From: (kevin-and-lucy-digest) To: Subject: kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #13 Reply-To: kevin-and-lucy-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk kevin-and-lucy-digest Monday, January 26 1998 Volume 01 : Number 013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 00:22:37 -0500 From: Rika Subject: K&L: February sweeps - spoilers Hi all - I got this from a friend. She sent me a bunch of spoilers (from a couple of the soap mags, I think); it was the part about February sweeps that particularly caught my attention, so I thought I'd share. In keeping with the purpose of this list, I've deleted spoilers unrelated to K&L (one of which provides the identity of the other person in that mental-institution photo of Rex, BTW). Anyway, the description of the Kevin/Lucy stuff sounds like it could be absolutely fantastic, depending on the outcome: H A N G O N T O Y O U R H A T S ! ! ! >February Sweeps >Winter Storm Warnings > >Time is everyone's concern in Port Charles this February, when Lucy's marriage >is imminent and Kevin attempts to intervene. The elements intercede and a >winter storm wreaks havoc on residents, causing Gail to secretly flee to >safety with Serena........ ........ And we're not sure whose >side time will be on when Lucy finds herself in a situation where she must >fight for her life, and Kevin squares off in a psychological confrontation >with Rex, where the stakes are literally life and death. All I can say is, IT'S ABOUT TIME! Kevin vs. Rex is what this whole thing should have been about all along. I sure hope Kevin winds up being the one who brings him down. But the down side is that, from the sound of things, the Rex/Lucy wedding is going to almost happen. From the above, it sounds like perhaps the storm prevents it from happening. I could rant about this assumption they all seem to make - that Scott's conviction would automatically mean Rex gets custody - but that's probably a subject for another message..... Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 23:34:45 -0600 (CST) From: AVID Woman Subject: Re: K&L: February sweeps - spoilers On Sun, 25 Jan 1998, Rika wrote: > H > A > N > G > > O > N > > T > O > > Y > O > U > R > > H > A > T > S > ! > ! > ! > > >February Sweeps > >Winter Storm Warnings > > > >Time is everyone's concern in Port Charles this February, when Lucy's > marriage > >is imminent and Kevin attempts to intervene. The elements intercede and a > >winter storm wreaks havoc on residents, causing Gail to secretly flee to > >safety with Serena........ ........ And we're not sure whose > >side time will be on when Lucy finds herself in a situation where she must > >fight for her life, and Kevin squares off in a psychological confrontation > >with Rex, where the stakes are literally life and death. YES!!!! This has just made my night and the rest of my week I think. I've been waiting for Kevin to go medieval mentally on Rex. And it's nice to see that Kevin apparently won't by laying down while Lucy walks down the altar. Can we say "thank you, Mother Nature"? - -Nicole "Is that a ring on your finger? Have you set a date yet?" -Kevin to Lucy, PC 1/22/98 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 00:35:51 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: February sweeps - spoilers At 11:34 PM 1/24/98 -0600, Nicole wrote: > > >On Sun, 25 Jan 1998, Rika wrote: > >> H >> A >> N >> G >> >> O >> N >> >> T >> O >> >> Y >> O >> U >> R >> >> H >> A >> T >> S >> ! >> ! >> ! >> >> >February Sweeps >YES!!!! This has just made my night and the rest of my week I think. That's why I sent it out right away. >I've >been waiting for Kevin to go medieval mentally on Rex. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I love this expression!!! And it's nice to >see that Kevin apparently won't by laying down while Lucy walks down the >altar. Can we say "thank you, Mother Nature"? Amen, sister! Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 23:58:29 -0600 (CST) From: AVID Woman Subject: K&L: Little soap fun. I'm currently rewriting a pilot and working on the second episode of a soap opera we're doing for my campus TV station. I plan to do a little spoofing along the way with two characters who will spend most of the time on screen either watching soaps, recreating scenes they way they'd like to see them, or watching great sports movies like Hoosiers and Rudy. I've got some ideas on what scenes I'd like to "redo" one of which being the roof scene from this week, where in my version one of the guys will chuck his friend off the "roof" when he buts into the argument. Another will be one playing the fake Mac and the other playing Kevin who discovers the fraud in a matter of seconds. This is where you all get to come in if you so desire. I'm looking for ideas on other scenes that can be