Can't say as I blame him.) Lucy: "Yes, of course. Well, sort of. I mean, I wouldn't miss his concert for anything in the world and... well, you know, I have grown very, very fond of Miguel, and from what I gather, and I do gather very well, as you know, he's gone through some rather awful times, and I think it's really nice when somebody who's good goes through bad times and comes out and has better times. That's exactly where I should be right at this moment but I'm not, not yet, anyway." Luke: "I followed that." Lucy: "Professionally speaking, everything is marvelloso, muy marvelloso. I love Spanish, don't you?" Luke: "Yeah." Lucy: "I mean, I've taken a profound personal satisfaction in watching Damian and Katherine crash and burn down in flames. Oh, by the way, gracias, senor." Luke: "Saluda." (They clink glasses.) Lucy: "But the whole thing's not really personal, is it, it's not really - well, it's only - " Luke: "Revenge." Lucy: "Yeah, that." Luke: "I think I'm starting to get the drift here, I think. I assume your corazon is insatisfacto." Lucy: "Si. My heart is very unsatisfied - exactamente. You know, you're quick and sensitive. I like that in a drinking partner." Luke: "So do I. Now that we have the parameters of the relationship established, I suppose it's safe to ask, by whom is your little heart unsatisfied?" Lucy: "A man. There is this man." Luke: "A conventional relationship." Lucy: "Yes.... No, no, it's far from conventional. It's really like nothing I've ever experienced before. The closest I ever came to conventional was probably Tony. He was, I wasn't. I guess you get the picture." Luke: "Clearly." Lucy: "So here I am in this situation with this man who has, he's helped me, he's challenged me, he's infuriated me, he's understood me, he's led me and tricked me into wanting to be a better person. And I am trying, I am trying so hard to be honest with him and with myself. And, do you know, I'm actually getting hooked on this whole thing - and him. Only..." Luke: "He isn't being honest with you." Lucy: "Yeah. Or himself. And I just want to help him, but I don't know how, because he doesn't..." Luke: "He doesn't what?" Lucy: "He doesn't trust me. And that really hurts, because I am trying so hard." (Poor Lucy is close to tears.) Luke: "You know, some men have a terrible time trusting beautiful women." (He hands her a flower.) Lucy: "Yeah, well, he's stuck in this terrible dark place and.... I tried to get him to come down here, just to leave everything behind and get away, and I thought it would help. He couldn't leave..... he wouldn't leave. Tell me something, Mr. Spencer, do you trust Laura, and does Laura trust you?" Luke: "Yes." Lucy: "How did you get there?" Luke: "She showed me." (Lucy sniffs the flower Luke gave her and thinks about this, a melancholy expression on her face.) PART 2 - KEVIN LEARNS ABOUT LUCY AND SCOTT During Lucy's absence, Kevin has been conducting therapy sessions and butting into Felicia's life choices (with help from Tony and Mac). Meanwhile, though we didn't know it at the time, Lucy has rescued a seriously injured Luke Spencer after he was shot by Frank Smith's goons, and is secretly nursing him back to health in her hotel room. When Lucy has been gone for some time without a word, Kevin starts to worry. He goes to see Mac and Felicia, who are in the Outback office. They are planning a trip to New York to do some investigating. Right before Kevin arrives, Felicia says something about swapping "road stories" from past trips. Mac: "Felicia, we don't have any road stories, unless you want to do 20 minutes on how to catch a serial killer." (Kevin enters) "Oh, man, reeeally unfortunate timing." Felicia: "Hello." Kevin: "Am I interrupting something?" Mac: "It was the segue. You had to be here." Felicia: "Trust me. You don't want to know." Kevin: "I'll take your word for it." Mac: "So what brings you around at this hour, not that you need an invitation?" Kevin: "I was wondering if either of you had heard anything from Lucy?" Mac: "She's not here?" Felicia: (to Mac) "She went to Puerto Rico to see Miguel." (to Kevin) "I thought if she was going to call anybody, she'd call you." Kevin: "Yes, well, as you recall, when she left we weren't exactly on the best of terms." Felicia: "Oh, I just remembered, a package came from her this morning. I think it's from Scotty." Kevin: "Scott Baldwin?" (Felicia hands the package to Kevin.) Felicia: "Well, I think that looks like his handwriting." Mac: "You call that handwriting? He should have been a doctor." (Kevin is somewhat taken aback.) Kevin: "I didn't realize that she and Scott were keeping in touch." Mac: "Well, I don't think they have been. But, then again, Lucy wouldn't say anything if Scott didn't want her to." Kevin: "Really? That's fascinating." (Is that a green-eyed