From: (kevin-and-lucy-digest) To: Subject: kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #24 Reply-To: kevin-and-lucy-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk kevin-and-lucy-digest Thursday, March 5 1998 Volume 01 : Number 024 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 21:22:45 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Scoops for next week At 05:54 PM 2/25/98 -0600, Julie wrote: S P O I L E R S P A C E > - Lucy announces that she wants to marry Kevin. I still can't believe this is the "startling" announcement. Sheesh! A woman announces that she wants to marry her fiance, and that's "startling?" Of course, if she wants to marry him right there in the hospital room, THAT would be startling. Then again, though, considering that Kevin first mentioned the words "marriage" and "Lucy" in the same sentence in mid-1995, perhaps it would also be startling if they actually set a date...... :-/ Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 21:35:12 -0500 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Serena's visit S P O I L E R S P A C E Well, thank heaven today didn't require quite as many Kleenex as Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. But it still had plenty of sad moments. First, I have to say, Scott is building up the redemption points with surprising regularity these days. He's supporting Kevin - I think his presence is helping to hold Kevin together. He continues to express his guilt and sense of responsibility for Lucy's predicament, which is gratifying to hear. I was very impressed today when he mentioned to Eve about the conversations (he said they were jokes, but I disagree) indicating that he would "throw Lucy to the wolves" to save Serena. He recognizes now that he did exactly that. And he did something very good today when he brought Serena to see Lucy. First off, though the writers didn't acknowledge it, the way I understand it there's a sense of history here. I wasn't watching GH regularly back then, but the way I understand it, when Scott finally got Lucy to the hospital after Serena's birth, her heart stopped beating at one point. From what I've heard, Scott put the infant Serena into Lucy's arms and that brought her back. So if Serena's visit does the trick again, there's a nice symmetry to the whole thing. And it wasn't just Lucy who could benefit. It was poignant to see how touched and comforted Kevin was by Serena's presence. Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 20:05:34 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Serena's visit At 09:35 PM 2/27/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E > >Well, thank heaven today didn't require quite as many Kleenex as Tuesday, >Wednesday, or Thursday. But it still had plenty of sad moments. I was ok until Serena walked into the room and saw the look on Kevin's face. >First, I have to say, Scott is building up the redemption points with >surprising regularity these days. I agree. He wears contrite very well. >He's supporting Kevin - I think his >presence is helping to hold Kevin together. I agree. He's also recognizing the fact that, no matter how guilty he feels or how much he loves Lucy, she is ALL Kevin. Scott may love Lucy, too, but she is not the center of his world the way she is for Kevin. >He continues to express his >guilt and sense of responsibility for Lucy's predicament, which is >gratifying to hear. And THAT is the main reason that I'm working on forgiving Scott. >And he did something very good today when he brought Serena to see Lucy. I agree. I was afraid (because of the preivews) that Serena wasn't going to be told anything and wouldn't see Lucy till she was recovering. >From what I've heard, Scott put the infant Serena into Lucy's arms and that >brought her back. So if Serena's visit does the trick again, there's a >nice symmetry to the whole thing. Yup. This is the second time Lucy almost died for Serena. I was especially happy to see Scott acknowledge that Lucy is the closest thing to a mother that Serena has. >And it wasn't just Lucy who could benefit. It was poignant to see how >touched and comforted Kevin was by Serena's presence. That was the moment that got to me most. The shot of the two of them looking at Lucy was great. Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" - --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 23:03:45 -0600 (CST) From: AVID Woman Subject: Re: K&L: Good-byes On Fri, 27 Feb 1998, Taiyin wrote: > Taiyin, who heard the song Julie mentioned on the radio on the way to work > this morning and is now itching for an editing machine so I can make a > video of it... Actually, I do have access to a rather spiffy editing machine at my disposal. I'm already editing one major project and planning to do a music video type thing as an offshot of the major project. If there's a big enough consensus and a little bit of help in the footage department I wouldn't be advers to doing a video. - -Nicole "They don't call me AVID Woman for nothing" Redo - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 00:58:23 -0500 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and Goodbyes I'll start by warning everyone that this post could be harmful to your supply of Kleenex. This week's transcript is not from the 1994 series I've been doing. I thought, since several of you missed most of Kevin and Lucy's gorgeous goodbye scene on Thursday due to the terribly urgent news reports of Oprah's victory over the mad cowmen, I'd transcribe what you missed. It amazes me that I've probably watched it six or seven times at least by now, between doing the RATSA update and writing this transcript. The power has not diminished one iota, even after all those viewings. I used up quite a bit of Kleenex doing this transcript, but, hey, no sacrifice is too big for the listserv! Rika - ------------------------------------------- KEVIN, LUCY, AND GOODBYES - February 26, 1998 Lucy wakes up in the ICU to find Kevin sitting on his stool next to her bed. He has dozed off, bent over with his head resting on the bed. She reaches out to stroke his hair; he awakens with a start. K: "Hey." L: "You look so tired." K: "I'm fine, don't worry about me." L: "No, you've been sitting in that hard old chair for hours." K: "You know, I'll have you know that this stool is so comfortable that I ordered a dozen for the lighthouse." (He does a 360 sitting on the stool. Lucy laughs and then moans.) L: "Oh, I told you not to do that. Don't make me laugh." There is a knock at the door. It's Jake, Karen, Joe, and Scott. They explain that the antidote is ready, but it hasn't been fully tested. It's made up of an unusual combination of chemicals, and they aren't sure of the dosage. The wrong combination could be lethal. Without the antidote, though, organ failure and death seem inevitable for Lucy. Kevin is frustrated that this is their only option. Lucy asks his opinion, and when she presses him he remarks that a small chance is better than no chance. Lucy agrees, and asks to have a few minutes with Scott and Kevin first. Joe, Jake, and Karen leave the room. (By the way, Lucy is very short of breath, and it's an effort her to speak, which makes what she says in the conversations which follow even more powerful.) L: "Scott?" (Scott sits on the stool; Kevin goes over and stands near the door.) S: "I'm sorry I got you into this mess." L: "You, Scott Baldwin, have gotten me into a lot of messes, but this isn't one of them." S: "I should have protected you; I should have..." L: "No, you listen to me. If the worst happens, you know why I did this - to protect Serena, and it was worth it. Do you understand that?" S: "I was a fool. I should never have kept her away from you all those years. That was wrong." (True on all counts. I wonder if he's thinking right now of the way he had her arrested for Serena's kidnapping back in June?) L: "Ancient history, pal. It's all right now. I just need you to know I love you. And tell Serena I love her too, okay?" S: "Yeah. She loves you like crazy and misses you, and I want to bring her around as soon as you're feeling better. Okay?" L: (fighting back tears) "Okay, I'll look forward to it." S: "You know how I feel about you." (Lucy nods and smiles through her tears.) S: "Bye bye. See you later." Scott leaves; Kevin comes over to Lucy and sits on the stool by her bed. Lucy fights back tears - losing the fight for the most part - for the remainder of the scene. L: "Okay. Well, maybe this is goodbye, huh?" K: "I don't believe that." L: "Well, you know, taking action sure is better than just sitting around waiting for all those silly machines to go off, huh?" K: "You're the most brave woman I've ever met in my life." L: "That's just 'cause you're here. Now, do you know how very much I love you?" K: "Yeah. I've grown to count on it." L: "And remember, you have made me so happy, happier than I ever thought was possible -" K: "Don't even think about saying goodbye, Lucy. We're not done yet, not by a long shot." L: "Would you just let me get this in, please? I need to say this. Now, I've had a lot of relationships, as you know, and even the men that I married - I don't think they really knew me or even liked me. They were probably embarrassed by me. But you, you love me anyway and accepted me for who I am, and I love you for that." K: "That's because loving you was the easiest, most right thing I have ever done." L: "Okay, it's still my turn. You are so loyal, so kind, and so good. And, you know, a few years ago, you