From: (kevin-and-lucy-digest) To: Subject: kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #40 Reply-To: kevin-and-lucy-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk kevin-and-lucy-digest Sunday, May 31 1998 Volume 01 : Number 040 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 11:41:10 -0400 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Suggestions? At 08:04 AM 5/29/98 -0700, Geri wrote: >Thanks for reviving my memory - I knew there was something cute back >then!!! :) > >One more though....where was Siggy between Xmas and Valentine's Day??? Don't ask. :-) The best explanation would be to suggest a tiny alteration to Taiyin's account of the story. She said that on Valentine's Day Kevin gave Lucy "the duck." It might be more accurate to say that he gave her "a duck." Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 11:54:52 EDT From: Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese In a message dated 98-05-29 10:42:42 EDT, you write: << (while i LOVED his attempted persuasion of lucy yesterday) >> Boy, so did I. I loved the mention of Rex having poisoned her (because I hate how some shows will just forget about the impact that a storyline had upon a character the moment they've moved on to another story), what coming so close to losing her did to Kevin, and that he's going to be more proactive about protecting her safety. << proving eve was, or wasn't, a hooker, proves NOTHING. >> Agreed. That really aggravated me as well. And Kevin is bright enough to know that, yet we didn't get him pointing that out to her. GRRRRRR. Seemed so obvious to me I was practically yelling it out to my tv. << she is NOT doing this for kevin, and i resent her trying to convince him she is.>> I noticed that too, but thought maybe I had missed something by way of her motivations. That came out of the blue at me, and I thought - HUH? Where did I miss us seeing that her motivation is anything other than Scott/Serena? However, it didn't occur to me that she was deliberately trying to deceive him as to her motivations. She *sounded* like she meant it. Seemed to me more like an example of why it would be easier if this show were longer - they'd be able to take more time to set things up. As it stands now, at times it comes off to me as if they're skipping a story-step or 2, just to get to a certain point by the end of the show. Bothers me...... Regina - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 12:11:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese I think this whole storyline has gone to far. I just dont get it. Eve went beyond and above the call of duty to help Lucy, Kevin and Scott help with Serena and the oh so evil twisto Rex Stanton (yawn) . Eve risked her life and career..Kevin risked his relationship and the woman he loves and in the end Serena was back home. But the two people who should be the most grateful to Eve: Scott and Lucy both suspect her of being a cold blood murderer. When Kevin told Eve that he'd always be grateful to her for help with Serena--I just fell more in love with Kevin then I was before. The one person in this whole deal who didnt have such a strong connection to the kid is the most grateful one. Unreal but so Kevin :) I think our Miss Lucy has just lost her complete grip--I knew jealousy was blinding but WOW. What bugs me the most is that Lucy (and I love her so dont get me wrong) as the last one who should pointing fingers at Eve! Lucy was the town's most hated citizen for years--people called her the same things Lucy calls Eve now a tramp and a golddigger but at least Eve came to PC with a medical career which isnt a whole lot you can say for Lucy. I've always loved Lucy for independence but doesnt she hear the fear and pain in Kevin's voice when he talks about losing her? The man is extremely on the edge but Lucy continues to do what Lucy wants and does because she things its for the common good. Does she want Scott back? I know at first it was just blind jealousy over Serena but are the writers pointing to something else? Are they saying underneath all this Eve bashing Lucy really wants to be with Scott? Jeepers creepers A. I really hope not and B. There's got to be a better way of going about this. :) I wish Dominique would pay Lucy a little heavenly visit and tell her in a firm but gentle way to butt out. I know Lucy and Scott are best pals but he's grown man--this obessession Lucy has over both Scott and Serena is going to eventually drive Kevin away and at this point I really couldnt blame him. I'm starting to wonder if Doc left would Lucy even notice or care at this point. I just feel that TPTB has taking this de-evolution of Lucy Coe a bit to the extreme and what disappoints me the most is that I was hoping that Lucy and Eve would be eventually be friends and get caught up in all kinds of whacky and crazy adventurers together. I dont know why on the soaps two