From: (kevin-and-lucy-digest) To: Subject: kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #16 Reply-To: kevin-and-lucy-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk kevin-and-lucy-digest Monday, February 2 1998 Volume 01 : Number 016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 22:16:23 -0800 From: Listowner Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler S p o i l e r S p a c e S p o i l e r S p a c e On 1/30/98, Jessica Thompson wrote: > > I'm pretty sure that in the commercial airing during GH today that it was > Karen who was getting in the car accident (I read a scoop that she drives > off a cliff during the snow storm while going after Gail who has run off > with Serena). From the looks of the commercial it seemed as if Lucy was > caught in some type of small explosion. Kevin yelled "Lucy, No!" and then > there was an explosion on screen. I wish I could find out more though. > Sigh, when I first read the "Lucy fights for her life" spoilers, this was one of the two things I was afraid would happen. I absolutely hate seeing Lucy as a victim, even a physical one. One of the reasons she is my favorite female soap character is because she usually avoids this role. I also think that this sounds too much like the ending of the Joe Scully and Madame Maia's stories--Lucy is hurt, and so these problems that she and Kevin have are never addressed; there is little soul searching on her side. My other fear is that Kevin's mind games with Rex will lead to this explosion--that would be Madame Maia all over again. Still, the explosion part sounds interesting if the writers don't forget Kevin's history with loved ones in explosions. Anne B - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 07:39:20 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin and.... Snotty rika wrote: >We read that spoiler a while back that he was reinstated, but we >never saw it happen. If he was reinstated as a psychiatrist, that is >a HUGE deal, and it shouldn't have been handled in such an offhand >way. If, OTOH, he's just seeing people as a counselor, I suppose >that might make sense, because I think in many states you may be able >to do that without a license. actually, i was wondering how it was that he's allowed to provide treatment, too. but i sincerely doubt he's been reinstated and we all just missed it--because you're right, that would be too big of a deal to not get at least a MENTION. (lucy, for one, would SURELY say SOMETHING!) >Yeah. If it weren't for poor Serena, and for the impact this trial >is having on Kevin and Lucy, I wouldn't mind if they shipped him off >to Sing Sing for good. is it just me, or is it seeming to anyone else like serena's sole purpose on the show these days is to see how many different ways she can scream "daddy!" we have joyful, reunion "daddy" screams, we have terror-filled "daddy" screams, we have sorrowful, i-miss-my-daddy "daddy" screams, we have petulant i-want-my-daddy "daddy" screams... don't get me wrong, i think she's cute as can be...but enough is enough already. give the kid a different line already! >He's supposedly going to be doing some stuff with Victor some time >after sweeps. I know that wouldn't be your first choice, Taiyin, >since you didn't like the change in the story about Victor, but I'm >still waiting to hear the answer to a central question: why did >Victor leave Ryan behind when he and Kevin left? Kevin deserves to >know that. WHO would that be again? my goodness, how long has it BEEN since we saw him? back around the greg cooper institution explosion? i was beginning to think he had disappeared into the port charles bermuda triangle with simone, tommy, sly, and the rest. did we get some sort of explanation about where he is supposed to be that i just missed? on another topic...i read all the posts about this commercial that i apparently missed...could someone fill me in, start to finish, on what was in it? i've gathered there's something about an explosion and a car crash and possibly a wedding, but there's been so many different opinions thrown around that i'm not sure what the commercial really entailed! (i'm not sure how i missed it...) thanks! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 07:45:07 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler rika wrote; > >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >> >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >> >Anne continued: >>Ok, new speculation. Lucy's brush with death will have something >>to do with the poisoned vitamins the writers won't let us forget >>about. >Maybe so, though unless I missed some pill-switching, Lucy hasn't >been taking the poisoned pills Rex gave her. When the mystery person >broke in and switched the pills, didn't s/he switch pills into the >stress vitamin bottle? And didn't Lucy throw those out and replace >them with other pills of her own? no...lucy DEFINITELY has NOT been taking either the pills that rex gave her, or the ones the mystery person replaced them with. she switched them with vitamin c, because she didn't trust rex. (i'm still not sure about what the mystery person was doing--replacing harmless ones with poisoned ones, or replacing poisoned ones with harmless ones) then, rex backed off entirely and took the pills away claming the batch had been recalled. so i'm not at all sure where they're going with any of this, but unless it's accidentally, lucy isn't taking anything she got from rex. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 07:58:20 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: : K&L: Speaking of spoilers.... rika wrote: >I > >D >O >N >' >T > >L >I >K >E > >T >H >I >S > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >That scoop I reported on Tuesday or so - that Rex and Lucy would >indeed become husband and wife - has also showed up in SPW. They >report that Kevin is too late to stop the wedding. damn. now the way that's phrased, it sounds like they're portraying kevin as too stupid (which is ludicrous) or too sure it won't come to that (which is only SLIGHTLY more plausible) to take cagey's EXTREMELY smart advice, and marry lucy BEFORE rex does. a lot like ned did back during the katherine and lois fiasco. if kevin marries lucy first, then her marriage to rex isn't legal. of course, lucy is then a bigamist...but at least the marriage wouldn't be real! >Not only that, but I've heard that Rex kidnaps someone "near and dear >to Lucy's heart" in order to manipulate her. Putting it together >with stuff from the promo (which I still haven't seen, but which some >of you have described - THANK YOU!), I think it has to be Sigmund. i'm not getting rex these days. i know he doesn't trust lucy...but is his motivation for marrying her strictly business (so to speak), or are there some personal feelings involved now too? because for a while there it was sounding like he might have feelings for her...but i'm not sure. anyone have a thought on that one? >Rika, who just got home from seeing "Titanic" and who still can't >stop shivering oh my god, wasn't that an AMAZING movie?!? i saw it twice--mainly because the first time i saw it i went with my sister, who not only turned to me at the end, as i was SOBBING uncontrollably, and said, "come on,'s not that sad," but who also spent the entire movie going "ooh, look! victor!" everytime the guy who plays victor on "young and the restless" (her soap) came on screen. i was hoping a second viewing would break the spell i'd been under since seeing it the first time (i just couldn't break out of the mood of the movie, somehow, it was an odd experience), but the second time i cried earlier and harder than the first time. (of course, it doesn't help that i hear that celine dion song at LEAST ten times a day on my radio at work, and still get goosebumps each and every time.) anyway, i know this is off-topic, but if any of you HAVEN'T seen it yet...go. go NOW. it's SO worth it. it's quite possibly the best movie i've ever seen. julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 09:20:15 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler At 10:18 PM 1/30/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >Should I keep posting these? Yes, please. It lets me know what I should have laying around to throw at my television when the time arises. >F >E >B >R >U >A >R >Y > >I >S > >C >O >M >I >N >G > >S >O >O >N > >"Meanwhile, in a terrible twist of fate, Lucy (Lynn Herring) is left fighting >for her life. Her friends rally around her as the interns race against time >to save her." Hhmmm... well, that could prove an effective catalist for Kevin to FINALLY put a definative stop to this Rex nightmare. I hope. Please. Taiyin "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 09:24:19 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler At 12:59 AM 1/31/98 -0800, Jessica Thompson wrote: > >safe (or whatever it is exactly which explodes). By the way, when I just >watched the commercial again I noticed a definite trace of facial hair on >Kevin (when he was in the courtroom awaiting Scott's sentencing) Always a >sexy sign of depression :) It may be shallow but I love that man with a >goatee! Like I told Rika once that the only thing I love more than Kevin, is Kevin with a goatee. :-) She disagreed, but that's still my favorite part of the first few days of the San Antonio caper. Taiyin "You know what I bet is painful? Leg waxing. I bet that's painful. And especially bikini waxing. I'd kill anyone who tried to do that to me." -- Kevin, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 09:28:15 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Speaking of spoilers.... At 09:06 PM 1/31/98 -0500, Rika wrote: > >I > >D >O >N >' >T > >L >I >K >E > >T >H >I >S > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >That scoop I reported on Tuesday or so - that Rex and Lucy would indeed >become husband and wife - has also showed up in SPW. They report that >Kevin is too late to stop the wedding. I will not repeat the first words that popped out of my mouth when I read that. >Not only that, but I've heard that Rex kidnaps someone "near and dear to >Lucy's heart" in order to manipulate her. Putting it together with stuff >from the promo (which I still haven't seen, but which some of you have >described - THANK YOU!), I think it has to be Sigmund. Which makes the wedding, technically invalid, because cohersion is grounds for an innulment. >I have but one thing to say. Rex Stanton is TOAST. You ain't kidding. Giads, I hate this whole mess. I think I need to go write some sickeningly sweet K&L fic about now... Taiyin "You must have some hidden talent somewhere." - --"If it's hidden, there's a reason." -- Lucy and Kevin, "General Hospital" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 09:34:23 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler At 05:16 PM 2/1/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >> >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >> >I like the sound of that. I agree; I can't see Kevin rigging a bomb to >kill Rex or anything like that. If he *were* to go after Rex, I think it >would be very direct and with his bare hands, like the time he throttled >Damian at Luke's. And he would only do that under severe provocation, >though now that I think of it, he's going to be on the receiving end of >*plenty* of provocation this week. Pfft! He's had PLENTY of provocation over the past few months of this ludicrous scheme. >Maybe so, though unless I missed some pill-switching, Lucy hasn't been >taking the poisoned pills Rex gave her. When the mystery person broke in >and switched the pills, didn't s/he switch pills into the stress vitamin >bottle? And didn't Lucy throw those out and replace them with other pills >of her own? Yup. And then, even after THAT, Rex had second thoughts about poisoning her and told her that that batch had been recalled, to stop her from taking them. >Lindstrom said that Lynn Latham watched old Ryan and Kevin tapes when she >took on the head writer job. You can see some borrowing of storylines from >back then - Joe and Karen's lovemaking mishaps come right out of the 1994 >Kevin/Lucy storyline arc, for example. So maybe she is borrowing the >gaslighting idea too. That's a thought -- and the Joe and Karen stuff SO reminded me of K&L, though not as drawn out (or as funny -- but neither one of them does comedy as over-the-top as Lynn does). Taiyin "You're the shrink. What do you need me to tell you that for?" - --"Maybe I'm having a Stupid Day." -- Mac and Kevin, GH - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 09:45:11 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin and.... Snotty At 06:18 PM 2/1/98 -0500, Rika wrote: > >Did y'all see Jon Lindstrom's remark about Kevin's non-storylines in the >SOM interview? Yes, I did. And thank you for letting us know it was there, Rika. I've been slack about checking the mags and probably would have missed it if you hadn't mentioned it. >He seemed to think that might change due to Lynn Latham, but she's been on >board for about three months now, I think, and we're still waiting.... True, except that the actual interaction between K&L improved drastically when she started. Storyline-wise she has a huge mess to untangle before she can get around to giving Kevin something to do OTHER than this current headache. I think having Kevin go postal on Rex would probably make up for any disappointment I feel about the rest of the. At least for a little while. ;-) And, speaking of temporary solutions: how is Lucy planning on getting her butt out of the sling when it comes out that she perjured herself during Scott's trial? >Okay, BUT..... is he a shrink or isn't he? Well, literally speaking, who knows? All I know is that he is returning to his delightfully sexy professional capacity of being understanding and comapssionate and insightful -- and doing it in a setting that allows someone OTHER than Lucy (or Eve, frankly) to notice that he's incredible. -) >He's been wearing nice, professional-looking suits (happy sigh.... :-). Hummana, hummana, hummana... ;-) >Well, like you said, at least we get to see him acting like a shrink, >whether he is a licensed one or not. That's something to cheer about! Indeed, indeed! >Yeah. If it weren't for poor Serena, and for the impact this trial is >having on Kevin and Lucy, I wouldn't mind if they shipped him off to Sing >Sing for good. At this point, I'm ready to say: "Forget the kid, let her live with her grandparents." At least Lee and Gail aren't collasal