From: "Donald K Gooden" Subject: K&L: List Moms Date: 04 May 1998 17:16:15 -0400 Can you please issue another fanfic challenge? I am dying to write one, but I can't find any inspiration. TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) Jamila jgg Visit Jamila's Kevin and Lucy: The Wonder Years Visit Jamtah's Dominion Of The Dark Side - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and Duck Tales Date: 04 May 1998 17:54:49 -0400 Hello all - I came out of hiding to post the transcript of the week - a couple of days late. Now it's back to studying for tomorrow's final exam - Rika --------------------- KEVIN, LUCY, AND DUCK TALES - December 19, 1994 Lucy, having delivered Luke Spencer safely home to Laura from his Puerto Rican adventure, goes next to see Kevin. The Lighthouse is decorated for Christmas, complete with a nice-looking tree in the corner. Lucy walks in, and for a moment they simply look at each other. A smile creeps across Kevin's face, and finally he breaks the silence. K: "Come here." (He enfolds her in her arms and they hug; it's a warm, comfortable embrace between two people who are very glad to be together. As they hold each other, Kevin's arms tighten around her, and he breathes:) K: "Oh, God, I missed you." (He kisses her cheek and they move slightly apart.) L: "Me too." K: "Well, let me look at you; I've been worried." L: "Well, see, all in one piece." K: "A little the worse for wear, I think." L: "This has been the longest week I have ever had." K: "All right, well, tell me what's going on." L: "I saved Luke Spencer's life." (This is definitely not what Kevin expected - or wanted - to hear.) L: "You know, I never really wanted to be a nurse, not even when I was growing up, when I was a little girl - I didn't want to be a nurse! But there I was, Bobbie Jones for a whole week, almost - can you imagine that? And I had Luke Spencer in my bed, all really bloody and feverish, and the only person he would let me tell was Sonny, and Sonny just completely ignored all my messages and phone calls, thank you very much! He really could have died, and so I got to thinking, how am I gonna explain it if that happened, and then I thought, if he dies I'm gonna have this corpse on my hands - eww! So that gave me even more incentive to keep him alive, so that's what I did." (At the phrase "Luke Spencer in my bed," Kevin's facial expression undergoes a noticeable change, and he folds his hands over his chest. Poor insecure boy....) K: "Wow!" L: "Pretty impressive, huh?" K: "I am completely in awe of your competence and resourcefulness, Lucy, not that I ever doubted you in the first place." L: "Do you know what's come out of this for me? It's kind of weird, but I got this new understanding and admiration for Luke Spencer. You know, all this time I thought he was this rough and tough adventurer, but underneath all his brashness he's really very deep and sensitive." K: "That's more information than I really want to hear right now, Lucy." L: "Wait a minute - I'm not saying that I'm attracted to him in that sense, you know - it's kind of a maternal thing that's happening here. You know like Confucius said - that if you save somebody's life, then you are responsible for it." K: "Confucius never said that." L: "Well, so, who cares? The point is, whoever did say it, I really am feeling what they said. I feel responsible for Luke." (Kevin's hands are folded over his chest again and he doesn't look particularly pleased. Just wait, Kevin - it's about to get worse. Lucy, who has been wandering about the room talking, suddenly interrupts herself.) L: "Where's my duck?" (Kevin gets a panicked look.) K: "Excuse me?" L: "You know, my duck - that big white duck that I brought over to you at Thanksgiving for safekeeping." K: "Safekeeping?" L: "Yes, why else would I bring my duck over to you?" K: "Well, Lucy, uh - " L: "What?" K: "Well, you know." L: "What?" K: "Dinner!" (Kevin walks across the room; it is probably not a coincidence that he is closer to the door, in case he needs to make a quick getaway. Lucy thinks about his answer for a moment, and finally understands. She comes barreling after him; he flinches as she shouts at him.) L: "Dinner? Dinner? Are you saying to me that you ate my duck?" K: "Ow! Ow!" (The 'Ow's are because Lucy grabs his chest. Even through his sweater, she evidently manages to divest him of a few chest hairs. He rubs his chest, looking uncomfortable in more ways than one, as Lucy glares at him waiting for an answer.) K: "Lucy, I -" (Lucy turns her back on him, covering her ears with her hands.) L: "No, no, no, do not say another word. This is your idea of a joke, isn't it, because you have such a sick, perverted sense of humor that I have come to know. You think all of this is funny." (Kevin tries to pull her hands away from her ears without success.) K: "No, no, actually - " L: "No, do not say another word. You did not, would not, could not eat a poor, defenseless bird!" (Kevin taps her on the shoulder.) K: "Okay. (Lucy turns around.) K: "Okay!" L: "Okay?" K: "Okay." (Lucy takes her hands away from her ears.) L: "Okay!" K: "Okay." (It's amazing how much they communicated with those six 'okays.') L: "Okay, so what did you do? You probably took him to the zoo, right? Or you took him to that cute little duck pond down at the park so he could be with all the other duckies and just paddle around peaceably all the rest of his little ducky life. That better be what you did, because if I found out you really ate my duck, I would have to be angry at you all over again, and I just don't want to do that!" K: "Well, neither do I, Lucy. And if a duck pond is what you choose to believe, then a duck pond it is." L: "Good, then that settles it. I love happy endings!" K: "And I sure am glad you're home." L: "Me too." K: "You know, I have something that belongs to you." (He retrieves a package from the coffee table.) L: "Oh, right, that tape that Scott sent." K: "Mmm hmm. Would you like it?" (He holds it out to her; she takes it.) L: "Sure. Isn't it amazing, the technology today, what they can do? I mean, you can just capture a whole verbal animated moment, freeze it right in that moment in time. So if I were to take this tape and just stick it in the tape machine, then I would see Serena laughing and playing and dancing around, just like I always picture her. I can't do that. I don't think I could bear to watch that. So, tell me, Doc, why is that?" K: "Maybe you're just not ready." (Lucy hands him back the package.) "I'll tell you what, though. Why don't I keep it here until you are? Maybe we can watch it together." L: "That would be nice, thanks." K: "Sure. What would you like to do tonight?" L: "I am going to sleep around the clock." K: "And that would be alone?" L: "Do you mind?" K: "No. I happen to be a great sport." (He takes her hand and walks her to the door.) Make me a promise, though - call me when you resurface. I don't want to disturb you." L: "Oh, right. Like you ever could do that." (She turns to face him and gently touches his cheek.) "Thank you for being so nice to me." K: "It's not a chore, Lucy." (He leans forward and they kiss gently.) "Welcome home." Lucy heads for the door, stopping once to turn back and look at him. She leaves, pausing outside the door to look at the snowflakes. Inside, Kevin smiles to himself, with dimples on full beam. And that's all! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: Backsliding Date: 04 May 1998 15:05:55 -0700 I'm sure it was inevitable. That doesn't make it any less annoying, though. But can SOMEONE please explain to me why it is that writers are TOTALLY unwilling to let Lucy EVER learn a SINGLE lesson from her mistakes? Claire let her learn a bit, and still manage to get into trouble; Culliton wrote a pale version of Lucy; and Lynn Latham, for all of the good things she does with Kevin & Lucy TOGETHER seems to be falling a little short when it comes to Lucy as an individual. I hate it when I end up regretting giving Lucy the benefit of the doubt. Grump. Taiyin "I stand in awe of you." --"Give me five minutes. You might want to rethink your position." -- Jon Hanley and Lucy, 1995 Nurse's Ball - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: List Moms Date: 04 May 1998 16:15:26 -0700 At 05:16 PM 5/4/98 -0400, Donald K Gooden wrote: >Can you please issue another fanfic challenge? I am dying to write one, but >I can't find any inspiration. Well, anyone can issue a fic challenge, Jamila, as long as they write the first story. And, at the moment, Cagey is off attending to real life stuff for a few days and I'm up to my eyeballs in job hunting. And I don't know about anyone else, but one 1000 Watt grin from Doc and that's about all the inspiration I need most days. :-) I'm sure there are lots of other people out there who can write some fic if egged on properly. Hint, hint, hint. Taiyin "I stand in awe of you." --"Give me five minutes. You might want to rethink your position." -- Jon Hanley and Lucy, 1995 Nurse's Ball - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Barbara Cullen Subject: K&L: K&L Date: 10 May 1998 12:38:25 -0400 Do you think they will find the copycat of Kevin's book before Lucy becomes a victim at the nurses' ball as written of her character in the book? Tracey - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: K&L Date: 10 May 1998 21:44:13 -0400 At 12:38 PM 5/10/98 -0400, Barbara wrote: >Do you think they will find the copycat of Kevin's book before Lucy >becomes a victim at the nurses' ball as written of her character in the >book? My assumption is that the mystery will probably be solved at the Nurses' Ball, and Lucy's life will be saved - just barely. By Kevin, I hope. But my question right now is, what's the deal with Victor's revelation on Friday? I personally don't believe that the four-year-old Kevin participated in that woman's murder. Ryan, maybe, but even that I have trouble with. Besides, the hand with the knife in Kevin's dreams and visions looks like an adult's hand. I'm wondering if Victor didn't actually see the murder. Perhaps Melanie told him what happened (and lied about it), and perhaps Kevin really saw it and will have to dredge the truth out of his memory. Opinions? Rika, who is celebrating the end of the semester!!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and a Plan Date: 10 May 1998 21:48:12 -0400 This week's transcript is reasonably short but pivotal. Lucy proposes the idea which finally unlocked the Grace secrets. I think she and Kevin ought to try the same technique right now to find out the truth about the death of Victor's mistress..... Rika --------------------- KEVIN, LUCY, AND A PLAN - Dec. 20, 21, or 22, 1994 After Lucy's return, Kevin had yet another dream about Grace, but this one was different in terms of his response. He awoke, sat up on the sofa, and said to himself, "This has been *enough*." In the scene with Lucy the following morning, we find out that he means it. Kevin is sitting in his office, feet up on his desk. He is pensive and subdued. There is a knock at the door. K: "Come in." (It's Lucy, who notices his mood.) L: "Oh oh. Something's wrong." K: "Already?" L: "Not with me, with you. I've been around long enough to recognize that look. Okay, what's going on?" K: "I had another dream about Grace last night." L: "Of course you did. This woman rears her ugly head yet again, right on schedule. Was it that same one, about that you can't get her out of the car?" K: "That, and there was something more." L: "More. Like what?" K: "Lucy, that's what I'm trying to figure out." L: "Okay, that is it, Kevin. Enough of this obsessing over dreams." K: "Lucy, you'll get no argument from me. I'd love it if they simply just went away. You know, I even tried avoiding sleep for a while, but that solution is fairly limiting." L: "Have you tried not trying to figure them out? Because if you don't give them any power by validating them, maybe they'll just get bored and go pick on somebody else." K: "I don't think it works that way." L: "We have to figure out what does work, Kevin, because this incessant navel pondering of yours has got to go." (Kevin doesn't like that choice of words. And I'm not sure of the proper spelling, given the aquatic theme of the dreams - is that "navel" or "naval" pondering?) K: "Incessant navel pondering. What a sensitive observation. Thank you, Lucy." L: "Please don't start making this about the words. You know what I mean. This whole Grace thing, she's taking over your life. You don't even realize how much energy she's taking up, how much energy you're using thinking about her. You know, you not only think about her, you dream about her. And when you're not dreaming about her, you're obsessing on her, and then you dream about her some more, and then you think about her some more. You're even sketching her, and then when you're not sketching her, you're rushing past whatever it is you're doing so you can just think about her some more." K: "As usual, you're exaggerating." L: "Not much." K: "Lucy, the dreams are there for a reason." L: "What reason?" K: "So that I am forced to take responsibility for my actions. Otherwise I might forget, and I can't do that." L: "Of course not. God forbid you put this whole thing behind you. You just won't allow it, will you? I gotta tell you something, pal, I have never quite seen anything like this. You are your own worst enemy. Not only do you embrace the idea that you intentionally murdered this woman from hell, you're perfectly happy on a nightly basis to dish out your own punishment. Stop it!" K: "Don't you think I want to?" L: "Do you?" (There is a brief pause.) K: "Yes." L: "If you really mean that, then you are going to have to open your mind to the possibility that you did not intentionally kill her, that you are not responsible for her death. And if you do that, then you may not have that little protective barrier that you like to hide behind anymore. Are you willing to do that?" (Kevin has had his back to Lucy. He turns to face her, and says with sincerity and resolve:) K: "I am." L: "Then I know what to do." K: "Okay, let's have it." L: "Okay. Now, I have to warn you right up front, this may sound a little far-fetched, but I have given it lots and lots of thought, and I really think I'm on to something. So don't, please, give me that typical knee-jerk negative reaction that you do. It may just seem a little unconventional at first." K: "Lucy, I have been known to embrace the occasional innovative thought." L: "No getting prickly either." K: "Would you just tell me?" Lucy begins to babble about reading a paperback about accessing one's subconscious - including a chapter on hypnosis and regressing back in time. She finishes: L: "I really do believe this is our solution." K: "No. Lucy, I am not going to let some stranger put me into a trance and make me quack like a duck..... pardon the expression." L: "Leave my duck out of this. I'm not talking about taking you to a carnival or something. I'm talking about you going to see a specialist, a doctor who specializes in hypnotherapy. It is a science. You should know all this." K: "I do. I use hypnotherapy in my practice from time to time. It's not the technique I object to, it's the relinquishing of control." (Lucy know her man - she was fully prepared for this objection.) L: "Can't you do it to yourself?" K: "Of course I can." L: "Is that a yes?" K: (relunctantly) "It's a yes." L: "Yes! Yes!" She throws her arms around a somewhat shell-shocked Kevin. And that's all! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Backsliding Date: 10 May 1998 22:42:27 -0400 At 03:05 PM 5/4/98 -0700, Taiyin wrote: >But can SOMEONE please explain to me why it is that writers are TOTALLY >unwilling to let Lucy EVER learn a SINGLE lesson from her mistakes? Claire >let her learn a bit, and still manage to get into trouble; Culliton wrote a >pale version of Lucy; and Lynn Latham, for all of the good things she does >with Kevin & Lucy TOGETHER seems to be falling a little short when it comes >to Lucy as an individual. I know. Sigh. And referring back to the old "methods vs. motives" discussion, in this case Lucy doesn't look too good in either category. Her motives for "protecting" Scott are much more about herself than about him, and her methods are going to involve sex games, yet again. Joining an escort service. Great. I'm sure Kevin will be thrilled. The only small thing I'll say in her defense is that when she first started in on Katherine Bell, it wasn't much different from this. And she turned out to be right in that case. At least, thank goodness, it isn't being portrayed as any sort of actual romantic jealousy. Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: ADMIN: Listowner News Date: 15 May 1998 07:05:34 -0700 Well guys, one of your listowners has had an eventful, if not necessarily pleasant, week. I'll skip over the bad stuff, and go directly to the pertinant stuff, though: As of today, I no longer have email during the day at work. I quit my job a few weeks ago, and tomorrow is my last day. That meant that this week I've been cleaning my stuff and and getting ready to go. So yesterday I had to delete by email program off my computer at work. I begin a new job on Monday, and I don't think I'll have email there (which, for job performance reasons, is probably a Good Thing). So I get to be like most of the rest of the world who has to work during the day, and restict the playing to the evenings. Bah. "No work AND pay!" "No work AND pay!" "No work AND pay!" (Ok, so maybe I've seen a BIT too much Moonlighthing) Any technical or general admin requests can still be sent to me at and I'll get to them when I get home in the evenings (or when I get up in the mornings). Just no more rapid response during the day. Off to a day of maillessness... ick... Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and a Christmas Goose Date: 17 May 1998 13:19:11 -0400 Hi everybody! Here's the transcript for this week. It's just a short scene, before the MAJOR fireworks of the week that followed, but this particular scene was (and still is) thoroughly charming. It's rare to see Kevin in such a light-hearted mood. Enjoy! Rika KEVIN, LUCY, AND A CHRISTMAS GOOSE - December 23, 1994 We see Lucy, in a festive red suit wending her way through the crowd at the hospital Christmas party. She reaches Kevin and Mac, who are standing together talking. L: "Guys! Hi, fellas!" K and M (in a chorus): "Well, don't you look just - " L: "Ravishing and seasonal?" K and M: "Took the words right out of my mouth." (They look at each other when they realize they are responding more or less in unison.) L (to Mac): "I know the air is just fraught with boy talk, but could I just borrow him for one minute?" (She pulls on Kevin's arm, pulling him toward her. Mac grabs the other arm and pulls Kevin back.) M: "No! We were talking. Just kidding, just kidding. Happy Holidays." L: "Thank you." K (to a departing Mac): "Merry Christmas!" L: "Hi." K: "Hi! Well, actually, you read my mind. I was hoping to find a moment alone with you." L: (pouting) "Only one?" K: "For now. First of all, to admire you in this stunning creation you have on." L: "Thank you. I hoped you'd like it." K: "Mmm hmm, I do, and the person wearing it, too." (May I interrupt for a moment to note that the sentence about is a wonderful demonstration of one of the sweetest things about Kevin. It's not that he doesn't appreciate Lucy's surface attractions. But, unlike most of the other men in Port Charles, he doesn't let anything distract him from the fact that he genuinely likes *her*, not just the way she looks. But I digress, and Kevin is still talking. And, by the way, he's in a wonderful holiday mood - we haven't seen him this cheerful in ages.) K: "Which brings me to the other reason I'm glad to see you." L: "Oh, gosh, two whole reasons?" K: "Oh, there are many reasons, but this one is..... I have something for you." L: "A present? Ooh, you have a present for me?" (As Kevin is about to demonstrate, he's feeling very flirtatious today.) K: "Present for you. Lucy, pick a pocket." L: "Okay, okay." And Lucy does just that, after checking first to see if anyone is looking. She seems to start with his trouser pockets - heck, who can blame her? When we return to them, she has her arms around him from behind and is checking his jacket pockets. Kevin is thoroughly enjoying himself. K: "Find anything yet?" (Lucy teasingly pinches his chest, which surprises him. He bursts out laughing:) K: "Lucy, stop!" (I think Kevin is ticklish, because he can't stop laughing. He attracts the attention of Sean, Tiffany and some other party guests, who hurry over to see what's going on.) K: "Oh, excuse us!" L: "This is private. Run along, go on, please." (The spectators depart. Lucy returns to her pocket search until Kevin stops her. He's embarrassed at being caught, and he's taking it out on Lucy just a bit.) K: "Lucy, haven't you figured out yet I was kidding?" (Of course she has, but if I may ask, what does that have to do with an opportunity to perform a full-body search on Kevin? Lucy's Aunt Charlene didn't raise any dummies! At any rate, Kevin retrieves a small package from under the Christmas tree and hands it to Lucy.) K: "Merry Christmas." L: "Merry Christmas! I'm so excited." (She opens a jewelry box to find a gold stick pin with a duck's head on it. Oh, well, so his taste in jewelry isn't the best....) L: "Oh, Dr. Collins, how subtle. This duck's head is just too on the money with its symbolism." K: "Lucy, obviously there's more to this than meets the eye. Now, in Chinese symbology, a duck head represents good luck." L: "Hence the lucky ducky!" K: "If you wish. My point being, we've had a profound lack of good luck lately, and I thought this might help to turn things around for us." L: "Well, I'm for anything that works, and who am I to look a gift duck in the mouth?" (They both laugh.) K: "Would you like me to pin it on?" L: "Yes, please." (And he does. The Spencers then arrive at the party, including Foster, who is wearing antlers.) L: "You know, I love Luke's dog. That is the best dog. I don't know how Luke trained him - " (When Lucy starts talking about Luke, Kevin rolls his eyes, shrugs his shoulders, and starts to walk away. Lucy notices and pulls him back.) L: "Wait a minute. Where are you going? Never mind him and his dog. I love my duck." K: "Are you sure it's exciting enough for you?" L: "I'm absolutely positive. It's very unconventional. Besides, Doc, you could have gotten me a Christmas goose." K: "Oh, that comes later." L: "Good." The party proceeds, and Kevin and Lucy participate in the festivities but that's the end of their dialogue. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: Thumbs up and thumbs down Date: 20 May 1998 06:38:50 -0700 I find it really, Really, REALLY exasperating when Kevin and Lucy have two totally seperate storylines, and I love one of them and hate the other. Not fair at all. I love the whole Victor/Marcia/Jasmine Island stuff (though, I don't know that most actors could pull off even MORE recycled storyline as well as Jon does), but god, I HATE the Lucy/Eve/escort service stuff. And, since I missed Friday (which confused me a bit when it came to Chris and the interns -- even though I LOVED Chris blowing up at all of them), it seemed like Kevin & Lucy switched gears really fast. Though, I am delighted that they remembered to include Lucy in the anniversary of BJ's death. As I was watching GH and saw that they were bringing it up, I made a mental note to blow a gasket if someone forgot about Lucy. So, I take it that Kevin found Victor and Victor, obviously, claims to have seen who killed Grace. Did anything else happen with them on Friday? Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: K&L: Thumbs up and thumbs down Date: 19 May 1998 10:24:59 -0400 Message text written by >So, I take it that Kevin found Victor and Victor, obviously, claims to have >seen who killed Grace. Did anything else happen with them on Friday? nope--victor stumbled home at the very end of friday's ep, saying he had been hiding in the park because he had seen who murdered grace, and = that was it. (followed, of course, by yesterday's oh-so-startling revelation that a clown did it... :) and i'm hating this escort service thing too. and while i LOVED the bj seemed really off to me to have lucy so wrapped up in the escort service thing, and then throw in one random bj scene. i don't think they should have had the escort scenes yesterday--it felt very disjointed. julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Thumbs up and thumbs down Date: 19 May 1998 13:51:14 -0400 At 06:38 AM 5/20/98 -0700, Taiyin wrote: >I find it really, Really, REALLY exasperating when Kevin and Lucy have two >totally seperate storylines, and I love one of them and hate the other. >Not fair at all. Tell me about it. Oh, well, at least Kevin *has* a storyline for a change. It's been a long time. >I love the whole Victor/Marcia/Jasmine Island stuff (though, I don't know >that most actors could pull off even MORE recycled storyline as well as Jon >does), I know. He's finding a way to make it fresh. Of course, Victor's involvement helps with that. >but god, I HATE the Lucy/Eve/escort service stuff. Amen! I came to the conclusion that Lucy's suspicions of Eve are justified if you view them from her POV. She overheard Scott talking about Eve's bracelet. She saw Eve and Chris kissing and overheard a potentially suspicious conversation. And there's still the whole Scott-Katherine thing. Granted, she WANTS to suspect Eve, but she still does have some good reasons. Having said that, though, GOOD GRIEF! Does *every* scheme of Lucy's have to involve seduction? Couldn't she hire Felicia to look into Eve's family background, her friends in Minnesota, etc., etc.? Or maybe bribe some Enchanted Escort employee to give her information? But, nooooo, she has to impersonate a hooker. I hated, hated, HATED watching Lucy trying to evade Rex's sexual advances. I can't believe we're going to have to suffer through it again. >Though, I am delighted that they remembered to include Lucy in the >anniversary of BJ's death. As I was watching GH and saw that they were >bringing it up, I made a mental note to blow a gasket if someone forgot >about Lucy. Yes, that was nicely done, both on GH and on PC. >So, I take it that Kevin found Victor and Victor, obviously, claims to have >seen who killed Grace. Did anything else happen with them on Friday? Lucy spent the episode on Friday trying to get information from the escort service guy. First she pretended to be Eve's older sister trying to bring "Evelyn" home to see their dying mother. Didn't work; the guy's not an idiot. Then she came back to his office again, this time pretending to be down on her luck and in need of money. He didn't really buy that either because he recognized her as Lucy Coe. She went home, changed into that pink outfit you saw her in on Monday, and came back in full seductress mode. She claimed to need some "erotic adventures" in her life as a relief from the strictures of the business world. He bought it and agreed to let her be an escort. Kevin's episode started with the end of Garcia's search of the lighthouse. Kevin got frustrated with Garcia. He made a good point - if Victor was a murder suspect, why not put out an APB on him instead of searching the lighthouse for clues? Poor Kevin was pretty upset..... Next Kevin showed up at the Recovery Room for Grace's wake (which is where most of the other characters spent the entire episode). He tried to pay his respects to Grace's father, but when her dad heard the name "Collins," he went postal and told Kevin he had a lot of gall to even show up there after causing Grace's death by writing "General Homicide." Poor Kevin apologized and left while everybody stared. Then Victor showed up at the Lighthouse right at the end. What really BUGGED me most of all was that, while Lucy was off behaving like a tart for the benefit of that escort service guy, Kevin was worried sick about his dad AND had to endure several humiliations alone: * Boardman's rant (on Thursday's show) * The search of the lighthouse * Sullivan's rant (on Friday's show) By the way, to explain the business about Chris, near the end of Friday's show, Matt ripped Chris to shreds. He told everybody the dirt he had unearthed on Chris - the $20k from Devlin, the bounced checks, etc. And he accused him of killing Grace. So what you saw on Monday was Chris fighting back. Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: Plot Hole Date: 21 May 1998 07:09:40 -0700 And does it annoy anyone else that Eve is supposed to have lived and gone to school in Minnesota, and yet Lucy is making inquiries at an escort service in New York? It'd be one thing if it were a chain and she was trying to hack into their records, but she is snuggling up to these guys because they might have known Eve. Bleah. I do agree, though, with Rika that from Lucy's POV it does look like Eve could be guilty. But Lucy WANTS Eve to be guilty, and the fact that she is coming off like she'd think Eve was guilty even without "knowing" what she "knows" is what's bugging me. Taiyin, one more reason to hate this stuff... "What did I do before I had you?" --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Plot Hole Date: 20 May 1998 13:37:49 -0400 At 07:09 AM 5/21/98 -0700, you wrote: >And does it annoy anyone else that Eve is supposed to have lived and gone >to school in Minnesota, and yet Lucy is making inquiries at an escort >service in New York? It'd be one thing if it were a chain and she was >trying to hack into their records, but she is snuggling up to >these guys because they might have known Eve. Yeah, that topic has been under discussion on RATSA. It seems like the writers blew it in a big way. There's actually a remote possibility that it could be right, but it's pretty remote. Eve went to med school at Univ. of Minnesota. Devlin said she worked her way through "college" as an escort, not med school. Plus, when Lucy called those names in Eve's address book, she suggested to one person that Eve left the escort service "about four years ago," which again implies that she did it before, not during, med school. I don't think they've ever said where she got her bachelor's degree. I suppose there's a slight chance that she went to PCU, though if so you'd think something would have been said before now. But while we're discussing plot holes, I'll give you another. It's a more subtle point and I can see why Latham missed it. You know all this talk about circuses on Jasmine Island, and the Jasmine Island Police Department, and so on? I thought I recalled that the Collins home was the only one on Jasmine Island. I'm working on Jasmine Island transcripts right now, and today I saw the scene that confirms it. Mac had Garcia run a property check on Jasmine Island. The information that came back was that there was one house on the island. Furthermore, they verified Kevin's presence on Jasmine Island by the fact that the Coast Guard saw lights on the island. >I do agree, though, with Rika that from Lucy's POV it does look like Eve >could be guilty. But Lucy WANTS Eve to be guilty, and the fact that she is >coming off like she'd think Eve was guilty even without "knowing" what she >"knows" is what's bugging me. Agreed. If she had just a little bit of doubt it would be more palatable. Actually, the saving grace for this storyline would be for Kevin to find out what she's doing and to teach her a lesson by calling the escort service and setting up an appointment with "Angela Delight." He could arrive in disguise so she didn't recognize him right away. THAT could be fun. Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin's past and present Date: 20 May 1998 14:03:31 -0400 Either I'm really, REALLY slow or else I made a pretty cool connection today. I already thought it was great that there is a consistent theme of water running through all of Kevin's trials and tribulations. There was Grace and the lake, Kevin's mother and the bathtub (and even that they were living on an island, surrounded by water), and now Marsha and the river. I like Latham's respect for history. (I loved Kevin and Lucy's discussion last week, after Grace Sullivan's body was found, remembering that *other* death of a woman named Grace in Kevin's life.) So today, when I was transcribing one of the Jasmine Island scenes, it hit me. Knives. Knives were an important recurring theme in the Jasmine Island situation. Kevin slashed his Madonna-and-child paintings, and then he stuck a knife in the bathroom door. Then, on Jasmine Island, he used a different knife to threaten Felicia (and even Lucy). And it was somehow more than a weapon. He toyed with it, looked at it..... it was *important* somehow. Plus, he didn't get the knife from the kitchen. It was in a cabinet in the living room, in a sheath. It looked - well, as far as I can tell, it looked a lot like that knife in his current dreams and visions. I don't know if the connection is intentional, but it would be terrific if it is. And it might be. Guza started the Kevin-as-stalker story before he left GH in mid-1996. Maybe the answer to why Victor did what he did was always intended to be part of it. Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: ADMIN: Listowner holiday Date: 22 May 1998 17:21:44 -0700 I just wanted to let you all know that neither Cagey nor I will be available until Tuesday. My sister and I are heading to Vegas for the weekend in an hour or so, and Cagey will be emailless for a few days, too. So, I'm not ignoring you, I promise. And considering what I understand happened on today's GH, I expect LOTS and LOTS of mail when I return on Monday night/Tuesday morning. :-) Have a safe and happy weekend, all! Taiyin TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: PC on Thursday and Friday Date: 22 May 1998 16:04:46 -0400 Okay, I'm going to apologize in advance because I am about to say something completely adolescent and superficial. I can't help it. Four words: Kevin. White tie. suh-WOON!!!! Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and the Truth About Grace Date: 23 May 1998 15:35:34 -0400 It's the transcript of the week, and we're into some REALLY good stuff! The next three transcripts represent what is arguably the best week of Kevin/Lucy scenes ever aired, viewed as a whole. This week had it all - drama, comedy, romance, and eroticism - demonstrating the remarkable range of this couple. No actual lovemaking, of course - that came the following week! I can't begin to tell you how much fun it was to transcribe these episodes. I know most of you can probably recite long stretches of this dialogue from memory! Anyway, enjoy - Rika ---------------------------- KEVIN, LUCY, AND THE TRUTH ABOUT GRACE - December 27, 1994 Lucy arrives at the Lighthouse. She is wearing her duck's-head pin (the Christmas gift from Kevin). Kevin takes her coat as she asks him: L: "Any second thoughts?" K: "None. What about you? You don't have to do this, you know." L: "I want to. This is our fight." K: "Thank you." L: "Are you frightened?" K: "Surprisingly, no. I thought I would be. I'd never seriously entertained the notion of self-hypnosis because I was afraid of the images that would come with the knowing. And until you started hammering at me, I'd never seriously considered that I wasn't responsible for Grace's death. But as awful as the blank spaces were, at least they were an enemy that I knew and I'd learned to live with - after a fashion." L: "What if we do find out that you were right? Are you prepared to find a way to live with that?" K: "Yes. I want it over with. One way or another, I want it over." L: "Then we've got our work cut out for us." When we see them again, they are sitting on the sofa and Kevin is holding a small tape recorder. K: "Now, once I'm under, you'll hear me suggest that I willingly respond to your questions. That's your cue. You turn off the tape and ask me what I'm seeing." L: "Okay. What if I hit the wrong button? What if I reverse the tape somehow or, worse yet, what if I break the tape? I have this feeling you might be stuck in some horrible moment in time, and I couldn't stand that - I can't think of a worse thought." K: "Frankly, neither can I, and the closer I'm getting to it, I'm starting to get nervous. This is the 'stop' button. Fortunately some forward-thinking person thought enough to put a red dot on it. If you remember that you should be in good shape." L: "All right, I don't mean to be a worry wart here." K: "It's okay. Now's the time to ask." L: "What if I can't wake you up?" K: "All right. I've also put in a suggestion that says if you tell me to count backward from five, I'll bring myself out of it. I doubt it'll come to that, though, because normally when someone is under and they become agitated or they feel like they're not getting anywhere, they'll just wake themselves up." L: "Right. Okay, you've thought of everything." K: "Training." L: "Thank God you're not a novice at this." K: "Self-hypnosis is definitely in the 'Don't try this at home' department. I know what I'm doing, Lucy. Try not to be afraid." L: "I'm not, I'm not. I want to close this chapter as much as you do." K: "All right. Let's close it." L: "Right. Wait. May I just say something here first?" K: "Of course." L: "This means so much - You know how - well, you are - you know how you're such a control freak and everything?" (Kevin rolls his eyes) "I don't - No, that's not what I meant, really! Just bear with me. What I'm trying to say - Remember when you told me, when we brought this whole subject up, that you didn't want to relinquish control to another professional? But, Kevin, you are. You are to me. Me! Sort of. I mean, you're putting yourself in my hands, and you're actually trusting me. And it means so much - " (Kevin puts his finger to Lucy's lips to silence her.) K: "You don't have to say it, Lucy." (He gently strokes her cheek) "This is a big one for me." L: "I know, and I promise I'll handle it very carefully. Are you ready for whatever we find?" K: "I'm ready." When we return, Kevin is lying on the sofa, his eyes closed. He is agitated and upset, breathing hard. Lucy sits in Kevin's leather chair. The tape player is running. K: (on tape) "It's the night of June 16. You're in Switzerland with Grace and it's right before the accident. Lucy will take over from here." (Lucy shuts off the tape player. The red dot evidently did the trick.) L: "Kevin, can you hear me?" K: "Yes." L: "Do you know who I am?" K: "Lucy." L: "Where are you right now?" K: "In the living room of the chalet." L: "Are you alone?" K: "No. Grace - " (He seems to ward something off with his hands.) L: "What about Grace?" K: "She's here. It's dangerous." L: "What is? What is?" K: "It's her eyes. I've lost her." L: "What do you mean?" K: "It's the insanity, the craziness - it's right in front of my face. It's in front of my face! Oh, it's hot! It's hot!" L: "What is? What's hot?" K: "Her breath, and the blood in her nails and in her fists! I have to get out. I have to get out, or I'm going to hurt her." L: "Okay, shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay." K: "She says I want her dead. She says I want her dead, and I do." (He grabs his head and writhes on the sofa, seemingly in agony.) "Oh, my God, what's happening to me?" L: "Kevin! Kevin! Leave her! Leave! Just leave - I want you to walk away like you did that night. Leave!" (Kevin becomes calmer.) L: "Okay. Where are you now?" K: "The car." L: "Where in the car?" (Kevin gets agitated again.) K: "My head - it feels like it's going to explode! Everything's spinning. I have to lie down." L: "Where, where?" K: "Too much red wine, too much of everything! It has to stop - I have to stop! No more fighting! No more fighting. No more fighting. Just quiet - just sleep." (Kevin has become calmer again, and seems to drift off to sleep. Lucy is now the one who is agitated.) L: "Don't you dare! Kevin? Kevin? Kevin? Don't do this! You didn't leave me instructions for this! What am I supposed to do? Kevin! Kevin! Kevin! Oh, my God, I can't believe this. You weren't supposed to actually pass out! I can't let you stay like this! If you can't hear me, how am I supposed to get you to count backwards?" (We hear a car engine revving and tires screeching - evidently this is what Kevin is hearing. His eyes open suddenly and he's terrified.) K: "Stop! Stop! Are you out of your mind? You're losing control - you're going to hit - " (We hear a crash and a loud splash.) L: "Kevin? What's going on?" K: "No. Water, water, it's freezing, it's pouring in. Grace?" L: "What's happening? What's happening?" K: "Grace!" We drift into Kevin's dream, pieces of which we've seen so often. The car is underwater. Grace, in the front seat, is trapped in the car. She yells, "Help me!" Kevin, in the back seat of the car, wakes up and leans forward towards the front seat. Then Kevin awakens from hypnosis abruptly and sits partway up. He looks astonished. K: "Lucy! Lucy!" L: "What is it? What happened?" (Kevin hasn't caught his breath and can't answer yet.) L: "What is it? What happened?" (Kevin is still collecting himself. Lucy, never known for her patience, is about to lose her mind.) L: "Kevin Collins, if you don't tell me right this minute what you saw, what happened, I'm going to start peeling back my skin, layer by layer, right before your very horrified eyes, you don't KNOW from dreams!" K: "I wasn't driving." L: "Oh, my God!" K: "I didn't kill her, Lucy! I didn't kill her!" L: "Oh, my God!" (Lucy throws her arms around Kevin; he holds her very tightly as they both cry.) K: "Oh, Lucy - I remember everything. I remember I left her ranting and raving in the chalet, and I passed out in the back seat of the car. After a while, there was movement and sound. I heard music. It was music - only it was like it was filtered through layers of black. Layers of black." (Kevin gets up and rushes across the room, frantically rooting through his CD collection.) K: "It was music. I know it was music." (He finds a CD and brings it back to show Lucy.) K: "It was this. It was this! That's why I couldn't get it out of my mind. This was playing on the car radio, I know that now. I remember we were going too fast. We were going way too fast and I was alarmed by that. But it was so much effort to try and rise up through the black layers that were on me. I heard her scream. She screamed something. I know she screamed something - I don't know what it was. There was a crash, and then a sensation of flight. It was like being airborne. And then a sickening descent. And then the water, pouring in all over. I tried, I tried to get her seat belt unhooked, I tried, but it would not come unhooked. I don't know what was wrong with it - it was jammed or something - but it wouldn't come loose. And I remember, I was able to get the back window open, and I got out of the car. And I came to her side and I tried to get the door open. And she was pounding inside the car, and I could see her face. She was begging me to help her." (Kevin starts to cry.) K: "And I tried. I tried to get the door open, and then I needed air, and so I went up, and then I came back down, and I had to go back up, and over and over and over again, I tried! I tried! And she stopped pounding. She stopped pounding. And I could see her face, her face." (He covers his face with his hands for a moment.) K: "I guess that's when I passed out. I don't know - I lost conscious- ness. Because the next thing I remember, I woke up on the side of the road." (He pauses and looks at Lucy, trying to regain control of himself. She grabs his arm.) L: "Listen to me. You know what this means, don't you?" K: "I'm not like my brother. I'm not like Ryan. I didn't kill her. I didn't kill anyone!" L: "Welcome to your new lease on life, pal?" Kevin looks at Lucy for a moment; then he pulls her into his arms so hard that you can hear the impact. They cling to each other fiercely as he cries in utter relief. Later, they are seated close together on the couch, their heads touching. Lucy's arms are wrapped loosely around Kevin's neck; her legs are draped over one of his. One of his hands rests on her knee. There is a sense of utter peace and contentment in the room. L: "How are you feeling?" K: "Overwhelmed, overstimulated, relieved..... and so incredibly grateful to you." L: "Why, Doctor, are you actually thanking me for being pushy?" K: "From the bottom of my heart." (Lucy lightly taps his chin.) L: "That's why I did it, you know - so I could have the chance to capture your heart." (Kevin looks at her tenderly.) K: "It's already done." Kevin doesn't officially say "I love you" for a few more days, but his message is pretty clear. Lucy smiles through tears as Kevin puts his arm around her, pulling her even closer. He kisses her cheek and enfolds her tightly in his arms as the scene fades. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Debi Sanders Subject: K&L: Wedding Date: 23 May 1998 22:28:14 -0500 I recently read a scoop that stated that Kevin and Lucy and Mac and Filly will celebrate a double wedding this summer!! Could this be true?? Debi -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Debi Sanders "come visit" ©¿©¬ ------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Debi Sanders Subject: K&L: OPPS LAST MESSAGE SHOULD HAVE SAID SCOOP Date: 24 May 1998 02:59:31 -0500 What could I have been thinking!!!! I apologize, I should have put spoiler space or possible spoiler space at the top. I am very sorry :( Debi -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Debi Sanders "come visit" ©¿©¬ ------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Wedding Date: 25 May 1998 19:34:48 -0400 At 10:28 PM 5/23/98 -0500, Debi wrote: B E T T E R L A T E T H A N N E V E R >I recently read a scoop that stated that Kevin and Lucy and Mac and >Filly will celebrate a double wedding this summer!! Could this be true?? I heard that too. It's funny, because when I first heard that Kevin/Lucy and Mac/Felicia were supposed to have a crossover storyline this summer, I thought, "Wonder if it could be a double wedding?" But then I thought, naaaaaaaah. I couldn't imagine that TPTB would waste a big event like that on a non-sweeps period, and (unless I'm mistaken) the next sweeps period is November. I have to admit, though, it's got some possibilities. For one thing, I would assume that they'll be back and forth between shows a lot, which would be fun for a change. For another thing, some Kevin/Mac and Lucy/Felicia scenes would be nice; I've missed those. And the possibilities for comedy are pretty impressive. On the other hand, is it just me, or does anybody else have the gut reaction that Kevin and Lucy deserve their *own* wedding, not one they share with someone else? We shall see - Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Debi Sanders Subject: Re: K&L: Wedding Date: 25 May 1998 21:35:44 -0500 S P O I L E R S P A C E F I N A L L Y Rika wrote: > I have to admit, though, it's got some possibilities. For one thing, I > would assume that they'll be back and forth between shows a lot, which > would be fun for a change. For another thing, some Kevin/Mac and > Lucy/Felicia scenes would be nice; I've missed those. And the > possibilities for comedy are pretty impressive. On the other hand, is it > just me, or does anybody else have the gut reaction that Kevin and Lucy > deserve their *own* wedding, not one they share with someone else? > > We shall see - > > Rika > I agree they "should" get their own wedding but if thats not going to happen > I definitely see a lot of potential here. 1. With the wedding already planned I see how M & F could tell themselves right up to the end that they are going to call their part off. 2. Lucy letting someone else get a little attention on "her" wedding day could set up some pretty hilarious scenes. 3. Mac getting married with a duck as a possible best man, well the mind boggles. Really I wonder how they would pull that off, would they be each others best men and the grooms at the same time? 4. Its a great way to get the casts of both shows together for a big blow out. It sure is fun to think about huh? Debi > - -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Debi Sanders "come visit" (ë¿ë) ------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: AVID Woman Subject: K&L: ABC special on soap love Date: 25 May 1998 22:38:53 -0500 (CDT) I was checking out the Daily Scoop section at the ABC site and saw an interesting tid bit. Apparently sometime in the summer ABC is going to be doing a primetime special on soap love stories. In starting to talk about it ABCJoanne mentioned Kevin and Lucy's name in the same sentence as Luke and Laura when nameing some classic examples of soap opera love. ABC wants fans to email them what they think was the most unforgettable love story and why. The cutoff for submissions is this Friday and should be sent to Besides that they want the usual important info and a few lines on when and why you started watching soaps and what your earliest memories of your fav soap couple is. I figured I'd pass this on to you all and see if we can get K&L some nice screen time in this special. -Nicole - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: Mac (SPOILER) Date: 27 May 1998 17:28:59 -0700 Well, even though it's not a Big Event (like the death of certain Bovine Tramps ), and it's not much of a surprise, it's... S T I L L A S P O I L E R From SOD Online: General Hospital's JOHN J. YORK (Mac) is the latest GH castmember to cross over to its' sister soap, Port Charles. The actor will appear on PC on May 29 when Mac assures his pal, Kevin (Jon Lindstrom), that he doesn't believe the widespread rumor that Kevin is responsible for the General Homicide murders. Taiyin TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Wedding Date: 27 May 1998 19:10:41 -0700 At 10:28 PM 5/23/98 -0500, Debi Sanders wrote: >I recently read a scoop that stated that Kevin and Lucy and Mac and >Filly will celebrate a double wedding this summer!! Could this be true?? Note to self: Read the email that is in your mailbox BEFORE sending out a panicked, franitic bit of hysteria. Taiyin, still loathing the idea... TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: WHAT?!?!?!?!? (SPOILER) Date: 27 May 1998 18:32:01 -0700 OK, I have obviously not been paying enough attention, but... S P O I L E R S P A C E I just got a letter from someone who visited my Kevin & Lucy Web Page, and in it she commented about Kevin & Lucy's upcoming DOUBLE wedding with Mac and Felicia. Has anyone else heard about this? If this is true I am going to be BEYOND pissed. Four and a half years and then we are supposed to be happy with them sharing the big day with Mac and Filly?? I don't THINK so. Please, please, please tell me that one of you has heard (from a fairly reliable source) that that rumor is crap. I'm writing the person who wrote me back and ask where they got that rumor, but in the meantime my skin is crawling. Taiyin, ticked and fairly repulsed... TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ReginaL402 Subject: Re: K&L: Wedding Date: 27 May 1998 00:12:29 EDT In a message dated 98-05-26 22:40:22 EDT, you write: << Note to self: Read the email that is in your mailbox BEFORE sending out a panicked, franitic bit of hysteria. >> Well, I'm not exactly answering that line, but I have to start somewhere . At the urging of one of our fearless leaders, I'm going to try and force myself out of lurker-mode. Hi everybody! (LOL) I believe a brief introduction is in order. I swear I'll TRY to keep it brief. However be forewarned that brevity is not one of my flaws (ummm, I mean strengths ) I love this list, especially the scene transcripts (every one of which I've kept), and have been lurking amongst you for what seems like ages. I've adored K/L from day 1, really, but never had the foresight to save their stuff on tape. Luckily for me, plenty of other K/L fans have, and so now I've got a nifty (albeit incomplete) collection going. I utterly ADORE Jon Lindstrom's acting - WOW - I never tire of seeing this guy act, and he never disappoints me (nice eyes too; oh yeah and a great smile, and did I mention that at times he's so gorgeous I literally melt?) If you're getting the impression that I *really like this guy*, it's for good reason ;-) Seriously, I would have given the man an Emmy already a couple of times over. Absolutely awesome actor. Lynn H is incredible as well, of course. On a more personal note, I'm a busy married mother of 3 little ones (a boy 8 1/2 years old; daughter 7 years old; younger son nearly 4); work part-time as a lactation consultant for our health dept, and love living in sunny Miami Florida, hurricanes notwithstanding. Yes I survived Andrew . As to the wedding we've all been waiting for, I too would rather they had a wedding JUST FOR THEM (grrrrrr!) but god at this point I'm desperate enough that I'll take it! How's that for an introduction? Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Wedding Date: 27 May 1998 19:14:58 -0700 At 07:34 PM 5/25/98 -0400, Rika wrote: > >B >E >T >T >E >R > >L >A >T >E > >T >H >A >N > >N >E >V >E >R > >naaaaaaaah. I couldn't imagine that TPTB would waste a big event like that >on a non-sweeps period, and (unless I'm mistaken) the next sweeps period is >November. Nope. Daytime has August sweeps. They aren't as note-worthy, generally, because primetime is on hiatus at the time, and so the entire industry is less worked up over it. >I have to admit, though, it's got some possibilities. For one thing, I >would assume that they'll be back and forth between shows a lot, which >would be fun for a change. For another thing, some Kevin/Mac and >Lucy/Felicia scenes would be nice; I've missed those. Mac and Kevin I've missed. Lucy and Felicia I miss about as much as a 2nd degree sunburn. >And the possibilities for comedy are pretty impressive. Always. But the thought of going the head-on comedy route for K&L's wedding makes my blood boil. Definitely INCLUDE some comedy, as that is such a large part of what they are as a couple, but the idea of their wedding BEING a comic event makes me ill. >On the other hand, is it >just me, or does anybody else have the gut reaction that Kevin and Lucy >deserve their *own* wedding, not one they share with someone else? Damn straight, they do! And even if they don't, WE do! Four and a half years. No couple has to wait that long. No fans have to wait that long. But they did, and we did. We've earned a wonderfully sweet, sappy and SOLO wedding, damnit. Taiyin TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: WHAT?!?!?!?!? (SPOILER) Date: 27 May 1998 18:32:01 -0700 OK, I have obviously not been paying enough attention, but... S P O I L E R S P A C E I just got a letter from someone who visited my Kevin & Lucy Web Page, and in it she commented about Kevin & Lucy's upcoming DOUBLE wedding with Mac and Felicia. Has anyone else heard about this? If this is true I am going to be BEYOND pissed. Four and a half years and then we are supposed to be happy with them sharing the big day with Mac and Filly?? I don't THINK so. Please, please, please tell me that one of you has heard (from a fairly reliable source) that that rumor is crap. I'm writing the person who wrote me back and ask where they got that rumor, but in the meantime my skin is crawling. Taiyin, ticked and fairly repulsed... TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ReginaL402 Subject: Re: K&L: WHAT?!?!?!?!? (SPOILER) Date: 27 May 1998 08:28:25 EDT In a message dated 98-05-27 08:01:02 EDT, you write: << S P O I L E R S P A C E I just got a letter from someone who visited my Kevin & Lucy Web Page, and in it she commented about Kevin & Lucy's upcoming DOUBLE wedding with Mac and Felicia. Has anyone else heard about this? If this is true I am going to be BEYOND pissed. Four and a half years and then we are supposed to be happy with them sharing the big day with Mac and Filly?? I don't THINK so. Please, please, please tell me that one of you has heard (from a fairly reliable source) that that rumor is crap. >> Taiyin, I've seen this mentioned in a soap mag this week. I"ll nail down which issue, etc later. Stinks, but I believe it's true. OTOH, (a little perspective here) AMC's Jack/Erica fans (I'm a huge J/E fan) have been waiting 9 YEARS, (even enduring marriages to others) and there's still no guarantee that it'll happen, though I believe it will. So as long as we've been waiting for K/L, there are fans that have waited longer for their couple. I suppose that it's my Jack/Erica frustration that's helping me to tolerate the double nature of this idea for K/L. After 9 years with J/E, no way am I going to look a gift K/L wedding in the mouth. Hopefully we'll hardly see the Mac/Felicia part of this wedding. Call me an optimist. Hey - I do believe that's my first attempt at a substantive contribution to this list! Regina (patting herself on the back for resisting the urge to lurk) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ReginaL402 Subject: Re: K&L: SORRY about the spoiler space!! Date: 27 May 1998 08:35:19 EDT I don't know what happened to my spoiler space in my last mail to the group! I SWEAR I put in a ton of spoiler space, but when I got the mail just now, the spoiler space is gone! My profuse apologies to any others if you're experiencing my mail without the spoiler spaces - I truly have NO idea why AOL somehow took it out! What a way to start my day! Perhaps I'll go back to lurking..... Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Barbara Cullen Subject: Re: K&L: WHAT?!?!?!?!? (SPOILER) Date: 27 May 1998 08:52:34 -0400 --------------AE56A23BF6FFA732CD6CFEFE Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit < s p o i l e r s p a c e > I am afraid it is true they are planning a double wedding with M/F sometime this summer. I have read it in soap opera weekly on page 35. By the way guys there is acute picture of them on page 33. I hope that when they get up there M/F back down and it is just the two of them. My name is Tracey by the way and I am new to your list I am enjoying it very much. Tracey Taiyin wrote: > OK, I have obviously not been paying enough attention, but... > > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > > S > P > A > C > E > > I just got a letter from someone who visited my Kevin & Lucy Web Page, and > in it she commented about Kevin & Lucy's upcoming DOUBLE wedding with Mac > and Felicia. > > Has anyone else heard about this? If this is true I am going to be BEYOND > pissed. Four and a half years and then we are supposed to be happy with > them sharing the big day with Mac and Filly?? I don't THINK so. > > Please, please, please tell me that one of you has heard (from a fairly > reliable source) that that rumor is crap. > > I'm writing the person who wrote me back and ask where they got that rumor, > but in the meantime my skin is crawling. > > Taiyin, ticked and fairly repulsed... > TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango > with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights > out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. > LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man > who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." > > - --------------AE56A23BF6FFA732CD6CFEFE Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <
I am afraid it is true they are planning a double wedding with M/F sometime this summer. I have read it in soap opera weekly on page 35. By the way guys there is acute picture of them on page 33. I hope that when they get up there M/F back down and it is just the two of them.

My name is Tracey by the way and I am new to your list I am enjoying it very much.

Taiyin wrote:

OK, I have obviously not been paying enough attention, but...



I just got a letter from someone who visited my Kevin & Lucy Web Page, and
in it she commented about Kevin & Lucy's upcoming DOUBLE wedding with Mac
and Felicia.

Has anyone else heard about this?  If this is true I am going to be BEYOND
pissed.  Four and a half years and then we are supposed to be happy with
them sharing the big day with Mac and Filly??  I don't THINK so.

Please, please, please tell me that one of you has heard (from a fairly
reliable source) that that rumor is crap.  <grovel>

I'm writing the person who wrote me back and ask where they got that rumor,
but in the meantime my skin is crawling.

Taiyin, ticked and fairly repulsed...
TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango
with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights
out."  KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response.
LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink."  KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man
who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately."