monster lurking around the corners of Kevin's mind?) Felicia: "Oh, that's right, you never really knew Scott. He was gone before you decided to stay in town." Kevin: "But not forgotten, at least, not by Lucy. I got the impression they were close?" Mac: "Lucy was nuts about him." (Felicia smacks Mac.) Mac: "Ow, what?" Felicia: "Well, maybe he doesn't want to hear that!" Kevin: "It's all right, he's not saying anything I didn't already surmise. I wonder what he wants." Felicia: "Would you like to take custody of the package until she gets back? Mac and I probably won't be here." Kevin: "Taking a trip?" Mac: "Working on a case - Manhattan. We should be going." Felicia: "You want to take the package?" Kevin: "Sure. Good luck." Felicia: "Thanks. Bye." Kevin: "Bye." Mac and Felicia leave. Kevin follows behind them, walking slowly and looking at the package pensively. The end! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: That Smile..... Date: 17 Apr 1998 14:14:59 -0400 It's been entirely too quiet on the listserv lately. If the rest of you are like me, you're just too darn busy right now for e-mail and such, but while I'm online briefly I wanted to make one comment. Oh, let's call it what it is - a big, sloppy gush! As most of you know, I originally joined Cagey in opposition to the Kevin-in-a- beard fans, preferring the clean-shaven look. This latest beard eventually won me over, but the thing I do miss when he has a beard is seeing his dimples when he smiles. That having been said, his smiles are still devastating, even without obvious dimples! He was in a fine, happy mood at Grace's party - lots of nice smiles there - and there was one particular smile in Kevin's scene with Ellen on Thursday that momentarily stopped my heart. Ellen said she "might" take his advice about Matt. He gave her that narrow-eyed, "You'd better do what I'm telling you" look that never works on Lucy, and Ellen gave in. He unleashed a smile at that point that should have been bronzed. I must have watched that little clip of film about ten times, and it has renewed my resolve to get my video capture card working! If we could bottle those smiles and sell them, we could rule the world! Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: That Smile..... Date: 17 Apr 1998 11:21:39 -0700 Rika wrote: > >It's been entirely too quiet on the listserv lately. No kidding. >If the rest of you >are like me, you're just too darn busy right now for e-mail and such, Unfortunately. >while I'm online briefly I wanted to make one comment. Oh, let's call it >what it is - a big, sloppy gush! Gush away, babe! >That having been said, his smiles are still devastating, even without >obvious dimples! He was in a fine, happy mood at Grace's party - lots of >nice smiles there - and there was one particular smile in Kevin's scene >with Ellen on Thursday that momentarily stopped my heart. I have a whole week's worth of PC/GH to watch this weekend. Thank gods I've got vacation from school for a month. Now I can actually get back to watching every night after work! >Ellen said she >"might" take his advice about Matt. He gave her that narrow-eyed, "You'd >better do what I'm telling you" look that never works on Lucy, and Ellen >gave in. He he he. I love that look. >He unleashed a smile at that point that should have been bronzed. Not hard to imagine. > I must have watched that little clip of film about ten times, and it has >renewed my resolve to get my video capture card working! Amen to that! >If we could bottle those smiles and sell them, we could rule the world! Looks like I need to go update the list quote page, now... Taiyin "I stand in awe of you." --"Give me five minutes. You might want to rethink your position." -- Jon Hanley and Lucy, 1995 Nurse's Ball - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: ADMIN: Out of town Date: 21 Apr 1998 17:59:45 -0700 I just wanted to let you all know that I am heading out of town until Friday, so if you try to reach me, I am not ignoring you and any requests sent to the listowner's account will not be read until I get back. In the meantime, though, Cagey will still be around, so behave yourselves. Have a good week! Taiyin "You know, I really wish you wouldn't use the term "loonies" -- at least as long as we're in a *mental hosptial.*" -- Kevin to Scott - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AVID Woman Subject: K&L: Tape help Date: 22 Apr 1998 21:15:18 -0500 (CDT) I've got a big favor to ask one of you here. I've just moved and in setting up my vcr in the new place I put down the old number that my ABC affiliate was on as opposed to the one that my new cable company puts it on. Consequently I taped a half an hour of static today as opposed to the ep. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could dub me and send me a copy. I'll pay any cost incurred or possibly trade. I'm still available and open to the idea of making a KL video to some piece of popular music, I believe the idea was haphazardly bandied about of using 'How Do I Live?' as the music. Thanks in advance for the help. -Nicole - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mardis" Subject: K&L: Re: Tape help Date: 22 Apr 1998 22:47:25 -0400 Hi - Sorry to hear about your trouble. I can make a tape for you. I'd like to trade - am interested in getting a copy of PC when Victor burned his mementos, or anything from the K&L trip to San Antonio. Just let me know. Kathi -----Original Message----- > >I've got a big favor to ask one of you here. I've just moved and in >setting up my vcr in the new place I put down the old number that my ABC >affiliate was on as opposed to the one that my new cable company puts it >on. Consequently I taped a half an hour of static today as opposed to the >ep. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could dub me and send me a copy. >I'll pay any cost incurred or possibly trade. I'm still available and >open to the idea of making a KL video to some piece of popular music, I >believe the idea was haphazardly bandied about of using 'How Do I Live?' >as the music. > >Thanks in advance for the help. > >-Nicole > > >- > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, a Phone Call, and a Videotape Date: 26 Apr 1998 19:43:36 -0400 Here's the transcript for the week - a classic one without a doubt. And a question. Should I continue posting these? We're almost done with 1994. Transcripts for most of 1995 are fairly widely available on the Web (or, at least, they were a year or so ago when I checked). If y'all want me to continue, I would most likely skip the 1995 scenes and start up again some time in 1996, probably at the beginning of the "Alt.Kevin" storyline. The first of these transcripts were posted to RATSA as the scenes aired; for the rest, I would create new transcripts. I know some of you have been wanting a transcript of Kevin and Lucy on Jasmine Island, for example. Let me know what you think. And, in the meantime, enjoy! Rika KEVIN, LUCY, A PHONE CALL, AND A VIDEOTAPE - December 12, 1994 This is another of those scenes that defies transcription because so much of the beauty is in the performances. The actors managed to create remarkable chemistry despite the fact that they taped their scenes separately. Lucy's pride, love, and anguish are heartbreaking. And I always considered this scene to be the one in which Kevin made his declaration of love to Lucy, even if he didn't officially say the words till a few weeks later. When he described the resemblance between Lucy and Serena - "There's a sparkle right behind her eyes; I'd recognize that anywhere" - that said it all for me. Kevin is in bed asleep at the Lighthouse, having his usual nightmare about Grace. He is startled awake by the telephone. K: (breathlessly) "Hello?" L: "Kevin, is that you? Are you all right?" K: "Lucy? Lucy, where the hell are you? I've been worried about you." L: "I'm still here, you know, in Puerto Rico." (Lucy has obviously been crying, and Kevin notices.) K: "You sound small." L: "Well, it's kind of lonely here." K: "Then come home." L: "Do you miss me?" K: "Thoroughly." (*This* is significant, and Lucy recognizes that. Whenever she's asked a similar question in the past, she's gotten a grudging answer along the lines of 'Occasionally.') K: "Lucy, tell me what's wrong." L: "Nothing, nothing at all.... everything. Serena.... it was Serena's birthday this week, and she's one year old." K: "That explains it." L: "Explains what?" K: "A package was delivered from Scott Baldwin. Felicia and Mac had to leave town so they asked me to keep it for you." L: "Did you open it?" K: "Of course not." L: "Well, I want you to open it." K: "Lucy, I don't know." L: "What do you mean, you don't know? Kevin, I want you to open it." K: "It feels too personal, Lucy. I'm sure Scott didn't have me rummaging through it in his mind when he mailed it." L: "Look, I don't have anything to hide from you anymore, and I would really appreciate it if you would please open it for me." K: "All right. All right, if you're sure." L: "I'm sure." (Kevin gets out of bed and retrieves the package from his dresser.) L: "Well?" K: "It's a videotape and a letter." L: "Are you near a machine?" K: "Yes." L: "Play the tape." K: "Lucy..." L: "Kevin, do not argue with me about this. Please play the tape or I swear I'll scream." K: "Lucy, I feel like a voyeur." L: "Please hurry up, would you?" K: "Okay, all right. Here goes. We're at a duck pond, and there's a little girl crawling into the frame. Oh, Lucy, she's gorgeous!" L: "Serena." (Throughout Kevin's description that follows, Lucy smiles and laughs through tears which are