probably would have been too good. But now I know that all I ever wanted was good and kind." (Kevin starts to cry now. So do I.) K: "Lucy, you are all I ever wanted. You're everything I searched for my whole life. And I love you. I will always love you, no matter what." L: "And I will always love you. You remember that, okay?" K: "I will." L: "And if the worst happens, do not go to that dark place, do you hear me? I want you to let the people who love us to help you through it, do you promise me that?" K: "I promise." L: "Good." (Kevin leans over and they kiss. As they kiss, the pain overtakes them and they cling fiercely to each other, crying. Finally, they break apart.) L: "Okay, okay. You tell them I'm ready." K: "Okay." (They look at each other for a long moment; Kevin suddenly leans over and they embrace and kiss again. Then he stands up and walks to the door, wiping the tears from his eyes. At the door, he turns to look at her; he smiles. She smiles back and breaks my heart when she says, simply:) L: "Ta." (Kevin leaves, and Lucy's smile dissolves into tears, but remark- ably the smile returns. This is one courageous woman.) When we next see them, Kevin is sitting on Lucy's bed facing her, holding both her hands in his. Scott, Jake, Joe, and Karen cluster around the bed. Karen: "I'm just going to inject this medication into your IV port. Are you ready?" L: "I just need to let all of you know how grateful I am for everything you've done. I know how very hard you tried, so I want you to remember, if the worst happens, please don't blame yourselves. I really appreciate everything you did." K: "Well, let's not dwell on the negative, all right?" L: "Okay, Karen, I'm ready." Kevin, with more love in his eyes than could possibly be put into words, looks at Lucy and mouths the words, "I love you." (And what a great choice - - either by the writers or by the actor - to say it silently instead of aloud. It is 100 times more powerful since, this way, it seems to be spoken from his heart and not his lips.) He and Lucy quietly gaze into each other's eyes, smiling tenderly at each other, as Karen injects the antidote. L: "So, now what? K: "Now we wait." The episode continued from there, but those were Lucy's last words of the episode. She had lost consciousness by the start of the next scene, and stopped breathing soon thereafter, leading to Kevin's impulsive decision to ignore the DNR and intubate her himself. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 01:10:16 -0500 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Lucy and strength Sorry to be more or less spamming the listserv tonight, but that's the price you pay for not having to put up with my yammering for the last two days! Anyway, there's something I was thinking about during my enforced net.silence, and I wanted to mention it before I forgot. When we first heard the spoilers that Lucy would have a medical crisis, I remember that some people didn't like the idea because of their admiration for Lucy's strength. They didn't like the thought of seeing her in a position of weakness, where others had to save her. I'm curious how you feel now. While it's true that Lucy has had to rely on others to save her life, she could in no way have been considered weak or helpless at any time. She remained an active part of the search for the antidote for as long as her failing body would allow. She faced the crisis with dignity and courage that I imagine few people could emulate in her situation. She did her best to comfort Kevin, who hasn't handled the situation nearly as well as Lucy has. She made me think of Mary Mae Ward's celebrated "grace realized" speech at Stone's bedside, which we later learned was taped while Rosalind Cash was fighting a losing battle with cancer. Anyway, I think one of the best parts of the story has been that this side of Lucy was allowed to shine through. Kevin was right when he told her she was the bravest woman he had ever known. Way to go, Lucy - and TPTB! Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 07:58:59 -0800 (PST) From: Cagey Subject: Re: K&L: Get the tissues ready!!! At 09:18 PM 2/27/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >Boardman is the designated Dr. Nasty of PC, so let him do it. That's certainly true. Though, as I recall, the writers tried to redeem him somewhat when the students were going through reviews. I wonder, indeed, if he is involved because he is still connected with the interns in some way. In fact, I tend to think that *Ellen* should be around in this story. I understand why she's not, but if you think about it, she should not only be voicing some sort of opinion on the interns acting as Dr. Frankensteins, but also reacting to Kevin's situtation. >Anyhow, I don't know