spoofed or commented on. Along with those I'm definately be having fun with Brenda's wedding and the like. I know what soap plotlines and characters drive me nuts, but I'd like to know what others think. Obviously being a KL fan I plan to name drop them and plot lines involving them big time. Now it all won't be spoofing, but also plot ideas and maybe even the creation of a drinking game for Port Charles focusing on everyone's favorite shrink, businesswoman, and duck. I want these two characters to be the most informed and knowledgeable guys on soaps that ever existed. And of course let me know if you all think I'm nuts for even mentioning this here. :) - -Nicole - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 17:12:23 -0500 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and the Night of the Mussels Well, here it is Super Bowl Sunday, and this week's transcript would certainly be a contender for a Super Bowl of Kevin/Lucy memorable moments. Enjoy! Rika - ------------------------------------------------------------ KEVIN, LUCY, AND THE NIGHT OF THE MUSSELS - early October, 1994 First, let me note that if you ever want a real challenge, you should try transcribing the latter part of this scene. I usually try to faithfully reproduce what is said. In this case, I missed some of Lucy's babble, but this is about 90% of what she says as she races frantically around her apartment, trying to deal with all the various crises. If you're keeping track, this is Failed Lovemaking Attempt #3. Lucy, wearing a nifty black and white dress, answers the door to her apartment. Kevin stands in the hallway, holding a gorgeous bouquet of flowers out to her. L: "You brought me flowers." K: "And champagne. Why so surprised?" (Kevin brushes past her to enter her apartment.) L: "Well, it's just - I don't know. It's so unexpected and sweet. I didn't know you were a closet romantic, Kevin." K: "Oh, there's a great many things you don't know about me, Lucy, but that number will lessen tonight, I hope." (Yes, it will, but not in the way he was hoping....) L: "I can hardly wait." (She puts the flowers in a vase.) "These are absolutely beautiful." K: "So are you. You look good enough to eat." L: "Well, I think something like that might be arranged." (Kevin raises his eyebrows at the innuendo. Lucy picks up the champagne.) "How did you know this was my favorite?" K: "I noticed the price tag and took a wild guess." L: "This is starting to feel like a special occasion." K: "Oh, I'd bet money on it." A bit later, Kevin is opening the champagne bottle while Lucy brings over two glasses. We see that the room is positively infested with glowing candles. K: "You know, Lucy, if I'd known you were low on candles, I would have stopped and picked up a few." L: "Too much?" K: "Well, we could turn off the thermostat and stay warm by candlelight alone." L: "Or we could turn off the thermostat and blow out all the candles and still generate all the heat we need." (He pours two glasses of champagne; Lucy heads over to the sofa with them.) K: "Not with you so far away." L: "Well, all right, I was going for a mood. It is kind of pretty, isn't it?" K: "It's perfect - very Lucy." (Kevin joins Lucy on the sofa. She hands him a champagne glass.) L: "Does it kind of send an appropriate message?" K: "Well, if your intentions are less than honorable - I hope." L: "You decide." (They kiss - a gentle, lingering kiss.) K: "Definitely less than honorable." L: "Good. Oh, there is one thing that we should clear up right away. Are there going to be any rules of yours? You know, I don't want to work up a whole full head of steam and then have you tell me I'm doing something wrong." K: "Only one." L: "Oh, boy. I knew it. All right, I'm prepared. Let me have it." K: "The names Damian Smith" (he shudders) "and Luke Spencer won't be uttered by either one of us tonight." L: "Fine. Add Felicia Jones to the list, Doctor, and you have a deal." K: (raising his champagne glass) "To us?" L: "To us." (They clink glasses, link their arms together, and drink, gazing into each other's eyes.) K: "Did I happen to mention how incredibly gorgeous you look tonight?" L: "Well,you did mention earlier something about nibbling me." K: "What a good place to start. Excuse me." (Kevin takes Lucy's champagne glass out of her hand, and sets both their glasses on the coffee table.) K: "I think I'll start by nibbling every single inch of you." (Kevin leans forward, nuzzling Lucy's neck. He continues to kiss her neck, face, and mouth during the dialogue that follows.) L: "Oh, that sounds delicious." K: "You are delicious." L: "Why, Doctor, you're even hungrier than I thought." K: "Lucy, you're looking at a starving man here." L: "Don't you want an appetizer before the main course?" K: "That depends on what you have in mind." L: "Oh, you