morons on a daily basis. >He's supposedly going to be doing some stuff with Victor some time after >sweeps. I know that wouldn't be your first choice, Taiyin, since you >didn't like the change in the story about Victor, but I'm still waiting to >hear the answer to a central question: why did Victor leave Ryan behind >when he and Kevin left? Kevin deserves to know that. Oh, I agree. And if they would actually DO something with that, then I could forgive the sickening blow that was to the integrity of Kevin's character. I hate that they did it, but now that they have they need to deal with it. And if they do it well enough, they can make up for the damange that, IMO, they did to Kevin by turning him into a liar over his father. >I am LIKING the sound of this. I know a lot of people like Scott, and he >can be extremely funny at times, but in general I don't see the attraction. I used to LOVE Scott. And I loved Scott and Lucy. And when Scott took off with Serena back at the end of 1993, I cried BUCKETS for Lucy -- not only did she lose the baby, but she lost Scott, too. And she loved them both. What he did was cruel and selfish and monumentally unfair to her. And then when he returns to town he's even worse. And he NEVER seems to get any better. >I love anything that involves Kevin bellowing. He does it so well! I have a particular soft-spot for "Butt out Scott!" He just needs to say that about twenty or thrity thousand more times until the bonehead gets it. Even Scott should be able to learn by rote. Eventually. Taiyin "You don't know that." - --"Yes, I do. I know everything." -- Lucy and Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 10:12:45 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: K&L: Speaking of spoilers.... taiyin wrote: > >At 09:06 PM 1/31/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >> >>I >> >>D >>O >>N >>' >>T >> >>L >>I >>K >>E >> >>T >>H >>I >>S >> >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >I will not repeat the first words that popped out of my mouth when I >read that. but i'm SURE we can imagine them! >Which makes the wedding, technically invalid, because cohersion is >grounds for an innulment. true. although i like cagey's way of making the lucy/rex wedding invalid better! (even if it does deprive us all of a big, grand, lucy/kevin ceremony. they could always re-do it least they'd be MARRIED already!) >I think I need to go write some sickeningly sweet K&L fic about >now... promise to share? my workday could use some...diversion...right about now! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 10:58:14 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: Re: K&L: Speaking of spoilers.... At 10:12 AM 2/2/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >>> >>>I >>> >>>D >>>O >>>N >>>' >>>T >>> >>>L >>>I >>>K >>>E >>> >>>T >>>H >>>I >>>S >>> >>>S >>>P >>>O >>>I >>>L >>>E >>>R >>> >true. although i like cagey's way of making the lucy/rex wedding >invalid better! (even if it does deprive us all of a big, grand, >lucy/kevin ceremony. they could always re-do it least they'd >be MARRIED already!) True. But remember that the ONLY reason that Kat didn't press charges against Nedly for bigomy was because he blackmailed her. Somehow I suspect that blackmailing Rex would prove a bit difficult. Death might stop him, though. ;-) >>I think I need to go write some sickeningly sweet K&L fic about >>now... > >promise to share? my workday could use some...diversion...right about >now! :) If I ever get to it. Gods, I hate Mondays. Especially this Monday, as it seems there is a local pre-emption for PC. My sister just called me from home and told me to "beg, borrow or steal" today's PC from someone. Any volunteers? ;-) Taiyin TONY: "I think the high point for me was when he did the tango with my wife in front of half of Port Charles and I punched his lights out." KEVIN: "And that's what I would classify as a healthy response. LUKE: Spoken like a true shrink." KEVIN: "No, spoken like a man who's thrown a few of his own healthy responses lately." - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 11:44:43 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: Re: Re: K&L: Speaking of spoilers.... taiyin wrote: >>>> >>>>I >>>> >>>>D >>>>O >>>>N >>>>' >>>>T >>>> >>>>L >>>>I >>>>K >>>>E >>>> >>>>T >>>>H >>>>I >>>>S >>>> >>>>S >>>>P >>>>O >>>>I >>>>L >>>>E >>>>R >>>> >True. But remember that the ONLY reason that Kat didn't press >charges against Nedly for bigomy was because he blackmailed her. >Somehow I suspect that blackmailing Rex would prove a bit difficult. > >Death might stop him, though. ;-) now don't go getting my hopes up! :) on second thought...that might not be such wishful thinking. realistically, after this custody/kidnapping mess gets straightened out, it's not like he could just stick around. that wouldn't work...right? so