if that's why Boardman did this instead of Alan, but >if so it would have some nice possibilities. I hope he does stick around. I like the actor a lot. And, on a completely unrelated note, if the PC clips from the SOD Awards last night confirmed anything for me, it's that I want Kevin's cute little chin back pronto! ;) - --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 11:58:08 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Get the tissues ready!!! At 07:58 AM 2/28/98 -0800, Cagey wrote: >In fact, I tend to think that *Ellen* should be around in >this story. I understand why she's not, but if you think >about it, she should not only be voicing some sort of >opinion on the interns acting as Dr. Frankensteins, but >also reacting to Kevin's situtation. Agreed. It's too bad she's so busy with Matt's story that she doesn't have any time for this. She'd certainly have something to say about the interns, and Kevin can use all the friends he can get right now. >And, on a completely unrelated note, if the PC clips from >the SOD Awards last night confirmed anything for me, it's >that I want Kevin's cute little chin back pronto! ;) Okay, I admit it. Even though I still think the beard is sexy, I'm starting to miss the dimples and the chin. :-) Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 09:34:28 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Get the tissues ready!!! Cagey wrote: >>And, on a completely unrelated note, if the PC clips from >>the SOD Awards last night confirmed anything for me, it's >>that I want Kevin's cute little chin back pronto! ;) Rika added: >Okay, I admit it. Even though I still think the beard is sexy, I'm >starting to miss the dimples and the chin. :-) NO! I was so happy to see him in the audience with his beard last night. I hope he keeps it for at LEAST a couple more weeks. I'm going to have to start a crusade to keep Cagey's razors away from him! Taiyin "What did I do before I had you?" - --"You were lost and confused." -- Lucy and Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 10:06:54 -0800 From: "Jessica Thompson" Subject: Re: K&L: Get the tissues ready!!! This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0013_01BD4430.98A96840 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable NO! I was so happy to see him in the audience with his beard = last night. =20 I hope he keeps it for at LEAST a couple more weeks. =20 I'm totally with ya on that one (though I wouldn't argue if he = shaved it to a goatee). And I think we are pretty safe as they usually = tape episodes about three weeks in advance. So we should get the beard = for a while longer. I do however think that Scott should shave, he = looks much younger and thinner without a full beard-- though I did like = a goatee on him too. Anyway, I was so pathetic I actually wanted Eileen = Davidson to win for best actress so that I could get a better glimpse of = him :) - ------=_NextPart_000_0013_01BD4430.98A96840 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<sob> =20 NO!  I was so happy to see him in the audience with his beard=20 last

I hope he keeps it for at LEAST a couple more=20 weeks.
I'm totally with ya on that one (though I = wouldn't=20 argue if he shaved it to a goatee).  And I think we are pretty = safe as=20 they usually tape episodes about three weeks in advance.  So we = should=20 get the beard for a while longer.  I do however think that = Scott should=20 shave, he looks much younger and thinner without a full beard-- = though I did=20 like a goatee on him too.  Anyway, I was so pathetic I actually = wanted=20 Eileen Davidson to win for best actress so that I could get a better = glimpse=20 of him :) - ------=_NextPart_000_0013_01BD4430.98A96840-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 15:13:41 -0500 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Possible explanation for "startling" announcement S P O I L E R S P A C E Spoilers for the next few weeks are starting to trickle in from the magazines, and it's possible that we got the information wrong about Lucy's "startling" announcement. Spoilers say that Rex has done something to sabotage Jacks Cosmetics, which I kind of anticipated. This is pure speculation, but I'm wondering if he will tell Lucy that the Orient Distress tablets Jacks is selling are laced with a low dosage of the same poison he gave her, such that people who are taking them will start to die. It would tie in to the way he originally gave *her* poisoned pills. Anyway, other spoilers indicate that Lucy is going to stay married to Rex for the time being, probably to put her in a stronger position for whatever battle is ahead of her involving Jacks Cosmetics. So maybe *that* is her startling announcement. I'm sure Kevin will expect her to get a quick annulment so that he can marry her ASAP, and it would certainly be "startling" - to him and to just about everyone she knows - if she were to say, no, I'm staying married to Rex. Sigh. I'm losing hope for a May wedding..... Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 02:00:59 -0600 (CST) From: AVID Woman Subject: Re: K&L: Get the tissues ready!!! On Fri, 27 Feb 1998, Rika wrote: > You raise a good question. Why Boardman? He's a surgeon. Lucy is not his > patient - she's not a surgical case. I would think she'd be on the general > medical service or some such thing. If she were his patient, I could > understand his zeal to pursue this. > > Now, maybe this was just a convenient choice because Stuart Damon was too > busy on GH to put in the necessary time (since otherwise Alan is clearly > the person who would be involved in such a delicate situation). Boardman > is the designated Dr. Nasty of PC, so let him do it. I just rewatched most of this week's episode and it kind of dawned on me why they'd use Boardman. Not only is he convenient but he's also probably the only one who could do this. Any other staff member, like Alan or say Monica, would probably lack the resolve to see this all the way through. They'd start off with the same zeal, but I've got a feeling that after listening to Kevin defend his actions along with Scott's blustering and a sad pout from Serena they would fold, or at least back off. All the other potential doctors have a history with Lucy that would make it hard for them to be as dispassionate as Boardman is. He lacks the personal knowledge and interaction with Kevin and Lucy, therefore he can come play Devil's Advocate and not waver in defending Lucy's wishes. > And how about this? Suppose Kevin actually *doesn't* have his hospital job > back yet? Suppose he applies for reinstatement. Boardman would probably > fight it, using Kevin's unprofessional and, let's face it, somewhat > unstable behavior in the face of Lucy's death as a reason. I was reading the Q/A section from fans in this week's SOD and one of the questions was about Kevin and lose of his medical license. In answering the question they stated that "He was recently reinstated to practive psychiatry and currently counsels the PC interns..." I think they just backslided on this and reinstated Kevin without ever telling us. I'm laying odds that the episode in question was running to long and they chose to cut that scene. It's the only way I can explain why Ellen would be asking them all to see Kevin and why Chris made the comment to Eve about formerly dating a neurosurgeon, making the move on the lawyer, and finally settling for the hospital shrink during the fiasco known as Scott and Lucy's grand plan. Another thing popped to my mind as well, where's Lee? Unless I'm wrong isn't he one of the lawyers retained by the hospital along with Alexis? In a manner like this I'd think that Boardman would've gone through Lee or whoever to get the court order and had said lawyer on hand when he went to enforce it. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 23:33:29 PST From: "NovaLee Murphy" Subject: Re: K&L: Possible explanation for Rika wrote: > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > > >S >P >A >C >E > >Spoilers say that Rex has done something to sabotage Jacks Cosmetics, >which I kind of anticipated.This is pure speculation, but I'm >wondering if he will tell Lucy that the Orient Distress tablets Jacks >is selling are laced with a low dosage of the same poison he gave >her, such that people who are taking them will start to die.It would >tie in to the way he originally gave *her* poisoned pills. I was kind of thinking the same thing. This might be at least part of what is about to go down at Jacks Cosmetics. Another spoiler I read indicated that Lucy finds out that her corporate accounts have been drained and that, at some point, she attempts to get Jacks Cosmetics back. I also remember Lynn Latham saying that Rex's last trick would blindside everybody and have viewers on the edge of their seats. Now after all the heart-wrenching drama of the past week with Lucy literally hanging on to her life by a thread at week's end, once Lucy is safe and sound, I can't see myself getting too worked up about trouble at Jacks unless it is something on a pretty large scale. Slow poisoning of the customers seems to fit that bill. > >Anyway, other spoilers indicate that Lucy is going to stay married to >Rex for the time being, probably to put her in a stronger position >for whatever battle is ahead of her involving Jacks Cosmetics. Blech. Now *that* I hadn't read. BTW, Wayne Northrop's last air date (for the time being) is March 10th according to TV Guide. He will reportedly be back, as the character was always intended to be recurring (or so says the PC spokesperson they quoted). >So maybe *that* is her startling announcement. I'm sure Kevin will >expect her to get a quick annulment so that he can marry her ASAP, >and it would certainly be "startling" - to him and to just about >everyone she knows - if she were to say, no, I'm staying married to >Rex. I sure hope that's not it. So much for "exciting" and "thrilling". What I read most recently lead me to believe that K&L were going to set a wedding date, but now I'm completely confused... >Sigh. I'm losing hope for a May wedding..... 