flowing down her cheeks.) K: "She's looking at the ducks, and she's waving at the camera. And she's laughing with sheer, utter joy. Okay, now we're in a living room, and she's kind of babbling and waddling, you know, those tenuous steps that babies make and - oop, she went down, right on her bum. That surprised her, looks like she's about to cry - oh, that face! Oh, now she's smiling again, the camera's coming closer to her and someone's picking her up. She's smiling and she's putting her fingers towards the camera lens - she's practically covering the lens." L: "Wait, could you just pause it right there? Would you describe what she's wearing?" K: "She's wearing a dress." L: "Well, could you describe what it looks like?" K: "Um..... a tiny dress." L: "Kevin, come on!" K: "Lucy, I'm not sure what to say. It's one of those frilly little girl dresses." L: "Does it have lots of ribbons, you know, and bows and lace and stuff?" K: "Exactly." L: "What about her hair? Is it long and dark or is it short and blonde or does it have curls, what?" K: "It's blonde, and it's sort of in a buzz cut?" L: "A buzz cut? That bozo! You don't give a little girl a buzz cut!" K: "Well, at least they match." L: "What?" K: "Well, I've started the tape again. Scott is dancing with Serena in his arms, and their haircuts are identical." (Lucy starts to cry harder.) L: "Kevin, does she look really happy?" K: "I don't think I've ever seen a more joyous smile in my life." L: "I know it's not possible, but does she happen to look anything like me?" K: "You know, despite the genetic impossibility, I do see a resemblance. There's a sparkle right behind her eyes. I'd recognize that anywhere. And that's all." (Kevin turns off the VCR.) L: "You said there was a letter." K: "Yes. Do you want me to read it?" L: "Oh, would you please?" K: (reading the letter) "Dear Lucy: Knowing you, you've already watched the tape" (Kevin laughs) "so you've seen what a walking, talking miracle I've got here. To say she's amazing doesn't begin to cover it. She's like nothing else in this world, like nothing I ever imagined, and I have the gift of her because of you. I think about you all the time, Lucy - how can I help it? I see you every time I look at my daughter. I wish you could know her, hold her, and be with her. There's so much of Dominique in her, having Serena almost makes up for the loss - almost. Anyway, I knew you'd want to see her around her first birthday. This is what you did for me, Lucy - I'll never be able to thank you enough. Love, Scott." (There is silence as Lucy cries.) K: "Are you there?" L: "Oh, yes, I'm here. Listen, I don't want you to be concerned because I'm just fine, but I have to hang up now." K: "I understand." L: "Okay. Bye." K: "Bye." After she hangs up, Lucy takes a throw pillow off the sofa and cradles it in her arms like a child, rocking, hugging it to herself, and crying. A little later, Kevin visits Felicia in the Outback office and tells her about the phone call from Lucy, ending with: K: "So I wanted you to know that she's okay, in case you were worried." F: "About Lucy?" K: "Mmm hmm." F: "Not really. Did that sound mean?" K: (with distinct coolness) "Flippant at best." F: "I'm sorry. But Lucy is more capable than most of taking real good care of herself. It's hard to work up a worry." K: "You misjudge her, Felicia." F: "You think so?" K: "Mmm hmm." F: "Kevin, sit down. It's time we had a very candid discussion about Miss Lucy." (Kevin looks mildly annoyed, but he is going along with Felicia for now.) F: "First of all, don't get this wrong. I don't despise Lucy as much as I used to. I even like her in some random moments. But I don't trust her. And if she's got you doubting that she can take care of herself, then you shouldn't." K: "I'm not saying she isn't capable - in fact, she's capable to a fault. What I'm saying is that behind all this fevered activity is a very vulnerable, needy person." F: "Oh boy." K: "Felicia, you didn't hear her on the phone. Her heart was breaking." F: "I don't doubt that for a minute - for the moment. But she'll bounce back. Trust me, she always does." K: "Tell me about her relationship with Scott." F: "What do you want to know?" K: "I want your impressions on what it was like between them." F: "Well, I think they loved each other in their own unique way. But the timing was off. He'd want her; she'd want somebody with money. Then she'd want him, and then he would start to fall for somebody else. But even through all their ups and downs, until Dominique came along there was never any really competition for Scotty's heart. And then, when Dominique was in the picture, it changed everything. It even changed Lucy. I mean, if Lucy hadn't loved Dominique - well, it's just inconceivable to me to think that Lucy would carry a child for Scotty