  --------------AE56A23BF6FFA732CD6CFEFE-- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: K&L: SORRY about the spoiler space!! Date: 27 May 1998 07:47:47 -0700 (PDT) At 08:35 AM 5/27/1998 EDT, ReginaL402 wrote: >I don't know what happened to my spoiler space in my last mail to the group! Spoiler space must be characters other than periods. If you just leave twelve blank lines, or if you use periods, some mailers either assume the message is over and cut it off, or filter out the space. --Cagey, ListMom - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: K&L: SORRY about the spoiler space!! Date: 27 May 1998 07:51:35 -0700 (PDT) At 08:35 AM 5/27/1998 EDT, ReginaL402 wrote: >What a way to start my day! Perhaps I'll go back to lurking..... I forgot to say--that's not a reason to run away . --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: WHAT?!?!?!?!? (SPOILER) Date: 27 May 1998 15:51:53 -0400 At 08:52 AM 5/27/98 -0400, Tracey wrote: My name is Tracey by the way and I am new to your list I am enjoying it very much. <<<<<<<< Welcome! Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Wedding Date: 27 May 1998 16:05:51 -0400 At 12:12 AM 5/27/98 EDT, Regina wrote: >Well, I'm not exactly answering that line, but I have to start somewhere . >At the urging of one of our fearless leaders, I'm going to try and force >myself out of lurker-mode. YEAH! The more the merrier! Hi everybody! (LOL) I believe a brief >introduction is in order. I swear I'll TRY to keep it brief. However be >forewarned that brevity is not one of my flaws (ummm, I mean strengths ) My eighth grade (I think) English teacher once told me I was the only person she knew who could use fifteen words when two would suffice. >I love this list, especially the scene transcripts (every one of which I've >kept), and have been lurking amongst you for what seems like ages. I'm glad you emerged out of lurkdom, and I'm glad you're enjoying the transcripts. BTW, regarding the transcripts, as soon as we're done with 1994, we're going to FF ahead to the buildup to Jasmine Island (skipping over the stuff for which transcripts are presently available online). Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 28 May 1998 17:06:46 -0700 I got this from ABCGary today. I have a few ideas of my own, but I thought I'd bring it up to the group. I'd like to get back to him very quickly, though, so, any thoughts? Taiyin >From: >Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 17:09:18 EDT >To: >Subject: Kevin and Lucy > >Hi! > >As ABC's resident historian, I am putting together a list of scenes that show >that Lucy and Kevin are opposites -- and opposites attract. I wanted to get >some input from viewers who enjoy watching this couple. Do you have any >favorite moments that illustrate this dynamic between them? > >Thanks in advance! > >All the best, > >Gary Warner > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Barbara Cullen Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 27 May 1998 20:33:08 -0400 Re: from abcgary: I wanted to get some inputfrom viewers who watch this couple. Do you have any favorite moments that illustrate this dynamic between them. I would suggest when they were reunited after she was kidnapped by Joe Scully. When he broke down the door in buffalo and threw her over his shoulder and she called him her hero. Also the part where she helped him on Jasmine Island when he had that breakdown and brought him back to reality. When they finally came back to the lighthouse after he was released from jail and he sketched her picture and bought her roses after they fought and circled a new date on the calender and said this is our new anniversary date. When they finally moved into together and she found the box of letters from his father after he said his father was dead. When she told him in the jail that she was pregnant and when he proposed to her and she lost her voice. When she miscarried the baby and when she was poisoned and almost died and he never left her side. Tracey Taiyin wrote: > I got this from ABCGary today. I have a few ideas of my own, but I thought > I'd bring it up to the group. I'd like to get back to him very quickly, > though, so, any thoughts? > > Taiyin > > >From: > >Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 17:09:18 EDT > >To: > >Subject: Kevin and Lucy > > > >Hi! > > > >As ABC's resident historian, I am putting together a list of scenes that show > >that Lucy and Kevin are opposites -- and opposites attract. I wanted to get > >some input from viewers who enjoy watching this couple. Do you have any > >favorite moments that illustrate this dynamic between them? > > > >Thanks in advance! > > > >All the best, > > > >Gary Warner > > > > > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Barbara Cullen Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 27 May 1998 20:33:08 -0400 Re: from abcgary: I wanted to get some inputfrom viewers who watch this couple. Do you have any favorite moments that illustrate this dynamic between them. I would suggest when they were reunited after she was kidnapped by Joe Scully. When he broke down the door in buffalo and threw her over his shoulder and she called him her hero. Also the part where she helped him on Jasmine Island when he had that breakdown and brought him back to reality. When they finally came back to the lighthouse after he was released from jail and he sketched her picture and bought her roses after they fought and circled a new date on the calender and said this is our new anniversary date. When they finally moved into together and she found the box of letters from his father after he said his father was dead. When she told him in the jail that she was pregnant and when he proposed to her and she lost her voice. When she miscarried the baby and when she was poisoned and almost died and he never left her side. Tracey Taiyin wrote: > I got this from ABCGary today. I have a few ideas of my own, but I thought > I'd bring it up to the group. I'd like to get back to him very quickly, > though, so, any thoughts? > > Taiyin > > >From: > >Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 17:09:18 EDT > >To: > >Subject: Kevin and Lucy > > > >Hi! > > > >As ABC's resident historian, I am putting together a list of scenes that show > >that Lucy and Kevin are opposites -- and opposites attract. I wanted to get > >some input from viewers who enjoy watching this couple. Do you have any > >favorite moments that illustrate this dynamic between them? > > > >Thanks in advance! > > > >All the best, > > > >Gary Warner > > > > > > - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: SORRY about the spoiler space!! Date: 27 May 1998 20:54:41 EDT In a message dated 98-05-27 10:51:49 EDT, you write: << I forgot to say--that's not a reason to run away . >> Thanks . In that case: did I say yet how much I hate what Lucy's up to these days?? Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: Wedding Date: 27 May 1998 20:54:45 EDT In a message dated 98-05-27 16:19:08 EDT, you write: << My eighth grade (I think) English teacher once told me I was the only person she knew who could use fifteen words when two would suffice. >> Ahhh, a kindred spirit. We wordy types make every word count, though. <> Thanks for the welcome. I'll head out onto the web for the scenes you're skipping. Unfortunately the transcripts will have to suffice, since that's where my collection fails me. My vcr ate my Madam Maia stuff (definitely getting that fixed - I have an extended warranty on it! Only problem is figuring out when I can bear to part with the damn thing long enough to fix it, LOL), and then the next thing I have is Lucy heading into the house at Jasmine Island. Any suggestions from the group as to where I can go to fill out my collection? In the past year I seem to have acquired a perverse need to collect tapes I don't have any room to store ;-)........ Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: K&L: ADMIN Please Read Date: 28 May 1998 09:06:44 -0700 (PDT) Since we seem to have some new subscribers (welcome!), I'd like to remind everybody to review the list rules. We've already discussed spoiler space --please also don't forget that fan fiction is welcome here, posts are not to be forwarded from this list to any one else without express permission of the author, and keep your citations from other posts to a minimum when you respond. Also, please doublecheck your headers when you send--you can post to either or Both addresses get here, but if you CC it to both, we get double posts. Please don't do it! Thanks. --Cagey, list mom - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cagey Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 28 May 1998 09:37:57 -0700 (PDT) At 05:06 PM 5/28/1998 -0700, Taiyin wrote: >>As ABC's resident historian, I am putting together a list of scenes that show >>that Lucy and Kevin are opposites -- and opposites attract. One of the best examples of this is one that Lucy isn't in--the scene with Kevin drowning his sorrows at the Outback, while he, Mac and Tony compare notes. I agree with Tracey--the proposal is also wonderful. Hives . The Strip . The Seduction of Norma . --kg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 28 May 1998 15:41:59 -0400 At 09:37 AM 5/28/98 -0700, Cagey wrote: >At 05:06 PM 5/28/1998 -0700, Taiyin wrote: > >>>As ABC's resident historian, I am putting together a list >of scenes that show >>>that Lucy and Kevin are opposites -- and opposites attract. > >One of the best examples of this is one that Lucy isn't >in--the scene with Kevin drowning his sorrows at the >Outback, while he, Mac and Tony compare notes. Oh, YES! That's a perfect choice! And going along with that, another great choice would be his inebriated "declaration" later that evening when Lucy was in the tub with Sigmund. He may have been off-balance because of the Akavit, but he summed up their essential conflict very succinctly. Others that I think illustrate opposites attracting: - The stuff surrounding their first kiss. Kevin was furious with Lucy for showing up at the Lighthouse whenever she wanted without knocking, and yet he couldn't resist her. - The morning Lucy stopped by the Lighthouse while jogging. Kevin to Lucy: "You're exasperating, maddening even. But you're so damn sexy that it all evens out." Hey, Taiyin, I could even send Gary transcripts of some of these. Do you think he'd find them useful in deciding which scenes to look at on videotape? >The Seduction of Norma . And the argument - and reconciliation - that followed. I think it's SO great that he's asking for help from us! Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: K&L: New to the List Date: 28 May 1998 16:18:32 EDT Hiya, Well I just signed up for the Lucy and Kevin mailing list. All I really wanted to do was say hi and introduce myself--I'm really a die-hard Lucy and Doc fan and hope that this couple has a long happy complicated life on Port Charles for many years to come. Really looking forward to hearing what you guys have to say and sharing opinions about Port Charles/GH and Lucy/Kevin. I think Lucy and Kevin are one of the funniest, romantic, flawed, thinking, interesting couples on daytime television and wish they got the same amount of attention that some of the more over hyped couples do. How can you love two people that adore that lovable duck Sigmund! Looking forward to jumping into the discussion, TC - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 28 May 1998 18:12:44 EDT In a message dated 98-05-28 15:44:31 EDT, you write: << The stuff surrounding their first kiss. Kevin was furious with Lucy for showing up at the Lighthouse whenever she wanted without knocking, and yet he couldn't resist her. - The morning Lucy stopped by the Lighthouse while jogging. Kevin to Lucy: "You're exasperating, maddening even. But you're so damn sexy that it all evens out." >> Well, I'm not as fluent (yet!) in our couple's scenes as the rest of you, but Rika has reminded me of 2 others that fit the bill, IMO: A lovely morning scene where Kevin wakes up suddenly and scares Lucy half to death, all because he's overslept. (I love Lucy's line there: "Don't you know? That's why God made mornings.") If I'm not mistaken, he launches into a description of his morning routine, which Lucy wastes no time in disrupting even further . In the next scene he says that he should add making love to her to his morning routine, although there's nothing routine about it. Not sure about this one because my memory is really failing me, but I have a distinct recollection of him offering to share his kitchen (or cappucino machine?) with her if she promises to read the owner's manual (LOL). I'm not remembering much else about it at the moment, but for some reason it popped into my head when I read Rika's suggestions...... Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: K&L: Kevin and Lucy Are Like Some Great Old Movie Couple.... Date: 28 May 1998 21:34:49 EDT I've had a revelation that I had had to share with other K&L fans :) Not only am I big fan of Lucy and Kevin but I'm a avid lover of old movies. With this whole murdery mystery going on Lucy and Doc are reminding me EVEN more of my favorite movie couple--Nick and Nora Charles( played by Mryna Loy and William Powell) the dymanic duo of the all those old dectective movies in the Thin Man Series. Originating from the detective novel The Thin Man, by Dashielle Hammet (awesome book) Nick and Nora were funny, romantic, witty, somewhat snarky (in a good way) sophisicated and completely head over heels in love with one another. When they werent laughing, arguing or taking sly shots at each other they were off solving interesting crimes and mysteries. Everytime Nick told Nora to butt out she did the complete opposite trudging right along into whatever. Nick was adorable with a martini in hand, solving the crimes, handing out a never ending supply of cool put downs and one-liners all while he flirted shamelessly with his wife Nora. Who does that remind you, I wonder! LOL Beyond a shadow of a doubt Lucy and Kevin were meant to the Nick and Nora of daytime television! Who ever concieved the coupling of Lucy and Kevin--the handsome, cerbral, intelligent, dry witted psychiatrist meets the wacky, sophisicated, equally intelligent, high strung beautiful business woman with a nose for trouble--had to be fan of all those great screwball couples of the old movies like Nick and Nora, Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant, Carole Lombard and Jimmy Stewart, Gary Grant and Roslinand Russell.. Kevin and Lucy are style, hippinest, romance, class and completely flawed--the reincarnation of all these couples put together! And for that I am extremely grateful. Nick and Nora, had Astair the dog --Lucy and Doc have Sigmund the Wonder Duck. Later on Nick and Nora added little Nicky to mix so not only did we get mystery, romance, humor added but the joys of parenthood--Something that I cant wait for Lucy and Doc to add to their mix as well-ASAP! LOL Just had to Share That, Tanya - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 28 May 1998 19:23:43 -0700 (PDT) Someone else may have said these already, but how about the proposal, and wasn't there something when Sigmund first came where Lucy saved him from being the Q's dinner and didn't Kevin help or something??? I can't remember exactly, but I think there was something then. Take Care, Geri ---Rika wrote: > > At 09:37 AM 5/28/98 -0700, Cagey wrote: > >At 05:06 PM 5/28/1998 -0700, Taiyin wrote: > > > >>>As ABC's resident historian, I am putting together a list > >of scenes that show > >>>that Lucy and Kevin are opposites -- and opposites attract. > > > >One of the best examples of this is one that Lucy isn't > >in--the scene with Kevin drowning his sorrows at the > >Outback, while he, Mac and Tony compare notes. > > Oh, YES! That's a perfect choice! And going along with that, another > great choice would be his inebriated "declaration" later that evening when > Lucy was in the tub with Sigmund. He may have been off-balance because of > the Akavit, but he summed up their essential conflict very succinctly. > > Others that I think illustrate opposites attracting: > > - The stuff surrounding their first kiss. Kevin was furious with Lucy for > showing up at the Lighthouse whenever she wanted without knocking, and yet > he couldn't resist her. > > - The morning Lucy stopped by the Lighthouse while jogging. Kevin to Lucy: > "You're exasperating, maddening even. But you're so damn sexy that it all > evens out." > > Hey, Taiyin, I could even send Gary transcripts of some of these. Do you > think he'd find them useful in deciding which scenes to look at on videotape? > > >The Seduction of Norma . > > And the argument - and reconciliation - that followed. > > I think it's SO great that he's asking for help from us! > > Rika > > - > > _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 29 May 1998 19:30:10 -0700 Well, so far the scenes that everyone is coming up with are the ones that I was thinking of, too. I don't know whether to be frightened or comforted that we all think so much alike. At 06:12 PM 5/28/98 EDT, wrote: > >A lovely morning scene where Kevin wakes up suddenly and scares Lucy half to >death, all because he's overslept. (I love Lucy's line there: "Don't you >know? That's why God made mornings.") Ah yes, the very, very beginning of the Ryan's Revenge storyline. The first day, in fact. That was the morning of the day that Ryan tried to seduce Lucy. Excellent choice. And the one scene that you guys have mentioned that I hadn't thought of at all. The only scene that I DID think of and that you guys DIDN'T mention was the scene from the morning after Lucy was supposed