are bad." K: "No, I'm good." L: "And modest too." K: "I can prove it." (Kevin, who is not in the mood for any delays, settles in for a deeper kiss, but Lucy stops him. A huge mistake, as it turns out....) L: "Mmm mmm. Down, boy. I want, right now, mussels." K: "All right, right, left, front, back - I'm easy." (Lucy lifts a serving plate off the coffee table.) L: "Not your muscles, these." (Lucy spears one with a fork and sensuously slips it into her mouth as Kevin watches in rapt attention.) L: "Mmm, heaven. Mmm, Doctor, I want you to know something. A lot of thought went into creating a sensual environment for you this evening, right down to the menu - presentation and order of consumption. Now, for me that was a real stumper - I couldn't think. All of a sudden I had a divine inspiration. Mussels - the perfect erotic appetizer." (She feeds a mussel to Kevin.) K: "Mmmm. Quite so." (He takes the fork from Lucy and spears a mussel.) "However, if you add a little sauce to spice it up, the possibilities become endless." Kevin feeds a sauce-covered mussel to Lucy. They kiss. They feed each other the remaining mussels using their fingers, alternating mussels and kisses. Finally, the plate is empty. Kevin takes it out of Lucy's hands and they sink into a reclining position on the sofa, kissing. A song plays in the background. Usually a song like this is GH's trademark for a couple's first time making love, and it looks like that is about to happen. I'll leave the next little bit of videotape to your imagination. When we rejoin them, they are on the floor between the sofa and the coffee table. We don't actually see them, but we see shoes, jewelry, and Kevin's shirt flying through the air, and we hear heavy breathing. And then Kevin gasps: K: "Where's the bedroom?" L: "Too far. Condom?" (Suddenly, a bare-chested Kevin sits bolt upright. Lucy sits up too.) L: "What? What? You don't believe in using protection?" (Kevin starts to scratch his chest.) K: "Hives." L: "Who?" K: "I'm breaking out in hives!" L: "Hives? You mean hives?" K: "Yes." L: "Like in hive hives?" K: "Yes!" (He is frantically trying to scratch his shoulders and back now; Lucy starts to help him, but she's reluctant to touch his hives. When we we rejoin them, Kevin is gasping and wheezing as well as scratching.) L: "Ewww, Kevin, what is happening to you?" K: "I don't know." L: "Well, you know, if you were allergic to mussels, why didn't you just say so in the first place? It would have been a lot simpler." K: "I'm not. I mean, I wasn't. Lucy, this has never happened to me before." L: "Okay, okay, just tell me what you want me to do." K: "Will you get me to the hospital?" L: "The hospital? Why? Can't you just breathe through a - here, breathe through a bag or something." K: "No, I can't breathe through a bag. I need an antihistamine injection, possibly adrenaline. Will you just get me to the emergency room?" L: "Okay, okay, okay, fine. Don't worry. Everything's fine. I'm going to handle this, because I'm good at staying cool, calm, and collected." (Her hands-on-hips wiggle at this point is a classic Lucy moment.) L: "Okay, look, don't worry. First, dress. I need you to dress. Here, put on your shirt. Here, let me help you. Oh, oh, stand up, stand up, breathe in, out, stand up. Okay, you can do it. Stand up, stand up. Okay, here, give me your arm, give me your arm, quick, quick, quick." (Lucy is trying to get Kevin's shirt on, but he's unsteady on his feet and Lucy's none too steady herself. She gives up and drapes it around him.) L: "Okay, well, here, here, just wrap it around you and you'll be fine. Okay, now, now - STOP THAT WHEEZING! The wheezing is making me sick. Okay, breathe, breathe - stop gasping! Why do you have to keep gasping like that? Okay, never mind, move, just move, move, move, move, move." (Kevin stumbles over the server holding the champagne bottle and falls onto the arm of the sofa. As he falls, he knocks a couple of the lit candles onto the floor, but Lucy doesn't notice yet. She grabs Kevin and helps him up.) L: "Oh, Kevin! Oh, are you okay, I'm so sorry! Here, put your arms through there and I'll get my keys and - " (Lucy notices smoke rising from the floor where the candles fell.) L: "Oh, my God - Kevin, don't panic! Fire - there's fire. Oh, boy!" K: "Lucy!" (He reaches out to her, gasping.) L: "I know. Okay, breathe, breathe. There's a fire right there, and there's like smoke and - " K: "Lucy!!!" L: "All right, I'm going." (She runs off and returns with a fire extinguisher.) L: "Okay, all right. Stay with me! Do you know, I've always wanted to use these, I see them in movies all the time, but I never knew how they got the pins out. Okay, there it goes! I got it! Okay - " K: "Lucy, I'm dying here." L: "Don't die! Don't die. I'm gonna do this, as soon as I put out this fire, okay, here I go!" (Lucy sets off the fire extinguisher, losing control of it. The spray hits Kevin and knocks him off the sofa, tumbling him face down onto the floor.) L: "I got it!" (She notices Kevin) "Oh, oh, Kevin, oh, I'm so sorry! I am so sorry. Here - stand up - I got you - here, take your shirt." K: "What are you trying to do to me?" L: "Here, stand up - just sit there. I'm gonna get my shoes, and then I'm gonna get my keys, and my purse - where's my purse? I'm going to find my purse - don't worry!" We fade out on Kevin, sitting on the floor by the sofa, desperately trying to gasp in air. Phew! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 07:46:30 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and the Night of the Mussels At 05:12 PM 1/25/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >Well, here it is Super Bowl Sunday, and this week's transcript would >certainly be a contender for a Super Bowl of Kevin/Lucy memorable moments. Oh, I LOVE that one. One of my favorite of their attempts. Thanks Rika! What a perfect way to start what is going to be a LLLLOOOONNNNNGGGGG Monday. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" - --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 07:46:30 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and the Night of the Mussels At 05:12 PM 1/25/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >Well, here it is Super Bowl Sunday, and this week's transcript would >certainly be a contender for a Super Bowl of Kevin/Lucy memorable moments. Oh, I LOVE that one. One of my favorite of their attempts. Thanks Rika! What a perfect way to start what is going to be a LLLLOOOONNNNNGGGGG Monday. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" - --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:58:25 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: K&L: Recaps taiyin wrote: >>Oh man. This makes me crazy. I HATE the kind of damage that they >>are inflicting on Lucy as a character with all of this. I may >>actually even hate that more than the damage they are inflicting on >>her relationship with Kevin. Not much, but a little. and rika wrote: >Actually, I think that was just fine. At the bottom of it all, I >don't think Lucy was yelling at him for kissing Eve; she was yelling >at him because it hurt her so much to watch it and she didn't expect >that. hmmmmm. well, i see your point, but i'm not so sure. i think lucy was totally out of line--first of all, because it was HER IDEA for kevin to publicly go out with eve, and secondly, because she got ENGAGED in the name of this farce, for god's sake. all KEVIN did was kiss eve! i agree with you that the underlying basis for all this is that she didn't expect it to hurt so much when she knew it was fake...but i also think she's beginning to doubt whether it IS fake. why else would she have doubted kevin's word, and asked SCOTT to verify that he had indeed been with him that night. that, coupled with their chat about how well they understand each other, makes me a tad nervous. (more below) >It's like >everyone keeps reminding Lucy - this isn't a game, it's real life. >But that hasn't been getting that. I think when she saw Kevin kiss >Eve, that message finally got through. i think you're completely right there, and that's a perfect way of summing it up. and i guess it would be kind of naive to not expect there to be some sort of fallout, in terms of everyone's interpersonal relationships, from this elaborate charade. however, that said... >You may disagree with me after you see it, but again that didn't >upset me. Lucy's comment was that she and Scott understood each >other because they're alike, whereas sometimes she has a hard time >understanding Kevin. I think that's true. And in much the same way, >sometimes Kevin doesn't understand Lucy (as he remarked to Eve). >Kevin and Lucy are not alike; Scott and Lucy are, pretty much. Being >alike and belonging together as a couple are entirely different >things. oh i agree COMPLETELY, in real life. and if i had ANY sort of faith in tptb, i'd probably be with you on this one. but as i DON'T, and as i have known from day one that they wouldn't be able to leave the lucy and scott history without making SOME sort of conflict all makes me nervous. because i used to really like lucy and scott together...until dominique, and until scott left with serena. i think dominique changed both lucy AND scotty immensely, and i think her death changed lucy for the better, while i'm not so sure that's the case with scott. i was FURIOUS at him, on lucy's behalf, when he left town with serena, and again when he came back accusing her of kidnapping her. and i think those two situations, combined with how much lucy has changed because of both dom and kevin, mean they're no longer as alike as they used to