From: (kevin-and-lucy-digest) To: Subject: kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #52 Reply-To: kevin-and-lucy-digest Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk kevin-and-lucy-digest Wednesday, July 22 1998 Volume 01 : Number 052 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 17:08:18 -0700 From: Taiyin Subject: Re: K&L: Oh. My. Gods. At 05:04 PM 7/18/98 -0700, Taiyin wrote: >Unreal. Since 1994 I've been waiting for K&L to get married. Almost FOUR >years I've been waiting for this day. And then, when it finally happens, I >choose TODAY to have a total cognitave lapse and FORGET to set my VCR. Nevermind. Obviously I got my dates mixed up. My karma isn't as bad as I thought it was. Geez. Taiyin "I was thinking about us in the kitchen." - --"Oh Lucy, the kitchen is far too dangerous a place, there are all those free-standing appliances." --Lucy and Kevin, "GH" - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 10:38:59 -0400 From: Barbara Cullen Subject: K&L: RE:wedding s p o i l e r s p a c e I am reading that Eve comes to the wedding with a surprise for Lucy do you guys think she will ruin the wedding and Kevin and Lucy's relationship forever. Or will Lucy finally come forward and tell the truth and they still get married. I know Lucy did siphon the gas out of the car and that was wrong. Also taking it out on Eve was wrong but Eve was also being very cold-hearted toward Lucy when it came to Serena. You also have to admit coming to the wedding is cruel especially since Kevin is supposedly her friend. I am beginning to believe that Eve is nobody's friend. As for Eve and Scott if they do get back together it will be because they still care for each other. Hopefully no one interfere with that if they do(fingers crossed). But Scott may still not trust Eve since she did walk away from the car with Serena inside. Tracey - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 18:45:38 -0400 From: Rika Subject: K&L: A special offer for K/L transcript fans Hello all! What with Lucy's fall from the audience's grace on PC, and the possible repercussions for Kevin and Lucy's relationship once he finds out what she has done, we may all want to wallow in the past a little bit over the next few months, so I thought I'd make the following offer. I've had requests from several of you over the past few months who want to get back Kevin/Lucy transcripts which were posted to the list before you joined it, or who were keeping transcripts but lost them in a disk crash, or whatever. I have created a self-extracting ".EXE" file containing all of the 1994 K/L transcripts I posted to this list between August 1997 and May 1998. The "classic" scene transcripts are available on the Web (see Taiyin's or Jamila's Web pages); if you want the complete set for 1994, and if you know how to download binary attachments to your PC, e-mail me privately at "" (i.e., don't reply to the list with your request - the rest of the list doesn't need to get your message). I'll send you the file (about 200kb). I don't have a Macintosh version of the file. When we're done with 1996, I'll create a similar file of those transcripts. I don't have electronic copies of the 1995 transcripts, so I can't help you there, but the last time I checked, most of them were available on the Web. Rika - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 16:57:06 -0400 From: Rika Subject: K&L: Kevin, Lucy, and the Weight of the World In transcript-land we're heading into dark days for Kevin and Lucy. Unfortunate timing. Sigh..... Anyway, here's the transcript for the week, a few days late. Rika - --------------------- Kevin, Lucy, and the Weight of the World - August 12, 1996 Kevin has been visiting Felicia, who received another threatening phone call from Tom. Lucy is at the lighthouse, reading Kevin's book "Artist or Madman." She glares at the telephone, either willing it to ring or wanting to make a call herself. She starts to reach for it, and then stops herself. L: "No, you'll only make things worse. Call, Doc, please call!" (She sits back on the couch, nervous and fidgety. Kevin walks in the door.) L: "Kevin! Hi!" (He walks in, looking distracted. There is a profound weariness, even emptiness, in his eyes. He walks past Lucy, barely even making eye contact.) L: "What? What is it? Oh, my God, did something happen to Felicia?" K: "She's fine. At least, she was the last I saw her. I had to leave." L: "You just left her?" K: "Mac put her house under surveillance. Besides, I think she needs some time alone to process what's happened." L: "How is she?" (Kevin goes into the kitchen and starts dishing up dinner. Lucy helps him.) K: "She's worried about Tom, mainly. Who can blame her? She loves the man. She sees all this as one big cry for help instead of any manifestation of a real desire to hurt her." L: "And