strong independent woman are always played against each other..... - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 09:54:35 -0400 From: Barbara Cullen Subject: K&L: K&L Spoiler s p o i l e r s p a c e I just read in tv guide scoops and I don't know whether it is true or not. But Lucy will get proof of Eve's past and Kevin will attempt to stop her from telling Scott to no avail. When she returns he(Kevin) will tell Lucy he can not trust. That will put a serious damper on their relationship. What do you all thing about that do you think it will effect them getting married or not? Tracey - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 12:02:12 EDT From: Subject: Re: K&L: K&L Spoiler not taking any chances on spoiler space this time & BTW I love those dimples! <> Tracey, I'm assuming what you're saying here is that Kevin tells Lucy he can't trust her? Boy I'd like to see this scoop for myself. Perhaps I'll pick up a copy of the new TVGuide this weekend. But I've read scoops for the summer from the soap mags that claim they'll be challenged by this story, but that they'll remain together. I've even read that they'll get married. So I'm still optimistic...... Regina - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 14:06:52 -0400 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese At 12:11 PM 5/29/98 EDT, you wrote: >I think our Miss Lucy has just lost her complete grip--I knew jealousy was >blinding but WOW. What bugs me the most is that Lucy (and I love her so dont >get me wrong) as the last one who should pointing fingers at Eve! Lucy was >the town's most hated citizen for years--people called her the same things >Lucy calls Eve now a tramp and a golddigger but at least Eve came to PC with a >medical career which isnt a whole lot you can say for Lucy. I think Lucy deserves a little more credit than that. She was a trained librarian when she came to town, and while I realize that medical training is more extensive in terms of the time devoted to it, it's very possible that she has an MLS. Then, later, she learned about fragrances and invented Deception's first scent herself. And being the CEO of a decent-sized cosmetics company is nothing to sneeze at. So I think in Lucy's mind, "tramp" and "golddigger" don't have to preclude intelligence and achievement. I've always loved >Lucy for independence but doesnt she hear the fear and pain in Kevin's voice >when he talks about losing her? The man is extremely on the edge but Lucy >continues to do what Lucy wants and does because she things its for the common >good. >Does she want Scott back? I know at first it was just blind jealousy over >Serena but are the writers pointing to something else? Are they saying >underneath all this Eve bashing Lucy really wants to be with Scott? I really don't think so. I think at this point it's more about Serena than about Scott. Her reaction when Serena gave both Lucy *and* Eve Mother's Day cards was very revealing. She feels protective of Scott - and she probably does have some unresolved feelings for him buried back there - but after Kevin's injury last fall, Lucy made it clear to Scott - more than once - that Kevin meant far more to her than Scott ever had. >I'm starting to wonder if Doc left would Lucy even notice or care >at this point. See, this is where I think sometimes we make ourselves miserable about Kevin and Lucy way beyond any need to do so. Of *course* she'd notice. And she'd care very, very deeply, and she'd fight to get him back. She does take him for granted pretty often - I think that's the point you're making, and I agree with it and don't like it either. But she only does that because she *can*, because she trusts his love and loyalty so much. It's true that some day he may get fed up with it, but I'd stake most of my assets on my belief that the only way Lucy would let Kevin go without a HUGE battle to get him back would be if either Lynn or Jon decided to leave GH/PC and the writers had no choice but to break them up (a la Sonny and Brenda). I just feel that TPTB has taking this de-evolution of Lucy Coe >a bit to the extreme I know we've got some folks who are new to the list since we had that lengthy, analytical "motives vs. methods" debate back during the Rex Stanton thing, but I still haven't seen anything to convince me that Lucy has regressed all that much. To offer a brief capsule, my hypothesis at the time was that the difference between the "old" and "new" Lucy is the motivations that drive her. She used to engage in wild schemes out of vengeance, greed, malice, etc. Now she tends to do this stuff more out of relatively noble, protective impulses (like Kevin said, she'd throw herself in front of a speeding train to protect her loved ones). But her methods *never* changed, and that holds her back from truly metamorphosing. And that's why I don't see her scheming with Rex - or now to get the goods on Eve - as being a radical regression. The Rex thing was easier to justify along my line of reasoning, because while she may have started to enjoy the game a bit too much, her reason for being there was clear - to protect Serena. Yes, there were other ways to do it (and her scheme actually netted nothing but her poisoning - the things of value that they learned about Rex didn't come from Lucy's attempt to con Rex), but this goes back again to Lucy's unfortunately limited repertoire of methods. In this case, the method is again pure Lucy. So the problem is to investigate the motives. and what disappoints me the most is that I was hoping >that Lucy and Eve would be eventually be friends and get caught up in all >kinds of whacky and crazy adventurers together. I dont know why on the soaps >two strong independent woman are always played against each other..... I think because they generally think that conflict makes the show more interesting, and to some extent I agree. And a strong, independent woman battling a wimp would be really boring. > >- > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 15:53:33 EDT From: Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese In a message dated 98-05-31 14:08:23 EDT, you write: << But she only does that because she *can*, because she trusts his love and loyalty so much. It's true that some day he may get fed up with it, but I'd stake most of my assets on my belief that the only way Lucy would let Kevin go without a HUGE battle to get him back would be if either Lynn or Jon decided to leave GH/PC >> Well Rika I agree with you there, but I'll admit there are times when * I * feel close to fed up with her taking him for granted. I think the thing about this storyline that's really sticking in my particular craw right now is that it clearly pains (and scares!) him to watch her risk her life, and she knows that, but what that costs him (emotionally speaking) is not enough of a priority *to her* to warrant removing the life-risking elements out of her methods. She knows what her poisoning did to him. Yet she's willing to risk him going through that again. It makes me wonder just where he lies on her list of priorities. I suppose that's nothing more than just another way of saying that she takes him for granted ; it does make me mad. << I think at this point it's more about Serena than about Scott. Her reaction when Serena gave both Lucy *and* Eve Mother's Day cards was very revealing. She feels protective of Scott - >> <> At this point, I'm coming down on the side of less-than-noble motivations. I don't see where she has any real reason to feel that she's protecting Serena from something, and one would think that Eve proved her value during the Rex storyline. So it looks to me like she's doing this partly out of protectiveness towards Scott & mostly out of jealousy (maternal & otherwise), which I fully understand, but that brings me back to my earlier point. To risk her life (& to put Kevin through the emotional wringer that that entails) for relatively-nobler reasons (i.e., protecting either Scott or Serena from some dire consequence) is one thing. But to risk putting Kevin through that wringer yet again for what? Jealousy she's loathe to admit she feels? Hence I found myself actually mad at Lucy last week......... Regina - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 16:16:35 -0400 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese I'm sorry - this message may be partly a duplication of an earlier message but with more stuff added. Eudora either sent or deleted the last one for no particular reason, while I was still in the middle of writing it. Go figure. I've tried to cut out the duplicate parts, with the exception of the paragraph I was in the middle of writing when the message got sent. At 12:11 PM 5/29/98 EDT, you wrote: >I think our Miss Lucy has just lost her complete grip--I knew jealousy was >blinding but WOW. What bugs me the most is that Lucy (and I love her so dont >get me wrong) as the last one who should pointing fingers at Eve! Lucy was >the town's most hated citizen for years--people called her the same things >Lucy calls Eve now a tramp and a golddigger I actually think that explains some of Lucy's motivations. She sees a lot of Eve in herself, and she knows the way she used to be, so she doesn't trust Eve. I doubt that she's consciously aware of the parallels, but I think they affect her perceptions very strongly. >I've always loved >Lucy for independence but doesnt she hear the fear and pain in Kevin's voice >when he talks about losing her? The man is extremely on the edge but Lucy >continues to do what Lucy wants and does because she things its for the common >good. I agree. Unfortunately, she is such a risk-taker that she never sees the dangers of her actions, so she thinks Kevin worries needlessly. And if he's just being a worry wart, then she can rationalize that