be. and the way things are going right now, i'm not trusting tptb to realize or honor that. taiyin wrote: >>I don't want Lucy to be a saint. She *is* fun when she is getting >>into trouble. But they don't have to have her backslide into >>oblivion to do it. and rika responded: >Until the episodes this week, I would have agreed with you. But I've >been thinking about this, and I'm no longer convinced that she's >backsliding. I think she's just returning to a tendency that didn't >go away - it just went dormant. Lucy was so incredible in her >support and defense of Kevin during all his troubles that I think >maybe we came to expect a little bit too much of her. hmmmm. i think i might be somewhere between the two of you on this one. i agree that lucy has a side of her that can never really go away entirely, and that's scott's return and rex's manipulations have brought that to the forefront again. however, i think it's an important distinction that this scheming side which enjoys playing these little games is only being resurrected for one reason--serena. this is NOT the same woman who would ruin people's lives just because of a bet or a challenge, like during the damian era. so while i agree that she's nowhere near the saint she may have been portrayed as during kevin's troubles, i think she's a VASTLY different person from the "old lucy" as well. i THINK that's what taiyin probably meant in her "backsliding" comment, and i would tend to agree with her. i think the current regime is demonstrating a tendency (like with the "worst case scenario, i get to be serena's stepmother for a while, and at least i might get a nice ring out of it" comment) to paint lucy a lot more like the "old lucy" than i think she really is. >I know most of you are going to disagree...... but, hey, *somebody* >has to be the devil's advocate! :-) otherwise it's no fun! :) but i DO see your's just that i don't trust tptb at ALL at this point! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:44:30 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: PC Newsletter This is the first edition of a PC newsletter that I just recieved -- if you're interested in getting it, contact Yvonne . This is the *only* edition I will be posting, as much of it is old news -- just thought I'd share it with you guys in case you're interested. I've snipped out everything but the K&L-related parts... which sort of amounts to a shameless plug. ;-) Taiyin **********PC NEWS**************** Vol. 1, #1 Copyright (c) 1997 Hollywood Hotline (tm) Welcome to the first edition of the PC Newsletter. The newsletter will come out the first week of every month. I hope you will enjoy it and contribute to making this a fun publication to read. I'd love to hear your comments, suggestions and any contributions you might have for future editions. Enjoy! Yvonne PC/SL Yvonne [PC] 110345,3451 *****ONE PERSON'S OPINION***** This column will be for anyone to express their feelings about anything on PC whether it be a storyline, character, actor, scene, etc. If anyone has a contribution for this section, please send it to me and you'll see it in an upcoming newsletter. I'll start this off with some comments on the Rex/Scott/Serena storyline. Remember that these are only my opinions. First, I have to say when Wayne Northrop started as Rex Stanton, I thought he was excellent. I was having a great time watching him. I still think he's doing a wonderful job, however, I think it's time for the Rex storyline to come to a close. We've been dealing with this story since the debut of Port Charles and we don't seem to be getting any closer to an ending. It started off wonderful, but then they gave us too much of a good thing. The other actors are doing a wonderful job in their roles, but eventually the viewers need a payoff. I think we all need to see Serena and Scott reunited. That would be the payoff for fans. Instead we've seen this poor little girl crying during every holiday, running away and literally being torn from her father's hands. Even if Scott was everything he's being accused of, I find it hard to believe a judge would take Serena away from people she's known and loved - Gail, Lee, Lucy and Kevin - and put her in the hands of a single man she never laid eyes on before. It makes no sense. The fact that Rex always seems to be one step ahead of Scott, Lucy, Kevin and Jake doesn't help either. For once, I'd like to see the good guy win. We need something that keeps our attention. Instead, all we've been getting is Rex winning and always coming out on top. I say - give Serena back to Scott and let them get on with their lives. Let's move onto a romance for Scott with possibly the lovely Eve who would like nothing more than to be part of his life. So, what' s your opinion? Do you agree/disagree? Have something to say on another