do you agree?" K: "I don't know. Tom's a friend. I still have a side of me that finds it impossible to believe that he'd do anything like this." L: "I know, Doc, but...." K: "But. Mac's sure. And Tom called twice today threatening her. You know, he's following all the classic patterns. What starts out as harrassment turns to terror, and then ultimately that turns into violence." (They sit down at the dining table to eat.) L: "Poor Felicia." K: "She'll be all right. At least she has Mac." L: "And you. But I'm still not really clear why you just left her." K: "Because she doesn't need a babysitter. After the violation that she's experienced, she needs to have some control over her life. Besides, I was called away on a professional capacity." L: "Can't the world do without my Doc for just five minutes?" K: "Not lately." (This last sounds so plaintive. Lucy has been watching Kevin with concern since he walked in the door; at this point she puts down her fork and lets out a big sigh.) L: "Okay, so what happened?" K: "Well, now you're stepping on those tricky professional ethics of mine. Am I allowed to tell you, even though you don't know the patient's name and it's really unlikely you'd ever meet her, or should I just play it safe? I'm too tired to wrestle with it tonight; I think I'll just go with what works." L: "I understand." K: "I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you because I think it's good that you know what goes on inside my head. And this is a very difficult case. An 18-year-old girl. Her parents had her committed. Why? Because she's exhibiting suicidal tendencies, paranoia....." (Kevin grimaces and rubs his temples - he clearly has a bad headache.) L: "Stop. That's enough. Enough. I am so glad that Felicia decided to send you home or whatever happened, or sent you to work so that you could come home. Doc, you're driving yourself into the ground. You're trying to carry the weight of the whole world on your shoulders, and it is hurting me so much to watch you try this." K: "I'm just going through a rough patch." (Kevin's eyes are dark and grim.) L: "No. You've been saying that and saying that, and it's not getting any better. You are pushing yourself way too hard. Remember last night?" K: "Vaguely." L: "The bet?" (No response.) L: "About the paintings!" K: "Oh, right, right. It was services rendered." (He says this in an offhand way, almost as though he *doesn't* remember the payoff. Lucy is concerned.) L: "Right. And even though I won - " K: "You won?" (Now he's sounding a little more like himself. Lucy stands up and walks around the table to stand behind him.) L: "Yes, even though I won, I am willing to perhaps perform one or two other services. Like, how about a world-famous Lucy Coe backrub, guaranteed to melt all your troubles away." (She begins to massage his neck and shoulders.) K: "That sounds appealing." L: "Just appealing?" K: "Irresistable." (He even smiles a bit.) L: "That's better." (She leans over to kiss him and then continues the backrub.) K: "That's much better, Lucy. Thank you." L: "Any time." (The backrub contines, but then the Phone of Doom rings. Kevin lets out a sort of annoyed grunt.) L: "No, just leave it." K: "I can't leave it." L: "Leave it, Doc." K: "I can't leave it." (Kevin gets up and answers the phone. It's Mac, reporting that Tom is at the Brownstone. He wants Kevin's help dealing with Tom.) Kevin leaves; while he's gone, Gina (Kevin's teaching assistant for the Abnormal Psych class he's teaching, and also Stone Cates's sister) arrives looking for Kevin. Lucy is surprised to note how nervous Gina is about pleasing Kevin, and how frightened she seems to be of his disapproval. She tries to reassure Gina. Meanwhile, Kevin and Mac visit Tom and Felicia. Mac explains all of the reasons why he thinks Tom has been stalking Felicia; Tom denies trashing Felicia's apartment, diverting her mail, or making threatening phone calls. Suddenly, the phone rings. The answering machine picks it up, and we hear Tom's voice leaving another semi-threatening message. Felicia points out the obvious - it couldn't be Tom leaving the message when he's standing in the room with them. (Back home, Kevin is telling Lucy about it.) K: "Apparently, Felicia started off by holding a gun on him. But by the time we got there, he'd convinced her that he was being framed." L: "And how did Mac handle it?" K: "With great restraint. Understandably, Tom was in a less than cooperative mood. Felicia wouldn't hear a word against him, and the call simply reinforced her faith. She never wanted to believe that Tom was the stalker in the first place, and now she believes that there's proof of his innocence." L: "And what do you think?" Kevin doesn't answer. And.... out. - - ------------------------------ End of kevin-and-lucy-digest V1 #52 ***********************************