she doesn't need to change her behavior. Her Band-aid for the problem is to think she's smart enough to sneak around behind his back. In her view of the universe, that makes everything fine, because she accomplishes her goal and what Kevin doesn't know won't hurt him. Why she hasn't noticed that it never works, because he's too smart to fool for long, I don't know. But Lucy doesn't consider things logically so I suppose that shouldn't be surprising. The fact that something didn't work the other 100 times she tries it doesn't tell her that it'll fail this time too - instead, she assumes that this time she can beat the odds (which is, I suppose, typical of a risk-prone person). > I just feel that TPTB has taking this de-evolution of Lucy Coe >a bit to the extreme I know we've got some folks who are new to the list since we had that lengthy, analytical debate about this back during the Rex Stanton thing, so I'll try to offer a capsule of my "Motives vs. Methods" theory before applying it to this new situation. I argued then that I hadn't seen anything to convince me that Lucy had regressed all that much (if at all). I suggested that the difference between the "old" and "new" Lucy was in her motives. She used to engage in wild schemes out of vengeance, greed, malice, etc. Now she tends to do this stuff more out of relatively noble, protective impulses (like Kevin said, she'd throw herself in front of a speeding train to protect her loved ones). But her methods have *never* changed, even while her motives were becoming more admirable. The Rex thing was easier to justify along this line of reasoning, because while she may have started to enjoy the game a bit too much, her prime motivation for playing the game was clear and pure - to protect Serena, and to exonerate Scott. Yes, there were other ways to do it (and her scheme actually netted nothing but her own poisoning). But this goes back again to Lucy's unfortunately limited repertoire of methods, and her tendency to say, "This is the only way" when she could more truthfully say, "This is the only way I can think of right now that involves drastic action." In this latest case (her attempt to get the goods on Eve), the method is again pure Lucy - damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. So the issue is her motivation - is it "good" or "bad"? I've gone back and forth on this, but I've decided that if I were Lucy I wouldn't trust Eve either, despite her generosity in helping them in the scheme to nail Rex. I just re-watched some of the old PC stuff, and it reminded me that Lucy and Eve got off on a very, very wrong foot. Their first contact was when Lucy walked into her living room and found Scott, who was convalescing from major surgery, tongue-wrestling with Eve. And that day Scott and Eve allowed Lucy to believe that Eve was a hooker instead of explaining that Eve was a doctor; Lucy only learned the truth by seeing the photo of the interns at The Recovery Room. If you believe all the research and conventional wisdom about the importance of first impressions, Lucy had a huge obstacle to overcome right there. And since Lucy isn't the sort of person who gets analytical about her motivations (how's that for an understatement?), she probably doesn't have the slightest idea that all of her later interactions with Eve were filtered through her initial impression of Eve as a hooker. Not only that, but Lucy has a pretty long history of making snap judgements about people and almost blindly trusting her instincts, even in the face of a mountain of contradictory evidence. If I were Lucy, I'd have been uneasy to learn that Scott found Eve's bracelet next to the body, and that Scott was concealing that evidence from the police to protect Eve, especially since Eve's problems with Devlin *did* give her a motive for the murders. Heck, if Scott suspected Eve, why not Lucy? Next, Lucy saw Eve kissing Chris Ramsey and talking about marrying Scott to get his money. Yes, we know Eve was joking, but you have to bear in mind that we know Eve better than Lucy does. We know she's a bad girl with a good heart who's trying to reform. We know she's got a smart mouth and doesn't mean half of what she says. We're filtering what we see of Eve through that perception of her; Lucy is filtering it through a very different set of attitudes and beliefs. Finally, let's not forget Lucy's experience when Katherine Bell came to town. Lucy was the lone voice crying in the wilderness. I bet people said much the same things about her then that we're tending to say now. Lucy's instincts told her something was wrong with Katherine. Maybe what she believed to be instinct was actually jealousy, or maybe she did indeed sense that Katherine wasn't what she appeared to be. Either way, she was right - and I'm sure that's a big part of the reason she's trusting herself in this case. Besides, Eve *has* tried to keep