matter? Let us know! *****SPOTLIGHT ON A WEB SITE***** Each month I'll highlight a specific web page for all fans to check out. This month I'm going to talk about Kevin's Couch. This is a great place to find out anything you ever wanted to know on Jon Lindstrom and his character, Kevin. There are bios on Jon and Kevin, as well as many pictures. There are also connections to a fan fiction archives for Kevin and Lucy where you can read other fans' fictional stories about their favorite PC couple. There are, also, connections to: The Ultimate GH/PC Links Page, Kevin & Lucy's Lighthouse page, GH/PC and Kevin & Lucy Mailing Lists. You can get to all of these through Kevin's Couch ( This is definitely a place you won't want to miss and I guarantee you'll spend hours checking out the fun Kevin/Lucy material on these pages (I know I did!) Enjoy! ***************************** To check out the new website for CompuServe's Soaps-In-Depth go to: Copyright (c) 1997 Hollywood Hotline (tm) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 11:28:22 -0700 From: Subject: [none] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 11:00:19 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Recaps Rika wrote: > >>Actually, I think that was just fine. At the bottom of it all, I >>don't think Lucy was yelling at him for kissing Eve; she was yelling >>at him because it hurt her so much to watch it and she didn't expect >>that. And Julie added: >hmmmmm. well, i see your point, but i'm not so sure. i think lucy was >totally out of line--first of all, because it was HER IDEA for kevin to >publicly go out with eve, and secondly, because she got ENGAGED in the >name of this farce, for god's sake. all KEVIN did was kiss eve! I agree with both of you. Truthfully, actually. I think that Lucy WAS upset at realizing how much it hurt, but I still wanted to smack her for being so selfish. SHE is the one who set this whole thing in motion. SHE is the one who pretty much emotionally blackmailed Kevin into going along with this. SHE is the one who has been playing footsie with Rex and expecting Kevin to watch. SHE is the one who insisted that Kevin and Eve be seen in public. As much as I love Lucy, I have NO sympathy for her. Kevin has been putting up with this kind of crap from her since they first met. IMO she has no right to get ticked when the tables are momentarily turned. >that, coupled with their chat about how well they >understand each other, makes me a tad nervous. (more below) I agree with that one, too. On one hand, Lynn and Kin played it in such a way to keep it from being too bad -- when I was mentally picturing the scene before I watched it, I was imagining something FAR worse than what we actually got. But, OTOH, I DON'T like the comparison because it goes back to the problem I've had with Scott's return from the very beginning: over all, with the exception of the few days Michelle Val Jean was there, they are CONSTANTLY either underestimating or neglecting to notice the fact that Lucy is a very, very different person than she was when Scott left -- nevermind pre-Dominique. >and i guess it would be kind of naive to not expect >there to be some sort of fallout, in terms of everyone's interpersonal >relationships, from this elaborate charade. however, that said... That's why this plan has made me uncomfortable from the beginning. Eve asked Kevin point blank if he wasn't concerned about the potential damage this plot was going to do to their relationship and he didn't really answer her. That is something that they needed to consider before they started it. And even Kevin didn't express any concerns over that -- his reservations were all about Lucy's physical safety. Valid point, no doubt. But the emotional ramifications were much more likely from the outset. >i was FURIOUS at him, on lucy's behalf, when he left town with >serena, and again when he came back accusing her of kidnapping her. and >i think those two situations, combined with how much lucy has changed >because of both dom and kevin, mean they're no longer as alike as they >used to be. And I think this is what still bothers me about that conversation -- though it didn't upset me as much as I expected it to. >however, i think it's an important >distinction that this scheming side which enjoys playing these little >games is only being resurrected for one reason--serena. And I think it was poetic justice that after Kevin has had to keep chanting that to himself to stomach all this garbage he's been forced to watch, finally both Lucy and Scott were forced to snap out of their 'game-playing' mode over their respecitve jealousy about Kevin and Eve hamming it up in public. Kevin and Eve should stick with it. They might get Scott and Lucy to both get off the dime and wrap this disaster up. >nowhere near the saint she