the way i see it...they almost HAVE to kill him! or lock him up for the rest of his life. either way, happy day! >Gods, I hate Mondays. i know THAT feeling! just took one of my migraine pills. (well, ANTI-migraine pills!) what a LOVELY way to start the week... >Especially this Monday, as it seems there is a local pre-emption for >PC. My sister just called me from home and told me to >"beg, borrow or steal" today's PC from someone. Any volunteers? ;-) aha! you got her hooked already!'s possible i could send you a copy. (the reason i say "possible" is that one of my charming roommates has been away for the weekend, and took today off to extend his trip, and i don't know when he'll be getting back and if he'll be kind enough to NOT change the channel on the cable box on me!) however, IF i indeed taped it, and if nobody closer to home volunteers, i'd be more than happy to send you a copy. (the reason for the closer to home caveat being that by the time you get my tape, you'll have already seen about a week's worth of subsequent episodes!) so...i'll keep my fingers crossed that it's been recorded when i get home, and if you need me to send you a copy just let me know tomorrow! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 11:48:42 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Speaking of spoilers.... At 11:44 AM 2/2/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote: >>>>>I >>>>> >>>>>D >>>>>O >>>>>N >>>>>' >>>>>T >>>>> >>>>>L >>>>>I >>>>>K >>>>>E >>>>> >>>>>T >>>>>H >>>>>I >>>>>S >>>>> >>>>>S >>>>>P >>>>>O >>>>>I >>>>>L >>>>>E >>>>>R >>>>> >>Death might stop him, though. ;-) > >now don't go getting my hopes up! :) Actually, from what I've heard, that's actually pretty likely. Oh gods, though! I juse had a horrible thought! What if they do a murder trial? >on second thought...that might not be such wishful thinking. It's not. From what I've heard, it looks like Lynn Latham doesn't have Rex figured in to the long-term story archs. And there was a rumor in SOU several weeks ago that as soon as this storyline was over with, that RexieBoy would be history. One can hope. >>Especially this Monday, as it seems there is a local pre-emption for >>PC. My sister just called me from home and told me to >>"beg, borrow or steal" today's PC from someone. Any volunteers? ;-) > >aha! you got her hooked already! Actually, I had her hooked several weeks ago. The only trouble was that her deadbeat ex roommate had the cable (and phone) disconnected in her apartment and my sister couldn't move up here (because of work) until last week. So this weekend she proceeded to catch up on the month of PC that she missed. :-) GH was the one that I having a hard time getting her to watch again (she used to watch it with me way back when, but she didn't want to get hooked on another one hour soap again now). Jason and the Battle of the Dimwitted Quartermaines h*lped me with that one, though. >so...i'll keep my fingers crossed that it's been >recorded when i get home, and if you need me to send you a copy just let >me know tomorrow! Will do, thanks. I've already sent a note to my usual savior in that department, though, groveling for a copy. Taiyin "Well, don't tell me that you're trying to perhaps let me know that you, what -- find me attractive?" - --"Magnetic. Like those bug zappers. You know it's certain death, but you dive in anyway." -- Lucy and Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 18:10:14 -0500 From: Rika Subject: K&L: PC Web site daily poll This is sort of a spoiler even though it doesn't give the answer. But I knew y'all would want to see it: R E A D O N A N E M P T Y S T O M A C H A friend sent me today's daily poll from the PC Web site. I have to say, this poll identifies the point at which I have drawn my own personal line in the sand on this storyline. There was a time when I would have said that a Rex/Lucy wedding crossed the line. I've retreated slightly, in the hope that K&L will get some great scenes out of this whole thing, but that's as far as I go. I'm going to stay optimistic and assume that TPTB understand that this is where a *lot* of us have probably drawn our lines, and that they'd better not cross it. Here's the poll...... >On Monday, February 9th, Rex wants to make love to Lucy >in a very big way. What will happen? >SELECT ONE: > 1. Not wanting to ruin all the progress she has made, Lucy >will have no choice but to sleep with Rex. > 2. Lucy will drink some wine that she knows will bring on an allergic >reaction and will successfully avoid sleeping with Rex. > 3. Lucy will pretend to have food poisoning and >will successfully avoid sleeping with Rex. I'm rooting big-time for #3. It sounds Lucy-ish to me. I don't think she'd actually make herself sick unless she had to; she's much more likely to fake illness. Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 15:11:59 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: PC Web site daily poll At 06:10 PM 2/2/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >This is sort of a spoiler even though it doesn't give the answer. But I >knew y'all would want to see it: > >R >E >A >D > >O >N > >A >N > >E >M >P >T >Y > >S >T >O >M >A >C >H > >I'm going to stay optimistic and assume that TPTB >understand that this is where a *lot* of us have probably drawn our lines, >and that they'd better not cross it. Oh, you ain't kiddin! >>On Monday, February 9th, Rex wants to make love to Lucy >>in a very big way. What will happen? I don't know what she'll do, but I know the thought of that makes ME want to throw up. Yuck. >I'm rooting big-time for #3. It sounds Lucy-ish to me. I don't think >she'd actually make herself sick unless she had to; she's much more likely >to fake illness. I agree. My brain goes into a deep-freeze at the mere THOUGHT that she'd actually sleep with that toad. No matter what the reason. Taiyin "Lucy, I love having you in my life. You're like gossamer -- you shimmer and shine and spread light into all the dark places. And you're out of your mind if you don't think I want to make love to you right now, from the inside out, in every conceivable way." -- Kevin, "General Hosptial" (And WHY, pray tell, would she EVER take for granted a man who says things like that to her???? This whole storyline is ticking me off because it's making Lucy into something she has NEVER been before: stupid. I HATE that.) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 18:31:38 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin and.... Snotty At 08:01 PM 2/1/98 PST, NovaLee wrote (about Kevin's continuing lack of storyline even since Latham arrived): >A lot of that's probably due to the fact that the current crap that >Kevin (and Lucy) are mired in is largely Culliton's story. Latham >inherited it and judging from the time it's taken to wrap it up, it >seems to me she wasn't sure what to do with it. This particular >storyline somehow doesn't "fit" with the rest of the show, which at this >point is exclusively Latham's work. Her forte is relationships and >character-driven stories that are a little (or a lot) more >reality-based. So when this Rex business is dead and buried Along with Rex himself, I do hope! >I'm hopeful >that we'll start to see what she can really do for Kevin and Lucy. I hope you're right. It's true - she inherited Rex and that whole mess. And the one thing I'll say for the way that she's working it out is that it actually *has* given K&L their own storyline that doesn't directly revolve around Scott, which is something we've wanted. I know Scott's trial touched off this whole thing, but that's almost irrelevant now. At this point, Kevin's pursuit of Rex is going to have NOTHING to do with Serena; it's completely personal, and it doesn't matter whether Scott lives, dies, goes to jail, or moves to the New Hebrides. Besides, it says a lot for her opinion of K/L's relationship that she had to do *this* to put an obstacle between them! Joe and Karen's obstacle is just a meddling future mother-in-law. Julie and Frank's is a teenager with an attitude. Kevin and Lucy would make mincemeat of any such minor annoyances. So to put their relationship in danger, she had to throw an evil, manipulative, psychopathic kidnapper and murderer (who wants Lucy for himself) at them! >As for that erroneous scoop about >him being reinstated we can only hope that the writers decided to put it >off until the current story is over. That's what I keep hoping too. And I do hope he eventually gets an office at the hospital. I loved the paintings and the various objects in the old one! Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 18:44:47 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin and.... Snotty At 07:39 AM 2/2/98 PST, Julie wrote: >on another topic...i read all the posts about this commercial that i >apparently missed...could someone fill me in, start to finish, on what >was in it? i've gathered there's something about an explosion and a car >crash and possibly a wedding, but there's been so many different >opinions thrown around that i'm not sure what the commercial really >entailed! (i'm not sure how i missed it...) thanks! It was shown on GH last Friday, and again today. Obviously the clips are not in chronological order. (1) Kevin and Lucy kissing rather frantically, possibly in an elevator but you can't really tell. (2) Lucy telling Rex she wants to be "Mrs. Rex Stanton - tonight." (She sounds like she's on the verge of hysterical tears). (3) Kevin threatening Rex and trying to deck him - apparently at the engagement party, since Lucy is wearing the dress we saw (4) The judge saying, "Scott Baldwin, I sentence you to...." (4) Kevin yelling, "Lucy, NO!!!!" while being restrained by a couple of men. (5) A hand opening a door, and an explosion happens. (6) A judge awarding custody of Serena to..... (7) Gail in her car, saying, "My God!" (8) Karen in *her* car, seemingly losing control of it and screaming. I have to say, I can't remember the last time I saw Kevin in so many scenes of the PC promo for the week! Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 22:24:14 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: PC Web site daily poll At 03:11 PM 2/2/98 -0800, Taiyin wrote: >"Lucy, I love having you in my life. You're like gossamer -- you shimmer >and shine and spread light into all the dark places. And you're out of >your mind if you don't think I want to make love to you right now, from >the inside out, in every conceivable way." -- Kevin, "General Hosptial" > >(And WHY, pray tell, would she EVER take for granted a man who says things >like that to her???? This whole storyline is ticking me off because it's >making Lucy into something she has NEVER been before: stupid. I HATE >that.) Well, two comments. First, I'd argue that she's been very stupid before. I thought Lucy's pinnacle of stupidity was when she uncritically believed every word Madame Maia told her without ever doing any digging into the woman's background, and when she wouldn't even *consider* taking Kevin's advice to be skeptical. I hated that storyline because it made Lucy look stupid and gullible, two things I didn't believe that she was. Second, in my view she's been taking Kevin for granted off and on for ages, whenever something more urgent comes along. Remember how, the morning after Kevin saw Ryan go up in flames, we almost got whiplash? One second, Lucy was a wellspring of love and support, cradling Kevin in his arms while he tried to deal with the horror of what he had seen; the next second she was out of bed and on her way to Luke's so she could dive into that MDP to bring down Joe Scully. After that ended, they had about one good month before Maia arrived in town. It really wasn't until after they reconciled from their Maia-related break-up that he became a top priority in her life, and I think that was partly because not long after that, his sanity became the next urgent thing to come down the pike demanding her attention. I think Kevin will always be more consistently focused on Lucy than the other way around because (unlike her) he doesn't tend to let that which is *urgent* distract him from that which is *important*. And I don't think she's atypical in this tendency; it's just that she's so much more extreme about it than most people. Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 22:45:34 EST From: Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler In a message dated 98-01-31 04:01:10 EST, writes: << By the way, when I just watched the commercial again I noticed a definite trace of facial hair on Kevin (when he was in the courtroom awaiting Scott's sentencing) Always a sexy sign of depression :) It may be shallow but I love that man with a goatee! >> Oh me too! Me too! I liked it last time, and was quite disappointed when he shaved it days before I saw him playing with the band. I wanted to see the goatee in person :-) Anne - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 13:15:01 -0800 From: "Jessica Thompson" Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler > Oh me too! Me too! I liked it last time, and was quite disappointed when he > shaved it days before I saw him playing with the band. I wanted to see the > goatee in person :-) Did you see THL in LA. I've been to see them since I've been here in LA going to school but of course Jon isn't with them right now :( I really do enjoy them though. And I seriously can not say enough how much I love that man unshaven!! I hope they let him keep it at least for a little while! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 22:29:02 -0600 From: Debi Sanders Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler wrote: > In a message dated 98-01-31 04:01:10 EST, writes: > > << By the way, when I just > watched the commercial again I noticed a definite trace of facial hair on > Kevin (when he was in the courtroom awaiting Scott's sentencing) Always a > sexy sign of depression :) It may be shallow but I love that man with a > goatee! > >> > > Oh me too! Me too! I liked it last time, and was quite disappointed when he > shaved it days before I saw him playing with the band. I wanted to see the > goatee in person :-) > > Anne Well my favorite look for Jon is long hair, headband, beads, cut off shirt with muscles bulging. You can see this picture from the image map of the band on my homepage or go directly there at enjoy! Debi > > > - - -- --------------------------------------------------------- Debi Sanders "Come Visit" --------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 23:09:02 