From: (kevin-and-lucy-digest) To: Subject: kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #43 Reply-To: kevin-and-lucy-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk kevin-and-lucy-digest Thursday, June 11 1998 Volume 01 : Number 043 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 20:14:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: K&L: Eve/Kevin Kinda Wondering.... In a message dated 98-06-05 16:53:46 EDT, you write: << On Thursday show we found out from Eve that she didnt have a clue to who her father was. I've been thinking about this: Would it be cool if Kevin and Eve--because these two characters have such great chemistry--turned out to be half brother and sister?>> I have always been of the mind that Felicia was really Kevin and Ryan's sister. The Scenerio: Melanie was pregnant when Victor left with Kevin. She had a daughter, Felicia, but wanted nothing to do with her for whatever reason,-- maybe because she was so obsessed with her son Ryan. She dropped the baby with her mom, Mariah in Texas, and was never heard from again. They never really told us much about Felicia's parents, are they supposedly dead? All I know is that she's this princess and was was raised by her grandmother. This would explain why she looks so much like, and reminds Ryan of his mother. Maybe Mariah never knew about the twins. Maybe her daughter was always a little crazy, and all Mariah knew was that she ran off to Europe. The next thing she knew Melanie was dropping off this whiny little girl, who grew up to be a whiny little woman. This is all in my mind of course, but I think it is very plausible. Eve would make a great sister for Kevin too--more popular with me anyway. Anne - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 12:03:31 -0400 From: Rika Subject: Re: K&L: Eve/Kevin Kinda Wondering.... At 04:52 PM 6/5/98 EDT, Tanya wrote: >I've been thinking about this: Would it be cool if Kevin and Eve--because >these two characters have such great chemistry--turned out to be half brother >and sister? Remember this is a soap--anything is possible. I know old Vic was >suppose to be in Europe but Victor is a professor he could have came back to >the States as a guest lecture met Eve's mom and 9 months later.....Eve. I >think it would make for great storyline telling, could you see the look of >horror on Lucy's face! It would be interesting! It's funny the various speculations going on about Eve's father. There's a person on RATSA who is absolutely convinced that Eve and Chris are going to turn out to be half-siblings, and I have to say that Friday's episode half-convinced me, with that talk between Eve and Chris about how they were such birds of a feather that they could almost be brother and sister..... (I know I just took things slightly off-topic for this list, but it *started* on topic, so is that a good enough excuse? :-) Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 12:27:34 -0400 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, a Declaration, and a Bubble Bath Here's the K/L transcript of the week. It brings us to the end of 1994 - and what an end it was! Next week we'll skip ahead to 1996. Before we jump to the pre-Jasmine Island stuff, I'm going to post two transcripts from March of that year as a special treat. Hint: boxing gloves. :-) Enjoy! Rika - ----------------- KEVIN, LUCY, A DECLARATION, AND A BUBBLE BATH - December 30, 1994 This is Failed Lovemaking Attempt #7 - thankfully, the final failure! We see Lucy, in a short beaded red dress that can only be described as amazing (I believe it was one of her 1994 Nurses' Ball dresses). She is bustling around her apartment making preparations. At the sound of the doorbell, a little shiver of anticipation goes through her. She heads for the door, stopping once to smooth her dress. She opens the door; Kevin stands there wearing his gorgeous blue topcoat and carrying a medium-sized gift bag. He is overwhelmed at the sight of Lucy, and stumbles to say something. K: "Ww---" (Lucy places one finger on his lips.) L: "Not one word." (Lucy leans forward, putting her arms around Kevin's neck, and kisses him. He wraps his arms around her, and they move down the hall of her apartment together, mostly kissing, but also laughing. When they reach the living room, Lucy breaks away.) L: "Get this." K: "Yeah?" L: "No tempting fate. No mutual reassurances that this is it. Nothing, I mean nothing, is going to jinx this, okay?" (Ummm... didn't she just tempt fate?) K: "Got it." (He removes his coat, scarf and gloves, revealing a nice dinner jacket. Suffice it to say that they both look absolutely gorgeous.) L: "Got it, okay! Think simplicity. Music, oh, a nice glass of cold champagne, beluga US, and then dinner." K: "I assume duck isn't on the menu." (Lucy glares at him; he sits down grinning.) L:"Right." K: "One other element." (He reaches into the gift bag and pulls out a box; he hands it to Lucy.) L: "Bubble bath? Oh, Kevin! Carnation?" (She said something else - in French - between the "Oh, Kevin" and the "Carnation," but I've never been able to make it out and the scene wasn't close captioned. She was no doubt reading it off the bubble bath box.) K: "A personal fave." L: "Ah, moi aussi." (Next he hands her a sponge in a clear box tied with a ribbon.) L: "I have a distinctive feeling a theme is emerging." K: "Oh, clever Lucy." L: "Mmm, and just think, a colony of millions of little simple creatures died and dried just to give us pleasure." K: "I'm all choked up. One other element." (He retrieves a rubber duck out of the bag; grinning, he squeezes it and it squeaks. Lucy takes it from him and begins to sing, as they move closer and closer to one another.) L: "Kevin Collins, you're so fine, and I'm lucky that you're mine." (They kiss.) L: "Kevin Collins, I'm awfully fond of you." (Several kisses.) A bit later, Kevin is thoroughly enjoying the caviar. L: "Tell me, Doctor." K: "Mmm." L: "In your professional opinion - " K: "Yes?" L: "How much anticipation can the human psyche take?" K: "Not much more." (Heaven knows all the Kevin/Lucy fans