some secrets since she came to town - first, her affair with Devlin, and now, her past as an escort. Lucy may be somehow picking up on that, either through some sort of psychic insight or through simple intuition. I'm not saying Lucy isn't jealous of Eve's involvement with Scott and especially with Serena, or that jealousy hasn't warped her perspective. And I'm not saying that her "hooker = murderer" logic leap isn't ridiculous and motivated by wishful thinking (since if it were true, it gets Eve away from Scott/Serena and relieves Kevin's guilt all at once). I'm just saying that if you look at it from Lucy's point of view, and factor in her long history as a person who tends "to react in a moment" (as she once said to Kevin), her behavior towards Eve doesn't seem particularly uncharacteristic or regressive to me. Well, I've probably blathered on long enough to put everybody to sleep..... Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 16:41:29 -0400 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and a Joyride Here's transcript #2 from my all-time favorite Kevin/Lucy week. I know that for any of us, two words bring it all back - "Mac's Car." I can never decide on my favorite part of the scene. Maybe it's the heated looks they exchanged over brandies at the Outback, complete with innuendo-laden conversation. Maybe it's their light-hearted kiss-fest as they circled Mac's truck before hopping into the back. Maybe it's the two of them tap dancing in impressive unison to explain to Mac their sudden appearance outside the liquor store. But probably it's the waning seconds of the scene - Kevin's Gene Kelly moment in the rain out in the alley. Anyway, it's all fabulous - enjoy! Rika - --------------------------------------------------- KEVIN, LUCY, AND A JOYRIDE - December 29, 1994 This is Failed Lovemaking Attempt #6. Lucy arrives at the Outback, rushing in under cover of an umbrella. She and Katherine (who is sitting at the bar with Mac) snipe at each other until Mac intervenes and drags Lucy away. She warns Mac about Katherine as they head to Kevin's table, but once her eyes meet Kevin's, he absorbs about 99.9% of her attention. Kevin stands up as they approach the table. Mac: "Is this yours?" K: "I hope so." (Lucy smiles at this charming reply at first, but then recollects herself.) L: (to Mac) "A woman is not a thing, you know." K: "Absolutely not." Mac: "I'll leave you two to contemplate the possibilities. Allow me." (Mac pulls out Lucy's chair and she sits down.) L: "Thank you, Mac." (Her tone suggests that Mac is not entirely forgiven for his faux pas, but her eyes are locked on Kevin so it doesn't really matter.) K: "Thanks, Mac." (Mac leaves. Lucy stares into Kevin's eyes, a speculative smile on her face.) K: "Are you trying to read my mind? My thoughts are highly complimentary, but just a little bit risque." L: "I'm just trying to see if I can sense even a glimmer of doubt." K: "You won't find any." L: "Then say it." K: "Say what?" L: "Say, 'I did not kill Grace.'" K: "I did not kill Grace." L: "Good. That's very, very good." K: "Why do I feel like I'm taking an exam?" L: "Okay, tell me. If you were taking an exam, what grade would you give yourself?" K: "Oh, A-plus." L: "Naturally. I'm sure you never got anything less." K: "No, I didn't. But, then, I had a good teacher - or should I say mentor." L: "I like that. I've never been anybody's mentor before." K: "Well, there's a first time for everything." (Lucy reaches across the table and strokes Kevin's hand.) L: "I certainly hope so, because I have planned a spectacular, long-overdue evening to celebrate your liberation." (From the look on his face, I'd say this idea is well received :-) L: "So, how does it feel?" K: "You want me to tell you here? I mean, right now?" (Kevin's still thinking about that celebration Lucy promised...) L: "No! To have your deepest, darkest fears suddenly erased after all these years." K: "Oh, that! Well, it's like being reborn. It's as if someone has switched on a light." L: "Someone?" K: "Fishing for compliments?" L: "Actually, I meant you did it yourself." K: "No, you deserve the credit. I never would have risked hypnosis if you hadn't been so persistent." L: "I never thought you were a killer." (Lucy takes Kevin's hand and they stroke each other's fingers.) "Besides, you know, I really could not stand seeing you eaten alive by guilt and anxiety." K: "What do you think that says about me, that I was so willing to assume that I was capable of murder?" L: "Stop that right now. I don't want you going around looking for anything more to suffer over. Kevin, you didn't kill her - you are free of all that. So just shut up and enjoy it." (Kevin smiles, dimples ablaze. He pulls Lucy's hand to his lips and kisses it.) K: "Thank you. I needed that." L: "So, now what do you say we spend the rest of the evening exploring what else you need, and what