EST From: Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler In a message dated 98-02-02 22:54:07 EST, you write: >> Did you see THL in LA. I've been to see them since I've been here in LA going to school but of course Jon isn't with them right now :( I really do enjoy them though. And I seriously can not say enough how much I love that man unshaven!! I hope they let him keep it at least for a little while! >> Yes Jessica many times,--- many, many, times in LA-- and a few in Nashville too:-). I'm one of their long distance fans-- tough to be a band groupie for an LA band from Connecticut, but I manage:-). Email me privately if you like--- I tend to go on and on about them... Don't want to bore anyone:-) To get back on the subject of Kevin-- I just watched today's show, and he definitely has a little whisker action going there. I guess it will be wait and see as to how it progresses........ Anne - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 23:47:03 EST From: Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler In a message dated 98-02-02 23:29:20 EST, writes: << Well my favorite look for Jon is long hair, headband, beads, cut off shirt with muscles bulging. You can see this picture from the image map of the band on my homepage or go directly there at >> That too:-). You're right probably my favorite image of Jon is one in my head of the first time I saw him in person. It pretty much matches the one you've described:-). I'm off to check what you have there to see if it is from the same night..... Anne - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 14:32:01 -0800 From: "Jessica Thompson" Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler > Well my favorite look for Jon is long hair, headband, beads, cut off shirt > with > muscles bulging. I love the man lookin' like that too! But I still prefer him with a three piece suit and a goatee!! Or jeans or chords with a button down shirt. Don't ya just love complex and intellectual discussions like these? :) I must admit that I love his 'new' haircut!! I think it makes him look much younger and I think his hair looks much healthier since he cut it. Ultimately though, I'll love that man lookin' like anything. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 23:20:23 -0600 From: Debi Sanders Subject: Re: K&L: Another Sweeps spoiler Jessica Thompson wrote: Ultimately though, I'll love that man lookin' like anything. "sigh" Well yes that goes without saying Debi > - - -- --------------------------------------------------------- Debi Sanders "Come Visit" --------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 22:05:41 PST From: "NovaLee Murphy" Subject: Re: K&L: PC Web site daily poll Rika wrote: > >This is sort of a spoiler even though it doesn't give the answer. >But I knew y'all would want to see it: > >R >E >A >D > >O >N > >A >N > >E >M >P >T >Y > >S >T >O >M >A >C >H > >A friend sent me today's daily poll from the PC Web site. I have to >say, this poll identifies the point at which I have drawn my own >personal line in the sand on this storyline. There was a time when I >would have said that a Rex/Lucy wedding crossed the line. I've >retreated slightly, in the hope that K&L will get some great scenes >out of this whole thing, but that's as far as I go. NOOO. TPTB can absolutely *not* go there. The thought sickens me. The wedding is really stretching the bounds of what I will and will not accept and anything beyond that is a big no-no. >I'm going to stay optimistic and assume that TPTB understand that >this is where a *lot* of us have probably drawn our lines, and that >they'd better not cross it. Or else. >Here's the poll...... > >>On Monday, February 9th, Rex wants to make love to Lucy >>in a very big way. What will happen? >>SELECT ONE: >> 1. Not wanting to ruin all the progress she has made, Lucy >>will have no choice but to sleep with Rex. > >> 2. Lucy will drink some wine that she knows will bring on an >>allergic reaction and will successfully avoid sleeping with Rex. > >> 3. Lucy will pretend to have food poisoning and will successfully avoid sleeping with Rex. So is this the wedding night, I wonder? According to the previews/ spoilers the wedding takes place either at the end of this week or beginning of next which would fall on or around Feb.9. >I'm rooting big-time for #3. It sounds Lucy-ish to me. I don't >think she'd actually make herself sick unless she had to; she's much >more likely to fake illness. #3 is my pick too. The fact that #2 and #3 differ only slightly means that it *has* to be one of the variations on the Lucy-gets-sick theme, right?!? Well, whatever happens we know that *someone* will get sick, if not Lucy, than me. NovaLee ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ End of kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #16 ***********************************