to pay off her bet with Damian. I love those scenes because Kevin's reaction to what she'd done was not only classic, but it also showed off their humor and raparte, while also showing how RADICALLY different they saw and approached the situation with Damian, Bobbie and the bet. And I loved Kevin analyzing her motives and her bursting into tears just to shut him up. :-) >distinct recollection of him offering to share his kitchen (or cappucino >machine?) with her if she promises to read the owner's manual (LOL). That was after they brought up, for the second time, the idea of living together in mid-1995, I believe. And, does anyone else notice that all these scenes are all dating back to 1994 and 1995? Tragic. Taiyin "I was thinking about us in the kitchen." --"Oh Lucy, the kitchen is far too dangerous a place, there are all those free-standing appliances." --Lucy and Kevin, "GH" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 29 May 1998 19:44:13 -0700 At 07:23 PM 5/28/98 -0700, Geri Fosseen wrote: > >Someone else may have said these already, but how about the proposal, >and wasn't there something when Sigmund first came where Lucy saved >him from being the Q's dinner and didn't Kevin help or something??? I >can't remember exactly, but I think there was something then. Lucy ordered the free-range duck to have as Thanksgiving dinner in 1994. Only she and Kevin had a fight the day before (which started out about her inviting him to go on an impromtu trip to Puerto Rico, and then degenerated into another fight about his wallowing over Grace) and their plans for the holiday were cancelled. But the duck was delivered anyway on Thanksgiving Day, and only then did Lucy realize that the "free-range" also meant "alive and quacking." So she set about town to find someone to "dispatch the duck" -- she went to the Grille, the Quartermaines and finally the Brownstone, where she found Kevin ensconsed in a family Thanksgiving with the Jones/Scorpio crowd. She got pissed, shoved the duck at him and stormed out the door and went to Puerto Rico for Miguel's concert. When she got back, she went to see Kevin and asked him where the duck was and he said, "You know -- dinner." She flipped out and then three months later, for Valentine's Day, he did the sweetest most adorable and romantic thing ever by giving her the duck, along with a diamond necklace, as a gift. And that was when she named him Sigmund (because she had just given Kevin a signed, first edition version of "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Frued as a Valentine's gift). The original scenes with Sigmund, though, are actually very short on K&L stuff. I think I'm going to send him a list of four scenes that probably best encapsulate K&L: 1.) The night they met at the Outback 2.) The morning after The Bet with Damian 3.) The morning of "routines" that Regina mentioned 4.) The night, during the Joe Scully stuff, where Kevin went to the Outback, got drunk with Mac and Tony and then came back to Lucy's and climbed into the bathtub fully clothed. I think that's enough, but not too much. And it makes me want to cry that they haven't had scenes as great and charming and moving and delightful as any of those in years. Taiyin "I was thinking about us in the kitchen." --"Oh Lucy, the kitchen is far too dangerous a place, there are all those free-standing appliances." --Lucy and Kevin, "GH" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Julie E. Saker" Subject: K&L: swiss cheese Date: 29 May 1998 10:39:32 -0400 is it just me, or is anyone else getting REALLY annoyed by the number of holes in this current story, and how our eminently sensible doc (while i LOVED his attempted persuasion of lucy yesterday) is really missing what i consider some of the more pertinent points??? for example: lucy claims if she can prove eve was a hooker in college, that will prove she's a murderer now. HUH? what does one have to do with the other? karen was a drug-abusing stripper who dated a gangster. chris was a forgerer. matt was a mafia kid. AND THEN THEY ALL GREW UP. (unless chris is the murderer, of course...) proving eve was, or wasn't, a hooker, proves NOTHING. second, it REALLY burned me up yesteday when lucy grasped at something kevin said, and then tried to justify all her shenanigans as trying to help kevin feel less guilty about these murders by catching the real killer. we ALL know that the only reason lucy is involved in this at ALL is because eve is trying to (in her view) worm her way into scott and serena's lives, and lucy will do anything to prevent that from happening. she would be doing the exact same thing even if general homicide had never been written, or had been written by some random stranger. she is NOT doing this for kevin, and i resent her trying to convince him she is. bottom line--remember all our previous conversations about = the "old lucy" versus the "new lucy"? well...whoever's writing this is giving us FAR too large a dose of the old lucy for my taste. so there! (i feel better now! :) julie - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Geri Fosseen Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 29 May 1998 08:04:00 -0700 (PDT) Thanks for reviving my memory - I knew there was something cute back then!!! :) One more though....where was Siggy between Xmas and Valentine's Day??? == Take Care...Geri ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ %~}"I believe I am growing skeptical of cynicism."{~% --Chuck Lorre %~}"Do not think you are on the right path just because it is well-beaten."{~% --Unknown ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin and Lucy Are Like Some Great Old Movie Date: 29 May 1998 11:12:28 -0400 At 09:34 PM 5/28/98 EDT, Tanya wrote: >I've had a revelation that I had had to share with other K&L fans :) Welcome to the list, btw! >Who ever concieved the coupling of Lucy and Kevin--the handsome, cerbral, >intelligent, dry witted psychiatrist meets the wacky, sophisicated, equally >intelligent, high strung beautiful business woman with a nose for trouble--had >to be fan of all those great screwball couples of the old movies like Nick and >Nora, Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant, Carole Lombard and Jimmy Stewart, Gary >Grant and Roslinand Russell.. Absolutely. I can't watch Hepburn and Grant in "Bringing Up Baby" anymore without thinking of Kevin and Lucy. Kevin and Lucy are style, hippinest, romance, >class and completely flawed--the reincarnation of all these couples put >together! And for that I am extremely grateful. Nick and Nora, had Astair the >dog --Lucy and Doc have Sigmund the Wonder Duck. Later on Nick and Nora added >little Nicky to mix so not only did we get mystery, romance, humor added but >the joys of parenthood--Something that I cant wait for Lucy and Doc to add to >their mix as well-ASAP! LOL From your mouth - well, fingers - to Latham's ears..... Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese Date: 29 May 1998 11:31:52 -0400 At 10:39 AM 5/29/98 -0400, Julie wrote: >is it just me, or is anyone else getting REALLY annoyed >by the number of holes in this current story, and how our >eminently sensible doc (while i LOVED his attempted >persuasion of lucy yesterday) is really missing what i >consider some of the more pertinent points??? > >for example: lucy claims if she can prove eve was a >hooker in college, that will prove she's a murderer now. >HUH? what does one have to do with the other? I agree that I can't begin to see why these two things have to be connected; in fact, I just wrote the Thursday update for RATSA and made a remark about that. Lucy simply *wants* it to be Eve, so she's grasping at straws. But if you were giving that that as an example of Kevin missing a pertinent point, he didn't miss it. He pointed that out to her when they were arguing in the hotel room. She just chose not to respond to it. >second, it REALLY burned me up yesteday when lucy >grasped at something kevin said, and then tried to >justify all her shenanigans as trying to help kevin feel >less guilty about these murders by catching the real >killer. we ALL know that the only reason lucy is involved >in this at ALL is because eve is trying to (in her view) worm >her way into scott and serena's lives, and lucy will do anything >to prevent that from happening. she would be doing the >exact same thing even if general homicide had never been >written, or had been written by some random stranger. she >is NOT doing this for kevin, and i resent her trying to convince >him she is. I both agree and disagree. I agree that a big (and probably her biggest) motivation in this is to keep Eve away from Scott and Serena, but I do think that there's some truth in what she said to Kevin. Wanting to protect *him*, not just from guilt but also from suspicion, may have been more prominent in her mind right then than it usually is because of Munson's accusations against Kevin on the phone. Don't get me wrong; I would consider what Lucy said to him to be a half-truth at best. She wants the murders pinned on someone outside of the Coe-Collins household; she also very badly wants Eve out of Scott's life. She can accomplish both of those goals in one nice, neat package if she can prove that Eve is the murderer. >bottom line--remember all our previous conversations about >the "old lucy" versus the "new lucy"? well...whoever's writing >this is giving us FAR too large a dose of the old lucy for my >taste. so there! I absolutely, totally, completely agree. I'm sick of Lucy using sex games to address each any and every situation. Aside from her total lack of concern for her safety, I'm tired of her not recognizing that it's an insult to her relationship with Kevin to do stuff like taking a job as a hooker. Her "reassurance" that she hasn't had to sleep with anyone "yet" wouldn't reassure me one iota if I were Kevin. If these exploits in costume have been intended to be humorous, sorry, I'm not laughing. I thought the Hercules-Xanadu thing was embarassing. This storyline has only amused me twice, and in both cases it had to do with Kevin's reaction to one of her costumes. Which brings me to another point. I know Lucy is well-known as a wacky, funny character, and that Lynn Herring has a lot of comedic talent. But is anybody else finding that it's usually Kevin, and not Lucy, who makes them laugh? Maybe it's because I generally prefer subtle humor to broad, slapstick comedy, but I think Jon Lindstrom has excellent comedic skills that aren't noticed by a lot of people. The best laugh I've had from this whole escort storyline was when Kevin walked in on Lucy and Munson when she was in the Xanadu get-up and said, "Excuse me." That was it. But the delivery was priceless. He's like David Hyde Pierce (Niles) on "Frasier" in that regard. Some of what Hyde Pierce does on that show is fairly broad physical comedy. But he can be funny - hysterically so - with a single word or even a look. Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 29 May 1998 11:41:10 -0400 At 08:04 AM 5/29/98 -0700, Geri wrote: >Thanks for reviving my memory - I knew there was something cute back >then!!! :) > >One more though....where was Siggy between Xmas and Valentine's Day??? Don't ask. :-) The best explanation would be to suggest a tiny alteration to Taiyin's account of the story. She said that on Valentine's Day Kevin gave Lucy "the duck." It might be more accurate to say that he gave her "a duck." Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese Date: 29 May 1998 11:54:52 EDT In a message dated 98-05-29 10:42:42 EDT, you write: << (while i LOVED his attempted persuasion of lucy yesterday) >> Boy, so did I. I loved the mention of Rex having poisoned her (because I hate how some shows will just forget about the impact that a storyline had upon a character the moment they've moved on to another story), what coming so close to losing her did to Kevin, and that he's going to be more proactive about protecting her safety. << proving eve was, or wasn't, a hooker, proves NOTHING. >> Agreed. That really aggravated me as well. And Kevin is bright enough to know that, yet we didn't get him pointing that out to her. GRRRRRR. Seemed so obvious to me I was practically yelling it out to my tv. << she is NOT doing this for kevin, and i resent her trying to convince him she is.>> I noticed that too, but thought maybe I had missed something by way of her motivations. That came out of the blue at me, and I thought - HUH? Where did I miss us seeing that her motivation is anything other than Scott/Serena? However, it didn't occur to me that she was deliberately trying to deceive him as to her motivations. She *sounded* like she meant it. Seemed to me more like an example of why it would be easier if this show were longer - they'd be able to take more time to set things up. As it stands now, at times it comes off to me as if they're skipping a story-step or 2, just to get to a certain point by the end of the show. Bothers me...... Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese Date: 29 May 1998 12:11:50 EDT I think this whole storyline has gone to far. I just dont get it. Eve went beyond and above the call of duty to help Lucy, Kevin and Scott help with Serena and the oh so evil twisto Rex Stanton (yawn) . Eve risked her life and career..Kevin risked his relationship and the woman he loves and in the end Serena was back home. But the two people who should be the most grateful to Eve: Scott and Lucy both suspect her of being a cold blood murderer. When Kevin told Eve that he'd always be grateful to her for help with Serena--I just fell more in love with Kevin then I was before. The one person in this whole deal who didnt have such a strong connection to the kid is the most grateful one. Unreal but so Kevin :) I think our Miss Lucy has just lost her complete grip--I knew jealousy was blinding but WOW. What bugs me the most is that Lucy (and I love her so dont get me wrong) as the last one who should pointing fingers at Eve! Lucy was the town's most hated citizen for years--people called her the same things Lucy calls Eve now a tramp and a golddigger but at least Eve came to PC with a medical career which isnt a whole lot you can say for Lucy. I've always loved Lucy for independence but doesnt she hear the fear and pain in Kevin's voice when he talks about losing her? The man is extremely on the edge but Lucy continues to do what Lucy wants and does because she things its for the common good. Does she want Scott back? I know at first it was just blind jealousy over Serena but are the writers pointing to something else? Are they saying underneath all this Eve bashing Lucy really wants to be with Scott? Jeepers creepers A. I really hope not and B. There's got to be a better way of going about this. :) I wish Dominique would pay Lucy a little heavenly visit and tell her in a firm but gentle way to butt out. I know Lucy and Scott are best pals but he's grown man--this obessession Lucy has over both Scott and Serena is going to eventually drive Kevin away and at this point I really couldnt blame him. I'm starting to wonder if Doc left would Lucy even notice or care at this point. I just feel that TPTB has taking this de-evolution of Lucy Coe a bit to the extreme and what disappoints me the most is that I was hoping that Lucy and Eve would be eventually be friends and get caught up in all kinds of whacky and crazy adventurers together. I dont know why on the soaps two strong independent woman are always played against each other..... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Barbara Cullen Subject: K&L: K&L Spoiler Date: 31 May 1998 09:54:35 -0400 s p o i l e r s p a c e I just read in tv guide scoops and I don't know whether it is true or not. But Lucy will get proof of Eve's past and Kevin will attempt to stop her from telling Scott to no avail. When she returns he(Kevin) will tell Lucy he can not trust. That will put a serious damper on their relationship. What do you all thing about that do you think it will effect them getting married or not? Tracey - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: K&L Spoiler Date: 31 May 1998 12:02:12 EDT not taking any chances on spoiler space this time & BTW I love those dimples! <> Tracey, I'm assuming what you're saying here is that Kevin tells Lucy he can't trust her? Boy I'd like to see this scoop for myself. Perhaps I'll pick up a copy of the new TVGuide this weekend. But I've read scoops for the summer from the soap mags that claim they'll be challenged by this story, but that they'll remain together. I've even read that they'll get married. So I'm still optimistic...... Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese Date: 31 May 1998 14:06:52 -0400 At 12:11 PM 5/29/98 EDT, you wrote: >I think our Miss Lucy has just lost her complete grip--I knew jealousy was >blinding but WOW. What bugs me the most is that Lucy (and I love her so dont >get me wrong) as the last one who should pointing fingers at Eve! Lucy was >the town's most hated citizen for years--people called her the same things >Lucy calls Eve now a tramp and a golddigger but at least Eve came to PC with a >medical career which isnt a whole lot you can say for Lucy. I think Lucy deserves a little more credit than that. She was a trained librarian when she came to town, and while I realize that medical training is more extensive in terms of the time devoted to it, it's very possible that she has an MLS. Then, later, she learned about fragrances and invented Deception's first scent herself. And being the CEO of a decent-sized cosmetics company is nothing to sneeze at. So I think in Lucy's mind, "tramp" and "golddigger" don't have to preclude intelligence and achievement. I've always loved >Lucy for independence but doesnt she hear the fear and pain in Kevin's voice >when he talks about losing her? The man is extremely on the edge but Lucy >continues to do what Lucy wants and does because she things its for the common >good. >Does she want Scott back? I know at first it was just blind jealousy over >Serena but are the writers pointing to something else? Are they saying >underneath all this Eve bashing Lucy really wants to be with Scott? I really don't think so. I think at this point it's more about Serena than about Scott. Her reaction when Serena gave both Lucy *and* Eve Mother's Day cards was very revealing. She feels protective of Scott - and she probably does have some unresolved feelings for him buried back there - but after Kevin's injury last fall, Lucy made it clear to Scott - more than once - that Kevin meant far more to her than Scott ever had. >I'm starting to wonder if Doc left would Lucy even notice or care >at this point. See, this is where I think sometimes we make ourselves miserable about Kevin and Lucy way beyond any need to do so. Of *course* she'd notice. And she'd care very, very deeply, and she'd fight to get him back. She does take him for granted pretty often - I think that's the point you're making, and I agree with it and don't like it either. But she only does that because she *can*, because she trusts his love and loyalty so much. It's true that some day he may get fed up with it, but I'd stake most of my assets on my belief that the only way Lucy would let Kevin go without a HUGE battle to get him back would be if either Lynn or Jon decided to leave GH/PC and the writers had no choice but to break them up (a la Sonny and Brenda). I just feel that TPTB has taking this de-evolution of Lucy Coe >a bit to the extreme I know we've got some folks who are new to the list since we had that lengthy, analytical "motives vs. methods" debate back during the Rex Stanton thing, but I still haven't seen anything to convince me that Lucy has regressed all that much. To offer a brief capsule, my hypothesis at the time was that the difference between the "old" and "new" Lucy is the motivations that drive her. She used to engage in wild schemes out of vengeance, greed, malice, etc. Now she tends to do this stuff more out of relatively noble, protective impulses (like Kevin said, she'd throw herself in front of a speeding train to protect her loved ones). But her methods *never* changed, and that holds her back from truly metamorphosing. And that's why I don't see her scheming with Rex - or now to get the goods on Eve - as being a radical regression. The Rex thing was easier to justify along my line of reasoning, because while she may have started to enjoy the game a bit too much, her reason for being there was clear - to protect Serena. Yes, there were other ways to do it (and her scheme actually netted nothing but her poisoning - the things of value that they learned about Rex didn't come from Lucy's attempt to con Rex), but this goes back again to Lucy's unfortunately limited repertoire of methods. In this case, the method is again pure Lucy. So the problem is to investigate the motives. and what disappoints me the most is that I was hoping >that Lucy and Eve would be eventually be friends and get caught up in all >kinds of whacky and crazy adventurers together. I dont know why on the soaps >two strong independent woman are always played against each other..... I think because they generally think that conflict makes the show more interesting, and to some extent I agree. And a strong, independent woman battling a wimp would be really boring. > >- > > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese Date: 31 May 1998 15:53:33 EDT In a message dated 98-05-31 14:08:23 EDT, you write: << But she only does that because she *can*, because she trusts his love and loyalty so much. It's true that some day he may get fed up with it, but I'd stake most of my assets on my belief that the only way Lucy would let Kevin go without a HUGE battle to get him back would be if either Lynn or Jon decided to leave GH/PC >> Well Rika I agree with you there, but I'll admit there are times when * I * feel close to fed up with her taking him for granted. I think the thing about this storyline that's really sticking in my particular craw right now is that it clearly pains (and scares!) him to watch her risk her life, and she knows that, but what that costs him (emotionally speaking) is not enough of a priority *to her* to warrant removing the life-risking elements out of her methods. She knows what her poisoning did to him. Yet she's willing to risk him going through that again. It makes me wonder just where he lies on her list of priorities. I suppose that's nothing more than just another way of saying that she takes him for granted ; it does make me mad. << I think at this point it's more about Serena than about Scott. Her reaction when Serena gave both Lucy *and* Eve Mother's Day cards was very revealing. She feels protective of Scott - >> <> At this point, I'm coming down on the side of less-than-noble motivations. I don't see where she has any real reason to feel that she's protecting Serena from something, and one would think that Eve proved her value during the Rex storyline. So it looks to me like she's doing this partly out of protectiveness towards Scott & mostly out of jealousy (maternal & otherwise), which I fully understand, but that brings me back to my earlier point. To risk her life (& to put Kevin through the emotional wringer that that entails) for relatively-nobler reasons (i.e., protecting either Scott or Serena from some dire consequence) is one thing. But to risk putting Kevin through that wringer yet again for what? Jealousy she's loathe to admit she feels? Hence I found myself actually mad at Lucy last week......... Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese Date: 31 May 1998 16:16:35 -0400 I'm sorry - this message may be partly a duplication of an earlier message but with more stuff added. Eudora either sent or deleted the last one for no particular reason, while I was still in the middle of writing it. Go figure. I've tried to cut out the duplicate parts, with the exception of the paragraph I was in the middle of writing when the message got sent. At 12:11 PM 5/29/98 EDT, you wrote: >I think our Miss Lucy has just lost her complete grip--I knew jealousy was >blinding but WOW. What bugs me the most is that Lucy (and I love her so dont >get me wrong) as the last one who should pointing fingers at Eve! Lucy was >the town's most hated citizen for years--people called her the same things >Lucy calls Eve now a tramp and a golddigger I actually think that explains some of Lucy's motivations. She sees a lot of Eve in herself, and she knows the way she used to be, so she doesn't trust Eve. I doubt that she's consciously aware of the parallels, but I think they affect her perceptions very strongly. >I've always loved >Lucy for independence but doesnt she hear the fear and pain in Kevin's voice >when he talks about losing her? The man is extremely on the edge but Lucy >continues to do what Lucy wants and does because she things its for the common >good. I agree. Unfortunately, she is such a risk-taker that she never sees the dangers of her actions, so she thinks Kevin worries needlessly. And if he's just being a worry wart, then she can rationalize that she doesn't need to change her behavior. Her Band-aid for the problem is to think she's smart enough to sneak around behind his back. In her view of the universe, that makes everything fine, because she accomplishes her goal and what Kevin doesn't know won't hurt him. Why she hasn't noticed that it never works, because he's too smart to fool for long, I don't know. But Lucy doesn't consider things logically so I suppose that shouldn't be surprising. The fact that something didn't work the other 100 times she tries it doesn't tell her that it'll fail this time too - instead, she assumes that this time she can beat the odds (which is, I suppose, typical of a risk-prone person). > I just feel that TPTB has taking this de-evolution of Lucy Coe >a bit to the extreme I know we've got some folks who are new to the list since we had that lengthy, analytical debate about this back during the Rex Stanton thing, so I'll try to offer a capsule of my "Motives vs. Methods" theory before applying it to this new situation. I argued then that I hadn't seen anything to convince me that Lucy had regressed all that much (if at all). I suggested that the difference between the "old" and "new" Lucy was in her motives. She used to engage in wild schemes out of vengeance, greed, malice, etc. Now she tends to do this stuff more out of relatively noble, protective impulses (like Kevin said, she'd throw herself in front of a speeding train to protect her loved ones). But her methods have *never* changed, even while her motives were becoming more admirable. The Rex thing was easier to justify along this line of reasoning, because while she may have started to enjoy the game a bit too much, her prime motivation for playing the game was clear and pure - to protect Serena, and to exonerate Scott. Yes, there were other ways to do it (and her scheme actually netted nothing but her own poisoning). But this goes back again to Lucy's unfortunately limited repertoire of methods, and her tendency to say, "This is the only way" when she could more truthfully say, "This is the only way I can think of right now that involves drastic action." In this latest case (her attempt to get the goods on Eve), the method is again pure Lucy - damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. So the issue is her motivation - is it "good" or "bad"? I've gone back and forth on this, but I've decided that if I were Lucy I wouldn't trust Eve either, despite her generosity in helping them in the scheme to nail Rex. I just re-watched some of the old PC stuff, and it reminded me that Lucy and Eve got off on a very, very wrong foot. Their first contact was when Lucy walked into her living room and found Scott, who was convalescing from major surgery, tongue-wrestling with Eve. And that day Scott and Eve allowed Lucy to believe that Eve was a hooker instead of explaining that Eve was a doctor; Lucy only learned the truth by seeing the photo of the interns at The Recovery Room. If you believe all the research and conventional wisdom about the importance of first impressions, Lucy had a huge obstacle to overcome right there. And since Lucy isn't the sort of person who gets analytical about her motivations (how's that for an understatement?), she probably doesn't have the slightest idea that all of her later interactions with Eve were filtered through her initial impression of Eve as a hooker. Not only that, but Lucy has a pretty long history of making snap judgements about people and almost blindly trusting her instincts, even in the face of a mountain of contradictory evidence. If I were Lucy, I'd have been uneasy to learn that Scott found Eve's bracelet next to the body, and that Scott was concealing that evidence from the police to protect Eve, especially since Eve's problems with Devlin *did* give her a motive for the murders. Heck, if Scott suspected Eve, why not Lucy? Next, Lucy saw Eve kissing Chris Ramsey and talking about marrying Scott to get his money. Yes, we know Eve was joking, but you have to bear in mind that we know Eve better than Lucy does. We know she's a bad girl with a good heart who's trying to reform. We know she's got a smart mouth and doesn't mean half of what she says. We're filtering what we see of Eve through that perception of her; Lucy is filtering it through a very different set of attitudes and beliefs. Finally, let's not forget Lucy's experience when Katherine Bell came to town. Lucy was the lone voice crying in the wilderness. I bet people said much the same things about her then that we're tending to say now. Lucy's instincts told her something was wrong with Katherine. Maybe what she believed to be instinct was actually jealousy, or maybe she did indeed sense that Katherine wasn't what she appeared to be. Either way, she was right - and I'm sure that's a big part of the reason she's trusting herself in this case. Besides, Eve *has* tried to keep some secrets since she came to town - first, her affair with Devlin, and now, her past as an escort. Lucy may be somehow picking up on that, either through some sort of psychic insight or through simple intuition. I'm not saying Lucy isn't jealous of Eve's involvement with Scott and especially with Serena, or that jealousy hasn't warped her perspective. And I'm not saying that her "hooker = murderer" logic leap isn't ridiculous and motivated by wishful thinking (since if it were true, it gets Eve away from Scott/Serena and relieves Kevin's guilt all at once). I'm just saying that if you look at it from Lucy's point of view, and factor in her long history as a person who tends "to react in a moment" (as she once said to Kevin), her behavior towards Eve doesn't seem particularly uncharacteristic or regressive to me. Well, I've probably blathered on long enough to put everybody to sleep..... Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and a Joyride Date: 31 May 1998 16:41:29 -0400 Here's transcript #2 from my all-time favorite Kevin/Lucy week. I know that for any of us, two words bring it all back - "Mac's Car." I can never decide on my favorite part of the scene. Maybe it's the heated looks they exchanged over brandies at the Outback, complete with innuendo-laden conversation. Maybe it's their light-hearted kiss-fest as they circled Mac's truck before hopping into the back. Maybe it's the two of them tap dancing in impressive unison to explain to Mac their sudden appearance outside the liquor store. But probably it's the waning seconds of the scene - Kevin's Gene Kelly moment in the rain out in the alley. Anyway, it's all fabulous - enjoy! Rika KEVIN, LUCY, AND A JOYRIDE - December 29, 1994 This is Failed Lovemaking Attempt #6. Lucy arrives at the Outback, rushing in under cover of an umbrella. She and Katherine (who is sitting at the bar with Mac) snipe at each other until Mac intervenes and drags Lucy away. She warns Mac about Katherine as they head to Kevin's table, but once her eyes meet Kevin's, he absorbs about 99.9% of her attention. Kevin stands up as they approach the table. Mac: "Is this yours?" K: "I hope so." (Lucy smiles at this charming reply at first, but then recollects herself.) L: (to Mac) "A woman is not a thing, you know." K: "Absolutely not." Mac: "I'll leave you two to contemplate the possibilities. Allow me." (Mac pulls out Lucy's chair and she sits down.) L: "Thank you, Mac." (Her tone suggests that Mac is not entirely forgiven for his faux pas, but her eyes are locked on Kevin so it doesn't really matter.) K: "Thanks, Mac." (Mac leaves. Lucy stares into Kevin's eyes, a speculative smile on her face.) K: "Are you trying to read my mind? My thoughts are highly complimentary, but just a little bit risque." L: "I'm just trying to see if I can sense even a glimmer of doubt." K: "You won't find any." L: "Then say it." K: "Say what?" L: "Say, 'I did not kill Grace.'" K: "I did not kill Grace." L: "Good. That's very, very good." K: "Why do I feel like I'm taking an exam?" L: "Okay, tell me. If you were taking an exam, what grade would you give yourself?" K: "Oh, A-plus." L: "Naturally. I'm sure you never got anything less." K: "No, I didn't. But, then, I had a good teacher - or should I say mentor." L: "I like that. I've never been anybody's mentor before." K: "Well, there's a first time for everything." (Lucy reaches across the table and strokes Kevin's hand.) L: "I certainly hope so, because I have planned a spectacular, long-overdue evening to celebrate your liberation." (From the look on his face, I'd say this idea is well received :-) L: "So, how does it feel?" K: "You want me to tell you here? I mean, right now?" (Kevin's still thinking about that celebration Lucy promised...) L: "No! To have your deepest, darkest fears suddenly erased after all these years." K: "Oh, that! Well, it's like being reborn. It's as if someone has switched on a light." L: "Someone?" K: "Fishing for compliments?" L: "Actually, I meant you did it yourself." K: "No, you deserve the credit. I never would have risked hypnosis if you hadn't been so persistent." L: "I never thought you were a killer." (Lucy takes Kevin's hand and they stroke each other's fingers.) "Besides, you know, I really could not stand seeing you eaten alive by guilt and anxiety." K: "What do you think that says about me, that I was so willing to assume that I was capable of murder?" L: "Stop that right now. I don't want you going around looking for anything more to suffer over. Kevin, you didn't kill her - you are free of all that. So just shut up and enjoy it." (Kevin smiles, dimples ablaze. He pulls Lucy's hand to his lips and kisses it.) K: "Thank you. I needed that." L: "So, now what do you say we spend the rest of the evening exploring what else you need, and what else you want." When we return to them, they are sipping brandies. The sultry looks they are exchanging could probably melt the brandy snifters - or set the brandies on fire. K: "My imagination is running rampant." L: "Well, yours would have to break the four-minute mile to keep up with mine." K: "The possibilities -" L: "Endless." K: "The combinations - " L: "Mind-boggling." K: "The permutations -" L: "Do you want to get out of here?" Both: "Let's." (They get up from the table and, hand in hand, rush towards the door.) K: "Mac, put it on my tab." They collect their coats and leave. Out in the alley, they kiss repeatedly, slowly making their way