else you want." When we return to them, they are sipping brandies. The sultry looks they are exchanging could probably melt the brandy snifters - or set the brandies on fire. K: "My imagination is running rampant." L: "Well, yours would have to break the four-minute mile to keep up with mine." K: "The possibilities -" L: "Endless." K: "The combinations - " L: "Mind-boggling." K: "The permutations -" L: "Do you want to get out of here?" Both: "Let's." (They get up from the table and, hand in hand, rush towards the door.) K: "Mac, put it on my tab." They collect their coats and leave. Out in the alley, they kiss repeatedly, slowly making their way around Mac's Explorer. Between kisses, Lucy tries to make a suggestion. L: "You know, my place, we could just go up the steps right there." K: "Yes, but anticipation is such wonderful agony..... Oh, hell." (The poor guy has no clue just how MUCH anticipation is still ahead of him. He lifts Lucy up to sit on the hood of Mac's truck and they kiss. It starts to rain fairly hard.) K: "That's rain." L: "Go in, go in!" (She slides off the hood of the car; Kevin catches her and they kiss their way along, still circling Mac's truck, though Lucy tries to point in the direction of her apartment.) L: "We could just go right - " (Kevin silences her with kisses.) K: "I have a good idea." (Kiss.) L: "What is that?" (Kiss.) K: "I have a wonderful, wonderful idea. This is Mac's car." (He opens the back of Mac's Explorer.) L: "What are you doing?" K: "This is Mac's car. We know where he's going to be." L: "But - " (she's still pointing in the direction of her apartment.) K: "Just until it lets up." (Lucy surrenders with a blissful little sigh, and they fall into the back of the truck, kissing. Before long, Kevin sits up.) K: "One second.... one second." L: "What?" K: "One second!" (He closes the back door of the truck, a devilish grin on his face, and returns to kissing Lucy. When we rejoin them later, Lucy is pulling off Kevin's shirt while he unbuttons her dress. Both are breathless.) L: "Wait a minute -" K: "Hmm?" L: "Wait a minute. I thought we were just going to get in here and wait till it stopped raining." K: "Has it stopped?" (It's pretty clear that at this point Kevin wouldn't be aware of - or care about - a hurricane raging outside the truck.) L: "Um... no." K: "Well, I can't wait any longer." Lucy laughs and surrenders. Just then the truck's front doors open to admit two rain-drenched people: Mac and Katherine. While Kevin and Lucy were busy in the back of the truck, Mac discovered that he needed a case of wine, and he offered to drop the taxicab-deprived Katherine at home on his way to the liquor store. Kevin and Lucy, both in states of partial undress, clutch each other, terrified of being discovered. Mac and Katherine babble about nothing much, and then Mac starts the engine. Kevin and Lucy look at each other in horror. Mac offers Katherine a blanket he has in the back, and he starts to reach back for it as Kevin and Lucy cower away from Mac's searching hand. Luckily for our heroes, Katherine declines the offer of the blanket. Before long, Katherine starts ragging on Lucy. Lucy is about to react, so Kevin covers her mouth with his hand and restrains her. Mac defends Lucy, suggesting that she and Katherine are actually a lot alike. Then the subject turns to briefly Kevin, and Mac's feelings about him. Then we're back to Lucy, and Katherine gets really nasty. Katherine claims Lucy is vain, flighty, and dumb, at which point Lucy has to bite Kevin's hand to keep from saying something. But Katherine's just getting warmed up. Lucy is nothing without a man - and Katherine can't see what Kevin sees in Lucy. She waxes poetic about Lucy's wardrobe (Kevin winces at this - apparently he can see at least a grain of truth in it). Lucy is already seething when Katherine remarks that Lucy looks like "some hooker off 42nd Street." Kevin's hand goes back over Lucy's mouth and he has to all but hold her down at this point. Mac remarks that Katherine just snipes at anyone; he figures that Katherine wouldn't hate Lucy so much if Lucy hadn't outmaneuvered Katherine more than once. Lucy likes this; Katherine doesn't. Lucy is lying on a fishing rod, trying to pull it out from under her. When the truck goes over a bump, she lets out a little squeal of pain which attracts Mac's attention. Luckily he thinks it's just a squeak coming from the truck itself. As the front-seat conversation continues, Kevin and Lucy try to pull fishing rods and tennis rackets out from under them. The conversation turns back to Mac and Kevin, and Mac tells the story of their slow progress from Mac punching Kevin to friendship. Mac closes with, "Even I had to admit that Kevin's a pretty good sort.... for an overeducated, pompous, uptight windbag." Lucy smugly covers Kevin's mouth with her hand. Mac arrives at Katherine's building; Kevin and