may have been portrayed as during kevin's >troubles, i think she's a VASTLY different person from the "old lucy" as >well. i THINK that's what taiyin probably meant in her "backsliding" >comment, and i would tend to agree with her. Yes, that is what I meant. Thank you, Julie. :-) I think that's what I dislike about Scott and Lucy's relationship -- they are very much stuck in this pre-1993 rut and they can't seem to get out of it. The way they relate to each other doesn't allow for either one of them to change or grow -- and yet neither of them seem to recognize that fact. They have such an infuriatingly unhealthy relationship that it's just painful to watch them fall into these old habits without even realizing they are doing it -- especially Lucy (I rarely give a damn about Scott). >i think the current regime >is demonstrating a tendency (like with the "worst case scenario, i get >to be serena's stepmother for a while, and at least i might get a nice >ring out of it" comment) to paint lucy a lot more like the "old lucy" >than i think she really is. I agree. >>I know most of you are going to disagree...... but, hey, *somebody* >>has to be the devil's advocate! :-) > >otherwise it's no fun! :) And when that happens we go days with no conversation around here! >but i DO see your's just that i don't trust tptb at ALL at >this point! I'm torn. I think what Guza said to me last week about Scott and Lucy's relationship HAVING to be dealt with sort of comforts me in that the implication was that it wouldn't be happening yet (which means that this isn't likely to be the catalist). OTOH, Lynn Latham has proven that she enjoys digging into characters history (generally speaking a very GoodThing, IMO), which means that this issue may not actually come up now, but chances of it being used as a launching pad when it DOES come up are very good. Bah. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 13:18:19 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: February sweeps - spoilers At 12:22 AM 1/25/98 -0500, Rika wrote: > >H >A >N >G > >O >N > >T >O > >Y >O >U >R > >H >A >T >S >! >! >! Spoilers for February sweeps say: >>side time will be on when Lucy finds herself in a situation where she must >>fight for her life, and Kevin squares off in a psychological confrontation >>with Rex, where the stakes are literally life and death. And Rika comments: >All I can say is, IT'S ABOUT TIME! Kevin vs. Rex is what this whole thing >should have been about all along. I sure hope Kevin winds up being the one >who brings him down. Amen to that! Just think how much more interesting this storyline would have been if Kevin and Rex had been engaged in psychological warfare from the beginning -- instead of Lucy resorting to sex games again. And Kevin has had to sit on the sidelines for everything (except Ryan-related stuff) for the past four years. It's about damn time he actually gets to DO something. >But the down side is that, from the sound of things, the Rex/Lucy wedding >is going to almost happen. From the above, it sounds like perhaps the >storm prevents it from happening. Well, as long as it doesn't ACTUALLY happen, I can live with "almost." >I could rant about this assumption they >all seem to make - that Scott's conviction would automatically mean Rex >gets custody - but that's probably a subject for another message..... Well, I think Scott just doesn't want to go to jail, too. ;-) Too bad. At least he wouldn't be able to get in the middle of anymore K&L fights. Twerp. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 10:30:05 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: K&L: Lucy getting a taste of her own medicine i've covered a lot of this elsewhere, but a few additional points i wanted to comment on! rika wrote: >Fourth, I've always enjoyed the way Kevin and Lucy fight. That may >sound strange, but their fights bring out great passion and energy in >both of them. I wouldn't want them to fight constantly, but right >now they have some issues to deal with so it makes sense. i agree with that...historically i've loved their fights. but this one bugged me only because i really thought they had gotten past the whole trust issue back during the days of lucy's jealously of felicia. so for her now to not trust him when he says he was with scott and not eve really rings false for me. >I disagree with Lucy - I don't >think Kevin is trying to control her. I think he's simply trying to >have some small measure of control over his *own* life. Lucy may not >realize the extent to which her actions affect him. So, in this >case, Lucy is careening down the road, out of control (as far as >Kevin can see), and since his happiness depends so profoundly on >hers, that puts him in the car with her. But since he is the >passenger and she's the driver, he's powerless to