and another woman." K: "A selfless act." F: "Well, that was just on the surface. Dominique was terminally ill, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out who Scotty would end up with after she was gone. And he would have, too, if he hadn't had to leave town." K: "So, she loved him." F: "Yes. But that didn't stop her from manipulating him. Ask her some time about the story when she was nine months pregnant and she ran off in order to deflect Scotty's attention from Katherine." K: "He went after her." F: "Well, yeah, of course he did, and it's a good thing he did, too, 'cause it started to snow, and then she was car-jacked of all things, and then they ended up delivering Serena in a cabin in the woods in a blizzard." (Kevin shakes his head.) F: "Kevin, this is what happens when you get all caught up with Lucy Coe. Do us a favor - walk away while you still can." K: "I'm afraid it's too late for that." (Yes, it is. Much too late. Kevin's a goner.) F: "Phew - then, heaven help you." The end! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nicole799 Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, a Phone Call, and a Videotape Date: 26 Apr 1998 19:57:30 EDT In a message dated 98-04-26 19:44:47 EDT, you write: << And a question. Should I continue posting these? We're almost done with 1994. Transcripts for most of 1995 are fairly widely available on the Web (or, at least, they were a year or so ago when I checked). If y'all want me to continue, I would most likely skip the 1995 scenes and start up again some time in 1996, probably at the beginning of the "Alt.Kevin" storyline. >> YES!!!!!!!!! I love reading these scripts. I have saved all of the ones you've sent. I love reading about scenes I never saw or scenes I had forgotten about. I really appreciate you sending these out every week. I hope you decide to continue! Nicole ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visit the Nora and Bo Homepage! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jessica Thompson" Subject: K&L: Re: Kevin, Lucy, a Phone Call, and a Videotape Date: 26 Apr 1998 12:02:33 -0700 >And a question. Should I continue posting these? If you would please! I absolutely love reading them every week as some I haven't watched in quite awhile, and when reading them I almost always gain a new perspective. I also enjoy your personal commentary. I send many retroactive thank-yous your way for all of the ones you've sent and hope you decide to continue. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Nicole799 Subject: Re: K&L: Re: Kevin, Lucy, a Phone Call, and a Videotape Date: 26 Apr 1998 23:52:24 EDT haha..I need some help..Right after I emailed you, I accidentally erased the scene you sent. Could you please resend it? Thanks, Nicole - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, a Phone Call, and a Videotape Date: 28 Apr 1998 06:31:19 -0700 At 07:43 PM 4/26/98 -0400, Rika wrote: >Here's the transcript for the week - a classic one without a doubt. This is still one of my all-time favorite Kevin & Lucy scenes. I ALWAYS cry when I watch it. Always. >And a question. Should I continue posting these? Absolutely! >Transcripts for most of 1995 are fairly widely available on the Web >(or, at least, they were a year or so ago when I checked). I have all the ones you sent me on my Kevin & Lucy page -- LOTS from 1995. Quite a bit from 1996, too, but they end before Jasmine Island. >Let me know what you think. And, in the meantime, enjoy! I would love to see the Jasmine Island stuff. But whatever you want to do works for me, Rika. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, a Phone Call, and a Videotape Date: 27 Apr 1998 08:54:54 -0500 >I would most likely skip the 1995 scenes and start up again >some time in 1996, probably at the beginning of the "Alt.Kevin" storyline. That would be wonderful. --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "NovaLee Murphy" Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, a Phone Call, and a Videotape Date: 28 Apr 1998 20:13:49 PDT Rika wrote: >And a question. Should I continue posting these? We're almost done >with 1994. Transcripts for most of 1995 are fairly widely available >on the Web (or, at least, they were a year or so ago when I checked). >If y'all want me to continue, I would most likely skip the 1995 >scenes and start up again some time in 1996, probably at the >beginning of the "Alt.Kevin" storyline. That would be great! My tapes from that era are buried somewhere in my storage space, and what with the current storyline I've been wanting to go back and see some of them again. Transcripts would save me lots of trouble ;) As always, many thanks for all the effort you put into them; I know it can be a time-consuming task. Nova Lee ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at -