Lucy quickly throw a blanket over their heads so they won't be seen. When Mac heads off again in the direction of the beer store, Kevin and Lucy emerge from under the blanket. Poor Lucy's hair is a leaf-covered mess (evidently the blanket had been used for more than a few picnics in the woods and not cleaned afterwards). Mac drives to the liquor store and goes inside to make his purchase. Kevin and Lucy sit up and frantically start throwing on their clothes. L: "Get up, get up! Let's get out of here now! Get up!" K: "Lucy, we don't even know where we are!" L: "Who cares? We'll figure it out later. I am not about to get caught in the back seat of this thing like a pimply-faced teenager!" (She tries to open the back of the truck) L: "Oh, my gosh! This doesn't open from the inside!" K: "It never did." L: "Okay, okay, I'll get this! I've got it!" (Lucy leans forward to try to open one of the forward doors. We see the view from outside, as the truck sways back and forth. What's that saying - 'If the van's rocking, don't come knocking!') L: "I can't get it, it's stuck!" K: "Let me, let me get it." L: "Where's my coat?" K: "I don't know. Here, hold this." L: "Hurry up!" (With a mighty heave, Kevin manages to get the door open.) K: "Will you just wait? Stop pushing!" L: "Well, hurry! Here, hurry, take it, take it, take it!" (Kevin crawls out of the truck. Lucy throws his scarf and coat at him; the scarf nearly hits the ground.) K: "Lucy! It's on the - " (Kevin helps Lucy out of the truck. Her hair is still liberally strewn with leaves.) L: "Good grief! Whose idea was it anyway to get in this damn car?" K: "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." L: "Oh, yeah, well, do you happen to have any more good ideas, like how the heck we're going to get back to the Outback?" K: "I didn't hear you argue about it, and I suppose we could ask Mac for a ride." Mac: "Sure." (Kevin and Lucy freeze for a moment, staring at Mac, who is carrying a case of wine.) K: "Mac!" L: "Hi!" M: "What are you doing out here without a car?" L: "Well, we... we recognized your car." K: "Oh, boy, are we glad to see you!" L: "Kevin's car - it broke..." K: "Down." L: "Broke down." M: "Well, that's a shame! Let me take a look - I mean, I'm a pretty fair mechanic, if I do say so myself." (Lucy pokes Kevin, communicating, 'Think of something!!!') K: "Oh, no, don't bother. Transmission fell..." L: "Out." K: "Fell out, right in the middle of the road. I'll have to get a tow truck in the morning." M: "Ouch! That'll set you back. I see you two got caught in the rain. Heck of a night you picked to go joy-riding." K: "You can say that again." M: (grinning) "I see you got caught in the rain. Heck of a night you picked to go joy-riding." L: "Mac!" M: "Come on, hey, hitch a ride with me. I've got bucket seats, so one of you is going to have to sit in the back. It's probably a mess - I call it my Black Hole of Calcutta." K: "Very apt." (Mac opens the back of the truck.) M: "Let's see - oh, man, it's worse than I thought. It looks like a couple of packrats were building a nest back here. Well, sorry about that." (Mac opens the front passenger door.) "So, who's gonna rough it?" Kevin and Lucy look at each other, and then they both scramble madly for the front seat. Lucy gets there first; she turns around and smacks Kevin with her purse. He shuts the door and heads for the Black Hole of Calcutta. We next see them emerging from the truck back at the Outback. M: "Sorry about the door - it gets stuck all the time." K: "Really? Thanks for the ride, Mac." M: "Well, hey, come on in. I'll buy you a drink and call you a tow truck." K: "You know, I don't think I'm really up for it tonight. I'll just take care of it tomorrow." M: "Memorable night, huh?" (to Lucy) "I think there's a memento left there in your hair there." (Kevin tries to help Lucy to remove the leaf that is still stuck in her hair.) L: "Well, I certainly hope you can't quite imagine what we've been through, I hope." M: "Censored, huh?" (Mac elbows Kevin and laughs. Kevin tries to join in, but his laugh is pretty weak.) M: "Well, look, I'm think I'm gonna go inside before another cloudburst hits. See you." K: "Good night, Mac." (Mac leaves, and Kevin turns to face Lucy. He looks glum; she is pouting, but she recovers.) L: "Okay, okay. Tomorrow is another day." K: "As memorable as this one?" L: "Tell you what. Let's celebrate New Year's Eve early." K: "New Year's Eve has never been my lucky night." (Kevin ought to run for the hills right now.) L: "I'm gonna change all that. My place, eight o'clock, tomorrow evening we'll break all the records, I promise. I will give you a celebration you will never, ever, ever, ever, ever forget. Okay? Okay?" (Kevin takes her in his arms.) K: "Okay." (They kiss, both groaning in frustration.) K: "Some pair, huh?" Lucy grabs Kevin's scarf from around his neck and goes upstairs. It starts