prevent the wreck >he knows is going to happen. As long as Lucy doesn't learn this >lesson, this "control issue" is going to continue to arise between >them. i think that's an absolutely perfect description of the issue. however, again i really thought this was a point that lucy had gotten a long time ago. i'd say back when scott first came to town, during the kidnapping and the miscarriage. it seems to me this is covering a lot of the same ground as was covered back then, and i really thought lucy and kevin had come to understand each other's point of view on that one. it's those two issues--trust and control--that lead me to agree with taiyin when she says lucy's backsliding. >My one disappointment with Thursday's show was that it didn't end >with a late-night scene in which Lucy returned to the Lighthouse and >she and Kevin made up. It's not like them to let something like this >hang between them for any length of time. now see...if they had done THAT, the fight probably wouldn't have bothered me at all. i would have seen it as just another blowing-off-steam episode on both their parts. but the fact that they DIDN'T (because you're right--it's NOT like them) leads me to worry that we're all being set up for a lot more where that came from. >However, as a result of that, today's Rex/Lucy >scenes had an element we've never seen before: >Lucy was positively *miserable* today in her scenes with Rex. well, i haven't seen anything since thursday's ep, so the way you described friday, hopefully that will be the wake-up call lucy needs to remember all of this stuff that she's known for SUCH a long time! >I think she's starting to get scared that she >won't be able to handle Rex after all (he is pushing for a February >wedding). But in addition to that, I think the situation with Kevin >has taken all the fun out of her game-playing with Rex in a heck of a >hurry. I hope it stays that way. me too! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 23:09:57 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: Re: K&L: Recaps At 09:58 AM 1/26/98 PST, Julie wrote: (Well, actually, Julie wrote a lot of stuff; really sensible stuff, in fact, in response to things Taiyin and I said. I've snipped it because I assume you've all read it; besides, I think the places where we didn't agree 100% are summed up very well right here: >but i DO see your's just that i don't trust tptb at ALL at >this point! Fair enough. And when I'm considering the situation with my heart and not my head, I worry about most of the same things you do. But I recognized a while back that when I start worrying about what TPTB *might* do to K&L, I don't enjoy watching the show. And why do something I don't enjoy? Life is too short. So I could either give up watching the show (impossible - I'd miss my Internet buddies) or change my approach. Now I just figure that what's gonna happen to K&L is gonna happen. I might as well not get upset about it now, since there will be plenty of time to get upset after it happens (and to rant about it here). Besides, I've picked up "hints" from the writers and constructed horrid scenarios that never materialized; I'm sure they do that on purpose just to torture us. And as to not trusting TPTB, I can relate. But I can barely remember when I ever did! I think I trusted Claire Labine until Madame Maia came along; I never trusted anybody after that. Latham is evidently going to throw the obligatory obstacles in Kevin and Lucy's path, but think of all the obstacles they've survived (under several head writers): Grace, Ryan, Damian Smith, Luke Spencer (in a sense), Joe Scully, Madame Maia, Mommie Dearest, Daddy Dearest, and the miscarriage. Of course, this approach requires that one live in a frequent state of denial! An e-mail buddy and I call it "Pollyanna mode." We also keep a supply of "pink and purple pills" on hand for when things get tough - I sent her a bag of pink and purple jelly beans during the summer of Kevin's mental breakdown. Anyway, I agree that when the writers start dealing this Scott/Lucy thing, we probably aren't going to like it at all. But I also figure that it'll only be temporary, if for no other reason than to clear the way for Scott and Eve. And, you know, it might be that the Scott/Lucy thing will play out primarily in Kevin's mind, if you know what I'm saying. It may not be at all that Scott and Lucy feel like rekindling anything; it may just be that Kevin's jealousy of their bond (which arose as an issue back in August but wasn't resolved) is still hanging out there. (Gosh, that's scary - I went into Pollyanna mode without knowing it!) Well, enough nauseatingly optimistic chirping for one day. 0:-) Rika - - ------------------------------ End of kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #13 ***********************************