agreed with that statement!) L: "Oh, I thought so." (She starts to stand up, but Kevin grabs her hand and stops her.) K: "No, wait." L: "Why?" K: "There's something I need to tell you." (Lucy just looks at him quizzically.) K: "I've been thinking a lot about what Mac said about me in the car last night." L: "Mac? Could we please, please, please just forget about Mac?" K: "No. No. Mac was dead on. I've spent my life focusing on nothing more than my intellect. I've wallowed in the fact that I was smarter than anyone else that I knew. And I've used it. I've used it to justify not having to do what everyone else has to do." L: "Which is what?" K: "Feel. Hurt. Struggle through in some flawed, imperfect, wonderful way. To love someone. Now, I'll admit I'm not bad at advising those less exalted than myself on how to get down into this messy process, but God forbid that I'll get my emotional hands dirty." L: "But you have - you're doing so much better at it - " K: "Lucy, Lucy, just let me say this." L: "No, you wait, please. I just don't want to hear that you're trying to sink into some deep, dark space where you're going to feel like you don't deserve us or.... me." K: "On the contrary. I'm working my way up to a declaration." L: "Of what?" K: "Gratitude. Admiration. Lucy, you've nailed me on this in your own inimitable way more than once. You haven't been put off by condescension, by evasion, by my emotional unavailability - not by much of anything. You just plowed through. And I'm very grateful to you. And I admire your courage. And I hope that I'll be worthy of your efforts. And I love you." (There is a brief silence. Lucy's eyes well up with tears.) L: "Oh, my gosh." K: "Is that all you're going to say?" L: "No." K: "So?" L: "So.... doing all that..." K: "Yes?" L: "It made me grow up - at least, a little. And so, Doctor, because of that, I can say with confidence, I love you too." (They gaze at each other; Kevin smiles briefly, but the moment is too important for levity.) L: "Now?" K: "Now." (They stand up, looking into one another's eyes, and they embrace and kiss.) Later, we see Lucy in the tub, covered with bubbles and singing to the rubber duck. (And I must note that this scene is extremely sensuous - at least, until the very end; I can't possibly do it justice in print. I think it goes without saying that the folks from Sesame Street didn't have anything like *this* in mind when they wrote "Rubber Ducky.") L: "Rubber ducky, you're the one, you make bathtime so much fun. Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you. Rubber - " (The bathroom door opens. Kevin strides in slowly, wearing a blue bathrobe, in a shade not unlike that of his topcoat. Note to wardrobe department - it's a good color for him. Lucy continues to sing, but much more slowly and more quietly. Their eyes are locked together as Kevin walks over to the tub and kneels beside it.) L: "- ducky, you're the one. You make bathtime so much -" Both (whispered): "Fun." (They kiss and then rub noses. Kevin takes the sponge and dips it in the water.) L: "Rubber ducky, joy of joys. When I squeeze you" (Lucy shivers in anticipation as Kevin squeezes the sponge and prepares to use it on her) "you make noise - " (Kevin uses the sponge on her leg. Lucy whispers these next words directly to Kevin, as he caresses her neck with the sponge.) L: "Oh, rubber ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true." (She kisses his hand - the one that holds the sponge - and he leans over to kiss her mouth. She then resumes singing as she stretches her leg in the air; he runs the sponge over her leg.) L: "Every day when I make my way to the tubby - rubba dubba dubby!" (She grabs the collar of the bathrobe and pulls Kevin down for more kisses. They laugh.) L: "Rubber ducky, you're so fine - " (Kevin stands up and begins to removes the bathrobe.) L: "And I'm awfully glad you're mine." (Kevin drops the robe and prepares to step into the tub. Lucy looks him over and is evidently pleased with what she sees.) L: "Oh, rubber ducky, I'm very fond of you - " (As Kevin steps into the tub, he slips and falls backwards.) K: "Whoa!" (Kevin hits his head on the tub and is knocked unconscious.) L: "Kevin!" (When we return, Lucy has evidently managed to pull Kevin partway out of the water. His head and arms are draped over the edge of the tub; he is still unconscious. Lucy is wearing the blue robe and is on the phone with 911.) L: "Quick, quick, please, please, you gotta come quick - there is an unconscious man in my bathtub!" Lucy was right - she promised him a New Year's Eve celebration he would never, ever, ever forget! Happy New Year, Kevin...... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 14:15:01 -0400 From: Rika Subject: K&L: The Double Wedding Since Cagey said spoiler space isn't absolutely necessary once an episode has aired, and since this isn't much of a spoiler anyway, I've got a brief comment about today's (6/11) episode, unprotected by spoiler space. I was glad to see that the writers seem to understand how the fans might feel about a Kevin/Lucy/Mac/Felicia double wedding. Today, Kevin and Lucy's conversation about the wedding mirrored our own discussions on the listserv very nicely. Kevin pointed out the negative - did they really want to share this day with anyone else, given how long they'd waited for it? Lucy pointed out the potential positives - it will be bigger, with more of everything (including, one hopes, generous screen time on both PC and GH) if it's a double wedding. I'm still not sure how the timing will fit in the with General Homicide murders, or if both couples (or either one) will actually get married on July 17, but I found it comforting that TPTB evidently *do* recognize that K/L fans might have some reservations about a shared celebration. Perhaps in that case they'll write it in such a way that it can be a mix of shared elements and private elements unique to each couple. Rika - - ------------------------------ End of kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #43 ***********************************