to rain hard. Kevin stands there in the rain, looking glum at first, but then he is possessed by the spirit of Gene Kelly. He swings a leg around experimentally, and soon begins to make a few more dance steps in the rain. Finally, he spreads his arms wide and laughs heartily as torrents of rain pour down on his head. (By the way, Kevin's dance routine was apparently longer originally - or else there were out-takes. One GH promo during the spring showed a brief clip of Kevin dancing in the rain that wasn't included in the actual show. It looked hilarious.) The end! - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 17:33:38 EDT From: Subject: K&L: Top 10 Reasons Kevin's Cool Hey, I posted this originally on the Port Charles Online Website and thought that some of you might get kick out of it. These are my top ten reasons why Doc is so cool, in my opinion. 10) Loves Lucy and let's Lucy love him. "I love Lucy and she loves me...!" 9) Can dress like 16th century French executioner and still look HOT! 8) Is planning to write another book. "Lucy's Logic for Dummies" 7) Whipped the Reptile's (Rex) sorry little butt like a red headed step-child last February and we're still cheering. "The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout..." 6) If we slap a blonde wig on Julie--he could do some of us a HUGE favor "MOTHER!" Norman Bates--Psycho 5) Any son of Victor "Sweet Pimpin" Collins is automatically cool with us. 4) Hasnt Windex-to-death his equally cool dead twin psycho brother Ryan from all the mirrors. "Peek-a-boo, I see you." 3) Does one mean Ricky Ricardo "LU-CY! You got some s'plain to do!" 2) Kick a$$ lines. (On the his executioner outfit) "Thought about buying it--that way I could take it out like Batman whenever I needed it." And the number one reason that Kevin is the COOLEST........ 1) He didnt use any of us as characters in his best selling book. "General Homocide." "And for these things WE ARE truly grateful...." Enjoy..... - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 18:24:30 EDT From: Subject: Re: K&L: swiss cheese In a message dated 98-05-31 16:18:12 EDT, you write: << I'm sorry - this message may be partly a duplication of an earlier message but with more stuff added. >> Well then I'm sorry that I answered your first version of this message rather than the 2nd one . My apologies for being so quick with the keyboard. I've been cooped up in my house for going on 3 days now caring for my sick kids (nasty stomach virus), so my keyboard has been my outlet. << Go figure. I've tried to cut out the duplicate parts, with the exception of the paragraph I was in the middle of writing when the message got sent.>> I'll reserve commentary to just the new stuff. <> On the surface of things, I'd agree with that. But when Kevin pushes her to admit it, she does generally acknowledge that she's taking a risk with her life. She just did that this week, when she said something along the lines of "Oh okay, so I take a few risks," prompting Kevin's lovely little speech about how he doesn't, not when it comes to losing her. I think she knows, down inside, that she's risking her life. I'd agree that she doesn't ever really believe that her schemes will go that far, but she does know she's taking that risk. Lucy's a gambler. Just because she thinks she'll always win doesn't mean she's unaware that losing is a very real possibility. << I'm just saying that if you look at it from Lucy's point of view, and factor in her long history as a person who tends "to react in a moment" (as she once said to Kevin), her behavior towards Eve doesn't seem particularly uncharacteristic or regressive to me.>> Ahhh, so perhaps we're having 2 different conversations here . I don't really dispute whether this is either uncharacteristic or regressive behavior on her part, except to the extent that her less-than-noble reasons for her latest scheme constitute a sort of regression. I thought (hoped?) that she had gotten to the point where she does this kind of thing for better reasons than I'm ascribing to her right now. I think that jealousy is what's mostly motivating her behavior towards Eve these days, and that bothers me for 2 reasons. One, because she's not admitting to it, and like Kevin, I'd prefer "complete emotional honesty" from Lucy (to borrow from what Kevin said in that scene at the Outback in '95 with Tony/Mac). I'd find this easier to take if she weren't in such denial about it. And my 2nd reason is the one I mentioned earlier about Kevin's feelings/fears when it comes to losing her. I just wish that the emotional impact upon *him* of her actions would make more of a *practical* difference to her. <> Well, not quite everyone ;-) When I have the time, I can blather on with the best of 'em..... Regina - - ------------------------------ End of kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #40 ***********************************