around Mac's Explorer. Between kisses, Lucy tries to make a suggestion. L: "You know, my place, we could just go up the steps right there." K: "Yes, but anticipation is such wonderful agony..... Oh, hell." (The poor guy has no clue just how MUCH anticipation is still ahead of him. He lifts Lucy up to sit on the hood of Mac's truck and they kiss. It starts to rain fairly hard.) K: "That's rain." L: "Go in, go in!" (She slides off the hood of the car; Kevin catches her and they kiss their way along, still circling Mac's truck, though Lucy tries to point in the direction of her apartment.) L: "We could just go right - " (Kevin silences her with kisses.) K: "I have a good idea." (Kiss.) L: "What is that?" (Kiss.) K: "I have a wonderful, wonderful idea. This is Mac's car." (He opens the back of Mac's Explorer.) L: "What are you doing?" K: "This is Mac's car. We know where he's going to be." L: "But - " (she's still pointing in the direction of her apartment.) K: "Just until it lets up." (Lucy surrenders with a blissful little sigh, and they fall into the back of the truck, kissing. Before long, Kevin sits up.) K: "One second.... one second." L: "What?" K: "One second!" (He closes the back door of the truck, a devilish grin on his face, and returns to kissing Lucy. When we rejoin them later, Lucy is pulling off Kevin's shirt while he unbuttons her dress. Both are breathless.) L: "Wait a minute -" K: "Hmm?" L: "Wait a minute. I thought we were just going to get in here and wait till it stopped raining." K: "Has it stopped?" (It's pretty clear that at this point Kevin wouldn't be aware of - or care about - a hurricane raging outside the truck.) L: "Um... no." K: "Well, I can't wait any longer." Lucy laughs and surrenders. Just then the truck's front doors open to admit two rain-drenched people: Mac and Katherine. While Kevin and Lucy were busy in the back of the truck, Mac discovered that he needed a case of wine, and he offered to drop the taxicab-deprived Katherine at home on his way to the liquor store. Kevin and Lucy, both in states of partial undress, clutch each other, terrified of being discovered. Mac and Katherine babble about nothing much, and then Mac starts the engine. Kevin and Lucy look at each other in horror. Mac offers Katherine a blanket he has in the back, and he starts to reach back for it as Kevin and Lucy cower away from Mac's searching hand. Luckily for our heroes, Katherine declines the offer of the blanket. Before long, Katherine starts ragging on Lucy. Lucy is about to react, so Kevin covers her mouth with his hand and restrains her. Mac defends Lucy, suggesting that she and Katherine are actually a lot alike. Then the subject turns to briefly Kevin, and Mac's feelings about him. Then we're back to Lucy, and Katherine gets really nasty. Katherine claims Lucy is vain, flighty, and dumb, at which point Lucy has to bite Kevin's hand to keep from saying something. But Katherine's just getting warmed up. Lucy is nothing without a man - and Katherine can't see what Kevin sees in Lucy. She waxes poetic about Lucy's wardrobe (Kevin winces at this - apparently he can see at least a grain of truth in it). Lucy is already seething when Katherine remarks that Lucy looks like "some hooker off 42nd Street." Kevin's hand goes back over Lucy's mouth and he has to all but hold her down at this point. Mac remarks that Katherine just snipes at anyone; he figures that Katherine wouldn't hate Lucy so much if Lucy hadn't outmaneuvered Katherine more than once. Lucy likes this; Katherine doesn't. Lucy is lying on a fishing rod, trying to pull it out from under her. When the truck goes over a bump, she lets out a little squeal of pain which attracts Mac's attention. Luckily he thinks it's just a squeak coming from the truck itself. As the front-seat conversation continues, Kevin and Lucy try to pull fishing rods and tennis rackets out from under them. The conversation turns back to Mac and Kevin, and Mac tells the story of their slow progress from Mac punching Kevin to friendship. Mac closes with, "Even I had to admit that Kevin's a pretty good sort.... for an overeducated, pompous, uptight windbag." Lucy smugly covers Kevin's mouth with her hand. Mac arrives at Katherine's building; Kevin and Lucy quickly throw a blanket over their heads so they won't be seen. When Mac heads off again in the direction of the beer store, Kevin and Lucy emerge from under the blanket. Poor Lucy's hair is a leaf-covered mess (evidently the blanket had been used for more than a few picnics in the woods and not cleaned afterwards). Mac drives to the liquor store and goes inside to make his purchase. Kevin and Lucy sit up and frantically start throwing on their clothes. L: "Get up, get up! Let's get out of here now! Get up!" K: "Lucy, we don't even know where we are!" L: "Who cares? We'll figure it out later. I am not about to get caught in the back seat of this thing like a pimply-faced teenager!" (She tries to open the back of the truck) L: "Oh, my gosh! This doesn't open from the inside!" K: "It never did." L: "Okay, okay, I'll get this! I've got it!" (Lucy leans forward to try to open one of the forward doors. We see the view from outside, as the truck sways back and forth. What's that saying - 'If the van's rocking, don't come knocking!') L: "I can't get it, it's stuck!" K: "Let me, let me get it." L: "Where's my coat?" K: "I don't know. Here, hold this." L: "Hurry up!" (With a mighty heave, Kevin manages to get the door open.) K: "Will you just wait? Stop pushing!" L: "Well, hurry! Here, hurry, take it, take it, take it!" (Kevin crawls out of the truck. Lucy throws his scarf and coat at him; the scarf nearly hits the ground.) K: "Lucy! It's on the - " (Kevin helps Lucy out of the truck. Her hair is still liberally strewn with leaves.) L: "Good grief! Whose idea was it anyway to get in this damn car?" K: "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." L: "Oh, yeah, well, do you happen to have any more good ideas, like how the heck we're going to get back to the Outback?" K: "I didn't hear you argue about it, and I suppose we could ask Mac for a ride." Mac: "Sure." (Kevin and Lucy freeze for a moment, staring at Mac, who is carrying a case of wine.) K: "Mac!" L: "Hi!" M: "What are you doing out here without a car?" L: "Well, we... we recognized your car." K: "Oh, boy, are we glad to see you!" L: "Kevin's car - it broke..." K: "Down." L: "Broke down." M: "Well, that's a shame! Let me take a look - I mean, I'm a pretty fair mechanic, if I do say so myself." (Lucy pokes Kevin, communicating, 'Think of something!!!') K: "Oh, no, don't bother. Transmission fell..." L: "Out." K: "Fell out, right in the middle of the road. I'll have to get a tow truck in the morning." M: "Ouch! That'll set you back. I see you two got caught in the rain. Heck of a night you picked to go joy-riding." K: "You can say that again." M: (grinning) "I see you got caught in the rain. Heck of a night you picked to go joy-riding." L: "Mac!" M: "Come on, hey, hitch a ride with me. I've got bucket seats, so one of you is going to have to sit in the back. It's probably a mess - I call it my Black Hole of Calcutta." K: "Very apt." (Mac opens the back of the truck.) M: "Let's see - oh, man, it's worse than I thought. It looks like a couple of packrats were building a nest back here. Well, sorry about that." (Mac opens the front passenger door.) "So, who's gonna rough it?" Kevin and Lucy look at each other, and then they both scramble madly for the front seat. Lucy gets there first; she turns around and smacks Kevin with her purse. He shuts the door and heads for the Black Hole of Calcutta. We next see them emerging from the truck back at the Outback. M: "Sorry about the door - it gets stuck all the time." K: "Really? Thanks for the ride, Mac." M: "Well, hey, come on in. I'll buy you a drink and call you a tow truck." K: "You know, I don't think I'm really up for it tonight. I'll just take care of it tomorrow." M: "Memorable night, huh?" (to Lucy) "I think there's a memento left there in your hair there." (Kevin tries to help Lucy to remove the leaf that is still stuck in her hair.) L: "Well, I certainly hope you can't quite imagine what we've been through, I hope." M: "Censored, huh?" (Mac elbows Kevin and laughs. Kevin tries to join in, but his laugh is pretty weak.) M: "Well, look, I'm think I'm gonna go inside before another cloudburst hits. See you." K: "Good night, Mac." (Mac leaves, and Kevin turns to face Lucy. He looks glum; she is pouting, but she recovers.) L: "Okay, okay. Tomorrow is another day." K: "As memorable as this one?" L: "Tell you what. Let's celebrate New Year's Eve early." K: "New Year's Eve has never been my lucky night." (Kevin ought to run for the hills right now.) L: "I'm gonna change all that. My place, eight o'clock, tomorrow evening we'll break all the records, I promise. I will give you a celebration you will never, ever, ever, ever, ever forget. Okay? Okay?" (Kevin takes her in his arms.) K: "Okay." (They kiss, both groaning in frustration.) K: "Some pair, huh?" Lucy grabs Kevin's scarf from around his neck and goes upstairs. It starts to rain hard. Kevin stands there in the rain, looking glum at first, but then he is possessed by the spirit of Gene Kelly. He swings a leg around experimentally, and soon begins to make a few more dance steps in the rain. Finally, he spreads his arms wide and laughs heartily as torrents of rain pour down on his head. (By the way, Kevin's dance routine was apparently longer originally - or else there were out-takes. One GH promo during the spring showed a brief clip of Kevin dancing in the rain that wasn't included in the actual show. It looked hilarious.) The end! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: K&L: Top 10 Reasons Kevin's Cool Date: 31 May 1998 17:33:38 EDT Hey, I posted this originally on the Port Charles Online Website and thought that some of you might get kick out of it. These are my top ten reasons why Doc is so cool, in my opinion. 10) Loves Lucy and let's Lucy love him. "I love Lucy and she loves me...!" 9) Can dress like 16th century French executioner and still look HOT! 8) Is planning to write another book. "Lucy's Logic for Dummies" 7) Whipped the Reptile's (Rex) sorry little butt like a red headed step-child last February and we're still cheering. "The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout..." 6) If we slap a blonde wig on Julie--he could do some of us a HUGE favor "MOTHER!" Norman Bates--Psycho 5) Any son of Victor "Sweet Pimpin" Collins is automatically cool with us. 4) Hasnt Windex-to-death his equally cool dead twin psycho brother Ryan from all the mirrors. "Peek-a-boo, I see you." 3) Does one mean Ricky Ricardo "LU-CY! You got some s'plain to do!" 2) Kick a$$ lines. (On the his executioner outfit) "Thought about buying it--that way I could take it out like Batman whenever I needed it." And the number one reason that Kevin is the COOLEST........ 1) He didnt use any of us as characters in his best selling book. "General Homocide." "And for these things WE ARE truly grateful...." Enjoy..... - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese Date: 31 May 1998 18:24:30 EDT In a message dated 98-05-31 16:18:12 EDT, you write: << I'm sorry - this message may be partly a duplication of an earlier message but with more stuff added. >> Well then I'm sorry that I answered your first version of this message rather than the 2nd one . My apologies for being so quick with the keyboard. I've been cooped up in my house for going on 3 days now caring for my sick kids (nasty stomach virus), so my keyboard has been my outlet. << Go figure. I've tried to cut out the duplicate parts, with the exception of the paragraph I was in the middle of writing when the message got sent.>> I'll reserve commentary to just the new stuff. <> On the surface of things, I'd agree with that. But when Kevin pushes her to admit it, she does generally acknowledge that she's taking a risk with her life. She just did that this week, when she said something along the lines of "Oh okay, so I take a few risks," prompting Kevin's lovely little speech about how he doesn't, not when it comes to losing her. I think she knows, down inside, that she's risking her life. I'd agree that she doesn't ever really believe that her schemes will go that far, but she does know she's taking that risk. Lucy's a gambler. Just because she thinks she'll always win doesn't mean she's unaware that losing is a very real possibility. << I'm just saying that if you look at it from Lucy's point of view, and factor in her long history as a person who tends "to react in a moment" (as she once said to Kevin), her behavior towards Eve doesn't seem particularly uncharacteristic or regressive to me.>> Ahhh, so perhaps we're having 2 different conversations here . I don't really dispute whether this is either uncharacteristic or regressive behavior on her part, except to the extent that her less-than-noble reasons for her latest scheme constitute a sort of regression. I thought (hoped?) that she had gotten to the point where she does this kind of thing for better reasons than I'm ascribing to her right now. I think that jealousy is what's mostly motivating her behavior towards Eve these days, and that bothers me for 2 reasons. One, because she's not admitting to it, and like Kevin, I'd prefer "complete emotional honesty" from Lucy (to borrow from what Kevin said in that scene at the Outback in '95 with Tony/Mac). I'd find this easier to take if she weren't in such denial about it. And my 2nd reason is the one I mentioned earlier about Kevin's feelings/fears when it comes to losing her. I just wish that the emotional impact upon *him* of her actions would make more of a *practical* difference to her. <> Well, not quite everyone ;-) When I have the time, I can blather on with the best of 'em..... Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Anne B) Subject: Re: K&L: K&L Spoiler Date: 31 May 1998 20:35:52 MST On Sun, 31 May 1998 09:54:35 -0400, Tracey wrote: >s >p >o >i >l >e >r >s >p >a >c >e > >I just read in tv guide scoops and I don't know whether it is true or >not. But Lucy will get proof of Eve's past and Kevin will attempt to >stop her from telling Scott to no avail. When she returns he(Kevin) will >tell Lucy he can not trust. Some spoilers were posted on r.a.t.s.a. and one of them puzzled me until I read this. Lucy will apparently ask Scotty if she can move in with him. I believe this happens the week of June 8th. -- Anne B - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Debi Sanders Subject: Re: K&L: K&L Spoiler Date: 31 May 1998 21:56:03 -0500 Anne B wrote: > On Sun, 31 May 1998 09:54:35 -0400, Tracey wrote: > >s > >p > >o > >i > >l > >e > >r > >s > >p > >a > >c > >e > > > >I just read in tv guide scoops and I don't know whether it is true or > >not. But Lucy will get proof of Eve's past and Kevin will attempt to > >stop her from telling Scott to no avail. When she returns he(Kevin) will > >tell Lucy he can not trust. > > Some spoilers were posted on r.a.t.s.a. and one of them puzzled me > until I read this. Lucy will apparently ask Scotty if she can move > in with him. I believe this happens the week of June 8th. > > -- > WHAT!!! Oh My Gosh!! Hold Taiyin back! LOL Debi > > > > - -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Debi Sanders "come visit" (å¿å) ------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Anne B) Subject: Re: K&L: K&L Spoiler Date: 31 May 1998 23:24:03 MST On Sun, 31 May 1998 21:56:03 -0500, Debi wrote: S P O I L E R S P A C E > > >Anne B wrote: > >> >> Some spoilers were posted on r.a.t.s.a. and one of them puzzled me >> until I read this. Lucy will apparently ask Scotty if she can move >> in with him. I believe this happens the week of June 8th. >> >> -- >> WHAT!!! Oh My Gosh!! Hold Taiyin back! LOL > >Debi > Well, the actual spoiler is Scotty refuses to allow Lucy to move in with him, so it could be worse. The spoilers are originally from Compuserve--the other Kevin/Lucy related one is that Victor and Kevin point fingers at each other. -- Anne B - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 01 Jun 1998 22:50:46 -0700 At 08:04 AM 5/29/98 -0700, Geri Fosseen wrote: > >One more though....where was Siggy between Xmas and Valentine's Day??? Only Kevin knows that answer to that one. Taiyin "I was thinking about us in the kitchen." --"Oh Lucy, the kitchen is far too dangerous a place, there are all those free-standing appliances." --Lucy and Kevin, "GH" - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: K&L: K&L Spoiler Date: 01 Jun 1998 01:55:00 EDT just shoot me now this had better not be true NO WAY! <> WHAT?? ARRRRGGGG!! Okay, someone please explain this one to me, before I throw my vcr in the canal. Have we not been through enough? How does Lucy justify this??????? Regina - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? Date: 01 Jun 1998 22:55:36 -0700 At 11:41 AM 5/29/98 -0400, Rika wrote: > >The best explanation would be to suggest a tiny alteration to Taiyin's >account of the story. She said that on Valentine's Day Kevin gave Lucy >"the duck." It might be more accurate to say that he gave her "a duck." Which is honestly the only thing that really makes any sence, given that Kevin told Lucy back in December: "You know -- dinner." But at Valentine's Day he SWORE it was "her duck." Of course, that could mean any number of things, but since Lucy chooses to beleive it, and since Kevin is such an advocate of honesty, most of us chose to believe it, too. Taiyin "I was thinking about us in the kitchen." --"Oh Lucy, the kitchen is far too dangerous a place, there are all those free-standing appliances." --Lucy and Kevin, "GH" -