1998 or 1999? Geez... NovaLee ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 12:09:21 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: K&L: ADMIN: List Down As far as I can tell, the lists have been up and down since the end of the weekend. Please do not post "test" messages to the list. Unfortunately, is closed today due to weather conditions, so we are going to have to wait for them to stabilize their system. Sorry for the inconvenience. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 11:17:05 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and Goodbyes rika wrote: >I thought, since several of you missed most of Kevin and >Lucy's gorgeous goodbye scene on Thursday due to the terribly urgent >news reports of Oprah's victory over the mad cowmen, I'd transcribe >what you missed. thank you, thank you, THANK YOU RIKA!!!!! i was especially glad you did this, because it reassured me that, here at least, i didn't miss nearly as much as i thought i had--i caught all of kevin's good-bye, and most of scott's. but STILL...i was SO mad at abc-ny!!! as if oprah doesn't have the WHOLE HOUR from four to five to talk?!? >hey, no sacrifice is too big for the listserv! you are a true goddess! and even though i saw most of it, i LOVED reading it again! especially... >L: "Okay, it's still my turn. that one actually made laugh a teeny, tiny bit! just the way she said it--in control to the bitter end. what a woman! that might have been my favorite part. except... >L: "Ta." for that. THAT one had me bawling--and yet smiling in the middle of it, because it was just such classic lucy. i'm loving this, i'm really really loving this. (only, of course, because i know there's NO way she's actually going to die...) i was convinced after the miscarriage, but now i'm even MORE sure--if these two don't get emmys, they've been ROBBED. anyway, thanks again for a MOST valuable public service! :) julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 22:05:29 PST From: "NovaLee Murphy" Subject: Re: K&L: Scoops for next week Taiyin wrote: > >S >P >O >I >L >E >R > >S >P >A >C >E > > >You Know You Are Too Much of a K&L Junkie When... > >> Thursday 3/05 >> Kevin and Lucy make love. > >is about the ONLY birthday present I actually wanted. LOL. You and me both...well, almost. Since I have yet to read any delicious spoilers for 3/04 it looks like I'll be getting my present a day late. >Thank you, Lynn Latham! Merci beaucoup. >Giads, I need a life. Ditto. NovaLee ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 06:51:51 PST From: "Julie Saker" Subject: Re: K&L: Scoops for next week NovaLee wrote: >> >>S >>P >>O >>I >>L >>E >>R >> >>S >>P >>A >>C >>E >> >> >LOL. You and me both...well, almost. Since I have yet to read any >delicious spoilers for 3/04 it looks like I'll be getting my present >a day late. Happy birthday, NovaLee! :) and to make this at least SOMEWHAT k&l relevant, and since there's still the spoiler space above...they said they're setting a date!!! now, i remember reading something about lucy announcing she was going to stay married to rex for a while for some reason--was that a spoiler or spec? i don't remember... still think chris ramsey deserves to die, by the way. but i'm getting more than a tad annoyed at this practice of putting things in promos and commercials that aren't actual OCCURRENCES in the show, only dreams. but i guess that's a subject for another list! julie ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 09:31:29 -0800 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Two Small Steps This is about today's PC: S K I P P I N G D O W N S O M E First off, I read somewhere that K&L were supposed to announce their wedding date today. Well, they didn't - unless "very soon" qualifies. >From something Kevin said, though, it seems that they may in fact have selected a date. And at least it's nice to hear them actively discussing marriage - FINALLY. Of course, there's that little matter of her current husband still standing in their way. Second, I loved the K/L scene in the middle of the episode today. First off, it was unusually long - I think it lasted 5-6 minutes. Kevin was wonderful, using his expertise in the workings of the mind to help Lucy to relax and to believe in her ability to walk again. But more importantly, I LOVED the fact that this scene offered us a wonderful turnabout of Kevin's too-true remark a while back that he had a front-row seat for the "Scott & Lucy Show." Today, Scott had a front-row seat for the "Kevin & Lucy Show." He wandered in during Kevin's visualization-therapy session with Lucy, and although Scott was there when she took her first steps, he might as well not have been. Kevin and Lucy were completely and utterly absorbed in one another. Well done! Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 20:54:28 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Scoops for next week At 06:51 AM 3/4/98 PST, Julie wrote: >NovaLee wrote: > > > >>> >>>S >>>P >>>O >>>I >>>L >>>E >>>R >>> >>>S >>>P >>>A >>>C >>>E >>> >>> > >and to make this at least SOMEWHAT k&l relevant, and since there's still >the spoiler space above...they said they're setting a date!!! >now, i remember reading something about lucy announcing she was going to >stay married to rex for a while for some reason--was that a spoiler or >spec? i don't remember... A spoiler, unfortunately. Needless to say, Kevin will *not* be amused. Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 21:16:31 PST From: "NovaLee Murphy" Subject: Re: K&L: Scoops for next week Julie wrote: > >NovaLee wrote: > > > >>> >>>S >>>P >>>O >>>I >>>L >>>E >>>R >>> >>>S >>>P >>>A >>>C >>>E >>> >>> > >>LOL. You and me both...well, almost. Since I have yet to read any >>delicious spoilers for 3/04 it looks like I'll be getting my present >>a day late. > >Happy birthday, NovaLee! :) Thanks Julie! >and to make this at least SOMEWHAT k&l relevant, and since there's >still the spoiler space above...they said they're setting a date!!! Yeah, but I really wish they would share it with the rest of us :-) "Very soon" is vague enough to mean weeks from now or months from, especially when you consider the following... >now, i remember reading something about lucy announcing she was going >to stay married to rex for a while for some reason--was that a >spoiler or spec? i don't remember... And how long is "a while", I wonder? I HATE this. >still think chris ramsey deserves to die, by the way. What is *with* Chris? Back around Christmas time I was actually starting to find Chris almost likeable- I loved all his scenes with houseguest Eve and we were starting to see some of what lies beneath that smarmy exterior. But for the last month or two the writers seem to have returned him to one-note villain mode. I know he wants the Quartermaine Residency and all, and isn't above dirty tricks to get it, but come on, I can't believe he'd actually kill for it- and that is basically what he's doing by ratting Matt out to the Mancusis. >but i'm getting more than a tad annoyed at this practice of putting >things in promos and commercials that aren't actual OCCURRENCES in >the show, only dreams. I know. Talk about your dirty tricks :-) The promos ( and the written spoilers released by ABC) can be VERY misleading. NovaLee ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 18:06:25 -0500 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Scoops for next week At 09:16 PM 3/4/98 PST, NovaLee wrote: > >Julie wrote: > >>>>S >>>>P >>>>O >>>>I >>>>L >>>>E >>>>R >>>> >>>>S >>>>P >>>>A >>>>C >>>>E >>>> >>>> >> >>and to make this at least SOMEWHAT k&l relevant, and since there's >>still the spoiler space above...they said they're setting a date!!! > >Yeah, but I really wish they would share it with the rest of us :-) >"Very soon" is vague enough to mean weeks from now or months >from, especially when you consider the following... Today we found out - not the date, but at least the month. May. To quote Serena (which I may also have done yesterday), WAHOO!!! I just hope it happens then. All this waiting brings to mind a long-ago Kevin/Lucy quote: L: "Doctor, in your professional opinion, how much anticipation can the human psyche take?" K: "Not much more." Amen to that! >>now, i remember reading something about lucy announcing she was going >>to stay married to rex for a while for some reason--was that a >spoiler >or spec? i don't remember... > >And how long is "a while", I wonder? I HATE this. I know. I want her OUT of that ghastly marriage ASAP so that she and Kevin can enjoy wedding preparations. And on a related topic, have the writers (and wardrobe people) forgotten that Lucy has a diamond engagement ring from Kevin in a drawer somewhere? I keep expecting to see it back on her finger and it keeps NOT happening. Maybe they think it's better for her not to wear the ring when she's married to someone else..... And on a semi-related topic, I'm glad that Kevin and Lucy were not forgotten during Mac and Felicia's engagement party yesterday. There's no way Kevin and Lucy would let such a major occasion go by without some acknowledgement, and yet it was certainly reasonable that neither one would be there since Lucy wasn't out of the hospital yet. It's ironic - Mac and Felicia are feeling guilty that they are pretending to be engaged; not so long ago, Kevin and Lucy were feeling guilty that they were pretending NOT to be engaged. I hope the four of them get a chance to compare notes some day! Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 15:33:05 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Two Small Steps At 09:31 AM 3/4/98 -0800, Rika wrote: >relax and to believe in her ability to walk again. But more importantly, I >LOVED the fact that this scene offered us a wonderful turnabout of Kevin's >too-true remark a while back that he had a front-row seat for the "Scott & >Lucy Show." Today, Scott had a front-row seat for the "Kevin & Lucy Show." That was MAGNIFICENT!!! I *loved* that. And Scott looked appropiately uncomfortable while they were kissing. The sheer significance at the look on Scott's face was fabulous. I think Lee was really right back in April when he said that he didn't think Scott has ever honestly been able to see Lucy being with anyone but himself. And stuff like what's been happening this week is PERFECT for exactly that reason. Not that K&L haven't earned some long overdue smooch time. ;-) And, on a slightly related note, I wanted to let everyone know that Cagey and I both are going to be a little quiet next week because we are going to LA for the set tour of Port Chalres that I bought at Take a Chance last October. We will have email access, though, so Monday after we get back from the set you will all get a full blow-by-blow. And yes, I made SURE to pick a day for the tour when Jon and Lynn are going to be there. And I'm asking about those apples, damnit. I want to KNOW. Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 15:39:03 -0800 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Scoops for next week At 06:06 PM 3/5/98 -0500, Rika wrote: >>>>>S >>>>>P >>>>>O >>>>>I >>>>>L >>>>>E >>>>>R >>>>> >>>>>S >>>>>P >>>>>A >>>>>C >>>>>E > >Today we found out - not the date, but at least the month. May. To quote >Serena (which I may also have done yesterday), WAHOO!!! I just hope it >happens then. Woo hoo!!! May wedding. Sweeps. Big event. Lots of crossovers. Happy fans. Yay! Dare I hope for a beautiful outdoor scenery? >All this waiting brings to mind a long-ago Kevin/Lucy quote: > >L: "Doctor, in your professional opinion, how much anticipation can the >human psyche take?" >K: "Not much more." And back then I thought the wait was agonizingly long. I didn't KNOW from long. Sheesh. I don't know of ANY sopa couple who has been together, REALLY together, for as long as K&L have and STILL not even made it to the alter. Not even a botched attempt. That's got to be some sort of daytime record. >Amen to that! No kidding! >I know. I want her OUT of that ghastly marriage ASAP so that she and Kevin >can enjoy wedding preparations. And so we can enjoy them enjoying them. >And on a related topic, have the writers (and wardrobe people) forgotten >that Lucy has a diamond engagement ring from Kevin in a drawer somewhere? >I keep expecting to see it back on her finger and it keeps NOT happening. >Maybe they think it's better for her not to wear the ring when she's >married to someone else..... I asked my television screen that yesterday. I'm glad my dog is deaf. She might be a little concerned if she could hear how much I yell and scream at my TV. ;-) >And on a semi-related topic, I'm glad that Kevin and Lucy were not >forgotten during Mac and Felicia's engagement party yesterday. Me neither. Though I did speak a little too soon on the GH/PC list. ;-) >be there since Lucy wasn't out of the hospital yet. It's ironic - Mac and >Felicia are feeling guilty that they are pretending to be engaged; not so >long ago, Kevin and Lucy were feeling guilty that they were pretending NOT >to be engaged. I hope the four of them get a chance to compare notes some >day! Yeah, well, at least when K&L were doing it we didn't have a barrage of "thank you for restoring my faith" stuff. Of course, in stead we got, "Oh, it was just a matter of time" crap which I definitely hated more. Whatever... it's just time to drop the farses. HAVE WEDDING ALREADY! Taiyin "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the altar of your amusement. It's the least I can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin - - ------------------------------ End of kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #24 ***********************************